using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; /// /// Small editor utility to help with finding stripped scripts. /// This is useful when excluding assemblies from a build for example. /// public class FindMissingScripts : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Window/FindMissingScripts")] public static void ShowWindow() { FindInSelected(); } static void FindInSelected() { GameObject[] allObjects = FindObjectsOfType(); string result = ""; int gameObjectsCount = 0, componentsCount = 0, missingCount = 0; foreach (GameObject gameObject in allObjects) { gameObjectsCount++; var components = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { componentsCount++; if (components[i] == null) { missingCount++; string gameObjectName =; Transform t = gameObject.transform; while (t.parent != null) { gameObjectName = + "/" + gameObjectName; t = t.parent; } var currentMessage = $"{gameObjectName} has an empty script attached in position: {i}\n"; Debug.Log(currentMessage, gameObject); // so we can click on the gameObject's context result += currentMessage; } } } Debug.Log(result); Debug.Log($"Searched {gameObjectsCount} GameObjects, {componentsCount} components, found {missingCount} missing"); } }