using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.Events; using System.Collections.Generic; /// /// Event on which AudioCue components send a message to play SFX and music. AudioManager listens on these events, and actually plays the sound. /// [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Events/AudioCue Event Channel")] public class AudioCueEventChannelSO : EventChannelBaseSO { public AudioCuePlayAction OnAudioCuePlayRequested; public AudioCueStopAction OnAudioCueStopRequested; public AudioCueFinishAction OnAudioCueFinishRequested; public AudioCueKey RaisePlayEvent(AudioCueSO audioCue, AudioConfigurationSO audioConfiguration, Vector3 positionInSpace) { AudioCueKey audioCueKey = AudioCueKey.Invalid; if (OnAudioCuePlayRequested != null) { audioCueKey = OnAudioCuePlayRequested.Invoke(audioCue, audioConfiguration, positionInSpace); } else { Debug.LogWarning("An AudioCue play event was requested, but nobody picked it up. " + "Check why there is no AudioManager already loaded, " + "and make sure it's listening on this AudioCue Event channel."); } return audioCueKey; } public bool RaiseStopEvent(AudioCueKey audioCueKey) { bool requestSucceed = false; if (OnAudioCueStopRequested != null) { requestSucceed = OnAudioCueStopRequested.Invoke(audioCueKey); } else { Debug.LogWarning("An AudioCue stop event was requested, but nobody picked it up. " + "Check why there is no AudioManager already loaded, " + "and make sure it's listening on this AudioCue Event channel."); } return requestSucceed; } public bool RaiseFinishEvent(AudioCueKey audioCueKey) { bool requestSucceed = false; if (OnAudioCueStopRequested != null) { requestSucceed = OnAudioCueFinishRequested.Invoke(audioCueKey); } else { Debug.LogWarning("An AudioCue finish event was requested, but nobody picked it up. " + "Check why there is no AudioManager already loaded, " + "and make sure it's listening on this AudioCue Event channel."); } return requestSucceed; } } public delegate AudioCueKey AudioCuePlayAction(AudioCueSO audioCue, AudioConfigurationSO audioConfiguration, Vector3 positionInSpace); public delegate bool AudioCueStopAction(AudioCueKey emitterKey); public delegate bool AudioCueFinishAction(AudioCueKey emitterKey);