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c2000000c1000000c0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: da000000d9000000d8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0000000df000000de000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e6000000e5000000e4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 690000006a0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6f0000007000000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 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m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d5000000d6000000d7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: db000000dc000000dd000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 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0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 000000005e00000060000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: 010000005f00000063000000ef000000 - m_Vertices: 02000000040000006200000066000000 - m_Vertices: 03000000050000006500000069000000 - m_Vertices: 0600000008000000680000006c000000 - m_Vertices: 07000000090000006b0000006f000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c0000006e00000072000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d0000007100000075000000 - m_Vertices: 0e000000100000007400000078000000 - m_Vertices: 0f00000011000000770000007b000000 - m_Vertices: 12000000140000007a0000007e000000 - m_Vertices: 13000000150000007d00000081000000 - m_Vertices: 16000000180000008000000084000000 - m_Vertices: 17000000190000008300000087000000 - m_Vertices: 1a0000001c000000860000008a000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001d000000890000008d000000 - m_Vertices: 1e000000200000008c00000090000000 - m_Vertices: 1f000000210000008f00000093000000 - m_Vertices: 22000000240000009200000096000000 - m_Vertices: 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4e00000050000000d4000000d8000000 - m_Vertices: 4f00000051000000d7000000db000000 - m_Vertices: 5200000054000000da000000de000000 - m_Vertices: 5300000055000000dd000000e1000000 - m_Vertices: 5600000058000000e0000000e4000000 - m_Vertices: 5700000059000000e3000000e7000000 - m_Vertices: 5a0000005c000000e6000000ea000000 - m_Vertices: 5b0000005d000000e9000000ed000000 - m_Vertices: 61000000670000006d00000073000000790000007f000000850000008b00000091000000970000009d000000a3000000a9000000af000000b5000000bb000000c1000000c7000000cd000000d3000000d9000000df000000e5000000eb000000 - m_Vertices: 640000006a00000070000000760000007c00000082000000880000008e000000940000009a000000a0000000a6000000ac000000b2000000b8000000be000000c4000000ca000000d0000000d6000000dc000000e2000000e8000000ee000000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: -0.000000019226718, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407427, y: -15.379359, z: 2.5881867} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407427, y: 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-15.000001, y: -15.379359, z: 8.660251} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15.000001, y: -15.379359, z: 8.660251} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: 7.071065} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: 7.071065} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: 4.999997} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: 4.999997} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: 2.5881877} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: 2.5881877} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -20.000002, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20.000002, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: -2.5881948} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: -2.5881948} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: -5.0000043} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: -5.0000043} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: -7.0710707} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: -7.0710707} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -15, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -15, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -12.588191, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.588191, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -10.000004} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -10.000004} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -7.4118114, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.4118114, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -5.0000024, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000024, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289334, y: -15.379359, z: -7.071073} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289334, y: -15.379359, z: -7.071073} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -1.3397467, y: -15.379359, z: -5.000006} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397467, y: -15.379359, z: -5.000006} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -0.3407427, y: -15.379359, z: -2.588197} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407427, y: -15.379359, z: -2.588197} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.000000019226718, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.000000019226718, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -0.3407427, y: -15.379359, z: 2.5881867} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407427, y: -15.379359, z: 2.5881867} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -1.3397467, y: -15.379359, z: 4.999996} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397467, y: -15.379359, z: 4.999996} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -2.9289334, y: -15.379359, z: 7.071065} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289334, y: -15.379359, z: 7.071065} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -5, y: -15.379359, z: 8.660252} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5, y: -15.379359, z: 8.660252} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -7.4118094, y: -15.379359, z: 9.659254} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.4118094, y: -15.379359, z: 9.659254} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: 9.999997} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: 9.999997} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -12.588191, y: -15.379359, z: 9.659254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.588191, y: -15.379359, z: 9.659254} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -15.000001, y: -15.379359, z: 8.660251} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15.000001, y: -15.379359, z: 8.660251} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: 7.071065} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: 7.071065} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: 4.999997} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: 4.999997} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: 2.5881877} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: 2.5881877} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -20.000002, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20.000002, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: -2.5881948} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.65926, y: -15.379359, z: -2.5881948} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: -5.0000043} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660255, y: -15.379359, z: -5.0000043} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: -7.0710707} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.07107, y: -15.379359, z: -7.0710707} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -15, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -15, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -12.588191, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.588191, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -10.000004} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -10.000004} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -7.4118114, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.4118114, y: -15.379359, z: -9.659264} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -5.0000024, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000024, y: -15.379359, z: -8.66026} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -2.9289334, y: -15.379359, z: -7.071073} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289334, y: -15.379359, z: -7.071073} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -1.3397467, y: -15.379359, z: -5.000006} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397467, y: -15.379359, z: -5.000006} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -0.3407427, y: -15.379359, z: -2.588197} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407427, y: -15.379359, z: -2.588197} - {x: -10, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -0.000000019226718, y: -15.379359, z: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: -0.0000040303585, y: -15.379359} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105204, y: -15.379359} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215695, y: -15.379359} - {x: 2.5215728, y: 3} - {x: 5.132093, y: -15.379359} - {x: 5.132097, y: 3} - {x: 4.78235, y: -15.379359} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3.0000002} - {x: 7.3928747, y: -15.379359} - {x: 7.392876, y: 3.0000002} - {x: 6.628272, y: -15.379358} - {x: 6.628273, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 9.238795, y: -15.379358} - {x: 9.238797, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 7.933529, y: -15.379358} - {x: 7.9335303, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 10.544052, y: -15.379358} - {x: 10.544053, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 8.60919, y: -15.379357} - {x: 8.60919, y: 3.000002} - {x: 11.219714, y: -15.379357} - {x: 11.219714, y: 3.000002} - {x: 8.609182, y: -15.379357} - {x: 8.609181, y: 3.0000017} - {x: 11.219707, y: -15.379357} - {x: 11.219706, y: 3.0000017} - {x: 7.93354, y: -15.379357} - {x: 7.933538, y: 3.0000024} - {x: 10.5440645, y: -15.379357} - {x: 10.544062, y: 3.0000024} - {x: 6.62828, y: -15.379357} - {x: 6.628278, y: 3.0000014} - {x: 9.238805, y: -15.379357} - {x: 9.238801, y: 3.0000014} - {x: 4.782354, y: -15.379359} - {x: 4.7823505, y: 3.0000002} - {x: 7.3928776, y: -15.379359} - {x: 7.392874, y: 3.0000002} - {x: 2.5215774, y: -15.37936} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 2.9999995} - {x: 5.132101, y: -15.37936} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 2.9999995} - {x: 0.0000044864187, y: -15.379361} - {x: 0.0000006917764, y: 2.9999986} - {x: 2.6105297, y: -15.379361} - {x: 2.6105263, y: 2.9999986} - {x: -2.6105225, y: -15.379362} - {x: -2.6105256, y: 2.9999976} - {x: 0.0000017261103, y: -15.379362} - {x: -0.0000020433715, y: 2.9999976} - {x: -5.1320944, y: -15.379363} - {x: -5.1320977, y: 2.9999967} - {x: -2.5215707, y: -15.379363} - {x: -2.5215743, y: 2.9999967} - {x: -7.392876, y: -15.379363} - {x: -7.392879, y: 2.9999957} - {x: -4.782354, y: -15.379363} - {x: -4.782356, y: 2.9999957} - {x: -9.238787, y: -15.379363} - {x: -9.238788, y: 2.9999964} - {x: -6.628259, y: -15.379363} - {x: -6.628262, y: 2.9999964} - {x: -10.544058, y: -15.379363} - {x: -10.544059, y: 2.9999957} - {x: -7.9335346, y: -15.379363} - {x: -7.9335356, y: 2.9999957} - {x: -11.219717, y: -15.379362} - {x: -11.219717, y: 2.9999971} - {x: -8.609193, y: -15.379362} - {x: -8.609194, y: 2.9999971} - {x: -11.2197075, y: -15.379361} - {x: -11.219707, y: 2.9999983} - {x: -8.609185, y: -15.379361} - {x: -8.609183, y: 2.9999983} - {x: -10.54406, y: -15.379361} - {x: -10.544056, y: 2.9999983} - {x: -7.933537, y: -15.379361} - {x: -7.933533, y: 2.9999983} - {x: -9.238801, y: -15.37936} - {x: -9.238796, y: 2.9999993} - {x: -6.6282754, y: -15.37936} - {x: -6.628273, y: 2.9999993} - {x: -7.3928804, y: -15.379359} - {x: -7.392877, y: 2.9999998} - {x: -4.782357, y: -15.379359} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 2.9999998} - {x: -5.1321025, y: -15.379359} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215788, y: -15.379359} - {x: -2.521575, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105304, y: -15.379359} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000004035378, y: -15.379359} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0.000000019226718, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 0.3407427, y: 2.5881867} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407427, y: 2.5881867} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 1.3397467, y: 4.999996} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397467, y: 4.999996} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 2.9289334, y: 7.071065} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289334, y: 7.071065} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 5, y: 8.660252} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5, y: 8.660252} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 7.4118094, y: 9.659254} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.4118094, y: 9.659254} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 10, y: 9.999997} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 9.999997} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 12.588191, y: 9.659254} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.588191, y: 9.659254} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 15.000001, y: 8.660251} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15.000001, y: 8.660251} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 17.07107, y: 7.071065} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.07107, y: 7.071065} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 18.660255, y: 4.999997} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660255, y: 4.999997} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 19.65926, y: 2.5881877} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.65926, y: 2.5881877} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 20.000002, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20.000002, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 19.65926, y: -2.5881948} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.65926, y: -2.5881948} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 18.660255, y: -5.0000043} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660255, y: -5.0000043} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 17.07107, y: -7.0710707} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.07107, y: -7.0710707} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 15, y: -8.66026} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 15, y: -8.66026} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 12.588191, y: -9.659264} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.588191, y: -9.659264} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 10, y: -10.000004} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10.000004} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 7.4118114, y: -9.659264} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.4118114, y: -9.659264} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 5.0000024, y: -8.66026} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000024, y: -8.66026} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 2.9289334, y: -7.071073} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289334, y: -7.071073} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 1.3397467, y: -5.000006} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397467, y: -5.000006} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 0.3407427, y: -2.588197} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407427, y: -2.588197} - {x: 10, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: 0.000000019226718, y: -0.0000040676678} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000012023796, y: -0.0000000011964765, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000012023794, y: -0.0000000011557736, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0.0000000102229265, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0.000000010599459, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: -0.0000000102229265, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: -0.000000010599458, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999994, y: 0.000000015738234, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0.000000015459419, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: -0.000000015738236, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: -0.00000001545942, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710653, y: 0.000000020211234, z: 0.70710695, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710665, y: 0.00000001869415, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710665, y: -0.000000020211235, z: 0.70710695, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710665, y: -0.000000018694141, z: 0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660255, y: 0.000000017875383, z: 0.49999982, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660255, y: 0.00000001829088, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660255, y: -0.000000017875388, z: 0.49999985, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: -0.000000018290896, z: 0.49999985, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0.00000002502716, z: 0.25881913, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0.000000025457597, z: 0.25881913, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: -0.000000025027177, z: 0.25881913, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: -0.00000002545759, z: 0.25881913, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.000000022313982, z: -0.00000009017846, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.000000021976692, z: -0.00000010520819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.000000022313978, z: -0.000000090178446, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.00000002197669, z: -0.00000010520821, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0.00000002314277, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0.000000023034337, z: -0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: -0.000000023142753, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: -0.000000023034337, z: -0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660255, y: 0.000000015923854, z: -0.4999998, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0.00000001328381, z: -0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660255, y: -0.000000015923852, z: -0.49999973, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: -0.00000001328381, z: -0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0.0000000058790364, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710677, y: 0.0000000053547247, z: -0.70710677, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: -0.000000005879038, z: -0.70710677, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710677, y: -0.000000005354722, z: -0.70710677, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: -4.0169387e-10, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 2.8741254e-10, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 4.0169448e-10, z: -0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: -2.874128e-10, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: -0.00000000673152, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: -0.0000000066791426, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0.0000000067315202, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0.0000000066791426, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000030059486, y: -0.000000013594371, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000045089227, y: -0.0000000139094665, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000030059486, y: 0.000000013594371, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000004508923, y: 0.000000013909467, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: -0.000000020508459, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: -0.00000002120554, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0.000000020508466, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0.000000021205532, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: -0.000000028415725, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: -0.000000027861484, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0.000000028415727, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000002, y: 0.000000027861471, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: -0.000000030031, z: -0.70710695, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: -0.00000003066696, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0.00000003003098, z: -0.70710695, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071066, y: 0.00000003066696, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660254, y: -0.000000037227245, z: -0.50000006, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660253, y: -0.000000037320323, z: -0.50000006, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660253, y: 0.000000037227256, z: -0.5000001, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660253, y: 0.00000003732034, z: -0.5000001, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659259, y: -0.00000003635185, z: -0.25881878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: -0.00000003282777, z: -0.25881892, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659259, y: 0.000000036351867, z: -0.25881878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0.00000003282777, z: -0.2588189, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.000000029257459, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000003040323, z: 0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00000002925745, z: -0.00000003005949, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000000030403225, z: 0.000000030059486, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659259, y: -0.000000033860317, z: 0.25881886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: -0.00000003693864, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0.00000003386032, z: 0.25881884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0.00000003693864, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: -0.000000030372718, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: -0.00000003015792, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0.000000030372707, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0.000000030157906, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071069, y: -0.00000002315921, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071069, y: -0.00000002226112, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071069, y: 0.000000023159197, z: 0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0.000000022261107, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000002, y: -0.000000014574583, z: 0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000003, y: -0.000000013129702, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000024, y: 0.0000000145745895, z: 0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000003, y: 0.000000013129717, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.2588192, y: -0.0000000041517647, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881916, y: -0.000000004404199, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0.000000004151767, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.2588192, y: 0.000000004404199, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000012023794, y: 0.0000000011964767, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000012023794, y: 0.0000000011557738, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 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y: 2.2782497, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.7667694, y: 1.158637, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176, z: 0} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 0} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 0} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497, z: 0} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 0} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 0} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 0} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 0} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 0} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 0} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 0} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 0} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 0} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 0} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 3.86} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 0} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 0} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 0} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 0} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 0} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 0} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 3.86} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 0} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 0} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 0} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 0} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 0} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 0} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 0} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 0} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 0} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 0} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 0} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 0} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 0} - {x: -10.049917, y: 6.300636, z: 0} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 3.86} - {x: -10.049917, y: 6.300636, z: 3.86} - {x: -9.762353, y: 5.706576, z: 0} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 0} - {x: -9.762353, y: 5.706576, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 3.86} - {x: -9.762353, y: 5.706576, z: 3.86} - {x: -10.049917, y: 6.300636, z: 3.86} - {x: -9.762353, y: 5.706576, z: 0} - {x: -10.049917, y: 6.300636, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.117884636, y: 1.2792522, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.65999985, y: 0, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.7667694, y: 1.158637, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.117884636, y: 1.2792522, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.7667694, y: 1.158637, z: 0} - {x: -0.65999985, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.117884636, y: 1.2792522, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.7667694, y: 1.158637, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497, z: 3.86} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176, z: 0} - {x: -0.117884636, y: 1.2792522, z: 0} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497, z: 0} - {x: -0.7667694, y: 1.158637, z: 0} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 0} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176, z: 0} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 0} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497, z: 0} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 3.86} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 0} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608, z: 0} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 0} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284, z: 0} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 3.86} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 0} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985, z: 0} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 0} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462, z: 0} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 3.86} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 3.86} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 0} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105, z: 0} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 0} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475, z: 0} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 3.86} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 0} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999, z: 0} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 0} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996, z: 0} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 3.86} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 0} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898, z: 0} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 0} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476, z: 0} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 3.86} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 0} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657, z: 0} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 0} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896, z: 0} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 3.86} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 0} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557, z: 0} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 0} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042, z: 0} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 3.86} - {x: -10.049917, y: 6.300636, z: 3.86} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 3.86} - {x: -9.762353, y: 5.706576, z: 3.86} - {x: -10.049917, y: 6.300636, z: 0} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016, z: 0} - {x: -9.762353, y: 5.706576, z: 0} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.2846723} - {x: 3.86, y: 0} - {x: 3.86, y: 1.2846723} - {x: 0, y: 1.2241092} - {x: 0, y: 0.060563046} - {x: -3.86, y: 1.2241092} - {x: -3.86, y: 0.060563046} - {x: 0, y: 3.86} - {x: 0.65999985, y: 3.86} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.65999985, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.2630377} - {x: 0, y: 2.54771} - {x: 3.86, y: 1.2630377} - {x: 3.86, y: 2.54771} - {x: 0, y: 2.4871469} - {x: 0, y: 1.3236006} - {x: -3.86, y: 2.4871469} - {x: -3.86, y: 1.3236006} - {x: 0, y: 2.4618998} - {x: 0, y: 3.7465725} - {x: 3.86, y: 2.4618998} - {x: 3.86, y: 3.7465725} - {x: 0, y: 3.6860094} - {x: 0, y: 2.5224628} - {x: -3.86, y: 3.6860094} - {x: -3.86, y: 2.5224628} - {x: 0, y: 3.5562074} - {x: 0, y: 4.8408794} - {x: 3.86, y: 3.5562074} - {x: 3.86, y: 4.8408794} - {x: 0, y: 4.7803164} - {x: 0, y: 3.6167703} - {x: -3.86, y: 4.7803164} - {x: -3.86, y: 3.6167703} - {x: -4.509103, y: 0} - {x: -5.793776, y: 0} - {x: -4.509103, y: 3.86} - {x: -5.793776, y: 3.86} - {x: 5.733213, y: 0} - {x: 4.5696664, y: 0} - {x: 5.733213, y: 3.86} - {x: 4.5696664, y: 3.86} - {x: -5.288491, y: 0} - {x: -6.5731635, y: 0} - {x: -5.288491, y: 3.86} - {x: -6.5731635, y: 3.86} - {x: 6.5126, y: 0} - {x: 5.349054, y: 0} - {x: 6.5126, y: 3.86} - {x: 5.349054, y: 3.86} - {x: -5.8681207, y: 0} - {x: -7.152793, y: 0} - {x: -5.8681207, y: 3.86} - {x: -7.152793, y: 3.86} - {x: 7.0922294, y: 0} - {x: 5.9286833, y: 0} - {x: 7.0922294, y: 3.86} - {x: 5.9286833, y: 3.86} - {x: -6.2284703, y: 0} - {x: -7.513142, y: 0} - {x: -6.2284703, y: 3.86} - {x: -7.513142, y: 3.86} - {x: 7.4525814, y: 0} - {x: 6.289036, y: 0} - {x: 7.4525814, y: 3.86} - {x: 6.289036, y: 3.86} - {x: -6.357403, y: 0} - {x: -7.6420765, y: 0} - {x: -6.357403, y: 3.86} - {x: -7.6420765, y: 3.86} - {x: 7.581512, y: 0} - {x: 6.417965, y: 0} - {x: 7.581512, y: 3.86} - {x: 6.417965, y: 3.86} - {x: -6.250573, y: 0} - {x: -7.5352454, y: 0} - {x: -6.250573, y: 3.86} - {x: -7.5352454, y: 3.86} - {x: 7.4746823, y: 0} - {x: 6.3111362, y: 0} - {x: 7.4746823, y: 3.86} - {x: 6.3111362, y: 3.86} - {x: -5.9115887, y: 0} - {x: -7.196261, y: 0} - {x: -5.9115887, y: 3.86} - {x: -7.196261, y: 3.86} - {x: 7.1356936, y: 0} - {x: 5.9721484, y: 0} - {x: 7.1356936, y: 3.86} - {x: 5.9721484, y: 3.86} - {x: -3.86, y: 9.389923} - {x: -3.86, y: 10.049924} - {x: 0, y: 9.389923} - {x: 0, y: 10.049924} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.117884636, y: 1.2792522} - {x: 0.65999985, y: 0} - {x: 0.7667694, y: 1.158637} - {x: -0.117884636, y: 1.2792522} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.7667694, y: 1.158637} - {x: -0.65999985, y: 0} - {x: 0.117884636, y: 1.2792522} - {x: 0.46756744, y: 2.5154176} - {x: 0.7667694, y: 1.158637} - {x: 1.0834823, y: 2.2782497} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176} - {x: -0.117884636, y: 1.2792522} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497} - {x: -0.7667694, y: 1.158637} - {x: 0.46756744, y: 2.5154176} - {x: 1.0372715, y: 3.6668608} - {x: 1.0834823, y: 2.2782497} - {x: 1.5994711, y: 3.3211284} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608} - {x: -0.46756744, y: 2.5154176} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284} - {x: -1.0834823, y: 2.2782497} - {x: 1.0372715, y: 3.6668608} - {x: 1.8078074, y: 4.6947985} - {x: 1.5994711, y: 3.3211284} - {x: 2.297357, y: 4.2521462} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985} - {x: -1.0372715, y: 3.6668608} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462} - {x: -1.5994711, y: 3.3211284} - {x: 1.8078074, y: 4.6947985} - {x: 2.7532234, y: 5.5646105} - {x: 2.297357, y: 4.2521462} - {x: 3.1536338, y: 5.0399475} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105} - {x: -1.8078074, y: 4.6947985} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475} - {x: -2.297357, y: 4.2521462} - {x: 2.7532234, y: 5.5646105} - {x: 3.8416765, y: 6.246999} - {x: 3.1536338, y: 5.0399475} - {x: 4.1394615, y: 5.657996} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999} - {x: -2.7532234, y: 5.5646105} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996} - {x: -3.1536338, y: 5.0399475} - {x: 3.8416765, y: 6.246999} - {x: 5.0365057, y: 6.71898} - {x: 4.1394615, y: 5.657996} - {x: 5.2216353, y: 6.085476} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898} - {x: -3.8416765, y: 6.246999} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476} - {x: -4.1394615, y: 5.657996} - {x: 5.0365057, y: 6.71898} - {x: 6.297467, y: 6.964657} - {x: 5.2216353, y: 6.085476} - {x: 6.363706, y: 6.3079896} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657} - {x: -5.0365057, y: 6.71898} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896} - {x: -5.2216353, y: 6.085476} - {x: 6.297467, y: 6.964657} - {x: 7.582093, y: 6.9757557} - {x: 6.363706, y: 6.3079896} - {x: 7.5272098, y: 6.318042} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557} - {x: -6.297467, y: 6.964657} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042} - {x: -6.363706, y: 6.3079896} - {x: 7.582093, y: 6.9757557} - {x: 8.847112, y: 6.7519016} - {x: 7.5272098, y: 6.318042} - {x: 8.6729555, y: 6.115294} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016} - {x: -7.582093, y: 6.9757557} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294} - {x: -7.5272098, y: 6.318042} - {x: 8.847112, y: 6.7519016} - {x: 10.049917, y: 6.300636} - {x: 8.6729555, y: 6.115294} - {x: 9.762353, y: 5.706576} - {x: -10.049917, y: 6.300636} - {x: -8.847112, y: 6.7519016} - {x: -9.762353, y: 5.706576} - {x: -8.6729555, y: 6.115294} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.73591965, y: -0.6770689, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73591965, y: -0.6770689, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73591965, y: -0.6770689, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73591965, y: -0.6770689, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.7359196, y: 0.67706895, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.7359196, y: 0.67706895, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.7359196, y: 0.67706895, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.7359196, y: 0.67706895, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.847261, y: -0.5311768, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.847261, y: -0.5311768, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.847261, y: -0.5311768, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 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d7000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: da000000df000000f0000000f5000000 - m_Vertices: db000000f1000000 - m_Vertices: de000000e3000000f4000000f9000000 - m_Vertices: e2000000e7000000f8000000fd000000 - m_Vertices: e6000000eb000000fc00000001010000 - m_Vertices: ea000000ef0000000001000005010000 - m_Vertices: ee00000004010000 - m_Vertices: f2000000f70000006101000064010000 - m_Vertices: f300000065010000 - m_Vertices: f6000000fb0000005d01000060010000 - m_Vertices: fa000000ff000000590100005c010000 - m_Vertices: fe000000030100005501000058010000 - m_Vertices: 02010000070100005101000054010000 - m_Vertices: 0601000050010000 - m_Vertices: 0a01000020010000 - m_Vertices: 0b0100000e0100002101000024010000 - m_Vertices: 0f010000120100002501000028010000 - m_Vertices: 1301000016010000290100002c010000 - m_Vertices: 170100001a0100002d01000030010000 - m_Vertices: 1b0100001e0100003101000034010000 - m_Vertices: 1f01000035010000 - m_Vertices: 220100004c010000 - m_Vertices: 2301000026010000380100004d010000 - m_Vertices: 270100002a010000390100003c010000 - m_Vertices: 2b0100002e0100003d01000040010000 - m_Vertices: 2f010000320100004101000044010000 - m_Vertices: 33010000360100004501000048010000 - m_Vertices: 3701000049010000 - m_Vertices: 3a0100004f010000 - m_Vertices: 3b0100003e010000 - m_Vertices: 3f01000042010000 - m_Vertices: 4301000046010000 - m_Vertices: 470100004a010000 - m_Vertices: 4b010000 - m_Vertices: 4e010000 - m_Vertices: 52010000 - m_Vertices: 5301000056010000 - m_Vertices: 570100005a010000 - m_Vertices: 5b0100005e010000 - m_Vertices: 5f01000062010000 - m_Vertices: 6301000066010000 - m_Vertices: 67010000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: -25, y: 1.0331281, z: -13.888889} - {x: -25, y: 1.1915435, z: -8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 0, z: -13.888889} - {x: -19.444445, y: 1.2845026, z: -8.333333} - {x: -25, y: 1.1915435, z: -8.333333} - {x: -25, y: 1.9324609, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 1.2845026, z: -8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 2.2120757, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -25, y: 1.9324609, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -25, y: 2.5926402, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 2.2120757, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.1155639, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -25, y: 2.5926402, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -25, y: 3.3090296, z: 8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.1155639, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.925559, z: 8.333333} - {x: -25, y: 3.3090296, z: 8.333333} - {x: -25, y: 3.2259767, z: 13.888889} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.925559, z: 8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.0539443, z: 13.888889} - {x: -25, y: 3.2259767, z: 13.888889} - {x: -25, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.0539443, z: 13.888889} - {x: -19.444445, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -19.444445, y: 0, z: -13.888889} - {x: -19.444445, y: 1.2845026, z: -8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 0.18277887, z: -13.888889} - {x: -13.888889, y: 1.9563302, z: -8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 1.2845026, z: -8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 2.2120757, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 1.9563302, z: -8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 2.8354156, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 2.2120757, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.1155639, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 2.8354156, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.6488712, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.1155639, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.925559, z: 8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.6488712, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 5.3877726, z: 8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.925559, z: 8.333333} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.0539443, z: 13.888889} - {x: -13.888889, y: 5.3877726, z: 8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.5049205, z: 13.888889} - {x: -19.444445, y: 3.0539443, z: 13.888889} - {x: -19.444445, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.5049205, z: 13.888889} - {x: -13.888889, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -13.888889, y: 0.18277887, z: -13.888889} - {x: -13.888889, y: 1.9563302, z: -8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 1.6551206, z: -13.888889} - {x: -8.333333, y: 2.7296312, z: -8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 1.9563302, z: -8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 2.8354156, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 2.7296312, z: -8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 3.371184, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 2.8354156, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.6488712, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 3.371184, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.1187997, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.6488712, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -13.888889, y: 5.3877726, z: 8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.1187997, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 5.65523, z: 8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 5.3877726, z: 8.333333} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.5049205, z: 13.888889} - {x: -8.333333, y: 5.65523, z: 8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.6559353, z: 13.888889} - {x: -13.888889, y: 3.5049205, z: 13.888889} - {x: -13.888889, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.6559353, z: 13.888889} - {x: -8.333333, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -8.333333, y: 1.6551206, z: -13.888889} - {x: -8.333333, y: 2.7296312, z: -8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.0670838, z: -13.888889} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.1153958, z: -8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 2.7296312, z: -8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 3.371184, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.1153958, z: -8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.5687413, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 3.371184, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.1187997, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.5687413, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.040742, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.1187997, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -8.333333, y: 5.65523, z: 8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.040742, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.590309, z: 8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 5.65523, z: 8.333333} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.6559353, z: 13.888889} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.590309, z: 8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.743424, z: 13.888889} - {x: -8.333333, y: 4.6559353, z: 13.888889} - {x: -8.333333, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.743424, z: 13.888889} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 1.5465816, z: 19.444445} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.0670838, z: -13.888889} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.1153958, z: -8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 2.5394702, z: -13.888889} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.0608194, z: -8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.1153958, z: -8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.5687413, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.0608194, z: -8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.7376938, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 3.5687413, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.040742, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.7376938, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 4.5020323, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.040742, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.590309, z: 8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 4.5020323, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 5.627919, z: 8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.590309, z: 8.333333} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.743424, z: 13.888889} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 5.627919, z: 8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 6.188231, z: 13.888889} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 4.743424, z: 13.888889} - {x: -2.7777777, y: 1.5465816, z: 19.444445} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 6.188231, z: 13.888889} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 6.2778845, z: 19.444445} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 2.5394702, z: -13.888889} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.0608194, z: -8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 2.5189357, z: -13.888889} - {x: 8.333333, y: 3.6467254, z: -8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.0608194, z: -8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.7376938, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 3.6467254, z: -8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 4.8450513, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 3.7376938, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 4.5020323, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 4.8450513, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 6.1744785, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 4.5020323, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 5.627919, z: 8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 6.1744785, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.128264, z: 8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 5.627919, z: 8.333333} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 6.188231, z: 13.888889} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.128264, z: 8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.453812, z: 13.888889} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 6.188231, z: 13.888889} - {x: 2.7777777, y: 6.2778845, z: 19.444445} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.453812, z: 13.888889} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.5023794, z: 19.444445} - {x: 8.333333, y: 2.5189357, z: -13.888889} - {x: 8.333333, y: 3.6467254, z: -8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 3.4267623, z: -13.888889} - {x: 13.888889, y: 4.808383, z: -8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 3.6467254, z: -8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 4.8450513, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 4.808383, z: -8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 5.9855666, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 4.8450513, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 6.1744785, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 5.9855666, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.2261925, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 6.1744785, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.128264, z: 8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.2261925, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.321579, z: 8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.128264, z: 8.333333} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.453812, z: 13.888889} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.321579, z: 8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.4160137, z: 13.888889} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.453812, z: 13.888889} - {x: 8.333333, y: 7.5023794, z: 19.444445} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.4160137, z: 13.888889} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.6828837, z: 19.444445} - {x: 13.888889, y: 3.4267623, z: -13.888889} - {x: 13.888889, y: 4.808383, z: -8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 4.1296015, z: -13.888889} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.4670067, z: -8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 4.808383, z: -8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 5.9855666, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.4670067, z: -8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.5932746, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 5.9855666, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.2261925, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.5932746, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.8104234, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.2261925, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.321579, z: 8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.8104234, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.304758, z: 8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.321579, z: 8.333333} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.4160137, z: 13.888889} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.304758, z: 8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.7659745, z: 13.888889} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.4160137, z: 13.888889} - {x: 13.888889, y: 6.6828837, z: 19.444445} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.7659745, z: 13.888889} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.9977045, z: 19.444445} - {x: 19.444445, y: 4.1296015, z: -13.888889} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.4670067, z: -8.333333} - {x: 25, y: 4.534005, z: -13.888889} - {x: 25, y: 5.2167473, z: -8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.4670067, z: -8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.5932746, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 25, y: 5.2167473, z: -8.333333} - {x: 25, y: 5.4095306, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.5932746, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.8104234, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 25, y: 5.4095306, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 25, y: 5.832093, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 5.8104234, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.304758, z: 8.333333} - {x: 25, y: 5.832093, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 25, y: 6.4809957, z: 8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.304758, z: 8.333333} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.7659745, z: 13.888889} - {x: 25, y: 6.4809957, z: 8.333333} - {x: 25, y: 6.677105, z: 13.888889} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.7659745, z: 13.888889} - {x: 19.444445, y: 6.9977045, z: 19.444445} - {x: 25, y: 6.677105, z: 13.888889} - {x: 25, y: 6.82029, z: 19.444445} - {x: 25, y: 5.2167473, z: -8.333333} - {x: 25, y: 4.534005, z: -13.888889} - {x: 30.21144, y: 4.5237036, z: -8.33333} - {x: 30.211435, y: 4.2311335, z: -13.888889} - {x: 25, y: 5.4095306, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 25, y: 5.2167473, z: -8.333333} - {x: 30.211433, y: 4.9029193, z: -2.7777734} - {x: 30.21144, y: 4.5237036, z: -8.33333} - {x: 25, y: 5.832093, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 25, y: 5.4095306, z: -2.7777777} - {x: 30.211433, y: 5.679604, z: 2.77778} - {x: 30.211433, y: 4.9029193, z: -2.7777734} - {x: 25, y: 6.4809957, z: 8.333333} - {x: 25, y: 5.832093, z: 2.7777777} - {x: 30.211433, y: 6.3645406, z: 8.333333} - {x: 30.211433, y: 5.679604, z: 2.77778} - {x: 25, y: 6.677105, z: 13.888889} - {x: 25, y: 6.4809957, z: 8.333333} - {x: 30.211435, y: 6.4895644, z: 13.88889} - {x: 30.211433, y: 6.3645406, z: 8.333333} - {x: 25, y: 6.82029, z: 19.444445} - {x: 25, y: 6.677105, z: 13.888889} - {x: 30.211437, y: 6.6492324, z: 19.444443} - {x: 30.211435, y: 6.4895644, z: 13.88889} - {x: 30.21144, y: 4.5237036, z: -8.33333} - {x: 30.211435, y: 4.2311335, z: -13.888889} - {x: 35.40631, y: 4.1590147, z: -8.333329} - {x: 35.406307, y: 3.8545418, z: -13.888889} - {x: 30.211433, y: 4.9029193, z: -2.7777734} - {x: 30.21144, y: 4.5237036, z: -8.33333} - {x: 35.406303, y: 4.589979, z: -2.7777717} - {x: 35.40631, y: 4.1590147, z: -8.333329} - {x: 30.211433, y: 5.679604, z: 2.77778} - {x: 30.211433, y: 4.9029193, z: -2.7777734} - {x: 35.406303, y: 5.1071854, z: 2.7777817} - {x: 35.406303, y: 4.589979, z: -2.7777717} - {x: 30.211433, y: 6.3645406, z: 8.333333} - {x: 30.211433, y: 5.679604, z: 2.77778} - {x: 35.406303, y: 6.3240466, z: 8.333335} - {x: 35.406303, y: 5.1071854, z: 2.7777817} - {x: 30.211435, y: 6.4895644, z: 13.88889} - {x: 30.211433, y: 6.3645406, z: 8.333333} - {x: 35.4063, y: 6.506936, z: 13.888892} - {x: 35.406303, y: 6.3240466, z: 8.333335} - {x: 30.211437, y: 6.6492324, z: 19.444443} - {x: 30.211435, y: 6.4895644, z: 13.88889} - {x: 35.406307, y: 6.5974727, z: 19.444443} - {x: 35.4063, y: 6.506936, z: 13.888892} - {x: -25, y: 1.0331281, z: -13.888889} - {x: -25, y: 1.1915435, z: -8.333333} - {x: -29.915394, y: 1.6647235, z: -13.888891} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.018025, z: -8.333337} - {x: -25, y: 1.1915435, z: -8.333333} - {x: -25, y: 1.9324609, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.018025, z: -8.333337} - {x: -29.915392, y: 2.3148913, z: -2.7777815} - {x: -25, y: 1.9324609, z: -2.7777777} - {x: -25, y: 2.5926402, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -29.915392, y: 2.3148913, z: -2.7777815} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.5287445, z: 2.7777746} - {x: -25, y: 2.5926402, z: 2.7777777} - {x: -25, y: 3.3090296, z: 8.333333} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.5287445, z: 2.7777746} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.9124327, z: 8.333329} - {x: -25, y: 3.3090296, z: 8.333333} - {x: -25, y: 3.2259767, z: 13.888889} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.9124327, z: 8.333329} - {x: -29.915396, y: 2.37488, z: 13.8888855} - {x: -25, y: 3.2259767, z: 13.888889} - {x: -25, y: 0, z: 19.444445} - {x: -29.915396, y: 2.37488, z: 13.8888855} - {x: -29.915396, y: 0.00009918213, z: 19.444437} - {x: -29.915394, y: 1.6647235, z: -13.888891} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.018025, z: -8.333337} - {x: -35.62854, y: 1.983827, z: -13.888891} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.195859, z: -8.333337} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.018025, z: -8.333337} - {x: -29.915392, y: 2.3148913, z: -2.7777815} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.195859, z: -8.333337} - {x: -35.628532, y: 2.3331254, z: -2.7777832} - {x: -29.915392, y: 2.3148913, z: -2.7777815} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.5287445, z: 2.7777746} - {x: -35.628532, y: 2.3331254, z: -2.7777832} - {x: -35.628536, y: 2.3654058, z: 2.777773} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.5287445, z: 2.7777746} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.9124327, z: 8.333329} - {x: -35.628536, y: 2.3654058, z: 2.777773} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.263242, z: 8.333328} - {x: -29.915394, y: 2.9124327, z: 8.333329} - {x: -29.915396, y: 2.37488, z: 13.8888855} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.263242, z: 8.333328} - {x: -35.628536, y: 1.6942894, z: 13.888884} - {x: -29.915396, y: 2.37488, z: 13.8888855} - {x: -29.915396, y: 0.00009918213, z: 19.444437} - {x: -35.628536, y: 1.6942894, z: 13.888884} - {x: -35.62854, y: 0.00019836426, z: 19.444435} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.195859, z: -8.333337} - {x: -35.628532, y: 2.3331254, z: -2.7777832} - {x: -42.88414, y: 1.8957891, z: -8.333355} - {x: -42.884136, y: 1.9154353, z: -2.77778} - {x: -35.628532, y: 2.3331254, z: -2.7777832} - {x: -35.628536, y: 2.3654058, z: 2.777773} - {x: -42.884136, y: 1.9154353, z: -2.77778} - {x: -42.88414, y: 1.8216648, z: 2.7777805} - {x: -35.628536, y: 2.3654058, z: 2.777773} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.263242, z: 8.333328} - {x: -42.88414, y: 1.8216648, z: 2.7777805} - {x: -42.88414, y: 1.7954993, z: 8.333337} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.263242, z: 8.333328} - {x: -35.628536, y: 1.6942894, z: 13.888884} - {x: -42.88414, y: 1.7954993, z: 8.333337} - {x: -42.884136, y: 1.6524467, z: 13.888904} - {x: -35.628536, y: 1.6942894, z: 13.888884} - {x: -35.62854, y: 0.00019836426, z: 19.444435} - {x: -42.884136, y: 1.6524467, z: 13.888904} - {x: -42.88413, y: 1.5974069, z: 19.444443} - {x: -35.62854, y: 1.983827, z: -13.888891} - {x: -35.62854, y: 2.195859, z: -8.333337} - {x: -42.884125, y: 1.7621641, z: -13.888929} - {x: -42.88414, y: 1.8957891, z: -8.333355} - {x: 35.406307, y: 6.5974727, z: 19.444443} - {x: 35.4063, y: 6.506936, z: 13.888892} - {x: 45.25736, y: 5.8097553, z: 19.44444} - {x: 45.25735, y: 5.6702986, z: 13.888895} - {x: 35.4063, y: 6.506936, z: 13.888892} - {x: 35.406303, y: 6.3240466, z: 8.333335} - {x: 45.25735, y: 5.6702986, z: 13.888895} - {x: 45.257355, y: 5.365599, z: 8.333332} - {x: 35.406303, y: 6.3240466, z: 8.333335} - {x: 35.406303, y: 5.1071854, z: 2.7777817} - {x: 45.257355, y: 5.365599, z: 8.333332} - {x: 45.257366, y: 4.984594, z: 2.7777705} - {x: 35.406303, y: 5.1071854, z: 2.7777817} - {x: 35.406303, y: 4.589979, z: -2.7777717} - {x: 45.257366, y: 4.984594, z: 2.7777705} - {x: 45.257366, y: 4.520661, z: -2.777783} - {x: 35.406303, y: 4.589979, z: -2.7777717} - {x: 35.40631, y: 4.1590147, z: -8.333329} - {x: 45.257366, y: 4.520661, z: -2.777783} - {x: 45.257366, y: 4.0286584, z: -8.33334} - {x: 35.40631, y: 4.1590147, z: -8.333329} - {x: 35.406307, y: 3.8545418, z: -13.888889} - {x: 45.257366, y: 4.0286584, z: -8.33334} - {x: 45.257362, y: 3.4827037, z: -13.8889} m_Textures0: - {x: -24.767506, y: -13.983057} - {x: -24.796469, y: -8.425318} - {x: -19.116705, y: -13.983057} - {x: -19.35155, y: -8.394294} - {x: -24.976564, y: -8.047462} - {x: -24.964169, y: -2.4427319} - {x: -19.420233, y: -8.047462} - {x: -19.404713, y: -2.4180639} - {x: -24.871256, y: -2.3828511} - {x: -24.83807, y: 3.2116933} - {x: -19.308668, y: -2.3828511} - {x: -19.263252, y: 3.2403321} - {x: -24.647022, y: 3.382179} - {x: -24.579887, y: 8.983331} - {x: -19.06691, y: 3.382179} - {x: -18.991003, y: 8.995198} - {x: -24.482485, y: 8.242586} - {x: -24.491644, y: 13.798756} - {x: -18.892824, y: 8.242586} - {x: -18.98896, y: 13.810399} - {x: -25.08787, y: 10.78208} - {x: -24.988022, y: 17.205564} - {x: -19.529652, y: 10.78208} - {x: -19.43513, y: 17.11925} - {x: -19.43393, y: -13.388315} - {x: -19.391691, y: -7.6863537} - {x: -13.875368, y: -13.388315} - {x: -13.817049, y: -7.576303} - {x: -19.1496, y: -7.630903} - {x: -19.03824, y: -1.9995451} - {x: -13.55357, y: -7.630903} - {x: -13.448031, y: -2.0074167} - {x: -19.076544, y: -2.0455706} - {x: -18.975805, y: 3.5820699} - {x: -13.486129, y: -2.0455706} - {x: -13.395428, y: 3.5677953} - {x: -19.057756, y: 3.4612737} - {x: -18.980356, y: 9.075033} - {x: -13.476663, y: 3.4612737} - {x: -13.3105, y: 9.207839} - {x: -17.804869, y: 6.9271636} - {x: -18.02672, y: 12.546301} - {x: -12.060108, y: 6.9271636} - {x: -12.5393505, y: 12.692997} - {x: -19.133602, y: 9.961817} - {x: -19.380695, y: 16.29662} - {x: -13.5597725, y: 9.961817} - {x: -13.843354, y: 16.512606} - {x: -13.37859, y: -12.170135} - {x: -12.924246, y: -6.3560767} - {x: -7.6312428, y: -12.170135} - {x: -7.355977, y: -6.5553217} - {x: -13.486555, y: -7.6363463} - {x: -13.36536, y: -2.0129757} - {x: -7.8774376, y: -7.6363463} - {x: -7.78899, y: -2.0494027} - {x: -13.55257, y: -2.1494138} - {x: -13.474484, y: 3.4648368} - {x: -7.97124, y: -2.1494138} - {x: -7.899474, y: 3.455385} - {x: -13.531917, y: 4.082905} - {x: -13.385352, y: 9.902397} - {x: -7.9565215, y: 4.082905} - {x: -7.8270216, y: 9.842328} - {x: -13.613742, y: 5.9535985} - {x: -13.704282, y: 11.818847} - {x: -8.051751, y: 5.9535985} - {x: -8.099804, y: 11.535865} - {x: -12.889009, y: 8.53136} - {x: -13.600067, y: 15.061524} - {x: -7.215471, y: 8.53136} - {x: -8.16004, y: 15.653879} - {x: -7.6688724, y: -12.977378} - {x: -7.4041963, y: -7.325057} - {x: -1.9366971, y: -12.977378} - {x: -1.9247968, y: -7.5083017} - {x: -8.124231, y: -7.9008727} - {x: -8.07979, y: -2.3085732} - {x: -2.555299, y: -7.9008727} - {x: -2.5238955, y: -2.3300607} - {x: -8.208264, y: -2.2644734} - {x: -8.181696, y: 3.3410966} - {x: -2.6491976, y: -2.2644734} - {x: -2.6324236, y: 3.3043842} - {x: -8.390375, y: 3.743759} - {x: -8.411961, y: 9.507815} - {x: -2.834272, y: 3.743759} - {x: -2.8419929, y: 9.244816} - {x: -9.248974, y: 7.5129733} - {x: -9.060848, y: 13.1545515} - {x: -3.5922737, y: 7.5129733} - {x: -3.621099, y: 12.957659} - {x: -8.258987, y: 7.571148} - {x: -8.3323, y: 14.819359} - {x: -2.7027433, y: 7.571148} - {x: -2.7530808, y: 13.882333} - {x: -3.0553124, y: -13.86421} - {x: -3.05988, y: -8.308445} - {x: 2.5252404, y: -13.86421} - {x: 2.4759495, y: -8.304369} - {x: -2.8082469, y: -8.054591} - {x: -2.8127003, y: -2.4805708} - {x: 2.7475762, y: -8.054591} - {x: 2.7409272, y: -2.4623926} - {x: -2.6680136, y: -2.4588366} - {x: -2.653666, y: 3.1167147} - {x: 2.8901103, y: -2.4588366} - {x: 2.9133441, y: 3.14144} - {x: -2.43389, y: 3.1819944} - {x: -2.3884146, y: 8.764481} - {x: 3.1407833, y: 3.1819944} - {x: 3.2339478, y: 8.820828} - {x: -1.8878026, y: 8.466291} - {x: -1.8596915, y: 14.023886} - {x: 3.7638192, y: 8.466291} - {x: 3.8666897, y: 14.034726} - {x: -1.4944664, y: 9.560349} - {x: -2.2990894, y: 15.919325} - {x: 4.2458878, y: 9.560349} - {x: 4.268453, y: 14.371775} - {x: 2.7683723, y: -13.5899105} - {x: 2.7664452, y: -8.009946} - {x: 8.323965, y: -13.5899105} - {x: 8.319797, y: -7.953285} - {x: 3.0834806, y: -7.941729} - {x: 3.154472, y: -2.3455415} - {x: 8.669847, y: -7.941729} - {x: 8.795528, y: -2.2831643} - {x: 3.454829, y: -2.3352957} - {x: 3.6042411, y: 3.2706017} - {x: 9.119671, y: -2.3352957} - {x: 9.379546, y: 3.3447049} - {x: 3.9576292, y: 3.3956118} - {x: 4.2821794, y: 9.054806} - {x: 9.759463, y: 3.3956118} - {x: 10.034403, y: 9.023412} - {x: 4.149026, y: 8.750461} - {x: 4.2951117, y: 14.33229} - {x: 9.903609, y: 8.750461} - {x: 9.988486, y: 14.310326} - {x: 4.082885, y: 13.972389} - {x: 4.102798, y: 19.528631} - {x: 9.780769, y: 13.972389} - {x: 9.791556, y: 19.528002} - {x: 8.630481, y: -13.393928} - {x: 8.812359, y: -7.727973} - {x: 14.259722, y: -13.393928} - {x: 14.482535, y: -7.678763} - {x: 8.903304, y: -7.768536} - {x: 9.148567, y: -2.090506} - {x: 14.579011, y: -7.768536} - {x: 14.819947, y: -2.0947812} - {x: 9.137425, y: -2.003771} - {x: 9.404772, y: 3.7023745} - {x: 14.808844, y: -2.003771} - {x: 14.857233, y: 3.4589622} - {x: 8.390445, y: 3.7692719} - {x: 8.399323, y: 9.406099} - {x: 13.946242, y: 3.7692719} - {x: 13.94713, y: 9.260865} - {x: 7.222543, y: 8.797077} - {x: 7.1757627, y: 14.361967} - {x: 12.83636, y: 8.797077} - {x: 12.82279, y: 14.348726} - {x: 6.8229094, y: 13.964489} - {x: 6.813991, y: 19.52025} - {x: 12.474566, y: 13.964489} - {x: 12.425562, y: 19.522093} - {x: 14.209154, y: -13.087736} - {x: 14.382563, y: -7.3655853} - {x: 19.808992, y: -13.087736} - {x: 19.97685, y: -7.376093} - {x: 14.358385, y: -7.508232} - {x: 14.496973, y: -1.8310186} - {x: 19.952845, y: -7.508232} - {x: 19.96771, y: -2.0459082} - {x: 13.432786, y: -2.4752367} - {x: 13.415837, y: 3.0855014} - {x: 19.002174, y: -2.4752367} - {x: 18.98688, y: 3.0844905} - {x: 13.385498, y: 2.9014053} - {x: 13.378379, y: 8.457775} - {x: 18.956589, y: 2.9014053} - {x: 18.919697, y: 8.464585} - {x: 13.869685, y: 8.440284} - {x: 13.869399, y: 13.996642} - {x: 19.425266, y: 8.440284} - {x: 19.42387, y: 14.002876} - {x: 14.264779, y: 14.137775} - {x: 14.281557, y: 19.699713} - {x: 19.831347, y: 14.137775} - {x: 19.845915, y: 19.698032} - {x: 19.692945, y: -12.873091} - {x: 19.790041, y: -7.1596475} - {x: 25.263199, y: -12.873091} - {x: 25.312767, y: -7.3120837} - {x: 19.178726, y: -8.187351} - {x: 19.173044, y: -2.6303644} - {x: 24.739914, y: -8.187351} - {x: 24.73124, y: -2.6288562} - {x: 19.248928, y: -2.5323524} - {x: 19.241749, y: 3.0274403} - {x: 24.80752, y: -2.5323524} - {x: 24.793552, y: 3.0354543} - {x: 19.466959, y: 3.2750947} - {x: 19.468887, y: 8.852599} - {x: 25.022556, y: 3.2750947} - {x: 25.025087, y: 8.866299} - {x: 19.634573, y: 8.774907} - {x: 19.649197, y: 14.349556} - {x: 25.192923, y: 8.774907} - {x: 25.19914, y: 14.327644} - {x: 19.333738, y: 14.171686} - {x: 19.330032, y: 19.73207} - {x: 24.890005, y: 14.171686} - {x: 24.887714, y: 19.728382} - {x: 24.094131, y: -7.2483077} - {x: 24.184134, y: -12.844935} - {x: 29.351452, y: -7.248305} - {x: 29.390017, y: -12.798165} - {x: 24.359303, y: -2.5067801} - {x: 24.377954, y: -8.065648} - {x: 29.595303, y: -2.5067759} - {x: 29.631998, y: -8.07205} - {x: 24.818727, y: 3.267157} - {x: 24.831087, y: -2.3044317} - {x: 30.03239, y: 3.2671595} - {x: 30.055107, y: -2.3312619} - {x: 24.848972, y: 9.093383} - {x: 24.863468, y: 3.5000775} - {x: 30.061707, y: 9.093383} - {x: 30.07701, y: 3.4959016} - {x: 24.743698, y: 14.147201} - {x: 24.750751, y: 8.588189} - {x: 29.958508, y: 14.147202} - {x: 29.963001, y: 8.590693} - {x: 24.762798, y: 19.63465} - {x: 24.767496, y: 14.077251} - {x: 29.977043, y: 19.634647} - {x: 29.982279, y: 14.076828} - {x: 29.820475, y: -7.9741282} - {x: 29.84096, y: -13.537348} - {x: 35.02813, y: -7.9741273} - {x: 35.04945, y: -13.537971} - {x: 29.861948, y: -2.3151705} - {x: 29.884756, y: -7.883608} - {x: 35.066235, y: -2.3151689} - {x: 35.09216, y: -7.887118} - {x: 29.407612, y: 3.98382} - {x: 29.492678, y: -1.625117} - {x: 34.633923, y: 3.9838216} - {x: 34.69057, y: -1.5896156} - {x: 30.160904, y: 9.078263} - {x: 30.166245, y: 3.4806492} - {x: 35.355934, y: 9.078265} - {x: 35.365417, y: 3.4155674} - {x: 30.232967, y: 14.029106} - {x: 30.232548, y: 8.472142} - {x: 35.42786, y: 14.029108} - {x: 35.427254, y: 8.470842} - {x: 30.143692, y: 19.636068} - {x: 30.14528, y: 14.078221} - {x: 35.33882, y: 19.636068} - {x: 35.339714, y: 14.080209} - {x: -24.927807, y: -13.944444} - {x: -24.947996, y: -8.386666} - {x: -29.883612, y: -13.944446} - {x: -29.928638, y: -8.381205} - {x: -24.851501, y: -8.649498} - {x: -24.974356, y: -3.046101} - {x: -29.835894, y: -8.649502} - {x: -29.885117, y: -3.103206} - {x: -25.074574, y: -2.7599647} - {x: -25.125782, y: 2.8344443} - {x: -30.00482, y: -2.7599685} - {x: -30.02141, y: 2.7820883} - {x: -24.964188, y: 3.1280458} - {x: -24.954876, y: 8.729592} - {x: -29.879997, y: 3.1280427} - {x: -29.87501, y: 8.687046} - {x: -24.652897, y: 8.253308} - {x: -24.659576, y: 13.809482} - {x: -29.584265, y: 8.2533045} - {x: -29.627497, y: 13.816228} - {x: -24.083075, y: 8.358314} - {x: -24.633461, y: 14.758953} - {x: -29.07161, y: 8.358309} - {x: -29.476772, y: 14.342423} - {x: -29.961678, y: -13.861369} - {x: -29.98138, y: -8.294627} - {x: -35.683727, y: -13.861369} - {x: -35.695553, y: -8.303565} - {x: -29.963697, y: -8.263538} - {x: -29.97293, y: -2.7000647} - {x: -35.67961, y: -8.263538} - {x: -35.683872, y: -2.7085743} - {x: -29.922628, y: -2.6903567} - {x: -29.923313, y: 2.8693137} - {x: -35.6358, y: -2.6903584} - {x: -35.635906, y: 2.8623278} - {x: -29.83091, y: 3.0041473} - {x: -29.819944, y: 8.572925} - {x: -35.546387, y: 3.0041456} - {x: -35.54931, y: 8.539475} - {x: -29.395285, y: 7.694913} - {x: -29.455978, y: 13.276086} - {x: -35.145195, y: 7.694912} - {x: -35.20943, y: 13.27907} - {x: -29.424433, y: 10.480813} - {x: -29.705347, y: 16.516111} - {x: -35.177967, y: 10.480811} - {x: -35.37837, y: 16.252018} - {x: -35.507374, y: -8.240319} - {x: -35.501694, y: -2.6830728} - {x: -42.769176, y: -8.240337} - {x: -42.76836, y: -2.68597} - {x: -35.43555, y: -2.7523468} - {x: -35.4337, y: 2.803303} - {x: -42.703167, y: -2.7523437} - {x: -42.70856, y: 2.8025806} - {x: -35.35214, y: 2.6852398} - {x: -35.359776, y: 8.241729} - {x: -42.62809, y: 2.6852474} - {x: -42.630043, y: 8.240348} - {x: -35.409134, y: 7.8274846} - {x: -35.445732, y: 13.411978} - {x: -42.679794, y: 7.827493} - {x: -42.688995, y: 13.368786} - {x: -35.618176, y: 12.730882} - {x: -35.627945, y: 18.538979} - {x: -42.873894, y: 12.730902} - {x: -42.874207, y: 18.06093} - {x: -35.551346, y: -13.761735} - {x: -35.544872, y: -8.202139} - {x: -42.810314, y: -13.761773} - {x: -42.80625, y: -8.205145} - {x: 34.76778, y: 19.594538} - {x: 34.77499, y: 14.038254} - {x: 44.650276, y: 19.594536} - {x: 44.661385, y: 14.037465} - {x: 34.728653, y: 14.192215} - {x: 34.744133, y: 8.63367} - {x: 44.61517, y: 14.192218} - {x: 44.640957, y: 8.629688} - {x: 34.627506, y: 10.213115} - {x: 34.745342, y: 4.5270753} - {x: 44.52507, y: 10.213112} - {x: 44.561977, y: 4.7042675} - {x: 35.34001, y: 3.2800045} - {x: 35.346447, y: -2.2995687} - {x: 45.191837, y: 3.2799933} - {x: 45.19761, y: -2.2946424} - {x: 35.37313, y: -2.3952072} - {x: 35.37617, y: -7.9674544} - {x: 45.224438, y: -2.3952184} - {x: 45.2279, y: -7.972185} - {x: 35.348183, y: -8.0676565} - {x: 35.352207, y: -13.631552} - {x: 45.2001, y: -8.067667} - {x: 45.20732, y: -13.644774} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0.9831449, y: -0.18282865, z: 4.1757703e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99637055, y: -0.08508298, z: -0.0025618328, w: -1} - {x: 0.99637055, y: -0.08508298, z: -0.0025618328, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998653, y: 0.015447087, z: -0.005550388, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986005, y: 0.016730309, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994485, y: 0.033134155, z: -0.0021878532, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994485, y: 0.033134155, z: -0.0021878532, w: -1} - {x: 0.99876267, y: 0.049537666, z: -0.00437657, w: -1} - {x: 0.99873585, y: 0.050267044, z: -4.3904386e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99743116, y: 0.07158722, z: -0.0025344808, w: -1} - {x: 0.99743116, y: 0.07158722, z: -0.0025344808, w: -1} - {x: 0.99566317, y: 0.09289339, z: -0.0050709066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955993, y: 0.093712054, z: -9.487388e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947986, y: 0.10185661, z: -0.0010506844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947986, y: 0.10185661, z: -0.0010506844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939299, y: 0.10999529, z: -0.0021014512, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938986, y: 0.1102982, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991878, y: 0.04028411, z: -0.0009929435, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991878, y: 0.04028411, z: -0.0009929435, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995288, y: -0.030623298, z: -0.0020902148, w: -1} - {x: 0.99952096, y: -0.030950991, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979204, y: -0.019222047, z: 0.0068091718, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979204, y: -0.019222047, z: 0.0068091718, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998793, y: -0.0074863983, z: 0.013618814, w: -1} - {x: 0.99945927, y: 0.03288241, z: -8.387565e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972512, y: 0.07349749, z: -0.009391403, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972512, y: 0.07349749, z: -0.009391403, w: -1} - {x: 0.99328977, y: 0.11411326, z: -0.018807983, w: -1} - {x: 0.99276733, y: 0.12005433, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932621, y: 0.11588769, z: 0.00069549965, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932621, y: 0.11588769, z: 0.00069549965, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937389, y: 0.11171879, z: 0.0013910133, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937643, y: 0.11150154, z: -0.0000000011886928, w: -1} - {x: 0.99460626, y: 0.103716, z: 0.0012655874, w: -1} - {x: 0.99460626, y: 0.103716, z: 0.0012655874, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953855, y: 0.095922984, z: 0.0025312304, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954241, y: 0.095556065, z: -0.0000000021402125, w: -1} - {x: 0.98506343, y: 0.17183371, z: -0.011091863, w: -1} - {x: 0.98506343, y: 0.17183371, z: -0.011091863, w: -1} - {x: 0.968525, y: 0.24790832, z: -0.022383068, w: -1} - {x: 0.9670649, y: 0.25453, z: -0.000000002235274, w: -1} - {x: 0.98480386, y: 0.1732198, z: -0.012499991, w: -1} - {x: 0.98480386, y: 0.1732198, z: -0.012499991, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956727, y: 0.08940986, z: -0.025332212, w: -1} - {x: 0.99672145, y: 0.08090957, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99856764, y: 0.05090591, z: -0.016464358, w: -1} - {x: 0.99856764, y: 0.05090591, z: -0.016464358, w: -1} - {x: 0.999241, y: 0.020785164, z: -0.032946005, w: -1} - {x: 0.96662974, y: 0.25617766, z: -0.000000008787691, w: -1} - {x: 0.97946864, y: 0.20083135, z: 0.017545976, w: -1} - {x: 0.97946864, y: 0.20083135, z: 0.017545976, w: -1} - {x: 0.9888919, y: 0.1444351, z: 0.03509141, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904511, y: 0.13786499, z: 0.0000000023072118, w: -1} - {x: 0.99308735, y: 0.11733362, z: 0.0032443767, w: -1} - {x: 0.99308735, y: 0.11733362, z: 0.0032443767, w: -1} - {x: 0.99528915, y: 0.0967334, z: 0.006489309, w: -1} - {x: 0.995382, y: 0.09599297, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99591845, y: 0.090253465, z: 0.0008401656, w: -1} - {x: 0.99591845, y: 0.090253465, z: 0.0008401656, w: -1} - {x: 0.99642116, y: 0.08451051, z: 0.0016803535, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964416, y: 0.08428612, z: 0.0000000022183588, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976964, y: 0.06763674, z: 0.0052073603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976964, y: 0.06763674, z: 0.0052073603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986465, y: 0.05095769, z: 0.010415586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988432, y: 0.04808665, z: 0.0000000011945029, w: -1} - {x: 0.99233985, y: 0.121015355, z: 0.024835723, w: -1} - {x: 0.99233985, y: 0.121015355, z: 0.024835723, w: -1} - {x: 0.9797335, y: 0.19405025, z: 0.049665637, w: -1} - {x: 0.97920483, y: 0.20287424, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897349, y: 0.13685824, z: -0.041168187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897349, y: 0.13685824, z: -0.041168187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99416417, y: 0.06929242, z: -0.082681105, w: -1} - {x: 0.969188, y: 0.24632241, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.98709345, y: 0.15926443, z: 0.01677167, w: -1} - {x: 0.98709345, y: 0.15926443, z: 0.01677167, w: -1} - {x: 0.99702096, y: 0.06952128, z: 0.0334058, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975979, y: 0.069270834, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986152, y: 0.052573375, z: 0.0019272184, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986152, y: 0.052573375, z: 0.0019272184, w: -1} - {x: 0.99934965, y: 0.03585172, z: 0.0038546445, w: -1} - {x: 0.99936837, y: 0.03553784, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999336, y: 0.01104257, z: 0.0032956242, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999336, y: 0.01104257, z: 0.0032956242, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988735, y: -0.013488784, z: 0.006591706, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990135, y: -0.014049013, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948527, y: -0.09856786, z: 0.02350604, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948527, y: -0.09856786, z: 0.02350604, w: -1} - {x: 0.9818852, y: -0.18356974, z: 0.046942864, w: -1} - {x: 0.98211956, y: -0.18825836, z: -0.0000000025922537, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960179, y: -0.08727453, z: 0.018204503, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960179, y: -0.08727453, z: 0.018204503, w: -1} - {x: 0.99920696, y: 0.016731337, z: 0.036133703, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998761, y: 0.015746007, z: 5.98167e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922109, y: 0.10150179, z: 0.07221483, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922109, y: 0.10150179, z: 0.07221483, w: -1} - {x: 0.9716189, y: 0.18747385, z: 0.14425693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955206, y: -0.09454505, z: 6.449873e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99862915, y: -0.052341696, z: -0.00035971447, w: -1} - {x: 0.99862915, y: -0.052341696, z: -0.00035971447, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999508, y: -0.009892062, z: -0.00073307933, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999518, y: -0.0098232785, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999479, y: 0.01008337, z: -0.0016239445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999479, y: 0.01008337, z: -0.0016239445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995445, y: 0.030001724, z: -0.0032491595, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953794, y: 0.030397397, z: -3.152203e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99841297, y: 0.0562733, z: -0.002198394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99841297, y: 0.0562733, z: -0.002198394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99661064, y: 0.08214548, z: -0.0044000326, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965706, y: 0.08274752, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912041, y: 0.13225166, z: -0.004894967, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912041, y: 0.13225166, z: -0.004894967, w: -1} - {x: 0.983312, y: 0.18166168, z: -0.009826062, w: -1} - {x: 0.983002, y: 0.1835951, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.97602755, y: 0.21764494, z: -0.0009385023, w: -1} - {x: 0.97602755, y: 0.21764494, z: -0.0009385023, w: -1} - {x: 0.96785164, y: 0.25151458, z: -0.0018841774, w: -1} - {x: 0.9678071, y: 0.251693, z: 0.000000007250082, w: -1} - {x: 0.8878322, y: 0.44340554, z: 0.12306757, w: -1} - {x: 0.8878322, y: 0.44340554, z: 0.12306757, w: -1} - {x: 0.7376906, y: 0.6320718, z: 0.23727134, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999315, y: -0.0036961874, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987613, y: 0.04950925, z: -0.004976166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987613, y: 0.04950925, z: -0.004976166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946447, y: 0.10286861, z: -0.009998399, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944848, y: 0.10488144, z: -8.961983e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9888046, y: 0.14911838, z: -0.0053946218, w: -1} - {x: 0.9888046, y: 0.14911838, z: -0.0053946218, w: -1} - {x: 0.98109525, y: 0.19322337, z: -0.01081511, w: -1} - {x: 0.9807079, y: 0.19547898, z: -0.0000000019925093, w: -1} - {x: 0.9705901, y: 0.24065739, z: -0.0062357103, w: -1} - {x: 0.9705901, y: 0.24065739, z: -0.0062357103, w: -1} - {x: 0.9582987, y: 0.2854948, z: -0.012502271, w: -1} - {x: 0.9575517, y: 0.28826168, z: 0.0000000056774403, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614547, y: 0.2749505, z: 0.002691867, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614547, y: 0.2749505, z: 0.002691867, w: -1} - {x: 0.965167, y: 0.2615793, z: 0.0053840703, w: -1} - {x: 0.965414, y: 0.2607217, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.970379, y: 0.24157982, z: 0.0019257108, w: -1} - {x: 0.970379, y: 0.24157982, z: 0.0019257108, w: -1} - {x: 0.9749645, y: 0.22232711, z: 0.003851568, w: -1} - {x: 0.9750207, y: 0.22211422, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.97579664, y: 0.21868038, z: 0.00005531999, w: -1} - {x: 0.97579664, y: 0.21868038, z: 0.00005531999, w: -1} - {x: 0.9765604, y: 0.21524374, z: 0.00011063983, w: -1} - {x: 0.98691034, y: 0.16126983, z: -0.0000000029272036, w: -1} - {x: 0.9832903, y: 0.1819957, z: -0.0042145257, w: -1} - {x: 0.9832903, y: 0.1819957, z: -0.0042145257, w: -1} - {x: 0.9792139, y: 0.20265512, z: -0.008431455, w: -1} - {x: 0.97883064, y: 0.20467184, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.97918683, y: 0.20296066, z: 0.0003690336, w: -1} - {x: 0.97918683, y: 0.20296066, z: 0.0003690336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9795398, y: 0.2012488, z: 0.0007380664, w: -1} - {x: 0.979571, y: 0.2010988, z: 0.0000000034007743, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939543, y: 0.10749798, z: 0.022337487, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939543, y: 0.10749798, z: 0.022337487, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989457, y: 0.011226616, z: 0.04451171, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995667, y: 0.009308105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976863, y: -0.06670748, z: 0.013115847, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976863, y: -0.06670748, z: 0.013115847, w: -1} - {x: 0.98934674, y: -0.14320715, z: 0.026164878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9896218, y: -0.14369632, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9865148, y: -0.16366738, z: 0.0011723303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9865148, y: -0.16366738, z: 0.0011723303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9830004, y: -0.18358825, z: 0.002344479, w: -1} - {x: 0.982996, y: -0.18362728, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9863231, y: -0.16482359, z: -0.00016368019, w: -1} - {x: 0.9863231, y: -0.16482359, z: -0.00016368019, w: -1} - {x: 0.98929256, y: -0.14594552, z: -0.0003279773, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920923, y: 0.12551063, z: 0.000000003569454, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925497, y: 0.12183689, z: 0.00091339, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925497, y: 0.12183689, z: 0.00091339, w: -1} - {x: 0.99299276, y: 0.11816131, z: 0.0018267881, w: -1} - {x: 0.9930459, y: 0.11772785, z: -0.0000000015341522, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994931, y: 0.025019087, z: 0.019686943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994931, y: 0.025019087, z: 0.019686943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968111, y: -0.0694961, z: 0.039214883, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975162, y: -0.07043718, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99736625, y: -0.072530076, z: 0.000090658286, w: -1} - {x: 0.99736625, y: -0.072530076, z: 0.000090658286, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972119, y: -0.0746227, z: 0.00018131763, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972114, y: -0.074629754, z: 1.2754785e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992409, y: -0.038953923, z: -0.0006083883, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992409, y: -0.038953923, z: -0.0006083883, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999943, y: -0.0031366714, z: -0.0012241468, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999954, y: -0.0030277497, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99955404, y: 0.029854788, z: -0.00055661803, w: -1} - {x: 0.99955404, y: 0.029854788, z: -0.00055661803, w: -1} - {x: 0.99802697, y: 0.0627758, z: -0.0011185192, w: -1} - {x: 0.99802184, y: 0.062868334, z: 3.5678288e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982146, y: 0.059729252, z: 0.00015086336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982146, y: 0.059729252, z: 0.00015086336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983975, y: 0.056589518, z: 0.00030172712, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973611, y: 0.07260058, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978304, y: 0.015697192, z: 0.013690863, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978304, y: 0.015697192, z: 0.013690863, w: -1} - {x: 0.99875814, y: -0.041626222, z: 0.02737759, w: -1} - {x: 0.998987, y: -0.04500106, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992379, y: -0.03903406, z: -0.0001355901, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992379, y: -0.03903406, z: -0.0001355901, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994531, y: -0.033065237, z: -0.0002711903, w: -1} - {x: 0.99945354, y: -0.033055842, z: 1.4541908e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998926, y: -0.014641177, z: -0.0007193102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998926, y: -0.014641177, z: -0.0007193102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999918, y: 0.003790981, z: -0.0014393277, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999243, y: 0.0039004604, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984324, y: 0.0176598, z: -0.0012243016, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984324, y: 0.0176598, z: -0.0012243016, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995033, y: 0.031420965, z: -0.0024489772, w: -1} - {x: 0.99949723, y: 0.031706817, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999665, y: 0.007941521, z: 0.001972876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999665, y: 0.007941521, z: 0.001972876, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986655, y: -0.015855111, z: 0.0039455676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998721, y: -0.015994478, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997132, y: -0.023948113, z: 0.00033175346, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997132, y: -0.023948113, z: 0.00033175346, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994908, y: -0.031901233, z: 0.0006635118, w: -1} - {x: 0.99127305, y: -0.13182461, z: 0.0000000039352517, w: -1} - {x: 0.995442, y: -0.09526467, z: -0.0044850595, w: -1} - {x: 0.995442, y: -0.09526467, z: -0.0044850595, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982479, y: -0.058487214, z: -0.008967989, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953082, y: -0.09675545, z: 4.8783877e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99345046, y: -0.11426215, z: 0.00060784054, w: -1} - {x: 0.99345046, y: -0.11426215, z: 0.00060784054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912832, y: -0.13174292, z: 0.0012161649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995722, y: -0.029247932, z: 0.0000000011672134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980323, y: -0.062651746, z: 0.0025397202, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980323, y: -0.062651746, z: 0.0025397202, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953635, y: -0.09604986, z: 0.0050859535, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975044, y: -0.022340499, z: 2.1603938e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996685, y: -0.02574535, z: 0.00039768204, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996685, y: -0.02574535, z: 0.00039768204, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995747, y: -0.02914997, z: 0.0007953679, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993531, y: -0.035963073, z: -1.7809528e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99957484, y: -0.029158145, z: -0.00024017277, w: -1} - {x: 0.99957484, y: -0.029158145, z: -0.00024017277, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975, y: -0.022351297, z: -0.0004803466, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946177, y: -0.03280584, z: -1.2119547e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994088, y: -0.034383334, z: 0.00004067378, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994088, y: -0.034383334, z: 0.00004067378, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935323, y: -0.035960745, z: 0.00008134776, w: -1} - {x: 0.997545, y: -0.07002938, z: 6.423344e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974647, y: -0.07116308, z: 0.000059692913, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974647, y: -0.07116308, z: 0.000059692913, w: -1} - {x: 0.99738324, y: -0.07229672, z: 0.00011938578, w: -1} - {x: 0.99819046, y: -0.06013124, z: 9.916079e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978816, y: -0.06505504, z: 0.0003361009, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978816, y: -0.06505504, z: 0.0003361009, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975484, y: -0.06997746, z: 0.00067220913, w: -1} - {x: 0.993984, y: -0.109526366, z: 0.000000002981684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963596, y: -0.08518199, z: -0.003399374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963596, y: -0.08518199, z: -0.003399374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981291, y: -0.060760517, z: -0.00679891, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996966, y: -0.0077947997, z: 0.0000000027744866, w: -1} - {x: 0.99833834, y: -0.05730179, z: 0.0060939942, w: -1} - {x: 0.99833834, y: -0.05730179, z: 0.0060939942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941975, y: -0.10687331, z: 0.012219963, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999446, y: 0.0033439784, z: 9.8132426e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: -0.0022211554, z: 0.00012522553, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: -0.0022211554, z: 0.00012522553, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999696, y: -0.007786521, z: 0.0002504572, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999504, y: -0.009963129, z: 2.6754083e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999945, y: -0.0033130185, z: -0.00019109556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999945, y: -0.0033130185, z: -0.00019109556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999944, y: 0.0033377523, z: -0.00038219057, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918456, y: -0.12744556, z: 1.5368697e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9891931, y: -0.14661768, z: 0.00054722966, w: -1} - {x: 0.9891931, y: -0.14661768, z: 0.00054722966, w: -1} - {x: 0.9861678, y: -0.16574611, z: 0.0010950223, w: -1} - {x: 0.98615706, y: -0.165814, z: 0.000000008366288, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924906, y: -0.12218334, z: -0.0058029303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924906, y: -0.12218334, z: -0.0058029303, w: -1} - {x: 0.99687177, y: -0.07817913, z: -0.011599721, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969871, y: -0.07756831, z: 0.000000004422693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994543, y: -0.03259545, z: -0.0053413166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994543, y: -0.03259545, z: -0.0053413166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998637, y: 0.0125863785, z: -0.010675295, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991554, y: 0.0129979225, z: 0.000000005211192, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989131, y: 0.046410196, z: -0.0043114973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989131, y: 0.046410196, z: -0.0043114973, w: -1} - {x: 0.99677134, y: 0.07982867, z: -0.008621647, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967608, y: 0.080423325, z: 8.58865e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.992092, y: 0.12551063, z: 0.0006685952, w: -1} - {x: 0.992092, y: 0.12551063, z: 0.0006685952, w: -1} - {x: 0.9853596, y: 0.1704835, z: 0.0013513621, w: -1} - {x: 0.9853385, y: 0.17061101, z: -0.000000063746114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939495, y: 0.10259242, z: -0.039233983, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939495, y: 0.10259242, z: -0.039233983, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963607, y: 0.033486288, z: -0.078383155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984438, y: -0.055767324, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990542, y: -0.043474764, z: -0.0007815024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990542, y: -0.043474764, z: -0.0007815024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995128, y: -0.031171655, z: -0.0015630382, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995159, y: -0.031112095, z: 9.9342486e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985224, y: -0.017174775, z: -0.0007446497, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985224, y: -0.017174775, z: -0.0007446497, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999937, y: -0.003228378, z: -0.0014892996, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999493, y: -0.003191587, z: 2.1587358e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999193, y: 0.012687165, z: -0.00061139924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999193, y: 0.012687165, z: -0.00061139924, w: -1} - {x: 0.99959093, y: 0.028571185, z: -0.0012227006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995916, y: 0.02857829, z: 6.900505e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974879, y: 0.07077706, z: -0.0029230528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974879, y: 0.07077706, z: -0.0029230528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935769, y: 0.11300852, z: -0.0058382563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936059, y: 0.112904474, z: 7.5429274e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99329907, y: 0.115572, z: 0.00025816078, w: -1} - {x: 0.99329907, y: 0.115572, z: 0.00025816078, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929852, y: 0.11823874, z: 0.0005163245, w: -1} - {x: 0.99297905, y: 0.118290976, z: 0.000000022328809, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975612, y: 0.06616603, z: -0.022218443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975612, y: 0.06616603, z: -0.022218443, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891996, y: 0.013537147, z: -0.044449847, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991459, y: 0.04132161, z: 7.595975e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987793, y: 0.049397197, z: -0.00019959881, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987793, y: 0.049397197, z: -0.00019959881, w: -1} - {x: 0.99834716, y: 0.057471357, z: -0.0003991997, w: -1} - {x: 0.99834704, y: 0.05747277, z: -2.8820439e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978127, y: 0.06610423, z: -0.000050221563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978127, y: 0.06610423, z: -0.000050221563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972036, y: 0.07473295, z: -0.00010041253, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972037, y: 0.07473126, z: -3.9525477e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975797, y: 0.06953371, z: -0.00009556285, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975797, y: 0.06953371, z: -0.00009556285, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979285, y: 0.0643338, z: -0.00019112659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979285, y: 0.06433278, z: -0.0000000052964415, w: -1} - {x: 0.99937636, y: 0.035184078, z: -0.0029849464, w: -1} - {x: 0.99937636, y: 0.035184078, z: -0.0029849464, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996465, y: 0.005920422, z: -0.0059707905, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999834, y: 0.005766052, z: -0.00000011985794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941674, y: -0.10249336, z: -0.03356011, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941674, y: -0.10249336, z: -0.03356011, w: -1} - {x: 0.974566, y: -0.21387298, z: -0.066928916, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953365, y: 0.030536208, z: 0.0000000038858006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993545, y: 0.035924226, z: -0.00020567923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993545, y: 0.035924226, z: -0.00020567923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991462, y: 0.041311733, z: -0.00041137074, w: -1} - {x: 0.99681824, y: -0.07970835, 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08010000090100000a010000090100000b0100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0100000d0100000e0100000d0100000f0100000e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100100001101000012010000110100001301000012010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28010000290100002a010000290100002b0100002a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0100002d0100002e0100002d0100002f0100002e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300100003101000032010000310100003301000032010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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48010000490100004a010000490100004b0100004a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0100004d0100004e0100004d0100004f0100004e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500100005101000052010000510100005301000052010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540100005501000056010000550100005701000056010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58010000590100005a010000590100005b0100005a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0100005d0100005e0100005d0100005f0100005e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600100006101000062010000610100006301000062010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640100006501000066010000650100006701000066010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68010000690100006a010000690100006b0100006a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0100006d0100006e0100006d0100006f0100006e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700100007101000072010000710100007301000072010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740100007501000076010000750100007701000076010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78010000790100007a010000790100007b0100007a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0100007d0100007e0100007d0100007f0100007e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800100008101000082010000810100008301000082010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840100008501000086010000850100008701000086010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88010000890100008a010000890100008b0100008a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0100008d0100008e0100008d0100008f0100008e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900100009101000092010000910100009301000092010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940100009501000096010000950100009701000096010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98010000990100009a010000990100009b0100009a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0100009d0100009e0100009d0100009f0100009e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0010000a1010000a2010000a1010000a3010000a2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4010000a5010000a6010000a5010000a7010000a6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8010000a9010000aa010000a9010000ab010000aa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac010000ad010000ae010000ad010000af010000ae010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0010000b1010000b2010000b1010000b3010000b2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4010000b5010000b6010000b5010000b7010000b6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8010000b9010000ba010000b9010000bb010000ba010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc010000bd010000be010000bd010000bf010000be010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0010000c1010000c2010000c1010000c3010000c2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4010000c5010000c6010000c5010000c7010000c6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8010000c9010000ca010000c9010000cb010000ca010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc010000cd010000ce010000cd010000cf010000ce010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0010000d1010000d2010000d1010000d3010000d2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4010000d5010000d6010000d5010000d7010000d6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8010000d9010000da010000d9010000db010000da010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc010000dd010000de010000dd010000df010000de010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0010000e1010000e2010000e1010000e3010000e2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4010000e5010000e6010000e5010000e7010000e6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8010000e9010000ea010000e9010000eb010000ea010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec010000ed010000ee010000ed010000ef010000ee010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0010000f1010000f2010000f1010000f3010000f2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4010000f5010000f6010000f5010000f7010000f6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8010000f9010000fa010000f9010000fb010000fa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc010000fd010000fe010000fd010000ff010000fe010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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08020000090200000a020000090200000b0200000a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0200000d0200000e0200000d0200000f0200000e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100200001102000012020000110200001302000012020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140200001502000016020000150200001702000016020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18020000190200001a020000190200001b0200001a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0200001d0200001e0200001d0200001f0200001e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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28020000290200002a020000290200002b0200002a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0200002d0200002e0200002d0200002f0200002e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300200003102000032020000310200003302000032020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340200003502000036020000350200003702000036020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38020000390200003a020000390200003b0200003a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0200003d0200003e0200003d0200003f0200003e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400200004102000042020000410200004302000042020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000046020000450200004702000046020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004a020000490200004b0200004a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004e0200004d0200004f0200004e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000052020000510200005302000052020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000056020000550200005702000056020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005a020000590200005b0200005a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005e0200005d0200005f0200005e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600200006102000062020000610200006302000062020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640200006502000066020000650200006702000066020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68020000690200006a020000690200006b0200006a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0200006d0200006e0200006d0200006f0200006e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700200007102000072020000710200007302000072020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740200007502000076020000750200007702000076020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78020000790200007a020000790200007b0200007a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0200007d0200007e0200007d0200007f0200007e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800200008102000082020000810200008302000082020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840200008502000086020000850200008702000086020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88020000890200008a020000890200008b0200008a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0200008d0200008e0200008d0200008f0200008e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900200009102000092020000910200009302000092020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940200009502000096020000950200009702000096020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98020000990200009a020000990200009b0200009a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0200009d0200009e0200009d0200009f0200009e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0020000a1020000a2020000a1020000a3020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4020000a5020000a6020000a5020000a7020000a6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8020000a9020000aa020000a9020000ab020000aa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac020000ad020000ae020000ad020000af020000ae020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0020000b1020000b2020000b1020000b3020000b2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4020000b5020000b6020000b5020000b7020000b6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8020000b9020000ba020000b9020000bb020000ba020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc020000bd020000be020000bd020000bf020000be020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0020000c1020000c2020000c1020000c3020000c2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4020000c5020000c6020000c5020000c7020000c6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8020000c9020000ca020000c9020000cb020000ca020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc020000cd020000ce020000cd020000cf020000ce020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0020000d1020000d2020000d1020000d3020000d2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4020000d5020000d6020000d5020000d7020000d6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8020000d9020000da020000d9020000db020000da020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc020000dd020000de020000dd020000df020000de020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0020000e1020000e2020000e1020000e3020000e2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4020000e5020000e6020000e5020000e7020000e6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8020000e9020000ea020000e9020000eb020000ea020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec020000ed020000ee020000ed020000ef020000ee020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0020000f1020000f2020000f1020000f3020000f2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4020000f5020000f6020000f5020000f7020000f6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8020000f9020000fa020000f9020000fb020000fa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc020000fd020000fe020000fd020000ff020000fe020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000300000103000002030000010300000303000002030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040300000503000006030000050300000703000006030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08030000090300000a030000090300000b0300000a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0300000d0300000e0300000d0300000f0300000e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100300001103000012030000110300001303000012030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140300001503000016030000150300001703000016030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18030000190300001a030000190300001b0300001a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0300001d0300001e0300001d0300001f0300001e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200300002103000022030000210300002303000022030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240300002503000026030000250300002703000026030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28030000290300002a030000290300002b0300002a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0300002d0300002e0300002d0300002f0300002e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300300003103000032030000310300003303000032030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340300003503000036030000350300003703000036030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38030000390300003a030000390300003b0300003a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0300003d0300003e0300003d0300003f0300003e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400300004103000042030000410300004303000042030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440300004503000046030000450300004703000046030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48030000490300004a030000490300004b0300004a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0300004d0300004e0300004d0300004f0300004e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500300005103000052030000510300005303000052030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540300005503000056030000550300005703000056030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58030000590300005a030000590300005b0300005a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0300005d0300005e0300005d0300005f0300005e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600300006103000062030000610300006303000062030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640300006503000066030000650300006703000066030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68030000690300006a030000690300006b0300006a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0300006d0300006e0300006d0300006f0300006e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700300007103000072030000710300007303000072030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740300007503000076030000750300007703000076030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78030000790300007a030000790300007b0300007a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0300007d0300007e0300007d0300007f0300007e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800300008103000082030000810300008303000082030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840300008503000086030000850300008703000086030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88030000890300008a030000890300008b0300008a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0300008d0300008e0300008d0300008f0300008e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900300009103000092030000910300009303000092030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940300009503000096030000950300009703000096030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98030000990300009a030000990300009b0300009a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0300009d0300009e0300009d0300009f0300009e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0030000a1030000a2030000a1030000a3030000a2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4030000a5030000a6030000a5030000a7030000a6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8030000a9030000aa030000a9030000ab030000aa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac030000ad030000ae030000ad030000af030000ae030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0030000b1030000b2030000b1030000b3030000b2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4030000b5030000b6030000b5030000b7030000b6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8030000b9030000ba030000b9030000bb030000ba030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc030000bd030000be030000bd030000bf030000be030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0030000c1030000c2030000c1030000c3030000c2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4030000c5030000c6030000c5030000c7030000c6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8030000c9030000ca030000c9030000cb030000ca030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc030000cd030000ce030000cd030000cf030000ce030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0030000d1030000d2030000d1030000d3030000d2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4030000d5030000d6030000d5030000d7030000d6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8030000d9030000da030000d9030000db030000da030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc030000dd030000de030000dd030000df030000de030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0030000e1030000e2030000e1030000e3030000e2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4030000e5030000e6030000e5030000e7030000e6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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y: 14.102041, z: 0} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 9.375} - {x: -65.625, y: 14.102041, z: 0} - {x: -65.625, y: 15.265948, z: 9.375} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 9.375} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 18.75} - {x: -65.625, y: 15.265948, z: 9.375} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.423017, z: 18.75} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 18.75} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 28.125} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.423017, z: 18.75} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.913084, z: 28.125} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 28.125} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 37.5} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.913084, z: 28.125} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.558551, z: 37.5} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 37.5} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 46.875} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.558551, z: 37.5} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.793277, z: 46.875} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 46.875} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 56.25} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.793277, z: 46.875} - {x: -65.625, y: 6.690439, z: 56.25} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 56.25} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: 6.690439, z: 56.25} - {x: -65.625, y: 4.4948506, z: 65.625} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 65.625} - {x: -75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -65.625, y: 4.4948506, z: 65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -65.625, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -65.625, y: 0.14837198, z: -65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -56.25, y: 0.5338913, z: -65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: 0.14837198, z: -65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: 1.7416573, z: -56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 0.5338913, z: -65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 4.3750153, z: -56.25} - {x: -65.625, y: 1.7416573, z: -56.25} - {x: -65.625, y: 6.777825, z: -46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 4.3750153, z: -56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 10.207106, z: -46.875} - {x: -65.625, y: 6.777825, z: -46.875} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.554137, z: -37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 10.207106, z: -46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.254826, z: -37.5} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.554137, z: -37.5} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.941613, z: -28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.254826, z: -37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.494665, z: -28.125} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.941613, z: -28.125} - {x: -65.625, y: 10.598504, z: -18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.494665, z: -28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.660649, z: -18.75} - {x: -65.625, y: 10.598504, z: -18.75} - {x: -65.625, y: 12.19261, z: -9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.660649, z: -18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.060731, z: -9.375} - {x: -65.625, y: 12.19261, z: -9.375} - {x: -65.625, y: 14.102041, z: 0} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.060731, z: -9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 14.830397, z: 0} - {x: -65.625, y: 14.102041, z: 0} - {x: -65.625, y: 15.265948, z: 9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 14.830397, z: 0} - {x: -56.25, y: 24.04834, z: 9.375} - {x: -65.625, y: 15.265948, z: 9.375} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.423017, z: 18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 24.04834, z: 9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.862524, z: 18.75} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.423017, z: 18.75} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.913084, z: 28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.862524, z: 18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 26.88567, z: 28.125} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.913084, z: 28.125} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.558551, z: 37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 26.88567, z: 28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.347652, z: 37.5} - {x: -65.625, y: 9.558551, z: 37.5} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.793277, z: 46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.347652, z: 37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.87909, z: 46.875} - {x: -65.625, y: 8.793277, z: 46.875} - {x: -65.625, y: 6.690439, z: 56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.87909, z: 46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.124917, z: 56.25} - {x: -65.625, y: 6.690439, z: 56.25} - {x: -65.625, y: 4.4948506, z: 65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.124917, z: 56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 8.159716, z: 65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: 4.4948506, z: 65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -56.25, y: 8.159716, z: 65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -56.25, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -56.25, y: 0.5338913, z: -65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -46.875, y: 2.229083, z: -65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 0.5338913, z: -65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 4.3750153, z: -56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 2.229083, z: -65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 7.4737177, z: -56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 4.3750153, z: -56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 10.207106, z: -46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 7.4737177, z: -56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.925621, z: -46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 10.207106, z: -46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.254826, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.925621, z: -46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 15.800184, z: -37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.254826, z: -37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.494665, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 15.800184, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.231728, z: -28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.494665, z: -28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.660649, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.231728, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 18.304922, z: -18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.660649, z: -18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.060731, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 18.304922, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.057343, z: -9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.060731, z: -9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 14.830397, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.057343, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.31517, z: 0} - {x: -56.25, y: 14.830397, z: 0} - {x: -56.25, y: 24.04834, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.31517, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 29.044474, z: 9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 24.04834, z: 9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.862524, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 29.044474, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 31.11543, z: 18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.862524, z: 18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 26.88567, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 31.11543, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 30.41807, z: 28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 26.88567, z: 28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.347652, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 30.41807, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.857147, z: 37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 23.347652, z: 37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.87909, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.857147, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.808376, z: 46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 15.87909, z: 46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.124917, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.808376, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.85876, z: 56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 12.124917, z: 56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 8.159716, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.85876, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 9.606305, z: 65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 8.159716, z: 65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -46.875, y: 9.606305, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -46.875, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -46.875, y: 2.229083, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -37.5, y: 4.8941693, z: -65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 2.229083, z: -65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 7.4737177, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 4.8941693, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.311919, z: -56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 7.4737177, z: -56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.925621, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.311919, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 15.354901, z: -46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.925621, z: -46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 15.800184, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 15.354901, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.648357, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 15.800184, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.231728, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.648357, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 16.642765, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.231728, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 18.304922, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 16.642765, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.955025, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 18.304922, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.057343, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.955025, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.74654, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.057343, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.31517, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.74654, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.818203, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.31517, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 29.044474, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.818203, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.73748, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 29.044474, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 31.11543, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.73748, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 35.667885, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 31.11543, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 30.41807, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 35.667885, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 36.09724, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 30.41807, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.857147, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 36.09724, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.258478, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.857147, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.808376, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.258478, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 23.500046, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.808376, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.85876, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 23.500046, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 18.256924, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 14.85876, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 9.606305, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 18.256924, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.631566, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 9.606305, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.631566, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -37.5, y: 4.8941693, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -28.125, y: 6.6545196, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 4.8941693, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.311919, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 6.6545196, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 12.828906, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.311919, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 15.354901, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 12.828906, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.48127, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 15.354901, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.648357, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.48127, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 13.458052, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.648357, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 16.642765, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 13.458052, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 24.34874, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 16.642765, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.955025, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 24.34874, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 25.176569, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.955025, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.74654, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 25.176569, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.90618, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.74654, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.818203, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.90618, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 37.144566, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.818203, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.73748, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 37.144566, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.411312, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 38.73748, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 35.667885, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.411312, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 36.46103, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 35.667885, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 36.09724, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 36.46103, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.635666, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 36.09724, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.258478, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.635666, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.279434, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.258478, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 23.500046, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.279434, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.502245, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 23.500046, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 18.256924, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.502245, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.619276, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 18.256924, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.631566, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.619276, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.989765, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 10.631566, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.989765, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -28.125, y: 6.6545196, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -18.75, y: 8.2640705, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 6.6545196, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 12.828906, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 8.2640705, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 14.790717, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 12.828906, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.48127, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 14.790717, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 15.742385, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.48127, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 13.458052, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 15.742385, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.820494, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 13.458052, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 24.34874, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.820494, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.482111, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 24.34874, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 25.176569, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.482111, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 28.650175, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 25.176569, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.90618, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 28.650175, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.956331, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.90618, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 37.144566, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.956331, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 36.23568, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 37.144566, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.411312, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 36.23568, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.662582, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.411312, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 36.46103, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.662582, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.340862, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 36.46103, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.635666, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.340862, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 34.819622, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 38.635666, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.279434, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 34.819622, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.565262, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.279434, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.502245, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.565262, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 22.507952, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.502245, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.619276, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 22.507952, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.500502, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.619276, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.989765, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.500502, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.336367, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.989765, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.336367, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -18.75, y: 8.2640705, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.411124, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 8.2640705, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 14.790717, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.411124, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 16.258377, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 14.790717, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 15.742385, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 16.258377, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 18.31262, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 15.742385, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.820494, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 18.31262, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.57062, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.820494, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.482111, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.57062, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 25.595497, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.482111, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 28.650175, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 25.595497, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.620335, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 28.650175, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.956331, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.620335, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.723692, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.956331, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 36.23568, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.723692, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.218067, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 36.23568, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.662582, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.218067, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 24.315664, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.662582, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.340862, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 24.315664, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 29.119608, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.340862, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 34.819622, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 29.119608, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.547468, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 34.819622, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.565262, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.547468, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 23.527544, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 27.565262, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 22.507952, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 23.527544, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 22.146257, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 22.507952, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.500502, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 22.146257, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.104092, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.500502, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.336367, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.104092, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.286425, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.336367, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.286425, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.411124, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 0, y: 8.990208, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.411124, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 16.258377, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 8.990208, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 16.89644, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 16.258377, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 18.31262, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 16.89644, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 20.230968, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 18.31262, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.57062, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 20.230968, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 23.29803, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.57062, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 25.595497, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 23.29803, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 25.230686, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 25.595497, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.620335, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 25.230686, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 26.655598, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.620335, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.723692, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 26.655598, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 26.642378, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.723692, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.218067, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 26.642378, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 26.5127, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.218067, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 24.315664, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 26.5127, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 27.608845, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 24.315664, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 29.119608, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 27.608845, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 27.93053, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 29.119608, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.547468, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 27.93053, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 27.79853, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 28.547468, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 23.527544, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 27.79853, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 25.12502, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 23.527544, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 22.146257, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 25.12502, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 22.29183, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 22.146257, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.104092, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 22.29183, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 17.421452, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.104092, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.286425, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 17.421452, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 10.689944, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 10.286425, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 0, y: 10.689944, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 0, y: 8.990208, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 9.375, y: 1.7167768, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 8.990208, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 16.89644, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 1.7167768, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 16.566757, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 16.89644, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 20.230968, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 16.566757, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.286793, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 20.230968, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 23.29803, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.286793, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 22.541052, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 23.29803, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 25.230686, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 22.541052, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.888346, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 25.230686, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 26.655598, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.888346, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.480864, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 26.655598, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 26.642378, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.480864, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.165794, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 26.642378, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 26.5127, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.165794, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 30.21681, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 26.5127, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 27.608845, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 30.21681, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.338127, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 27.608845, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 27.93053, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.338127, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 29.445368, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 27.93053, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 27.79853, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 29.445368, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.081722, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 27.79853, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 25.12502, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.081722, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.859924, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 25.12502, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 22.29183, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.859924, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.334278, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 22.29183, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 17.421452, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.334278, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 18.069366, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 17.421452, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 10.689944, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 18.069366, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 10.134077, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 10.689944, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 9.375, y: 10.134077, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 9.375, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 9.375, y: 1.7167768, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 18.75, y: 1.826392, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 1.7167768, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 16.566757, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 1.826392, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.331369, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 16.566757, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.286793, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.331369, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 17.102789, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.286793, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 22.541052, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 17.102789, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.983034, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 22.541052, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.888346, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.983034, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.121368, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.888346, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.480864, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.121368, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 30.813663, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.480864, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.165794, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 30.813663, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.673122, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.165794, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 30.21681, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.673122, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.531265, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 30.21681, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.338127, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.531265, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.378445, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.338127, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 29.445368, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.378445, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.154774, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 