Boat Attack使用了Universal RP的许多新图形功能,可以用于探索 Universal RP 的使用方式和技巧。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

1605 行
55 KiB

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Assertions;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Mathematics;
namespace Unity.Entities
// We have defined three fixed-size NativeStrings, all of which are value types with zero allocation.
// You can copy them freely without ever generating garbage or needing to Dispose, but they are limited in size.
// NativeString64 - consumes 64 bytes (one line) of memory. suitable for short names and descriptions.
// NativeString512 - consumes 512 bytes (eight lines) of memory. can hold a few lines of text, a filename, a URL.
// NativeString4096 - consumes 4096 bytes (one page) of memory. can hold a printed page of text.
// These names are not very friendly, we might want to change them to, for example:
// NativeStringName
// NativeStringLine
// NativeStringPage
// There is also maybe a need for NativeString? which has a thread safety handle and calls malloc and requires
// Dispose()? But, you have to wonder for what purpose. Text larger than 4096 bytes is probably a JSON file or
// something like that - something you process offline or outside of gameplay. C# String and managed code might
// be OK for that. Or, you could just use a NativeArray<char> for the file, and NativeString512 for the little
// parseable pieces inside the file, since you wouldn't expect any of them to exceed 512 bytes. It seems fair
// to limit token sizes to 512 bytes, no reasonable person would need tokens longer than that.
// The horrible waste of NativeString512 isn't so bad, if you consider:
// 1. These are almost certainly going to be on the stack most of the time
// 2. The stack is hot in the page cache
// 3. Since memory access is by 64 byte cache line, short strings only access first 64 byte cache line of 512
public enum FormatError
public enum ParseError
public enum CopyError
public enum ConversionError
internal unsafe struct NativeString
public static bool IsValidCodePoint(int ucs)
if (ucs > 0x10FFFF) // maximum valid code point
return false;
if (ucs >= 0xD800 && ucs <= 0xDFFF) // surrogate pair
return false;
if (ucs < 0) // negative?
return false;
return true;
public static bool NotTrailer(byte b)
return (b & 0xC0) != 0x80;
private const int ReplacementCharacter = 0xFFFD;
public static ConversionError Utf8ToUcs(out int ucs, byte* buffer, ref int offset, int capacity)
int code = 0;
ucs = ReplacementCharacter;
if (offset + 1 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
if ((buffer[offset] & 0b10000000) == 0b00000000) // if high bit is 0, 1 byte
ucs = buffer[offset+0];
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.None;
if ((buffer[offset] & 0b11100000) == 0b11000000) // if high 3 bits are 110, 2 bytes
if (offset + 2 > capacity)
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Overflow;
code = (buffer[offset+0] & 0b00011111);
code = (code<<6) | (buffer[offset+1] & 0b00111111);
if (code < (1<<7) || NotTrailer(buffer[offset+1]))
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Encoding;
ucs = code;
offset += 2;
return ConversionError.None;
if ((buffer[offset] & 0b11110000) == 0b11100000) // if high 4 bits are 1110, 3 bytes
if (offset + 3 > capacity)
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Overflow;
code = (buffer[offset+0] & 0b00001111);
code = (code<<6) | (buffer[offset+1] & 0b00111111);
code = (code<<6) | (buffer[offset+2] & 0b00111111);
if (code < (1<<11) || !IsValidCodePoint(code) || NotTrailer(buffer[offset+1]) || NotTrailer(buffer[offset+2]))
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Encoding;
