主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
1064 行
46 KiB
1064 行
46 KiB
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
// TODO: xmldoc
public interface IPostProcessComponent
bool IsActive();
bool IsTileCompatible();
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.Internal
// TODO: Motion blur
/// <summary>
/// Renders the post-processing effect stack.
/// </summary>
public class PostProcessPass : ScriptableRenderPass
RenderTextureDescriptor m_Descriptor;
RenderTargetHandle m_Source;
RenderTargetHandle m_Destination;
RenderTargetHandle m_Depth;
RenderTargetHandle m_InternalLut;
const string k_RenderPostProcessingTag = "Render PostProcessing Effects";
const string k_RenderFinalPostProcessingTag = "Render Final PostProcessing Pass";
MaterialLibrary m_Materials;
PostProcessData m_Data;
// Builtin effects settings
DepthOfField m_DepthOfField;
MotionBlur m_MotionBlur;
PaniniProjection m_PaniniProjection;
Bloom m_Bloom;
LensDistortion m_LensDistortion;
ChromaticAberration m_ChromaticAberration;
Vignette m_Vignette;
ColorLookup m_ColorLookup;
ColorAdjustments m_ColorAdjustments;
Tonemapping m_Tonemapping;
FilmGrain m_FilmGrain;
// Misc
const int k_MaxPyramidSize = 16;
readonly GraphicsFormat m_DefaultHDRFormat;
bool m_UseRGBM;
readonly GraphicsFormat m_GaussianCoCFormat;
Matrix4x4 m_PrevViewProjM = Matrix4x4.identity;
bool m_ResetHistory;
int m_DitheringTextureIndex;
RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_MRT2;
Vector4[] m_BokehKernel;
int m_BokehHash;
bool m_IsStereo;
// True when this is the very last pass in the pipeline
bool m_IsFinalPass;
// If there's a final post process pass after this pass.
// If yes, Film Grain and Dithering are setup in the final pass, otherwise they are setup in this pass.
bool m_HasFinalPass;
public PostProcessPass(RenderPassEvent evt, PostProcessData data)
renderPassEvent = evt;
m_Data = data;
m_Materials = new MaterialLibrary(data);
// Texture format pre-lookup
if (SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(GraphicsFormat.B10G11R11_UFloatPack32, FormatUsage.Linear | FormatUsage.Render))
m_DefaultHDRFormat = GraphicsFormat.B10G11R11_UFloatPack32;
m_UseRGBM = false;
m_DefaultHDRFormat = QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear
? GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB
: GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm;
m_UseRGBM = true;
if (SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(GraphicsFormat.R16_UNorm, FormatUsage.Linear | FormatUsage.Render))
m_GaussianCoCFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16_UNorm;
else if (SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported(GraphicsFormat.R16_SFloat, FormatUsage.Linear | FormatUsage.Render))
m_GaussianCoCFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16_SFloat;
else // Expect CoC banding
m_GaussianCoCFormat = GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm;
// Bloom pyramid shader ids - can't use a simple stackalloc in the bloom function as we
// unfortunately need to allocate strings
ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp = new int[k_MaxPyramidSize];
ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown = new int[k_MaxPyramidSize];
for (int i = 0; i < k_MaxPyramidSize; i++)
ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp[i] = Shader.PropertyToID("_BloomMipUp" + i);
ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown[i] = Shader.PropertyToID("_BloomMipDown" + i);
m_MRT2 = new RenderTargetIdentifier[2];
m_ResetHistory = true;
public void Setup(in RenderTextureDescriptor baseDescriptor, in RenderTargetHandle source, in RenderTargetHandle destination, in RenderTargetHandle depth, in RenderTargetHandle internalLut, bool hasFinalPass)
m_Descriptor = baseDescriptor;
m_Source = source;
m_Destination = destination;
m_Depth = depth;
m_InternalLut = internalLut;
m_IsFinalPass = false;
m_HasFinalPass = hasFinalPass;
public void SetupFinalPass(in RenderTargetHandle source)
m_Source = source;
m_Destination = RenderTargetHandle.CameraTarget;
m_IsFinalPass = true;
m_HasFinalPass = false;
public override void Configure(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTextureDescriptor cameraTextureDescriptor)
if (m_Destination == RenderTargetHandle.CameraTarget)
var desc = cameraTextureDescriptor;
desc.msaaSamples = 1;
desc.depthBufferBits = 0;
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(m_Destination.id, desc, FilterMode.Point);
public void ResetHistory()
m_ResetHistory = true;
public bool CanRunOnTile()
// Check builtin & user effects here
return false;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData)
// Start by pre-fetching all builtin effect settings we need
