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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerValue : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.Value>(widget);
var rect = PrepareControlRect();
EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.GetValue().ToString()));
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerButton : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.Button>(widget);
var rect = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect());
if (GUI.Button(rect, w.displayName, EditorStyles.miniButton))
if (w.action != null)
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerBoolField : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.BoolField>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateBool>(state);
var rect = PrepareControlRect();
bool value = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), s.value);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerIntField : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.IntField>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateInt>(state);
var rect = PrepareControlRect();
int value = w.min != null && w.max != null
? EditorGUI.IntSlider(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), s.value, w.min(), w.max())
: EditorGUI.IntField(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), s.value);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerUIntField : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.UIntField>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateUInt>(state);
// No UIntField so we need to max to 0 ourselves or the value will wrap around
var rect = PrepareControlRect();
int tmp = w.min != null && w.max != null
? EditorGUI.IntSlider(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), Mathf.Max(0, (int)s.value), Mathf.Max(0, (int)w.min()), Mathf.Max(0, (int)w.max()))
: EditorGUI.IntField(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), Mathf.Max(0, (int)s.value));
uint value = (uint)Mathf.Max(0, tmp);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerFloatField : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.FloatField>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateFloat>(state);
var rect = PrepareControlRect();
float value = w.min != null && w.max != null
? EditorGUI.Slider(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), s.value, w.min(), w.max())
: EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), s.value);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerEnumField : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.EnumField>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateInt>(state);
int value = s.value;
if (w.enumNames == null || w.enumValues == null)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Can't draw an empty enumeration.");
var rect = PrepareControlRect();
value = EditorGUI.IntPopup(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), s.value, w.enumNames, w.enumValues);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerFoldout : DebugUIDrawer
public override void Begin(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.Foldout>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateBool>(state);
bool value = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(s.value, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), true);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget node, DebugState state)
var s = Cast<DebugStateBool>(state);
return s.value;
public override void End(DebugUI.Widget node, DebugState state)
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerColorField : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.ColorField>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateColor>(state);
var rect = PrepareControlRect();
var value = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, CoreEditorUtils.GetContent(w.displayName), s.value, w.showPicker, w.showAlpha, w.hdr);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerVector2Field : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.Vector2Field>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateVector2>(state);
var value = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(w.displayName, s.value);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerVector3Field : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.Vector3Field>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateVector3>(state);
var value = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(w.displayName, s.value);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerVector4Field : DebugUIDrawer
public override bool OnGUI(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
var w = Cast<DebugUI.Vector4Field>(widget);
var s = Cast<DebugStateVector4>(state);
var value = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(w.displayName, s.value);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Apply(w, s, value);
return true;
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerContainer : DebugUIDrawer
public override void Begin(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(widget.displayName))
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(widget.displayName, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
public override void End(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerHBox : DebugUIDrawer
public override void Begin(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
public override void End(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
public sealed class DebugUIDrawerVBox : DebugUIDrawer
public override void Begin(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)
public override void End(DebugUI.Widget widget, DebugState state)