9 次代码提交 (5dd0ee6b-06d0-41c6-aabc-75ec086abad6)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
Tim Cooper 9ff93cdb Add specific material slot types and port code generation node to use them. 7 年前
Tim Cooper 497d1891 Fix merge issues. 7 年前
Tim Cooper 16640c42 Run code format tool 7 年前
Tim Cooper 259c7ce1 Changing sub graphs to use functions instead of inlining. 7 年前
Jens Holm 12543f9b Add vertex color input label to bound input type 7 年前
Jens Holm 5d32dbf0 Delete BoundInputVectorcontrolView which was a dumplicate of LabelSlotControlView 7 年前
Martin Thorzen 9720e0dc Added input fields to the vector nodes 6 年前
Peter Bay Bastian e7f9893d Rebuild previous branch (see comments) 6 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 4dfbc988 Fix per-stage requirements and translations part 1 6 年前