// Some of the color-grading settings are only used in the color grading lut pass
var stack = VolumeManager.instance.stack;
m_DepthOfField = stack.GetComponent<DepthOfField>();
m_MotionBlur = stack.GetComponent<MotionBlur>();
m_PaniniProjection = stack.GetComponent<PaniniProjection>();
m_Bloom = stack.GetComponent<Bloom>();
m_LensDistortion = stack.GetComponent<LensDistortion>();
m_ChromaticAberration = stack.GetComponent<ChromaticAberration>();
m_Vignette = stack.GetComponent<Vignette>();
m_ColorLookup = stack.GetComponent<ColorLookup>();
m_ColorAdjustments = stack.GetComponent<ColorAdjustments>();
m_Tonemapping = stack.GetComponent<Tonemapping>();
m_FilmGrain = stack.GetComponent<FilmGrain>();
if (m_IsFinalPass)
var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(k_RenderFinalPostProcessingTag);
RenderFinalPass(cmd, ref renderingData);
else if (CanRunOnTile())
// TODO: Add a fast render path if only on-tile compatible effects are used and we're actually running on a platform that supports it
// Note: we can still work on-tile if FXAA is enabled, it'd be part of the final pass
// Regular render path (not on-tile) - we do everything in a single command buffer as it
// makes it easier to manage temporary targets' lifetime
var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(k_RenderPostProcessingTag);
Render(cmd, ref renderingData);
m_ResetHistory = false;
RenderTextureDescriptor GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor()
=> GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(m_Descriptor.width, m_Descriptor.height, m_Descriptor.graphicsFormat);
RenderTextureDescriptor GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(int width, int height, GraphicsFormat format)
// Inherit the VR setup from the camera descriptor
var desc = m_Descriptor;
desc.depthBufferBits = 0;
desc.msaaSamples = 1;
desc.width = width;
desc.height = height;
desc.graphicsFormat = format;
return desc;
void Render(CommandBuffer cmd, ref RenderingData renderingData)
ref var cameraData = ref renderingData.cameraData;
m_IsStereo = renderingData.cameraData.isStereoEnabled;
// Don't use these directly unless you have a good reason to, use GetSource() and
// GetDestination() instead
int source = m_Source.id;
int destination = -1;
// Utilities to simplify intermediate target management
int GetSource() => source;
int GetDestination()
if (destination == -1)
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._TempTarget, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(), FilterMode.Bilinear);
destination = ShaderConstants._TempTarget;
return destination;
void Swap() => CoreUtils.Swap(ref source, ref destination);
// Optional NaN killer before post-processing kicks in
if (cameraData.isStopNaNEnabled)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Stop NaN"))
cmd.Blit(GetSource(), GetDestination(), m_Materials.stopNaN);
// Anti-aliasing
if (cameraData.antialiasing == AntialiasingMode.SubpixelMorphologicalAntiAliasing && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES2)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Sub-pixel Morphological Anti-aliasing"))
DoSubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing(ref cameraData, cmd, GetSource(), GetDestination());
// Depth of Field
if (m_DepthOfField.IsActive() && !cameraData.isSceneViewCamera)
var markerName = m_DepthOfField.mode.value == DepthOfFieldMode.Gaussian
? "Gaussian Depth of Field"
: "Bokeh Depth of Field";
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, markerName))
DoDepthOfField(cameraData.camera, cmd, GetSource(), GetDestination());
// Motion blur
if (m_MotionBlur.IsActive() && !cameraData.isSceneViewCamera)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Motion Blur"))
DoMotionBlur(cameraData.camera, cmd, GetSource(), GetDestination());
// Panini projection is done as a fullscreen pass after all depth-based effects are done
// and before bloom kicks in
if (m_PaniniProjection.IsActive() && !cameraData.isSceneViewCamera)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Panini Projection"))
DoPaniniProjection(cameraData.camera, cmd, GetSource(), GetDestination());
// Combined post-processing stack
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Uber"))
// Reset uber keywords
m_Materials.uber.shaderKeywords = null;
// Bloom goes first
bool bloomActive = m_Bloom.IsActive();
if (bloomActive)
using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Bloom"))
SetupBloom(cmd, GetSource(), m_Materials.uber);
// Setup other effects constants
SetupLensDistortion(m_Materials.uber, cameraData.isSceneViewCamera);
SetupColorGrading(cmd, ref renderingData, m_Materials.uber);
// Only apply dithering & grain if there isn't a final pass.
