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All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- When you have enabled Gizmos, they now appear correctly in the Game view.
- Added requiresDepthPrepass field to RenderingData struct to tell if the runtime platform requires a depth prepass to generate a camera depth texture.
- The
struct now holds a reference toCullResults
. - When HDR is enabled in the Camera but disabled in the Asset, an information box in the Camera Inspector informs you about it.
- When MSAA is enabled in the Camera but disabled in the Asset, an information box in the Camera Inspector informs you about it.
- Enabled instancing on the terrain shader.
- The
struct is now read-only. ScriptableRenderer
always perform a Clear before callingIRendererSetup::Setup.
no longer takesCullResults
as input. Instead, useRenderingData
as input, since that referencesCullResults
no longer takesScriptableRenderContext
as input.
- The Unlit shader now samples Global Illumination correctly.
- The Inspector window for the Unlit shader now displays correctly.
- Reduced GC pressure by removing several per-frame memory allocations.
- The tooltip for the the camera MSAA property now appears correctly.
- Added callbacks to LWRP that can be attached to a camera (IBeforeCameraRender, IAfterDepthPrePass, IAfterOpaquePass, IAfterOpaquePostProcess, IAfterSkyboxPass, IAfterTransparentPass, IAfterRender)
- Clean up LWRP creation of render textures. If we are not going straight to screen ensure that we create both depth and color targets.
- UNITY_DECLARE_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT and UNITY_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT macros were added. They are necessary for reading transient attachments.
- UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP is now defined.
- Renamed LightweightForwardRenderer to ScriptableRenderer.
- Moved all light constants to _LightBuffer CBUFFER. Now _PerCamera CBUFFER contains all other per camera constants.
- Lightweight Unlit shader UI doesn't throw an error about missing receive shadow property anymore.
- Change real-time attenuation to inverse square.
- Change attenuation for baked GI to inverse square, to match real-time attenuation.
- Small optimization in light attenuation shader code.
- Receive Shadows property is now exposed in the material instead of in the renderer.
- The UI for Lightweight asset has been updated with new categories. A more clean structure and foldouts has been added to keep things organized.
- Shadow casters are now properly culled per cascade. (case 1059142)
- Rendering no longer breaks when Android platform is selected in Build Settings. (case 1058812)
- Scriptable passes no longer have missing material references. Now they access cached materials in the renderer.(case 1061353)
- When you change a Shadow Cascade option in the Pipeline Asset, this no longer warns you that you've exceeded the array size for the _WorldToShadow property.
- Terrain shader optimizations.
- Fixed assert errors caused by multi spot lights
- Fixed LWRP-DirectionalShadowConstantBuffer params setting
- Added camera additional data component to control shadows, depth and color texture.
- pipeline now uses XRSEttings.eyeTextureResolutionScale as renderScale when in XR.
- New pass architecture. Allows for custom passes to be written and then used on a per camera basis in LWRP
- Shadow rendering has been optimized for the Mali Utgard architecture by removing indexing and avoiding divisions for orthographic projections. This reduces the frame time by 25% on the Overdraw benchmark.
- Removed 7x7 tent filtering when using cascades.
- Screenspace shadow resolve is now only done when rendering shadow cascades.
- Updated the UI for the Lighweight pipeline asset.
- Update assembly definitions to output assemblies that match Unity naming convention (Unity.*).
- Post-processing now works with VR on PC.
- PS4 compiler error
- Fixed VR multiview rendering by forcing MSAA to be off. There's a current issue in engine that breaks MSAA and Texture2DArray.
- Fixed UnityPerDraw CB layout
- GLCore compute buffer compiler error
- Occlusion strength not being applied on LW standard shaders
- CopyDepth pass is being called even when a depth from prepass is available
- GLES2 shader compiler error in IntegrationTests
- Can't set RenderScale and ShadowDistance by script
- VR Single Pass Instancing shadows
- Fixed compilation errors on Nintendo Switch (limited XRSetting support).
- Explicit render target load/store actions were added to improve tile utilization
- Camera opaque color can be requested on the pipeline asset. It can be accessed in the shader by defining a _CameraOpaqueTexture. This can be used as an alternative to GrabPass.
- Dynamic Batching can be enabled in the pipeline asset
- Pipeline now strips unused or invalid variants and passes based on selected pipeline capabilities in the asset. This reduces build and memory consuption on target.