ucs = code;
offset += 3;
return ConversionError.None;
if ((buffer[offset] & 0b11111000) == 0b11110000) // if high 5 bits are 11110, 4 bytes
if (offset + 4 > capacity)
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Overflow;
code = (buffer[offset+0] & 0b00000111);
code = (code<<6) | (buffer[offset+1] & 0b00111111);
code = (code<<6) | (buffer[offset+2] & 0b00111111);
code = (code<<6) | (buffer[offset+3] & 0b00111111);
if (code < (1 << 16) || !IsValidCodePoint(code) || NotTrailer(buffer[offset+1]) || NotTrailer(buffer[offset+2]) || NotTrailer(buffer[offset+3]))
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Encoding;
ucs = code;
offset += 4;
return ConversionError.None;
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Encoding;
public static ConversionError Utf16ToUcs(out int ucs, char* buffer, ref int offset, int capacity)
int code = 0;
ucs = ReplacementCharacter;
if (offset + 1 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
if (buffer[offset] >= 0xD800 && buffer[offset] <= 0xDBFF)
if (offset + 2 > capacity)
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Overflow;
code = (buffer[offset+0] & 0x03FF);
char next = buffer[offset + 1];
if (next < 0xDC00 || next > 0xDFFF)
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.Encoding;
code = (code << 10) | (buffer[offset+1] & 0x03FF);
code += 0x10000;
ucs = code;
offset += 2;
return ConversionError.None;
ucs = buffer[offset+0];
offset += 1;
return ConversionError.None;
public static ConversionError UcsToUtf8(byte* buffer, ref int offset, int capacity, int ucs)
return ConversionError.CodePoint;
if (offset + 1 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
if (ucs <= 0x7F)
buffer[offset++] = (byte) ucs;
return ConversionError.None;
if (ucs <= 0x7FF)
if (offset + 2 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0xC0 | (ucs >> 6));
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0x80 | ((ucs >> 0) & 0x3F));
return ConversionError.None;
if (ucs <= 0xFFFF)
if (offset + 3 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0xE0 | (ucs >> 12));
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0x80 | ((ucs >> 6) & 0x3F));
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0x80 | ((ucs >> 0) & 0x3F));
return ConversionError.None;
if (ucs <= 0x1FFFFF)
if (offset + 4 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0xF0 | (ucs >> 18));
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0x80 | ((ucs >> 12) & 0x3F));
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0x80 | ((ucs >> 6) & 0x3F));
buffer[offset++] = (byte)(0x80 | ((ucs >> 0) & 0x3F));
return ConversionError.None;
return ConversionError.Encoding;
public static ConversionError UcsToUtf16(char* buffer, ref int offset, int capacity, int ucs)
return ConversionError.CodePoint;
if (offset + 1 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
if (ucs >= 0x10000)
if (offset + 2 > capacity)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
int code = ucs - 0x10000;
if (code >= (1 << 20))
return ConversionError.Encoding;
buffer[offset++] = (char)(0xD800 | (code >> 10));
buffer[offset++] = (char)(0xDC00 | (code & 0x3FF));
return ConversionError.None;
buffer[offset++] = (char)ucs;
return ConversionError.None;
public static ConversionError Utf16ToUtf8(char* utf16_buffer, int utf16_length, byte* utf8_buffer, out int utf8_length, int utf8_capacity)
utf8_length = 0;
for(var utf16_offset = 0; utf16_offset < utf16_length;)
Utf16ToUcs(out var ucs, utf16_buffer, ref utf16_offset, utf16_length);
if (UcsToUtf8(utf8_buffer, ref utf8_length, utf8_capacity, ucs) == ConversionError.Overflow)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