SetupGrain(cameraData.camera, m_Materials.uber);
SetupDithering(ref cameraData, m_Materials.uber);
if (Display.main.requiresSrgbBlitToBackbuffer)
// Done with Uber, blit it
cmd.SetGlobalTexture("_BlitTex", GetSource());
if (m_IsStereo)
Blit(cmd, GetSource(), m_Destination.Identifier(), m_Materials.uber);
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(Matrix4x4.identity, Matrix4x4.identity);
if (m_Destination == RenderTargetHandle.CameraTarget)
cmd.DrawMesh(RenderingUtils.fullscreenMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_Materials.uber);
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(cameraData.camera.worldToCameraMatrix, cameraData.camera.projectionMatrix);
// Cleanup
if (bloomActive)
if (destination != -1)
#region Sub-pixel Morphological Anti-aliasing
// TODO: XR isn't working with SMAA
void DoSubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing(ref CameraData cameraData, CommandBuffer cmd, int source, int destination)
var camera = cameraData.camera;
var material = m_Materials.subpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing;
const int kStencilBit = 64;
// Globals
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Metrics, new Vector4(1f / m_Descriptor.width, 1f / m_Descriptor.height, m_Descriptor.width, m_Descriptor.height));
material.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._AreaTexture, m_Data.textures.smaaAreaTex);
material.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._SearchTexture, m_Data.textures.smaaSearchTex);
material.SetInt(ShaderConstants._StencilRef, kStencilBit);
material.SetInt(ShaderConstants._StencilMask, kStencilBit);
// Quality presets
material.shaderKeywords = null;
switch (cameraData.antialiasingQuality)
case AntialiasingQuality.Low: material.EnableKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.SmaaLow);
case AntialiasingQuality.Medium: material.EnableKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.SmaaMedium);
case AntialiasingQuality.High: material.EnableKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.SmaaHigh);
// Intermediate targets
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._EdgeTexture, m_Descriptor.width, m_Descriptor.height, 0, FilterMode.Point, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._BlendTexture, m_Descriptor.width, m_Descriptor.height, 0, FilterMode.Point, GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm);
// Prepare for manual blit
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(Matrix4x4.identity, Matrix4x4.identity);
// Pass 1: Edge detection
cmd.SetRenderTarget(ShaderConstants._EdgeTexture, m_Depth.Identifier());
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(true, true, Color.clear); // TODO: Explicitly clearing depth/stencil here but we shouldn't have to, FIXME /!\
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._ColorTexture, source);
cmd.DrawMesh(RenderingUtils.fullscreenMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, 0);
// Pass 2: Blend weights
cmd.SetRenderTarget(ShaderConstants._BlendTexture, m_Depth.Identifier());
cmd.ClearRenderTarget(false, true, Color.clear);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._ColorTexture, ShaderConstants._EdgeTexture);
cmd.DrawMesh(RenderingUtils.fullscreenMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, 1);
// Pass 3: Neighborhood blending
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._ColorTexture, source);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._BlendTexture, ShaderConstants._BlendTexture);
cmd.DrawMesh(RenderingUtils.fullscreenMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, 2);
// Cleanup
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(camera.worldToCameraMatrix, camera.projectionMatrix);
#region Depth Of Field
// TODO: CoC reprojection once TAA gets in LW
// TODO: Proper LDR/gamma support
void DoDepthOfField(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, int source, int destination)
if (m_DepthOfField.mode.value == DepthOfFieldMode.Gaussian)
DoGaussianDepthOfField(camera, cmd, source, destination);
else if (m_DepthOfField.mode.value == DepthOfFieldMode.Bokeh)
DoBokehDepthOfField(cmd, source, destination);
// TODO: XR isn't working with Gaussian DOF
void DoGaussianDepthOfField(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, int source, int destination)
var material = m_Materials.gaussianDepthOfField;
int wh = m_Descriptor.width / 2;
int hh = m_Descriptor.height / 2;
float farStart = m_DepthOfField.gaussianStart.value;
float farEnd = Mathf.Max(farStart, m_DepthOfField.gaussianEnd.value);
// Assumes a radius of 1 is 1 at 1080p
// Past a certain radius our gaussian kernel will look very bad so we'll clamp it for
// very high resolutions (4K+).
