%YAML 1.1 %TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: --- !u!114 &11400000 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 5b11a58205ec3474ca216360e9fa74a8, type: 3} m_Name: Questline Dialogue Shared Data m_EditorClassIdentifier: m_TableCollectionName: Questline Dialogue m_TableCollectionNameGuidString: f81a49615d56c1a4fbbd14b4569b06f3 m_Entries: - m_Id: 20322813445267456 m_Key: L1-No m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 0 - m_Id: 20322714321281024 m_Key: L1-Yes m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 1 - m_Id: 93061038025 m_Key: L1-Default-Bard m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 2 - m_Id: 104386781184 m_Key: L2-Default-Bard m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 3 - m_Id: 20323667103571968 m_Key: L1-No-Default-Bard m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 4 - m_Id: 20323438161682432 m_Key: L1-Yes-Default-Bard m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 5 - m_Id: 42717273712459776 m_Key: L1-Default-FryKing m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 6 - m_Id: 9306103809 m_Key: L1-Default-Townsfolk1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 7 - m_Id: 9306103808 m_Key: L1-Default-Townsfolk2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 8 - m_Id: 21415600320274432 m_Key: L1-Thanks m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 9 - m_Id: 21419501962518528 m_Key: L1-Welcome m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 10 - m_Id: 238002416508928 m_Key: L1-SD-S1-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 11 - m_Id: 238002471034880 m_Key: L2-SD-S1-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 12 - m_Id: 47013255079387136 m_Key: L3-SD-S1-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 13 - m_Id: 238002471034881 m_Key: L1-SD-S2-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 14 - m_Id: 47014208843145216 m_Key: L1-CD-S2-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 15 - m_Id: 47014215478534144 m_Key: L1-ID-S2-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 16 - m_Id: 47014393937780736 m_Key: L1-SD-S3-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 17 - m_Id: 47018911182217216 m_Key: L1-SD-S4-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 18 - m_Id: 47047907408207872 m_Key: L1-SD-S5-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 19 - m_Id: 47048170248462336 m_Key: L1-CD-S5-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 20 - m_Id: 47053374205321216 m_Key: L1-ID-S5-Q1-QL1 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 21 - m_Id: 238002475229186 m_Key: L1-SD-S1-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 22 - m_Id: 47359752132222976 m_Key: L1-SD-S2-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 23 - m_Id: 238002475229187 m_Key: L2-SD-S2-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 24 - m_Id: 238002475229188 m_Key: L1-SD-S3-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 25 - m_Id: 238002475229195 m_Key: L1-CD-S3-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 26 - m_Id: 238002475229196 m_Key: L1-ID-S3-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 27 - m_Id: 47058582524256256 m_Key: L1-SD-S4-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 28 - m_Id: 47058586232020992 m_Key: L1-CD-S4-Q1-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 29 - m_Id: 47060280844083200 m_Key: L1-SD-S1-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 30 - m_Id: 47063867724783616 m_Key: L2-SD-S1-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 31 - m_Id: 47060284421824512 m_Key: L1-CD-S1-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 32 - m_Id: 47064574574059520 m_Key: L1-SD-S2-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 33 - m_Id: 47064756166451200 m_Key: L1-CD-S2-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 34 - m_Id: 47064761195421696 m_Key: L1-ID-S2-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 35 - m_Id: 47066980158398464 m_Key: L1-SD-S3-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 36 - m_Id: 47067004019793920 m_Key: L1-CD-S3-Q2-QL2 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 37 - m_Id: 47071503866257408 m_Key: L1-SD-S1-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 38 - m_Id: 47071766836535296 m_Key: L1-CD-S1-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 39 - m_Id: 47071771064393728 m_Key: L1-ID-S1-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 40 - m_Id: 47073457984102400 m_Key: L1-SD-S2-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 41 - m_Id: 47073068710748160 m_Key: L2-SD-S2-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: [] - m_Id: 47073689857810432 m_Key: L3-SD-S2-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: [] - m_Id: 47074112706568192 m_Key: L4-SD-S2-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: [] - m_Id: 47074164204232704 m_Key: L5-SD-S2-Q1-QL3 m_Metadata: m_Items: [] - m_Id: 47078874327932928 m_Key: L1-SD-S1-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 42 - m_Id: 47079046793519104 m_Key: L2-SD-S1-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: [] - m_Id: 47079733954732032 m_Key: L1-SD-S2-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 43 - m_Id: 47079858139684864 m_Key: L2-SD-S2-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: [] - m_Id: 47080344121106432 m_Key: L1-SD-S3-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 44 - m_Id: 47080768521756672 m_Key: L1-CD-S3-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 45 - m_Id: 47081577766576128 m_Key: L2-CD-S3-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: [] - m_Id: 47080900608778240 m_Key: L1-ID-S3-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 46 - m_Id: 47081127671619584 m_Key: L1-SD-S4-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 47 - m_Id: 47082187345747968 m_Key: L1-CD-S4-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 48 - m_Id: 47082777647898624 m_Key: L1-SD-S5-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 49 - m_Id: 47082943717171200 m_Key: L1-CD-S5-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 50 - m_Id: 47082946690932736 m_Key: L1-ID-S5-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 51 - m_Id: 47083409075200000 m_Key: L1-CD-S6-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 52 - m_Id: 47083386933469184 m_Key: L1-SD-S6-Q1-QL4 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 53 - m_Id: 47085032639946752 m_Key: L1-SD-S1-Q1-QL5 