# Unity Inverse Dynamics demo project A project containing demo scenes showing off the Inverse dynamics features available with Articulation Bodies ## Counteracting Gravity forces Use `ArticulationBody.GetJointGravityForces(List forces)` to get the forces required to counteract gravity. Applying them directly will negate the effect of gravity on the Articulation. It also serves to show how much strain there is on the joints caused by gravity. ![ID Gravity Demo](/Demo_gifs/ID_GravityForces_Demo.gif) ## Counteracting Coriolis/Centrifugal forces Use `ArticulationBody.GetJointCoriolisCentrifugalForces(List forces)` to get the forces required to counteract coriolis and centrifugal effects. Applying them directly will negate the effect of Coriolis and Centrifugal forces on the articulation. ![ID Coriolis Applied](/Demo_gifs/ID_ApplyingCoriolisForces.gif) Otherwise, this method can tell you what is the effect of coriolis and centrifugal forces on your articulation ![ID Coriolis Centrifugal Demo](/Demo_gifs/ID_CoriolisCentrifugal_Demo.gif) ## Getting the Articulation Drive forces Use `ArticulationBody.GetDriveForces(List forces)` to get the forces applied by each Articulation Drive in the whole articulation chain. \ Use the `ArticulationBody.driveForce` property to get the forces applied by the Articulation Drive that is attached to the body. ![ID Drive forces Demo](/Demo_gifs/ID_DriveForces_Demo.gif) ## Getting forces required to reach a specific acceleration Use `ArticulationBody.GetJointForcesForAcceleration(ArticulationReducedSpace acceleration)` to get the forces needed to reach the provided acceleration in reduced space. This method works on the specific Articulation Body and not the whole chain. \ **Note:** The DoF count for the provided acceleration must match the DoF count of the inbound joint. (for example if the inbound joint is prismatic or revolute, the provided acceleration should also only have one DoF) ![ID Forces For acceleration](/Demo_gifs/ID_ForcesForAcceleration_Demo.gif)