float maxRadius = m_DepthOfField.gaussianMaxRadius.value * (wh / 1080f);
maxRadius = Mathf.Min(maxRadius, 2f);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, ShaderKeywordStrings.HighQualitySampling, m_DepthOfField.highQualitySampling.value);
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._CoCParams, new Vector3(farStart, farEnd, maxRadius));
// Temporary textures
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(m_Descriptor.width, m_Descriptor.height, m_GaussianCoCFormat), FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._HalfCoCTexture, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(wh, hh, m_GaussianCoCFormat), FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._PingTexture, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(wh, hh, m_DefaultHDRFormat), FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._PongTexture, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(wh, hh, m_DefaultHDRFormat), FilterMode.Bilinear);
// Compute CoC
cmd.Blit(source, ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture, material, 0);
// Downscale & prefilter color + coc
m_MRT2[0] = ShaderConstants._HalfCoCTexture;
m_MRT2[1] = ShaderConstants._PingTexture;
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(Matrix4x4.identity, Matrix4x4.identity);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._ColorTexture, source);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture, ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture);
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_MRT2, ShaderConstants._HalfCoCTexture);
cmd.DrawMesh(RenderingUtils.fullscreenMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, 1);
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(camera.worldToCameraMatrix, camera.projectionMatrix);
// Blur
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._HalfCoCTexture, ShaderConstants._HalfCoCTexture);
cmd.Blit(ShaderConstants._PingTexture, ShaderConstants._PongTexture, material, 2);
cmd.Blit(ShaderConstants._PongTexture, ShaderConstants._PingTexture, material, 3);
// Composite
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._ColorTexture, ShaderConstants._PingTexture);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture, ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture);
cmd.Blit(source, destination, material, 4);
// Cleanup
void PrepareBokehKernel()
const int kRings = 4;
const int kPointsPerRing = 7;
// Check the existing array
if (m_BokehKernel == null)
m_BokehKernel = new Vector4[42];
// Fill in sample points (concentric circles transformed to rotated N-Gon)
int idx = 0;
float bladeCount = m_DepthOfField.bladeCount.value;
float curvature = 1f - m_DepthOfField.bladeCurvature.value;
float rotation = m_DepthOfField.bladeRotation.value * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
const float PI = Mathf.PI;
const float TWO_PI = Mathf.PI * 2f;
for (int ring = 1; ring < kRings; ring++)
float bias = 1f / kPointsPerRing;
float radius = (ring + bias) / (kRings - 1f + bias);
int points = ring * kPointsPerRing;
for (int point = 0; point < points; point++)
// Angle on ring
float phi = 2f * PI * point / points;
// Transform to rotated N-Gon
// Adapted from "CryEngine 3 Graphics Gems" [Sousa13]
float nt = Mathf.Cos(PI / bladeCount);
float dt = Mathf.Cos(phi - (TWO_PI / bladeCount) * Mathf.Floor((bladeCount * phi + Mathf.PI) / TWO_PI));
float r = radius * Mathf.Pow(nt / dt, curvature);
float u = r * Mathf.Cos(phi - rotation);
float v = r * Mathf.Sin(phi - rotation);
m_BokehKernel[idx] = new Vector4(u, v);
static float GetMaxBokehRadiusInPixels(float viewportHeight)
// Estimate the maximum radius of bokeh (empirically derived from the ring count)
const float kRadiusInPixels = 14f;
return Mathf.Min(0.05f, kRadiusInPixels / viewportHeight);
void DoBokehDepthOfField(CommandBuffer cmd, int source, int destination)
var material = m_Materials.bokehDepthOfField;
int wh = m_Descriptor.width / 2;
int hh = m_Descriptor.height / 2;
// "A Lens and Aperture Camera Model for Synthetic Image Generation" [Potmesil81]
float F = m_DepthOfField.focalLength.value / 1000f;
float A = m_DepthOfField.focalLength.value / m_DepthOfField.aperture.value;
