该项目的目的是同时测试和演示来自 Unity DOTS 技术堆栈的多个新包。
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using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Physics;
using Unity.Physics.Extensions;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using Collider = Unity.Physics.Collider;
using Plane = Unity.Physics.Plane;
// Stores the impulse to be applied by the character controller body
public struct DeferredCharacterControllerImpulse
public Entity Entity;
public float3 Impulse;
public float3 Point;
public static class CharacterControllerUtilities
const float k_SimplexSolverEpsilon = 0.0001f;
const float k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq = k_SimplexSolverEpsilon * k_SimplexSolverEpsilon;
public const float k_DefaultTau = 0.4f;
public const float k_DefaultDamping = 0.9f;
public enum CharacterSupportState : byte
Unsupported = 0,
public struct CharacterControllerStepInput
public PhysicsWorld World;
public float DeltaTime;
public float3 Gravity;
public float3 Up;
public int MaxIterations;
public float Tau;
public float Damping;
public float SkinWidth;
public float ContactTolerance;
public float MaxSlope;
public int RigidBodyIndex;
public float3 CurrentVelocity;
public float MaxMovementSpeed;
public bool FollowGround;
// A collector which stores every hit up to the length of the provided native array.
// To filter out self hits, it stores the rigid body index of the body representing
// the character controller. Unfortunately, it needs to do this in TransformNewHits
// since during AddHit rigid body index is not exposed.
// https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Unity.Physics/issues/256
public struct SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector<T> : ICollector<T> where T : struct, IQueryResult
private int m_selfRBIndex;
public bool EarlyOutOnFirstHit => false;
public float MaxFraction { get; }
public int NumHits => AllHits.Length;
public NativeList<T> AllHits;
public SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector(int rbIndex, float maxFraction, ref NativeList<T> allHits)
MaxFraction = maxFraction;
AllHits = allHits;
m_selfRBIndex = rbIndex;
#region IQueryResult implementation
public bool AddHit(T hit)
Assert.IsTrue(hit.Fraction < MaxFraction);
return true;
public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, uint numSubKeyBits, uint subKey)
for (int i = oldNumHits; i < NumHits; i++)
T hit = AllHits[i];
hit.Transform(transform, numSubKeyBits, subKey);
AllHits[i] = hit;
public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, int rigidBodyIndex)
if (rigidBodyIndex == m_selfRBIndex)
for (int i = oldNumHits; i < NumHits; i++)
for (int i = oldNumHits; i < NumHits; i++)
T hit = AllHits[i];
hit.Transform(transform, rigidBodyIndex);
AllHits[i] = hit;
// A collector which stores only the closest hit different from itself.
public struct SelfFilteringClosestHitCollector<T> : ICollector<T> where T : struct, IQueryResult
public bool EarlyOutOnFirstHit => false;
public float MaxFraction { get; private set; }
public int NumHits { get; private set; }
private T m_OldHit;
private T m_ClosestHit;
public T ClosestHit => m_ClosestHit;
private int m_selfRBIndex;
public SelfFilteringClosestHitCollector(int rbIndex, float maxFraction)
MaxFraction = maxFraction;
m_OldHit = default(T);
m_ClosestHit = default(T);
NumHits = 0;
m_selfRBIndex = rbIndex;
#region ICollector
public bool AddHit(T hit)
Assert.IsTrue(hit.Fraction <= MaxFraction);
MaxFraction = hit.Fraction;
m_OldHit = m_ClosestHit;
m_ClosestHit = hit;
NumHits = 1;
return true;
public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, uint numSubKeyBits, uint subKey)
if (m_ClosestHit.Fraction < oldFraction)
m_ClosestHit.Transform(transform, numSubKeyBits, subKey);
public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, int rigidBodyIndex)
if (rigidBodyIndex == m_selfRBIndex)
m_ClosestHit = m_OldHit;
NumHits = 0;
MaxFraction = oldFraction;
m_OldHit = default(T);
if (m_ClosestHit.Fraction < oldFraction)
m_ClosestHit.Transform(transform, rigidBodyIndex);
public static unsafe void CheckSupport(
ref PhysicsWorld world, ref PhysicsCollider collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float3 groundProbeVector, RigidTransform transform,
float maxSlope,ref NativeList<SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit> castHits, out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity)
CheckSupport(ref world, collider.ColliderPtr, stepInput, groundProbeVector, transform,maxSlope, ref constraints, ref castHits, out characterState, out surfaceNormal,out surfaceVelocity);
public static unsafe void CheckSupport(
ref PhysicsWorld world, Collider* collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float3 groundProbeVector, RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope,
ref NativeList<SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit> castHits,
