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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline
public enum PipelineCapabilities
AdditionalLights = (1 << 0),
VertexLights = (1 << 1),
DirectionalShadows = (1 << 2),
LocalShadows = (1 << 3),
SoftShadows = (1 << 4),
public enum MixedLightingSetup
public struct RenderingData
public CullResults cullResults;
public CameraData cameraData;
public LightData lightData;
public ShadowData shadowData;
public bool supportsDynamicBatching;
public struct LightData
public int pixelAdditionalLightsCount;
public int totalAdditionalLightsCount;
public int mainLightIndex;
public List<VisibleLight> visibleLights;
public List<int> visibleLocalLightIndices;
public struct CameraData
public Camera camera;
public float renderScale;
public int msaaSamples;
public bool isSceneViewCamera;
public bool isDefaultViewport;
public bool isOffscreenRender;
public bool isHdrEnabled;
public bool requiresDepthTexture;
public bool requiresSoftParticles;
public bool requiresOpaqueTexture;
public Downsampling opaqueTextureDownsampling;
public bool isStereoEnabled;
public float maxShadowDistance;
public bool postProcessEnabled;
public PostProcessLayer postProcessLayer;
public struct ShadowData
public bool renderDirectionalShadows;
public bool requiresScreenSpaceShadowResolve;
public int directionalShadowAtlasWidth;
public int directionalShadowAtlasHeight;
public int directionalLightCascadeCount;
public Vector3 directionalLightCascades;
public bool renderLocalShadows;
public int localShadowAtlasWidth;
public int localShadowAtlasHeight;
public bool supportsSoftShadows;
public int bufferBitCount;
public static class LightweightKeywordStrings
public static readonly string AdditionalLights = "_ADDITIONAL_LIGHTS";
public static readonly string VertexLights = "_VERTEX_LIGHTS";
public static readonly string MixedLightingSubtractive = "_MIXED_LIGHTING_SUBTRACTIVE";
public static readonly string MainLightCookie = "_MAIN_LIGHT_COOKIE";
public static readonly string DirectionalShadows = "_SHADOWS_ENABLED";
public static readonly string LocalShadows = "_LOCAL_SHADOWS_ENABLED";
public static readonly string SoftShadows = "_SHADOWS_SOFT";
public static readonly string CascadeShadows = "_SHADOWS_CASCADE";
public static readonly string DepthNoMsaa = "_DEPTH_NO_MSAA";
public static readonly string DepthMsaa2 = "_DEPTH_MSAA_2";
public static readonly string DepthMsaa4 = "_DEPTH_MSAA_4";
public static readonly string SoftParticles = "SOFTPARTICLES_ON";
public sealed partial class LightweightPipeline
static PipelineCapabilities s_PipelineCapabilities;
public static PipelineCapabilities GetPipelineCapabilities()
return s_PipelineCapabilities;
public void SortCameras(Camera[] cameras)
Array.Sort(cameras, (lhs, rhs) => (int)(lhs.depth - rhs.depth));
static void SetPipelineCapabilities(LightweightPipelineAsset pipelineAsset)
s_PipelineCapabilities = 0U;
// Strip variants based on selected pipeline features
if (!pipelineAsset.customShaderVariantStripping)
if (pipelineAsset.maxPixelLights > 1 || pipelineAsset.supportsVertexLight)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.AdditionalLights;
if (pipelineAsset.supportsVertexLight)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.VertexLights;
if (pipelineAsset.supportsDirectionalShadows)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.DirectionalShadows;
if (pipelineAsset.supportsLocalShadows)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.LocalShadows;
bool anyShadows = pipelineAsset.supportsDirectionalShadows || pipelineAsset.supportsLocalShadows;
if (pipelineAsset.supportsSoftShadows && anyShadows)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.SoftShadows;
if (pipelineAsset.keepAdditionalLightVariants)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.AdditionalLights;
if (pipelineAsset.keepVertexLightVariants)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.VertexLights;
if (pipelineAsset.keepDirectionalShadowVariants)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.DirectionalShadows;
if (pipelineAsset.keepLocalShadowVariants)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.LocalShadows;
if (pipelineAsset.keepSoftShadowVariants)
s_PipelineCapabilities |= PipelineCapabilities.SoftShadows;
public static void GetLightCookieMatrix(VisibleLight light, out Matrix4x4 cookieMatrix)
cookieMatrix = Matrix4x4.Inverse(light.localToWorld);
if (light.lightType == LightType.Directional)
float scale = 1.0f / light.light.cookieSize;
// apply cookie scale and offset by 0.5 to convert from [-0.5, 0.5] to texture space [0, 1]
Vector4 row0 = cookieMatrix.GetRow(0);
Vector4 row1 = cookieMatrix.GetRow(1);
cookieMatrix.SetRow(0, new Vector4(row0.x * scale, row0.y * scale, row0.z * scale, row0.w * scale + 0.5f));
cookieMatrix.SetRow(1, new Vector4(row1.x * scale, row1.y * scale, row1.z * scale, row1.w * scale + 0.5f));
else if (light.lightType == LightType.Spot)
// we want out.w = 2.0 * in.z / m_CotanHalfSpotAngle
// c = cotHalfSpotAngle
// 1 0 0 0
// 0 1 0 0
// 0 0 1 0
// 0 0 2/c 0
// the "2" will be used to scale .xy for the cookie as in .xy/2 + 0.5
float scale = 1.0f / light.range;
float halfSpotAngleRad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * light.spotAngle * 0.5f;
float cs = Mathf.Cos(halfSpotAngleRad);
float ss = Mathf.Sin(halfSpotAngleRad);
float cotHalfSpotAngle = cs / ss;
Matrix4x4 scaleMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
scaleMatrix.m00 = scaleMatrix.m11 = scaleMatrix.m22 = scale;
scaleMatrix.m33 = 0.0f;
scaleMatrix.m32 = scale * (2.0f / cotHalfSpotAngle);
cookieMatrix = scaleMatrix * cookieMatrix;
// Remaining light types don't support cookies
public static bool IsSupportedCookieType(LightType lightType)
return lightType == LightType.Directional || lightType == LightType.Spot;
public static bool IsStereoEnabled(Camera camera)
bool isSceneViewCamera = camera.cameraType == CameraType.SceneView;
return XRGraphicsConfig.enabled && !isSceneViewCamera && (camera.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.Both);