return ConversionError.None;
public static ConversionError Utf8ToUtf16(byte* utf8_buffer, int utf8_length, char* utf16_buffer, out int utf16_length, int utf16_capacity)
utf16_length = 0;
for(var utf8_offset = 0; utf8_offset < utf8_length;)
Utf8ToUcs(out var ucs, utf8_buffer, ref utf8_offset, utf8_length);
if (UcsToUtf16(utf16_buffer, ref utf16_length, utf16_capacity, ucs) == ConversionError.Overflow)
return ConversionError.Overflow;
return ConversionError.None;
public static unsafe int CompareTo(char *a, int aa, char* b, int bb)
int chars = aa < bb ? aa : bb;
for (var i = 0; i < chars; ++i)
if (a[i] < b[i])
return -1;
if (a[i] > b[i])
return 1;
if (aa < bb)
return -1;
if (aa > bb)
return 1;
return 0;
public static unsafe bool Equals(char *a, int aa, char* b, int bb)
if (aa != bb)
return false;
return UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(a, b, aa * sizeof(char)) == 0;
public static bool IsDigit(char c)
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
public int Length;
public int Capacity;
public char* buffer;
public ParseError Parse(ref int offset, ref int output)
long value = 0;
int sign = 1;
int digits = 0;
if (offset < Length)
if (buffer[offset] == '+')
else if (buffer[offset] == '-')
sign = -1;
while (offset < Length && IsDigit(buffer[offset]))
value *= 10;
value += buffer[offset] - '0';
if(value >> 32 != 0)
return ParseError.Overflow;
if (digits == 0)
return ParseError.Syntax;
value = sign * value;
if(value > Int32.MaxValue)
return ParseError.Overflow;
if (value < Int32.MinValue)
return ParseError.Overflow;
output = (int)value;
return ParseError.None;
internal struct UintFloatUnion
public uint uintValue;
public float floatValue;
static ParseError Base10ToBase2(ref float output, ulong mantissa10, int exponent10)
if (mantissa10 == 0)
output = 0.0f;
return ParseError.None;
if (exponent10 == 0)
output = mantissa10;
return ParseError.None;
var exponent2 = exponent10;
var mantissa2 = mantissa10;
while (exponent10 > 0)
while ((mantissa2 & 0xe000000000000000U) != 0)
mantissa2 >>= 1;
mantissa2 *= 5;
while(exponent10 < 0)
while ((mantissa2 & 0x8000000000000000U) == 0)
mantissa2 <<= 1;
mantissa2 /= 5;
// TODO: implement math.ldexpf (which presumably handles denormals (i don't))
UintFloatUnion ufu = new UintFloatUnion();
ufu.floatValue = mantissa2;
var e = (int)((ufu.uintValue >> 23) & 0xFFU) - 127;
e += exponent2;
if (e > 128)
return ParseError.Overflow;
if (e < -127)
return ParseError.Underflow;
ufu.uintValue = (ufu.uintValue & ~(0xFFU<<23)) | ((uint)(e + 127) << 23);
output = ufu.floatValue;
return ParseError.None;
static int tzcnt(uint v)
uint c = 32; // c will be the number of zero bits on the right
v &= (uint)-(int)v;
if (0 != v) c--;
if (0 != (v & 0x0000FFFF)) c -= 16;
if (0 != (v & 0x00FF00FF)) c -= 8;
if (0 != (v & 0x0F0F0F0F)) c -= 4;
if (0 != (v & 0x33333333)) c -= 2;
if (0 != (v & 0x55555555)) c -= 1;
return (int)c;
public static void Base2ToBase10(ref ulong mantissa10, ref int exponent10, float input)
UintFloatUnion ufu = new UintFloatUnion();
ufu.floatValue = input;
if(ufu.uintValue == 0)
mantissa10 = 0;
exponent10 = 0;
var mantissa2 = (ufu.uintValue & ((1<<23)-1)) | (1 << 23);
var exponent2 = (int) (ufu.uintValue >> 23) - 127 - 23;
// var tz = tzcnt((uint)mantissa2);
// mantissa2 >>= tz;
// exponent2 += tz;
mantissa10 = mantissa2;
exponent10 = exponent2;
if (exponent2 > 0)
while (exponent2 > 0)
// denormalize mantissa10 as much as you can, to minimize loss when doing /5 below.
while (mantissa10 <= UInt64.MaxValue/10)
mantissa10 *= 10;
mantissa10 /= 5;
if (exponent2 < 0)
while (exponent2 < 0)
// normalize mantissa10 just as much as you need, in order to make the *5 below not overflow.