float P = m_DepthOfField.focusDistance.value;
float maxCoC = (A * F) / (P - F);
float maxRadius = GetMaxBokehRadiusInPixels(m_Descriptor.height);
float rcpAspect = 1f / (wh / (float)hh);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(ShaderConstants._CoCParams, new Vector4(P, maxCoC, maxRadius, rcpAspect));
// Prepare the bokeh kernel constant buffer
int hash = m_DepthOfField.GetHashCode(); // TODO: GC fix
if (hash != m_BokehHash)
m_BokehHash = hash;
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(ShaderConstants._BokehKernel, m_BokehKernel);
// Temporary textures
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(m_Descriptor.width, m_Descriptor.height, GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm), FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._PingTexture, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(wh, hh, GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat), FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._PongTexture, GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(wh, hh, GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat), FilterMode.Bilinear);
// Compute CoC
cmd.Blit(source, ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture, material, 0);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture, ShaderConstants._FullCoCTexture);
// Downscale & prefilter color + coc
cmd.Blit(source, ShaderConstants._PingTexture, material, 1);
// Bokeh blur
cmd.Blit(ShaderConstants._PingTexture, ShaderConstants._PongTexture, material, 2);
// Post-filtering
cmd.Blit(ShaderConstants._PongTexture, ShaderConstants._PingTexture, material, 3);
// Composite
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._DofTexture, ShaderConstants._PingTexture);
cmd.Blit(source, destination, material, 4);
// Cleanup
#region Motion Blur
void DoMotionBlur(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, int source, int destination)
var material = m_Materials.cameraMotionBlur;
// This is needed because Blit will reset viewproj matrices to identity and LW currently
// relies on SetupCameraProperties instead of handling its own matrices.
// TODO: We need get rid of SetupCameraProperties and setup camera matrices in Universal
var proj = camera.nonJitteredProjectionMatrix;
var view = camera.worldToCameraMatrix;
var viewProj = proj * view;
material.SetMatrix("_ViewProjM", viewProj);
if (m_ResetHistory)
material.SetMatrix("_PrevViewProjM", viewProj);
material.SetMatrix("_PrevViewProjM", m_PrevViewProjM);
material.SetFloat("_Intensity", m_MotionBlur.intensity.value);
material.SetFloat("_Clamp", m_MotionBlur.clamp.value);
cmd.Blit(source, destination, material, (int)m_MotionBlur.quality.value);
m_PrevViewProjM = viewProj;
#region Panini Projection
// Back-ported & adapted from the work of the Stockholm demo team - thanks Lasse!
void DoPaniniProjection(Camera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, int source, int destination)
float distance = m_PaniniProjection.distance.value;
var viewExtents = CalcViewExtents(camera);
var cropExtents = CalcCropExtents(camera, distance);
float scaleX = cropExtents.x / viewExtents.x;
float scaleY = cropExtents.y / viewExtents.y;
float scaleF = Mathf.Min(scaleX, scaleY);
float paniniD = distance;
float paniniS = Mathf.Lerp(1f, Mathf.Clamp01(scaleF), m_PaniniProjection.cropToFit.value);
var material = m_Materials.paniniProjection;
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Params, new Vector4(viewExtents.x, viewExtents.y, paniniD, paniniS));
1f - Mathf.Abs(paniniD) > float.Epsilon
? ShaderKeywordStrings.PaniniGeneric : ShaderKeywordStrings.PaniniUnitDistance
cmd.Blit(source, destination, material);
Vector2 CalcViewExtents(Camera camera)
float fovY = camera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
float aspect = m_Descriptor.width / (float)m_Descriptor.height;
float viewExtY = Mathf.Tan(0.5f * fovY);
float viewExtX = aspect * viewExtY;
return new Vector2(viewExtX, viewExtY);
Vector2 CalcCropExtents(Camera camera, float d)
// given
// S----------- E--X-------
// | ` ~. /,´
// |-- --- Q
// | ,/ `
// 1 | ,´/ `
// | ,´ / ´
// | ,´ / ´
// |,` / ,
// O /
// | / ,
// d | /
// | / ,
// |/ .