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 54 - m_Id: 47099023881789440 m_Key: L1-SD-S2-Q1-QL5 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 55 - m_Id: 47099216786219008 m_Key: L1-C1-S2-Q1-QL5 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 56 - m_Id: 47099417324281856 m_Key: L1-C2-S2-Q1-QL5 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 57 - m_Id: 47099750700146688 m_Key: L1-CD-S2-Q1-QL5 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 58 - m_Id: 47099758912593920 m_Key: L1-ID-S2-Q1-QL5 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 59 m_Metadata: m_Items: - id: 60 m_KeyGenerator: id: 61 references: version: 1 00000000: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: Used in many instances, the yes and no lines are standard answers displayed in the choice buttons. These are lines that the Pig chef says. Variations of yes and no like Ok, Okay, hum or any onomatope can exist 00000001: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000002: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'the Default bard hare dialogue is what the bard hare will say everytime the player interacts with them when they are NOT involved in the current quest. ' 00000003: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000004: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: This line is displayed when the character answers "No" to the bard hare's default dialogue 00000005: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'This line is displayed when the player answers yes to the bard hare''s default dialogue ' 00000006: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: This is the default dialogue for the Fry king. Default dialogue is displayed when the player interacts with the character if the character is not involved in the current quest 00000007: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: This is the default dialogue for the Townsfolk1. Default dialogue is displayed when the player interacts with the character if the character is not involved in the current quest 00000008: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: This is the default dialogue for the Townsfolk2. Default dialogue is displayed when the player interacts with the character if the character is not involved in the current quest 00000009: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Thanks is the line displayed on the button when the character receives something from a protagonist. \nDifferent variations might exist" 0000000A: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: Welcome is the response of the character to "Thanks". Different variations might exist 0000000B: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Actor : Bard Hare \nSituation : First interaction with the character. \nInformation: This line is the first line the player will read in the game. The character interacts with the bard hare on the beach. " 0000000C: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 0000000D: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'This is the final line of the first interaction. It marks the start of the next step : The bard hare asks for help to get seeds. He explains where to find them, and how to get them. ' 0000000E: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Actor : Bard Hare \nSituation : Requesting seeds\nInformation: This is the dialogue that will be shown everytime the player interacts with the bard hare, if the player doesn't find/give the seeds to the bard hare. " 0000000F: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'If the player''s answer is positive to the bard hare inquery and the player has seeds to give to him, then the bard hares reaction is positive and they''re happy ' 00000010: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: Whatever the player's answer is to the bard hare inquery if they dont have seeds to give to the bard, then his reaction is to ask them to come back when they have it. 00000011: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Actor : Bard Hare \nSituation : Giving recipe\nInformation: Just after the bard hare receives the seeds, they give the player a recipe as a reward. This action requires a \"Thanks/Welcome\" interaction " 00000012: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Actor : Bard Hare \nSituation : Explain cooking mecanics\nInformation: The bard hare then explains how to cook. They send the player to a pot near by" 00000013: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Actor : Bard Hare \nSituation : Checking Sweet cream dish \nInformation: This is the dialogue that will be shown everytime the player interacts with the bard hare, if the player didn't prepare/or said that they didn't prepare the Sweet cream dish " 00000014: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'If the player''s answer is positive to the bard hare inquery and the player has a sweet cream dish in their inventory, then the bard hares reaction is positive and they''re happy ' 00000015: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: Whatever the player's answer is to the bard hare inquery, if they dont have a sweet cream dish in their inventory, then the bard's reaction is to ask them to come back when they have it. 00000016: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk1 Situation : Townsfolk1 Interaction first interaction Information: After discussing with the bard hare, there''s a cinematic where the player discusses the competition with the bardhare, and the bard hare sends him to the farms. This is the discussion the player has with one of the townsfolks in the farms. This is NOT necessarily the first character the player interacts with in the farms. This is followed by a cinematic for the critters attack' 00000017: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk1 Situation : Help with slime critters Information:after the cinematic for the critters attack, the Townsfolk1 asks you for help to get rid of them. Maybe they explain the reason behind the critters attack, or they talk about the devastation caused by their attacks' 00000018: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk1 Situation : Help with slime critters Information:After the cinematic for the critters attack, the Townsfolk1 asks you for help to get rid of them. ' 00000019: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk1 Situation : Checking on the slime critters situation Information: This is the dialogue that will be shown everytime the player interacts with the bard hare, if the player didn''t defeat all the slime critters (when all the slime critters are defeated they drop a special spoon)' 0000001A: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: If the player's answer is positive to the Townsfolk1 inquery and the player has defeated all the slime critters( has a the special spoon in their inventory) then the Townsfolk1 reaction is positive and they congratulate the player for dropping the special spoon. 