while (mantissa10 > UInt64.MaxValue/5)
mantissa10 /= 10;
mantissa10 *= 5;
// normalize mantissa10
while (mantissa10 > 9999999U || mantissa10 % 10 == 0)
mantissa10 = (mantissa10 + 5) / 10;
public FormatError Format(char a)
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = a;
return FormatError.None;
public FormatError Format(char a, char b)
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = a;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = b;
return FormatError.None;
public FormatError Format(char a, char b, char c)
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = a;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = b;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = c;
return FormatError.None;
public FormatError Format(char a, char b, char c, char d, char e, char f, char g, char h)
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = a;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = b;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = c;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = d;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = e;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = f;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = g;
if (Length >= Capacity)
return FormatError.Overflow;
buffer[Length++] = h;
return FormatError.None;
public FormatError FormatScientific(char *source, int sourceLength, int decimalExponent, char decimalSeparator)
FormatError error;
if ((error = Format(source[0])) != FormatError.None)
return error;
if (sourceLength > 1)
if ((error = Format(decimalSeparator)) != FormatError.None)
return error;
for (var i = 1; i < sourceLength; ++i)
if ((error = Format(source[i])) != FormatError.None)
return error;
if ((error = Format('E')) != FormatError.None)
return error;
if (decimalExponent < 0)
if ((error = Format('-')) != FormatError.None)
return error;
decimalExponent *= -1;
if ((error = Format('+')) != FormatError.None)
return error;
var ascii = stackalloc char[2];
decimalExponent -= sourceLength - 1;
const int decimalDigits = 2;
for(var i = 0; i < decimalDigits; ++i)
var decimalDigit = decimalExponent % 10;
ascii[1 - i] = (char)('0'+decimalDigit);
decimalExponent /= 10;
for(var i = 0; i < decimalDigits; ++i)
if ((error = Format(ascii[i])) != FormatError.None)
return error;
return FormatError.None;
public FormatError Format(float input, char decimalSeparator)
UintFloatUnion ufu = new UintFloatUnion();
ufu.floatValue = input;
if (ufu.uintValue == 4290772992U)
return Format('N', 'a', 'N');
var sign = ufu.uintValue >> 31;
ufu.uintValue &= ~(1 << 31);
FormatError error;
if (sign != 0 && ufu.uintValue != 0) // C# prints -0 as 0
if ((error = Format('-')) != FormatError.None)
return error;
if(ufu.uintValue == 2139095040U)
return Format( 'I', 'n', 'f', 'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'y');
ulong decimalMantissa = 0;
int decimalExponent = 0;
Base2ToBase10(ref decimalMantissa, ref decimalExponent, ufu.floatValue);
var backwards = stackalloc char[9];
int decimalDigits = 0;
if (decimalDigits >= 9)
return FormatError.Overflow;
var decimalDigit = decimalMantissa % 10;
backwards[8-decimalDigits++] = (char) ('0' + decimalDigit);
decimalMantissa /= 10;
} while (decimalMantissa > 0);
char *ascii = backwards + 9 - decimalDigits;
var leadingZeroes = -decimalExponent - decimalDigits + 1;
if (leadingZeroes > 0)
if (leadingZeroes > 4)
return FormatScientific(ascii, decimalDigits, decimalExponent, decimalSeparator);
if ((error = Format('0', decimalSeparator)) != FormatError.None)
return error;
while (leadingZeroes > 0)
if ((error = Format( '0')) != FormatError.None)
return error;
for (var i = 0; i < decimalDigits; ++i)
if ((error = Format( ascii[i])) != FormatError.None)
return error;
return FormatError.None;
var trailingZeroes = decimalExponent;
if (trailingZeroes > 0)
if (trailingZeroes > 4)
return FormatScientific( ascii, decimalDigits, decimalExponent, decimalSeparator);
for (var i = 0; i < decimalDigits; ++i)
if ((error = Format( ascii[i])) != FormatError.None)
return error;
while (trailingZeroes > 0)
if ((error = Format( '0')) != FormatError.None)
return error;