29.445368, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.081722, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.154774, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 29.281982, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 28.081722, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.859924, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 29.281982, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 28.44162, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.859924, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.334278, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 28.44162, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 25.743574, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 27.334278, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 18.069366, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 25.743574, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.64693, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 18.069366, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 10.134077, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.64693, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.465615, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 10.134077, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.465615, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 18.75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 18.75, y: 1.826392, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 28.125, y: 0.92820036, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 1.826392, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.331369, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 0.92820036, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 3.7184098, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.331369, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 17.102789, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 3.7184098, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 11.637682, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 17.102789, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.983034, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 11.637682, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 16.855412, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.983034, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.121368, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 16.855412, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.334503, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.121368, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 30.813663, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.334503, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.619598, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 30.813663, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.673122, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.619598, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.886375, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.673122, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.531265, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.886375, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.59147, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.531265, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.378445, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.59147, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.594627, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.378445, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.154774, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.594627, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.062893, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.154774, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 29.281982, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.062893, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.201427, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 29.281982, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 28.44162, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.201427, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.504604, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 28.44162, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 25.743574, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.504604, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.098307, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 25.743574, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.64693, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.098307, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 20.3167, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 20.64693, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.465615, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 20.3167, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 10.530258, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 10.465615, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 28.125, y: 10.530258, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 28.125, y: 0.92820036, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 37.5, y: 0.33573276, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 0.92820036, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 3.7184098, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 0.33573276, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 1.3179762, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 3.7184098, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 11.637682, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 1.3179762, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 7.960838, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 11.637682, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 16.855412, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 7.960838, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 13.536616, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 16.855412, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.334503, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 13.536616, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.788305, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.334503, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.619598, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.788305, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.522623, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.619598, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.886375, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.522623, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 32.224663, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.886375, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.59147, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 32.224663, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 33.194508, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.59147, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.594627, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 33.194508, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 31.778723, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.594627, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.062893, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 31.778723, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 30.78656, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 33.062893, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.201427, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 30.78656, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.953415, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 32.201427, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.504604, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.953415, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.188288, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 30.504604, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.098307, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.188288, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 24.996235, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.098307, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 20.3167, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 24.996235, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 19.695467, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 20.3167, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 10.530258, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 19.695467, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 9.752273, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 10.530258, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 37.5, y: 9.752273, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 37.5, y: 0.33573276, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.04996358, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 0.33573276, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 1.3179762, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.04996358, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.51455665, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 1.3179762, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 7.960838, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.51455665, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 3.6532786, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 7.960838, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 13.536616, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 3.6532786, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 12.192029, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 13.536616, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.788305, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 12.192029, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 19.86291, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.788305, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.522623, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 19.86291, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.541904, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.522623, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 32.224663, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.541904, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.874796, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 32.224663, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 33.194508, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.874796, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.241405, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 33.194508, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 31.778723, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.241405, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.977892, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 31.778723, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 30.78656, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.977892, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 27.642317, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 30.78656, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.953415, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 27.642317, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 26.493605, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 29.953415, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.188288, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 26.493605, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 24.841877, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.188288, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 24.996235, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 24.841877, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 22.95529, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 24.996235, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 19.695467, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 22.95529, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 17.181099, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 19.695467, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 9.752273, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 17.181099, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 10.582912, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 9.752273, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 46.875, y: 10.582912, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.04996358, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.011779478, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.04996358, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.51455665, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.011779478, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.18735078, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 0.51455665, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 3.6532786, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.18735078, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.6870185, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 3.6532786, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 12.192029, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.6870185, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 9.934561, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 12.192029, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 19.86291, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 9.934561, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 17.549917, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 19.86291, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.541904, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 17.549917, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 23.325327, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.541904, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.874796, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 23.325327, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.079206, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.874796, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.241405, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.079206, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.989162, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 30.241405, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.977892, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.989162, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 25.65263, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 28.977892, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 27.642317, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 25.65263, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.41963, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 27.642317, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 26.493605, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.41963, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.982273, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 26.493605, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 24.841877, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.982273, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.136738, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 24.841877, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 22.95529, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.136738, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 19.483486, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 22.95529, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 17.181099, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 19.483486, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.726632, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 17.181099, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 10.582912, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.726632, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 7.350494, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 10.582912, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 56.25, y: 7.350494, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.011779478, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.011779478, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.18735078, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 0.18735078, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.6870185, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.7694723, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.6870185, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 9.934561, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.7694723, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 4.564595, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 9.934561, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 17.549917, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 4.564595, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.098012, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 17.549917, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 23.325327, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.098012, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.18556, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 23.325327, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.079206, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.18556, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.078758, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.079206, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.989162, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.078758, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 20.590569, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.989162, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 25.65263, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 20.590569, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.720715, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 25.65263, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.41963, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.720715, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.39223, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 24.41963, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.982273, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.39223, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.143595, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.982273, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.136738, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.143595, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 13.9515, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 22.136738, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 19.483486, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 13.9515, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.580007, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 19.483486, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.726632, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.580007, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.3936825, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.726632, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 7.350494, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.3936825, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 3.2257724, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 7.350494, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 65.625, y: 3.2257724, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.7694723, z: -46.875} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.7694723, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 4.564595, z: -37.5} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -46.875} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 4.564595, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.098012, z: -28.125} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -37.5} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.098012, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.18556, z: -18.75} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -28.125} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.18556, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.078758, z: -9.375} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -18.75} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.078758, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 20.590569, z: 0} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -9.375} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 20.590569, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.720715, z: 9.375} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.720715, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.39223, z: 18.75} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 9.375} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 18.39223, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.143595, z: 28.125} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 18.75} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 17.143595, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 13.9515, z: 37.5} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 28.125} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 13.9515, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.580007, z: 46.875} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 37.5} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 12.580007, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.3936825, z: 56.25} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 46.875} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.3936825, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 3.2257724, z: 65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 56.25} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 3.2257724, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 75} m_Textures0: - {x: -75, y: -75} - {x: -75, y: -65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: -75} - {x: -65.625, y: -65.625} - {x: -74.99061, y: -65.625} - {x: -74.99061, y: -56.25} - {x: -65.61443, y: -65.625} - {x: -65.58922, y: -56.25} - {x: -73.73833, y: -56.25} - {x: -73.73833, y: -46.875} - {x: -64.20292, y: -56.25} - {x: -63.28306, y: -46.875} - {x: -60.77942, y: -46.875} - {x: -60.77942, y: -37.5} - {x: -49.21095, y: -46.875} - {x: -48.170227, y: -37.5} - {x: -55.403023, y: -37.5} - {x: -55.403023, y: -28.125} - {x: -42.711926, y: -37.5} - {x: -42.450756, y: -28.125} - {x: -54.272625, y: -28.125} - {x: -54.272625, y: -18.75} - {x: -41.3172, y: -28.125} - {x: -40.17364, y: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: -49.691257} - {x: 9.375, y: -49.691257} - {x: 18.75, y: -35.54138} - {x: 9.375, y: -34.34737} - {x: 9.375, y: -45.716263} - {x: 0, y: -45.716263} - {x: 9.375, y: -30.33607} - {x: 0, y: -28.822372} - {x: 0, y: -41.521656} - {x: -9.375, y: -41.521656} - {x: 0, y: -24.587719} - {x: -9.375, y: -23.618454} - {x: -9.375, y: -39.24829} - {x: -18.75, y: -39.24829} - {x: -9.375, y: -21.333498} - {x: -18.75, y: -26.312506} - {x: -18.75, y: -52.897373} - {x: -28.125, y: -52.897373} - {x: -18.75, y: -39.605125} - {x: -28.125, y: -39.96662} - {x: -54.355167, y: 28.125} - {x: -54.355167, y: 37.5} - {x: -41.419415, y: 28.125} - {x: -40.97467, y: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: -52.516415} - {x: -46.875, y: -52.516415} - {x: -37.5, y: -39.127743} - {x: -46.875, y: -39.674095} - {x: -54.70302, y: 46.875} - {x: -54.70302, y: 56.25} - {x: -41.84952, y: 46.875} - {x: -43.288105, y: 56.25} - {x: -61.048454, y: 56.25} - {x: -61.048454, y: 65.625} - {x: -49.530964, y: 56.25} - {x: -50.806366, y: 65.625} - {x: -67.628716, y: 65.625} - {x: -67.628716, y: 75} - {x: -57.231873, y: 65.625} - {x: -59.175125, y: 75} - {x: -65.625, y: -74.990616} - {x: -65.625, y: -65.61444} - {x: -56.25, y: -74.990616} - {x: -56.25, y: -65.60834} - {x: -65.56349, y: -64.22263} - {x: -65.498024, y: -54.713436} - {x: -56.180565, y: -64.22263} - {x: -56.022743, y: -54.33744} - {x: -62.708878, y: -41.04089} - {x: -61.34697, y: -30.486326} - {x: -52.971054, y: -41.04089} - {x: -51.39391, y: -30.134321} - {x: -59.302822, y: -41.085403} - {x: -58.692608, y: -31.563139} - {x: -49.32031, y: -41.085403} - {x: -48.61686, y: -31.518484} - {x: -57.900555, y: -36.241016} - {x: -57.758286, y: -26.85909} - {x: -47.82158, y: -36.241016} - {x: -46.63201, y: -26.75717} - {x: -48.664833, y: -21.393959} - {x: -47.715588, y: -11.921111} - {x: -37.2266, y: -21.393959} - {x: -38.277325, y: -12.331293} - {x: -59.090984, y: -13.651007} - {x: -58.596035, y: -4.154332} - {x: -49.22856, y: -13.651007} - {x: -49.41483, y: -4.4871163} - {x: -64.22122, y: -5.572208} - {x: -64.04516, y: 3.9936461} - {x: -54.80611, y: -5.572208} - {x: -54.64294, y: 3.9659848} - {x: -64.335526, y: 2.3515005} - {x: -64.24537, y: 11.798044} - {x: -54.932274, y: 2.3515005} - {x: -54.218273, y: 12.784427} - {x: -37.456085, y: -14.654491} - {x: -41.450695, y: -4.355288} - {x: -24.610037, y: -14.654491} - {x: -24.737072, y: -6.0646167} - {x: -16.42221, y: -28.153715} - {x: -25.791368, y: -28.761587} - {x: -16.753082, y: -10.940914} - {x: -26.122242, y: -8.58495} - {x: -30.462215, y: -21.945614} - {x: -39.831177, y: -21.21771} - {x: -30.12574, y: -1.6776286} - {x: -39.494698, y: -4.659419} - {x: -33.80589, y: -30.060518} - {x: -43.166485, y: -30.985464} - {x: -34.32539, y: -13.394382} - {x: -43.685986, y: -19.865444} - {x: -47.05132, y: 37.93651} - {x: -48.319263, y: 47.46042} - {x: -35.29975, y: 37.93651} - {x: -37.563396, y: 47.692467} - {x: -53.420296, y: 47.44475} - {x: -54.5214, y: 57.01025} - {x: -42.58405, y: 47.44475} - {x: -44.572636, y: 57.314274} - {x: -59.484276, y: 48.472977} - {x: -61.120796, y: 58.74021} - {x: -49.4184, y: 48.472977} - {x: -52.389256, y: 60.131954} - {x: -56.25, y: -74.87868} - {x: -56.25, y: -65.48849} - {x: -46.875, y: -74.87868} - {x: -46.875, y: -65.392105} - {x: -55.257378, y: -56.925186} - {x: -54.573906, y: -46.816887} - {x: -45.730347, y: -56.925186} - {x: -44.797142, y: -46.30044} - {x: -52.0352, y: -37.34201} - {x: -50.204918, y: -26.45376} - {x: -42.161366, y: -37.34201} - {x: -40.450397, y: -26.637344} - {x: -51.181797, y: -40.647285} - {x: -50.611504, y: -31.068218} - {x: -41.4206, y: -40.647285} - {x: -40.62003, y: -30.905174} - {x: -48.27864, y: -26.036892} - {x: -47.132637, y: -16.184286} - {x: -38.255657, y: -26.036892} - {x: -38.81046, y: -17.567572} - {x: -57.81509, y: -29.104248} - {x: -57.570236, y: -19.554678} - {x: -48.355408, y: -29.104248} - {x: -48.899208, y: -20.66895} - {x: -44.340115, y: -20.849442} - {x: -44.606422, y: -11.459043} - {x: -33.877808, y: -20.849442} - {x: -32.21209, y: -11.682306} - {x: -31.542164, y: -2.7615528} - {x: -30.316854, y: 6.699999} - {x: -18.548717, y: -2.7615528} - {x: -16.29301, y: 6.8449006} - {x: -37.140656, y: -11.239241} - {x: -44.181477, y: -0.13573013} - {x: -30.950546, y: 1.3902357} - {x: -37.991367, y: 7.9371715} - {x: -38.330803, y: 8.539742} - {x: -38.41819, y: 17.916176} - {x: -27.70762, y: 8.539742} - {x: -26.733639, y: 17.881346} - {x: -29.888546, y: 31.339231} - {x: -28.03868, y: 41.014355} - {x: -18.035475, y: 31.33923} - {x: -18.46219, y: 40.2871} - {x: -43.157837, y: 11.537583} - {x: -44.40531, y: 21.480019} - {x: -33.13943, y: 11.537583} - {x: -34.04239, y: 21.175545} - {x: -40.570057, y: 3.9726033} - {x: -43.807472, y: 15.513365} - {x: -30.166876, y: 3.9726033} - {x: -32.35538, y: 14.241647} - {x: -35.796715, y: 30.455746} - {x: -38.02815, y: 40.304863} - {x: -24.138857, y: 30.455746} - {x: -28.864012, y: 41.339054} - {x: -50.60646, y: 41.814083} - {x: -51.716515, y: 51.93244} - {x: -40.840984, y: 41.814083} - {x: -42.311405, y: 52.397358} - {x: -54.347748, y: 38.898438} - {x: -55.592087, y: 51.26465} - {x: -44.861797, y: 38.898438} - {x: -46.32674, y: 52.196968} - {x: -46.875, y: -72.96583} - {x: -46.875, y: -63.329468} - {x: -37.5, y: -72.96583} - {x: -37.5, y: -62.71298} - {x: -44.479, y: -50.699745} - {x: -43.0449, y: -40.05361} - {x: -34.73255, y: -50.699745} - {x: -33.25111, y: -39.974705} - {x: -42.698574, y: -39.065495} - {x: -41.118862, y: -28.33617} - {x: -32.90337, y: -39.065495} - {x: -31.442144, y: -28.52651} - {x: -42.13411, y: -38.031197} - {x: -41.413055, y: -28.25194} - {x: -32.44948, y: -38.031197} - {x: -32.87755, y: -29.513805} - {x: -49.22165, y: -37.801907} - {x: -48.87077, y: -28.303085} - {x: -39.602867, y: -37.801907} - {x: -40.27275, y: -29.018805} - {x: -41.853, y: -16.04957} - {x: -40.838478, y: -5.87842} - {x: -32.17293, y: -16.04957} - {x: -29.106287, y: -2.7836475} - {x: 2.1072516, y: -18.13779} - {x: -6.7349596, y: -13.260642} - {x: 5.222686, y: -4.295488} - {x: -3.6195254, y: 1.3811285} - {x: -3.5538146, y: -11.689903} - {x: -12.584634, y: -7.573065} - {x: -1.0368878, y: 3.081455} - {x: -10.067707, y: 8.633658} - {x: -12.478881, y: -4.0914288} - {x: -21.51557, y: 0.3959539} - {x: -9.983105, y: 12.156452} - {x: -19.019793, y: 13.477458} - {x: -18.962103, y: -9.052774} - {x: -28.130184, y: -6.2021995} - {x: -17.0033, y: 4.2891927} - {x: -26.171381, y: 3.4051306} - {x: -28.574665, y: 15.4724045} - {x: -28.879284, y: 24.868368} - {x: -18.15279, y: 15.4724045} - {x: -17.96524, y: 24.800701} - {x: -24.33205, y: 15.942688} - {x: -25.658928, y: 25.570168} - {x: -13.371047, y: 15.942688} - {x: -15.878131, y: 26.013416} - {x: -34.56368, y: 14.408464} - {x: -36.28559, y: 24.916353} - {x: -24.590733, y: 14.408464} - {x: -27.23679, y: 26.066837} - {x: -45.069744, y: 18.877386} - {x: -45.654663, y: 31.155209} - {x: -35.669266, y: 18.877386} - {x: -36.055042, y: 29.4123} - {x: -39.005795, y: 35.813725} - {x: -40.7957, y: 46.40972} - {x: -29.033926, y: 35.813725} - {x: -31.63246, y: 47.44938} - {x: 39.64582, y: -42.01425} - {x: 38.650898, y: -55.40013} - {x: 30.323763, y: -40.5856} - {x: 29.328838, y: -54.707256} - {x: -37.5, y: -66.48553} - {x: -37.5, y: -55.90992} - {x: -28.125, y: -66.48553} - {x: -28.125, y: -55.095264} - {x: -35.9527, y: -51.269985} - {x: -34.95288, y: -40.48838} - {x: -26.413862, y: -51.269985} - {x: -25.274406, y: -40.12112} - {x: -33.543583, y: -40.841614} - {x: -32.235954, y: -30.276937} - {x: -23.83658, y: -40.841614} - {x: -22.630241, y: -30.450861} - {x: -33.174698, y: -50.220634} - {x: -33.552174, y: -40.69906} - {x: -23.561577, y: -50.220634} - {x: -24.45149, y: -40.304157} - {x: -37.76927, y: -31.803265} - {x: -37.83004, y: -21.961851} - {x: -28.39234, y: -31.803265} - {x: -28.613367, y: -19.560272} - {x: -16.866114, y: -9.734428} - {x: -21.83987, y: 4.9197206} - {x: -8.919267, y: -0.5627167} - {x: -13.893024, y: 4.4423375} - {x: -45.605213, y: -11.443683} - {x: -47.396362, y: -1.0686626} - {x: -35.49743, y: -11.443683} - {x: -38.386883, y: 0.098632045} - {x: -40.363148, y: 6.102195} - {x: -40.815945, y: 16.751484} - {x: -30.950558, y: 6.102195} - {x: -31.328962, y: 16.357803} - {x: -43.738377, y: -0.26804602} - {x: -43.72419, y: 9.10729} - {x: -34.215157, y: -0.26804602} - {x: -34.43778, y: 9.096047} - {x: -38.824234, y: -2.7244122} - {x: -38.717503, y: 7.139748} - {x: -29.443563, y: -2.7244122} - {x: -29.375751, y: 6.791854} - {x: -34.35968, y: 20.494843} - {x: -34.323483, y: 29.879599} - {x: -24.951187, y: 20.494843} - {x: -24.767864, y: 29.95888} - {x: -26.762438, y: 5.266489} - {x: -28.02707, y: 15.740502} - {x: -17.049856, y: 5.266489} - {x: -18.449732, y: 15.963233} - {x: -30.07089, y: 4.965917} - {x: -31.705809, y: 17.024563} - {x: -20.480537, y: 4.965917} - {x: -22.540865, y: 18.265736} - {x: -37.494488, y: 29.43647} - {x: -37.495716, y: 40.178024} - {x: -28.119488, y: 29.43647} - {x: -28.120867, y: 40.49034} - {x: -38.65246, y: 33.803745} - {x: -38.13501, y: 45.877228} - {x: -29.255796, y: 33.803745} - {x: -28.805925, y: 45.251167} - {x: 35.268948, y: -36.22419} - {x: 34.953266, y: -50.39533} - {x: 25.899265, y: -35.746735} - {x: 25.583582, y: -50.186604} - {x: -28.125, y: -61.159054} - {x: -28.125, y: -49.66239} - {x: -18.75, y: -61.159054} - {x: -18.75, y: -48.730747} - {x: -26.59343, y: -48.883408} - {x: -25.548662, y: -37.70655} - {x: -17.081264, y: -48.883408} - {x: -15.976892, y: -37.517525} - {x: -24.90106, y: -42.593754} - {x: -23.948149, y: -32.17132} - {x: -15.322996, y: -42.593754} - {x: -15.128072, y: -33.753937} - {x: -30.841408, y: -47.875828} - {x: -30.107693, y: -37.70044} - {x: -21.306507, y: -47.875828} - {x: -21.503122, y: -39.650352} - {x: -15.810661, y: -17.638144} - {x: -18.576326, y: -3.5367668} - {x: -6.8528876, y: -13.284418} - {x: -9.618552, y: 0.6400438} - {x: -18.95626, y: -25.355598} - {x: -18.693846, y: -15.947779} - {x: -9.071491, y: -25.355598} - {x: -8.701227, y: -15.920849} - {x: -17.625668, y: 5.582932} - {x: -14.940122, y: 17.433054} - {x: -7.6278396, y: 5.5829325} - {x: -6.8265977, y: 14.322467} - {x: -34.23631, y: 2.1488702} - {x: -35.099358, y: 12.401171} - {x: -24.660688, y: 2.1488702} - {x: -25.735704, y: 12.81367} - {x: -31.578033, y: 4.566123} - {x: -31.700268, y: 14.025527} - {x: -22.159079, y: 4.566123} - {x: -21.814291, y: 13.383439} - {x: -44.05557, y: 6.080309} - {x: -43.036068, y: 15.601593} - {x: -33.05836, y: 6.080309} - {x: -33.41293, y: 15.210303} - {x: -38.19978, y: 23.83884} - {x: -38.886505, y: 33.43822} - {x: -28.31919, y: 23.838842} - {x: -28.786163, y: 33.2963} - {x: -40.61563, y: 13.0810995} - {x: -38.596283, y: 23.6878} - {x: -30.493732, y: 13.0810995} - {x: -27.758776, y: 24.510086} - {x: 43.203957, y: 14.038823} - {x: 47.93442, y: 1.3460397} - {x: 35.10993, y: 6.620663} - {x: 39.840393, y: -2.4364197} - {x: -30.44684, y: 28.965134} - {x: -29.826385, y: 40.015697} - {x: -21.019262, y: 28.965134} - {x: -20.702078, y: 38.501892} - {x: -24.10885, y: 33.23064} - {x: -25.413155, y: 44.638527} - {x: -14.546967, y: 33.23064} - {x: -16.349937, y: 46.054466} - {x: 31.97029, y: -33.022934} - {x: 32.5267, y: -47.457474} - {x: 22.611816, y: -33.88114} - {x: 23.168226, y: -47.818214} - {x: -18.75, y: -56.261616} - {x: -18.75, y: -43.764194} - {x: -9.375, y: -56.261616} - {x: -9.375, y: -42.34443} - {x: -16.431952, y: -47.42848} - {x: -14.974947, y: -36.09866} - {x: -6.8142357, y: -47.42848} - {x: -5.5088983, y: -36.470524} - {x: -16.236746, y: -54.221653} - {x: -16.089556, y: -44.799625} - {x: -6.7475605, y: -54.221653} - {x: -6.4298377, y: -44.69092} - {x: -13.920422, y: -44.369354} - {x: -13.635367, y: -34.936874} - {x: -4.199478, y: -44.369354} - {x: -3.6024592, y: -34.811443} - {x: -5.2447357, y: -13.611098} - {x: -8.355482, y: 0.24112158} - {x: 3.5991256, y: -8.738708} - {x: 0.48837885, y: 0.7750907} - {x: -23.803268, y: -25.099459} - {x: -24.033709, y: -15.654782} - {x: -14.240322, y: -25.099459} - {x: -14.837073, y: -15.434085} - {x: -18.841097, y: -11.37791} - {x: -18.848438, y: -1.7234324} - {x: -9.46605, y: -11.37791} - {x: -9.466379, y: -2.2496078} - {x: -25.411531, y: 4.159088} - {x: -26.634594, y: 14.848628} - {x: -15.774347, y: 4.159088} - {x: -15.657209, y: 12.144888} - {x: -37.800846, y: -4.2711625} - {x: -35.47853, y: 5.4891906} - {x: -25.465015, y: -4.2711625} - {x: -22.928669, y: 5.558819} - {x: -35.723423, y: 10.00487} - {x: -36.174458, y: 19.393547} - {x: -23.171064, y: 10.00487} - {x: -26.365534, y: 19.559809} - {x: -30.785484, y: 21.791082} - {x: -31.392614, y: 31.262552} - {x: -20.503965, y: 21.791082} - {x: -20.269064, y: 30.996325} - {x: -34.945694, y: 13.640484} - {x: -30.911842, y: 24.786982} - {x: -23.666044, y: 13.640484} - {x: -20.87467, y: 23.782412} - {x: -28.124514, y: 25.655205} - {x: -26.124033, y: 36.11776} - {x: -17.916979, y: 25.655205} - {x: -17.370594, y: 34.6189} - {x: -19.603788, y: 37.99274} - {x: -19.487846, y: 47.837635} - {x: -10.221814, y: 37.99274} - {x: -10.143085, y: 47.543194} - {x: -17.458353, y: 25.835316} - {x: -18.047148, y: 38.932083} - {x: -8.063943, y: 25.835316} - {x: -8.694728, y: 39.38749} - {x: 19.066856, y: -36.37027} - {x: 19.112152, y: -50.324806} - {x: 9.691966, y: -36.437695} - {x: 9.737263, y: -50.355236} - {x: -9.375, y: -50.187107} - {x: -9.375, y: -36.177036} - {x: 0, y: -50.187107} - {x: 0, y: -37.23294} - {x: -10.829278, y: -51.19259} - {x: -11.705506, y: -40.17836} - {x: -1.3472097, y: -51.19259} - {x: -2.5319824, y: -39.109833} - {x: -8.249369, y: -51.35195} - {x: -8.1098795, y: -41.755543} - {x: 1.1473192, y: -51.35195} - {x: 1.3737437, y: -41.482742} - {x: -5.5135565, y: -41.07024} - {x: -5.0608954, y: -31.437782} - {x: 4.055701, y: -41.07024} - {x: 4.6705546, y: -31.255747} - {x: -3.2555444, y: -23.106482} - {x: -1.851882, y: -12.562775} - {x: 6.508133, y: -23.106482} - {x: 7.048006, y: -13.921458} - {x: -10.363158, y: -19.031954} - {x: -10.480776, y: -9.181754} - {x: -0.9810634, y: -19.031954} - {x: -1.0364693, y: -9.672322} - {x: -15.046153, y: -18.467417} - {x: -15.067353, y: -9.091871} - {x: -5.4674883, y: -18.467417} - {x: -5.464777, y: -9.0931015} - {x: -15.377459, y: -10.729556} - {x: -15.267874, y: -1.3415699} - {x: -5.7742047, y: -10.729556} - {x: -5.746099, y: -1.3608668} - {x: -14.273797, y: -9.8857} - {x: -13.575388, y: 0.24502538} - {x: -4.7449512, y: -9.8857} - {x: -4.9411273, y: -1.6187663} - {x: -0.7864632, y: 19.778252} - {x: 0.80565894, y: 30.191399} - {x: 9.150119, y: 19.778252} - {x: 9.256732, y: 28.350706} - {x: -12.964518, y: 17.041233} - {x: -12.892528, y: 26.4334} - {x: -3.5144107, y: 17.041233} - {x: -3.4978015, y: 26.407011} - {x: -11.6185465, y: 11.7635975} - {x: -11.218795, y: 22.39047} - {x: -2.2136798, y: 11.7635975} - {x: -2.00078, y: 21.2891} - {x: -5.2897243, y: 33.55056} - {x: -5.5217476, y: 43.02393} - {x: 4.220405, y: 33.55056} - {x: 3.7444966, y: 43.229656} - {x: -9.03003, y: 41.057735} - {x: -9.061736, y: 50.65253} - {x: 0.34610027, y: 41.057735} - {x: 0.27048334, y: 51.254345} - {x: 23.870028, y: -20.301321} - {x: 26.341122, y: -33.649387} - {x: 14.826559, y: -23.94863} - {x: 17.297653, y: -35.026787} - {x: 6.7954116, y: -36.79496} - {x: 6.4279284, y: -50.707767} - {x: -2.5723832, y: -36.249184} - {x: -2.9398665, y: -50.46033} - {x: 0, y: -54.13229} - {x: 0, y: -41.143276} - {x: 9.375, y: -54.13229} - {x: 9.375, y: -46.177505} - {x: -5.5108404, y: -50.673546} - {x: -10.3572235, y: -39.408035} - {x: 6.3548, y: -50.673546} - {x: -2.7479792, y: -36.36594} - {x: -0.5938168, y: -47.34545} - {x: -0.7110071, y: -37.39578} - {x: 8.786978, y: -47.34545} - {x: 8.691383, y: -37.601463} - {x: -2.0272477, y: -38.34267} - {x: -2.3345833, y: -28.483511} - {x: 7.3951774, y: -38.34267} - {x: 7.0690837, y: -28.425861} - {x: -1.8750836, y: -32.058426} - {x: -2.0306284, y: -22.487555} - {x: 7.5304275, y: -32.058426} - {x: 7.3415117, y: -22.404367} - {x: -0.92071813, y: -24.019787} - {x: -0.97271603, y: -14.537262} - {x: 8.46053, y: -24.019787} - {x: 8.365924, y: -14.362043} - {x: 2.3374097, y: -18.78728} - {x: 2.3362505, y: -9.412271} - {x: 11.748663, y: -18.78728} - {x: 11.808724, y: -9.413247} - {x: 4.273275, y: -9.73314} - {x: 4.2524753, y: -0.35726622} - {x: 13.771245, y: -9.73314} - {x: 14.100215, y: -0.38665172} - {x: 9.742433, y: 2.6656296} - {x: 10.145226, y: 12.095896} - {x: 19.822664, y: 2.6656296} - {x: 20.969631, y: 12.29951} - {x: 14.396844, y: 10.060435} - {x: 14.5645895, y: 19.439453} - {x: 25.383896, y: 10.060435} - {x: 23.353987, y: 19.33421} - {x: 4.455302, y: 18.364971} - {x: 4.434246, y: 27.740877} - {x: 13.951899, y: 18.364971} - {x: 13.734379, y: 27.757776} - {x: 0.8393305, y: 19.430826} - {x: 0.7586082, y: 29.17925} - {x: 10.218607, y: 19.430826} - {x: 10.21191, y: 28.507479} - {x: 7.036262, y: 29.294641} - {x: 6.2428274, y: 39.056202} - {x: 16.802034, y: 29.294641} - {x: 16.654827, y: 38.438988} - {x: 10.559413, y: 34.457504} - {x: 8.252364, y: 44.767147} - {x: 21.204454, y: 34.457504} - {x: 16.81576, y: 46.377346} - {x: 1.2011474, y: 35.607567} - {x: 0.7370338, y: 47.139626} - {x: 10.59851, y: 35.607567} - {x: 10.051399, y: 47.83896} - {x: 3.4078348, y: -35.136868} - {x: 3.8946683, y: -49.347023} - {x: -5.954516, y: -35.875782} - {x: -5.4676824, y: -49.66777} - {x: 9.375, y: -73.77324} - {x: 9.375, y: -64.24235} - {x: 18.75, y: -73.77324} - {x: 18.75, y: -64.2226} - {x: 9.859143, y: -33.5425} - {x: 9.789944, y: -15.98096} - {x: 19.233889, y: -33.41287} - {x: 19.164688, y: -21.216642} - {x: -1.368611, y: -50.218624} - {x: -2.8749704, y: -40.573933} - {x: 9.890638, y: -50.218624} - {x: 6.1406164, y: -39.781773} - {x: 4.754627, y: -37.709087} - {x: 4.016284, y: -27.81284} - {x: 14.38066, y: -37.709087} - {x: 13.50029, y: -27.617588} - {x: 5.5527773, y: -30.70557} - {x: 5.1679616, y: -21.048845} - {x: 15.056357, y: -30.70557} - {x: 14.050038, y: -20.152111} - {x: 14.886667, y: -21.434345} - {x: 15.487372, y: -11.726053} - {x: 24.52394, y: -21.434345} - {x: 25.37947, y: -11.448134} - {x: 18.03847, y: -17.143135} - {x: 18.267895, y: -7.7459493} - {x: 27.988253, y: -17.143135} - {x: 28.611101, y: -7.6699467} - {x: 20.653538, y: -5.0732265} - {x: 21.542252, y: 4.4822683} - {x: 31.05578, y: -5.0732265} - {x: 31.86092, y: 4.4486423} - {x: 21.148922, y: 6.8119392} - {x: 22.453825, y: 16.606348} - {x: 31.469055, y: 6.8119392} - {x: 32.24129, y: 16.271269} - {x: 19.202063, y: -1.8678757} - {x: 18.001207, y: 8.211913} - {x: 29.057728, y: -1.8678756} - {x: 28.371761, y: 7.6286616} - {x: 21.59494, y: 15.744558} - {x: 20.982824, y: 25.198418} - {x: 32.086323, y: 15.744558} - {x: 29.89901, y: 25.602594} - {x: 12.865231, y: 27.491714} - {x: 12.837064, y: 36.869297} - {x: 22.316751, y: 27.491714} - {x: 22.210033, y: 36.88369} - {x: 11.082327, y: 35.920204} - {x: 11.049775, y: 45.30987} - {x: 20.475357, y: 35.920204} - {x: 20.308271, y: 45.43102} - {x: 4.6703024, y: 13.672732} - {x: 6.2201753, y: 26.76193} - {x: 14.1792965, y: 13.672732} - {x: 15.031883, y: 23.894075} - {x: 13.829804, y: 34.133682} - {x: 11.726136, y: 46.234673} - {x: 23.552687, y: 34.133682} - {x: 20.853592, y: 47.604008} - {x: -11.515773, y: -36.878967} - {x: -11.822313, y: -50.681004} - {x: -20.88576, y: -36.427433} - {x: -21.1923, y: -50.472897} - {x: 18.75, y: -73.616035} - {x: 18.75, y: -64.06479} - {x: 28.125, y: -73.616035} - {x: 28.125, y: -64.23654} - {x: 18.490353, y: -46.287457} - {x: 17.67923, y: -33.65546} - {x: 27.908281, y: -46.287457} - {x: 27.642178, y: -37.46815} - {x: 9.366646, y: -38.65704} - {x: 5.463529, y: -27.770882} - {x: 20.839304, y: -38.65704} - {x: 16.274551, y: -27.294115} - {x: 7.585277, y: -35.983925} - {x: 5.631106, y: -26.027613} - {x: 18.436914, y: -35.983925} - {x: 15.809158, y: -25.638567} - {x: 8.705208, y: -18.411774} - {x: 6.2317467, y: -7.4823747} - {x: 18.948639, y: -18.411774} - {x: 14.726057, y: -5.440301} - {x: 19.361584, y: -16.391827} - {x: 19.445505, y: -6.316282} - {x: 28.739006, y: -16.391827} - {x: 28.813673, y: -6.465428} - {x: 18.108269, y: -12.324044} - {x: 18.069786, y: -2.766496} - {x: 27.485277, y: -12.324044} - {x: 27.438364, y: -2.6872845} - {x: 19.488174, y: -2.9299967} - {x: 19.53043, y: 6.6272793} - {x: 28.865599, y: -2.929997} - {x: 28.904375, y: 6.5975385} - {x: 18.97136, y: 6.6518927} - {x: 18.983221, y: 16.20713} - {x: 28.346552, y: 6.6518927} - {x: 28.34015, y: 15.657358} - {x: 7.618964, y: 0.22615032} - {x: 8.2519455, y: 9.8404455} - {x: 17.398548, y: 0.22615032} - {x: 17.54991, y: 9.480829} - {x: 14.672905, y: 0.1024479} - {x: 15.236615, y: 10.653132} - {x: 24.111275, y: 0.10244786} - {x: 24.210934, y: 8.825312} - {x: 26.60831, y: 26.113895} - {x: 26.35845, y: 35.523167} - {x: 36.427364, y: 26.113895} - {x: 35.922855, y: 35.592896} - {x: 24.42427, y: 29.675482} - {x: 23.844435, y: 39.41375} - {x: 34.023567, y: 29.675482} - {x: 33.07661, y: 39.865173} - {x: 19.709984, y: 29.24766} - {x: 19.517275, y: 39.91674} - {x: 29.091694, y: 29.24766} - {x: 28.873085, y: 40.24348} - {x: -16.916637, y: -23.29092} - {x: -16.612719, y: -37.127735} - {x: -26.28671, y: -23.739717} - {x: -25.982792, y: -37.28598} - {x: -19.15498, y: -35.91305} - {x: -19.212885, y: -49.963543} - {x: -28.529802, y: -35.826263} - {x: -28.587708, y: -49.924908} - {x: 28.125, y: -74.635086} - {x: 28.125, y: -65.21425} - {x: 37.5, y: -74.635086} - {x: 37.5, y: -65.27262} - {x: 28.010462, y: -62.139698} - {x: 27.83448, y: -52.359875} - {x: 37.404163, y: -62.139698} - {x: 37.342213, y: -52.873642} - {x: 26.323725, y: -36.8327} - {x: 24.359392, y: -24.718784} - {x: 36.001156, y: -36.8327} - {x: 34.35343, y: -25.501877} - {x: 21.93412, y: -31.911558} - {x: 20.029024, y: -21.352867} - {x: 32.004364, y: -31.911558} - {x: 29.968538, y: -21.19952} - {x: 15.490215, y: -15.884864} - {x: 18.320772, y: -2.1120677} - {x: 24.427696, y: -20.246796} - {x: 27.258253, y: -5.125312} - {x: 23.301987, y: -16.272839} - {x: 22.767405, y: -6.3533278} - {x: 32.80364, y: -16.272839} - {x: 32.195953, y: -6.208496} - {x: 24.375875, y: -10.366783} - {x: 24.112434, y: -0.7252327} - {x: 33.814835, y: -10.366783} - {x: 33.50081, y: -0.6242825} - {x: 25.739754, y: -3.0149107} - {x: 25.619703, y: 6.51313} - {x: 35.138077, y: -3.0149107} - {x: 35.069794, y: 6.382206} - {x: 22.719706, y: -4.0120187} - {x: 22.866623, y: 5.414685} - {x: 32.198215, y: -4.0120187} - {x: 32.406876, y: 5.458024} - {x: 21.223373, y: 7.2294607} - {x: 21.32449, y: 16.618984} - {x: 30.772621, y: 7.2294607} - {x: 30.961292, y: 16.644115} - {x: 19.529589, y: 15.2278385} - {x: 19.732853, y: 24.64014} - {x: 29.176989, y: 15.2278385} - {x: 29.373571, y: 24.637691} - {x: 19.841042, y: 21.134497} - {x: 20.236704, y: 30.653597} - {x: 29.481798, y: 21.134497} - {x: 29.893387, y: 30.665112} - {x: 19.98709, y: 19.022753} - {x: 21.043987, y: 29.32756} - {x: 29.644001, y: 19.022753} - {x: 30.40965, y: 28.838224} - {x: 24.885674, y: 24.720015} - {x: 25.560678, y: 35.713737} - {x: 34.325226, y: 24.720015} - {x: 34.94409, y: 35.46431} - {x: -24.504988, y: -25.338816} - {x: -23.911068, y: -38.878105} - {x: -33.861156, y: -26.198277} - {x: -33.267235, y: -39.85087} - {x: -23.213295, y: -36.954018} - {x: -22.522543, y: -51.03591} - {x: -32.562813, y: -37.9944} - {x: -31.872063, y: -51.49453} - {x: 37.5, y: -74.95195} - {x: 37.5, y: -65.570946} - {x: 46.875, y: -74.95195} - {x: 46.875, y: -65.58117} - {x: 37.472363, y: -65.11412} - {x: 37.442432, y: -55.687855} - {x: 46.851715, y: -65.11412} - {x: 46.83756, y: -55.741745} - {x: 37.250515, y: -43.3482} - {x: 36.683315, y: -31.872292} - {x: 46.659878, y: -43.3482} - {x: 46.391876, y: -33.885883} - {x: 30.751474, y: -30.355} - {x: 28.423529, y: -19.698519} - {x: 41.068726, y: -30.355} - {x: 37.503708, y: -18.418447} - {x: 33.185234, y: -14.269734} - {x: 34.207973, y: 1.1233978} - {x: 42.50428, y: -15.959086} - {x: 43.52702, y: -4.2119074} - {x: 17.921211, y: -13.304932} - {x: 15.926066, y: -3.4127555} - {x: 29.01179, y: -13.304932} - {x: 24.374838, y: -2.078953} - {x: 34.224884, y: -8.858017} - {x: 33.943756, y: 0.8945529} - {x: 43.65104, y: -8.858017} - {x: 43.40832, y: 0.793384} - {x: 32.524685, y: -5.5329046} - {x: 32.386467, y: 3.8911138} - {x: 41.99637, y: -5.5329046} - {x: 42.086636, y: 3.7294726} - {x: 25.794369, y: -6.120122} - {x: 26.219732, y: 3.3516324} - {x: 35.62348, y: -6.120122} - {x: 36.003094, y: 3.3309262} - {x: 26.834, y: 5.1723914} - {x: 27.11801, y: 14.595467} - {x: 36.61844, y: 5.1723914} - {x: 37.00075, y: 14.628661} - {x: 25.764198, y: 15.232009} - {x: 26.029121, y: 24.640228} - {x: 35.652416, y: 15.232009} - {x: 36.017685, y: 24.665348} - {x: 24.810194, y: 20.54995} - {x: 25.42132, y: 30.070078} - {x: 34.803238, y: 20.54995} - {x: 35.375103, y: 30.051573} - {x: 25.841257, y: 23.753054} - {x: 26.914347, y: 33.59827} - {x: 35.795605, y: 23.753054} - {x: 36.429832, y: 33.222843} - {x: 31.324598, y: 25.361109} - {x: 32.45217, y: 36.071728} - {x: 40.919186, y: 25.361109} - {x: 42.14746, y: 36.295425} - {x: -22.56558, y: -28.458418} - {x: -20.267239, y: -41.929695} - {x: -31.65449, y: -31.864944} - {x: -29.356148, y: -42.86726} - {x: -42.93409, y: -35.986343} - {x: -43.729717, y: -49.49058} - {x: -52.27527, y: -34.836136} - {x: -53.070896, y: -48.94023} - {x: 46.875, y: -74.99894} - {x: 46.875, y: -65.6238} - {x: 56.25, y: -74.99894} - {x: 56.25, y: -65.62401} - {x: 46.87441, y: -65.532646} - {x: 46.872517, y: -56.14614} - {x: 56.249485, y: -65.532646} - {x: 56.24877, y: -56.160446} - {x: 46.828526, y: -52.661266} - {x: 46.719044, y: -42.775406} - {x: 56.209232, y: -52.661266} - {x: 56.156925, y: -43.295166} - {x: 45.126926, y: -26.209314} - {x: 43.37419, y: -13.650302} - {x: 54.705906, y: -26.209314} - {x: 53.012947, y: -13.83995} - {x: 42.71819, y: -15.136363} - {x: 40.922394, y: -3.156873} - {x: 52.361153, y: -15.136363} - {x: 50.578358, y: -3.1904783} - {x: 40.752453, y: -0.5204202} - {x: 38.673515, y: 12.084881} - {x: 50.40857, y: -0.52042013} - {x: 49.025146, y: 10.200414} - {x: 27.082891, y: -8.179564} - {x: 25.948568, y: 1.4145125} - {x: 37.811512, y: -8.179564} - {x: 35.986263, y: 1.67835} - {x: 31.862623, y: -12.244812} - {x: 32.10032, y: -2.8514469} - {x: 41.97683, y: -12.244812} - {x: 42.761166, y: -2.767058} - {x: 26.113691, y: -5.7563076} - {x: 26.731249, y: 3.6832752} - {x: 36.8597, y: -5.7563076} - {x: 36.535423, y: 3.4869604} - {x: 34.49131, y: 3.5721264} - {x: 34.93778, y: 13.031252} - {x: 44.43857, y: 3.5721264} - {x: 44.85075, y: 13.018388} - {x: 35.34298, y: 13.862466} - {x: 35.716408, y: 23.300194} - {x: 45.25642, y: 13.862466} - {x: 45.723682, y: 23.331614} - {x: 34.604473, y: 21.03444} - {x: 35.18381, y: 30.536186} - {x: 44.61547, y: 21.03444} - {x: 44.91204, y: 30.413284} - {x: 38.150467, y: 29.820225} - {x: 38.6735, y: 39.36885} - {x: 47.907948, y: 29.820225} - {x: 48.643528, y: 39.508686} - {x: 35.985756, y: 21.68261} - {x: 37.991, y: 32.509007} - {x: 45.982956, y: 21.68261} - {x: 47.98218, y: 32.500877} - {x: 38.04366, y: 29.122688} - {x: 40.32499, y: 40.357555} - {x: 48.03485, y: 29.122688} - {x: 50.23941, y: 40.242737} - {x: -25.660389, y: -41.347633} - {x: -22.921808, y: -55.218063} - {x: -34.62648, y: -45.584183} - {x: -31.8879, y: -56.98833} - {x: 56.25, y: -74.99994} - {x: 56.25, y: -65.62493} - {x: 65.625, y: -74.99994} - {x: 65.625, y: -65.62495} - {x: 56.249943, y: -65.611946} - {x: 56.24972, y: -56.235306} - {x: 65.62495, y: -65.611946} - {x: 65.62495, y: -56.238594} - {x: 56.235027, y: -55.337048} - {x: 56.205067, y: -45.842907} - {x: 65.6119, y: -55.337048} - {x: 65.59653, y: -45.9582} - {x: 55.81819, y: -30.552011} - {x: 55.014828, y: -18.091387} - {x: 65.23798, y: -30.552011} - {x: 64.86832, y: -21.01043} - {x: 43.872086, y: -9.577081} - {x: 40.086998, y: 1.8927662} - {x: 54.67612, y: -9.577081} - {x: 50.931763, y: 1.8518026} - {x: 39.802998, y: -4.401564} - {x: 36.89963, y: 6.219945} - {x: 50.64799, y: -4.401564} - {x: 49.095844, y: 5.127782} - {x: 27.182077, y: -2.1771712} - {x: 24.720997, y: 7.6169763} - {x: 39.59765, y: -2.1771712} - {x: 38.35645, y: 7.2103505} - {x: -20.684069, y: -15.978244} - {x: -11.507341, y: -18.814896} - {x: -22.601957, y: -29.551058} - {x: -13.425232, y: -28.260263} - {x: 40.3093, y: 2.9740746} - {x: 40.02749, y: 12.368297} - {x: 50.66489, y: 2.9740746} - {x: 51.45912, y: 12.22166} - {x: 29.977636, y: 3.6368449} - {x: 30.710695, y: 13.064121} - {x: 41.637054, y: 3.6368449} - {x: 41.83235, y: 12.987636} - {x: 34.10882, y: 12.077909} - {x: 34.88614, y: 21.530548} - {x: 45.25423, y: 12.077909} - {x: 45.92949, y: 21.510244} - {x: 35.597626, y: 24.283892} - {x: 36.044617, y: 33.686325} - {x: 46.642117, y: 24.283892} - {x: 48.32962, y: 33.83837} - {x: 27.813362, y: 25.485239} - {x: 29.55838, y: 35.070923} - {x: 40.258793, y: 25.485239} - {x: 41.160812, y: 34.869602} - {x: 33.74178, y: 20.2812} - {x: 37.155323, y: 30.739676} - {x: 45.384315, y: 20.2812} - {x: 47.866608, y: 30.17913} - {x: 42.105843, y: 28.196207} - {x: 45.258507, y: 39.08687} - {x: 52.891525, y: 28.196207} - {x: 55.446785, y: 38.55243} - {x: 48.526875, y: 36.185345} - {x: 51.487034, y: 47.724747} - {x: 58.76914, y: 36.185345} - {x: 60.068207, y: 45.523453} - {x: 65.625, y: -75} - {x: 65.625, y: -65.625} - {x: 75, y: -75} - {x: 75, y: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: -56.25} - {x: 75, y: -65.625} - {x: 75, y: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: -56.061485} - {x: 65.625, y: -46.65496} - {x: 75, y: -56.061485} - {x: 75, y: -46.717903} - {x: 65.34212, y: -41.174866} - {x: 65.03167, y: -31.0656} - {x: 74.74864, y: -41.174866} - {x: 74.74864, y: -32.480797} - {x: 57.004738, y: -11.169503} - {x: 53.706913, y: 0.39628163} - {x: 67.43192, y: -11.169503} - {x: 67.43192, y: -3.5703092} - {x: -11.023434, y: -32.68143} - {x: -1.9395952, y: -28.820414} - {x: -8.705136, y: -47.810146} - {x: 0.37870222, y: -46.418156} - {x: -10.487283, y: -22.281153} - {x: -1.1843011, y: -20.060936} - {x: -9.327471, y: -40.089764} - {x: -0.024489686, y: -39.483894} - {x: 4.034692, y: -16.29275} - {x: 13.217569, y: -12.305494} - {x: 5.922916, y: -35.683704} - {x: 15.105793, y: -34.78951} - {x: -5.935062, y: -8.23721} - {x: 3.4015188, y: -10.290313} - {x: -6.7829275, y: -30.845688} - {x: 2.553653, y: -31.19583} - {x: 8.222237, y: -12.711011} - {x: 17.595795, y: -13.078373} - {x: 8.057762, y: -33.647312} - {x: 17.43132, y: -33.72095} - {x: 14.26194, y: -13.861429} - {x: 23.61541, y: -15.262256} - {x: 13.626941, y: -34.49542} - {x: 22.98041, y: -34.783268} - {x: 15.637034, y: -17.88768} - {x: 24.853628, y: -21.511835} - {x: 13.920927, y: -37.35171} - {x: 23.137522, y: -38.164318} - {x: 30.899834, y: -26.747969} - {x: 40.22986, y: -28.397882} - {x: 29.98265, y: -43.531704} - {x: 39.31268, y: -44.04156} - {x: 23.75575, y: -34.223988} - {x: 32.651142, y: -39.351166} - {x: 20.795578, y: -49.63128} - {x: 29.69097, y: -51.340332} - {x: 43.293232, y: 33.027267} - {x: 46.74043, y: 43.162098} - {x: 55.876736, y: 33.027267} - {x: 55.876736, y: 41.699406} - {x: 61.0048, y: 54.855076} - {x: 62.054337, y: 64.71381} - {x: 70.91924, y: 54.855076} - {x: 70.91924, y: 63.770077} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992955, y: 0.011868364, z: -0.000015647833, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999225, y: 0.003956617, z: 0.000046959194, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990358, y: 0.043851625, z: -0.002132142, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999296, y: 0.011868489, z: 0.000015650283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899932, y: 0.14110473, z: -0.0017099885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990075, y: 0.044336863, z: 0.004261258, w: -1} - {x: 0.97003907, y: 0.24229434, z: -0.017821617, w: -1} - {x: 0.989973, y: 0.14124633, z: 0.0017404706, w: -1} - {x: 0.871053, y: 0.49108475, z: -0.010120985, w: -1} - {x: 0.96461326, y: 0.25979942, z: 0.045005135, w: -1} - {x: 0.87363356, y: 0.4852363, z: 0.03619576, w: -1} - {x: 0.86993504, y: 0.4930321, z: 0.011506024, w: -1} - {x: 0.7576123, y: 0.6527042, z: -0.0009794357, w: -1} - {x: 0.8706186, y: 0.48916465, z: 0.052356962, w: -1} - {x: 0.8473507, y: 0.5307389, z: 0.017692443, w: -1} - {x: 0.7575676, y: 0.65275604, z: 0.0009890227, w: -1} - {x: 0.7274369, y: 0.6861747, z: -0.000041275653, w: -1} - {x: 0.8472768, y: 0.53081894, z: 0.018793702, w: -1} - {x: 0.78453976, y: 0.6200105, z: 0.009180872, w: -1} - {x: 0.7274365, y: 0.686175, z: 0.0000412913, w: -1} - {x: 0.6783184, y: 0.73476785, z: -0.0006146947, w: -1} - {x: 0.7842461, y: 0.6203056, z: 0.0133808255, w: -1} - {x: 0.8080151, y: 0.5888969, z: 0.017664252, w: -1} - {x: 0.021405634, y: -0.01976041, z: -0.9995756, w: -1} - {x: 0.018522387, y: -0.018173002, z: -0.99966323, w: -1} - {x: 0.05607624, y: -0.058060355, z: -0.99673694, w: -1} - {x: 0.08346578, y: -0.078509174, z: -0.99341315, w: -1} - {x: 0.020187853, y: -0.016082564, z: -0.9996668, w: -1} - {x: 0.021442164, y: -0.018327966, z: -0.9996021, w: -1} - {x: 0.074638106, y: -0.08387233, z: -0.99367726, w: -1} - {x: 0.101012394, y: -0.08844517, z: -0.99094605, w: -1} - {x: 0.023094473, y: -0.015933242, z: -0.9996063, w: -1} - {x: 0.0132764345, y: -0.009352951, z: -0.9998681, w: -1} - {x: 0.07773039, y: -0.102495946, z: -0.9916917, w: -1} - {x: -0.029112156, y: 0.04809915, z: -0.9984182, w: -1} - {x: 0.013741807, y: -0.008610238, z: -0.9998685, w: -1} - {x: -0.1022267, y: 0.039384853, z: -0.9939812, w: -1} - {x: -0.07597182, y: 0.001555714, z: -0.9971087, w: -1} - {x: -0.1727, y: 0.059488542, z: -0.98317635, w: -1} - {x: -0.07699786, y: 0.06804591, z: -0.9947066, w: -1} - {x: -0.0071320496, y: 0.0068056923, z: -0.9999515, w: -1} - {x: -0.12800927, y: 0.11203083, z: -0.9854252, w: -1} - {x: 0.018273987, y: -0.0075808447, z: -0.99980426, w: -1} - {x: 0.71992797, y: 0.69404876, z: 0.00006847859, w: -1} - {x: 0.7064316, y: 0.7077814, z: -0.000105118896, w: -1} - {x: 0.60800976, y: 0.793925, z: -0.0026871916, w: -1} - {x: 0.62678677, y: 0.7791856, z: 0.0028707772, w: -1} - {x: 0.008523466, y: -0.008507191, z: -0.9999275, w: -1} - {x: -0.010954957, y: 0.010091678, z: -0.9998891, w: -1} - {x: -0.020846158, y: 0.020519158, z: -0.9995721, w: -1} - {x: -0.10745925, y: 0.11480615, z: -0.9875586, w: -1} - {x: 0.722201, y: 0.69168323, z: 0.00015502167, w: -1} - {x: 0.79403055, y: 0.607876, z: -0.0014874926, w: -1} - {x: 0.748359, y: 0.6632649, z: 0.0061921966, w: -1} - {x: 0.84267503, y: 0.53833616, z: -0.009637769, w: -1} - {x: 0.79411286, y: 0.6077685, z: 0.0015099394, w: -1} - {x: 0.8820811, y: 0.4710924, z: -0.0022028321, w: -1} - {x: 0.84428805, y: 0.53585446, z: 0.006141575, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271456, y: 0.37422818, z: -0.01882356, w: -1} - {x: 0.88219035, y: 0.4708877, z: 0.0022526155, w: -1} - {x: 0.97271645, y: 0.23193915, z: 0.005196203, w: -1} - {x: 0.93332183, y: 0.35612628, z: 0.045655925, w: -1} - {x: 0.99641603, y: 0.07361467, z: 0.041663695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999922, y: 0.003955502, z: -0.000046948895, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990357, y: 0.043854147, z: -0.0020989932, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999472, y: 0.0102768075, z: 0.0001535696, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937621, y: 0.11038976, z: -0.015845772, w: -1} - {x: 0.99903166, y: 0.043996837, z: -0.00022137321, w: -1} - {x: 0.9710695, y: 0.23474444, z: -0.04380656, w: -1} - {x: 0.99369675, y: 0.11164778, z: -0.010079265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9637446, y: 0.26371777, z: -0.040611804, w: -1} - {x: 0.9684381, y: 0.24917194, z: 0.006411811, w: -1} - {x: 0.88705766, y: 0.4565995, z: -0.06815857, w: -1} - {x: 0.9597987, y: 0.28062814, z: -0.0058422103, w: -1} - {x: 0.95048875, y: 0.30984676, z: -0.023793522, w: -1} - {x: 0.88452435, y: 0.46472883, z: -0.040544398, w: -1} - {x: 0.84929276, y: 0.52749646, z: -0.021198258, w: -1} - {x: 0.9465496, y: 0.32237327, z: 0.010925313, w: -1} - {x: 0.92638993, y: 0.37650242, z: -0.0068985336, w: -1} - {x: 0.8491711, y: 0.5278211, z: -0.01770154, w: -1} - {x: 0.786271, y: 0.6174999, z: -0.021722272, w: -1} - {x: 0.92393184, y: 0.38207555, z: 0.01918675, w: -1} - {x: 0.96570784, y: 0.25960496, z: 0.0036997402, w: -1} - {x: 0.78546494, y: 0.6188804, z: -0.005647231, w: -1} - {x: 0.80854005, y: 0.5883785, z: 0.008586764, w: -1} - {x: 0.96503854, y: 0.26040858, z: 0.029797954, w: -1} - {x: 0.9587584, y: 0.28102884, z: 0.04248737, w: -1} - {x: 0.8099188, y: 0.5859764, z: -0.025752122, w: -1} - {x: 0.857071, y: 0.5148218, z: -0.019693004, w: -1} - {x: 0.95924926, y: 0.28179348, z: 0.020815413, w: -1} - {x: 0.92601323, y: 0.3774183, z: 0.0074134995, w: -1} - {x: 0.8579333, y: 0.5110168, z: -0.053031515, w: -1} - {x: 0.86039394, y: 0.50605696, z: -0.06023816, w: -1} - {x: 0.9270089, y: 0.3739132, z: -0.029039798, w: -1} - {x: 0.8840207, y: 0.44354358, z: -0.1475685, w: -1} - {x: 0.8604283, y: 0.50566036, z: -0.063014194, w: -1} - {x: 0.7091237, y: 0.7046709, z: -0.024136137, w: -1} - {x: 0.87812704, y: 0.47353372, z: -0.06825451, w: -1} - {x: 0.77882594, y: 0.62371, z: -0.06645437, w: -1} - {x: 0.7103197, y: 0.7038775, z: 0.0015370571, w: -1} - {x: 0.6580086, y: 0.751258, z: 0.051343206, w: -1} - {x: 0.75479466, y: 0.6493691, z: 0.09276177, w: -1} - {x: 0.66882, y: 0.7328254, z: 0.12508692, w: -1} - {x: -0.14408389, y: 0.09327597, z: -0.9851596, w: -1} - {x: 0.006450461, y: -0.02301854, z: -0.9997142, w: -1} - {x: 0.064456195, y: -0.071425095, z: -0.99536127, w: -1} - {x: -0.02109678, y: 0.048551768, z: -0.99859786, w: -1} - {x: 0.028442133, y: 0.005704977, z: -0.9995792, w: -1} - {x: -0.023571627, y: 0.017130572, z: -0.99957544, w: -1} - {x: -0.044447646, y: 0.026647864, z: -0.9986563, w: -1} - {x: -0.27840304, y: 0.23724835, z: -0.9307013, w: -1} - {x: -0.04443307, y: -0.008835582, z: -0.9989733, w: -1} - {x: -0.18842468, y: 0.04155258, z: -0.98120826, w: -1} - {x: -0.323118, y: 0.19904177, z: -0.9251903, w: -1} - {x: -0.41133222, y: 0.19044562, z: -0.8913676, w: -1} - {x: 0.74895966, y: 0.6625017, z: 0.012282682, w: -1} - {x: 0.84217846, y: 0.53901416, z: -0.014108491, w: -1} - {x: 0.8217703, y: 0.569811, z: -0.0030065065, w: -1} - {x: 0.8971268, y: 0.43876305, z: -0.051484223, w: -1} - {x: 0.84441626, y: 0.5356352, z: 0.007494746, w: -1} - {x: 0.92507446, y: 0.37825686, z: -0.034041785, w: -1} - {x: 0.90371877, y: 0.42769334, z: -0.019256178, w: -1} - {x: 0.9544987, y: 0.28646985, z: -0.08286853, w: -1} - {x: 0.92954314, y: 0.36871055, z: 0.0014720038, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821786, y: 0.15553026, z: -0.10552494, w: -1} - {x: 0.96352255, y: 0.26427466, z: -0.04222888, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872869, y: 0.12621833, z: -0.09661053, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994737, y: 0.01024734, z: -0.00047808152, w: -1} - {x: 0.99369645, y: 0.11165194, z: -0.010060181, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898165, y: 0.044994768, z: 0.0033504984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9799171, y: 0.19847105, z: -0.019276498, w: -1} - {x: 0.9930693, y: 0.11675173, z: 0.013505493, w: -1} - {x: 0.96358234, y: 0.26457062, z: -0.038879152, w: -1} - {x: 0.97931635, y: 0.2020834, z: -0.01008548, w: -1} - {x: 0.96066266, y: 0.27512333, z: -0.037873518, w: -1} - {x: 0.95709866, y: 0.28948274, z: 0.012724217, w: -1} - {x: 0.9478132, y: 0.31882462, z: 0.00096530985, w: -1} - {x: 0.95393276, y: 0.2998969, z: 0.008611632, w: -1} - {x: 0.9581263, y: 0.2858395, z: 0.017024089, w: -1} - {x: 0.94949573, y: 0.3134736, z: -0.013865401, w: -1} - {x: 0.9275443, y: 0.3730339, z: -0.022524891, w: -1} - {x: 0.95951486, y: 0.2815947, z: 0.0059758304, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980663, y: 0.06207466, z: 0.0032121344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9262979, y: 0.37674773, z: -0.005776371, w: -1} - {x: 0.9615569, y: 0.26150796, z: 0.08379685, w: -1} - {x: 0.99366605, y: 0.06740629, z: 0.0899123, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870328, y: 0.07991566, z: 0.13921133, w: -1} - {x: 0.96578115, y: 0.25891215, z: -0.015209529, w: -1} - {x: 0.9575311, y: 0.27990314, z: 0.06919947, w: -1} - {x: 0.99374634, y: 0.07465474, z: 0.08303557, w: -1} - {x: 0.80087274, y: 0.5947466, z: 0.06985201, w: -1} - {x: 0.95924747, y: 0.2825263, z: -0.0048117447, w: -1} - {x: 0.92460585, y: 0.37953648, z: 0.032497395, w: -1} - {x: 0.81508785, y: 0.5792617, z: 0.0093617365, w: -1} - {x: 0.6718984, y: 0.7406413, z: 0.0017587703, w: -1} - {x: 0.9241375, y: 0.38005415, z: 0.039099365, w: -1} - {x: 0.84816384, y: 0.52230096, z: 0.08842987, w: -1} - {x: 0.6743649, y: 0.73829913, z: -0.0121026905, w: -1} - {x: 0.6611806, y: 0.7501153, z: -0.012940535, w: -1} - {x: 0.63760513, y: 0.041108232, z: -0.7692658, w: -1} - {x: 0.51780057, y: 0.18890068, z: -0.83438545, w: -1} - {x: 0.48955888, y: 0.16605836, z: -0.8560121, w: -1} - {x: 0.49298984, y: 0.21682286, z: -0.84258467, w: -1} - {x: 0.77653635, y: 0.62862897, z: -0.042624887, w: -1} - {x: 0.68442696, y: 0.72874254, z: -0.022227334, w: -1} - {x: 0.7738147, y: 0.63316226, z: -0.0177877, w: -1} - {x: 0.8464703, y: 0.53239983, z: 0.0061939773, w: -1} - {x: 0.6840377, y: 0.7292833, z: -0.015439397, w: -1} - {x: 0.7300619, y: 0.68130153, z: 0.05327151, w: -1} - {x: 0.84533876, y: 0.532911, z: 0.03752636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9018373, y: 0.4228179, z: 0.08896327, w: -1} - {x: 0.72982997, y: 0.6833168, z: 0.020647185, w: -1} - {x: 0.8034695, y: 0.58598083, z: 0.10518166, w: -1} - {x: 0.90078807, y: 0.43372, z: 0.021631185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9057894, y: 0.42288733, z: 0.026680809, w: -1} - {x: 0.7988174, y: 0.59678745, z: 0.07573255, w: -1} - {x: 0.8383574, y: 0.5400117, z: 0.07445907, w: -1} - {x: 0.90452063, y: 0.4260271, z: 0.018532878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9269001, y: 0.3742859, z: -0.027681641, w: -1} - {x: 0.8195677, y: 0.572865, z: -0.011597963, w: -1} - {x: 0.8952234, y: 0.44157234, z: -0.05990713, w: -1} - {x: 0.9080177, y: 0.4090976, z: -0.090238735, w: -1} - {x: 0.9401209, y: 0.32479894, z: -0.10333562, w: -1} - {x: 0.91442055, y: 0.40140715, z: 0.05203265, w: -1} - {x: 0.969047, y: 0.24664755, z: -0.01063062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9644167, y: 0.26438344, z: 0.0013489523, w: -1} - {x: 0.9830295, y: 0.17881902, z: -0.040948927, w: -1} - {x: 0.975119, y: 0.21818621, z: 0.03921446, w: -1} - {x: 0.99444336, y: 0.08935818, z: -0.05565441, w: -1} - {x: 0.988526, y: 0.15098305, z: -0.00453168, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948181, y: 0.08543223, z: -0.05512063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990507, y: 0.04278699, z: -0.008194005, w: -1} - {x: 0.98131907, y: 0.18468577, z: -0.053890325, w: -1} - {x: 0.99780554, y: 0.066128224, z: -0.0033673912, w: -1} - {x: 0.9807099, y: 0.19334334, z: -0.028750151, w: -1} - {x: 0.9762633, y: 0.21526453, z: 0.023897719, w: -1} - {x: 0.9568916, y: 0.29028636, z: -0.009607884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9740758, y: 0.22444293, z: 0.02831583, w: -1} - {x: 0.9646109, y: 0.26361287, z: 0.005837815, w: -1} - {x: 0.955784, y: 0.29405898, z: -0.002484642, w: -1} - {x: 0.95953, y: 0.28154594, z: 0.005849516, w: -1} - {x: 0.96350527, y: 0.2673767, z: 0.012928836, w: -1} - {x: 0.98176795, y: 0.18712099, z: 0.033427928, w: -1} - {x: 0.96130675, y: 0.27528933, z: -0.010248376, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950636, y: 0.06644577, z: 0.07371275, w: -1} - {x: 0.98156685, y: 0.18767262, z: 0.036130786, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879354, y: -0.03769296, z: 0.15020986, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979793, y: 0.060633693, z: -0.01899662, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967017, y: 0.07049854, z: 0.040196143, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985096, y: -0.035544097, z: 0.041413967, w: -1} - {x: 0.91511625, y: 0.40309542, z: -0.008738881, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974825, y: 0.06837611, z: 0.018797062, w: -1} - {x: 0.83479285, y: 0.5358075, z: -0.1266146, w: -1} - {x: 0.92235494, y: 0.38416985, z: -0.04092555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9332216, y: 0.35886225, z: 0.017763466, w: -1} - {x: 0.4043199, y: -0.09822591, z: -0.9093278, w: -1} - {x: 0.3223474, y: 0.009572295, z: -0.9465731, w: -1} - {x: 0.49565953, y: -0.33931828, z: -0.79949033, w: -1} - {x: 0.47444823, y: -0.25620365, z: -0.8421748, w: -1} - {x: 0.29489213, y: -0.02382631, z: -0.9552334, w: -1} - {x: 0.33207417, y: -0.05346, z: -0.94173706, w: -1} - {x: 0.4249603, y: -0.28662425, z: -0.8586357, w: -1} - {x: 0.35153106, y: -0.11056391, z: -0.92962444, w: -1} - {x: 0.3305666, y: -0.055376884, z: -0.9421566, w: -1} - {x: 0.24437648, y: -0.016377086, z: -0.9695421, w: -1} - {x: 0.2728413, y: -0.14860207, z: -0.95051306, w: -1} - {x: 0.095483705, y: 0.12474835, z: -0.9875833, w: -1} - {x: 0.23168984, y: -0.027465034, z: -0.9724019, w: -1} - {x: 0.12280774, y: 0.038511895, z: -0.99168295, w: -1} - {x: 0.06511733, y: 0.11488427, z: -0.9912423, w: -1} - {x: -0.04816943, y: 0.123038344, z: -0.9912322, w: -1} - {x: 0.8466535, y: 0.5321322, z: -0.0036171372, w: -1} - {x: 0.89929646, y: 0.43732217, z: -0.0038964741, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636539, y: 0.26570505, z: -0.027783375, w: -1} - {x: 0.93435985, y: 0.3555735, z: -0.023216998, w: -1} - {x: 0.89855313, y: 0.4386464, z: -0.013839579, w: -1} - {x: 0.89747614, y: 0.44058776, z: -0.02046478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9333267, y: 0.35727957, z: -0.035392325, w: -1} - {x: 0.9505012, y: 0.30045837, z: -0.07919803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9070721, y: 0.4194826, z: 0.035419285, w: -1} - {x: 0.9372255, y: 0.34831703, z: 0.016838318, w: -1} - {x: 0.96124667, y: 0.27374426, z: -0.032695457, w: -1} - {x: 0.98240733, y: 0.16448611, z: -0.08843175, w: -1} - {x: 0.9519982, y: 0.2752101, z: 0.13401075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9739696, y: 0.20219122, z: 0.10247929, w: -1} - {x: 0.99612886, y: 0.08579456, z: 0.019145086, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944197, y: 0.093216255, z: 0.049397845, w: -1} - {x: 0.9575334, y: 0.28612533, z: -0.035525963, w: -1} - {x: 0.973926, y: 0.21094157, z: -0.083497405, w: -1} - {x: 0.9780795, y: 0.18570758, z: -0.09419751, w: -1} - {x: 0.981992, y: 0.15155232, z: -0.11279909, w: -1} - {x: -0.9897333, y: -0.039516155, z: -0.13735561, w: -1} - {x: -0.9971058, y: 0.040228736, z: -0.06451076, w: -1} - {x: -0.9965412, y: 0.026508689, z: -0.07875905, w: -1} - {x: -0.99723977, y: 0.051542696, z: -0.05344419, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980888, y: 0.056451347, z: -0.025139848, w: -1} - {x: 0.9831692, y: 0.16012716, z: -0.08796376, w: -1} - {x: 0.99924743, y: 0.036032632, z: -0.014361245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903768, y: 0.12350859, z: -0.062446684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9790588, y: 0.20329824, z: -0.01066077, w: -1} - {x: 0.96957546, y: 0.2425125, z: -0.033334214, w: -1} - {x: 0.984787, y: 0.17341919, z: 0.010968633, w: -1} - {x: 0.97677684, y: 0.21359974, z: -0.016793652, w: -1} - {x: 0.96554947, y: 0.26021904, z: -0.000528649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9825822, y: 0.18461256, z: 0.021221017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9727006, y: 0.23154509, z: 0.015506946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991754, y: 0.036269475, z: 0.018247068, w: -1} - {x: 0.98326397, y: 0.18198465, z: 0.008576839, w: -1} - {x: 0.99913603, y: -0.03405781, z: -0.023816325, w: -1} - {x: 0.99915844, y: 0.035952244, z: -0.019742569, w: -1} - {x: 0.9871165, y: 0.14318688, z: -0.07140407, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940085, y: -0.03460993, z: -0.00033087912, w: -1} - {x: 0.9354654, y: 0.32856014, z: -0.13020283, w: -1} - {x: 0.98729753, y: 0.14422782, z: -0.066648416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9476045, y: 0.316972, z: -0.03968006, w: -1} - {x: 0.84406143, y: 0.008163205, z: -0.5361844, w: -1} - {x: 0.91065854, y: 0.07235593, z: -0.40677464, w: -1} - {x: 0.91302145, y: 0.06847808, z: -0.40212265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985017, y: -0.012124759, z: -0.053359997, w: -1} - {x: 0.92445403, y: 0.10357305, z: -0.36695695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9144946, y: 0.204109, z: -0.34934106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9886137, y: -0.04702107, z: -0.14294028, w: -1} - {x: 0.9818959, y: -0.1566936, z: -0.1064311, w: -1} - {x: 0.933953, y: 0.28788066, z: -0.21179348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9296288, y: 0.35062444, z: -0.11337029, w: -1} - {x: 0.99532294, y: -0.0965426, z: 0.0034235462, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919698, y: -0.123357706, z: 0.027905216, w: -1} - {x: 0.9283799, y: 0.34015334, z: -0.14968795, w: -1} - {x: 0.94824004, y: 0.31489113, z: 0.041041177, w: -1} - {x: 0.99160874, y: -0.12906888, z: 0.007298738, w: -1} - {x: 0.9763927, y: -0.21528538, z: -0.017594527, w: -1} - {x: 0.9482964, y: 0.3156555, z: 0.033096276, w: -1} - {x: 0.9654945, y: 0.2553964, z: 0.05092207, w: -1} - {x: 0.9762717, y: -0.21646503, z: -0.0060460903, w: -1} - {x: 0.9915056, y: -0.12308377, z: 0.04203408, w: -1} - {x: 0.9655479, y: 0.25913277, z: 0.023821464, w: -1} - {x: 0.93706644, y: 0.34822488, z: 0.025414122, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922625, y: -0.12411927, z: 0.0030980685, w: -1} - {x: 0.99707067, y: -0.050411772, z: -0.057521533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9366792, y: 0.34986606, z: 0.0150282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9668443, y: 0.25536242, z: -0.001441432, w: -1} - {x: 0.99711806, y: -0.0505599, z: -0.0565622, w: -1} - {x: 0.97848153, y: -0.0044713477, z: -0.20628588, w: -1} - {x: 0.96994305, y: 0.24250169, z: 0.020086585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9884091, y: 0.1410532, z: -0.05613882, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821216, y: -0.020066401, z: -0.1871749, w: -1} - {x: 0.98703074, y: 0.006202049, z: -0.16041155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99677026, y: 0.06450452, z: 0.047835674, w: -1} - {x: 0.99446756, y: 0.08662562, z: 0.05941559, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958302, y: -0.075401455, z: -0.051350653, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993456, y: 0.028749252, z: 0.021949029, w: -1} - {x: 0.99375826, y: 0.06685603, z: 0.08930156, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984674, y: -0.00440492, z: 0.05516838, w: -1} - {x: 0.99849105, y: 0.008164934, z: 0.054304074, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910563, y: -0.017505644, z: 0.038489558, w: -1} - {x: -0.9991035, y: -0.008382231, z: -0.041496873, w: -1} - {x: -0.9997332, y: 0.012567931, z: -0.019379921, w: -1} - {x: -0.9996339, y: 0.00602755, z: -0.026377352, w: -1} - {x: -0.9996882, y: 0.024227383, z: -0.006041371, w: -1} - {x: 0.99927825, y: 0.031707898, z: -0.020918673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9905551, y: 0.112290554, z: -0.07868563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994744, y: 0.027832914, z: -0.016622178, w: -1} - {x: 0.99059427, y: 0.111290485, z: -0.0796077, w: -1} - {x: 0.9859469, y: 0.16705236, z: 0.0014947592, w: -1} - {x: 0.97753537, y: 0.20936085, z: -0.02434341, w: -1} - {x: 0.98489857, y: 0.17312689, z: -0.0013621437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904304, y: 0.13782904, z: 0.007124555, w: -1} - {x: 0.97579944, y: 0.21852136, z: -0.007990056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950393, y: 0.03673843, z: 0.092450954, w: -1} - {x: 0.98800635, y: 0.14991707, z: 0.036989972, w: -1} - {x: 0.98079187, y: 0.10490166, z: 0.1644478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993462, y: 0.036108095, z: -0.0018582968, w: -1} - {x: 0.97753716, y: 0.18012911, z: 0.10942899, w: -1} - {x: 0.9869334, y: 0.10313419, z: 0.12379724, w: -1} - {x: 0.89034593, y: 0.41792348, z: 0.18062122, w: -1} - {x: 0.94555825, y: 0.08485554, z: -0.31419596, w: -1} - {x: 0.92712945, y: 0.100313835, z: -0.36106536, w: -1} - {x: 0.92152673, y: 0.12749349, z: -0.36678854, w: -1} - {x: 0.95932895, y: -0.018705416, z: -0.28167015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9425592, y: 0.33386007, z: -0.010938746, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921376, y: 0.052673027, z: 0.11352742, w: -1} - {x: 0.98418874, y: 0.15569772, z: 0.08444438, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932596, y: 0.093508154, z: 0.06849531, w: -1} - {x: 0.99113005, y: 0.05547602, z: 0.12076271, w: -1} - {x: 0.97298884, y: 0.03171983, z: 0.22866258, w: -1} - {x: 0.975367, y: 0.12281806, z: 0.18323457, w: -1} - {x: 0.9473893, y: -0.058652177, z: 0.31466386, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913134, y: -0.12344974, z: -0.04536446, w: -1} - {x: 0.99009085, y: -0.13806999, z: -0.025627188, w: -1} - {x: 0.98356456, y: -0.18012513, z: -0.012479317, w: -1} - {x: 0.9170781, y: -0.39854142, z: -0.01151377, w: -1} - {x: 0.9916547, y: -0.12861064, z: 0.008960073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9740737, y: -0.22144422, z: 0.04629115, w: -1} - {x: 0.91834617, y: -0.39386111, z: 0.038906995, w: -1} - {x: 0.81494313, y: -0.57700485, z: 0.054158185, w: -1} - {x: 0.97479403, y: -0.22039269, z: 0.034693416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922008, y: -0.123844445, z: 0.0141507005, w: -1} - {x: 0.8214617, y: -0.57023185, z: -0.006037541, w: -1} - {x: 0.91606617, y: -0.39716545, z: 0.055518933, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922325, y: -0.12430577, z: -0.00477676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964154, y: -0.0669212, z: 0.051747806, w: -1} - {x: 0.9148525, y: -0.40342698, z: 0.017078742, w: -1} - {x: 0.88627297, y: -0.46307912, z: -0.00882947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965146, y: -0.066680804, z: 0.050121706, w: -1} - {x: 0.9601429, y: -0.25416443, z: 0.11630174, w: -1} - {x: 0.8888326, y: -0.45663312, z: -0.03824503, w: -1} - {x: 0.9086694, y: -0.41716498, z: -0.017125545, w: -1} - {x: -0.9063225, y: -0.1543964, z: 0.39337158, w: -1} - {x: -0.91506845, y: -0.16710904, z: 0.36704823, w: -1} - {x: -0.8518809, y: 0.051128615, z: 0.52123404, w: -1} - {x: -0.9159772, y: -0.09049361, z: 0.39089212, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938779, y: -0.110423625, z: -0.0036621252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978327, y: 0.0008380367, z: 0.065796874, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953541, y: -0.09004722, z: 0.034081057, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948917, y: 0.036503486, z: 0.09411725, w: -1} - {x: 0.99367917, y: 0.08728028, z: -0.07059636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925585, y: 0.09311224, z: -0.07847244, w: -1} - {x: 0.991355, y: 0.11942329, z: -0.05434343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945788, y: 0.065438, z: -0.080814235, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989735, y: -0.039659176, z: 0.02188867, w: -1} - {x: -0.9991875, y: -0.02184739, z: 0.03386492, w: -1} - {x: -0.9991189, y: -0.01936602, z: 0.037233014, w: -1} - {x: -0.9992583, y: -0.027899992, z: 0.02654341, w: -1} - {x: 0.99948734, y: 0.02456644, z: -0.020531287, w: -1} - {x: 0.990617, y: 0.10430917, z: -0.08830499, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992558, y: 0.031034507, z: -0.022909883, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994637, y: 0.022235421, z: -0.024040092, w: -1} - {x: 0.9808809, y: 0.19307768, z: 0.024363037, w: -1} - {x: 0.98797816, y: 0.15003224, z: 0.0372762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894565, y: 0.11512374, z: 0.08787772, w: -1} - {x: 0.99079597, y: 0.12387599, z: 0.05457196, w: -1} - {x: 0.99043655, y: 0.13778986, z: 0.007028321, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953026, y: 0.09680729, z: 0.0010337626, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927603, y: 0.11536617, z: 0.033431873, w: -1} - {x: 0.97330195, y: 0.22950283, z: -0.0034460155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99520385, y: 0.09731597, z: 0.00994437, w: -1} - {x: 0.943806, y: 0.3302345, z: -0.013249389, w: -1} - {x: 0.97233605, y: 0.23319365, z: 0.013541615, w: -1} - {x: 0.9641769, y: 0.26277953, z: 0.03619121, w: -1} - {x: 0.91237384, y: 0.10889319, z: -0.39460903, w: -1} - {x: 0.96870047, y: -0.0019355353, z: -0.24822521, w: -1} - {x: 0.94752955, y: 0.10841226, z: -0.30072337, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903864, y: -0.09193949, z: -0.10335266, w: -1} - {x: 0.99054897, y: 0.05888079, z: -0.12387794, w: -1} - {x: 0.99659747, y: 0.06049405, z: -0.055981062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975851, y: -0.06462032, z: -0.025458964, w: -1} - {x: 0.99330693, y: -0.11540544, z: -0.004784929, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973352, y: 0.07026444, z: -0.019631617, w: -1} - {x: 0.98601055, y: -0.1609872, z: 0.043201458, w: -1} - {x: 0.99357355, y: -0.10993296, z: 0.026952213, w: -1} - {x: 0.95933765, y: -0.2761811, z: 0.058268286, w: -1} - {x: 0.98316574, y: -0.1818638, z: -0.017627666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9146649, y: -0.3828529, z: 0.12965995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9536299, y: -0.27095994, z: 0.13103685, w: -1} - {x: 0.83299434, y: -0.47000483, z: 0.29191765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9160868, y: -0.39992824, z: -0.029024908, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196435, y: -0.57270604, z: 0.013867602, w: -1} - {x: 0.89366883, y: -0.44609457, z: 0.048535746, w: -1} - {x: 0.97153234, y: -0.23268054, z: -0.04454959, w: -1} - {x: 0.81921226, y: -0.57320416, z: 0.018116193, w: -1} - {x: 0.911184, y: -0.41067, z: -0.033073727, w: -1} - {x: 0.9720986, y: -0.23205394, z: -0.034282096, w: -1} - {x: 0.96757793, y: -0.24805824, z: -0.047540516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9138162, y: -0.40612724, z: -0.00078639673, w: -1} - {x: 0.88337857, y: -0.4683574, z: 0.01684076, w: -1} - {x: 0.96873885, y: -0.24582261, z: -0.03341034, w: -1} - {x: 0.93636143, y: -0.33737162, z: 0.09699334, w: -1} - {x: 0.8825065, y: -0.4697049, z: 0.023658087, w: -1} - {x: 0.883948, y: -0.46264517, z: 0.06778767, w: -1} - {x: 0.93649614, y: -0.33720082, z: 0.096283495, w: -1} - {x: 0.96783966, y: -0.15827796, z: 0.19553651, w: -1} - {x: 0.90819925, y: -0.4182634, z: -0.015163631, w: -1} - {x: 0.9834161, y: -0.12792453, z: 0.12856129, w: -1} - {x: 0.9837472, y: -0.13364379, z: 0.119920254, w: -1} - {x: 0.98451376, y: -0.016974745, z: 0.17448343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974041, y: -0.07078288, z: -0.013222947, w: -1} - {x: 0.99691266, y: 0.06376744, z: 0.045813095, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997097, y: 0.017043844, z: 0.01702825, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982556, y: -0.048903413, z: -0.033077322, w: -1} - {x: 0.99645853, y: 0.08339825, z: 0.010727144, w: -1} - {x: 0.99886006, y: 0.023766335, z: -0.041398745, w: -1} - {x: 0.99751085, y: -0.030596763, z: -0.063529596, w: -1} - {x: 0.99889725, y: 0.02224391, z: -0.041345526, w: -1} - {x: -0.99990046, y: 0.00702024, z: 0.012238902, w: -1} - {x: -0.9999944, y: -0.0018023348, z: 0.0028452526, w: -1} - {x: -0.99989575, y: 0.0074504917, z: 0.012367207, w: -1} - {x: -0.9999685, y: -0.0072647845, z: -0.003203818, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992777, y: 0.026232528, z: -0.027492877, w: -1} - {x: 0.99944204, y: 0.029947702, z: -0.014788887, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962467, y: -0.017183742, z: 0.02133642, w: -1} - {x: 0.9675948, y: -0.18753505, z: 0.16908853, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947577, y: -0.037303995, z: -0.09521279, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929953, y: 0.059569415, z: -0.102038406, w: -1} - {x: 0.9643087, y: -0.25066847, z: 0.08528823, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963877, y: -0.067227334, z: -0.051885005, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952204, y: 0.09692108, z: -0.011943093, w: -1} - {x: 0.97431135, y: 0.22248499, z: -0.034898467, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979595, y: 0.0021240588, z: 0.063815534, w: -1} - {x: 0.997288, y: 0.07272767, z: 0.011287459, w: -1} - {x: 0.97344524, y: 0.22882706, z: -0.0065220324, w: -1} - {x: 0.96994966, y: 0.24303684, z: -0.011435319, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957116, y: 0.08247855, z: 0.04190025, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965202, y: 0.06922151, z: 0.04642988, w: -1} - {x: 0.96744865, y: 0.25278807, z: 0.0118870605, w: -1} - {x: 0.9916706, y: -0.009519962, z: 0.12844779, w: -1} - {x: 0.9923256, y: 0.082871765, z: 0.09177245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879438, y: -0.03256545, z: 0.15134948, w: -1} - {x: 0.99854136, y: -0.05373345, z: 0.0052828607, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935901, y: -0.110374816, z: 0.024415046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980133, y: -0.061410587, z: 0.014080166, w: -1} - {x: 0.99651057, y: -0.07314294, z: 0.04021055, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929882, y: -0.11720748, z: -0.015389235, w: -1} - {x: 0.9602469, y: -0.27913177, z: 0.003376236, w: -1} - {x: 0.99687976, y: -0.077974275, z: -0.012278203, w: -1} - {x: 0.999452, y: -0.033092313, z: 0.0007432209, w: -1} - {x: 0.9602434, y: -0.27914757, z: 0.0030323649, w: -1} - {x: 0.90205777, y: -0.42890194, z: -0.048319858, w: -1} - {x: 0.999451, y: -0.03309499, z: 0.0015758799, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903772, y: 0.13837303, z: -0.0024206922, w: -1} - {x: 0.9022497, y: -0.4279148, z: -0.053238533, w: -1} - {x: 0.96485454, y: -0.21680866, z: 0.14849153, w: -1} - {x: 0.98338765, y: 0.13905571, z: 0.11667092, w: -1} - {x: 0.9038705, y: 0.37736103, z: 0.20153622, w: -1} - {x: 0.9729712, y: -0.22632411, z: 0.045874555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9624954, y: -0.2069965, z: 0.17537132, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271276, y: 0.36669102, z: 0.07727874, w: -1} - {x: 0.9738102, y: 0.056095935, z: 0.22033398, w: -1} - {x: 0.97131544, y: -0.23697747, z: 0.019698188, w: -1} - {x: 0.95337695, y: -0.29643157, z: -0.056574676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976202, y: 0.06821648, z: 0.010023068, w: -1} - {x: 0.99958044, y: 0.019097704, z: 0.021777702, w: -1} - {x: 0.95359194, y: -0.29414308, z: -0.06435978, w: -1} - {x: 0.99505603, y: -0.0982604, z: 0.014439391, w: -1} - {x: 0.99840724, y: 0.012727743, z: 0.05496349, w: -1} - {x: 0.982287, y: 0.146714, z: 0.11656531, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945026, y: -0.06480218, z: -0.08225106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993333, y: 0.026136992, z: -0.025488554, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848388, y: 0.17328471, z: 0.008066187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827939, y: 0.18191887, z: 0.031962384, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979, y: 0.020464228, z: 0.0010570372, w: -1} - {x: 0.99760437, y: -0.06917148, z: 0.00080716657, w: -1} - {x: 0.9831108, y: 0.16986257, z: 0.068115905, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951335, y: -0.062792264, z: 0.07593747, w: -1} - {x: -0.9722541, y: -0.067352906, z: 0.22402121, w: -1} - {x: -0.9830583, y: -0.12111046, z: 0.13758202, w: -1} - {x: -0.9805353, y: -0.106885366, z: 0.1646998, w: -1} - {x: -0.98398817, y: -0.12360395, z: 0.1284106, w: -1} - {x: -0.99952555, y: 0.029426014, z: -0.009100157, w: -1} - {x: -0.99962705, y: 0.0146938795, z: -0.023022197, w: -1} - {x: -0.99961275, y: 0.015741277, z: -0.022947177, w: -1} - {x: -0.9996038, y: 0.026218217, z: -0.01023853, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996292, y: -0.019304896, z: 0.019204339, w: -1} - {x: 0.9667403, y: -0.17127848, z: 0.18993936, w: -1} - {x: 0.97070074, y: -0.09339988, z: 0.22139674, w: -1} - {x: 0.96026236, y: -0.12271173, z: 0.25067475, w: -1} - {x: 0.89220595, y: -0.4198681, z: -0.16637076, w: -1} - {x: 0.93423235, y: -0.20776246, z: -0.28990465, w: -1} - {x: 0.9088538, y: -0.3804988, z: -0.17089547, w: -1} - {x: 0.9083159, y: -0.38432327, z: -0.16509973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993543, y: -0.035927437, z: 0.00046967366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977838, y: 0.059591543, z: -0.029603237, w: -1} - {x: 0.97313446, y: -0.20210755, z: 0.11028111, w: -1} - {x: 0.98113, y: -0.18557963, z: 0.05425901, w: -1} - {x: 0.99734926, y: 0.053059552, z: -0.0497898, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981665, y: 0.041652396, z: -0.043916795, w: -1} - {x: 0.9806334, y: -0.19289821, z: 0.033886652, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924279, y: -0.12266998, z: 0.006244561, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983281, y: 0.04342845, z: -0.038144704, w: -1} - {x: 0.99788326, y: -0.06495214, z: -0.0032020805, w: -1} - {x: 0.99262863, y: -0.120394915, z: 0.013907102, w: -1} - {x: 0.998097, y: 0.05091428, z: -0.034786504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979874, y: -0.06317582, z: 0.0054783085, w: -1} - {x: 0.99704194, y: -0.07685896, z: 0.000047537902, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982779, y: 0.055670146, z: -0.018499011, w: -1} - {x: 0.9786184, y: 0.20191166, z: -0.039213832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970334, y: -0.07548642, z: 0.015040249, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994523, y: -0.033088353, z: -0.00046720981, w: -1} - {x: 0.97839177, y: 0.20625682, z: -0.014405948, w: -1} - {x: 0.95060897, y: 0.30981582, z: -0.018887294, w: -1} - {x: 0.99945223, y: -0.033087783, z: -0.000642756, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903637, y: 0.13845119, z: 0.0033236279, w: -1} - {x: 0.9502122, y: 0.31157488, z: -0.0042168046, w: -1} - {x: 0.91089725, y: 0.41255865, z: -0.007837256, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903636, y: 0.13845138, z: 0.0033388843, w: -1} - {x: 0.9337797, y: 0.35781685, z: 0.0047575734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9103546, y: 0.41382575, z: -0.0016358205, w: -1} - {x: 0.92094594, y: 0.38920206, z: -0.019505136, w: -1} - {x: 0.93229944, y: 0.3607021, z: 0.02667844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975785, y: 0.06910453, z: -0.007855566, w: -1} - {x: 0.92118794, y: 0.38906494, z: 0.006422949, w: -1} - {x: 0.9629981, y: 0.26685664, z: 0.037711438, w: -1} - {x: 0.99761033, y: 0.068941824, z: -0.004546755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995631, y: 0.025960244, z: -0.014130412, w: -1} - {x: 0.9630435, y: 0.26641786, z: 0.039606255, w: -1} - {x: 0.9885622, y: 0.14983323, z: 0.017168496, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972284, y: 0.023507537, z: -0.0012779621, w: -1} - {x: 0.9853649, y: 0.16606654, z: 0.03844211, w: -1} - {x: 0.98852235, y: 0.14703251, z: 0.034712095, w: -1} - {x: 0.9776515, y: 0.19992498, z: 0.06501971, w: -1} - {x: 0.98322403, y: 0.18078037, z: -0.02426732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9788714, y: 0.20215754, z: -0.030710356, w: -1} - {x: 0.9788439, y: 0.20392531, z: 0.016704442, w: -1} - {x: 0.97864735, y: 0.19251603, z: -0.07202028, w: -1} - {x: 0.9709969, y: 0.22094584, z: -0.0913669, w: -1} - {x: 0.96639985, y: 0.14195575, z: -0.21428937, w: -1} - {x: 0.9688563, y: 0.21413442, z: -0.1243537, w: -1} - {x: 0.970757, y: 0.20557062, z: -0.12398224, w: -1} - {x: 0.99917895, y: 0.016684515, z: -0.036920942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991637, y: 0.030491423, z: -0.027243355, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959502, y: 0.0876003, z: 0.020235302, w: -1} - {x: 0.99928683, y: 0.03634785, z: -0.010233182, w: -1} - {x: -0.9992614, y: -0.028815797, z: 0.025423806, w: -1} - {x: -0.9993616, y: -0.01920149, z: 0.030127628, w: -1} - {x: -0.9991958, y: -0.038220838, z: 0.012119692, w: -1} - {x: -0.99939615, y: -0.02927364, z: 0.018721925, w: -1} - {x: 0.98661923, y: -0.15415272, z: 0.053097937, w: -1} - {x: 0.97032917, y: -0.20169534, z: 0.13334309, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999595, y: 0.002826764, z: -0.000492956, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962311, y: -0.07520161, z: 0.04322427, w: -1} - {x: 0.9703118, y: -0.20640092, z: 0.12607002, w: -1} - {x: 0.96992224, y: -0.13271862, z: 0.20405068, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889846, y: -0.020373084, z: 0.14661005, w: -1} - {x: 0.8945717, y: -0.2387209, z: 0.37782773, w: -1} - {x: 0.9166838, y: -0.37227455, z: -0.14526685, w: -1} - {x: 0.9648988, y: -0.2404395, z: -0.105636634, w: -1} - {x: 0.87726724, y: -0.47998744, z: 0.0037643863, w: -1} - {x: 0.9248795, y: -0.37991792, z: -0.016129585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9782419, y: -0.20734482, z: -0.0071380828, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906492, y: -0.1331937, z: -0.029555254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9384796, y: -0.33877507, z: 0.06698907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9689689, y: -0.24656208, z: 0.017503439, w: -1} - {x: 0.99174863, y: -0.12773298, z: -0.0109051, w: -1} - {x: 0.99754965, y: 0.045543194, z: -0.053108912, w: -1} - {x: 0.97262985, y: -0.22138275, z: 0.07057512, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964921, y: 0.07858358, z: -0.028779114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961229, y: 0.07453888, z: 0.046724167, w: -1} - {x: 0.9779975, y: 0.20861566, z: -0.0006116505, w: -1} - {x: 0.98896426, y: 0.13099943, z: 0.069201484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9831459, y: 0.18232086, z: 0.013534684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9769247, y: 0.21242687, z: 0.0222011, w: -1} - {x: 0.94982606, y: 0.31272647, z: 0.00570977, w: -1} - {x: 0.980069, y: 0.19199064, z: 0.051033508, w: -1} - {x: 0.9717433, y: 0.23332004, z: 0.035731647, w: -1} - {x: 0.94933325, y: 0.31387106, z: 0.015854651, w: -1} - {x: 0.90980256, y: 0.41501936, z: 0.004282316, w: -1} - {x: 0.9711196, y: 0.23468101, z: 0.043029323, w: -1} - {x: 0.9756836, y: 0.2136906, z: 0.048762236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9101213, y: 0.41434094, z: 0.00090932706, w: -1} - {x: 0.92110753, y: 0.38893235, z: 0.017098991, w: -1} - {x: 0.97553277, y: 0.21400228, z: 0.050386947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977009, y: 0.06601952, z: 0.01530884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9211879, y: 0.38911736, z: 0.0007339528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9615578, y: 0.27457914, z: 0.0035947913, w: -1} - {x: 0.99775404, y: 0.066820316, z: 0.0046854466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907364, y: 0.12851113, z: -0.0438884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9578916, y: 0.2841782, z: -0.041066222, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862686, y: 0.15920731, z: -0.043901846, w: -1} - {x: 0.98799103, y: 0.13674295, z: -0.07193783, w: -1} - {x: 0.9853905, y: 0.16643307, z: -0.036133848, w: -1} - {x: 0.98838645, y: 0.15190966, z: 0.003962765, w: -1} - {x: 0.978812, y: 0.20461544, z: 0.0077271396, w: -1} - {x: 0.98778105, y: 0.155275, z: 0.013352752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927234, y: 0.12013204, z: 0.008275981, w: -1} - {x: 0.9788328, y: 0.20436534, z: 0.011005733, w: -1} - {x: 0.9888188, y: 0.12910469, z: 0.07462806, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927904, y: 0.11773679, z: 0.022478431, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981248, y: -0.014104131, z: 0.059564482, w: -1} - {x: 0.986442, y: 0.10637624, z: 0.124964654, w: -1} - {x: 0.98934865, y: -0.017070694, z: 0.14456111, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904836, y: -0.047360834, z: 0.12922555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9861668, y: -0.022197742, z: 0.16426292, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820198, y: 0.1706213, z: -0.08078032, w: -1} - {x: 0.98334897, y: 0.14042576, z: -0.11534935, w: -1} - {x: 0.9829003, y: 0.1654768, z: -0.0807731, w: -1} - {x: 0.98481345, y: 0.13303368, z: -0.11155521, w: -1} - {x: -0.9995587, y: 0.0031799215, z: -0.029536596, w: -1} - {x: -0.9997365, y: 0.012266218, z: -0.019401522, w: -1} - {x: -0.9997247, y: 0.01109035, z: -0.02067828, w: -1} - {x: -0.9997528, y: 0.015780995, z: -0.015657453, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999959, y: 0.0028176098, z: -0.0005406636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961437, y: -0.083124734, z: 0.028071418, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997119, y: -0.023180915, z: 0.0062296554, w: -1} - {x: 0.99144787, y: -0.12777369, z: 0.02655321, w: -1} - {x: 0.995262, y: -0.09722418, z: 0.0009702386, w: -1} - {x: 0.9095466, y: -0.34966666, z: 0.22462918, w: -1} - {x: 0.98413837, y: -0.09710377, z: 0.1484672, w: -1} - {x: 0.929959, y: -0.2664965, z: 0.2532901, w: -1} - {x: 0.8609871, y: -0.50627947, z: -0.04880816, w: -1} - {x: 0.9035275, y: -0.41719708, z: -0.097901165, w: -1} - {x: 0.90133834, y: -0.42462903, z: -0.085319154, w: -1} - {x: 0.8868559, y: -0.45431784, z: -0.0841533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9143465, y: -0.40042582, z: -0.060245823, w: -1} - {x: 0.9485952, y: -0.29979247, z: -0.10144739, w: -1} - {x: 0.90177023, y: -0.43056414, z: -0.037750494, w: -1} - {x: 0.9241682, y: -0.37608933, z: -0.06685679, w: -1} - {x: 0.9573369, y: -0.28237304, z: -0.061412126, w: -1} - {x: 0.97425145, y: -0.029140526, z: -0.22357322, w: -1} - {x: 0.93664944, y: -0.349323, z: -0.025714204, w: -1} - {x: 0.97431564, y: -0.18329273, z: -0.13081582, w: -1} - {x: 0.996507, y: 0.07796352, z: -0.029925298, w: -1} - {x: 0.9849483, y: 0.16875556, z: -0.037396383, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968768, y: -0.059985712, z: 0.051364593, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977766, y: -0.060341295, z: 0.028295616, w: -1} - {x: 0.98496735, y: 0.16510564, z: -0.05078969, w: -1} - {x: 0.97503054, y: 0.21661757, z: -0.048909716, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978193, y: -0.06430578, z: 0.014880885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995174, y: -0.030909274, z: 0.0031105292, w: -1} - {x: 0.97502816, y: 0.21839802, z: -0.040279295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9798163, y: 0.19649938, z: -0.03671618, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995127, y: -0.02913081, z: 0.011217088, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951797, y: -0.09754767, z: 0.0100910785, w: -1} - {x: 0.97982615, y: 0.19581366, z: -0.039972715, w: -1} - {x: 0.99687105, y: 0.063589014, z: 0.04695279, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949787, y: -0.09641207, z: 0.026873935, w: -1} - {x: 0.97378016, y: -0.21757318, z: 0.06643951, w: -1} - {x: 0.99749666, y: 0.065078594, z: 0.027664369, w: -1} - {x: 0.99061775, y: 0.08172789, z: 0.10953074, w: -1} - {x: 0.97688246, y: -0.21299796, z: 0.018235365, w: -1} - {x: 0.99145555, y: -0.124897145, z: 0.03763757, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932843, y: 0.095529914, z: 0.06527195, w: -1} - {x: 0.98464465, y: 0.1309669, z: 0.11542376, w: -1} - {x: 0.988284, y: -0.12998351, z: 0.07999465, w: -1} - {x: 0.9855051, y: 0.0011669593, z: 0.16964194, w: -1} - {x: 0.9857262, y: 0.16539373, z: -0.03144669, w: -1} - {x: 0.99170375, y: 0.1258436, z: -0.026212616, w: -1} - {x: 0.999087, y: 0.02677341, z: -0.033293627, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970254, y: -0.008922412, z: -0.076556236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921495, y: 0.124090165, z: -0.015528668, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967708, y: 0.045653414, z: -0.06605864, w: -1} - {x: 0.99765515, y: -0.011669238, z: -0.0674387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961533, y: -0.020560773, z: -0.08518085, w: -1} - {x: 0.999785, y: 0.018611997, z: -0.009139811, w: -1} - {x: 0.99636334, y: 0.07712615, z: 0.03621784, w: -1} - {x: 0.99818915, y: -0.0427685, z: -0.04229848, w: -1} - {x: 0.99906564, y: -0.024354331, z: -0.03570475, w: -1} - {x: -0.9961955, y: -0.08176551, z: -0.030148558, w: -1} - {x: -0.99972934, y: -0.021410687, z: 0.009105933, w: -1} - {x: -0.99887586, y: 0.017687116, z: 0.043978427, w: -1} - {x: -0.99945027, y: 0.00070549187, z: 0.033147432, w: -1} - {x: -0.99996126, y: -0.0021619822, z: -0.008536205, w: -1} - {x: -0.99999094, y: 0.0023037808, z: -0.0036036235, w: -1} - {x: -0.9996826, y: 0.019902788, z: 0.015447142, w: -1} - {x: -0.9998966, y: 0.012312808, z: 0.0074342014, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971753, y: -0.023590287, z: 0.0028954856, w: -1} - {x: 0.99144775, y: -0.12777708, z: 0.026539195, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987453, y: -0.015671609, z: 0.0023012536, w: -1} - {x: 0.99782276, y: -0.06563328, z: 0.006471374, w: -1} - {x: 0.99134666, y: -0.13025172, z: 0.016318245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9342969, y: -0.33649835, z: 0.11772083, w: -1} - {x: 0.99773294, y: -0.064484686, z: 0.019250603, w: -1} - {x: 0.98607856, y: -0.16455036, z: 0.023923809, w: -1} - {x: 0.9293527, y: -0.36468983, z: 0.05748763, w: -1} - {x: 0.92797387, y: -0.36339366, z: 0.082520224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9841737, y: -0.1769503, z: -0.009519955, w: -1} - {x: 0.94620734, y: -0.31766656, z: 0.061479717, w: -1} - {x: 0.91695434, y: -0.39840484, z: 0.021640142, w: -1} - {x: 0.9395168, y: -0.34217677, z: -0.014945907, w: -1} - {x: 0.93525344, y: -0.353925, z: -0.006171302, w: -1} - {x: 0.951044, y: -0.30554292, z: -0.046463773, w: -1} - {x: 0.9342856, y: -0.06326523, z: 0.35086754, w: -1} - {x: 0.9698336, y: 0.06836881, z: 0.23398419, w: -1} - {x: 0.9572018, y: 0.0034783662, z: 0.28940085, w: -1} - {x: 0.9416477, y: -0.08180837, z: 0.32650742, w: -1} - {x: 0.992642, y: -0.11684093, z: -0.031779632, w: -1} - {x: 0.99671173, y: -0.07650658, z: -0.026692124, w: -1} - {x: 0.96093076, y: -0.26512426, z: 0.07950606, w: -1} - {x: 0.98695123, y: -0.16101773, z: 0.0008358789, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972852, y: -0.07248784, z: -0.0129500525, w: -1} - {x: 0.99920106, y: -0.035576604, z: -0.018211318, w: -1} - {x: 0.9878208, y: -0.1545658, z: 0.017872661, w: -1} - {x: 0.99368256, y: -0.11219731, z: -0.0025995108, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940985, y: -0.033372864, z: -0.008135346, w: -1} - {x: 0.99518615, y: -0.09780652, z: 0.0062068836, w: -1} - {x: 0.99387777, y: -0.110244684, z: 0.0072891284, w: -1} - {x: 0.9775432, y: -0.21042834, z: 0.011367006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951384, y: -0.0984316, z: -0.00326628, w: -1} - {x: 0.97758615, y: -0.21042612, z: -0.006796455, w: -1} - {x: 0.9777182, y: -0.20988704, z: -0.0038221588, w: -1} - {x: 0.9695292, y: -0.24472426, z: -0.011095895, w: -1} - {x: 0.9775044, y: -0.21090294, z: -0.002252237, w: -1} - {x: 0.99252975, y: -0.12153904, z: 0.010628706, w: -1} - {x: 0.9694071, y: -0.2454042, z: -0.005176712, w: -1} - {x: 0.96220416, y: -0.27225572, z: -0.006316422, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924084, y: -0.12207799, z: 0.014915597, w: -1} - {x: 0.99929357, y: 0.01855314, z: 0.03268315, w: -1} - {x: 0.96214753, y: -0.27250385, z: -0.0037320289, w: -1} - {x: 0.9580655, y: -0.28645816, z: -0.007228304, w: -1} - {x: 0.99930316, y: 0.018592902, z: 0.03236587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971839, y: -0.0488423, z: 0.05690982, w: -1} - {x: 0.95807767, y: -0.2864075, z: -0.0076122675, w: -1} - {x: 0.9620567, y: -0.27265638, z: -0.010269681, w: -1} - {x: 0.99707097, y: -0.049304716, z: 0.058468062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925111, y: -0.10016882, z: 0.06991373, w: -1} - {x: 0.9613168, y: -0.27544433, z: 0.0005654347, w: -1} - {x: 0.98204744, y: -0.18680947, z: 0.026173076, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969219, y: -0.07544318, z: 0.021330636, w: -1} - {x: 0.99666166, y: -0.076308854, z: 0.029024597, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856269, y: -0.167896, z: -0.018724358, w: -1} - {x: 0.98987937, y: -0.13977766, z: -0.024515808, w: -1} - {x: -0.9979265, y: 0.0012435754, z: 0.06435226, w: -1} - {x: -0.99877226, y: -0.01467705, z: 0.047313806, w: -1} - {x: -0.9908636, y: 0.066727206, z: 0.11720407, w: -1} - {x: -0.9988059, y: -0.018130835, z: 0.045365926, w: -1} - {x: -0.99844193, y: -0.019908862, z: 0.052128613, w: -1} - {x: -0.9986916, y: -0.027220234, z: 0.043291435, w: -1} - {x: -0.99853814, y: -0.02212324, z: 0.04931727, w: -1} - {x: -0.99868315, y: -0.04614061, z: 0.02242619, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987566, y: -0.015748423, z: 0.0008121197, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978227, y: -0.06575932, z: 0.0050618076, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999709, y: -0.0076130456, z: 0.00044673873, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972117, y: -0.023597289, z: 0.0008586391, w: -1} - {x: 0.99781936, y: -0.06592835, z: 0.0031689086, w: -1} - {x: 0.98656535, y: -0.1581494, z: 0.040958125, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972075, y: -0.02356848, z: 0.0017112537, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953312, y: -0.096171856, z: 0.008170063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862665, y: -0.16254736, z: 0.029270656, w: -1} - {x: 0.95157087, y: -0.27782774, z: 0.13162293, w: -1} - {x: 0.99412227, y: -0.08235195, z: 0.07027943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9721605, y: -0.20432508, z: 0.114696264, w: -1} - {x: 0.9298555, y: -0.36662897, z: -0.030853637, w: -1} - {x: 0.94630116, y: -0.31751412, z: -0.06081903, w: -1} - {x: 0.9525943, y: -0.29637504, z: -0.06874533, w: -1} - {x: 0.95611024, y: -0.28787878, z: -0.05458062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9768805, y: -0.09050653, z: 0.1936831, w: -1} - {x: 0.9545409, y: -0.1267349, z: 0.26979598, w: -1} - {x: 0.9769869, y: -0.05518092, z: 0.20603803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9459813, y: -0.10660614, z: 0.3061937, w: -1} - {x: 0.91498196, y: -0.3874097, z: -0.11279091, w: -1} - {x: 0.9697656, y: -0.20795901, z: -0.12770198, w: -1} - {x: 0.9219997, y: -0.38376802, z: -0.05136678, w: -1} - {x: 0.9476655, y: -0.31312263, z: -0.0623237, w: -1} - {x: 0.9878783, y: -0.1540274, z: 0.019287996, w: -1} - {x: 0.99380565, y: -0.111092, z: 0.0030051211, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659183, y: -0.24895856, z: 0.070862204, w: -1} - {x: 0.95614326, y: -0.29139298, z: 0.029667214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935939, y: -0.1128536, z: -0.0059362, w: -1} - {x: 0.9775871, y: -0.21034363, z: 0.00889675, w: -1} - {x: 0.95597816, y: -0.29292923, z: 0.017267874, w: -1} - {x: 0.92456526, y: -0.38095567, z: 0.00719166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9776621, y: -0.21015373, z: 0.003491279, w: -1} - {x: 0.96905774, y: -0.24674289, z: 0.00670719, w: -1} - {x: 0.9252482, y: -0.379251, z: -0.00919021, w: -1} - {x: 0.9425559, y: -0.33403516, z: -0.0029958235, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691231, y: -0.2465305, z: 0.0048006345, w: -1} - {x: 0.9620181, y: -0.27298254, z: 0.0013095669, w: -1} - {x: 0.9426192, y: -0.33383086, z: -0.0050935214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9454531, y: -0.32572895, z: -0.004364931, w: -1} - {x: 0.9619202, y: -0.2732916, z: 0.0046042795, w: -1} - {x: 0.95760196, y: -0.28805107, z: 0.005017016, w: -1} - {x: 0.9453113, y: -0.32616934, z: -0.0005083921, w: -1} - {x: 0.939066, y: -0.34373027, z: -0.0021549233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9574545, y: -0.28846574, z: 0.008261704, w: -1} - {x: 0.95985943, y: -0.27989396, z: 0.018144643, w: -1} - {x: 0.93893594, y: -0.34409192, z: 0.0004928446, w: -1} - {x: 0.9532105, y: -0.30218673, z: 0.008542731, w: -1} - {x: 0.9600619, y: -0.2793347, z: 0.015915114, w: -1} - {x: 0.97854537, y: -0.1986259, z: 0.054742463, w: -1} - {x: 0.9528011, y: -0.30324215, z: 0.014635391, w: -1} - {x: 0.9594035, y: -0.2816748, z: 0.014287216, w: -1} - {x: 0.98328465, y: -0.18156478, z: 0.013622734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9830285, y: -0.18111233, z: 0.029211791, w: -1} - {x: 0.96331334, y: -0.26724553, z: -0.024642888, w: -1} - {x: 0.96812814, y: -0.24955757, z: -0.021186939, w: -1} - {x: -0.9735856, y: -0.02290617, z: 0.22717048, w: -1} - {x: -0.98542976, y: -0.106494196, z: 0.13261616, w: -1} - {x: -0.9597343, y: 0.073267266, z: 0.2711861, w: -1} - {x: -0.9816516, y: -0.031413097, z: 0.1880779, w: -1} - {x: -0.9980125, y: 0.056249645, z: -0.028408086, w: -1} - {x: -0.99817073, y: 0.032083265, z: -0.051242508, w: -1} - {x: -0.99287933, y: 0.11718851, z: 0.021389263, w: -1} - {x: -0.9966964, y: 0.08121476, z: -0.0006943298, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997103, y: -0.007617553, z: 0.000098626464, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972117, y: -0.023601323, z: 0.00073927327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: -0.0010182194, z: 0.000008670168, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997985, y: -0.0063582193, z: 0.00005324104, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972117, y: -0.023604015, z: 0.0006595882, w: -1} - {x: 0.99540603, y: -0.09417991, z: 0.0172334, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997973, y: -0.006350961, z: 0.00058353797, w: -1} - {x: 0.99893296, y: -0.04610311, z: 0.00272918, w: -1} - {x: 0.99538374, y: -0.095054395, z: 0.013259206, w: -1} - {x: 0.97171617, y: -0.22121455, z: 0.08265461, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988241, y: -0.04427696, z: 0.019747827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99085784, y: -0.13264102, z: 0.024640609, w: -1} - {x: 0.9676486, y: -0.2511386, z: 0.024198817, w: -1} - {x: 0.97404265, y: -0.22560488, z: 0.018532792, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879871, y: -0.15315421, z: -0.020621035, w: -1} - {x: 0.95689386, y: -0.28354892, z: 0.06288202, w: -1} - {x: 0.9711817, y: -0.23830956, z: 0.0038342364, w: -1} - {x: 0.94996154, y: -0.30701986, z: 0.057548817, w: -1} - {x: 0.9543412, y: -0.29497528, z: 0.047143444, w: -1} - {x: 0.9310961, y: -0.35398072, z: 0.088077836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9494709, y: -0.3090331, z: 0.054804545, w: -1} - {x: 0.9642222, y: -0.26088288, z: 0.04707209, w: -1} - {x: 0.93257964, y: -0.34752244, z: 0.09758832, w: -1} - {x: 0.86088717, y: -0.4723083, z: 0.1892036, w: -1} - {x: 0.94142693, y: -0.32524294, z: -0.08906382, w: -1} - {x: 0.9539337, y: -0.29844072, z: -0.030719995, w: -1} - {x: 0.8451028, y: -0.5337401, z: 0.03037939, w: -1} - {x: 0.8212458, y: -0.57050055, z: -0.009191322, w: -1} - {x: 0.9550768, y: -0.29617938, z: -0.010296919, w: -1} - {x: 0.9247882, y: -0.38047427, z: 0.0024639124, w: -1} - {x: 0.82198006, y: -0.569461, z: 0.007935006, w: -1} - {x: 0.87750375, y: -0.4795092, z: -0.00761978, w: -1} - {x: 0.9242398, y: -0.38157654, z: 0.0134186605, w: -1} - {x: 0.9416652, y: -0.33604234, z: 0.018497584, w: -1} - {x: 0.87735975, y: -0.47975162, z: 0.008851061, w: -1} - {x: 0.89455616, y: -0.446754, z: 0.01342231, w: -1} - {x: 0.9424582, y: -0.33432394, z: -0.000003751224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9452488, y: -0.32634905, z: 0.0010776651, w: -1} - {x: 0.8950963, y: -0.44582927, z: -0.006238785, w: -1} - {x: 0.895349, y: -0.44515884, z: -0.013556219, w: -1} - {x: 0.94529706, y: -0.3262108, z: -0.00014313533, w: -1} - {x: 0.93908113, y: -0.3436867, z: -0.002472896, w: -1} - {x: 0.89539886, y: -0.4450164, z: -0.014875121, w: -1} - {x: 0.90105647, y: -0.43348318, z: -0.013770662, w: -1} - {x: 0.9389092, y: -0.3441635, z: 0.0010192002, w: -1} - {x: 0.953198, y: -0.30222046, z: 0.008736376, w: -1} - {x: 0.90085596, y: -0.43402788, z: -0.008849218, w: -1} - {x: 0.8852599, y: -0.46451935, z: -0.023164583, w: -1} - {x: 0.9539581, y: -0.29990795, z: -0.0043915953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9603628, y: -0.278686, z: 0.0061159045, w: -1} - {x: 0.8859874, y: -0.46228936, z: -0.03626066, w: -1} - {x: 0.88349515, y: -0.46414775, z: -0.063271165, w: -1} - {x: 0.95803505, y: -0.28555942, z: 0.024995383, w: -1} - {x: 0.9563123, y: -0.2894841, z: 0.04081377, w: -1} - {x: 0.88184845, y: -0.46887726, z: -0.049973898, w: -1} - {x: 0.9097401, y: -0.41318563, z: -0.040627062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9564793, y: -0.28903177, z: 0.040098324, w: -1} - {x: 0.9679668, y: -0.22710593, z: 0.10706615, w: -1} - {x: 0.9097783, y: -0.4130826, z: -0.04082048, w: -1} - {x: 0.9393744, y: -0.34289008, z: 0.001498884, w: -1} - {x: -0.9703825, y: -0.07079662, z: 0.23096679, w: -1} - {x: -0.9784962, y: -0.10433331, z: 0.1779323, w: -1} - {x: -0.93696636, y: 0.087340266, z: 0.33832768, w: -1} - {x: -0.97761744, y: -0.03785772, z: 0.20695642, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: -0.0010182341, z: 0.0000023161892, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999798, y: -0.006357864, z: 0.00007920861, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00031411904, z: 0.00000071513165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999956, y: -0.0029687765, z: 0.0000056354947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999798, y: -0.0063579925, z: 0.000069800684, w: -1} - {x: 0.99893486, y: -0.045971744, z: 0.003957664, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999956, y: -0.0029684214, z: 0.00015748895, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980706, y: -0.019644484, z: 0.00033377708, w: -1} - {x: 0.99893314, y: -0.046096206, z: 0.00279383, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912298, y: -0.12666193, z: 0.03768721, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998021, y: -0.019450473, z: 0.0041702017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919815, y: -0.124814644, z: 0.019849192, w: -1} - {x: 0.99057746, y: -0.13580285, z: 0.017715104, w: -1} - {x: 0.9634586, y: -0.23620827, z: 0.12630573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894332, y: -0.10222466, z: 0.10282046, w: -1} - {x: 0.92210704, y: -0.3137847, z: 0.22640169, w: -1} - {x: 0.9170622, y: -0.3886502, z: -0.08915101, w: -1} - {x: 0.8975743, y: -0.4385644, z: -0.044961337, w: -1} - {x: 0.8980651, y: -0.43876523, z: -0.031050704, w: -1} - {x: 0.779056, y: -0.6237317, z: 0.06348592, w: -1} - {x: 0.8965114, y: -0.44040626, z: -0.048058785, w: -1} - {x: 0.8445285, y: -0.53482157, z: 0.027157687, w: -1} - {x: 0.78021157, y: -0.62165886, z: 0.069354795, w: -1} - {x: 0.6570975, y: -0.744944, z: 0.115244925, w: -1} - {x: 0.82863766, y: -0.5578365, z: -0.046669886, w: -1} - {x: 0.8218039, y: -0.56976104, z: 0.0032662512, w: -1} - {x: 0.6504049, y: -0.75892955, z: 0.0316127, w: -1} - {x: 0.62976253, y: -0.77582467, z: 0.038668934, w: -1} - {x: -0.099030316, y: 0.15755774, z: 0.9825317, w: -1} - {x: -0.09864044, y: 0.034526803, z: 0.9945241, w: -1} - {x: 0.00053703715, y: 0.18305278, z: 0.9831029, w: -1} - {x: -0.033724103, y: 0.14370178, z: 0.9890463, w: -1} - {x: 0.8774749, y: -0.4796214, z: -0.0010540906, w: -1} - {x: 0.8946531, y: -0.4466344, z: 0.010657085, w: -1} - {x: 0.6895528, y: -0.72371197, z: 0.027529309, w: -1} - {x: 0.64588183, y: -0.7634266, z: -0.0040550353, w: -1} - {x: 0.89469033, y: -0.44658503, z: 0.009538238, w: -1} - {x: 0.8935945, y: -0.4484577, z: 0.01935508, w: -1} - {x: 0.6464804, y: -0.76275873, z: -0.016190464, w: -1} - {x: 0.67157644, y: -0.740891, z: -0.008101179, w: -1} - {x: 0.89405954, y: -0.44778198, z: 0.01219832, w: -1} - {x: 0.8996231, y: -0.43643644, z: 0.014195839, w: -1} - {x: 0.6718025, y: -0.7405845, z: -0.01469877, w: -1} - {x: 0.67162275, y: -0.74017745, z: -0.03256173, w: -1} - {x: 0.89973444, y: -0.43626067, z: 0.012434806, w: -1} - {x: 0.88178164, y: -0.47124463, z: 0.019738836, w: -1} - {x: 0.67148155, y: -0.74039304, z: -0.030506842, w: -1} - {x: 0.66269195, y: -0.7482271, z: -0.031553358, w: -1} - {x: 0.8795421, y: -0.47412714, z: 0.040114805, w: -1} - {x: 0.8606239, y: -0.50526315, z: 0.063527115, w: -1} - {x: 0.6612841, y: -0.74995124, z: -0.0166303, w: -1} - {x: 0.71483034, y: -0.69919, z: -0.012282887, w: -1} - {x: 0.8656889, y: -0.49883756, z: 0.041759383, w: -1} - {x: 0.8782955, y: -0.4718766, z: 0.0770038, w: -1} - {x: 0.7153488, y: -0.6985845, z: -0.015991012, w: -1} - {x: 0.80001247, y: -0.599911, z: 0.0093196295, w: -1} - {x: 0.8930869, y: -0.4489413, z: 0.02911309, w: -1} - {x: 0.91724855, y: -0.39093074, z: 0.07634385, w: -1} - {x: 0.8087011, y: -0.58733857, z: -0.032185905, w: -1} - {x: 0.92178226, y: -0.38236785, z: 0.06412694, w: -1} - {x: 0.9316312, y: -0.36209098, z: 0.030878881, w: -1} - {x: 0.9690769, y: -0.19578011, z: 0.1502002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9216606, y: -0.38256297, z: 0.064709455, w: -1} - {x: 0.967392, y: -0.13348937, z: 0.21525148, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999994, y: -0.00031411924, z: 0.0000000986709, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999956, y: -0.0029687735, z: 0.000006948856, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999956, y: -0.0029687735, z: 0.000006948856, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998072, y: -0.019611256, z: 0.0009912405, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997903, y: -0.020471936, z: 0.00041936396, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998072, y: -0.019611256, z: 0.0009912405, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920403, y: -0.12332821, z: 0.025419485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997872, y: -0.020420147, z: 0.0029442534, w: -1} - {x: 0.98476213, y: -0.17319956, z: 0.015668128, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918442, y: -0.12688373, z: 0.012068241, w: -1} - {x: 0.9218246, y: -0.36609533, z: 0.1273333, w: -1} - {x: 0.98350996, y: -0.16793206, z: 0.06713419, w: -1} - {x: 0.84335023, 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400000004100000042000000410000004300000042000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440000004500000046000000450000004700000046000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48000000490000004a000000490000004b0000004a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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600000006100000062000000610000006300000062000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640000006500000066000000650000006700000066000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68000000690000006a000000690000006b0000006a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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a0000000a1000000a2000000a1000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a5000000a6000000a5000000a7000000a6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8000000a9000000aa000000a9000000ab000000aa000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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000100000101000002010000010100000301000002010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040100000501000006010000050100000701000006010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08010000090100000a010000090100000b0100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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200100002101000022010000210100002301000022010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240100002501000026010000250100002701000026010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28010000290100002a010000290100002b0100002a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0100002d0100002e0100002d0100002f0100002e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300100003101000032010000310100003301000032010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340100003501000036010000350100003701000036010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38010000390100003a010000390100003b0100003a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0100003d0100003e0100003d0100003f0100003e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400100004101000042010000410100004301000042010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440100004501000046010000450100004701000046010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48010000490100004a010000490100004b0100004a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0100004d0100004e0100004d0100004f0100004e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500100005101000052010000510100005301000052010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540100005501000056010000550100005701000056010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58010000590100005a010000590100005b0100005a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0100005d0100005e0100005d0100005f0100005e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600100006101000062010000610100006301000062010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640100006501000066010000650100006701000066010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68010000690100006a010000690100006b0100006a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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800100008101000082010000810100008301000082010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840100008501000086010000850100008701000086010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88010000890100008a010000890100008b0100008a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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a0010000a1010000a2010000a1010000a3010000a2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4010000a5010000a6010000a5010000a7010000a6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8010000a9010000aa010000a9010000ab010000aa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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c0010000c1010000c2010000c1010000c3010000c2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4010000c5010000c6010000c5010000c7010000c6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8010000c9010000ca010000c9010000cb010000ca010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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e0010000e1010000e2010000e1010000e3010000e2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4010000e5010000e6010000e5010000e7010000e6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8010000e9010000ea010000e9010000eb010000ea010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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200200002102000022020000210200002302000022020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240200002502000026020000250200002702000026020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28020000290200002a020000290200002b0200002a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0200002d0200002e0200002d0200002f0200002e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300200003102000032020000310200003302000032020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340200003502000036020000350200003702000036020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38020000390200003a020000390200003b0200003a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0200003d0200003e0200003d0200003f0200003e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400200004102000042020000410200004302000042020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000046020000450200004702000046020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004a020000490200004b0200004a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004e0200004d0200004f0200004e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000052020000510200005302000052020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000056020000550200005702000056020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005a020000590200005b0200005a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005e0200005d0200005f0200005e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600200006102000062020000610200006302000062020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640200006502000066020000650200006702000066020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68020000690200006a020000690200006b0200006a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0200006d0200006e0200006d0200006f0200006e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700200007102000072020000710200007302000072020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740200007502000076020000750200007702000076020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78020000790200007a020000790200007b0200007a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0200007d0200007e0200007d0200007f0200007e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800200008102000082020000810200008302000082020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840200008502000086020000850200008702000086020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88020000890200008a020000890200008b0200008a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0200008d0200008e0200008d0200008f0200008e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900200009102000092020000910200009302000092020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940200009502000096020000950200009702000096020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98020000990200009a020000990200009b0200009a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0200009d0200009e0200009d0200009f0200009e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0020000a1020000a2020000a1020000a3020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4020000a5020000a6020000a5020000a7020000a6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8020000a9020000aa020000a9020000ab020000aa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac020000ad020000ae020000ad020000af020000ae020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0020000b1020000b2020000b1020000b3020000b2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4020000b5020000b6020000b5020000b7020000b6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8020000b9020000ba020000b9020000bb020000ba020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc020000bd020000be020000bd020000bf020000be020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0020000c1020000c2020000c1020000c3020000c2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4020000c5020000c6020000c5020000c7020000c6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8020000c9020000ca020000c9020000cb020000ca020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc020000cd020000ce020000cd020000cf020000ce020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0020000d1020000d2020000d1020000d3020000d2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4020000d5020000d6020000d5020000d7020000d6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8020000d9020000da020000d9020000db020000da020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc020000dd020000de020000dd020000df020000de020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0020000e1020000e2020000e1020000e3020000e2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4020000e5020000e6020000e5020000e7020000e6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8020000e9020000ea020000e9020000eb020000ea020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec020000ed020000ee020000ed020000ef020000ee020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0020000f1020000f2020000f1020000f3020000f2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4020000f5020000f6020000f5020000f7020000f6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8020000f9020000fa020000f9020000fb020000fa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc020000fd020000fe020000fd020000ff020000fe020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000300000103000002030000010300000303000002030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040300000503000006030000050300000703000006030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08030000090300000a030000090300000b0300000a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0300000d0300000e0300000d0300000f0300000e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100300001103000012030000110300001303000012030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140300001503000016030000150300001703000016030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18030000190300001a030000190300001b0300001a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0300001d0300001e0300001d0300001f0300001e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200300002103000022030000210300002303000022030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240300002503000026030000250300002703000026030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28030000290300002a030000290300002b0300002a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0300002d0300002e0300002d0300002f0300002e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300300003103000032030000310300003303000032030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340300003503000036030000350300003703000036030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38030000390300003a030000390300003b0300003a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0300003d0300003e0300003d0300003f0300003e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400300004103000042030000410300004303000042030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440300004503000046030000450300004703000046030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48030000490300004a030000490300004b0300004a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0300004d0300004e0300004d0300004f0300004e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500300005103000052030000510300005303000052030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540300005503000056030000550300005703000056030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58030000590300005a030000590300005b0300005a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0300005d0300005e0300005d0300005f0300005e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600300006103000062030000610300006303000062030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640300006503000066030000650300006703000066030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68030000690300006a030000690300006b0300006a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0300006d0300006e0300006d0300006f0300006e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700300007103000072030000710300007303000072030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740300007503000076030000750300007703000076030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78030000790300007a030000790300007b0300007a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0300007d0300007e0300007d0300007f0300007e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800300008103000082030000810300008303000082030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840300008503000086030000850300008703000086030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88030000890300008a030000890300008b0300008a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0300008d0300008e0300008d0300008f0300008e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900300009103000092030000910300009303000092030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940300009503000096030000950300009703000096030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98030000990300009a030000990300009b0300009a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0300009d0300009e0300009d0300009f0300009e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0030000a1030000a2030000a1030000a3030000a2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4030000a5030000a6030000a5030000a7030000a6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8030000a9030000aa030000a9030000ab030000aa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac030000ad030000ae030000ad030000af030000ae030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0030000b1030000b2030000b1030000b3030000b2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4030000b5030000b6030000b5030000b7030000b6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8030000b9030000ba030000b9030000bb030000ba030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc030000bd030000be030000bd030000bf030000be030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0030000c1030000c2030000c1030000c3030000c2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4030000c5030000c6030000c5030000c7030000c6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8030000c9030000ca030000c9030000cb030000ca030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc030000cd030000ce030000cd030000cf030000ce030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0030000d1030000d2030000d1030000d3030000d2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4030000d5030000d6030000d5030000d7030000d6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8030000d9030000da030000d9030000db030000da030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc030000dd030000de030000dd030000df030000de030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0030000e1030000e2030000e1030000e3030000e2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4030000e5030000e6030000e5030000e7030000e6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8030000e9030000ea030000e9030000eb030000ea030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec030000ed030000ee030000ed030000ef030000ee030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0030000f1030000f2030000f1030000f3030000f2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4030000f5030000f6030000f5030000f7030000f6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8030000f9030000fa030000f9030000fb030000fa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc030000fd030000fe030000fd030000ff030000fe030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000400000104000002040000010400000304000002040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040400000504000006040000050400000704000006040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08040000090400000a040000090400000b0400000a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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200400002104000022040000210400002304000022040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240400002504000026040000250400002704000026040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28040000290400002a040000290400002b0400002a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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400400004104000042040000410400004304000042040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440400004504000046040000450400004704000046040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48040000490400004a040000490400004b0400004a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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600400006104000062040000610400006304000062040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640400006504000066040000650400006704000066040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68040000690400006a040000690400006b0400006a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0400006d0400006e0400006d0400006f0400006e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700400007104000072040000710400007304000072040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740400007504000076040000750400007704000076040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78040000790400007a040000790400007b0400007a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0400007d0400007e0400007d0400007f0400007e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800400008104000082040000810400008304000082040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840400008504000086040000850400008704000086040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88040000890400008a040000890400008b0400008a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0400008d0400008e0400008d0400008f0400008e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900400009104000092040000910400009304000092040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940400009504000096040000950400009704000096040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98040000990400009a040000990400009b0400009a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0400009d0400009e0400009d0400009f0400009e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0040000a1040000a2040000a1040000a3040000a2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4040000a5040000a6040000a5040000a7040000a6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8040000a9040000aa040000a9040000ab040000aa040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac040000ad040000ae040000ad040000af040000ae040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0040000b1040000b2040000b1040000b3040000b2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4040000b5040000b6040000b5040000b7040000b6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8040000b9040000ba040000b9040000bb040000ba040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc040000bd040000be040000bd040000bf040000be040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0040000c1040000c2040000c1040000c3040000c2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4040000c5040000c6040000c5040000c7040000c6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8040000c9040000ca040000c9040000cb040000ca040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc040000cd040000ce040000cd040000cf040000ce040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0040000d1040000d2040000d1040000d3040000d2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4040000d5040000d6040000d5040000d7040000d6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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e0040000e1040000e2040000e1040000e3040000e2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4040000e5040000e6040000e5040000e7040000e6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8040000e9040000ea040000e9040000eb040000ea040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec040000ed040000ee040000ed040000ef040000ee040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0040000f1040000f2040000f1040000f3040000f2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4040000f5040000f6040000f5040000f7040000f6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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000500000105000002050000010500000305000002050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040500000505000006050000050500000705000006050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08050000090500000a050000090500000b0500000a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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200500002105000022050000210500002305000022050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240500002505000026050000250500002705000026050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28050000290500002a050000290500002b0500002a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38050000390500003a050000390500003b0500003a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0500003d0500003e0500003d0500003f0500003e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400500004105000042050000410500004305000042050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440500004505000046050000450500004705000046050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48050000490500004a050000490500004b0500004a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0500004d0500004e0500004d0500004f0500004e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500500005105000052050000510500005305000052050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540500005505000056050000550500005705000056050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58050000590500005a050000590500005b0500005a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0500005d0500005e0500005d0500005f0500005e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600500006105000062050000610500006305000062050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640500006505000066050000650500006705000066050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68050000690500006a050000690500006b0500006a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78050000790500007a050000790500007b0500007a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0500007d0500007e0500007d0500007f0500007e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800500008105000082050000810500008305000082050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840500008505000086050000850500008705000086050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88050000890500008a050000890500008b0500008a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0500008d0500008e0500008d0500008f0500008e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900500009105000092050000910500009305000092050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940500009505000096050000950500009705000096050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98050000990500009a050000990500009b0500009a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0500009d0500009e0500009d0500009f0500009e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0050000a1050000a2050000a1050000a3050000a2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4050000a5050000a6050000a5050000a7050000a6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8050000a9050000aa050000a9050000ab050000aa050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac050000ad050000ae050000ad050000af050000ae050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0050000b1050000b2050000b1050000b3050000b2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4050000b5050000b6050000b5050000b7050000b6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8050000b9050000ba050000b9050000bb050000ba050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc050000bd050000be050000bd050000bf050000be050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0050000c1050000c2050000c1050000c3050000c2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4050000c5050000c6050000c5050000c7050000c6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8050000c9050000ca050000c9050000cb050000ca050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc050000cd050000ce050000cd050000cf050000ce050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0050000d1050000d2050000d1050000d3050000d2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4050000d5050000d6050000d5050000d7050000d6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8050000d9050000da050000d9050000db050000da050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc050000dd050000de050000dd050000df050000de050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0050000e1050000e2050000e1050000e3050000e2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4050000e5050000e6050000e5050000e7050000e6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8050000e9050000ea050000e9050000eb050000ea050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec050000ed050000ee050000ed050000ef050000ee050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0050000f1050000f2050000f1050000f3050000f2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4050000f5050000f6050000f5050000f7050000f6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8050000f9050000fa050000f9050000fb050000fa050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc050000fd050000fe050000fd050000ff050000fe050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000600000106000002060000010600000306000002060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040600000506000006060000050600000706000006060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08060000090600000a060000090600000b0600000a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0600000d0600000e0600000d0600000f0600000e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100600001106000012060000110600001306000012060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140600001506000016060000150600001706000016060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18060000190600001a060000190600001b0600001a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0600001d0600001e0600001d0600001f0600001e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200600002106000022060000210600002306000022060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240600002506000026060000250600002706000026060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28060000290600002a060000290600002b0600002a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0600002d0600002e0600002d0600002f0600002e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300600003106000032060000310600003306000032060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340600003506000036060000350600003706000036060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38060000390600003a060000390600003b0600003a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0600003d0600003e0600003d0600003f0600003e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400600004106000042060000410600004306000042060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440600004506000046060000450600004706000046060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48060000490600004a060000490600004b0600004a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0600004d0600004e0600004d0600004f0600004e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500600005106000052060000510600005306000052060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540600005506000056060000550600005706000056060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58060000590600005a060000590600005b0600005a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0600005d0600005e0600005d0600005f0600005e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600600006106000062060000610600006306000062060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640600006506000066060000650600006706000066060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68060000690600006a060000690600006b0600006a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0600006d0600006e0600006d0600006f0600006e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700600007106000072060000710600007306000072060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740600007506000076060000750600007706000076060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78060000790600007a060000790600007b0600007a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0600007d0600007e0600007d0600007f0600007e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800600008106000082060000810600008306000082060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840600008506000086060000850600008706000086060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88060000890600008a060000890600008b0600008a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0600008d0600008e0600008d0600008f0600008e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900600009106000092060000910600009306000092060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940600009506000096060000950600009706000096060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98060000990600009a060000990600009b0600009a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0600009d0600009e0600009d0600009f0600009e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0060000a1060000a2060000a1060000a3060000a2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4060000a5060000a6060000a5060000a7060000a6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8060000a9060000aa060000a9060000ab060000aa060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac060000ad060000ae060000ad060000af060000ae060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0060000b1060000b2060000b1060000b3060000b2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4060000b5060000b6060000b5060000b7060000b6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8060000b9060000ba060000b9060000bb060000ba060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc060000bd060000be060000bd060000bf060000be060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.0009846207, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.46615958, z: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.0009846207, z: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.13702217, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.46615958, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.9613867, z: -61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.13702217, z: -61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 1.9018911, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.9613867, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 5.762817, z: -52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 1.9018911, z: -52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.484997, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 5.762817, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.973009, z: -42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.484997, z: -42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.4024248, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.973009, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.9476404, z: -33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.4024248, z: -33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.0056477, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.9476404, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.801091, z: -23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.0056477, z: -23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.9065833, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.801091, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.4139233, z: -14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 3.9065833, z: -14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.5976353, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.4139233, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.5824356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.5976353, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 5.382609, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.5824356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 9.233118, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 5.382609, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 6.4925194, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 9.233118, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.420856, z: 14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 6.4925194, z: 14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 7.7225075, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.420856, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.884577, z: 23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 7.7225075, z: 23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 8.409423, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.884577, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.934446, z: 33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 8.409423, z: 33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 8.981646, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.934446, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 14.846293, z: 42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 8.981646, z: 42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 9.542582, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 14.846293, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 18.36979, z: 52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 9.542582, z: 52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 10.17724, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 18.36979, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 19.092829, z: 61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 10.17724, z: 61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 7.908606, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 19.092829, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.152102, z: 71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 7.908606, z: 71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.3147607, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.152102, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.885556, z: 80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.3147607, z: 80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.6808107, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.885556, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.1543791, z: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.6808107, z: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.1543791, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.39168185, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.46615958, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.39168185, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 3.7589693, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.46615958, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.9613867, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 3.7589693, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.375896, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.9613867, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 5.762817, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.375896, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.368967, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 5.762817, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.973009, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.368967, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.512231, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.973009, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.9476404, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.512231, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.408186, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.9476404, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.801091, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.408186, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.811371, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.801091, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.4139233, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.811371, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.658758, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.4139233, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.5824356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.658758, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 9.954554, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.5824356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 9.233118, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 9.954554, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 11.935501, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 9.233118, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.420856, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 11.935501, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.284766, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.420856, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.884577, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.284766, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.62296, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.884577, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.934446, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.62296, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 17.076529, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.934446, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 14.846293, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 17.076529, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 19.848734, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 14.846293, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 18.36979, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 19.848734, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 22.082262, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 18.36979, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 19.092829, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 22.082262, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.4428, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 19.092829, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.152102, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.4428, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.082184, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.152102, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.885556, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.082184, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 12.382258, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 7.885556, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.1543791, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 12.382258, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.3712094, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.1543791, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.3712094, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0.21096723, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.39168185, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0.21096723, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 1.7974321, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.39168185, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 3.7589693, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 1.7974321, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 6.664291, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 3.7589693, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.375896, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 6.664291, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 17.583138, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.375896, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.368967, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 17.583138, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.347567, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.368967, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.512231, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.347567, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 21.310091, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.512231, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.408186, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 21.310091, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.088495, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.408186, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.811371, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.088495, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.113289, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.811371, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.658758, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.113289, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.149038, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 8.658758, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 9.954554, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.149038, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 11.404784, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 9.954554, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 11.935501, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 11.404784, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 13.432966, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 11.935501, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.284766, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 13.432966, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 16.00207, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 13.284766, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.62296, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 16.00207, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 18.100193, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 14.62296, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 17.076529, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 18.100193, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.895073, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 17.076529, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 19.848734, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.895073, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 23.031013, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 19.848734, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 22.082262, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 23.031013, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.41859, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 22.082262, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.4428, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.41859, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.961197, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.4428, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.082184, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.961197, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.736803, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.082184, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 12.382258, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.736803, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 15.688981, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 12.382258, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.3712094, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 15.688981, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 2.8076472, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.3712094, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 2.8076472, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0.21096723, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6209913, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0.21096723, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 1.7974321, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6209913, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.5513227, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 1.7974321, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 6.664291, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.5513227, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.393335, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 6.664291, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 17.583138, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.393335, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 19.30656, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 17.583138, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.347567, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 19.30656, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.645273, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.347567, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 21.310091, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.645273, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.847095, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 21.310091, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.088495, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.847095, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.40775, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.088495, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.113289, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.40775, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 11.548302, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.113289, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.149038, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 11.548302, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 10.009968, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 10.149038, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 11.404784, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 10.009968, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 12.402664, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 11.404784, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 13.432966, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 12.402664, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 15.510842, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 13.432966, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 16.00207, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 15.510842, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 18.465092, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 16.00207, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 18.100193, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 18.465092, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 21.167048, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 18.100193, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.895073, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 21.167048, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 23.204731, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 20.895073, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 23.031013, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 23.204731, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.22361, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 23.031013, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.41859, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.22361, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 26.800861, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.41859, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.961197, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 26.800861, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.043835, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 25.961197, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.736803, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.043835, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.15617, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.736803, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 15.688981, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.15617, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 14.583284, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 15.688981, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 2.8076472, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 14.583284, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6809138, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 2.8076472, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6809138, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6209913, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.66438156, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6209913, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.5513227, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.66438156, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.0197983, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.5513227, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.393335, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.0197983, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.308364, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.393335, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 19.30656, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.308364, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.922974, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 19.30656, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.645273, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.922974, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.577814, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.645273, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.847095, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.577814, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.301075, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.847095, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.40775, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.301075, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.152655, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 20.40775, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 11.548302, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.152655, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.273661, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 11.548302, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 10.009968, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.273661, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.334894, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 10.009968, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 12.402664, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.334894, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.083356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 12.402664, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 15.510842, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.083356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 15.104214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 15.510842, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 18.465092, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 15.104214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.717815, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 18.465092, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 21.167048, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.717815, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 21.21053, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 21.167048, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 23.204731, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 21.21053, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.951723, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 23.204731, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.22361, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.951723, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 26.295618, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.22361, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 26.800861, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 26.295618, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.166428, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 26.800861, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.043835, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.166428, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.058212, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.043835, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.15617, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.058212, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.585546, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 25.15617, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 14.583284, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.585546, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.157459, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 14.583284, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6809138, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.157459, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.28151774, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0.6809138, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.28151774, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.66438156, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.36816627, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.66438156, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.0197983, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.36816627, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.013915, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.0197983, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.308364, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.013915, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9276351, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.308364, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.922974, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9276351, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 12.36804, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.922974, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.577814, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 12.36804, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.284845, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.577814, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.301075, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.284845, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.152452, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 19.301075, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.152655, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.152452, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.250311, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.152655, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.273661, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.250311, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 10.089553, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.273661, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.334894, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 10.089553, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.716462, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 10.334894, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.083356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.716462, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 14.216035, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 12.083356, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 15.104214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 14.216035, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.93227, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 15.104214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.717815, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.93227, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 19.528166, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 18.717815, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 21.21053, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 19.528166, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 22.169832, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 21.21053, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.951723, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 22.169832, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 24.43604, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.951723, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 26.295618, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 24.43604, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.990425, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 26.295618, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.166428, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.990425, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.388222, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.166428, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.058212, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.388222, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.327787, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.058212, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.585546, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.327787, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.496449, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 23.585546, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.157459, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.496449, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 5.7067657, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.157459, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.28151774, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 5.7067657, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.03115949, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0.28151774, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.03115949, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.36816627, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.36816627, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.013915, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.45653254, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.013915, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9276351, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.45653254, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.4426041, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9276351, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 12.36804, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.4426041, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 5.0231934, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 12.36804, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.284845, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 5.0231934, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 8.40781, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.284845, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.152452, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 8.40781, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.413165, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.152452, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.250311, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.413165, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.371932, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.250311, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 10.089553, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.371932, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 10.872038, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 10.089553, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.716462, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 10.872038, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 13.2434025, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 11.716462, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 14.216035, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 13.2434025, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 15.88714, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 14.216035, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.93227, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 15.88714, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 18.454678, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.93227, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 19.528166, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 18.454678, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 20.67345, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 19.528166, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 22.169832, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 20.67345, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.831564, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 22.169832, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 24.43604, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.831564, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 24.608326, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 24.43604, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.990425, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 24.608326, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.46548, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.990425, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.388222, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.46548, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.322084, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.388222, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.327787, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.322084, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 23.457678, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 25.327787, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.496449, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 23.457678, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 19.696651, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 16.496449, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 5.7067657, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 19.696651, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.9669113, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 5.7067657, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.03115949, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.9669113, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.07901405, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.03115949, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.07901405, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.45653254, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.45653254, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.4426041, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.9204878, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.4426041, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 5.0231934, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.9204878, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 4.512983, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 5.0231934, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 8.40781, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 4.512983, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.6150246, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 8.40781, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.413165, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.6150246, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 8.864799, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.413165, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.371932, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 8.864799, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.070022, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.371932, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 10.872038, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.070022, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 11.880242, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 10.872038, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 13.2434025, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 11.880242, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.474129, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 13.2434025, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 15.88714, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.474129, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 16.894344, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 15.88714, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 18.454678, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 16.894344, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 19.204584, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 18.454678, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 20.67345, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 19.204584, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.320198, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 20.67345, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.831564, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.320198, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.161768, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.831564, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 24.608326, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.161768, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5627, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 24.608326, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.46548, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5627, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 25.069983, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.46548, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.322084, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 25.069983, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5471, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 25.322084, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 23.457678, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5471, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.55643, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 23.457678, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 19.696651, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.55643, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.67502, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 19.696651, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.9669113, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.67502, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.518244, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.9669113, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.07901405, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.518244, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.8742822, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0.07901405, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.8742822, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.9204878, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.71009684, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.9204878, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 4.512983, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.71009684, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 4.041874, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 4.512983, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.6150246, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 4.041874, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 7.3490925, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.6150246, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 8.864799, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 7.3490925, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 9.02485, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 8.864799, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.070022, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 9.02485, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 10.575589, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.070022, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 11.880242, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 10.575589, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.651552, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 11.880242, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.474129, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.651552, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 15.145428, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.474129, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 16.894344, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 15.145428, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 17.498604, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 16.894344, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 19.204584, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 17.498604, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 19.684889, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 19.204584, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.320198, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 19.684889, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.630058, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.320198, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.161768, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.630058, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.242777, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.161768, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5627, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.242777, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.318787, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5627, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 25.069983, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.318787, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.694763, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 25.069983, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5471, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.694763, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.323967, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 24.5471, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.55643, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.323967, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.588913, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 23.55643, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.67502, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.588913, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.610964, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 21.67502, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.518244, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.610964, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.1725, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 10.518244, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.8742822, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.1725, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 2.0849931, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.8742822, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 2.0849931, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.07821022, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.71009684, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.07821022, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.3048, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.71009684, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 4.041874, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.3048, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.5468817, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 4.041874, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 7.3490925, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.5468817, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 6.9620776, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 7.3490925, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 9.02485, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 6.9620776, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.9471445, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 9.02485, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 10.575589, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.9471445, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 10.760786, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 10.575589, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.651552, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 10.760786, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 12.905089, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.651552, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 15.145428, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 12.905089, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 15.16647, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 15.145428, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 17.498604, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 15.16647, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.695688, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 17.498604, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 19.684889, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.695688, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 20.023361, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 19.684889, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.630058, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 20.023361, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 21.863499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.630058, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.242777, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 21.863499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 23.282661, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.242777, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.318787, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 23.282661, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.225643, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.318787, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.694763, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.225643, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.604912, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.694763, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.323967, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.604912, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.2266, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 24.323967, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.588913, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.2266, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 22.528246, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 23.588913, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.610964, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 22.528246, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.577108, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 21.610964, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.1725, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.577108, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.718009, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 12.1725, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 2.0849931, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.718009, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.0217853, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 2.0849931, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.0217853, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.07821022, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.35767, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.07821022, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.3048, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.35767, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.5175116, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.3048, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.5468817, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.5175116, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.8243294, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.5468817, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 6.9620776, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.8243294, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 6.890746, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 6.9620776, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.9471445, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 6.890746, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.70813, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.9471445, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 10.760786, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.70813, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 10.952059, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 10.760786, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 12.905089, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 10.952059, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.758184, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 12.905089, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 15.16647, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.758184, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 14.895614, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 15.16647, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.695688, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 14.895614, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.4642, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.695688, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 20.023361, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.4642, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 20.182499, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 20.023361, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 21.863499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 20.182499, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 22.08459, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 21.863499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 23.282661, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 22.08459, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 23.415705, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 23.282661, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.225643, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 23.415705, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.357872, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.225643, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.604912, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.357872, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.775305, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.604912, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.2266, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.775305, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.11719, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 24.2266, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 22.528246, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.11719, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.44072, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 22.528246, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.577108, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.44072, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.495441, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.577108, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.718009, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.495441, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.7563257, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 8.718009, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.0217853, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.7563257, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.4773316, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 3.0217853, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.4773316, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.12639391, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.35767, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.12639391, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.79734266, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.35767, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.5175116, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.79734266, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.9752045, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.5175116, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.8243294, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.9752045, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.8163795, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.8243294, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 6.890746, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.8163795, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.976678, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 6.890746, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.70813, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.976678, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.105669, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.70813, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 10.952059, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.105669, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.125402, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 10.952059, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.758184, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.125402, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.099207, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.758184, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 14.895614, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.099207, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.894774, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 14.895614, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.4642, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.894774, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 15.368275, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.4642, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 20.182499, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 15.368275, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 19.929214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 20.182499, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 22.08459, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 19.929214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 22.241968, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 22.08459, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 23.415705, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 22.241968, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 23.595596, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 23.415705, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.357872, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 23.595596, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.66158, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.357872, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.775305, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.66158, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 25.201826, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.775305, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.11719, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 25.201826, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.322233, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.11719, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.44072, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.322233, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 20.926575, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.44072, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.495441, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 20.926575, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.326927, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.495441, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.7563257, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.326927, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.076644, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.7563257, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.4773316, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.076644, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 3.08115, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 3.4773316, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 3.08115, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.12639391, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.4333175, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.12639391, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.79734266, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.4333175, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.6174667, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.79734266, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.9752045, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.6174667, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 4.1431627, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.9752045, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.8163795, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 4.1431627, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 11.108092, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.8163795, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.976678, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 11.108092, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.532537, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.976678, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.105669, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.532537, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.406757, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.105669, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.125402, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.406757, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.076477, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.125402, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.099207, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.076477, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.310299, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.099207, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.894774, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.310299, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.026309, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.894774, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 15.368275, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.026309, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 14.604661, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 15.368275, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 19.929214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 14.604661, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 19.269659, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 19.929214, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 22.241968, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 19.269659, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 22.318499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 22.241968, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 23.595596, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 22.318499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 23.799074, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 23.595596, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.66158, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 23.799074, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.172945, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.66158, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 25.201826, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.172945, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.627655, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 25.201826, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.322233, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.627655, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.425674, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 24.322233, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 20.926575, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.425674, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.134136, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 20.926575, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.326927, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.134136, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.614731, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.326927, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.076644, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.614731, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 7.499944, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.076644, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 3.08115, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 7.499944, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 2.6000035, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 3.08115, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 2.6000035, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.4333175, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.21469311, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.4333175, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.6174667, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.21469311, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 2.1332157, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.6174667, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 4.1431627, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 2.1332157, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 6.3070784, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 4.1431627, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 11.108092, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 6.3070784, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.262181, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 11.108092, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.532537, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.262181, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.459522, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.532537, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.406757, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.459522, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 20.568602, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.406757, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.076477, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 20.568602, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.133142, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 18.076477, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.310299, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.133142, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 15.463404, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 16.310299, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.026309, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 15.463404, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.429219, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.026309, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 14.604661, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.429219, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 13.290405, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 14.604661, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 19.269659, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 13.290405, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 17.714668, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 19.269659, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 22.318499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 17.714668, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 21.885172, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 22.318499, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 23.799074, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 21.885172, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 23.46663, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 23.799074, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.172945, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 23.46663, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.454481, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.172945, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.627655, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.454481, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.283772, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.627655, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.425674, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.283772, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.338211, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.425674, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.134136, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.338211, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.121983, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 25.134136, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.614731, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.121983, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 22.537506, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 15.614731, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 7.499944, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 22.537506, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 7.11091, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 7.499944, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 2.6000035, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 7.11091, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 1.027983, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 2.6000035, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 1.027983, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.21469311, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.21469311, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 2.1332157, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 1.656327, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 2.1332157, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 6.3070784, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 1.656327, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.92606, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 6.3070784, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.262181, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.92606, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.131938, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.262181, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.459522, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.131938, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 18.178928, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.459522, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 20.568602, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 18.178928, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 19.439674, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 20.568602, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.133142, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 19.439674, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 17.433168, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 18.133142, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 15.463404, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 17.433168, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.032625, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 15.463404, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.429219, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.032625, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.213003, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 14.429219, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 13.290405, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.213003, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 12.333671, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 13.290405, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 17.714668, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 12.333671, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.430191, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 17.714668, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: 21.885172, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.430191, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 20.372372, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 21.885172, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: 23.46663, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 20.372372, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 21.744036, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 23.46663, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.454481, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 21.744036, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.119833, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.454481, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.283772, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.119833, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.153452, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.283772, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.338211, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.153452, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.921137, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.338211, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.121983, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.921137, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 25.00805, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 25.121983, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 22.537506, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 25.00805, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 22.686977, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 22.537506, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 7.11091, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 22.686977, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.677476, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 7.11091, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 1.027983, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.677476, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0.35663974, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 1.027983, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0.35663974, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 1.656327, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0.52377117, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 1.656327, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.92606, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0.52377117, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 2.0797675, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.92606, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.131938, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 2.0797675, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 6.2411523, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.131938, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 18.178928, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 6.2411523, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.045674, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 18.178928, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 19.439674, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.045674, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.239698, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 19.439674, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 17.433168, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.239698, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.694968, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 17.433168, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.032625, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.694968, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 11.721966, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.032625, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.213003, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 11.721966, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 9.967932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 13.213003, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 12.333671, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 9.967932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 10.394097, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 12.333671, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.430191, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 10.394097, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 13.79073, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 15.430191, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: 20.372372, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 13.79073, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.422287, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 20.372372, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: 21.744036, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.422287, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 17.922092, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 21.744036, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.119833, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 17.922092, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.912437, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.119833, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.153452, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.912437, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.928284, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.153452, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.921137, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.928284, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.970938, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 24.921137, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 25.00805, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.970938, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.18662, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 25.00805, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 22.686977, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.18662, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.461304, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 22.686977, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.677476, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.461304, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.2915579, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 5.677476, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0.35663974, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.2915579, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0.35663974, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0.52377117, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0.52377117, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 2.0797675, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.5534137, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 2.0797675, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 6.2411523, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.5534137, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.131195, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 6.2411523, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.045674, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.131195, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.3855402, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.045674, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.239698, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.3855402, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.0883164, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.239698, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.694968, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.0883164, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.04001, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 12.694968, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 11.721966, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.04001, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.4435077, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 11.721966, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 9.967932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.4435077, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 6.547107, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 9.967932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 10.394097, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 6.547107, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 8.440557, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 10.394097, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 13.79073, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 8.440557, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.134671, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 13.79073, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.422287, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.134671, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.774339, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.422287, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: 17.922092, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.774339, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 11.972805, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 17.922092, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.912437, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 11.972805, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 13.990452, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.912437, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.928284, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 13.990452, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 18.62227, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.928284, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.970938, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 18.62227, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 17.411371, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.970938, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.18662, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 17.411371, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 14.058641, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.18662, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.461304, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 14.058641, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.8599906, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 16.461304, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.2915579, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.8599906, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.25530782, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.2915579, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.25530782, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.5534137, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.5534137, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.131195, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.28854096, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.131195, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.3855402, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.28854096, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.59752095, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.3855402, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.0883164, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.59752095, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.85219264, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 2.0883164, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.04001, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.85219264, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 1.4008386, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.04001, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.4435077, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 1.4008386, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.530253, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.4435077, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 6.547107, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.530253, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 3.7907932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 6.547107, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 8.440557, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 3.7907932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.540477, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 8.440557, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.134671, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.540477, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.807709, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.134671, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.774339, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.807709, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.733444, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 10.774339, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: 11.972805, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.733444, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.353327, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 11.972805, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: 13.990452, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.353327, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.8998082, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 13.990452, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 18.62227, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.8998082, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1899962, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 18.62227, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 17.411371, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1899962, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.406415, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 17.411371, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 14.058641, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.406415, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.465873, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 14.058641, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.8599906, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.465873, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.8948725, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 4.8599906, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.25530782, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.8948725, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.009966289, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.25530782, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.009966289, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.28854096, z: -61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.28854096, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.59752095, z: -52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.59752095, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.85219264, z: -42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.85219264, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 1.4008386, z: -33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 1.4008386, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.530253, z: -23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.530253, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 3.7907932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 3.7907932, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.540477, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.540477, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.807709, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.807709, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.733444, z: 14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.733444, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.353327, z: 23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.353327, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.8998082, z: 33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.8998082, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1899962, z: 42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1899962, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.406415, z: 52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.406415, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.465873, z: 61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 2.465873, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.8948725, z: 71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.8948725, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.009966289, z: 80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0.009966289, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 100} m_Textures0: - {x: -100, y: -100} - {x: -100, y: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: -100} - {x: -90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: -100, y: -90.47619} - {x: -100, y: -80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: -80.95238} - {x: -100, y: -80.95238} - {x: -100, y: -71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: -80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: -71.42857} - {x: -100, y: -71.42857} - {x: -100, y: -61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: -71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: -61.904762} - {x: -100, y: -61.904762} - {x: -100, y: -52.38095} - {x: -90.47619, y: -61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: -52.38095} - {x: -99.999954, y: -52.38095} - {x: -99.999954, y: -42.857143} - {x: -90.476135, y: -52.38095} - {x: -90.47608, y: -42.857143} - {x: -99.99785, y: -42.857143} - {x: -99.99785, y: -33.333332} - {x: -90.47383, y: -42.857143} - {x: -90.47138, y: -33.333332} - {x: -99.89577, y: -33.333332} - {x: -99.89577, y: -23.809525} - {x: -90.362015, y: -33.333332} - {x: -90.372925, y: -23.809525} - {x: -99.9788, y: -23.809525} - {x: -99.9788, y: -14.285714} - {x: -90.452965, y: -23.809525} - {x: -90.4292, y: -14.285714} - {x: -99.00956, y: -14.285714} - {x: -99.00956, y: -4.7619047} - {x: -89.39048, y: -14.285714} - {x: -89.268745, y: -4.7619047} - {x: -97.39464, y: -4.7619047} - {x: -97.39464, y: 4.7619047} - {x: -87.61606, y: -4.7619047} - {x: -87.55699, y: 4.7619047} - {x: -96.777695, y: 4.7619047} - {x: -96.777695, y: 14.285714} - {x: -86.93678, y: 4.7619047} - {x: -86.82943, y: 14.285714} - {x: -95.65112, y: 14.285714} - {x: -95.65112, y: 23.809525} - {x: -85.694305, y: 14.285714} - {x: -85.48625, y: 23.809525} - {x: -93.48301, y: 23.809525} - {x: -93.48301, y: 33.333332} - {x: -83.29526, y: 23.809525} - {x: -82.84168, y: 33.333332} - {x: -88.94014, y: 33.333332} - {x: -88.94014, y: 42.857143} - {x: -78.23203, y: 33.333332} - {x: -77.6047, y: 42.857143} - {x: -83.53508, y: 42.857143} - {x: -83.53508, y: 52.38095} - {x: -72.13411, y: 42.857143} - {x: -71.7884, y: 52.38095} - {x: -80.99563, y: 52.38095} - {x: -80.99563, y: 61.904762} - {x: -69.2372, y: 52.38095} - {x: -69.30835, y: 61.904762} - {x: -81.48582, y: 61.904762} - {x: -81.48582, y: 71.42857} - {x: -69.79813, y: 61.904762} - {x: -70.98096, y: 71.42857} - {x: -89.54615, y: 71.42857} - {x: -89.54615, y: 80.95238} - {x: -78.91051, y: 71.42857} - {x: -79.916336, y: 80.95238} - {x: -96.78583, y: 80.95238} - {x: -96.78583, y: 90.47619} - {x: -86.94575, y: 80.95238} - {x: -87.4257, y: 90.47619} - {x: -99.82367, y: 90.47619} - {x: -99.82367, y: 100} - {x: -90.28303, y: 90.47619} - {x: -90.31665, y: 100} - {x: -90.47619, y: -100} - {x: -90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: -100} - {x: -80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: -80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: -80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: -71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: -71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: -61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95236, y: -61.904755} - {x: -90.46688, y: -61.903496} - {x: -90.46675, y: -52.37968} - {x: -80.94209, y: -61.903496} - {x: -80.916794, y: -52.378002} - {x: -88.73958, y: -52.283997} - {x: -88.729256, y: -42.760048} - {x: -79.029594, y: -52.283997} - {x: -78.72107, y: -42.751865} - {x: -85.12411, y: -41.69996} - {x: -84.99808, y: -32.169693} - {x: -75.00401, y: -41.69996} - {x: -75.03194, y: -32.185455} - {x: -86.25135, y: -33.97847} - {x: -86.32246, y: -24.451927} - {x: -76.27601, y: -33.97847} - {x: -76.39403, y: -24.448318} - {x: -86.723526, y: -20.672434} - {x: -86.39691, y: -11.084485} - {x: -76.79395, y: -20.672434} - {x: -76.53904, y: -11.11255} - {x: -87.03354, y: -12.06216} - {x: -86.80877, y: -2.5016} - {x: -77.172676, y: -12.06216} - {x: -76.99354, y: -2.5164943} - {x: -87.239075, y: -4.1213593} - {x: -87.17593, y: 5.405802} - {x: -77.42237, y: -4.1213593} - {x: -77.232056, y: 5.4192986} - {x: -85.818054, y: 5.9879966} - {x: -85.693695, y: 15.520532} - {x: -75.861176, y: 5.9879966} - {x: -75.53739, y: 15.548503} - {x: -83.64252, y: 16.670876} - {x: -83.391045, y: 26.218046} - {x: -73.465195, y: 16.670876} - {x: -73.03155, y: 26.251852} - {x: -81.65522, y: 28.414827} - {x: -81.14963, y: 38.010605} - {x: -71.28444, y: 28.414827} - {x: -71.01255, y: 37.94432} - {x: -83.18664, y: 37.844273} - {x: -82.71153, y: 47.454712} - {x: -73.035065, y: 37.844273} - {x: -72.83697, y: 47.354153} - {x: -85.293495, y: 44.72465} - {x: -85.12112, y: 54.267643} - {x: -75.390434, y: 44.72465} - {x: -75.23669, y: 54.2635} - {x: -85.32707, y: 51.99821} - {x: -85.35955, y: 61.52274} - {x: -75.44242, y: 51.99821} - {x: -75.27251, y: 61.5138} - {x: -82.923195, y: 53.39985} - {x: -83.60968, y: 63.115585} - {x: -72.80989, y: 53.39985} - {x: -73.573105, y: 63.15807} - {x: -84.33717, y: 62.41673} - {x: -85.05166, y: 72.1788} - {x: -74.2983, y: 62.41673} - {x: -75.43467, y: 72.456764} - {x: -88.36399, y: 75.647446} - {x: -88.726006, y: 85.353836} - {x: -78.66406, y: 75.647446} - {x: -79.3534, y: 85.68089} - {x: -90.462845, y: 90.21851} - {x: -90.46965, y: 99.75914} - {x: -80.93835, y: 90.21851} - {x: -80.946526, y: 99.76594} - {x: -80.95238, y: -100} - {x: -80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: -100} - {x: -71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: -71.42853} - {x: -80.855934, y: -71.36495} - {x: -80.849304, y: -61.84017} - {x: -71.32078, y: -71.36495} - {x: -71.19905, y: -61.806557} - {x: -77.57249, y: -56.901222} - {x: -77.0707, y: -47.22827} - {x: -67.63871, y: -56.901222} - {x: -66.84221, y: -47.054436} - {x: -74.30742, y: -46.87135} - {x: -73.71265, y: -37.2352} - {x: -64.03076, y: -46.87135} - {x: -63.576096, y: -37.287815} - {x: -74.816216, y: -43.109005} - {x: -74.84461, y: -33.58488} - {x: -64.673775, y: -43.109005} - {x: -64.33859, y: -33.59296} - {x: -71.59322, y: -34.735218} - {x: -71.76412, y: -25.20468} - {x: -61.040413, y: -34.735218} - {x: -61.53425, y: -25.179256} - {x: -74.08796, y: -20.850218} - {x: -73.754425, y: -11.289705} - {x: -63.835728, y: -20.850218} - {x: -63.979057, y: -11.394453} - {x: -77.29021, y: -12.543582} - {x: -77.114265, y: -2.996355} - {x: -67.44188, y: -12.543582} - {x: -67.14438, y: -2.9640355} - {x: -75.872536, y: -2.5050185} - {x: -75.63778, y: 7.048202} - {x: -65.89196, y: -2.5050185} - {x: -65.39831, y: 7.1129737} - {x: -73.03295, y: 8.529828} - {x: -72.61693, y: 18.109064} - {x: -62.76021, y: 8.529828} - {x: -62.315014, y: 18.116816} - {x: -72.36047, y: 18.555891} - {x: -71.891464, y: 28.147337} - {x: -62.058304, y: 18.555891} - {x: -61.88148, y: 28.06336} - {x: -74.39505, y: 25.996477} - {x: -74.178604, y: 35.542572} - {x: -64.36004, y: 25.996477} - {x: -64.02922, y: 35.566097} - {x: -72.99996, y: 35.30507} - {x: -72.80134, y: 44.843987} - {x: -62.844734, y: 35.30507} - {x: -61.833992, y: 44.967426} - {x: -64.22184, y: 45.31257} - {x: -63.927715, y: 54.848347} - {x: -53.037167, y: 45.31257} - {x: -51.189632, y: 54.974705} - {x: -52.885284, y: 55.346485} - {x: -52.453857, y: 64.88166} - {x: -39.89981, y: 55.346485} - {x: -39.408306, y: 64.88483} - {x: -52.142693, y: 50.238045} - {x: -53.693104, y: 59.904785} - {x: -39.09698, y: 50.238045} - {x: -41.10671, y: 59.988846} - {x: -56.03228, y: 52.510876} - {x: -58.384293, y: 62.41474} - {x: -43.436325, y: 52.510876} - {x: -48.846413, y: 63.384094} - {x: -74.28494, y: 65.311844} - {x: -75.56071, y: 75.42525} - {x: -64.11373, y: 65.311844} - {x: -66.476845, y: 76.40098} - {x: -80.81867, y: 89.91173} - {x: -80.852486, y: 99.459785} - {x: -71.283104, y: 89.91173} - {x: -71.34043, y: 99.49347} - {x: -71.42857, y: -100} - {x: -71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: -100} - {x: -61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: -80.95238} - {x: -71.36824, y: -80.712364} - {x: -71.34908, y: -71.17718} - {x: -61.83638, y: -80.712364} - {x: -61.69801, y: -71.03559} - {x: -67.35521, y: -63.618675} - {x: -66.539856, y: -53.807236} - {x: -57.278225, y: -63.618675} - {x: -55.769573, y: -53.325264} - {x: -60.63131, y: -50.59128} - {x: -59.24675, y: -40.761024} - {x: -49.675953, y: -50.59128} - {x: -47.208206, y: -40.289013} - {x: -52.21692, y: -47.2755} - {x: -51.4617, y: -37.70486} - {x: -40.028545, y: -47.2755} - {x: -39.31509, y: -37.71003} - {x: -51.676594, y: -38.73666} - {x: -51.07166, y: -29.18224} - {x: -39.529873, y: -38.73666} - {x: -42.077168, y: -29.500725} - {x: -67.169716, y: -36.0687} - {x: -67.45652, y: -26.480413} - {x: -57.33319, y: -36.0687} - {x: -57.732624, y: -26.429941} - {x: -68.48399, y: -24.641508} - {x: -68.56396, y: -15.110167} - {x: -58.75033, y: -24.641508} - {x: -58.78185, y: -15.119288} - {x: -68.0519, y: -11.501484} - {x: -67.78382, y: -1.9100032} - {x: -58.2671, y: -11.501484} - {x: -57.969822, y: -1.8953127} - {x: -67.47841, y: -0.6124446} - {x: -67.07946, y: 9.045119} - {x: -57.663628, y: -0.6124446} - {x: -57.184856, y: 9.098271} - {x: -66.19542, y: 8.108746} - {x: -65.8712, y: 17.700855} - {x: -56.29563, y: 8.108746} - {x: -55.92732, y: 17.719366} - {x: -65.40186, y: 15.693096} - {x: -65.268326, y: 25.227253} - {x: -55.456764, y: 15.693096} - {x: -55.071404, y: 25.266258} - {x: -62.512547, y: 27.383556} - {x: -62.128937, y: 36.957375} - {x: -52.281296, y: 27.383556} - {x: -51.38479, y: 37.09075} - {x: -57.182552, y: 43.73332} - {x: -55.799152, y: 53.595776} - {x: -46.359245, y: 43.73332} - {x: -45.042187, y: 53.56385} - {x: -56.332344, y: 55.157883} - {x: -54.69388, y: 65.17953} - {x: -45.574677, y: 55.157883} - {x: -44.53606, y: 64.82406} - {x: -59.8793, y: 55.288486} - {x: -59.616695, y: 64.8361} - {x: -49.657486, y: 55.288486} - {x: -49.16335, y: 64.878006} - {x: -57.03985, y: 46.87809} - {x: -58.26161, y: 56.770416} - {x: -46.56964, y: 46.87809} - {x: -47.550385, y: 56.62773} - {x: -56.00795, y: 27.767958} - {x: -59.80821, y: 39.792793} - {x: -45.28374, y: 27.767958} - {x: -49.28323, y: 40.02776} - {x: -61.22412, y: 47.947872} - {x: -64.09804, y: 59.250633} - {x: -50.692104, y: 47.947872} - {x: -54.96638, y: 60.847843} - {x: -70.7063, y: 88.611916} - {x: -70.8526, y: 98.204315} - {x: -61.10507, y: 88.611916} - {x: -61.405586, y: 98.348404} - {x: -61.904762, y: -100} - {x: -61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: -100} - {x: -52.38095, y: -90.47619} - {x: -61.889584, y: -90.34348} - {x: -61.88091, y: -80.81162} - {x: -52.363434, y: -90.34348} - {x: -52.3283, y: -80.76255} - {x: -61.184036, y: -73.300514} - {x: -60.69234, y: -63.21093} - {x: -51.557037, y: -73.300514} - {x: -50.84637, y: -62.721134} - {x: -58.114124, y: -55.69054} - {x: -56.76698, y: -45.192722} - {x: -48.15702, y: -55.69054} - {x: -44.97108, y: -42.657112} - {x: -38.684998, y: -40.626545} - {x: -35.21453, y: -30.448648} - {x: -25.438253, y: -40.626545} - {x: -23.516817, y: -31.013784} - {x: -42.03228, y: -47.57132} - {x: -41.356544, y: -38.002968} - {x: -30.22534, y: -47.57132} - {x: -29.656431, y: -38.01702} - {x: -41.955067, y: -56.254444} - {x: -44.339367, y: -46.16181} - {x: -30.254047, y: -56.254444} - {x: -30.96375, y: -46.938313} - {x: 42.964222, y: -31.296131} - {x: 33.5674, y: -33.52155} - {x: 41.41417, y: -17.80507} - {x: 32.01735, y: -26.042278} - {x: -60.140903, y: -24.078215} - {x: -60.161575, y: -14.553204} - {x: -50.52852, y: -24.078215} - {x: -50.523678, y: -14.556166} - {x: -59.82188, y: -11.743673} - {x: -59.621555, y: -2.1342044} - {x: -50.182175, y: -11.743673} - {x: -49.98804, y: -2.1394758} - {x: -59.700756, y: -0.8051653} - {x: -59.402546, y: 8.917909} - {x: -50.06716, y: -0.8051653} - {x: -49.76184, y: 8.927314} - {x: -59.29956, y: 7.682875} - {x: -59.089985, y: 17.299503} - {x: -49.65874, y: 7.682875} - {x: -49.259693, y: 17.466524} - {x: -55.884247, y: 18.141924} - {x: -55.51709, y: 27.75228} - {x: -45.980373, y: 18.141924} - {x: -45.404716, y: 27.85013} - {x: -53.13497, y: 31.366175} - {x: -52.293484, y: 41.164886} - {x: -42.996227, y: 31.366175} - {x: -42.03768, y: 41.2403} - {x: -51.10334, y: 42.322353} - {x: -50.07167, y: 52.187634} - {x: -40.84253, y: 42.322353} - {x: -40.04764, y: 52.033604} - {x: -52.423428, y: 50.181942} - {x: -51.715588, y: 59.938507} - {x: -42.38202, y: 50.181942} - {x: -41.62536, y: 59.97023} - {x: -51.12287, y: 57.43049} - {x: -50.673058, y: 67.040474} - {x: -41.031586, y: 57.43049} - {x: -40.852192, y: 66.93733} - {x: -53.85469, y: 51.23124} - {x: -54.458168, y: 61.02467} - {x: -44.003532, y: 51.23124} - {x: -44.316544, y: 60.768692} - {x: -50.242603, y: 27.183636} - {x: -53.359463, y: 39.70069} - {x: -40.04166, y: 27.183636} - {x: -43.28316, y: 39.91146} - {x: 33.39121, y: -55.35307} - {x: 30.404158, y: -68.843864} - {x: 24.347954, y: -50.89696} - {x: 21.360899, y: -66.51769} - {x: -61.73131, y: 86.54555} - {x: -61.839863, y: 96.359505} - {x: -52.197506, y: 86.54555} - {x: -52.326035, y: 96.46474} - {x: -52.38095, y: -99.97547} - {x: -52.38095, y: -90.449326} - {x: -42.857143, y: -99.97547} - {x: -42.857143, y: -90.44025} - {x: -52.3234, y: -88.844185} - {x: -52.25516, y: -79.189384} - {x: -42.790768, y: -88.844185} - {x: -42.70774, y: -79.13299} - {x: -52.07577, y: -69.44236} - {x: -51.69172, y: -58.753967} - {x: -42.52217, y: -69.44236} - {x: -41.982258, y: -57.8602} - {x: -33.497723, y: -47.88069} - {x: -35.807056, y: -33.577156} - {x: -24.258139, y: -44.30568} - {x: -26.56747, y: -30.769802} - {x: -48.41283, y: -52.21071} - {x: -47.920574, y: -42.306026} - {x: -38.734344, y: -52.21071} - {x: -38.49596, y: -42.69133} - {x: -51.719643, y: -49.907227} - {x: -51.689568, y: -40.33495} - {x: -42.19118, y: -49.907227} - {x: -42.184875, y: -40.411366} - {x: -53.35392, y: -44.89131} - {x: -53.294605, y: -35.289658} - {x: -43.818867, y: -44.89131} - {x: -43.797535, y: -35.388947} - {x: 53.42042, y: 36.376904} - {x: 53.11577, y: 22.58869} - {x: 43.901485, y: 36.81819} - {x: 43.596836, y: 23.837185} - {x: -50.28945, y: -23.743273} - {x: -50.284126, y: -14.219397} - {x: -40.65814, y: -23.743273} - {x: -40.88734, y: -14.225174} - {x: -52.523552, y: -12.936701} - {x: -52.54189, y: -3.3304782} - {x: -42.99873, y: -12.936701} - {x: -43.033665, y: -3.1818852} - {x: -50.907314, y: -1.177309} - {x: -50.69596, y: 8.557772} - {x: -41.33137, y: -1.177309} - {x: -41.007477, y: 8.780332} - {x: -48.31366, y: 10.795026} - {x: -47.76602, y: 20.644053} - {x: -38.565815, y: 10.795026} - {x: -37.93608, y: 20.739952} - {x: -46.705902, y: 19.938816} - {x: -46.180573, y: 29.67684} - {x: -36.86876, y: 19.938816} - {x: -36.19224, y: 29.798784} - {x: -44.311512, y: 31.886486} - {x: -43.454826, y: 41.77488} - {x: -34.306087, y: 31.886486} - {x: -33.681496, y: 41.580975} - {x: -45.980778, y: 39.522118} - {x: -45.477375, y: 49.269516} - {x: -36.180912, y: 39.522118} - {x: -35.705097, y: 49.245293} - {x: -45.878548, y: 49.74824} - {x: -45.342884, y: 59.552143} - {x: -36.105606, y: 49.74824} - {x: -35.751743, y: 59.364735} - {x: -48.186848, y: 54.137486} - {x: -48.108913, y: 63.676422} - {x: -38.56325, y: 54.137486} - {x: -38.528355, y: 63.659733} - {x: -49.113445, y: 57.387672} - {x: -49.25174, y: 66.98887} - {x: -39.5283, y: 57.387672} - {x: -39.741512, y: 67.07237} - {x: -51.24205, y: 33.21011} - {x: -51.64007, y: 46.34051} - {x: -41.709015, y: 33.21011} - {x: -42.174126, y: 47.389362} - {x: 59.1123, y: -32.547836} - {x: 59.926804, y: -48.546844} - {x: 49.623386, y: -33.921146} - {x: 50.43789, y: -50.742226} - {x: -51.73373, y: 89.34772} - {x: -51.121834, y: 99.25789} - {x: -41.975357, y: 89.34772} - {x: -41.826958, y: 98.68398} - {x: -42.857143, y: -99.7881} - {x: -42.857143, y: -90.244064} - {x: -33.333332, y: -99.7881} - {x: -33.333332, y: -90.24124} - {x: -42.85387, y: -88.51102} - {x: -42.845074, y: -78.79356} - {x: -33.32996, y: -88.51102} - {x: -33.323784, y: -78.90776} - {x: -42.93272, y: -65.68709} - {x: -43.31398, y: -53.96657} - {x: -33.39409, y: -65.68709} - {x: -33.967403, y: -51.960846} - {x: -20.965614, y: -47.730152} - {x: -23.652382, y: -34.24845} - {x: -11.828641, y: -43.765797} - {x: -14.5154085, y: -32.7096} - {x: -43.5994, y: -58.859863} - {x: -43.653275, y: -49.242573} - {x: -34.067863, y: -58.859863} - {x: -34.09422, y: -49.337616} - {x: -44.890045, y: -52.037872} - {x: -44.912525, y: -42.51195} - {x: -35.3066, y: -52.037872} - {x: -35.275772, y: -42.521965} - {x: -45.64381, y: -43.43645} - {x: -45.573414, y: -33.902767} - {x: -35.99533, y: -43.43645} - {x: -35.811314, y: -33.87093} - {x: -46.4062, y: -31.412395} - {x: -44.364864, y: -18.566164} - {x: -36.619045, y: -31.412395} - {x: -34.803616, y: -19.206438} - {x: -44.010323, y: -24.420866} - {x: -43.806255, y: -14.775774} - {x: -34.401592, y: -24.420866} - {x: -34.409714, y: -15.026406} - {x: -42.49091, y: -11.063468} - {x: -42.409325, y: -1.2440343} - {x: -32.961555, y: -11.063468} - {x: -32.901936, y: -1.400832} - {x: -43.248672, y: -1.1286256} - {x: -43.35282, y: 8.889002} - {x: -33.71951, y: -1.1286256} - {x: -33.820736, y: 8.861939} - {x: -43.479782, y: 8.594697} - {x: -43.6058, y: 18.565386} - {x: -33.947292, y: 8.594697} - {x: -34.10144, y: 18.760393} - {x: -42.352245, y: 19.090206} - {x: -42.28057, y: 28.98962} - {x: -32.82508, y: 19.090206} - {x: -32.758957, y: 28.93255} - {x: -42.760056, y: 27.752039} - {x: -42.750755, y: 37.49139} - {x: -33.236145, y: 27.752039} - {x: -33.223633, y: 37.638577} - {x: -40.91145, y: 38.089188} - {x: -40.753586, y: 47.82335} - {x: -31.358389, y: 38.089188} - {x: -31.175112, y: 47.890347} - {x: -39.766827, y: 47.13705} - {x: -39.590405, y: 56.788967} - {x: -30.18287, y: 47.13705} - {x: -30.085466, y: 56.674973} - {x: -41.797626, y: 53.088352} - {x: -41.788307, y: 62.615257} - {x: -32.2668, y: 53.088352} - {x: -32.270954, y: 62.606316} - {x: -42.81627, y: 55.45299} - {x: -42.81912, y: 65.16207} - {x: -33.292446, y: 55.45299} - {x: -33.297688, y: 65.47023} - {x: 52.887627, y: -24.030033} - {x: 54.28705, y: -38.190907} - {x: 43.46719, y: -26.13366} - {x: 44.86661, y: -43.17293} - {x: 69.356285, y: -19.893188} - {x: 72.81888, y: -36.38529} - {x: 60.48423, y: -26.329733} - {x: 63.94682, y: -38.584698} - {x: -42.848038, y: 90.32571} - {x: -42.819508, y: 99.87379} - {x: -33.315857, y: 90.32571} - {x: -33.30406, y: 99.84535} - {x: -33.333332, y: -99.75756} - {x: -33.333332, y: -90.2106} - {x: -23.809525, y: -99.75756} - {x: -23.809525, y: -90.23122} - {x: -33.337875, y: -89.62687} - {x: -33.380013, y: -80.00719} - {x: -23.809462, y: -89.62687} - {x: -23.829536, y: -80.10708} - {x: -41.052082, y: -50.907074} - {x: -40.125385, y: -36.91784} - {x: -31.573465, y: -52.274757} - {x: -30.646769, y: -45.180378} - {x: -78.15128, y: 3.4484124} - {x: -70.11946, y: 11.811773} - {x: -73.0334, y: -9.6767435} - {x: -65.00157, y: 1.7124513} - {x: -38.186752, y: -61.99293} - {x: -38.558018, y: -52.453857} - {x: -26.625174, y: -61.99293} - {x: -28.84584, y: -52.301907} - {x: -37.90098, y: -52.57013} - {x: -37.810547, y: -43.042732} - {x: -27.82395, y: -52.57013} - {x: -27.780687, y: -43.046474} - {x: -37.707108, y: -43.473305} - {x: -37.346622, y: -33.88728} - {x: -27.676317, y: -43.473305} - {x: -26.137556, y: -33.481888} - {x: -37.642845, y: -24.987726} - {x: -33.01919, y: -13.524597} - {x: -25.880817, y: -24.987726} - {x: -25.199646, y: -16.552067} - {x: -33.525673, y: -23.747145} - {x: -33.526855, y: -14.223138} - {x: -24.000084, y: -23.747145} - {x: -24.031528, y: -14.213076} - {x: -31.504347, y: -11.371839} - {x: -31.253334, y: -1.6921148} - {x: -21.880852, y: -11.371839} - {x: -21.522009, y: -1.5592369} - {x: -29.887302, y: 1.0912915} - {x: -29.227186, y: 11.060884} - {x: -20.127628, y: 1.0912915} - {x: -19.534079, y: 10.972989} - {x: -29.888525, y: 11.835628} - {x: -29.207344, y: 21.999144} - {x: -20.19086, y: 11.835628} - {x: -19.70152, y: 21.65016} - {x: -31.626415, y: 19.24299} - {x: -31.415081, y: 29.085344} - {x: -22.068195, y: 19.24299} - {x: -21.844233, y: 29.122797} - {x: -31.039797, y: 29.619194} - {x: -30.765076, y: 39.525837} - {x: -21.467796, y: 29.619194} - {x: -21.240679, y: 39.39573} - {x: -32.07386, y: 38.48355} - {x: -31.954819, y: 48.290825} - {x: -22.537745, y: 38.48355} - {x: -22.458801, y: 48.102623} - {x: -34.158447, y: 44.974033} - {x: -34.186337, y: 54.53753} - {x: -24.629751, y: 44.974033} - {x: -24.642492, y: 54.494503} - {x: -35.435047, y: 52.10172} - {x: -35.42623, y: 61.62614} - {x: -25.879498, y: 52.10172} - {x: -25.793135, y: 61.636887} - {x: -37.63351, y: 51.290794} - {x: -37.01271, y: 61.408947} - {x: -27.953777, y: 51.290794} - {x: -26.375017, y: 63.18933} - {x: 61.416065, y: -4.8920035} - {x: 65.61591, y: -21.66203} - {x: 52.868305, y: -13.13179} - {x: 57.068157, y: -26.771515} - {x: -34.459156, y: 62.694946} - {x: -31.435545, y: 75.35761} - {x: -24.329485, y: 62.694946} - {x: -22.396078, y: 73.37464} - {x: -33.32922, y: 90.45428} - {x: -33.32182, y: 99.98224} - {x: -23.80212, y: 90.45428} - {x: -23.801302, y: 99.974846} - {x: -23.809525, y: -99.92536} - {x: -23.809525, y: -90.39444} - {x: -14.285714, y: -99.92536} - {x: -14.285714, y: -90.40866} - {x: -23.805975, y: -90.30653} - {x: -23.83092, y: -80.760895} - {x: -14.275052, y: -90.30653} - {x: -14.292687, y: -80.773674} - {x: -23.82809, y: -80.61974} - {x: -23.881475, y: -71.05235} - {x: -14.287984, y: -80.61974} - {x: -14.345595, y: -71.04547} - {x: -27.098661, y: -45.88883} - {x: -26.656689, y: -31.76404} - {x: -17.585112, y: -46.545025} - {x: -17.14314, y: -37.4907} - {x: -26.407055, y: -60.331795} - {x: -28.799026, y: -50.315666} - {x: -14.3800125, y: -60.331795} - {x: -16.44698, y: -50.446167} - {x: -28.72619, y: -52.34982} - {x: -28.641811, y: -42.825466} - {x: -16.366957, y: -52.34982} - {x: -17.00771, y: -42.834858} - {x: -28.765823, y: -39.29114} - {x: -25.934187, y: -28.960806} - {x: -17.098734, y: -39.29114} - {x: -17.074917, y: -30.497847} - {x: -25.53648, y: -33.861046} - {x: -25.31187, y: -24.269392} - {x: -15.829201, y: -33.861046} - {x: -16.119474, y: -24.579346} - {x: -22.903385, y: -21.45685} - {x: -22.770164, y: -11.795998} - {x: -13.347483, y: -21.45685} - {x: -13.153304, y: -11.671471} - {x: -21.654488, y: -9.981251} - {x: -21.258787, y: -0.1428449} - {x: -12.0090475, y: -9.981251} - {x: -11.590526, y: -0.107135855} - {x: -20.994352, y: 0.31520143} - {x: -20.524916, y: 10.207648} - {x: -11.325042, y: 0.31520143} - {x: -10.881306, y: 10.168039} - {x: -20.838293, y: 9.920623} - {x: -20.428535, y: 19.783367} - {x: -11.193571, y: 9.920623} - {x: -10.84334, y: 19.68658} - {x: -21.307653, y: 19.675522} - {x: -20.992252, y: 29.553877} - {x: -11.715227, y: 19.675522} - {x: -11.45756, y: 29.426409} - {x: -22.215563, y: 28.655016} - {x: -22.058481, y: 38.443478} - {x: -12.668792, y: 28.655016} - {x: -12.545635, y: 38.330704} - {x: -23.363655, y: 36.90241} - {x: -23.33554, y: 46.55219} - {x: -13.838286, y: 36.90241} - {x: -13.822783, y: 46.43992} - {x: -25.203836, y: 43.846676} - {x: -25.22573, y: 53.37876} - {x: -15.66557, y: 43.846676} - {x: -15.657679, y: 53.356243} - {x: -26.597403, y: 49.47026} - {x: -26.479431, y: 59.052204} - {x: -17.014105, y: 49.47026} - {x: -16.80669, y: 59.140076} - {x: -28.24357, y: 32.148235} - {x: -26.541931, y: 45.02457} - {x: -18.537888, y: 32.148235} - {x: -17.813206, y: 41.676163} - {x: 2.515617, y: -36.017574} - {x: -0.19251901, y: -50.152145} - {x: -6.6150436, y: -31.825281} - {x: -9.323179, y: -46.67745} - {x: -21.848413, y: 64.48845} - {x: -23.158922, y: 75.49745} - {x: -12.060092, y: 64.48845} - {x: -13.881426, y: 76.57717} - {x: -23.809067, y: 90.47521} - {x: -23.809223, y: 99.99907} - {x: -14.285136, y: 90.47521} - {x: -14.285534, y: 99.99923} - {x: -14.285714, y: -100} - {x: -14.285714, y: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: -90.37241} - {x: -14.285714, y: -80.83767} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -90.37241} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -80.85953} - {x: -14.291188, y: -80.546364} - {x: -14.338402, y: -70.97176} - {x: -4.756443, y: -80.546364} - {x: -4.8005166, y: -70.97851} - {x: -14.343263, y: -66.64049} - {x: -14.539265, y: -56.467724} - {x: -4.8051524, y: -66.64049} - {x: -5.001806, y: -56.463547} - {x: -14.533977, y: -56.918114} - {x: -14.715037, y: -46.81238} - {x: -4.99651, y: -56.918114} - {x: -5.162455, y: -46.90675} - {x: -14.933949, y: -51.340874} - {x: -15.017349, y: -41.76451} - {x: -5.3772, y: -51.340874} - {x: -5.480876, y: -41.73903} - {x: -14.803192, y: -42.89381} - {x: -14.800822, y: -33.36991} - {x: -5.2636085, y: -42.89381} - {x: -5.3328886, y: -33.37529} - {x: -13.562371, y: -31.31693} - {x: -13.452709, y: -21.67633} - {x: -4.013012, y: -31.31693} - {x: -3.8806787, y: -21.628332} - {x: -13.061798, y: -20.151518} - {x: -12.812157, y: -10.340096} - {x: -3.484773, y: -20.151518} - {x: -3.211706, y: -10.28691} - {x: -12.470624, y: -9.801145} - {x: -12.131801, y: 0.07698748} - {x: -2.8676226, y: -9.801145} - {x: -2.5574465, y: 0.018147664} - {x: -12.53564, y: -0.1192358} - {x: -12.265613, y: 9.7409} - {x: -2.9587195, y: -0.1192358} - {x: -2.715752, y: 9.674642} - {x: -12.792993, y: 9.054274} - {x: -12.618825, y: 18.831572} - {x: -3.2397046, y: 9.054274} - {x: -3.0736349, y: 18.808306} - {x: -12.852211, y: 18.695831} - {x: -12.705994, y: 28.460003} - {x: -3.3064668, y: 18.695831} - {x: -3.181696, y: 28.39036} - {x: -13.486008, y: 27.679167} - {x: -13.424442, y: 37.3671} - {x: -3.956476, y: 27.679167} - {x: -3.9079328, y: 37.298256} - {x: -14.4034395, y: 35.398827} - {x: -14.407546, y: 44.961132} - {x: -4.879521, y: 35.398827} - {x: -4.8819513, y: 44.929768} - {x: -15.330014, y: 42.47849} - {x: -15.324064, y: 52.003376} - {x: -5.7979965, y: 42.47849} - {x: -5.7763014, y: 52.00908} - {x: -16.292404, y: 46.799976} - {x: -16.141191, y: 56.503384} - {x: -6.7371163, y: 46.799976} - {x: -6.656768, y: 56.33661} - {x: -14.041725, y: 48.908455} - {x: -14.080721, y: 59.147926} - {x: -4.5174036, y: 48.908455} - {x: -4.536911, y: 58.457603} - {x: 2.2072163, y: -30.129845} - {x: 0.6232788, y: -45.155846} - {x: -7.1839542, y: -27.59552} - {x: -8.767892, y: -42.17425} - {x: -11.737582, y: 56.09581} - {x: -13.778699, y: 68.29236} - {x: -1.8779553, y: 56.09581} - {x: -4.373481, y: 69.35201} - {x: -14.229592, y: 90.462616} - {x: -14.236167, y: 99.986755} - {x: -4.672637, y: 90.462616} - {x: -4.745389, y: 99.99331} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -80.5769} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -71.00871} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -80.5769} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -71.02895} - {x: -4.781073, y: -66.54635} - {x: -4.8604155, y: -56.367805} - {x: 4.7450604, y: -66.54635} - {x: 4.671476, y: -56.45978} - {x: -4.979058, y: -57.546413} - {x: -5.1323175, y: -47.53132} - {x: 4.5563965, y: -57.546413} - {x: 4.3929996, y: -47.467922} - {x: -4.9726, y: -50.963284} - {x: -5.0074835, y: -41.357887} - {x: 4.5549216, y: -50.963284} - {x: 4.5081477, y: -41.302505} - {x: -4.612277, y: -41.395454} - {x: -4.5920258, y: -31.79571} - {x: 4.912877, y: -41.395454} - {x: 4.9389343, y: -31.752342} - {x: -4.221398, y: -30.82639} - {x: -4.125438, y: -21.132545} - {x: 5.315821, y: -30.82639} - {x: 5.4258676, y: -21.083061} - {x: -3.787353, y: -19.77487} - {x: -3.577966, y: -9.906366} - {x: 5.767639, y: -19.77487} - {x: 5.9689527, y: -9.932482} - {x: -3.7324152, y: -10.217642} - {x: -3.5622451, y: -0.39260158} - {x: 5.8150234, y: -10.217642} - {x: 5.98048, y: -0.40903386} - {x: -3.6826005, y: -0.590145} - {x: -3.5363162, y: 9.208771} - {x: 5.860359, y: -0.59014493} - {x: 5.9987946, y: 9.179664} - {x: -3.7885644, y: 8.855081} - {x: -3.6820054, y: 18.61046} - {x: 5.7473493, y: 8.855081} - {x: 5.8453236, y: 18.57359} - {x: -4.066094, y: 18.098953} - {x: -4.0062094, y: 27.798992} - {x: 5.462755, y: 18.098953} - {x: 5.5151978, y: 27.75559} - {x: -4.5647273, y: 26.932486} - {x: -4.5528116, y: 36.558773} - {x: 4.959427, y: 26.932486} - {x: 4.9685793, y: 36.51149} - {x: -5.389211, y: 34.58531} - {x: -5.402199, y: 44.122612} - {x: 4.137721, y: 34.58531} - {x: 4.128095, y: 44.115635} - {x: -5.7451553, y: 41.43085} - {x: -5.724571, y: 50.96898} - {x: 3.7860422, y: 41.43085} - {x: 3.8006396, y: 50.960655} - {x: -5.3355536, y: 49.573227} - {x: -5.31235, y: 59.148396} - {x: 4.190869, y: 49.573227} - {x: 4.208086, y: 59.121964} - {x: -4.6815352, y: 56.162697} - {x: -4.687952, y: 65.87056} - {x: 4.8423295, y: 56.162697} - {x: 4.835583, y: 65.889275} - {x: 5.171925, y: -29.870594} - {x: 5.226605, y: -44.539387} - {x: -4.3517275, y: -29.954815} - {x: -4.297048, y: -43.316696} - {x: -8.992747, y: -48.674435} - {x: -10.602878, y: -62.132385} - {x: -18.379463, y: -46.365955} - {x: -19.989594, y: -60.14175} - {x: -4.6136317, y: 89.97022} - {x: -4.723887, y: 99.53344} - {x: 4.986825, y: 89.97022} - {x: 4.723887, y: 99.642365} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: -100} - {x: 14.285714, y: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: -80.95238} - {x: 4.761744, y: -80.73122} - {x: 4.7675753, y: -71.18098} - {x: 14.285874, y: -80.73122} - {x: 14.287735, y: -71.21693} - {x: 4.727407, y: -67.127655} - {x: 4.5857472, y: -57.038864} - {x: 14.259836, y: -67.127655} - {x: 14.12199, y: -57.068436} - {x: 4.5456963, y: -57.084126} - {x: 4.3740377, y: -47.003887} - {x: 14.08236, y: -57.084126} - {x: 13.905098, y: -46.968555} - {x: 4.4595823, y: -50.284775} - {x: 4.3915415, y: -40.614902} - {x: 13.991252, y: -50.284775} - {x: 13.910652, y: -40.561386} - {x: 4.6881146, y: -40.84356} - {x: 4.6754622, y: -31.194332} - {x: 14.212241, y: -40.84356} - {x: 14.197444, y: -31.152082} - {x: 4.966615, y: -30.337072} - {x: 5.006976, y: -20.589718} - {x: 14.492226, y: -30.337072} - {x: 14.533915, y: -20.575169} - {x: 5.096901, y: -19.862913} - {x: 5.163268, y: -10.01822} - {x: 14.624084, y: -19.862913} - {x: 14.684264, y: -10.077074} - {x: 4.7953553, y: -10.238254} - {x: 4.8005543, y: -0.4280367} - {x: 14.319188, y: -10.238254} - {x: 14.324776, y: -0.38580957} - {x: 5.1229215, y: -0.749764} - {x: 5.1681547, y: 9.021661} - {x: 14.64877, y: -0.749764} - {x: 14.696928, y: 9.053282} - {x: 5.458052, y: 8.566185} - {x: 5.5271387, y: 18.286364} - {x: 14.987874, y: 8.566185} - {x: 15.053231, y: 18.265371} - {x: 5.290495, y: 17.675028} - {x: 5.330013, y: 27.334337} - {x: 14.817164, y: 17.675028} - {x: 14.85194, y: 27.30204} - {x: 4.8592, y: 26.266113} - {x: 4.863706, y: 35.850513} - {x: 14.383093, y: 26.266113} - {x: 14.387042, y: 35.83558} - {x: 4.523849, y: 34.268433} - {x: 4.520172, y: 43.799664} - {x: 14.048114, y: 34.268433} - {x: 14.044404, y: 43.799793} - {x: 4.528723, y: 41.862312} - {x: 4.532221, y: 51.393333} - {x: 14.052956, y: 41.862312} - {x: 14.056525, y: 51.393627} - {x: 4.5129933, y: 50.350327} - {x: 4.520508, y: 59.90246} - {x: 14.0373, y: 50.350327} - {x: 14.054663, y: 59.976578} - {x: 2.121689, y: 55.781063} - {x: 2.3406198, y: 65.50564} - {x: 11.70438, y: 55.781063} - {x: 12.2524, y: 66.10297} - {x: -4.0437555, y: 38.096035} - {x: -0.36262977, y: 50.98932} - {x: 6.2991133, y: 38.096035} - {x: 9.754279, y: 50.62971} - {x: 21.722029, y: -42.967663} - {x: 24.80757, y: -56.4932} - {x: 12.711901, y: -47.599514} - {x: 15.7974415, y: -57.849983} - {x: 4.9431357, y: 88.05986} - {x: 4.739034, y: 97.80709} - {x: 14.512907, y: 88.05986} - {x: 14.217102, y: 98.005554} - {x: 14.285714, y: -100} - {x: 14.285714, y: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: -90.47314} - {x: 14.285714, y: -80.949005} - {x: 23.809525, y: -90.47314} - {x: 23.809525, y: -80.94671} - {x: 14.281862, y: -80.9376} - {x: 14.288508, y: -71.4111} - {x: 23.809772, y: -80.9376} - {x: 23.81446, y: -71.41269} - {x: 14.288959, y: -67.624344} - {x: 14.361351, y: -57.564087} - {x: 23.815144, y: -67.624344} - {x: 23.888983, y: -57.543236} - {x: 14.38294, y: -57.21834} - {x: 14.482389, y: -47.101196} - {x: 23.910791, y: -57.21834} - {x: 24.000084, y: -47.21883} - {x: 14.23317, y: -49.83663} - {x: 14.218303, y: -40.10816} - {x: 23.757248, y: -49.83663} - {x: 23.743635, y: -40.142372} - {x: 14.056746, y: -40.36129} - {x: 14.011244, y: -30.666435} - {x: 23.583555, y: -40.36129} - {x: 23.527258, y: -30.58599} - {x: 14.498905, y: -30.219866} - {x: 14.541963, y: -20.45774} - {x: 24.024637, y: -30.219866} - {x: 24.060902, y: -20.531994} - {x: 14.084977, y: -20.13403} - {x: 14.050099, y: -10.345486} - {x: 23.60992, y: -20.13403} - {x: 23.576954, y: -10.374115} - {x: 13.848783, y: -9.81354} - {x: 13.77688, y: 0.040124357} - {x: 23.376444, y: -9.81354} - {x: 23.303423, y: 0.050220758} - {x: 13.851505, y: -0.34458002} - {x: 13.794945, y: 9.459389} - {x: 23.378128, y: -0.34458002} - {x: 23.312077, y: 9.552077} - {x: 14.618253, y: 8.427691} - {x: 14.648996, y: 18.127594} - {x: 24.143393, y: 8.427691} - {x: 24.17517, y: 18.139345} - {x: 14.789284, y: 17.301563} - {x: 14.82222, y: 26.930473} - {x: 24.31566, y: 17.301563} - {x: 24.346554, y: 26.917501} - {x: 14.609537, y: 25.967655} - {x: 14.622708, y: 35.53802} - {x: 24.134275, y: 25.967655} - {x: 24.147436, y: 35.53794} - {x: 14.620654, y: 34.262836} - {x: 14.625919, y: 43.794197} - {x: 24.145382, y: 34.262836} - {x: 24.151178, y: 43.795715} - {x: 14.723571, y: 41.857235} - {x: 14.716804, y: 51.38855} - {x: 24.248905, y: 41.857235} - {x: 24.237133, y: 51.399654} - {x: 14.006471, y: 47.286114} - {x: 14.02598, y: 56.96015} - {x: 23.530909, y: 47.286114} - {x: 23.561655, y: 57.131844} - {x: 11.637581, y: 43.98573} - {x: 12.199302, y: 54.70493} - {x: 21.223282, y: 43.98573} - {x: 21.784338, y: 54.702255} - {x: 12.210891, y: 39.50642} - {x: 13.210635, y: 52.475113} - {x: 21.795929, y: 39.50642} - {x: 23.007833, y: 53.743023} - {x: 11.052522, y: 64.06311} - {x: 12.744013, y: 75.03074} - {x: 21.026215, y: 64.06311} - {x: 21.702961, y: 73.412445} - {x: 14.4137745, y: 85.54268} - {x: 14.269401, y: 95.53334} - {x: 23.948473, y: 85.54268} - {x: 23.782335, y: 95.67081} - {x: 23.809525, y: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: -100} - {x: 33.333332, y: -90.47619} - {x: 23.807428, y: -90.424324} - {x: 23.812174, y: -80.8938} - {x: 33.332073, y: -90.424324} - {x: 33.340977, y: -80.88204} - {x: 23.800688, y: -80.95342} - {x: 23.808058, y: -71.428276} - {x: 33.334637, y: -80.95342} - {x: 33.388958, y: -71.41123} - {x: 23.613739, y: -68.563416} - {x: 24.114046, y: -58.494267} - {x: 33.248455, y: -68.563416} - {x: 33.82961, y: -58.322796} - {x: 24.088152, y: -59.38213} - {x: 24.715954, y: -49.396553} - {x: 33.818066, y: -59.38213} - {x: 34.260353, y: -49.663147} - {x: 24.436884, y: -50.691254} - {x: 24.642773, y: -40.997784} - {x: 34.0224, y: -50.691254} - {x: 34.26359, y: -40.94011} - {x: 24.82155, y: -40.56681} - {x: 25.147339, y: -30.787645} - {x: 34.44735, y: -40.56681} - {x: 34.885777, y: -30.613382} - {x: 25.649416, y: -31.799595} - {x: 26.051245, y: -22.114372} - {x: 35.418056, y: -31.799595} - {x: 35.412228, y: -22.439156} - {x: 24.25082, y: -20.62848} - {x: 24.327307, y: -10.868064} - {x: 33.78073, y: -20.62848} - {x: 33.8092, y: -11.161542} - {x: 22.122353, y: -9.315498} - {x: 21.853903, y: 0.54495347} - {x: 31.698603, y: -9.315498} - {x: 31.544603, y: 0.26280662} - {x: 19.499527, y: 1.3668487} - {x: 18.915285, y: 11.253747} - {x: 29.251234, y: 1.3668487} - {x: 28.270956, y: 11.736959} - {x: 23.264547, y: 8.743715} - {x: 23.21398, y: 18.455479} - {x: 32.79172, y: 8.743715} - {x: 32.730236, y: 18.53585} - {x: 24.171164, y: 17.149937} - {x: 24.193157, y: 26.766294} - {x: 33.696274, y: 17.149937} - {x: 33.718636, y: 26.769411} - {x: 24.247488, y: 25.954035} - {x: 24.265282, y: 35.524315} - {x: 33.772995, y: 25.954035} - {x: 33.793125, y: 35.5365} - {x: 24.573788, y: 34.333687} - {x: 24.587091, y: 43.866634} - {x: 34.102436, y: 34.333687} - {x: 34.119656, y: 43.872005} - {x: 24.894127, y: 41.124207} - {x: 24.864683, y: 50.67068} - {x: 34.42748, y: 41.124207} - {x: 34.388126, y: 50.685917} - {x: 24.323122, y: 44.04499} - {x: 24.26551, y: 53.93757} - {x: 33.849136, y: 44.04499} - {x: 33.776047, y: 54.132057} - {x: 22.619106, y: 44.510983} - {x: 22.88569, y: 55.238876} - {x: 32.156784, y: 44.510983} - {x: 32.566456, y: 56.458916} - {x: -2.6231508, y: -36.187862} - {x: 0.071933985, y: -50.286373} - {x: -11.7576685, y: -40.347546} - {x: -9.062584, y: -51.02682} - {x: 24.37443, y: 78.208916} - {x: 24.061478, y: 87.996605} - {x: 33.989323, y: 78.208916} - {x: 33.440662, y: 88.38875} - {x: 23.64442, y: 83.46716} - {x: 23.78895, y: 93.60491} - {x: 33.176464, y: 83.46716} - {x: 33.304527, y: 93.46925} - {x: 33.333332, y: -99.991196} - {x: 33.333332, y: -90.466545} - {x: 42.857143, y: -99.991196} - {x: 42.857143, y: -90.46247} - {x: 33.320107, y: -90.319275} - {x: 33.341717, y: -80.77188} - {x: 42.84886, y: -90.319275} - {x: 42.887005, y: -80.735855} - {x: 33.278835, y: -80.59733} - {x: 33.37989, y: -71.0015} - {x: 42.83789, y: -80.59733} - {x: 43.054585, y: -70.83727} - {x: 32.94029, y: -68.475945} - {x: 33.792866, y: -58.242138} - {x: 42.707737, y: -68.475945} - {x: 44.253654, y: -57.127426} - {x: 31.96263, y: -62.88256} - {x: 33.01187, y: -53.17334} - {x: 42.857822, y: -62.88256} - {x: 45.492435, y: -52.618393} - {x: 30.127373, y: -54.352226} - {x: 31.550161, y: -44.697636} - {x: 42.92994, y: -54.352226} - {x: 44.182465, y: -44.728725} - {x: 31.768015, y: -45.003593} - {x: 33.752155, y: -35.211506} - {x: 44.40174, y: -45.003593} - {x: 44.184727, y: -35.798588} - {x: 35.629734, y: -33.32413} - {x: 35.617653, y: -23.800295} - {x: 46.363613, y: -33.32413} - {x: 45.54895, y: -23.796528} - {x: 35.771393, y: -23.596172} - {x: 36.02557, y: -14.042572} - {x: 45.821968, y: -23.596172} - {x: 45.411743, y: -14.198069} - {x: 34.73985, y: -12.621985} - {x: 34.913696, y: -2.9864295} - {x: 44.330647, y: -12.621985} - {x: 44.2809, y: -3.2722075} - {x: 31.998423, y: 3.449771} - {x: 31.633898, y: 14.003076} - {x: 41.552795, y: 3.4497707} - {x: 41.17996, y: 14.047761} - {x: 31.876818, y: 9.85134} - {x: 31.717035, y: 19.650639} - {x: 41.42344, y: 9.85134} - {x: 41.212803, y: 19.823534} - {x: 33.510983, y: 17.235506} - {x: 33.52186, y: 26.855024} - {x: 43.0351, y: 17.235506} - {x: 43.046997, y: 26.872889} - {x: 33.829735, y: 26.206087} - {x: 33.852505, y: 35.789337} - {x: 43.35572, y: 26.206087} - {x: 43.385067, y: 35.82357} - {x: 34.607647, y: 34.57161} - {x: 34.636612, y: 44.110687} - {x: 44.145176, y: 34.57161} - {x: 44.169556, y: 44.105854} - {x: 34.425762, y: 40.499573} - {x: 34.386475, y: 50.06383} - {x: 43.95909, y: 40.499573} - {x: 43.950066, y: 50.001637} - {x: 35.911106, y: 42.59026} - {x: 35.520294, y: 52.69376} - {x: 45.498627, y: 42.59026} - {x: 45.465073, y: 51.66432} - {x: 38.947002, y: 46.658382} - {x: 35.87589, y: 58.449306} - {x: 49.35885, y: 46.658382} - {x: 45.511936, y: 59.484585} - {x: 35.524124, y: 57.43096} - {x: 34.064217, y: 68.72864} - {x: 45.31887, y: 57.43096} - {x: 43.423462, y: 69.70387} - {x: 33.614677, y: 72.49969} - {x: 33.437267, y: 82.82613} - {x: 43.147892, y: 72.49969} - {x: 42.93032, y: 83.17539} - {x: 33.135414, y: 84.630455} - {x: 33.290874, y: 94.63907} - {x: 42.67137, y: 84.630455} - {x: 42.802555, y: 94.491325} - {x: 42.857143, y: -99.89666} - {x: 42.857143, y: -90.36299} - {x: 52.38095, y: -99.89666} - {x: 52.38095, y: -90.37293} - {x: 42.83591, y: -89.610435} - {x: 42.808735, y: -80.01333} - {x: 52.36223, y: -89.610435} - {x: 52.3182, y: -79.92277} - {x: 42.8819, y: -78.43487} - {x: 43.01848, y: -68.582794} - {x: 52.419662, y: -78.43487} - {x: 52.645363, y: -68.1615} - {x: 42.70994, y: -61.322815} - {x: 44.25312, y: -49.6253} - {x: 52.47649, y: -61.322815} - {x: 54.239056, y: -49.064674} - {x: 44.176308, y: -55.847713} - {x: 45.881683, y: -45.020927} - {x: 54.208813, y: -55.847713} - {x: 55.528404, y: -45.574963} - {x: 45.284576, y: -49.973648} - {x: 45.65626, y: -40.274296} - {x: 55.001377, y: -49.973648} - {x: 55.419636, y: -40.230698} - {x: 45.86849, y: -43.11871} - {x: 45.795376, y: -33.58945} - {x: 55.634575, y: -43.11871} - {x: 55.09546, y: -33.52006} - {x: 42.963936, y: -36.02399} - {x: 42.953426, y: -26.337805} - {x: 52.48791, y: -36.02399} - {x: 52.472027, y: -26.173054} - {x: 41.24402, y: -26.265207} - {x: 41.357746, y: -16.655907} - {x: 50.80541, y: -26.265207} - {x: 50.89701, y: -16.689024} - {x: 41.832943, y: -15.052175} - {x: 41.85933, y: -5.5190725} - {x: 51.37545, y: -15.052175} - {x: 51.44671, y: -5.4874763} - {x: 40.458336, y: 4.589181} - {x: 39.820625, y: 15.174949} - {x: 50.0724, y: 4.589181} - {x: 49.467594, y: 15.070843} - {x: 39.191948, y: 12.350637} - {x: 38.700657, y: 22.33848} - {x: 48.841866, y: 12.350637} - {x: 48.16983, y: 22.671984} - {x: 41.798424, y: 17.836893} - {x: 41.73113, y: 27.474867} - {x: 51.332085, y: 17.836893} - {x: 51.260204, y: 27.490332} - {x: 42.00082, y: 27.173122} - {x: 41.952892, y: 36.795395} - {x: 51.53043, y: 27.173122} - {x: 51.461082, y: 36.882954} - {x: 43.582253, y: 34.43453} - {x: 43.595688, y: 43.969177} - {x: 53.11022, y: 34.43453} - {x: 53.105175, y: 43.939377} - {x: 41.90448, y: 42.27207} - {x: 41.911766, y: 51.798016} - {x: 51.434494, y: 42.27207} - {x: 51.43253, y: 51.792587} - {x: 42.621845, y: 51.566498} - {x: 42.624523, y: 61.09477} - {x: 52.146057, y: 51.566498} - {x: 52.14804, y: 61.092464} - {x: 42.825035, y: 25.976377} - {x: 42.83718, y: 39.44196} - {x: 52.348846, y: 25.976377} - {x: 52.352146, y: 34.539364} - {x: 43.847397, y: 65.945404} - {x: 39.07615, y: 77.51207} - {x: 55.621426, y: 65.945404} - {x: 46.551052, y: 80.8684} - {x: 42.515324, y: 67.770645} - {x: 42.715313, y: 78.479164} - {x: 52.047073, y: 67.770645} - {x: 52.295345, y: 79.01956} - {x: 41.861546, y: 84.88} - {x: 42.284977, y: 94.74325} - {x: 51.51422, y: 84.88} - {x: 51.681637, y: 94.33984} - {x: 52.38095, y: -99.9746} - {x: 52.38095, y: -90.44837} - {x: 61.904762, y: -99.9746} - {x: 61.904762, y: -90.45321} - {x: 52.36281, y: -88.41991} - {x: 52.319572, y: -78.70487} - {x: 61.889038, y: -88.41991} - {x: 61.85171, y: -78.75663} - {x: 52.20872, y: -72.25476} - {x: 51.999985, y: -61.858585} - {x: 61.744465, y: -72.25476} - {x: 61.530933, y: -61.820194} - {x: 52.086956, y: -49.458435} - {x: 51.76895, y: -37.053375} - {x: 61.618385, y: -49.458435} - {x: 61.33033, y: -37.53307} - {x: 50.33516, y: -48.558067} - {x: 49.84051, y: -38.16211} - {x: 59.925804, y: -48.558067} - {x: 59.331024, y: -37.82383} - {x: 51.814606, y: -46.821712} - {x: 51.752495, y: -37.067368} - {x: 61.34255, y: -46.821712} - {x: 61.30542, y: -37.250633} - {x: 49.595585, y: -48.08374} - {x: 49.88227, y: -38.25764} - {x: 59.186073, y: -48.08374} - {x: 59.422264, y: -38.362484} - {x: 50.910892, y: -38.005276} - {x: 51.106583, y: -28.116285} - {x: 60.460392, y: -38.005276} - {x: 60.63635, y: -28.18857} - {x: 51.628727, y: -25.591873} - {x: 51.675457, y: -16.012192} - {x: 61.162277, y: -25.591873} - {x: 61.244495, y: -15.927571} - {x: 50.131184, y: -16.653696} - {x: 50.27544, y: -7.0631266} - {x: 59.732338, y: -16.653696} - {x: 59.843727, y: -7.093444} - {x: 50.790203, y: 3.4225557} - {x: 50.34798, y: 13.914529} - {x: 60.361946, y: 3.4225557} - {x: 60.052437, y: 13.360239} - {x: 46.804066, y: 15.916898} - {x: 45.83128, y: 26.268213} - {x: 56.598034, y: 15.916898} - {x: 55.445255, y: 26.562204} - {x: 48.29909, y: 18.925198} - {x: 48.051, y: 28.576231} - {x: 57.942307, y: 18.925198} - {x: 57.727123, y: 28.5427} - {x: 47.3679, y: 29.844284} - {x: 47.014095, y: 39.566902} - {x: 57.046246, y: 29.844284} - {x: 56.62339, y: 39.643707} - {x: 48.341434, y: 32.75166} - {x: 48.365128, y: 42.276974} - {x: 57.95831, y: 32.75166} - {x: 57.953644, y: 42.27338} - {x: 49.036037, y: 43.03401} - {x: 49.02962, y: 52.557972} - {x: 58.62669, y: 43.03401} - {x: 58.536213, y: 52.561993} - {x: 51.222225, y: 51.741486} - {x: 51.231686, y: 61.267746} - {x: 60.755165, y: 51.741486} - {x: 60.75136, y: 61.26088} - {x: 52.076694, y: 53.001728} - {x: 52.107613, y: 62.869938} - {x: 61.60119, y: 53.001728} - {x: 61.628952, y: 62.80096} - {x: -53.070545, y: -18.075516} - {x: -53.16282, y: -36.20489} - {x: -62.59391, y: -17.899857} - {x: -62.686184, y: -37.376152} - {x: 50.739193, y: 60.52583} - {x: 51.644543, y: 71.79017} - {x: 60.370274, y: 60.52583} - {x: 61.162197, y: 71.38774} - {x: 52.17901, y: 89.45218} - {x: 52.25129, y: 99.03104} - {x: 61.72645, y: 89.45218} - {x: 61.75153, y: 98.95935} - {x: 61.904762, y: -100} - {x: 61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: -89.13818} - {x: 61.904762, y: -79.47142} - {x: 71.42857, y: -89.13818} - {x: 71.42857, y: -79.665474} - {x: 61.276043, y: -70.3129} - {x: 60.771847, y: -59.88796} - {x: 70.86696, y: -70.3129} - {x: 70.68322, y: -60.983925} - {x: 55.181236, y: -42.003998} - {x: 52.48282, y: -30.37016} - {x: 65.45241, y: -42.003998} - {x: 63.894073, y: -31.991447} - {x: 42.455914, y: -38.370213} - {x: 39.49743, y: -28.005733} - {x: 54.211166, y: -38.370213} - {x: 50.808624, y: -27.763605} - {x: 42.203423, y: -46.661465} - {x: 41.520813, y: -37.078854} - {x: 53.531254, y: -46.661465} - {x: 53.426205, y: -37.178055} - {x: 37.65805, y: -51.02183} - {x: 38.868088, y: -41.364456} - {x: 49.59717, y: -51.02183} - {x: 49.32262, y: -41.689922} - {x: 47.659122, y: -42.021614} - {x: 48.728397, y: -32.25831} - {x: 58.296486, y: -42.021614} - {x: 58.72989, y: -32.53966} - {x: 53.536697, y: -29.562681} - {x: 54.134163, y: -19.885025} - {x: 63.619526, y: -29.562681} - {x: 64.19546, y: -19.896029} - {x: 54.33514, y: -17.058672} - {x: 54.618744, y: -7.49856} - {x: 64.39662, y: -17.058672} - {x: 64.25918, y: -7.606148} - {x: 58.19831, y: 2.8815966} - {x: 57.58037, y: 12.877072} - {x: 67.91762, y: 2.8815966} - {x: 67.23979, y: 12.966343} - {x: 58.389736, y: 15.94527} - {x: 57.551304, y: 26.642239} - {x: 68.05363, y: 15.94527} - {x: 67.607185, y: 25.605415} - {x: 49.376587, y: 19.770145} - {x: 48.85108, y: 29.377865} - {x: 59.687073, y: 19.770145} - {x: 59.112476, y: 29.393475} - {x: 49.35305, y: 32.947563} - {x: 48.468224, y: 42.723267} - {x: 59.615128, y: 32.947563} - {x: 58.128986, y: 43.061226} - {x: 54.860077, y: 33.462} - {x: 54.852486, y: 42.98587} - {x: 64.63635, y: 33.462} - {x: 64.40698, y: 42.989162} - {x: 58.317036, y: 45.25944} - {x: 58.219086, y: 54.813637} - {x: 67.91933, y: 45.25944} - {x: 67.91389, y: 54.75633} - {x: 55.64695, y: 52.708153} - {x: 55.629513, y: 62.23234} - {x: 65.368385, y: 52.708153} - {x: 65.52573, y: 62.224712} - {x: 52.25144, y: 50.82369} - {x: 52.910732, y: 60.60406} - {x: 62.184383, y: 50.82369} - {x: 63.810646, y: 61.34677} - {x: -33.582363, y: -21.038559} - {x: -30.308916, y: -40.256012} - {x: -42.525936, y: -28.072369} - {x: -39.25249, y: -45.66144} - {x: 53.85388, y: 58.137573} - {x: 56.07957, y: 68.81749} - {x: 64.33907, y: 58.137573} - {x: 64.87933, y: 67.16131} - {x: 61.848057, y: 90.31296} - {x: 61.861404, y: 99.84344} - {x: 71.37855, y: 90.31296} - {x: 71.37855, y: 99.83011} - {x: 71.42857, y: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: -100} - {x: 80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: -90.339676} - {x: 71.42857, y: -80.801476} - {x: 80.95238, y: -90.339676} - {x: 80.95238, y: -80.83023} - {x: 71.29204, y: -79.18051} - {x: 71.2066, y: -69.530815} - {x: 80.83023, y: -79.18051} - {x: 80.79984, y: -69.69199} - {x: 70.19942, y: -60.293648} - {x: 69.540886, y: -49.92126} - {x: 79.84476, y: -60.293648} - {x: 79.75333, y: -51.32299} - {x: 59.9903, y: -35.957096} - {x: 57.245975, y: -25.146723} - {x: 70.79838, y: -35.957096} - {x: 70.20534, y: -27.04377} - {x: -50.936035, y: -42.29185} - {x: -41.414146, y: -42.019413} - {x: -50.744785, y: -55.855938} - {x: -41.2229, y: -55.93336} - {x: -39.613895, y: -41.179134} - {x: -30.099646, y: -40.555164} - {x: -39.1872, y: -55.09213} - {x: -29.67295, y: -53.376316} - {x: 44.32336, y: -37.56857} - {x: 44.977745, y: -28.01758} - {x: 57.19236, y: -37.56857} - {x: 56.248447, y: -28.150177} - {x: 53.184067, y: -30.995325} - {x: 54.149487, y: -21.359581} - {x: 64.59116, y: -30.995325} - {x: 63.983746, y: -21.722183} - {x: 63.85407, y: -12.862387} - {x: 63.71001, y: -3.3301356} - {x: 73.9736, y: -12.862387} - {x: 73.333534, y: -3.2720327} - {x: 67.88313, y: 3.596695} - {x: 67.20062, y: 13.685017} - {x: 77.60523, y: 3.596695} - {x: 77.264824, y: 13.134941} - {x: 61.74141, y: 14.220999} - {x: 60.798298, y: 24.056576} - {x: 71.94286, y: 14.220999} - {x: 71.713615, y: 23.592087} - {x: 53.06073, y: 20.94289} - {x: 52.295704, y: 30.55367} - {x: 64.133316, y: 20.94289} - {x: 63.522, y: 30.51888} - {x: 51.084995, y: 40.196007} - {x: 48.97091, y: 50.30325} - {x: 62.31428, y: 40.196007} - {x: 61.24533, y: 49.743034} - {x: 40.901257, y: 38.331837} - {x: 40.251633, y: 47.887615} - {x: 53.289185, y: 38.331837} - {x: 50.32717, y: 48.11482} - {x: 55.639256, y: 43.062134} - {x: 55.621685, y: 52.58602} - {x: 66.09127, y: 43.062134} - {x: 66.59013, y: 52.58136} - {x: 50.106544, y: 48.28693} - {x: 50.501953, y: 57.8348} - {x: 61.13431, y: 48.28693} - {x: 62.824566, y: 57.99216} - {x: 39.929153, y: 29.997307} - {x: 43.645832, y: 40.46958} - {x: 52.449814, y: 29.997307} - {x: 58.42126, y: 41.568264} - {x: -13.346724, y: -29.954704} - {x: -7.5611987, y: -46.906155} - {x: -20.91181, y: -42.918606} - {x: -15.126286, y: -50.41545} - {x: 70.869774, y: 79.02271} - {x: 71.009476, y: 88.63268} - {x: 80.44978, y: 79.02271} - {x: 80.4774, y: 88.49505} - {x: 71.42857, y: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 100} - {x: 80.95238, y: -100} - {x: 80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: -100} - {x: 90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: -80.81605} - {x: 80.95238, y: -71.27618} - {x: 90.47619, y: -80.81605} - {x: 90.47619, y: -71.30828} - {x: 80.78394, y: -70.98063} - {x: 80.75043, y: -61.43937} - {x: 90.32382, y: -70.98063} - {x: 90.30708, y: -61.456825} - {x: 80.53766, y: -60.304153} - {x: 80.42711, y: -50.69873} - {x: 90.09868, y: -60.304153} - {x: 90.07145, y: -50.821224} - {x: 79.12218, y: -52.886154} - {x: 79.17702, y: -43.35787} - {x: 88.81238, y: -52.886154} - {x: 88.76539, y: -43.374496} - {x: 80.01021, y: -39.51112} - {x: 79.758995, y: -29.792635} - {x: 89.6139, y: -39.51112} - {x: 89.54328, y: -30.06973} - {x: 76.93355, y: -29.415154} - {x: 76.55874, y: -19.795786} - {x: 86.81627, y: -29.415154} - {x: 86.514656, y: -19.832924} - {x: 75.81937, y: -20.483416} - {x: 75.496544, y: -10.901314} - {x: 85.778786, y: -20.483416} - {x: 85.41006, y: -10.884785} - {x: 75.9411, y: -8.630777} - {x: 75.41471, y: 1.0651498} - {x: 85.85575, y: -8.630777} - {x: 85.64733, y: 0.8590544} - {x: 71.7156, y: 1.5530257} - {x: 71.07359, y: 11.205009} - {x: 82.007034, y: 1.5530257} - {x: 81.90576, y: 10.990531} - {x: 65.704254, y: 7.5838428} - {x: 65.39199, y: 17.124} - {x: 76.61661, y: 7.5838428} - {x: 76.65286, y: 17.08754} - {x: 62.58935, y: 19.749077} - {x: 61.947414, y: 29.326508} - {x: 73.86745, y: 19.749077} - {x: 74.071045, y: 29.185646} - {x: 55.73219, y: 33.26989} - {x: 54.471733, y: 42.923134} - {x: 67.92889, y: 33.26989} - {x: 68.83692, y: 42.480762} - {x: 61.95569, y: -27.449327} - {x: 70.74388, y: -21.53964} - {x: 65.62593, y: -41.59976} - {x: 74.41412, y: -38.30913} - {x: 35.938786, y: -30.731651} - {x: 45.429245, y: -32.1809} - {x: 35.142513, y: -48.004734} - {x: 44.632977, y: -48.26141} - {x: 30.51341, y: -38.70588} - {x: 39.735683, y: -42.816048} - {x: 28.135872, y: -54.648876} - {x: 37.358143, y: -57.6071} - {x: -1.8247951, y: -43.319145} - {x: 5.6357155, y: -54.25802} - {x: -7.7445736, y: -57.10506} - {x: -0.28406295, y: -61.629738} - {x: 72.866035, y: 50.71518} - {x: 74.63588, y: 61.144638} - {x: 83.1823, y: 50.71518} - {x: 83.522415, y: 59.74495} - {x: 80.91895, y: 80.86064} - {x: 80.92553, y: 90.38787} - {x: 90.44592, y: 80.86064} - {x: 90.44618, y: 90.3813} - {x: 80.95238, y: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 100} - {x: 90.47619, y: -100} - {x: 90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: 100, y: -100} - {x: 100, y: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: -80.95238} - {x: 100, y: -90.47619} - {x: 100, y: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: -71.42857} - {x: 100, y: -80.95238} - {x: 100, y: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: -71.39581} - {x: 90.47619, y: -61.86763} - {x: 100, y: -71.39581} - {x: 100, y: -61.87637} - {x: 90.42596, y: -61.774086} - {x: 90.416595, y: -52.24527} - {x: 99.95413, y: -61.774086} - {x: 99.95413, y: -52.25528} - {x: 90.26123, y: -52.195255} - {x: 90.24528, y: -42.668056} - {x: 99.803764, y: -52.195255} - {x: 99.803764, y: -42.67484} - {x: 90.040184, y: -42.276226} - {x: 89.99129, y: -32.736748} - {x: 99.60205, y: -42.276226} - {x: 99.60205, y: -32.768055} - {x: 89.30921, y: -31.410524} - {x: 89.14486, y: -21.821392} - {x: 98.93549, y: -31.410524} - {x: 98.93549, y: -21.951597} - {x: 86.79308, y: -20.35906} - {x: 86.46941, y: -10.757647} - {x: 96.64728, y: -20.359062} - {x: 96.64728, y: -10.912228} - {x: 82.660034, y: -11.55018} - {x: 82.38279, y: -2.000934} - {x: 92.91055, y: -11.55018} - {x: 92.91055, y: -2.0517402} - {x: 79.71566, y: -3.6707394} - {x: 79.600655, y: 5.8561244} - {x: 90.26643, y: -3.6707394} - {x: 90.26643, y: 5.8500166} - {x: 78.601814, y: 4.4480968} - {x: 78.635284, y: 13.972137} - {x: 89.270325, y: 4.4480968} - {x: 89.270325, y: 13.971676} - {x: 78.91426, y: 12.686871} - {x: 79.083435, y: 22.216763} - {x: 89.54951, y: 12.686871} - {x: 89.54951, y: 22.204603} - {x: 80.47734, y: 17.867685} - {x: 81.08161, y: 27.482803} - {x: 90.948944, y: 17.867685} - {x: 90.948944, y: 27.30105} - {x: 85.708374, y: 36.80041} - {x: 85.33257, y: 46.403866} - {x: 95.66387, y: 36.80041} - {x: 95.66387, y: 46.24524} - {x: 81.12845, y: 43.68531} - {x: 81.0413, y: 53.211178} - {x: 91.53321, y: 43.68531} - {x: 91.53321, y: 53.207058} - {x: 80.26292, y: 43.87207} - {x: 81.07777, y: 53.557354} - {x: 90.7567, y: 43.87207} - {x: 90.7567, y: 53.237103} - {x: 86.96988, y: 57.177685} - {x: 87.363655, y: 66.82217} - {x: 96.80774, y: 57.177685} - {x: 96.80774, y: 66.58234} - {x: 89.9957, y: 70.26317} - {x: 90.07848, y: 79.82764} - {x: 99.56146, y: 70.26317} - {x: 99.56146, y: 79.746475} - {x: 90.47613, y: 80.952225} - {x: 90.47614, y: 90.47604} - {x: 99.99995, y: 80.952225} - {x: 99.99995, y: 90.47603} - {x: 90.47619, y: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 100} - {x: 100, y: 90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 100} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000045209483, z: -0.0000000014577031, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.0000386403, z: -1.65897e-10, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000045209483, z: -6.271092e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999847, y: 0.0055333613, z: -0.000011854344, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.0000386403, z: 1.6589694e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.0007674028, z: -0.00000005694303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999847, y: 0.0055333637, z: -0.000010822284, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970976, y: 0.07611039, z: -0.0018774512, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.0007674029, z: 0.00000005694306, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999866, y: 0.005174712, z: -0.000001930844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970976, y: 0.076112114, z: -0.0018078414, w: -1} - {x: 0.98698086, y: 0.16073963, z: -0.005613819, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998665, y: 0.0051747174, z: 0.0000019308798, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993562, y: 0.035878688, z: -0.0000953923, w: -1} - {x: 0.98698044, y: 0.1607657, z: -0.0048965146, w: -1} - {x: 0.98453814, y: 0.17516977, z: -0.0005570174, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993561, y: 0.03588056, z: 0.000095483505, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963933, y: 0.026856821, z: -0.000039300117, w: -1} - {x: 0.98453814, y: 0.17516953, z: -0.0006112697, w: -1} - {x: 0.9855045, y: 0.16958977, z: -0.0045018415, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963933, y: 0.026856324, z: 0.000039315582, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938742, y: 0.110513635, z: -0.0008905899, w: -1} - {x: 0.98550165, y: 0.16964452, z: -0.00267701, w: -1} - {x: 0.9769493, y: 0.2133686, z: -0.0066206073, w: -1} - {x: 0.99386823, y: 0.110566765, z: 0.00089869223, w: -1} - {x: 0.97869897, y: 0.2052997, z: -0.0004838407, w: -1} - {x: 0.9768929, y: 0.21371238, z: -0.0027162018, w: -1} - {x: 0.9708165, y: 0.23982278, z: -0.0006955772, w: -1} - {x: 0.9786946, y: 0.2053207, z: 0.00048620361, w: -1} - {x: 0.9693799, y: 0.24556588, z: -0.000042619664, w: -1} - {x: 0.9708084, y: 0.23985638, z: -0.000028873752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9626861, y: 0.27061957, z: -0.0006984334, w: -1} - {x: 0.9693798, y: 0.24556641, z: 0.000042637777, w: -1} - {x: 0.9594832, y: 0.28176573, z: -0.00011074744, w: -1} - {x: 0.96267915, y: 0.2706452, z: 0.000043707045, w: -1} - {x: 0.9465736, y: 0.32248262, z: -0.0018105493, w: -1} - {x: 0.9594826, y: 0.281768, z: 0.00011087043, w: -1} - {x: 0.94065154, y: 0.33937377, z: -0.00029201875, w: -1} - {x: 0.9465415, y: 0.32258224, z: 0.000060912804, w: -1} - {x: 0.9238351, y: 0.3827821, z: -0.002584905, w: -1} - {x: 0.9406481, y: 0.33938345, z: 0.00029287173, w: -1} - {x: 0.90184534, y: 0.4320581, z: -0.00082315947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9236754, y: 0.38316917, z: 0.002241755, w: -1} - {x: 0.90701455, y: 0.42107913, z: 0.004122576, w: -1} - {x: 0.9018242, y: 0.43210235, z: 0.0008299867, w: -1} - {x: 0.8498174, y: 0.5270766, z: -0.0007974537, w: -1} - {x: 0.9067427, y: 0.42157468, z: 0.009614184, w: -1} - {x: 0.90226007, y: 0.4310611, z: 0.010635609, w: -1} - {x: 0.8497921, y: 0.5271174, z: 0.0008038207, w: -1} - {x: 0.81646127, y: 0.5774003, z: -0.0001490633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9021829, y: 0.4311755, z: 0.012396741, w: -1} - {x: 0.90097046, y: 0.43385822, z: 0.004386079, w: -1} - {x: 0.81645894, y: 0.57740355, z: 0.00014928143, w: -1} - {x: 0.8136381, y: 0.58137167, z: -0.0000054534075, w: -1} - {x: 0.900972, y: 0.43385613, z: 0.0042803898, w: -1} - {x: 0.89891183, y: 0.43797246, z: -0.011733184, w: -1} - {x: 0.8136381, y: 0.5813717, z: 0.0000054535317, w: -1} - {x: 0.8772079, y: 0.48010722, z: -0.0018295324, w: -1} - {x: 0.89913076, y: 0.43763754, z: -0.006102185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9315231, y: 0.36329746, z: -0.01672242, w: -1} - {x: 0.8772919, y: 0.47995353, z: 0.001863592, w: -1} - {x: 0.95343554, y: 0.30158326, z: -0.002846274, w: -1} - {x: 0.9329254, y: 0.36006305, z: 0.0021772485, w: -1} - {x: 0.97667164, y: 0.21459706, z: -0.007786163, w: -1} - {x: 0.9535338, y: 0.3012717, z: 0.002931344, w: -1} - {x: 0.994134, y: 0.10812904, z: -0.0023525078, w: -1} - {x: 0.9774808, y: 0.2107059, z: 0.011588918, w: -1} - {x: 0.99871254, y: 0.050712455, z: -0.0012343148, w: -1} - {x: 0.99415934, y: 0.107894875, z: 0.002410722, w: -1} - {x: 0.99955827, y: 0.029719386, z: 0.0000015570835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987389, y: 0.050121307, z: 0.0029177943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999956, y: 0.0029937243, z: 0.00018701323, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000012923144, z: -5.0102333e-10, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000045209483, z: 2.0903633e-10, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000012923145, z: 0.00000000150307, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979746, y: 0.020122614, z: -0.0002303794, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000045209483, z: 0.0000000018757758, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998474, y: 0.005533395, z: 0.0000032454248, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997975, y: 0.020123554, z: -0.00014889364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899221, y: 0.14099, z: -0.013272261, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999847, y: 0.005533429, z: 0.000019032937, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970944, y: 0.07617341, z: 0.00065375323, w: -1} - {x: 0.98986375, y: 0.14196718, z: -0.0038755117, w: -1} - {x: 0.9568823, y: 0.2900358, z: -0.015980931, w: -1} - {x: 0.99708563, y: 0.07623143, z: 0.0030013616, w: -1} - {x: 0.9869374, y: 0.16106568, z: 0.0035302495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9564571, y: 