using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.Physics; using Unity.Physics.Extensions; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using Collider = Unity.Physics.Collider; using Plane = Unity.Physics.Plane; // Stores the impulse to be applied by the character controller body public struct DeferredCharacterControllerImpulse { public Entity Entity; public float3 Impulse; public float3 Point; } public static class CharacterControllerUtilities { const float k_SimplexSolverEpsilon = 0.0001f; const float k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq = k_SimplexSolverEpsilon * k_SimplexSolverEpsilon; public const float k_DefaultTau = 0.4f; public const float k_DefaultDamping = 0.9f; public enum CharacterSupportState : byte { Unsupported = 0, Sliding, Supported } public struct CharacterControllerStepInput { public PhysicsWorld World; public float DeltaTime; public float3 Gravity; public float3 Up; public int MaxIterations; public float Tau; public float Damping; public float SkinWidth; public float ContactTolerance; public float MaxSlope; public int RigidBodyIndex; public float3 CurrentVelocity; public float MaxMovementSpeed; public bool FollowGround; } // A collector which stores every hit up to the length of the provided native array. // To filter out self hits, it stores the rigid body index of the body representing // the character controller. Unfortunately, it needs to do this in TransformNewHits // since during AddHit rigid body index is not exposed. // public struct SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector : ICollector where T : struct, IQueryResult { private int m_selfRBIndex; public bool EarlyOutOnFirstHit => false; public float MaxFraction { get; } public int NumHits => AllHits.Length; public NativeList AllHits; public SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector(int rbIndex, float maxFraction, ref NativeList allHits) { MaxFraction = maxFraction; AllHits = allHits; m_selfRBIndex = rbIndex; } #region IQueryResult implementation public bool AddHit(T hit) { Assert.IsTrue(hit.Fraction < MaxFraction); AllHits.Add(hit); return true; } public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, uint numSubKeyBits, uint subKey) { for (int i = oldNumHits; i < NumHits; i++) { T hit = AllHits[i]; hit.Transform(transform, numSubKeyBits, subKey); AllHits[i] = hit; } } public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, int rigidBodyIndex) { if (rigidBodyIndex == m_selfRBIndex) { for (int i = oldNumHits; i < NumHits; i++) { AllHits.RemoveAtSwapBack(oldNumHits); } return; } for (int i = oldNumHits; i < NumHits; i++) { T hit = AllHits[i]; hit.Transform(transform, rigidBodyIndex); AllHits[i] = hit; } } #endregion } // A collector which stores only the closest hit different from itself. public struct SelfFilteringClosestHitCollector : ICollector where T : struct, IQueryResult { public bool EarlyOutOnFirstHit => false; public float MaxFraction { get; private set; } public int NumHits { get; private set; } private T m_OldHit; private T m_ClosestHit; public T ClosestHit => m_ClosestHit; private int m_selfRBIndex; public SelfFilteringClosestHitCollector(int rbIndex, float maxFraction) { MaxFraction = maxFraction; m_OldHit = default(T); m_ClosestHit = default(T); NumHits = 0; m_selfRBIndex = rbIndex; } #region ICollector public bool AddHit(T hit) { Assert.IsTrue(hit.Fraction <= MaxFraction); MaxFraction = hit.Fraction; m_OldHit = m_ClosestHit; m_ClosestHit = hit; NumHits = 1; return true; } public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, uint numSubKeyBits, uint subKey) { if (m_ClosestHit.Fraction < oldFraction) { m_ClosestHit.Transform(transform, numSubKeyBits, subKey); } } public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, Unity.Physics.Math.MTransform transform, int rigidBodyIndex) { if (rigidBodyIndex == m_selfRBIndex) { m_ClosestHit = m_OldHit; NumHits = 0; MaxFraction = oldFraction; m_OldHit = default(T); return; } if (m_ClosestHit.Fraction < oldFraction) { m_ClosestHit.Transform(transform, rigidBodyIndex); } } #endregion } public static unsafe void CheckSupport( ref PhysicsWorld world, ref PhysicsCollider collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float3 groundProbeVector, RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope,ref NativeList constraints, ref NativeList castHits, out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity) { CheckSupport(ref world, collider.ColliderPtr, stepInput, groundProbeVector, transform,maxSlope, ref constraints, ref castHits, out characterState, out surfaceNormal,out surfaceVelocity); } public static unsafe void CheckSupport( ref PhysicsWorld world, Collider* collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float3 groundProbeVector, RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope, ref