// P
// | ´
// | , ´
// +- ´
// have X
// want to find E
float viewDist = 1f + d;
var projPos = CalcViewExtents(camera);
var projHyp = Mathf.Sqrt(projPos.x * projPos.x + 1f);
float cylDistMinusD = 1f / projHyp;
float cylDist = cylDistMinusD + d;
var cylPos = projPos * cylDistMinusD;
return cylPos * (viewDist / cylDist);
#region Bloom
void SetupBloom(CommandBuffer cmd, int source, Material uberMaterial)
// Start at half-res
int tw = m_Descriptor.width >> 1;
int th = m_Descriptor.height >> 1;
// Determine the iteration count
int maxSize = Mathf.Max(tw, th);
int iterations = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(maxSize, 2f) - 1);
int mipCount = Mathf.Clamp(iterations, 1, k_MaxPyramidSize);
// Pre-filtering parameters
float clamp = m_Bloom.clamp.value;
float threshold = Mathf.GammaToLinearSpace(m_Bloom.threshold.value);
float thresholdKnee = threshold * 0.5f; // Hardcoded soft knee
// Material setup
float scatter = Mathf.Lerp(0.05f, 0.95f, m_Bloom.scatter.value);
var bloomMaterial = m_Materials.bloom;
bloomMaterial.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Params, new Vector4(scatter, clamp, threshold, thresholdKnee));
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(bloomMaterial, ShaderKeywordStrings.BloomHQ, m_Bloom.highQualityFiltering.value);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(bloomMaterial, ShaderKeywordStrings.UseRGBM, m_UseRGBM);
// Prefilter
var desc = GetStereoCompatibleDescriptor(tw, th, m_DefaultHDRFormat);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown[0], desc, FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp[0], desc, FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.Blit(source, ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown[0], bloomMaterial, 0);
// Downsample - gaussian pyramid
int lastDown = ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown[0];
for (int i = 1; i < mipCount; i++)
tw = Mathf.Max(1, tw >> 1);
th = Mathf.Max(1, th >> 1);
int mipDown = ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown[i];
int mipUp = ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp[i];
desc.width = tw;
desc.height = th;
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(mipDown, desc, FilterMode.Bilinear);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(mipUp, desc, FilterMode.Bilinear);
// Classic two pass gaussian blur - use mipUp as a temporary target
// First pass does 2x downsampling + 9-tap gaussian
// Second pass does 9-tap gaussian using a 5-tap filter + bilinear filtering
cmd.Blit(lastDown, mipUp, bloomMaterial, 1);
cmd.Blit(mipUp, mipDown, bloomMaterial, 2);
lastDown = mipDown;
// Upsample (bilinear by default, HQ filtering does bicubic instead
for (int i = mipCount - 2; i >= 0; i--)
int lowMip = (i == mipCount - 2) ? ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown[i + 1] : ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp[i + 1];
int highMip = ShaderConstants._BloomMipDown[i];
int dst = ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp[i];
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._MainTexLowMip, lowMip);
cmd.Blit(highMip, dst, bloomMaterial, 3);
// Cleanup
for (int i = 0; i < mipCount; i++)
if (i > 0) cmd.ReleaseTemporaryRT(ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp[i]);
// Setup bloom on uber
var tint = m_Bloom.tint.value.linear;
var luma = ColorUtils.Luminance(tint);
tint = luma > 0f ? tint * (1f / luma) : Color.white;
var bloomParams = new Vector4(m_Bloom.intensity.value, tint.r, tint.g, tint.b);
uberMaterial.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Bloom_Params, bloomParams);
uberMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderConstants._Bloom_RGBM, m_UseRGBM ? 1f : 0f);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._Bloom_Texture, ShaderConstants._BloomMipUp[0]);
// Setup lens dirtiness on uber
// Keep the aspect ratio correct & center the dirt texture, we don't want it to be
// stretched or squashed
var dirtTexture = m_Bloom.dirtTexture.value == null ? Texture2D.blackTexture : m_Bloom.dirtTexture.value;
float dirtRatio = dirtTexture.width / (float)dirtTexture.height;
float screenRatio = m_Descriptor.width / (float)m_Descriptor.height;
var dirtScaleOffset = new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 0f);
float dirtIntensity = m_Bloom.dirtIntensity.value;
if (dirtRatio > screenRatio)
dirtScaleOffset.x = screenRatio / dirtRatio;
dirtScaleOffset.z = (1f - dirtScaleOffset.x) * 0.5f;
else if (screenRatio > dirtRatio)
dirtScaleOffset.y = dirtRatio / screenRatio;
dirtScaleOffset.w = (1f - dirtScaleOffset.y) * 0.5f;
uberMaterial.SetVector(ShaderConstants._LensDirt_Params, dirtScaleOffset);
uberMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderConstants._LensDirt_Intensity, dirtIntensity);
uberMaterial.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._LensDirt_Texture, dirtTexture);
// Keyword setup - a bit convoluted as we're trying to save some variants in Uber...