0.2918391, z: -0.004457487, w: -1} - {x: 0.9404661, y: 0.33988598, z: -0.0009517586, w: -1} - {x: 0.98690355, y: 0.16117413, z: 0.006658425, w: -1} - {x: 0.98453575, y: 0.1751779, z: 0.001430649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9404659, y: 0.33988658, z: -0.0009432719, w: -1} - {x: 0.9359319, y: 0.3521747, z: 0.002105745, w: -1} - {x: 0.98453724, y: 0.17517433, z: 0.00053771836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854677, y: 0.16982642, z: 0.003527895, w: -1} - {x: 0.9359285, y: 0.35218975, z: 0.0004078707, w: -1} - {x: 0.94335407, y: 0.33178493, z: -0.0013510084, w: -1} - {x: 0.98546803, y: 0.16982508, z: 0.0034812992, w: -1} - {x: 0.97669655, y: 0.21452235, z: 0.0066349455, w: -1} - {x: 0.943345, y: 0.3318133, z: 0.00019732348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9629687, y: 0.26960468, z: 0.0021387713, w: -1} - {x: 0.97675776, y: 0.21430655, z: 0.0041220197, w: -1} - {x: 0.97079045, y: 0.23992527, z: 0.0013437018, w: -1} - {x: 0.9630182, y: 0.2694359, z: -0.0005154422, w: -1} - {x: 0.9624723, y: 0.2713789, z: -0.0006884379, w: -1} - {x: 0.9708063, y: 0.23986481, z: 0.00013813918, w: -1} - {x: 0.96268713, y: 0.27061582, z: -0.0008067707, w: -1} - {x: 0.9624783, y: 0.2713566, z: -0.0010009126, w: -1} - {x: 0.94358116, y: 0.3310984, z: -0.0053295596, w: -1} - {x: 0.9626717, y: 0.2706707, z: 0.0007860011, w: -1} - {x: 0.9465667, y: 0.32250512, z: -0.0013894584, w: -1} - {x: 0.9434961, y: 0.3313755, z: -0.0022998524, w: -1} - {x: 0.92859185, y: 0.37106997, z: -0.0049279314, w: -1} - {x: 0.94650894, y: 0.3226726, z: 0.0017772218, w: -1} - {x: 0.9238304, y: 0.3827943, z: -0.0024344635, w: -1} - {x: 0.92845637, y: 0.37143928, z: -0.0013075668, w: -1} - {x: 0.9338168, y: 0.3577513, z: 0.0004757385, w: -1} - {x: 0.9237118, y: 0.38308626, z: 0.0011985978, w: -1} - {x: 0.9072947, y: 0.42048952, z: -0.0022339844, w: -1} - {x: 0.93367356, y: 0.3580961, z: 0.0045630713, w: -1} - {x: 0.94244695, y: 0.3342712, z: 0.0075291283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9075245, y: 0.41991872, z: -0.008218221, w: -1} - {x: 0.9028186, y: 0.42999363, z: -0.004893824, w: -1} - {x: 0.9425793, y: 0.33396685, z: 0.0032052733, w: -1} - {x: 0.92542887, y: 0.37891948, z: 0.0011866381, w: -1} - {x: 0.90302336, y: 0.42939445, z: -0.013007236, w: -1} - {x: 0.90106124, y: 0.4336728, z: -0.0040799235, w: -1} - {x: 0.9257085, y: 0.37812853, z: -0.0090844035, w: -1} - {x: 0.881615, y: 0.47169518, z: -0.016080158, w: -1} - {x: 0.9010632, y: 0.43366572, z: -0.0043756543, w: -1} - {x: 0.89961404, y: 0.4365544, z: 0.010715552, w: -1} - {x: 0.88155425, y: 0.47189534, z: -0.013299328, w: -1} - {x: 0.85559577, y: 0.5174313, z: 0.014856341, w: -1} - {x: 0.8995463, y: 0.4367574, z: 0.0077059516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9330718, y: 0.3596625, z: 0.0044650007, w: -1} - {x: 0.8555419, y: 0.51758045, z: 0.012589228, w: -1} - {x: 0.8784337, y: 0.47607437, z: 0.041321438, w: -1} - {x: 0.93331623, y: 0.3589555, z: 0.008475921, w: -1} - {x: 0.97581923, y: 0.21744485, z: -0.02223631, w: -1} - {x: 0.87897056, y: 0.4744839, z: 0.047703974, w: -1} - {x: 0.9576083, y: 0.28795505, z: 0.0082595255, w: -1} - {x: 0.9772366, y: 0.21210037, z: 0.004693134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982541, y: 0.053945854, z: -0.024056597, w: -1} - {x: 0.96096236, y: 0.27219263, z: 0.04962411, w: -1} - {x: 0.99720216, y: 0.071828365, z: -0.020701665, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987462, y: 0.049769554, z: 0.005385504, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999535, y: 0.003039336, z: -0.0005431515, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979058, y: 0.06315121, z: 0.014000022, w: -1} - {x: 0.999923, y: 0.012406293, z: 0.00032426274, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000012923144, z: -5.0102333e-10, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997689, y: 0.021488803, z: -0.00050465413, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000012923144, z: -5.0102333e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997974, y: 0.020125806, z: 0.000046951714, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997688, y: 0.021502197, z: 0.00006598927, w: -1} - {x: 0.98386765, y: 0.17775463, z: -0.020195214, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979734, y: 0.020129062, z: 0.0003300039, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897976, y: 0.1424762, z: 0.001068575, w: -1} - {x: 0.98360026, y: 0.18032853, z: -0.0034950078, w: -1} - {x: 0.927188, y: 0.37347573, z: -0.028954448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894785, y: 0.14389594, z: 0.015042564, w: -1} - {x: 0.95635474, y: 0.2922003, z: -0.0021179793, w: -1} - {x: 0.9266299, y: 0.37535027, z: -0.021663133, w: -1} - {x: 0.87852925, y: 0.47593173, z: -0.040930673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9555139, y: 0.29462093, z: 0.013843176, w: -1} - {x: 0.9403291, y: 0.340241, z: 0.0041596834, w: -1} - {x: 0.8774031, y: 0.479094, z: -0.025155207, w: -1} - {x: 0.8668081, y: 0.49855202, z: -0.009469136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9404346, y: 0.33997455, z: 0.00031113144, w: -1} - {x: 0.93592745, y: 0.35219288, z: 0.00003893829, w: -1} - {x: 0.8668341, y: 0.49849173, z: -0.010231199, w: -1} - {x: 0.9232905, y: 0.38409424, z: -0.0025135172, w: -1} - {x: 0.93592465, y: 0.35219955, z: -0.00076999166, w: -1} - {x: 0.94334507, y: 0.33181313, z: 0.00018665765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9232936, y: 0.38408768, z: -0.002400855, w: -1} - {x: 0.9597515, y: 0.28071108, z: -0.008855651, w: -1} - {x: 0.943341, y: 0.33182392, z: 0.0007884623, w: -1} - {x: 0.9628265, y: 0.26999173, z: 0.00834252, w: -1} - {x: 0.96000886, y: 0.27995256, z: 0.0031045745, w: -1} - {x: 0.9694229, y: 0.24514718, z: 0.011052228, w: -1} - {x: 0.9630268, y: 0.26940382, z: -0.0010168047, w: -1} - {x: 0.9624821, y: 0.2713426, z: -0.001197403, w: -1} - {x: 0.969584, y: 0.2447585, z: -0.00040855762, w: -1} - {x: 0.96040845, y: 0.2785954, z: -0.00043316605, w: -1} - {x: 0.96241415, y: 0.27157778, z: 0.002117688, w: -1} - {x: 0.9435043, y: 0.33135027, z: -0.00257739, w: -1} - {x: 0.9601996, y: 0.27927175, z: 0.004900281, w: -1} - {x: 0.94684184, y: 0.3216947, z: 0.0017848283, w: -1} - {x: 0.94327766, y: 0.33197585, z: 0.0043823565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9283891, y: 0.3716096, z: 0.00037865396, w: -1} - {x: 0.94651455, y: 0.3225575, z: 0.008178709, w: -1} - {x: 0.94561833, y: 0.32524255, z: 0.004832327, w: -1} - {x: 0.92835826, y: 0.37168503, z: 0.001128602, w: -1} - {x: 0.93372023, y: 0.3579884, z: 0.0032788885, w: -1} - {x: 0.945559, y: 0.32538566, z: 0.0064925705, w: -1} - {x: 0.9421383, y: 0.33515748, z: 0.0066997698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9339585, y: 0.35735813, z: -0.0041003274, w: -1} - {x: 0.9427001, y: 0.3336385, z: -0.0013636063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9423791, y: 0.33454376, z: -0.0014529208, w: -1} - {x: 0.90861124, y: 0.41735312, z: -0.015558896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9426379, y: 0.33381522, z: 0.0010830053, w: -1} - {x: 0.9254752, y: 0.37880817, z: -0.00029142178, w: -1} - {x: 0.90774333, y: 0.4195206, z: -0.0020959491, w: -1} - {x: 0.8569122, y: 0.5153844, z: -0.008968767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9249701, y: 0.37980488, z: 0.01336154, w: -1} - {x: 0.880916, y: 0.47322544, z: 0.006688548, w: -1} - {x: 0.85289687, y: 0.5216747, z: 0.02055402, w: -1} - {x: 0.8379068, y: 0.545496, z: 0.018614855, w: -1} - {x: 0.88034075, y: 0.47395653, z: 0.019113405, w: -1} - {x: 0.85456586, y: 0.5191457, z: -0.014311751, w: -1} - {x: 0.8367685, y: 0.5467972, z: 0.028830647, w: -1} - {x: 0.83612525, y: 0.5483514, z: -0.014328102, w: -1} - {x: 0.8545633, y: 0.5191485, z: -0.014366004, w: -1} - {x: 0.8650225, y: 0.49826863, z: -0.058859657, w: -1} - {x: 0.83604074, y: 0.54843956, z: -0.015808778, w: -1} - {x: 0.83410007, y: 0.5478283, z: -0.064507, w: -1} - {x: 0.86647856, y: 0.49664077, z: -0.05062423, w: -1} - {x: 0.93264264, y: 0.33651328, z: -0.13014051, w: -1} - {x: 0.8409369, y: 0.53965676, z: -0.03994411, w: -1} - {x: 0.90875214, y: 0.40917256, z: -0.08214134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9540415, y: 0.29890865, z: -0.021412108, w: -1} - {x: 0.9928289, y: 0.08695529, z: -0.08203348, w: -1} - {x: 0.94095653, y: 0.33701432, z: 0.031971168, w: -1} - {x: 0.98660946, y: 0.14582476, z: -0.0730543, w: -1} - {x: 0.99783427, y: 0.06565574, z: 0.004018855, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991584, y: 0.012668007, z: -0.0027970923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940186, y: 0.104879014, z: 0.030453831, w: -1} - {x: 0.999496, y: 0.031722553, z: 0.0012608977, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990976, y: 0.013433259, z: -0.00024421778, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997689, y: 0.021500135, z: -0.000022103079, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990964, y: 0.013440049, z: 0.00012943163, w: -1} - {x: 0.993813, y: 0.110443294, z: -0.0117471, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976844, y: 0.021511443, z: 0.00046002172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836603, y: 0.179931, z: -0.0060961656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935447, y: 0.113314405, z: 0.0053570387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9507045, y: 0.3099736, z: -0.00878344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9826021, y: 0.18429925, z: 0.022953859, w: -1} - {x: 0.9258863, y: 0.37758327, z: -0.012865044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9477263, y: 0.3187282, z: 0.015073812, w: -1} - {x: 0.84012574, y: 0.5376098, z: -0.07186386, w: -1} - {x: 0.9209528, y: 0.38838956, z: 0.031616423, w: -1} - {x: 0.87521225, y: 0.48373854, z: -0.0007483037, w: -1} - {x: 0.8295567, y: 0.55806696, z: -0.019922117, w: -1} - {x: 0.78902644, y: 0.6132703, z: -0.0365616, w: -1} - {x: 0.8711195, y: 0.48987466, z: 0.03425861, w: -1} - {x: 0.86581707, y: 0.5001931, z: 0.012952807, w: -1} - {x: 0.7844099, y: 0.62024236, z: 0.00082033273, w: -1} - {x: 0.8263068, y: 0.5631968, z: -0.0051399185, w: -1} - {x: 0.8658386, y: 0.500166, z: 0.012551766, w: -1} - {x: 0.9236175, y: 0.38303214, z: 0.014739423, w: -1} - {x: 0.82748395, y: 0.56068325, z: 0.030074567, w: -1} - {x: 0.883823, y: 0.4590344, z: 0.09024603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9235406, y: 0.3833933, z: 0.009078698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9599733, y: 0.28008983, z: 0.0009862992, w: -1} - {x: 0.8824638, y: 0.46692684, z: 0.05689463, w: -1} - {x: 0.96690416, y: 0.25512186, z: 0.0030518146, w: -1} - {x: 0.9600379, y: 0.2798242, z: 0.005067487, w: -1} - {x: 0.96958506, y: 0.24475412, z: -0.00053327164, w: -1} - {x: 0.96704274, y: 0.25452518, z: 0.0067304294, w: -1} - {x: 0.98148656, y: 0.19150351, z: 0.0032364384, w: -1} - {x: 0.96958536, y: 0.2447527, z: -0.00057328877, w: -1} - {x: 0.96061414, y: 0.27780816, z: -0.0065621524, w: -1} - {x: 0.9815047, y: 0.19142835, z: 0.0019355739, w: -1} - {x: 0.9794442, y: 0.20164794, z: 0.0052034613, w: -1} - {x: 0.9605651, y: 0.27801046, z: -0.004995015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9474176, y: 0.31976965, z: -0.012136561, w: -1} - {x: 0.9793896, y: 0.2018721, z: 0.00661307, w: -1} - {x: 0.97624254, y: 0.21663621, z: 0.0043833875, w: -1} - {x: 0.94723403, y: 0.3204622, z: -0.007180847, w: -1} - {x: 0.94592065, y: 0.32435596, z: -0.0052257697, w: -1} - {x: 0.97599435, y: 0.2175638, z: 0.010056301, w: -1} - {x: 0.96104276, y: 0.27639982, z: -0.00019605942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9458777, y: 0.32450366, z: -0.0035761606, w: -1} - {x: 0.94240695, y: 0.33445874, z: -0.0025588379, w: -1} - {x: 0.9608138, y: 0.27714244, z: 0.005370853, w: -1} - {x: 0.9332155, y: 0.35930663, z: -0.002727164, w: -1} - {x: 0.9422662, y: 0.3348543, z: 0.0026355614, w: -1} - {x: 0.908005, y: 0.41891778, z: -0.00588943, w: -1} - {x: 0.93269354, y: 0.3606306, z: 0.005317809, w: -1} - {x: 0.90741444, y: 0.42022732, z: 0.002822889, w: -1} - {x: 0.90678614, y: 0.4214625, z: 0.010401805, w: -1} - {x: 0.85721827, y: 0.5148249, z: -0.01148984, w: -1} - {x: 0.90601534, y: 0.4229811, z: 0.014940045, w: -1} - {x: 0.9201074, y: 0.39096054, z: 0.02349799, w: -1} - {x: 0.85755163, y: 0.5141994, z: -0.014291098, w: -1} - {x: 0.8403262, y: 0.5420415, z: -0.0065522236, w: -1} - {x: 0.91999537, y: 0.3911667, z: 0.024435459, w: -1} - {x: 0.93318206, y: 0.3575556, z: 0.036402635, w: -1} - {x: 0.84230363, y: 0.53796816, z: -0.03338936, w: -1} - {x: 0.8373401, y: 0.54653704, z: 0.012601971, w: -1} - {x: 0.93571025, y: 0.35273805, z: 0.0047134054, w: -1} - {x: 0.93589294, y: 0.3521848, z: -0.008380881, w: -1} - {x: 0.83732796, y: 0.5465638, z: 0.012242571, w: -1} - {x: 0.859431, y: 0.5094829, z: 0.042489957, w: -1} - {x: 0.9361289, y: 0.3516566, z: 0.00056831125, w: -1} - {x: 0.91638845, y: 0.39992157, z: -0.017172903, w: -1} - {x: 0.8565744, y: 0.5152911, z: 0.027483081, w: -1} - {x: 0.91872483, y: 0.3913394, z: -0.052897222, w: -1} - {x: 0.9132973, y: 0.40606722, z: -0.031582363, w: -1} - {x: 0.916085, y: 0.39669922, z: -0.05846352, w: -1} - {x: 0.92419577, y: 0.38029772, z: -0.035154633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9766752, y: 0.16877078, z: -0.13274752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9274166, y: 0.37292922, z: -0.028672881, w: -1} - {x: 0.97005415, y: 0.18677513, z: -0.15527415, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929583, y: 0.11841685, z: -0.0033635327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993545, y: 0.033778016, z: -0.012231984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955535, y: 0.093749784, z: 0.009182586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998221, y: 0.014592262, z: -0.011958338, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999097, y: 0.013436917, z: -0.000042937507, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998474, y: 0.0055379737, z: 0.00009198725, w: -1} - {x: 0.99909884, y: 0.04241346, z: -0.0016927264, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999097, y: 0.013440574, z: 0.0001582829, w: -1} - {x: 0.99377036, y: 0.11121833, z: -0.007149811, w: -1} - {x: 0.99909043, y: 0.04263111, z: 0.00091699144, w: -1} - {x: 0.99202514, y: 0.1260362, z: 0.0009931421, w: -1} - {x: 0.99353987, y: 0.113347694, z: 0.0055565056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9547647, y: 0.29204077, z: -0.056003634, w: -1} - {x: 0.99191064, y: 0.12688345, z: 0.003720904, w: -1} - {x: 0.95958734, y: 0.27707484, z: -0.049210668, w: -1} - {x: 0.95056915, y: 0.31042022, z: -0.007579875, w: -1} - {x: 0.84692293, y: 0.51903623, z: -0.115425825, w: -1} - {x: 0.9465681, y: 0.32197475, z: 0.01846936, w: -1} - {x: 0.90143615, y: 0.4308276, z: -0.042432874, w: -1} - {x: 0.80742145, y: 0.58668786, z: 0.062193356, w: -1} - {x: 0.7799473, y: 0.6251083, z: 0.030361261, w: -1} - {x: 0.8493651, y: 0.5135914, z: 0.12166672, w: -1} - {x: 0.9300019, y: 0.35473406, z: 0.09622998, w: -1} - {x: 0.78557044, y: 0.61872363, z: -0.0077535156, w: -1} - {x: 0.8264719, y: 0.56297565, z: -0.001596679, w: -1} - {x: 0.9362538, y: 0.34824845, z: 0.046387702, w: -1} - {x: 0.9504079, y: 0.31063536, z: -0.0151845245, w: -1} - {x: 0.826467, y: 0.5629826, z: -0.0017059544, w: -1} - {x: 0.87589294, y: 0.4822369, z: -0.016096583, w: -1} - {x: 0.95088255, y: 0.30937132, z: 0.010571844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9183342, y: 0.38155186, z: -0.10526416, w: -1} - {x: -0.23174478, y: 0.12331911, z: -0.9649284, w: -1} - {x: -0.42750964, y: 0.042434618, z: -0.90301424, w: -1} - {x: -0.44267368, y: 0.21119699, z: -0.87145615, w: -1} - {x: -0.6284456, y: 0.22876173, z: -0.7434542, w: -1} - {x: 0.96743006, y: 0.2523506, z: 0.019955983, w: -1} - {x: 0.9815549, y: 0.19116214, z: -0.0026272584, w: -1} - {x: 0.9908227, y: 0.13510802, z: -0.004031402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958767, y: 0.09065442, z: 0.0033657223, w: -1} - {x: 0.9815512, y: 0.19118683, z: -0.0022068727, w: -1} - {x: 0.979848, y: 0.19960177, z: -0.0075462405, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958777, y: 0.090648234, z: 0.003233799, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933909, y: 0.114548795, z: 0.0072829123, w: -1} - {x: 0.979863, y: 0.19950497, z: -0.0081443805, w: -1} - {x: 0.9767539, y: 0.21407962, z: -0.011032113, w: -1} - {x: 0.9934073, y: 0.11444195, z: 0.0066996533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9829681, y: 0.1836133, z: -0.007736371, w: -1} - {x: 0.9767311, y: 0.2142272, z: -0.01015095, w: -1} - {x: 0.96155024, y: 0.27410004, z: -0.01703656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827264, y: 0.18505852, z: -0.0014890194, w: -1} - {x: 0.96460825, y: 0.26327375, z: -0.014764885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9610465, y: 0.27638674, z: -0.00029313017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9338443, y: 0.35740393, z: -0.014041643, w: -1} - {x: 0.96349007, y: 0.26769787, z: 0.004975505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9472025, y: 0.32060936, z: -0.0041240407, w: -1} - {x: 0.93323684, y: 0.3592485, z: -0.0030771038, w: -1} - {x: 0.90963686, y: 0.4149377, z: -0.019686317, w: -1} - {x: 0.9464486, y: 0.3228106, z: 0.0053254967, w: -1} - {x: 0.9512719, y: 0.3082208, z: 0.0090399785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9089679, y: 0.41668266, z: -0.012366891, w: -1} - {x: 0.9229057, y: 0.3850154, z: -0.0028708335, w: -1} - {x: 0.9505848, y: 0.31000656, z: 0.016865365, w: -1} - {x: 0.9598721, y: 0.27935722, z: 0.024595264, w: -1} - {x: 0.92414457, y: 0.38165346, z: -0.017249962, w: -1} - {x: 0.9363738, y: 0.3509441, z: -0.006512723, w: -1} - {x: 0.9610548, y: 0.2761906, z: 0.009614548, w: -1} - {x: 0.9707795, y: 0.2397274, z: 0.01086471, w: -1} - {x: 0.9362227, y: 0.35138723, z: -0.003766044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9362851, y: 0.35112068, z: 0.009194366, w: -1} - {x: 0.97065675, y: 0.2400921, z: 0.013462348, w: -1} - {x: 0.979519, y: 0.20121042, z: 0.007544628, w: -1} - {x: 0.93624383, y: 0.35129073, z: 0.0065030875, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271946, y: 0.3717252, z: 0.04615733, w: -1} - {x: 0.97951704, y: 0.20124063, z: 0.0069716126, w: -1} - {x: 0.9726571, y: 0.22912246, z: -0.03796142, w: -1} - {x: 0.92233104, y: 0.38613477, z: 0.014335594, w: -1} - {x: 0.93552697, y: 0.35322672, z: -0.0044889054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9687023, y: 0.2402223, z: -0.06252212, w: -1} - {x: 0.9610227, y: 0.24559796, z: -0.12695286, w: -1} - {x: -0.93939257, y: -0.029434308, z: -0.34157768, w: -1} - {x: -0.9676936, y: 0.047564775, z: -0.24760184, w: -1} - {x: -0.9749155, y: 0.11106911, z: -0.19288196, w: -1} - {x: -0.9761451, y: 0.17327386, z: -0.1308318, w: -1} - {x: 0.99605364, y: 0.085678995, z: 0.023157436, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998745, y: 0.013597162, z: -0.008133669, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974925, y: -0.04538526, z: -0.054303344, w: -1} - {x: 0.99854356, y: -0.048832025, z: -0.022939155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999847, y: 0.0055349185, z: -0.000091947775, w: -1} - {x: 0.99909955, y: 0.04236945, z: -0.0022198993, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999422, y: 0.010755914, z: 0.000108272754, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996126, y: 0.027811011, z: 0.0010089992, w: -1} - {x: 0.999094, y: 0.042557836, z: 0.000037998427, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926585, y: 0.11904369, z: -0.021394439, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996112, y: 0.027851071, z: 0.0013188088, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989246, y: 0.04581058, z: 0.0071468, w: -1} - {x: 0.992496, y: 0.12153582, z: -0.013440862, w: -1} - {x: 0.96521556, y: 0.24096152, z: -0.10147181, w: -1} - {x: 0.99895847, y: 0.045260157, z: 0.005782943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9810436, y: 0.18914904, z: -0.042144828, w: -1} - {x: 0.9479006, y: 0.086337365, z: -0.30664352, w: -1} - {x: 0.90152484, y: 0.20553742, z: -0.3807981, w: -1} - {x: 0.97044593, y: 0.0028580336, z: -0.24130179, w: -1} - {x: 0.97792214, y: -0.025252068, z: -0.20743854, w: -1} - {x: 0.915909, y: 0.37961105, z: -0.13040818, w: -1} - {x: 0.9408072, y: 0.33840656, z: -0.019046709, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952326, y: 0.09364194, z: 0.027263727, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982052, y: -0.037580747, z: 0.046626262, w: -1} - {x: 0.941538, y: 0.33276078, z: -0.052692674, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508917, y: 0.30875814, z: 0.021758357, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991415, y: -0.04088697, z: 0.006666846, w: -1} - {x: 0.99605584, y: -0.088461205, z: 0.006887175, w: -1} - {x: 0.95089847, y: 0.3088641, z: 0.019875363, w: -1} - {x: 0.9476713, y: 0.29008204, z: 0.1333098, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960852, y: -0.08834922, z: 0.0029220888, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974576, y: -0.063622065, z: -0.032101493, w: -1} - {x: -0.9472515, y: -0.28105074, z: -0.15402962, w: -1} - {x: -0.99128693, y: -0.0950194, z: -0.09122256, w: -1} - {x: -0.9963826, y: 0.08382068, z: -0.013996222, w: -1} - {x: -0.9977753, y: 0.04758864, z: -0.04668672, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907272, y: 0.1357516, z: -0.0055887173, w: -1} - {x: 0.99589986, y: 0.090457514, z: -0.0008171799, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993334, y: -0.010445035, z: -0.034981664, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999941, y: 0.0034321586, z: -0.00029335596, w: -1} - {x: 0.99590576, y: 0.09025937, z: -0.0049929633, w: -1} - {x: 0.99378455, y: 0.109513015, z: -0.019977141, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997914, y: 0.003166971, z: -0.005633064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983858, y: 0.056686327, z: -0.003532615, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936035, y: 0.11291337, z: -0.0016218906, w: -1} - {x: 0.9832554, y: 0.18142621, z: -0.017128844, w: -1} - {x: 0.99801457, y: 0.061366472, z: 0.014181795, w: -1} - {x: 0.99529034, y: 0.096088246, z: 0.012816214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823684, y: 0.18684925, z: 0.006298448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9645062, y: 0.26375788, z: -0.0126281865, w: -1} - {x: 0.99403, y: 0.10310706, z: 0.035683326, w: -1} - {x: 0.98919284, y: 0.14502448, z: 0.021573609, w: -1} - {x: 0.9640292, y: 0.26577097, z: -0.003682485, w: -1} - {x: 0.94804835, y: 0.31770298, z: -0.016405163, w: -1} - {x: 0.98838085, y: 0.14834544, z: 0.033119258, w: -1} - {x: 0.98722035, y: 0.15716304, z: 0.02637823, w: -1} - {x: 0.94716924, y: 0.3207131, z: -0.003681583, w: -1} - {x: 0.95189446, y: 0.30642372, z: 0.0012512908, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862962, y: 0.16027756, z: 0.039125685, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870994, y: 0.15540558, z: 0.038521964, w: -1} - {x: 0.9531073, y: 0.30216074, z: -0.016894005, w: -1} - {x: 0.9621848, y: 0.27226326, z: -0.008554204, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883138, y: 0.15123542, z: 0.019071436, w: -1} - {x: 0.98743665, y: 0.15717179, z: 0.016308596, w: -1} - {x: 0.96231204, y: 0.27172446, z: -0.011013207, w: -1} - {x: 0.9711591, y: 0.23842645, z: 0.0016929205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9874748, y: 0.1570136, z: 0.015501602, w: -1} - {x: 0.99486893, y: 0.09836928, z: 0.02365125, w: -1} - {x: 0.97161424, y: 0.23615839, z: -0.0139635485, w: -1} - {x: 0.97950643, y: 0.20135678, z: 0.004755645, w: -1} - {x: 0.99531394, y: 0.09662438, z: 0.0037213352, w: -1} - {x: 0.99855024, y: 0.053737774, z: -0.0031018849, w: -1} - {x: 0.9795061, y: 0.20135981, z: 0.004698234, w: -1} - {x: 0.98082244, y: 0.18874058, z: 0.0486237, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985204, y: 0.054003518, z: -0.0063816896, w: -1} - {x: 0.99859804, y: -0.022111412, z: -0.04809388, w: -1} - {x: 0.98137885, y: 0.18034162, z: 0.066124335, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970355, y: 0.06885577, z: 0.03433706, w: -1} - {x: 0.99846697, y: -0.02008125, z: -0.051578764, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848125, y: -0.09069753, z: -0.14804819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9957907, y: -0.090428315, z: -0.014953383, w: -1} - {x: -0.9945668, y: 0.0106430175, z: 0.103555426, w: -1} - {x: -0.98360837, y: 0.06311383, z: 0.1689118, w: -1} - {x: -0.9881192, y: 0.05638058, z: 0.14297429, w: -1} - {x: 0.98973453, y: -0.12770875, z: 0.06415601, w: -1} - {x: 0.99703956, y: -0.06421162, z: 0.042297237, w: -1} - {x: 0.98941064, y: -0.1446532, z: 0.011911469, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980519, y: -0.01415734, z: 0.060761236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999424, y: 0.010718278, z: -0.0005833242, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996231, y: 0.027243085, z: -0.0033806898, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999994, y: 0.0011340905, z: -0.0000700557, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985874, y: -0.016683925, z: 0.002025289, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962294, y: 0.027299624, z: -0.002943857, w: -1} - {x: 0.99920064, y: 0.035469033, z: -0.018440723, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985355, y: -0.016355837, z: 0.0050240518, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994508, y: -0.033086613, z: 0.0018293384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989877, y: 0.029010309, z: -0.03438025, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854788, y: 0.10859963, z: -0.13052827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99846745, y: -0.04752309, z: -0.028358761, w: -1} - {x: 0.9754579, y: -0.18446785, z: 0.12022301, w: -1} - {x: 0.96429443, y: -0.0196196, z: -0.26410466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9733984, y: -0.035114866, z: -0.2264124, w: -1} - {x: 0.9528158, y: -0.30172217, z: -0.033254128, w: -1} - {x: 0.92823696, y: -0.3685055, z: -0.05079297, w: -1} - {x: 0.99726343, y: 0.05597897, z: -0.04829109, w: -1} - {x: 0.99914634, y: -0.041255448, z: 0.0021627399, w: -1} - {x: 0.9437824, y: -0.31552988, z: 0.09856788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9662783, y: -0.25676277, z: 0.019472566, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910563, y: -0.04189703, z: -0.0057042562, w: -1} - {x: 0.99609035, y: -0.08832012, z: 0.0018992937, w: -1} - {x: 0.96624786, y: -0.25747773, z: 0.008383085, w: -1} - {x: 0.96879905, y: -0.24780732, z: -0.0044541783, w: -1} - {x: 0.99608946, y: -0.08832557, z: 0.0020901565, w: -1} - {x: 0.99445426, y: -0.09620612, z: 0.042487442, w: -1} - {x: 0.9688041, y: -0.24777874, z: -0.004926325, w: -1} - {x: 0.93738556, y: -0.34349084, z: -0.057640303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9930733, y: -0.102598935, z: 0.05726162, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937937, y: -0.06674478, z: 0.08898996, w: -1} - {x: 0.9358951, y: -0.34950858, z: -0.044092946, w: -1} - {x: 0.98882467, y: -0.13509361, z: 0.06305249, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981859, y: -0.044705193, z: 0.040330052, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993306, y: 0.0039860937, z: 0.010867017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932788, y: -0.11559779, z: -0.0058731856, w: -1} - {x: 0.99775827, y: 0.06278512, z: 0.023161069, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999926, y: 0.0035221365, z: 0.0015189443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984131, y: 0.055965677, z: -0.0062538185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981928, y: 0.060084514, z: 0.0009690427, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967885, y: 0.079133876, z: -0.012267911, w: -1} - {x: 0.99841046, y: 0.051619567, z: -0.022628387, w: -1} - {x: 0.99607223, y: 0.08100477, z: -0.035754144, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967871, y: 0.07503183, z: -0.02802998, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966317, y: 0.07364323, z: -0.03608248, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960403, y: 0.08016483, z: -0.03843642, w: -1} - {x: 0.991022, y: 0.12396228, z: -0.05008736, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966073, y: 0.07298437, z: -0.038041413, w: -1} - {x: 0.99793875, y: 0.056376774, z: -0.030659063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910728, y: 0.12974851, z: -0.030661272, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892532, y: 0.14321622, z: -0.029448515, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979898, y: 0.062355768, z: -0.011322459, w: -1} - {x: 0.99831754, y: 0.05743997, z: -0.007921028, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892761, y: 0.14179379, z: -0.0350323, w: -1} - {x: 0.98963255, y: 0.14044401, z: -0.030049076, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983388, y: 0.0563535, z: -0.011989785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973589, y: 0.071238756, z: -0.014153345, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894886, y: 0.14386716, z: -0.014649922, w: -1} - {x: 0.98842496, y: 0.15097594, z: -0.014914844, w: -1} - {x: 0.99716526, y: 0.0752287, z: 0.001471509, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991287, y: 0.04146981, z: 0.004701384, w: -1} - {x: 0.98829716, y: 0.15231968, z: -0.008209526, w: -1} - {x: 0.99530923, y: 0.09665801, z: 0.0041012187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990259, y: 0.042601123, z: 0.011507417, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997086, y: -0.019500498, z: 0.014227536, w: -1} - {x: 0.99538386, y: 0.09583521, z: -0.0051508215, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857736, y: 0.05322688, z: 0.0031838322, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979854, y: -0.019971555, z: 0.0020023293, w: -1} - {x: 0.99553865, y: -0.0930602, z: -0.015574163, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985781, y: 0.05314339, z: 0.004208584, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987539, y: -0.049904723, z: -0.0002436749, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955368, y: -0.09259135, z: -0.018257221, w: -1} - {x: 0.95793563, y: -0.26070324, z: -0.11997221, w: -1} - {x: -0.99095607, y: -0.026705038, z: 0.13150261, w: -1} - {x: -0.9816745, y: 0.03976406, z: 0.18637095, w: -1} - {x: -0.9529404, y: 0.13125493, z: 0.27327046, w: -1} - {x: -0.96201235, y: 0.10023012, z: 0.25394142, w: -1} - {x: -0.96021605, y: -0.074478775, z: 0.26914316, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570544, y: -0.030597446, z: 0.28828907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9415519, y: -0.008017231, z: 0.3367726, w: -1} - {x: -0.9763418, y: -0.022104075, z: 0.21510023, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925287, y: -0.11478396, z: -0.04136902, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999416, y: -0.010600931, z: 0.0021282316, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982965, y: -0.057029296, z: -0.0123213995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999739, y: -0.0066345227, z: 0.0028365417, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999934, y: 0.0011335601, z: -0.0000777858, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998587, y: -0.01677199, z: 0.0012201454, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996984, y: -0.007742379, z: 0.0007213656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992305, y: -0.039133403, z: 0.0026311616, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985313, y: -0.017073056, z: -0.0015332255, w: -1} - {x: 0.99922824, y: -0.038247664, z: -0.008953788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992298, y: -0.039079044, z: 0.0035744037, w: -1} - {x: 0.9865263, y: -0.16234675, z: 0.02023199, w: -1} - {x: 0.99567515, y: 0.010414727, z: 0.09231722, w: -1} - {x: 0.9638612, y: -0.07098827, z: 0.25677243, w: -1} - {x: 0.8888928, y: -0.07289306, z: 0.45227882, w: -1} - {x: 0.8508615, y: -0.14639, z: 0.5045837, w: -1} - {x: 0.68130106, y: 0.3303072, z: 0.6532427, w: -1} - {x: 0.6321872, y: 0.06660717, z: 0.77194744, w: -1} - {x: 0.63547254, y: 0.082530834, z: 0.7677001, w: -1} - {x: 0.6516981, y: 0.050855808, z: 0.7567715, w: -1} - {x: 0.9223351, y: -0.37793845, z: -0.08037679, w: -1} - {x: 0.96559316, y: -0.25921395, z: -0.020927306, w: -1} - {x: 0.8643549, y: -0.5024257, z: 0.021424795, w: -1} - {x: 0.8749749, y: -0.4840154, z: 0.012161752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9660623, y: -0.25826958, z: -0.0045219404, w: -1} - {x: 0.9686569, y: -0.24835622, z: 0.004798679, w: -1} - {x: 0.87598425, y: -0.4814677, z: 0.02899151, w: -1} - {x: 0.87338895, y: -0.4860908, z: -0.030123962, w: -1} - {x: 0.9686687, y: -0.24832106, z: 0.0041948417, w: -1} - {x: 0.9259609, y: -0.37706438, z: 0.020468542, w: -1} - {x: 0.87302536, y: -0.48711097, z: -0.02344382, w: -1} - {x: 0.9263955, y: -0.37522253, z: 0.031616583, w: -1} - {x: 0.9085587, y: -0.40671843, z: 0.09540048, w: -1} - {x: 0.95418805, y: -0.18173361, z: 0.23769331, w: -1} - {x: 0.8978584, y: -0.4060288, z: 0.1702673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9417328, y: 0.028901268, z: 0.33511797, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936159, y: -0.10972327, z: -0.026233437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982017, y: 0.059944022, z: -0.00017865359, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985385, y: 0.017048704, z: 0.0012333746, w: -1} - {x: 0.98866445, y: 0.15012133, z: -0.002498564, w: -1} - {x: 0.99807304, y: 0.06120907, z: 0.010180221, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960629, y: 0.08686821, z: 0.017682437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9885985, y: 0.15057519, z: -0.00035106402, w: -1} - {x: 0.98203844, y: 0.18859276, z: -0.005765703, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952829, y: 0.09097294, z: 0.033702854, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942686, y: 0.09903775, z: 0.040267963, w: -1} - {x: 0.98131216, y: 0.19226183, z: 0.007858288, w: -1} - {x: 0.98591477, y: 0.1664987, z: 0.015825566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948814, y: 0.096081786, z: 0.031293973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962879, y: 0.077391915, z: 0.037696563, w: -1} - {x: 0.98621243, y: 0.16512421, z: 0.010915515, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927429, y: 0.1166025, z: 0.029415002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977057, y: 0.06748874, z: 0.005348013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99810284, y: 0.061240874, z: 0.006344406, w: -1} - {x: 0.99421126, y: 0.10727625, z: -0.005981764, w: -1} - {x: 0.99640214, y: 0.08475151, z: -0.0000551215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980083, y: 0.06225784, z: 0.010169527, w: -1} - {x: 0.99704033, y: 0.07657974, z: 0.006779674, w: -1} - {x: 0.99629545, y: 0.08588556, z: 0.0043861093, w: -1} - {x: 0.99927497, y: 0.033869248, z: 0.017391346, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972875, y: 0.07337785, z: -0.0057860366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991286, y: 0.041471206, z: 0.0047098002, w: -1} - {x: 0.999489, y: 0.03146888, z: 0.005606975, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904174, y: -0.03865349, z: 0.02052947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991804, y: 0.038716074, z: -0.011816698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997993, y: -0.020015907, z: 0.0008472338, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991739, y: -0.040631816, z: 0.0006608946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948182, y: -0.101594605, z: 0.0039152317, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979436, y: -0.020138867, z: -0.0023589032, w: -1} - {x: 0.99530035, y: -0.09668875, z: 0.005330734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948364, y: -0.101490974, z: 0.00028176518, w: -1} - {x: 0.976038, y: -0.21697281, z: -0.016516654, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950646, y: -0.09821135, z: 0.01417765, w: -1} - {x: 0.94519126, y: -0.3243273, z: -0.037751436, w: -1} - {x: 0.97554344, y: -0.21959023, z: -0.009751989, w: -1} - {x: 0.9507171, y: -0.28734618, z: 0.11648714, w: -1} - {x: -0.90371007, y: -0.015907826, z: 0.42784923, w: -1} - {x: -0.9280691, y: -0.052147925, z: 0.3687389, w: -1} - {x: -0.94342446, y: -0.124729596, z: 0.30723408, w: -1} - {x: -0.95188177, y: -0.20474437, z: 0.22803706, w: -1} - {x: 0.93177813, y: -0.36212566, z: -0.025582803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9832027, y: -0.115138486, z: 0.14161773, w: -1} - {x: 0.9735285, y: -0.14953893, z: 0.17285913, w: -1} - {x: 0.97696835, y: -0.043797716, z: 0.2088409, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982919, y: -0.057207115, z: -0.011857024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999783, y: -0.0065817432, z: 0.0005391004, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998186, y: 0.016603354, z: 0.009328771, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999989, y: 0.0012526362, z: 0.00078220095, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996984, y: -0.0077591464, z: 0.00036021243, w: -1} - {x: 0.99923056, y: -0.039176077, z: 0.0018903225, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995315, y: -0.009653987, z: 0.0006536264, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976265, y: -0.02176296, z: 0.0010475866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992282, y: -0.03928269, z: 0.000037673177, w: -1} - {x: 0.9865237, y: -0.16240633, z: 0.019877048, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976254, y: -0.021791615, z: -0.000036762194, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989327, y: -0.04618665, z: 0.00050146616, w: -1} - {x: 0.98650396, y: -0.16278985, z: 0.017589098, w: -1} - {x: 0.9230607, y: -0.3559414, z: 0.14582409, w: -1} - {x: 0.99892783, y: -0.0462852, z: -0.00093601417, w: -1} - {x: 0.99252146, y: -0.12048449, z: 0.019611262, w: -1} - {x: 0.922447, y: -0.32456458, z: 0.20916347, w: -1} - {x: 0.87939537, y: -0.31853834, z: 0.3538319, w: -1} - {x: 0.96528167, y: -0.047533095, z: 0.25685003, w: -1} - {x: 0.89100844, y: -0.18375993, z: 0.41513383, w: -1} - {x: 0.84566927, y: -0.53154814, z: -0.04795832, w: -1} - {x: 0.8722218, y: -0.4886502, z: -0.021214323, w: -1} - {x: 0.91864383, y: -0.38372016, z: -0.09408674, w: -1} - {x: 0.9254821, y: -0.37542543, z: -0.050383985, w: -1} - {x: 0.87141097, y: -0.48968157, z: -0.029238025, w: -1} - {x: 0.86944884, y: -0.49351254, z: 0.022452477, w: -1} - {x: 0.92514914, y: -0.37586844, z: -0.053122327, w: -1} - {x: 0.960306, y: -0.2789481, z: 0.0005824316, w: -1} - {x: 0.8700538, y: -0.4926929, z: 0.016124656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9168213, y: -0.38908136, z: 0.08974598, w: -1} - {x: 0.9562745, y: -0.27770293, z: 0.09176194, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862708, y: -0.032974966, z: 0.16181064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9339797, y: -0.3541108, z: -0.04782842, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997401, y: 0.017558524, z: 0.014539632, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898016, y: -0.04198182, z: 0.016618103, w: -1} - {x: 0.99405265, y: 0.10475428, z: 0.029765008, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985075, y: 0.017097304, z: 0.002498313, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889109, y: 0.14797361, z: -0.012614049, w: -1} - {x: 0.99513084, y: 0.09853633, z: -0.0023201213, w: -1} - {x: 0.9901133, y: 0.14000918, z: -0.008541087, w: -1} - {x: 0.98853505, y: 0.1509834, z: 0.0015831148, w: -1} - {x: 0.98214585, y: 0.18794425, z: -0.00815924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9896769, y: 0.14326055, z: 0.003998787, w: -1} - {x: 0.98995435, y: 0.14130595, z: 0.004789059, w: -1} - {x: 0.98197913, y: 0.18893579, z: -0.0044979565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9866453, y: 0.16285875, z: 0.0028556054, w: -1} - {x: 0.98979133, y: 0.14227483, z: 0.008428237, w: -1} - {x: 0.992666, y: 0.12009764, z: 0.013808964, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868336, y: 0.16173534, z: -0.001126316, w: -1} - {x: 0.99361753, y: 0.1121238, z: 0.012347387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9928202, y: 0.11918631, z: 0.0101313, w: -1} - {x: 0.99557257, y: 0.09250263, z: 0.01669403, w: -1} - {x: 0.99397665, y: 0.10956066, z: 0.0026373991, w: -1} - {x: 0.99616855, y: 0.08701022, z: 0.008797543, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958714, y: 0.090439856, z: 0.0077914544, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984396, y: 0.053184785, z: 0.01702198, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964746, y: 0.083811946, z: -0.0037294293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994508, y: 0.032045323, z: 0.008434994, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987079, y: 0.050608534, z: 0.004616397, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998938, y: 0.0043037245, z: 0.013923863, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995519, y: 0.029835572, z: -0.0023992907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991713, y: -0.03989665, z: 0.008063325, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999919, y: 0.0027410828, z: 0.0029378734, w: -1} - {x: 0.99866796, y: -0.050275676, z: 0.011605703, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991649, y: -0.040837135, z: -0.0014104651, w: -1} - {x: 0.99483514, y: -0.10150149, z: 0.0006477984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987116, y: -0.050746236, z: -0.000119987155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948097, y: -0.10169913, z: 0.0033030028, w: -1} - {x: 0.99483645, y: -0.10149104, z: 0.00028344075, w: -1} - {x: 0.97680974, y: -0.21214937, z: -0.028903613, w: -1} - {x: 0.99484324, y: -0.10142327, z: 0.00048271994, w: -1} - {x: 0.998037, y: -0.049534775, z: 0.03832051, w: -1} - {x: 0.97561467, y: -0.21923041, z: -0.010683804, w: -1} - {x: 0.98331374, y: -0.18191113, z: 0.001549734, w: -1} - {x: 0.98503447, y: -0.08571082, z: 0.14953569, w: -1} - {x: 0.96890897, y: 0.056774445, z: 0.24081565, w: -1} - {x: -0.968114, y: 0.24164574, z: -0.06604944, w: -1} - {x: -0.97756565, y: 0.13765286, z: -0.15942721, w: -1} - {x: -0.95729005, y: -0.02105811, z: -0.28836125, w: -1} - {x: -0.96880436, y: 0.03046876, z: -0.24594666, w: -1} - {x: 0.98788065, y: 0.104635365, z: -0.11464381, w: -1} - {x: 0.99594, y: 0.043084554, z: -0.07903949, w: -1} - {x: 0.9786252, y: 0.2056153, z: 0.0038701156, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921365, y: 0.09374621, z: -0.08292595, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982625, y: 0.018215714, z: 0.0039640423, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999993, y: 0.0012562422, z: -0.000014099059, w: -1} - {x: 0.998271, y: 0.05530018, z: 0.019921187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978304, y: 0.020821406, z: 0.0005895984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999534, y: -0.009659403, z: 0.000093317125, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997627, y: -0.021775438, z: 0.0005754559, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999821, y: -0.0059865117, z: 0.000035840243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997627, y: -0.021775438, z: 0.00057545595, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989361, y: -0.0460381, z: 0.0026654818, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998164, y: -0.0059804907, z: 0.0010410596, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996932, y: -0.024744773, z: 0.0011599219, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989309, y: -0.04622882, z: -0.00011353221, w: -1} - {x: 0.99253494, y: -0.12022352, z: 0.020508116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996908, y: -0.024848022, z: -0.00094556366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993372, y: -0.036231283, z: -0.003531708, w: -1} - {x: 0.99251574, y: -0.1205898, z: 0.019249234, w: -1} - {x: 0.94196486, y: -0.32103232, z: 0.0981856, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993279, y: -0.03640525, z: -0.0042909393, w: -1} - {x: 0.99864084, y: -0.052111417, z: -0.000950692, w: -1} - {x: 0.9419732, y: -0.3208776, z: 0.098609954, w: -1} - {x: 0.9329195, y: -0.35424945, z: 0.06456403, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986495, y: -0.051951107, z: -0.0004934843, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985313, y: -0.0540625, z: 0.0035597382, w: -1} - {x: 0.93281484, y: -0.35589886, z: 0.056503, w: -1} - {x: 0.9603051, y: -0.27894932, z: -0.001187147, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984259, y: -0.055897515, z: -0.0045984224, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990946, y: -0.010648913, z: -0.008225415, w: -1} - {x: 0.96030605, y: -0.2789485, z: 0.00017890862, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990799, y: -0.042765006, z: 0.0032510036, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995303, y: -0.009401516, z: 0.0023532677, w: -1} - {x: 0.998018, y: 0.06288916, z: 0.0021959345, w: -1} - {x: 0.999071, y: -0.042559657, z: 0.0067685093, w: -1} - {x: 0.99516267, y: 0.098145634, z: -0.004318017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980245, y: 0.06280364, z: 0.0016543006, w: -1} - {x: 0.99576527, y: 0.09190951, z: -0.0020466927, w: -1} - {x: 0.99506456, y: 0.099222355, z: 0.0011932582, w: -1} - {x: 0.9901256, y: 0.13989525, z: -0.008978842, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956635, y: 0.0929897, z: 0.0026605474, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951602, y: 0.09824022, z: 0.002208037, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899571, y: 0.14132534, z: -0.0034760279, w: -1} - {x: 0.9902547, y: 0.13923678, z: -0.002958181, w: -1} - {x: 0.99499047, y: 0.09967391, z: 0.007684688, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963461, y: 0.08463049, z: 0.011493216, w: -1} - {x: 0.99044013, y: 0.13766003, z: -0.008839236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932418, y: 0.116036125, z: -0.0025295378, w: -1} - {x: 0.99651617, y: 0.08320238, z: 0.005743766, w: -1} - {x: 0.99770766, y: 0.06695943, z: 0.009800027, w: -1} - {x: 0.99339306, y: 0.114403315, z: -0.009060649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961089, y: 0.08810173, z: -0.002261045, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978544, y: 0.06540115, z: 0.0030441177, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987534, y: 0.04951391, z: 0.0063161897, w: -1} - {x: 0.99614966, y: 0.08754651, z: -0.004642229, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987187, y: 0.050457712, z: 0.0038913281, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987867, y: 0.04906853, z: 0.0041838363, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997264, y: 0.021274813, z: 0.009720589, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987932, y: 0.04902303, z: -0.0029993705, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998105, y: 0.003082859, z: 0.005340522, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997945, y: 0.02008242, z: 0.002783683, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998572, y: -0.0147432545, z: 0.008261585, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999714, y: 0.0021820376, z: -0.0009919514, w: -1} - {x: 0.99871355, y: -0.050631855, z: 0.0027462116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998797, y: -0.015483931, z: 0.0008841753, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990412, y: -0.04365624, z: 0.00329374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987125, y: -0.050726756, z: 0.00036879702, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948814, y: -0.100961395, z: -0.0042209667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990462, y: -0.043665405, z: -0.00034184544, w: -1} - {x: 0.999069, y: -0.043052167, z: 0.002779556, w: -1} - {x: 0.994866, y: -0.1011811, z: -0.0019863239, w: -1} - {x: 0.99919057, y: -0.039483223, z: 0.007695079, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990193, y: -0.043523796, z: 0.008122644, w: -1} - {x: 0.99950325, y: 0.024227614, z: 0.020152625, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993786, y: -0.03231561, z: -0.014072255, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820424, y: 0.16936597, z: 0.083112925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994574, y: 0.02377783, z: 0.022790303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951627, y: 0.09696378, z: 0.015781824, w: -1} - {x: -0.9731534, y: -0.07354202, z: -0.21809176, w: -1} - {x: -0.9809671, y: -0.023561997, z: -0.19273894, w: -1} - {x: -0.98442715, y: -0.0010614811, z: -0.1757901, w: -1} - {x: -0.9856212, y: 0.002564465, z: -0.1689504, w: -1} - {x: 0.97223896, y: 0.23260055, z: -0.025462028, w: -1} - {x: 0.99196374, y: 0.09428198, z: -0.084373735, w: -1} - {x: 0.97660464, y: 0.21158335, z: -0.038416244, w: -1} - {x: 0.9863634, y: 0.13797562, z: -0.089722335, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978399, y: 0.06534432, z: -0.006752659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997817, y: 0.02086619, z: -0.0009489912, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959379, y: 0.08757047, z: 0.02095371, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995038, y: 0.03133777, z: 0.0031646625, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999821, y: -0.0059865117, z: 0.000035840243, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999821, y: -0.0059865117, z: 0.000035840243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996931, y: -0.024742125, z: 0.0012139734, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.00032063274, z: -0.000013145905, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996931, y: -0.024742125, z: 0.0012139734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994028, y: -0.03396741, z: 0.0063398983, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.00034561497, z: 0.0005961614, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995902, y: -0.028417885, z: 0.0034495855, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993916, y: -0.03475486, z: 0.0029080075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987812, y: -0.04842016, z: 0.009568402, w: -1} - {x: 0.99959004, y: -0.028431876, z: 0.0033812907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989996, y: -0.043936953, z: 0.008319938, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986718, y: -0.051517718, z: 0.0007424307, w: -1} - {x: 0.99849695, y: -0.05480703, z: 0.0002517491, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988938, y: -0.047019854, z: -0.00063920824, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994877, y: -0.03144979, z: -0.005940863, w: -1} - {x: 0.99854785, y: -0.05356124, z: 0.0057852995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999474, y: -0.009962899, z: -0.0024064344, w: -1} - {x: 0.99957013, y: -0.029161079, z: 0.0030320964, w: -1} - {x: 0.999984, y: 0.0041840198, z: -0.0037716955, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999519, y: -0.009315602, z: 0.0030815476, w: -1} - {x: 0.99808514, y: 0.06151026, z: -0.0065221484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999825, y: 0.0052763964, z: 0.0026981076, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935174, y: 0.0359764, z: -0.0013883716, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980559, y: 0.062309157, z: -0.0014749285, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958623, y: 0.090511225, z: -0.008126279, w: -1} - {x: 0.99931693, y: 0.036826264, z: 0.0030851993, w: -1} - {x: 0.99865156, y: 0.05188762, z: 0.0016561311, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957749, y: 0.0917914, z: -0.0025608307, w: -1} - {x: 0.99531746, y: 0.09657042, z: -0.004155483, w: -1} - {x: 0.998564, y: 0.053135037, z: 0.0068291933, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991072, y: 0.040992383, z: 0.010227073, w: -1} - {x: 0.99536955, y: 0.0958843, z: -0.0067656366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967022, y: 0.0811014, z: -0.00269356, w: -1} - {x: 0.99915785, y: 0.040325895, z: 0.0075774826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991763, y: 0.03989007, z: 0.0074520316, w: -1} - {x: 0.99672997, y: 0.08068734, z: -0.0043535153, w: -1} - {x: 0.99790853, y: 0.064642034, z: -0.0002421912, w: -1} - {x: 0.99920344, y: 0.039485537, z: 0.0057777152, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991832, y: 0.040047456, z: 0.005407108, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979469, y: 0.06396856, z: -0.003155041, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988324, y: 0.04830667, z: 0.0005388343, w: -1} - {x: 0.99922085, y: 0.039392214, z: 0.0024349152, w: -1} - {x: 0.99960244, y: 0.027778566, z: 0.004830385, w: -1} - {x: 0.99886465, y: 0.047535557, z: -0.0031471576, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979687, y: 0.020016156, z: 0.0023983507, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963284, y: 0.027073557, z: 0.0010833371, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997306, y: 0.0053165643, z: 0.0050583556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998123, y: 0.019284561, z: -0.0018547953, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987864, y: -0.0152546605, z: 0.0031687005, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999889, y: 0.004682558, z: 0.0006179967, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998401, y: -0.017343726, z: 0.004348365, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998767, y: -0.015672617, z: -0.0009965996, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990462, y: -0.0436636, z: 0.00039334246, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998425, y: -0.017732354, z: -0.0007564271, w: -1} - {x: 0.99974763, y: -0.022452662, z: 0.0007599765, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904627, y: -0.043664537, z: 0.000010571146, w: -1} - {x: 0.99908537, y: -0.04275597, z: -0.0005689374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997479, y: -0.022452148, z: 0.0004516951, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990827, y: -0.013462517, z: 0.0014876759, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990884, y: -0.042655375, z: -0.0017049186, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996235, y: 0.0263672, z: 0.0075893574, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999089, y: -0.013443587, z: 0.0011795845, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991284, y: -0.041541714, z: -0.004084263, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962807, y: 0.026976475, z: 0.0040069777, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958021, y: 0.078801684, z: 0.046566527, w: -1} - {x: 0.99913067, y: -0.041089725, z: -0.0070348983, w: -1} - {x: 0.99244153, y: -0.10630447, z: -0.0613118, w: -1} - {x: -0.9957898, y: -0.08128579, z: -0.042369526, w: -1} - {x: -0.9926665, y: -0.08392023, z: -0.08700947, w: -1} - {x: -0.9923173, y: 0.1136028, z: 0.048997708, w: -1} - {x: -0.99730414, y: 0.055305142, z: 0.048226655, w: -1} - {x: -0.9858302, y: 0.001270564, z: -0.167742, w: -1} - {x: -0.9852705, y: -0.017331887, z: -0.17012249, w: -1} - {x: -0.99002725, y: 0.1368985, z: -0.033238847, w: -1} - {x: -0.9892903, y: 0.02347053, z: -0.1440618, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946919, y: 0.10230141, z: -0.011064598, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994134, y: 0.032897815, z: -0.009522621, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984711, y: 0.05424849, z: -0.010622532, w: -1} - {x: 0.99964666, y: 0.025994942, z: -0.005544555, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999946, y: 0.0010264472, z: -0.000003160883, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.0003275232, z: 0.0001549184, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: 0.0010264858, z: 0.000009483248, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999616, y: 0.008764292, z: -0.000014363961, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999999, y: 0.00033441294, z: 0.00032298226, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995917, y: -0.028269755, z: 0.004172509, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999606, y: 0.008796269, z: 0.0012158082, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999413, y: -0.010666128, z: -0.0018795346, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995564, y: -0.029664056, z: -0.0026352492, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989249, y: -0.046339408, z: 0.0013392554, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999255, y: -0.011195948, z: -0.0048574423, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984914, y: -0.01430761, z: -0.009845587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988775, y: -0.047340915, z: -0.001572965, w: -1} - {x: 0.999491, y: -0.03138887, z: -0.0057019, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980104, y: -0.015325592, z: -0.012764588, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978536, y: -0.018162174, z: -0.009971005, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995288, y: -0.030587237, z: -0.0025580246, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996513, y: 0.0035430812, z: -0.007567203, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998465, y: -0.016799284, z: -0.0049825306, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991626, y: -0.011943966, z: -0.00499244, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999878, y: 0.004461077, z: -0.002130893, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993653, y: 0.034757346, z: -0.00779835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999413, y: -0.010797753, z: 0.00092510646, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989253, y: 0.014255766, z: -0.003433046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993594, y: 0.035654075, z: -0.0030839657, w: -1} - {x: 0.998736, y: 0.049737144, z: -0.0072477637, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998845, y: 0.015173828, z: 0.0008882249, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996716, y: 0.007603585, z: 0.0028026632, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987273, y: 0.050114665, z: -0.005685988, w: -1} - {x: 0.999284, y: 0.03773908, z: -0.0026956936, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999571, y: 0.008025639, z: 0.0046393103, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999378, y: -0.0070354925, z: 0.008656171, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993057, y: 0.03625338, z: -0.0085881455, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993144, y: 0.036092054, z: -0.00824927, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999602, y: -0.008519963, z: 0.0026595094, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999997, y: -0.00026214114, z: 0.00073990575, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993026, y: 0.0371256, z: -0.003980566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992703, y: 0.037997834, z: -0.0038846226, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999861, y: 0.00086831796, z: 0.0051974677, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998065, y: 0.01967014, z: 0.00016669556, w: -1} - {x: 0.99925065, y: 0.0387, z: -0.0007032056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996292, y: 0.02718101, z: 0.0016543024, w: -1} - {x: 0.999787, y: 0.020374639, z: 0.0032982787, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997756, y: 0.020992639, z: 0.0028488822, w: -1} - {x: 0.99964106, y: 0.026788643, z: -0.00043036643, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999828, y: 0.0050289487, z: 0.0030439268, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997875, y: 0.02060586, z: 0.0006295901, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995697, y: 0.008833768, z: 0.0028384752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999895, y: 0.0045861867, z: -0.000056883193, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984455, y: -0.017529586, z: 0.0019078136, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996454, y: 0.008404981, z: -0.00060501165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999974, y: 0.0021572101, z: 0.0007440764, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984443, y: -0.017629325, z: 0.0005975132, w: -1} - {x: 0.999748, y: -0.022451347, z: -0.00002835693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: 0.0020491837, z: -0.0008146701, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999344, y: 0.0036278404, z: -0.000022086087, w: -1} - {x: 0.999748, y: -0.022451358, z: -0.000021843287, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999108, y: -0.013356816, z: -0.00023234237, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999344, y: 0.0036278379, z: -0.000024142524, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998089, y: -0.01952646, z: -0.00095728267, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999108, y: -0.013359248, z: -0.00019279694, w: -1} - {x: 0.999117, y: -0.04200062, z: -0.0010859139, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998072, y: -0.019639395, z: 0.00017729378, w: -1} - {x: 0.99161094, y: -0.1285329, z: -0.013677048, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898994, y: -0.043739226, z: 0.010296513, w: -1} - {x: 0.9873949, y: -0.15640864, z: 0.02424155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99085206, y: -0.13479196, z: 0.0065772412, w: -1} - {x: 0.9645, y: -0.26324803, z: 0.02097882, w: -1} - {x: 0.9715304, y: -0.20757425, z: 0.11420011, w: -1} - {x: 0.95684516, y: -0.24985027, z: 0.1483987, w: -1} - {x: 0.95235294, y: -0.29640332, z: 0.07189507, w: -1} - {x: 0.9505977, y: -0.30001384, z: 0.07972244, w: -1} - {x: -0.97038347, y: -0.11403241, z: 0.21296148, w: -1} - {x: -0.969044, y: -0.14669596, z: 0.19858015, w: -1} - {x: -0.95544034, y: -0.008492249, z: 0.29506192, w: -1} - {x: -0.9826981, y: -0.08381412, z: 0.16516595, w: -1} - {x: 0.99808174, y: 0.058720723, z: -0.019613652, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947053, y: 0.028471632, z: -0.015750682, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994338, y: 0.027260283, z: -0.019720336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997161, y: 0.017360566, z: -0.016321465, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999946, y: 0.0010264473, z: -0.0000031608831, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999627, y: 0.008638006, z: -0.00014478792, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999946, y: 0.0010264473, z: -0.0000031608831, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999616, y: 0.0087655205, z: 0.000032878037, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999627, y: 0.008640106, z: -0.000019518544, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946415, y: 0.032731537, z: -0.000350563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999613, y: 0.008778556, z: 0.00053448277, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999376, y: -0.009206466, z: 0.006321964, w: -1} - {x: 0.999464, y: 0.032738343, z: -0.00013871299, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973306, y: 0.07241804, z: -0.009346759, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999406, y: -0.009328542, z: 0.005636195, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992, y: -0.0072600455, z: 0.010354787, w: -1} - {x: 0.99733305, y: 0.072303556, z: -0.009950128, w: -1} - {x: 0.99493057, y: 0.09718702, z: -0.025843976, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990124, y: -0.0065301033, z: 0.012446203, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984837, y: -0.011982193, z: 0.012636931, w: -1} - {x: 0.99491006, y: 0.09797072, z: -0.0235724, w: -1} - {x: 0.99810994, y: 0.061309848, z: -0.0041911146, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988717, y: -0.014884941, z: 0.0020218089, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999411, y: -0.010827584, z: 0.00077111553, w: -1} - {x: 0.99816346, y: 0.05829043, z: -0.016489765, w: -1} - {x: 0.99817485, y: 0.05873006, z: -0.014064004, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993056, y: -0.0114875, z: -0.0026356033, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988127, y: 0.013350987, z: -0.0076904376, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981648, y: 0.05807811, z: -0.01714339, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944695, y: 0.10145749, z: -0.027143035, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998839, y: 0.015205168, z: 0.0010357681, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999672, y: 0.0076001813, z: 0.0027878457, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944678, y: 0.10332938, z: -0.018890526, w: -1} - {x: 0.99948835, y: 0.031974617, z: -0.00078547443, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997103, y: 0.0058362707, z: -0.0048869886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999532, y: -0.009553222, z: -0.0015152765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994979, y: 0.030620376, z: -0.008146418, w: -1} - {x: 0.99887425, y: -0.04687243, z: 0.007294214, w: -1} - {x: 0.999937, y: -0.010289574, z: -0.0044908575, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999753, y: -0.0021464948, z: -0.0066904863, w: -1} - {x: 0.99885935, y: -0.047556564, z: 0.004295556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951376, y: -0.096907996, z: 0.017607134, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998206, y: -0.0018913379, z: -0.0056843464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998004, y: 0.017434612, z: -0.009764567, w: -1} - {x: 0.99514604, y: -0.09658314, z: 0.018870374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996301, y: -0.027155483, z: 0.0014862758, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998098, y: 0.019491613, z: -0.000626739, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997922, y: 0.020374347, z: -0.00069853035, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963516, y: -0.0246176, z: 0.011116265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999098, y: 0.013422032, z: 0.00047080856, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978817, y: 0.020576132, z: 0.000459059, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999602, y: 0.008718848, z: 0.0019154928, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999061, y: 0.013614906, z: 0.0015666698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998673, y: 0.016252588, z: 0.0010981886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999631, y: 0.008564137, z: 0.0006730446, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999974, y: 0.0021624344, z: 0.00081950054, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987054, y: 0.016090827, z: -0.00025474853, w: -1} - {x: 0.999764, y: 0.021717617, z: -0.00055909116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999974, y: 0.002161939, z: 0.00081235793, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999344, y: 0.0036278076, z: -0.00007167232, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976397, y: 0.021721708, z: -0.00050261564, w: -1} - {x: 0.999661, y: 0.026037281, z: -0.00009953832, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999344, y: 0.0036278593, z: 0.000009256114, w: -1} - {x: 0.999809, y: -0.01933995, z: -0.0028303983, w: -1} - {x: 0.99966085, y: 0.026039591, z: -0.00041522537, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999895, y: -0.004575076, z: -0.000046531055, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998087, y: -0.019541921, z: -0.0008019799, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918851, y: -0.12386641, z: -0.028653482, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998915, y: -0.004647308, z: 0.00039523764, w: -1} - {x: 0.99734145, y: -0.072816506, z: -0.002796209, w: -1} - {x: 0.99135906, y: -0.13105983, z: -0.0055231485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9765726, y: -0.20517494, z: -0.06487848, w: -1} - {x: 0.99673855, y: -0.0795069, z: 0.013818671, w: -1} - {x: 0.98553115, y: -0.16453883, z: -0.04068559, w: -1} - {x: 0.9765929, y: -0.20499663, z: -0.06513604, w: -1} - {x: 0.98017293, y: -0.18678893, z: -0.06611293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858978, y: -0.16119285, z: -0.04497183, w: -1} - {x: 0.99774265, y: -0.06709294, z: -0.0028465206, w: -1} - {x: 0.964673, y: -0.2618157, z: 0.029301282, w: -1} - {x: 0.99052554, y: -0.032780528, z: 0.13335894, w: -1} - {x: 0.9869234, y: -0.1275826, z: 0.09851301, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868056, y: -0.030289974, z: 0.15905058, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968266, y: 0.02329927, z: -0.009579558, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998272, y: 0.01541168, z: -0.010395874, w: -1} - {x: 0.99970496, y: 0.022983132, z: -0.0078640515, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998479, y: -0.004372928, z: -0.01687998, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996275, y: 0.00863987, z: -0.000033595876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999945, y: 0.0033178593, z: 0.00003302196, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997402, y: 0.022792526, z: -0.00039747712, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999627, y: 0.008641734, z: 0.00007758343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994643, y: 0.03271986, z: -0.0007140421, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997401, y: 0.022795377, z: -0.00032912803, w: -1} - {x: 0.99739474, y: 0.07204922, z: -0.0035780915, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946326, y: 0.03275659, z: 0.00042957914, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971855, y: 0.07488308, z: 0.0036802252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973669, y: 0.07250526, z: 0.0014970187, w: -1} - {x: 0.98480725, y: 0.17347553, z: -0.007798629, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969396, y: 0.0768696, z: 0.014228846, w: -1} - {x: 0.99373585, y: 0.110866286, z: 0.014063693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848084, y: 0.17346834, z: -0.007826037, w: -1} - {x: 0.95663136, y: 0.2872947, z: -0.048147697, w: -1} - {x: 0.99270576, y: 0.11655504, z: 0.030824425, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968056, y: 0.071167074, z: 0.036246292, w: -1} - {x: 0.95568055, y: 0.292599, z: -0.03256469, w: -1} - {x: 0.92510396, y: 0.37796783, z: -0.03637302, w: -1} - {x: 0.99779975, y: 0.065232016, z: 0.011845789, w: -1} - {x: 0.99789333, y: 0.0639715, z: 0.010799059, w: -1} - {x: 0.92625064, y: 0.37147993, z: -0.063736916, w: -1} - {x: 0.9075946, y: 0.41339323, z: -0.07333483, w: -1} - {x: 0.99772245, y: 0.065273866, z: 0.017006448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939723, y: 0.10934841, z: 0.007879179, w: -1} - {x: 0.907389, y: 0.41492328, z: -0.06696139, w: -1} - {x: 0.9374291, y: 0.34648457, z: -0.034280512, w: -1} - {x: 0.99325657, y: 0.11318254, z: 0.025122326, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986703, y: 0.038418807, z: 0.034376685, w: -1} - {x: 0.9369078, y: 0.34940195, z: -0.011044591, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827919, y: 0.18230863, z: 0.029730143, w: -1} - {x: 0.99948, y: 0.032238957, z: 0.00065247633, w: -1} - {x: 0.99885035, y: -0.04442068, z: 0.018024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9833352, y: 0.18162279, z: 0.008064762, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962276, y: 0.020728288, z: 0.018022591, w: -1} - {x: 0.99860847, y: -0.051308844, z: -0.012187061, w: -1} - {x: 0.99483985, y: -0.10145783, z: -0.00015587444, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982214, y: 0.01838406, z: -0.004204867, w: -1} - {x: 0.99492395, y: -0.100629576, z: -0.00005920174, w: -1} - {x: 0.99371105, y: -0.108469814, z: -0.027796187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99804485, y: -0.04013205, z: -0.04791643, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936844, y: -0.10822113, z: -0.02965771, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973524, y: -0.058616698, z: -0.04303889, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996222, y: -0.027484527, z: 0.00023694585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999008, y: 0.012055781, z: -0.007289165, w: -1} - {x: 0.99913865, y: -0.040699035, z: 0.008094364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999821, y: 0.0018762401, z: -0.005664048, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990964, y: 0.013434837, z: 0.00054356665, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987, y: 0.016124181, z: 0.0000242128, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999901, y: 0.0035528266, z: 0.0026778416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997994, y: 0.020026436, z: -0.00047473607, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998694, y: 0.016160257, z: 0.00032592597, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997638, y: 0.021730855, z: -0.00037627542, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979824, y: 0.020090206, z: 0.000027468937, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991914, y: 0.04015629, z: -0.0020008672, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997619, y: 0.02181088, z: 0.0007290089, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996609, y: 0.026039263, z: -0.00037103315, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991879, y: 0.040290143, z: -0.00045445646, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990776, y: 0.04293717, z: -0.0005908066, w: -1} - {x: 0.99966097, y: 0.026037551, z: -0.00013698044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999709, y: -0.0034710509, z: -0.0067980876, w: -1} - {x: 0.99907756, y: 0.042937975, z: -0.00064144866, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877447, y: 0.049331017, z: 0.004005797, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999837, y: -0.0039026635, z: -0.004158755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976388, y: -0.061980218, z: -0.029582813, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987677, y: 0.049541093, z: 0.002966761, w: -1} - {x: 0.99497277, y: 0.089041546, z: 0.04583504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974427, y: -0.071129054, z: -0.00697754, w: -1} - {x: 0.98654556, y: -0.15445924, z: -0.053575095, w: -1} - {x: 0.99477434, y: 0.081591174, z: 0.061374817, w: -1} - {x: 0.99632347, y: -0.019917773, z: 0.08332369, w: -1} - {x: -0.9635151, y: -0.020306334, z: 0.26688275, w: -1} - {x: -0.97845644, y: -0.053055953, z: 0.19951914, w: -1} - {x: -0.9800671, y: -0.14995003, z: 0.13032116, w: -1} - {x: -0.9862722, y: -0.13800882, z: 0.09066783, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956619, y: -0.013008501, z: -0.09213127, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991839, y: 0.029304236, z: -0.027801638, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958055, y: 0.091492936, z: -0.00058898027, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992785, y: -0.015532885, z: -0.034657232, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972993, y: 0.0147947455, z: 0.017921265, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985325, y: -0.0139054, z: 0.0100008445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995282, y: -0.030463954, z: 0.003884522, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998263, y: -0.015695825, z: 0.010048529, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999945, y: 0.003317202, z: -0.000033016862, w: -1} - {x: 0.99974024, y: 0.022788545, z: -0.00049288006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999676, y: 0.00805472, z: 0.00008749678, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998978, y: 0.014271417, z: 0.0009199159, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997394, y: 0.022825455, z: 0.00039182027, w: -1} - {x: 0.99739313, y: 0.07209467, z: -0.0030732912, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989647, y: 0.014312941, z: 0.001472574, w: -1} - {x: 0.997042, y: 0.07682904, z: -0.0021654863, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973692, y: 0.07247885, z: 0.001202563, w: -1} - {x: 0.98501015, y: 0.17196484, z: -0.013530074, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969177, y: 0.07825634, z: 0.005570366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9745631, y: 0.22330946, z: -0.018963067, w: -1} - {x: 0.9838538, y: 0.17858645, z: 0.011768283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9555709, y: 0.29312658, z: -0.031001477, w: -1} - {x: 0.97264254, y: 0.2323021, z: 0.0015553866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9189926, y: 0.38957807, z: -0.0606744, w: -1} - {x: 0.94440997, y: 0.32292864, z: 0.06170024, w: -1} - {x: 0.91945666, y: 0.39214954, z: 0.028603869, w: -1} - {x: 0.8908325, y: 0.45037493, z: 0.059833087, w: -1} - {x: 0.88197565, y: 0.4702655, z: 0.031133056, w: -1} - {x: 0.91251385, y: 0.40166163, z: 0.077371754, w: -1} - {x: 0.8945767, y: 0.44229582, z: 0.06408495, w: -1} - {x: 0.8736186, y: 0.48106754, z: 0.07324398, w: -1} - {x: 0.90427214, y: 0.4256663, z: 0.03316858, w: -1} - {x: 0.89505327, y: 0.44175616, z: 0.06108345, w: -1} - {x: 0.93222076, y: 0.35703793, z: 0.059062082, w: -1} - {x: 0.9032233, y: 0.4266994, z: 0.045992706, w: -1} - {x: 0.96868265, y: 0.24628533, z: 0.031583544, w: -1} - {x: 0.9357115, y: 0.3524461, z: 0.015024489, w: -1} - {x: 0.98333967, y: 0.1816124, z: 0.0077568125, w: -1} - {x: 0.9676416, y: 0.2517479, z: -0.017109387, w: -1} - {x: 0.99353117, y: 0.108952045, z: -0.03202204, w: -1} - {x: 0.98337334, y: 0.18152311, z: 0.0051247515, w: -1} - {x: 0.99931896, y: 0.02195185, z: 0.029659837, w: -1} - {x: 0.99437964, y: 0.105567634, z: -0.00804753, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995595, y: -0.0011242385, z: 0.009311266, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997471, y: 0.019927425, z: 0.010419041, w: -1} - {x: 0.99505734, y: -0.08930835, z: 0.043415394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998967, y: -0.0014309597, z: 0.014302302, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953341, y: -0.09089953, z: 0.032363545, w: -1} - {x: 0.99504375, y: -0.099309534, z: 0.0050502867, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987897, y: -0.0477214, z: -0.011902513, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952941, y: -0.096876785, z: 0.0021136513, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949878, y: -0.09975737, z: 0.006918002, w: -1} - {x: 0.99889296, y: -0.04635511, z: -0.008007494, w: -1} - {x: 0.999882, y: -0.00007414024, z: -0.01536686, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952246, y: -0.096323706, z: 0.015803143, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940956, y: -0.033296157, z: -0.008472096, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999944, y: 0.0032095802, z: 0.0009699254, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980104, y: 0.019883083, z: -0.0016035285, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953794, y: -0.028763505, z: 0.009819619, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999913, y: -0.0037652026, z: 0.0018010028, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997978, y: 0.020106932, z: 0.00015921105, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991915, y: 0.040153746, z: -0.0020302525, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998534, y: -0.0034114365, z: 0.0042056367, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947685, y: 0.03231227, z: -0.0013751576, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991818, y: 0.04042833, z: 0.0011431343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990783, y: 0.042925317, z: 0.00015380599, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946445, y: 0.032663662, z: 0.0019820116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997729, y: 0.021305878, z: 0.00041780266, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990782, y: 0.042928215, z: -0.000027755908, w: -1} - {x: 0.99871147, y: 0.050679162, z: -0.0026670443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997686, y: 0.021295832, z: 0.0030398162, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962801, y: 0.08604425, z: 0.004728258, w: -1} - {x: 0.99853, y: 0.0526983, z: -0.012682733, w: -1} - {x: 0.992783, y: 0.11874093, z: -0.016806293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955602, y: 0.08362109, z: 0.04321258, w: -1} - {x: 0.9826702, y: 0.18502288, z: 0.011219152, w: -1} - {x: 0.9785302, y: 0.16691329, z: -0.12090675, w: -1} - {x: 0.9655316, y: 0.18852095, z: -0.17946774, w: -1} - {x: 0.96933687, y: 0.22688128, z: -0.09439771, w: -1} - {x: 0.93130785, y: 0.36290905, z: -0.031026846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9884221, y: 0.12020513, z: -0.09258784, w: -1} - {x: 0.99005157, y: 0.12482142, z: -0.0649428, w: -1} - {x: 0.9524944, y: 0.2988182, z: 0.05883978, w: -1} - {x: 0.99000055, y: 0.12181437, z: -0.07113464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965192, y: 0.08110205, z: 0.0192867, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994872, y: -0.018971613, z: -0.02579212, w: -1} - {x: 0.99814427, y: 0.057335358, z: 0.020511338, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967262, y: -0.066419736, z: -0.04609938, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946916, y: -0.03176242, z: 0.007242324, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998116, y: -0.015991975, z: 0.011002128, w: -1} - {x: 0.99673, y: -0.079600856, z: -0.013886962, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990992, y: -0.04197403, z: 0.006254495, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996763, y: 0.0080401795, z: -0.00030098273, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998997, y: 0.014097093, z: -0.0013996557, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998355, y: -0.0057286117, z: 0.00035965646, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999459, y: -0.010406486, z: -0.00019278796, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989825, y: 0.0139934635, z: -0.002778044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971108, y: 0.07431001, z: -0.015755728, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994135, y: -0.010602782, z: -0.0021811905, w: -1} - {x: 0.99966943, y: 0.025663361, z: -0.0016173909, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970639, y: 0.07646106, z: -0.0041556563, w: -1} - {x: 0.97676265, y: 0.20702288, z: -0.055462956, w: -1} - {x: 0.99954027, y: 0.02884551, z: 0.0093379365, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935054, y: 0.11258067, z: 0.01651438, w: -1} - {x: 0.9731966, y: 0.22994256, z: -0.0038542587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9237273, y: 0.37133113, z: -0.094026536, w: -1} - {x: 0.98973435, y: 0.13339524, z: 0.051300343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903899, y: 0.12661132, z: 0.055654913, w: -1} - {x: 0.917013, y: 0.39584127, z: -0.048957914, w: -1} - {x: 0.8918089, y: 0.45090494, z: -0.036900092, w: -1} - {x: 0.98304236, y: 0.15378636, z: 0.09988683, w: -1} - {x: 0.98998725, y: 0.10789883, z: 0.09101133, w: -1} - {x: 0.8958986, y: 0.43642518, z: -0.08305919, w: -1} - {x: 0.90716964, y: 0.41992393, z: -0.02659279, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951581, y: 0.0906055, z: 0.03809148, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993062, y: 0.036963485, z: -0.00456578, w: -1} - {x: 0.90708834, y: 0.4203108, z: -0.023014104, w: -1} - {x: 0.9685435, y: 0.24855484, z: 0.011996603, w: -1} - {x: 0.99930966, y: 0.03696308, z: -0.003740625, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987374, y: -0.0457946, z: -0.02065539, w: -1} - {x: 0.96868557, y: 0.2466712, z: 0.028311752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946414, y: 0.1026678, z: 0.0121574085, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877614, y: -0.048299603, z: -0.010654142, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978318, y: -0.064534076, z: -0.012920909, w: -1} - {x: 0.99456185, y: 0.10041914, z: 0.027620273, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997944, y: -0.00094179896, z: 0.00634292, w: -1} - {x: 0.99770343, y: -0.06765401, z: 0.0032916511, w: -1} - {x: 0.99560297, y: -0.093673415, z: -0.00006962159, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999925, y: -0.00078581116, z: 0.003804915, w: -1} - {x: 0.99521536, y: -0.097684674, z: -0.0020111832, w: -1} - {x: 0.99561185, y: -0.09357299, z: -0.000952073, w: -1} - {x: 0.992072, y: -0.12556979, z: -0.0050532613, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950827, y: -0.09876137, z: -0.0075221974, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942475, y: -0.10656421, z: -0.01076734, w: -1} - {x: 0.99221295, y: -0.12454701, z: 0.0012318132, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867194, y: -0.16198882, z: 0.012022808, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937211, y: -0.11008955, z: -0.019964568, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986431, y: -0.039568283, z: -0.033857573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9863849, y: -0.16433303, z: 0.006281416, w: -1} - {x: 0.99336916, y: -0.11388058, z: -0.015775219, w: -1} - {x: 0.99948156, y: -0.03202349, z: -0.0033316594, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999699, y: -0.004914293, z: -0.00601071, w: -1} - {x: 0.99444926, y: -0.10359049, z: 0.018429652, w: -1} - {x: 0.99548656, y: -0.09448894, z: 0.008852912, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997914, y: -0.0046840413, z: -0.004445289, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994671, y: 0.03159649, z: -0.008202762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955032, y: -0.0940372, z: 0.011422669, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976971, y: -0.06781666, z: 0.0012080097, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994741, y: 0.032424707, z: -0.0003013958, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997718, y: 0.021301128, z: 0.0016630893, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977145, y: -0.06704466, z: 0.00841075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970783, y: -0.07633239, z: 0.0028626027, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977297, y: 0.021306643, z: 0.00021794409, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962788, y: 0.08590766, z: 0.0069533815, w: -1} - {x: 0.99708396, y: -0.07631282, z: -0.00007931717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993955, y: -0.03476258, z: 0.00056626776, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962801, y: 0.08597605, z: 0.005840052, w: -1} - {x: 0.98452586, y: 0.16067106, z: 0.069954954, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993956, y: -0.03476251, z: 0.0001162996, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978975, y: 0.063421614, z: 0.013348665, w: -1} - {x: 0.984528, y: 0.16132027, z: 0.06841276, w: -1} - {x: 0.961165, y: 0.18642554, z: 0.20348778, w: -1} - {x: 0.97464854, y: 0.019437054, z: 0.22289588, w: -1} - {x: 0.96710724, y: 0.11426379, z: 0.2272605, w: -1} - {x: 0.891336, y: 0.43240163, z: -0.13619463, w: -1} - {x: 0.9312896, y: 0.25309294, z: -0.26199934, w: -1} - {x: 0.91291744, y: 0.37380984, z: -0.16385327, w: -1} - {x: 0.92923135, y: 0.2125914, z: -0.30221492, w: -1} - {x: 0.99799854, y: 0.034059484, z: 0.05328101, w: -1} - {x: 0.99681985, y: -0.07719151, z: -0.01979389, w: -1} - {x: 0.99662095, y: -0.080352955, z: -0.017031692, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952626, y: -0.091649726, z: -0.032444984, w: -1} - {x: 0.99497133, y: -0.09634142, z: 0.027392905, w: -1} - {x: 0.99842954, y: -0.047394134, z: 0.02987013, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940741, y: -0.10797286, z: 0.012590552, w: -1} - {x: 0.99892867, y: -0.02125856, z: 0.04110737, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998355, y: -0.0057341973, z: 0.00016215554, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994624, y: -0.010371143, z: 0.00016516827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998415, y: -0.0056336364, z: 0.0002222312, w: -1} - {x: 0.999892, y: -0.014692071, z: -0.00019542639, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994415, y: -0.010504768, z: -0.0011882923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996574, y: 0.022017512, z: -0.014154756, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989307, y: -0.014605176, z: 0.0007740314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978479, y: -0.06482002, z: 0.009894693, w: -1} - {x: 0.99958706, y: 0.020185158, z: -0.020450078, w: -1} - {x: 0.99581414, y: 0.061583392, z: -0.067540765, w: -1} - {x: 0.99777913, y: -0.06648116, z: 0.0041280612, w: -1} - {x: 0.9860252, y: -0.15548982, z: 0.059809644, w: -1} - {x: 0.99592215, y: 0.06401529, z: -0.06356935, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968048, y: 0.056773175, z: -0.056188032, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862091, y: -0.15066752, z: 0.06849037, w: -1} - {x: 0.95660365, y: -0.25611386, z: 0.13897881, w: -1} - {x: 0.99492246, y: 0.031863555, z: -0.095467485, w: -1} - {x: 0.99640304, y: 0.056990817, z: -0.062713556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9551137, y: -0.27929592, z: 0.0987505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9527586, y: -0.29903942, z: 0.053164497, w: -1} - {x: 0.99721414, y: 0.06720069, z: -0.03237406, w: -1} - {x: 0.99927026, y: 0.03695267, z: 0.009666971, w: -1} - {x: 0.95368016, y: -0.2891096, z: 0.08312552, w: -1} - {x: 0.93261516, y: -0.3608193, z: 0.006198322, w: -1} - {x: 0.99931675, y: 0.03696078, z: 0.00010420616, w: -1} - {x: 0.99836534, y: -0.05491243, z: 0.015852297, w: -1} - {x: 0.9328781, y: -0.36008325, z: -0.008861842, w: -1} - {x: 0.95997876, y: -0.27846536, z: -0.02996387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986188, y: -0.0522759, z: 0.0052659325, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977195, y: -0.06745843, z: 0.0022725603, w: -1} - {x: 0.960185, y: -0.2764938, z: -0.039949168, w: -1} - {x: 0.97738177, y: -0.21015014, z: -0.02370548, w: -1} - {x: 0.99779534, y: -0.0662413, z: -0.004061149, w: -1} - {x: 0.99564457, y: -0.093082495, z: -0.005253271, w: -1} - {x: 0.9774428, y: -0.20932806, z: -0.028060438, w: -1} - {x: 0.975204, y: -0.22017686, z: -0.02234554, w: -1} - {x: 0.99555504, y: -0.09410664, z: 0.0037450537, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922515, y: -0.124200515, z: 0.0033541182, w: -1} - {x: 0.97509056, y: -0.22137395, z: -0.013853864, w: -1} - {x: 0.9834294, y: -0.18068871, z: 0.014778873, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922622, y: -0.1240963, z: 0.0039917165, w: -1} - {x: 0.98738647, y: -0.15612727, z: 0.026310202, w: -1} - {x: 0.98348296, y: -0.1784582, z: 0.030233977, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827844, y: -0.18046582, z: 0.039586406, w: -1} - {x: 0.9840012, y: -0.17655125, z: -0.023902321, w: -1} - {x: 0.99193835, y: -0.12068384, z: -0.03864832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9793287, y: -0.20181078, z: -0.0137025835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9678529, y: -0.25149456, z: -0.0033529731, w: -1} - {x: 0.99348736, y: -0.11315706, z: -0.013354985, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951415, y: -0.097884424, z: -0.010582989, w: -1} - {x: 0.9695531, y: -0.24366616, z: 0.024365254, w: -1} - {x: 0.96277404, y: -0.26948872, z: 0.021024551, w: -1} - {x: 0.99503684, y: -0.09849953, z: -0.014126946, w: -1} - {x: 0.99749625, y: -0.0693953, z: -0.013625819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9626547, y: -0.27018154, z: 0.01725562, w: -1} - {x: 0.98015636, y: -0.19822578, z: 0.0002742658, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976052, y: -0.06875104, z: -0.0075549064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970835, y: -0.07631701, z: 0.0005425845, w: -1} - {x: 0.980368, y: -0.19693398, z: 0.00977813, w: -1} - {x: 0.99204654, y: -0.12586886, z: 0.00074020034, w: -1} - {x: 0.99708366, y: -0.07631526, z: 0.0002832339, w: -1} - {x: 0.99939555, y: -0.034762453, z: -0.00020411971, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920515, y: -0.12581943, z: 0.0018374643, w: -1} - {x: 0.99399567, y: -0.10940634, z: 0.0016377426, w: -1} - {x: 0.99939567, y: -0.034762494, z: 0.0000014287308, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978803, y: 0.062345475, z: 0.018656006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939972, y: -0.10936612, z: 0.0029219373, w: -1} - {x: 0.99094635, y: -0.13341345, z: -0.015038064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978948, y: 0.063046426, z: 0.015200135, w: -1} - {x: 0.97417027, y: 0.18337934, z: 0.13177301, w: -1} - {x: 0.9909432, y: -0.13355727, z: -0.013927731, w: -1} - {x: 0.98129416, y: -0.1470791, z: -0.12421541, w: -1} - {x: -0.97414094, y: -0.18005697, z: -0.13648807, w: -1} - {x: -0.99762464, y: 0.046782337, z: 0.050562713, w: -1} - {x: -0.9812822, y: 0.14544463, z: 0.12621878, w: -1} - {x: -0.977323, y: 0.14055543, z: 0.15837884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920573, y: -0.12307786, z: 0.02596287, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935612, y: -0.11121594, z: 0.021617012, w: -1} - {x: 0.97258914, y: -0.21851489, z: -0.07950901, w: -1} - {x: 0.99458224, y: -0.09780977, z: 0.035204865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949732, y: -0.09957131, z: -0.010671138, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998229, y: -0.018046087, z: 0.005333003, w: -1} - {x: 0.99611855, y: -0.08760345, z: -0.008570462, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999278, y: -0.009558975, z: 0.007279815, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998415, y: -0.0056347097, z: 0.00003175146, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998932, y: -0.014557578, z: 0.0013050239, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998909, y: -0.01475963, z: 0.0006213891, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998932, y: -0.014557578, z: 0.0013050239, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978627, y: -0.06426868, z: 0.011806775, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998609, y: -0.014433189, z: 0.0083646905, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937944, y: -0.10953767, z: 0.01934579, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973465, y: -0.07154005, z: -0.013486226, w: -1} - {x: 0.9839219, y: -0.17750409, z: 0.019748505, w: -1} - {x: 0.99352807, y: -0.10698482, z: 0.038161226, w: -1} - {x: 0.9626693, y: -0.25902167, z: 0.07858459, w: -1} - {x: 0.96917665, y: -0.23204647, z: -0.08277169, w: -1} - {x: 0.9413921, y: -0.33722454, z: -0.007768852, w: -1} - {x: 0.9600857, y: -0.2795221, z: 0.010139878, w: -1} - {x: 0.88555014, y: -0.454949, z: 0.09392796, w: -1} - {x: 0.9104083, y: -0.39472064, z: -0.12390426, w: -1} - {x: 0.93457776, y: -0.34318316, z: -0.09375322, w: -1} - {x: 0.86300504, y: -0.50361305, z: -0.03995167, w: -1} - {x: 0.790254, y: -0.6127747, z: -0.002413263, w: -1} - {x: 0.93818116, y: -0.33794287, z: -0.07490447, w: -1} - {x: 0.93229586, y: -0.36129677, z: 0.017002333, w: -1} - {x: 0.79235095, y: -0.60990167, z: 0.014138118, w: -1} - {x: 0.76070213, y: -0.6490503, z: 0.008119265, w: -1} - {x: 0.93237007, y: -0.36120257, z: 0.014792621, w: -1} - {x: 0.9528553, y: -0.29601818, z: 0.06663333, w: -1} - {x: 0.7606181, y: -0.6490173, z: 0.015388843, w: -1} - {x: 0.82794255, y: -0.56010914, z: 0.028085012, w: -1} - {x: 0.95639724, y: -0.29020685, z: 0.032928914, w: -1} - {x: 0.97368145, y: -0.22295551, z: 0.047279134, w: -1} - {x: 0.82849973, y: -0.5599116, z: 0.009339939, w: -1} - {x: 0.88750225, y: -0.46059787, z: 0.013762136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9756139, y: -0.21843706, z: 0.021514172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9741589, y: -0.22534962, z: 0.015231055, w: -1} - {x: 0.88880855, y: -0.45805654, z: -0.014268833, w: -1} - {x: 0.93936515, y: -0.34291846, z: 0.00013901143, w: -1} - {x: 0.97420365, y: -0.22521982, z: 0.014258447, w: -1} - {x: 0.98298824, y: -0.1835795, z: -0.0057277633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9393377, y: -0.3429886, z: 0.0018603391, w: -1} - {x: 0.9772388, y: -0.21169008, z: 0.013843792, w: -1} - {x: 0.98308873, y: -0.18311405, z: -0.002388094, w: -1} - {x: 0.98051864, y: -0.19642653, z: -0.000106374326, w: -1} - {x: 0.9767882, y: -0.21420117, z: 0.0016102247, w: -1} - {x: 0.96320325, y: -0.26789048, z: 0.0217755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9812301, y: -0.1926078, z: 0.009472472, w: -1} - {x: 0.97022635, y: -0.23845889, z: 0.04240573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9644975, y: -0.25959116, z: 0.04854834, w: -1} - {x: 0.9062478, y: -0.40835813, z: 0.10935563, w: -1} - {x: 0.96464914, y: -0.2608544, z: -0.0375098, w: -1} - {x: 0.96066886, y: -0.27692723, z: -0.020655392, w: -1} - {x: 0.90437835, y: -0.4266487, z: 0.008404584, w: -1} - {x: 0.9022927, y: -0.43091464, z: 0.01342894, w: -1} - {x: 0.96079534, y: -0.27661666, z: -0.018858237, w: -1} - {x: 0.97880924, y: -0.20237806, z: -0.0312347, w: -1} - {x: 0.90244174, y: -0.4305464, z: 0.015121821, w: -1} - {x: 0.90784514, y: -0.41926157, z: 0.0060721687, w: -1} - {x: 0.9800378, y: -0.1987748, z: -0.0038062138, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920253, y: -0.126014, z: -0.0025001445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9104244, y: -0.4105806, z: 0.05050813, w: -1} - {x: 0.9504488, y: -0.3103005, z: 0.018993067, w: -1} - {x: 0.99204224, y: -0.12590559, z: -0.00007690891, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939949, y: -0.109418906, z: 0.0012346477, w: -1} - {x: 0.9504414, y: -0.31035522, z: 0.018460123, w: -1} - {x: 0.93492895, y: -0.3548347, z: -0.00033195803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939774, y: -0.10954667, z: -0.002890037, w: -1} - {x: 0.990447, y: -0.13715324, z: 0.0142782945, w: -1} - {x: 0.93497443, y: -0.3546902, z: -0.0042118137, w: -1} - {x: 0.8802684, y: -0.47137862, z: -0.054126482, w: -1} - {x: 0.99027, y: -0.13779713, z: 0.01942161, w: -1} - {x: 0.9534419, y: -0.29441017, z: 0.065354064, w: -1} - {x: 0.8799502, y: -0.4724123, z: -0.050141767, w: -1} - {x: 0.81608325, y: -0.5675971, z: -0.10881939, w: -1} - {x: -0.94576883, y: -0.02453214, z: 0.32391283, w: -1} - {x: -0.95013815, y: -0.021546148, z: 0.31108388, w: -1} - {x: -0.8429163, y: 0.15686835, z: 0.51466924, w: -1} - {x: -0.93597436, y: 0.05947696, z: 0.34700802, w: -1} - {x: 0.9329327, y: -0.35377738, z: 0.06691951, w: -1} - {x: 0.98506063, y: -0.118223175, z: 0.12521443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9511219, y: -0.30345163, z: 0.057307888, w: -1} - {x: 0.9826497, y: -0.03762743, z: 0.18161415, w: -1} - {x: 0.996151, y: -0.086872846, z: -0.011674513, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995553, y: -0.009381851, z: 0.0009625042, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996227, y: -0.02746898, z: 0.00018756917, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999905, y: 0, z: 0.0014004757, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998909, y: -0.01475963, z: 0.0006213891, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997646, y: -0.006866233, z: 0.000047148445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998909, y: -0.01475963, z: 0.0006213891, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938026, y: -0.1104396, z: 0.012625984, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997556, y: -0.0068571405, z: 0.0013699742, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991849, y: -0.040294997, z: 0.0024058076, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937784, y: -0.11112088, z: 0.0075244773, w: -1} - {x: 0.96239686, y: -0.26549464, z: 0.057488248, w: -1} - {x: 0.99917734, y: -0.04015852, z: 0.005650086, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900313, y: -0.14003396, z: 0.015119691, w: -1} - {x: 0.96159357, y: -0.27223176, z: 0.03503842, w: -1} - {x: 0.8882843, y: -0.4414758, z: 0.12668897, w: -1} - {x: 0.98917377, y: -0.13609771, z: 0.054887004, w: -1} - {x: 0.9475687, y: -0.29819503, z: 0.11486141, w: -1} - {x: 0.8729456, y: -0.48776975, z: 0.00682658, w: -1} - {x: 0.7983592, y: -0.5970197, z: 0.078676224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9499989, y: -0.31002992, z: 0.03719535, w: -1} - {x: 0.8798967, y: -0.45234156, z: 0.14549527, w: -1} - {x: 0.14139636, y: 0.15609594, z: 0.97756904, w: -1} - {x: 0.0078090434, y: -0.01199292, z: 0.9998976, w: -1} - {x: 0.027821815, y: 0.026812084, z: 0.9992533, w: -1} - {x: 0.038016155, y: 0.060113944, z: 0.99746734, w: -1} - {x: 0.023312688, y: -0.025217537, z: 0.99941015, w: -1} - {x: 0.027874848, y: -0.049395762, z: 0.99839026, w: -1} - {x: 0.0858617, y: 0.03556982, z: 0.9956719, w: -1} - {x: 0.12341375, y: 0.06486135, z: 0.9902333, w: -1} - {x: 0.8286109, y: -0.559813, z: 0.0036653092, w: -1} - {x: 0.88681465, y: -0.46147513, z: 0.024504913, w: -1} - {x: 0.8918046, y: -0.4521384, z: -0.015981365, w: -1} - {x: 0.91841245, y: -0.3956115, z: -0.0031815853, w: -1} - {x: 0.88768005, y: -0.46033674, z: 0.010685555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9387459, y: -0.34379193, z: 0.023734646, w: -1} - {x: 0.91891223, y: -0.39420778, z: 0.014161351, w: -1} - {x: 0.9567916, y: -0.28916836, z: 0.030520752, w: -1} - {x: 0.93937063, y: -0.34290344, z: -0.00022633787, w: -1} - {x: 0.9759692, y: -0.21743318, z: -0.014381776, w: -1} - {x: 0.95605206, y: -0.29319695, z: 0.00020015133, w: -1} - {x: 0.9549174, y: -0.2966143, z: 0.012354599, w: -1} - {x: 0.97683775, y: -0.21396355, z: 0.0027750088, w: -1} - {x: 0.9633498, y: -0.26715696, z: 0.024170155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9555465, y: -0.29325917, z: 0.030495172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9040923, y: -0.42257896, z: 0.06359264, w: -1} - {x: 0.9591068, y: -0.28192276, z: -0.025173381, w: -1} - {x: 0.9050557, y: -0.42484033, z: 0.019613486, w: -1} - {x: 0.90355337, y: -0.42797858, z: 0.020627402, w: -1} - {x: 0.8554282, y: -0.5160966, z: 0.043438006, w: -1} - {x: 0.90253806, y: -0.43032905, z: -0.015558289, w: -1} - {x: 0.89875126, y: -0.4379866, z: -0.020344386, w: -1} - {x: 0.8545462, y: -0.5193733, z: 0.001499055, w: -1} - {x: 0.81472886, y: -0.579726, z: 0.011607324, w: -1} - {x: 0.8982486, y: -0.43880782, z: -0.02443583, w: -1} - {x: 0.9060009, y: -0.42302084, z: -0.01468668, w: -1} - {x: 0.81543624, y: -0.57842755, z: 0.022026565, w: -1} - {x: 0.7554897, y: -0.6532166, z: 0.05043143, w: -1} - {x: 0.90173256, y: -0.42921907, z: -0.051472947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9482427, y: -0.31548548, z: -0.036119025, w: -1} - {x: 0.7524047, y: -0.6584137, z: 0.019456238, w: -1} - {x: 0.76044744, y: -0.6492653, z: 0.013197271, w: -1} - {x: 0.9496166, y: -0.31322637, z: -0.010841824, w: -1} - {x: 0.93484974, y: -0.35501292, z: 0.0046657925, w: -1} - {x: 0.76149863, y: -0.6475027, z: 0.029326128, w: -1} - {x: 0.725982, y: -0.68705684, z: -0.030050788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9348147, y: -0.35507628, z: 0.0065052775, w: -1} - {x: 0.87167084, y: -0.48961464, z: 0.021621475, w: -1} - {x: 0.7256284, y: -0.68763304, z: -0.024984855, w: -1} - {x: 0.6938367, y: -0.71832156, z: -0.051038153, w: -1} - {x: 0.86700565, y: -0.49574915, z: 0.050338577, w: -1} - {x: 0.75602376, y: -0.6542535, z: 0.019506443, w: -1} - {x: 0.69191957, y: -0.72067815, z: -0.04324645, w: -1} - {x: 0.812004, y: -0.58042693, z: 0.06126995, w: -1} - {x: -0.789334, y: 0.0060171206, z: 0.6139346, w: -1} - {x: -0.8564147, y: -0.06125417, z: 0.512642, w: -1} - {x: -0.7713995, y: 0.09729065, z: 0.62886983, w: -1} - {x: -0.89573175, y: -0.006364852, z: 0.44454938, w: -1} - {x: 0.97005004, y: -0.23180026, z: -0.07260572, w: -1} - {x: 0.99956965, y: -0.027973996, z: 0.008836128, w: -1} - {x: 0.99545467, y: -0.09522938, z: -0.0012039675, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998893, y: -0.003365697, z: 0.014498374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996243, y: -0.027364194, z: -0.0016024965, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999948, y: -0.0032181009, z: -0.000032762277, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997646, y: -0.006866233, z: 0.000047148445, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997646, y: -0.006866233, z: 0.000047148445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991852, y: -0.04032495, z: 0.0016925554, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999737, y: -0.007253802, z: 0.000052621843, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991852, y: -0.040324945, z: 0.0016925553, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900321, y: -0.14029966, z: 0.012350323, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999726, y: -0.0072430787, z: 0.0015298281, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946, y: -0.03272979, z: 0.0028932001, w: -1} - {x: 0.99001735, y: -0.14072311, z: 0.007912699, w: -1} - {x: 0.9499763, y: -0.31042957, z: 0.034328215, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946254, y: -0.03278178, z: 0.00015053267, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977181, y: -0.06750942, z: 0.0010050656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9499437, y: -0.31085068, z: 0.031286187, w: -1} - {x: 0.88704383, y: -0.46125856, z: 0.019844202, w: -1} - {x: 0.99771917, y: -0.06740514, z: 0.0036213123, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935809, y: -0.11254699, z: 0.011408355, w: -1} - {x: 0.88701594, y: -0.46160507, z: 0.011110584, w: -1} - {x: 0.891352, y: -0.45268288, z: 0.02386918, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936223, y: -0.112759665, z: 0.00006177788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924039, y: -0.12301404, z: 0.0014123282, w: -1} - {x: 0.8913655, y: -0.45258492, z: 0.025184529, w: -1} - {x: 0.8941601, y: -0.44541666, z: 0.04562633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924149, y: -0.12252884, z: 0.00997511, w: -1} - {x: 0.9793171, y: -0.20103393, z: 0.022878548, w: -1} - {x: 0.89368117, y: -0.44813368, z: 0.022583788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9188737, y: -0.39435738, z: 0.012381835, w: -1} - {x: 0.97910446, y: -0.20330507, z: -0.0046344567, w: -1} - {x: 0.96582496, y: -0.25919512, z: 0.00012019828, w: -1} - {x: 0.9188019, y: -0.39460793, z: 0.009365981, w: -1} - {x: 0.9560548, y: -0.29318807, z: 0.00026920595, w: -1} - {x: 0.9657165, y: -0.25957343, z: -0.0036362382, w: -1} - {x: 0.9464699, y: -0.32277828, z: 0.0029705078, w: -1} - {x: 0.9561245, y: -0.29295343, z: 0.0020932315, w: -1} - {x: 0.9545256, y: -0.29810056, z: 0.0041377754, w: -1} - {x: 0.9466384, y: -0.3221591, z: 0.009445178, w: -1} - {x: 0.91184473, y: -0.40993804, z: 0.022136344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9533245, y: -0.30155385, z: -0.0154188145, w: -1} - {x: 0.90312976, y: -0.42926684, z: 0.00930802, w: -1} - {x: 0.911715, y: -0.41073567, z: 0.008488548, w: -1} - {x: 0.88096875, y: -0.47276822, z: 0.019600442, w: -1} - {x: 0.90227556, y: -0.431092, z: -0.007647835, w: -1} - {x: 0.8545763, y: -0.519321, z: 0.0022750574, w: -1} - {x: 0.88101393, y: -0.4730892, z: 0.000992678, w: -1} - {x: 0.86398363, y: -0.50350887, z: 0.0033224567, w: -1} - {x: 0.85442644, y: -0.5195703, z: -0.0014689137, w: -1} - {x: 0.81428766, y: -0.58043355, z: 0.0056995233, w: -1} - {x: 0.8639695, y: -0.5035075, z: 0.006076664, w: -1} - {x: 0.8366464, y: -0.547525, z: 0.01546996, w: -1} - {x: 0.81319183, y: -0.5819466, z: -0.0075620264, w: -1} - {x: 0.7508815, y: -0.6604058, z: 0.0064076786, w: -1} - {x: 0.83633614, y: -0.5477062, z: 0.023660796, w: -1} - {x: 0.8200861, y: -0.57181895, z: 0.021951945, w: -1} - {x: 0.33663622, y: -0.056565654, z: 0.9399342, w: -1} - {x: 0.2840305, y: -0.08563577, z: 0.95498335, w: -1} - {x: 0.2536399, y: -0.13125962, z: 0.95835155, w: -1} - {x: 0.2127198, y: -0.12927477, z: 0.96852374, w: -1} - {x: 0.03177337, y: 0.13627118, z: 0.99016196, w: -1} - {x: -0.12660019, y: -0.057802513, z: 0.99026823, w: -1} - {x: -0.01942801, y: 0.059875466, z: 0.9980168, w: -1} - {x: -0.084111825, y: -0.039999206, z: 0.9956532, w: -1} - {x: -0.21867797, y: 0.032733977, z: 0.97524786, w: -1} - {x: -0.37562802, y: -0.11710806, z: 0.9193418, w: -1} - {x: -0.19675465, y: 0.052288778, z: 0.9790575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2569732, y: -0.064381905, z: 0.9642716, w: -1} - {x: -0.5293859, y: 0.09157206, z: 0.8434247, w: -1} - {x: -0.65012187, y: -0.067898266, z: 0.75679016, w: -1} - {x: -0.5290502, y: 0.1194087, z: 0.84014726, w: -1} - {x: -0.54217255, y: -0.0076759425, z: 0.84023213, w: -1} - {x: 0.8540227, y: -0.51375115, z: -0.08188423, w: -1} - {x: 0.98813844, y: -0.11573051, z: 0.10093956, w: -1} - {x: 0.9712855, y: -0.22453986, z: 0.078652486, w: -1} - {x: 0.98776317, y: -0.027355587, z: 0.15354325, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956054, y: -0.0926153, z: -0.013866829, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999475, y: -0.0032229477, z: 0.0004433582, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976426, y: -0.021710183, z: 0.0000052629343, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.0001310781, z: 0.0006899122, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999948, y: -0.0032181009, z: -0.000032762277, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00013080738, z: -0.000000051331746, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999737, y: -0.007253802, z: 0.000052621843, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999737, y: -0.007253802, z: 0.000052621843, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946266, y: -0.032772895, z: 0.0006202878, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997133, y: -0.007571811, z: 0.00005733725, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946266, y: -0.032772895, z: 0.0006202878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977195, y: -0.067448124, z: 0.0025445817, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999713, y: -0.007569204, z: 0.0004016099, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992634, y: -0.038363174, z: 0.0009832018, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977188, y: -0.06749041, z: 0.0014830087, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936242, y: -0.11272915, z: 0.0017388413, w: -1} - {x: 0.99926364, y: -0.03836743, z: 0.0004593323, w: -1} - {x: 0.99759936, y: -0.069241315, z: 0.0010938258, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936236, y: -0.11274414, z: 0.0009172988, w: -1} - {x: 0.99241155, y: -0.12292343, z: 0.0030235904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975996, y: -0.06924657, z: 0.00031053083, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946553, y: -0.10324763, z: 0.00091302267, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924066, y: -0.12298546, z: 0.0019211279, w: -1} - {x: 0.97930104, y: -0.20222051, z: 0.008738147, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946554, y: -0.103240244, z: 0.0014268515, w: -1} - {x: 0.98483026, y: -0.1734727, z: 0.0040864064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9792612, y: -0.20254554, z: 0.00477775, w: -1} - {x: 0.9660887, y: -0.25789505, z: 0.012759186, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848305, y: -0.17342052, z: 0.0058469614, w: -1} - {x: 0.95842034, y: -0.28500444, z: 0.014243131, w: -1} - {x: 0.9658288, y: -0.2591808, z: 0.00026168526, w: -1} - {x: 0.9466163, y: -0.32225043, z: 0.008499136, w: -1} - {x: 0.95842755, y: -0.28525764, z: 0.0066849054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9228666, y: -0.38480777, z: 0.015499899, w: -1} - {x: 0.9462117, y: -0.32351136, z: -0.004886998, w: -1} - {x: 0.91161644, y: -0.41103008, z: 0.0030877602, w: -1} - {x: 0.9228813, y: -0.38507867, z: 0.002115638, w: -1} - {x: 0.9002198, y: -0.43540853, z: 0.0048638834, w: -1} - {x: 0.91151935, y: -0.41125548, z: -0.001203569, w: -1} - {x: 0.88101286, y: -0.47309172, z: 0.0008012754, w: -1} - {x: 0.9002177, y: -0.43543997, z: 0.00025059824, w: -1} - {x: 0.8934038, y: -0.449254, z: 0.00057540264, w: -1} - {x: 0.8810101, y: -0.47309732, z: 0.00035577602, w: -1} - {x: 0.8639921, y: -0.5035053, z: -0.000113772076, w: -1} - {x: 0.8934044, y: -0.4492533, z: 0.000018989062, w: -1} - {x: 0.8990829, y: -0.4377784, z: 0.00011600163, w: -1} - {x: 0.86399215, y: -0.5035053, z: -0.00014221075, w: -1} - {x: 0.83717024, y: -0.5469222, z: -0.0046915165, w: -1} - {x: 0.89908135, y: -0.43778154, z: 0.00050853426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9228077, y: -0.3852541, z: 0.0023107422, w: -1} - {x: 0.8371913, y: -0.5468781, z: -0.0059267795, w: -1} - {x: 0.8200725, y: -0.5719281, z: 0.019478297, w: -1} - {x: 0.92270255, y: -0.38542727, z: 0.008114381, w: -1} - {x: 0.94756913, y: -0.31896272, z: 0.019375758, w: -1} - {x: 0.8200101, y: -0.57220715, z: 0.012743858, w: -1} - {x: 0.7776574, y: -0.62837905, z: 0.019719195, w: -1} - {x: 0.9475956, y: -0.3194009, z: 0.006759402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9133455, y: -0.40689415, z: 0.015395536, w: -1} - {x: 0.7775504, y: -0.6287511, z: 0.009353305, w: -1} - {x: 0.78053135, y: -0.62474996, z: -0.02140708, w: -1} - {x: 0.9134216, y: -0.4070147, z: 0.00017182411, w: -1} - {x: 0.9255283, y: -0.37867057, z: 0.0024542012, w: -1} - {x: 0.7805082, y: -0.6248004, z: -0.020768825, w: -1} - {x: 0.8683397, y: -0.49568096, z: -0.016927648, w: -1} - {x: 0.9252202, y: -0.37914786, z: 0.01464913, w: -1} - {x: 0.9764435, y: -0.21297413, z: 0.03464168, w: -1} - {x: 0.8705189, y: -0.4895281, z: -0.05058656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9766273, y: -0.21484372, z: 0.00642738, w: -1} - {x: 0.9771663, y: -0.21218023, z: 0.011207819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971378, y: -0.07102847, z: 0.025908416, w: -1} - {x: 0.977249, y: -0.21136189, z: -0.01762136, w: -1} - {x: 0.999746, y: -0.021912282, z: 0.005269497, w: -1} - {x: 0.99750173, y: -0.07054181, z: 0.003755652, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999631, y: -0.0007870549, z: 0.008558097, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997646, y: -0.021679461, z: -0.00079366175, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0001308078, z: 0.0000009550827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999997, y: -0.00078484486, z: 0.00000073264493, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.0000016021737, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00013080738, z: -0.000000051331746, w: -1} 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2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340000003500000036000000350000003700000036000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38000000390000003a000000390000003b0000003a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0000003d0000003e0000003d0000003f0000003e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400000004100000042000000410000004300000042000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440000004500000046000000450000004700000046000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48000000490000004a000000490000004b0000004a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0000004d0000004e0000004d0000004f0000004e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500000005100000052000000510000005300000052000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540000005500000056000000550000005700000056000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58000000590000005a000000590000005b0000005a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0000005d0000005e0000005d0000005f0000005e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600000006100000062000000610000006300000062000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640000006500000066000000650000006700000066000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68000000690000006a000000690000006b0000006a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0000006d0000006e0000006d0000006f0000006e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700000007100000072000000710000007300000072000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740000007500000076000000750000007700000076000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78000000790000007a000000790000007b0000007a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0000007d0000007e0000007d0000007f0000007e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800000008100000082000000810000008300000082000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840000008500000086000000850000008700000086000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88000000890000008a000000890000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008d0000008e0000008d0000008f0000008e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900000009100000092000000910000009300000092000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940000009500000096000000950000009700000096000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98000000990000009a000000990000009b0000009a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0000009d0000009e0000009d0000009f0000009e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0000000a1000000a2000000a1000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a5000000a6000000a5000000a7000000a6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8000000a9000000aa000000a9000000ab000000aa000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac000000ad000000ae000000ad000000af000000ae000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0000000b1000000b2000000b1000000b3000000b2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28010000290100002a010000290100002b0100002a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0100002d0100002e0100002d0100002f0100002e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300100003101000032010000310100003301000032010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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48010000490100004a010000490100004b0100004a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0100004d0100004e0100004d0100004f0100004e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500100005101000052010000510100005301000052010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28020000290200002a020000290200002b0200002a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0200002d0200002e0200002d0200002f0200002e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300200003102000032020000310200003302000032020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340200003502000036020000350200003702000036020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38020000390200003a020000390200003b0200003a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0200003d0200003e0200003d0200003f0200003e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400200004102000042020000410200004302000042020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000046020000450200004702000046020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004a020000490200004b0200004a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004e0200004d0200004f0200004e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000052020000510200005302000052020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000056020000550200005702000056020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005a020000590200005b0200005a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005e0200005d0200005f0200005e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600200006102000062020000610200006302000062020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640200006502000066020000650200006702000066020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68020000690200006a020000690200006b0200006a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0200006d0200006e0200006d0200006f0200006e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700200007102000072020000710200007302000072020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740200007502000076020000750200007702000076020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78020000790200007a020000790200007b0200007a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0200007d0200007e0200007d0200007f0200007e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800200008102000082020000810200008302000082020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840200008502000086020000850200008702000086020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88020000890200008a020000890200008b0200008a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0200008d0200008e0200008d0200008f0200008e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900200009102000092020000910200009302000092020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940200009502000096020000950200009702000096020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98020000990200009a020000990200009b0200009a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0200009d0200009e0200009d0200009f0200009e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0020000a1020000a2020000a1020000a3020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4020000a5020000a6020000a5020000a7020000a6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8020000a9020000aa020000a9020000ab020000aa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac020000ad020000ae020000ad020000af020000ae020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0020000b1020000b2020000b1020000b3020000b2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4020000b5020000b6020000b5020000b7020000b6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8020000b9020000ba020000b9020000bb020000ba020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc020000bd020000be020000bd020000bf020000be020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0020000c1020000c2020000c1020000c3020000c2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4020000c5020000c6020000c5020000c7020000c6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8020000c9020000ca020000c9020000cb020000ca020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc020000cd020000ce020000cd020000cf020000ce020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0020000d1020000d2020000d1020000d3020000d2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4020000d5020000d6020000d5020000d7020000d6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8020000d9020000da020000d9020000db020000da020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc020000dd020000de020000dd020000df020000de020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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e8020000e9020000ea020000e9020000eb020000ea020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec020000ed020000ee020000ed020000ef020000ee020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0020000f1020000f2020000f1020000f3020000f2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28030000290300002a030000290300002b0300002a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0300002d0300002e0300002d0300002f0300002e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300300003103000032030000310300003303000032030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400300004103000042030000410300004303000042030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440300004503000046030000450300004703000046030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48030000490300004a030000490300004b0300004a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0300004d0300004e0300004d0300004f0300004e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500300005103000052030000510300005303000052030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540300005503000056030000550300005703000056030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58030000590300005a030000590300005b0300005a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0300005d0300005e0300005d0300005f0300005e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600300006103000062030000610300006303000062030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640300006503000066030000650300006703000066030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68030000690300006a030000690300006b0300006a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0300006d0300006e0300006d0300006f0300006e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700300007103000072030000710300007303000072030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800300008103000082030000810300008303000082030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840300008503000086030000850300008703000086030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88030000890300008a030000890300008b0300008a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0300008d0300008e0300008d0300008f0300008e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900300009103000092030000910300009303000092030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940300009503000096030000950300009703000096030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98030000990300009a030000990300009b0300009a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0300009d0300009e0300009d0300009f0300009e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0030000a1030000a2030000a1030000a3030000a2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4030000a5030000a6030000a5030000a7030000a6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8030000a9030000aa030000a9030000ab030000aa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac030000ad030000ae030000ad030000af030000ae030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0030000b1030000b2030000b1030000b3030000b2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4030000b5030000b6030000b5030000b7030000b6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8030000b9030000ba030000b9030000bb030000ba030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc030000bd030000be030000bd030000bf030000be030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0030000c1030000c2030000c1030000c3030000c2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4030000c5030000c6030000c5030000c7030000c6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8030000c9030000ca030000c9030000cb030000ca030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc030000cd030000ce030000cd030000cf030000ce030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0030000d1030000d2030000d1030000d3030000d2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4030000d5030000d6030000d5030000d7030000d6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8030000d9030000da030000d9030000db030000da030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc030000dd030000de030000dd030000df030000de030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0030000e1030000e2030000e1030000e3030000e2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4030000e5030000e6030000e5030000e7030000e6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8030000e9030000ea030000e9030000eb030000ea030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec030000ed030000ee030000ed030000ef030000ee030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0030000f1030000f2030000f1030000f3030000f2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 020400000104000000040000020400000304000001040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 060400000504000004040000060400000704000005040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0a04000009040000080400000a0400000b04000009040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 660400006504000064040000660400006704000065040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6a04000069040000680400006a0400006b04000069040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6e0400006d0400006c0400006e0400006f0400006d040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 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1b0000001e000000590000005c000000 - m_Vertices: 1d00000020000000 - m_Vertices: 1f000000220000005d00000060000000 - m_Vertices: 2100000024000000 - m_Vertices: 23000000260000006100000064000000 - m_Vertices: 2500000028000000 - m_Vertices: 270000002a0000006500000068000000 - m_Vertices: 290000002c000000 - m_Vertices: 2b0000002e000000690000006c000000 - m_Vertices: 2d00000030000000 - m_Vertices: 2f000000320000006d00000070000000 - m_Vertices: 3100000034000000 - m_Vertices: 33000000360000007100000074000000 - m_Vertices: 3500000038000000 - m_Vertices: 370000003a0000007500000078000000 - m_Vertices: 390000003c000000 - m_Vertices: 3b0000003e000000790000007c000000 - m_Vertices: 3d000000 - m_Vertices: 3f0000007d000000 - m_Vertices: 4200000080000000 - m_Vertices: 43000000460000008100000084000000 - m_Vertices: 470000004a0000008500000088000000 - m_Vertices: 4b0000004e000000890000008c000000 - m_Vertices: 4f000000520000008d00000090000000 - m_Vertices: 53000000560000009100000094000000 - m_Vertices: 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{x: -27.05252, y: 7.5804358, z: 3.5552437} - {x: -31.561275, y: 4.9492455, z: 3.5552454} - {x: -31.56128, y: 5.4591208, z: 7.110493} - {x: -27.05252, y: 7.5804358, z: 3.5552437} - {x: -27.052525, y: 7.623331, z: 7.1104918} - {x: -31.56128, y: 5.4591208, z: 7.110493} - {x: -31.561274, y: 5.4231925, z: 10.66574} - {x: -27.052525, y: 7.623331, z: 7.1104918} - {x: -27.052519, y: 7.5821896, z: 10.66573} - {x: -31.561274, y: 5.4231925, z: 10.66574} - {x: -31.561275, y: 5.4968057, z: 14.220981} - {x: -27.052519, y: 7.5821896, z: 10.66573} - {x: -27.05252, y: 6.58495, z: 14.220979} - {x: -31.561275, y: 5.4968057, z: 14.220981} - {x: -31.561277, y: 5.73656, z: 17.776228} - {x: -27.05252, y: 6.58495, z: 14.220979} - {x: -27.052526, y: 6.816459, z: 17.776226} - {x: -31.561277, y: 5.73656, z: 17.776228} - {x: -31.561274, y: 6.028894, z: 21.331467} - {x: -27.052526, y: 6.816459, z: 17.776226} - {x: -27.052519, y: 6.795152, z: 21.33147} - {x: -31.561274, y: 6.028894, z: 21.331467} - {x: -31.561275, y: 6.2965517, z: 24.886719} - {x: -27.052519, y: 6.795152, z: 21.33147} - {x: -27.052523, y: 6.9919405, z: 24.886713} - {x: -31.561275, y: 6.2965517, z: 24.886719} - {x: -31.561277, y: 6.7193384, z: 28.44196} - {x: -27.052523, y: 6.9919405, z: 24.886713} - {x: -27.052526, y: 5.8476267, z: 28.441957} - {x: -27.052523, y: 1.0037153, z: -28.441957} - {x: -27.052526, y: 4.000636, z: -24.886713} - {x: -22.543764, y: 1.9338075, z: -28.441957} - {x: -22.54377, y: 5.6502337, z: -24.886713} - {x: -27.052526, y: 4.000636, z: -24.886713} - {x: -27.052517, y: 7.0700474, z: -21.331467} - {x: -22.54377, y: 5.6502337, z: -24.886713} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.1168137, z: -21.331467} - {x: -27.052517, y: 7.0700474, z: -21.331467} - {x: -27.05252, y: 6.3872437, z: -17.776224} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.1168137, z: -21.331467} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.29051, z: -17.776224} - {x: -27.05252, y: 6.3872437, z: -17.776224} - {x: -27.052525, y: 7.1184344, z: -14.220979} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.29051, z: -17.776224} - {x: -22.54377, y: 7.315877, z: -14.220979} - {x: -27.052525, y: 7.1184344, z: -14.220979} - {x: -27.05252, y: 7.529621, z: -10.665733} - {x: -22.54377, y: 7.315877, z: -14.220979} - {x: -22.543764, y: 7.340066, z: -10.665733} - {x: -27.05252, y: 7.529621, z: -10.665733} - {x: -27.052523, y: 8.70533, z: -7.1104875} - {x: -22.543764, y: 7.340066, z: -10.665733} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.8806663, z: -7.110487} - {x: -27.052523, y: 8.70533, z: -7.1104875} - {x: -27.052525, y: 9.16141, z: -3.5552416} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.8806663, z: -7.110487} - {x: -22.497072, y: 8.868389, z: -3.5552413} - {x: -27.052525, y: 9.16141, z: -3.5552416} - {x: -27.052523, y: 9.527145, z: 0.0000018924159} - {x: -22.497072, y: 8.868389, z: -3.5552413} - {x: -22.497066, y: 9.441935, z: 0.0000018013245} - {x: -27.052523, y: 9.527145, z: 0.0000018924159} - {x: -27.05252, y: 7.5804358, z: 3.5552437} - {x: -22.497066, y: 9.441935, z: 0.0000018013245} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.15252, z: 3.5552459} - {x: -27.05252, y: 7.5804358, z: 3.5552437} - {x: -27.052525, y: 7.623331, z: 7.1104918} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.15252, z: 3.5552459} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.210712, z: 7.11049} - {x: -27.052525, y: 7.623331, z: 7.1104918} - {x: -27.052519, y: 7.5821896, z: 10.66573} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.210712, z: 7.11049} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.22071, z: 10.665733} - {x: -27.052519, y: 7.5821896, z: 10.66573} - {x: -27.05252, y: 6.58495, z: 14.220979} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.22071, z: 10.665733} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.476873, z: 14.220981} - {x: -27.05252, y: 6.58495, z: 14.220979} - {x: -27.052526, y: 6.816459, z: 17.776226} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.476873, z: 14.220981} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.098915, z: 17.776226} - {x: -27.052526, y: 6.816459, z: 17.776226} - {x: -27.052519, y: 6.795152, z: 21.33147} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.098915, z: 17.776226} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.441837, z: 21.331472} - {x: -27.052519, y: 6.795152, z: 21.33147} - {x: -27.052523, y: 6.9919405, z: 24.886713} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.441837, z: 21.331472} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.6149817, z: 24.886717} - {x: -27.052523, y: 6.9919405, z: 24.886713} - {x: -27.052526, y: 5.8476267, z: 28.441957} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.6149817, z: 24.886717} - {x: -22.543772, y: 5.144186, z: 28.441956} - {x: -22.543764, y: 1.9338075, z: -28.441957} - {x: -22.54377, y: 5.6502337, z: -24.886713} - {x: -18.03501, y: 1.8451508, z: -28.441957} - {x: -18.035011, y: 6.5193014, z: -24.886713} - {x: -22.54377, y: 5.6502337, z: -24.886713} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.1168137, z: -21.331467} - {x: -18.035011, y: 6.5193014, z: -24.886713} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.163926, z: -21.331467} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.1168137, z: -21.331467} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.29051, z: -17.776224} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.163926, z: -21.331467} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.305774, z: -17.776226} - {x: -22.543766, y: 7.29051, z: -17.776224} - {x: -22.54377, y: 7.315877, z: -14.220979} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.305774, z: -17.776226} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.333222, z: -14.220979} - {x: -22.54377, y: 7.315877, z: -14.220979} - {x: -22.543764, y: 7.340066, z: -10.665733} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.333222, z: -14.220979} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.354957, z: -10.665733} - {x: -22.543764, y: 7.340066, z: -10.665733} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.8806663, z: -7.110487} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.354957, z: -10.665733} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.65389, z: -7.110489} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.8806663, z: -7.110487} - {x: -22.497072, y: 8.868389, z: -3.5552413} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.65389, z: -7.110489} - {x: -17.988317, y: 8.721256, z: -3.555241} - {x: -22.497072, y: 8.868389, z: -3.5552413} - {x: -22.497066, y: 9.441935, z: 0.0000018013245} - {x: -17.988317, y: 8.721256, z: -3.555241} - {x: -17.988316, y: 9.755031, z: 0.00000060729815} - {x: -22.497066, y: 9.441935, z: 0.0000018013245} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.15252, z: 3.5552459} - {x: -17.988316, y: 9.755031, z: 0.00000060729815} - {x: -18.03501, y: 9.839585, z: 3.555244} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.15252, z: 3.5552459} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.210712, z: 7.11049} - {x: -18.03501, y: 9.839585, z: 3.555244} - {x: -18.035011, y: 10.116129, z: 7.110484} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.210712, z: 7.11049} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.22071, z: 10.665733} - {x: -18.035011, y: 10.116129, z: 7.110484} - {x: -18.035015, y: 10.430702, z: 10.665732} - {x: -22.543768, y: 9.22071, z: 10.665733} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.476873, z: 14.220981} - {x: -18.035015, y: 10.430702, z: 10.665732} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.670127, z: 14.220976} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.476873, z: 14.220981} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.098915, z: 17.776226} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.670127, z: 14.220976} - {x: -18.035015, y: 11.087555, z: 17.776224} - {x: -22.54377, y: 9.098915, z: 17.776226} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.441837, z: 21.331472} - {x: -18.035015, y: 11.087555, z: 17.776224} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.068109, z: 21.33147} - {x: -22.543766, y: 9.441837, z: 21.331472} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.6149817, z: 24.886717} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.068109, z: 21.33147} - {x: -18.035015, y: 7.0934906, z: 24.886719} - {x: -22.543768, y: 7.6149817, z: 24.886717} - {x: -22.543772, y: 5.144186, z: 28.441956} - {x: -18.035015, y: 7.0934906, z: 24.886719} - {x: -18.035013, y: 3.1085756, z: 28.441957} - {x: -18.03501, y: 1.8451508, z: -28.441957} - {x: -18.035011, y: 6.5193014, z: -24.886713} - {x: -13.526259, y: 0.1731166, z: -28.441957} - {x: -13.52626, y: 1.406204, z: -24.886713} - {x: -18.035011, y: 6.5193014, z: -24.886713} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.163926, z: -21.331467} - {x: -13.52626, y: 1.406204, z: -24.886713} - {x: -13.526259, y: 6.717572, z: -21.331467} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.163926, z: -21.331467} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.305774, z: -17.776226} - {x: -13.526259, y: 6.717572, z: -21.331467} - {x: -13.526258, y: 7.326572, z: -17.776222} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.305774, z: -17.776226} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.333222, z: -14.220979} - {x: -13.526258, y: 7.326572, z: -17.776222} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.349839, z: -14.220976} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.333222, z: -14.220979} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.354957, z: -10.665733} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.349839, z: -14.220976} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.3737345, z: -10.665734} - {x: -18.03501, y: 7.354957, z: -10.665733} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.65389, z: -7.110489} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.3737345, z: -10.665734} - {x: -13.526262, y: 7.7487574, z: -7.110488} - {x: -18.035011, y: 7.65389, z: -7.110489} - {x: -17.988317, y: 8.721256, z: -3.555241} - {x: -13.526262, y: 7.7487574, z: -7.110488} - {x: -13.526262, y: 8.774185, z: -3.5552425} - {x: -17.988317, y: 8.721256, z: -3.555241} - {x: -17.988316, y: 9.755031, z: 0.00000060729815} - {x: -13.526262, y: 8.774185, z: -3.5552425} - {x: -13.52626, y: 9.453657, z: -0.0000008429879} - {x: -17.988316, y: 9.755031, z: 0.00000060729815} - {x: -18.03501, y: 9.839585, z: 3.555244} - {x: -13.52626, y: 9.453657, z: -0.0000008429879} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.238549, z: 3.5552506} - {x: -18.03501, y: 9.839585, z: 3.555244} - {x: -18.035011, y: 10.116129, z: 7.110484} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.238549, z: 3.5552506} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.46708, z: 7.110494} - {x: -18.035011, y: 10.116129, z: 7.110484} - {x: -18.035015, y: 10.430702, z: 10.665732} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.46708, z: 7.110494} - {x: -13.526259, y: 11.158087, z: 10.665734} - {x: -18.035015, y: 10.430702, z: 10.665732} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.670127, z: 14.220976} - {x: -13.526259, y: 11.158087, z: 10.665734} - {x: -13.526262, y: 11.109757, z: 14.220978} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.670127, z: 14.220976} - {x: -18.035015, y: 11.087555, z: 17.776224} - {x: -13.526262, y: 11.109757, z: 14.220978} - {x: -13.526263, y: 10.717967, z: 17.776222} - {x: -18.035015, y: 11.087555, z: 17.776224} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.068109, z: 21.33147} - {x: -13.526263, y: 10.717967, z: 17.776222} - {x: -13.526261, y: 10.02045, z: 21.331469} - {x: -18.035013, y: 10.068109, z: 21.33147} - {x: -18.035015, y: 7.0934906, z: 24.886719} - {x: -13.526261, y: 10.02045, z: 21.331469} - {x: -13.526263, y: 5.970912, z: 24.886717} - {x: -18.035015, y: 7.0934906, z: 24.886719} - {x: -18.035013, y: 3.1085756, z: 28.441957} - {x: -13.526263, y: 5.970912, z: 24.886717} - {x: -13.526261, y: 2.0211983, z: 28.441954} - {x: -13.526259, y: 0.1731166, z: -28.441957} - {x: -13.52626, y: 1.406204, z: -24.886713} - {x: -9.017508, y: 0, z: -28.441957} - {x: -9.017508, y: 0.17401052, z: -24.886713} - {x: -13.52626, y: 1.406204, z: -24.886713} - {x: -13.526259, y: 6.717572, z: -21.331467} - {x: -9.017508, y: 0.17401052, z: -24.886713} - {x: -9.017508, y: 1.8400166, z: -21.331467} - {x: -13.526259, y: 6.717572, z: -21.331467} - {x: -13.526258, y: 7.326572, z: -17.776222} - {x: -9.017508, y: 1.8400166, z: -21.331467} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.2127857, z: -17.776224} - {x: -13.526258, y: 7.326572, z: -17.776222} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.349839, z: -14.220976} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.2127857, z: -17.776224} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.372396, z: -14.220978} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.349839, z: -14.220976} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.3737345, z: -10.665734} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.372396, z: -14.220978} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 7.6709, z: -10.665733} - {x: -13.526259, y: 7.3737345, z: -10.665734} - {x: -13.526262, y: 7.7487574, z: -7.110488} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 7.6709, z: -10.665733} - {x: -9.017511, y: 8.465307, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -13.526262, y: 7.7487574, z: -7.110488} - {x: -13.526262, y: 8.774185, z: -3.5552425} - {x: -9.017511, y: 8.465307, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.935281, z: -3.555242} - {x: -13.526262, y: 8.774185, z: -3.5552425} - {x: -13.52626, y: 9.453657, z: -0.0000008429879} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.935281, z: -3.555242} - {x: -9.017509, y: 9.566758, z: -0.00000013926353} - {x: -13.52626, y: 9.453657, z: -0.0000008429879} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.238549, z: 3.5552506} - {x: -9.017509, y: 9.566758, z: -0.00000013926353} - {x: -9.017508, y: 10.184246, z: 3.5552492} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.238549, z: 3.5552506} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.46708, z: 7.110494} - {x: -9.017508, y: 10.184246, z: 3.5552492} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 10.111678, z: 7.110493} - {x: -13.52626, y: 10.46708, z: 7.110494} - {x: -13.526259, y: 11.158087, z: 10.665734} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 10.111678, z: 7.110493} - {x: -9.017509, y: 10.012317, z: 10.665741} - {x: -13.526259, y: 11.158087, z: 10.665734} - {x: -13.526262, y: 11.109757, z: 14.220978} - {x: -9.017509, y: 10.012317, z: 10.665741} - {x: -9.017511, y: 10.8483095, z: 14.220981} - {x: -13.526262, y: 11.109757, z: 14.220978} - {x: -13.526263, y: 10.717967, z: 17.776222} - {x: -9.017511, y: 10.8483095, z: 14.220981} - {x: -9.01751, y: 9.996021, z: 17.776224} - {x: -13.526263, y: 10.717967, z: 17.776222} - {x: -13.526261, y: 10.02045, z: 21.331469} - {x: -9.01751, y: 9.996021, z: 17.776224} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.345668, z: 21.331472} - {x: -13.526261, y: 10.02045, z: 21.331469} - {x: -13.526263, y: 5.970912, z: 24.886717} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.345668, z: 21.331472} - {x: -9.01751, y: 6.741302, z: 24.886715} - {x: -13.526263, y: 5.970912, z: 24.886717} - {x: -13.526261, y: 2.0211983, z: 28.441954} - {x: -9.01751, y: 6.741302, z: 24.886715} - {x: -9.01751, y: 1.9381456, z: 28.441956} - {x: -9.017508, y: 0, z: -28.441957} - {x: -9.017508, y: 0.17401052, z: -24.886713} - {x: -4.5087543, y: 0.0010529187, z: -28.441957} - {x: -4.5087543, y: 0.61645615, z: -24.886713} - {x: -9.017508, y: 0.17401052, z: -24.886713} - {x: -9.017508, y: 1.8400166, z: -21.331467} - {x: -4.5087543, y: 0.61645615, z: -24.886713} - {x: -4.508754, y: 3.0821273, z: -21.331469} - {x: -9.017508, y: 1.8400166, z: -21.331467} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.2127857, z: -17.776224} - {x: -4.508754, y: 3.0821273, z: -21.331469} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 6.1828647, z: -17.776226} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.2127857, z: -17.776224} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.372396, z: -14.220978} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 6.1828647, z: -17.776226} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 7.6270027, z: -14.220979} - {x: -9.017507, y: 7.372396, z: -14.220978} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 7.6709, z: -10.665733} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 7.6270027, z: -14.220979} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 8.451393, z: -10.665731} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 7.6709, z: -10.665733} - {x: -9.017511, y: 8.465307, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 8.451393, z: -10.665731} - {x: -4.508755, y: 8.811432, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -9.017511, y: 8.465307, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.935281, z: -3.555242} - {x: -4.508755, y: 8.811432, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.326444, z: -3.5552435} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.935281, z: -3.555242} - {x: -9.017509, y: 9.566758, z: -0.00000013926353} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.326444, z: -3.5552435} - {x: -4.508755, y: 9.792638, z: 0.00000014044747} - {x: -9.017509, y: 9.566758, z: -0.00000013926353} - {x: -9.017508, y: 10.184246, z: 3.5552492} - {x: -4.508755, y: 