NativeList constraints, ref NativeList castHits, out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity) { surfaceNormal =; surfaceVelocity =; // Query the world var displacement = groundProbeVector; SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector hitCollector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f, ref castHits); ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput() { Collider = collider, Orientation = transform.rot, Start = transform.pos, End = transform.pos + displacement }; world.CastCollider(input, ref hitCollector); // If no hits, proclaim unsupported state if (hitCollector.NumHits == 0) { characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported; return; } // Downwards direction must be normalized float3 downwardsDirection = -stepInput.Up; Assert.IsTrue(Unity.Physics.Math.IsNormalized(downwardsDirection)); float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(maxSlope); // Iterate over distance hits and create constraints from them for (int i = 0; i < hitCollector.NumHits; i++) { var hit = hitCollector.AllHits[i]; CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up, hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Fraction * math.length(displacement), stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints); } float3 initialVelocity = groundProbeVector * (1.0f / stepInput.DeltaTime); // Solve downwards (don't use min delta time, try to solve full step) float3 outVelocity = initialVelocity; float3 outPosition = transform.pos; SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.World, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed, constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false); // Get info on surface { int numSupportingPlanes = 0; for (int j = 0; j < constraints.Length; j++) { var constraint = constraints[j]; if (constraint.Touched && !constraint.IsTooSteep) { numSupportingPlanes++; surfaceNormal += constraint.Plane.Normal; surfaceVelocity += constraint.Velocity; } } if (numSupportingPlanes > 0) { float invNumSupportingPlanes = 1.0f / numSupportingPlanes; surfaceNormal *= invNumSupportingPlanes; surfaceVelocity *= invNumSupportingPlanes; surfaceNormal = math.normalize(surfaceNormal); } } // Check support state { if (math.lengthsq(initialVelocity - outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq) { // If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported; } else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq) { // If velocity is very small, declare supported state characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported; } else { // Check if sliding or supported outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity); float slopeAngleSin = math.max(0.0f,, downwardsDirection)); float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin; if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopeCos * maxSlopeCos) { characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding; } else { characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported; } } } } public static unsafe void CollideAndIntegrate( CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float characterMass, bool affectBodies, Collider* collider, ref RigidTransform transform, ref float3 linearVelocity, ref NativeStream.Writer deferredImpulseWriter, ref NativeList constraints, ref NativeList castHits, ref NativeList distanceHits) { // Copy parameters float deltaTime = stepInput.DeltaTime; float3 up = stepInput.Up; PhysicsWorld world = stepInput.World; float remainingTime = deltaTime; float3 newPosition = transform.pos; quaternion orientation = transform.rot; float3 newVelocity = linearVelocity; float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(stepInput.MaxSlope); const float timeEpsilon = 0.000001f; for (int i = 0; i < stepInput.MaxIterations && remainingTime > timeEpsilon; i++) { // Clear lists for this iteration constraints.Clear(); castHits.Clear(); distanceHits.Clear(); // Do a collider cast { float3 displacement = newVelocity * remainingTime; SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector collector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f, ref castHits); ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput() { Collider = collider, Orientation = orientation, Start = newPosition, End = newPosition + displacement }; world.CastCollider(input, ref collector); // Iterate over hits and create constraints from them for (int hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < collector.NumHits; hitIndex++) { ColliderCastHit hit = collector.AllHits[hitIndex]; CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up, hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Fraction * math.length(displacement), stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints); } } // Then do a collider