- Shader stripping settings were added to pipeline asset
- Pipeline code is now more modular and extensible. A ForwardRenderer class is initialized by the pipeline with RenderingData and it's responsible for enqueueing and executing passes. In the future pluggable renderers will be supported.
- On mobile 1 directional light + up to 4 local lights (point or spot) are computed
- On other platforms 1 directional light + up to 8 local lights are computed
- Multiple shadow casting lights are supported. Currently only 1 directional + 4 spots light shadows.
Shading Framework
- Directional Lights are always considered a main light in shader. They have a fast shading path with no branching and no indexing.
- GetMainLight() is provided in shader to initialize Light struct with main light shading data.
- Directional lights have a dedicated shadowmap for performance reasons. Shadow coord always comes from interpolator.
- MainLigthRealtimeShadowAttenuation(float4 shadowCoord) is provided to compute main light realtime shadows.
- Spot and Point lights are always shaded in the light loop. Branching on uniform and indexing happens when shading them.
- GetLight(half index, float3 positionWS) is provided in shader to initialize Light struct for spot and point lights.
- Spot light shadows are baked into a single shadow atlas.
- Shadow coord for spot lights is always computed on fragment.
- Use LocalLightShadowAttenuation(int lightIndex, float3 positionWS) to comppute realtime shadows for spot lights.
- Issue that was causing VR on Android to render black
- Camera viewport issues
- UWP build issues
- Prevent nested camera rendering in the pipeline
- Terrain and grass shaders ported
- Updated materials and shader default albedo and specular color to midgrey.
- Exposed _ScaledScreenParams to shader. It works the same as _ScreenParams but takes pipeline RenderScale into consideration
- Performance Improvements in mobile
- SRP Shader library issue that was causing all constants to be highp in mobile
- shader error that prevented LWRP to build to UWP
- shader compilation errors in Linux due to case sensitive includes
- Rendering Texture flipping issue
- Standard Particles shader cutout and blending modes
- crash caused by using projectors
- issue that was causing Shadow Strength to not be computed on mobile
- Material Upgrader issue that caused editor to SoftLocks
- GI in Unlit shader
- Null reference in the Unlit material shader GUI
- Performance improvements in mobile
- Shadows on GLES 2.0
- CPU performance regression in shadow rendering
- Alpha clip shadow issues
- Unmatched command buffer error message
- Null reference exception caused by missing resource in LWRP
- Issue that was causing Camera clear flags was being ignored in mobile
- Added Cascade Split selection UI
- Added SHADER_HINT_NICE_QUALITY. If user defines this to 1 in the shader Lightweight pipeline will favor quality even on mobile platforms.
- Shadowmap uses 16bit format instead of 32bit.
- Small shader performance improvements
- Subtractive Mode
- Shadow Distance does not accept negative values anymore
- Added Light abstraction layer on lightweight shader library.
- Added HDR global setting on pipeline asset.
- Added Soft Particles settings on pipeline asset.
- Ported particles shaders to SRP library
- HDR RT now uses what format is configured in Tier settings.
- Refactored lightweight standard shaders and shader library to improve ease of use.
- Optimized tile LOAD op on mobile.
- Reduced GC pressure
- Reduced shader variant count by ~56% by improving fog and lightmap keywords
- Converted LW shader library files to use real/half when necessary.
- Realtime shadows on OpenGL
- Shader compiler errors in GLES 2.0
- Issue sorting issues when BeforeTransparent custom fx was enabled.
- VR single pass rendering.
- Viewport rendering issues when rendering to backbuffer.
- Viewport rendering issues when rendering to with MSAA turned off.
- Multi-camera rendering.
- UI Improvements (Rendering features not supported by LW are hidden)
- Shaders were ported to the new SRP shader library.
- Constant Buffer refactor to use new Batcher
- Shadow filtering and bias improved.
- Pipeline now updates color constants in gamma when in Gamma colorspace.
- Optimized ALU and CB usage on Shadows.
- Reduced shader variant count by ~33% by improving shadow and light classification keywords
- Default resources were removed from the pipeline asset.
- Fixed shader include path when using SRP from package manager.
- Fixed spot light attenuation to match Unity Built-in pipeline.
- Fixed depth pre-pass clearing issue.
- Standard Unlit shader now has an option to sample GI.
- Added Material Upgrader for stock Unity Mobile and Legacy Shaders.
- UI improvements
- Realtime shadow filtering was improved.
- Fixed an issue that was including unreferenced shaders in the build.
- Fixed a null reference caused by Particle System component lights.
Initial Release.