return FormatError.None;
var indexOfSeparator = decimalDigits + decimalExponent;
for (var i = 0; i < decimalDigits; ++i)
if (i == indexOfSeparator)
if ((error = Format(decimalSeparator)) != FormatError.None)
return error;
if ((error = Format( ascii[i])) != FormatError.None)
return error;
return FormatError.None;
public bool Found(ref int offset, char a, char b, char c)
if(offset + 3 > Length)
return false;
if((buffer[offset+0]|32) != a) return false;
if((buffer[offset+1]|32) != b) return false;
if((buffer[offset+2]|32) != c) return false;
offset += 3;
return true;
public bool Found(ref int offset, char a, char b, char c, char d, char e, char f, char g, char h)
if(offset + 8 > Length)
return false;
if((buffer[offset+0]|32) != a) return false;
if((buffer[offset+1]|32) != b) return false;
if((buffer[offset+2]|32) != c) return false;
if((buffer[offset+3]|32) != d) return false;
if((buffer[offset+4]|32) != e) return false;
if((buffer[offset+5]|32) != f) return false;
if((buffer[offset+6]|32) != g) return false;
if((buffer[offset+7]|32) != h) return false;
offset += 8;
return true;
public ParseError Parse(ref int offset, ref float output, char decimalSeparator)
if(Found(ref offset, 'n', 'a', 'n'))
UintFloatUnion ufu = new UintFloatUnion();
ufu.uintValue = 4290772992U;
output = ufu.floatValue;
return ParseError.None;
int sign = 1;
if (offset < Length)
if (buffer[offset] == '+')
else if (buffer[offset] == '-')
sign = -1;
ulong decimalMantissa = 0;
int significantDigits = 0;
int digitsAfterDot = 0;
int mantissaDigits = 0;
if(Found(ref offset, 'i', 'n', 'f', 'i', 'n', 'i', 't', 'y'))
output = (sign == 1) ? Single.PositiveInfinity : Single.NegativeInfinity;
return ParseError.None;
while (offset < Length && IsDigit(buffer[offset]))
if (significantDigits < 9)
var temp = decimalMantissa * 10 + (ulong)(buffer[offset] - '0');
if (temp > decimalMantissa)
decimalMantissa = temp;
if (offset < Length && buffer[offset] == decimalSeparator)
while (offset < Length && IsDigit(buffer[offset]))
if (significantDigits < 9)
var temp = decimalMantissa * 10 + (ulong) (buffer[offset] - '0');
if (temp > decimalMantissa)
decimalMantissa = temp;
if (mantissaDigits == 0)
return ParseError.Syntax;
int decimalExponent = 0;
int decimalExponentSign = 1;
if (offset < Length && ((buffer[offset]|32) == 'e'))
if (offset < Length)
if (buffer[offset] == '+')
else if (buffer[offset] == '-')
decimalExponentSign = -1;
int exponentDigits = 0;
while (offset < Length && IsDigit(buffer[offset]))
decimalExponent = decimalExponent * 10 + (buffer[offset] - '0');
if (decimalExponent > 38)
if(decimalExponentSign == 1)
return ParseError.Overflow;
return ParseError.Underflow;
if (exponentDigits == 0)
return ParseError.Syntax;
decimalExponent = decimalExponent * decimalExponentSign - digitsAfterDot;
var error = Base10ToBase2(ref output, decimalMantissa, decimalExponent);
if (error != ParseError.None)
return error;
output *= sign;
return ParseError.None;
public static CopyError Copy(char *dest, out int destLength, int destMaxLength, char *src, int srcLength)
CopyError error = CopyError.None;
destLength = srcLength;
if (destLength > destMaxLength)
destLength = destMaxLength;
error = CopyError.Truncation;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dest, src, destLength * sizeof(char));
return error;
public struct NativeString64 : IComparable<NativeString64>, IEquatable<NativeString64>
public const int MaxLength = (64 - sizeof(int)) / sizeof(char);
public int Length;
private unsafe fixed uint buffer[MaxLength/2];
public ParseError Parse(ref int offset, ref int output)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
NativeString temp = new NativeString{buffer = c, Length = Length, Capacity = MaxLength};
return temp.Parse(ref offset, ref output);
public ParseError Parse(ref int offset, ref float output, char decimalSeparator = '.')
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
NativeString temp = new NativeString {buffer = c, Length = Length, Capacity = MaxLength};
return temp.Parse(ref offset, ref output, decimalSeparator);
public FormatError Format(float input, char decimalSeparator = '.')
