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#include "LWRP/ShaderLibrary/InputSurface.hlsl"
#include "LWRP/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
struct LightweightVertexInput
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD1;
struct LightweightVertexOutput
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 lightmapUVOrVertexSH : TEXCOORD1; // holds either lightmapUV or vertex SH. depending on LIGHTMAP_ON
float3 posWS : TEXCOORD2;
half3 normal : TEXCOORD3;
half3 tangent : TEXCOORD4;
half3 binormal : TEXCOORD5;
half3 viewDir : TEXCOORD6;
half4 fogFactorAndVertexLight : TEXCOORD7; // x: fogFactor, yzw: vertex light
float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION;
// Vertex and Fragment functions //
// Vertex: Used for Standard and StandardSimpleLighting shaders
LightweightVertexOutput LitPassVertex(LightweightVertexInput v)
LightweightVertexOutput o = (LightweightVertexOutput)0;
o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex);
o.posWS = TransformObjectToWorld(v.vertex.xyz);
o.clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(o.posWS);
o.viewDir = SafeNormalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - o.posWS);
// initializes o.normal and if _NORMALMAP also o.tangent and o.binormal
// We either sample GI from lightmap or SH. lightmap UV and vertex SH coefficients
// are packed in lightmapUVOrVertexSH to save interpolator.
// The following funcions initialize
OUTPUT_LIGHTMAP_UV(v.lightmapUV, unity_LightmapST, o.lightmapUVOrVertexSH);
OUTPUT_SH(o.normal, o.lightmapUVOrVertexSH);
half3 vertexLight = VertexLighting(o.posWS, o.normal);
half fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor(o.clipPos.z);
o.fogFactorAndVertexLight = half4(fogFactor, vertexLight);
return o;
// Used for Standard shader
half4 LitPassFragment(LightweightVertexOutput IN) : SV_Target
SurfaceData surfaceData;
InitializeStandardLitSurfaceData(IN.uv, surfaceData);
half3 normalWS = TangentToWorldNormal(surfaceData.normal, IN.tangent, IN.binormal, IN.normal);
half3 normalWS = normalize(IN.normal);
half3 indirectDiffuse = SampleGI(IN.lightmapUVOrVertexSH, normalWS);
float fogFactor = IN.fogFactorAndVertexLight.x;
half4 color = LightweightFragmentPBR(IN.posWS.xyz, normalWS, IN.viewDir, indirectDiffuse, IN.fogFactorAndVertexLight.yzw, surfaceData.albedo, surfaceData.metallic, surfaceData.specular, surfaceData.smoothness, surfaceData.occlusion, surfaceData.emission, surfaceData.alpha);
ApplyFog(color.rgb, fogFactor);
return color;
// Used for StandardSimpleLighting shader
half4 LitPassFragmentSimple(LightweightVertexOutput IN) : SV_Target
float2 uv = IN.uv;
half4 diffuseAlpha = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MainTex, sampler_MainTex, uv);
half3 diffuse = diffuseAlpha.rgb * _Color.rgb;
half alpha = _Color.a;
half alpha = diffuseAlpha.a * _Color.a;
AlphaDiscard(alpha, _Cutoff);
half3 normalTangent = Normal(uv);
half3 normalWS = TangentToWorldNormal(normalTangent, IN.tangent, IN.binormal, IN.normal);
half3 normalWS = normalize(IN.normal);
half3 emission = Emission(uv);
half3 viewDirectionWS = SafeNormalize(IN.viewDir.xyz);
float3 positionWS = IN.posWS.xyz;
half3 diffuseGI = SampleGI(IN.lightmapUVOrVertexSH, normalWS);
diffuseGI += IN.fogFactorAndVertexLight.yzw;
half shininess = _Shininess * 128.0h;
half fogFactor = IN.fogFactorAndVertexLight.x;
#if defined(_SPECGLOSSMAP) || defined(_SPECULAR_COLOR)
half4 specularGloss = SpecularGloss(uv, diffuseAlpha.a);
return LightweightFragmentBlinnPhong(positionWS, normalWS, viewDirectionWS, fogFactor, diffuseGI, diffuse, specularGloss, shininess, emission, alpha);
return LightweightFragmentLambert(positionWS, normalWS, viewDirectionWS, fogFactor, diffuseGI, diffuse, emission, alpha);