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// Note: All NDF and diffuse term have a version with and without divide by PI.
// Version with divide by PI are use for direct lighting.
// Version without divide by PI are use for image based lighting where often the PI cancel during importance sampling
// Fresnel term
real F_Schlick(real f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (f90 - f0) * x5 + f0; // sub mul mul mul sub mad
real F_Schlick(real f0, real u)
return F_Schlick(f0, 1.0, u); // sub mul mul mul sub mad
real3 F_Schlick(real3 f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return f0 * (1.0 - x5) + (f90 * x5); // sub mul mul mul sub mul mad*3
real3 F_Schlick(real3 f0, real u)
return F_Schlick(f0, 1.0, u); // sub mul mul mul sub mad*3
// Does not handle TIR.
real F_Transm_Schlick(real f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (1.0 - f90 * x5) - f0 * (1.0 - x5); // sub mul mul mul mad sub mad
// Does not handle TIR.
real F_Transm_Schlick(real f0, real u)
return F_Transm_Schlick(f0, 1.0, u); // sub mul mul mad mad
// Does not handle TIR.
real3 F_Transm_Schlick(real3 f0, real f90, real u)
real x = 1.0 - u;
real x2 = x * x;
real x5 = x * x2 * x2;
return (1.0 - f90 * x5) - f0 * (1.0 - x5); // sub mul mul mul mad sub mad*3
// Does not handle TIR.
real3 F_Transm_Schlick(real3 f0, real u)
return F_Transm_Schlick(f0, 1.0, u); // sub mul mul mad mad*3
// Ref: https://seblagarde.wordpress.com/2013/04/29/memo-on-fresnel-equations/
// Fresnel dieletric / dielectric
real F_Fresnel(real ior, real u)
float g = sqrt(Sq(ior) + Sq(u) - 1.0);
return 0.5 * Sq((g - u) / (g + u)) * (1.0 + Sq(((g + u) * u - 1.0) / ((g - u) * u + 1.0)));
// Specular BRDF
real D_GGXNoPI(real NdotH, real roughness)
real a2 = Sq(roughness);
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
return a2 / (s * s);
real D_GGX(real NdotH, real roughness)
return INV_PI * D_GGXNoPI(NdotH, roughness);
// Ref: Understanding the Masking-Shadowing Function in Microfacet-Based BRDFs, p. 19, 29.
real G_MaskingSmithGGX(real NdotV, real roughness)
// G1(V, H) = HeavisideStep(VdotH) / (1 + Λ(V)).
// Λ(V) = -0.5 + 0.5 * sqrt(1 + 1 / a²).
// a = 1 / (roughness * tan(theta)).
// 1 + Λ(V) = 0.5 + 0.5 * sqrt(1 + roughness² * tan²(theta)).
// tan²(theta) = (1 - cos²(theta)) / cos²(theta) = 1 / cos²(theta) - 1.
// Assume that (VdotH > 0), e.i. (acos(LdotV) < Pi).
return 1.0 / (0.5 + 0.5 * sqrt(1.0 + Sq(roughness) * (1.0 / Sq(NdotV) - 1.0)));
// Ref: Understanding the Masking-Shadowing Function in Microfacet-Based BRDFs, p. 12.
real D_GGX_Visible(real NdotH, real NdotV, real VdotH, real roughness)
return D_GGX(NdotH, roughness) * G_MaskingSmithGGX(NdotV, roughness) * VdotH / NdotV;
// Precompute part of lambdaV
real GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(real NdotV, real roughness)
real a2 = Sq(roughness);
return sqrt((-NdotV * a2 + NdotV) * NdotV + a2);
// Note: V = G / (4 * NdotL * NdotV)
// Ref: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/02/03/paper.pdf
real V_SmithJointGGX(real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness, real partLambdaV)
real a2 = Sq(roughness);
// Original formulation:
// lambda_v = (-1 + sqrt(a2 * (1 - NdotL2) / NdotL2 + 1)) * 0.5
// lambda_l = (-1 + sqrt(a2 * (1 - NdotV2) / NdotV2 + 1)) * 0.5
// G = 1 / (1 + lambda_v + lambda_l);
// Reorder code to be more optimal:
real lambdaV = NdotL * partLambdaV;
real lambdaL = NdotV * sqrt((-NdotL * a2 + NdotL) * NdotL + a2);
// Simplify visibility term: (2.0 * NdotL * NdotV) / ((4.0 * NdotL * NdotV) * (lambda_v + lambda_l));
return 0.5 / (lambdaV + lambdaL);
real V_SmithJointGGX(real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness)
real partLambdaV = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, roughness);
return V_SmithJointGGX(NdotL, NdotV, roughness, partLambdaV);
// Inline D_GGX() * V_SmithJointGGX() together for better code generation.
real DV_SmithJointGGX(real NdotH, real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness, real partLambdaV)
real a2 = Sq(roughness);
real s = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0;
real lambdaV = NdotL * partLambdaV;
real lambdaL = NdotV * sqrt((-NdotL * a2 + NdotL) * NdotL + a2);
real2 D = real2(a2, s * s); // Fraction without the multiplier (1/Pi)
real2 G = real2(1, lambdaV + lambdaL); // Fraction without the multiplier (1/2)
return (INV_PI * 0.5) * (D.x * G.x) / (D.y * G.y);
real DV_SmithJointGGX(real NdotH, real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness)
real partLambdaV = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaV(NdotV, roughness);
return DV_SmithJointGGX(NdotH, NdotL, NdotV, roughness, partLambdaV);
// Precompute a part of LambdaV.
// Note on this linear approximation.
// Exact for roughness values of 0 and 1. Also, exact when the cosine is 0 or 1.
