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using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
[Title("Artistic", "Adjustment", "White Balance")]
public class WhiteBalanceNode : CodeFunctionNode
public WhiteBalanceNode()
name = "White Balance";
public override string documentationURL
get { return "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ShaderGraph/wiki/White-Balance-Node"; }
protected override MethodInfo GetFunctionToConvert()
return GetType().GetMethod("Unity_WhiteBalance", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
static string Unity_WhiteBalance(
[Slot(0, Binding.None)] Vector3 In,
[Slot(1, Binding.None)] Vector1 Temperature,
[Slot(2, Binding.None)] Vector1 Tint,
[Slot(3, Binding.None)] out Vector3 Out)
Out = Vector3.zero;
return @"
// Range ~[-1.67;1.67] works best
{precision} t1 = Temperature * 10 / 6;
{precision} t2 = Tint * 10 / 6;
// Get the CIE xy chromaticity of the reference white point.
// Note: 0.31271 = x value on the D65 white point
{precision} x = 0.31271 - t1 * (t1 < 0 ? 0.1 : 0.05);
{precision} standardIlluminantY = 2.87 * x - 3 * x * x - 0.27509507;
{precision} y = standardIlluminantY + t2 * 0.05;
// Calculate the coefficients in the LMS space.
{precision}3 w1 = {precision}3(0.949237, 1.03542, 1.08728); // D65 white point
{precision} Y = 1;
{precision} X = Y * x / y;
{precision} Z = Y * (1 - x - y) / y;
{precision} L = 0.7328 * X + 0.4296 * Y - 0.1624 * Z;
{precision} M = -0.7036 * X + 1.6975 * Y + 0.0061 * Z;
{precision} S = 0.0030 * X + 0.0136 * Y + 0.9834 * Z;
{precision}3 w2 = {precision}3(L, M, S);
{precision}3 balance = {precision}3(w1.x / w2.x, w1.y / w2.y, w1.z / w2.z);
{precision}3x3 LIN_2_LMS_MAT = {
3.90405e-1, 5.49941e-1, 8.92632e-3,
7.08416e-2, 9.63172e-1, 1.35775e-3,
2.31082e-2, 1.28021e-1, 9.36245e-1
{precision}3x3 LMS_2_LIN_MAT = {
2.85847e+0, -1.62879e+0, -2.48910e-2,
-2.10182e-1, 1.15820e+0, 3.24281e-4,
-4.18120e-2, -1.18169e-1, 1.06867e+0
{precision}3 lms = mul(LIN_2_LMS_MAT, In);
lms *= balance;
Out = mul(LMS_2_LIN_MAT, lms);