0000001B: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Whatever the player''s answer is to the townsfolk1 inquery, if they didn''t kill all the slime critters (dont have the special spoon in their inventory) then the Townsfolk1 reaction is to ask them to come back when they do. Or to ask them again to do it. ' 0000001C: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor :Townsfolk1 Situation :Recipe reward Information: The townsfolk1 is very pleased. They''re impressed by the spoon, they give the player a recipe as a reward. This action requires a "Thanks/Welcome" interaction ' 0000001D: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 0000001E: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk2 Situation : Townsfolk2 Interaction first interaction Information: After discussing with the bard hare, there''s a cinematic where the player discusses the competition with the bardhare, and the bard hare sends them to the farms. This is the discussion the player has with one of the townsfolks in the farms. This is NOT necessarily the first character the player interacts with in the farms. This character tell you more about the competition. ' 0000001F: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk2 Situation : Asking for a rock egg from the cave Information: After telling the player about the competition, and maybe as a continuation, the townsfolk2 informs them that they need an egg from a rock critter; and ask for their help to do so. ' 00000020: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'In this senario, the townsfolk thanks the player when they say yes. The only choice is yes. ' 00000021: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk2 Situation : Checking if the player has the egg Information: This is the dialogue that will be shown everytime the player interacts with the townsfolk2 , if the player didn''t get an egg from the rock critter. it''s also the same dialogue that will be shown if the player has the egg, but doesn''t give it to the townsfolk2 ' 00000022: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: If the player's answer is positive to the Townsfolk2 inquery and the player has an egg in their inventory then the Townsfolk2 reaction is positive 00000023: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Whatever the player''s answer is to the bard hare inquery, if they don''t have the egg then the Townsfolk2 reaction is to ask them to come back when they do. Or to ask them again to do it. ' 00000024: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor :Townsfolk2 Situation : The townsfolk2 is very pleased. They give the player a recipe as a reward. This action requires a "Thanks/Welcome" interaction ' 00000025: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000026: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Actor : Bard Hare \nSituation : Player meets the bard hare in the village. \nInformation:After finishing both quests with Townsfolk1 and townsfolk2 the door to the town opens. In town you meet the bardhare and they welcome you back" 00000027: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: If the answer is positif, then they encourage you 00000028: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'if the answer is negative then they either push you to do it, or do it for you (we need the dialogue to soften the implication if the player says no) ' 00000029: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: "Actor : Bard Hare \nSituation : Song about the Townsfolk4\nInformation:The bardhare will sing a song about the townsfolk4 that will describe her as a great chef" 0000002A: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk3 Situation : Townsfolk3 first interaction Information: After enrolling to the competition, the player interacts with a character that asks them for pepper. They tell the player were to find it : in the forest' 0000002B: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk4 Situation : Townsfolk4 first interaction Information: In the forest. The player wonders a bit a finds the Townsfolk4, without knowing it''s the townsfolk4 that the bard hare was singing about. they discuss desserts, and sweets, and the Townsfolk4 asks if the players knows something about sweets' 0000002C: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk4 Situation : Ask for sweets Information: the Townsfolk4 asks if the player has sweets' 0000002D: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: If the player answers with yes, then the Townsfolk4 is happy and give the player an information about the golden egg 0000002E: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: If the player answers with no, then the Townsfolk4 reaction is to be sad that they don't have a new recipe 0000002F: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 'Actor : Townsfolk4 Situation : Reward pepper Information: the Townsfolk4 gives the player pepper. this requiers a Thanks/welcome interaction' 00000030: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000031: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000032: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000033: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000034: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000035: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000036: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000037: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000038: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 00000039: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 0000003A: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 0000003B: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: -- 0000003C: type: {class: Comment, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Metadata, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CommentText: 0000003D: type: {class: DistributedUIDGenerator, ns: UnityEngine.Localization.Tables, asm: Unity.Localization} data: m_CustomEpoch: 1612454971182