if (m_Bloom.highQualityFiltering.value)
uberMaterial.EnableKeyword(dirtIntensity > 0f ? ShaderKeywordStrings.BloomHQDirt : ShaderKeywordStrings.BloomHQ);
uberMaterial.EnableKeyword(dirtIntensity > 0f ? ShaderKeywordStrings.BloomLQDirt : ShaderKeywordStrings.BloomLQ);
#region Lens Distortion
void SetupLensDistortion(Material material, bool isSceneView)
float amount = 1.6f * Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(m_LensDistortion.intensity.value * 100f), 1f);
float theta = Mathf.Deg2Rad * Mathf.Min(160f, amount);
float sigma = 2f * Mathf.Tan(theta * 0.5f);
var center = m_LensDistortion.center.value * 2f - Vector2.one;
var p1 = new Vector4(
Mathf.Max(m_LensDistortion.xMultiplier.value, 1e-4f),
Mathf.Max(m_LensDistortion.yMultiplier.value, 1e-4f)
var p2 = new Vector4(
m_LensDistortion.intensity.value >= 0f ? theta : 1f / theta,
1f / m_LensDistortion.scale.value,
m_LensDistortion.intensity.value * 100f
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Distortion_Params1, p1);
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Distortion_Params2, p2);
if (m_LensDistortion.IsActive() && !isSceneView)
#region Chromatic Aberration
void SetupChromaticAberration(Material material)
material.SetFloat(ShaderConstants._Chroma_Params, m_ChromaticAberration.intensity.value * 0.05f);
if (m_ChromaticAberration.IsActive())
#region Vignette
void SetupVignette(Material material)
var color = m_Vignette.color.value;
var center = m_Vignette.center.value;
var v1 = new Vector4(
color.r, color.g, color.b,
m_Vignette.rounded.value ? m_Descriptor.width / (float)m_Descriptor.height : 1f
var v2 = new Vector4(
center.x, center.y,
m_Vignette.intensity.value * 3f,
m_Vignette.smoothness.value * 5f
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Vignette_Params1, v1);
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Vignette_Params2, v2);
#region Color Grading
void SetupColorGrading(CommandBuffer cmd, ref RenderingData renderingData, Material material)
ref var postProcessingData = ref renderingData.postProcessingData;
bool hdr = postProcessingData.gradingMode == ColorGradingMode.HighDynamicRange;
int lutHeight = postProcessingData.lutSize;
int lutWidth = lutHeight * lutHeight;
// Source material setup
float postExposureLinear = Mathf.Pow(2f, m_ColorAdjustments.postExposure.value);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ShaderConstants._InternalLut, m_InternalLut.Identifier());
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._Lut_Params, new Vector4(1f / lutWidth, 1f / lutHeight, lutHeight - 1f, postExposureLinear));
material.SetTexture(ShaderConstants._UserLut, m_ColorLookup.texture.value);
material.SetVector(ShaderConstants._UserLut_Params, !m_ColorLookup.IsActive()
? Vector4.zero
: new Vector4(1f / m_ColorLookup.texture.value.width,
1f / m_ColorLookup.texture.value.height,
m_ColorLookup.texture.value.height - 1f,
if (hdr)
switch (m_Tonemapping.mode.value)
case TonemappingMode.Neutral: material.EnableKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.TonemapNeutral); break;
case TonemappingMode.ACES: material.EnableKeyword(ShaderKeywordStrings.TonemapACES); break;
default: break; // None
#region Film Grain
void SetupGrain(Camera camera, Material material)
if (!m_HasFinalPass && m_FilmGrain.IsActive())
#region 8-bit Dithering
void SetupDithering(ref CameraData cameraData, Material material)
if (!m_HasFinalPass && cameraData.isDitheringEnabled)
m_DitheringTextureIndex = PostProcessUtils.ConfigureDithering(
#region Final pass
void RenderFinalPass(CommandBuffer cmd, ref RenderingData renderingData)
ref var cameraData = ref renderingData.cameraData;
var material = m_Materials.finalPass;
material.shaderKeywords = null;
// FXAA setup
if (cameraData.antialiasing == AntialiasingMode.FastApproximateAntialiasing)
SetupGrain(cameraData.camera, material);
SetupDithering(ref cameraData, material);
if (Display.main.requiresSrgbBlitToBackbuffer)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture("_BlitTex", m_Source.Identifier());
if (cameraData.isStereoEnabled)
Blit(cmd, m_Source.Identifier(), m_Destination.Identifier(), material);
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(Matrix4x4.identity, Matrix4x4.identity);
cmd.DrawMesh(RenderingUtils.fullscreenMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, material);
cmd.SetViewProjectionMatrices(cameraData.camera.worldToCameraMatrix, cameraData.camera.projectionMatrix);
#region Internal utilities
class MaterialLibrary
public readonly Material stopNaN;
public readonly Material subpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing;