// Otherwise, the worst case relative error is around 10%.
// https://www.desmos.com/calculator/wtp8lnjutx
real GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaVApprox(real NdotV, real roughness)
real a = roughness;
return NdotV * (1 - a) + a;
real V_SmithJointGGXApprox(real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness, real partLambdaV)
real a = roughness;
real lambdaV = NdotL * partLambdaV;
real lambdaL = NdotV * (NdotL * (1 - a) + a);
return 0.5 / (lambdaV + lambdaL);
real V_SmithJointGGXApprox(real NdotL, real NdotV, real roughness)
real partLambdaV = GetSmithJointGGXPartLambdaVApprox(NdotV, roughness);
return V_SmithJointGGXApprox(NdotL, NdotV, roughness, partLambdaV);
// roughnessT -> roughness in tangent direction
// roughnessB -> roughness in bitangent direction
real D_GGXAnisoNoPI(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH, real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
real a2 = roughnessT * roughnessB;
real3 v = real3(roughnessB * TdotH, roughnessT * BdotH, a2 * NdotH);
real s = dot(v, v);
return a2 * Sq(a2 / s);
real D_GGXAniso(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH, real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
return INV_PI * D_GGXAnisoNoPI(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, roughnessT, roughnessB);
real GetSmithJointGGXAnisoPartLambdaV(real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV, real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
return length(real3(roughnessT * TdotV, roughnessB * BdotV, NdotV));
// Note: V = G / (4 * NdotL * NdotV)
// Ref: https://cedec.cesa.or.jp/2015/session/ENG/14698.html The Rendering Materials of Far Cry 4
real V_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV, real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL, real roughnessT, real roughnessB, real partLambdaV)
real lambdaV = NdotL * partLambdaV;
real lambdaL = NdotV * length(real3(roughnessT * TdotL, roughnessB * BdotL, NdotL));
return 0.5 / (lambdaV + lambdaL);
real V_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV, real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL, real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
real partLambdaV = GetSmithJointGGXAnisoPartLambdaV(TdotV, BdotV, NdotV, roughnessT, roughnessB);
return V_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotV, BdotV, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL, roughnessT, roughnessB, partLambdaV);
// Inline D_GGXAniso() * V_SmithJointGGXAniso() together for better code generation.
real DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB, real partLambdaV)
real a2 = roughnessT * roughnessB;
real3 v = real3(roughnessB * TdotH, roughnessT * BdotH, a2 * NdotH);
real s = dot(v, v);
real lambdaV = NdotL * partLambdaV;
real lambdaL = NdotV * length(real3(roughnessT * TdotL, roughnessB * BdotL, NdotL));
real2 D = real2(a2 * a2 * a2, s * s); // Fraction without the multiplier (1/Pi)
real2 G = real2(1, lambdaV + lambdaL); // Fraction without the multiplier (1/2)
return (INV_PI * 0.5) * (D.x * G.x) / (D.y * G.y);
real DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(real TdotH, real BdotH, real NdotH,
real TdotV, real BdotV, real NdotV,
real TdotL, real BdotL, real NdotL,
real roughnessT, real roughnessB)
real partLambdaV = GetSmithJointGGXAnisoPartLambdaV(TdotV, BdotV, NdotV, roughnessT, roughnessB);
return DV_SmithJointGGXAniso(TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
roughnessT, roughnessB, partLambdaV);
// Diffuse BRDF - diffuseColor is expected to be multiply by the caller
real LambertNoPI()
return 1.0;
real Lambert()
return INV_PI;
real DisneyDiffuseNoPI(real NdotV, real NdotL, real LdotV, real perceptualRoughness)
// (2 * LdotH * LdotH) = 1 + LdotV
// real fd90 = 0.5 + 2 * LdotH * LdotH * perceptualRoughness;
real fd90 = 0.5 + (perceptualRoughness + perceptualRoughness * LdotV);
// Two schlick fresnel term
real lightScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotL);
real viewScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, fd90, NdotV);
// Normalize the BRDF for polar view angles of up to (Pi/4).
// We use the worst case of (roughness = albedo = 1), and, for each view angle,
// integrate (brdf * cos(theta_light)) over all light directions.
// The resulting value is for (theta_view = 0), which is actually a little bit larger
// than the value of the integral for (theta_view = Pi/4).
// Hopefully, the compiler folds the constant together with (1/Pi).
return rcp(1.03571) * (lightScatter * viewScatter);
real DisneyDiffuse(real NdotV, real NdotL, real LdotV, real perceptualRoughness)
return INV_PI * DisneyDiffuseNoPI(NdotV, NdotL, LdotV, perceptualRoughness);
// Ref: Diffuse Lighting for GGX + Smith Microsurfaces, p. 113.
real3 DiffuseGGXNoPI(real3 albedo, real NdotV, real NdotL, real NdotH, real LdotV, real roughness)
real facing = 0.5 + 0.5 * LdotV; // (LdotH)^2
real rough = facing * (0.9 - 0.4 * facing) * (0.5 / NdotH + 1);
real transmitL = F_Transm_Schlick(0, NdotL);
real transmitV = F_Transm_Schlick(0, NdotV);
real smooth = transmitL * transmitV * 1.05; // Normalize F_t over the hemisphere
real single = lerp(smooth, rough, roughness); // Rescaled by PI
real multiple = roughness * (0.1159 * PI); // Rescaled by PI
return single + albedo * multiple;
real3 DiffuseGGX(real3 albedo, real NdotV, real NdotL, real NdotH, real LdotV, real roughness)
// Note that we could save 2 cycles by inlining the multiplication by INV_PI.
return INV_PI * DiffuseGGXNoPI(albedo, NdotV, NdotL, NdotH, LdotV, roughness);