out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity)
surfaceNormal = float3.zero;
surfaceVelocity = float3.zero;
// Query the world
var displacement = groundProbeVector;
SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector<ColliderCastHit> hitCollector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector<ColliderCastHit>(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f, ref castHits);
ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput()
Collider = collider,
Orientation = transform.rot,
Start = transform.pos,
End = transform.pos + displacement
world.CastCollider(input, ref hitCollector);
// If no hits, proclaim unsupported state
if (hitCollector.NumHits == 0)
characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
// Downwards direction must be normalized
float3 downwardsDirection = -stepInput.Up;
float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(maxSlope);
// Iterate over distance hits and create constraints from them
for (int i = 0; i < hitCollector.NumHits; i++)
var hit = hitCollector.AllHits[i];
CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Fraction * math.length(displacement),
stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints);
float3 initialVelocity = groundProbeVector * (1.0f / stepInput.DeltaTime);
// Solve downwards (don't use min delta time, try to solve full step)
float3 outVelocity = initialVelocity;
float3 outPosition = transform.pos;
SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.World, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed,
constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false);
// Get info on surface
int numSupportingPlanes = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < constraints.Length; j++)
var constraint = constraints[j];
if (constraint.Touched && !constraint.IsTooSteep)
surfaceNormal += constraint.Plane.Normal;
surfaceVelocity += constraint.Velocity;
if (numSupportingPlanes > 0)
float invNumSupportingPlanes = 1.0f / numSupportingPlanes;
surfaceNormal *= invNumSupportingPlanes;
surfaceVelocity *= invNumSupportingPlanes;
surfaceNormal = math.normalize(surfaceNormal);
// Check support state
if (math.lengthsq(initialVelocity - outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
// If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state
characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
// If velocity is very small, declare supported state
characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
// Check if sliding or supported
outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
float slopeAngleSin = math.max(0.0f, math.dot(outVelocity, downwardsDirection));
float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopeCos * maxSlopeCos)
characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
public static unsafe void CollideAndIntegrate(
CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float characterMass, bool affectBodies, Collider* collider,
ref RigidTransform transform, ref float3 linearVelocity, ref NativeStream.Writer deferredImpulseWriter,
ref NativeList<SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit> castHits, ref NativeList<DistanceHit> distanceHits)
// Copy parameters
float deltaTime = stepInput.DeltaTime;
float3 up = stepInput.Up;
PhysicsWorld world = stepInput.World;
float remainingTime = deltaTime;
float3 newPosition = transform.pos;
quaternion orientation = transform.rot;
float3 newVelocity = linearVelocity;
float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(stepInput.MaxSlope);
const float timeEpsilon = 0.000001f;
for (int i = 0; i < stepInput.MaxIterations && remainingTime > timeEpsilon; i++)
// Clear lists for this iteration
// Do a collider cast
float3 displacement = newVelocity * remainingTime;
SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector<ColliderCastHit> collector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector<ColliderCastHit>(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f, ref castHits);
ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput()
Collider = collider,
Orientation = orientation,
Start = newPosition,
End = newPosition + displacement
world.CastCollider(input, ref collector);
// Iterate over hits and create constraints from them
for (int hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < collector.NumHits; hitIndex++)
ColliderCastHit hit = collector.AllHits[hitIndex];
CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Fraction * math.length(displacement),
stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints);
// Then do a collider distance for penetration recovery,
// but only fix up penetrating hits
// Collider distance query
SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector<DistanceHit> distanceHitsCollector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector<DistanceHit>(
stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, stepInput.ContactTolerance, ref distanceHits);
ColliderDistanceInput input = new ColliderDistanceInput()
MaxDistance = stepInput.ContactTolerance,
Transform = transform,
Collider = collider
world.CalculateDistance(input, ref distanceHitsCollector);
// Iterate over penetrating hits and fix up distance and normal
int numConstraints = constraints.Length;
for (int hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < distanceHitsCollector.NumHits; hitIndex++)
DistanceHit hit = distanceHitsCollector.AllHits[hitIndex];
if (hit.Distance < stepInput.SkinWidth)
bool found = false;
// Iterate backwards to locate the original constraint before the max slope constraint
for (int constraintIndex = numConstraints - 1; constraintIndex >= 0; constraintIndex--)
SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint = constraints[constraintIndex];
if (constraint.RigidBodyIndex == hit.RigidBodyIndex &&
// Fix up the constraint (normal, distance)
// Create new constraint
CreateConstraintFromHit(world, hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey,
hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance,
stepInput.SkinWidth, out SurfaceConstraintInfo newConstraint);
// Resolve its penetration
ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref newConstraint);
// Write back
constraints[constraintIndex] = newConstraint;
found = true;
// Add penetrating hit not caught by collider cast
if (!found)
CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance,
stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints);
// Min delta time for solver to break
float minDeltaTime = 0.0f;
if (math.lengthsq(newVelocity) > k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
// Min delta time to travel at least 1cm
minDeltaTime = 0.01f / math.length(newVelocity);
// Solve
float3 prevVelocity = newVelocity;
float3 prevPosition = newPosition;
SimplexSolver.Solve(world, remainingTime, minDeltaTime, up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed, constraints, ref newPosition, ref newVelocity, out float integratedTime);
// Apply impulses to hit bodies
if (affectBodies)
CalculateAndStoreDeferredImpulses(stepInput, characterMass, prevVelocity, ref constraints, ref deferredImpulseWriter);
// Calculate new displacement
float3 newDisplacement = newPosition - prevPosition;
// If simplex solver moved the character we need to re-cast to make sure it can move to new position
if (math.lengthsq(newDisplacement) > k_SimplexSolverEpsilon)
// Check if we can walk to the position simplex solver has suggested
var newCollector = new SelfFilteringClosestHitCollector<ColliderCastHit>(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f);
ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput()
Collider = collider,
Orientation = orientation,
Start = prevPosition,
End = prevPosition + newDisplacement
world.CastCollider(input, ref newCollector);
if (newCollector.NumHits > 0)
ColliderCastHit hit = newCollector.ClosestHit;
bool found = false;
for (int constraintIndex = 0; constraintIndex < constraints.Length; constraintIndex++)
SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint = constraints[constraintIndex];
if (constraint.RigidBodyIndex == hit.RigidBodyIndex &&
found = true;
// Move character along the newDisplacement direction until it reaches this new contact
if (!found)
Assert.IsTrue(hit.Fraction >= 0.0f && hit.Fraction <= 1.0f);
integratedTime *= hit.Fraction;
newPosition = prevPosition + newDisplacement * hit.Fraction;
// Reduce remaining time
remainingTime -= integratedTime;
// Write back position and velocity
transform.pos = newPosition;
linearVelocity = newVelocity;
private static void CreateConstraintFromHit(PhysicsWorld world, int rigidBodyIndex, ColliderKey colliderKey,
float3 hitPosition, float3 normal, float distance, float skinWidth, out SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint)
bool bodyIsDynamic = 0 <= rigidBodyIndex && rigidBodyIndex < world.NumDynamicBodies;
constraint = new SurfaceConstraintInfo()
Plane = new Plane
Normal = normal,
Distance = distance - skinWidth,
RigidBodyIndex = rigidBodyIndex,
ColliderKey = colliderKey,
HitPosition = hitPosition,
Velocity = bodyIsDynamic ?
world.GetLinearVelocity(rigidBodyIndex, hitPosition) :
Priority = bodyIsDynamic ? 1 : 0
private static void CreateMaxSlopeConstraint(float3 up, ref SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint, out SurfaceConstraintInfo maxSlopeConstraint)
float verticalComponent = math.dot(constraint.Plane.Normal, up);
SurfaceConstraintInfo newConstraint = constraint;
newConstraint.Plane.Normal = math.normalize(newConstraint.Plane.Normal - verticalComponent * up);
float distance = newConstraint.Plane.Distance;
// Calculate distance to the original plane along the new normal.
