Boat Attack使用了Universal RP的许多新图形功能,可以用于探索 Universal RP 的使用方式和技巧。
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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
// Due to limitations in the builtin AnimationCurve we need this custom wrapper.
// Improvements:
// - Dirty state handling so we know when a curve has changed or not
// - Looping support (infinite curve)
// - Zero-value curve
// - Cheaper length property
public class TextureCurve : IDisposable
const int k_Precision = 128; // Edit LutBuilder3D if you change this value
const float k_Step = 1f / k_Precision;
// Calling AnimationCurve.length is very slow, let's cache it
[field: SerializeField]
public int length { get; private set; }
bool m_Loop;
float m_ZeroValue;
float m_Range;
AnimationCurve m_Curve;
AnimationCurve m_LoopingCurve;
Texture2D m_Texture;
bool m_IsCurveDirty;
bool m_IsTextureDirty;
public Keyframe this[int index] => m_Curve[index];
public TextureCurve(AnimationCurve baseCurve, float zeroValue, bool loop, in Vector2 bounds)
: this(baseCurve.keys, zeroValue, loop, bounds) { }
public TextureCurve(Keyframe[] keys, float zeroValue, bool loop, in Vector2 bounds)
m_Curve = new AnimationCurve(keys);
m_ZeroValue = zeroValue;
m_Loop = loop;
m_Range = bounds.magnitude;
length = keys.Length;
public void Dispose()
void ReleaseUnityResources()
m_Texture = null;
public void SetDirty()
m_IsCurveDirty = true;
m_IsTextureDirty = true;
static TextureFormat GetTextureFormat()
if (SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(TextureFormat.RHalf))
return TextureFormat.RHalf;
if (SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(TextureFormat.R8))
return TextureFormat.R8;
return TextureFormat.ARGB32;
public Texture2D GetTexture()
if (m_IsTextureDirty)
if (m_Texture == null)
m_Texture = new Texture2D(k_Precision, 1, GetTextureFormat(), false, true); = "CurveTexture";
m_Texture.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
m_Texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
m_Texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
var pixels = new Color[k_Precision];
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
pixels[i].r = Evaluate(i * k_Step);
m_Texture.Apply(false, false);
m_IsTextureDirty = false;
return m_Texture;
public float Evaluate(float time)
if (m_IsCurveDirty)
length = m_Curve.length;
if (length == 0)
return m_ZeroValue;
if (!m_Loop || length == 1)
return m_Curve.Evaluate(time);
if (m_IsCurveDirty)
if (m_LoopingCurve == null)
m_LoopingCurve = new AnimationCurve();
var prev = m_Curve[length - 1];
prev.time -= m_Range;
var next = m_Curve[0];
next.time += m_Range;
m_LoopingCurve.keys = m_Curve.keys; // GC pressure
m_IsCurveDirty = false;
return m_LoopingCurve.Evaluate(time);
public int AddKey(float time, float value)
int r = m_Curve.AddKey(time, value);
if (r > -1)
return r;
public int MoveKey(int index, in Keyframe key)
int r = m_Curve.MoveKey(index, key);
return r;
public void RemoveKey(int index)
public void SmoothTangents(int index, float weight)
m_Curve.SmoothTangents(index, weight);
public class TextureCurveParameter : VolumeParameter<TextureCurve>
public TextureCurveParameter(TextureCurve value, bool overrideState = false)
: base(value, overrideState) { }
// TODO: TextureCurve interpolation