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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering
public class MaterialUpgrader
public delegate void MaterialFinalizer(Material mat);
string m_OldShader;
string m_NewShader;
private static readonly string projectBackMessage = "Make sure to have a project backup before proceeding.";
MaterialFinalizer m_Finalizer;
Dictionary<string, string> m_TextureRename = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, string> m_FloatRename = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, string> m_ColorRename = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, float> m_FloatPropertiesToSet = new Dictionary<string, float>();
Dictionary<string, Color> m_ColorPropertiesToSet = new Dictionary<string, Color>();
List<string> m_TexturesToRemove = new List<string>();
Dictionary<string, Texture> m_TexturesToSet = new Dictionary<string, Texture>();
class KeywordFloatRename
public string keyword;
public string property;
public float setVal, unsetVal;
List<KeywordFloatRename> m_KeywordFloatRename = new List<KeywordFloatRename>();
public enum UpgradeFlags
None = 0,
LogErrorOnNonExistingProperty = 1,
CleanupNonUpgradedProperties = 2,
LogMessageWhenNoUpgraderFound = 4
public void Upgrade(Material material, UpgradeFlags flags)
Material newMaterial;
if ((flags & UpgradeFlags.CleanupNonUpgradedProperties) != 0)
newMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(m_NewShader));
newMaterial = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(material) as Material;
newMaterial.shader = Shader.Find(m_NewShader);
Convert(material, newMaterial);
material.shader = Shader.Find(m_NewShader);
if (m_Finalizer != null)
// Overridable function to implement custom material upgrading functionality
public virtual void Convert(Material srcMaterial, Material dstMaterial)
foreach (var t in m_TextureRename)
dstMaterial.SetTextureScale(t.Value, srcMaterial.GetTextureScale(t.Key));
dstMaterial.SetTextureOffset(t.Value, srcMaterial.GetTextureOffset(t.Key));
dstMaterial.SetTexture(t.Value, srcMaterial.GetTexture(t.Key));
foreach (var t in m_FloatRename)
dstMaterial.SetFloat(t.Value, srcMaterial.GetFloat(t.Key));
foreach (var t in m_ColorRename)
dstMaterial.SetColor(t.Value, srcMaterial.GetColor(t.Key));
foreach (var prop in m_TexturesToRemove)
dstMaterial.SetTexture(prop, null);
foreach (var prop in m_TexturesToSet)
dstMaterial.SetTexture(prop.Key, prop.Value);
foreach (var prop in m_FloatPropertiesToSet)
dstMaterial.SetFloat(prop.Key, prop.Value);
foreach (var prop in m_ColorPropertiesToSet)
dstMaterial.SetColor(prop.Key, prop.Value);
foreach (var t in m_KeywordFloatRename)
dstMaterial.SetFloat(t.property, srcMaterial.IsKeywordEnabled(t.keyword) ? t.setVal : t.unsetVal);
public void RenameShader(string oldName, string newName, MaterialFinalizer finalizer = null)
m_OldShader = oldName;
m_NewShader = newName;
m_Finalizer = finalizer;
public void RenameTexture(string oldName, string newName)
m_TextureRename[oldName] = newName;
public void RenameFloat(string oldName, string newName)
m_FloatRename[oldName] = newName;
public void RenameColor(string oldName, string newName)
m_ColorRename[oldName] = newName;
public void RemoveTexture(string name)
public void SetFloat(string propertyName, float value)
m_FloatPropertiesToSet[propertyName] = value;
public void SetColor(string propertyName, Color value)
m_ColorPropertiesToSet[propertyName] = value;
public void SetTexture(string propertyName, Texture value)
m_TexturesToSet[propertyName] = value;
public void RenameKeywordToFloat(string oldName, string newName, float setVal, float unsetVal)
m_KeywordFloatRename.Add(new KeywordFloatRename { keyword = oldName, property = newName, setVal = setVal, unsetVal = unsetVal });
static bool IsMaterialPath(string path)
return path.EndsWith(".mat", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
static MaterialUpgrader GetUpgrader(List<MaterialUpgrader> upgraders, Material material)
if (material == null || material.shader == null)
return null;
string shaderName = material.shader.name;
for (int i = 0; i != upgraders.Count; i++)
if (upgraders[i].m_OldShader == shaderName)
return upgraders[i];
return null;
//@TODO: Only do this when it exceeds memory consumption...
static void SaveAssetsAndFreeMemory()
public static void UpgradeProjectFolder(List<MaterialUpgrader> upgraders, string progressBarName, UpgradeFlags flags = UpgradeFlags.None)
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Material Upgrader", "The upgrade will overwrite materials in your project. " + projectBackMessage, "Proceed", "Cancel"))
int totalMaterialCount = 0;
foreach (string s in UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths())
if (IsMaterialPath(s))
int materialIndex = 0;
foreach (string path in UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths())
if (IsMaterialPath(path))
if (UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar(progressBarName, string.Format("({0} of {1}) {2}", materialIndex, totalMaterialCount, path), (float)materialIndex / (float)totalMaterialCount))
Material m = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(path) as Material;
Upgrade(m, upgraders, flags);
public static void Upgrade(Material material, MaterialUpgrader upgrader, UpgradeFlags flags)
var upgraders = new List<MaterialUpgrader>();
Upgrade(material, upgraders, flags);
public static void Upgrade(Material material, List<MaterialUpgrader> upgraders, UpgradeFlags flags)
var upgrader = GetUpgrader(upgraders, material);
if (upgrader != null)
upgrader.Upgrade(material, flags);
else if ((flags & UpgradeFlags.LogMessageWhenNoUpgraderFound) == UpgradeFlags.LogMessageWhenNoUpgraderFound)
Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} material was not upgraded. There's no upgrader to convert {1} shader to selected pipeline", material.name, material.shader.name));
public static void UpgradeSelection(List<MaterialUpgrader> upgraders, string progressBarName, UpgradeFlags flags = UpgradeFlags.None)
var selection = Selection.objects;
if (selection == null || selection.Length == 0)
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Material Upgrader", "You must select at least one material.", "Ok"))
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Material Upgrader", string.Format("The upgrade will overwrite {0} selected material{1}. ", selection.Length, (selection.Length > 1) ? "s" : "") +
projectBackMessage, "Proceed", "Cancel"))
string lastMaterialName = "";
for (int i = 0; i < selection.Length; i++)
if (UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar(progressBarName, string.Format("({0} of {1}) {2}", i, selection.Length, lastMaterialName), (float)i / (float)selection.Length))
var material = selection[i] as Material;
Upgrade(material, upgraders, flags);
if (material != null)
lastMaterialName = material.name;