// Clamp the new distance to 2x the old distance to avoid penetration recovery explosions.
newConstraint.Plane.Distance = distance / math.max(math.dot(newConstraint.Plane.Normal, constraint.Plane.Normal), 0.5f);
if (newConstraint.Plane.Distance < 0.0f)
// Disable penetration recovery for the original plane
constraint.Plane.Distance = 0.0f;
// Prepare velocity to resolve penetration
ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref newConstraint);
// Output max slope constraint
maxSlopeConstraint = newConstraint;
private static void ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint)
// Fix up the velocity to enable penetration recovery
if (constraint.Plane.Distance < 0.0f)
float3 newVel = constraint.Velocity - constraint.Plane.Normal * constraint.Plane.Distance;
constraint.Velocity = newVel;
constraint.Plane.Distance = 0.0f;
private static void CreateConstraint(PhysicsWorld world, float3 up,
int hitRigidBodyIndex, ColliderKey hitColliderKey, float3 hitPosition, float3 hitSurfaceNormal, float hitDistance,
float skinWidth, float maxSlopeCos, ref NativeList<SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints)
CreateConstraintFromHit(world, hitRigidBodyIndex, hitColliderKey, hitPosition,
hitSurfaceNormal, hitDistance, skinWidth, out SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint);
// Check if max slope plane is required
float verticalComponent = math.dot(constraint.Plane.Normal, up);
bool shouldAddPlane = verticalComponent > k_SimplexSolverEpsilon && verticalComponent < maxSlopeCos;
if (shouldAddPlane)
constraint.IsTooSteep = true;
CreateMaxSlopeConstraint(up, ref constraint, out SurfaceConstraintInfo maxSlopeConstraint);
// Prepare velocity to resolve penetration
ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref constraint);
// Add original constraint to the list
private static unsafe void CalculateAndStoreDeferredImpulses(
CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float characterMass, float3 linearVelocity,
ref NativeList<SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref NativeStream.Writer deferredImpulseWriter)
PhysicsWorld world = stepInput.World;
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++)
SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint = constraints[i];
int rigidBodyIndex = constraint.RigidBodyIndex;
if (rigidBodyIndex < 0 || rigidBodyIndex >= world.NumDynamicBodies)
// Invalid and static bodies should be skipped
RigidBody body = world.Bodies[rigidBodyIndex];
float3 pointRelVel = world.GetLinearVelocity(rigidBodyIndex, constraint.HitPosition);
pointRelVel -= linearVelocity;
float projectedVelocity = math.dot(pointRelVel, constraint.Plane.Normal);
// Required velocity change
float deltaVelocity = - projectedVelocity * stepInput.Damping;
float distance = constraint.Plane.Distance;
if (distance < 0.0f)
deltaVelocity += (distance / stepInput.DeltaTime) * stepInput.Tau;
// Calculate impulse
MotionVelocity mv = world.MotionVelocities[rigidBodyIndex];
float3 impulse = float3.zero;
if (deltaVelocity < 0.0f)
// Impulse magnitude
float impulseMagnitude = 0.0f;
float objectMassInv = GetInvMassAtPoint(constraint.HitPosition, constraint.Plane.Normal, body, mv);
impulseMagnitude = deltaVelocity / objectMassInv;
impulse = impulseMagnitude * constraint.Plane.Normal;
// Add gravity
// Effect of gravity on character velocity in the normal direction
float3 charVelDown = stepInput.Gravity * stepInput.DeltaTime;
float relVelN = math.dot(charVelDown, constraint.Plane.Normal);
// Subtract separation velocity if separating contact
bool isSeparatingContact = projectedVelocity < 0.0f;
float newRelVelN = relVelN - projectedVelocity;
relVelN = math.select(relVelN, newRelVelN, isSeparatingContact);
// If resulting velocity is negative, an impulse is applied to stop the character
// from falling into the body
float3 newImpulse = impulse;
newImpulse += relVelN * characterMass * constraint.Plane.Normal;
impulse = math.select(impulse, newImpulse, relVelN < 0.0f);
// Store impulse
new DeferredCharacterControllerImpulse()
Entity = body.Entity,
Impulse = impulse,
Point = constraint.HitPosition
private static float GetInvMassAtPoint(float3 point, float3 normal, RigidBody body, MotionVelocity mv)
float3 massCenter;
massCenter = math.transform(body.WorldFromBody, body.Collider->MassProperties.MassDistribution.Transform.pos);
float3 arm = point - massCenter;
float3 jacAng = math.cross(arm, normal);
float3 armC = jacAng * mv.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz;
float objectMassInv = math.dot(armC, jacAng);
objectMassInv += mv.InverseInertiaAndMass.w;
return objectMassInv;