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
NativeString temp = new NativeString {buffer = c, Length = Length, Capacity = MaxLength};
var error = temp.Format(input, decimalSeparator);
Length = temp.Length;
return error;
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString64 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString512 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString4096 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(char* s, int length)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return NativeString.Copy((char*)b, out Length, MaxLength, s, length);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(String source)
fixed(char *c = source)
return CopyFrom(c, source.Length);
public unsafe CopyError CopyTo(char* d, out int length, int maxLength)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return NativeString.Copy(d, out length, maxLength, (char*) b, Length);
public NativeString64(String source)
Length = 0;
public NativeString64(ref NativeString512 source)
Length = 0;
public NativeString64(ref NativeString4096 source)
Length = 0;
public char this[int index]
Assert.IsTrue(index >= 0 && index < Length);
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return c[index];
Assert.IsTrue(index >= 0 && index < Length);
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
c[index] = value;
public override String ToString()
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return new String(c, 0, Length);
var s = new char[Length];
for(var i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
s[i] = c[i];
return new String(s, 0, Length);
public override int GetHashCode()
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return (int) math.hash(c, Length * sizeof(char));
public int CompareTo(NativeString64 other)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return NativeString.CompareTo(c, Length, (char*)other.buffer, other.Length);
public bool Equals(NativeString64 other)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return NativeString.Equals(c, Length, (char*)other.buffer, other.Length);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
return obj is NativeString64 other && Equals(other);
public struct NativeString512 : IComparable<NativeString512>, IEquatable<NativeString512>
public const int MaxLength = (512 - sizeof(int)) / 2;
public int Length;
private unsafe fixed uint buffer[MaxLength/2];
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString64 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString512 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString4096 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(char* s, int length)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return NativeString.Copy((char*)b, out Length, MaxLength, s, length);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(String source)
fixed(char *c = source)
return CopyFrom(c, source.Length);
public unsafe CopyError CopyTo(char* d, out int length, int maxLength)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return NativeString.Copy(d, out length, maxLength, (char*) b, Length);
public NativeString512(String source)
Length = 0;
public NativeString512(ref NativeString64 source)
Length = 0;
public NativeString512(ref NativeString4096 source)
Length = 0;
public char this[int index]
Assert.IsTrue(index >= 0 && index < Length);
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return c[index];
Assert.IsTrue(index >= 0 && index < Length);
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
c[index] = value;
public override String ToString()
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return new String(c, 0, Length);
var s = new char[Length];
for(var i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
s[i] = c[i];
return new String(s, 0, Length);
public override int GetHashCode()
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return (int) math.hash(c, Length * sizeof(char));
public int CompareTo(NativeString512 other)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return NativeString.CompareTo(c, Length, (char*)other.buffer, other.Length);
public bool Equals(NativeString512 other)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return NativeString.Equals(c, Length, (char*)other.buffer, other.Length);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
return obj is NativeString512 other && Equals(other);
public struct NativeString4096 : IComparable<NativeString4096>, IEquatable<NativeString4096>
public const int MaxLength = (4096 - sizeof(int)) / 2;
public int Length;
private unsafe fixed uint buffer[MaxLength/2];
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString64 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString512 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(NativeString4096 source)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return source.CopyTo((char*) b, out Length, MaxLength);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(char* s, int length)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return NativeString.Copy((char*)b, out Length, MaxLength, s, length);
public unsafe CopyError CopyFrom(String source)
fixed(char *c = source)
return CopyFrom(c, source.Length);
public unsafe CopyError CopyTo(char* d, out int length, int maxLength)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
return NativeString.Copy(d, out length, maxLength, (char*) b, Length);
public NativeString4096(String source)
Length = 0;
public NativeString4096(ref NativeString64 source)
Length = 0;
public NativeString4096(ref NativeString512 source)
Length = 0;
public char this[int index]
Assert.IsTrue(index >= 0 && index < Length);
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return c[index];
Assert.IsTrue(index >= 0 && index < Length);
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
c[index] = value;
public override String ToString()
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return new String(c, 0, Length);
var s = new char[Length];
for(var i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
s[i] = c[i];
return new String(s, 0, Length);
public override int GetHashCode()
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return (int) math.hash(c, Length * sizeof(char));
public int CompareTo(NativeString4096 other)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return NativeString.CompareTo(c, Length, (char*)other.buffer, other.Length);
public bool Equals(NativeString4096 other)
fixed (uint* b = buffer)
var c = (char*) b;
return NativeString.Equals(c, Length, (char*)other.buffer, other.Length);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
return obj is NativeString4096 other && Equals(other);
// A "NativeStringView" does not manage its own memory - it expects some other object to manage its memory
// on its behalf.
