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using UnityEngine;
// NOTE: If you are getting errors of the sort that say something like:
// "The type or namespace name `PostProcessing' does not exist in the namespace"
// it is because the PostProcessing v1 module has been removed from your project.
// To make the errors go away, you can either:
// 1 - Download PostProcessing V1 and install it into your project
// or
// 2 - Go into PlayerSettings/OtherSettings and remove the Scripting Define for UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V1
namespace Cinemachine.PostFX
/// <summary>
/// This behaviour is a liaison between Cinemachine with the Post-Processing v1 module. You must
/// have the Post-Processing V1 stack asset store package installed in order to use this behaviour.
/// It's used in 2 ways:
/// * As a component on the Unity Camera: it serves as the liaison
/// between the camera's CinemachineBrain and the camera's Post-Processing behaviour.
/// It listens for camera Cut events and resets the Post-Processing stack when they occur.
/// If you are using Post-Processing, then you should add this behaviour to your
/// camera alongside the CinemachineBrain, always.
/// * As a component on the Virtual Camera: In this capacity, it holds
/// a Post-Processing Profile asset that will be applied to the Unity camera whenever
/// the Virtual camera is live. It also has the (temporary) optional functionality of animating
/// the Focus Distance and DepthOfField properties of the Camera State, and
/// applying them to the current Post-Processing profile.
/// </summary>
[DocumentationSorting(100, DocumentationSortingAttribute.Level.UserRef)]
public class CinemachinePostFX : MonoBehaviour
// Just for the Enabled checkbox
void Update() {}
[Tooltip("When this behaviour is on a Unity Camera, this setting is the default Post-Processing profile for the camera, and will be applied whenever it is not overridden by a virtual camera. When the behaviour is on a virtual camera, then this is the Post-Processing profile that will become active whenever this virtual camera is live")]
public UnityEngine.PostProcessing.PostProcessingProfile m_Profile;
[Tooltip("If checked, then the Focus Distance will be set to the distance between the camera and the LookAt target.")]
public bool m_FocusTracksTarget;
[Tooltip("Offset from target distance, to be used with Focus Tracks Target.")]
public float m_FocusOffset;
// These are used if this behaviour is on a Unity Camera
CinemachineBrain mBrain;
UnityEngine.PostProcessing.PostProcessingBehaviour mPostProcessingBehaviour;
void ConnectToBrain()
// If I am a component on the Unity camera, connect to its brain
// and to its post-processing behaviour
mBrain = GetComponent<CinemachineBrain>();
if (mBrain != null)
// Must have one of these if connected to a brain
mPostProcessingBehaviour = GetComponent<UnityEngine.PostProcessing.PostProcessingBehaviour>();
if (mPostProcessingBehaviour == null && mBrain != null)
mPostProcessingBehaviour = gameObject.AddComponent<UnityEngine.PostProcessing.PostProcessingBehaviour>();
void OnDestroy()
if (mBrain != null)
// CinemachineBrain callback used when this behaviour is on the Unity Camera
internal void PostFXHandler(CinemachineBrain brain)
ICinemachineCamera vcam = brain.ActiveVirtualCamera;
if (enabled && mBrain != null && mPostProcessingBehaviour != null)
// Look for the vcam's PostFX behaviour
CinemachinePostFX postFX = GetEffectivePostFX(vcam);
if (postFX == null)
postFX = this; // vcam does not define a profile - apply the default
if (postFX.m_Profile != null)
// Adjust the focus distance
CameraState state = brain.CurrentCameraState;
UnityEngine.PostProcessing.DepthOfFieldModel.Settings dof
= postFX.m_Profile.depthOfField.settings;
if (postFX.m_FocusTracksTarget && state.HasLookAt)
dof.focusDistance = (state.FinalPosition - state.ReferenceLookAt).magnitude
+ postFX.m_FocusOffset;
postFX.m_Profile.depthOfField.settings = dof;
// Apply the profile
if (mPostProcessingBehaviour.profile != postFX.m_Profile)
mPostProcessingBehaviour.profile = postFX.m_Profile;
CinemachinePostFX GetEffectivePostFX(ICinemachineCamera vcam)
while (vcam != null && vcam.LiveChildOrSelf != vcam)
vcam = vcam.LiveChildOrSelf;
CinemachinePostFX postFX = null;
while (vcam != null && postFX == null)
CinemachineVirtualCameraBase vcamBase = vcam as CinemachineVirtualCameraBase;
if (vcamBase != null)
postFX = vcamBase.GetComponent<CinemachinePostFX>();
if (postFX != null && !postFX.enabled)
postFX = null;
vcam = vcam.ParentCamera;
return postFX;
void OnCameraCut(CinemachineBrain brain)
if (mPostProcessingBehaviour != null)
static void StaticPostFXHandler(CinemachineBrain brain)
CinemachinePostFX postFX = brain.PostProcessingComponent as CinemachinePostFX;
if (postFX == null)
brain.PostProcessingComponent = brain.GetComponent<CinemachinePostFX>();
postFX = brain.PostProcessingComponent as CinemachinePostFX;
if (postFX != null)
if (postFX != null)
/// <summary>Internal method called by editor module</summary>
public static void InitializeModule()
// When the brain pushes the state to the camera, hook in to the PostFX