distance for penetration recovery, // but only fix up penetrating hits { // Collider distance query SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector distanceHitsCollector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector( stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, stepInput.ContactTolerance, ref distanceHits); { ColliderDistanceInput input = new ColliderDistanceInput() { MaxDistance = stepInput.ContactTolerance, Transform = transform, Collider = collider }; world.CalculateDistance(input, ref distanceHitsCollector); } // Iterate over penetrating hits and fix up distance and normal int numConstraints = constraints.Length; for (int hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < distanceHitsCollector.NumHits; hitIndex++) { DistanceHit hit = distanceHitsCollector.AllHits[hitIndex]; if (hit.Distance < stepInput.SkinWidth) { bool found = false; // Iterate backwards to locate the original constraint before the max slope constraint for (int constraintIndex = numConstraints - 1; constraintIndex >= 0; constraintIndex--) { SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint = constraints[constraintIndex]; if (constraint.RigidBodyIndex == hit.RigidBodyIndex && constraint.ColliderKey.Equals(hit.ColliderKey)) { // Fix up the constraint (normal, distance) { // Create new constraint CreateConstraintFromHit(world, hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance, stepInput.SkinWidth, out SurfaceConstraintInfo newConstraint); // Resolve its penetration ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref newConstraint); // Write back constraints[constraintIndex] = newConstraint; } found = true; break; } } // Add penetrating hit not caught by collider cast if (!found) { CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up, hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance, stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints); } } } } // Min delta time for solver to break float minDeltaTime = 0.0f; if (math.lengthsq(newVelocity) > k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq) { // Min delta time to travel at least 1cm minDeltaTime = 0.01f / math.length(newVelocity); } // Solve float3 prevVelocity = newVelocity; float3 prevPosition = newPosition; SimplexSolver.Solve(world, remainingTime, minDeltaTime, up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed, constraints, ref newPosition, ref newVelocity, out float integratedTime); // Apply impulses to hit bodies if (affectBodies) { CalculateAndStoreDeferredImpulses(stepInput, characterMass, prevVelocity, ref constraints, ref deferredImpulseWriter); } // Calculate new displacement float3 newDisplacement = newPosition - prevPosition; // If simplex solver moved the character we need to re-cast to make sure it can move to new position if (math.lengthsq(newDisplacement) > k_SimplexSolverEpsilon) { // Check if we can walk to the position simplex solver has suggested var newCollector = new SelfFilteringClosestHitCollector(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f); ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput() { Collider = collider, Orientation = orientation, Start = prevPosition, End = prevPosition + newDisplacement }; world.CastCollider(input, ref newCollector); if (newCollector.NumHits > 0) { ColliderCastHit hit = newCollector.ClosestHit; bool found = false; for (int constraintIndex = 0; constraintIndex < constraints.Length; constraintIndex++) { SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint = constraints[constraintIndex]; if (constraint.RigidBodyIndex == hit.RigidBodyIndex && constraint.ColliderKey.Equals(hit.ColliderKey)) { found = true; break; } } // Move character along the newDisplacement direction until it reaches this new contact if (!found) { Assert.IsTrue(hit.Fraction >= 0.0f && hit.Fraction <= 1.0f); integratedTime *= hit.Fraction; newPosition = prevPosition + newDisplacement * hit.Fraction; } } } // Reduce remaining time remainingTime -= integratedTime; } // Write back position and velocity transform.pos = newPosition; linearVelocity = newVelocity; } private static void CreateConstraintFromHit(PhysicsWorld world, int rigidBodyIndex, ColliderKey colliderKey, float3 hitPosition, float3 normal, float distance, float skinWidth, out SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint) { bool bodyIsDynamic = 0 <= rigidBodyIndex && rigidBodyIndex < world.NumDynamicBodies; constraint = new SurfaceConstraintInfo() { Plane = new Plane { Normal = normal, Distance = distance - skinWidth, }, RigidBodyIndex = rigidBodyIndex, ColliderKey = colliderKey, HitPosition = hitPosition, Velocity = bodyIsDynamic ? world.GetLinearVelocity(rigidBodyIndex, hitPosition) :, Priority = bodyIsDynamic ? 