9.792638, z: 0.00000014044747} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.16727, z: 3.5552478} - {x: -9.017508, y: 10.184246, z: 3.5552492} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 10.111678, z: 7.110493} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.16727, z: 3.5552478} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.387621, z: 7.1104913} - {x: -9.0175085, y: 10.111678, z: 7.110493} - {x: -9.017509, y: 10.012317, z: 10.665741} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.387621, z: 7.1104913} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.9534235, z: 10.665735} - {x: -9.017509, y: 10.012317, z: 10.665741} - {x: -9.017511, y: 10.8483095, z: 14.220981} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.9534235, z: 10.665735} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.939154, z: 14.220979} - {x: -9.017511, y: 10.8483095, z: 14.220981} - {x: -9.01751, y: 9.996021, z: 17.776224} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.939154, z: 14.220979} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.749357, z: 17.776226} - {x: -9.01751, y: 9.996021, z: 17.776224} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.345668, z: 21.331472} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.749357, z: 17.776226} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.221898, z: 21.331474} - {x: -9.017509, y: 8.345668, z: 21.331472} - {x: -9.01751, y: 6.741302, z: 24.886715} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.221898, z: 21.331474} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 7.151278, z: 24.886715} - {x: -9.01751, y: 6.741302, z: 24.886715} - {x: -9.01751, y: 1.9381456, z: 28.441956} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 7.151278, z: 24.886715} - {x: -4.508756, y: 2.8433685, z: 28.441954} - {x: -4.5087543, y: 0.0010529187, z: -28.441957} - {x: -4.5087543, y: 0.61645615, z: -24.886713} - {x: 0.00000018371566, y: 0.0012131644, z: -28.441957} - {x: 0.00000029494265, y: 1.320335, z: -24.886713} - {x: -4.5087543, y: 0.61645615, z: -24.886713} - {x: -4.508754, y: 3.0821273, z: -21.331469} - {x: 0.00000029494265, y: 1.320335, z: -24.886713} - {x: 0.00000012283658, y: 3.9921079, z: -21.331467} - {x: -4.508754, y: 3.0821273, z: -21.331469} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 6.1828647, z: -17.776226} - {x: 0.00000012283658, y: 3.9921079, z: -21.331467} - {x: -0.00000024369797, y: 6.459452, z: -17.776226} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 6.1828647, z: -17.776226} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 7.6270027, z: -14.220979} - {x: -0.00000024369797, y: 6.459452, z: -17.776226} - {x: -0.000000036918664, y: 7.8939896, z: -14.220981} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 7.6270027, z: -14.220979} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 8.451393, z: -10.665731} - {x: -0.000000036918664, y: 7.8939896, z: -14.220981} - {x: -0.00000030457704, y: 8.239545, z: -10.665734} - {x: -4.5087547, y: 8.451393, z: -10.665731} - {x: -4.508755, y: 8.811432, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -0.00000030457704, y: 8.239545, z: -10.665734} - {x: -0.0000010466731, y: 9.002433, z: -7.110489} - {x: -4.508755, y: 8.811432, z: -7.1104894} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.326444, z: -3.5552435} - {x: -0.0000010466731, y: 9.002433, z: -7.110489} - {x: -0.00000036545612, y: 9.631346, z: -3.5552433} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.326444, z: -3.5552435} - {x: -4.508755, y: 9.792638, z: 0.00000014044747} - {x: -0.00000036545612, y: 9.631346, z: -3.5552433} - {x: -0.0000008242191, y: 9.943587, z: 0.00000045599057} - {x: -4.508755, y: 9.792638, z: 0.00000014044747} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.16727, z: 3.5552478} - {x: -0.0000008242191, y: 9.943587, z: 0.00000045599057} - {x: -0.0000010918775, y: 10.183832, z: 3.555246} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.16727, z: 3.5552478} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.387621, z: 7.1104913} - {x: -0.0000010918775, y: 10.183832, z: 3.555246} - {x: -0.00000069399357, y: 10.76712, z: 7.1104937} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.387621, z: 7.1104913} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.9534235, z: 10.665735} - {x: -0.00000069399357, y: 10.76712, z: 7.1104937} - {x: -0.000001297747, y: 10.903724, z: 10.665733} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.9534235, z: 10.665735} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.939154, z: 14.220979} - {x: -0.000001297747, y: 10.903724, z: 10.665733} - {x: -0.0000006626442, y: 10.366146, z: 14.220982} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 10.939154, z: 14.220979} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.749357, z: 17.776226} - {x: -0.0000006626442, y: 10.366146, z: 14.220982} - {x: -0.0000009764168, y: 11.374494, z: 17.776228} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.749357, z: 17.776226} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.221898, z: 21.331474} - {x: -0.0000009764168, y: 11.374494, z: 17.776228} - {x: -0.000001197961, y: 10.021977, z: 21.331472} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 9.221898, z: 21.331474} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 7.151278, z: 24.886715} - {x: -0.000001197961, y: 10.021977, z: 21.331472} - {x: -0.0000013008957, y: 7.653652, z: 24.886717} - {x: -4.5087557, y: 7.151278, z: 24.886715} - {x: -4.508756, y: 2.8433685, z: 28.441954} - {x: -0.0000013008957, y: 7.653652, z: 24.886717} - {x: -0.0000014038304, y: 3.4587464, z: 28.44196} - {x: 0.00000018371566, y: 0.0012131644, z: -28.441957} - {x: 0.00000029494265, y: 1.320335, z: -24.886713} - {x: 4.508753, y: 0.1387853, z: -28.441957} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 1.9728615, z: -24.886713} - {x: 0.00000029494265, y: 1.320335, z: -24.886713} - {x: 0.00000012283658, y: 3.9921079, z: -21.331467} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 1.9728615, z: -24.886713} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 4.7692127, z: -21.331467} - {x: 0.00000012283658, y: 3.9921079, z: -21.331467} - {x: -0.00000024369797, y: 6.459452, z: -17.776226} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 4.7692127, z: -21.331467} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 7.113303, z: -17.776224} - {x: -0.00000024369797, y: 6.459452, z: -17.776226} - {x: -0.000000036918664, y: 7.8939896, z: -14.220981} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 7.113303, z: -17.776224} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 8.298954, z: -14.220978} - {x: -0.000000036918664, y: 7.8939896, z: -14.220981} - {x: -0.00000030457704, y: 8.239545, z: -10.665734} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 8.298954, z: -14.220978} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 8.989857, z: -10.665734} - {x: -0.00000030457704, y: 8.239545, z: -10.665734} - {x: -0.0000010466731, y: 9.002433, z: -7.110489} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 8.989857, z: -10.665734} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 9.958082, z: -7.1104903} - {x: -0.0000010466731, y: 9.002433, z: -7.110489} - {x: -0.00000036545612, y: 9.631346, z: -3.5552433} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 9.958082, z: -7.1104903} - {x: 4.508751, y: 10.204793, z: -3.5552428} - {x: -0.00000036545612, y: 9.631346, z: -3.5552433} - {x: -0.0000008242191, y: 9.943587, z: 0.00000045599057} - {x: 4.508751, y: 10.204793, z: -3.5552428} - {x: 4.508749, y: 10.46055, z: -0.0000025880104} - {x: -0.0000008242191, y: 9.943587, z: 0.00000045599057} - {x: -0.0000010918775, y: 10.183832, z: 3.555246} - {x: 4.508749, y: 10.46055, z: -0.0000025880104} - {x: 4.50875, y: 10.644154, z: 3.555245} - {x: -0.0000010918775, y: 10.183832, z: 3.555246} - {x: -0.00000069399357, y: 10.76712, z: 7.1104937} - {x: 4.50875, y: 10.644154, z: 3.555245} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.840795, z: 7.1104884} - {x: -0.00000069399357, y: 10.76712, z: 7.1104937} - {x: -0.000001297747, y: 10.903724, z: 10.665733} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.840795, z: 7.1104884} - {x: 4.508751, y: 11.080585, z: 10.665732} - {x: -0.000001297747, y: 10.903724, z: 10.665733} - {x: -0.0000006626442, y: 10.366146, z: 14.220982} - {x: 4.508751, y: 11.080585, z: 10.665732} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 10.602138, z: 14.22098} - {x: -0.0000006626442, y: 10.366146, z: 14.220982} - {x: -0.0000009764168, y: 11.374494, z: 17.776228} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 10.602138, z: 14.22098} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.384408, z: 17.776224} - {x: -0.0000009764168, y: 11.374494, z: 17.776228} - {x: -0.000001197961, y: 10.021977, z: 21.331472} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.384408, z: 17.776224} - {x: 4.50875, y: 9.458414, z: 21.331467} - {x: -0.000001197961, y: 10.021977, z: 21.331472} - {x: -0.0000013008957, y: 7.653652, z: 24.886717} - {x: 4.50875, y: 9.458414, z: 21.331467} - {x: 4.50875, y: 7.4102564, z: 24.886719} - {x: -0.0000013008957, y: 7.653652, z: 24.886717} - {x: -0.0000014038304, y: 3.4587464, z: 28.44196} - {x: 4.50875, y: 7.4102564, z: 24.886719} - {x: 4.5087495, y: 2.6694765, z: 28.44196} - {x: 4.508753, y: 0.1387853, z: -28.441957} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 1.9728615, z: -24.886713} - {x: 9.017507, y: 0.506547, z: -28.441957} - {x: 9.017506, y: 2.658577, z: -24.886713} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 1.9728615, z: -24.886713} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 4.7692127, z: -21.331467} - {x: 9.017506, y: 2.658577, z: -24.886713} - {x: 9.017507, y: 5.3403463, z: -21.331467} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 4.7692127, z: -21.331467} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 7.113303, z: -17.776224} - {x: 9.017507, y: 5.3403463, z: -21.331467} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.498639, z: -17.776224} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 7.113303, z: -17.776224} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 8.298954, z: -14.220978} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.498639, z: -17.776224} - {x: 9.017507, y: 8.701725, z: -14.22098} - {x: 4.5087523, y: 8.298954, z: -14.220978} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 8.989857, z: -10.665734} - {x: 9.017507, y: 8.701725, z: -14.22098} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.334024, z: -10.665731} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 8.989857, z: -10.665734} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 9.958082, z: -7.1104903} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.334024, z: -10.665731} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.782767, z: -7.110488} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 9.958082, z: -7.1104903} - {x: 4.508751, y: 10.204793, z: -3.5552428} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.782767, z: -7.110488} - {x: 9.017507, y: 9.857947, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 4.508751, y: 10.204793, z: -3.5552428} - {x: 4.508749, y: 10.46055, z: -0.0000025880104} - {x: 9.017507, y: 9.857947, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 9.017504, y: 10.500792, z: -0.00000046429682} - {x: 4.508749, y: 10.46055, z: -0.0000025880104} - {x: 4.50875, y: 10.644154, z: 3.555245} - {x: 9.017504, y: 10.500792, z: -0.00000046429682} - {x: 9.017507, y: 10.400485, z: 3.5552468} - {x: 4.50875, y: 10.644154, z: 3.555245} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.840795, z: 7.1104884} - {x: 9.017507, y: 10.400485, z: 3.5552468} - {x: 9.017507, y: 11.077747, z: 7.110491} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.840795, z: 7.1104884} - {x: 4.508751, y: 11.080585, z: 10.665732} - {x: 9.017507, y: 11.077747, z: 7.110491} - {x: 9.017505, y: 11.54835, z: 10.665734} - {x: 4.508751, y: 11.080585, z: 10.665732} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 10.602138, z: 14.22098} - {x: 9.017505, y: 11.54835, z: 10.665734} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.433424, z: 14.220979} - {x: 4.5087514, y: 10.602138, z: 14.22098} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.384408, z: 17.776224} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.433424, z: 14.220979} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.007537, z: 17.776226} - {x: 4.5087504, y: 10.384408, z: 17.776224} - {x: 4.50875, y: 9.458414, z: 21.331467} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.007537, z: 17.776226} - {x: 9.017502, y: 8.159386, z: 21.33147} - {x: 4.50875, y: 9.458414, z: 21.331467} - {x: 4.50875, y: 7.4102564, z: 24.886719} - {x: 9.017502, y: 8.159386, z: 21.33147} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.1256566, z: 24.88672} - {x: 4.50875, y: 7.4102564, z: 24.886719} - {x: 4.5087495, y: 2.6694765, z: 28.44196} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.1256566, z: 24.88672} - {x: 9.017506, y: 3.1540627, z: 28.441961} - {x: 9.017507, y: 0.506547, z: -28.441957} - {x: 9.017506, y: 2.658577, z: -24.886713} - {x: 13.52626, y: 0.56539124, z: -28.441957} - {x: 13.526259, y: 3.084589, z: -24.886713} - {x: 9.017506, y: 2.658577, z: -24.886713} - {x: 9.017507, y: 5.3403463, z: -21.331467} - {x: 13.526259, y: 3.084589, z: -24.886713} - {x: 13.52626, y: 5.7507133, z: -21.331467} - {x: 9.017507, y: 5.3403463, z: -21.331467} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.498639, z: -17.776224} - {x: 13.52626, y: 5.7507133, z: -21.331467} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 7.576962, z: -17.776224} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.498639, z: -17.776224} - {x: 9.017507, y: 8.701725, z: -14.22098} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 7.576962, z: -17.776224} - {x: 13.526258, y: 8.730139, z: -14.220979} - {x: 9.017507, y: 8.701725, z: -14.22098} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.334024, z: -10.665731} - {x: 13.526258, y: 8.730139, z: -14.220979} - {x: 13.526262, y: 9.819011, z: -10.665733} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.334024, z: -10.665731} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.782767, z: -7.110488} - {x: 13.526262, y: 9.819011, z: -10.665733} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.319539, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.782767, z: -7.110488} - {x: 9.017507, y: 9.857947, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.319539, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 13.526258, y: 10.717852, z: -3.555242} - {x: 9.017507, y: 9.857947, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 9.017504, y: 10.500792, z: -0.00000046429682} - {x: 13.526258, y: 10.717852, z: -3.555242} - {x: 13.526261, y: 10.4806, z: -0.0000023271893} - {x: 9.017504, y: 10.500792, z: -0.00000046429682} - {x: 9.017507, y: 10.400485, z: 3.5552468} - {x: 13.526261, y: 10.4806, z: -0.0000023271893} - {x: 13.526258, y: 9.7286, z: 3.5552454} - {x: 9.017507, y: 10.400485, z: 3.5552468} - {x: 9.017507, y: 11.077747, z: 7.110491} - {x: 13.526258, y: 9.7286, z: 3.5552454} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.294555, z: 7.1104856} - {x: 9.017507, y: 11.077747, z: 7.110491} - {x: 9.017505, y: 11.54835, z: 10.665734} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.294555, z: 7.1104856} - {x: 13.52626, y: 9.848906, z: 10.665732} - {x: 9.017505, y: 11.54835, z: 10.665734} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.433424, z: 14.220979} - {x: 13.52626, y: 9.848906, z: 10.665732} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 9.144115, z: 14.220977} - {x: 9.017504, y: 9.433424, z: 14.220979} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.007537, z: 17.776226} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 9.144115, z: 14.220977} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 8.116163, z: 17.776224} - {x: 9.017506, y: 9.007537, z: 17.776226} - {x: 9.017502, y: 8.159386, z: 21.33147} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 8.116163, z: 17.776224} - {x: 13.526259, y: 7.015868, z: 21.331472} - {x: 9.017502, y: 8.159386, z: 21.33147} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.1256566, z: 24.88672} - {x: 13.526259, y: 7.015868, z: 21.331472} - {x: 13.526257, y: 5.976758, z: 24.886715} - {x: 9.017507, y: 7.1256566, z: 24.88672} - {x: 9.017506, y: 3.1540627, z: 28.441961} - {x: 13.526257, y: 5.976758, z: 24.886715} - {x: 13.526258, y: 3.628715, z: 28.441956} - {x: 13.52626, y: 0.56539124, z: -28.441957} - {x: 13.526259, y: 3.084589, z: -24.886713} - {x: 18.035013, y: 0.57062405, z: -28.441957} - {x: 18.035013, y: 1.83694, z: -24.886713} - {x: 13.526259, y: 3.084589, z: -24.886713} - {x: 13.52626, y: 5.7507133, z: -21.331467} - {x: 18.035013, y: 1.83694, z: -24.886713} - {x: 18.035007, y: 5.1671424, z: -21.331467} - {x: 13.52626, y: 5.7507133, z: -21.331467} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 7.576962, z: -17.776224} - {x: 18.035007, y: 5.1671424, z: -21.331467} - {x: 18.035013, y: 7.1900115, z: -17.776226} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 7.576962, z: -17.776224} - {x: 13.526258, y: 8.730139, z: -14.220979} - {x: 18.035013, y: 7.1900115, z: -17.776226} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.463595, z: -14.220979} - {x: 13.526258, y: 8.730139, z: -14.220979} - {x: 13.526262, y: 9.819011, z: -10.665733} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.463595, z: -14.220979} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.955706, z: -10.665734} - {x: 13.526262, y: 9.819011, z: -10.665733} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.319539, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.955706, z: -10.665734} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.251426, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.319539, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 13.526258, y: 10.717852, z: -3.555242} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.251426, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.429316, z: -3.5552418} - {x: 13.526258, y: 10.717852, z: -3.555242} - {x: 13.526261, y: 10.4806, z: -0.0000023271893} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.429316, z: -3.5552418} - {x: 18.03501, y: 9.487823, z: 0.0000005609427} - {x: 13.526261, y: 10.4806, z: -0.0000023271893} - {x: 13.526258, y: 9.7286, z: 3.5552454} - {x: 18.03501, y: 9.487823, z: 0.0000005609427} - {x: 18.035011, y: 9.975729, z: 3.5552478} - {x: 13.526258, y: 9.7286, z: 3.5552454} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.294555, z: 7.1104856} - {x: 18.035011, y: 9.975729, z: 3.5552478} - {x: 18.035013, y: 10.371364, z: 7.1104913} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 10.294555, z: 7.1104856} - {x: 13.52626, y: 9.848906, z: 10.665732} - {x: 18.035013, y: 10.371364, z: 7.1104913} - {x: 18.035007, y: 8.6893425, z: 10.665735} - {x: 13.52626, y: 9.848906, z: 10.665732} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 9.144115, z: 14.220977} - {x: 18.035007, y: 8.6893425, z: 10.665735} - {x: 18.035013, y: 8.045967, z: 14.220979} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 9.144115, z: 14.220977} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 8.116163, z: 17.776224} - {x: 18.035013, y: 8.045967, z: 14.220979} - {x: 18.035011, y: 7.277981, z: 17.776218} - {x: 13.5262575, y: 8.116163, z: 17.776224} - {x: 13.526259, y: 7.015868, z: 21.331472} - {x: 18.035011, y: 7.277981, z: 17.776218} - {x: 18.03501, y: 6.2432423, z: 21.331474} - {x: 13.526259, y: 7.015868, z: 21.331472} - {x: 13.526257, y: 5.976758, z: 24.886715} - {x: 18.03501, y: 6.2432423, z: 21.331474} - {x: 18.035013, y: 5.340693, z: 24.886719} - {x: 13.526257, y: 5.976758, z: 24.886715} - {x: 13.526258, y: 3.628715, z: 28.441956} - {x: 18.035013, y: 5.340693, z: 24.886719} - {x: 18.03501, y: 4.02238, z: 28.441954} - {x: 18.035013, y: 0.57062405, z: -28.441957} - {x: 18.035013, y: 1.83694, z: -24.886713} - {x: 22.543766, y: 0.2343635, z: -28.441957} - {x: 22.543768, y: 1.5469904, z: -24.886713} - {x: 18.035013, y: 1.83694, z: -24.886713} - {x: 18.035007, y: 5.1671424, z: -21.331467} - {x: 22.543768, y: 1.5469904, z: -24.886713} - {x: 22.543768, y: 4.420807, z: -21.331469} - {x: 18.035007, y: 5.1671424, z: -21.331467} - {x: 18.035013, y: 7.1900115, z: -17.776226} - {x: 22.543768, y: 4.420807, z: -21.331469} - {x: 22.543766, y: 7.4603424, z: -17.776224} - {x: 18.035013, y: 7.1900115, z: -17.776226} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.463595, z: -14.220979} - {x: 22.543766, y: 7.4603424, z: -17.776224} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.317133, z: -14.220976} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.463595, z: -14.220979} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.955706, z: -10.665734} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.317133, z: -14.220976} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.906645, z: -10.66573} - {x: 18.035011, y: 8.955706, z: -10.665734} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.251426, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.906645, z: -10.66573} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.334293, z: -7.110489} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.251426, z: -7.1104875} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.429316, z: -3.5552418} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.334293, z: -7.110489} - {x: 22.543768, y: 9.604345, z: -3.5552435} - {x: 18.035013, y: 9.429316, z: -3.5552418} - {x: 18.03501, y: 9.487823, z: 0.0000005609427} - {x: 22.543768, y: 9.604345, z: -3.5552435} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.694696, z: 0.0000024935516} - {x: 18.03501, y: 9.487823, z: 0.0000005609427} - {x: 18.035011, y: 9.975729, z: 3.5552478} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.694696, z: 0.0000024935516} - {x: 22.543766, y: 10.346904, z: 3.5552502} - {x: 18.035011, y: 9.975729, z: 3.5552478} - {x: 18.035013, y: 10.371364, z: 7.1104913} - {x: 22.543766, y: 10.346904, z: 3.5552502} - {x: 22.54377, y: 10.645466, z: 7.110493} - {x: 18.035013, y: 10.371364, z: 7.1104913} - {x: 18.035007, y: 8.6893425, z: 10.665735} - {x: 22.54377, y: 10.645466, z: 7.110493} - {x: 22.543764, y: 8.743504, z: 10.665734} - {x: 18.035007, y: 8.6893425, z: 10.665735} - {x: 18.035013, y: 8.045967, z: 14.220979} - {x: 22.543764, y: 8.743504, z: 10.665734} - {x: 22.543762, y: 7.8813553, z: 14.220978} - {x: 18.035013, y: 8.045967, z: 14.220979} - {x: 18.035011, y: 7.277981, z: 17.776218} - {x: 22.543762, y: 7.8813553, z: 14.220978} - {x: 22.543768, y: 6.9371376, z: 17.776228} - {x: 18.035011, y: 7.277981, z: 17.776218} - {x: 18.03501, y: 6.2432423, z: 21.331474} - {x: 22.543768, y: 6.9371376, z: 17.776228} - {x: 22.543766, y: 5.967881, z: 21.331476} - {x: 18.03501, y: 6.2432423, z: 21.331474} - {x: 18.035013, y: 5.340693, z: 24.886719} - {x: 22.543766, y: 5.967881, z: 21.331476} - {x: 22.543764, y: 5.2448983, z: 24.886717} - {x: 18.035013, y: 5.340693, z: 24.886719} - {x: 18.03501, y: 4.02238, z: 28.441954} - {x: 22.543764, y: 5.2448983, z: 24.886717} - {x: 22.543764, y: 4.056476, z: 28.441956} - {x: 22.543766, y: 0.2343635, z: -28.441957} - {x: 22.543768, y: 1.5469904, z: -24.886713} - {x: 27.052523, y: 1.6937693, z: -28.441957} - {x: 27.052519, y: 3.0058172, z: -24.886713} - {x: 22.543768, y: 1.5469904, z: -24.886713} - {x: 22.543768, y: 4.420807, z: -21.331469} - {x: 27.052519, y: 3.0058172, z: -24.886713} - {x: 27.05252, y: 5.3504887, z: -21.331467} - {x: 22.543768, y: 4.420807, z: -21.331469} - {x: 22.543766, y: 7.4603424, z: -17.776224} - {x: 27.05252, y: 5.3504887, z: -21.331467} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.4333463, z: -17.776222} - {x: 22.543766, y: 7.4603424, z: -17.776224} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.317133, z: -14.220976} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.4333463, z: -17.776222} - {x: 27.052515, y: 8.393384, z: -14.220976} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.317133, z: -14.220976} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.906645, z: -10.66573} - {x: 27.052515, y: 8.393384, z: -14.220976} - {x: 27.052526, y: 9.152274, z: -10.665735} - {x: 22.543766, y: 8.906645, z: -10.66573} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.334293, z: -7.110489} - {x: 27.052526, y: 9.152274, z: -10.665735} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.739081, z: -7.1104846} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.334293, z: -7.110489} - {x: 22.543768, y: 9.604345, z: -3.5552435} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.739081, z: -7.1104846} - {x: 27.052517, y: 10.104524, z: -3.5552444} - {x: 22.543768, y: 9.604345, z: -3.5552435} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.694696, z: 0.0000024935516} - {x: 27.052517, y: 10.104524, z: -3.5552444} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.20126, z: 0.0000046172654} - {x: 22.543766, y: 9.694696, z: 0.0000024935516} - {x: 22.543766, y: 10.346904, z: 3.5552502} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.20126, z: 0.0000046172654} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.057826, z: 3.5552485} - {x: 22.543766, y: 10.346904, z: 3.5552502} - {x: 22.54377, y: 10.645466, z: 7.110493} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.057826, z: 3.5552485} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.696644, z: 7.110496} - {x: 22.54377, y: 10.645466, z: 7.110493} - {x: 22.543764, y: 8.743504, z: 10.665734} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.696644, z: 7.110496} - {x: 27.052523, y: 9.183232, z: 10.665736} - {x: 22.543764, y: 8.743504, z: 10.665734} - {x: 22.543762, y: 7.8813553, z: 14.220978} - {x: 27.052523, y: 9.183232, z: 10.665736} - {x: 27.052517, y: 8.494352, z: 14.22098} - {x: 22.543762, y: 7.8813553, z: 14.220978} - {x: 22.543768, y: 6.9371376, z: 17.776228} - {x: 27.052517, y: 8.494352, z: 14.22098} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.1083493, z: 17.776228} - {x: 22.543768, y: 6.9371376, z: 17.776228} - {x: 22.543766, y: 5.967881, z: 21.331476} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.1083493, z: 17.776228} - {x: 27.052523, y: 6.2314053, z: 21.33147} - {x: 22.543766, y: 5.967881, z: 21.331476} - {x: 22.543764, y: 5.2448983, z: 24.886717} - {x: 27.052523, y: 6.2314053, z: 21.33147} - {x: 27.052519, y: 5.3533, z: 24.886715} - {x: 22.543764, y: 5.2448983, z: 24.886717} - {x: 22.543764, y: 4.056476, z: 28.441956} - {x: 27.052519, y: 5.3533, z: 24.886715} - {x: 27.052519, y: 4.364182, z: 28.44196} - {x: 27.052523, y: 1.6937693, z: -28.441957} - {x: 27.052519, y: 3.0058172, z: -24.886713} - {x: 31.56128, y: 2.012339, z: -28.441957} - {x: 31.561277, y: 3.5717115, z: -24.886713} - {x: 27.052519, y: 3.0058172, z: -24.886713} - {x: 27.05252, y: 5.3504887, z: -21.331467} - {x: 31.561277, y: 3.5717115, z: -24.886713} - {x: 31.561277, y: 5.569183, z: -21.331467} - {x: 27.05252, y: 5.3504887, z: -21.331467} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.4333463, z: -17.776222} - {x: 31.561277, y: 5.569183, z: -21.331467} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.276415, z: -17.776224} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.4333463, z: -17.776222} - {x: 27.052515, y: 8.393384, z: -14.220976} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.276415, z: -17.776224} - {x: 31.561275, y: 8.327712, z: -14.220978} - {x: 27.052515, y: 8.393384, z: -14.220976} - {x: 27.052526, y: 9.152274, z: -10.665735} - {x: 31.561275, y: 8.327712, z: -14.220978} - {x: 31.561277, y: 8.947984, z: -10.665732} - {x: 27.052526, y: 9.152274, z: -10.665735} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.739081, z: -7.1104846} - {x: 31.561277, y: 8.947984, z: -10.665732} - {x: 31.561277, y: 9.782496, z: -7.1104884} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.739081, z: -7.1104846} - {x: 27.052517, y: 10.104524, z: -3.5552444} - {x: 31.561277, y: 9.782496, z: -7.1104884} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.451774, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 27.052517, y: 10.104524, z: -3.5552444} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.20126, z: 0.0000046172654} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.451774, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.834896, z: -0.0000008500242} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.20126, z: 0.0000046172654} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.057826, z: 3.5552485} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.834896, z: -0.0000008500242} - {x: 31.561277, y: 10.587828, z: 3.5552466} - {x: 27.05252, y: 10.057826, z: 3.5552485} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.696644, z: 7.110496} - {x: 31.561277, y: 10.587828, z: 3.5552466} - {x: 31.56128, y: 10.15295, z: 7.110494} - {x: 27.052519, y: 9.696644, z: 7.110496} - {x: 27.052523, y: 9.183232, z: 10.665736} - {x: 31.56128, y: 10.15295, z: 7.110494} - {x: 31.561275, y: 9.709407, z: 10.665734} - {x: 27.052523, y: 9.183232, z: 10.665736} - {x: 27.052517, y: 8.494352, z: 14.22098} - {x: 31.561275, y: 9.709407, z: 10.665734} - {x: 31.561281, y: 9.399627, z: 14.220982} - {x: 27.052517, y: 8.494352, z: 14.22098} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.1083493, z: 17.776228} - {x: 31.561281, y: 9.399627, z: 14.220982} - {x: 31.561274, y: 8.391859, z: 17.776226} - {x: 27.052519, y: 7.1083493, z: 17.776228} - {x: 27.052523, y: 6.2314053, z: 21.33147} - {x: 31.561274, y: 8.391859, z: 17.776226} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.405115, z: 21.331465} - {x: 27.052523, y: 6.2314053, z: 21.33147} - {x: 27.052519, y: 5.3533, z: 24.886715} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.405115, z: 21.331465} - {x: 31.561277, y: 6.6394024, z: 24.88672} - {x: 27.052519, y: 5.3533, z: 24.886715} - {x: 27.052519, y: 4.364182, z: 28.44196} - {x: 31.561277, y: 6.6394024, z: 24.88672} - {x: 31.561277, y: 5.8176856, z: 28.441961} - {x: 31.56128, y: 2.012339, z: -28.441957} - {x: 31.561277, y: 3.5717115, z: -24.886713} - {x: 36.070026, y: 3.4552906, z: -28.441957} - {x: 36.07003, y: 4.331419, z: -24.886713} - {x: 31.561277, y: 3.5717115, z: -24.886713} - {x: 31.561277, y: 5.569183, z: -21.331467} - {x: 36.07003, y: 4.331419, z: -24.886713} - {x: 36.070026, y: 5.563485, z: -21.331469} - {x: 31.561277, y: 5.569183, z: -21.331467} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.276415, z: -17.776224} - {x: 36.070026, y: 5.563485, z: -21.331469} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.0661645, z: -17.77622} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.276415, z: -17.776224} - {x: 31.561275, y: 8.327712, z: -14.220978} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.0661645, z: -17.77622} - {x: 36.07003, y: 7.9032106, z: -14.220977} - {x: 31.561275, y: 8.327712, z: -14.220978} - {x: 31.561277, y: 8.947984, z: -10.665732} - {x: 36.07003, y: 7.9032106, z: -14.220977} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.578268, z: -10.665733} - {x: 31.561277, y: 8.947984, z: -10.665732} - {x: 31.561277, y: 9.782496, z: -7.1104884} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.578268, z: -10.665733} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.16448, z: -7.11049} - {x: 31.561277, y: 9.782496, z: -7.1104884} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.451774, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.16448, z: -7.11049} - {x: 36.07003, y: 10.7285385, z: -3.5552404} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.451774, z: -3.5552425} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.834896, z: -0.0000008500242} - {x: 36.07003, y: 10.7285385, z: -3.5552404} - {x: 36.070026, y: 11.247296, z: 0.0000018470032} - {x: 31.561275, y: 10.834896, z: -0.0000008500242} - {x: 31.561277, y: 10.587828, z: 3.5552466} - {x: 36.070026, y: 11.247296, z: 0.0000018470032} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.764672, z: 3.5552492} - {x: 31.561277, y: 10.587828, z: 3.5552466} - {x: 31.56128, y: 10.15295, z: 7.110494} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.764672, z: 3.5552492} - {x: 36.070034, y: 10.197347, z: 7.1104846} - {x: 31.56128, y: 10.15295, z: 7.110494} - {x: 31.561275, y: 9.709407, z: 10.665734} - {x: 36.070034, y: 10.197347, z: 7.1104846} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.737792, z: 10.665733} - {x: 31.561275, y: 9.709407, z: 10.665734} - {x: 31.561281, y: 9.399627, z: 14.220982} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.737792, z: 10.665733} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.319719, z: 14.220977} - {x: 31.561281, y: 9.399627, z: 14.220982} - {x: 31.561274, y: 8.391859, z: 17.776226} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.319719, z: 14.220977} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.655769, z: 17.776224} - {x: 31.561274, y: 8.391859, z: 17.776226} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.405115, z: 21.331465} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.655769, z: 17.776224} - {x: 36.07002, y: 7.801627, z: 21.331472} - {x: 31.56128, y: 7.405115, z: 21.331465} - {x: 31.561277, y: 6.6394024, z: 24.88672} - {x: 36.07002, y: 7.801627, z: 21.331472} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.029699, z: 24.886715} - {x: 31.561277, y: 6.6394024, z: 24.88672} - {x: 31.561277, y: 5.8176856, z: 28.441961} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.029699, z: 24.886715} - {x: 36.07003, y: 6.6584, z: 28.44196} - {x: 36.07003, y: 4.331419, z: -24.886713} - {x: 36.070026, y: 3.4552906, z: -28.441957} - {x: 40.680626, y: 4.4511747, z: -24.886736} - {x: 40.680607, y: 4.2553835, z: -28.441975} - {x: 36.070026, y: 5.563485, z: -21.331469} - {x: 36.07003, y: 4.331419, z: -24.886713} - {x: 40.680637, y: 6.132981, z: -21.3315} - {x: 40.680626, y: 4.4511747, z: -24.886736} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.0661645, z: -17.77622} - {x: 36.070026, y: 5.563485, z: -21.331469} - {x: 40.68062, y: 7.2691174, z: -17.77627} - {x: 40.680637, y: 6.132981, z: -21.3315} - {x: 36.07003, y: 7.9032106, z: -14.220977} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.0661645, z: -17.77622} - {x: 40.680607, y: 8.566404, z: -14.221029} - {x: 40.68062, y: 7.2691174, z: -17.77627} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.578268, z: -10.665733} - {x: 36.07003, y: 7.9032106, z: -14.220977} - {x: 40.68059, y: 9.797594, z: -10.665774} - {x: 40.680607, y: 8.566404, z: -14.221029} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.16448, z: -7.11049} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.578268, z: -10.665733} - {x: 40.680595, y: 10.766465, z: -7.110507} - {x: 40.68059, y: 9.797594, z: -10.665774} - {x: 36.07003, y: 10.7285385, z: -3.5552404} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.16448, z: -7.11049} - {x: 40.680603, y: 11.603558, z: -3.555236} - {x: 40.680595, y: 10.766465, z: -7.110507} - {x: 36.070026, y: 11.247296, z: 0.0000018470032} - {x: 36.07003, y: 10.7285385, z: -3.5552404} - {x: 40.680607, y: 11.687726, z: 0.000034688906} - {x: 40.680603, y: 11.603558, z: -3.555236} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.764672, z: 3.5552492} - {x: 36.070026, y: 11.247296, z: 0.0000018470032} - {x: 40.68061, y: 11.26064, z: 3.5552855} - {x: 40.680607, y: 11.687726, z: 0.000034688906} - {x: 36.070034, y: 10.197347, z: 7.1104846} - {x: 36.070026, y: 10.764672, z: 3.5552492} - {x: 40.680622, y: 10.57272, z: 7.110513} - {x: 40.68061, y: 11.26064, z: 3.5552855} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.737792, z: 10.665733} - {x: 36.070034, y: 10.197347, z: 7.1104846} - {x: 40.680614, y: 9.799996, z: 10.665752} - {x: 40.680622, y: 10.57272, z: 7.110513} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.319719, z: 14.220977} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.737792, z: 10.665733} - {x: 40.68061, y: 9.215819, z: 14.220994} - {x: 40.680614, y: 9.799996, z: 10.665752} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.655769, z: 17.776224} - {x: 36.070026, y: 9.319719, z: 14.220977} - {x: 40.68061, y: 8.803039, z: 17.776234} - {x: 40.68061, y: 9.215819, z: 14.220994} - {x: 36.07002, y: 7.801627, z: 21.331472} - {x: 36.070026, y: 8.655769, z: 17.776224} - {x: 40.680595, y: 8.056688, z: 21.331482} - {x: 40.68061, y: 8.803039, z: 17.776234} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.029699, z: 24.886715} - {x: 36.07002, y: 7.801627, z: 21.331472} - {x: 40.680603, y: 7.283536, z: 24.886717} - {x: 40.680595, y: 8.056688, z: 21.331482} - {x: 36.07003, y: 6.6584, z: 28.44196} - {x: 36.070026, y: 7.029699, z: 24.886715} - {x: 40.680607, y: 6.6722374, z: 28.441963} - {x: 40.680603, y: 7.283536, z: 24.886717} - {x: 40.680626, y: 4.4511747, z: -24.886736} - {x: 40.680607, y: 4.2553835, z: -28.441975} - {x: 45.21496, y: 5.440799, z: -24.886747} - {x: 45.21494, y: 5.621316, z: -28.441982} - {x: 40.680637, y: 6.132981, z: -21.3315} - {x: 40.680626, y: 4.4511747, z: -24.886736} - {x: 45.214973, y: 6.2420235, z: -21.33154} - {x: 45.21496, y: 5.440799, z: -24.886747} - {x: 40.68062, y: 7.2691174, z: -17.77627} - {x: 40.680637, y: 6.132981, z: -21.3315} - {x: 45.21495, y: 7.7600794, z: -17.776327} - {x: 45.214973, y: 6.2420235, z: -21.33154} - {x: 40.680607, y: 8.566404, z: -14.221029} - {x: 40.68062, y: 7.2691174, z: -17.77627} - {x: 45.21494, y: 9.049579, z: -14.221086} - {x: 45.21495, y: 7.7600794, z: -17.776327} - {x: 40.68059, y: 9.797594, z: -10.665774} - {x: 40.680607, y: 8.566404, z: -14.221029} - {x: 45.214924, y: 10.21363, z: -10.665814} - {x: 45.21494, y: 9.049579, z: -14.221086} - {x: 40.680595, y: 10.766465, z: -7.110507} - {x: 40.68059, y: 9.797594, z: -10.665774} - {x: 45.214928, y: 11.226582, z: -7.1105275} - {x: 45.214924, y: 10.21363, z: -10.665814} - {x: 40.680603, y: 11.603558, z: -3.555236} - {x: 40.680595, y: 10.766465, z: -7.110507} - {x: 45.214935, y: 12.024019, z: -3.5552309} - {x: 45.214928, y: 11.226582, z: -7.1105275} - {x: 40.680607, y: 11.687726, z: 0.000034688906} - {x: 40.680603, y: 11.603558, z: -3.555236} - {x: 45.21494, y: 12.202693, z: 0.0000694761} - {x: 45.214935, y: 12.024019, z: -3.5552309} - {x: 40.68061, y: 11.26064, z: 3.5552855} - {x: 40.680607, y: 11.687726, z: 0.000034688906} - {x: 45.214943, y: 11.757694, z: 3.5553234} - {x: 45.21494, y: 12.202693, z: 0.0000694761} - {x: 40.680622, y: 10.57272, z: 7.110513} - {x: 40.68061, y: 11.26064, z: 3.5552855} - {x: 45.214954, y: 10.659229, z: 7.1105423} - {x: 45.214943, y: 11.757694, z: 3.5553234} - {x: 40.680614, y: 9.799996, z: 10.665752} - {x: 40.680622, y: 10.57272, z: 7.110513} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.701237, z: 10.665769} - {x: 45.214954, y: 10.659229, z: 7.1105423} - {x: 40.68061, y: 9.215819, z: 14.220994} - {x: 40.680614, y: 9.799996, z: 10.665752} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.154951, z: 14.221007} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.701237, z: 10.665769} - {x: 40.68061, y: 8.803039, z: 17.776234} - {x: 40.68061, y: 9.215819, z: 14.220994} - {x: 45.214943, y: 8.795182, z: 17.77624} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.154951, z: 14.221007} - {x: 40.680595, y: 8.056688, z: 21.331482} - {x: 40.68061, y: 8.803039, z: 17.776234} - {x: 45.214928, y: 8.104441, z: 21.33149} - {x: 45.214943, y: 8.795182, z: 17.77624} - {x: 40.680603, y: 7.283536, z: 24.886717} - {x: 40.680595, y: 8.056688, z: 21.331482} - {x: 45.21494, y: 7.3193493, z: 24.886723} - {x: 45.214928, y: 8.104441, z: 21.33149} - {x: 40.680607, y: 6.6722374, z: 28.441963} - {x: 40.680603, y: 7.283536, z: 24.886717} - {x: 45.21494, y: 6.5784245, z: 28.441969} - {x: 45.21494, y: 7.3193493, z: 24.886723} - {x: 45.21496, y: 5.440799, z: -24.886747} - {x: 45.21494, y: 5.621316, z: -28.441982} - {x: 50.579815, y: 5.5141134, z: -24.886763} - {x: 50.579792, y: 3.3141017, z: -28.441988} - {x: 45.214973, y: 6.2420235, z: -21.33154} - {x: 45.21496, y: 5.440799, z: -24.886747} - {x: 50.57983, y: 6.419702, z: -21.331581} - {x: 50.579815, y: 5.5141134, z: -24.886763} - {x: 45.21495, y: 7.7600794, z: -17.776327} - {x: 45.214973, y: 6.2420235, z: -21.33154} - {x: 50.579807, y: 8.132503, z: -17.776386} - {x: 50.57983, y: 6.419702, z: -21.331581} - {x: 45.21494, y: 9.049579, z: -14.221086} - {x: 45.21495, y: 7.7600794, z: -17.776327} - {x: 50.579796, y: 9.416151, z: -14.221145} - {x: 50.579807, y: 8.132503, z: -17.776386} - {x: 45.214924, y: 10.21363, z: -10.665814} - {x: 45.21494, y: 9.049579, z: -14.221086} - {x: 50.57978, y: 10.683709, z: -10.66586} - {x: 50.579796, y: 9.416151, z: -14.221145} - {x: 45.214928, y: 11.226582, z: -7.1105275} - {x: 45.214924, y: 10.21363, z: -10.665814} - {x: 50.57978, y: 11.854278, z: -7.110551} - {x: 50.57978, y: 10.683709, z: -10.66586} - {x: 45.214935, y: 12.024019, z: -3.5552309} - {x: 45.214928, y: 11.226582, z: -7.1105275} - {x: 50.579792, y: 12.664945, z: -3.5552237} - {x: 50.57978, y: 11.854278, z: -7.110551} - {x: 45.21494, y: 12.202693, z: 0.0000694761} - {x: 45.214935, y: 12.024019, z: -3.5552309} - {x: 50.579796, y: 12.815759, z: 0.00010214045} - {x: 50.579792, y: 12.664945, z: -3.5552237} - {x: 45.214943, y: 11.757694, z: 3.5553234} - {x: 45.21494, y: 12.202693, z: 0.0000694761} - {x: 50.5798, y: 12.107466, z: 3.5553613} - {x: 50.579796, y: 12.815759, z: 0.00010214045} - {x: 45.214954, y: 10.659229, z: 7.1105423} - {x: 45.214943, y: 11.757694, z: 3.5553234} - {x: 50.579815, y: 10.880775, z: 7.11057} - {x: 50.5798, y: 12.107466, z: 3.5553613} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.701237, z: 10.665769} - {x: 45.214954, y: 10.659229, z: 7.1105423} - {x: 50.579807, y: 9.786842, z: 10.665788} - {x: 50.579815, y: 10.880775, z: 7.11057} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.154951, z: 14.221007} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.701237, z: 10.665769} - {x: 50.57981, y: 9.154726, z: 14.2210245} - {x: 50.579807, y: 9.786842, z: 10.665788} - {x: 45.214943, y: 8.795182, z: 17.77624} - {x: 45.214947, y: 9.154951, z: 14.221007} - {x: 50.579796, y: 8.681815, z: 17.776243} - {x: 50.57981, y: 9.154726, z: 14.2210245} - {x: 45.214928, y: 8.104441, z: 21.33149} - {x: 45.214943, y: 8.795182, z: 17.77624} - {x: 50.57978, y: 7.847679, z: 21.331493} - {x: 50.579796, y: 8.681815, z: 17.776243} - {x: 45.21494, y: 7.3193493, z: 24.886723} - {x: 45.214928, y: 8.104441, z: 21.33149} - {x: 50.5798, y: 6.8950887, z: 24.88673} - {x: 50.57978, y: 7.847679, z: 21.331493} - {x: 45.21494, y: 6.5784245, z: 28.441969} - {x: 45.21494, y: 7.3193493, z: 24.886723} - {x: 50.579796, y: 6.072945, z: 28.44197} - {x: 50.5798, y: 6.8950887, z: 24.88673} m_Textures0: - {x: -36.070026, y: -28.293556} - {x: -36.070023, y: -24.731413} - {x: -31.561272, y: -28.293556} - {x: -31.561274, y: -24.71441} - {x: -35.899757, y: -20.67393} - {x: -35.794937, y: -16.720493} - {x: -31.382732, y: -20.67393} - {x: -31.27515, y: -16.700573} - {x: -35.736385, y: -20.889175} - {x: -35.71974, y: -17.326149} - {x: -31.216372, y: -20.889175} - {x: -31.194517, y: -17.321285} - {x: -35.61372, y: -18.454092} - {x: -35.65045, y: -14.873935} - {x: -31.087898, y: -18.454092} - {x: -31.057178, y: -14.965123} - {x: -34.09325, y: -6.798222} - {x: -33.60133, y: -2.7691457} - {x: -29.435175, y: -6.798223} - {x: -28.94514, y: -2.7725499} - {x: -33.62325, y: -8.115754} - {x: -33.464905, y: -4.5078464} - {x: -28.96705, y: -8.11575} - {x: -28.750721, y: -4.4695706} - {x: -32.727524, y: -10.856157} - {x: -33.003708, y: -7.190509} - {x: -28.007978, y: -10.85616} - {x: -28.076815, y: -7.353791} - {x: -30.631067, y: -7.7848268} - {x: -31.002789, y: -4.1408014} - {x: -25.658781, y: -7.7848277} - {x: -25.935932, y: -4.1854258} - {x: -30.220821, y: 0.32091507} - {x: -30.191612, y: 3.8766165} - {x: -25.149883, y: 0.32091418} - {x: -25.797232, y: 3.8556292} - {x: -34.70235, y: 1.4026011} - {x: -34.83474, y: 5.0277815} - {x: -30.115591, y: 1.4025981} - {x: -30.02196, y: 4.79128} - {x: -31.357212, y: 5.150757} - {x: -31.531153, y: 8.726069} - {x: -26.39469, y: 5.15076} - {x: -26.409693, y: 8.689505} - {x: -30.263262, y: 7.624589} - {x: -30.551476, y: 11.219066} - {x: -25.130152, y: 7.6245947} - {x: -25.094969, y: 11.131502} - {x: -28.280043, y: 19.43865} - {x: -27.636873, y: 23.112623} - {x: -22.791267, y: 19.438652} - {x: -22.654541, y: 22.928675} - {x: -30.741179, y: 21.77209} - {x: -30.315792, y: 25.4288} - {x: -25.705725, y: 21.772093} - {x: -25.575556, y: 25.289915} - {x: -32.57182, y: 17.445856} - {x: -32.84082, y: 21.083134} - {x: -27.79455, y: 17.445854} - {x: -27.706081, y: 20.867586} - {x: -29.216993, y: 27.577393} - {x: -28.92864, y: 31.166054} - {x: -23.981789, y: 27.57739} - {x: -23.766928, y: 31.1491} - {x: -31.535913, y: -28.442465} - {x: -31.590065, y: -24.853346} - {x: -26.999933, y: -28.442465} - {x: -27.327831, y: -24.512465} - {x: -28.025877, y: -16.547089} - {x: -27.303238, y: -12.638303} - {x: -23.091131, y: -16.547089} - {x: -21.843565, y: -12.147913} - {x: -23.24892, y: -19.758232} - {x: -23.066076, y: -16.194206} - {x: -17.663189, y: -19.758232} - {x: -18.066244, y: -16.250416} - {x: -26.244701, y: -16.117298} - {x: -26.083597, y: -12.548115} - {x: -21.181084, y: -16.1173} - {x: -20.848295, y: -12.518451} - {x: -24.85741, y: -4.353041} - {x: -23.86003, y: -0.4222076} - {x: -19.611343, y: -4.353038} - {x: -19.401136, y: -0.9867402} - {x: -29.02665, y: -7.1744137} - {x: -28.813892, y: -3.5212977} - {x: -24.375507, y: -7.1744156} - {x: -24.086824, y: -3.452371} - {x: -27.820642, y: -8.128429} - {x: -27.892015, y: -4.566276} - {x: -23.084082, y: -8.128427} - {x: -22.94434, y: -4.6070976} - {x: -25.501062, y: -6.781523} - {x: -25.78296, y: -3.1770232} - {x: -20.510107, y: -6.781521} - {x: -20.353266, y: -3.3292952} - {x: -22.181427, y: -7.227011} - {x: -22.993853, y: -3.4879484} - {x: -16.67363, y: -7.2270083} - {x: -17.791716, y: -3.3530302} - {x: -24.764565, y: 6.009229} - {x: -24.507576, y: 9.591647} - {x: -19.544216, y: 6.0092273} - {x: -19.522598, y: 9.542066} - {x: -26.090862, y: 6.940927} - {x: -26.106403, y: 10.496322} - {x: -21.089594, y: 6.9409256} - {x: -21.107393, y: 10.496355} - {x: -26.123829, y: 11.009725} - {x: -26.09204, y: 14.565585} - {x: -21.124817, y: 11.009715} - {x: -21.55551, y: 14.547549} - {x: -29.39085, y: 15.024412} - {x: -29.334604, y: 18.58729} - {x: -24.752647, y: 15.02441} - {x: -24.69834, y: 18.586763} - {x: -29.357, y: 18.750328} - {x: -29.288904, y: 22.316916} - {x: -24.720728, y: 18.750326} - {x: -24.725683, y: 22.292606} - {x: -30.10501, y: 22.104292} - {x: -30.060165, y: 25.669323} - {x: -25.531605, y: 22.104296} - {x: -25.498636, y: 25.664145} - {x: -30.232689, y: 26.004534} - {x: -30.168245, y: 29.584244} - {x: -25.670626, y: 26.004528} - {x: -25.845057, y: 29.403458} - {x: -26.29189, y: -17.827763} - {x: -25.686419, y: -13.217481} - {x: -21.688196, y: -17.827763} - {x: -20.937366, y: -12.768855} - {x: -24.030968, y: -11.111073} - {x: -22.976336, y: -6.5340853} - {x: -19.22992, y: -11.111073} - {x: -18.726013, y: -7.482075} - {x: -26.977734, y: -22.334906} - {x: -26.98482, y: -18.714695} - {x: -22.46874, y: -22.334906} - {x: -22.466938, y: -18.87622} - {x: -25.270798, y: -15.136947} - {x: -25.127172, y: -11.510133} - {x: -20.672455, y: -15.136947} - {x: -20.667477, y: -11.64694} - {x: -26.715199, y: -13.174857} - {x: -26.697206, y: -9.595958} - {x: -22.202124, y: -13.174857} - {x: -22.20106, y: -9.640335} - {x: -27.344921, y: -8.123618} - {x: -27.394308, y: -4.379339} - {x: -22.832182, y: -8.123618} - {x: -22.854893, y: -4.5784116} - {x: -28.177315, y: -6.591807} - {x: -28.259375, y: -3.0083659} - {x: -23.593765, y: -6.5918064} - {x: -23.72554, y: -2.9418397} - {x: -27.58481, y: -2.7803297} - {x: -27.608284, y: 0.79359907} - {x: -23.019943, y: -2.7803295} - {x: -23.056753, y: 0.8147775} - {x: -27.225967, y: -4.3312774} - {x: -27.189558, y: -0.2781184} - {x: -22.669714, y: -4.3312774} - {x: -22.710995, y: -1.0734084} - {x: -23.048548, y: 3.738024} - {x: -23.03443, y: 7.293503} - {x: -18.273582, y: 3.7380261} - {x: -18.254425, y: 7.2936654} - {x: -22.985662, y: 6.9335203} - {x: -22.99932, y: 10.488971} - {x: -18.205637, y: 6.9335184} - {x: -18.202314, y: 10.488447} - {x: -22.835905, y: 6.1413174} - {x: -23.176517, y: 9.818036} - {x: -18.038656, y: 6.1413207} - {x: -17.951162, y: 9.517736} - {x: -19.215908, y: 15.302383} - {x: -19.090923, y: 18.862967} - {x: -13.859408, y: 15.302385} - {x: -14.063468, y: 18.83489} - {x: -21.05742, y: 17.678104} - {x: -21.067038, y: 21.2334} - {x: -16.003859, y: 17.678104} - {x: -15.848973, y: 21.231665} - {x: -19.890024, y: 22.239614} - {x: -19.790407, y: 25.798906} - {x: -14.661852, y: 22.239616} - {x: -15.586672, y: 25.715698} - {x: -25.84079, y: 20.48187} - {x: -25.997433, y: 24.21345} - {x: -21.289192, y: 20.481874} - {x: -21.627409, y: 24.6126} - {x: -23.074688, y: -17.965042} - {x: -23.00783, y: -12.822367} - {x: -18.56673, y: -18.087723} - {x: -18.499868, y: -12.252934} - {x: -21.066902, y: -19.381529} - {x: -20.789324, y: -15.5457} - {x: -16.475151, y: -19.381529} - {x: -16.353146, y: -15.848706} - {x: -22.468174, y: -20.947313} - {x: -22.46636, y: -17.38783} - {x: -17.959173, y: -20.947313} - {x: -17.95769, y: -17.389385} - {x: -22.518955, y: -17.723211} - {x: -22.518873, y: -14.167875} - {x: -18.010174, y: -17.723213} - {x: -18.010082, y: -14.16786} - {x: -22.51546, y: -14.170286} - {x: -22.515362, y: -10.614959} - {x: -18.006668, y: -14.170286} - {x: -18.006582, y: -10.614975} - {x: -22.5194, y: -9.429923} - {x: -22.517618, y: -5.833811} - {x: -18.01062, y: -9.429923} - {x: -18.009634, y: -5.870142} - {x: -22.911179, y: -5.044877} - {x: -22.914158, y: -1.3546817} - {x: -18.39672, y: -5.044879} - {x: -18.403704, y: -1.3333675} - {x: -22.77435, y: -2.215771} - {x: -22.793049, y: 1.3853896} - {x: -18.263193, y: -2.2157707} - {x: -18.29691, y: 1.4586097} - {x: -21.78893, y: -0.8786752} - {x: -21.855568, y: 2.6880124} - {x: -17.269321, y: -0.8786765} - {x: -17.310045, y: 2.6581492} - {x: -20.90771, y: 3.756117} - {x: -20.898945, y: 7.3118267} - {x: -16.346903, y: 3.7561152} - {x: -16.305244, y: 7.3153133} - {x: -20.289097, y: 7.1475945} - {x: -20.287127, y: 10.702851} - {x: -15.690328, y: 7.1475887} - {x: -15.628398, y: 10.703673} - {x: -19.38339, y: 11.66389} - {x: -19.316992, y: 15.2277355} - {x: -14.715099, y: 11.663889} - {x: -14.65304, y: 15.226608} - {x: -19.368858, y: 12.620215} - {x: -19.46556, y: 16.194187} - {x: -14.704879, y: 12.620211} - {x: -14.598084, y: 16.115576} - {x: -16.95468, y: 19.239038} - {x: -16.81629, y: 22.808104} - {x: -12.026845, y: 19.239037} - {x: -12.438243, y: 22.69852} - {x: -21.03038, y: 13.361955} - {x: -21.281721, y: 17.351189} - {x: -16.47834, y: 13.361953} - {x: -16.88759, y: 17.866856} - {x: -23.269402, y: 17.65411} - {x: -22.985521, y: 21.97429} - {x: -18.73059, y: 17.654112} - {x: -18.27274, y: 22.828815} - {x: -25.079021, y: -11.788576} - {x: -24.11386, y: -5.99583} - {x: -20.739597, y: -13.860754} - {x: -19.774433, y: -10.844592} - {x: -27.421965, y: 14.031219} - {x: -23.911306, y: 14.885972} - {x: -26.710121, y: 7.251405} - {x: -23.199463, y: 11.62565} - {x: -18.65304, y: -21.10233} - {x: -18.667011, y: -17.544287} - {x: -14.122248, y: -21.10233} - {x: -14.182242, y: -17.52584} - {x: -18.00112, y: -17.718655} - {x: -18.000994, y: -14.1633005} - {x: -13.49232, y: -17.71865} - {x: -13.492213, y: -14.16333} - {x: -18.007862, y: -14.175476} - {x: -18.00778, y: -10.620164} - {x: -13.49908, y: -14.175473} - {x: -13.498991, y: -10.6201515} - {x: -18.004221, y: -10.005701} - {x: -18.00298, y: -6.4379115} - {x: -13.495433, y: -10.005702} - {x: -13.493874, y: -6.4315352} - {x: -17.870014, y: -4.503827} - {x: -17.800877, y: -0.7921622} - {x: -13.360267, y: -4.503826} - {x: -13.338696, y: -0.8039251} - {x: -17.883608, y: -0.9195603} - {x: -17.871344, y: 2.7829096} - {x: -13.421238, y: -0.9195618} - {x: -13.413177, y: 2.6839964} - {x: -18.604795, y: 0.19459558} - {x: -18.657082, y: 3.7507665} - {x: -14.132575, y: 0.19459413} - {x: -14.185468, y: 3.766803} - {x: -17.097534, y: 4.424576} - {x: -17.07316, y: 7.990472} - {x: -12.571168, y: 4.4245825} - {x: -12.551024, y: 7.9867873} - {x: -17.195583, y: 8.092221} - {x: -17.171175, y: 11.661276} - {x: -12.673195, y: 8.092231} - {x: -12.61957, y: 11.694257} - {x: -16.14353, y: 11.515906} - {x: -16.105396, y: 15.078999} - {x: -11.576478, y: 11.515908} - {x: -11.584178, y: 15.060155} - {x: -16.914396, y: 15.560618} - {x: -16.873888, y: 19.140059} - {x: -12.384262, y: 15.56062} - {x: -12.422285, y: 19.046576} - {x: -18.88055, y: 14.460309} - {x: -18.797264, y: 18.15789} - {x: -14.356677, y: 14.460307} - {x: -14.299689, y: 18.069723} - {x: -18.140427, y: 10.022872} - {x: -18.108986, y: 14.658296} - {x: -13.631423, y: 10.02287} - {x: -13.588621, y: 15.348008} - {x: 23.002481, y: -8.038319} - {x: 23.77342, y: -13.322722} - {x: 18.601013, y: -9.526973} - {x: 19.37195, y: -14.78483} - {x: -13.522943, y: -26.987003} - {x: -13.570253, y: -23.224287} - {x: -9.010868, y: -26.987003} - {x: -9.017545, y: -23.570848} - {x: -17.783691, y: -10.949648} - {x: -17.143946, y: -4.590314} - {x: -13.3485365, y: -12.424961} - {x: -12.70879, y: -9.110263} - {x: -23.184422, y: 11.719428} - {x: -19.672926, y: 12.544076} - {x: -22.47927, y: 5.114721} - {x: -18.967777, y: 9.457397} - {x: -13.706793, y: -17.730158} - {x: -13.707381, y: -14.174835} - {x: -9.196606, y: -17.73016} - {x: -9.200632, y: -14.173945} - {x: -13.48932, y: -14.170803} - {x: -13.489201, y: -10.615481} - {x: -8.980511, y: -14.170805} - {x: -8.979019, y: -10.613634} - {x: -13.012035, y: -9.743826} - {x: -12.987374, y: -6.16894} - {x: -8.493503, y: -9.743825} - {x: -8.44126, y: -6.125136} - {x: -12.142412, y: -4.1603584} - {x: -11.981466, y: -0.46368834} - {x: -7.577078, y: -4.16036} - {x: -7.5033116, y: -0.6139711} - {x: -13.204339, y: -1.7564746} - {x: -13.180076, y: 1.863033} - {x: -8.692709, y: -1.7564741} - {x: -8.670161, y: 1.8540355} - {x: -13.284939, y: 2.109856} - {x: -13.265256, y: 5.7506638} - {x: -8.77477, y: 2.1098566} - {x: -8.759283, y: 5.714596} - {x: -13.648582, y: 4.194164} - {x: -13.651335, y: 7.7567434} - {x: -9.139503, y: 4.1941624} - {x: -9.13863, y: 7.7374306} - {x: -14.306949, y: 8.763403} - {x: -14.361247, y: 12.384767} - {x: -9.784211, y: 8.763402} - {x: -9.776403, y: 12.234891} - {x: -15.857749, y: 10.566228} - {x: -15.845849, y: 14.121779} - {x: -11.205694, y: 10.566235} - {x: -11.411595, y: 14.110491} - {x: -14.146716, y: 13.008436} - {x: -14.124037, y: 16.58513} - {x: -9.630391, y: 13.008439} - {x: -9.581052, y: 16.635406} - {x: -15.050714, y: 15.845687} - {x: -14.94043, y: 19.467031} - {x: -10.484528, y: 15.845689} - {x: -10.223595, y: 19.645977} - {x: 19.473362, y: -2.61536} - {x: 20.575636, y: -7.890162} - {x: 15.186788, y: -4.796879} - {x: 16.28906, y: -8.194486} - {x: 9.585978, y: -13.255355} - {x: 9.045535, y: -18.54193} - {x: 5.1296234, y: -12.224211} - {x: 4.5891824, y: -18.148413} - {x: -9.017508, y: -28.407846} - {x: -9.017467, y: -24.848347} - {x: -4.508754, y: -28.407846} - {x: -4.5086102, y: -24.826769} - {x: -8.957407, y: -22.10911} - {x: -8.794703, y: -18.186243} - {x: -4.426997, y: -22.10911} - {x: -4.186196, y: -17.849874} - {x: -5.0457244, y: -10.789359} - {x: -5.6833205, y: -4.378441} - {x: -0.61007005, y: -9.307242} - {x: -1.2476679, y: -4.800436} - {x: -10.397291, y: -17.539568} - {x: -10.432835, y: -13.980919} - {x: -5.772404, y: -17.53957} - {x: -6.094001, y: -13.926164} - {x: -8.58751, y: -13.513929} - {x: -8.570683, y: -9.946216} - {x: -4.071575, y: -13.51393} - {x: -4.0250964, y: -9.902353} - {x: -7.5769424, y: -8.460281} - {x: -7.4414434, y: -4.8198853} - {x: -3.0011332, y: -8.460279} - {x: -2.939722, y: -4.9119153} - {x: -8.343106, y: -5.8563805} - {x: -8.307131, y: -2.2703848} - {x: -3.8210835, y: -5.8563805} - {x: -3.781664, y: -2.2645183} - {x: -8.2114725, y: -1.8139274} - {x: -8.156893, y: 1.7965477} - {x: -3.6857824, y: -1.8139288} - {x: -3.645488, y: 1.7678555} - {x: -8.527539, y: 1.7101548} - {x: -8.496641, y: 5.318497} - {x: -4.0131307, y: 1.7101551} - {x: -3.9943864, y: 5.2770405} - {x: -9.055789, y: 3.3473718} - {x: -9.055517, y: 6.9033566} - {x: -4.547005, y: 3.3473704} - {x: -4.547835, y: 6.897377} - {x: -8.382973, y: 6.8109326} - {x: -8.389044, y: 10.367563} - {x: -3.865784, y: 6.8109307} - {x: -3.892308, y: 10.376877} - {x: -9.147507, y: 12.647099} - {x: -9.158427, y: 16.29929} - {x: -4.638368, y: 12.647093} - {x: -4.6512427, y: 16.333557} - {x: -8.797151, y: 11.258989} - {x: -8.814319, y: 14.914925} - {x: -4.2874804, y: 11.258987} - {x: -4.3114476, y: 14.993576} - {x: -9.550088, y: 12.137761} - {x: -9.459934, y: 16.056349} - {x: -5.0345907, y: 12.137763} - {x: -5.005778, y: 15.584844} - {x: -7.2597895, y: 15.488701} - {x: -7.5658565, y: 19.377153} - {x: -2.6666813, y: 15.488703} - {x: -3.0616953, y: 19.562529} - {x: 7.325948, y: -9.688091} - {x: 7.087205, y: -15.659108} - {x: 2.8273711, y: -9.1784315} - {x: 2.5886283, y: -14.751065} - {x: -4.5087543, y: -28.024996} - {x: -4.5087323, y: -24.416882} - {x: 0.00000022683275, y: -28.024996} - {x: 0.000047220987, y: -24.296854} - {x: -4.35971, y: -19.792019} - {x: -3.979391, y: -15.482187} - {x: 0.20365605, y: -19.792019} - {x: 0.61576486, y: -15.36708} - {x: -3.8098836, y: -13.670978} - {x: -3.1964474, y: -8.993584} - {x: 0.78978235, y: -13.670975} - {x: 1.2779112, y: -9.3970375} - {x: -4.1217217, y: -14.051289} - {x: -4.033298, y: -10.21495} - {x: 0.39550844, y: -14.051289} - {x: 0.48334458, y: -10.218552} - {x: -4.050025, y: -12.077578} - {x: -4.001294, y: -8.428328} - {x: 0.46662757, y: -12.0775795} - {x: 0.4870537, y: -8.536124} - {x: -4.900445, y: -9.783223} - {x: -4.9173436, y: -6.2098374} - {x: -0.38671628, y: -9.783226} - {x: -0.42252252, y: -6.1693373} - {x: -4.131778, y: -5.748838} - {x: -4.1099806, y: -2.1565497} - {x: 0.38102034, y: -5.7488375} - {x: 0.4076393, y: -2.1402493} - {x: -3.869223, y: -2.2786295} - {x: -3.8377683, y: 1.3069116} - {x: 0.6498298, y: -2.2786293} - {x: 0.6708964, y: 1.286986} - {x: -4.1785645, y: 1.0408697} - {x: -4.1660295, y: 4.615779} - {x: 0.332716, y: 1.04087} - {x: 0.34075442, y: 4.6017103} - {x: -4.471377, y: 4.178407} - {x: -4.470567, y: 7.740473} - {x: 0.037408184, y: 4.178406} - {x: 0.039551232, y: 7.762926} - {x: -3.6216288, y: 5.762253} - {x: -3.658046, y: 9.343727} - {x: 0.9030693, y: 5.762255} - {x: 0.91452605, y: 9.275012} - {x: -2.359064, y: 13.08724} - {x: -2.1557703, y: 16.771002} - {x: 2.2487483, y: 13.087238} - {x: 2.1378808, y: 16.380722} - {x: -5.8519173, y: 10.256541} - {x: -5.7019153, y: 14.002592} - {x: -1.3068969, y: 10.256544} - {x: -1.4340231, y: 13.315531} - {x: -0.93576473, y: 16.126415} - {x: -1.1146188, y: 19.716125} - {x: 3.8569317, y: 16.126417} - {x: 3.3983119, y: 19.823416} - {x: -2.8281484, y: 13.595853} - {x: -3.1899278, y: 17.694185} - {x: 1.7510431, y: 13.595851} - {x: 1.3372482, y: 17.840006} - {x: 2.210972, y: -10.471822} - {x: 1.8854243, y: -16.047827} - {x: -2.2788403, y: -9.821567} - {x: -2.6043887, y: -15.310269} - {x: 0.000037182774, y: -26.66671} - {x: 0.040267933, y: -22.874846} - {x: 4.510888, y: -26.66671} - {x: 4.5668235, y: -22.69587} - {x: 0.18911473, y: -19.189257} - {x: 0.5717984, y: -14.75849} - {x: 4.7448406, y: -19.189257} - {x: 5.145368, y: -14.684909} - {x: 0.67806125, y: -15.386536} - {x: 1.0971403, y: -11.079345} - {x: 5.2532926, y: -15.386536} - {x: 5.6514363, y: -11.147911} - {x: 0.9270395, y: -14.137995} - {x: 1.1329199, y: -10.309773} - {x: 5.482955, y: -14.137993} - {x: 5.6531167, y: -10.401114} - {x: 0.70617443, y: -13.397228} - {x: 0.7370866, y: -9.825362} - {x: 5.233077, y: -13.397225} - {x: 5.2948823, y: -9.792219} - {x: 1.3525611, y: -8.751426} - {x: 1.4777921, y: -5.117408} - {x: 5.923317, y: -8.751426} - {x: 6.082255, y: -5.0754642} - {x: 1.8666357, y: -5.5046344} - {x: 1.9970403, y: -1.896547} - {x: 6.4755516, y: -5.504636} - {x: 6.526707, y: -1.9603026} - {x: 1.2151768, y: -2.7125537} - {x: 1.2545716, y: 0.85615754} - {x: 5.7602487, y: -2.7125533} - {x: 5.7925158, y: 0.8512911} - {x: 1.1326874, y: 0.6617276} - {x: 1.1600538, y: 4.224976} - {x: 5.6709776, y: 0.66172457} - {x: 5.691893, y: 4.2212057} - {x: 1.034342, y: 5.140787} - {x: 1.0935854, y: 8.743078} - {x: 5.5665307, y: 5.1407857} - {x: 5.5865035, y: 8.681112} - {x: 0.17591394, y: 7.5185432} - {x: 0.17814519, y: 11.076406} - {x: 4.685267, y: 7.518538} - {x: 4.689185, y: 11.080365} - {x: 0.42738035, y: 8.918328} - {x: 0.40631014, y: 12.513927} - {x: 4.9396, y: 8.918327} - {x: 4.9208474, y: 12.505098} - {x: 0.5418308, y: 16.503807} - {x: 0.5945361, y: 20.198906} - {x: 5.0567546, y: 16.503805} - {x: 5.045373, y: 19.865234} - {x: -2.439624, y: 12.793469} - {x: -2.1495342, y: 16.586214} - {x: 2.176555, y: 12.793466} - {x: 2.3751633, y: 16.441105} - {x: -1.2430165, y: 12.311497} - {x: -0.9492757, y: 16.573238} - {x: 3.3008192, y: 12.31149} - {x: 3.55485, y: 16.398052} - {x: 1.1374017, y: -10.222509} - {x: 1.2998874, y: -15.7189245} - {x: -3.3666382, y: -10.541421} - {x: -3.204152, y: -16.45445} - {x: 4.505111, y: -25.398619} - {x: 4.6542144, y: -21.400948} - {x: 9.028839, y: -25.398619} - {x: 9.20379, y: -21.256039} - {x: 4.7541285, y: -18.864931} - {x: 5.174578, y: -14.361312} - {x: 9.314728, y: -18.864931} - {x: 9.71795, y: -14.430849} - {x: 5.0723457, y: -15.57184} - {x: 5.366922, y: -11.323578} - {x: 9.617129, y: -15.57184} - {x: 9.888357, y: -11.424479} - {x: 5.0980973, y: -14.755498} - {x: 5.199061, y: -11.00912} - {x: 9.623289, y: -14.755498} - {x: 9.725736, y: -11.003643} - {x: 5.2292824, y: -12.46723} - {x: 5.2907557, y: -8.845997} - {x: 9.755991, y: -12.467232} - {x: 9.812247, y: -8.857087} - {x: 5.179906, y: -8.033896} - {x: 5.253598, y: -4.3499055} - {x: 9.701775, y: -8.033894} - {x: 9.735931, y: -4.4856424} - {x: 4.118436, y: -6.3930097} - {x: 4.1088505, y: -2.8292253} - {x: 8.630598, y: -6.3930073} - {x: 8.627678, y: -2.8410819} - {x: 3.712756, y: -2.7934673} - {x: 3.6931374, y: 0.7709066} - {x: 8.234833, y: -2.793467} - {x: 8.185523, y: 0.79852027} - {x: 4.6019273, y: 0.5373734} - {x: 4.603567, y: 4.097358} - {x: 9.110862, y: 0.53737557} - {x: 9.109969, y: 4.082719} - {x: 3.9277718, y: 4.1493745} - {x: 3.9171605, y: 7.710036} - {x: 8.443108, y: 4.1493764} - {x: 8.40656, y: 7.7365036} - {x: 5.071478, y: 7.8060274} - {x: 5.084063, y: 11.369327} - {x: 9.586456, y: 7.80603} - {x: 9.611153, y: 11.384818} - {x: 5.628112, y: 9.170927} - {x: 5.57874, y: 12.757883} - {x: 10.161065, y: 9.170929} - {x: 9.94282, y: 12.97384} - {x: 1.704248, y: 13.521756} - {x: 1.7588792, y: 17.083242} - {x: 6.362009, y: 13.521755} - {x: 6.4688735, y: 17.09517} - {x: 1.2792698, y: 14.53017} - {x: 1.5497174, y: 18.194057} - {x: 5.993572, y: 14.530172} - {x: 6.241282, y: 18.176067} - {x: 1.7139473, y: 13.656337} - {x: 2.2809813, y: 17.719986} - {x: 6.406102, y: 13.656341} - {x: 6.6922956, y: 17.247885} - {x: -3.3269825, y: -9.100737} - {x: -3.1588788, y: -15.024119} - {x: -7.8306956, y: -9.45633} - {x: -7.6625915, y: -14.764096} - {x: 9.02335, y: -24.130798} - {x: 9.051433, y: -19.975056} - {x: 13.532488, y: -24.130798} - {x: 13.565362, y: -19.784952} - {x: 9.227604, y: -18.820097} - {x: 9.47987, y: -14.373973} - {x: 13.756439, y: -18.820097} - {x: 14.007234, y: -14.383326} - {x: 9.464441, y: -15.925946} - {x: 9.660071, y: -11.771466} - {x: 13.991832, y: -15.925946} - {x: 14.157362, y: -11.942549} - {x: 9.146388, y: -14.485769} - {x: 9.167284, y: -10.732538} - {x: 13.65582, y: -14.485769} - {x: 13.67585, y: -10.748531} - {x: 9.072164, y: -12.4876} - {x: 9.076145, y: -8.876565} - {x: 13.581005, y: -12.487599} - {x: 13.587871, y: -8.796623} - {x: 9.964045, y: -9.547209} - {x: 10.012038, y: -5.964079} - {x: 14.498812, y: -9.547212} - {x: 14.552338, y: -5.957667} - {x: 10.110756, y: -6.927367} - {x: 10.119644, y: -3.3713384} - {x: 14.651347, y: -6.9273667} - {x: 14.698435, y: -3.3646019} - {x: 10.7046585, y: -2.1024766} - {x: 10.825088, y: 1.5084087} - {x: 15.294678, y: -2.1024761} - {x: 15.250234, y: 1.3572227} - {x: 8.970389, y: -0.29728115} - {x: 8.970841, y: 3.2593806} - {x: 13.479192, y: -0.29728302} - {x: 13.482556, y: 3.2777584} - {x: 7.3860884, y: 5.6445684} - {x: 7.2862663, y: 9.262369} - {x: 11.944627, y: 5.644567} - {x: 11.86121, y: 9.24198} - {x: 6.9885964, y: 8.661805} - {x: 6.9080544, y: 12.247155} - {x: 11.564863, y: 8.661799} - {x: 11.641136, y: 12.130411} - {x: 4.3649178, y: 2.5164902} - {x: 5.11085, y: 6.585429} - {x: 9.183319, y: 2.5164878} - {x: 9.431895, y: 5.943652} - {x: 8.394934, y: 12.934447} - {x: 8.422208, y: 16.515009} - {x: 12.91296, y: 12.934445} - {x: 12.978785, y: 16.586325} - {x: 7.0993204, y: 14.896371} - {x: 7.263811, y: 18.547682} - {x: 11.695339, y: 14.896369} - {x: 11.908738, y: 18.60405} - {x: 6.7348766, y: 17.78478} - {x: 6.9890113, y: 21.478535} - {x: 11.386385, y: 17.784782} - {x: 11.641835, y: 21.479944} - {x: -3.2570953, y: -11.904378} - {x: -2.46644, y: -17.175825} - {x: -7.652936, y: -13.4292965} - {x: -6.862283, y: -17.477535} - {x: 13.526908, y: -22.888763} - {x: 13.529831, y: -18.531458} - {x: 18.035664, y: -22.888763} - {x: 18.037134, y: -19.255816} - {x: 12.213709, y: -16.31554} - {x: 11.502669, y: -11.928923} - {x: 16.891903, y: -16.31554} - {x: 16.00375, y: -11.554014} - {x: 12.676204, y: -15.63033} - {x: 12.441784, y: -11.640345} - {x: 17.22256, y: -15.63033} - {x: 16.96291, y: -11.551834} - {x: 12.828831, y: -14.237725} - {x: 12.7302265, y: -10.501435} - {x: 17.35416, y: -14.237727} - {x: 17.245256, y: -10.464544} - {x: 12.987485, y: -10.818119} - {x: 12.92323, y: -7.100421} - {x: 17.50411, y: -10.818119} - {x: 17.475069, y: -7.2745976} - {x: 11.438395, y: -8.895878} - {x: 11.344262, y: -5.3068056} - {x: 16.029049, y: -8.895879} - {x: 15.973439, y: -5.3343577} - {x: 10.783136, y: -5.6424184} - {x: 10.691319, y: -2.0661087} - {x: 15.416682, y: -5.6424184} - {x: 15.375675, y: -2.0893536} - {x: 10.060479, y: -4.44581} - {x: 10.125675, y: -0.88325924} - {x: 14.749743, y: -4.4458094} - {x: 14.733663, y: -0.9014653} - {x: 10.956098, y: -2.6590388} - {x: 11.117804, y: 0.9712701} - {x: 15.572851, y: -2.659036} - {x: 15.467935, y: 0.72630805} - {x: 14.038421, y: 4.9198627} - {x: 14.069394, y: 8.519734} - {x: 18.553942, y: 4.919865} - {x: 18.575596, y: 8.493044} - {x: 13.699644, y: 5.80391} - {x: 13.692057, y: 9.3869705} - {x: 18.209055, y: 5.8039155} - {x: 18.180399, y: 9.540705} - {x: 10.646849, y: 8.040729} - {x: 10.8223915, y: 11.660905} - {x: 15.302317, y: 8.040731} - {x: 15.462571, y: 11.649692} - {x: 10.978198, y: 10.422478} - {x: 11.221454, y: 14.115349} - {x: 15.618759, y: 10.42248} - {x: 15.800494, y: 14.047031} - {x: 11.815024, y: 13.963989} - {x: 12.016128, y: 17.68017} - {x: 16.401026, y: 13.963984} - {x: 16.590143, y: 17.66141} - {x: 12.1469555, y: 17.951242} - {x: 12.322458, y: 21.651068} - {x: 16.721426, y: 17.951244} - {x: 16.873869, y: 21.613811} - {x: 12.558746, y: 16.55495} - {x: 12.886745, y: 20.802946} - {x: 17.112148, y: 16.554956} - {x: 17.296299, y: 20.244879} - {x: 17.942625, y: -26.162054} - {x: 17.848446, y: -22.389198} - {x: 22.4639, y: -26.162054} - {x: 22.366278, y: -22.37374} - {x: 17.87995, y: -16.138338} - {x: 17.666225, y: -11.271682} - {x: 22.398018, y: -16.138338} - {x: 22.213589, y: -11.582697} - {x: 16.949057, y: -14.664139} - {x: 16.618713, y: -10.587055} - {x: 21.51917, y: -14.664141} - {x: 21.022789, y: -10.096082} - {x: 18.433002, y: -14.685135} - {x: 18.509222, y: -10.909424} - {x: 22.949852, y: -14.685133} - {x: 23.00113, y: -11.049506} - {x: 17.750717, y: -12.84733} - {x: 17.73474, y: -9.258224} - {x: 22.26185, y: -12.847327} - {x: 22.24271, y: -9.244879} - {x: 17.9365, y: -9.870496} - {x: 17.933285, y: -6.3029733} - {x: 22.445522, y: -9.870492} - {x: 22.440868, y: -6.2920403} - {x: 18.201973, y: -6.655997} - {x: 18.205242, y: -3.0963047} - {x: 22.711489, y: -6.655998} - {x: 22.716452, y: -3.0917022} - {x: 18.387209, y: -3.411344} - {x: 18.389475, y: 0.14437895} - {x: 22.899359, y: -3.4113457} - {x: 22.902863, y: 0.14490406} - {x: 18.450924, y: 1.1750187} - {x: 18.47329, y: 4.763519} - {x: 22.964424, y: 1.1750206} - {x: 22.994318, y: 4.7858133} - {x: 18.792671, y: 4.4664006} - {x: 18.825134, y: 8.043443} - {x: 23.316679, y: 4.466403} - {x: 23.341179, y: 8.032781} - {x: 18.631126, y: 2.4763408} - {x: 18.529053, y: 6.408075} - {x: 23.148207, y: 2.476343} - {x: 23.032787, y: 6.50182} - {x: 18.138079, y: 8.986749} - {x: 18.130356, y: 12.599729} - {x: 22.647161, y: 8.986748} - {x: 22.636803, y: 12.63868} - {x: 17.729446, y: 12.065271} - {x: 17.757465, y: 15.702406} - {x: 22.2412, y: 12.06527} - {x: 22.275654, y: 15.739576} - {x: 17.435083, y: 14.6701765} - {x: 17.51308, y: 18.372128} - {x: 21.956705, y: 14.670186} - {x: 22.029766, y: 18.353931} - {x: 17.620888, y: 18.877247} - {x: 17.67591, y: 22.544853} - {x: 22.138046, y: 18.877249} - {x: 22.182116, y: 22.500826} - {x: 17.9175, y: 21.345581} - {x: 17.945498, y: 25.137264} - {x: 22.427267, y: 21.34558} - {x: 22.45251, y: 25.092125} - {x: 21.520353, y: -29.061485} - {x: 21.924582, y: -25.293282} - {x: 26.25942, y: -29.061485} - {x: 26.663464, y: -25.293465} - {x: 21.925215, y: -23.060783} - {x: 22.809896, y: -18.575705} - {x: 26.664099, y: -23.060783} - {x: 27.38589, y: -18.882624} - {x: 22.972055, y: -16.498203} - {x: 23.585876, y: -11.861203} - {x: 27.575659, y: -16.4982} - {x: 27.996283, y: -12.462725} - {x: 22.498693, y: -15.502075} - {x: 22.493565, y: -11.845047} - {x: 27.007528, y: -15.502072} - {x: 27.001776, y: -11.820858} - {x: 22.681181, y: -12.731678} - {x: 22.691149, y: -9.127903} - {x: 27.190575, y: -12.731678} - {x: 27.203419, y: -9.100208} - {x: 22.994888, y: -9.675303} - {x: 23.01815, y: -6.0945096} - {x: 27.510334, y: -9.675308} - {x: 27.542248, y: -6.0755534} - {x: 23.288116, y: -6.5409517} - {x: 23.312265, y: -2.9755464} - {x: 27.815004, y: -6.5409474} - {x: 27.84768, y: -2.96838} - {x: 23.465279, y: -3.3758376} - {x: 23.475239, y: 0.18054222} - {x: 28.001688, y: -3.3758385} - {x: 28.012358, y: 0.18070456} - {x: 23.485216, y: 1.2764297} - {x: 23.558033, y: 4.890272} - {x: 28.022337, y: 1.2764318} - {x: 28.006323, y: 4.7484674} - {x: 21.835543, y: 4.5256243} - {x: 21.816444, y: 8.09333} - {x: 26.353556, y: 4.525623} - {x: 26.376663, y: 8.038349} - {x: 19.868372, y: -0.685186} - {x: 20.260036, y: 3.3277678} - {x: 24.475874, y: -0.68518287} - {x: 24.581604, y: 2.697566} - {x: 23.286016, y: 8.839733} - {x: 23.202328, y: 12.497062} - {x: 27.816166, y: 8.839735} - {x: 27.749294, y: 12.456604} - {x: 23.400013, y: 12.538146} - {x: 23.272816, y: 16.214445} - {x: 27.950247, y: 12.538148} - {x: 27.763529, y: 16.325853} - {x: 22.790768, y: 15.553885} - {x: 22.753986, y: 19.238705} - {x: 27.302769, y: 15.553885} - {x: 27.269495, y: 19.214453} - {x: 22.85357, y: 19.981438} - {x: 22.811384, y: 23.609201} - {x: 27.370022, y: 19.981432} - {x: 27.318783, y: 23.640009} - {x: 22.663315, y: 22.113491} - {x: 22.63475, y: 25.861992} - {x: 27.173372, y: 22.11349} - {x: 27.1496, y: 25.798843} - {x: 27.104626, y: -26.765854} - {x: 27.197094, y: -22.97736} - {x: 31.624622, y: -26.765854} - {x: 31.734524, y: -22.89213} - {x: 27.216251, y: -21.036133} - {x: 27.508242, y: -16.787369} - {x: 31.760384, y: -21.036133} - {x: 32.009132, y: -16.976} - {x: 27.27997, y: -16.373795} - {x: 27.380878, y: -12.254586} - {x: 31.794027, y: -16.373795} - {x: 31.876741, y: -12.444076} - {x: 26.77758, y: -14.981478} - {x: 26.744183, y: -11.299042} - {x: 31.289072, y: -14.98148} - {x: 31.252499, y: -11.27528} - {x: 26.927406, y: -12.0737} - {x: 26.916367, y: -8.438383} - {x: 31.436646, y: -12.073702} - {x: 31.427614, y: -8.467312} - {x: 26.610537, y: -8.836995} - {x: 26.58397, y: -5.233741} - {x: 31.123915, y: -8.836992} - {x: 31.086142, y: -5.193487} - {x: 27.145039, y: -6.1041136} - {x: 27.148556, y: -2.5301425} - {x: 31.654007, y: -6.1041174} - {x: 31.660448, y: -2.4990761} - {x: 27.74856, y: -3.3370576} - {x: 27.755993, y: 0.21949966} - {x: 32.27067, y: -3.3370557} - {x: 32.30009, y: 0.22723776} - {x: 28.208952, y: -0.25297382} - {x: 28.18899, y: 3.3051062} - {x: 32.762012, y: -0.25297928} - {x: 32.72763, y: 3.309201} - {x: 28.041739, y: 2.8515677} - {x: 27.999569, y: 6.4248657} - {x: 32.58154, y: 2.8515658} - {x: 32.53077, y: 6.4322114} - {x: 27.891388, y: 6.053601} - {x: 27.839697, y: 9.645349} - {x: 32.42318, y: 6.053599} - {x: 32.378517, y: 9.635461} - {x: 27.934633, y: 9.342318} - {x: 27.854776, y: 12.962806} - {x: 32.473984, y: 9.342316} - {x: 32.438084, y: 12.8916445} - {x: 28.195318, y: 12.211645} - {x: 27.922482, y: 16.01774} - {x: 32.794067, y: 12.211647} - {x: 32.595676, y: 15.885339} - {x: 27.965023, y: 17.42775} - {x: 27.724924, y: 21.08167} - {x: 32.65291, y: 17.427748} - {x: 32.382748, y: 21.106041} - {x: 27.749842, y: 20.929464} - {x: 27.528624, y: 24.584858} - {x: 32.408863, y: 20.929459} - {x: 32.21596, y: 24.559578} - {x: 27.483297, y: 24.62854} - {x: 27.211977, y: 28.308826} - {x: 32.171898, y: 24.628546} - {x: 31.946497, y: 28.267223} - {x: 30.672798, y: -29.213467} - {x: 31.148102, y: -25.360481} - {x: 35.406815, y: -29.213467} - {x: 35.673866, y: -25.611313} - {x: 31.716024, y: -22.603508} - {x: 32.047913, y: -18.539085} - {x: 36.288334, y: -22.603508} - {x: 36.493042, y: -18.904863} - {x: 31.554216, y: -16.801264} - {x: 31.552061, y: -12.857359} - {x: 36.06297, y: -16.801266} - {x: 36.06107, y: -12.945902} - {x: 31.188074, y: -14.572537} - {x: 31.1391, y: -10.865436} - {x: 35.70172, y: -14.572534} - {x: 35.662735, y: -10.926063} - {x: 30.641706, y: -12.085992} - {x: 30.583567, y: -8.477512} - {x: 35.170403, y: -12.085991} - {x: 35.10712, y: -8.468179} - {x: 30.724426, y: -7.7663155} - {x: 30.656225, y: -4.11508} - {x: 35.24831, y: -7.7663164} - {x: 35.118675, y: -3.9444232} - {x: 32.274437, y: -5.6827145} - {x: 32.330933, y: -2.0654624} - {x: 36.79934, y: -5.682716} - {x: 36.84696, y: -2.0847895} - {x: 32.142345, y: -2.6260028} - {x: 32.16582, y: 0.9497453} - {x: 36.659588, y: -2.6260006} - {x: 36.69137, y: 0.96422607} - {x: 32.41699, y: -0.54645616} - {x: 32.394485, y: 3.0172946} - {x: 36.94456, y: -0.5464535} - {x: 36.9006, y: 3.0334923} - {x: 31.951992, y: 2.3954961} - {x: 31.93495, y: 5.9772015} - {x: 36.464207, y: 2.3954988} - {x: 36.441982, y: 5.993249} - {x: 31.659716, y: 5.8374763} - {x: 31.655344, y: 9.420275} - {x: 36.16869, y: 5.8374667} - {x: 36.164158, y: 9.4222555} - {x: 31.621777, y: 9.799938} - {x: 31.619831, y: 13.368656} - {x: 36.130615, y: 9.799937} - {x: 36.127983, y: 13.378051} - {x: 31.389763, y: 10.966949} - {x: 31.407612, y: 14.662222} - {x: 35.899216, y: 10.966944} - {x: 35.91098, y: 14.568483} - {x: 31.997705, y: 15.386348} - {x: 31.940052, y: 19.07553} - {x: 36.514175, y: 15.386346} - {x: 36.464256, y: 19.04019} - {x: 32.08866, y: 19.889427} - {x: 32.02158, y: 23.525589} - {x: 36.614803, y: 19.889437} - {x: 36.547184, y: 23.526882} - {x: 32.01628, y: 23.378548} - {x: 31.945415, y: 27.026825} - {x: 36.541893, y: 23.378542} - {x: 36.509872, y: 26.926128} - {x: 36.17034, y: -23.352589} - {x: 36.147587, y: -27.014124} - {x: 40.78249, y: -23.352612} - {x: 40.777386, y: -26.851461} - {x: 36.479992, y: -19.814064} - {x: 36.328957, y: -23.57371} - {x: 41.12564, y: -19.814096} - {x: 40.919456, y: -23.718903} - {x: 36.3459, y: -14.24717} - {x: 36.27981, y: -18.106377} - {x: 40.960957, y: -14.247225} - {x: 40.911007, y: -17.963966} - {x: 36.82781, y: -13.240009} - {x: 36.70863, y: -16.890516} - {x: 41.48584, y: -13.240064} - {x: 41.301144, y: -16.99396} - {x: 37.064407, y: -10.658193} - {x: 36.891815, y: -14.27284} - {x: 41.83348, y: -10.658235} - {x: 41.51871, y: -14.369965} - {x: 37.082428, y: -4.3141856} - {x: 36.877064, y: -8.201814} - {x: 41.73213, y: -4.314204} - {x: 41.606686, y: -7.954191} - {x: 37.43789, y: -2.925281} - {x: 37.33271, y: -6.523461} - {x: 42.13076, y: -2.9252768} - {x: 41.97467, y: -6.564791} - {x: 36.9761, y: 1.1163689} - {x: 36.926773, y: -2.4761825} - {x: 41.60767, y: 1.116402} - {x: 41.599663, y: -2.413991} - {x: 37.01446, y: 2.607722} - {x: 37.066082, y: -0.97976243} - {x: 41.651646, y: 2.6077588} - {x: 41.697323, y: -0.9723432} - {x: 36.778572, y: 5.88552} - {x: 36.8246, y: 2.2855978} - {x: 41.404415, y: 5.8855486} - {x: 41.460228, y: 2.2667544} - {x: 36.198116, y: 9.392018} - {x: 36.204323, y: 5.8071966} - {x: 40.809124, y: 9.392037} - {x: 40.819557, y: 5.767086} - {x: 35.85091, y: 12.94094} - {x: 35.84149, y: 9.361212} - {x: 40.46266, y: 12.940957} - {x: 40.449505, y: 9.341842} - {x: 36.32798, y: 16.098297} - {x: 36.34918, y: 12.481647} - {x: 40.940918, y: 16.098307} - {x: 40.954094, y: 12.527726} - {x: 36.445885, y: 19.390707} - {x: 36.493073, y: 15.734599} - {x: 41.06351, y: 19.390717} - {x: 41.10475, y: 15.759714} - {x: 36.401924, y: 23.254671} - {x: 36.44435, y: 19.616838} - {x: 41.01948, y: 23.254673} - {x: 41.061977, y: 19.616589} - {x: 36.08985, y: 27.607738} - {x: 36.09096, y: 24.033157} - {x: 40.70045, y: 27.607742} - {x: 40.702282, y: 24.00823} - {x: 40.69417, y: -25.083189} - {x: 40.6524, y: -28.64357} - {x: 45.33524, y: -25.0832} - {x: 45.373714, y: -28.623825} - {x: 40.816345, y: -17.080822} - {x: 40.775894, y: -21.013575} - {x: 45.351994, y: -17.080866} - {x: 45.33271, y: -20.637238} - {x: 41.22674, y: -16.07954} - {x: 41.104454, y: -19.809889} - {x: 45.78758, y: -16.0796} - {x: 45.62418, y: -19.924906} - {x: 41.359303, y: -11.933138} - {x: 41.221848, y: -15.715174} - {x: 45.919304, y: -11.933198} - {x: 45.782677, y: -15.712593} - {x: 41.405643, y: -8.114084} - {x: 41.29316, y: -11.8748045} - {x: 45.95902, y: -8.114127} - {x: 45.852673, y: -11.8530655} - {x: 41.559696, y: -5.134501} - {x: 41.46188, y: -8.818122} - {x: 46.117313, y: -5.134522} - {x: 46.015045, y: -8.8296385} - {x: 41.578205, y: -1.6814723} - {x: 41.500908, y: -5.333143} - {x: 46.131992, y: -1.6814669} - {x: 46.058353, y: -5.32415} - {x: 41.739666, y: 0.165178} - {x: 41.730164, y: -3.3910763} - {x: 46.303146, y: 0.1652128} - {x: 46.282978, y: -3.3932793} - {x: 41.66542, y: 2.7285864} - {x: 41.711956, y: -0.85192245} - {x: 46.226913, y: 2.7286248} - {x: 46.275402, y: -0.85399866} - {x: 40.874912, y: 5.1206727} - {x: 40.888023, y: 1.4995254} - {x: 45.41007, y: 5.1207023} - {x: 45.43101, y: 1.4215997} - {x: 40.45758, y: 8.153988} - {x: 40.44076, y: 4.515782} - {x: 44.992985, y: 8.154005} - {x: 44.972134, y: 4.47648} - {x: 40.55325, y: 12.450338} - {x: 40.545414, y: 8.847431} - {x: 45.087994, y: 12.450352} - {x: 45.08066, y: 8.85359} - {x: 40.6653, y: 16.634237} - {x: 40.664585, y: 13.055114} - {x: 45.19964, y: 16.634243} - {x: 45.19902, y: 13.061241} - {x: 40.763184, y: 19.309416} - {x: 40.771057, y: 15.67668} - {x: 45.297768, y: 19.309423} - {x: 45.305058, y: 15.688109} - {x: 40.736862, y: 22.838959} - {x: 40.74296, y: 19.200632} - {x: 45.27134, y: 22.838966} - {x: 45.27753, y: 19.198103} - {x: 40.53389, y: 26.758066} - {x: 40.52124, y: 23.15067} - {x: 45.06919, y: 26.758072} - {x: 45.053864, y: 23.12872} - {x: 45.285084, y: -25.099258} - {x: 45.28753, y: -28.659071} - {x: 50.65044, y: -25.099274} - {x: 50.620354, y: -28.538383} - {x: 45.39682, y: -19.76821} - {x: 45.37028, y: -23.412487} - {x: 50.764618, y: -19.768253} - {x: 50.734627, y: -23.435425} - {x: 45.643826, y: -14.547751} - {x: 45.53871, y: -18.412073} - {x: 51.02159, y: -14.547815} - {x: 50.902992, y: -18.488258} - {x: 45.72669, y: -11.349243} - {x: 45.63879, y: -15.130093} - {x: 51.104053, y: -11.349305} - {x: 51.016556, y: -15.128169} - {x: 45.933887, y: -8.208896} - {x: 45.83229, y: -11.948501} - {x: 51.319298, y: -8.208943} - {x: 51.208668, y: -11.9805355} - {x: 46.213223, y: -5.2364025} - {x: 46.095505, y: -8.931301} - {x: 51.614674, y: -5.236427} - {x: 51.47864, y: -8.973974} - {x: 46.322018, y: -2.0407763} - {x: 46.227417, y: -5.6831784} - {x: 51.725025, y: -2.0407689} - {x: 51.62885, y: -5.686056} - {x: 46.308014, y: 0.34866464} - {x: 46.287724, y: -3.2110648} - {x: 51.707787, y: 0.34869736} - {x: 51.69066, y: -3.2096772} - {x: 45.8841, y: 2.4383543} - {x: 45.913048, y: -1.144524} - {x: 51.26035, y: 2.4383926} - {x: 51.306427, y: -1.1770542} - {x: 45.61627, y: 4.2029715} - {x: 45.661583, y: 0.4821979} - {x: 50.985703, y: 4.203} - {x: 51.0363, y: 0.44444573} - {x: 45.36398, y: 7.9627614} - {x: 45.379272, y: 4.280758} - {x: 50.729523, y: 7.9627814} - {x: 50.746986, y: 4.2454257} - {x: 45.214565, y: 12.665357} - {x: 45.214546, y: 9.068393} - {x: 50.579433, y: 12.665374} - {x: 50.579403, y: 9.055376} - {x: 45.01904, y: 16.704697} - {x: 45.01144, y: 13.131316} - {x: 50.385086, y: 16.7047} - {x: 50.37511, y: 13.119947} - {x: 44.775803, y: 18.986786} - {x: 44.742794, y: 15.365208} - {x: 50.146793, y: 18.98679} - {x: 50.106934, y: 15.337924} - {x: 44.497196, y: 21.969727} - {x: 44.43529, y: 18.329367} - {x: 49.878807, y: 21.969734} - {x: 49.803688, y: 18.293472} - {x: 44.39848, y: 25.656612} - {x: 44.328976, y: 22.025646} - {x: 49.787094, y: 25.656614} - {x: 49.709976, y: 22.009226} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995492, y: 0.029965524, z: -0.0018649586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995492, y: 0.029965524, z: -0.0018649586, w: -1} - {x: 0.998192, y: 0.059989974, z: -0.0037389605, w: -1} - {x: 0.99816763, y: 0.06050899, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99791217, y: 0.06455546, z: -0.001971919, w: -1} - {x: 0.99791217, y: 0.06455546, z: -0.001971919, w: -1} - {x: 0.99763644, y: 0.06860082, z: -0.003943898, w: -1} - {x: 0.99750733, y: 0.07056399, z: -4.9214666e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969039, y: 0.078629084, z: -0.00053537934, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969039, y: 0.078629084, z: -0.00053537934, w: -1} - {x: 0.99623466, y: 0.0866907, z: -0.0010708638, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962272, y: 0.08678335, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854708, y: 0.16954713, z: 0.010058495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854708, y: 0.16954713, z: 0.010058495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9672662, y: 0.2529794, z: 0.019934123, w: -1} - {x: 0.9679429, y: 0.25117043, z: -0.000000025758435, w: -1} - {x: 0.96809494, y: 0.25058368, z: 0.00032319847, w: -1} - {x: 0.96809494, y: 0.25058368, z: 0.00032319847, w: -1} - {x: 0.9682465, y: 0.24999681, z: 0.00064641656, w: -1} - {x: 0.96833247, y: 0.24966452, z: 0.000000014148107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9623567, y: 0.2717609, z: -0.0039531025, w: -1} - {x: 0.9623567, y: 0.2717609, z: -0.0039531025, w: -1} - {x: 0.9558505, y: 0.29374704, z: -0.007912525, w: -1} - {x: 0.95533764, y: 0.29551655, z: 0.00000008512456, w: -1} - {x: 0.9336307, y: 0.35784963, z: 0.01665292, w: -1} - {x: 0.9336307, y: 0.35784963, z: 0.01665292, w: -1} - {x: 0.90710443, y: 0.41958243, z: 0.033346232, w: -1} - {x: 0.90677536, y: 0.42161408, z: 0.00000003465504, w: -1} - {x: 0.8984489, y: 0.43905658, z: 0.0043468745, w: -1} - {x: 0.8984489, y: 0.43905658, z: 0.0043468745, w: -1} - {x: 0.8897548, y: 0.45635602, z: 0.008697938, w: -1} - {x: 0.8891349, y: 0.45764524, z: -0.0000000031203153, w: -1} - {x: 0.9445681, y: 0.32829216, z: 0.0039394465, w: -1} - {x: 0.9445681, y: 0.32829216, z: 0.0039394465, w: -1} - {x: 0.98331124, y: 0.18187355, z: 0.0046030674, w: -1} - {x: 0.9829926, y: 0.18364555, z: 0.000000012940511, w: -1} - {x: 0.9527385, y: 0.30273306, z: 0.02533806, w: -1} - {x: 0.9527385, y: 0.30273306, z: 0.02533806, w: -1} - {x: 0.90470266, y: 0.42312446, z: 0.049788557, w: -1} - {x: 0.9085587, y: 0.4177572, z: 0.0000000068863413, w: -1} - {x: 0.89401436, y: 0.44802386, z: 0.0035782286, w: -1} - {x: 0.89401436, y: 0.44802386, z: 0.0035782286, w: -1} - {x: 0.8783746, y: 0.4779192, z: 0.0071577253, w: -1} - {x: 0.8783667, y: 0.47798744, z: 0.00000000751175, w: -1} - {x: 0.8512563, y: 0.52468795, z: 0.0080858115, w: -1} - {x: 0.8512563, y: 0.52468795, z: 0.0080858115, w: -1} - {x: 0.8211851, y: 0.5704328, z: 0.016168388, w: -1} - {x: 0.8214494, y: 0.5702814, z: 0.00000016570233, w: -1} - {x: 0.8596181, y: 0.51060003, z: 0.018555278, w: -1} - {x: 0.8596181, y: 0.51060003, z: 0.018555278, w: -1} - {x: 0.8937818, y: 0.44696108, z: 0.037146486, w: -1} - {x: 0.8954008, y: 0.4452611, z: 0.0000000029635387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9206864, y: 0.3900276, z: 0.014660182, w: -1} - {x: 0.9206864, y: 0.3900276, z: 0.014660182, w: -1} - {x: 0.9426317, y: 0.3325424, z: 0.029344818, w: -1} - {x: 0.94379336, y: 0.3305362, z: -0.000000008602233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9069116, y: 0.42077476, z: 0.021449056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9069116, y: 0.42077476, z: 0.021449056, w: -1} - {x: 0.8590428, y: 0.5101223, z: 0.042669974, w: -1} - {x: 0.86123663, y: 0.50820434, z: -0.000000007388701, w: -1} - {x: 0.86721605, y: 0.49792945, z: 0.0016340802, w: -1} - {x: 0.86721605, y: 0.49792945, z: 0.0016340802, w: -1} - {x: 0.8730738, y: 0.4875771, z: 0.0032686605, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939966, y: -0.10941066, z: -0.0000000010212204, w: -1} - {x: 0.9931702, y: 0.114592634, z: -0.021940744, w: -1} - {x: 0.9931702, y: 0.114592634, z: -0.021940744, w: -1} - {x: 0.9306458, y: 0.36034286, z: -0.06365149, w: -1} - {x: 0.91367376, y: 0.4064484, z: -0.000000012385519, w: -1} - {x: 0.8776698, y: 0.47788504, z: -0.036355417, w: -1} - {x: 0.8776698, y: 0.47788504, z: -0.036355417, w: -1} - {x: 0.8341224, y: 0.54668474, z: -0.07331841, w: -1} - {x: 0.8071916, y: 0.59028953, z: 0.0000000041816075, w: -1} - {x: 0.8513795, y: 0.52451855, z: 0.005768917, w: -1} - {x: 0.8513795, y: 0.52451855, z: 0.005768917, w: -1} - {x: 0.8912401, y: 0.453392, z: 0.011260723, w: -1} - {x: 0.89042175, y: 0.45513645, z: -0.0000000014599839, w: -1} - {x: 0.8756505, y: 0.48293725, z: -0.0027865446, w: -1} - {x: 0.8756505, y: 0.48293725, z: -0.0027865446, w: -1} - {x: 0.8599446, y: 0.51035684, z: -0.00558867, w: -1} - {x: 0.8594535, y: 0.51121396, z: -0.000000024623525, w: -1} - {x: 0.91773427, y: 0.39207312, z: 0.06358078, w: -1} - {x: 0.91773427, y: 0.39207312, z: 0.06358078, w: -1} - {x: 0.9579905, y: 0.25730595, z: 0.1266804, w: -1} - {x: 0.9693862, y: 0.24554108, z: -0.0000000069799495, w: -1} - {x: 0.96171695, y: 0.27395642, z: -0.0069501163, w: -1} - {x: 0.96171695, y: 0.27395642, z: -0.0069501163, w: -1} - {x: 0.9531444, y: 0.3021956, z: -0.013917466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9519033, y: 0.30639884, z: 0.0000000011666704, w: -1} - {x: 0.92966974, y: 0.36837023, z: 0.0041763904, w: -1} - {x: 0.92966974, y: 0.36837023, z: 0.0041763904, w: -1} - {x: 0.90294266, y: 0.42968184, z: 0.008254325, w: -1} - {x: 0.90338403, y: 0.42883256, z: 0.000000006350765, w: -1} - {x: 0.8640553, y: 0.5031942, z: 0.014286577, w: -1} - {x: 0.8640553, y: 0.5031942, z: 0.014286577, w: -1} - {x: 0.8169049, y: 0.5760719, z: 0.028412739, w: -1} - {x: 0.818612, y: 0.5743471, z: -0.0000000038319268, w: -1} - {x: 0.83872646, y: 0.54442674, z: -0.011725874, w: -1} - {x: 0.83872646, y: 0.54442674, z: -0.011725874, w: -1} - {x: 0.8577803, y: 0.5134763, z: -0.023556357, w: -1} - {x: 0.8636885, y: 0.50402594, z: 0.000000042251685, w: -1} - {x: 0.8832284, y: 0.46891654, z: 0.004987031, w: -1} - {x: 0.8832284, y: 0.46891654, z: 0.004987031, w: -1} - {x: 0.9014306, y: 0.43280867, z: 0.009975377, w: -1} - {x: 0.90152246, y: 0.43273237, z: -1.1891022e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.90172577, y: 0.43230855, z: -0.000004292383, w: -1} - {x: 0.90172577, y: 0.43230855, z: -0.000004292383, w: -1} - {x: 0.90192884, y: 0.4318847, z: -0.000008584402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9019289, y: 0.43188465, z: 2.2401064e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.941655, y: 0.3365713, z: 0.0023992492, w: -1} - {x: 0.941655, y: 0.3365713, z: 0.0023992492, w: -1} - {x: 0.9723329, y: 0.23356676, z: 0.003908252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9720909, y: 0.23460476, z: -8.76923e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.97229236, y: 0.233768, z: 0.000056451816, w: -1} - {x: 0.97229236, y: 0.233768, z: 0.000056451816, w: -1} - {x: 0.9724933, y: 0.23293106, z: 0.00011290669, w: -1} - {x: 0.9724949, y: 0.2329241, z: -0.0000000024885012, w: -1} - {x: 0.9797123, y: 0.20039102, z: 0.0026686252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9797123, y: 0.20039102, z: 0.0026686252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858554, y: 0.16751315, z: 0.0053355717, w: -1} - {x: 0.98586416, y: 0.16754653, z: 0.0000000022754367, w: -1} - {x: 0.98711306, y: 0.16002354, z: 0.0005661652, w: -1} - {x: 0.98711306, y: 0.16002354, z: 0.0005661652, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883044, y: 0.15248977, z: 0.0011323777, w: -1} - {x: 0.98831445, y: 0.15242875, z: -0.00000001019618, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995831, y: -0.017635832, z: 0.022861136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995831, y: -0.017635832, z: 0.022861136, w: -1} - {x: 0.97844714, y: -0.20237914, z: 0.04103639, w: -1} - {x: 0.979379, y: 0.20203184, z: 0.000000009486781, w: -1} - {x: 0.96983683, y: 0.24144956, z: -0.033447746, w: -1} - {x: 0.96983683, y: 0.24144956, z: -0.033447746, w: -1} - {x: 0.95756125, y: 0.28034413, z: -0.066958606, w: -1} - {x: 0.93911934, y: 0.34359115, z: 0.000000018769201, w: -1} - {x: 0.9694172, y: 0.22372863, z: 0.100874275, w: -1} - {x: 0.9694172, y: 0.22372863, z: 0.100874275, w: -1} - {x: 0.97519493, y: 0.09297752, z: 0.20087314, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994624, y: 0.010371779, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944802, y: 0.103346094, z: 0.01813043, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944802, y: 0.103346094, z: 0.01813043, w: -1} - {x: 0.97953826, y: 0.19799921, z: 0.03607154, w: -1} - {x: 0.9805173, y: 0.19643302, z: 0.0000000029456502, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925001, y: 0.121262625, z: 0.015453038, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925001, y: 0.121262625, z: 0.015453038, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985569, y: 0.043947954, z: 0.030865215, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904263, y: 0.043748997, z: 4.275958e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998724, y: 0.0010332551, z: 0.0049467827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998724, y: 0.0010332551, z: 0.0049467827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99907136, y: -0.041935228, z: 0.009890989, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991175, y: -0.042004455, z: -0.0000000011687137, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939725, y: -0.10745, z: 0.021749077, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939725, y: -0.10745, z: 0.021749077, w: -1} - {x: 0.9838991, y: -0.17333356, z: 0.04356464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836816, y: -0.17991808, z: -0.0000000010598726, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921928, y: -0.1245152, z: -0.0070343185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921928, y: -0.1245152, z: -0.0070343185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975761, y: -0.06812233, z: -0.014192774, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979377, y: -0.06419054, z: 2.7021785e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991214, y: -0.04184591, z: -0.0022960908, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991214, y: -0.04184591, z: -0.0022960908, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980026, y: -0.019443015, z: -0.004596576, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998251, y: -0.018701948, z: -0.000000020749036, w: -1} - {x: 0.98575956, y: 0.14146009, z: 0.090923674, w: -1} - {x: 0.98575956, y: 0.14146009, z: 0.090923674, w: -1} - {x: 0.9330344, y: 0.31149215, z: 0.18005417, w: -1} - {x: 0.94424814, y: 0.32923472, z: -3.1035124e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9437497, y: 0.33066067, z: -0.0000172066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9437497, y: 0.33066067, z: -0.0000172066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9432491, y: 0.33208588, z: -0.00003441265, w: -1} - {x: 0.943249, y: 0.3320863, z: -6.743567e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9415675, y: 0.33682448, z: 0.000054873195, w: -1} - {x: 0.9415675, y: 0.33682448, z: 0.000054873195, w: -1} - {x: 0.939862, y: 0.34155455, z: 0.00010974515, w: -1} - {x: 0.939862, y: 0.3415544, z: -0.00000007904257, w: -1} - {x: 0.8964304, y: 0.44219735, z: 0.02956355, w: -1} - {x: 0.8964304, y: 0.44219735, z: 0.02956355, w: -1} - {x: 0.8383487, y: 0.54195464, z: 0.05879486, w: -1} - {x: 0.84173524, y: 0.5398905, z: 5.3201665e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.86807317, y: 0.49642834, z: 0.0028158128, w: -1} - {x: 0.86807317, y: 0.49642834, z: 0.0028158128, w: -1} - {x: 0.8924193, y: 0.45117247, z: 0.0055929003, w: -1} - {x: 0.89219373, y: 0.4516529, z: 1.5938023e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.87774134, y: 0.47913462, z: 0.0001700204, w: -1} - {x: 0.87774134, y: 0.47913462, z: 0.0001700204, w: -1} - {x: 0.86238146, y: 0.50625896, z: 0.00033250265, w: -1} - {x: 0.8623955, y: 0.5062351, z: 0.0000000032561238, w: -1} - {x: 0.941914, y: 0.33553445, z: 0.014649529, w: -1} - {x: 0.941914, y: 0.33553445, z: 0.014649529, w: -1} - {x: 0.9916727, y: 0.1274159, z: 0.018718716, w: -1} - {x: 0.9905871, y: 0.13688427, z: 0.000000035949615, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991339, y: 0.019959798, z: -0.036511946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991339, y: 0.019959798, z: -0.036511946, w: -1} - {x: 0.99188596, y: -0.102227315, z: -0.07557654, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982315, y: 0.000000052213142, z: 0.018807154, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985544, y: 0.045445465, z: -0.028700085, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985544, y: 0.045445465, z: -0.028700085, w: -1} - {x: 0.99292165, y: 0.09093021, z: -0.076408975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9819256, y: 0.18926711, z: 0.00000000559429, w: -1} - {x: 0.99365836, y: 0.10727669, z: 0.0336869, w: -1} - {x: 0.99365836, y: 0.10727669, z: 0.0336869, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974648, y: 0.022654057, z: 0.06745906, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999454, y: 0.010448537, z: 4.5444433e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999761, y: 0.006923955, z: 0.00017204102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999761, y: 0.006923955, z: 0.00017204102, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999416, y: 0.003399145, z: 0.00034408565, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999434, y: 0.0033854037, z: -1.07793306e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999935, y: 0.0036161481, z: -0.0000016920736, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999935, y: 0.0036161481, z: -0.0000016920736, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999267, y: 0.0038468922, z: -0.0000033841309, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999267, y: 0.003846918, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999937, y: 0.0035748202, z: 0.0000017978441, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999937, y: 0.0035748202, z: 0.0000017978441, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999946, y: 0.0033027222, z: 0.000003595689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999946, y: 0.0033027006, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.999725, y: -0.02310591, z: 0.0040171044, w: -1} - {x: 0.999725, y: -0.02310591, z: 0.0040171044, w: -1} - {x: 0.998739, y: -0.049557585, z: 0.008037075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987375, y: -0.050233208, z: -0.0000000153395, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991107, y: -0.042106092, z: -0.0022627478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991107, y: -0.042106092, z: -0.0022627478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994125, y: -0.03397425, z: -0.0045258305, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946797, y: -0.032615356, z: 6.568097e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998432, y: 0.01589491, z: -0.007800298, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998432, y: 0.01589491, z: -0.007800298, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977797, y: 0.06472888, z: -0.015678383, w: -1} - {x: 0.99759763, y: 0.06927502, z: 0.00000001298829, w: -1} - {x: 0.99392384, y: 0.110021174, z: 0.003294207, w: -1} - {x: 0.99392384, y: 0.110021174, z: 0.003294207, w: -1} - {x: 0.98854107, y: 0.15080811, z: 0.0065817134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9885879, y: 0.15064551, z: 1.8633763e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9847875, y: 0.17376263, z: -0.00037803338, w: -1} - {x: 0.9847875, y: 0.17376263, z: -0.00037803338, w: -1} - {x: 0.9804382, y: 0.19682564, z: -0.0007585759, w: -1} - {x: 0.98042715, y: 0.19688232, z: -4.672653e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.973639, y: 0.22809473, z: -0.00008442615, w: -1} - {x: 0.973639, y: 0.22809473, z: -0.00008442615, w: -1} - {x: 0.96582925, y: 0.25917938, z: -0.00017625929, w: -1} - {x: 0.9658253, y: 0.25919396, z: 5.4396626e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9662711, y: 0.2575272, z: 0.000120081175, w: -1} - {x: 0.9662711, y: 0.2575272, z: 0.000120081175, w: -1} - {x: 0.96671396, y: 0.2558597, z: 0.00024015972, w: -1} - {x: 0.966718, y: 0.2558444, z: -0.000000006824327, w: -1} - {x: 0.94369984, y: 0.33070147, z: 0.008186096, w: -1} - {x: 0.94369984, y: 0.33070147, z: 0.008186096, w: -1} - {x: 0.9141322, y: 0.4050922, z: 0.016210819, w: -1} - {x: 0.91495657, y: 0.4035525, z: -0.0000000014870262, w: -1} - {x: 0.96155876, y: 0.27426785, z: 0.01348935, w: -1} - {x: 0.96155876, y: 0.27426785, z: 0.01348935, w: -1} - {x: 0.99113, y: 0.13057059, z: 0.024755282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904907, y: 0.13758017, z: -0.00000004296446, w: -1} - {x: 0.99776024, y: 0.0501386, z: -0.044278875, w: -1} - {x: 0.99776024, y: 0.0501386, z: -0.044278875, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951563, y: -0.039948065, z: -0.08982281, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933776, y: -0.11489574, z: 0.00000007155502, w: -1} - {x: 0.9772947, y: -0.2028367, z: -0.06125667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9772947, y: -0.2028367, z: -0.06125667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9490282, y: -0.28995672, z: -0.12357443, w: -1} - {x: 0.96244514, y: 0.00000004913507, z: 0.2714763, w: -1} - {x: 0.8219445, y: -0.20055005, z: 0.5330919, w: -1} - {x: 0.8219445, y: -0.20055005, z: 0.5330919, w: -1} - {x: 0.5689694, y: -0.39508206, z: 0.72123784, w: -1} - {x: 0.15788047, y: -0.000000095296265, z: 0.9874582, w: -1} - {x: 0.5153484, y: 0.2909819, z: 0.80606794, w: -1} - {x: 0.5153484, y: 0.2909819, z: 0.80606794, w: -1} - {x: 0.7156929, y: 0.5575452, z: 0.4206271, w: -1} - {x: 0.99513555, y: -0.09851567, z: 2.9558708e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99886554, y: -0.047577668, z: -0.0020040765, w: -1} - {x: 0.99886554, y: -0.047577668, z: -0.0020040765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999841, y: 0.0039160503, z: -0.004065937, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999894, y: 0.0046126926, z: 2.1821163e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999914, y: 0.004149139, z: 0.000003595691, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999914, y: 0.004149139, z: 0.000003595691, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999932, y: 0.0036855827, z: 0.0000071913664, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999932, y: 0.003685536, z: 1.1914237e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999923, y: 0.003925067, z: -0.0000014805636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999923, y: 0.003925067, z: -0.0000014805636, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999136, y: 0.0041645966, z: -0.0000029611392, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999914, y: 0.004164633, z: -7.385091e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999213, y: 0.012525686, z: -0.0007030262, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999213, y: 0.012525686, z: -0.0007030262, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997809, y: 0.020887736, z: -0.0014061927, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977875, y: 0.02103598, z: 0.000000009246528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998579, y: 0.016814068, z: 0.001266289, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998579, y: 0.016814068, z: 0.001266289, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991757, y: 0.012591594, z: 0.0025326125, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992967, y: 0.011861264, z: 7.2415574e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996125, y: -0.025614763, z: 0.010901575, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996125, y: -0.025614763, z: 0.010901575, w: -1} - {x: 0.99776095, y: -0.06321971, z: 0.021821117, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977269, y: -0.06738787, z: -0.000000001173407, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999553, y: 0.009300603, z: -0.0016351187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999553, y: 0.009300603, z: -0.0016351187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99616975, y: 0.08736918, z: -0.0035248348, w: -1} - {x: 0.99610794, y: 0.08814211, z: 0.000000003805402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965579, y: 0.082899936, z: 0.00040766585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965579, y: 0.082899936, z: 0.00040766585, w: -1} - {x: 0.99697995, y: 0.07765499, z: 0.00081534724, w: -1} - {x: 0.99698436, y: 0.07760288, z: 0.00000011271957, w: -1} - {x: 0.9930367, y: 0.11775191, z: -0.0035492259, w: -1} - {x: 0.9930367, y: 0.11775191, z: -0.0035492259, w: -1} - {x: 0.98742735, y: 0.1579132, z: -0.0071286615, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872355, y: 0.15926784, z: -7.260531e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99174076, y: 0.1282415, z: 0.0020874224, w: -1} - {x: 0.99174076, y: 0.1282415, z: 0.0020874224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952767, y: 0.09698878, z: 0.0041729375, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952799, y: 0.09704578, z: 0.0000000010777145, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999136, y: 0.0077064945, z: 0.010658921, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999136, y: 0.0077064945, z: 0.010658921, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962443, y: -0.083984904, z: 0.021065947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966572, y: -0.08169732, z: -0.000000017051654, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987956, y: -0.048111234, z: 0.009620819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987956, y: -0.048111234, z: 0.009620819, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971163, y: -0.014345104, z: 0.019255226, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994415, y: -0.010569995, z: -0.00000009922002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962398, y: -0.07062613, z: -0.050182946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962398, y: -0.07062613, z: -0.050182946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862747, y: -0.13082847, z: -0.10072806, w: -1} - {x: -0.97620577, y: -0.0000000612401, z: 0.21684654, w: -1} - {x: -0.97649974, y: -0.0011873607, z: 0.21551535, w: -1} - {x: -0.97649974, y: -0.0011873607, z: 0.21551535, w: -1} - {x: -0.9767906, y: -0.0023746488, z: 0.21418348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992637, y: -0.038367413, z: 0.0000000012199239, w: -1} - {x: 0.9882913, y: -0.14762281, z: 0.03857132, w: -1} - {x: 0.9882913, y: -0.14762281, z: 0.03857132, w: -1} - {x: 0.9627135, y: -0.25932992, z: 0.077011, w: -1} - {x: 0.98367685, y: 0.000000056711237, z: 0.17994438, w: -1} - {x: 0.8681526, y: -0.18315978, z: 0.46126303, w: -1} - {x: 0.8681526, y: -0.18315978, z: 0.46126303, w: -1} - {x: 0.63370657, y: -0.36624274, z: 0.68138266, w: -1} - {x: 0.15639584, y: -0.000000053938468, z: 0.98769444, w: -1} - {x: 0.5185796, y: 0.30431744, z: 0.7990407, w: -1} - {x: 0.5185796, y: 0.30431744, z: 0.7990407, w: -1} - {x: 0.7089902, y: 0.5826114, z: 0.39736232, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996818, y: -0.02522871, z: -9.07461e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994874, y: -0.010124074, z: -0.00009865824, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994874, y: -0.010124074, z: -0.00009865824, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999875, y: 0.0049939672, z: -0.00019771147, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998754, y: 0.005002828, z: -9.5312334e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.99937534, y: 0.035338823, z: -0.00020118164, w: -1} - {x: 0.99937534, y: 0.035338823, z: -0.00020118164, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978372, y: 0.065731734, z: -0.00040838873, w: -1} - {x: 0.99783516, y: 0.06576588, z: 0.0000000011467948, w: -1} - {x: 0.99388707, y: 0.11030135, z: -0.004691503, w: -1} - {x: 0.99388707, y: 0.11030135, z: -0.004691503, w: -1} - {x: 0.98788637, y: 0.15489218, z: -0.009429728, w: -1} - {x: 0.98760587, y: 0.1569546, z: -0.0000000070057076, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949458, y: 0.09902016, z: 0.016667273, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949458, y: 0.09902016, z: 0.016667273, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986387, y: 0.040092003, z: 0.033369213, w: -1} - {x: 0.99936235, y: 0.03570673, z: 0.0000000018105437, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953234, y: 0.030566765, z: 0.0009822492, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953234, y: 0.030566765, z: 0.0009822492, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967486, y: 0.025425535, z: 0.0019645465, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996856, y: 0.025076853, z: 0.0000000015170225, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996626, y: 0.0072124563, z: 0.003943348, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996626, y: 0.0072124563, z: 0.003943348, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991184, y: -0.010672689, z: 0.007888704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999275, y: -0.012043052, z: -5.908651e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99897015, y: -0.045321047, z: 0.0021436294, w: -1} - {x: 0.99897015, y: -0.045321047, z: 0.0021436294, w: -1} - {x: 0.99689174, y: -0.078667365, z: 0.004284323, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969078, y: -0.07858114, z: -0.0000000037108718, w: -1} - {x: 0.98658377, y: -0.16241647, z: 0.016535839, w: -1} - {x: 0.98658377, y: -0.16241647, z: 0.016535839, w: -1} - {x: 0.9684481, y: -0.24702483, z: 0.032970402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691954, y: -0.24629334, z: -7.200909e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.98808736, y: -0.15388687, z: 0.0015228353, w: -1} - {x: 0.98808736, y: -0.15388687, z: 0.0015228353, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983537, y: -0.057301726, z: 0.0025079767, w: -1} - {x: 0.998323, y: -0.05788946, z: 0.0000000033462995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942791, y: -0.106678784, z: -0.0053651454, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942791, y: -0.106678784, z: -0.0053651454, w: -1} - {x: 0.9877653, y: -0.15557371, z: -0.01079606, w: -1} - {x: 0.987422, y: -0.15810686, z: 0.00000000734845, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691402, y: -0.24591367, z: -0.017135879, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691402, y: -0.24591367, z: -0.017135879, w: -1} - {x: 0.9420359, y: -0.333684, z: -0.034976445, w: -1} - {x: -0.9507232, y: 0.000000018624435, z: 0.3100411, w: -1} - {x: -0.9760956, y: -0.09191026, z: 0.19695146, w: -1} - {x: -0.9760956, y: -0.09191026, z: 0.19695146, w: -1} - {x: -0.9777218, y: -0.19822082, z: 0.06905473, w: -1} - {x: -0.98837864, y: -0.0000000020822368, z: -0.15201248, w: -1} - {x: -0.9937542, y: 0.044391885, z: -0.10238142, w: -1} - {x: -0.9937542, y: 0.044391885, z: -0.10238142, w: -1} - {x: -0.994694, y: 0.0887097, z: -0.052100133, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.0002335277, z: -7.1138814e-13, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988243, y: 0.048420265, z: -0.0023405259, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988243, y: 0.048420265, z: -0.0023405259, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952878, y: 0.0968494, z: -0.00472885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952197, y: 0.09766129, z: -0.000000003149069, w: -1} - {x: 0.986363, y: 0.16180801, z: -0.030104127, w: -1} - {x: 0.986363, y: 0.16180801, z: -0.030104127, w: -1} - {x: 0.9722763, y: 0.2258605, z: -0.06054653, w: -1} - {x: 0.98378724, y: -0.000000029217125, z: -0.17933996, w: -1} - {x: 0.99528927, y: -0.07906871, z: -0.05610315, w: -1} - {x: 0.99528927, y: -0.07906871, z: -0.05610315, w: -1} - {x: 0.98420334, y: -0.16144165, z: 0.07266643, w: -1} - {x: 0.9748891, y: -0.22269104, z: -0.000000001045139, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959034, y: -0.0903025, z: -0.0046862727, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959034, y: -0.0903025, z: -0.0046862727, w: -1} - {x: 0.99859947, y: 0.05154359, z: -0.011932218, w: -1} - {x: 0.99840945, y: 0.056379654, z: -0.0000000010441233, w: -1} - {x: 0.993662, y: 0.11231147, z: -0.0046705785, w: -1} - {x: 0.993662, y: 0.11231147, z: -0.0046705785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856674, y: 0.16843633, z: -0.009438852, w: -1} - {x: 0.98534566, y: 0.17056936, z: 0.00000000929931, w: -1} - {x: 0.99212086, y: 0.124869466, z: 0.010184422, w: -1} - {x: 0.99212086, y: 0.124869466, z: 0.010184422, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966996, y: 0.078578085, z: 0.020383473, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970664, y: 0.076542005, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99668175, y: 0.08139535, z: -0.00064167706, w: -1} - {x: 0.99668175, y: 0.08139535, z: -0.00064167706, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962729, y: 0.0862471, z: -0.001283394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962578, y: 0.08643171, z: -0.0000000033904584, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976348, y: 0.06866577, z: 0.0031533935, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976348, y: 0.06866577, z: 0.0031533935, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986859, y: 0.050859366, z: 0.0063082566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987475, y: 0.050035257, z: -0.000000015623842, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997097, y: 0.023655938, z: 0.0045801704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997097, y: 0.023655938, z: 0.0045801704, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995416, y: -0.002799346, z: 0.00916398, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999929, y: -0.003765181, z: -7.556797e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99958897, y: 0.028662318, z: 0.00066552224, w: -1} - {x: 0.99958897, y: 0.028662318, z: 0.00066552224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981265, y: 0.061169084, z: 0.0013252527, w: -1} - {x: 0.99813247, y: 0.061087273, z: -1.6404135e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99970573, y: 0.024236288, z: -0.0010225517, w: -1} - {x: 0.99970573, y: 0.024236288, z: -0.0010225517, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991584, y: -0.012809371, z: -0.002060563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999147, y: -0.013060564, z: -0.000000033840443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999901, y: 0.0025203277, z: -0.003663194, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999901, y: 0.0025203277, z: -0.003663194, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980915, y: 0.0181127, z: -0.007328688, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997971, y: 0.0201442, z: -0.000000011450109, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998619, y: -0.014413653, z: -0.008276275, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998619, y: -0.014413653, z: -0.008276275, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986569, y: -0.049084283, z: -0.016583733, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985069, y: -0.054625932, z: 0.000000040072504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969166, y: 0.05804993, z: 0.052796382, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969166, y: 0.05804993, z: 0.052796382, w: -1} - {x: 0.978964, y: 0.1745865, z: 0.105588555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9816346, y: 0.19077083, z: 0.000000029747433, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883466, y: 0.15117982, z: -0.017769925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883466, y: 0.15117982, z: -0.017769925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9931743, y: 0.11106302, z: -0.035635848, w: -1} - {x: -0.9977428, y: 0.00000007074834, z: -0.067152634, w: -1} - {x: -0.9950061, y: -0.022335464, z: -0.09728371, w: -1} - {x: -0.9950061, y: -0.022335464, z: -0.09728371, w: -1} - {x: -0.99085647, y: -0.044669595, z: -0.12731144, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000035541012, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973144, y: 0.07218294, z: -0.01239459, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973144, y: 0.07218294, z: -0.01239459, w: -1} - {x: 0.989099, y: 0.14509542, z: -0.025109673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9880325, y: 0.15424551, z: 0.000000008422986, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856068, y: 0.16875364, z: -0.010078534, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856068, y: 0.16875364, z: -0.010078534, w: -1} - {x: 0.98286587, y: 0.18321648, z: -0.020160222, w: -1} - {x: 0.98023516, y: 0.19783583, z: -0.00000006262156, w: -1} - {x: 0.9871841, y: 0.15526924, z: 0.036867246, w: -1} - {x: 0.9871841, y: 0.15526924, z: 0.036867246, w: -1} - {x: 0.99096876, y: 0.11198215, z: 0.07376292, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981237, y: 0.06122945, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99817914, y: 0.060319304, z: 0.00036966082, w: -1} - {x: 0.99817914, y: 0.060319304, z: 0.00036966082, w: -1} - {x: 0.99823344, y: 0.05940909, z: 0.00073932495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982514, y: 0.059111755, z: -0.000000010324821, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999002, y: 0.007490173, z: 0.011975582, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999002, y: 0.007490173, z: 0.011975582, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987175, y: -0.044595882, z: 0.023969991, w: -1} - {x: 0.998898, y: -0.046934146, z: -0.0000000028108018, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999846, y: -0.0033870346, z: -0.0043932013, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999846, y: -0.0033870346, z: -0.0043932013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99914336, y: 0.04043137, z: -0.008829124, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910396, y: 0.042324264, z: 0.0000000016008087, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985076, y: 0.054585464, z: -0.0017765366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985076, y: 0.054585464, z: -0.0017765366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977571, y: 0.0668441, z: -0.0035538026, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977213, y: 0.06747036, z: -5.2821864e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987129, y: 0.05067333, z: 0.0022015693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987129, y: 0.05067333, z: 0.0022015693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994173, y: 0.03384647, z: 0.0044039595, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994401, y: 0.03346045, z: 0.000000017195871, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982435, y: 0.018679416, z: 0.0015572816, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982435, y: 0.018679416, z: 0.0015572816, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999876, y: 0.003883874, z: 0.0031149744, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999326, y: 0.0036733956, z: -0.000000053497686, w: -1} - {x: 0.99905884, y: 0.04330682, z: -0.0024484056, w: -1} - {x: 0.99905884, y: 0.04330682, z: -0.0024484056, w: -1} - {x: 0.99653155, y: 0.08306996, z: -0.0049216063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964765, y: 0.08387294, z: 0.0000000038028354, w: -1} - {x: 0.9893706, y: 0.14521925, z: 0.0075624995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9893706, y: 0.14521925, z: 0.0075624995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9782736, y: 0.20676838, z: 0.01508915, w: -1} - {x: 0.97850215, y: 0.20623687, z: -0.000000017352944, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980103, y: 0.041350696, z: 0.04759689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980103, y: 0.041350696, z: 0.04759689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9859645, y: -0.13923451, z: 0.09212935, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920209, y: -0.12607351, z: 0.0000000335746, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900969, y: 0.10852044, z: 0.08905834, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900969, y: 0.10852044, z: 0.08905834, w: -1} - {x: 0.9128644, y: 0.37488708, z: 0.16167329, w: -1} - {x: 0.94075537, y: 0.3390861, z: 0.000000003747591, w: -1} - {x: 0.96478015, y: 0.26282865, z: -0.010975724, w: -1} - {x: 0.96478015, y: 0.26282865, z: -0.010975724, w: -1} - {x: 0.98286206, y: 0.18296544, z: -0.022491822, w: -1} - {x: 0.98461807, y: 0.17472045, z: -0.000000063774976, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883486, y: 0.15161487, z: -0.013418215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883486, y: 0.15161487, z: -0.013418215, w: -1} - {x: 0.991365, y: 0.12835129, z: -0.026857616, w: -1} - {x: -0.99579877, y: -0.000000012949784, z: -0.09156858, w: -1} - {x: -0.99512374, y: -0.005698544, z: -0.09846989, w: -1} - {x: -0.99512374, y: -0.005698544, z: -0.09846989, w: -1} - {x: -0.99436843, y: -0.011397054, z: -0.10536377, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995348, y: 0.030498043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968107, y: 0.07784585, z: -0.017562384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968107, y: 0.07784585, z: -0.017562384, w: -1} - {x: 0.99149114, y: 0.1253143, z: -0.03523826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9896891, y: 0.14323218, z: 0.000000004446411, w: -1} - {x: 0.9884089, y: 0.15168242, z: -0.006356517, w: -1} - {x: 0.9884089, y: 0.15168242, z: -0.006356517, w: -1} - {x: 0.987016, y: 0.1601171, z: -0.012713647, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854699, y: 0.16985041, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9869739, y: 0.16075712, z: 0.006303405, w: -1} - {x: 0.9869739, y: 0.16075712, z: 0.006303405, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883551, y: 0.15164168, z: 0.012607423, w: -1} - {x: 0.98964787, y: 0.14351681, z: 0.000000025747008, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927624, y: 0.119711846, z: 0.009587236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927624, y: 0.119711846, z: 0.009587236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952172, y: 0.09578481, z: 0.019182377, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959907, y: 0.089457236, z: 0.0000000029133778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920066, y: 0.12613584, z: -0.0035648278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920066, y: 0.12613584, z: -0.0035648278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9866334, y: 0.162798, z: -0.0071524563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9864346, y: 0.16415487, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.98279864, y: 0.1846277, z: -0.004400408, w: -1} - {x: 0.98279864, y: 0.1846277, z: -0.004400408, w: -1} - {x: 0.978713, y: 0.20504436, z: -0.008805991, w: -1} - {x: 0.97826725, y: 0.20734803, z: -0.000000004413458, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858502, y: 0.16748105, z: 0.00703047, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858502, y: 0.16748105, z: 0.00703047, w: -1} - {x: 0.99178797, y: 0.12711711, z: 0.014067587, w: -1} - {x: 0.99200875, y: 0.126169, z: 0.0000000010396098, w: -1} - {x: 0.99276406, y: 0.12008081, z: 0.0005344988, w: -1} - {x: 0.99276406, y: 0.12008081, z: 0.0005344988, w: -1} - {x: 0.99348164, y: 0.11398729, z: 0.0010690336, w: -1} - {x: 0.99349093, y: 0.11391144, z: -0.0000000014129045, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941766, y: 0.10776296, z: 0.0004153113, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941766, y: 0.10776296, z: 0.0004153113, w: -1} - {x: 0.99482405, y: 0.10160957, z: 0.0008306494, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948287, y: 0.101567194, z: 0.000000049625935, w: -1} - {x: 0.998204, y: 0.05950793, z: 0.0068959203, w: -1} - {x: 0.998204, y: 0.05950793, z: 0.0068959203, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975854, y: 0.017099494, z: 0.013796895, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986655, y: 0.016338134, z: -9.2765995e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996151, y: 0.027736977, z: -0.0004379475, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996151, y: 0.027736977, z: -0.0004379475, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992335, y: 0.039136965, z: -0.0008761318, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992315, y: 0.039195936, z: -0.0000000017623984, w: -1} - {x: 0.99895924, y: 0.04560298, z: 0.0009689376, w: -1} - {x: 0.99895924, y: 0.04560298, z: 0.0009689376, w: -1} - {x: 0.99864477, y: 0.052008968, z: 0.0019379545, w: -1} - {x: 0.998633, y: 0.05226932, z: -0.000000014801678, w: -1} - {x: 0.99604625, y: -0.08005044, z: 0.038518645, w: -1} - {x: 0.99604625, y: -0.08005044, z: 0.038518645, w: -1} - {x: 0.9729048, y: -0.21830575, z: 0.07615073, w: -1} - {x: 0.97672796, y: -0.2144819, z: -0.00000005065961, w: -1} - {x: 0.98471314, y: -0.17349064, z: 0.015524265, w: -1} - {x: 0.98471314, y: -0.17349064, z: 0.015524265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907711, y: -0.1319345, z: 0.031077908, w: -1} - {x: 0.99227864, y: -0.12402892, z: -0.00000003575928, w: -1} - {x: 0.99497527, y: -0.09869386, z: 0.01684046, w: -1} - {x: 0.99497527, y: -0.09869386, z: 0.01684046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967467, y: -0.07321771, z: 0.033693492, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989551, y: 0.00000001941368, z: 0.045703094, w: -1} - {x: -0.99718875, y: 0.021997176, z: 0.071628205, w: -1} - {x: -0.99718875, y: 0.021997176, z: 0.071628205, w: -1} - {x: -0.99425995, y: 0.044006724, z: 0.09752158, w: -1} - {x: 0.99669, y: 0.08129615, z: 0.00000000340691, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940868, y: 0.10772652, z: -0.01365143, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940868, y: 0.10772652, z: -0.01365143, w: -1} - {x: 0.99058896, y: 0.13411509, z: -0.027323138, w: -1} - {x: 0.9886319, y: 0.15035644, z: 0.000000009147131, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897672, y: 0.14256062, z: 0.006125909, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897672, y: 0.14256062, z: 0.006125909, w: -1} - {x: 0.990804, y: 0.13474928, z: 0.012252198, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920724, y: 0.12566796, z: 0.0000000040784633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937551, y: 0.111174196, z: 0.009543953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937551, y: 0.111174196, z: 0.009543953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951366, y: 0.096637614, z: 0.019090503, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963679, y: 0.085153505, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962192, y: 0.08687269, z: -0.0005734869, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962192, y: 0.08687269, z: -0.0005734869, w: -1} - {x: 0.99606735, y: 0.08859159, z: -0.0011469747, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960337, y: 0.08897667, z: -0.000000010232772, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965688, y: 0.082759716, z: 0.0012078701, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965688, y: 0.082759716, z: 0.0012078701, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970637, y: 0.07653865, z: 0.0024158387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970993, y: 0.07611167, z: 0.000000020593188, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996695, y: 0.02084275, z: 0.015051073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996695, y: 0.02084275, z: 0.015051073, w: -1} - {x: 0.99893165, y: -0.035038374, z: 0.030132819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992449, y: -0.038853895, z: 0.0000000012596698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983303, y: -0.05774893, z: 0.0013121215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983303, y: -0.05774893, z: 0.0013121215, w: -1} - {x: 0.99705505, y: -0.076645084, z: 0.0026244328, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970542, y: -0.07670052, z: 1.3441341e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993971, y: -0.034588095, z: -0.0030138197, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993971, y: -0.034588095, z: -0.0030138197, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995106, y: 0.007828682, z: -0.0060610296, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999602, y: 0.008924754, z: -0.000000004198495, w: -1} - {x: 0.999745, y: -0.0225267, z: 0.0016272682, w: -1} - {x: 0.999745, y: -0.0225267, z: 0.0016272682, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985326, y: -0.054055825, z: 0.0032515917, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985429, y: -0.053964682, z: 6.4078376e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999475, y: -0.0015270443, z: -0.002870772, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999475, y: -0.0015270443, z: -0.002870772, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986625, y: 0.051376767, z: -0.0058098235, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986219, y: 0.052481458, z: 6.876559e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99698204, y: 0.077613614, z: -0.001694869, w: -1} - {x: 0.99698204, y: 0.077613614, z: -0.001694869, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947017, y: 0.10274703, z: -0.0033947579, w: -1} - {x: 0.99466145, y: 0.103192344, z: 0.000000003654171, w: -1} - {x: 0.99822617, y: -0.05642408, z: -0.018995438, w: -1} - {x: 0.99822617, y: -0.05642408, z: -0.018995438, w: -1} - {x: 0.97307986, y: -0.22631185, z: -0.04357267, w: -1} - {x: 0.9680085, y: -0.25091746, z: -0.0000000012394159, w: -1} - {x: 0.9624666, y: -0.27139765, z: -0.0012570512, w: -1} - {x: 0.9624666, y: -0.27139765, z: -0.0012570512, w: -1} - {x: 0.9564803, y: -0.29178578, z: -0.0025168366, w: -1} - {x: 0.95639926, y: -0.2920625, z: 0.0000000040925054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9585625, y: -0.2848766, z: 0.0018692109, w: -1} - {x: 0.9585625, y: -0.2848766, z: 0.0018692109, w: -1} - {x: 0.96066856, y: -0.27767247, z: 0.0037386182, w: -1} - {x: 0.96091294, y: -0.27685076, z: 0.00000009950514, w: -1} - {x: 0.9810565, y: -0.18681158, z: 0.051278017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9810565, y: -0.18681158, z: 0.051278017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904192, y: -0.092365324, z: 0.10265688, w: -1} - {x: -0.9988815, y: 0.00000007955973, z: 0.047283165, w: -1} - {x: -0.9994765, y: -0.0320444, z: 0.0044661206, w: -1} - {x: -0.9994765, y: -0.0320444, z: 0.0044661206, w: -1} - {x: -0.99719685, y: -0.064143665, z: -0.038521048, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999149, y: 0.013050005, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989938, y: 0.04142906, z: -0.017179213, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989938, y: 0.04142906, z: -0.017179213, w: -1} - {x: 0.99696594, y: 0.06983188, z: -0.03438817, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955659, y: 0.09406659, z: -0.0000000044740407, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956686, y: 0.09296928, z: 0.0008275794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956686, y: 0.09296928, z: 0.0008275794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957695, y: 0.091871805, z: 0.0016551642, w: -1} - {x: 0.99588364, y: 0.09064097, z: -0.0000000038547165, w: -1} - {x: 0.99788606, y: 0.062751, z: 0.01690474, w: -1} - {x: 0.99788606, y: 0.062751, z: 0.01690474, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988241, y: 0.034726672, z: 0.033826258, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998492, y: 0.017368687, z: -5.9697497e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999219, y: 0.012382808, z: 0.0016872041, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999219, y: 0.012382808, z: 0.0016872041, w: -1} - {x: 0.999967, y: 0.0073961867, z: 0.0033744925, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998015, y: 0.0063017537, z: 0.000000003167477, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985084, y: 0.05393926, z: -0.008455803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985084, y: 0.05393926, z: -0.008455803, w: -1} - {x: 0.99466103, y: 0.10178841, z: -0.016987557, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942646, y: 0.10694853, z: 0.00000020406351, w: -1} - {x: 0.993653, y: 0.11248675, z: -0.0006991652, w: -1} - {x: 0.993653, y: 0.11248675, z: -0.0006991652, w: -1} - {x: 0.99301004, y: 0.118021995, z: -0.0013985888, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929879, y: 0.118216276, z: 2.3126431e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.98826844, y: 0.15272547, z: -0.0007263219, w: -1} - {x: 0.98826844, y: 0.15272547, z: -0.0007263219, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823238, y: 0.18718366, z: -0.0014644862, w: -1} - {x: 0.9822948, y: 0.18734218, z: 0.0000000015519013, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955939, y: 0.092151955, z: 0.01734247, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955939, y: 0.092151955, z: 0.01734247, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993839, y: -0.006773496, z: 0.03443598, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999005, y: -0.004478183, z: 0.0000000030951295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971702, y: -0.07515204, z: -0.0019110659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971702, y: -0.07515204, z: -0.0019110659, w: -1} - {x: 0.98919374, y: -0.14655961, z: -0.0040099695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890784, y: -0.1473905, z: -0.0000000024810909, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872868, y: -0.1589338, z: 0.0022010114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872868, y: -0.1589338, z: 0.0022010114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9853547, y: -0.17046003, z: 0.004402605, w: -1} - {x: 0.9852464, y: -0.17114209, z: 0.00000009405835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9646973, y: -0.2630613, z: 0.0125587545, w: -1} - {x: 0.9646973, y: -0.2630613, z: 0.0125587545, w: -1} - {x: 0.93441916, y: -0.35531077, z: 0.024798585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9357368, y: -0.35269913, z: 0.000000013365479, w: -1} - {x: 0.97089905, y: -0.22811258, z: 0.07293664, w: -1} - {x: 0.97089905, y: -0.22811258, z: 0.07293664, w: -1} - {x: 0.9850739, y: -0.09204333, z: 0.1454554, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979477, y: -0.06403433, z: -0.0000000020582347, w: -1} - {x: 0.99190694, y: -0.12674707, z: -0.007474912, w: -1} - {x: 0.99190694, y: -0.12674707, z: -0.007474912, w: -1} - {x: 0.981723, y: -0.18971425, z: -0.015117625, w: -1} - {x: 0.98101246, y: -0.19394483, z: -0.000000010351727, w: -1} - {x: 0.9758779, y: -0.21823975, z: -0.0058096014, w: -1} - {x: 0.9758779, y: -0.21823975, z: -0.0058096014, w: -1} - {x: 0.9700972, y: -0.2424383, z: -0.0116289975, w: -1} - {x: 0.96931094, y: -0.24583791, z: 0.0000000102018705, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691831, y: -0.24634142, z: -0.00014634832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691831, y: -0.24634142, z: -0.00014634832, w: -1} - {x: 0.969055, y: -0.24684489, z: -0.0002927102, w: -1} - {x: -0.9749575, y: 0.00000004615251, z: 0.22239126, w: -1} - {x: -0.98734343, y: -0.069723815, z: 0.1424479, w: -1} - {x: -0.98734343, y: -0.069723815, z: 0.1424479, w: -1} - {x: -0.98810816, y: -0.14237274, z: 0.05806979, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999994, y: 0.0011605887, z: -3.3653025e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9916188, y: -0.10466298, z: 0.075748, w: -1} - {x: 0.9916188, y: -0.10466298, z: 0.075748, w: -1} - {x: 0.9651886, y: -0.21303464, z: 0.1517466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9637811, y: -0.26669466, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9736957, y: -0.22582138, z: -0.030354762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9736957, y: -0.22582138, z: -0.030354762, w: -1} - {x: 0.98103195, y: -0.1840286, z: -0.06090824, w: -1} - {x: 0.99172765, y: -0.12836015, z: -0.0000000033819811, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936984, y: -0.1117637, z: -0.008513182, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936984, y: -0.1117637, z: -0.008513182, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953209, y: -0.09511146, z: -0.0170326, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963376, y: -0.08550758, z: -0.000000016200813, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972774, y: -0.0736417, z: -0.0038465885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972774, y: -0.0736417, z: -0.0038465885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980615, y: -0.061758667, z: -0.0076945466, w: -1} - {x: 0.99825716, y: -0.05901385, z: 0.0000000010891943, w: -1} - {x: 0.99249774, y: -0.12077597, z: 0.019011723, w: -1} - {x: 0.99249774, y: -0.12077597, z: 0.019011723, w: -1} - {x: 0.9824061, y: -0.18283404, z: 0.0380765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821581, y: -0.18805702, z: -0.000000003962222, w: -1} - {x: 0.9778933, y: -0.20908372, z: 0.0029672594, w: -1} - {x: 0.9778933, y: -0.20908372, z: 0.0029672594, w: -1} - {x: 0.9731617, y: -0.23004587, z: 0.0059363246, w: -1} - {x: 0.9730682, y: -0.23051749, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9675727, y: -0.2525805, z: 0.0024795823, w: -1} - {x: 0.9675727, y: -0.2525805, z: 0.0024795823, w: -1} - {x: 0.9615596, y: -0.27455148, z: 0.0049604103, w: -1} - {x: 0.9615059, y: -0.27478433, z: -0.000000052335523, w: -1} - {x: 0.96950984, y: -0.24504434, z: 0.0019790404, w: -1} - {x: 0.96950984, y: -0.24504434, z: 0.0019790404, w: -1} - {x: 0.9766117, y: -0.21497428, z: 0.003956252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9766058, y: -0.21503796, z: 0.000000017920357, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962848, y: -0.08106374, z: 0.029074565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962848, y: -0.08106374, z: 0.029074565, w: -1} - {x: 0.99642956, y: 0.06241764, z: 0.056853864, w: -1} - {x: 0.99850124, y: 0.054728813, z: 0.0000000058000493, w: -1} - {x: 0.99933934, y: 0.036224883, z: 0.0029444208, w: -1} - {x: 0.99933934, y: 0.036224883, z: 0.0029444208, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998263, y: 0.017687881, z: 0.005890233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998549, y: 0.017033188, z: 0.000000009466107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941508, y: -0.10699314, z: -0.014716002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941508, y: -0.10699314, z: -0.014716002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9714987, y: -0.23494036, z: -0.03151513, w: -1} - {x: 0.9684841, y: -0.24907537, z: 0.000000010630792, w: -1} - {x: 0.9700089, y: -0.24306649, z: 0.0011902434, w: -1} - {x: 0.9700089, y: -0.24306649, z: 0.0011902434, w: -1} - {x: 0.97149515, y: -0.23704718, z: 0.0023805604, w: -1} - {x: 0.97159714, y: -0.23664118, z: 0.000000014197123, w: -1} - {x: 0.97738904, y: -0.21132338, z: 0.007297011, w: -1} - {x: 0.97738904, y: -0.21132338, z: 0.007297011, w: -1} - {x: 0.9824794, y: -0.1857983, z: 0.014600773, w: -1} - {x: 0.98315567, y: -0.18277013, z: -0.000000053792675, w: -1} - {x: 0.9843173, y: -0.17639597, z: 0.001971447, w: -1} - {x: 0.9843173, y: -0.17639597, z: 0.001971447, w: -1} - {x: 0.985434, y: -0.1700129, z: 0.0039430973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856333, y: -0.16889945, z: 0.000000010920373, w: -1} - {x: 0.9878593, y: -0.15530054, z: 0.003969705, w: -1} - {x: 0.9878593, y: -0.15530054, z: 0.003969705, w: -1} - {x: 0.9898833, y: -0.14166169, z: 0.007940649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9901954, y: -0.1396894, z: -0.00000021510603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970047, y: -0.049918216, z: 0.05907533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970047, y: -0.049918216, z: 0.05907533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920563, y: 0.042747673, z: 0.11830859, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972305, y: -0.07437296, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99755514, y: -0.06986534, z: -0.0016053794, w: -1} - {x: 0.99755514, y: -0.06986534, z: -0.0016053794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978569, y: -0.06535579, z: -0.0032108366, w: -1} - {x: 0.99793863, y: -0.06417558, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953474, y: -0.092587255, z: 0.026665138, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953474, y: -0.092587255, z: 0.026665138, w: -1} - {x: 0.99122405, y: -0.1209448, z: 0.053359628, w: -1} - {x: 0.9865752, y: -0.16330768, z: -0.00000004791332, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951615, y: -0.088917024, z: -0.041801788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951615, y: -0.088917024, z: -0.041801788, w: -1} - {x: 0.99635077, y: -0.012453933, z: -0.08444024, w: -1} - {x: 0.99820745, y: 0.059849292, z: 0.000000025624232, w: -1} - {x: 0.99973196, y: 0.017493276, z: 0.015163625, w: -1} - {x: 0.99973196, y: 0.017493276, z: 0.015163625, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992228, y: -0.025142586, z: 0.030359099, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994728, y: -0.032466974, z: 0.0000000058712404, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975866, y: -0.021919023, z: -0.0014597328, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975866, y: -0.021919023, z: -0.0014597328, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999311, y: -0.011364791, z: -0.002919916, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999408, y: -0.010880662, z: 0.0000000028911, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999285, y: 0.003598417, z: -0.0012040786, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999285, y: 0.003598417, z: -0.0012040786, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998335, y: 0.018086486, z: -0.0024090107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998312, y: 0.018376192, z: -3.9525969e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99959236, y: 0.028544674, z: -0.00050880207, w: -1} - {x: 0.99959236, y: 0.028544674, z: -0.00050880207, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992499, y: 0.038713574, z: -0.0010177909, w: -1} - {x: 0.99924743, y: 0.03879077, z: -4.9985016e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991045, y: 0.042311337, z: -0.00005793997, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991045, y: 0.042311337, z: -0.00005793997, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989492, y: 0.045831528, z: -0.000115882576, w: -1} - {x: 0.99894905, y: 0.04583442, z: 0.0000000088310514, w: -1} - {x: 0.99797904, y: 0.06349879, z: -0.0024248539, w: -1} - {x: 0.99797904, y: 0.06349879, z: -0.0024248539, w: -1} - {x: 0.99668926, y: 0.0811604, z: -0.004852009, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966286, y: 0.082045525, z: 0.000000003993862, w: -1} - {x: 0.99744225, y: 0.071467735, z: 0.0011766048, w: -1} - {x: 0.99744225, y: 0.071467735, z: 0.0011766048, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981425, y: 0.06087798, z: 0.0023534095, w: -1} - {x: 0.99815726, y: 0.06068148, z: -0.000000007554616, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910563, y: 0.041276015, z: -0.009173629, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910563, y: 0.041276015, z: -0.009173629, w: -1} - {x: 0.99959326, y: 0.021827279, z: -0.018355763, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999279, y: 0.012011514, z: -0.000000003438512, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999285, y: -0.011201487, z: -0.004199232, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999285, y: -0.011201487, z: -0.004199232, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993712, y: -0.034448206, z: -0.008405365, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993342, y: -0.03648516, z: -0.0000000045474846, w: -1} - {x: 0.998485, y: -0.05488121, z: -0.003974741, w: -1} - {x: 0.998485, y: -0.05488121, z: -0.003974741, w: -1} - {x: 0.99727994, y: -0.07327743, z: -0.007953117, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971549, y: -0.07538017, z: 0.00000008123845, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976355, y: -0.06869939, z: 0.0019438791, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976355, y: -0.06869939, z: 0.0019438791, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980677, y: -0.06201431, z: 0.0038878468, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981403, y: -0.06095883, z: 0.000000011240519, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991023, y: -0.042091824, z: 0.0047872835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991023, y: -0.042091824, z: 0.0047872835, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968517, y: -0.02318739, z: 0.009577268, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977434, y: -0.021241743, z: -0.000000027072234, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995315, y: -0.008431883, z: 0.0047493726, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995315, y: -0.008431883, z: 0.0047493726, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994516, y: 0.0043863, z: 0.009500175, w: -1} - {x: 0.9514019, y: 0.3079522, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.95141774, y: 0.30790317, z: 0.000018231698, w: -1} - {x: 0.95141774, y: 0.30790317, z: 0.000018231698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9514336, y: 0.30785412, z: 0.000036454232, w: -1} - {x: 0.95143753, y: 0.3078419, z: -0.00000000908426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9616646, y: 0.27278674, z: 0.028080815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9616646, y: 0.27278674, z: 0.028080815, w: -1} - {x: 0.96987593, y: 0.23703279, z: 0.05617867, w: -1} - {x: 0.97939664, y: 0.20194604, z: -0.00000021601588, w: -1} - {x: 0.9893819, y: 0.13316526, z: 0.05822702, w: -1} - {x: 0.9893819, y: 0.13316526, z: 0.05822702, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912329, y: 0.06232014, z: 0.11650561, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999821, y: -0.0059875376, z: -0.00000019379456, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998534, y: 0.0047598258, z: -0.0025900411, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998534, y: 0.0047598258, z: -0.0025900411, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998663, y: 0.015510587, z: -0.0051806276, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985707, y: 0.016909378, z: -3.0465125e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99938244, y: 0.03501044, z: -0.0030015449, w: -1} - {x: 0.99938244, y: 0.03501044, z: -0.0030015449, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857014, y: 0.053118557, z: -0.0060059405, w: -1} - {x: 0.99851936, y: 0.0543977, z: -0.000000007428467, w: -1} - {x: 0.99743325, y: 0.07157186, z: -0.00206653, w: -1} - {x: 0.99743325, y: 0.07157186, z: -0.00206653, w: -1} - {x: 0.99604625, y: 0.08874065, z: -0.0041349614, w: -1} - {x: 0.99599415, y: 0.08941855, z: 0.000000002686073, w: -1} - {x: 0.99501103, y: 0.099762365, z: -0.00078602886, w: -1} - {x: 0.99501103, y: 0.099762365, z: -0.00078602886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939194, y: 0.110098906, z: -0.0015723234, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939029, y: 0.11025868, z: -6.698612e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938256, y: 0.110953175, z: -0.00001765061, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938256, y: 0.110953175, z: -0.00001765061, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937479, y: 0.11164762, z: -0.000035301287, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937478, y: 0.11164849, z: 0.00000000138096, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995729, y: 0.024372816, z: 0.016129585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995729, y: 0.024372816, z: 0.016129585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973525, y: -0.06524086, z: 0.032119066, w: -1} - {x: 0.997951, y: -0.06398338, z: -0.000000053500987, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907862, y: -0.13529803, z: 0.0060925484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907862, y: -0.13529803, z: 0.0060925484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9782475, y: -0.20708917, z: 0.012074107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9785669, y: -0.20592947, z: 0.000000010611793, w: -1} - {x: 0.99487627, y: -0.07019764, z: 0.0727556, w: -1} - {x: 0.99487627, y: -0.07019764, z: 0.0727556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9865735, y: 0.07528922, z: 0.14492805, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952779, y: 0.097067244, z: 0.00000001285325, w: -1} - {x: 0.99334794, y: 0.115068235, z: 0.0043697013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99334794, y: 0.115068235, z: 0.0043697013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99107087, y: 0.1330493, z: 0.008741924, w: -1} - {x: 0.990884, y: 0.13471779, z: 0.000000012908185, w: -1} - {x: 0.99577755, y: 0.09107036, z: -0.0115404455, w: -1} - {x: 0.99577755, y: 0.09107036, z: -0.0115404455, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986286, y: 0.046950407, z: -0.02316108, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992798, y: 0.03794586, z: 9.791963e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988675, y: 0.047506154, z: 0.0026068848, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988675, y: 0.047506154, z: 0.0026068848, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983568, y: 0.05706466, z: 0.0052142376, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982964, y: 0.05834734, z: -0.000000025807251, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991112, y: 