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to \nsignificant elements or patterns, especially if the goal\r is to create a
tileable \nmaterial. Avoid walking in the area that will be captured so that you
do not \nmake\r footprints in it or break natural elements.\r\nAt the location,
use markers (Ex: tent pegs for soft surfaces, chalk for hard \nsurfaces) to define
the area\r to capture (marked by red arrows on the photo \nbelow). For a 2Kx2K
textures and a texel ratio of 1K texel\r per meter in a \ngame, use an area of
2mx2m. It is important to keep the same ratio between \nthe real\r world and the
virtual asset. Place the Color checker close to the area \nto capture:"
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Title: How to capture a surface
Body: "First, find a location without shadows or use an occluder to protect it from
\nsignificant direct lighting.\rRemove the undesired elements. Pay attention to
\nsignificant elements or patterns, especially if the goal\r is to create a tileable
\nmaterial. Avoid walking in the area that will be captured so that you do not
\nmake\r footprints in it or break natural elements.\r\nAt the location, use markers
(Ex: tent pegs for soft surfaces, chalk for hard \nsurfaces) to define the area\r
to capture (marked by red arrows on the photo \nbelow). For a 2Kx2K textures and
a texel ratio of 1K texel\r per meter in a \ngame, use an area of 2mx2m. It is
important to keep the same ratio between \nthe real\r world and the virtual asset.
Place the Color checker close to the area \nto capture:"
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