1 : 0 }; } private static void CreateMaxSlopeConstraint(float3 up, ref SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint, out SurfaceConstraintInfo maxSlopeConstraint) { float verticalComponent =, up); SurfaceConstraintInfo newConstraint = constraint; newConstraint.Plane.Normal = math.normalize(newConstraint.Plane.Normal - verticalComponent * up); float distance = newConstraint.Plane.Distance; // Calculate distance to the original plane along the new normal. // Clamp the new distance to 2x the old distance to avoid penetration recovery explosions. newConstraint.Plane.Distance = distance / math.max(, constraint.Plane.Normal), 0.5f); if (newConstraint.Plane.Distance < 0.0f) { // Disable penetration recovery for the original plane constraint.Plane.Distance = 0.0f; // Prepare velocity to resolve penetration ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref newConstraint); } // Output max slope constraint maxSlopeConstraint = newConstraint; } private static void ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint) { // Fix up the velocity to enable penetration recovery if (constraint.Plane.Distance < 0.0f) { float3 newVel = constraint.Velocity - constraint.Plane.Normal * constraint.Plane.Distance; constraint.Velocity = newVel; constraint.Plane.Distance = 0.0f; } } private static void CreateConstraint(PhysicsWorld world, float3 up, int hitRigidBodyIndex, ColliderKey hitColliderKey, float3 hitPosition, float3 hitSurfaceNormal, float hitDistance, float skinWidth, float maxSlopeCos, ref NativeList constraints) { CreateConstraintFromHit(world, hitRigidBodyIndex, hitColliderKey, hitPosition, hitSurfaceNormal, hitDistance, skinWidth, out SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint); // Check if max slope plane is required float verticalComponent =, up); bool shouldAddPlane = verticalComponent > k_SimplexSolverEpsilon && verticalComponent < maxSlopeCos; if (shouldAddPlane) { constraint.IsTooSteep = true; CreateMaxSlopeConstraint(up, ref constraint, out SurfaceConstraintInfo maxSlopeConstraint); constraints.Add(maxSlopeConstraint); } // Prepare velocity to resolve penetration ResolveConstraintPenetration(ref constraint); // Add original constraint to the list constraints.Add(constraint); } private static unsafe void CalculateAndStoreDeferredImpulses( CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float characterMass, float3 linearVelocity, ref NativeList constraints, ref NativeStream.Writer deferredImpulseWriter) { PhysicsWorld world = stepInput.World; for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++) { SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint = constraints[i]; int rigidBodyIndex = constraint.RigidBodyIndex; if (rigidBodyIndex < 0 || rigidBodyIndex >= world.NumDynamicBodies) { // Invalid and static bodies should be skipped continue; } RigidBody body = world.Bodies[rigidBodyIndex]; float3 pointRelVel = world.GetLinearVelocity(rigidBodyIndex, constraint.HitPosition); pointRelVel -= linearVelocity; float projectedVelocity =, constraint.Plane.Normal); // Required velocity change float deltaVelocity = - projectedVelocity * stepInput.Damping; float distance = constraint.Plane.Distance; if (distance < 0.0f) { deltaVelocity += (distance / stepInput.DeltaTime) * stepInput.Tau; } // Calculate impulse MotionVelocity mv = world.MotionVelocities[rigidBodyIndex]; float3 impulse =; if (deltaVelocity < 0.0f) { // Impulse magnitude float impulseMagnitude = 0.0f; { float objectMassInv = GetInvMassAtPoint(constraint.HitPosition, constraint.Plane.Normal, body, mv); impulseMagnitude = deltaVelocity / objectMassInv; } impulse = impulseMagnitude * constraint.Plane.Normal; } // Add gravity { // Effect of gravity on character velocity in the normal direction float3 charVelDown = stepInput.Gravity * stepInput.DeltaTime; float relVelN =, constraint.Plane.Normal); // Subtract separation velocity if separating contact { bool isSeparatingContact = projectedVelocity < 0.0f; float newRelVelN = relVelN - projectedVelocity; relVelN =, newRelVelN, isSeparatingContact); } // If resulting velocity is negative, an impulse is applied to stop the character // from falling into the body { float3 newImpulse = impulse; newImpulse += relVelN * characterMass * constraint.Plane.Normal; impulse =, newImpulse, relVelN < 0.0f); } } // Store impulse deferredImpulseWriter.Write( new DeferredCharacterControllerImpulse() { Entity = body.Entity, Impulse = impulse, Point = constraint.HitPosition }); } } private static float GetInvMassAtPoint(float3 point, float3 normal, RigidBody body, MotionVelocity mv) { float3 massCenter; unsafe { massCenter = math.transform(body.WorldFromBody, body.Collider->MassProperties.MassDistribution.Transform.pos); } float3 arm = point - massCenter; float3 jacAng = math.cross(arm, normal); float3 armC = jacAng *; float objectMassInv =, jacAng); objectMassInv += mv.InverseInertiaAndMass.w; return objectMassInv; } }