0.04202336, z: -0.003317732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991112, y: 0.04202336, z: -0.003317732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996484, y: 0.025673442, z: -0.006637919, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971116, y: 0.024035431, z: -0.000000021975147, w: -1} - {x: 0.99900055, y: 0.04418806, z: 0.006739079, w: -1} - {x: 0.99900055, y: 0.04418806, z: 0.006739079, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978364, y: 0.06434776, z: 0.013482897, w: -1} - {x: 0.99751323, y: 0.070480086, z: 0.0000000025739022, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955551, y: 0.093785934, z: -0.008607959, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955551, y: 0.093785934, z: -0.008607959, w: -1} - {x: 0.99297404, y: 0.11707215, z: -0.017227152, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922155, y: 0.12453299, z: -0.0000000040795793, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951374, y: 0.09679085, z: 0.018253293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951374, y: 0.09679085, z: 0.018253293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969564, y: 0.06887648, z: 0.03652263, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988257, y: 0.048447367, z: 0.000000001881463, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996915, y: 0.01602305, z: 0.018981254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996915, y: 0.01602305, z: 0.018981254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991414, y: -0.016533447, z: 0.037988972, w: -1} - {x: 0.99939483, y: -0.03478471, z: -0.000000015552418, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967355, y: -0.02542391, z: -0.0025273298, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967355, y: -0.02542391, z: -0.0025273298, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985826, y: -0.016058048, z: -0.005055183, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989396, y: -0.014563773, z: -0.000000009105708, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995639, y: -0.029361084, z: 0.0031591416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995639, y: -0.029361084, z: 0.0031591416, w: -1} - {x: 0.99900436, y: -0.04416221, z: 0.00631948, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989751, y: -0.045263417, z: 0.000000008221477, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998124, y: -0.018876309, z: -0.0043509062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998124, y: -0.018876309, z: -0.0043509062, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993336, y: 0.007583695, z: -0.008711871, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999537, y: 0.009628693, z: -0.0000000043875894, w: -1} - {x: 0.999089, y: 0.042540804, z: -0.0033796306, w: -1} - {x: 0.999089, y: 0.042540804, z: -0.0033796306, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971212, y: 0.07551956, z: -0.0067750816, w: -1} - {x: 0.99704736, y: 0.07678936, z: -4.702226e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99416226, y: 0.10789276, z: -0.0008441542, w: -1} - {x: 0.99416226, y: 0.10789276, z: -0.0008441542, w: -1} - {x: 0.99029267, y: 0.1389878, z: -0.0016964626, w: -1} - {x: 0.9902689, y: 0.1391671, z: -0.000000003310924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9917744, y: 0.12799767, z: -0.00045020226, w: -1} - {x: 0.9917744, y: 0.12799767, z: -0.00045020226, w: -1} - {x: 0.9931542, y: 0.11680726, z: -0.00090064364, w: -1} - {x: 0.99316186, y: 0.11674555, z: -0.0000000013529957, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940613, y: 0.108819515, z: -0.00080483354, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940613, y: 0.108819515, z: -0.00080483354, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948968, y: 0.1008848, z: -0.0016098118, w: -1} - {x: 0.99491787, y: 0.10069002, z: -0.0000000031318574, w: -1} - {x: 0.99413174, y: 0.10817126, z: 0.0010807746, w: -1} - {x: 0.99413174, y: 0.10817126, z: 0.0010807746, w: -1} - {x: 0.993288, y: 0.11564765, z: 0.002161671, w: -1} - {x: 0.99325925, y: 0.11591395, z: -0.000000008709694, w: -1} - {x: 0.9877672, y: 0.15574364, z: 0.00774603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9877672, y: 0.15574364, z: 0.00774603, w: -1} - {x: 0.98057514, y: 0.19553016, z: 0.015502519, w: -1} - {x: 0.9804331, y: 0.19685254, z: 0.000000029170792, w: -1} - {x: 0.9726762, y: 0.23176292, z: 0.01367386, w: -1} - {x: 0.9726762, y: 0.23176292, z: 0.01367386, w: -1} - {x: 0.96344495, y: 0.26650336, z: 0.027379362, w: -1} - {x: 0.9617887, y: 0.27379283, z: -0.000000010402489, w: -1} - {x: 0.96464777, y: 0.26353052, z: -0.0025271215, w: -1} - {x: 0.96464777, y: 0.26353052, z: -0.0025271215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9673923, y: 0.25323218, z: -0.0050551444, w: -1} - {x: 0.9677476, y: 0.2519217, z: -0.000000028366166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9649013, y: 0.2625994, z: 0.0026413042, w: -1} - {x: 0.9649013, y: 0.2625994, z: 0.0026413042, w: -1} - {x: 0.96192914, y: 0.27324817, z: 0.005283402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9616429, y: 0.2743045, z: 0.00000004639778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9571103, y: 0.28969175, z: 0.004291756, w: -1} - {x: 0.9571103, y: 0.28969175, z: 0.004291756, w: -1} - {x: 0.95230895, y: 0.30501464, z: 0.008586026, w: -1} - {x: 0.9524148, y: 0.30480492, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9697019, y: 0.24280202, z: 0.02693317, w: -1} - {x: 0.9697019, y: 0.24280202, z: 0.02693317, w: -1} - {x: 0.98240125, y: 0.17882374, z: 0.053941365, w: -1} - {x: 0.98609984, y: 0.16615403, z: -0.0000000072214252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945523, y: 0.096748605, z: 0.03879869, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945523, y: 0.096748605, z: 0.03879869, w: -1} - {x: 0.99664474, y: 0.025674073, z: 0.07771886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999992, y: -0.0012635207, z: -0.000000041637655, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975723, y: -0.020095957, z: 0.009043993, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975723, y: -0.020095957, z: 0.009043993, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990777, y: -0.038941532, z: 0.018093485, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891454, y: -0.046581283, z: 0.000000035007815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976208, y: -0.06863137, z: 0.0065249368, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976208, y: -0.06863137, z: 0.0065249368, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957945, y: -0.09068087, z: 0.013055176, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955971, y: -0.09373598, z: 0.0000000030156673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961268, y: -0.08792363, z: -0.0010137797, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961268, y: -0.08792363, z: -0.0010137797, w: -1} - {x: 0.99662143, y: -0.08210754, z: -0.002027649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966549, y: -0.08172527, z: -0.0000000069518027, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998242, y: -0.007139169, z: -0.01733538, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998242, y: -0.007139169, z: -0.01733538, w: -1} - {x: 0.99701226, y: 0.068805315, z: -0.03510447, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964304, y: 0.084418215, z: -0.0000000066086603, w: -1} - {x: 0.99731624, y: 0.07318429, z: 0.0021137886, w: -1} - {x: 0.99731624, y: 0.07318429, z: 0.0021137886, w: -1} - {x: 0.99807113, y: 0.061936203, z: 0.004228045, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981213, y: 0.06126851, z: 0.0000000030913923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971103, y: 0.07595133, z: -0.0015828233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971103, y: 0.07595133, z: -0.0015828233, w: -1} - {x: 0.99587977, y: 0.0906276, z: -0.0031667068, w: -1} - {x: 0.995843, y: 0.09108643, z: 0.0000000041497183, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978555, y: 0.06543042, z: -0.0017793296, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978555, y: 0.06543042, z: -0.0017793296, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992063, y: 0.039675344, z: -0.0035643023, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992317, y: 0.03919248, z: 0.000000004682218, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996908, y: 0.024807332, z: -0.0017589602, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996908, y: 0.024807332, z: -0.0017589602, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999397, y: 0.010407328, z: -0.0035190254, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995154, y: 0.009845971, z: -0.000000016249974, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999672, y: 0.008098887, z: -0.00021795837, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999672, y: 0.008098887, z: -0.00021795837, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997973, y: 0.006351761, z: -0.00043590192, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999803, y: 0.0062954286, z: -8.327886e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999839, y: -0.0055882866, z: -0.0010353067, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999839, y: -0.0055882866, z: -0.0010353067, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998451, y: -0.017476596, z: -0.0020710684, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984306, y: -0.017720329, z: 0.00000016293245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997787, y: 0.018379886, z: 0.010235751, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997787, y: 0.018379886, z: 0.010235751, w: -1} - {x: 0.99829775, y: 0.05460703, z: 0.020487767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982914, y: 0.058432765, z: -0.00000001324488, w: -1} - {x: 0.99738914, y: 0.07211479, z: 0.0037992273, w: -1} - {x: 0.99738914, y: 0.07211479, z: 0.0037992273, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962842, y: 0.08579079, z: 0.007599817, w: -1} - {x: 0.99615526, y: 0.08760533, z: -0.00000037367334, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962124, y: 0.08695363, z: -0.00014046484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962124, y: 0.08695363, z: -0.00014046484, w: -1} - {x: 0.996269, y: 0.086301915, z: -0.00028055246, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962743, y: 0.08624146, z: -0.000000030619816, w: -1} - {x: 0.990972, y: 0.13361798, z: 0.010993053, w: -1} - {x: 0.990972, y: 0.13361798, z: 0.010993053, w: -1} - {x: 0.98322994, y: 0.18103747, z: 0.022006024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996628, y: 0.025966458, z: -0.00000014428183, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951167, y: 0.097113624, z: -0.017649505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951167, y: 0.097113624, z: -0.017649505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9849858, y: 0.16898409, z: -0.035314288, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924575, y: 0.12258914, z: 0.000000027814073, w: -1} - {x: 0.99659204, y: 0.081244126, z: 0.014273866, w: -1} - {x: 0.99659204, y: 0.081244126, z: 0.014273866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988097, y: 0.039490264, z: 0.02863291, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990324, y: 0.04398083, z: 0.000000102584785, w: -1} - {x: 0.996797, y: 0.07861851, z: -0.014659884, w: -1} - {x: 0.996797, y: 0.07861851, z: -0.014659884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9931281, y: 0.11329283, z: -0.029348817, w: -1} - {x: 0.98981225, y: 0.14237908, z: 0.00000010291097, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951986, y: 0.0973052, z: 0.010558546, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951986, y: 0.0973052, z: 0.010558546, w: -1} - {x: 0.99843794, y: 0.051691476, z: 0.021204747, w: -1} - {x: 0.96676284, y: 0.2556751, z: 0.000000056257242, w: -1} - {x: 0.9791296, y: 0.20299579, z: 0.0098925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9791296, y: 0.20299579, z: 0.0098925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9886192, y: 0.14911279, z: 0.019936763, w: -1} - {x: 0.99158347, y: 0.12946904, z: -0.000000031696477, w: -1} - {x: 0.98223543, y: 0.18593122, z: -0.02535835, w: -1} - {x: 0.98223543, y: 0.18593122, z: -0.02535835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9688501, y: 0.24237517, z: -0.050832156, w: -1} - {x: 0.9824631, y: 0.18645696, z: 0.000000008357004, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872585, y: 0.15906583, z: 0.004331704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872585, y: 0.15906583, z: 0.004331704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912819, y: 0.13147183, z: 0.008676731, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954685, y: 0.09509196, z: 0.000000009703236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900441, y: 0.14059895, z: -0.006671329, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900441, y: 0.14059895, z: -0.006671329, w: -1} - {x: 0.9824334, y: 0.1861355, z: -0.013344399, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942638, y: 0.10695561, z: -0.00000003111276, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948739, y: 0.10112102, z: -0.0007918149, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948739, y: 0.10112102, z: -0.0007918149, w: -1} - {x: 0.995449, y: 0.09528223, z: -0.0015836534, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967021, y: 0.08114788, z: 0.00000007722079, w: -1} - {x: 0.995601, y: 0.09367325, z: 0.0019997305, w: -1} - {x: 0.995601, y: 0.09367325, z: 0.0019997305, w: -1} - {x: 0.99433786, y: 0.10618997, z: 0.00400028, w: -1} - {x: 0.999909, y: 0.013490935, z: 0.000000034040955, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891555, y: 0.046365846, z: 0.00424627, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891555, y: 0.046365846, z: 0.00424627, w: -1} - {x: 0.99681395, y: 0.07930744, z: 0.008511368, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997462, y: -0.022528943, z: 0.000000025329905, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998605, y: -0.0048702173, z: 0.0020757883, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998605, y: -0.0048702173, z: 0.0020757883, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990934, y: 0.012808568, z: 0.004153764, w: -1} - {x: 0.99949026, y: 0.03192566, z: 0.00000003596894, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997354, y: 0.005309643, z: -0.0049701463, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997354, y: 0.005309643, z: -0.0049701463, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972206, y: -0.02137375, z: -0.009944889, w: -1} - {x: 0.99847335, y: 0.055236902, z: 0.000000057350206, w: -1} - {x: 0.99902153, y: 0.044144955, z: -0.0026639302, w: -1} - {x: 0.99902153, y: 0.044144955, z: -0.0026639302, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994397, y: 0.033042718, z: -0.0053285486, w: -1} - {x: 0.99848795, y: 0.05497223, z: 0.000000009746158, w: -1} - {x: 0.998481, y: 0.055098593, z: 0.000027476628, w: -1} - {x: 0.998481, y: 0.055098593, z: 0.000027476628, w: -1} - {x: 0.998474, y: 0.055224955, z: 0.00005494324, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999955, y: 0.0030012887, z: 0.0000000044757704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995899, y: 0.028510982, z: 0.0026627681, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995899, y: 0.028510982, z: 0.0026627681, w: -1} - {x: 0.99852365, y: 0.05405729, z: 0.005332554, w: -1} - {x: 0.9770016, y: 0.21323214, z: -0.0000000035510876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9679785, y: 0.25102413, z: -0.0020983587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9679785, y: 0.25102413, z: -0.0020983587, w: -1} - {x: 0.95743114, y: 0.2886313, z: -0.004187975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997109, y: 0.024045391, z: -0.00000008735127, w: -1} - {x: 0.993223, y: 0.108954914, z: -0.04045846, w: -1} - {x: 0.993223, y: 0.108954914, z: -0.04045846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9774346, y: 0.19504984, z: -0.08110032, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941887, y: 0.107651316, z: -0.000000193246, w: -1} - {x: 0.99740934, y: 0.070979245, z: 0.011686075, w: -1} - {x: 0.99740934, y: 0.070979245, z: 0.011686075, w: -1} - {x: 0.99914616, y: 0.034033068, z: 0.0234233, w: -1} - {x: 0.99437, y: 0.105963685, z: 0.00000004613116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942901, y: 0.10671015, z: -0.00027238784, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942901, y: 0.10671015, z: -0.00027238784, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942097, y: 0.10745658, z: -0.0005448272, w: -1} - {x: 0.99581695, y: 0.09137164, z: 0.00000011106499, w: -1} - {x: 0.99519044, y: 0.09793283, z: -0.002272911, w: -1} - {x: 0.99519044, y: 0.09793283, z: -0.002272911, w: -1} - {x: 0.99451554, y: 0.104490235, z: -0.0045461436, w: -1} - {x: 0.99489087, y: 0.10095667, z: -0.00000005586052, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953315, y: 0.09650741, z: 0.0012122263, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953315, y: 0.09650741, z: 0.0012122263, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957509, y: 0.09205579, z: 0.002424566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957283, y: 0.0923321, z: 0.0000000012624959, w: -1} - {x: 0.99533933, y: 0.096430644, z: -0.0009652091, w: -1} - {x: 0.99533933, y: 0.096430644, z: -0.0009652091, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949325, y: 0.100527704, z: -0.0019304566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936126, y: 0.11284502, z: 5.701372e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947219, y: 0.10260796, z: 0.0002421763, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947219, y: 0.10260796, z: 0.0002421763, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957259, y: 0.09235643, z: 0.00048448762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940452, y: 0.10896836, z: -0.0000000471877, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938339, y: 0.11087908, z: 0.00022952644, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938339, y: 0.11087908, z: 0.00022952644, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936188, y: 0.1127894, z: 0.00045910358, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998181, y: 0.01907659, z: 0.000000013746008, w: -1} - {x: 0.99807686, y: 0.061443754, z: 0.008189957, w: -1} - {x: 0.99807686, y: 0.061443754, z: 0.008189957, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944481, y: 0.10393649, z: 0.016433842, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976295, y: -0.021774452, z: -0.00000012430421, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999882, y: -0.002490383, z: 0.0041898815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999882, y: -0.002490383, z: 0.0041898815, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982345, y: 0.016817942, z: 0.008384309, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991, y: -0.013422167, z: 0.000000039135866, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984676, y: -0.017495662, z: -0.00066931744, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984676, y: -0.017495662, z: -0.00066931744, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976647, y: -0.02156908, z: -0.001338697, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999985, y: -0.0017324927, z: 0.000000008416417, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999716, y: -0.007509361, z: -0.00067074416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999716, y: -0.007509361, z: -0.00067074416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999109, y: -0.013286604, z: -0.0013415394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994457, y: 0.010531055, z: 0.000000035904268, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998844, y: 0.0046400307, z: -0.0012366709, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998844, y: 0.0046400307, z: -0.0012366709, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999962, y: -0.0012518251, z: -0.002473464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999689, y: 0.007898364, z: -0.00000038226517, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995804, y: 0.009154414, z: 0.00027296436, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995804, y: 0.009154414, z: 0.00027296436, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999457, y: 0.010410452, z: 0.0005463111, w: -1} - {x: 0.999786, y: -0.020684833, z: 0.000000018031475, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999734, y: -0.006892479, z: 0.002370901, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999734, y: -0.006892479, z: 0.002370901, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996483, y: 0.006909772, z: 0.0047430433, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999067, y: 0.013664219, z: -0.0000000036476875, w: -1} - {x: 0.98262125, y: -0.18475096, z: -0.01795744, w: -1} - {x: 0.98262125, y: -0.18475096, z: -0.01795744, w: -1} - {x: 0.91360277, y: -0.40605244, z: -0.021247266, w: -1} - {x: 0.99945194, y: 0.033102628, z: 0.0000001546217, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971193, y: 0.023914028, z: 0.0020705617, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971193, y: 0.023914028, z: 0.0020705617, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988306, y: 0.014719743, z: 0.004141663, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975989, y: 0.06925702, z: -0.00000006270197, w: -1} - {x: 0.99850565, y: 0.054272734, z: 0.006393954, w: -1} - {x: 0.99850565, y: 0.054272734, z: 0.006393954, w: -1} - {x: 0.99914724, y: 0.039258163, z: 0.012793677, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976735, y: 0.06817342, z: -0.00000015552921, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976407, y: 0.06865245, z: -0.00017383737, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976407, y: 0.06865245, z: -0.00017383737, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976075, y: 0.06913146, z: -0.00034752005, w: -1} - {x: 0.996183, y: 0.08729029, z: -0.00000007898578, w: -1} - {x: 0.99689204, y: 0.07873028, z: 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08010000090100000a010000090100000b0100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0100000d0100000e0100000d0100000f0100000e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100100001101000012010000110100001301000012010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28010000290100002a010000290100002b0100002a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0100002d0100002e0100002d0100002f0100002e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300100003101000032010000310100003301000032010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340100003501000036010000350100003701000036010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38010000390100003a010000390100003b0100003a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0100003d0100003e0100003d0100003f0100003e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400100004101000042010000410100004301000042010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440100004501000046010000450100004701000046010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48010000490100004a010000490100004b0100004a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0100004d0100004e0100004d0100004f0100004e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500100005101000052010000510100005301000052010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540100005501000056010000550100005701000056010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58010000590100005a010000590100005b0100005a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0100005d0100005e0100005d0100005f0100005e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600100006101000062010000610100006301000062010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640100006501000066010000650100006701000066010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68010000690100006a010000690100006b0100006a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0100006d0100006e0100006d0100006f0100006e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700100007101000072010000710100007301000072010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740100007501000076010000750100007701000076010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78010000790100007a010000790100007b0100007a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0100007d0100007e0100007d0100007f0100007e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800100008101000082010000810100008301000082010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840100008501000086010000850100008701000086010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88010000890100008a010000890100008b0100008a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0100008d0100008e0100008d0100008f0100008e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900100009101000092010000910100009301000092010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940100009501000096010000950100009701000096010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98010000990100009a010000990100009b0100009a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0100009d0100009e0100009d0100009f0100009e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0010000a1010000a2010000a1010000a3010000a2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4010000a5010000a6010000a5010000a7010000a6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8010000a9010000aa010000a9010000ab010000aa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac010000ad010000ae010000ad010000af010000ae010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0010000b1010000b2010000b1010000b3010000b2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4010000b5010000b6010000b5010000b7010000b6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8010000b9010000ba010000b9010000bb010000ba010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc010000bd010000be010000bd010000bf010000be010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0010000c1010000c2010000c1010000c3010000c2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4010000c5010000c6010000c5010000c7010000c6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8010000c9010000ca010000c9010000cb010000ca010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc010000cd010000ce010000cd010000cf010000ce010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0010000d1010000d2010000d1010000d3010000d2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0010000e1010000e2010000e1010000e3010000e2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4010000e5010000e6010000e5010000e7010000e6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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28020000290200002a020000290200002b0200002a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0200002d0200002e0200002d0200002f0200002e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300200003102000032020000310200003302000032020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400200004102000042020000410200004302000042020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000046020000450200004702000046020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004a020000490200004b0200004a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004e0200004d0200004f0200004e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000052020000510200005302000052020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000056020000550200005702000056020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005a020000590200005b0200005a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005e0200005d0200005f0200005e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600200006102000062020000610200006302000062020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640200006502000066020000650200006702000066020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68020000690200006a020000690200006b0200006a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0200006d0200006e0200006d0200006f0200006e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700200007102000072020000710200007302000072020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740200007502000076020000750200007702000076020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78020000790200007a020000790200007b0200007a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0200007d0200007e0200007d0200007f0200007e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800200008102000082020000810200008302000082020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840200008502000086020000850200008702000086020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88020000890200008a020000890200008b0200008a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0200008d0200008e0200008d0200008f0200008e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900200009102000092020000910200009302000092020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940200009502000096020000950200009702000096020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98020000990200009a020000990200009b0200009a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0200009d0200009e0200009d0200009f0200009e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0020000a1020000a2020000a1020000a3020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4020000a5020000a6020000a5020000a7020000a6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8020000a9020000aa020000a9020000ab020000aa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac020000ad020000ae020000ad020000af020000ae020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0020000b1020000b2020000b1020000b3020000b2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4020000b5020000b6020000b5020000b7020000b6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8020000b9020000ba020000b9020000bb020000ba020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc020000bd020000be020000bd020000bf020000be020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0020000c1020000c2020000c1020000c3020000c2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4020000c5020000c6020000c5020000c7020000c6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8020000c9020000ca020000c9020000cb020000ca020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc020000cd020000ce020000cd020000cf020000ce020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0020000d1020000d2020000d1020000d3020000d2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4020000d5020000d6020000d5020000d7020000d6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8020000d9020000da020000d9020000db020000da020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc020000dd020000de020000dd020000df020000de020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0020000e1020000e2020000e1020000e3020000e2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4020000e5020000e6020000e5020000e7020000e6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8020000e9020000ea020000e9020000eb020000ea020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec020000ed020000ee020000ed020000ef020000ee020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0020000f1020000f2020000f1020000f3020000f2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4020000f5020000f6020000f5020000f7020000f6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8020000f9020000fa020000f9020000fb020000fa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc020000fd020000fe020000fd020000ff020000fe020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000300000103000002030000010300000303000002030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040300000503000006030000050300000703000006030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08030000090300000a030000090300000b0300000a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0300000d0300000e0300000d0300000f0300000e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100300001103000012030000110300001303000012030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140300001503000016030000150300001703000016030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18030000190300001a030000190300001b0300001a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0300001d0300001e0300001d0300001f0300001e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200300002103000022030000210300002303000022030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240300002503000026030000250300002703000026030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28030000290300002a030000290300002b0300002a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0300002d0300002e0300002d0300002f0300002e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300300003103000032030000310300003303000032030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340300003503000036030000350300003703000036030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38030000390300003a030000390300003b0300003a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0300003d0300003e0300003d0300003f0300003e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400300004103000042030000410300004303000042030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440300004503000046030000450300004703000046030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48030000490300004a030000490300004b0300004a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0300004d0300004e0300004d0300004f0300004e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500300005103000052030000510300005303000052030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540300005503000056030000550300005703000056030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58030000590300005a030000590300005b0300005a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0300005d0300005e0300005d0300005f0300005e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600300006103000062030000610300006303000062030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640300006503000066030000650300006703000066030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68030000690300006a030000690300006b0300006a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0300006d0300006e0300006d0300006f0300006e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700300007103000072030000710300007303000072030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740300007503000076030000750300007703000076030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78030000790300007a030000790300007b0300007a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0300007d0300007e0300007d0300007f0300007e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800300008103000082030000810300008303000082030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840300008503000086030000850300008703000086030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88030000890300008a030000890300008b0300008a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0300008d0300008e0300008d0300008f0300008e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900300009103000092030000910300009303000092030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940300009503000096030000950300009703000096030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98030000990300009a030000990300009b0300009a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0300009d0300009e0300009d0300009f0300009e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0030000a1030000a2030000a1030000a3030000a2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4030000a5030000a6030000a5030000a7030000a6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8030000a9030000aa030000a9030000ab030000aa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac030000ad030000ae030000ad030000af030000ae030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0030000b1030000b2030000b1030000b3030000b2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4030000b5030000b6030000b5030000b7030000b6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8030000b9030000ba030000b9030000bb030000ba030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc030000bd030000be030000bd030000bf030000be030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0030000c1030000c2030000c1030000c3030000c2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4030000c5030000c6030000c5030000c7030000c6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8030000c9030000ca030000c9030000cb030000ca030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc030000cd030000ce030000cd030000cf030000ce030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0030000d1030000d2030000d1030000d3030000d2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4030000d5030000d6030000d5030000d7030000d6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8030000d9030000da030000d9030000db030000da030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc030000dd030000de030000dd030000df030000de030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0030000e1030000e2030000e1030000e3030000e2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4030000e5030000e6030000e5030000e7030000e6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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28040000290400002a040000290400002b0400002a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0400002d0400002e0400002d0400002f0400002e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300400003104000032040000310400003304000032040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400400004104000042040000410400004304000042040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440400004504000046040000450400004704000046040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48040000490400004a040000490400004b0400004a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0400004d0400004e0400004d0400004f0400004e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500400005104000052040000510400005304000052040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540400005504000056040000550400005704000056040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58040000590400005a040000590400005b0400005a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0400005d0400005e0400005d0400005f0400005e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600400006104000062040000610400006304000062040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640400006504000066040000650400006704000066040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68040000690400006a040000690400006b0400006a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0400006d0400006e0400006d0400006f0400006e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700400007104000072040000710400007304000072040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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88040000890400008a040000890400008b0400008a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0400008d0400008e0400008d0400008f0400008e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900400009104000092040000910400009304000092040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940400009504000096040000950400009704000096040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98040000990400009a040000990400009b0400009a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0400009d0400009e0400009d0400009f0400009e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0040000a1040000a2040000a1040000a3040000a2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4040000a5040000a6040000a5040000a7040000a6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8040000a9040000aa040000a9040000ab040000aa040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac040000ad040000ae040000ad040000af040000ae040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0040000b1040000b2040000b1040000b3040000b2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4040000b5040000b6040000b5040000b7040000b6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8040000b9040000ba040000b9040000bb040000ba040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc040000bd040000be040000bd040000bf040000be040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0040000c1040000c2040000c1040000c3040000c2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4040000c5040000c6040000c5040000c7040000c6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8040000c9040000ca040000c9040000cb040000ca040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc040000cd040000ce040000cd040000cf040000ce040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0040000d1040000d2040000d1040000d3040000d2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4040000d5040000d6040000d5040000d7040000d6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8040000d9040000da040000d9040000db040000da040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc040000dd040000de040000dd040000df040000de040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0040000e1040000e2040000e1040000e3040000e2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4040000e5040000e6040000e5040000e7040000e6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8040000e9040000ea040000e9040000eb040000ea040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec040000ed040000ee040000ed040000ef040000ee040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0040000f1040000f2040000f1040000f3040000f2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4040000f5040000f6040000f5040000f7040000f6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8040000f9040000fa040000f9040000fb040000fa040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc040000fd040000fe040000fd040000ff040000fe040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000500000105000002050000010500000305000002050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040500000505000006050000050500000705000006050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08050000090500000a050000090500000b0500000a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0500000d0500000e0500000d0500000f0500000e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100500001105000012050000110500001305000012050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140500001505000016050000150500001705000016050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18050000190500001a050000190500001b0500001a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0500001d0500001e0500001d0500001f0500001e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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28050000290500002a050000290500002b0500002a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0500002d0500002e0500002d0500002f0500002e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300500003105000032050000310500003305000032050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340500003505000036050000350500003705000036050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38050000390500003a050000390500003b0500003a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0500003d0500003e0500003d0500003f0500003e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400500004105000042050000410500004305000042050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440500004505000046050000450500004705000046050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48050000490500004a050000490500004b0500004a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0500004d0500004e0500004d0500004f0500004e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500500005105000052050000510500005305000052050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540500005505000056050000550500005705000056050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58050000590500005a050000590500005b0500005a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0500005d0500005e0500005d0500005f0500005e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600500006105000062050000610500006305000062050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640500006505000066050000650500006705000066050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68050000690500006a050000690500006b0500006a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0500006d0500006e0500006d0500006f0500006e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700500007105000072050000710500007305000072050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740500007505000076050000750500007705000076050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78050000790500007a050000790500007b0500007a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0500007d0500007e0500007d0500007f0500007e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800500008105000082050000810500008305000082050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840500008505000086050000850500008705000086050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88050000890500008a050000890500008b0500008a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0500008d0500008e0500008d0500008f0500008e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900500009105000092050000910500009305000092050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940500009505000096050000950500009705000096050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98050000990500009a050000990500009b0500009a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0500009d0500009e0500009d0500009f0500009e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0050000a1050000a2050000a1050000a3050000a2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4050000a5050000a6050000a5050000a7050000a6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8050000a9050000aa050000a9050000ab050000aa050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac050000ad050000ae050000ad050000af050000ae050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0050000b1050000b2050000b1050000b3050000b2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4050000b5050000b6050000b5050000b7050000b6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8050000b9050000ba050000b9050000bb050000ba050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc050000bd050000be050000bd050000bf050000be050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0050000c1050000c2050000c1050000c3050000c2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4050000c5050000c6050000c5050000c7050000c6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8050000c9050000ca050000c9050000cb050000ca050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc050000cd050000ce050000cd050000cf050000ce050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0050000d1050000d2050000d1050000d3050000d2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4050000d5050000d6050000d5050000d7050000d6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8050000d9050000da050000d9050000db050000da050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc050000dd050000de050000dd050000df050000de050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0050000e1050000e2050000e1050000e3050000e2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4050000e5050000e6050000e5050000e7050000e6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8050000e9050000ea050000e9050000eb050000ea050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec050000ed050000ee050000ed050000ef050000ee050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0050000f1050000f2050000f1050000f3050000f2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000600000106000002060000010600000306000002060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040600000506000006060000050600000706000006060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08060000090600000a060000090600000b0600000a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0600000d0600000e0600000d0600000f0600000e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100600001106000012060000110600001306000012060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140600001506000016060000150600001706000016060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18060000190600001a060000190600001b0600001a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0600001d0600001e0600001d0600001f0600001e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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28060000290600002a060000290600002b0600002a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0600002d0600002e0600002d0600002f0600002e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300600003106000032060000310600003306000032060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340600003506000036060000350600003706000036060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38060000390600003a060000390600003b0600003a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0600003d0600003e0600003d0600003f0600003e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400600004106000042060000410600004306000042060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440600004506000046060000450600004706000046060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48060000490600004a060000490600004b0600004a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0600004d0600004e0600004d0600004f0600004e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500600005106000052060000510600005306000052060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540600005506000056060000550600005706000056060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58060000590600005a060000590600005b0600005a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0600005d0600005e0600005d0600005f0600005e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600600006106000062060000610600006306000062060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640600006506000066060000650600006706000066060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68060000690600006a060000690600006b0600006a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0600006d0600006e0600006d0600006f0600006e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700600007106000072060000710600007306000072060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740600007506000076060000750600007706000076060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78060000790600007a060000790600007b0600007a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0600007d0600007e0600007d0600007f0600007e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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{x: -100, y: 0, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 14.285714} - {x: -90.47619, y: 20.743391, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.793177, z: 14.285714} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 14.285714} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.793177, z: 14.285714} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.268074, z: 23.809525} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.268074, z: 23.809525} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.675644, z: 33.333332} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.675644, z: 33.333332} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.13559, z: 42.857143} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.13559, z: 42.857143} - {x: -90.47619, y: 18.70303, z: 52.38095} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: 18.70303, z: 52.38095} - {x: -90.47619, y: 11.379208, z: 61.904762} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: 11.379208, z: 61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.6170913, z: 71.42857} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.6170913, z: 71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.08891352, z: 80.95238} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.08891352, z: 80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -100, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.012068098, z: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.6537273, z: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.012068098, z: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 2.253481, z: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.6537273, z: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.487346, z: -80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: 2.253481, z: -80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: 6.5777187, z: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.487346, z: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 10.88858, z: -71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: 6.5777187, z: -71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: 19.26432, z: -61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 10.88858, z: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 23.304249, z: -61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: 19.26432, z: -61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: 22.342548, z: -52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 23.304249, z: -61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 25.121744, z: -52.38095} - {x: -90.47619, y: 22.342548, z: -52.38095} - {x: -90.47619, y: 22.356735, z: -42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 25.121744, z: -52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 28.605665, z: -42.857143} - {x: -90.47619, y: 22.356735, z: -42.857143} - {x: -90.47619, y: 19.149273, z: -33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 28.605665, z: -42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.96014, z: -33.333332} - {x: -90.47619, y: 19.149273, z: -33.333332} - {x: -90.47619, y: 20.30886, z: -23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.96014, z: -33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.748466, z: -23.809525} - {x: -90.47619, y: 20.30886, z: -23.809525} - {x: -90.47619, y: 20.956322, z: -14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.748466, z: -23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.976074, z: -14.285714} - {x: -90.47619, y: 20.956322, z: -14.285714} - {x: -90.47619, y: 19.377995, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.976074, z: -14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.084312, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -90.47619, y: 19.377995, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -90.47619, y: 20.743391, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.084312, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.246853, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -90.47619, y: 20.743391, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.793177, z: 14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.246853, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.302948, z: 14.285714} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.793177, z: 14.285714} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.268074, z: 23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.302948, z: 14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.683414, z: 23.809525} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.268074, z: 23.809525} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.675644, z: 33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.683414, z: 23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 40.16939, z: 33.333332} - {x: -90.47619, y: 34.675644, z: 33.333332} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.13559, z: 42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 40.16939, z: 33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.764576, z: 42.857143} - {x: -90.47619, y: 21.13559, z: 42.857143} - {x: -90.47619, y: 18.70303, z: 52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.764576, z: 42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 32.61044, z: 52.38095} - {x: -90.47619, y: 18.70303, z: 52.38095} - {x: -90.47619, y: 11.379208, z: 61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 32.61044, z: 52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 19.09285, z: 61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: 11.379208, z: 61.904762} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.6170913, z: 71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 19.09285, z: 61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 5.1008625, z: 71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.6170913, z: 71.42857} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.08891352, z: 80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 5.1008625, z: 71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.69611967, z: 80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.08891352, z: 80.95238} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.69611967, z: 80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.6537273, z: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.625126, z: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.6537273, z: -90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.487346, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.625126, z: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.8429904, z: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 4.487346, z: -80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 10.88858, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.8429904, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.5389, z: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 10.88858, z: -71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 23.304249, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.5389, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 26.950033, z: -61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 23.304249, z: -61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 25.121744, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 26.950033, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.381697, z: -52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 25.121744, z: -52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 28.605665, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.381697, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.88995, z: -42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 28.605665, z: -42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.96014, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.88995, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.20924, z: -33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.96014, z: -33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.748466, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.20924, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.540573, z: -23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.748466, z: -23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.976074, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.540573, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.87372, z: -14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 38.976074, z: -14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.084312, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.87372, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.01885, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.084312, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.246853, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.01885, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.32539, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.246853, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.302948, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.32539, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.80282, z: 14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.302948, z: 14.285714} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.683414, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.80282, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.991295, z: 23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 39.683414, z: 23.809525} - {x: -80.95238, y: 40.16939, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.991295, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.123943, z: 33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 40.16939, z: 33.333332} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.764576, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.123943, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.01392, z: 42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 37.764576, z: 42.857143} - {x: -80.95238, y: 32.61044, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.01392, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.008244, z: 52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 32.61044, z: 52.38095} - {x: -80.95238, y: 19.09285, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.008244, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.198963, z: 61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 19.09285, z: 61.904762} - {x: -80.95238, y: 5.1008625, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.198963, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.604808, z: 71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 5.1008625, z: 71.42857} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.69611967, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.604808, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.2928736, z: 80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0.69611967, z: 80.95238} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.2928736, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.061437853, z: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.061437853, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.625126, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.6830385, z: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 1.625126, z: -90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.8429904, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.6830385, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.236573, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 6.8429904, z: -80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.5389, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.236573, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.379408, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 16.5389, z: -71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 26.950033, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.379408, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 34.52688, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 26.950033, z: -61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.381697, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 34.52688, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 36.909798, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.381697, z: -52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.88995, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 36.909798, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 39.003914, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.88995, z: -42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.20924, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 39.003914, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.011414, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.20924, z: -33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.540573, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.011414, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.179226, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.540573, z: -23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.87372, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.179226, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.47961, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 39.87372, z: -14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.01885, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.47961, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.701847, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.01885, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.32539, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.701847, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.01067, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.32539, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.80282, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.01067, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.289326, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.80282, z: 14.285714} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.991295, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.289326, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.526688, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 40.991295, z: 23.809525} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.123943, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.526688, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.69816, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.123943, z: 33.333332} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.01392, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.69816, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.841255, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 41.01392, z: 42.857143} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.008244, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.841255, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.08561, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 35.008244, z: 52.38095} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.198963, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.08561, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 35.580578, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 29.198963, z: 61.904762} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.604808, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 35.580578, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 18.185251, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 10.604808, z: 71.42857} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.2928736, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 18.185251, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 4.7866154, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 2.2928736, z: 80.95238} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.061437853, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 4.7866154, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.6024558, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.061437853, z: 90.47619} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.6024558, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.6830385, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.2381153, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 2.6830385, z: -90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.236573, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.2381153, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 12.64592, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 10.236573, z: -80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.379408, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 12.64592, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 31.67474, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 23.379408, z: -71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 34.52688, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 31.67474, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 38.996372, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 34.52688, z: -61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 36.909798, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 38.996372, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.754066, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 36.909798, z: -52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 39.003914, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.754066, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.033688, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 39.003914, z: -42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.011414, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.033688, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.756607, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.011414, z: -33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.179226, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.756607, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.88502, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.179226, z: -23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.47961, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.88502, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.13067, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.47961, z: -14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.701847, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.13067, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.388107, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 40.701847, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.01067, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.388107, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.56955, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.01067, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.289326, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.56955, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.93985, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.289326, z: 14.285714} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.526688, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.93985, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.34366, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.526688, z: 23.809525} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.69816, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.34366, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.683598, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.69816, z: 33.333332} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.841255, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.683598, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.802544, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.841255, z: 42.857143} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.08561, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.802544, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.598927, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 41.08561, z: 52.38095} - {x: -61.904762, y: 35.580578, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.598927, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 39.03011, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 35.580578, z: 61.904762} - {x: -61.904762, y: 18.185251, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 39.03011, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.777805, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 18.185251, z: 71.42857} - {x: -61.904762, y: 4.7866154, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.777805, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 8.571887, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 4.7866154, z: 80.95238} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.6024558, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 8.571887, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.013231, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0.6024558, z: 90.47619} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.013231, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.2381153, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 3.3022282, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.2381153, z: -90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 12.64592, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 3.3022282, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 13.323386, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 12.64592, z: -80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 31.67474, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 13.323386, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 34.7076, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 31.67474, z: -71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 38.996372, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 34.7076, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.478004, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 38.996372, z: -61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.754066, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.478004, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.269024, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.754066, z: -52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.033688, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.269024, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.086212, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.033688, z: -42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.756607, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.086212, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.589478, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.756607, z: -33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.88502, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.589478, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.750736, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 40.88502, z: -23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.13067, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.750736, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.682957, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.13067, z: -14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.388107, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.682957, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.968536, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.388107, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.56955, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.968536, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.251003, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.56955, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.93985, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.251003, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.676292, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.93985, z: 14.285714} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.34366, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.676292, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.4849, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.34366, z: 23.809525} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.683598, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.4849, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.84666, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.683598, z: 33.333332} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.802544, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.84666, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.821186, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 42.802544, z: 42.857143} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.598927, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.821186, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.140976, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 41.598927, z: 52.38095} - {x: -52.38095, y: 39.03011, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.140976, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 38.550304, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 39.03011, z: 61.904762} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.777805, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 38.550304, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.160479, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 24.777805, z: 71.42857} - {x: -52.38095, y: 8.571887, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.160479, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.339311, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 8.571887, z: 80.95238} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.013231, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.339311, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.7732246, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 3.013231, z: 90.47619} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.7732246, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -42.857143, y: 3.3022282, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8638844, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 3.3022282, z: -90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 13.323386, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8638844, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 14.027684, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 13.323386, z: -80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 34.7076, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 14.027684, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.421207, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 34.7076, z: -71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.478004, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.421207, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.13309, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.478004, z: -61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.269024, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.13309, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.353054, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.269024, z: -52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.086212, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.353054, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.652714, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.086212, z: -42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.589478, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.652714, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.041725, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.589478, z: -33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.750736, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.041725, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.694843, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.750736, z: -23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.682957, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.694843, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.77979, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.682957, z: -14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.968536, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.77979, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.91313, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 41.968536, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.251003, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.91313, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.784115, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.251003, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.676292, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.784115, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.610447, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 42.676292, z: 14.285714} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.4849, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.610447, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.79872, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.4849, z: 23.809525} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.84666, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.79872, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.17789, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.84666, z: 33.333332} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.821186, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.17789, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.792885, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.821186, z: 42.857143} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.140976, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.792885, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.90132, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 43.140976, z: 52.38095} - {x: -42.857143, y: 38.550304, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.90132, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.09929, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 38.550304, z: 61.904762} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.160479, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.09929, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.459293, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 27.160479, z: 71.42857} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.339311, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.459293, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.79308, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 9.339311, z: 80.95238} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.7732246, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.79308, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8850045, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 2.7732246, z: 90.47619} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8850045, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8638844, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9924073, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8638844, z: -90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 14.027684, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9924073, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 13.843081, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 14.027684, z: -80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.421207, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 13.843081, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 34.491787, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.421207, z: -71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.13309, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 34.491787, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 40.898746, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.13309, z: -61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.353054, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 40.898746, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.172512, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.353054, z: -52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.652714, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.172512, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 45.4809, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.652714, z: -42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.041725, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 45.4809, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.48032, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.041725, z: -33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.694843, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.48032, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.216667, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.694843, z: -23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.77979, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.216667, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.09638, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.77979, z: -14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.91313, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.09638, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.584423, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 42.91313, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.784115, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.584423, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.864822, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 43.784115, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.610447, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.864822, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.16171, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.610447, z: 14.285714} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.79872, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.16171, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.039745, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.79872, z: 23.809525} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.17789, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.039745, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.384193, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.17789, z: 33.333332} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.792885, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.384193, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 48.6567, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 45.792885, z: 42.857143} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.90132, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 48.6567, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.89212, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 44.90132, z: 52.38095} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.09929, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.89212, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 38.684387, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 38.09929, z: 61.904762} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.459293, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 38.684387, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.961884, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 27.459293, z: 71.42857} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.79308, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.961884, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 9.563206, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.79308, z: 80.95238} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8850045, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 9.563206, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 2.3360891, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 2.8850045, z: 90.47619} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 2.3360891, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9924073, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.1433452, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9924073, z: -90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 13.843081, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.1433452, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.939071, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 13.843081, z: -80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 34.491787, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.939071, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 26.71381, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 34.491787, z: -71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 40.898746, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 26.71381, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 38.37191, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 40.898746, z: -61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.172512, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 38.37191, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 42.633656, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.172512, z: -52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 45.4809, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 42.633656, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 44.578873, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 45.4809, z: -42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.48032, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 44.578873, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.547947, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.48032, z: -33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.216667, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.547947, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.87682, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.216667, z: -23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.09638, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.87682, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.26222, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.09638, z: -14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.584423, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.26222, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.92165, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 43.584423, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.864822, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.92165, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.556015, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 44.864822, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.16171, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.556015, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 45.332546, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.16171, z: 14.285714} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.039745, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 45.332546, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 47.041092, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.039745, z: 23.809525} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.384193, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 47.041092, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 48.11976, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 47.384193, z: 33.333332} - {x: -23.809525, y: 48.6567, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 48.11976, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 50.576687, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 48.6567, z: 42.857143} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.89212, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 50.576687, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 46.99934, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 46.89212, z: 52.38095} - {x: -23.809525, y: 38.684387, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 46.99934, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 36.702892, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 38.684387, z: 61.904762} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.961884, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 36.702892, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.916336, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 26.961884, z: 71.42857} - {x: -23.809525, y: 9.563206, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.916336, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.806944, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 9.563206, z: 80.95238} - {x: -23.809525, y: 2.3360891, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.806944, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.3460777, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 2.3360891, z: 90.47619} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.3460777, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.1433452, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.6491616, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.1433452, z: -90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.939071, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.6491616, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.1114063, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 9.939071, z: -80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 26.71381, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.1114063, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 18.047737, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 26.71381, z: -71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 38.37191, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 18.047737, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 35.375336, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 38.37191, z: -61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 42.633656, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 35.375336, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.655167, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 42.633656, z: -52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 44.578873, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.655167, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.83105, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 44.578873, z: -42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.547947, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.83105, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.559578, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.547947, z: -33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.87682, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.559578, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.508526, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.87682, z: -23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.26222, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.508526, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.127636, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.26222, z: -14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.92165, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.127636, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.109585, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 41.92165, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.556015, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.109585, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 42.069763, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 43.556015, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -14.285714, y: 45.332546, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 42.069763, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 43.66751, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 45.332546, z: 14.285714} - {x: -14.285714, y: 47.041092, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 43.66751, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 46.32325, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 47.041092, z: 23.809525} - {x: -14.285714, y: 48.11976, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 46.32325, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 48.268383, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 48.11976, z: 33.333332} - {x: -14.285714, y: 50.576687, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 48.268383, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 50.2778, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 50.576687, z: 42.857143} - {x: -14.285714, y: 46.99934, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 50.2778, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 44.96806, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 46.99934, z: 52.38095} - {x: -14.285714, y: 36.702892, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 44.96806, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 32.65781, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 36.702892, z: 61.904762} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.916336, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 32.65781, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.737198, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 22.916336, z: 71.42857} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.806944, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.737198, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 5.057943, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 7.806944, z: 80.95238} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.3460777, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 5.057943, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.04526037, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 1.3460777, z: 90.47619} - {x: -14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.04526037, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.6491616, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.044289507, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.6491616, z: -90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.1114063, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.044289507, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.8779328, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 7.1114063, z: -80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 18.047737, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.8779328, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 11.54564, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 18.047737, z: -71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 35.375336, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 11.54564, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 27.006529, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 35.375336, z: -61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.655167, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 27.006529, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.842194, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.655167, z: -52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.83105, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.842194, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.486774, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.83105, z: -42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.559578, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.486774, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.96916, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.559578, z: -33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.508526, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.96916, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.770718, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.508526, z: -23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.127636, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.770718, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.04293, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 39.127636, z: -14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.109585, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.04293, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 38.054447, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 40.109585, z: -4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 42.069763, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 38.054447, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.301712, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 42.069763, z: 4.7619047} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 43.66751, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.301712, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.89891, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 43.66751, z: 14.285714} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 46.32325, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.89891, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 44.04197, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 46.32325, z: 23.809525} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 48.268383, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 44.04197, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 48.04144, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 48.268383, z: 33.333332} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 50.2778, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 48.04144, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 47.914192, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 50.2778, z: 42.857143} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 44.96806, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 47.914192, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.630596, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 44.96806, z: 52.38095} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 32.65781, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.630596, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 26.757946, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 32.65781, z: 61.904762} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.737198, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 26.757946, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 13.00329, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 14.737198, z: 71.42857} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 5.057943, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 13.00329, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.5086243, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 5.057943, z: 80.95238} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.04526037, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.5086243, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.37094793, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0.04526037, z: 90.47619} - {x: -4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.37094793, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.044289507, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.044289507, z: -90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.8779328, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.2486792, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.8779328, z: -80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 11.54564, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.2486792, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 7.1588035, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 11.54564, z: -71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 27.006529, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 7.1588035, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 14.016461, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 27.006529, z: -61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.842194, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 14.016461, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 27.88653, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.842194, z: -52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.486774, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 27.88653, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 35.23779, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.486774, z: -42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.96916, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 35.23779, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.868874, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.96916, z: -33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.770718, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.868874, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.81167, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 36.770718, z: -23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.04293, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.81167, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.740917, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 37.04293, z: -14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 38.054447, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.740917, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 34.526947, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 38.054447, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.301712, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 34.526947, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 36.94741, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.301712, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.89891, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 36.94741, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.582706, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.89891, z: 14.285714} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 44.04197, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.582706, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542244, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 44.04197, z: 23.809525} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 48.04144, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542244, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542133, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 48.04144, z: 33.333332} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 47.914192, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542133, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.854115, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 47.914192, z: 42.857143} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.630596, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.854115, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 28.37156, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 39.630596, z: 52.38095} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 26.757946, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 28.37156, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.096434, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 26.757946, z: 61.904762} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 13.00329, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.096434, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 9.948165, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 13.00329, z: 71.42857} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.5086243, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 9.948165, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.6553267, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 3.5086243, z: 80.95238} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.37094793, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.6553267, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.1270882, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0.37094793, z: 90.47619} - {x: 4.7619047, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.1270882, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.2486792, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.016191833, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.2486792, z: -80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 7.1588035, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.016191833, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 2.1255012, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 7.1588035, z: -71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 14.016461, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 2.1255012, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.16832, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 14.016461, z: -61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 27.88653, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.16832, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 13.543771, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 27.88653, z: -52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 35.23779, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 13.543771, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.100273, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 35.23779, z: -42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.868874, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.100273, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 18.254038, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.868874, z: -33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.81167, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 18.254038, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.981148, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.81167, z: -23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.740917, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.981148, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.970284, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 33.740917, z: -14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 34.526947, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.970284, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 26.935144, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 34.526947, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 36.94741, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 26.935144, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 27.019726, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 36.94741, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.582706, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 27.019726, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 29.773054, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.582706, z: 14.285714} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542244, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 29.773054, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 30.372152, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542244, z: 23.809525} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542133, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 30.372152, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 28.766048, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 43.542133, z: 33.333332} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.854115, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 28.766048, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.907656, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 38.854115, z: 42.857143} - {x: 14.285714, y: 28.37156, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.907656, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.471745, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 28.37156, z: 52.38095} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.096434, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.471745, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.789875, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 17.096434, z: 61.904762} - {x: 14.285714, y: 9.948165, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.789875, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.3679338, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 9.948165, z: 71.42857} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.6553267, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.3679338, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.28677344, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 1.6553267, z: 80.95238} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.1270882, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.28677344, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0.1270882, z: 90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.016191833, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.016191833, z: -80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 2.1255012, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.052883573, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 2.1255012, z: -71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.16832, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.052883573, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.6433111, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 8.16832, z: -61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 13.543771, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.6433111, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 4.866614, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 13.543771, z: -52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.100273, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 4.866614, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.597769, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 16.100273, z: -42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 18.254038, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.597769, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 6.43435, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 18.254038, z: -33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.981148, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 6.43435, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.3714876, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.981148, z: -23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.970284, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.3714876, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.2569427, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 24.970284, z: -14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 26.935144, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.2569427, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.668263, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 26.935144, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 27.019726, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.668263, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 12.809945, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 27.019726, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 23.809525, y: 29.773054, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 12.809945, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.299546, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 29.773054, z: 14.285714} - {x: 23.809525, y: 30.372152, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.299546, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 11.796759, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 30.372152, z: 23.809525} - {x: 23.809525, y: 28.766048, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 11.796759, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.58756, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 28.766048, z: 33.333332} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.907656, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.58756, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.796718, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 21.907656, z: 42.857143} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.471745, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.796718, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.9321375, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 17.471745, z: 52.38095} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.789875, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.9321375, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.6501546, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 12.789875, z: 61.904762} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.3679338, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.6501546, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.7954423, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 5.3679338, z: 71.42857} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.28677344, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.7954423, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.0155266635, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0.28677344, z: 80.95238} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.0155266635, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.052883573, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.052883573, z: -71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.6433111, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.10284894, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 1.6433111, z: -61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 4.866614, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.10284894, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.38042897, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 4.866614, z: -52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.597769, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.38042897, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.827111, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.597769, z: -42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 6.43435, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.827111, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.8765934, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 6.43435, z: -33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.3714876, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.8765934, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.49166182, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.3714876, z: -23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.2569427, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.49166182, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4410756, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.2569427, z: -14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.668263, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4410756, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.766779, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.668263, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 12.809945, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.766779, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5653489, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 12.809945, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.299546, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5653489, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.8297997, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 13.299546, z: 14.285714} - {x: 33.333332, y: 11.796759, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.8297997, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5009782, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 11.796759, z: 23.809525} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.58756, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5009782, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.5778645, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 7.58756, z: 33.333332} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.796718, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.5778645, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4472337, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 8.796718, z: 42.857143} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.9321375, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4472337, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 3.361857, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 10.9321375, z: 52.38095} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.6501546, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 3.361857, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.80472815, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.6501546, z: 61.904762} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.7954423, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.80472815, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.7954423, z: 71.42857} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.0155266635, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0.0155266635, z: 80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.10284894, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.10284894, z: -61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.38042897, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: -0.86364967, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.38042897, z: -52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.827111, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: -0.86364967, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.7331004, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.827111, z: -42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.8765934, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.7331004, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.8043804, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: -0.8765934, z: -33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.49166182, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.8043804, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -4.091396, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.49166182, z: -23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4410756, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -4.091396, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.2810106, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4410756, z: -14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.766779, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.2810106, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5924797, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.766779, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5653489, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5924797, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5019696, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5653489, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.8297997, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5019696, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.8447878, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.8297997, z: 14.285714} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5009782, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.8447878, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3656373, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.5009782, z: 23.809525} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.5778645, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3656373, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3562212, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.5778645, z: 33.333332} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4472337, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3562212, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -1.0477198, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 1.4472337, z: 42.857143} - {x: 42.857143, y: 3.361857, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: -1.0477198, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.33490396, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 3.361857, z: 52.38095} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.80472815, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.33490396, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0.80472815, z: 61.904762} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: -0.86364967, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.55021966, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: -0.86364967, z: -52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.7331004, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.55021966, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: -2.105312, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.7331004, z: -42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.8043804, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -2.105312, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.076204, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.8043804, z: -33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -4.091396, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.076204, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.83463, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -4.091396, z: -23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.2810106, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.83463, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.292867, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.2810106, z: -14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5924797, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.292867, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.2972183, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5924797, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5019696, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.2972183, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.291943, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.5019696, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.8447878, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.291943, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4044223, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -2.8447878, z: 14.285714} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3656373, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4044223, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4100513, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3656373, z: 23.809525} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3562212, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4100513, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -3.6549323, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -3.3562212, z: 33.333332} - {x: 52.38095, y: -1.0477198, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: -3.6549323, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.79857934, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: -1.0477198, z: 42.857143} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.33490396, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.79857934, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0.33490396, z: 52.38095} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.55021966, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: -0.1266354, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.55021966, z: -52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: -2.105312, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: -0.1266354, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.0238122, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: -2.105312, z: -42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.076204, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.0238122, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: -2.939327, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.076204, z: -33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.83463, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -2.939327, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.197472, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -4.83463, z: -23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.292867, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.197472, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.876551, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.292867, z: -14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.2972183, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.876551, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.238978, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.2972183, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.291943, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.238978, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.358517, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.291943, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4044223, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.358517, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.058146, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4044223, z: 14.285714} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4100513, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.058146, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -3.9711897, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -5.4100513, z: 23.809525} - {x: 61.904762, y: -3.6549323, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: -3.9711897, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.6110723, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -3.6549323, z: 33.333332} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.79857934, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.6110723, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: -0.79857934, z: 42.857143} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: -0.1266354, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: -0.1266354, z: -52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.0238122, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.20715341, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.0238122, z: -42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: -2.939327, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.20715341, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.96583, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: -2.939327, z: -33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.197472, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.96583, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: -2.4652622, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.197472, z: -23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.876551, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -2.4652622, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.514029, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -4.876551, z: -14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.238978, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.514029, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.892593, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.238978, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.358517, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.892593, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.821093, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.358517, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.058146, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.821093, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.1381187, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -5.058146, z: 14.285714} - {x: 71.42857, y: -3.9711897, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.1381187, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -1.3442066, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -3.9711897, z: 23.809525} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.6110723, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: -1.3442066, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.01112101, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: -1.6110723, z: 33.333332} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.01112101, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.20715341, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.20715341, z: -42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.96583, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.013315773, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.96583, z: -33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: -2.4652622, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.013315773, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.3163079, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -2.4652622, z: -23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.514029, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.3163079, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.6457435, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.514029, z: -14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.892593, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.6457435, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.84447235, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.892593, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.821093, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.84447235, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.5756111, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.821093, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.1381187, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.5756111, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.000404191, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -3.1381187, z: 14.285714} - {x: 80.95238, y: -1.3442066, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.000404191, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -1.3442066, z: 23.809525} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.01112101, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: -0.01112101, z: 33.333332} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -100} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.013315773, z: -33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.013315773, z: -33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.3163079, z: -23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.3163079, z: -23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.6457435, z: -14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.6457435, z: -14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.84447235, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.84447235, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.5756111, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.5756111, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.000404191, z: 14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 4.7619047} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: -0.000404191, z: 14.285714} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 14.285714} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 23.809525} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 33.333332} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 42.857143} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 52.38095} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 61.904762} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 71.42857} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 80.95238} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 90.47619, y: 0, z: 100} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 90.47619} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 100} m_Textures0: - {x: -100, y: -100} - {x: -100, y: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: -100} - {x: -90.47619, y: -90.47619} - {x: -99.99992, y: -90.47619} - {x: -99.99992, y: -80.95238} - {x: -90.476105, y: -90.47619} - {x: -90.47327, y: -80.95238} - {x: -97.31297, y: -80.95238} - {x: -97.31297, y: -71.42857} - {x: -87.52619, y: -80.95238} - {x: -86.5305, y: -71.42857} - {x: -82.2826, y: -71.42857} - {x: -82.2826, y: -61.904762} - {x: -70.70809, y: -71.42857} - {x: -63.49838, y: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: -44.317554} - {x: 52.38095, y: -44.317554} - {x: 61.904762, y: -22.827627} - {x: 52.38095, y: -20.068195} - {x: 52.38095, y: -39.212486} - {x: 42.857143, y: -39.212486} - {x: 52.38095, y: -14.924785} - {x: 42.857143, y: -14.911735} - {x: 42.857143, y: -39.191425} - {x: 33.333332, y: -39.191425} - {x: 42.857143, y: -14.890671} - {x: 33.333332, y: -17.841541} - {x: 33.333332, y: -44.531147} - {x: 23.809525, y: -44.531147} - {x: 33.333332, y: -23.144287} - {x: 23.809525, y: -22.106022} - {x: 23.809525, y: -42.45813} - {x: 14.285714, y: -42.45813} - {x: 23.809525, y: -20.027061} - {x: 14.285714, y: -19.440855} - {x: 14.285714, y: -41.373848} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -41.373848} - {x: 14.285714, y: -18.354935} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -19.791838} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -44.108288} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -44.108288} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -22.516397} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -21.291} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -41.724922} - {x: -14.285714, y: -41.724922} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -18.89969} - {x: -14.285714, y: -17.945654} - {x: -14.285714, y: -40.04411} - {x: -23.809525, y: -40.04411} - {x: -14.285714, y: -16.260803} - {x: -23.809525, y: -4.8297744} - {x: -23.809525, y: -26.777182} - {x: -33.333332, y: -26.777182} - {x: -23.809525, y: 8.789713} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.182399} - {x: -33.333332, y: -26.484648} - {x: -42.857143, y: -26.484648} - {x: -33.333332, y: 9.475097} - {x: -42.857143, y: -3.58145} - {x: -42.857143, y: -41.082363} - {x: -52.38095, y: -41.082363} - {x: -42.857143, y: -17.900127} - {x: -52.38095, y: -20.117928} - {x: -52.38095, y: -45.376884} - {x: -61.904762, y: -45.376884} - {x: -52.38095, y: -24.388643} - {x: -61.904762, y: -30.915043} - {x: -61.904762, y: -64.18191} - {x: -71.42857, y: -64.18191} - {x: -61.904762, y: -49.34313} - {x: -71.42857, y: -56.829266} - {x: -98.58893, y: 71.42857} - {x: -98.58893, y: 80.95238} - {x: -88.92881, y: 71.42857} - {x: -89.18462, y: 80.95238} - {x: -99.99564, y: 80.95238} - {x: -99.99564, y: 90.47619} - {x: -90.47141, y: 80.95238} - {x: -90.472244, y: 90.47619} - {x: -100, y: 90.47619} - {x: -100, y: 100} - {x: -90.47619, y: 90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 100} - {x: -90.47619, y: -99.99992} - {x: -90.47619, y: -90.476105} - {x: -80.95238, y: -99.99992} - {x: -80.95238, y: -90.47529} - {x: -90.27073, y: -86.68738} - {x: -90.120056, y: -76.904526} - {x: -80.72533, y: -86.68738} - {x: -80.46762, y: -76.541374} - {x: -87.570946, y: -64.80051} - {x: -86.58347, y: -54.387688} - {x: -77.78866, y: -64.80051} - {x: -76.32689, y: -53.570133} - {x: -62.684994, y: -50.68451} - {x: -65.74909, y: -35.11967} - {x: -53.66755, y: -45.395634} - {x: -56.731647, y: -30.051628} - {x: -75.7693, y: -44.199635} - {x: -74.56722, y: -34.263165} - {x: -65.424065, y: -44.199635} - {x: -64.71431, y: -34.594166} - {x: -80.59481, y: -52.313984} - {x: -80.590836, y: -42.79017} - {x: -70.673775, y: -52.313984} - {x: -69.69782, y: -42.785404} - {x: -63.381634, y: -59.77226} - {x: -65.14122, y: -49.878086} - {x: -51.990753, y: -59.77226} - {x: -46.85898, y: -52.72481} - {x: 27.703375, y: -24.563066} - {x: 18.197613, y: -23.26383} - {x: 28.289354, y: -3.4868164} - {x: 18.783592, y: -2.5189364} - {x: 20.61997, y: -23.809855} - {x: 11.102025, y: -23.08123} - {x: 20.954168, y: -3.0587018} - {x: 11.436224, y: -2.7031608} - {x: 22.125702, y: -22.866156} - {x: 12.638215, y: -24.649881} - {x: 21.294704, y: -2.501385} - {x: 11.807219, y: -2.7927532} - {x: -1.5033387, y: -21.88677} - {x: -11.00437, y: -20.370964} - {x: -0.8450382, y: -0.009645618} - {x: -10.346069, y: 0.42266017} - {x: -9.879145, y: -22.713572} - {x: -19.387665, y: -21.533289} - {x: -9.339684, y: -1.9099642} - {x: -18.848202, y: -1.6135043} - {x: -64.13362, y: -6.5621066} - {x: -71.89018, y: 7.0820065} - {x: -58.607433, y: 12.588777} - {x: -66.36399, y: 15.174876} - {x: -61.712215, y: 26.563053} - {x: -61.510757, y: 36.09345} - {x: -50.756447, y: 26.563053} - {x: -50.51623, y: 36.09598} - {x: 71.30566, y: -6.38983} - {x: 67.724976, y: -22.55197} - {x: 62.4806, y: 0.16780387} - {x: 58.899914, y: -6.665637} - {x: -29.309946, y: -28.807856} - {x: -38.73346, y: -31.60386} - {x: -30.68846, y: -9.694356} - {x: -40.111973, y: -14.858168} - {x: -4.1895895, y: -38.137386} - {x: -12.616351, y: -46.70074} - {x: -8.627232, y: -21.876194} - {x: -17.053993, y: -35.73678} - {x: 32.609978, y: -54.582733} - {x: 26.705439, y: -66.876564} - {x: 25.1374, y: -44.868626} - {x: 19.232862, y: -60.521255} - {x: -84.414314, y: 65.773315} - {x: -84.9393, y: 75.40465} - {x: -74.27333, y: 65.773315} - {x: -75.78651, y: 75.8072} - {x: -90.2872, y: 80.8944} - {x: -90.29286, y: 90.41863} - {x: -80.74406, y: 80.8944} - {x: -80.788345, y: 90.42428} - {x: -90.47619, y: 90.47619} - {x: -90.47619, y: 100} - {x: -80.95238, y: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95238, y: 100} - {x: -80.95238, y: -99.76525} - {x: -80.95238, y: -90.21903} - {x: -71.42857, y: -99.76525} - {x: -71.42857, y: -90.15251} - {x: -80.46821, y: -80.69648} - {x: -80.07921, y: -70.437416} - {x: -70.895, y: -80.69648} - {x: -70.36554, y: -69.925476} - {x: -77.50678, y: -54.795826} - {x: -75.9698, y: -43.42409} - {x: -67.69598, y: -54.795826} - {x: -65.36792, y: -41.676414} - {x: -44.094006, y: -47.484947} - {x: -48.038944, y: -32.342648} - {x: -35.42565, y: -40.59375} - {x: -39.37059, y: -27.095032} - {x: -67.27079, y: -52.04769} - {x: -66.621025, y: -42.373806} - {x: -57.07302, y: -52.04769} - {x: -56.203682, y: -42.273163} - {x: -63.63935, y: -31.951294} - {x: -62.216827, y: -21.910524} - {x: -53.206226, y: -31.951294} - {x: -50.54884, y: -21.036098} - {x: -46.922085, y: 10.438299} - {x: -41.239033, y: 22.517706} - {x: -34.93194, y: 10.438299} - {x: -32.915394, y: 19.568968} - {x: -75.32857, y: -29.281912} - {x: -75.22605, y: -19.726084} - {x: -65.7232, y: -29.281912} - {x: -65.680115, y: -19.763147} - {x: -77.462166, y: -22.723598} - {x: -77.4433, y: -13.197086} - {x: -67.90547, y: -22.723598} - {x: -67.87786, y: -13.194582} - {x: -76.93779, y: -13.759819} - {x: -76.927635, y: -4.2353997} - {x: -67.37178, y: -13.759819} - {x: -67.35816, y: -4.2349844} - {x: -76.74856, y: -3.9663744} - {x: -76.73269, y: 5.558809} - {x: -67.179016, y: -3.9663744} - {x: -67.14908, y: 5.5612426} - {x: -76.02188, y: 5.043368} - {x: -76.01557, y: 14.567341} - {x: -66.4372, y: 5.043368} - {x: -66.38348, y: 14.569791} - {x: -73.85246, y: 16.302118} - {x: -73.793274, y: 25.833342} - {x: -64.21127, y: 16.302118} - {x: -64.18195, y: 25.825863} - {x: -74.80071, y: 26.320156} - {x: -74.7346, y: 35.856125} - {x: -65.18753, y: 26.320156} - {x: -65.16948, y: 35.83845} - {x: -76.54278, y: 20.621922} - {x: -76.78261, y: 30.441729} - {x: -66.97126, y: 20.621922} - {x: -66.98223, y: 29.885336} - {x: -64.42152, y: 9.934503} - {x: -66.08581, y: 20.634884} - {x: -54.35866, y: 9.934503} - {x: -56.29792, y: 21.002285} - {x: 70.55934, y: -10.662706} - {x: 68.895935, y: -27.114492} - {x: 61.181927, y: -7.744423} - {x: 59.51852, y: -17.862688} - {x: 29.378103, y: -30.427101} - {x: 23.801714, y: -46.407795} - {x: 21.657562, y: -18.884586} - {x: 16.081171, y: -38.894737} - {x: -67.53738, y: 49.610332} - {x: -69.74136, y: 59.86933} - {x: -56.537548, y: 49.610332} - {x: -60.696564, y: 61.126892} - {x: -79.72294, y: 79.73108} - {x: -79.83804, y: 89.27961} - {x: -70.06621, y: 79.73108} - {x: -70.43518, y: 89.38847} - {x: -80.95069, y: 90.47619} - {x: -80.95069, y: 100} - {x: -71.42669, y: 90.47619} - {x: -71.427086, y: 100} - {x: -71.42857, y: -98.57517} - {x: -71.42857, y: -88.9137} - {x: -61.904762, y: -98.57517} - {x: -61.904762, y: -88.73575} - {x: -70.812515, y: -74.916} - {x: -70.23645, y: -64.07178} - {x: -61.230125, y: -74.916} - {x: -60.396202, y: -62.96163} - {x: -40.675697, y: -62.971916} - {x: -43.8219, y: -49.750156} - {x: -31.686573, y: -58.34428} - {x: -34.832775, y: -42.59479} - {x: -20.473515, y: -46.939816} - {x: -25.703197, y: -33.83466} - {x: -12.5140295, y: -38.32923} - {x: -17.743713, y: -24.639109} - {x: -39.118465, y: -47.859516} - {x: -37.604565, y: -38.147457} - {x: -26.948355, y: -47.859516} - {x: -25.464802, y: -38.15493} - {x: -37.81636, y: -14.345634} - {x: -33.780487, y: -3.5395255} - {x: -25.676538, y: -14.345634} - {x: -24.377943, y: -5.175731} - {x: -56.737934, y: -22.975286} - {x: -55.70638, y: -12.942512} - {x: -46.717964, y: -22.975286} - {x: -46.404858, y: -13.633486} - {x: -67.885666, y: -31.751945} - {x: -67.85786, y: -22.222418} - {x: -58.328133, y: -31.751945} - {x: -58.31405, y: -22.228064} - {x: -68.62292, y: -22.252228} - {x: -68.60063, y: -12.722618} - {x: -59.077717, y: -22.252228} - {x: -59.05762, y: -12.723759} - {x: -68.75287, y: -13.609999} - {x: -68.74365, y: -4.0850883} - {x: -59.209805, y: -13.609999} - {x: -59.195694, y: -4.083918} - {x: -68.383, y: -3.314674} - {x: -68.36108, y: 6.2140427} - {x: -58.834736, y: -3.314674} - {x: -58.812645, y: 6.2141156} - {x: -68.35027, y: 7.020554} - {x: -68.31601, y: 16.556261} - {x: -58.801838, y: 7.020554} - {x: -58.78184, y: 16.54636} - {x: -69.25394, y: 15.160163} - {x: -69.244316, y: 24.685833} - {x: -59.717705, y: 15.160163} - {x: -59.705593, y: 24.686798} - {x: -69.01523, y: 24.432045} - {x: -69.00778, y: 33.956776} - {x: -59.47638, y: 24.432045} - {x: -59.466755, y: 33.957314} - {x: -68.82413, y: 32.808216} - {x: -68.83075, y: 42.33266} - {x: -59.28302, y: 32.808216} - {x: -59.274406, y: 42.32975} - {x: -67.61105, y: 11.26546} - {x: -68.13081, y: 22.512724} - {x: -58.051376, y: 11.26546} - {x: -58.11677, y: 19.730373} - {x: -41.381477, y: 15.517321} - {x: -44.50647, y: 26.226435} - {x: -30.083809, y: 15.517321} - {x: -33.045135, y: 26.109152} - {x: 47.464878, y: -9.3596525} - {x: 44.37327, y: -30.020908} - {x: 38.456833, y: -2.268598} - {x: 35.365223, y: -21.850965} - {x: -49.282436, y: 29.223959} - {x: -54.45877, y: 40.756374} - {x: -37.11009, y: 29.223959} - {x: -45.454212, y: 43.00073} - {x: -68.51827, y: 74.45994} - {x: -69.0835, y: 84.22533} - {x: -58.67339, y: 74.45994} - {x: -59.733253, y: 84.64291} - {x: -71.31012, y: 90.44782} - {x: -71.3136, y: 99.97183} - {x: -61.77095, y: 90.44782} - {x: -61.80512, y: 99.97531} - {x: -61.904762, y: -96.25332} - {x: -61.904762, y: -86.35879} - {x: -52.38095, y: -96.25332} - {x: -52.38095, y: -86.208275} - {x: -61.643776, y: -67.035065} - {x: -61.204277, y: -54.887405} - {x: -52.1038, y: -67.035065} - {x: -51.556416, y: -53.738308} - {x: -46.293133, y: -44.35884} - {x: -48.010418, y: -28.219206} - {x: -36.925426, y: -41.40012} - {x: -38.64271, y: -20.467405} - {x: -7.020929, y: -34.00554} - {x: -12.706544, y: -20.490995} - {x: 0.61954, y: -23.948763} - {x: -5.0660753, y: -13.589962} - {x: -41.37205, y: -47.660854} - {x: -40.35969, y: -37.895794} - {x: -30.851625, y: -47.660854} - {x: -30.104887, y: -38.02083} - {x: -43.589104, y: -39.857536} - {x: -42.805264, y: -30.137772} - {x: -33.31869, y: -39.857536} - {x: -33.214027, y: -30.473932} - {x: -52.41481, y: -37.375713} - {x: -52.204803, y: -27.801062} - {x: -42.6771, y: -37.375713} - {x: -42.73486, y: -27.93036} - {x: -58.594963, y: -32.54276} - {x: -58.58187, y: -23.017483} - {x: -49.04204, y: -32.54276} - {x: -49.032024, y: -23.018171} - {x: -58.765987, y: -22.394197} - {x: -58.743786, y: -12.865677} - {x: -49.21606, y: -22.394197} - {x: -49.197903, y: -12.867393} - {x: -58.99983, y: -13.243644} - {x: -58.984673, y: -3.7172532} - {x: -49.45379, y: -13.243644} - {x: -49.436234, y: -3.716436} - {x: -58.819393, y: -3.3032846} - {x: -58.797195, y: 6.225505} - {x: -49.270885, y: -3.3032846} - {x: -49.257847, y: 6.221398} - {x: -59.395977, y: 6.061053} - {x: -59.379654, y: 15.588924} - {x: -49.85578, y: 6.061053} - {x: -49.83409, y: 15.591595} - {x: -58.947144, y: 15.410121} - {x: -58.93097, y: 24.936876} - {x: -49.401142, y: 15.410121} - {x: -49.373623, y: 24.941004} - {x: -58.129044, y: 24.642673} - {x: -58.114388, y: 34.168015} - {x: -48.570255, y: 24.642673} - {x: -48.541203, y: 34.171024} - {x: -57.284374, y: 34.04464} - {x: -57.269646, y: 43.569515} - {x: -47.709717, y: 34.04464} - {x: -47.69747, y: 43.569153} - {x: -57.389904, y: 38.958855} - {x: -57.46579, y: 48.51229} - {x: -47.8177, y: 38.958855} - {x: -47.938576, y: 48.547367} - {x: -59.603806, y: 23.192085} - {x: -59.90009, y: 34.188473} - {x: -50.06617, y: 23.192085} - {x: -50.204426, y: 32.7228} - {x: 48.68098, y: -3.080055} - {x: 46.82846, y: -22.825144} - {x: 39.339077, y: 0.8354397} - {x: 37.486557, y: -16.140661} - {x: 24.010618, y: -33.826965} - {x: 19.806007, y: -49.718708} - {x: 15.4651985, y: -26.007723} - {x: 11.260588, y: -44.266342} - {x: -55.75957, y: 64.62302} - {x: -57.30499, y: 74.90999} - {x: -45.511093, y: 64.62302} - {x: -47.564182, y: 75.39279} - {x: -59.864124, y: 89.34098} - {x: -60.011963, y: 98.88268} - {x: -50.03993, y: 89.34098} - {x: -50.77935, y: 99.025734} - {x: -52.38095, y: -94.677216} - {x: -52.38095, y: -84.61797} - {x: -42.857143, y: -94.677216} - {x: -42.857143, y: -84.597336} - {x: -52.357967, y: -61.84452} - {x: -52.294636, y: -48.45775} - {x: -42.833942, y: -61.84452} - {x: -42.766483, y: -48.026722} - {x: -49.467537, y: -25.713963} - {x: -49.80639, y: -4.4375925} - {x: -39.94976, y: -24.95648} - {x: -40.288612, y: -1.5735296} - {x: -40.30003, y: -30.394667} - {x: -38.078384, y: -18.589008} - {x: -30.304974, y: -30.394667} - {x: -28.25059, y: -18.899391} - {x: -40.8554, y: -51.98387} - {x: -40.412193, y: -42.30937} - {x: -31.013578, y: -51.98387} - {x: -30.814121, y: -42.47383} - {x: -45.328278, y: -50.95392} - {x: -45.28435, y: -41.426105} - {x: -35.68473, y: -50.95392} - {x: -35.71345, y: -41.439342} - {x: -47.556572, y: -44.184467} - {x: -47.58701, y: -34.656673} - {x: -37.97478, y: -44.184467} - {x: -38.029346, y: -34.650364} - {x: -48.63112, y: -32.723713} - {x: -48.619934, y: -23.199047} - {x: -39.070965, y: -32.723713} - {x: -39.056915, y: -23.198608} - {x: -48.464684, y: -22.63435} - {x: -48.442444, y: -13.107397} - {x: -38.901608, y: -22.63435} - {x: -38.907745, y: -13.115413} - {x: -49.91192, y: -13.091036} - {x: -49.897015, y: -3.5637589} - {x: -40.372112, y: -13.091036} - {x: -40.35558, y: -3.563001} - {x: -49.76621, y: -3.9150178} - {x: -49.755173, y: 5.610513} - {x: -40.22473, y: -3.9150178} - {x: -40.20755, y: 5.6124306} - {x: -49.28055, y: 6.5100517} - {x: -49.25412, y: 16.041021} - {x: -39.73239, y: 6.5100517} - {x: -39.70204, y: 16.043146} - {x: -48.99164, y: 16.20963} - {x: -48.960506, y: 25.741945} - {x: -39.4394, y: 16.20963} - {x: -39.37706, y: 25.758993} - {x: -46.970856, y: 25.504385} - {x: -46.93041, y: 35.034172} - {x: -37.378914, y: 25.504385} - {x: -37.33587, y: 35.03494} - {x: -46.82052, y: 33.9347} - {x: -46.8061, y: 43.459244} - {x: -37.225956, y: 33.9347} - {x: -37.229046, y: 43.457466} - {x: -47.531796, y: 36.52168} - {x: -47.659798, y: 46.120388} - {x: -37.953667, y: 36.52168} - {x: -38.026005, y: 46.055496} - {x: -45.05863, y: 37.897766} - {x: -45.469215, y: 47.753384} - {x: -35.41079, y: 37.897766} - {x: -36.144535, y: 48.266907} - {x: 54.434143, y: -0.9252547} - {x: 54.75458, y: -18.063763} - {x: 44.91573, y: -1.502224} - {x: 45.236168, y: -16.26031} - {x: 41.433746, y: -17.930395} - {x: 40.048405, y: -36.676476} - {x: 32.011234, y: -15.174255} - {x: 30.625893, y: -35.31671} - {x: -51.52323, y: 63.560207} - {x: -51.969696, y: 74.578476} - {x: -41.968555, y: 63.560204} - {x: -42.495937, y: 75.08344} - {x: -52.440235, y: 85.7537} - {x: -52.364326, y: 95.74253} - {x: -42.913406, y: 85.7537} - {x: -42.84354, y: 95.67018} - {x: -42.857143, y: -94.48165} - {x: -42.857143, y: -84.40159} - {x: -33.333332, y: -94.48165} - {x: -33.333332, y: -84.54519} - {x: -46.770016, y: -58.55307} - {x: -46.353825, y: -44.73448} - {x: -37.255302, y: -59.15752} - {x: -36.83911, y: -44.510296} - {x: -40.169163, y: -21.303745} - {x: -40.482666, y: 2.1032853} - {x: -30.650515, y: -20.532825} - {x: -30.964014, y: 5.623453} - {x: -27.320173, y: -33.098236} - {x: -24.860569, y: -21.67494} - {x: -17.097948, y: -33.098236} - {x: -15.749468, y: -23.248436} - {x: -39.909817, y: -58.033367} - {x: -39.855537, y: -48.476917} - {x: -30.363503, y: -58.033367} - {x: -30.279787, y: -48.441578} - {x: -37.80186, y: -53.26469} - {x: -37.822536, y: -43.73915} - {x: -28.216557, y: -53.26469} - {x: -28.182667, y: -43.74829} - {x: -35.45824, y: -45.292458} - {x: -35.53886, y: -35.75604} - {x: -25.806458, y: -45.292458} - {x: -25.905622, y: -35.750244} - {x: -36.09807, y: -32.532436} - {x: -36.073757, y: -23.007296} - {x: -26.464169, y: -32.532436} - {x: -26.516459, y: -23.015703} - {x: -38.52949, y: -24.133102} - {x: -38.536175, y: -14.609054} - {x: -28.958998, y: -24.133102} - {x: -28.950619, y: -14.61013} - {x: -37.80673, y: -12.900388} - {x: -37.77405, y: -3.3723538} - {x: -28.219965, y: -12.900388} - {x: -28.204708, y: -3.376857} - {x: -38.50567, y: -3.4029598} - {x: -38.477787, y: 6.124997} - {x: -28.935127, y: -3.4029598} - {x: -28.849163, y: 6.1422744} - {x: -35.59744, y: 6.89458} - {x: -35.529846, y: 16.42764} - {x: -25.95102, y: 6.89458} - {x: -25.81969, y: 16.44508} - {x: -33.506195, y: 18.41166} - {x: -33.34526, y: 27.96838} - {x: -23.787968, y: 18.41166} - {x: -23.750496, y: 27.91797} - {x: -36.512566, y: 25.632679} - {x: -36.46313, y: 35.163227} - {x: -26.898561, y: 25.632679} - {x: -26.846745, y: 35.163876} - {x: -36.374664, y: 33.202465} - {x: -36.37819, y: 42.726307} - {x: -26.758265, y: 33.202465} - {x: -26.673128, y: 42.72463} - {x: -33.083366, y: 39.152676} - {x: -33.221264, y: 48.69975} - {x: -23.357597, y: 39.152676} - {x: -23.538343, y: 48.714188} - {x: -34.302094, y: 25.826555} - {x: -35.136482, y: 36.366055} - {x: -24.61696, y: 25.826555} - {x: -25.853281, y: 37.297432} - {x: 45.272972, y: -8.989798} - {x: 45.649803, y: -23.831938} - {x: 35.756622, y: -9.577518} - {x: 36.13345, y: -23.84424} - {x: 41.653618, y: -10.041262} - {x: 41.49395, y: -30.246988} - {x: 32.131145, y: -9.702464} - {x: 31.971478, y: -29.771523} - {x: -42.364105, y: 60.22423} - {x: -42.676598, y: 71.78792} - {x: -32.82949, y: 60.22423} - {x: -33.158257, y: 71.98167} - {x: -42.821648, y: 85.95293} - {x: -42.854195, y: 95.87224} - {x: -33.29718, y: 85.95293} - {x: -33.331036, y: 95.90348} - {x: -33.333332, y: -95.763954} - {x: -33.333332, y: -85.81886} - {x: -23.809525, y: -95.763954} - {x: -23.809525, y: -86.069824} - {x: -40.273636, y: -54.577114} - {x: -39.532433, y: -39.9216} - {x: -30.778713, y: -55.721165} - {x: -30.037512, y: -40.542427} - {x: -33.944984, y: -16.280931} - {x: -33.872913, y: 9.905735} - {x: -24.421448, y: -16.479105} - {x: -24.349377, y: 6.219173} - {x: -45.467552, y: -59.47066} - {x: -46.88327, y: -49.34758} - {x: -35.164967, y: -59.47066} - {x: -37.60859, y: -48.503117} - {x: -38.472263, y: -56.68555} - {x: -38.629066, y: -47.0852} - {x: -28.8688, y: -56.68555} - {x: -29.161049, y: -46.9535} - {x: -34.149036, y: -51.01201} - {x: -34.154716, y: -41.48349} - {x: -24.62352, y: -51.01201} - {x: -24.66727, y: -41.42034} - {x: -24.50635, y: -45.863075} - {x: -24.621532, y: -36.32038} - {x: -14.808661, y: -45.863075} - {x: -14.620253, y: -36.419827} - {x: -16.735596, y: -35.08744} - {x: -16.853395, y: -25.558046} - {x: -6.6100416, y: -35.08744} - {x: -7.3787684, y: -25.49632} - {x: -26.178946, y: -23.390965} - {x: -26.165543, y: -13.866786} - {x: -16.534317, y: -23.390965} - {x: -16.711088, y: -13.877268} - {x: -31.893635, y: -13.670581} - {x: -31.889204, y: -4.1458387} - {x: -22.364567, y: -13.670581} - {x: -22.348352, y: -4.1408787} - {x: -30.233562, y: -0.64029396} - {x: -30.172323, y: 8.923063} - {x: -20.686127, y: -0.64029396} - {x: -20.5961, y: 8.960167} - {x: -28.184086, y: 8.803891} - {x: -28.090916, y: 18.363028} - {x: -18.599157, y: 8.803891} - {x: -18.452932, y: 18.403187} - {x: -25.72801, y: 15.246474} - {x: -25.697742, y: 24.772097} - {x: -16.078693, y: 15.246474} - {x: -15.937537, y: 24.785378} - {x: -22.185915, y: 25.776056} - {x: -22.099066, y: 35.307014} - {x: -12.401996, y: 25.776056} - {x: -12.323099, y: 35.305706} - {x: -22.27737, y: 36.503166} - {x: -22.138575, y: 46.045803} - {x: -12.501345, y: 36.503166} - {x: -12.214159, y: 46.08602} - {x: -18.734701, y: 37.913193} - {x: -18.99144, y: 47.475193} - {x: -8.789636, y: 37.913193} - {x: -9.2977705, y: 47.549843} - {x: -23.440783, y: 13.839614} - {x: -24.832558, y: 25.460009} - {x: -13.711128, y: 13.839614} - {x: -15.390524, y: 26.248392} - {x: 29.884008, y: -14.002612} - {x: 29.36108, y: -28.272827} - {x: 20.374569, y: -13.217887} - {x: 19.851639, y: -28.295229} - {x: 35.33047, y: -9.2535095} - {x: 35.59852, y: -29.321547} - {x: 25.810438, y: -9.818545} - {x: 26.078484, y: -29.651066} - {x: -33.559933, y: 60.260555} - {x: -33.39324, y: 72.024765} - {x: -24.03335, y: 60.260555} - {x: -23.858961, y: 72.212006} - {x: -33.44411, y: 86.32396} - {x: -33.278103, y: 96.273766} - {x: -23.904497, y: 86.32396} - {x: -23.770077, y: 96.11513} - {x: -23.809525, y: -97.88102} - {x: -23.809525, y: -88.15103} - {x: -14.285714, y: -97.88102} - {x: -14.285714, y: -88.32489} - {x: -30.2144, y: -53.825226} - {x: -29.533792, y: -38.637135} - {x: -20.71494, y: -54.913406} - {x: -20.034332, y: -42.108967} - {x: -38.43411, y: -18.39993} - {x: -36.66481, y: 4.270349} - {x: -29.07609, y: -22.686153} - {x: -27.30679, y: -3.5443907} - {x: -40.258636, y: -57.9603} - {x: -44.31132, y: -47.22122} - {x: -27.9623, y: -57.9603} - {x: -35.336563, y: -45.341866} - {x: -33.501595, y: -52.803825} - {x: -34.08469, y: -43.029728} - {x: -23.648275, y: -52.803825} - {x: -24.74118, y: -42.597675} - {x: -26.210302, y: -41.089626} - {x: -26.340702, y: -31.290924} - {x: -16.67126, y: -41.089626} - {x: -16.781145, y: -31.376207} - {x: -27.991879, y: -38.153744} - {x: -28.086115, y: -28.578102} - {x: -18.425447, y: -38.153744} - {x: -18.32824, y: -28.788128} - {x: -36.43292, y: -40.793476} - {x: -35.7668, y: -31.027037} - {x: -26.46789, y: -40.793476} - {x: -25.976133, y: -31.15248} - {x: -33.67152, y: -27.8844} - {x: -33.404232, y: -18.29865} - {x: -23.86449, y: -27.8844} - {x: -23.717854, y: -18.354387} - {x: -31.529922, y: -12.367161} - {x: -31.622217, y: -2.831302} - {x: -21.831102, y: -12.367161} - {x: -21.955809, y: -2.822844} - {x: -30.950798, y: 0.37869957} - {x: -31.171013, y: 9.98567} - {x: -21.282925, y: 0.37869954} - {x: -21.564018, y: 10.03145} - {x: -29.695961, y: 10.228089} - {x: -29.872526, y: 19.838171} - {x: -20.08264, y: 10.228089} - {x: -20.324507, y: 19.901701} - {x: -27.723587, y: 18.243067} - {x: -27.799742, y: 27.806963} - {x: -18.16375, y: 18.243067} - {x: -18.31194, y: 27.882635} - {x: -23.802874, y: 25.494267} - {x: -23.802824, y: 35.0243} - {x: -14.279063, y: 25.494267} - {x: -14.278911, y: 35.05084} - {x: -20.090008, y: 39.52204} - {x: -19.992018, y: 49.129986} - {x: -10.537834, y: 39.52204} - {x: -10.348638, y: 49.285927} - {x: -13.724289, y: 32.802795} - {x: -14.07301, y: 42.482418} - {x: -4.0088725, y: 32.802795} - {x: -4.7158375, y: 42.799976} - {x: -23.280134, y: 8.895569} - {x: -23.372532, y: 21.467813} - {x: -13.755721, y: 8.895569} - {x: -13.871632, y: 22.83125} - {x: 33.79411, y: -5.489293} - {x: 35.381435, y: -20.509295} - {x: 24.403511, y: -8.028175} - {x: 25.990837, y: -24.659086} - {x: 39.367893, y: -6.4033976} - {x: 41.52483, y: -26.120508} - {x: 30.091549, y: -10.988028} - {x: 32.248486, y: -28.685038} - {x: -25.149015, y: 61.835728} - {x: -23.838379, y: 73.71918} - {x: -15.464625, y: 61.835728} - {x: -14.292949, y: 73.2685} - {x: -23.923454, y: 87.930756} - {x: -23.681917, y: 97.73392} - {x: -14.348326, y: 87.930756} - {x: -14.209149, y: 97.50052} - {x: -14.285714, y: -99.28708} - {x: -14.285714, y: -89.694885} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -99.28708} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -89.75379} - {x: -14.325769, y: -66.2354} - {x: -14.78156, y: -53.279316} - {x: -4.7891464, y: -66.2354} - {x: -5.1240172, y: -54.859234} - {x: -27.543018, y: -29.16286} - {x: -25.959955, y: -9.938172} - {x: -18.151701, y: -32.403503} - {x: -16.568638, y: -18.273193} - {x: -54.077908, y: -4.4177413} - {x: -48.39619, y: 9.522573} - {x: -46.43454, y: -14.780303} - {x: -40.752827, y: 3.9013379} - {x: -25.14383, y: -44.2484} - {x: -26.422926, y: -33.89324} - {x: -15.159722, y: -44.2484} - {x: -16.74438, y: -33.511986} - {x: -22.658716, y: -43.74825} - {x: -23.05437, y: -34.035873} - {x: -12.931571, y: -43.74825} - {x: -12.967345, y: -34.37558} - {x: -29.617676, y: -46.27451} - {x: -29.240164, y: -36.702503} - {x: -19.382975, y: -46.27451} - {x: -19.283566, y: -36.77333} - {x: -26.668118, y: -39.03045} - {x: -26.167805, y: -29.37409} - {x: -16.68647, y: -39.03045} - {x: -16.3718, y: -29.47178} - {x: -23.969278, y: -26.08758} - {x: -23.820961, y: -16.54511} - {x: -14.155422, y: -26.08758} - {x: -14.063505, y: -16.559286} - {x: -22.964132, y: -11.749669} - {x: -23.108353, y: -2.2041466} - {x: -13.204041, y: -11.749669} - {x: -13.4187975, y: -2.182932} - {x: -21.869675, y: 1.7066281} - {x: -22.17516, y: 11.364825} - {x: -12.175011, y: 1.7066281} - {x: -12.541394, y: 11.418034} - {x: -20.830786, y: 12.084002} - {x: -21.10471, y: 21.768215} - {x: -11.191703, y: 12.084002} - {x: -11.438061, y: 21.736197} - {x: -21.87929, y: 21.410542} - {x: -22.17353, y: 31.081917} - {x: -12.211028, y: 21.410542} - {x: -12.66839, y: 31.244286} - {x: -17.780926, y: 28.802923} - {x: -17.861998, y: 38.38728} - {x: -8.230102, y: 28.802923} - {x: -8.376298, y: 38.48424} - {x: -13.53313, y: 44.34994} - {x: -13.494793, y: 54.18549} - {x: -4.008161, y: 44.34994} - {x: -3.9768069, y: 54.073727} - {x: -15.8651495, y: 22.512094} - {x: -15.752937, y: 32.684986} - {x: -6.3366513, y: 22.512094} - {x: -6.170098, y: 33.29359} - {x: 24.153877, y: 2.1276908} - {x: 25.997204, y: -11.776336} - {x: 14.810157, y: -0.6152921} - {x: 16.653484, y: -16.010614} - {x: 31.136478, y: -0.004578103} - {x: 33.817806, y: -16.54491} - {x: 21.99791, y: -4.8576393} - {x: 24.679237, y: -24.843754} - {x: 46.56686, y: -7.1137657} - {x: 51.100693, y: -24.389208} - {x: 38.191463, y: -16.465448} - {x: 42.725296, y: -28.991602} - {x: -15.8904295, y: 65.88632} - {x: -14.09868, y: 77.25449} - {x: -5.9778132, y: 65.88632} - {x: -4.5876784, y: 76.49475} - {x: -14.336459, y: 89.685036} - {x: -14.154295, y: 99.30177} - {x: -4.7242236, y: 89.685036} - {x: -4.7180986, y: 99.12303} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -99.7685} - {x: -4.7619047, y: -90.222595} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -99.7685} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -90.263725} - {x: -4.793476, y: -74.721535} - {x: -5.2030783, y: -63.219543} - {x: 4.749522, y: -74.721535} - {x: 4.5065312, y: -64.69046} - {x: -27.518938, y: -43.436195} - {x: -24.818651, y: -29.187876} - {x: -18.385954, y: -47.648903} - {x: -15.685669, y: -35.909424} - {x: -29.55297, y: -13.786725} - {x: -26.207022, y: 5.7005343} - {x: -20.63627, y: -21.099224} - {x: -17.29032, y: -3.271798} - {x: -26.927916, y: -48.13978} - {x: -30.413069, y: -37.823128} - {x: -14.249593, y: -48.13978} - {x: -21.402082, y: -36.21867} - {x: -16.083038, y: -51.706165} - {x: -16.13286, y: -42.180862} - {x: -6.1524906, y: -51.706165} - {x: -6.051813, y: -42.189888} - {x: -18.020935, y: -43.83498} - {x: -17.930992, y: -34.307724} - {x: -7.92702, y: -43.83498} - {x: -7.7555256, y: -34.30148} - {x: -18.763527, y: -36.882896} - {x: -18.39276, y: -27.308443} - {x: -8.585411, y: -36.882896} - {x: -8.515409, y: -27.390394} - {x: -15.491999, y: -25.199821} - {x: -15.386766, y: -15.668978} - {x: -5.5824814, y: -25.199821} - {x: -5.6576886, y: -15.693087} - {x: -13.018473, y: -10.485441} - {x: -13.228444, y: -0.91344655} - {x: -3.2691677, y: -10.485441} - {x: -3.4854615, y: -0.9105521} - {x: -13.115248, y: 2.8665717} - {x: -13.528716, y: 12.581215} - {x: -3.3722227, y: 2.8665717} - {x: -3.6353135, y: 12.443767} - {x: -16.314186, y: 10.915083} - {x: -16.76011, y: 20.561684} - {x: -6.3962703, y: 10.915083} - {x: -6.562946, y: 20.408873} - {x: -20.495033, y: 23.579914} - {x: -21.472197, y: 33.418667} - {x: -10.252705, y: 23.579914} - {x: -11.777118, y: 33.76578} - {x: -15.421667, y: 31.913427} - {x: -15.874776, y: 41.623276} - {x: -5.628445, y: 31.913427} - {x: -6.560101, y: 42.01248} - {x: -5.9104195, y: 42.55144} - {x: -5.9582887, y: 52.28481} - {x: 3.616093, y: 42.55144} - {x: 3.6191244, y: 51.843952} - {x: -16.732206, y: 15.015756} - {x: -15.453239, y: 25.844446} - {x: -6.9194803, y: 15.015756} - {x: -4.9241953, y: 27.218042} - {x: 25.205912, y: 9.949289} - {x: 28.994457, y: -5.146808} - {x: 16.46807, y: 3.4039412} - {x: 20.256615, y: -12.150771} - {x: 23.881401, y: 3.3277361} - {x: 26.859604, y: -16.746666} - {x: 14.835228, y: -3.2812035} - {x: 17.81343, y: -19.636616} - {x: 17.282259, y: -37.744785} - {x: 18.961586, y: -51.2196} - {x: 7.907676, y: -40.15862} - {x: 9.587004, y: -53.50084} - {x: -5.5122604, y: 69.88794} - {x: -4.7073855, y: 80.62023} - {x: 4.136747, y: 69.88794} - {x: 4.640556, y: 79.76706} - {x: -4.757576, y: 90.47418} - {x: -4.759123, y: 99.9981} - {x: 4.771801, y: 90.47418} - {x: 4.759123, y: 99.99965} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -99.998924} - {x: 4.7619047, y: -90.475006} - {x: 14.285714, y: -99.998924} - {x: 14.285714, y: -90.47521} - {x: 4.761647, y: -83.90686} - {x: 4.7438197, y: -73.640434} - {x: 14.28556, y: -83.90686} - {x: 14.279754, y: -74.60568} - {x: 3.5582113, y: -60.883797} - {x: 1.5177062, y: -48.82839} - {x: 13.438289, y: -60.883797} - {x: 11.865505, y: -49.86711} - {x: -14.916264, y: -25.762058} - {x: -12.316619, y: -7.7903047} - {x: -5.7541246, y: -30.86132} - {x: -3.1544797, y: -20.290827} - {x: -44.4872, y: 2.2854671} - {x: -37.173744, y: 14.720416} - {x: -38.386684, y: -12.621863} - {x: -31.073227, y: 2.4572291} - {x: -52.517494, y: 25.356186} - {x: -42.99975, y: 24.864477} - {x: -52.857277, y: 11.582924} - {x: -43.339535, y: 16.661798} - {x: -3.9808636, y: -44.78221} - {x: -3.8619037, y: -35.245087} - {x: 5.8048854, y: -44.78221} - {x: 6.119493, y: -35.201324} - {x: -6.9154706, y: -34.052345} - {x: -6.854045, y: -24.526669} - {x: 3.1002524, y: -34.052345} - {x: 3.1179597, y: -24.52933} - {x: -6.3627253, y: -22.803997} - {x: -6.443493, y: -13.27664} - {x: 3.6101842, y: -22.803997} - {x: 3.6311765, y: -13.285577} - {x: -7.635401, y: -10.564008} - {x: -7.9667544, y: -0.9923669} - {x: 2.4445913, y: -10.564008} - {x: 2.187103, y: -1.013639} - {x: -8.751947, y: -0.17497382} - {x: -9.185158, y: 9.420387} - {x: 1.4041443, y: -0.17497388} - {x: 0.56344837, y: 9.554489} - {x: -4.808792, y: 7.140771} - {x: -4.952107, y: 16.682209} - {x: 5.001696, y: 7.140771} - {x: 4.609261, y: 16.743443} - {x: -0.7450994, y: 29.018549} - {x: -1.3122851, y: 39.388996} - {x: 8.86923, y: 29.018549} - {x: 8.1902685, y: 39.709072} - {x: 2.4476044, y: 39.062653} - {x: 2.238036, y: 49.39003} - {x: 11.984515, y: 39.062653} - {x: 11.984521, y: 47.84537} - {x: -16.215672, y: 32.78161} - {x: -16.161316, y: 42.306114} - {x: -5.6825466, y: 32.78161} - {x: -3.6800227, y: 42.35593} - {x: -29.574614, y: 16.000172} - {x: -23.865166, y: 27.257307} - {x: -16.429731, y: 16.000172} - {x: -9.204656, y: 28.106714} - {x: 30.900915, y: 13.915622} - {x: 37.17096, y: -0.8185103} - {x: 23.73227, y: 1.0284437} - {x: 30.002314, y: -12.309992} - {x: 31.685528, y: -3.0406907} - {x: 37.159714, y: -18.849764} - {x: 23.892181, y: -14.145262} - {x: 29.366367, y: -24.20646} - {x: 0.56237614, y: 42.2779} - {x: 3.4625826, y: 55.409554} - {x: 10.564212, y: 42.2779} - {x: 13.097313, y: 54.621666} - {x: 4.004032, y: 75.68524} - {x: 4.60337, y: 85.69467} - {x: 13.706489, y: 75.68524} - {x: 13.998403, y: 85.20857} - {x: 4.7508492, y: 90.38851} - {x: 4.7603445, y: 99.91953} - {x: 14.277781, y: 90.38851} - {x: 14.2810335, y: 99.91005} - {x: 14.285714, y: -100} - {x: 14.285714, y: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: -90.47619} - {x: 14.285714, y: -89.70842} - {x: 14.285714, y: -80.1031} - {x: 23.809525, y: -89.70842} - {x: 23.809525, y: -80.26332} - {x: 14.007316, y: -67.33231} - {x: 13.248805, y: -56.149426} - {x: 23.610544, y: -67.33231} - {x: 23.339832, y: -58.125057} - {x: 9.285326, y: -53.270977} - {x: 6.0810466, y: -41.981026} - {x: 20.057379, y: -53.270977} - {x: 17.233837, y: -42.36791} - {x: -10.887451, y: -21.621403} - {x: -7.1873097, y: -5.2082753} - {x: -2.1118076, y: -28.541794} - {x: 1.5883341, y: -19.307123} - {x: -40.09876, y: 5.3858113} - {x: -31.62335, y: 13.924626} - {x: -35.754757, y: -11.273942} - {x: -27.279346, y: -6.8630424} - {x: -43.76718, y: 26.587193} - {x: -34.267643, y: 25.058907} - {x: -44.446686, y: 5.221666} - {x: -34.947147, y: 6.8487124} - {x: -33.385445, y: 21.540016} - {x: -23.861702, y: 21.47301} - {x: -33.420334, y: 3.2499943} - {x: -23.896591, y: 6.4137917} - {x: -23.894531, y: 17.469347} - {x: -14.370892, y: 17.37852} - {x: -23.951487, y: 2.2818208} - {x: -14.427847, y: 4.574532} - {x: -12.348325, y: -12.168957} - {x: -12.880798, y: -2.6276116} - {x: 0.59875965, y: -12.168957} - {x: -0.7322795, y: -2.5750635} - {x: -10.350842, y: 2.3277857} - {x: -11.859591, y: 12.037846} - {x: 1.828584, y: 2.3277857} - {x: 1.7758619, y: 11.681808} - {x: 7.0204535, y: 17.674969} - {x: 16.41763, y: 19.926683} - {x: 8.568364, y: 4.0050797} - {x: 17.96554, y: 7.0687594} - {x: -15.712418, y: 26.921488} - {x: -19.08018, y: 37.117477} - {x: -2.7388706, y: 26.921488} - {x: -3.1456866, y: 35.974476} - {x: 23.809404, y: 26.912188} - {x: 33.333214, y: 26.91205} - {x: 23.809324, y: 10.659363} - {x: 33.333134, y: 9.357847} - {x: 27.452332, y: 24.695213} - {x: 36.530205, y: 19.193146} - {x: 24.57219, y: 7.3533444} - {x: 33.650063, y: 0.0020175544} - {x: 28.932587, y: 20.094713} - {x: 37.03208, y: 8.476407} - {x: 23.922485, y: 1.3121603} - {x: 32.02198, y: -4.850594} - {x: 26.135809, y: -0.4525175} - {x: 32.755234, y: -13.643979} - {x: 19.28846, y: -13.20488} - {x: 25.907885, y: -20.760893} - {x: 5.9726543, y: 38.981373} - {x: 8.917901, y: 50.519405} - {x: 16.424898, y: 38.981373} - {x: 19.482904, y: 50.66017} - {x: 8.562642, y: 46.835976} - {x: 12.156824, y: 58.942} - {x: 19.130589, y: 46.835976} - {x: 21.332804, y: 57.155212} - {x: 13.905017, y: 79.3744} - {x: 14.12239, y: 89.01759} - {x: 23.526655, y: 79.3744} - {x: 23.567444, y: 88.82483} - {x: 14.282747, y: 90.4639} - {x: 14.284443, y: 99.988556} - {x: 23.807405, y: 90.4639} - {x: 23.807405, y: 99.98686} - {x: 23.809525, y: -100} - {x: 23.809525, y: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: -100} - {x: 33.333332, y: -90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: -90.47606} - {x: 23.809525, y: -80.95223} - {x: 33.333332, y: -90.47606} - {x: 33.333332, y: -80.95226} - {x: 23.809462, y: -79.02486} - {x: 23.805876, y: -69.27027} - {x: 33.333282, y: -79.02486} - {x: 33.33319, y: -69.71494} - {x: 22.812994, y: -56.945526} - {x: 21.528004, y: -45.739838} - {x: 32.55972, y: -56.945526} - {x: 32.22152, y: -48.03228} - {x: 15.025069, y: -47.594746} - {x: 11.986874, y: -37.089134} - {x: 26.569706, y: -47.594746} - {x: 24.7479, y: -37.83856} - {x: 8.478455, y: -46.309704} - {x: 6.7566857, y: -36.60022} - {x: 21.362396, y: -46.309704} - {x: 20.869974, y: -36.862835} - {x: -37.20033, y: -9.171262} - {x: -27.870674, y: -6.2904267} - {x: -35.287083, y: -23.219215} - {x: -25.957428, y: -21.32313} - {x: -24.629953, y: -5.470328} - {x: -15.54702, y: -0.76984143} - {x: -21.765827, y: -20.376862} - {x: -12.682893, y: -17.8886} - {x: -18.55374, y: 3.4012353} - {x: -9.22322, y: 6.9479666} - {x: -16.644716, y: -13.933722} - {x: -7.314197, y: -13.002729} - {x: -11.573645, y: 10.127396} - {x: -2.1078935, y: 12.355211} - {x: -10.523652, y: -9.9565} - {x: -1.0579007, y: -8.216888} - {x: -4.6516094, y: 12.86662} - {x: 4.8720984, y: 12.9620075} - {x: -4.607512, y: -7.733862} - {x: 4.916196, y: -4.0409594} - {x: 9.204119, y: 10.22118} - {x: 18.554028, y: 13.517078} - {x: 11.015783, y: -6.7887774} - {x: 20.365694, y: -5.383951} - {x: 15.141594, y: 14.1365} - {x: 24.659113, y: 14.828399} - {x: 15.4877205, y: -4.888735} - {x: 25.00524, y: -6.016811} - {x: 21.670004, y: 15.324203} - {x: 31.158411, y: 13.520696} - {x: 20.849598, y: -5.534252} - {x: 30.338005, y: -9.655932} - {x: 24.37658, y: 13.498433} - {x: 33.43714, y: 6.038756} - {x: 21.44243, y: -9.536802} - {x: 30.50299, y: -9.579211} - {x: 32.965794, y: -2.5226982} - {x: 41.98724, y: -7.907283} - {x: 29.91351, y: -18.43757} - {x: 38.934956, y: -18.408583} - {x: 9.737732, y: 38.074455} - {x: 12.387941, y: 48.35061} - {x: 21.290627, y: 38.074455} - {x: 24.280535, y: 48.536415} - {x: 11.378861, y: 39.558327} - {x: 15.830774, y: 50.781902} - {x: 23.28174, y: 39.558327} - {x: 26.193748, y: 49.695057} - {x: 19.140587, y: 57.80632} - {x: 21.339779, y: 68.37441} - {x: 29.70518, y: 57.80632} - {x: 30.042736, y: 66.69377} - {x: 23.79171, y: 80.88672} - {x: 23.799873, y: 90.41484} - {x: 33.319378, y: 80.88672} - {x: 33.31982, y: 90.406685} - {x: 23.809525, y: 90.47619} - {x: 23.809525, y: 100} - {x: 33.333332, y: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 100} - {x: 33.333332, y: -100} - {x: 33.333332, y: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: -100} - {x: 42.857143, y: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: -90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: -80.95238} - {x: 33.333332, y: -80.951126} - {x: 33.333332, y: -71.42718} - {x: 42.857143, y: -80.951126} - {x: 42.857143, y: -71.42747} - {x: 33.332523, y: -70.41379} - {x: 33.323692, y: -60.7581} - {x: 42.856483, y: -70.41379} - {x: 42.85591, y: -61.003117} - {x: 32.64327, y: -56.513752} - {x: 32.128593, y: -46.472446} - {x: 42.29086, y: -56.513752} - {x: 42.368027, y: -47.63194} - {x: 26.847221, y: -50.89782} - {x: 26.494402, y: -41.352505} - {x: 37.720787, y: -50.89782} - {x: 37.936333, y: -41.421715} - {x: 24.502691, y: -41.053024} - {x: 24.03483, y: -31.503996} - {x: 35.991035, y: -41.053024} - {x: 36.018707, y: -31.557344} - {x: 22.522982, y: -31.255608} - {x: 21.952337, y: -21.702833} - {x: 34.52935, y: -31.255608} - {x: 33.69619, y: -21.676222} - {x: 22.704035, y: -24.05694} - {x: 22.771109, y: -14.532678} - {x: 34.45286, y: -24.05694} - {x: 33.89691, y: -14.541086} - {x: 24.666233, y: -11.215951} - {x: 23.93069, y: -1.6162764} - {x: 35.825413, y: -11.215951} - {x: 35.655663, y: -1.732529} - {x: 21.905024, y: 4.336416} - {x: 19.474749, y: 14.433456} - {x: 33.66655, y: 4.336416} - {x: 33.784744, y: 13.265363} - {x: 6.207391, y: -11.598528} - {x: 15.722185, y: -10.95717} - {x: 6.6216745, y: -26.328508} - {x: 16.136469, y: -25.859024} - {x: 9.834267, y: -11.919408} - {x: 19.277369, y: -13.865986} - {x: 8.597013, y: -26.7763} - {x: 18.040115, y: -27.816559} - {x: 9.424727, y: -16.966715} - {x: 18.24027, y: -22.508055} - {x: 5.8206873, y: -30.520939} - {x: 14.636231, y: -33.56617} - {x: 22.348087, y: 35.791927} - {x: 21.631336, y: 45.3654} - {x: 34.173435, y: 35.791927} - {x: 33.6581, y: 45.337563} - {x: 21.0151, y: 46.97393} - {x: 19.710495, y: 56.64662} - {x: 33.044975, y: 46.97393} - {x: 31.875263, y: 56.61607} - {x: 19.291512, y: 36.379593} - {x: 22.578215, y: 46.762268} - {x: 31.457537, y: 36.379593} - {x: 33.048702, y: 45.912785} - {x: 27.147198, y: 48.025497} - {x: 29.348595, y: 58.48614} - {x: 37.832756, y: 48.025497} - {x: 38.197662, y: 56.993053} - {x: 33.151466, y: 70.90178} - {x: 33.21638, y: 80.45724} - {x: 42.70844, y: 70.90178} - {x: 42.70844, y: 80.39403} - {x: 33.333263, y: 80.952156} - {x: 33.33329, y: 90.47598} - {x: 42.857086, y: 80.952156} - {x: 42.857086, y: 90.47596} - {x: 33.333332, y: 90.47619} - {x: 33.333332, y: 100} - {x: 42.857143, y: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 100} - {x: 42.857143, y: -100} - {x: 42.857143, y: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: -100} - {x: 52.38095, y: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: -90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: -80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: -71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: -71.42441} - {x: 42.857143, y: -61.900043} - {x: 52.38095, y: -71.42441} - {x: 52.38095, y: -61.901154} - {x: 42.853535, y: -61.853886} - {x: 42.858753, y: -52.31782} - {x: 52.3779, y: -61.853886} - {x: 52.387222, y: -52.298546} - {x: 42.82136, y: -52.407417} - {x: 42.843998, y: -42.87317} - {x: 52.357418, y: -52.407417} - {x: 52.452152, y: -42.806683} - {x: 42.186153, y: -42.8953} - {x: 42.195866, y: -33.371365} - {x: 51.89881, y: -42.8953} - {x: 52.10904, y: -33.36626} - {x: 41.222706, y: -31.4241} - {x: 40.82065, y: -21.810913} - {x: 51.186382, y: -31.4241} - {x: 51.27072, y: -22.026167} - {x: 38.405087, y: -22.011728} - {x: 37.993397, y: -12.449572} - {x: 48.974255, y: -22.011728} - {x: 48.622852, y: -12.460779} - {x: 37.756443, y: -13.65644} - {x: 37.611763, y: -4.1281614} - {x: 48.38664, y: -13.65644} - {x: 48.080784, y: -4.1182065} - {x: 38.233612, y: -5.134878} - {x: 38.317444, y: 4.390692} - {x: 48.707676, y: -5.134878} - {x: 48.670006, y: 4.385588} - {x: 38.798553, y: 5.22679} - {x: 38.69469, y: 14.753704} - {x: 49.15452, y: 5.22679} - {x: 49.289158, y: 14.739448} - {x: 37.666405, y: 13.642973} - {x: 37.81129, y: 23.171356} - {x: 48.275585, y: 13.642973} - {x: 48.505077, y: 23.176697} - {x: 37.4803, y: 21.929455} - {x: 37.90034, y: 31.488672} - {x: 48.17548, y: 21.929455} - {x: 48.171196, y: 31.417265} - {x: 39.390087, y: 34.635815} - {x: 39.05817, y: 44.193462} - {x: 49.69445, y: 34.635815} - {x: 48.81309, y: 44.305286} - {x: 41.091393, y: 44.40955} - {x: 40.60619, y: 54.11178} - {x: 50.936577, y: 44.40955} - {x: 50.586197, y: 54.01354} - {x: 39.825523, y: 46.73363} - {x: 40.600075, y: 56.564297} - {x: 49.818787, y: 46.73363} - {x: 49.92023, y: 56.03929} - {x: 42.63721, y: 61.31648} - {x: 42.704964, y: 70.873985} - {x: 52.194954, y: 61.31648} - {x: 52.194954, y: 70.80671} - {x: 42.857143, y: 71.42857} - {x: 42.857143, y: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 80.95238} - {x: 42.857143, y: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 90.47619} - {x: 42.857143, y: 100} - {x: 52.38095, y: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 100} - {x: 52.38095, y: -100} - {x: 52.38095, y: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: -100} - {x: 61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: -90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: -80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: -71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: -61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: -61.651787} - {x: 52.38095, y: -52.088894} - {x: 61.904762, y: -61.651787} - {x: 61.904762, y: -52.117203} - {x: 52.3242, y: -50.903233} - {x: 52.26271, y: -41.197876} - {x: 61.85317, y: -50.903233} - {x: 61.802017, y: -41.25836} - {x: 52.087746, y: -41.901226} - {x: 52.017284, y: -32.31761} - {x: 61.63223, y: -41.901226} - {x: 61.50259, y: -32.217484} - {x: 52.468166, y: -33.24871} - {x: 52.476357, y: -23.720583} - {x: 61.995857, y: -33.24871} - {x: 62.017494, y: -23.706394} - {x: 52.540493, y: -23.724615} - {x: 52.477444, y: -14.166597} - {x: 62.09326, y: -23.724615} - {x: 62.128914, y: -14.273507} - {x: 51.928062, y: -13.712728} - {x: 51.785755, y: -4.165122} - {x: 61.662052, y: -13.712728} - {x: 61.662952, y: -4.2129555} - {x: 51.096573, y: -4.653685} - {x: 51.071846, y: 4.870522} - {x: 60.99701, y: -4.653685} - {x: 60.995567, y: 4.869773} - {x: 50.971764, y: 4.333566} - {x: 51.06814, y: 13.863056} - {x: 60.89582, y: 4.333566} - {x: 60.92744, y: 13.855425} - {x: 51.324192, y: 13.69368} - {x: 51.45938, y: 23.230764} - {x: 61.185974, y: 13.69368} - {x: 61.187435, y: 23.204523} - {x: 51.920643, y: 23.81696} - {x: 51.918667, y: 33.34077} - {x: 61.66141, y: 23.81696} - {x: 61.293045, y: 33.342422} - {x: 52.460423, y: 31.9929} - {x: 52.38805, y: 41.792233} - {x: 61.988914, y: 31.9929} - {x: 61.899372, y: 41.92117} - {x: 52.33564, y: 42.065674} - {x: 52.371796, y: 51.689255} - {x: 61.86271, y: 42.065674} - {x: 61.883595, y: 51.6054} - {x: 52.336826, y: 52.27223} - {x: 52.348595, y: 61.801918} - {x: 61.866524, y: 52.27223} - {x: 61.866524, y: 61.790165} - {x: 52.38095, y: 61.904762} - {x: 52.38095, y: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 71.42857} - {x: 52.38095, y: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 80.95238} - {x: 52.38095, y: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 90.47619} - {x: 52.38095, y: 100} - {x: 61.904762, y: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 100} - {x: 61.904762, y: -100} - {x: 61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: -90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: -80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: -71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: -61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: -61.801712} - {x: 61.904762, y: -52.26202} - {x: 71.42857, y: -61.801712} - {x: 71.42857, y: -52.286453} - {x: 61.81918, y: -51.16632} - {x: 61.75008, y: -41.516636} - {x: 71.3524, y: -51.16632} - {x: 71.31254, y: -41.62245} - {x: 61.271893, y: -40.150757} - {x: 61.04951, y: -30.427696} - {x: 70.85691, y: -40.150757} - {x: 70.64078, y: -30.438778} - {x: 60.985207, y: -32.332157} - {x: 60.89531, y: -22.77862} - {x: 70.57664, y: -32.332157} - {x: 70.427505, y: -22.739506} - {x: 61.443966, y: -23.352667} - {x: 61.41338, y: -13.817888} - {x: 70.98907, y: -23.352667} - {x: 70.94374, y: -13.807322} - {x: 61.614555, y: -14.282065} - {x: 61.614365, y: -4.758255} - {x: 71.14746, y: -14.282065} - {x: 71.13164, y: -4.7580914} - {x: 61.871212, y: -4.7650476} - {x: 61.871243, y: 4.7587633} - {x: 71.3952, y: -4.7650476} - {x: 71.39447, y: 4.758694} - {x: 61.94024, y: 4.8189545} - {x: 61.94103, y: 14.343429} - {x: 71.46429, y: 4.8189545} - {x: 71.46219, y: 14.338552} - {x: 61.667515, y: 14.29023} - {x: 61.66731, y: 23.814043} - {x: 71.19762, y: 14.29023} - {x: 71.237114, y: 23.813396} - {x: 60.40195, y: 20.807045} - {x: 60.66414, y: 30.487677} - {x: 70.033844, y: 20.807045} - {x: 70.386406, y: 30.594915} - {x: 59.75975, y: 27.325777} - {x: 60.359093, y: 37.25062} - {x: 69.500404, y: 27.325777} - {x: 69.838455, y: 36.90801} - {x: 61.62155, y: 42.211338} - {x: 61.68828, y: 51.768333} - {x: 71.17878, y: 42.211338} - {x: 71.17878, y: 51.702072} - {x: 61.904762, y: 52.38095} - {x: 61.904762, y: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 52.38095} - {x: 71.42857, y: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 61.904762} - {x: 61.904762, y: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 71.42857} - {x: 61.904762, y: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 80.95238} - {x: 61.904762, y: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 90.47619} - {x: 61.904762, y: 100} - {x: 71.42857, y: 90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: 100} - {x: 71.42857, y: -100} - {x: 71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: -100} - {x: 80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: -90.47619} - {x: 71.42857, y: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: -90.47619} - {x: 80.95238, y: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: -80.95238} - {x: 71.42857, y: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: -80.95238} - {x: 80.95238, y: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: -71.42857} - {x: 71.42857, y: -61.904762} - {x: 80.95238, y: -71.42857} - {x: 80.95238, y: -61.904762} - {x: 71.42857, y: -61.899292} - {x: 71.42857, y: -52.374638} - {x: 80.95238, y: -61.899292} - {x: 80.95238, y: -52.37632} - {x: 71.42058, y: -52.049168} - {x: 71.408646, y: -42.483204} - {x: 80.94522, y: -52.049168} - {x: 80.94247, y: -42.54791} - {x: 71.07994, y: -40.6222} - {x: 70.91628, y: -30.909044} - {x: 80.63869, y: -40.6222} - {x: 80.573875, y: -31.135517} - {x: 69.34631, y: -30.82933} - {x: 69.09103, y: -21.226171} - {x: 79.07243, y: -30.82933} - {x: 78.76819, y: -21.195862} - {x: 69.52451, y: -22.56767} - {x: 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0.84160864, y: 0.539749, z: 0.019130765, w: -1} - {x: 0.87199134, y: 0.48944917, z: 0.008397142, w: -1} - {x: 0.5566194, y: 0.83064586, z: -0.014219953, w: -1} - {x: 0.79606336, y: 0.5893803, z: 0.1375281, w: -1} - {x: 0.64623255, y: 0.7519348, z: 0.13029781, w: -1} - {x: 0.111255296, y: -0.07424363, z: -0.99101466, w: -1} - {x: 0.02771017, y: -0.015194368, z: -0.9995006, w: -1} - {x: 0.33573252, y: -0.29944235, z: -0.8930946, w: -1} - {x: 0.10063445, y: -0.04245497, z: -0.9940172, w: -1} - {x: 0.028791193, y: -0.012754409, z: -0.9995041, w: -1} - {x: 0.00013424015, y: -0.000057282123, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.067351766, y: -0.07315992, z: -0.9950434, w: -1} - {x: -0.03927045, y: 0.035811517, z: -0.99858665, w: -1} - {x: 0.00013427177, y: -0.000057207897, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.034946237, y: 0.013080663, z: -0.99930364, w: -1} - {x: -0.055825442, y: 0.017502232, z: -0.9982871, w: -1} - {x: -0.009172727, y: -0.01569803, z: -0.99983466, w: -1} - {x: -0.033519585, y: 0.016058967, z: -0.99930906, w: -1} - {x: 0.011465491, y: -0.0059518004, z: -0.99991655, w: -1} - {x: 0.00073343585, y: 0.0014420548, z: -0.9999987, w: -1} - {x: 0.032044526, y: -0.01605041, z: -0.9993575, w: -1} - {x: 0.011657323, y: -0.005548783, z: -0.9999167, w: -1} - {x: 0.006338654, y: -0.0030419743, z: -0.9999753, w: -1} - {x: 0.032292735, y: -0.015543248, z: -0.99935764, w: -1} - {x: -0.01419286, y: 0.007656099, z: -0.99986994, w: -1} - {x: 0.0063910712, y: -0.0029275427, z: -0.9999753, w: -1} - {x: -0.016787088, y: 0.0071730963, z: -0.9998334, w: -1} - {x: -0.014972702, y: 0.0060779466, z: -0.9998694, w: -1} - {x: -0.004709554, y: 0.00001277574, z: -0.9999889, w: -1} - {x: -0.016427113, y: 0.007919772, z: -0.9998337, w: -1} - {x: 0.013280151, y: -0.00685696, z: -0.99988836, w: -1} - {x: -0.003833945, y: 0.0018039141, z: -0.99999106, w: -1} - {x: 0.03745834, y: -0.018597044, z: -0.9991251, w: -1} - {x: 0.013530654, y: -0.0063207163, z: -0.9998885, w: -1} - {x: 0.009960066, y: -0.0047407253, z: -0.9999392, w: -1} - {x: 0.037863072, y: -0.017753676, z: -0.99912524, w: -1} - {x: 0.17918707, y: -0.08276284, z: -0.9803276, w: -1} - {x: 0.010083416, y: -0.004461963, z: -0.9999392, w: -1} - {x: 0.07430874, y: -0.042834204, z: -0.9963149, w: -1} - {x: 0.18069512, y: -0.07950029, z: -0.9803208, w: -1} - {x: 0.18253991, y: -0.04913607, z: -0.9819699, w: -1} - {x: 0.079877116, y: -0.025302585, z: -0.99648356, w: -1} - {x: 0.0027281768, y: -0.0007649908, z: -0.99999607, w: -1} - {x: 0.14919494, y: -0.09892936, z: -0.9838465, w: -1} - {x: -0.22357062, y: 0.1729829, z: -0.95921475, w: -1} - {x: 0.002731623, y: -0.0007524812, z: -0.999996, w: -1} - {x: -0.13259055, y: 0.017902296, z: -0.99100924, w: -1} - {x: -0.28725576, y: 0.08548183, z: -0.95403206, w: -1} - {x: -0.32317147, y: 0.03526918, z: -0.945683, w: -1} - {x: -0.12032751, y: 0.04850951, z: -0.99154836, w: -1} - {x: -0.02675691, y: 0.010918126, z: -0.99958235, w: -1} - {x: -0.26348507, y: 0.1444465, z: -0.9537876, w: -1} - {x: -0.21206948, y: 0.11293095, z: -0.97070754, w: -1} - {x: -0.025840405, y: 0.012772482, z: -0.99958444, w: -1} - {x: -0.11564549, y: 0.034332786, z: -0.9926971, w: -1} - {x: -0.21456958, y: 0.10882309, z: -0.9706273, w: -1} - {x: -0.46618247, y: 0.27190572, z: -0.84186774, w: -1} - {x: -0.09101791, y: 0.067636885, z: -0.9935497, w: -1} - {x: -0.33658868, y: 0.077598736, z: -0.93844897, w: -1} - {x: -0.40579766, y: 0.33527395, z: -0.8502468, w: -1} - {x: -0.5650761, y: 0.25001734, z: -0.78624445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9401376, y: 0.33886123, z: 0.036253694, w: -1} - {x: 0.99878997, y: 0.049154613, z: -0.001557372, w: -1} - {x: 0.96966064, y: 0.23282808, z: 0.07449325, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975371, y: 0.06978375, z: 0.0070680734, w: -1} - {x: 0.99879605, y: 0.049029715, z: 0.0015824806, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999726, y: 0.0023339344, z: -0.000005446881, w: -1} - {x: 0.99753755, y: 0.0697207, z: 0.0076075043, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999684, y: 0.007956362, z: 0.00010039585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999973, y: 0.0023339097, z: 0.000005447179, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996835, y: 0.007956361, z: 0.00010039585, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.00031678705, z: -0.0000003010625, w: -1} - {x: 0.99855125, y: 0.053775046, z: -0.0019611476, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998577, y: 0.016845668, z: 0.0008279597, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959676, y: 0.08957044, z: -0.005048295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985358, y: 0.054081064, z: 0.0012544976, w: -1} - {x: 0.96981776, y: 0.23929343, z: -0.046820123, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959803, y: 0.08937523, z: -0.005932079, w: -1} - {x: 0.97474134, y: 0.22013569, z: -0.037678733, w: -1} - {x: 0.9679942, y: 0.2508813, z: -0.0067634545, w: -1} - {x: 0.8773632, y: 0.46048167, z: -0.13487169, w: -1} - {x: 0.97110075, y: 0.23867007, z: -0.0004099552, w: -1} - {x: 0.927239, y: 0.36913097, z: -0.06300874, w: -1} - {x: 0.85083026, y: 0.21699919, z: -0.47853863, w: -1} - {x: 0.73659086, y: 0.3239767, z: -0.5936943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9243333, y: 0.05601055, z: -0.37745303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9108333, y: 0.11819371, z: -0.39549074, w: -1} - {x: 0.74745935, y: 0.6437825, z: -0.16385569, w: -1} - {x: 0.73792446, y: 0.6744664, z: -0.023720313, w: -1} - {x: 0.9284843, y: 0.37135172, z: -0.003841999, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271624, y: 0.37444708, z: 0.012616843, w: -1} - {x: 0.7389438, y: 0.6719949, z: -0.048834346, w: -1} - {x: 0.67186654, y: 0.74034053, z: 0.022164755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9272977, y: 0.37415832, z: 0.011158289, w: -1} - {x: 0.80203223, y: 0.5968214, z: -0.023421075, w: -1} - {x: 0.67163765, y: 0.74075127, z: 0.013796311, w: -1} - {x: 0.4983614, y: 0.86227006, z: 0.090145595, w: -1} - {x: 0.7451614, y: 0.64591134, z: 0.16593035, w: -1} - {x: 0.68486965, y: 0.6665838, z: 0.29431233, w: -1} - {x: 0.015353118, y: 0.026737556, z: -0.9995246, w: -1} - {x: 0.04411674, y: 0.008647656, z: -0.998989, w: -1} - {x: 0.21410216, y: -0.1915065, z: -0.9578546, w: -1} - {x: 0.05798908, y: -0.00930918, z: -0.9982738, w: -1} - {x: 0.038966488, y: -0.0018965987, z: -0.9992387, w: -1} - {x: -0.007476364, y: 0.021243433, z: -0.9997464, w: -1} - {x: 0.042639527, y: -0.01969416, z: -0.9988964, w: -1} - {x: 0.018720333, y: 0.0072137755, z: -0.9997988, w: -1} - {x: -0.031595517, y: -0.02758807, z: -0.9991199, w: -1} - {x: -0.021205422, y: -0.0337385, z: -0.99920577, w: -1} - {x: -0.04115468, y: -0.03306403, z: -0.9986055, w: -1} - {x: -0.015783694, y: -0.03535549, z: -0.9992502, w: -1} - {x: 0.009557553, y: 0.02919292, z: -0.9995281, w: -1} - {x: 0.050650027, y: 0.008935044, z: -0.9986765, w: -1} - {x: 0.04727896, y: 0.008305459, z: -0.99884725, w: -1} - {x: 0.035380755, y: 0.0019606885, z: -0.999372, w: -1} - {x: 0.048292734, y: 0.0040085567, z: -0.9988252, w: -1} - {x: 0.18962765, y: -0.060049284, z: -0.9800181, w: -1} - {x: 0.039727274, y: 0.0049339365, z: -0.9991984, w: -1} - {x: 0.0697203, y: -0.07313059, z: -0.9948824, w: -1} - {x: 0.2824043, y: 0.15657234, z: -0.9464317, w: -1} - {x: 0.3151367, y: 0.16161753, z: -0.93518376, w: -1} - {x: 0.4080317, y: 0.13286878, z: -0.90324754, w: -1} - {x: 0.32378033, y: 0.071435936, z: -0.9434317, w: -1} - {x: 0.5720027, y: 0.81568, z: -0.08648147, w: -1} - {x: 0.6227652, y: 0.77375704, z: 0.116032526, w: -1} - {x: 0.9459177, y: 0.32432017, z: 0.007486971, w: -1} - {x: 0.9298863, y: 0.36694065, z: -0.025806852, w: -1} - {x: -0.58062273, y: -0.43710005, z: -0.68689215, w: -1} - {x: -0.4969478, y: -0.36915922, z: -0.78534347, w: -1} - {x: -0.69906974, y: -0.142766, z: -0.7006564, w: -1} - {x: -0.5743633, y: -0.1862857, z: -0.79712266, w: -1} - {x: -0.29631457, y: 0.08560841, z: -0.95124596, w: -1} - {x: -0.24466467, y: 0.058516316, z: -0.9678404, w: -1} - {x: -0.26817545, y: 0.10421848, z: -0.9577163, w: -1} - {x: -0.49464405, y: 0.34406754, z: -0.7980882, w: -1} - {x: -0.32760948, y: -0.089376755, z: -0.9405763, w: -1} - {x: -0.6082981, y: 0.09418385, z: -0.7881007, w: -1} - {x: -0.66447717, y: 0.16205281, z: -0.7295265, w: -1} - {x: -0.7464617, y: 0.21804161, z: -0.6286913, w: -1} - {x: -0.7142435, y: -0.08283662, z: -0.69497794, w: -1} - {x: -0.84400177, y: 0.04133225, z: -0.53474534, w: -1} - {x: -0.8280579, y: 0.064235374, z: -0.5569506, w: -1} - {x: -0.8520521, y: 0.04051595, z: -0.52188665, w: -1} - {x: 0.9581867, y: 0.28444758, z: -0.031110222, w: -1} - {x: 0.99650455, y: 0.07487124, z: -0.037054155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9319517, y: 0.3511251, z: 0.09042786, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879093, y: 0.15378089, z: -0.019660952, w: -1} - {x: 0.99751043, y: 0.07051437, z: 0.0008053233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999682, y: 0.007965168, z: -0.00059786084, w: -1} - {x: 0.98971564, y: 0.13977753, z: 0.03041645, w: -1} - {x: 0.99973273, y: 0.02310689, z: 0.0007004435, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996835, y: 0.007956361, z: 0.00010039585, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.999733, y: 0.023073642, z: 0.0012935923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999987, y: 0.0016127215, z: 0.0000026008786, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998592, y: 0.016757945, z: -0.00086736784, w: -1} - {x: 0.996044, y: 0.08807022, z: -0.011831835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996788, y: 0.025342792, z: 0.00016766967, w: -1} - {x: 0.994437, y: 0.10498897, z: -0.00850476, w: -1} - {x: 0.99583113, y: 0.09118752, z: 0.0022859199, w: -1} - {x: 0.9756524, y: 0.21322244, z: -0.051368963, w: -1} - {x: 0.99433136, y: 0.106211275, z: -0.004937941, w: -1} - {x: 0.9678736, y: 0.2425516, z: -0.06625366, w: -1} - {x: 0.97098905, y: 0.23912364, z: 0.00051281194, w: -1} - {x: 0.93240803, y: 0.35175714, z: -0.08295846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9611999, y: 0.27512854, z: -0.01997525, w: -1} - {x: 0.9087526, y: 0.40291175, z: -0.108769715, w: -1} - {x: 0.90746796, y: 0.0058960994, z: -0.42007998, w: -1} - {x: 0.88956606, y: 0.075006105, z: -0.45060652, w: -1} - {x: 0.89755493, y: 0.025672093, z: -0.4401546, w: -1} - {x: 0.8429029, y: 0.17581774, z: -0.50853014, w: -1} - {x: 0.92924285, y: 0.36939457, z: -0.007443254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9284416, y: 0.37147203, z: -0.0022149659, w: -1} - {x: 0.87966853, y: 0.47201863, z: -0.058152292, w: -1} - {x: 0.85004646, y: 0.5237, z: -0.056207277, w: -1} - {x: 0.9275623, y: 0.37357783, z: 0.008238693, w: -1} - {x: 0.81138086, y: 0.5800026, z: -0.0725122, w: -1} - {x: 0.8485629, y: 0.52712786, z: -0.045576192, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976021, y: 0.4407503, z: 0.007049505, w: -1} - {x: 0.796466, y: 0.60468173, z: 0.0013856966, w: -1} - {x: 0.7568969, y: 0.64724547, z: 0.09044582, w: -1} - {x: 0.8636502, y: 0.48662817, z: 0.1315344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9355523, y: 0.17153138, z: 0.30873773, w: -1} - {x: 0.7963292, y: 0.5820745, z: -0.1644659, w: -1} - {x: 0.829281, y: 0.5585071, z: -0.019051015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9917225, y: 0.12838928, z: -0.0016027194, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969044, y: 0.07852127, z: 0.0040213317, w: -1} - {x: 0.829299, y: 0.5583529, z: -0.0224796, w: -1} - {x: 0.8296958, y: 0.5582096, z: -0.0026108827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969218, y: 0.07840225, z: 0.00018142059, w: -1} - {x: 0.99682856, y: 0.07957964, z: 0.00008325628, w: -1} - {x: 0.82969576, y: 0.5582106, z: -0.0024295587, w: -1} - {x: 0.82231563, y: 0.56892043, z: -0.011252764, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968279, y: 0.07958651, z: 0.00036957292, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963411, y: 0.085465536, z: 0.00023514286, w: -1} - {x: 0.82231534, y: 0.5689222, z: -0.011177373, w: -1} - {x: 0.82577163, y: 0.56391543, z: -0.010024039, w: -1} - {x: 0.99634093, y: 0.085467495, z: 0.00032162093, w: -1} - {x: 0.99523056, y: 0.09755037, z: 0.0002802775, w: -1} - {x: 0.825771, y: 0.5639221, z: -0.009703658, w: -1} - {x: 0.86705285, y: 0.49658814, z: -0.04024287, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952268, y: 0.09758199, z: 0.0011774112, w: -1} - {x: 0.99461675, y: 0.10361016, z: 0.0015622936, w: -1} - {x: 0.8670132, y: 0.49686038, z: -0.0376536, w: -1} - {x: 0.9461065, y: 0.3237811, z: -0.00694509, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946152, y: 0.10362051, z: 0.0018638814, w: -1} - {x: 0.99584854, y: 0.091008015, z: 0.001778267, w: -1} - {x: 0.9461112, y: 0.32374927, z: -0.007744401, w: -1} - {x: 0.93364346, y: 0.35547027, z: 0.04416707, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958495, y: 0.091002405, z: 0.0015206815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941799, y: 0.107713014, z: 0.0020673897, w: -1} - {x: 0.9336879, y: 0.35505387, z: 0.046513744, w: -1} - {x: 0.80345714, y: 0.5777142, z: 0.14388505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939128, y: 0.107018314, z: 0.02616534, w: -1} - {x: 0.98177254, y: 0.18913946, z: 0.018684834, w: -1} - {x: 0.7996861, y: 0.59464675, z: 0.08305081, w: -1} - {x: 0.8596731, y: 0.48963073, z: 0.14568429, w: -1} - {x: 0.9777945, y: 0.20543663, z: -0.041395817, w: -1} - {x: 0.9173089, y: 0.39532024, z: 0.04760537, w: -1} - {x: -0.8710652, y: -0.26078776, z: -0.41621527, w: -1} - {x: -0.8950837, y: -0.1712947, z: -0.4116834, w: -1} - {x: -0.89380515, y: -0.1519933, z: -0.42191285, w: -1} - {x: -0.862886, y: -0.18739642, z: -0.4693722, w: -1} - {x: -0.83988243, y: 0.035674136, z: -0.54159474, w: -1} - {x: -0.8599964, y: 0.026772378, z: -0.50959736, w: -1} - {x: -0.812186, y: -0.023653822, z: -0.5829188, w: -1} - {x: -0.8783218, y: 0.043424364, z: -0.47609368, w: -1} - {x: 0.893853, y: 0.445998, z: -0.045962695, w: -1} - {x: 0.97711056, y: 0.17922384, z: -0.114602774, w: -1} - {x: 0.8813099, y: 0.46979547, z: 0.050843846, w: -1} - {x: 0.95609784, y: 0.27826035, z: -0.0919141, w: -1} - {x: 0.9887388, y: 0.14958401, z: -0.0045008967, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967706, y: 0.023664068, z: -0.009260851, w: -1} - {x: 0.97690094, y: 0.20623639, z: 0.05595526, w: -1} - {x: 0.99842685, y: 0.055872515, z: -0.0046996563, w: -1} - {x: 0.99973285, y: 0.023093855, z: 0.00093301747, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999987, y: 0.0016127299, z: -0.000002600811, w: -1} - {x: 0.99850404, y: 0.054204922, z: 0.007176206, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998994, y: 0.014184106, z: 0.0002927226, w: -1} - {x: 0.999686, y: 0.024798192, z: -0.0035926776, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947424, y: 0.099295326, z: -0.025060853, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963623, y: 0.026861396, z: -0.0024253635, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952697, y: 0.0962108, z: -0.013470894, w: -1} - {x: 0.99413264, y: 0.10816536, z: 0.00077368284, w: -1} - {x: 0.9689651, y: 0.23493835, z: -0.07687995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947386, y: 0.102443404, z: -0.0006868651, w: -1} - {x: 0.96837157, y: 0.24235749, z: -0.05932353, w: -1} - {x: 0.9373329, y: 0.02298566, z: -0.3476761, w: -1} - {x: 0.91104203, y: 0.071621835, z: -0.40604526, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508584, y: -0.020912742, z: -0.3089189, w: -1} - {x: 0.90122366, y: 0.091438785, z: -0.42359766, w: -1} - {x: 0.8681328, y: -0.051204547, z: -0.4936835, w: -1} - {x: 0.79046065, y: 0.08575559, z: -0.60648006, w: -1} - {x: 0.8646398, y: -0.036953676, z: -0.5010313, w: -1} - {x: 0.76189977, y: 0.1269813, z: -0.6351256, w: -1} - {x: 0.8477315, y: 0.5268162, z: 0.061773803, w: -1} - {x: 0.83473843, y: 0.5497766, z: 0.030943569, w: -1} - {x: 0.8243766, y: 0.56496894, z: 0.034832783, w: -1} - {x: 0.8782578, y: 0.47628298, z: 0.042635337, w: -1} - {x: 0.834907, y: 0.5495638, z: 0.030164408, w: -1} - {x: 0.87636745, y: 0.47283792, z: 0.09167589, w: -1} - {x: 0.8706878, y: 0.48420718, z: 0.08629048, w: -1} - {x: 0.9449665, y: 0.27558345, z: 0.1763293, w: -1} - {x: 0.90777385, y: 0.41626602, z: -0.05166511, w: -1} - {x: 0.9895101, y: 0.13619201, z: 0.048181836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9661351, y: 0.2564715, z: 0.02837967, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924648, y: 0.09831018, z: 0.073135264, w: -1} - {x: 0.99181175, y: 0.12751272, z: -0.007068347, w: -1} - {x: 0.99692184, y: 0.078402914, z: 0.00020247942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954627, y: 0.0951502, z: -0.0006250972, w: -1} - {x: 0.99751127, y: 0.07050573, z: 0.0005036281, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969231, y: 0.07838538, z: -0.0003596825, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968292, y: 0.07957072, z: -0.00028773939, w: -1} - {x: 0.99751234, y: 0.07049177, z: -0.00006982237, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977149, y: 0.067565024, z: 0.000014827773, w: -1} - {x: 0.99682933, y: 0.07956829, z: -0.00038877505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963424, y: 0.08544953, z: -0.00047066083, w: -1} - {x: 0.99771506, y: 0.067563035, z: -0.000062628314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974571, y: 0.071268864, z: -0.000115177834, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963421, y: 0.085452996, z: -0.00031773583, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952343, y: 0.09750778, z: -0.0009248581, w: -1} - {x: 0.99745697, y: 0.071272306, z: 0.0000068713307, w: -1} - {x: 0.99793375, y: 0.06425048, z: 0.00023131566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952343, y: 0.097508065, z: -0.000916814, w: -1} - {x: 0.99462646, y: 0.103523865, z: -0.00094529375, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979334, y: 0.06425673, z: 0.00042866127, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982547, y: 0.05904855, z: 0.0008168674, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946284, y: 0.10349341, z: -0.001825235, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958551, y: 0.090949915, z: -0.0008763667, w: -1} - {x: 0.99825674, y: 0.05902051, z: -0.0002012323, w: -1} - {x: 0.99760723, y: 0.069135234, z: -0.00040202876, w: -1} - {x: 0.995855, y: 0.09095226, z: -0.0007693501, w: -1} - {x: 0.99417895, y: 0.10773301, z: 0.00133946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976071, y: 0.069138005, z: -0.00028218792, w: -1} - {x: 0.99657667, y: 0.08267295, z: -0.00040234686, w: -1} - {x: 0.99417895, y: 0.10773378, z: 0.001311762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821348, y: 0.18545847, z: 0.03188158, w: -1} - {x: 0.99657625, y: 0.08267925, z: 0.000009140329, w: -1} - {x: 0.9882504, y: 0.1527125, z: 0.006331114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820542, y: 0.18646695, z: 0.028279021, w: -1} - {x: 0.9297364, y: 0.3328713, z: 0.15743873, w: -1} - {x: 0.980827, y: 0.13973084, z: 0.13584419, w: -1} - {x: 0.94764656, y: 0.25352332, z: 0.1941441, w: -1} - {x: 0.89175695, y: 0.4488308, z: -0.057623513, w: -1} - {x: 0.80465055, y: 0.59140515, z: 0.05270184, w: -1} - {x: 0.93949354, y: 0.3356567, z: -0.068457685, w: -1} - {x: 0.87661314, y: 0.47607684, z: -0.07000252, w: -1} - {x: -0.85441554, y: -0.15024365, z: -0.49739423, w: -1} - {x: -0.9112474, y: -0.058722172, z: -0.4076517, w: -1} - {x: -0.9207928, y: -0.04796969, z: -0.38709107, w: -1} - {x: -0.92479587, y: -0.027613299, z: -0.37946033, w: -1} - {x: 0.81822544, y: 0.5712023, z: -0.065078355, w: -1} - {x: 0.9257871, y: 0.3242953, z: -0.19429581, w: -1} - {x: 0.82487375, y: 0.5646159, z: -0.028145177, w: -1} - {x: 0.89496976, y: 0.41613922, z: -0.16080205, w: -1} - {x: 0.97119856, y: 0.23813996, z: -0.007920051, w: -1} - {x: 0.99755555, y: 0.06016576, z: -0.035538394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9628654, y: 0.2637468, z: 0.057687283, w: -1} - {x: 0.98627627, y: 0.16403581, z: -0.018748425, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984729, y: 0.055242646, z: -0.0002073462, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998991, y: 0.014199947, z: -0.00047505667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879125, y: 0.15195204, z: 0.030651271, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980805, y: 0.061496943, z: 0.0073104245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996453, y: 0.025818294, z: -0.006542602, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957167, y: 0.08506008, z: -0.03623699, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999044, y: 0.013446455, z: -0.0032159644, w: -1} - {x: 0.998896, y: 0.04577427, z: -0.010563141, w: -1} - {x: 0.99540037, y: 0.09415902, z: -0.017670106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9757615, y: 0.1846591, z: -0.117433645, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987812, y: 0.049102027, z: -0.0050034323, w: -1} - {x: 0.98894763, y: 0.13923286, z: -0.050958738, w: -1} - {x: 0.96926177, y: 0.05662903, z: -0.23942593, w: -1} - {x: 0.9109689, y: 0.15067618, z: -0.38396922, w: -1} - {x: 0.9860802, y: -0.013765352, z: -0.16569981, w: -1} - {x: 0.95192933, y: 0.083266325, z: -0.29478332, w: -1} - {x: 0.85409164, y: -0.06443183, z: -0.5161162, w: -1} - {x: 0.7472206, y: 0.10476983, z: -0.6562657, w: -1} - {x: 0.88920367, y: -0.13301224, z: -0.4377495, w: -1} - {x: 0.81087714, y: 0.028487887, z: -0.58452266, w: -1} - {x: 0.84849346, y: 0.5260404, z: -0.05779685, w: -1} - {x: 0.8851415, y: 0.4651846, z: -0.011307082, w: -1} - {x: 0.93631285, y: 0.34995356, z: 0.02916763, w: -1} - {x: 0.9652156, y: 0.26017419, z: 0.025849342, w: -1} - {x: 0.88632685, y: 0.4624596, z: -0.023574395, w: -1} - {x: 0.9664376, y: 0.25579363, z: 0.023833837, w: -1} - {x: 0.96544135, y: 0.25973192, z: 0.021502659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881654, y: 0.149177, z: 0.035713475, w: -1} - {x: 0.96794957, y: 0.25104544, z: -0.0070572263, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953785, y: 0.095596656, z: 0.00910169, w: -1} - {x: 0.9888184, y: 0.14896978, z: 0.0068063377, w: -1} - {x: 0.99630785, y: 0.08474897, z: 0.013719495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954634, y: 0.09514208, z: -0.00080014206, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975119, y: 0.0704976, z: 0.00016978898, w: -1} - {x: 0.99639004, y: 0.084893994, z: 0.00012676933, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967077, y: 0.08107908, z: -0.000076954006, w: -1} - {x: 0.99751216, y: 0.0704955, z: 0.000083537394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977146, y: 0.06756923, z: 0.00017949028, w: -1} - {x: 0.99670774, y: 0.08107824, z: -0.000118408054, w: -1} - {x: 0.997713, y: 0.06759274, z: 0.00019306931, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977149, y: 0.06756505, z: 0.000016371721, w: -1} - {x: 0.99745715, y: 0.07126992, z: -0.00007773202, w: -1} - {x: 0.99771327, y: 0.06758877, z: 0.000010638813, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979289, y: 0.064326346, z: 0.00010365243, w: -1} - {x: 0.99745685, y: 0.07127259, z: 0.000016941767, w: -1} - {x: 0.99793375, y: 0.06425096, z: 0.00024639978, w: -1} - {x: 0.99792874, y: 0.0643297, z: 0.00023786079, w: -1} - {x: 0.99789417, y: 0.06486133, z: 0.00024808914, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979346, y: 0.06423748, z: -0.00017968596, w: -1} - {x: 0.99825644, y: 0.059025507, z: -0.000019921965, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978951, y: 0.064848855, z: -0.00018309042, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972543, y: 0.07405136, z: -0.0005112473, w: -1} - {x: 0.998256, y: 0.059033, z: 0.00025206528, w: -1} - {x: 0.99760675, y: 0.069143616, z: -0.00003855573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972533, y: 0.07406704, z: -0.00010862826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950735, y: 0.09913561, z: -0.0010076272, w: -1} - {x: 0.99760604, y: 0.06915319, z: 0.00037770058, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965762, y: 0.08267942, z: 0.000020206928, w: -1} - {x: 0.99507123, y: 0.0991624, z: -0.00036635838, w: -1} - {x: 0.99376756, y: 0.111470975, z: -0.00052548904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965758, y: 0.082683876, z: 0.00031185002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9882366, y: 0.15286098, z: 0.004682105, w: -1} - {x: 0.99376684, y: 0.11147835, z: -0.0002230429, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950406, y: 0.09946946, z: -0.000012606045, w: -1} - {x: 0.98823744, y: 0.15285255, z: 0.004775984, w: -1} - {x: 0.95276815, y: 0.29597425, z: 0.06805912, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950371, y: 0.0995033, z: -0.00066059857, w: -1} - {x: 0.9908749, y: 0.13404442, z: 0.014110074, w: -1} - {x: 0.9529569, y: 0.29322225, z: 0.0767709, w: -1} - {x: 0.9464701, y: 0.27673128, z: 0.16617525, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904442, y: 0.12336506, z: 0.061655458, w: -1} - {x: 0.98331004, y: 0.1760829, z: 0.04578375, w: -1} - {x: -0.9396635, y: -0.12356608, z: -0.31900457, w: -1} - {x: -0.9353555, y: -0.0890047, z: -0.34232762, w: -1} - {x: -0.96726805, y: -0.011419857, z: -0.25349966, w: -1} - {x: -0.9700674, y: -0.01283489, z: -0.24249664, w: -1} - {x: -0.9125305, y: 0.02275551, z: -0.40837526, w: -1} - {x: -0.91935104, y: 0.017679159, z: -0.39304107, w: -1} - {x: -0.947452, y: 0.0924563, z: -0.30624595, w: -1} - {x: -0.9479574, y: 0.082224324, z: -0.30759695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9436562, y: 0.3293452, z: -0.03232209, w: -1} - {x: 0.9830173, y: 0.17365494, z: -0.059336927, w: -1} - {x: 0.95778793, y: 0.28119868, z: -0.059745647, w: -1} - {x: 0.98572594, y: 0.13456523, z: -0.10117603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9861739, y: 0.16444626, z: -0.020456592, w: -1} - {x: 0.99781847, y: 0.064275205, z: -0.015069922, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947994, y: 0.10032693, z: -0.017567651, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986196, y: -0.0011480115, z: -0.016574046, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990505, y: 0.013106031, z: -0.0042626644, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990005, y: 0.038676653, z: -0.022409007, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999988, y: 0.0015078054, z: -0.000505032, w: -1} - {x: 0.999985, y: -0.0036674659, z: 0.004069676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989947, y: 0.04011298, z: -0.02001314, w: -1} - {x: 0.99213696, y: 0.08201015, z: -0.09454426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999854, y: -0.005081586, z: 0.001829692, w: -1} - {x: 0.99899536, y: 0.035620466, z: -0.027193258, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919447, y: 0.05790855, z: -0.112660155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9576894, y: 0.14950903, z: -0.24592291, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987698, y: 0.0021197377, z: -0.049540464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9803014, y: 0.08720434, z: -0.17721337, w: -1} - {x: 0.9298142, y: 0.36078826, z: -0.07264657, w: -1} - {x: 0.9421679, y: 0.33502954, z: -0.00865253, w: -1} - {x: 0.95428926, y: 0.29887354, z: -0.002567346, w: -1} - {x: 0.97909784, y: 0.19685605, z: 0.051138114, w: -1} - {x: 0.94504845, y: 0.32530627, z: -0.032546803, w: -1} - {x: 0.96620876, y: 0.2577478, z: 0.002567442, w: -1} - {x: 0.982561, y: 0.1852955, z: 0.015471284, w: -1} - {x: 0.99205065, y: 0.12446168, z: 0.018564418, w: -1} - {x: 0.96654946, y: 0.25622836, z: -0.011363444, w: -1} - {x: 0.9888509, y: 0.14890835, z: 0.0005291999, w: -1} - {x: 0.9923146, y: 0.12373609, z: 0.0011159688, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918908, y: 0.12708066, z: 0.001839397, w: -1} - {x: 0.9888524, y: 0.1488986, z: -0.00041188518, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963894, y: 0.084899984, z: -0.00046797027, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918875, y: 0.12711766, z: 0.00042633904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926688, y: 0.12086585, z: -0.0000029637602, w: -1} - {x: 0.99638987, y: 0.0848955, z: -0.000022580116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967073, y: 0.08108353, z: 0.00013799401, w: -1} - {x: 0.99267006, y: 0.12085422, z: 0.00060101575, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952798, y: 0.09704736, z: -0.00006114198, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967072, y: 0.08108473, z: 0.00019635767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977123, y: 0.06760081, z: 0.00056489423, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952796, y: 0.09704835, z: 0.00036715408, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964162, y: 0.084584266, z: 0.0004926742, w: -1} - {x: 0.99771357, y: 0.06758394, z: -0.0002115183, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979294, y: 0.064319655, z: -0.0001640372, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964172, y: 0.08457311, z: -0.00036862725, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965455, y: 0.08304643, z: -0.00066770695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979293, y: 0.06432156, z: -0.00008750669, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978949, y: 0.0648523, z: -0.00006410045, w: -1} - {x: 0.99654526, y: 0.08304956, z: -0.00054927345, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941144, y: 0.108319566, z: -0.0018277281, w: -1} - {x: 0.99789435, y: 0.06485964, z: 0.00018940224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972533, y: 0.074067205, z: -0.00010478721, w: -1} - {x: 0.99411374, y: 0.108328976, z: -0.0016124321, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903996, y: 0.13817126, z: -0.0041582827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99725264, y: 0.07407589, z: 0.00011834046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950732, y: 0.09913865, z: -0.0009350748, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903962, y: 0.13821457, z: -0.0034799722, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907341, y: 0.13578919, z: -0.0026698203, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950659, y: 0.099212416, z: 0.0008335778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937658, y: 0.111488014, z: 0.00017279426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907245, y: 0.1358829, z: -0.00087484904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918064, y: 0.12774989, z: -0.00020894218, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937656, y: 0.11148965, z: 0.00024042743, w: -1} - {x: 0.995037, y: 0.09950335, z: -0.000661787, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918063, y: 0.12775038, z: -0.00018297863, w: -1} - {x: 0.98818344, y: 0.15326506, z: 0.0018448303, w: -1} - {x: 0.99503875, y: 0.09948774, z: -0.00036238102, w: -1} - {x: 0.990666, y: 0.13624999, z: 0.0041060327, w: -1} - {x: 0.98818886, y: 0.1531866, z: 0.0040814066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889517, y: 0.14818521, z: 0.003981035, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903912, y: 0.13820985, z: -0.004838834, w: -1} - {x: 0.9840259, y: 0.16948166, z: 0.054487832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9886376, y: 0.15024696, z: -0.00463478, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968946, y: 0.023779575, z: -0.007451585, w: -1} - {x: -0.98549277, y: -0.14895153, z: -0.081347115, w: -1} - {x: -0.97731245, y: -0.13229007, z: -0.16540787, w: -1} - {x: -0.9999093, y: -0.009914686, z: -0.009118921, w: -1} - {x: -0.9978759, y: -0.049184028, z: -0.042714924, w: -1} - {x: -0.97431606, y: -0.0487735, z: -0.21983944, w: -1} - {x: -0.9823374, y: -0.051235646, z: -0.17996716, w: -1} - {x: -0.9948772, y: 0.029568335, z: -0.09666998, w: -1} - {x: -0.99639404, y: 0.03760985, z: -0.07605535, w: -1} - {x: 0.9849762, y: 0.15603694, z: 0.073989235, w: -1} - {x: 0.995634, y: 0.093340136, z: -0.00073261827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99844694, y: 0.055091217, z: -0.008282567, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991336, y: 0.01872811, z: -0.03716747, w: -1} - {x: 0.99626076, y: 0.07535733, z: 0.042258985, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999536, y: -0.00796597, z: 0.0054135835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999573, y: -0.0033513904, z: 0.008619475, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999671, y: 0.0005584702, z: 0.008084792, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999875, y: 0.0015031084, z: -0.00051864504, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997354, y: -0.007136121, z: -0.0014248437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999392, y: -0.010306909, z: 0.0039383676, w: -1} - {x: 0.99928373, y: -0.036201674, z: 0.011020713, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993029, y: 0.01527312, z: 0.03406514, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986144, y: 0.04947791, z: -0.01792522, w: -1} - {x: 0.99897003, y: -0.01657248, z: 0.042240016, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989352, y: 0.046123087, z: 0.0010123979, w: -1} - {x: 0.99893403, y: 0.008330835, z: -0.04540349, w: -1} - {x: 0.9805812, y: 0.09308271, z: -0.17261516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994553, y: -0.008531536, z: -0.031880632, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976519, y: -0.066661045, z: -0.01571804, w: -1} - {x: 0.94055086, y: 0.33813554, z: 0.032068342, w: -1} - {x: 0.97324026, y: 0.21011083, z: 0.09304287, w: -1} - {x: 0.9709653, y: 0.14992507, z: 0.18641013, w: -1} - {x: 0.98103935, y: -0.00018715445, z: 0.19380853, w: -1} - {x: 0.98506004, y: 0.16879806, z: -0.03411774, w: -1} - {x: 0.99233323, y: 0.1235482, z: -0.0032602984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983438, y: -0.044891253, z: 0.035977867, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991903, y: 0.040146805, z: 0.002640765, w: -1} - {x: 0.99232346, y: 0.12366874, z: -0.00045944017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918868, y: 0.12712376, z: 0.00019236405, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991316, y: 0.040691756, z: 0.008952161, w: -1} - {x: 0.98895633, y: 0.1482027, z: 0.0011001014, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918826, y: 0.127153, z: -0.00093293976, w: -1} - {x: 0.992666, y: 0.120884925, z: -0.0009979699, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889591, y: 0.14818902, z: -0.00021016276, w: -1} - {x: 0.97532195, y: 0.2207851, z: 0.0010074994, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926673, y: 0.120877005, z: -0.0005839623, w: -1} - {x: 0.99527955, y: 0.09704866, z: 0.000505107, w: -1} - {x: 0.97532713, y: 0.22074834, z: 0.0026484937, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881856, y: 0.15323135, z: 0.0030704588, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952798, y: 0.097047515, z: 0.0000037493278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964164, y: 0.084582336, z: 0.0003431142, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881815, y: 0.15327652, z: 0.001930913, w: -1} - {x: 0.99615943, y: 0.08755802, z: 0.000049658447, w: -1} - {x: 0.99641633, y: 0.08458294, z: 0.0003901068, w: -1} - {x: 0.99654204, y: 0.08308657, z: 0.00085815653, w: -1} - {x: 0.99615943, y: 0.087557696, z: 0.00019098993, w: -1} - {x: 0.99616545, y: 0.08748361, z: 0.0010270205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965432, y: 0.083074905, z: 0.0004143027, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941074, y: 0.10839964, z: 0.0000064567694, w: -1} - {x: 0.99616474, y: 0.08749006, z: 0.0011584242, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907505, y: 0.13569559, z: 0.0002749203, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940943, y: 0.10849632, z: 0.0022322983, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903546, y: 0.13854478, z: 0.0017230355, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907141, y: 0.13592985, z: 0.0029567992, w: -1} - {x: 0.98609424, y: 0.1661867, z: 0.00042081904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903291, y: 0.13868318, z: 0.0039212364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906786, y: 0.13615163, z: 0.0043196236, w: -1} - {x: 0.986065, y: 0.16633804, z: 0.0027386162, w: -1} - {x: 0.98459345, y: 0.1748185, z: 0.0037961851, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907184, y: 0.13593042, z: 0.00003846526, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918055, y: 0.12775707, z: 0.00015992248, w: -1} - {x: 0.98463416, y: 0.17462364, z: -0.0014566658, w: -1} - {x: 0.9816709, y: 0.19056986, z: -0.0023126598, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918054, y: 0.12775806, z: 0.00021120803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881722, y: 0.15334749, z: -0.00053009106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9816607, y: 0.19063441, z: -0.0007731187, w: -1} - {x: 0.97196764, y: 0.23511434, z: 0.0002731522, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881642, y: 0.1533898, z: -0.0017582626, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883686, y: 0.1516984, z: -0.010729706, w: -1} - {x: 0.97196686, y: 0.23511691, z: -0.00061061187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836031, y: 0.18033524, z: -0.0020498047, w: -1} - {x: 0.9885131, y: 0.15094563, z: -0.007565621, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955748, y: 0.06997163, z: -0.06272857, w: -1} - {x: 0.98306197, y: 0.18301581, z: -0.009708867, w: -1} - {x: 0.99741906, y: 0.06468988, z: -0.031150999, w: -1} - {x: -0.99944836, y: -0.029802896, z: 0.014653368, w: -1} - {x: -0.9977006, y: -0.056210212, z: -0.037867136, w: -1} - {x: -0.99931777, y: -0.036917344, z: 0.0010433216, w: -1} - {x: -0.99962246, y: -0.024947867, z: 0.01151133, w: -1} - {x: -0.9979634, y: -0.027914414, z: -0.05735607, w: -1} - {x: -0.99944425, y: -0.011815748, z: -0.031170798, w: -1} - {x: -0.9999388, y: 0.005516544, z: -0.00959327, w: -1} - {x: -0.9999141, y: 0.00810272, z: -0.010303791, w: -1} - {x: 0.99890035, y: 0.046878085, z: -0.0007837385, w: -1} - {x: 0.99973726, y: 0.010604209, z: -0.02032019, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947923, y: 0.025706017, z: -0.019507386, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995096, y: -0.0052067135, z: -0.030878542, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998677, y: 0.0028677483, z: -0.0042769136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999906, y: 0.0036326547, z: -0.00236727, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982107, y: -0.014612764, z: -0.012012066, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989974, y: -0.012328533, z: -0.0069692777, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999394, y: -0.010512124, z: 0.0032808457, w: -1} - {x: 0.99926186, y: -0.037265196, z: 0.009326557, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997464, y: -0.021105241, z: 0.0078577595, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979721, y: -0.06251674, z: 0.011978865, w: -1} - {x: 0.99716073, y: 0.0042053857, z: 0.07518474, w: -1} - {x: 0.99876094, y: 0.049665246, z: 0.003147953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964596, y: -0.02120409, z: 0.08135516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924868, y: -0.018975336, z: 0.120871425, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997296, y: 0.015162749, z: -0.017633973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987652, y: 0.002840857, z: 0.04959903, w: -1} - {x: 0.99346787, y: -0.043354884, z: 0.105556086, w: -1} - {x: 0.94299376, y: -0.17093664, z: 0.2855583, w: -1} - {x: 0.95777434, y: -0.23068574, z: -0.17161696, w: -1} - {x: 0.99203795, y: -0.081204, z: -0.0962633, w: -1} - {x: 0.91787684, y: -0.38910925, z: 0.078077085, w: -1} - {x: 0.9681692, y: -0.2463251, z: -0.04441032, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980088, y: -0.060128275, z: -0.019053118, w: -1} - {x: 0.99911964, y: 0.038462777, z: -0.01674695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9776062, y: -0.20386471, z: 0.052203897, w: -1} - {x: 0.99919003, y: -0.039103266, z: -0.009504801, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992075, y: 0.03947888, z: -0.005069816, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889572, y: 0.14814831, z: -0.0039644656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992173, y: -0.030995466, z: 0.024577001, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972552, y: 0.07330604, z: 0.010403353, w: -1} - {x: 0.98895794, y: 0.14819577, z: 0.0004358464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9753294, y: 0.2207187, z: 0.0039535044, w: -1} - {x: 0.99648744, y: 0.07667444, z: 0.033672396, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995309, y: 0.028290186, z: -0.01173216, w: -1} - {x: 0.97529966, y: 0.22086814, z: -0.002805059, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881027, y: 0.1536293, z: -0.007146607, w: -1} - {x: 0.99941456, y: 0.028744515, z: -0.018553415, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974887, y: -0.058182865, z: -0.04038646, w: -1} - {x: 0.98817044, y: 0.15335962, z: -0.00017819395, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961594, y: 0.08755688, z: 0.0005355988, w: -1} - {x: 0.99787354, y: -0.060788568, z: -0.023518225, w: -1} - {x: 0.99678683, y: -0.08006355, z: -0.0024091827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99615943, y: 0.08755785, z: 0.00012655699, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961771, y: 0.08733357, z: -0.0020208673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967851, y: -0.08000275, z: -0.0043644463, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988385, y: -0.04712839, z: 0.01003459, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961737, y: 0.087391496, z: -0.0008460099, w: -1} - {x: 0.9908068, y: 0.13515891, z: -0.0058275783, w: -1} - {x: 0.99883544, y: -0.047083765, z: 0.010531158, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988765, y: -0.008450249, z: 0.012379946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907761, y: 0.13549381, z: -0.0020262853, w: -1} - {x: 0.9861355, y: 0.1658927, z: -0.0040426757, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998183, y: -0.007777972, z: 0.017402822, w: -1} - {x: 0.99911535, y: 0.041026924, z: 0.009236642, w: -1} - {x: 0.98610294, y: 0.16613537, z: -0.0003619961, w: -1} - {x: 0.98462486, y: 0.17468205, z: 0.00010462604, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989858, y: 0.041844055, z: 0.01662487, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944438, y: 0.104954936, z: 0.008125902, w: -1} - {x: 0.9846095, y: 0.17475618, z: 0.0021026651, w: -1} - {x: 0.9816401, y: 0.19073544, z: 0.0016573089, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944221, y: 0.105051026, z: 0.0094297035, w: -1} - {x: 0.9885344, y: 0.15085101, z: 0.006614485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9816414, y: 0.19072963, z: 0.0015170913, w: -1} - {x: 0.97196394, y: 0.23512077, z: -0.0020809683, w: -1} - {x: 0.98852307, y: 0.1508987, z: 0.0071901605, w: -1} - {x: 0.9759489, y: 0.21796298, z: -0.0039760787, w: -1} - {x: 0.9719674, y: 0.23511565, z: -0.0001658852, w: -1} - {x: 0.9817611, y: 0.18843013, z: -0.025283616, w: -1} - {x: 0.97594965, y: 0.21796328, z: -0.0037795634, w: -1} - {x: 0.98928744, y: 0.14027621, z: -0.040411323, w: -1} - {x: 0.98318356, y: 0.18244195, z: -0.008066385, w: -1} - {x: 0.99087983, y: 0.108958945, z: -0.07927889, w: -1} - {x: 0.98919684, y: 0.14067394, z: -0.04123658, w: -1} - {x: 0.99122775, y: 0.06682769, z: -0.11402428, w: -1} - {x: -0.9988386, y: 0.008000229, z: -0.047512826, w: -1} - {x: -0.99934304, y: 0.026837125, z: -0.024358649, w: -1} - {x: -0.99865896, y: 0.05176251, z: 0.0010342939, w: -1} - {x: -0.99317396, y: 0.094467595, z: 0.068420835, w: -1} - {x: -0.9998602, y: -0.01588117, z: 0.00522943, w: -1} - {x: -0.99985045, y: -0.014419072, z: 0.009554302, w: -1} - {x: -0.9939146, y: 0.047426205, z: 0.09942068, w: -1} - {x: -0.99611664, y: 0.04546335, z: 0.07539794, w: -1} - {x: 0.99983335, y: -0.012010796, z: 0.013749359, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979335, y: -0.020321224, z: -0.0005531896, w: -1} - {x: 0.99601793, y: -0.07305425, z: -0.051100887, w: -1} - {x: 0.99726075, y: -0.06896485, z: -0.02673859, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995005, y: -0.027944935, z: 0.014760849, w: -1} - {x: 0.999772, y: -0.017755436, z: 0.011857516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970649, y: -0.07542261, z: -0.013156839, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995444, y: -0.028140755, z: 0.010915197, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997506, y: -0.021757852, z: 0.0050419136, w: -1} - {x: 0.99810237, y: -0.058819234, z: 0.0182193, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997521, y: -0.021448754, z: 0.0059628827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960568, y: -0.086827666, z: 0.018217629, w: -1} - {x: 0.99631846, y: -0.020001376, z: 0.08336348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933753, y: -0.03977612, z: 0.10781116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892633, y: -0.026661793, z: 0.14369166, w: -1} - {x: 0.975517, y: -0.10095715, z: 0.19538249, w: -1} - {x: 0.98872983, y: 0.024222676, z: 0.14773826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9333133, y: -0.09976024, z: 0.34492624, w: -1} - {x: 0.9664778, y: -0.02291927, z: 0.25572518, w: -1} - {x: 0.9050508, y: -0.11516267, z: 0.409415, w: -1} - {x: 0.8310666, y: -0.54645157, z: -0.10353263, w: -1} - {x: 0.9356508, y: -0.30235952, z: -0.18203373, w: -1} - {x: 0.8146605, y: -0.5799338, z: 0.0022210472, w: -1} - {x: 0.90826863, y: -0.392869, z: -0.14388256, w: -1} - {x: 0.97263396, y: -0.23206718, z: -0.0113141155, w: -1} - {x: 0.997581, y: -0.048606306, z: -0.049696088, w: -1} - {x: 0.9637859, y: -0.26180652, z: 0.05073509, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881812, y: -0.15242128, z: -0.016296914, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992718, y: -0.03789788, z: -0.0044258335, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974528, y: 0.069308974, z: -0.016859611, w: -1} - {x: 0.990035, y: -0.13841252, z: 0.025935063, w: -1} - {x: 0.97148854, y: -0.23650742, z: 0.016559977, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973779, y: 0.0682378, z: -0.02410326, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993185, y: 0.025721554, z: 0.026475215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9714955, y: -0.23670138, z: 0.013000754, w: -1} - {x: 0.9533873, y: -0.30103442, z: 0.020755542, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994074, y: 0.025985647, z: 0.02257475, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968365, y: -0.07006186, z: 0.037528627, w: -1} - {x: 0.95433956, y: -0.29871726, z: 0.0019996439, w: -1} - {x: 0.97009397, y: -0.24241157, z: 0.01242104, w: -1} - {x: 0.997302, y: -0.06841958, z: 0.026598565, w: -1} - {x: 0.99674094, y: -0.08035524, z: 0.0071108104, w: -1} - {x: 0.97052103, y: -0.24101645, z: -0.00029501476, w: -1} - {x: 0.97882324, y: -0.204625, z: 0.00579189, w: -1} - {x: 0.99676955, y: -0.08024281, z: 0.0034134206, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987161, y: -0.04912734, z: -0.012355463, w: -1} - {x: 0.9788357, y: -0.20464739, z: -0.00035940812, w: -1} - {x: 0.9838426, y: -0.17903596, z: -0.0000360528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987358, y: -0.049018633, z: -0.011130785, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968445, y: -0.012979079, z: -0.021507917, w: -1} - {x: 0.9838553, y: -0.17896472, z: 0.000577568, w: -1} - {x: 0.9896095, y: -0.14373857, z: -0.0034944895, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978447, y: -0.012336926, z: -0.016697442, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990842, y: 0.03775705, z: -0.020130388, w: -1} - {x: 0.98975486, y: -0.14276092, z: 0.0021479966, w: -1} - {x: 0.9931515, y: -0.116821766, z: -0.0016543287, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991626, y: 0.03844148, z: -0.01400952, w: -1} - {x: 0.99454445, y: 0.103211716, z: -0.015119438, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933109, y: -0.11518468, z: 0.008110871, w: -1} - {x: 0.99918854, y: -0.04022331, z: -0.0020759807, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945711, y: 0.103765376, z: -0.0078179445, w: -1} - {x: 0.98872036, y: 0.14937669, z: -0.010891999, w: -1} - {x: 0.999211, y: -0.03842651, z: 0.010039899, w: -1} - {x: 0.99872965, y: 0.050350945, z: 0.0019922918, w: -1} - {x: 0.9887006, y: 0.149774, z: -0.0062279785, w: -1} - {x: 0.97592634, y: 0.21795487, z: -0.00796538, w: -1} - {x: 0.99865395, y: 0.051331397, z: 0.007442448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974697, y: 0.06804746, z: -0.020583654, w: -1} - {x: 0.975956, y: 0.2179676, z: -0.000015618714, w: -1} - {x: 0.99212646, y: 0.12493527, z: -0.008741361, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975328, y: 0.067941934, z: -0.01766789, w: -1} - {x: 0.99617255, y: -0.042475298, z: -0.07639499, w: -1} - {x: 0.99410653, y: 0.09926887, z: 0.04356479, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993317, y: -0.024599986, z: -0.027034251, w: -1} - {x: 0.99683553, y: -0.056251112, z: -0.056167334, w: -1} - {x: 0.9817702, y: -0.13268289, z: -0.13609777, w: -1} - {x: -0.99263465, y: -0.05846752, z: 0.10610358, w: -1} - {x: -0.99027985, y: -0.012789301, z: 0.13850006, w: -1} - {x: -0.97665375, y: 0.036633015, z: 0.21167296, w: -1} - {x: -0.9577535, y: 0.08275043, z: 0.27542827, w: -1} - {x: -0.98625857, y: -0.044820074, z: 0.15901351, w: -1} - {x: -0.98653054, y: -0.047849923, z: 0.15642194, w: -1} - {x: -0.9537884, y: 0.04654767, z: 0.2968518, w: -1} - {x: -0.97237897, y: 0.040968154, z: 0.22978419, w: -1} - {x: 0.98695457, y: -0.15895678, z: 0.025560979, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936922, y: -0.102788724, z: 0.04483572, w: -1} - {x: 0.97373843, y: -0.22289401, z: -0.04638715, w: -1} - {x: 0.99005055, y: -0.13586424, z: 0.036615346, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962882, y: -0.085663244, z: 0.00846106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994104, y: -0.029568562, z: 0.01745391, w: -1} - {x: 0.99300015, y: -0.11747367, z: -0.012275953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991317, y: -0.036036078, z: 0.020912481, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975634, y: -0.021854868, z: 0.0031060814, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962374, y: -0.08148466, z: 0.029518723, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991584, y: -0.012808356, z: 0.0020411024, w: -1} - {x: 0.99735457, y: -0.07146281, z: 0.013303669, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960252, y: -0.08745706, z: 0.01688433, w: -1} - {x: 0.97498125, y: -0.17803699, z: 0.1330956, w: -1} - {x: 0.99716836, y: -0.060106345, z: 0.04519516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9685486, y: -0.20454559, z: 0.1416858, w: -1} - {x: 0.97109574, y: -0.053095326, z: 0.23271006, w: -1} - {x: 0.90898955, y: -0.13969865, z: 0.3927114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9510736, y: -0.055431914, z: 0.30395117, w: -1} - {x: 0.91493, y: -0.11061462, z: 0.38815907, w: -1} - {x: 0.8529993, y: 0.06333109, z: 0.5180553, w: -1} - {x: 0.8801393, y: 0.08205647, z: 0.4675698, w: -1} - {x: 0.86282104, y: 0.07241528, z: 0.5002958, w: -1} - {x: 0.8679459, y: 0.024333224, z: 0.4960622, w: -1} - {x: 0.9544065, y: -0.2985074, z: -0.0012409135, w: -1} - {x: 0.98520154, y: -0.16367473, z: -0.050877705, w: -1} - {x: 0.9150838, y: -0.3892923, z: 0.10522906, w: -1} - {x: 0.9483825, y: -0.31711558, z: -0.0028974568, w: -1} - {x: 0.98811746, y: -0.15273052, z: -0.017239256, w: -1} - {x: 0.9714942, y: -0.23662668, z: 0.014377849, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508646, y: -0.3086248, z: 0.024645511, w: -1} - {x: 0.94158715, y: -0.3350077, z: 0.034401502, w: -1} - {x: 0.97130245, y: -0.23774102, z: -0.0071197567, w: -1} - {x: 0.9540592, y: -0.2995039, z: 0.008270729, w: -1} - {x: 0.9423517, y: -0.3346054, z: 0.0035286942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9484731, y: -0.31680593, z: 0.005726671, w: -1} - {x: 0.954416, y: -0.29847994, z: 0.00012639565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9702461, y: -0.24197496, z: 0.008402774, w: -1} - {x: 0.9485945, y: -0.3164913, z: 0.0013228544, w: -1} - {x: 0.9638702, y: -0.2662423, z: 0.0083243335, w: -1} - {x: 0.97051203, y: -0.24105278, z: 0.00003171673, w: -1} - {x: 0.97883624, y: -0.20464428, z: 0.00064421585, w: -1} - {x: 0.96407324, y: -0.26563168, z: -0.0016425098, w: -1} - {x: 0.97546774, y: -0.22013754, z: 0.0015012538, w: -1} - {x: 0.97883594, y: -0.20464644, z: -0.000045311644, w: -1} - {x: 0.9837532, y: -0.17948373, z: -0.003908079, w: -1} - {x: 0.97545344, y: -0.22020525, z: -0.00046943224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9807238, y: -0.19539706, z: -0.0009371294, w: -1} - {x: 0.9838232, y: -0.17913982, z: -0.00093236123, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894884, y: -0.14442012, z: -0.0074441307, w: -1} - {x: 0.9807765, y: -0.19513243, z: 0.00089356984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9776609, y: -0.21014243, z: 0.0044048605, w: -1} - {x: 0.9896538, y: -0.14346282, z: -0.0019003098, w: -1} - {x: 0.99304694, y: -0.117561474, z: -0.006089142, w: -1} - {x: 0.97782564, y: -0.2091855, z: 0.009921592, w: -1} - {x: 0.9693174, y: -0.24517764, z: 0.017653646, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929609, y: -0.11808294, z: -0.009224046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988625, y: -0.042969465, z: -0.020671941, w: -1} - {x: 0.96923697, y: -0.2456684, z: 0.015057242, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872179, y: -0.15934551, z: 0.0031131136, w: -1} - {x: 0.99915934, y: -0.04067435, z: -0.0051236534, w: -1} - {x: 0.99873465, y: 0.046557557, z: -0.019014545, w: -1} - {x: 0.98775584, y: -0.15393594, z: 0.025340391, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935037, y: -0.035993487, z: 0.0018310014, w: -1} - {x: 0.99878514, y: 0.048908073, z: -0.00601287, w: -1} - {x: 0.99771863, y: 0.06696794, z: 0.008537686, w: -1} - {x: 0.99936396, y: -0.033520635, z: 0.012170194, w: -1} - {x: 0.99174976, y: -0.12812096, z: -0.0041761943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977359, y: 0.06715068, z: 0.0037145552, w: -1} - {x: 0.996293, y: -0.08490666, z: -0.01382285, w: -1} - {x: 0.99181557, y: -0.12389193, z: -0.03086624, w: -1} - {x: 0.9637705, y: -0.24235564, z: -0.111400835, w: -1} - {x: -0.98405683, y: -0.026144365, z: 0.17592224, w: -1} - {x: -0.97516805, y: 0.025820924, z: 0.21995579, w: -1} - {x: -0.9556662, y: 0.09025553, z: 0.28027862, w: -1} - {x: -0.9519658, y: 0.08595579, z: 0.2938924, w: -1} - {x: -0.96661603, y: -0.021074815, z: 0.2553611, w: -1} - {x: -0.95014876, y: 0.02205977, z: 0.31101546, w: -1} - {x: -0.94449794, y: 0.031947725, z: 0.32696018, w: -1} - {x: -0.9538163, y: 0.010968147, z: 0.30019042, w: -1} - {x: -0.92853266, y: -0.07368095, z: 0.3638656, w: -1} - {x: -0.9292906, y: -0.09641082, z: 0.35654426, w: -1} - {x: -0.9305231, y: -0.07921872, z: 0.3575627, w: -1} - {x: -0.9345425, y: -0.07362128, z: 0.34815282, w: -1} - {x: 0.96243376, y: -0.27145442, z: 0.005819722, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870021, y: -0.1466541, z: 0.0657229, w: -1} - {x: 0.9735104, y: -0.22606282, z: 0.03425056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925616, y: -0.07753838, z: 0.0938583, w: -1} - {x: 0.992298, y: -0.12379465, z: 0.0044284356, w: -1} - {x: 0.99929583, y: -0.035196163, z: 0.013000667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982575, y: -0.057791594, z: 0.011924892, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978423, y: 0.008292012, z: 0.019047238, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991643, y: -0.0128891235, z: 0.0010451996, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973826, y: -0.07052315, z: 0.015951732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998731, y: -0.015823402, z: 0.0018365314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979363, y: -0.06405571, z: 0.0044721775, w: -1} - {x: 0.99719447, y: -0.074745506, z: 0.004039131, w: -1} - {x: 0.96733433, y: -0.2233613, z: 0.1198919, w: -1} - {x: 0.997416, y: -0.054675248, z: 0.046604466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9668894, y: -0.22698835, z: 0.116623916, w: -1} - {x: 0.9467372, y: -0.04025402, z: 0.31948137, w: -1} - {x: 0.91308796, y: -0.09992246, z: 0.3953302, w: -1} - {x: 0.9247743, y: -0.06633908, z: 0.37468874, w: -1} - {x: 0.92140377, y: -0.08800209, z: 0.3785114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9036076, y: -0.05459565, z: 0.42486775, w: -1} - {x: 0.90042657, y: -0.057645645, z: 0.4311718, w: -1} - {x: 0.9089188, y: -0.040111594, z: 0.41503936, w: -1} - {x: 0.83021545, y: -0.1321179, z: 0.54155993, w: -1} - {x: 0.82334846, y: -0.5562354, z: -0.11269208, w: -1} - {x: 0.92631835, y: -0.35316306, z: -0.13118748, w: -1} - {x: 0.764858, y: -0.64237195, z: 0.04848245, w: -1} - {x: 0.8250378, y: -0.5626416, z: -0.052412696, w: -1} - {x: 0.9496491, y: -0.31315404, z: 0.010060092, w: -1} - {x: 0.9423828, y: -0.33453637, z: -0.00014098494, w: -1} - {x: 0.8542632, y: -0.5112792, z: 0.093957655, w: -1} - {x: 0.93550974, y: -0.35329592, z: 0.001873301, w: -1} - {x: 0.94238234, y: -0.33453774, z: -0.000070262686, w: -1} - {x: 0.94858325, y: -0.31652296, z: 0.0017618842, w: -1} - {x: 0.93548656, y: -0.35336214, z: 0.00019870757, w: -1} - {x: 0.9500867, y: -0.31198037, z: 0.0018383536, w: -1} - {x: 0.94855213, y: -0.31660733, z: 0.0029365562, w: -1} - {x: 0.96389204, y: -0.26618928, z: 0.00744158, w: -1} - {x: 0.95003563, y: -0.3121116, z: 0.00431838, w: -1} - {x: 0.95984125, y: -0.28042117, z: 0.008285424, w: -1} - {x: 0.9640341, y: -0.26577777, z: 0.0007035483, w: -1} - {x: 0.97545975, y: -0.22017752, z: 0.0003403837, w: -1} - {x: 0.95987904, y: -0.28041217, z: 0.0011429422, w: -1} - {x: 0.9637992, y: -0.2665672, z: 0.0057577286, w: -1} - {x: 0.9754589, y: -0.22018136, z: 0.00022842115, w: -1} - {x: 0.9806708, y: -0.19564687, z: -0.0026698166, w: -1} - {x: 0.96376944, y: -0.26671726, z: 0.0032222797, w: -1} - {x: 0.9585289, y: -0.2848575, z: 0.008865308, w: -1} - {x: 0.9806821, y: -0.19559492, z: -0.0023090977, w: -1} - {x: 0.97753805, y: -0.21075758, z: 0.0008382198, w: -1} - {x: 0.9586023, y: -0.2844994, z: 0.011904526, w: -1} - {x: 0.95906264, y: -0.28282416, z: 0.01446456, w: -1} - {x: 0.9769887, y: -0.2129524, z: -0.012020394, w: -1} - {x: 0.96827024, y: -0.24980196, z: -0.0071886713, w: -1} - {x: 0.95875514, y: -0.28422168, z: 0.0025622132, w: -1} - {x: 0.9669246, y: -0.25475663, z: -0.012483344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9672632, y: -0.2527076, z: -0.023252707, w: -1} - {x: 0.9837419, y: -0.17217776, z: -0.051055893, w: -1} - {x: 0.96565014, y: -0.25827298, z: -0.028546276, w: -1} - {x: 0.9851307, y: -0.15673009, z: -0.07037827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862773, y: -0.16420408, z: -0.017150104, w: -1} - {x: 0.99807715, y: -0.046255317, z: -0.041260038, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904463, y: -0.13653077, z: -0.019375917, w: -1} - {x: 0.9762139, y: -0.21667758, z: -0.007579761, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993567, y: -0.035749298, z: 0.002852737, w: -1} - {x: 0.99090356, y: -0.13245271, z: 0.023799052, w: -1} - {x: 0.9772332, y: -0.20896506, z: 0.03672928, w: -1} - {x: 0.88962346, y: -0.4553255, z: -0.035337523, w: -1} - {x: 0.9911593, y: -0.1315031, z: 0.017608816, w: -1} - {x: 0.95061755, y: -0.30882007, z: -0.030924594, w: -1} - {x: 0.89541113, y: -0.43553606, z: -0.09245129, w: -1} - {x: 0.84994334, y: -0.49392912, z: -0.18338604, w: -1} - {x: -0.9226788, y: -0.01422088, z: 0.38530698, w: -1} - {x: -0.9325774, y: -0.024682071, z: 0.3601255, w: -1} - {x: -0.84350085, y: 0.10921428, z: 0.5259073, w: -1} - {x: -0.88993555, y: 0.04022109, z: 0.4543093, w: -1} - {x: -0.9415153, y: 0.015753075, z: 0.3366018, w: -1} - {x: -0.9528708, y: 0.006204326, z: 0.303313, w: -1} - {x: -0.90009713, y: 0.0870205, z: 0.42691055, w: -1} - {x: -0.9637301, y: 0.010753271, z: 0.2666624, w: -1} - {x: -0.96209884, y: 0.063209996, z: 0.26527393, w: -1} - {x: -0.97725475, y: 0.04218216, z: 0.2078313, w: -1} - {x: -0.97120345, y: 0.050404243, z: 0.23285896, w: -1} - {x: -0.97984856, y: 0.03614337, z: 0.19644466, w: -1} - {x: 0.98223215, y: -0.186622, z: -0.019806081, w: -1} - {x: 0.99673873, y: -0.066116266, z: 0.046267502, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875306, y: -0.15728468, z: -0.0066977083, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962468, y: -0.032713223, z: 0.08013848, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985445, y: -0.049843665, z: -0.020602398, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999635, y: 0.008549426, z: -0.00019490684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997942, y: -0.019454634, z: -0.005754876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999795, y: -0.006386482, z: -0.00037064642, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998743, y: -0.015854415, z: 0.00032515518, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979813, y: -0.06210658, z: 0.013271646, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999994, y: -0.0011625818, z: 0.000009463113, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993835, y: -0.0349846, z: 0.0029472592, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979809, y: -0.06221808, z: 0.012768909, w: -1} - {x: 0.96673584, y: -0.23174673, z: 0.108237095, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986384, y: -0.031210817, z: 0.041800316, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821286, y: -0.17390822, z: 0.07196841, w: -1} - {x: 0.95845205, y: -0.28504902, z: 0.010808243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9167966, y: -0.38301614, z: 0.113060474, w: -1} - {x: 0.9800137, y: -0.19892955, z: 0.00030105282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9089539, y: -0.40261853, z: 0.10817207, w: -1} - {x: 0.9218814, y: -0.090139665, z: 0.3768415, w: -1} - {x: 0.83676624, y: -0.15813129, z: 0.5242296, w: -1} - {x: 0.85759455, y: -0.10557386, z: 0.5033744, w: -1} - {x: 0.8030763, y: -0.14771917, z: 0.577276, w: -1} - {x: 0.7385046, y: 0.09690519, z: 0.6672484, w: -1} - {x: 0.6463947, y: -0.055037096, z: 0.76101565, w: -1} - {x: 0.71237314, y: 0.056063794, z: 0.6995579, w: -1} - {x: 0.6563281, y: -0.021736415, z: 0.7541624, w: -1} - {x: 0.1766922, y: 0.33077303, z: 0.9270216, w: -1} - {x: 0.16428348, y: -0.017922753, z: 0.98625034, w: -1} - {x: 0.35416713, y: 0.37253693, z: 0.8577773, w: -1} - {x: 0.18143736, y: 0.10857275, z: 0.9773906, w: -1} - {x: 0.9355502, y: -0.35315195, z: 0.005432489, w: -1} - {x: 0.95019305, y: -0.311627, z: -0.00466694, w: -1} - {x: 0.78183097, y: -0.61794215, z: 0.08299305, w: -1} - {x: 0.7788911, y: -0.62691736, z: -0.01741467, w: -1} - {x: 0.95012337, y: -0.31187433, z: -0.00013916391, w: -1} - {x: 0.9598803, y: -0.2804099, z: 0.00019740744, w: -1} - {x: 0.778849, y: -0.6270794, z: -0.012865624, w: -1} - {x: 0.8162347, y: -0.5776277, z: 0.0103446795, w: -1} - {x: 0.9598804, y: -0.2804095, z: 0.000045821056, w: -1} - {x: 0.96368146, y: -0.26704365, z: -0.002396217, w: -1} - {x: 0.8162312, y: -0.5776392, z: 0.009975603, w: -1} - {x: 0.8479641, y: -0.529819, z: 0.015770962, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636544, y: -0.2671248, z: -0.0038154726, w: -1} - {x: 0.958065, y: -0.28650036, z: -0.0053797564, w: -1} - {x: 0.8479524, y: -0.5298537, z: 0.015222265, w: -1} - {x: 0.87471974, y: -0.48402733, z: 0.02414354, w: -1} - {x: 0.95797235, y: -0.28675836, z: -0.0076638362, w: -1} - {x: 0.95836765, y: -0.28542542, z: -0.007980944, w: -1} - {x: 0.8746808, y: -0.48413652, z: 0.023354316, w: -1} - {x: 0.8809586, y: -0.47257033, z: 0.024271388, w: -1} - {x: 0.95884275, y: -0.28388515, z: 0.005460471, w: -1} - {x: 0.9683233, y: -0.24944879, z: 0.011192184, w: -1} - {x: 0.881749, y: -0.46972466, z: 0.04333058, w: -1} - {x: 0.91124403, y: -0.40358463, z: 0.08218178, w: -1} - {x: 0.9689055, y: -0.24606776, z: 0.025937868, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914805, y: -0.13020486, z: -0.003603186, w: -1} - {x: 0.9113797, y: -0.40270743, z: 0.08493399, w: -1} - {x: 0.86423314, y: -0.49586508, z: 0.08496392, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926626, y: -0.117914304, z: 0.026779363, w: -1} - {x: 0.9765134, y: -0.20192194, z: 0.075160295, w: -1} - {x: 0.86536705, y: -0.47861654, z: 0.14854658, w: -1} - {x: 0.7143368, y: -0.68874484, z: 0.12390932, w: -1} - {x: 0.9743173, y: -0.22183147, z: -0.038685955, w: -1} - {x: 0.87787545, y: -0.47755364, z: 0.035737842, w: -1} - {x: 0.7322302, y: -0.68075675, z: -0.020228745, w: -1} - {x: 0.63066506, y: -0.7734442, z: -0.06360674, w: -1} - {x: 0.8659516, y: -0.49227527, z: 0.08827722, w: -1} - {x: 0.74963075, y: -0.6605659, z: 0.041308768, w: -1} - {x: 0.6310718, y: -0.77300704, z: -0.06487298, w: -1} - {x: 0.6641363, y: -0.745768, z: -0.05246927, w: -1} - {x: -0.7860773, y: -0.03869679, z: 0.6169157, w: -1} - {x: -0.8435365, y: -0.09992035, z: 0.5276951, w: -1} - {x: -0.68735623, y: 0.058141552, z: 0.7239897, w: -1} - {x: -0.78221035, y: -0.03922795, z: 0.6217782, w: -1} - {x: -0.8621816, y: -0.051770482, z: 0.50394714, w: -1} - {x: -0.9034699, y: -0.15499876, z: 0.3996468, w: -1} - {x: -0.81581664, y: 0.023241036, z: 0.5778434, w: -1} - {x: -0.8772255, y: -0.06046756, z: 0.47625533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9527845, y: -0.303641, z: 0.0020038036, w: -1} - {x: 0.9756114, y: -0.20653415, z: 0.074337125, w: -1} - {x: 0.9404216, y: -0.33929816, z: -0.022000784, w: -1} - {x: 0.9747848, y: -0.20951316, z: 0.07680451, w: -1} - {x: 0.98540306, y: -0.16970089, z: 0.0135047445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988814, y: -0.02641621, z: 0.03921987, w: -1} - {x: 0.9845481, y: -0.17509311, z: -0.0026845206, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980627, y: -0.035940904, z: 0.050785907, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979013, y: -0.02047119, z: 0.0007955691, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997914, y: -0.006421513, z: 0.0007058509, w: -1} - {x: 0.99948114, y: -0.032196656, z: -0.00092300435, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999939, y: -0.0033453822, z: 0.0009626459, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999934, y: -0.0011625909, z: 0.0000013516203, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993836, y: -0.03494379, z: 0.0033704317, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998709, y: -0.016069598, z: 0.00027191496, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993836, y: -0.03494379, z: 0.0033704317, w: -1} - {x: 0.98208135, y: -0.18171573, z: 0.04995614, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998436, y: -0.01594432, z: 0.0076497183, w: -1} - {x: 0.994295, y: -0.10581623, z: 0.01342864, w: -1} - {x: 0.9812635, y: -0.19137767, z: 0.022281282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9147828, y: -0.37200338, z: 0.15743554, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926742, y: -0.09674805, z: 0.07237308, w: -1} - {x: 0.95234025, y: -0.27522537, z: 0.13152549, w: -1} - {x: 0.88524574, y: -0.46512133, z: -0.0014600899, w: -1} - {x: 0.7931379, y: -0.59760076, z: 0.11749682, w: -1} - {x: 0.939387, y: -0.33984455, z: -0.045361686, w: -1} - {x: 0.8437797, y: -0.5346854, z: 0.046339374, w: -1} - {x: 0.80805063, y: -0.16347957, z: 0.5659758, w: -1} - {x: 0.7372702, y: -0.19522895, z: 0.64677536, w: -1} - {x: 0.77715105, y: -0.13849045, z: 0.61388654, w: -1} - {x: 0.5527634, y: -0.30280668, z: 0.77637666, w: -1} - {x: 0.5745584, y: 0.10958701, z: 0.811094, w: -1} - {x: 0.35772064, y: -0.047452517, z: 0.93262225, w: -1} - {x: 0.38070086, y: -0.03762556, z: 0.9239325, w: -1} - {x: 0.22542626, y: -0.13826022, z: 0.9643999, w: -1} - {x: 0.08204302, y: 0.19015124, z: 0.9783207, w: -1} - {x: -0.03494627, y: -0.014892688, z: 0.99927825, w: -1} - {x: 0.070346355, y: 0.083775595, z: 0.9939985, w: -1} - {x: 0.10998375, y: 0.09480055, z: 0.9894021, w: -1} - {x: -0.023260618, y: -0.02431623, z: 0.99943364, w: -1} - {x: 0.05570232, y: -0.001610916, z: 0.99844617, w: -1} - {x: 0.1217142, y: 0.07892075, z: 0.9894226, w: -1} - {x: 0.14720456, y: 0.08258192, z: 0.98565257, w: -1} - {x: 0.013878011, y: 0.028047439, z: 0.9995102, w: -1} - {x: 0.062930726, y: 0.037088186, z: 0.9973286, w: -1} - {x: 0.12847154, y: 0.10687792, z: 0.98593724, w: -1} - {x: 0.09949411, y: 0.08471843, z: 0.9914251, w: -1} - {x: 0.84704614, y: -0.5313816, z: -0.012097452, w: -1} - {x: 0.8706684, y: -0.4908991, z: -0.030896856, w: -1} - {x: 0.62968236, y: -0.77654463, z: 0.021875404, w: -1} - {x: 0.62427366, y: -0.7810467, z: 0.015760124, w: -1} - {x: 0.871371, y: -0.49006218, z: -0.023489997, w: -1} - {x: 0.87755406, y: -0.47890848, z: -0.023358773, w: -1} - {x: 0.62492424, y: -0.7802051, z: 0.027382161, w: -1} - {x: 0.62490547, y: -0.7798405, z: 0.036633585, w: -1} - {x: 0.19638273, y: 0.061797462, z: 0.97857803, w: -1} - {x: 0.27525395, y: 0.19184461, z: 0.9420355, w: -1} - {x: 0.14826395, y: -0.0056813583, z: 0.9889315, w: -1} - {x: 0.15985075, y: 0.011298335, z: 0.9870766, w: -1} - {x: 0.8881932, y: -0.45093328, z: -0.08815882, w: -1} - {x: 0.8521359, y: -0.5222001, z: -0.03422462, w: -1} - {x: 0.61381346, y: -0.7880876, z: 0.046378255, w: -1} - {x: 0.51934487, y: -0.8515131, z: 0.07215431, w: -1} - {x: 0.12106623, y: 0.20129271, z: 0.97202075, w: -1} - {x: -0.091282494, y: -0.08478726, z: 0.99220896, w: -1} - {x: -0.020761197, y: -0.0168079, z: 0.99964315, w: -1} - {x: -0.17072879, y: -0.10600199, z: 0.97959954, w: -1} - {x: -0.24478869, y: 0.06288456, z: 0.967535, w: -1} - {x: -0.44340494, y: -0.1021725, z: 0.890479, w: -1} - {x: -0.24239984, y: 0.030448113, z: 0.96969855, w: -1} - {x: -0.3167762, y: -0.009533822, z: 0.9484524, w: -1} - {x: -0.5118115, y: 0.011012247, z: 0.85902715, w: -1} - {x: -0.62000924, y: -0.08304476, z: 0.78018725, w: -1} - {x: -0.3749475, y: 0.094866894, z: 0.9221793, w: -1} - {x: -0.46215844, y: 0.0091593, z: 0.8867501, w: -1} - {x: -0.67777693, y: 0.03547145, z: 0.73441154, w: -1} - {x: -0.76707333, y: -0.064414255, z: 0.6383175, w: -1} - {x: -0.59417975, y: 0.16839594, z: 0.78650695, w: -1} - {x: -0.7268111, y: -0.006005779, z: 0.6868112, w: -1} - {x: 0.8597345, y: -0.50435513, z: -0.08051358, w: -1} - {x: 0.9257665, y: -0.37688926, z: 0.03018027, w: -1} - {x: 0.8732051, y: -0.48516145, z: -0.04616437, w: -1} - {x: 0.908843, y: -0.41711128, z: -0.0047550504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9221598, y: -0.38461155, z: 0.041173737, w: -1} - {x: 0.96362144, y: -0.232527, z: 0.13177663, w: -1} - {x: 0.90185827, y: -0.4314663, z: 0.02210484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9708756, y: -0.15467168, z: 0.1829675, w: -1} - {x: 0.98525864, y: -0.17058697, z: -0.012867501, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935496, y: -0.03325382, z: 0.013555765, w: -1} - {x: 0.99319434, y: -0.116457626, z: 0.001622673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997518, y: -0.008828426, z: 0.020458905, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994817, y: -0.032163236, z: -0.0013792596, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999945, y: -0.0033369742, z: 0.00012230579, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999634, y: -0.008561853, z: 0.00006405736, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00017785699, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998709, y: -0.016069598, z: 0.00027191496, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0002125176, z: 0.000000045163713, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998709, y: -0.016069598, z: 0.00027191496, w: -1} - {x: 0.99429816, y: -0.10546145, z: 0.015782604, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00021251736, z: 0.0000014666841, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996259, y: -0.027340163, z: 0.00075358164, w: -1} - {x: 0.99429816, y: -0.10548071, z: 0.015654957, w: -1} - {x: 0.9524284, y: -0.28989005, z: 0.09404213, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994136, y: -0.026730226, z: 0.021395773, w: -1} - {x: 0.9880745, y: -0.14914636, z: 0.03826399, w: -1} - {x: 0.94969267, y: -0.31088653, z: 0.037860632, w: -1} - {x: 0.86460847, y: -0.47396117, z: 0.1667724, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862801, y: -0.14296763, z: 0.0825342, w: -1} - {x: 0.93051195, y: -0.32782832, z: 0.16332808, w: -1} - {x: 0.83024406, y: -0.55737877, z: -0.0048654196, w: -1} - {x: 0.66659, y: -0.7411007, z: 0.08017232, w: -1} - {x: 0.9258173, y: -0.37621102, z: -0.036435567, w: -1} - {x: 0.83190405, y: -0.5536446, z: 0.03759351, w: -1} - {x: 0.65814054, y: -0.75219303, z: 0.032505278, w: -1} - {x: 0.58422774, y: -0.8111487, z: 0.02675244, w: -1} - {x: 0.82768196, y: -0.5608768, z: -0.018967865, w: -1} - {x: 0.75886804, y: -0.6511477, z: 0.011225109, w: -1} - {x: 0.15379143, y: -0.033966884, z: 0.9875193, w: -1} - {x: 0.18944414, y: -0.014678384, z: 0.98178184, w: -1} - {x: 0.1499209, y: -0.049382098, z: 0.98746395, w: -1} - {x: 0.15252459, y: -0.040070027, z: 0.987487, w: -1} - {x: 0.22126178, y: -0.059834868, z: 0.97337717, w: -1} - {x: 0.24306032, y: -0.04596823, z: 0.9689213, w: -1} - {x: 0.19828615, y: -0.08641932, z: 0.97632694, w: -1} - {x: 0.16790904, y: -0.09919224, z: 0.9807994, w: -1} - {x: 0.2061479, y: 0.0044054277, z: 0.9785109, w: -1} - {x: 0.17402834, y: -0.009155499, z: 0.9846982, w: -1} - {x: 0.12306477, y: -0.04994565, z: 0.991141, w: -1} - {x: 0.116049215, y: -0.034467608, z: 0.99264526, w: -1} - {x: 0.14492415, y: 0.027862743, z: 0.9890504, w: -1} - {x: 0.1102968, y: 0.0034013975, z: 0.9938929, w: -1} - {x: 0.09382066, y: -0.010157362, z: 0.99553734, w: -1} - {x: 0.1594044, y: 0.05326154, z: 0.98577553, w: -1} - {x: 0.07106638, y: 0.052935027, z: 0.996066, w: -1} - {x: 0.10431337, y: 0.050430287, z: 0.99326503, w: -1} - {x: 0.13665365, y: 0.078921, z: 0.98747015, w: -1} - {x: 0.13208407, y: 0.045240548, z: 0.99020547, w: -1} - {x: 0.16157633, y: -0.022864517, z: 0.9865953, w: -1} - {x: 0.17352222, y: -0.0069885743, z: 0.98480517, w: -1} - {x: 0.17240451, y: -0.007108956, z: 0.9850006, w: -1} - {x: 0.04541442, y: -0.09642521, z: 0.99430364, w: -1} - {x: 0.11989415, y: 0.06407836, z: 0.9907166, w: -1} - {x: -0.013370995, y: -0.028865166, z: 0.99949396, w: -1} - {x: -0.0050030253, y: -0.023437165, z: 0.99971277, w: -1} - {x: -0.107910894, y: -0.088707134, z: 0.9901951, w: -1} - {x: -0.046089448, y: 0.024592737, z: 0.9986346, w: -1} - {x: -0.1963682, y: -0.058363486, z: 0.9787918, w: -1} - {x: -0.1455068, y: -0.032913275, z: 0.98880965, w: -1} - {x: -0.12042801, y: -0.0011519734, z: 0.99272144, w: -1} - {x: -0.24463068, y: 0.034867607, z: 0.9689892, w: -1} - {x: -0.30607158, y: -0.027852628, z: 0.95160097, w: -1} - {x: -0.16653396, y: 0.05674935, z: 0.9844013, w: -1} - {x: -0.014821189, y: 0.11670366, z: 0.9930562, w: -1} - {x: -0.32180253, y: -0.00084354036, z: 0.9468065, w: -1} - {x: -0.35608208, y: -0.101774305, z: 0.9288959, w: -1} - {x: -0.09012975, y: 0.18591654, z: 0.978423, w: -1} - {x: -0.17496786, y: -0.012314699, z: 0.9844971, w: -1} - {x: 0.76158184, y: -0.6471525, z: -0.03444772, w: -1} - {x: 0.8524997, y: -0.5218017, z: 0.031098958, w: -1} - {x: 0.80283356, y: -0.5961293, z: -0.009392419, w: -1} - {x: 0.84482485, y: -0.5347429, z: 0.017914617, w: -1} - {x: 0.84749544, y: -0.5287409, z: 0.04674076, w: -1} - {x: 0.8787735, y: -0.4678832, z: 0.094034225, w: -1} - {x: 0.8379994, y: -0.5439216, z: 0.043661084, w: -1} - {x: 0.946504, y: -0.2857486, z: 0.14992617, w: -1} - {x: 0.9060562, y: -0.42310926, z: 0.0063748383, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823895, y: -0.1421316, z: 0.12128299, w: -1} - {x: 0.9581381, y: -0.271962, z: 0.089487284, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821191, y: -0.027802084, z: 0.1861961, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935413, y: -0.11190986, z: -0.018759778, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996316, y: -0.0085676275, z: 0.0005030591, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997651, y: -0.021673255, z: 0.00016812245, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999964, y: -0.00020431065, z: 0.0008565831, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999634, y: -0.008559528, z: -0.000112638285, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00020378696, z: -0.00000012458753, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0002125176, z: 0.000000045163713, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0002125176, z: 0.000000045163713, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996259, y: -0.027338801, z: 0.00080010976, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.0006940882, z: 0.0000004817592, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996259, y: -0.0273388, z: 0.00080010976, w: -1} - {x: 0.98823863, y: -0.15162629, z: 0.01984386, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.0006940791, z: 0.000013775541, w: -1} - {x: 0.999756, y: -0.022088356, z: 0.00043891594, w: -1} - {x: 0.98823845, y: -0.15167724, z: 0.019461399, w: -1} - {x: 0.9333571, y: -0.34997985, z: 0.07974109, w: -1} - {x: 0.99969625, y: -0.0218145, z: 0.011470979, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918577, y: -0.12491135, z: 0.024808453, w: -1} - {x: 0.9326464, y: -0.35747126, z: 0.048835993, w: -1} - {x: 0.83340997, y: -0.54403985, z: 0.09720301, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907425, y: -0.12397342, z: 0.055316478, w: -1} - {x: 0.95130366, y: -0.28197795, z: 0.12453817, w: -1} - {x: 0.8303966, y: -0.55702263, z: 0.01293104, w: -1} - {x: 0.75892055, y: -0.6510547, z: 0.012942169, w: -1} - {x: 0.9598842, y: -0.28007308, z: 0.013470545, w: -1} - {x: 0.92641306, y: -0.37628022, z: 0.013116883, w: -1} - {x: 0.75873286, y: -0.65136313, z: 0.0071047386, w: -1} - {x: 0.71294606, y: -0.7010687, z: 0.01451101, w: -1} - {x: 0.92647886, y: -0.3762064, z: 0.010280245, w: -1} - {x: 0.895688, y: -0.44466403, z: -0.004128428, w: -1} - {x: 0.7127243, y: -0.70137566, z: 0.009805023, w: -1} - {x: 0.6801411, y: -0.7330217, z: 0.009341238, w: -1} - {x: 0.8955596, y: -0.44484758, z: -0.009143973, w: -1} - {x: 0.8728748, y: -0.4878196, z: -0.011030411, w: -1} - {x: 0.6802105, y: -0.73292905, z: 0.0113448305, w: -1} - {x: 0.6794521, y: -0.7335577, z: 0.015422736, w: -1} - {x: 0.8731188, y: -0.48747683, z: -0.0054580644, w: -1} - {x: 0.8714089, y: -0.49055457, z: -0.0016915597, w: -1} - {x: 0.679527, y: -0.7334395, z: 0.017594395, w: -1} - {x: 0.67362684, y: -0.7377637, z: 0.0439496, w: -1} - {x: 0.8714608, y: -0.49046507, z: -0.00019233249, w: -1} - {x: 0.8467359, y: -0.5319759, z: 0.0063254116, w: -1} - {x: 0.67260677, y: -0.7392817, z: 0.032601856, w: -1} - {x: 0.6238158, y: -0.7790208, z: 0.063091375, w: -1} - {x: 0.8470709, y: -0.53043395, z: 0.033327747, w: -1} - {x: 0.7994821, y: -0.5947214, z: 0.08446792, w: -1} - {x: 0.12033964, y: 0.060311798, z: 0.99089897, w: -1} - {x: 0.00012503398, y: -0.03087201, z: 0.99952334, w: -1} - {x: 0.031470776, y: -0.013174028, z: 0.9994179, w: -1} - {x: 0.012555861, y: -0.034908973, z: 0.9993116, w: -1} - {x: -0.056310154, y: 0.051087927, z: 0.99710536, w: -1} - {x: -0.15774648, y: -0.0145024005, z: 0.9873731, w: -1} - {x: -0.087645404, y: 0.04194973, z: 0.99526805, w: -1} - {x: -0.11999531, y: -0.01746172, z: 0.9926209, w: -1} - {x: -0.23361716, y: 0.102515295, z: 0.9669093, w: -1} - {x: -0.22556527, y: 0.13216367, z: 0.96522176, w: -1} - {x: -0.28451204, y: 0.10448999, z: 0.95296097, w: -1} - {x: -0.23582801, y: 0.15110038, z: 0.9599759, w: -1} - {x: 0.63282347, y: -0.7739145, z: -0.02430682, w: -1} - {x: 0.72937894, y: -0.6840466, z: 0.009307452, w: -1} - {x: 0.864812, y: -0.50209564, z: -0.0003747116, w: -1} - {x: 0.8865748, y: -0.4619326, z: -0.024564167, w: -1} - {x: 0.72928673, y: -0.6841695, z: 0.0072841644, w: -1} - {x: 0.8019324, y: -0.5974012, z: 0.004025381, w: -1} - {x: 0.88637626, y: -0.46219426, z: -0.026712514, w: -1} - {x: 0.8969072, y: -0.44191644, z: 0.016350733, w: -1} - {x: 0.8019599, y: -0.5973668, z: 0.0036471295, w: -1} - {x: 0.83848226, y: -0.54331404, z: 0.041919578, w: -1} - {x: 0.89511734, y: -0.44326627, z: 0.047748975, w: -1} - {x: 0.95540816, y: -0.26970094, z: 0.12023589, w: -1} - {x: 0.8560973, y: -0.51583576, z: -0.031795356, w: -1} - {x: 0.95848215, y: -0.27145106, z: 0.08732826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9602068, y: -0.2649074, z: 0.088470586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9850025, y: -0.048232727, z: 0.16566135, w: -1} - {x: 0.97023773, y: -0.23834704, z: -0.04277233, w: -1} - {x: 0.999754, y: -0.021809217, z: 0.004059516, w: -1} - {x: 0.99911016, y: -0.04204376, z: 0.0033526518, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997765, y: -0.0006127052, z: 0.0066591185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997655, y: -0.02164286, z: -0.00070045853, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00020378803, z: 0.0000015753942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999999, y: -0.0006113619, z: 0.0000012431608, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.0000024032606, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00020378696, z: -0.00000012458753, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.0006940882, z: 0.0000004817592, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.0006940882, z: 0.0000004817592, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997559, y: -0.022085723, z: 0.00054559525, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999991, y: -0.0013498298, z: 0.0000018220449, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997559, y: -0.022085723, z: 0.00054559525, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920879, y: -0.12550497, z: 0.003194311, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999917, y: -0.001349761, z: 0.00005281557, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999461, y: -0.010380265, z: 0.00013339795, w: -1} - {x: 0.99208784, y: -0.12551019, z: 0.0029938933, w: -1} - {x: 0.9601737, y: -0.27919298, z: -0.010855198, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994624, y: -0.010367208, z: -0.0001909121, w: -1} - {x: 0.99951166, y: -0.031248495, z: 0.0002965415, w: -1} - {x: 0.96017164, y: -0.27926564, z: -0.0090078255, w: -1} - {x: 0.9267366, y: -0.3755097, z: -0.012322579, w: -1} - {x: 0.999455, y: -0.032123707, z: 0.0076003247, w: -1} - {x: 0.996461, y: -0.083620705, z: 0.008546844, w: -1} - {x: 0.92671376, y: -0.37571612, z: -0.0062380894, w: -1} - {x: 0.8959197, y: -0.44411975, z: 0.009250201, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960994, y: -0.085436575, z: 0.02205691, w: -1} - {x: 0.98540145, y: -0.17008977, z: 0.007315057, w: -1} - {x: 0.8958948, y: -0.44420755, z: 0.0072178096, w: -1} - {x: 0.87389743, y: -0.48567566, z: 0.020552339, w: -1} - {x: 0.9849978, y: -0.17100474, z: 0.023167726, w: -1} - {x: 0.9667103, y: -0.25532174, z: 0.01679352, w: -1} - {x: 0.8734873, y: -0.48682612, z: 0.004504856, w: -1} - {x: 0.87161165, y: -0.49017614, z: 0.004528814, w: -1} - {x: 0.9667248, y: -0.25579047, z: -0.0037917928, w: -1} - {x: 0.95089567, y: -0.30943555, z: -0.0068626762, w: -1} - {x: 0.8715834, y: -0.4902341, z: 0.0035960432, w: -1} - {x: 0.8467264, y: -0.5319954, z: 0.0059336973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508794, y: -0.30946952, z: -0.0075529437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9423119, y: -0.3347203, z: -0.0032693534, w: -1} - {x: 0.84675807, y: -0.5319283, z: 0.007275072, w: -1} - {x: 0.80194104, y: -0.5973995, z: 0.002128882, w: -1} - {x: 0.94232905, y: -0.33468354, z: -0.0017299295, w: -1} - {x: 0.939426, y: -0.34275088, z: 0.00082203344, w: -1} - {x: 0.80194056, y: -0.5974005, z: 0.0019874081, w: -1} - {x: 0.7938949, y: -0.6080427, z: -0.0038783464, w: -1} - {x: 0.93942493, y: -0.34275275, z: 0.0011654133, w: -1} - {x: 0.934318, y: -0.35640866, z: 0.0047753314, w: -1} - {x: 0.79389614, y: -0.6080402, z: -0.004016458, w: -1} - {x: 0.81360567, y: -0.5812587, z: -0.013573928, w: -1} - {x: 0.9343402, y: -0.3563654, z: 0.0034755592, w: -1} - {x: 0.94333833, y: -0.33181435, z: 0.003471235, w: -1} - {x: 0.8135692, y: -0.581331, z: -0.012628604, w: -1} - {x: 0.8648351, y: -0.50203395, z: 0.004706108, w: -1} - {x: 0.9432981, y: -0.33188757, z: 0.0062690526, w: -1} - {x: 0.9756918, y: -0.21867472, z: -0.0143869, w: -1} - {x: 0.8648243, y: -0.5020717, z: 0.0017259968, w: -1} - {x: 0.8895863, y: -0.456453, z: 0.016936785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9755096, y: -0.21916924, z: -0.018598987, w: -1} - {x: 0.99004704, y: -0.13589735, z: -0.03658976, w: -1} - {x: 0.89033085, y: -0.45411828, z: 0.032978747, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976466, y: -0.44067064, z: -0.006313365, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906921, y: -0.13369662, z: -0.025579803, w: -1} - {x: 0.99091357, y: -0.13433674, z: 0.006632929, w: -1} - {x: 0.8977141, y: -0.4404755, z: -0.009528292, w: -1} - {x: 0.96724105, y: -0.25325274, z: 0.017541524, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906129, y: -0.13389903, z: 0.027513806, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976589, y: -0.037262343, z: 0.057343736, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691358, y: -0.24466357, z: -0.030256756, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991091, y: -0.04205214, z: 0.0035542732, w: -1} - {x: 0.99934304, y: -0.036052503, z: 0.003696285, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997485, y: 0, z: 0.007088798, w: -1} - {x: 0.99912316, y: -0.04183124, z: -0.0017475546, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999998, y: -0.0006113615, z: -0.00000012458754, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999998, y: -0.0006113615, z: -0.00000012458754, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999991, y: -0.0013498298, z: 0.0000018220449, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999991, y: -0.0013498298, z: 0.0000018220449, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999463, y: -0.010358104, z: -0.00041704607, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999916, y: 0.0041051544, z: 0.00013527978, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999463, y: -0.010358104, z: -0.00041704607, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995196, y: -0.03071253, z: -0.0041692085, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999912, y: 0.004074043, z: 0.0010793064, w: -1} - {x: 0.99931675, y: 0.036803197, z: 0.0034109652, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995119, y: -0.03030084, z: -0.0075958255, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966499, y: -0.080478355, z: -0.014567454, w: -1} - {x: 0.99931455, y: 0.03697363, z: 0.0018414627, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976637, y: 0.067979485, z: 0.0067879763, w: -1} - {x: 0.99661577, y: -0.079736285, z: -0.019978285, w: -1} - {x: 0.9855374, y: -0.16860391, z: -0.016989347, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976386, y: 0.06862302, z: 0.0028636353, w: -1} - {x: 0.99926096, y: 0.038409207, z: -0.0015539614, w: -1} - {x: 0.9855567, y: -0.16912119, z: -0.008712708, w: -1} - {x: 0.96676713, y: -0.25563046, z: 0.003789075, w: -1} - {x: 0.99926263, y: 0.03664111, z: 0.011471758, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998796, y: -0.01540677, z: 0.0018696769, w: -1} - {x: 0.9667675, y: -0.25562605, z: 0.0039865253, w: -1} - {x: 0.95117575, y: -0.3082889, z: 0.01491911, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979407, y: -0.015977172, z: 0.012508204, w: -1} - {x: 0.99603015, y: -0.08801012, z: 0.013348728, w: -1} - {x: 0.9511128, y: -0.3087903, z: 0.0057359426, w: -1} - {x: 0.94237787, y: -0.3345124, z: 0.0050352165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961179, y: -0.08787073, z: 0.0052861418, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913287, y: -0.13129379, z: 0.0054226215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9423591, y: -0.33459884, z: 0.001694981, w: -1} - {x: 0.93942875, y: -0.34274405, z: -0.00038363002, w: -1} - {x: 0.99134535, y: -0.13127838, z: 0.0005810933, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899977, y: -0.14107496, z: 0.0015432376, w: -1} - {x: 0.93942875, y: -0.342744, z: -0.0003961559, w: -1} - {x: 0.93442714, y: -0.3561419, z: -0.0029781307, w: -1} - {x: 0.98999715, y: -0.1410769, z: 0.0017414072, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937187, y: -0.11189168, z: 0.0018855013, w: -1} - {x: 0.93443525, y: -0.3561129, z: -0.0037860782, w: -1} - {x: 0.9433926, y: -0.3316742, z: -0.0016301037, w: -1} - {x: 0.99371755, y: -0.111894384, z: 0.0022737577, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996219, y: -0.02424246, z: -0.012974874, w: -1} - {x: 0.9434079, y: -0.3316135, z: -0.0037472062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9764316, y: -0.21549775, z: 0.011919501, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968255, y: -0.023843335, z: -0.008149376, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962323, y: 0.08217789, z: -0.02771458, w: -1} - {x: 0.9765384, y: -0.21409597, z: 0.02314253, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920183, y: -0.12474634, z: 0.018387318, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962337, y: 0.08222327, z: -0.02752771, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980503, y: 0.059227295, z: -0.019692432, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920307, y: -0.122165255, z: 0.030835323, w: -1} - {x: 0.9909124, y: -0.13433132, z: 0.006909831, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980826, y: 0.06144222, z: -0.0074884263, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996537, y: -0.002528704, z: 0.0079294015, w: -1} - {x: 0.99092156, y: -0.13442807, z: 0.0018838481, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993529, y: -0.035969637, z: 0.00018212164, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999963, y: -0.0027366106, z: 0.00021798827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999993, y: 0, z: 0.0012348342, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993534, y: -0.03594519, z: -0.0008512351, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999916, y: 0.0041051544, z: 0.00013527978, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998456, y: 0.005554675, z: 0.00006775728, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999916, y: 0.0041051544, z: 0.00013527978, w: -1} - {x: 0.99931633, y: 0.03686146, z: 0.0028745919, w: -1} - {x: 0.999984, y: 0.005542319, z: 0.0010803305, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993634, y: 0.03561792, z: 0.002034261, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993054, y: 0.037258044, z: -0.0007795563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976468, y: 0.068450786, z: 0.003914517, w: -1} - {x: 0.99936306, y: 0.035563108, z: 0.002940448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959371, y: 0.0897005, z: 0.007949695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975055, y: 0.07023913, z: -0.0070210337, w: -1} - {x: 0.99917054, y: 0.03952521, z: -0.009800884, w: -1} - {x: 0.99583, y: 0.09118516, z: -0.0028214252, w: -1} - {x: 0.99023724, y: 0.13932967, z: 0.004172049, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991556, y: 0.03965459, z: -0.010758302, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985826, y: -0.014883012, z: -0.007870871, w: -1} - {x: 0.99024475, y: 0.13926113, z: 0.004653013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99240524, y: 0.123001345, z: 0.0015842926, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987674, y: -0.015069318, z: -0.0044091754, w: -1} - {x: 0.99614024, y: -0.08771826, z: -0.0031778961, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924452, y: 0.122528546, z: 0.0062789354, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956954, y: 0.09267217, z: 0.0015669125, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961412, y: -0.087732464, z: -0.0024045627, w: -1} - {x: 0.99134594, y: -0.13127422, z: -0.00057885353, w: -1} - {x: 0.99570054, y: 0.09255642, z: 0.0036909648, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974216, y: 0.07174736, z: 0.0015485918, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913459, y: -0.1312745, z: -0.00050083094, w: -1} - {x: 0.99000216, y: -0.141045, z: -0.0014389688, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974216, y: 0.071743116, z: 0.0017260667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968422, y: 0.07940679, z: -0.00055607385, w: -1} - {x: 0.99000216, y: -0.14104566, z: -0.0013748045, w: -1} - {x: 0.99372226, y: -0.11187336, z: -0.00066918595, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968421, y: 0.07940934, z: -0.00016499263, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919918, y: 0.12619697, z: -0.005147584, w: -1} - {x: 0.99372226, y: -0.1118703, z: -0.0010878628, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997031, y: -0.022364048, z: 0.009678366, w: -1} - {x: 0.99197847, y: 0.12639028, z: -0.0020580776, w: -1} - {x: 0.9787373, y: 0.20487644, z: -0.009948207, w: -1} - {x: 0.99965477, y: -0.021970194, z: 0.014409946, w: -1} - {x: 0.99558216, y: 0.0925956, z: 0.015563148, w: -1} - {x: 0.9787426, y: 0.2048421, z: -0.010143681, w: -1} - {x: 0.98305005, y: 0.18324979, z: -0.005650344, w: -1} - {x: 0.99502903, y: 0.09556167, z: 0.028020633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971013, y: 0.068676904, z: 0.032751076, w: -1} - {x: 0.98240846, y: 0.18646604, z: 0.010202121, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977802, y: 0.054564655, z: 0.038174655, w: -1} - {x: 0.99797803, y: 0.063455, z: 0.0036482846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999855, y: -0.0026157969, z: 0.0046999976, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986427, y: 0.05201218, z: 0.002747411, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999756, y: 0, z: 0.00698151, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999624, y: -0.0027404963, z: 0.000073856674, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998456, y: 0.005554675, z: 0.00006775728, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999986, y: 0.0016619738, z: 0.0000027621659, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998456, y: 0.005554675, z: 0.00006775728, w: -1} - {x: 0.99936336, y: 0.035629626, z: 0.0018408105, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999987, y: 0.0016618448, z: 0.00008003938, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987733, y: 0.01566679, z: 0.0002238028, w: -1} - {x: 0.99936306, y: 0.03565916, z: 0.0013522117, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959411, y: 0.08955898, z: 0.008972288, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987435, y: 0.015616906, z: 0.0027292834, w: -1} - {x: 0.99785227, y: 0.06526977, z: 0.005529369, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958783, y: 0.09069686, z: 0.00072979095, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903216, y: 0.13835679, z: 0.01097665, w: -1} - {x: 0.99784964, y: 0.06518778, z: 0.006833019, w: -1} - {x: 0.99042696, y: 0.13703127, z: 0.016638499, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899413, y: 0.1411928, z: -0.0089905085, w: -1} - {x: 0.99224627, y: 0.12400101, z: -0.0084330505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9901984, y: 0.1394914, z: -0.0070218667, w: -1} - {x: 0.98359716, y: 0.18035404, z: -0.0029891718, w: -1} - {x: 0.9923005, y: 0.123724386, z: -0.005648436, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956507, y: 0.09302897, z: -0.00502945, w: -1} - {x: 0.98367894, y: 0.17993043, z: 0.00088490214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9783937, y: 0.20674473, z: 0.0015856198, w: -1} - {x: 0.99567163, y: 0.0929021, z: -0.0026754339, w: -1} - {x: 0.99741596, y: 0.07182412, z: -0.0016853858, w: -1} - {x: 0.97842133, y: 0.20657603, z: 0.0042529423, w: -1} - {x: 0.97470796, y: 0.22347875, z: 0.0012967308, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974161, y: 0.0718229, z: -0.0016342187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99684155, y: 0.079414174, z: 0.0005826533, w: -1} - {x: 0.974708, y: 0.2234783, z: 0.0013240764, w: -1} - {x: 0.9697348, y: 0.24414387, z: -0.0028644865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968416, y: 0.07941379, z: 0.00052456144, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919395, y: 0.12668441, z: 0.0026807715, w: -1} - {x: 0.9697357, y: 0.24413852, z: -0.0030152295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9643979, y: 0.26429936, z: -0.009081332, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919185, y: 0.12679675, z: 0.004503054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9784, y: 0.2067196, z: 0.00061025866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9643691, y: 0.2644461, z: -0.0077786366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9772406, y: 0.21213318, z: 0.00037184198, w: -1} - {x: 0.9779817, y: 0.20842598, z: 0.010508576, w: -1} - {x: 0.9819908, y: 0.18805669, z: 0.018131563, w: -1} - {x: 0.97678024, y: 0.21388146, z: 0.012458679, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961722, y: 0.08202993, z: 0.030201105, w: -1} - {x: 0.9829876, y: 0.18363298, z: -0.003774092, w: -1} - {x: 0.99846494, y: 0.052984513, z: 0.0161363, w: -1} - {x: 0.99662393, y: 0.08088618, z: 0.014081794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996184, y: 0.00015800305, z: 0.027622633, w: -1} - {x: 0.998664, y: 0.05153489, z: -0.0037780988, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00014596307, z: -0.0000000639157, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999986, y: 0.0016619738, z: 0.0000027621659, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999986, y: 0.0016619738, z: 0.0000027621659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998773, y: 0.015665045, z: 0.00031157432, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999963, y: 0.0027183755, z: 0.0000073896504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998773, y: 0.015665045, z: 0.00031157432, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978532, y: 0.06538735, z: 0.0036565429, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999963, y: 0.002717812, z: 0.00021439532, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978775, y: 0.020599386, z: 0.0004610499, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978524, y: 0.06544476, z: 0.002740781, w: -1} - {x: 0.99042404, y: 0.13760431, z: 0.011194113, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997847, y: 0.020576015, z: 0.002689102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978511, y: 0.06532315, z: 0.00511104, w: -1} - {x: 0.99037546, y: 0.13834667, z: 0.0040817927, w: -1} - {x: 0.98382777, y: 0.17873636, z: 0.011673383, w: -1} - {x: 0.99784565, y: 0.065276735, z: 0.0065548085, w: -1} - {x: 0.99121463, y: 0.13133298, z: 0.015659073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9835612, y: 0.18051875, z: -0.0045021605, w: -1} - {x: 0.97838235, y: 0.20680311, z: 0.0006573538, w: -1} - {x: 0.99125224, y: 0.13197762, z: -0.00097009324, w: -1} - {x: 0.9842192, y: 0.17689116, z: 0.0047012963, w: -1} - {x: 0.97828835, y: 0.20717847, z: -0.005381174, w: -1} - {x: 0.9747006, y: 0.22351274, z: -0.00088278734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9841928, y: 0.17707849, z: -0.002791466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9802949, y: 0.19753693, z: 0.0010727976, w: -1} - {x: 0.9746984, y: 0.22351989, z: -0.0013495539, w: -1} - {x: 0.96968853, y: 0.2443313, z: 0.0025256963, w: -1} - {x: 0.9802959, y: 0.19753449, z: 0.0003817989, w: -1} - {x: 0.980673, y: 0.1955815, z: 0.0053244485, w: -1} - {x: 0.96968395, y: 0.24434505, z: 0.0029287576, w: -1} - {x: 0.96394277, y: 0.2660294, z: 0.006543114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9806694, y: 0.19559208, z: 0.0055930545, w: -1} - {x: 0.9895724, y: 0.14378507, z: 0.008508225, w: -1} - {x: 0.9639761, y: 0.26592952, z: 0.0056245592, w: -1} - {x: 0.9765278, y: 0.21465072, z: 0.017847715, w: -1} - {x: 0.98934156, y: 0.14425915, z: 0.019814538, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980329, y: 0.05312108, z: 0.033292044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9775357, y: 0.21049504, z: -0.010760025, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967133, y: 0.080515996, z: 0.008926961, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985581, y: 0.052746333, z: 0.009979082, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998154, y: 0.00044061212, z: 0.019206654, w: -1} - {x: 0.99682224, y: 0.07945181, z: -0.0057302085, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00014596352, z: 0.0000009928343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999999, y: 0.00043788954, z: 0.00000082239256, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.0000016021737, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00014596307, z: -0.0000000639157, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999963, y: 0.0027183755, z: 0.0000073896504, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999963, y: 0.0027183755, z: 0.0000073896504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997877, y: 0.020601956, z: 0.00021547254, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.00034953878, z: 0.00000012217737, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997877, y: 0.020601956, z: 0.00021547254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978556, y: 0.06542063, z: 0.0020660155, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.0003495385, z: 0.0000008791813, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999563, y: 0.009348494, z: 0.00006522053, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978556, y: 0.06542137, z: 0.0020426856, w: -1} - {x: 0.99127024, y: 0.13175397, z: 0.0049072434, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995625, y: 0.009345488, z: 0.00044279709, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991252, y: 0.041803993, z: 0.0010862079, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912695, y: 0.13179697, z: 0.003786356, w: -1} - {x: 0.98421896, y: 0.1769134, z: 0.0038324606, w: -1} - {x: 0.99912554, y: 0.041808885, z: 0.00052188785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973449, y: 0.072813414, z: 0.00121936, w: -1} - {x: 0.9842177, y: 0.17693989, z: 0.0027905814, w: -1} - {x: 0.9802964, y: 0.19753225, z: -0.00023355818, w: -1} - {x: 0.99734527, y: 0.072818816, z: 0.0001889147, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966869, y: 0.081333235, z: 0.00048105436, w: -1} - {x: 0.9802964, y: 0.19753158, z: -0.00041198896, w: -1} - {x: 0.98075676, y: 0.19517817, z: -0.0046617407, w: -1} - {x: 0.99668705, y: 0.081332296, z: 0.0003454118, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989738, y: 0.045281287, z: 0.0010162831, w: -1} - {x: 0.9807597, y: 0.19513734, z: -0.0056464323, w: -1} - {x: 0.98967785, y: 0.14327312, z: -0.0032367727, w: -1} - {x: 0.99897265, y: 0.045289915, z: 0.0015921382, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999344, y: 0.00003186839, z: 0.0036344824, w: -1} - {x: 0.9896829, y: 0.14313082, z: -0.0064232484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986173, y: 0.05256156, z: -0.00090687495, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000031830037, z: -1.1257239e-10, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986173, y: 0.052561548, z: -0.00090724154, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.00043788948, z: -0.00000006391571, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.00043788948, z: -0.00000006391571, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 assetGuid: m_Mesh: {fileID: 202107967} m_IsSelectable: 1 m_SelectedFaces: m_SelectedEdges: [] m_SelectedVertices: --- !u!4 &496223319 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 496223314} m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0.39313984, z: -0, w: 0.9194787} m_LocalPosition: {x: -45.4, y: -30, z: -259.4} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_Children: [] 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m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 860000008500000084000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 980000009700000096000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9e0000009d0000009c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: aa000000a9000000a8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0000000af000000ae000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b6000000b5000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c2000000c1000000c0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: da000000d9000000d8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0000000df000000de000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e6000000e5000000e4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 690000006a0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6f0000007000000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b1000000b2000000b3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b7000000b8000000b9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bd000000be000000bf000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d5000000d6000000d7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: db000000dc000000dd000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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61000000670000006d00000073000000790000007f000000850000008b00000091000000970000009d000000a3000000a9000000af000000b5000000bb000000c1000000c7000000cd000000d3000000d9000000df000000e5000000eb000000 - m_Vertices: 640000006a00000070000000760000007c00000082000000880000008e000000940000009a000000a0000000a6000000ac000000b2000000b8000000be000000c4000000ca000000d0000000d6000000dc000000e2000000e8000000ee000000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 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2.5881913} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 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-0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.610524, y: 0} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3} - {x: 4.782353, y: 0} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 0} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 3} - {x: 9.238796, y: 0} - {x: 9.238796, y: 3} - {x: 7.933533, y: 0} - {x: 7.933533, y: 3} - {x: 10.544056, y: 0} - {x: 10.544056, y: 3} - {x: 8.609187, y: 0} - {x: 8.609187, y: 3} - {x: 11.219711, y: 0} - {x: 11.219711, y: 3} - {x: 8.609185, y: 0} - {x: 8.609185, y: 3} - {x: 11.219708, y: 0} - {x: 11.219708, y: 3} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: 10.544058, y: 0} - {x: 10.544058, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3} - {x: 9.238798, y: 0} - {x: 9.238798, y: 3} - {x: 4.782352, y: 0} - {x: 4.782352, y: 3} - {x: 7.392875, y: 0} - {x: 7.392875, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 3} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 0} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 0} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 3} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 0} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 3} - {x: -7.392876, y: 0} - {x: -7.392876, y: 3} - {x: -4.782353, y: 0} - {x: -4.782353, y: 3} - {x: -9.238792, y: 0} - {x: -9.238792, y: 3} - {x: -6.628267, y: 0} - {x: -6.628267, y: 3} - {x: -10.544055, y: 0} - {x: -10.544055, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 3} - {x: -11.219712, y: 0} - {x: -11.219712, y: 3} - {x: -8.609189, y: 0} - {x: -8.609189, y: 3} - {x: -11.219711, y: 0} - {x: -11.219711, y: 3} - {x: -8.609188, y: 0} - {x: -8.609188, y: 3} - {x: -10.544057, y: 0} - {x: -10.544057, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: -9.238796, y: 0} - {x: -9.238796, y: 3} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 0} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 3} - {x: -7.392877, y: 0} - {x: -7.392877, y: 3} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 0} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 3} - {x: -5.132098, y: 0} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, 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m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0000004d0000004e0000004c0000004e0000004f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 258.89285 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500000005100000052000000510000005300000052000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540000005500000056000000540000005600000057000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 248.25 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58000000590000005a000000590000005b0000005a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0000005d0000005e0000005c0000005e0000005f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 237.60713 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600000006100000062000000610000006300000062000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640000006500000066000000640000006600000067000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 226.96428 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68000000690000006a000000690000006b0000006a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0000006d0000006e0000006c0000006e0000006f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 216.32143 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 720000007100000070000000720000007300000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 760000007500000074000000760000007700000075000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: 7a0000007900000078000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: 7d0000007c0000007b0000007d0000007e0000007c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, 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m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: 8b0000008a000000890000008b0000008c0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 