主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
282 行
8.9 KiB
282 行
8.9 KiB
using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
public partial class DebugUI
// Generic field - will be serialized in the editor if it's not read-only
public abstract class Field<T> : Widget, IValueField
public Func<T> getter { get; set; }
public Action<T> setter { get; set; }
// This should be an `event` but they don't play nice with object initializers in the
// version of C# we use.
public Action<Field<T>, T> onValueChanged;
object IValueField.ValidateValue(object value)
return ValidateValue((T)value);
public virtual T ValidateValue(T value)
return value;
object IValueField.GetValue()
return GetValue();
public T GetValue()
return getter();
public void SetValue(object value)
public void SetValue(T value)
var v = ValidateValue(value);
if (!v.Equals(getter()))
if (onValueChanged != null)
onValueChanged(this, v);
public class BoolField : Field<bool> { }
public class HistoryBoolField : BoolField
public Func<bool>[] historyGetter { get; set; }
public int historyDepth => historyGetter?.Length ?? 0;
public bool GetHistoryValue(int historyIndex)
Assert.IsTrue(historyIndex >= 0 && historyIndex < historyGetter.Length, "out of range historyIndex");
return historyGetter[historyIndex]();
public class IntField : Field<int>
public Func<int> min;
public Func<int> max;
// Runtime-only
public int incStep = 1;
public int intStepMult = 10;
public override int ValidateValue(int value)
if (min != null) value = Mathf.Max(value, min());
if (max != null) value = Mathf.Min(value, max());
return value;
public class UIntField : Field<uint>
public Func<uint> min;
public Func<uint> max;
// Runtime-only
public uint incStep = 1u;
public uint intStepMult = 10u;
public override uint ValidateValue(uint value)
if (min != null) value = (uint)Mathf.Max((int)value, (int)min());
if (max != null) value = (uint)Mathf.Min((int)value, (int)max());
return value;
public class FloatField : Field<float>
public Func<float> min;
public Func<float> max;
// Runtime-only
public float incStep = 0.1f;
public float incStepMult = 10f;
public int decimals = 3;
public override float ValidateValue(float value)
if (min != null) value = Mathf.Max(value, min());
if (max != null) value = Mathf.Min(value, max());
return value;
public class EnumField : Field<int>
public GUIContent[] enumNames;
public int[] enumValues;
public int[] quickSeparators;
public int[] indexes;
public Func<int> getIndex { get; set; }
public Action<int> setIndex { get; set; }
public int currentIndex { get { return getIndex(); } set { setIndex(value); } }
public Type autoEnum
enumNames = Enum.GetNames(value).Select(x => new GUIContent(x)).ToArray();
// Linq.Cast<T> on a typeless Array breaks the JIT on PS4/Mono so we have to do it manually
//enumValues = Enum.GetValues(value).Cast<int>().ToArray();
var values = Enum.GetValues(value);
enumValues = new int[values.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
enumValues[i] = (int)values.GetValue(i);
public void InitQuickSeparators()
var enumNamesPrefix = enumNames.Select(x =>
string[] splitted = x.text.Split('/');
if (splitted.Length == 1)
return "";
return splitted[0];
quickSeparators = new int[enumNamesPrefix.Distinct().Count()];
string lastPrefix = null;
for (int i = 0, wholeNameIndex = 0; i < quickSeparators.Length; ++i)
var currentTestedPrefix = enumNamesPrefix.ElementAt(wholeNameIndex);
while (lastPrefix == currentTestedPrefix)
currentTestedPrefix = enumNamesPrefix.ElementAt(++wholeNameIndex);
lastPrefix = currentTestedPrefix;
quickSeparators[i] = wholeNameIndex++;
public void InitIndexes()
indexes = new int[enumNames.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < enumNames.Length; i++)
indexes[i] = i;
public class HistoryEnumField : EnumField
public Func<int>[] historyIndexGetter { get; set; }
public int historyDepth => historyIndexGetter?.Length ?? 0;
public int GetHistoryValue(int historyIndex)
Assert.IsTrue(historyIndex >= 0 && historyIndex < historyIndexGetter.Length, "out of range historyIndex");
return historyIndexGetter[historyIndex]();
public class BitField : Field<Enum>
public GUIContent[] enumNames { get; private set; }
public int[] enumValues { get; private set; }
internal Type m_EnumType;
public Type enumType
enumNames = Enum.GetNames(value).Select(x => new GUIContent(x)).ToArray();
// Linq.Cast<T> on a typeless Array breaks the JIT on PS4/Mono so we have to do it manually
//enumValues = Enum.GetValues(value).Cast<int>().ToArray();
var values = Enum.GetValues(value);
enumValues = new int[values.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
enumValues[i] = (int)values.GetValue(i);
m_EnumType = value;
get { return m_EnumType; }
public class ColorField : Field<Color>
public bool hdr = false;
public bool showAlpha = true;
// Editor-only
public bool showPicker = true;
// Runtime-only
public float incStep = 0.025f;
public float incStepMult = 5f;
public int decimals = 3;
public override Color ValidateValue(Color value)
if (!hdr)
value.r = Mathf.Clamp01(value.r);
value.g = Mathf.Clamp01(value.g);
value.b = Mathf.Clamp01(value.b);
value.a = Mathf.Clamp01(value.a);
return value;
public class Vector2Field : Field<Vector2>
// Runtime-only
public float incStep = 0.025f;
public float incStepMult = 10f;
public int decimals = 3;
public class Vector3Field : Field<Vector3>
// Runtime-only
public float incStep = 0.025f;
public float incStepMult = 10f;
public int decimals = 3;
public class Vector4Field : Field<Vector4>
// Runtime-only
public float incStep = 0.025f;
public float incStepMult = 10f;
public int decimals = 3;