public struct NativeStringView
unsafe char* pointer;
int length;
public unsafe NativeStringView(char* p, int l)
pointer = p;
length = l;
public unsafe char this[int index]
get => UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<char>(pointer, index);
set => UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement<char>(pointer, index, value);
public int Length => length;
public override String ToString()
return new String(pointer, 0, length);
var c = new char[Length];
for(var i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
c[i] = pointer[i];
return new String(c, 0, Length);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (int)math.hash(pointer, Length * sizeof(char));
sealed class WordStorageDebugView
WordStorage m_wordStorage;
public WordStorageDebugView(WordStorage wordStorage)
m_wordStorage = wordStorage;
public NativeStringView[] Table
var table = new NativeStringView[m_wordStorage.Entries];
for (var i = 0; i < m_wordStorage.Entries; ++i)
table[i] = m_wordStorage.GetNativeStringView(i);
return table;
public class WordStorage : IDisposable
private NativeArray<ushort> buffer; // all the UTF-16 encoded bytes in one place
private NativeArray<int> offset; // one offset for each text in "buffer"
private NativeArray<ushort> length; // one length for each text in "buffer"
private NativeMultiHashMap<int,int> hash; // from string hash to table entry
private int chars; // bytes in buffer allocated so far
private int entries; // number of strings allocated so far
static WordStorage _Instance;
public static WordStorage Instance
if (_Instance == null)
_Instance = new WordStorage();
return _Instance;
set { _Instance = value; }
const int kMaxEntries = 10000;
const int kMaxChars = kMaxEntries * 100;
public const int kMaxCharsPerEntry = 4096;
public int Entries => entries;
void Initialize()
buffer = new NativeArray<ushort>(kMaxChars, Allocator.Persistent);
offset = new NativeArray<int>(kMaxEntries, Allocator.Persistent);
length = new NativeArray<ushort>(kMaxEntries, Allocator.Persistent);
hash = new NativeMultiHashMap<int,int>(kMaxEntries, Allocator.Persistent);
chars = 0;
entries = 0;
GetOrCreateIndex(new NativeStringView()); // make sure that Index=0 means empty string
public static void Setup()
if(Instance.buffer.Length > 0)
public unsafe NativeStringView GetNativeStringView(int index)
Assert.IsTrue(index < entries);
var o = offset[index];
var l = length[index];
Assert.IsTrue(l <= kMaxCharsPerEntry);
return new NativeStringView((char*)buffer.GetUnsafePtr() + o, l);
public int GetIndex(int h, NativeStringView temp)
Assert.IsTrue(temp.Length <= kMaxCharsPerEntry); // about one printed page of text
int itemIndex;
NativeMultiHashMapIterator<int> iter;
if (hash.TryGetFirstValue(h, out itemIndex, out iter))
var l = length[itemIndex];
Assert.IsTrue(l <= kMaxCharsPerEntry);
if (l == temp.Length)
var o = offset[itemIndex];
int matches;
for(matches = 0; matches < l; ++matches)
if (temp[matches] != buffer[o + matches])
if (matches == temp.Length)
return itemIndex;
} while (hash.TryGetNextValue(out itemIndex, ref iter));
return -1;
public bool Contains(NativeStringView value)
int h = value.GetHashCode();
return GetIndex(h, value) != -1;
public unsafe bool Contains(String value)
fixed(char *c = value)
return Contains(new NativeStringView(c, value.Length));
public int GetOrCreateIndex(NativeStringView value)
int h = value.GetHashCode();
var itemIndex = GetIndex(h, value);
if (itemIndex != -1)
return itemIndex;
Assert.IsTrue(entries < kMaxEntries);
Assert.IsTrue(chars + value.Length <= kMaxChars);
var o = chars;
var l = (ushort)value.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
buffer[chars++] = value[i];
offset[entries] = o;
length[entries] = l;
hash.Add(h, entries);
return entries++;
public void Dispose()
// A "Words" is an integer that refers to 4,096 or fewer chars of UTF-16 text in a global storage blob.
// Each should refer to *at most* about one printed page of text.
// If you need more text, consider using one Words struct for each printed page's worth.
// If you need to store the text of "War and Peace" in a single object, you've come to the wrong place.
public struct Words
private int Index;
public NativeStringView ToNativeStringView()
return WordStorage.Instance.GetNativeStringView(Index);
public override String ToString()
return WordStorage.Instance.GetNativeStringView(Index).ToString();
public unsafe void SetString(String value)
fixed(char *c = value)
Index = WordStorage.Instance.GetOrCreateIndex(new NativeStringView(c, value.Length));
// A "NumberedWords" is a "Words", plus possibly a string of leading zeroes, followed by
// possibly a positive integer.
