Boat Attack使用了Universal RP的许多新图形功能,可以用于探索 Universal RP 的使用方式和技巧。
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Entities;
namespace WaterSystem
public class BuoyantObject2 : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
public BuoyancyType _buoyancyType; // type of buoyancy to calculate
public float density; // density of the object, this is calculated off it's volume and mass
public float volume; // volume of the object, this is calculated via it's colliders
public float voxelResolution = 0.51f; // voxel resolution, represents the half size of a voxel when creating the voxel representation
private Bounds voxelBounds; // bounds of the voxels
public Vector3 centerOfMass =; // Center Of Mass offset
private const float DAMPFER = 0.005f;
private const float WATER_DENSITY = 1000;
private float baseDrag; // reference to original drag
private float baseAngularDrag; // reference to original angular drag
private int _guid; // GUID for the height system
private Vector3 localArchimedesForce;
private Vector3[] voxels; // voxel position
private float3[] samplePoints; // sample points for height calc
private float3[] heights; // water height array(only size of 1 when simple or non-physical)
private float3[] normals; // water normal array(only used when non-physical and size of 1 also when simple)
Collider[] colliders; // colliders attatched ot this object
Rigidbody RB;
private DebugDrawing[] debugInfo; // For drawing force gizmos
public float percentSubmerged = 0f;
void Init()
voxels = null;
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.NonPhysicalVoxel || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel) // If voxel based we need colliders and voxels
samplePoints = new float3[voxels.Length];
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel) // If physical, then we need a rigidbody
// The object must have a RidigBody
RB = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (RB == null)
RB = gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Buoyancy:Object \"{0}\" had no Rigidbody. Rigidbody has been added.", name));
RB.centerOfMass = centerOfMass +;
baseDrag = RB.drag;
baseAngularDrag = RB.angularDrag;
samplePoints = new float3[voxels.Length];
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.NonPhysical || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical)
voxels = new Vector3[1];
voxels[0] = centerOfMass;
samplePoints = new float3[1];
float archimedesForceMagnitude = WATER_DENSITY * Mathf.Abs(Physics.gravity.y) * volume;
localArchimedesForce = new Vector3(0, archimedesForceMagnitude, 0) / samplePoints.Length;
private void Start()
_guid = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.NonPhysical || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical)
debugInfo = new DebugDrawing[1];
heights = new float3[1];// new NativeSlice<float3>();
normals = new float3[1];//new NativeSlice<float3>();
debugInfo = new DebugDrawing[voxels.Length];
heights = new float3[voxels.Length]; //new NativeSlice<float3>();
void SetupColliders()
// The object must have a Collider
colliders = GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>(false);
if (colliders.Length == 0)
colliders = new Collider[1];
colliders[0] = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Buoyancy:Object \"{0}\" had no coll. BoxCollider has been added.", name));
void Update()
for (var i = 0; i < samplePoints.Length; i++)
samplePoints[i] = transform.TransformPoint(voxels[i]);
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical) // if acurate the are more points so only heights are needed
GerstnerWavesJobs.UpdateSamplePoints(samplePoints, _guid, false);
GerstnerWavesJobs.GetData(_guid, ref heights);
GerstnerWavesJobs.UpdateSamplePoints(samplePoints, _guid, true);
GerstnerWavesJobs.GetSimpleData(_guid, ref heights, ref normals);
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.NonPhysical)
Vector3 vec = transform.position;
vec.y = heights[0].y;
transform.position = vec;
transform.up = Vector3.Slerp(transform.up, normals[0], Time.deltaTime);
else if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.NonPhysicalVoxel)
// do the voxel non-physical
private void FixedUpdate()
float submergedAmount = 0f;
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel)
Physics.autoSyncTransforms = false;
for (var i = 0; i < voxels.Length; i++) BuoyancyForce(voxels[i], heights[i].y, ref submergedAmount, ref debugInfo[i]);
Physics.autoSyncTransforms = true;
else if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical)
BuoyancyForce(, heights[0].y, ref submergedAmount, ref debugInfo[0]);
private void BuoyancyForce(Vector3 position, float waterHeight, ref float submergedAmount, ref DebugDrawing _debug)
var wp = transform.TransformPoint(position);
float waterLevel = waterHeight;
_debug.position = wp;
_debug.waterHeight = waterLevel;
_debug.force =;
if (wp.y - voxelResolution < waterLevel)
float k = Mathf.Clamp01(waterLevel - (wp.y - voxelResolution)) / (voxelResolution * 2f);