public readonly Material gaussianDepthOfField;
public readonly Material bokehDepthOfField;
public readonly Material cameraMotionBlur;
public readonly Material paniniProjection;
public readonly Material bloom;
public readonly Material uber;
public readonly Material finalPass;
public MaterialLibrary(PostProcessData data)
stopNaN = Load(data.shaders.stopNanPS);
subpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing = Load(data.shaders.subpixelMorphologicalAntialiasingPS);
gaussianDepthOfField = Load(data.shaders.gaussianDepthOfFieldPS);
bokehDepthOfField = Load(data.shaders.bokehDepthOfFieldPS);
cameraMotionBlur = Load(data.shaders.cameraMotionBlurPS);
paniniProjection = Load(data.shaders.paniniProjectionPS);
bloom = Load(data.shaders.bloomPS);
uber = Load(data.shaders.uberPostPS);
finalPass = Load(data.shaders.finalPostPassPS);
Material Load(Shader shader)
if (shader == null)
Debug.LogErrorFormat($"Missing shader. {GetType().DeclaringType.Name} render pass will not execute. Check for missing reference in the renderer resources.");
return null;
return CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(shader);
// Precomputed shader ids to same some CPU cycles (mostly affects mobile)
static class ShaderConstants
public static readonly int _TempTarget = Shader.PropertyToID("_TempTarget");
public static readonly int _StencilRef = Shader.PropertyToID("_StencilRef");
public static readonly int _StencilMask = Shader.PropertyToID("_StencilMask");
public static readonly int _FullCoCTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_FullCoCTexture");
public static readonly int _HalfCoCTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_HalfCoCTexture");
public static readonly int _DofTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_DofTexture");
public static readonly int _CoCParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_CoCParams");
public static readonly int _BokehKernel = Shader.PropertyToID("_BokehKernel");
public static readonly int _PongTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_PongTexture");
public static readonly int _PingTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_PingTexture");
public static readonly int _Metrics = Shader.PropertyToID("_Metrics");
public static readonly int _AreaTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_AreaTexture");
public static readonly int _SearchTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_SearchTexture");
public static readonly int _EdgeTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_EdgeTexture");
public static readonly int _BlendTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_BlendTexture");
public static readonly int _ColorTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_ColorTexture");
public static readonly int _Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_Params");
public static readonly int _MainTexLowMip = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainTexLowMip");
public static readonly int _Bloom_Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_Bloom_Params");
public static readonly int _Bloom_RGBM = Shader.PropertyToID("_Bloom_RGBM");
public static readonly int _Bloom_Texture = Shader.PropertyToID("_Bloom_Texture");
public static readonly int _LensDirt_Texture = Shader.PropertyToID("_LensDirt_Texture");
public static readonly int _LensDirt_Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_LensDirt_Params");
public static readonly int _LensDirt_Intensity = Shader.PropertyToID("_LensDirt_Intensity");
public static readonly int _Distortion_Params1 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Distortion_Params1");
public static readonly int _Distortion_Params2 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Distortion_Params2");
public static readonly int _Chroma_Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_Chroma_Params");
public static readonly int _Vignette_Params1 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Vignette_Params1");
public static readonly int _Vignette_Params2 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Vignette_Params2");
public static readonly int _Lut_Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_Lut_Params");
public static readonly int _UserLut_Params = Shader.PropertyToID("_UserLut_Params");
public static readonly int _InternalLut = Shader.PropertyToID("_InternalLut");
public static readonly int _UserLut = Shader.PropertyToID("_UserLut");
public static int[] _BloomMipUp;
public static int[] _BloomMipDown;