// The zeroes and integer aren't stored centrally as a string, they're stored as an int.
// Therefore, 1,000,000 items with names from FooBarBazBifBoo000000 to FooBarBazBifBoo999999
// Will cost 8MB + a single copy of "FooBarBazBifBoo", instead of ~48MB.
// They say that this is a thing, too.
public struct NumberedWords
private int Index;
private int Suffix;
private const int kPositiveNumericSuffixShift = 0;
private const int kPositiveNumericSuffixBits = 29;
private const int kMaxPositiveNumericSuffix = (1 << kPositiveNumericSuffixBits) - 1;
private const int kPositiveNumericSuffixMask = (1 << kPositiveNumericSuffixBits) - 1;
private const int kLeadingZeroesShift = 29;
private const int kLeadingZeroesBits = 3;
private const int kMaxLeadingZeroes = (1 << kLeadingZeroesBits) - 1;
private const int kLeadingZeroesMask = (1 << kLeadingZeroesBits) - 1;
private int LeadingZeroes
get => (Suffix >> kLeadingZeroesShift) & kLeadingZeroesMask;
Suffix &= ~(kLeadingZeroesMask << kLeadingZeroesShift);
Suffix |= (value & kLeadingZeroesMask) << kLeadingZeroesShift;
private int PositiveNumericSuffix
get => (Suffix >> kPositiveNumericSuffixShift) & kPositiveNumericSuffixMask;
Suffix &= ~(kPositiveNumericSuffixMask << kPositiveNumericSuffixShift);
Suffix |= (value & kPositiveNumericSuffixMask) << kPositiveNumericSuffixShift;
bool HasPositiveNumericSuffix => PositiveNumericSuffix != 0;
string NewString(char c, int count)
char[] temp = new char[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
temp[i] = c;
return new string(temp, 0, count);
public override String ToString()
String temp = WordStorage.Instance.GetNativeStringView(Index).ToString();
var leadingZeroes = LeadingZeroes;
if (leadingZeroes > 0)
temp += NewString('0', leadingZeroes);
if (HasPositiveNumericSuffix)
temp += PositiveNumericSuffix;
return temp;
bool IsDigit(char c)
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
string Substring(string s, int offset, int count)
char[] c = new char[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
c[i] = s[offset + i];
return new string(c, 0, count);
public unsafe void SetString(String value)
int beginningOfDigits = value.Length;
// as long as there are digits at the end,
// look back for more digits.
while (beginningOfDigits > 0 && IsDigit(value[beginningOfDigits - 1]))
// as long as the first digit is a zero, it's not the beginning of the positive integer - it's a leading zero.
var beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix = beginningOfDigits;
while (beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix < value.Length && value[beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix] == '0')
// now we know where the leading zeroes begin, and then where the positive integer begins after them.
// but if there are too many leading zeroes to encode, the excess ones become part of the string.
var leadingZeroes = beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix - beginningOfDigits;
if (leadingZeroes > kMaxLeadingZeroes)
var excessLeadingZeroes = leadingZeroes - kMaxLeadingZeroes;
beginningOfDigits += excessLeadingZeroes;
leadingZeroes -= excessLeadingZeroes;
// if there is a positive integer after the zeroes, here's where we compute it and store it for later.
PositiveNumericSuffix = 0;
int number = 0;
for (var i = beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix; i < value.Length; ++i)
number *= 10;
number += value[i] - '0';
// an intrepid user may attempt to encode a positive integer with 20 digits or something.
// they are rewarded with a string that is encoded wholesale without any optimizations.
if(number <= kMaxPositiveNumericSuffix)
PositiveNumericSuffix = number;
beginningOfDigits = value.Length;
leadingZeroes = 0; // and your dog Toto, too.
// set the leading zero count in the Suffix member.
LeadingZeroes = leadingZeroes;
// truncate the string, if there were digits at the end that we encoded.
if(beginningOfDigits != value.Length)
value = Substring(value, 0, beginningOfDigits);
// finally, set the string to its index in the global string blob thing.
fixed(char *c = value)
Index = WordStorage.Instance.GetOrCreateIndex(new NativeStringView(c, value.Length));