submergedAmount += k / voxels.Length;//(math.clamp(waterLevel - (wp.y - voxelResolution), 0f, voxelResolution * 2f) / (voxelResolution * 2f)) / voxels.Count;
var velocity = RB.GetPointVelocity(wp);
velocity.y *= 2f;
var localDampingForce = DAMPFER * RB.mass * -velocity;
var force = localDampingForce + Mathf.Sqrt(k) * localArchimedesForce;//\
RB.AddForceAtPosition(force, wp);
_debug.force = force; // For drawing force gizmos
private void UpdateDrag(float submergedAmount)
percentSubmerged = Mathf.Lerp(percentSubmerged, submergedAmount, 0.25f);
RB.drag = baseDrag + (baseDrag * (percentSubmerged * 10f));
RB.angularDrag = baseAngularDrag + (percentSubmerged * 0.5f);
private void SliceIntoVoxels()
Quaternion rot = transform.rotation;
Vector3 pos = transform.position;
Vector3 size = transform.localScale;
transform.SetPositionAndRotation(, Quaternion.identity);
transform.localScale =;
voxels = null;
var points = new List<Vector3>();
var rawBounds = VoxelBounds();
voxelBounds = rawBounds;
voxelBounds.size = RoundVector(rawBounds.size, voxelResolution);
for (float ix = -voxelBounds.extents.x; ix < voxelBounds.extents.x; ix += voxelResolution)
for (float iy = -voxelBounds.extents.y; iy < voxelBounds.extents.y; iy += voxelResolution)
for (float iz = -voxelBounds.extents.z; iz < voxelBounds.extents.z; iz += voxelResolution)
float x = (voxelResolution * 0.5f) + ix;
float y = (voxelResolution * 0.5f) + iy;
float z = (voxelResolution * 0.5f) + iz;
var p = new Vector3(x, y, z) +;
bool inside = false;
for (var i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
if (PointIsInsideCollider(colliders[i], p))
inside = true;
if (inside)
voxels = points.ToArray();
transform.SetPositionAndRotation(pos, rot);
transform.localScale = size;
var voxelVolume = Mathf.Pow(voxelResolution, 3f) * voxels.Length;
var rawVolume = rawBounds.size.x * rawBounds.size.y * rawBounds.size.z;
volume = Mathf.Min(rawVolume, voxelVolume);
density = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass / volume;
private Bounds VoxelBounds()
Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
foreach (Collider nextCollider in colliders)
return bounds;
static Vector3 RoundVector(Vector3 vec, float rounding)
return new Vector3(Mathf.Ceil(vec.x / rounding) * rounding, Mathf.Ceil(vec.y / rounding) * rounding, Mathf.Ceil(vec.z / rounding) * rounding);
private bool PointIsInsideCollider(Collider c, Vector3 p)
Vector3 cp = Physics.ClosestPoint(p, c,, UnityEngine.Quaternion.identity);
return Vector3.Distance(cp, p) < 0.01f ? true : false;
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
const float gizmoSize = 0.05f;
var matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, transform.lossyScale);
Gizmos.matrix = matrix;
if (voxels != null)
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
foreach (var p in voxels)
Gizmos.DrawCube(p, new Vector3(gizmoSize, gizmoSize, gizmoSize));
if (voxelResolution >= 0.1f)
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, voxelBounds.size);
Vector3 center =;
float y = center.y - voxelBounds.extents.y;
for (float x = -voxelBounds.extents.x; x < voxelBounds.extents.x; x += voxelResolution)
Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(x, y, -voxelBounds.extents.z + center.z), new Vector3(x, y, voxelBounds.extents.z + center.z));
for (float z = -voxelBounds.extents.z; z < voxelBounds.extents.z; z += voxelResolution)
Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(-voxelBounds.extents.x, y, z + center.z), new Vector3(voxelBounds.extents.x, y, z + center.z));
voxelBounds = VoxelBounds();
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawSphere( + centerOfMass, 0.2f);
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
if (debugInfo != null)
foreach (DebugDrawing debug in debugInfo)
Gizmos.color = Color.cyan;
Gizmos.DrawCube(debug.position, new Vector3(gizmoSize, gizmoSize, gizmoSize)); // drawCenter
Vector3 water = debug.position;
water.y = debug.waterHeight;
Gizmos.DrawLine(debug.position, water); // draw the water line
Gizmos.DrawSphere(water, gizmoSize * 4f);
if (_buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.Physical || _buoyancyType == BuoyancyType.PhysicalVoxel)
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawRay(debug.position, debug.force / RB.mass); // draw force
public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
BuoyantData data = new BuoyantData();
data.type = _buoyancyType;
data.voxelResolution = voxelResolution;
data.localArchimedesForce = localArchimedesForce;
data.percentSubmerged = 0f;
data.baseDrag = baseDrag;
data.baseAngularDrag = baseAngularDrag;
dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, data);
DynamicBuffer<VoxelOffset> offsets = dstManager.GetBuffer<VoxelOffset>(entity);
DynamicBuffer<VoxelHeight> heights = dstManager.GetBuffer<VoxelHeight>(entity);
for (int i = 0; i < voxels.Length; i++)
offsets.Add(new VoxelOffset { Value = transform.TransformPoint(voxels[i]) - transform.position });
heights.Add(new VoxelHeight { Value = });
struct DebugDrawing
public Vector3 force;
public Vector3 position;
public float waterHeight;
public enum BuoyancyType