using UnityEngine; using UOP1.StateMachine; using UOP1.StateMachine.ScriptableObjects; [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "IsTownsfolkIdle", menuName = "State Machines/Conditions/Is Townsfolk Idle")] public class IsTownsfolkIdleSO : StateConditionSO { } public class IsTownsfolkIdleCondition : Condition { //Component references private Townsfolk _townsfolkScript; public override void Awake(StateMachine stateMachine) { _townsfolkScript = stateMachine.GetComponent(); } protected override bool Statement() { if (_townsfolkScript.isIdle) { // We don't want to consume it because we want the townsfolk to stay idle //_townsfolkScript.isIdle = false; return true; } else { return false; } } }