using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Localization; // Created with collaboration from: // public enum itemInventoryType { recipe, utensil, ingredient, customisation, dish, } public enum ItemInventoryActionType { cook, use, equip, doNothing } [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "ItemType", menuName = "Inventory/ItemType", order = 51)] public class ItemType : ScriptableObject { [Tooltip("The action associated with the item type")] [SerializeField] private LocalizedString _actionName; [Tooltip("The action associated with the item type")] [SerializeField] private LocalizedString _typeName; [Tooltip("The Item's background color in the UI")] [SerializeField] private Color _typeColor; [Tooltip("The Item's type")] [SerializeField] private itemInventoryType _type; [Tooltip("The Item's action type")] [SerializeField] private ItemInventoryActionType _actionType; [Tooltip("The tab type under which the item will be added")] [SerializeField] private InventoryTabType _tabType; public LocalizedString ActionName => _actionName; public LocalizedString TypeName => _typeName; public Color TypeColor => _typeColor; public ItemInventoryActionType ActionType => _actionType; public itemInventoryType Type => _type; public InventoryTabType TabType => _tabType; }