Boat Attack使用了Universal RP的许多新图形功能,可以用于探索 Universal RP 的使用方式和技巧。
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Mathematics;
namespace Unity.Entities
public partial struct EntityQueryBuilder
ComponentSystem m_System;
uint m_AnyWritableBitField, m_AllWritableBitField;
ResizableArray64Byte<int> m_Any, m_None, m_All;
EntityQueryOptions m_Options;
EntityQuery m_Query;
internal EntityQueryBuilder(ComponentSystem system)
m_System = system;
m_Any = new ResizableArray64Byte<int>();
m_None = new ResizableArray64Byte<int>();
m_All = new ResizableArray64Byte<int>();
m_AnyWritableBitField = m_AllWritableBitField = 0;
m_Options = EntityQueryOptions.Default;
m_Query = null;
// this is a specialized function intended only for validation that builders are hashing and getting cached
// correctly without unexpected collisions. "Equals" is hard to truly validate because the type may not
// fully be constructed yet due to ForEach not getting called yet.
internal bool ShallowEquals(ref EntityQueryBuilder other)
if (!ReferenceEquals(m_System, other.m_System))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Suspicious comparison of {nameof(EntityQueryBuilder)}s with different {nameof(ComponentSystem)}s");
m_Any .Equals(ref other.m_Any) &&
m_None .Equals(ref other.m_None) &&
m_All .Equals(ref other.m_All) &&
m_AnyWritableBitField .Equals(other.m_AnyWritableBitField) &&
m_AllWritableBitField .Equals(other.m_AllWritableBitField) &&
m_Options .Equals(other.m_Options) &&
ReferenceEquals(m_Query, other.m_Query);
public override int GetHashCode() =>
throw new InvalidOperationException("Hashing implies storage, but this type should only live on the stack in user code");
public override bool Equals(object obj) =>
throw new InvalidOperationException("Calling this function is a sign of inadvertent boxing");
void ValidateHasNoQuery() => ThrowIfInvalidMixing(m_Query != null);
void ValidateHasNoSpec() => ThrowIfInvalidMixing(
m_Any .Length != 0 ||
m_None .Length != 0 ||
m_All .Length != 0);
void ThrowIfInvalidMixing(bool throwIfTrue)
if (throwIfTrue)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot mix {nameof(WithAny)}/{nameof(WithAnyReadOnly)}/{nameof(WithNone)}/{nameof(WithAll)}/{nameof(WithAllReadOnly)} and {nameof(With)}({nameof(EntityQuery)})");
public EntityQueryBuilder With(EntityQuery entityQuery)
if (entityQuery == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entityQuery));
if (m_Query != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(EntityQuery)} has already been set");
m_Query = entityQuery;
return this;
public EntityQueryBuilder With(EntityQueryOptions options)
m_Options = options;
return this;
EntityQueryDesc ToEntityQueryDesc(int delegateTypeCount)
ComponentType[] ToComponentTypes(ref ResizableArray64Byte<int> typeIndices, uint writableBitField, int extraCapacity)
var length = typeIndices.Length + extraCapacity;
if (length == 0)
return Array.Empty<ComponentType>();
var types = new ComponentType[length];
for (var i = 0; i < typeIndices.Length; ++i)
types[i] = new ComponentType { TypeIndex = typeIndices[i],
AccessModeType = (writableBitField & (1 << i)) != 0 ? ComponentType.AccessMode.ReadWrite : ComponentType.AccessMode.ReadOnly };
return types;
return new EntityQueryDesc
Any = ToComponentTypes(ref m_Any, m_AnyWritableBitField, 0),
None = ToComponentTypes(ref m_None, 0, 0),
All = ToComponentTypes(ref m_All, m_AllWritableBitField, delegateTypeCount),
Options = m_Options
public EntityQueryDesc ToEntityQueryDesc() =>
public EntityQuery ToEntityQuery() =>
m_Query ?? (m_Query = m_System.GetEntityQuery(ToEntityQueryDesc()));
// see for the template that is converted into EntityQueryBuilder.gen.cs,
// which contains ForEach and other generated methods.
EntityManager.InsideForEach InsideForEach() =>
new EntityManager.InsideForEach(m_System.EntityManager);
// this changes the existing query in the following ways:
// a) change anything that is currently ReadWrite in m_All but not in delegate types to ReadOnly
// (there is no way to access as ReadWrite if not in delegate)
// b) remove anything in delegate types that is also in m_All (m_All access type takes precedent)
unsafe void SanitizeTypes(int* delegateTypeIndices, ref int delegateTypeCount)
// quadratic time but these arrays should be small, access is linear and this avoids further allocation
var filteredDelegateTypeCount = 0;
uint allTypesThatMatchWriteDelegate = 0;
for (var iDelegateType = 0; iDelegateType < delegateTypeCount; ++iDelegateType)
for (var iAll = 0; iAll < m_All.Length; ++iAll)
if (delegateTypeIndices[iDelegateType] == m_All[iAll])
if ((1 << iAll & m_AllWritableBitField) == 1)
allTypesThatMatchWriteDelegate |= (1U << iAll);
delegateTypeIndices[iDelegateType] = -1;
if (delegateTypeIndices[iDelegateType] != -1)
// Toggle all writable types to read only if they are not in delegate (they can't be written to anyways)
m_AllWritableBitField &= allTypesThatMatchWriteDelegate;
// sort all non -1 types forward in the case we marked some as invalid
// (they are already in m_All as ReadOnly)
if (filteredDelegateTypeCount != delegateTypeCount)
for (var iDelegateType = 0; iDelegateType < filteredDelegateTypeCount; ++iDelegateType)
while (delegateTypeIndices[iDelegateType] == -1 && iDelegateType < filteredDelegateTypeCount)
delegateTypeIndices[iDelegateType] = delegateTypeIndices[iDelegateType + 1];
delegateTypeCount = filteredDelegateTypeCount;
unsafe EntityQuery ResolveEntityQuery(int* delegateTypeIndices, int delegateTypeCount)
SanitizeTypes(delegateTypeIndices, ref delegateTypeCount);
var hash
= (uint)m_Any .GetHashCode() * 0xEA928FF9
^ (uint)m_None .GetHashCode() * 0x4B772F25
^ (uint)m_All .GetHashCode() * 0xBAEE8991
^ (uint)m_AnyWritableBitField .GetHashCode() * 0x8F8BF1C7
^ (uint)m_AllWritableBitField .GetHashCode() * 0xB6D633F7
^ (uint)m_Options .GetHashCode() * 0xE0B7379B
^ math.hash(delegateTypeIndices, sizeof(int) * delegateTypeCount);
var cache = m_System.GetOrCreateEntityQueryCache();
var found = cache.FindQueryInCache(hash);
if (found < 0)
// base query from builder spec, but reserve some extra room for the types detected from the delegate
var eaq = ToEntityQueryDesc(delegateTypeCount);
// now fill out the extra types
for (var i = 0 ; i < delegateTypeCount; ++i)
eaq.All[i + m_All.Length] = ComponentType.FromTypeIndex(delegateTypeIndices[i]);
var query = m_System.GetEntityQuery(eaq);
found = cache.CreateCachedQuery(hash, query, ref this, delegateTypeIndices, delegateTypeCount);
found = cache.CreateCachedQuery(hash, query);
cache.ValidateMatchesCache(found, ref this, delegateTypeIndices, delegateTypeCount);
// TODO: also validate that m_Query spec matches m_Any/All/None and delegateTypeIndices
return cache.GetCachedQuery(found);