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using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
namespace Unity.Entities
public sealed unsafe partial class EntityManager
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Creates an entity having the specified archetype.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The EntityManager creates the entity in the first available chunk with the matching archetype that has
/// enough space.
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before creating the entity and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="archetype">The archetype for the new entity.</param>
/// <returns>The Entity object that you can use to access the entity.</returns>
public Entity CreateEntity(EntityArchetype archetype)
Entity entity;
EntityManagerCreateDestroyEntitiesUtility.CreateEntities(archetype.Archetype, &entity, 1, EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);
return entity;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an entity having components of the specified types.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The EntityManager creates the entity in the first available chunk with the matching archetype that has
/// enough space.
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before creating the entity and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="types">The types of components to add to the new entity.</param>
/// <returns>The Entity object that you can use to access the entity.</returns>
public Entity CreateEntity(params ComponentType[] types)
return CreateEntity(CreateArchetype(types));
public Entity CreateEntity()
Entity entity;
GetEntityOnlyArchetype().Archetype, &entity, 1,
EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);
return entity;
/// <summary>
/// Destroy all entities having a common set of component types.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Since entities in the same chunk share the same component structure, this function effectively destroys
/// the chunks holding any entities identified by the `entityQueryFilter` parameter.</remarks>
/// <param name="entityQueryFilter">Defines the components an entity must have to qualify for destruction.</param>
public void DestroyEntity(EntityQuery entityQuery)
var iterator = entityQuery.GetComponentChunkIterator();
DestroyEntity(iterator.m_MatchingArchetypeList, iterator.m_Filter);
/// <summary>
/// Destroys all entities in an array.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before destroying the entity and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="entities">An array containing the Entity objects of the entities to destroy.</param>
public void DestroyEntity(NativeArray<Entity> entities)
DestroyEntityInternal((Entity*) entities.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), entities.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Destroys all entities in a slice of an array.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before destroying the entity and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="entities">The slice of an array containing the Entity objects of the entities to destroy.</param>
public void DestroyEntity(NativeSlice<Entity> entities)
DestroyEntityInternal((Entity*) entities.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), entities.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Destroys an entity.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before destroying the entity and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="entity">The Entity object of the entity to destroy.</param>
public void DestroyEntity(Entity entity)
DestroyEntityInternal(&entity, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Clones an entity.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The new entity has the same archetype and component values as the original.
/// If the source entity was converted from a prefab and thus has a <see cref="LinkedEntityGroup"/> component,
/// the entire group is cloned as a new set of entities.
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before creating the entity and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="srcEntity">The entity to clone</param>
/// <returns>The Entity object for the new entity.</returns>
public Entity Instantiate(Entity srcEntity)
Entity entity;
InstantiateInternal(srcEntity, &entity, 1);
return entity;
/// <summary>
/// Makes multiple clones of an entity.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The new entities have the same archetype and component values as the original.
/// If the source entity has a <see cref="LinkedEntityGroup"/> component, the entire group is cloned as a new
/// set of entities.
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before creating these entities and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="srcEntity">The entity to clone</param>
/// <param name="outputEntities">An array to receive the Entity objects of the root entity in each clone.
/// The length of this array determines the number of clones.</param>
public void Instantiate(Entity srcEntity, NativeArray<Entity> outputEntities)
InstantiateInternal(srcEntity, (Entity*) outputEntities.GetUnsafePtr(), outputEntities.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a set of entities of the specified archetype.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Fills the [NativeArray](
/// object assigned to the `entities` parameter with the Entity objects of the created entities. Each entity
/// has the components specified by the <see cref="EntityArchetype"/> object assigned
/// to the `archetype` parameter. The EntityManager adds these entities to the <see cref="World"/> entity list. Use the
/// Entity objects in the array for further processing, such as setting the component values.</remarks>
/// <param name="archetype">The archetype defining the structure for the new entities.</param>
/// <param name="entities">An array to hold the Entity objects needed to access the new entities.
/// The length of the array determines how many entities are created.</param>
public void CreateEntity(EntityArchetype archetype, NativeArray<Entity> entities)
(Entity*) entities.GetUnsafePtr(), entities.Length,
EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a set of chunks containing the specified number of entities having the specified archetype.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The EntityManager creates enough chunks to hold the required number of entities.
/// **Important:** This function creates a sync point, which means that the EntityManager waits for all
/// currently running Jobs to complete before creating these chunks and no additional Jobs can start before
/// the function is finished. A sync point can cause a drop in performance because the ECS framework may not
/// be able to make use of the processing power of all available cores.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="archetype">The archetype for the chunk and entities.</param>
/// <param name="chunks">An empty array to receive the created chunks.</param>
/// <param name="entityCount">The number of entities to create.</param>
public void CreateChunk(EntityArchetype archetype, NativeArray<ArchetypeChunk> chunks, int entityCount)
(ArchetypeChunk*) chunks.GetUnsafePtr(), entityCount,
EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
internal void DestroyEntityInternal(Entity* entities, int count)
EntityComponentStore->AssertCanDestroy(entities, count);
EntityManagerCreateDestroyEntitiesUtility.DestroyEntities(entities, count, EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);
internal void InstantiateInternal(Entity srcEntity, Entity* outputEntities, int count)
EntityComponentStore->AssertEntitiesExist(&srcEntity, 1);
EntityManagerCreateDestroyEntitiesUtility.InstantiateEntities(srcEntity, outputEntities, count,
EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);
internal void DestroyEntity(MatchingArchetypeList archetypeList, EntityQueryFilter filter)
Profiler.BeginSample("DestroyEntity(EntityQuery entityQueryFilter)");
var jobHandle = new JobHandle();
using (var chunks = ComponentChunkIterator.CreateArchetypeChunkArray(archetypeList, Allocator.TempJob, out jobHandle, ref filter))
if (chunks.Length != 0)
EntityComponentStore->AssertWillDestroyAllInLinkedEntityGroup(chunks, GetArchetypeChunkBufferType<LinkedEntityGroup>(false));
EntityManagerCreateDestroyEntitiesUtility.DestroyEntities(chunks, EntityComponentStore, ManagedComponentStore);