8f0000008e0000008d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000920000009300000091000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 960000009500000094000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 990000009800000097000000990000009a00000098000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 9d0000009c0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: a00000009f0000009e000000a0000000a10000009f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: a7000000a6000000a5000000a7000000a8000000a6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ab000000aa000000a9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ae000000ad000000ac000000ae000000af000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b2000000b1000000b0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b5000000b4000000b3000000b5000000b6000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: b9000000b8000000b7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000bc000000bd000000bb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c0000000bf000000be000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c3000000c2000000c1000000c3000000c4000000c2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: c7000000c6000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: ca000000c9000000c8000000ca000000cb000000c9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000d0000000d2000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d3000000d4000000d5000000d4000000d6000000d5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: d7000000d8000000d9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: da000000db000000dc000000db000000dd000000dc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: de000000df000000e0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000e2000000e4000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e5000000e6000000e7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e8000000e9000000ea000000e9000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ec000000ed000000ee000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ef000000f0000000f1000000f0000000f2000000f1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f3000000f4000000f5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f6000000f7000000f8000000f7000000f9000000f8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fa000000fb000000fc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fd000000fe000000ff000000fe00000000010000ff000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 010100000201000003010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 040100000501000006010000050100000701000006010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 08010000090100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 0b0100000c0100000d0100000c0100000e0100000d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 0f0100001001000011010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 120100001301000014010000130100001501000014010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 160100001701000018010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 190100001a0100001b0100001a0100001c0100001b010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 1d0100001e0100001f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 200100002101000022010000210100002301000022010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 240100002501000026010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 270100002801000029010000280100002a01000029010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 2b0100002c0100002d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 300100002f0100002e01000030010000310100002f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 0000000070000000 - m_Vertices: 01000000cf000000 - m_Vertices: 020000000400000072000000 - m_Vertices: 0300000005000000d1000000 - m_Vertices: 0600000009000000d2000000d5000000d7000000 - m_Vertices: 0700000008000000730000007600000078000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c0000007a000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d000000d9000000 - m_Vertices: 0e00000011000000d6000000d8000000dc000000de000000 - m_Vertices: 0f0000001000000077000000790000007d0000007f000000 - m_Vertices: 120000001400000081000000 - m_Vertices: 1300000015000000e0000000 - m_Vertices: 1600000019000000dd000000df000000e3000000e5000000 - m_Vertices: 17000000180000007e000000800000008400000086000000 - m_Vertices: 1a0000001c00000088000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001d000000e7000000 - m_Vertices: 1e00000021000000e4000000e6000000ea000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: 1f0000002000000085000000870000008b0000008d000000 - m_Vertices: 22000000240000008f000000 - m_Vertices: 2300000025000000ee000000 - m_Vertices: 2600000029000000eb000000ed000000f1000000f3000000 - m_Vertices: 27000000280000008c0000008e0000009200000094000000 - m_Vertices: 2a0000002c00000096000000 - m_Vertices: 2b0000002d000000f5000000 - m_Vertices: 2e00000031000000f2000000f4000000f8000000fa000000 - m_Vertices: 2f000000300000009300000095000000990000009b000000 - m_Vertices: 32000000340000009d000000 - m_Vertices: 3300000035000000fc000000 - m_Vertices: 3600000039000000f9000000fb000000ff00000001010000 - m_Vertices: 37000000380000009a0000009c000000a0000000a2000000 - m_Vertices: 3a0000003c000000a4000000 - m_Vertices: 3b0000003d00000003010000 - m_Vertices: 3e0000004100000000010000020100000601000008010000 - m_Vertices: 3f00000040000000a1000000a3000000a7000000a9000000 - m_Vertices: 4200000044000000ab000000 - m_Vertices: 43000000450000000a010000 - m_Vertices: 460000004900000007010000090100000d0100000f010000 - m_Vertices: 4700000048000000a8000000aa000000ae000000b0000000 - m_Vertices: 4a0000004c000000b2000000 - m_Vertices: 4b0000004d00000011010000 - m_Vertices: 4e000000510000000e010000100100001401000016010000 - m_Vertices: 4f00000050000000af000000b1000000b5000000b7000000 - m_Vertices: 5200000054000000b9000000 - m_Vertices: 530000005500000018010000 - m_Vertices: 560000005900000015010000170100001b0100001d010000 - m_Vertices: 5700000058000000b6000000b8000000bc000000be000000 - m_Vertices: 5a0000005c000000c0000000 - m_Vertices: 5b0000005d0000001f010000 - m_Vertices: 5e000000610000001c0100001e0100002201000024010000 - m_Vertices: 5f00000060000000bd000000bf000000c3000000c5000000 - m_Vertices: 6200000064000000c7000000 - m_Vertices: 630000006500000026010000 - m_Vertices: 66000000690000002301000025010000290100002b010000 - m_Vertices: 6700000068000000c4000000c6000000ca000000cc000000 - m_Vertices: 6a0000006c000000ce000000 - m_Vertices: 6b0000006d0000002d010000 - m_Vertices: 6e0000002a0100002c01000031010000 - m_Vertices: 6f000000cb000000cd00000030010000 - m_Vertices: 7100000074000000 - m_Vertices: 750000007b000000 - m_Vertices: 7c00000082000000 - m_Vertices: 8300000089000000 - m_Vertices: 8a00000090000000 - m_Vertices: 9100000097000000 - m_Vertices: 980000009e000000 - m_Vertices: 9f000000a5000000 - m_Vertices: a6000000ac000000 - m_Vertices: ad000000b3000000 - m_Vertices: b4000000ba000000 - m_Vertices: bb000000c1000000 - m_Vertices: c2000000c8000000 - m_Vertices: c90000002e010000 - m_Vertices: d0000000d3000000 - m_Vertices: d4000000da000000 - m_Vertices: db000000e1000000 - m_Vertices: e2000000e8000000 - m_Vertices: e9000000ef000000 - m_Vertices: f0000000f6000000 - m_Vertices: f7000000fd000000 - m_Vertices: fe00000004010000 - m_Vertices: 050100000b010000 - m_Vertices: 0c01000012010000 - m_Vertices: 1301000019010000 - m_Vertices: 1a01000020010000 - m_Vertices: 2101000027010000 - m_Vertices: 280100002f010000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.046114564, y: 0.08384752} - {x: -1.7729743, y: -0.08559096} - {x: -1.7729747, y: 0.99522877} - {x: 0.046114266, y: 0.82579136} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.22742331, y: 0.98414856} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 0.81471} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 1.89553} - {x: 0.22742319, y: 1.7260925} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 0.5652493, y: 1.8451629} - {x: -1.2538393, y: 1.6757245} - {x: -1.2538395, y: 2.7565444} - {x: 0.5652492, y: 2.5871067} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 1.0456183, y: 2.6351073} - {x: -0.7734705, y: 2.4656692} - {x: -0.77347106, y: 3.5464888} - {x: 1.045618, y: 3.377051} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 1.6505958, y: 3.3239374} - {x: -0.16849321, y: 3.1544993} - {x: -0.16849315, y: 4.235319} - {x: 1.6505957, y: 4.0658813} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 2.3590977, y: 3.8847723} - {x: 0.5400088, y: 3.7153347} - {x: 0.5400094, y: 4.796155} - {x: 2.359098, y: 4.626716} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.1476512, y: 4.295255} - {x: 1.3285625, y: 4.1258163} - {x: 1.3285618, y: 5.2066355} - {x: 3.1476507, y: 5.0371985} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 1.932215} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.991078, y: 4.5387344} - {x: 2.171989, y: 4.3692975} - {x: 2.1719897, y: 5.450117} - {x: 3.9910784, y: 5.2806787} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.957304, y: 4.514494} - {x: 3.1382155, y: 4.345056} - {x: 3.138215, y: 5.425876} - {x: 4.957304, y: 5.2564383} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.760307} - {x: 5.967181, y: 4.3675838} - {x: 4.1480923, y: 4.1981454} - {x: 4.148093, y: 5.278965} - {x: 5.9671817, y: 5.109527} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.958242, y: 2.760307} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -6.958242, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.1429873} - {x: 5.0403404, y: 3.9735491} - {x: 5.04034, y: 5.05437} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.884931} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 3.76936} - {x: 5.859552, y: 3.599922} - {x: 5.8595524, y: 4.6807413} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 4.511304} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.2569647} - {x: 6.5756736, y: 3.0875266} - {x: 6.5756726, y: 4.168347} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.9989085} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.86443} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.86443} - {x: 8.982349, y: 2.6203437} - {x: 7.16326, y: 2.4509058} - {x: 7.1632605, y: 3.5317252} - {x: 8.982349, y: 3.3622873} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0} - {x: 2.792148, y: 0} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 0} - {x: 3.338541, y: 0} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.040891, y: 0} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 0} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 0} - {x: 4.109743, y: 0} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 0} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 0} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 0} - {x: 4.370842, y: 0} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 0} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 0} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 0} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 0} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 0} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 0} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 2.552744, y: 0} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 0} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 0} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 0} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.86443} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 0} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 0} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 0} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.871452, y: 0} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 0} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.198362, y: 0} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 0} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.396636, y: 0} - {x: -4.477456, y: 0} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 0} - {x: -4.540282, y: 0} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.384662, y: 0} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 0} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 0} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 0} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 0} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 0} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 0} - {x: -3.464131, y: 0} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 0} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 0} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.86443} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0} - {x: 9.255632, y: 0} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443} - {x: 9.255632, y: 3.86443} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.092743255, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.2750384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503833, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.89409834, y: 0, z: -0.4478708, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.6052941, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.67051905, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.7418923, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219672, y: 0, z: -0.8529656, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.52196735, y: 0, z: -0.8529655, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.35545602, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.17671716, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.1767168, y: 0, z: -0.98426175, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103169, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103121, y: 0, z: -0.99996716, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264437, y: 0, z: -0.9812687, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.1926443, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.3705575, y: 0, z: -0.9288095, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055734, y: 0, z: -0.92880964, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.5357219, y: 0, z: -0.8443945, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824542, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.7309283, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923143, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923144, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468651, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509695, y: 0, z: 0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468653, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.2750382, y: 0, z: 0.9614333, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: 0.44787073, y: 0, z: 0.8940984, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.84870803, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.6052939, y: 0, z: 0.7960021, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.74189234, y: 0, z: 0.6705191, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.59882385, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.44061068, w: -1} - {x: 0.8529657, y: 0, z: 0.521967, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.2672383, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.93469286, y: 0, z: 0.35545644, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.98426175, y: 0, z: 0.17671655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996716, y: 0, z: -0.008102984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9812686, y: 0, z: -0.19264466, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9288096, y: 0, z: -0.37055746, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.84439456, y: 0, z: -0.5357217, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.73092866, y: 0, z: -0.68245393, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.2150971, y: 0, z: -0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.21509707, y: 0, z: -0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.21509707, y: 0, z: -0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.27503842, y: 0, z: -0.96143323, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.44787058, y: 0, z: -0.8940984, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.6052938, y: 0, z: -0.7960022, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.74189234, y: 0, z: -0.670519, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.8976983, y: 0, z: -0.44061065, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.8976983, y: 0, z: -0.44061065, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.59882385, w: -1} - {x: -0.89769834, y: 0, z: -0.44061065, w: -1} - {x: -0.85296583, y: 0, z: -0.52196676, w: -1} - {x: -0.89769834, y: 0, z: -0.44061068, w: -1} - {x: -0.96363044, y: 0, z: -0.26723823, w: -1} - {x: -0.89769834, y: 0, z: -0.44061068, w: -1} - {x: -0.96363044, y: 0, z: -0.26723823, w: -1} - {x: -0.89769834, y: 0, z: -0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: -0.9636305, y: 0, z: -0.26723823, w: -1} - {x: -0.9346928, y: 0, z: -0.3554566, w: -1} - {x: -0.9636305, y: 0, z: -0.26723826, w: -1} - {x: -0.9964089, y: 0, z: -0.08467174, w: -1} - {x: -0.9636305, y: 0, z: -0.26723826, w: -1} - {x: -0.9964089, y: 0, z: -0.08467174, w: -1} - {x: -0.9636305, y: 0, z: -0.26723826, w: -1} - {x: -0.9964089, y: 0, z: -0.08467174, w: -1} - {x: -0.9842618, y: 0, z: -0.17671637, w: -1} - {x: -0.9964089, y: 0, z: -0.084671766, w: -1} - {x: -0.9949059, y: 0, z: 0.10080823, w: -1} - {x: -0.9964089, y: 0, z: -0.08467177, w: -1} - {x: -0.9949059, y: 0, z: 0.100808226, w: -1} - {x: -0.9964089, y: 0, z: -0.08467177, w: -1} - {x: -0.9949059, y: 0, z: 0.100808226, w: -1} - {x: -0.9999672, y: 0, z: 0.00810273, w: -1} - {x: -0.9949059, y: 0, z: 0.10080824, w: -1} - {x: -0.9591731, y: 0, z: 0.28281975, w: -1} - {x: -0.9949059, y: 0, z: 0.10080823, w: -1} - {x: -0.9591731, y: 0, z: 0.28281975, w: -1} - {x: -0.9949059, y: 0, z: 0.10080823, w: -1} - {x: 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m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540000005500000056000000550000005700000056000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58000000590000005a000000590000005b0000005a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0000005d0000005e0000005d0000005f0000005e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 620000006100000060000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 680000006700000066000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6e0000006d0000006c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740000007300000072000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7a0000007900000078000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800000007f0000007e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 860000008500000084000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 980000009700000096000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9e0000009d0000009c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: aa000000a9000000a8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0000000af000000ae000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b6000000b5000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c2000000c1000000c0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: da000000d9000000d8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0000000df000000de000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e6000000e5000000e4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 690000006a0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6f0000007000000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b1000000b2000000b3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 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c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 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-0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - 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2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.610524, y: 0} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3} - {x: 4.782353, y: 0} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 0} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 3} - {x: 9.238796, y: 0} - {x: 9.238796, y: 3} - {x: 7.933533, y: 0} - {x: 7.933533, y: 3} - {x: 10.544056, y: 0} - {x: 10.544056, y: 3} - {x: 8.609187, y: 0} - {x: 8.609187, y: 3} - {x: 11.219711, y: 0} - {x: 11.219711, y: 3} - {x: 8.609185, y: 0} - {x: 8.609185, y: 3} - {x: 11.219708, y: 0} - {x: 11.219708, y: 3} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: 10.544058, y: 0} - {x: 10.544058, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3} - {x: 9.238798, y: 0} - {x: 9.238798, y: 3} - {x: 4.782352, y: 0} - {x: 4.782352, y: 3} - {x: 7.392875, y: 0} - {x: 7.392875, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 3} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 0} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 0} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 3} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 0} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 3} - {x: -7.392876, y: 0} - {x: -7.392876, y: 3} - {x: -4.782353, y: 0} - {x: -4.782353, y: 3} - {x: -9.238792, y: 0} - {x: -9.238792, y: 3} - {x: -6.628267, y: 0} - {x: -6.628267, y: 3} - {x: -10.544055, y: 0} - {x: -10.544055, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 3} - {x: -11.219712, y: 0} - {x: -11.219712, y: 3} - {x: -8.609189, y: 0} - {x: -8.609189, y: 3} - {x: -11.219711, y: 0} - {x: -11.219711, y: 3} - {x: -8.609188, y: 0} - {x: -8.609188, y: 3} - {x: -10.544057, y: 0} - {x: -10.544057, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: -9.238796, y: 0} - {x: -9.238796, y: 3} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 0} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 3} - {x: -7.392877, y: 0} - {x: -7.392877, y: 3} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 0} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 3} - {x: -5.132098, y: 0} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, 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m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7a0000007900000078000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800000007f0000007e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 860000008500000084000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 980000009700000096000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9e0000009d0000009c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: aa000000a9000000a8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0000000af000000ae000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b6000000b5000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c2000000c1000000c0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: da000000d9000000d8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0000000df000000de000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e6000000e5000000e4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 690000006a0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6f0000007000000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b1000000b2000000b3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b7000000b8000000b9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bd000000be000000bf000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d5000000d6000000d7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ed000000ee000000ef000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 000000005e00000060000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: 010000005f00000063000000ef000000 - m_Vertices: 02000000040000006200000066000000 - m_Vertices: 03000000050000006500000069000000 - m_Vertices: 0600000008000000680000006c000000 - m_Vertices: 07000000090000006b0000006f000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c0000006e00000072000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d0000007100000075000000 - m_Vertices: 0e000000100000007400000078000000 - m_Vertices: 0f00000011000000770000007b000000 - m_Vertices: 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-45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -5.000025, y: -45.04352, z: 8.660255} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.000025, y: -45.04352, z: 8.660255} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -7.4118385, y: -45.04352, z: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.4118385, y: -45.04352, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: 10.000001} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: 10.000001} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -12.588206, y: -45.04352, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.588206, y: -45.04352, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -15.000014, y: -45.04352, z: 8.660253} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15.000014, y: -45.04352, z: 8.660253} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -17.071085, y: -45.04352, z: 7.0710683} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071085, y: -45.04352, z: 7.0710683} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -18.660269, y: -45.04352, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660269, y: -45.04352, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -19.659275, y: -45.04352, z: 2.5881917} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659275, y: -45.04352, z: 2.5881917} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -20.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -19.659275, y: -45.04352, z: -2.5881917} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659275, y: -45.04352, z: -2.5881917} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -18.660269, y: -45.04352, z: -5.0000005} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660269, y: -45.04352, z: -5.0000005} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -17.071085, y: -45.04352, z: -7.071066} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071085, y: -45.04352, z: -7.071066} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -15.000014, y: -45.04352, z: -8.660255} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -15.000014, y: -45.04352, z: -8.660255} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -12.588206, y: -45.04352, z: -9.659258} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.588206, y: -45.04352, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -10.000001} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -10.000001} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -7.4118385, y: -45.04352, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.4118385, y: -45.04352, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -5.000025, y: -45.04352, z: -8.660255} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000025, y: -45.04352, z: -8.660255} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -2.9289591, y: -45.04352, z: -7.0710683} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289591, y: -45.04352, z: -7.0710683} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -1.3397696, y: -45.04352, z: -5.000003} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397696, y: -45.04352, z: -5.000003} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -0.34076473, y: -45.04352, z: -2.5881917} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.34076473, y: -45.04352, z: -2.5881917} - {x: -10.000017, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -0.000027009468, y: -45.04352, z: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0.0000035188937, y: -45.04352} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105282, y: -45.04352} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215821, y: -45.04352} - {x: 2.5215724, y: 3.0000002} - {x: 5.1321054, y: -45.04352} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3.0000002} - {x: 4.7823653, y: -45.04352} - {x: 4.7823505, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 7.392891, y: -45.04352} - {x: 7.3928742, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 6.6282964, y: -45.04352} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3.0000012} - {x: 9.238819, y: -45.04352} - {x: 9.238799, y: 3.0000012} - {x: 7.9335494, y: -45.04352} - {x: 7.9335265, y: 3.000001} - {x: 10.544076, y: -45.04352} - {x: 10.544049, y: 3.000001} - {x: 8.609224, y: -45.04352} - {x: 8.609196, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 11.219737, y: -45.04352} - {x: 11.21972, y: 3.0000007} - {x: 8.609197, y: -45.04352} - {x: 8.60918, y: 2.9999993} - {x: 11.21972, y: -45.04352} - {x: 11.219704, y: 2.9999993} - {x: 7.93354, y: -45.04352} - {x: 7.933525, y: 2.9999983} - {x: 10.544063, y: -45.04352} - {x: 10.544049, y: 2.9999983} - {x: 6.628303, y: -45.043526} - {x: 6.628291, y: 2.9999974} - {x: 9.238829, y: -45.043526} - {x: 9.238815, y: 2.9999974} - {x: 4.782349, y: -45.043526} - {x: 4.782339, y: 2.9999948} - {x: 7.3928714, y: -45.043526} - {x: 7.3928623, y: 2.9999948} - {x: 2.521594, y: -45.043526} - {x: 2.5215883, y: 2.9999943} - {x: 5.132118, y: -45.043526} - {x: 5.132112, y: 2.9999943} - {x: 0.0000024596507, y: -45.04353} - {x: 0.0000006917764, y: 2.9999928} - {x: 2.6105278, y: -45.04353} - {x: 2.6105263, y: 2.9999928} - {x: -2.6105278, y: -45.04353} - {x: -2.6105247, y: 2.999993} - {x: -0.0000024596507, y: -45.04353} - {x: -0.0000011645342, y: 2.999993} - {x: -5.132118, y: -45.04353} - {x: -5.1321125, y: 2.9999936} - {x: -2.521594, y: -45.04353} - {x: -2.5215893, y: 2.9999936} - {x: -7.392882, y: -45.043526} - {x: -7.3928733, y: 2.9999952} - {x: -4.782361, y: -45.043526} - {x: -4.78235, y: 2.9999952} - {x: -9.238804, y: -45.043526} - {x: -9.23879, y: 2.9999967} - {x: -6.6282754, y: -45.043526} - {x: -6.628264, y: 2.9999967} - {x: -10.544075, y: -45.043526} - {x: -10.544062, y: 2.999998} - {x: -7.933553, y: -45.043526} - {x: -7.933538, y: 2.999998} - {x: -11.21972, y: -45.04352} - {x: -11.219704, y: 2.9999998} - {x: -8.609197, y: -45.04352} - {x: -8.60918, y: 2.9999998} - {x: -11.219737, y: -45.04352} - {x: -11.21972, y: 3.0000002} - {x: -8.609224, y: -45.04352} - {x: -8.609197, y: 3.0000002} - {x: -10.544076, y: -45.04352} - {x: -10.54405, y: 3.0000014} - {x: -7.9335494, y: -45.04352} - {x: -7.933527, y: 3.0000014} - {x: -9.238819, y: -45.04352} - {x: -9.238799, y: 3.0000012} - {x: -6.6282964, y: -45.04352} - {x: -6.6282763, y: 3.0000012} - {x: -7.39289, y: -45.04352} - {x: -7.3928747, y: 3.000001} - {x: -4.782366, y: -45.04352} - {x: -4.782351, y: 3.000001} - {x: -5.1321077, y: -45.04352} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3.0000002} - {x: -2.5215824, y: -45.04352} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3.0000002} - {x: -2.6105282, y: -45.04352} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.0000035319074, y: -45.04352} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0.000027009468, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 0.34076473, y: 2.5881917} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.34076473, y: 2.5881917} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 1.3397696, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397696, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 2.9289591, y: 7.0710683} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289591, y: 7.0710683} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 5.000025, y: 8.660255} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.000025, y: 8.660255} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 7.4118385, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.4118385, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 10.000017, y: 10.000001} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10.000017, y: 10.000001} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 12.588206, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.588206, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 15.000014, y: 8.660253} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15.000014, y: 8.660253} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 17.071085, y: 7.0710683} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071085, y: 7.0710683} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 18.660269, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660269, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 19.659275, y: 2.5881917} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659275, y: 2.5881917} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 20.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 19.659275, y: -2.5881917} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659275, y: -2.5881917} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 18.660269, y: -5.0000005} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660269, y: -5.0000005} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 17.071085, y: -7.071066} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071085, y: -7.071066} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 15.000014, y: -8.660255} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 15.000014, y: -8.660255} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 12.588206, y: -9.659258} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.588206, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 10.000017, y: -10.000001} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10.000017, y: -10.000001} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 7.4118385, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.4118385, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 5.000025, y: -8.660255} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000025, y: -8.660255} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 2.9289591, y: -7.0710683} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289591, y: -7.0710683} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 1.3397696, y: -5.000003} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397696, y: -5.000003} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 0.34076473, y: -2.5881917} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.34076473, y: -2.5881917} - {x: 10.000017, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: 0.000027009468, y: -0.0000000065629138} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0.000000405803, y: -0.00000007110846, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000037574355, y: -0.000000070887424, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881886, y: 0.00000006214285, z: 0.9659259, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881922, y: 0.000000059539953, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881886, y: -0.00000006214286, z: 0.9659259, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881922, y: -0.00000005953996, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000054, y: 0.000000053717105, z: 0.8660251, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000024, y: 0.000000056320786, z: 0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000054, y: -0.0000000537171, z: 0.86602503, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000024, y: -0.000000056320776, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710665, y: 0.000000049187936, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710653, y: 0.00000004991471, z: 0.70710695, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710665, y: -0.00000004918793, z: 0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071066, y: -0.000000049914725, z: 0.70710695, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602557, y: 0.000000032421493, z: 0.4999997, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660255, y: 0.000000033052604, z: 0.49999973, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602557, y: -0.000000032421532, z: 0.49999967, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602557, y: -0.00000003305263, z: 0.49999976, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0.000000018971871, z: 0.25881928, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0.000000019196234, z: 0.25881928, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: -0.000000018971885, z: 0.25881928, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: -0.000000019196243, z: 0.2588193, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -8.418245e-10, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.0000000018739945, z: -0.00000013526767, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 8.4182433e-10, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.0000000018739943, z: -0.00000012023794, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659257, y: -0.000000012237834, z: -0.25881952, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659257, y: -0.000000010385313, z: -0.2588193, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659257, y: 0.000000012237831, z: -0.2588195, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0.000000010385304, z: -0.2588193, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660256, y: -0.000000018449814, z: -0.4999996, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602557, y: -0.000000019324373, z: -0.49999973, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602557, y: 0.000000018449798, z: -0.4999996, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602557, y: 0.000000019324363, z: -0.4999997, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: -0.000000032198752, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: -0.000000032940115, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0.00000003219873, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0.000000032940143, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000024, y: -0.00000003745735, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000024, y: -0.000000037554976, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000024, y: 0.00000003745738, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000024, y: 0.00000003755502, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881934, y: -0.000000044431644, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: -0.00000004581831, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881934, y: 0.00000004443166, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0.000000045818307, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: -0.000000047012477, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000030059486, y: -0.00000004721976, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0.000000047012485, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000030059486, y: 0.00000004721976, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881952, y: -0.000000045949346, z: -0.9659257, w: -1} - {x: 0.2588194, y: -0.000000044895938, z: -0.9659257, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881955, y: 0.000000045949328, z: -0.9659257, w: -1} - {x: 0.2588194, y: 0.00000004489591, z: -0.9659257, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: -0.000000038735543, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000006, y: -0.000000037761286, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0.00000003873556, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0.000000037761257, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} 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0.000000018605746, z: 0.25881878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0.000000018421627, z: 0.25881884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659259, y: -0.000000018605736, z: 0.25881875, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659259, y: -0.000000018421613, z: 0.2588188, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660253, y: 0.000000032273302, z: 0.50000006, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660253, y: 0.000000031889734, z: 0.5000001, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660253, y: -0.00000003227329, z: 0.50000006, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660253, y: -0.000000031889716, z: 0.5000001, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071072, y: 0.000000048868753, z: 0.70710635, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071071, y: 0.000000048446445, z: 0.7071064, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071072, y: -0.000000048868767, z: 0.70710635, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071071, y: -0.000000048446438, z: 0.7071065, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000005, y: 0.000000055485092, z: 0.8660251, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0.000000053839216, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000005, y: -0.00000005548514, z: 0.8660251, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: -0.000000053839305, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881833, y: 0.000000060493775, z: 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y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 9d0000009c0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: a00000009f0000009e000000a0000000a10000009f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: a7000000a6000000a5000000a7000000a8000000a6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ab000000aa000000a9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ae000000ad000000ac000000ae000000af000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b2000000b1000000b0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b5000000b4000000b3000000b5000000b6000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: b9000000b8000000b7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000bc000000bd000000bb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c0000000bf000000be000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c3000000c2000000c1000000c3000000c4000000c2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: c7000000c6000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: ca000000c9000000c8000000ca000000cb000000c9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000d0000000d2000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d3000000d4000000d5000000d4000000d6000000d5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: d7000000d8000000d9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: da000000db000000dc000000db000000dd000000dc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: de000000df000000e0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000e2000000e4000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e5000000e6000000e7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e8000000e9000000ea000000e9000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ec000000ed000000ee000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ef000000f0000000f1000000f0000000f2000000f1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f3000000f4000000f5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f6000000f7000000f8000000f7000000f9000000f8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fa000000fb000000fc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fd000000fe000000ff000000fe00000000010000ff000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 010100000201000003010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 040100000501000006010000050100000701000006010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 08010000090100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 0b0100000c0100000d0100000c0100000e0100000d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 0f0100001001000011010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 120100001301000014010000130100001501000014010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 160100001701000018010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 190100001a0100001b0100001a0100001c0100001b010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 1d0100001e0100001f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 200100002101000022010000210100002301000022010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 240100002501000026010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 270100002801000029010000280100002a01000029010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 2b0100002c0100002d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 300100002f0100002e01000030010000310100002f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 0000000070000000 - m_Vertices: 01000000cf000000 - m_Vertices: 020000000400000072000000 - m_Vertices: 0300000005000000d1000000 - m_Vertices: 0600000009000000d2000000d5000000d7000000 - m_Vertices: 0700000008000000730000007600000078000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c0000007a000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d000000d9000000 - m_Vertices: 0e00000011000000d6000000d8000000dc000000de000000 - m_Vertices: 0f0000001000000077000000790000007d0000007f000000 - m_Vertices: 120000001400000081000000 - m_Vertices: 1300000015000000e0000000 - m_Vertices: 1600000019000000dd000000df000000e3000000e5000000 - m_Vertices: 17000000180000007e000000800000008400000086000000 - m_Vertices: 1a0000001c00000088000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001d000000e7000000 - m_Vertices: 1e00000021000000e4000000e6000000ea000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: 1f0000002000000085000000870000008b0000008d000000 - m_Vertices: 22000000240000008f000000 - m_Vertices: 2300000025000000ee000000 - m_Vertices: 2600000029000000eb000000ed000000f1000000f3000000 - m_Vertices: 27000000280000008c0000008e0000009200000094000000 - m_Vertices: 2a0000002c00000096000000 - m_Vertices: 2b0000002d000000f5000000 - m_Vertices: 2e00000031000000f2000000f4000000f8000000fa000000 - m_Vertices: 2f000000300000009300000095000000990000009b000000 - m_Vertices: 32000000340000009d000000 - m_Vertices: 3300000035000000fc000000 - m_Vertices: 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- {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.046114564, y: 0.08384752} - {x: -1.7729743, y: -0.08559096} - {x: -1.7729747, y: 0.99522877} - {x: 0.046114266, y: 0.82579136} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.22742331, y: 0.98414856} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 0.81471} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 1.89553} - {x: 0.22742319, y: 1.7260925} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 0.5652493, y: 1.8451629} - {x: -1.2538393, y: 1.6757245} - {x: -1.2538395, y: 2.7565444} - {x: 0.5652492, y: 2.5871067} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 1.0456183, y: 2.6351073} - {x: -0.7734705, y: 2.4656692} - {x: -0.77347106, y: 3.5464888} - {x: 1.045618, y: 3.377051} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 1.6505958, y: 3.3239374} - {x: -0.16849321, y: 3.1544993} - {x: -0.16849315, y: 4.235319} - {x: 1.6505957, y: 4.0658813} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 2.3590977, y: 3.8847723} - {x: 0.5400088, y: 3.7153347} - {x: 0.5400094, y: 4.796155} - {x: 2.359098, y: 4.626716} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.1476512, y: 4.295255} - {x: 1.3285625, y: 4.1258163} - {x: 1.3285618, y: 5.2066355} - {x: 3.1476507, y: 5.0371985} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 1.932215} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.991078, y: 4.5387344} - {x: 2.171989, y: 4.3692975} - {x: 2.1719897, y: 5.450117} - {x: 3.9910784, y: 5.2806787} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.957304, y: 4.514494} - {x: 3.1382155, y: 4.345056} - {x: 3.138215, y: 5.425876} - {x: 4.957304, y: 5.2564383} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.760307} - {x: 5.967181, y: 4.3675838} - {x: 4.1480923, y: 4.1981454} - {x: 4.148093, y: 5.278965} - {x: 5.9671817, y: 5.109527} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.958242, y: 2.760307} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -6.958242, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.1429873} - {x: 5.0403404, y: 3.9735491} - {x: 5.04034, y: 5.05437} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.884931} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 3.76936} - {x: 5.859552, y: 3.599922} - {x: 5.8595524, y: 4.6807413} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 4.511304} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.2569647} - {x: 6.5756736, y: 3.0875266} - {x: 6.5756726, y: 4.168347} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.9989085} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.86443} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.86443} - {x: 8.982349, y: 2.6203437} - {x: 7.16326, y: 2.4509058} - {x: 7.1632605, y: 3.5317252} - {x: 8.982349, y: 3.3622873} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0} - {x: 2.792148, y: 0} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 0} - {x: 3.338541, y: 0} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.040891, y: 0} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 0} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 0} - {x: 4.109743, y: 0} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 0} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 0} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 0} - {x: 4.370842, y: 0} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 0} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 0} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 0} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 0} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 0} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 0} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 2.552744, y: 0} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 0} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 0} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 0} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.86443} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 0} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 0} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 0} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.871452, y: 0} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 0} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.198362, y: 0} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 0} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.396636, y: 0} - {x: -4.477456, y: 0} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 0} - {x: -4.540282, y: 0} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.384662, y: 0} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 0} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 0} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 0} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 0} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 0} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 0} - {x: -3.464131, y: 0} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 0} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 0} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.86443} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0} - {x: 9.255632, y: 0} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443} - {x: 9.255632, y: 3.86443} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.092743255, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.2750384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503833, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.89409834, y: 0, z: -0.4478708, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.6052941, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.67051905, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.7418923, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219672, y: 0, z: -0.8529656, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.52196735, y: 0, z: -0.8529655, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.35545602, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.17671716, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.1767168, y: 0, z: -0.98426175, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103169, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103121, y: 0, z: -0.99996716, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264437, y: 0, z: -0.9812687, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.1926443, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.3705575, y: 0, z: -0.9288095, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055734, y: 0, z: -0.92880964, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.5357219, y: 0, z: -0.8443945, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824542, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.7309283, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923143, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923144, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468651, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509695, y: 0, z: 0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468653, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.2750382, y: 0, z: 0.9614333, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: 0.44787073, y: 0, z: 0.8940984, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.84870803, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.6052939, y: 0, z: 0.7960021, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.74189234, y: 0, z: 0.6705191, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.59882385, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.44061068, w: -1} - {x: 0.8529657, y: 0, z: 0.521967, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.2672383, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.93469286, y: 0, z: 0.35545644, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.98426175, y: 0, z: 0.17671655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996716, y: 0, z: -0.008102984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9812686, y: 0, z: -0.19264466, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9288096, y: 0, z: -0.37055746, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.84439456, y: 0, z: -0.5357217, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.73092866, y: 0, z: -0.68245393, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.2150971, y: 0, z: -0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.21509707, y: 0, z: -0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.21509707, y: 0, z: -0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.27503842, y: 0, z: -0.96143323, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.44787058, y: 0, z: -0.8940984, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, 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0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 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y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d5000000d6000000d7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: db000000dc000000dd000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 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5200000054000000da000000de000000 - m_Vertices: 5300000055000000dd000000e1000000 - m_Vertices: 5600000058000000e0000000e4000000 - m_Vertices: 5700000059000000e3000000e7000000 - m_Vertices: 5a0000005c000000e6000000ea000000 - m_Vertices: 5b0000005d000000e9000000ed000000 - m_Vertices: 61000000670000006d00000073000000790000007f000000850000008b00000091000000970000009d000000a3000000a9000000af000000b5000000bb000000c1000000c7000000cd000000d3000000d9000000df000000e5000000eb000000 - m_Vertices: 640000006a00000070000000760000007c00000082000000880000008e000000940000009a000000a0000000a6000000ac000000b2000000b8000000be000000c4000000ca000000d0000000d6000000dc000000e2000000e8000000ee000000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.610524, y: 0} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3} - {x: 4.782353, y: 0} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 0} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 3} - {x: 9.238796, y: 0} - {x: 9.238796, y: 3} - {x: 7.933533, y: 0} - {x: 7.933533, y: 3} - {x: 10.544056, y: 0} - {x: 10.544056, y: 3} - {x: 8.609187, y: 0} - {x: 8.609187, y: 3} - {x: 11.219711, y: 0} - {x: 11.219711, y: 3} - {x: 8.609185, y: 0} - {x: 8.609185, y: 3} - {x: 11.219708, y: 0} - {x: 11.219708, y: 3} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: 10.544058, y: 0} - {x: 10.544058, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3} - {x: 9.238798, y: 0} - {x: 9.238798, y: 3} - {x: 4.782352, y: 0} - {x: 4.782352, y: 3} - {x: 7.392875, y: 0} - {x: 7.392875, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 3} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 0} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 0} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 3} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 0} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 3} - {x: -7.392876, y: 0} - {x: -7.392876, y: 3} - {x: -4.782353, y: 0} - {x: -4.782353, y: 3} - {x: -9.238792, y: 0} - {x: -9.238792, y: 3} - {x: -6.628267, y: 0} - {x: -6.628267, y: 3} - {x: -10.544055, y: 0} - {x: -10.544055, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 3} - {x: -11.219712, y: 0} - {x: -11.219712, y: 3} - {x: -8.609189, y: 0} - {x: -8.609189, y: 3} - {x: -11.219711, y: 0} - {x: -11.219711, y: 3} - {x: -8.609188, y: 0} - {x: -8.609188, y: 3} - {x: -10.544057, y: 0} - {x: -10.544057, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: -9.238796, y: 0} - {x: -9.238796, y: 3} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 0} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 3} - {x: -7.392877, y: 0} - {x: -7.392877, y: 3} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 0} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 3} - {x: -5.132098, y: 0} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - 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0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 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-2} - {x: 10.633395, y: 2.14084, z: 0.00000002243209} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 0, z: 0.0000010196013} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 0, z: -2} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 10.633395, y: 2.14084, z: 0.00000002243209} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 0, z: 0.0000010196013} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 0, z: -2} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 2, z: -2} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 2, z: -2} - {x: 10.633395, y: 2.14084, z: 0.00000002243209} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 26.011665, y: 0, z: 0.0000021797482} - {x: 26.011665, y: 0, z: -1.9999988} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 26.011665, y: 2, z: 0.0000021797482} - {x: 26.011665, y: 0, z: 0.0000021797482} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 26.011665, y: 0, z: -1.9999988} - {x: 26.011665, y: 2, z: -1.9999988} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: -1.9999995} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2, z: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 26.011665, y: 2, z: -1.9999988} - {x: 26.011665, y: 2, z: 0.0000021797482} - {x: -1.2843251, y: 0.0000024648916, z: -1.3755081} - {x: 1.2843207, y: 0.0000017356213, z: 0.3408645} - {x: -8.803684, y: 0.0000039737433, z: -0.3238916} - {x: -6.235038, y: 0.0000031850802, z: 1.3924816} - {x: -1.2843256, y: 2.0000007, z: -1.3755078} - {x: -1.2843251, y: 0.0000024648916, z: -1.3755081} - {x: -8.803685, y: 2.0000024, z: -0.32389128} - {x: -8.803684, y: 0.0000039737433, z: -0.3238916} - {x: 1.2843207, y: 0.0000017356213, z: 0.3408645} - {x: 1.2843208, y: 2.000002, z: 0.34086427} - {x: -6.235038, y: 0.0000031850802, z: 1.3924816} - {x: -6.235038, y: 2.0000014, z: 1.3924816} - {x: 1.2843208, y: 2.000002, z: 0.34086427} - {x: -1.2843256, y: 2.0000007, z: -1.3755078} - {x: -6.235038, y: 2.0000014, z: 1.3924816} - {x: -8.803685, y: 2.0000024, z: -0.32389128} - {x: -8.803684, y: 0.0000039737433, z: -0.3238916} - {x: -6.235038, y: 0.0000031850802, z: 1.3924816} - {x: -13.272261, y: -0.2734231, z: -0.2287181} - {x: -13.732459, y: -0.27342147, z: 1.7628095} - {x: -8.803685, y: 2.0000024, z: -0.32389128} - {x: -8.803684, y: 0.0000039737433, z: -0.3238916} - {x: -13.272263, y: 2.7223113, z: -0.20463276} - {x: -13.272261, y: -0.2734231, z: -0.2287181} - {x: -6.235038, y: 0.0000031850802, z: 1.3924816} - {x: -6.235038, y: 2.0000014, z: 1.3924816} - {x: -13.732459, y: -0.27342147, z: 1.7628095} - {x: -13.732461, y: 2.722312, z: 1.7868949} - {x: -6.235038, y: 2.0000014, z: 1.3924816} - {x: -8.803685, y: 2.0000024, z: -0.32389128} - {x: -13.732461, y: 2.722312, z: 1.7868949} - {x: -13.272263, y: 2.7223113, z: -0.20463276} - {x: -13.272261, y: -0.2734231, z: -0.2287181} - {x: -13.732459, y: -0.27342147, z: 1.7628095} - {x: -22.911888, y: 0.30275115, z: -0.44890055} - {x: -21.547745, y: 0.30275154, z: 1.4753475} - {x: -13.272263, y: 2.7223113, z: -0.20463276} - {x: -13.272261, y: -0.2734231, z: -0.2287181} - {x: -22.91189, y: 2.302748, z: -0.44890004} - {x: -22.911888, y: 0.30275115, z: -0.44890055} - {x: -13.732459, y: -0.27342147, z: 1.7628095} - {x: -13.732461, y: 2.722312, z: 1.7868949} - {x: -21.547745, y: 0.30275154, z: 1.4753475} - {x: -21.547745, y: 2.3027492, z: 1.4753475} - {x: -13.732461, y: 2.722312, z: 1.7868949} - {x: -13.272263, y: 2.7223113, z: -0.20463276} - {x: -21.547745, y: 2.3027492, z: 1.4753475} - {x: -22.91189, y: 2.302748, z: -0.44890004} m_Textures0: - {x: -1.0129498, y: 0.0000016651051} - {x: -1.8056575, y: -0.00000007051622} - {x: -1.0129501, y: 2.000002} - {x: -1.8056575, y: 1.9999999} - {x: 0.0000021797482, y: 0} - {x: -1.9999988, y: 0} - {x: 0.0000021797482, y: 2} - {x: -1.9999988, y: 2} - {x: 2.3383899, y: 0} - {x: -1.0047793, y: 0.0000024648916} - {x: 2.3383899, y: 2} - {x: -1.0047798, y: 2.0000007} - {x: 13.617017, y: 0.3027682} - {x: 11.258285, y: 0.3027686} - {x: 13.617018, y: 2.302765} - {x: 11.258285, y: 2.302766} - {x: 1.2843181, y: 0.34086972} - {x: 1.9999973, y: 0.0000054683032} - {x: -1.2843283, y: -1.3755023} - {x: 1.9999973, y: -1.9999945} - {x: 1.2843251, y: -1.3755081} - {x: -2, y: -2} - {x: -1.2843207, y: 0.3408645} - {x: -2, y: 7.0356205e-13} - {x: -2, y: 0} - {x: -2, y: -2} - {x: -10.6333885, y: 0.0000010196013} - {x: -10.6333885, y: -2} - {x: -2, y: 2} - {x: -2, y: 0} - {x: -10.633395, y: 2.14084} - {x: -10.6333885, y: 0} - {x: 2, y: 0} - {x: 2, y: 2} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 0} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 2} - {x: 2, y: -2} - {x: 2, y: 0} - {x: 10.6333885, y: -2} - {x: 10.633395, y: 0.00000002243209} - {x: -10.6333885, y: 0.0000010196013} - {x: -10.6333885, y: -2} - {x: -17.22408, y: 0.0000015168072} - {x: -17.22408, y: -1.9999995} - {x: -10.633395, y: 2.14084} - {x: -10.6333885, y: 5.9880264e-13} - {x: -17.22408, y: 2} - {x: -17.22408, y: 1.0327135e-12} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 0} - {x: 10.6333885, y: 2} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2} - {x: 10.6333885, y: -1.8545673} - {x: 10.633395, y: 0.15038563} - {x: 17.22408, y: -1.8545668} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0.14049366} - {x: -17.22408, y: 0.0000015168072} - {x: -17.22408, y: -1.9999995} - {x: -26.011665, y: 0.0000021797482} - {x: -26.011665, y: -1.9999988} - {x: -17.22408, y: 2} - {x: -17.22408, y: 0} - {x: -26.011665, y: 2} - {x: -26.011665, y: 0} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0} - {x: 17.22408, y: 2} - {x: 26.011665, y: 0} - {x: 26.011665, y: 2} - {x: 17.22408, y: -1.9999995} - {x: 17.22408, y: 0.0000015168072} - {x: 26.011665, y: -1.9999988} - {x: 26.011665, y: 0.0000021797482} - {x: 1.2843251, y: -1.3755081} - {x: -1.2843207, y: 0.3408645} - {x: 8.803684, y: -0.3238916} - {x: 6.235038, y: 1.3924816} - {x: -1.0814298, y: 2.0000005} - {x: -1.0814292, y: 0.0000023339217} - {x: -8.67397, y: 2.0000021} - {x: -8.673969, y: 0.0000038427734} - {x: -1.2247298, y: 0.0000016790207} - {x: -1.22473, y: 2.000002} - {x: 6.3678093, y: 0.0000031284796} - {x: 6.3678093, y: 2.0000014} - {x: 1.2843211, y: 0.34086525} - {x: -1.2843254, y: -1.3755069} - {x: -6.2350373, y: 1.3924825} - {x: -8.803685, y: -0.3238903} - {x: 8.788246, y: -0.36861476} - {x: 6.224104, y: 1.3544803} - {x: 13.265172, y: -0.27306852} - {x: 13.724564, y: 1.7082862} - {x: -8.79191, y: 2.0000024} - {x: -8.791909, y: 0.000003889313} - {x: -13.262079, y: 2.7223113} - {x: -13.261435, y: -0.2734232} - {x: 6.296142, y: 0.0000031850802} - {x: 6.296142, y: 2.0000014} - {x: 13.802704, y: -0.27342147} - {x: 13.803894, y: 2.722312} - {x: -6.3882313, y: 1.5699909} - {x: -8.946695, y: -0.16152462} - {x: -13.920185, y: 1.967884} - {x: -13.461811, y: -0.00082511536} - {x: 13.232635, y: -0.21415138} - {x: 13.692021, y: 1.7775636} - {x: 22.889465, y: -0.43435454} - {x: 21.527727, y: 1.4886024} - {x: -13.273232, y: 2.723244} - {x: -13.273832, y: -0.27258706} - {x: -22.915955, y: 2.3036673} - {x: -22.915953, y: 0.303735} - {x: 13.65704, y: -0.25513944} - {x: 13.656142, y: 2.7406907} - {x: 21.47761, y: 0.3210522} - {x: 21.47761, y: 2.3209853} - {x: -13.568464, y: 1.829081} - {x: -13.108915, y: -0.1625966} - {x: -21.395, y: 1.5175102} - {x: -22.757221, y: -0.40570295} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.90282875, y: 0, z: 0.43000028, w: -1} - {x: -0.9028288, y: 0, z: 0.4300002, w: -1} - {x: -0.9028288, y: 0, z: 0.4300002, w: -1} - {x: -0.9028289, y: 0, z: 0.4300001, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823986, y: 0, z: -0.18679638, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823986, y: 0, z: -0.1867964, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823986, y: 0, z: -0.1867964, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823987, y: -1.0814573e-15, z: -0.18679641, w: -1} - {x: -0.57833755, y: -1.7762286e-14, z: -0.8157976, w: -1} - {x: -0.57833785, y: 1.9957123e-14, z: -0.8157974, w: -1} - {x: -0.57833785, y: 1.9957123e-14, z: -0.8157974, w: -1} - {x: -0.57833815, y: 3.0123954e-14, z: -0.81579715, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0000013628667, z: 0.000000019313456, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000079032264, z: 0.000000009656728, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000079032264, z: 0.000000009656728, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000021777858, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.0000006471414, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.0000015361398, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.0000015361398, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.0000024251383, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000002598293, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000006034904, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000006034904, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000118099784, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996686, y: 0.008145818, z: 0.00000037315016, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996686, y: 0.008145818, z: 0.00000037315016, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986696, y: 0.016311234, z: -1.3080867e-10, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000002167869, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 3.291847e-14, z: -0.00000014611376, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 3.291847e-14, z: -0.00000014611376, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 6.583694e-14, z: -0.00000007544063, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.000000072350105, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.000000072350105, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.000000072350105, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.000000072350105, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000000508231, z: 1.7872906e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999428, y: -0.010669724, z: 0.0007518717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999428, y: -0.010669724, z: 0.0007518717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997706, y: -0.021364663, z: 0.0015045005, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000007544063, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000007544063, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000007544063, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000007544063, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000008139388, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000008139388, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000008139388, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000008139388, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000021507081, z: -1.4640759e-21, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000021380598, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000021380598, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000021254112, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903615, y: 1.31018175e-14, z: -0.13850655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903616, y: 1.393441e-14, z: -0.13850656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903616, y: 1.393441e-14, z: -0.13850656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903616, y: 1.349984e-14, z: -0.13850656, w: -1} - {x: -0.9903616, y: 0, z: 0.13850664, w: -1} - {x: -0.9903616, y: -1.8716883e-15, z: 0.13850665, w: -1} - {x: -0.9903616, y: -1.8716883e-15, z: 0.13850665, w: -1} - {x: -0.9903615, y: -3.7433766e-15, z: 0.13850665, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00000013276237, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000005751651, z: 2.2102282e-21, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000005751651, z: 2.2102282e-21, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00000024779538, z: -5.252161e-21, w: -1} - {x: -0.99824643, y: -0.059194766, z: -0.000000002460512, w: -1} - {x: -0.9988444, y: -0.048050832, z: 0.0009899756, w: -1} - {x: -0.9988444, y: -0.048050832, z: 0.0009899756, w: -1} - {x: -0.9993189, y: -0.036848243, z: 0.0019817948, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996441, y: 5.630149e-16, z: -0.026678734, w: -1} - {x: 0.99970645, y: -3.7069248e-10, z: -0.024232067, w: -1} - {x: 0.99970645, y: -3.7069248e-10, z: -0.024232067, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997627, y: -0.0000000011905277, z: -0.021785175, w: -1} - {x: -0.99878234, y: 0, z: 0.049333896, w: -1} - {x: -0.9987217, y: 8.972993e-11, z: 0.050548203, w: -1} - {x: -0.9987217, y: 8.972993e-11, z: 0.050548203, w: -1} - {x: -0.9986595, y: 0, z: 0.05176247, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960356, y: -0.088955894, z: 0.0000000014410173, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921775, y: 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elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800000007f0000007e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 860000008500000084000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 980000009700000096000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9e0000009d0000009c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: aa000000a9000000a8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0000000af000000ae000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b6000000b5000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c2000000c1000000c0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: da000000d9000000d8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0000000df000000de000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e6000000e5000000e4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 690000006a0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6f0000007000000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b1000000b2000000b3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b7000000b8000000b9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bd000000be000000bf000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d5000000d6000000d7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: db000000dc000000dd000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.610524, y: 0} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3} - {x: 4.782353, y: 0} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 0} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 3} - {x: 9.238796, y: 0} - {x: 9.238796, y: 3} - {x: 7.933533, y: 0} - {x: 7.933533, y: 3} - {x: 10.544056, y: 0} - {x: 10.544056, y: 3} - {x: 8.609187, y: 0} - {x: 8.609187, y: 3} - {x: 11.219711, y: 0} - {x: 11.219711, y: 3} - {x: 8.609185, y: 0} - {x: 8.609185, y: 3} - {x: 11.219708, y: 0} - {x: 11.219708, y: 3} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: 10.544058, y: 0} - {x: 10.544058, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3} - {x: 9.238798, y: 0} - {x: 9.238798, y: 3} - {x: 4.782352, y: 0} - {x: 4.782352, y: 3} - {x: 7.392875, y: 0} - {x: 7.392875, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 3} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 0} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 0} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 3} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 0} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 3} - {x: -7.392876, y: 0} - {x: -7.392876, y: 3} - {x: -4.782353, y: 0} - {x: -4.782353, y: 3} - {x: -9.238792, y: 0} - {x: -9.238792, y: 3} - {x: -6.628267, y: 0} - {x: -6.628267, y: 3} - {x: -10.544055, y: 0} - {x: -10.544055, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 3} - {x: -11.219712, y: 0} - {x: -11.219712, y: 3} - {x: -8.609189, y: 0} - {x: -8.609189, y: 3} - {x: -11.219711, y: 0} - {x: -11.219711, y: 3} - {x: -8.609188, y: 0} - {x: -8.609188, y: 3} - {x: -10.544057, y: 0} - {x: -10.544057, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: -9.238796, y: 0} - {x: -9.238796, y: 3} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 0} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 3} - {x: -7.392877, y: 0} - {x: -7.392877, y: 3} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 0} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 3} - {x: -5.132098, y: 0} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: 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{x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 assetGuid: m_Mesh: {fileID: 561257803} m_IsSelectable: 1 m_SelectedFaces: m_SelectedEdges: [] m_SelectedVertices: --- !u!4 &763514724 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 763514719} m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.4700012, y: 25.960007, z: 2.8511963} m_LocalScale: {x: 1.35, y: 1.35, z: 1.35} m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1016804024} m_RootOrder: 3 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!1 &772661527 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} serializedVersion: 6 m_Component: - component: {fileID: 772661528} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: Forest_Trees m_TagString: Untagged m_Icon: {fileID: 0} m_NavMeshLayer: 0 m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 m_IsActive: 1 --- !u!4 &772661528 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 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08010000090100000a010000090100000b0100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0100000d0100000e0100000d0100000f0100000e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100100001101000012010000110100001301000012010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28010000290100002a010000290100002b0100002a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0100002d0100002e0100002d0100002f0100002e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300100003101000032010000310100003301000032010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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48010000490100004a010000490100004b0100004a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0100004d0100004e0100004d0100004f0100004e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500100005101000052010000510100005301000052010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540100005501000056010000550100005701000056010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58010000590100005a010000590100005b0100005a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0100005d0100005e0100005d0100005f0100005e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600100006101000062010000610100006301000062010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640100006501000066010000650100006701000066010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68010000690100006a010000690100006b0100006a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0100006d0100006e0100006d0100006f0100006e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700100007101000072010000710100007301000072010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740100007501000076010000750100007701000076010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78010000790100007a010000790100007b0100007a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0100007d0100007e0100007d0100007f0100007e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800100008101000082010000810100008301000082010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840100008501000086010000850100008701000086010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88010000890100008a010000890100008b0100008a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0100008d0100008e0100008d0100008f0100008e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900100009101000092010000910100009301000092010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940100009501000096010000950100009701000096010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98010000990100009a010000990100009b0100009a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0100009d0100009e0100009d0100009f0100009e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0010000a1010000a2010000a1010000a3010000a2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4010000a5010000a6010000a5010000a7010000a6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8010000a9010000aa010000a9010000ab010000aa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac010000ad010000ae010000ad010000af010000ae010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0010000b1010000b2010000b1010000b3010000b2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4010000b5010000b6010000b5010000b7010000b6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8010000b9010000ba010000b9010000bb010000ba010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc010000bd010000be010000bd010000bf010000be010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0010000c1010000c2010000c1010000c3010000c2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4010000c5010000c6010000c5010000c7010000c6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8010000c9010000ca010000c9010000cb010000ca010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc010000cd010000ce010000cd010000cf010000ce010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0010000d1010000d2010000d1010000d3010000d2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4010000d5010000d6010000d5010000d7010000d6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8010000d9010000da010000d9010000db010000da010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc010000dd010000de010000dd010000df010000de010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0010000e1010000e2010000e1010000e3010000e2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4010000e5010000e6010000e5010000e7010000e6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8010000e9010000ea010000e9010000eb010000ea010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec010000ed010000ee010000ed010000ef010000ee010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0010000f1010000f2010000f1010000f3010000f2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4010000f5010000f6010000f5010000f7010000f6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8010000f9010000fa010000f9010000fb010000fa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc010000fd010000fe010000fd010000ff010000fe010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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08020000090200000a020000090200000b0200000a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0200000d0200000e0200000d0200000f0200000e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100200001102000012020000110200001302000012020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140200001502000016020000150200001702000016020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18020000190200001a020000190200001b0200001a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0200001d0200001e0200001d0200001f0200001e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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28020000290200002a020000290200002b0200002a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0200002d0200002e0200002d0200002f0200002e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300200003102000032020000310200003302000032020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340200003502000036020000350200003702000036020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38020000390200003a020000390200003b0200003a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0200003d0200003e0200003d0200003f0200003e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400200004102000042020000410200004302000042020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000046020000450200004702000046020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004a020000490200004b0200004a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004e0200004d0200004f0200004e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000052020000510200005302000052020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000056020000550200005702000056020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005a020000590200005b0200005a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005e0200005d0200005f0200005e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600200006102000062020000610200006302000062020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640200006502000066020000650200006702000066020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68020000690200006a020000690200006b0200006a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0200006d0200006e0200006d0200006f0200006e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700200007102000072020000710200007302000072020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740200007502000076020000750200007702000076020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78020000790200007a020000790200007b0200007a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0200007d0200007e0200007d0200007f0200007e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800200008102000082020000810200008302000082020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840200008502000086020000850200008702000086020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88020000890200008a020000890200008b0200008a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0200008d0200008e0200008d0200008f0200008e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900200009102000092020000910200009302000092020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940200009502000096020000950200009702000096020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98020000990200009a020000990200009b0200009a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0200009d0200009e0200009d0200009f0200009e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0020000a1020000a2020000a1020000a3020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4020000a5020000a6020000a5020000a7020000a6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8020000a9020000aa020000a9020000ab020000aa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac020000ad020000ae020000ad020000af020000ae020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0020000b1020000b2020000b1020000b3020000b2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4020000b5020000b6020000b5020000b7020000b6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8020000b9020000ba020000b9020000bb020000ba020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc020000bd020000be020000bd020000bf020000be020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0020000c1020000c2020000c1020000c3020000c2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4020000c5020000c6020000c5020000c7020000c6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8020000c9020000ca020000c9020000cb020000ca020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc020000cd020000ce020000cd020000cf020000ce020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0020000d1020000d2020000d1020000d3020000d2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4020000d5020000d6020000d5020000d7020000d6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8020000d9020000da020000d9020000db020000da020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc020000dd020000de020000dd020000df020000de020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0020000e1020000e2020000e1020000e3020000e2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4020000e5020000e6020000e5020000e7020000e6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8020000e9020000ea020000e9020000eb020000ea020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec020000ed020000ee020000ed020000ef020000ee020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0020000f1020000f2020000f1020000f3020000f2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4020000f5020000f6020000f5020000f7020000f6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8020000f9020000fa020000f9020000fb020000fa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc020000fd020000fe020000fd020000ff020000fe020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000300000103000002030000010300000303000002030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040300000503000006030000050300000703000006030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08030000090300000a030000090300000b0300000a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0300000d0300000e0300000d0300000f0300000e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100300001103000012030000110300001303000012030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140300001503000016030000150300001703000016030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18030000190300001a030000190300001b0300001a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0300001d0300001e0300001d0300001f0300001e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200300002103000022030000210300002303000022030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240300002503000026030000250300002703000026030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28030000290300002a030000290300002b0300002a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0300002d0300002e0300002d0300002f0300002e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300300003103000032030000310300003303000032030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340300003503000036030000350300003703000036030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38030000390300003a030000390300003b0300003a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0300003d0300003e0300003d0300003f0300003e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400300004103000042030000410300004303000042030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440300004503000046030000450300004703000046030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48030000490300004a030000490300004b0300004a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0300004d0300004e0300004d0300004f0300004e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500300005103000052030000510300005303000052030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540300005503000056030000550300005703000056030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58030000590300005a030000590300005b0300005a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0300005d0300005e0300005d0300005f0300005e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600300006103000062030000610300006303000062030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640300006503000066030000650300006703000066030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68030000690300006a030000690300006b0300006a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0300006d0300006e0300006d0300006f0300006e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700300007103000072030000710300007303000072030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740300007503000076030000750300007703000076030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78030000790300007a030000790300007b0300007a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0300007d0300007e0300007d0300007f0300007e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800300008103000082030000810300008303000082030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840300008503000086030000850300008703000086030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88030000890300008a030000890300008b0300008a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0300008d0300008e0300008d0300008f0300008e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900300009103000092030000910300009303000092030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940300009503000096030000950300009703000096030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98030000990300009a030000990300009b0300009a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0300009d0300009e0300009d0300009f0300009e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0030000a1030000a2030000a1030000a3030000a2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4030000a5030000a6030000a5030000a7030000a6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8030000a9030000aa030000a9030000ab030000aa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac030000ad030000ae030000ad030000af030000ae030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0030000b1030000b2030000b1030000b3030000b2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4030000b5030000b6030000b5030000b7030000b6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8030000b9030000ba030000b9030000bb030000ba030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc030000bd030000be030000bd030000bf030000be030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0030000c1030000c2030000c1030000c3030000c2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4030000c5030000c6030000c5030000c7030000c6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8030000c9030000ca030000c9030000cb030000ca030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc030000cd030000ce030000cd030000cf030000ce030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0030000d1030000d2030000d1030000d3030000d2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4030000d5030000d6030000d5030000d7030000d6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8030000d9030000da030000d9030000db030000da030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc030000dd030000de030000dd030000df030000de030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0030000e1030000e2030000e1030000e3030000e2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4030000e5030000e6030000e5030000e7030000e6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8030000e9030000ea030000e9030000eb030000ea030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec030000ed030000ee030000ed030000ef030000ee030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0030000f1030000f2030000f1030000f3030000f2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4030000f5030000f6030000f5030000f7030000f6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8030000f9030000fa030000f9030000fb030000fa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc030000fd030000fe030000fd030000ff030000fe030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140400001504000016040000150400001704000016040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18040000190400001a040000190400001b0400001a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0400001d0400001e0400001d0400001f0400001e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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28040000290400002a040000290400002b0400002a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0400002d0400002e0400002d0400002f0400002e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300400003104000032040000310400003304000032040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400400004104000042040000410400004304000042040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440400004504000046040000450400004704000046040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48040000490400004a040000490400004b0400004a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0400004d0400004e0400004d0400004f0400004e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500400005104000052040000510400005304000052040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540400005504000056040000550400005704000056040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58040000590400005a040000590400005b0400005a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0400005d0400005e0400005d0400005f0400005e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600400006104000062040000610400006304000062040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640400006504000066040000650400006704000066040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68040000690400006a040000690400006b0400006a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0400006d0400006e0400006d0400006f0400006e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700400007104000072040000710400007304000072040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740400007504000076040000750400007704000076040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78040000790400007a040000790400007b0400007a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0400007d0400007e0400007d0400007f0400007e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800400008104000082040000810400008304000082040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840400008504000086040000850400008704000086040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88040000890400008a040000890400008b0400008a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0400008d0400008e0400008d0400008f0400008e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900400009104000092040000910400009304000092040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0040000a1040000a2040000a1040000a3040000a2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4040000a5040000a6040000a5040000a7040000a6040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8040000a9040000aa040000a9040000ab040000aa040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac040000ad040000ae040000ad040000af040000ae040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0040000b1040000b2040000b1040000b3040000b2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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c8040000c9040000ca040000c9040000cb040000ca040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc040000cd040000ce040000cd040000cf040000ce040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0040000d1040000d2040000d1040000d3040000d2040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28050000290500002a050000290500002b0500002a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0500002d0500002e0500002d0500002f0500002e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300500003105000032050000310500003305000032050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400500004105000042050000410500004305000042050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440500004505000046050000450500004705000046050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48050000490500004a050000490500004b0500004a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0500004d0500004e0500004d0500004f0500004e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500500005105000052050000510500005305000052050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540500005505000056050000550500005705000056050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58050000590500005a050000590500005b0500005a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0500005d0500005e0500005d0500005f0500005e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600500006105000062050000610500006305000062050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640500006505000066050000650500006705000066050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68050000690500006a050000690500006b0500006a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0500006d0500006e0500006d0500006f0500006e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700500007105000072050000710500007305000072050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740500007505000076050000750500007705000076050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78050000790500007a050000790500007b0500007a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0500007d0500007e0500007d0500007f0500007e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800500008105000082050000810500008305000082050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840500008505000086050000850500008705000086050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88050000890500008a050000890500008b0500008a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0500008d0500008e0500008d0500008f0500008e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900500009105000092050000910500009305000092050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940500009505000096050000950500009705000096050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98050000990500009a050000990500009b0500009a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0500009d0500009e0500009d0500009f0500009e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0050000a1050000a2050000a1050000a3050000a2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4050000a5050000a6050000a5050000a7050000a6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8050000a9050000aa050000a9050000ab050000aa050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac050000ad050000ae050000ad050000af050000ae050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0050000b1050000b2050000b1050000b3050000b2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4050000b5050000b6050000b5050000b7050000b6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8050000b9050000ba050000b9050000bb050000ba050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc050000bd050000be050000bd050000bf050000be050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0050000c1050000c2050000c1050000c3050000c2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4050000c5050000c6050000c5050000c7050000c6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8050000c9050000ca050000c9050000cb050000ca050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc050000cd050000ce050000cd050000cf050000ce050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0050000d1050000d2050000d1050000d3050000d2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4050000d5050000d6050000d5050000d7050000d6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8050000d9050000da050000d9050000db050000da050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc050000dd050000de050000dd050000df050000de050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0050000e1050000e2050000e1050000e3050000e2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4050000e5050000e6050000e5050000e7050000e6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8050000e9050000ea050000e9050000eb050000ea050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec050000ed050000ee050000ed050000ef050000ee050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0050000f1050000f2050000f1050000f3050000f2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4050000f5050000f6050000f5050000f7050000f6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8050000f9050000fa050000f9050000fb050000fa050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc050000fd050000fe050000fd050000ff050000fe050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000600000106000002060000010600000306000002060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040600000506000006060000050600000706000006060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08060000090600000a060000090600000b0600000a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0600000d0600000e0600000d0600000f0600000e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100600001106000012060000110600001306000012060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140600001506000016060000150600001706000016060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18060000190600001a060000190600001b0600001a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0600001d0600001e0600001d0600001f0600001e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200600002106000022060000210600002306000022060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240600002506000026060000250600002706000026060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28060000290600002a060000290600002b0600002a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0600002d0600002e0600002d0600002f0600002e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300600003106000032060000310600003306000032060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340600003506000036060000350600003706000036060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38060000390600003a060000390600003b0600003a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0600003d0600003e0600003d0600003f0600003e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400600004106000042060000410600004306000042060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440600004506000046060000450600004706000046060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48060000490600004a060000490600004b0600004a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0600004d0600004e0600004d0600004f0600004e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500600005106000052060000510600005306000052060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540600005506000056060000550600005706000056060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58060000590600005a060000590600005b0600005a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0600005d0600005e0600005d0600005f0600005e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600600006106000062060000610600006306000062060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640600006506000066060000650600006706000066060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68060000690600006a060000690600006b0600006a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0600006d0600006e0600006d0600006f0600006e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700600007106000072060000710600007306000072060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740600007506000076060000750600007706000076060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78060000790600007a060000790600007b0600007a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0600007d0600007e0600007d0600007f0600007e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800600008106000082060000810600008306000082060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840600008506000086060000850600008706000086060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88060000890600008a060000890600008b0600008a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0600008d0600008e0600008d0600008f0600008e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900600009106000092060000910600009306000092060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940600009506000096060000950600009706000096060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98060000990600009a060000990600009b0600009a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0600009d0600009e0600009d0600009f0600009e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0060000a1060000a2060000a1060000a3060000a2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4060000a5060000a6060000a5060000a7060000a6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8060000a9060000aa060000a9060000ab060000aa060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac060000ad060000ae060000ad060000af060000ae060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0060000b1060000b2060000b1060000b3060000b2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4060000b5060000b6060000b5060000b7060000b6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8060000b9060000ba060000b9060000bb060000ba060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc060000bd060000be060000bd060000bf060000be060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0060000c1060000c2060000c1060000c3060000c2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4060000c5060000c6060000c5060000c7060000c6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8060000c9060000ca060000c9060000cb060000ca060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc060000cd060000ce060000cd060000cf060000ce060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0060000d1060000d2060000d1060000d3060000d2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4060000d5060000d6060000d5060000d7060000d6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8060000d9060000da060000d9060000db060000da060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc060000dd060000de060000dd060000df060000de060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0060000e1060000e2060000e1060000e3060000e2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e7060000e4060000e6060000e4060000e5060000e6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: eb060000e8060000e9060000ea060000eb060000e9060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: ec060000ed060000ee060000ef060000ec060000ee060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: f2060000f3060000f1060000f3060000f0060000f1060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: f7060000f4060000f6060000f4060000f5060000f6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: fb060000f8060000fa060000f8060000f9060000fa060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: ff060000fc060000fe060000fc060000fd060000fe060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 030700000007000001070000020700000307000001070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 070700000407000006070000040700000507000006070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 0a0700000b070000090700000b0700000807000009070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 0f0700000c0700000e0700000c0700000d0700000e070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 120700001307000011070000130700001007000011070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 140700001507000016070000140700001607000017070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 1b070000190700001a0700001b0700001807000019070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 1c0700001d0700001e0700001c0700001e0700001f070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: 230700002007000021070000220700002307000021070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: 270700002407000026070000240700002507000026070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 2a0700002b070000290700002b0700002807000029070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 2f0700002c0700002d0700002f0700002d0700002e070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 330700003007000032070000300700003107000032070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 340700003507000037070000350700003607000037070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 3b070000380700003a07000038070000390700003a070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 3f0700003c0700003e0700003c0700003d0700003e070000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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0, z: 76.402885} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 88.15717} - {x: -90.47618, y: 5.184675, z: 76.40288} - {x: -90.47618, y: 6.6007686, z: 88.15717} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 88.15717} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 99.91147} - {x: -90.47618, y: 6.6007686, z: 88.15717} - {x: -90.47618, y: 8.873564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 99.91147} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 111.66576} - {x: -90.47618, y: 8.873564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -90.47618, y: 11.830915, z: 111.66576} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 111.66576} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 123.42005} - {x: -90.47618, y: 11.830915, z: 111.66576} - {x: -90.47618, y: 9.286178, z: 123.42005} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -123.42003} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0, z: -111.665764} - {x: -80.952385, y: 0, z: -123.42004} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0, z: -111.665764} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -99.91146} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -99.91146} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -76.402885} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -76.402885} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0, z: -76.402885} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0, z: -64.6486} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -76.402885} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -64.6486} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0, z: -64.6486} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0, z: -52.894314} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -64.6486} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0.8874388, z: -52.894318} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0, z: -52.894314} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.68345475, z: -41.140015} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0.8874388, z: -52.894318} - {x: -80.95238, y: 1.9900689, z: -41.14002} - {x: -90.47619, y: 0.68345475, z: -41.140015} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.3053982, z: -29.38573} - {x: -80.95238, y: 1.9900689, z: -41.14002} - {x: -80.95237, y: 2.5866349, z: -29.385733} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.3053982, z: -29.38573} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.4456849, z: -17.631445} - {x: -80.95237, y: 2.5866349, z: -29.385733} - {x: -80.95237, y: 3.113773, z: -17.631449} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.4456849, z: -17.631445} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.438021, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -80.95237, y: 3.113773, z: -17.631449} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.4386144, z: -5.877149} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.438021, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.1504536, z: 5.877149} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.4386144, z: -5.877149} - {x: -80.95237, y: 6.3550406, z: 5.877148} - {x: -90.47619, y: 1.1504536, z: 5.877149} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.5005878, z: 17.631428} - {x: -80.95237, y: 6.3550406, z: 5.877148} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.9396777, z: 17.631433} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.5005878, z: 17.631428} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.662978, z: 29.385727} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.9396777, z: 17.631433} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.040888, z: 29.385723} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.662978, z: 29.385727} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0.8215381, z: 41.14002} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.040888, z: 29.385723} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.997824, z: 41.140015} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0.8215381, z: 41.14002} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.8867296, z: 52.894302} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.997824, z: 41.140015} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.5289803, z: 52.894306} - {x: -90.47618, y: 1.8867296, z: 52.894302} - {x: -90.47618, y: 3.6293685, z: 64.64859} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.5289803, z: 52.894306} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.4843216, z: 64.64859} - {x: -90.47618, y: 3.6293685, z: 64.64859} - {x: -90.47618, y: 5.184675, z: 76.40288} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.4843216, z: 64.64859} - {x: -80.95237, y: 9.3553705, z: 76.40287} - {x: -90.47618, y: 5.184675, z: 76.40288} - {x: -90.47618, y: 6.6007686, z: 88.15717} - {x: -80.95237, y: 9.3553705, z: 76.40287} - {x: -80.95237, y: 11.151296, z: 88.15717} - {x: -90.47618, y: 6.6007686, z: 88.15717} - {x: -90.47618, y: 8.873564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: 11.151296, z: 88.15717} - {x: -80.95237, y: 13.001468, z: 99.91147} - {x: -90.47618, y: 8.873564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -90.47618, y: 11.830915, z: 111.66576} - {x: -80.95237, y: 13.001468, z: 99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: 15.184873, z: 111.66576} - {x: -90.47618, y: 11.830915, z: 111.66576} - {x: -90.47618, y: 9.286178, z: 123.42005} - {x: -80.95237, y: 15.184873, z: 111.66576} - {x: -80.95237, y: 16.4833, z: 123.42005} - {x: -80.952385, y: 0, z: -123.42004} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -76.402885} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -76.40289} - {x: -80.95238, y: 0, z: -76.402885} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -64.6486} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -76.40289} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.3358014, z: -64.64859} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0, z: -64.6486} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0.8874388, z: -52.894318} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.3358014, z: -64.64859} - {x: -71.428566, y: 1.9448606, z: -52.894306} - {x: -80.95237, y: 0.8874388, z: -52.894318} - {x: -80.95238, y: 1.9900689, z: -41.14002} - {x: -71.428566, y: 1.9448606, z: -52.894306} - {x: -71.428566, y: 3.0839176, z: -41.140022} - {x: -80.95238, y: 1.9900689, z: -41.14002} - {x: -80.95237, y: 2.5866349, z: -29.385733} - {x: -71.428566, y: 3.0839176, z: -41.140022} - {x: -71.428566, y: 4.5667086, z: -29.385738} - {x: -80.95237, y: 2.5866349, z: -29.385733} - {x: -80.95237, y: 3.113773, z: -17.631449} - {x: -71.428566, y: 4.5667086, z: -29.385738} - {x: -71.428566, y: 8.148206, z: -17.63144} - {x: -80.95237, y: 3.113773, z: -17.631449} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.4386144, z: -5.877149} - {x: -71.428566, y: 8.148206, z: -17.63144} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.468806, z: -5.8771434} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.4386144, z: -5.877149} - {x: -80.95237, y: 6.3550406, z: 5.877148} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.468806, z: -5.8771434} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.029948, z: 5.877143} - {x: -80.95237, y: 6.3550406, z: 5.877148} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.9396777, z: 17.631433} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.029948, z: 5.877143} - {x: -71.428566, y: 14.204932, z: 17.631428} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.9396777, z: 17.631433} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.040888, z: 29.385723} - {x: -71.428566, y: 14.204932, z: 17.631428} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.373693, z: 29.385725} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.040888, z: 29.385723} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.997824, z: 41.140015} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.373693, z: 29.385725} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.818274, z: 41.14002} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.997824, z: 41.140015} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.5289803, z: 52.894306} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.818274, z: 41.14002} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.96711, z: 52.8943} - {x: -80.95237, y: 5.5289803, z: 52.894306} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.4843216, z: 64.64859} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.96711, z: 52.8943} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.464452, z: 64.6486} - {x: -80.95237, y: 7.4843216, z: 64.64859} - {x: -80.95237, y: 9.3553705, z: 76.40287} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.464452, z: 64.6486} - {x: -71.428566, y: 12.206632, z: 76.402885} - {x: -80.95237, y: 9.3553705, z: 76.40287} - {x: -80.95237, y: 11.151296, z: 88.15717} - {x: -71.428566, y: 12.206632, z: 76.402885} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.860974, z: 88.15718} - {x: -80.95237, y: 11.151296, z: 88.15717} - {x: -80.95237, y: 13.001468, z: 99.91147} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.860974, z: 88.15718} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.484087, z: 99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: 13.001468, z: 99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: 15.184873, z: 111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.484087, z: 99.91147} - {x: -71.428566, y: 16.460468, z: 111.66576} - {x: -80.95237, y: 15.184873, z: 111.66576} - {x: -80.95237, y: 16.4833, z: 123.42005} - {x: -71.428566, y: 16.460468, z: 111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: 17.067137, z: 123.42005} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -61.904755, y: 0, z: -123.420074} - {x: -61.904755, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -61.904755, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -99.91146} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -99.91146} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -76.40289} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -61.904766, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -71.428566, y: 0, z: -76.40289} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.3358014, z: -64.64859} - {x: -61.904766, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -61.904762, y: 1.018427, z: -64.6486} - {x: -71.42857, y: 0.3358014, z: -64.64859} - {x: -71.428566, y: 1.9448606, z: -52.894306} - {x: -61.904762, y: 1.018427, z: -64.6486} - {x: -61.90476, y: 3.6960278, z: -52.89431} - {x: -71.428566, y: 1.9448606, z: -52.894306} - {x: -71.428566, y: 3.0839176, z: -41.140022} - {x: -61.90476, y: 3.6960278, z: -52.89431} - {x: -61.904755, y: 6.527201, z: -41.140026} - {x: -71.428566, y: 3.0839176, z: -41.140022} - {x: -71.428566, y: 4.5667086, z: -29.385738} - {x: -61.904755, y: 6.527201, z: -41.140026} - {x: -61.90476, y: 8.501077, z: -29.385727} - {x: -71.428566, y: 4.5667086, z: -29.385738} - {x: -71.428566, y: 8.148206, z: -17.63144} - {x: -61.90476, y: 8.501077, z: -29.385727} - {x: -61.90476, y: 14.973975, z: -17.631443} - {x: -71.428566, y: 8.148206, z: -17.63144} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.468806, z: -5.8771434} - {x: -61.90476, y: 14.973975, z: -17.631443} - {x: -61.90476, y: 18.712616, z: -5.8771467} - {x: -71.42857, y: 11.468806, z: -5.8771434} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.029948, z: 5.877143} - {x: -61.90476, y: 18.712616, z: -5.8771467} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.117405, z: 5.877146} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.029948, z: 5.877143} - {x: -71.428566, y: 14.204932, z: 17.631428} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.117405, z: 5.877146} - {x: -61.90476, y: 21.876158, z: 17.63144} - {x: -71.428566, y: 14.204932, z: 17.631428} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.373693, z: 29.385725} - {x: -61.90476, y: 21.876158, z: 17.63144} - {x: -61.904755, y: 20.954863, z: 29.385723} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.373693, z: 29.385725} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.818274, z: 41.14002} - {x: -61.904755, y: 20.954863, z: 29.385723} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.57285, z: 41.140015} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.818274, z: 41.14002} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.96711, z: 52.8943} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.57285, z: 41.140015} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.944233, z: 52.894306} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.96711, z: 52.8943} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.464452, z: 64.6486} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.944233, z: 52.894306} - {x: -61.904755, y: 13.036358, z: 64.64859} - {x: -71.428566, y: 10.464452, z: 64.6486} - {x: -71.428566, y: 12.206632, z: 76.402885} - {x: -61.904755, y: 13.036358, z: 64.64859} - {x: -61.90475, y: 14.1944685, z: 76.40287} - {x: -71.428566, y: 12.206632, z: 76.402885} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.860974, z: 88.15718} - {x: -61.90475, y: 14.1944685, z: 76.40287} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.625137, z: 88.15717} - {x: -71.428566, y: 13.860974, z: 88.15718} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.484087, z: 99.91147} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.625137, z: 88.15717} - {x: -61.90476, y: 16.974564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -71.428566, y: 15.484087, z: 99.91147} - {x: -71.428566, y: 16.460468, z: 111.66576} - {x: -61.90476, y: 16.974564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -61.904755, y: 18.478464, z: 111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: 16.460468, z: 111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: 17.067137, z: 123.42005} - {x: -61.904755, y: 18.478464, z: 111.66576} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.770136, z: 123.42005} - {x: -61.904755, y: 0, z: -123.420074} - {x: -61.904755, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -52.380943, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -61.904755, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -99.91146} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -52.380943, y: 0, z: -99.911476} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -99.91146} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -52.380943, y: 0, z: -99.911476} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -61.904762, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -61.904766, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -61.904766, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -61.904762, y: 1.018427, z: -64.6486} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -52.380947, y: 3.0983908, z: -64.6486} - {x: -61.904762, y: 1.018427, z: -64.6486} - {x: -61.90476, y: 3.6960278, z: -52.89431} - {x: -52.380947, y: 3.0983908, z: -64.6486} - {x: -52.380943, y: 7.4781656, z: -52.894314} - {x: -61.90476, y: 3.6960278, z: -52.89431} - {x: -61.904755, y: 6.527201, z: -41.140026} - {x: -52.380943, y: 7.4781656, z: -52.894314} - {x: -52.380943, y: 12.542165, z: -41.14003} - {x: -61.904755, y: 6.527201, z: -41.140026} - {x: -61.90476, y: 8.501077, z: -29.385727} - {x: -52.380943, y: 12.542165, z: -41.14003} - {x: -52.380947, y: 17.510847, z: -29.38573} - {x: -61.90476, y: 8.501077, z: -29.385727} - {x: -61.90476, y: 14.973975, z: -17.631443} - {x: -52.380947, y: 17.510847, z: -29.38573} - {x: -52.380943, y: 24.86272, z: -17.631445} - {x: -61.90476, y: 14.973975, z: -17.631443} - {x: -61.90476, y: 18.712616, z: -5.8771467} - {x: -52.380943, y: 24.86272, z: -17.631445} - {x: -52.380947, y: 23.263836, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -61.90476, y: 18.712616, z: -5.8771467} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.117405, z: 5.877146} - {x: -52.380947, y: 23.263836, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -52.380947, y: 27.082375, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -61.904762, y: 21.117405, z: 5.877146} - {x: -61.90476, y: 21.876158, z: 17.63144} - {x: -52.380947, y: 27.082375, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -52.380947, y: 28.126408, z: 17.631435} - {x: -61.90476, y: 21.876158, z: 17.63144} - {x: -61.904755, y: 20.954863, z: 29.385723} - {x: -52.380947, y: 28.126408, z: 17.631435} - {x: -52.380947, y: 25.489202, z: 29.385727} - {x: -61.904755, y: 20.954863, z: 29.385723} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.57285, z: 41.140015} - {x: -52.380947, y: 25.489202, z: 29.385727} - {x: -52.380943, y: 25.046762, z: 41.14002} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.57285, z: 41.140015} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.944233, z: 52.894306} - {x: -52.380943, y: 25.046762, z: 41.14002} - {x: -52.380943, y: 20.337914, z: 52.894295} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.944233, z: 52.894306} - {x: -61.904755, y: 13.036358, z: 64.64859} - {x: -52.380943, y: 20.337914, z: 52.894295} - {x: -52.380943, y: 15.974834, z: 64.64859} - {x: -61.904755, y: 13.036358, z: 64.64859} - {x: -61.90475, y: 14.1944685, z: 76.40287} - {x: -52.380943, y: 15.974834, z: 64.64859} - {x: -52.380943, y: 16.06559, z: 76.40288} - {x: -61.90475, y: 14.1944685, z: 76.40287} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.625137, z: 88.15717} - {x: -52.380943, y: 16.06559, z: 76.40288} - {x: -52.38094, y: 16.861292, z: 88.15717} - {x: -61.904755, y: 15.625137, z: 88.15717} - {x: -61.90476, y: 16.974564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -52.38094, y: 16.861292, z: 88.15717} - {x: -52.380943, y: 18.78705, z: 99.91147} - {x: -61.90476, y: 16.974564, z: 99.91147} - {x: -61.904755, y: 18.478464, z: 111.66576} - {x: -52.380943, y: 18.78705, z: 99.91147} - {x: -52.38094, y: 20.83676, z: 111.66576} - {x: -61.904755, y: 18.478464, z: 111.66576} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.770136, z: 123.42005} - {x: -52.38094, y: 20.83676, z: 111.66576} - {x: -52.38094, y: 21.703333, z: 123.42005} - {x: -52.380943, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -42.857147, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: -42.857147, y: 0, z: -111.66573} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -52.380943, y: 0, z: -99.911476} - {x: -42.857147, y: 0, z: -111.66573} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -52.380943, y: 0, z: -99.911476} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -42.85714, y: 0.6176388, z: -76.402885} - {x: -52.38095, y: 0, z: -76.40288} - {x: -52.380947, y: 3.0983908, z: -64.6486} - {x: -42.85714, y: 0.6176388, z: -76.402885} - {x: -42.85714, y: 5.5446134, z: -64.6486} - {x: -52.380947, y: 3.0983908, z: -64.6486} - {x: -52.380943, y: 7.4781656, z: -52.894314} - {x: -42.85714, y: 5.5446134, z: -64.6486} - {x: -42.85714, y: 12.960167, z: -52.894302} - {x: -52.380943, y: 7.4781656, z: -52.894314} - {x: -52.380943, y: 12.542165, z: -41.14003} - {x: -42.85714, y: 12.960167, z: -52.894302} - {x: -42.85714, y: 22.731964, z: -41.14002} - {x: -52.380943, y: 12.542165, z: -41.14003} - {x: -52.380947, y: 17.510847, z: -29.38573} - {x: -42.85714, y: 22.731964, z: -41.14002} - {x: -42.857136, y: 27.937239, z: -29.385735} - {x: -52.380947, y: 17.510847, z: -29.38573} - {x: -52.380943, y: 24.86272, z: -17.631445} - {x: -42.857136, y: 27.937239, z: -29.385735} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.545712, z: -17.631435} - {x: -52.380943, y: 24.86272, z: -17.631445} - {x: -52.380947, y: 23.263836, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.545712, z: -17.631435} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.905266, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -52.380947, y: 23.263836, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -52.380947, y: 27.082375, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.905266, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -42.85714, y: 31.402487, z: 5.8771467} - {x: -52.380947, y: 27.082375, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -52.380947, y: 28.126408, z: 17.631435} - {x: -42.85714, y: 31.402487, z: 5.8771467} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.550032, z: 17.631432} - {x: -52.380947, y: 28.126408, z: 17.631435} - {x: -52.380947, y: 25.489202, z: 29.385727} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.550032, z: 17.631432} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.94008, z: 29.38573} - {x: -52.380947, y: 25.489202, z: 29.385727} - {x: -52.380943, y: 25.046762, z: 41.14002} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.94008, z: 29.38573} - {x: -42.85714, y: 28.755753, z: 41.140015} - {x: -52.380943, y: 25.046762, z: 41.14002} - {x: -52.380943, y: 20.337914, z: 52.894295} - {x: -42.85714, y: 28.755753, z: 41.140015} - {x: -42.85714, y: 24.652863, z: 52.894306} - {x: -52.380943, y: 20.337914, z: 52.894295} - {x: -52.380943, y: 15.974834, z: 64.64859} - {x: -42.85714, y: 24.652863, z: 52.894306} - {x: -42.857132, y: 19.238796, z: 64.64859} - {x: -52.380943, y: 15.974834, z: 64.64859} - {x: -52.380943, y: 16.06559, z: 76.40288} - {x: -42.857132, y: 19.238796, z: 64.64859} - {x: -42.857136, y: 18.466824, z: 76.40288} - {x: -52.380943, y: 16.06559, z: 76.40288} - {x: -52.38094, y: 16.861292, z: 88.15717} - {x: -42.857136, y: 18.466824, z: 76.40288} - {x: -42.857136, y: 20.380243, z: 88.15717} - {x: -52.38094, y: 16.861292, z: 88.15717} - {x: -52.380943, y: 18.78705, z: 99.91147} - {x: -42.857136, y: 20.380243, z: 88.15717} - {x: -42.857136, y: 21.825108, z: 99.91146} - {x: -52.380943, y: 18.78705, z: 99.91147} - {x: -52.38094, y: 20.83676, z: 111.66576} - {x: -42.857136, y: 21.825108, z: 99.91146} - {x: -42.85714, y: 25.461805, z: 111.66576} - {x: -52.38094, y: 20.83676, z: 111.66576} - {x: -52.38094, y: 21.703333, z: 123.42005} - {x: -42.85714, y: 25.461805, z: 111.66576} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.155704, z: 123.42005} - {x: -42.857147, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: -42.857147, y: 0, z: -111.66573} - {x: -33.333324, y: 0, z: -123.42007} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -42.857147, y: 0, z: -111.66573} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -88.15719} - {x: -42.857143, y: 0, z: -88.15717} - {x: -42.85714, y: 0.6176388, z: -76.402885} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -88.15719} - {x: -33.333324, y: 2.4229176, z: -76.402885} - {x: -42.85714, y: 0.6176388, z: -76.402885} - {x: -42.85714, y: 5.5446134, z: -64.6486} - {x: -33.333324, y: 2.4229176, z: -76.402885} - {x: -33.33333, y: 15.52706, z: -64.648605} - {x: -42.85714, y: 5.5446134, z: -64.6486} - {x: -42.85714, y: 12.960167, z: -52.894302} - {x: -33.33333, y: 15.52706, z: -64.648605} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.05438, z: -52.894306} - {x: -42.85714, y: 12.960167, z: -52.894302} - {x: -42.85714, y: 22.731964, z: -41.14002} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.05438, z: -52.894306} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.553547, z: -41.14002} - {x: -42.85714, y: 22.731964, z: -41.14002} - {x: -42.857136, y: 27.937239, z: -29.385735} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.553547, z: -41.14002} - {x: -33.333324, y: 33.31692, z: -29.385735} - {x: -42.857136, y: 27.937239, z: -29.385735} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.545712, z: -17.631435} - {x: -33.333324, y: 33.31692, z: -29.385735} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.781033, z: -17.63144} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.545712, z: -17.631435} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.905266, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.781033, z: -17.63144} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.49188, z: -5.877145} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.905266, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -42.85714, y: 31.402487, z: 5.8771467} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.49188, z: -5.877145} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.884678, z: 5.8771453} - {x: -42.85714, y: 31.402487, z: 5.8771467} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.550032, z: 17.631432} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.884678, z: 5.8771453} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.161945, z: 17.631443} - {x: -42.857136, y: 30.550032, z: 17.631432} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.94008, z: 29.38573} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.161945, z: 17.631443} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.19705, z: 29.385727} - {x: -42.85714, y: 29.94008, z: 29.38573} - {x: -42.85714, y: 28.755753, z: 41.140015} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.19705, z: 29.385727} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.48156, z: 41.14002} - {x: -42.85714, y: 28.755753, z: 41.140015} - {x: -42.85714, y: 24.652863, z: 52.894306} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.48156, z: 41.14002} - {x: -33.333324, y: 30.329641, z: 52.894295} - {x: -42.85714, y: 24.652863, z: 52.894306} - {x: -42.857132, y: 19.238796, z: 64.64859} - {x: -33.333324, y: 30.329641, z: 52.894295} - {x: -33.333324, y: 28.508698, z: 64.6486} - {x: -42.857132, y: 19.238796, z: 64.64859} - {x: -42.857136, y: 18.466824, z: 76.40288} - {x: -33.333324, y: 28.508698, z: 64.6486} - {x: -33.333324, y: 23.327604, z: 76.40288} - {x: -42.857136, y: 18.466824, z: 76.40288} - {x: -42.857136, y: 20.380243, z: 88.15717} - {x: -33.333324, y: 23.327604, z: 76.40288} - {x: -33.33332, y: 24.635244, z: 88.15717} - {x: -42.857136, y: 20.380243, z: 88.15717} - {x: -42.857136, y: 21.825108, z: 99.91146} - {x: -33.33332, y: 24.635244, z: 88.15717} - {x: -33.333324, y: 26.492504, z: 99.91147} - {x: -42.857136, y: 21.825108, z: 99.91146} - {x: -42.85714, y: 25.461805, z: 111.66576} - {x: -33.333324, y: 26.492504, z: 99.91147} - {x: -33.33332, y: 27.182596, z: 111.66576} - {x: -42.85714, y: 25.461805, z: 111.66576} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.155704, z: 123.42005} - {x: -33.33332, y: 27.182596, z: 111.66576} - {x: -33.333324, y: 27.267368, z: 123.42005} - {x: -33.333324, y: 0, z: -123.42007} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -23.80952, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: -23.809528, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -111.66576} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -23.809528, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.00063534314, z: -99.91146} - {x: -33.333332, y: 0, z: -99.91147} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -88.15719} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.00063534314, z: -99.91146} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9507134, z: -88.15717} - {x: -33.33333, y: 0, z: -88.15719} - {x: -33.333324, y: 2.4229176, z: -76.402885} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9507134, z: -88.15717} - {x: -23.809519, y: 11.332111, z: -76.40289} - {x: -33.333324, y: 2.4229176, z: -76.402885} - {x: -33.33333, y: 15.52706, z: -64.648605} - {x: -23.809519, y: 11.332111, z: -76.40289} - {x: -23.809525, y: 32.607544, z: -64.6486} - {x: -33.33333, y: 15.52706, z: -64.648605} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.05438, z: -52.894306} - {x: -23.809525, y: 32.607544, z: -64.6486} - {x: -23.809519, y: 34.91322, z: -52.89431} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.05438, z: -52.894306} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.553547, z: -41.14002} - {x: -23.809519, y: 34.91322, z: -52.89431} - {x: -23.809515, y: 35.095108, z: -41.140022} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.553547, z: -41.14002} - {x: -33.333324, y: 33.31692, z: -29.385735} - {x: -23.809515, y: 35.095108, z: -41.140022} - {x: -23.80952, y: 34.842587, z: -29.385727} - {x: -33.333324, y: 33.31692, z: -29.385735} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.781033, z: -17.63144} - {x: -23.80952, y: 34.842587, z: -29.385727} - {x: -23.809515, y: 34.355694, z: -17.631441} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.781033, z: -17.63144} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.49188, z: -5.877145} - {x: -23.809515, y: 34.355694, z: -17.631441} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.9352, z: -5.877146} - {x: -33.33333, y: 33.49188, z: -5.877145} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.884678, z: 5.8771453} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.9352, z: -5.877146} - {x: -23.809515, y: 33.190258, z: 5.877146} - {x: -33.333324, y: 32.884678, z: 5.8771453} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.161945, z: 17.631443} - {x: -23.809515, y: 33.190258, z: 5.877146} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.60316, z: 17.63144} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.161945, z: 17.631443} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.19705, z: 29.385727} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.60316, z: 17.63144} - {x: -23.809517, y: 32.42231, z: 29.385723} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.19705, z: 29.385727} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.48156, z: 41.14002} - {x: -23.809517, y: 32.42231, z: 29.385723} - {x: -23.80952, y: 32.31198, z: 41.140015} - {x: -33.33333, y: 32.48156, z: 41.14002} - {x: -33.333324, y: 30.329641, z: 52.894295} - {x: -23.80952, y: 32.31198, z: 41.140015} - {x: -23.809519, y: 31.598288, z: 52.894306} - {x: -33.333324, y: 30.329641, z: 52.894295} - {x: -33.333324, y: 28.508698, z: 64.6486} - {x: -23.809519, y: 31.598288, z: 52.894306} - {x: -23.809515, y: 31.44434, z: 64.64859} - {x: -33.333324, y: 28.508698, z: 64.6486} - {x: -33.333324, y: 23.327604, z: 76.40288} - {x: -23.809515, y: 31.44434, z: 64.64859} - {x: -23.809513, y: 26.174997, z: 76.402885} - {x: -33.333324, y: 23.327604, z: 76.40288} - {x: -33.33332, y: 24.635244, z: 88.15717} - {x: -23.809513, y: 26.174997, z: 76.402885} - {x: -23.80952, y: 28.851418, z: 88.15717} - {x: -33.33332, y: 24.635244, z: 88.15717} - {x: -33.333324, y: 26.492504, z: 99.91147} - {x: -23.80952, y: 28.851418, z: 88.15717} - {x: -23.809513, y: 29.0672, z: 99.91147} - {x: -33.333324, y: 26.492504, z: 99.91147} - {x: -33.33332, y: 27.182596, z: 111.66576} - {x: -23.809513, y: 29.0672, z: 99.91147} - {x: -23.809523, y: 29.51594, z: 111.66576} - {x: -33.33332, y: 27.182596, z: 111.66576} - {x: -33.333324, y: 27.267368, z: 123.42005} - {x: -23.809523, y: 29.51594, z: 111.66576} - {x: -23.809515, y: 28.558046, z: 123.420044} - {x: -23.80952, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: -23.809528, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -14.285711, y: 0, z: -123.420044} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 0.05570833, z: -111.665764} - {x: -23.809528, y: 0, z: -111.66575} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.00063534314, z: -99.91146} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 0.05570833, z: -111.665764} - {x: -14.285708, y: 1.1836107, z: -99.911476} - {x: -23.809525, y: 0.00063534314, z: -99.91146} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9507134, z: -88.15717} - {x: -14.285708, y: 1.1836107, z: -99.911476} - {x: -14.285706, y: 4.7302384, z: -88.157196} - {x: -23.809525, y: 1.9507134, z: -88.15717} - {x: -23.809519, y: 11.332111, z: -76.40289} - {x: -14.285706, y: 4.7302384, z: -88.157196} - {x: -14.285713, y: 27.122242, z: -76.40288} - {x: -23.809519, y: 11.332111, z: -76.40289} - {x: -23.809525, y: 32.607544, z: -64.6486} - {x: -14.285713, y: 27.122242, z: -76.40288} - {x: -14.28571, y: 33.91643, z: -64.6486} - {x: -23.809525, y: 32.607544, z: -64.6486} - {x: -23.809519, y: 34.91322, z: -52.89431} - {x: -14.28571, y: 33.91643, z: -64.6486} - {x: -14.285708, y: 35.055046, z: -52.894314} - {x: -23.809519, y: 34.91322, z: -52.89431} - {x: -23.809515, y: 35.095108, z: -41.140022} - {x: -14.285708, y: 35.055046, z: -52.894314} - {x: -14.285706, y: 35.155384, z: -41.140026} - {x: -23.809515, y: 35.095108, z: -41.140022} - {x: -23.80952, y: 34.842587, z: -29.385727} - {x: -14.285706, y: 35.155384, z: -41.140026} - {x: -14.28571, y: 34.784946, z: -29.38573} - {x: -23.80952, y: 34.842587, z: -29.385727} - {x: -23.809515, y: 34.355694, z: -17.631441} - {x: -14.28571, y: 34.784946, z: -29.38573} - {x: -14.285706, y: 33.550476, z: -17.631445} - {x: -23.809515, y: 34.355694, z: -17.631441} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.9352, z: -5.877146} - {x: -14.285706, y: 33.550476, z: -17.631445} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.591705, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.9352, z: -5.877146} - {x: -23.809515, y: 33.190258, z: 5.877146} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.591705, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.076797, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -23.809515, y: 33.190258, z: 5.877146} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.60316, z: 17.63144} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.076797, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -14.285706, y: 32.39504, z: 17.631437} - {x: -23.809519, y: 32.60316, z: 17.63144} - {x: -23.809517, y: 32.42231, z: 29.385723} - {x: -14.285706, y: 32.39504, z: 17.631437} - {x: -14.285712, y: 31.667551, z: 29.385735} - {x: -23.809517, y: 32.42231, z: 29.385723} - {x: -23.80952, y: 32.31198, z: 41.140015} - {x: -14.285712, y: 31.667551, z: 29.385735} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 32.19333, z: 41.14002} - {x: -23.80952, y: 32.31198, z: 41.140015} - {x: -23.809519, y: 31.598288, z: 52.894306} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 32.19333, z: 41.14002} - {x: -14.285705, y: 32.367344, z: 52.894295} - {x: -23.809519, y: 31.598288, z: 52.894306} - {x: -23.809515, y: 31.44434, z: 64.64859} - {x: -14.285705, y: 32.367344, z: 52.894295} - {x: -14.285705, y: 30.736841, z: 64.6486} - {x: -23.809515, y: 31.44434, z: 64.64859} - {x: -23.809513, y: 26.174997, z: 76.402885} - {x: -14.285705, y: 30.736841, z: 64.6486} - {x: -14.285709, y: 28.819918, z: 76.40288} - {x: -23.809513, y: 26.174997, z: 76.402885} - {x: -23.80952, y: 28.851418, z: 88.15717} - {x: -14.285709, y: 28.819918, z: 76.40288} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 30.553453, z: 88.15718} - {x: -23.80952, y: 28.851418, z: 88.15717} - {x: -23.809513, y: 29.0672, z: 99.91147} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 30.553453, z: 88.15718} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 31.95137, z: 99.91147} - {x: -23.809513, y: 29.0672, z: 99.91147} - {x: -23.809523, y: 29.51594, z: 111.66576} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 31.95137, z: 99.91147} - {x: -14.285705, y: 31.843313, z: 111.66576} - {x: -23.809523, y: 29.51594, z: 111.66576} - {x: -23.809515, y: 28.558046, z: 123.420044} - {x: -14.285705, y: 31.843313, z: 111.66576} - {x: -14.285708, y: 30.6963, z: 123.42005} - {x: -14.285711, y: 0, z: -123.420044} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 0.05570833, z: -111.665764} - {x: -4.7618937, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: -4.7619023, y: 0.4006928, z: -111.66575} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 0.05570833, z: -111.665764} - {x: -14.285708, y: 1.1836107, z: -99.911476} - {x: -4.7619023, y: 0.4006928, z: -111.66575} - {x: -4.7618904, y: 3.7234766, z: -99.91149} - {x: -14.285708, y: 1.1836107, z: -99.911476} - {x: -14.285706, y: 4.7302384, z: -88.157196} - {x: -4.7618904, y: 3.7234766, z: -99.91149} - {x: -4.761899, y: 13.177738, z: -88.15718} - {x: -14.285706, y: 4.7302384, z: -88.157196} - {x: -14.285713, y: 27.122242, z: -76.40288} - {x: -4.761899, y: 13.177738, z: -88.15718} - {x: -4.7619014, y: 33.710297, z: -76.402885} - {x: -14.285713, y: 27.122242, z: -76.40288} - {x: -14.28571, y: 33.91643, z: -64.6486} - {x: -4.7619014, y: 33.710297, z: -76.402885} - {x: -4.761901, y: 33.876617, z: -64.6486} - {x: -14.28571, y: 33.91643, z: -64.6486} - {x: -14.285708, y: 35.055046, z: -52.894314} - {x: -4.761901, y: 33.876617, z: -64.6486} - {x: -4.761897, y: 34.983864, z: -52.894314} - {x: -14.285708, y: 35.055046, z: -52.894314} - {x: -14.285706, y: 35.155384, z: -41.140026} - {x: -4.761897, y: 34.983864, z: -52.894314} - {x: -4.7618985, y: 34.97677, z: -41.140015} - {x: -14.285706, y: 35.155384, z: -41.140026} - {x: -14.28571, y: 34.784946, z: -29.38573} - {x: -4.7618985, y: 34.97677, z: -41.140015} - {x: -4.7618995, y: 34.627216, z: -29.385735} - {x: -14.28571, y: 34.784946, z: -29.38573} - {x: -14.285706, y: 33.550476, z: -17.631445} - {x: -4.7618995, y: 34.627216, z: -29.385735} - {x: -4.761896, y: 33.22563, z: -17.631449} - {x: -14.285706, y: 33.550476, z: -17.631445} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.591705, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -4.761896, y: 33.22563, z: -17.631449} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.168922, z: -5.8771496} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.591705, z: -5.8771477} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.076797, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.168922, z: -5.8771496} - {x: -4.761901, y: 31.756334, z: 5.877146} - {x: -14.285711, y: 32.076797, z: 5.8771477} - {x: -14.285706, y: 32.39504, z: 17.631437} - {x: -4.761901, y: 31.756334, z: 5.877146} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.317856, z: 17.631433} - {x: -14.285706, y: 32.39504, z: 17.631437} - {x: -14.285712, y: 31.667551, z: 29.385735} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.317856, z: 17.631433} - {x: -4.761902, y: 31.849611, z: 29.38573} - {x: -14.285712, y: 31.667551, z: 29.385735} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 32.19333, z: 41.14002} - {x: -4.761902, y: 31.849611, z: 29.38573} - {x: -4.7619, y: 32.328526, z: 41.140015} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 32.19333, z: 41.14002} - {x: -14.285705, y: 32.367344, z: 52.894295} - {x: -4.7619, y: 32.328526, z: 41.140015} - {x: -4.761897, y: 32.32506, z: 52.894306} - {x: -14.285705, y: 32.367344, z: 52.894295} - {x: -14.285705, y: 30.736841, z: 64.6486} - {x: -4.761897, y: 32.32506, z: 52.894306} - {x: -4.761895, y: 31.913937, z: 64.64859} - {x: -14.285705, y: 30.736841, z: 64.6486} - {x: -14.285709, y: 28.819918, z: 76.40288} - {x: -4.761895, y: 31.913937, z: 64.64859} - {x: -4.7618957, y: 31.735142, z: 76.402885} - {x: -14.285709, y: 28.819918, z: 76.40288} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 30.553453, z: 88.15718} - {x: -4.7618957, y: 31.735142, z: 76.402885} - {x: -4.761896, y: 31.35008, z: 88.15717} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 30.553453, z: 88.15718} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 31.95137, z: 99.91147} - {x: -4.761896, y: 31.35008, z: 88.15717} - {x: -4.761897, y: 31.841738, z: 99.91147} - {x: -14.2857065, y: 31.95137, z: 99.91147} - {x: -14.285705, y: 31.843313, z: 111.66576} - {x: -4.761897, y: 31.841738, z: 99.91147} - {x: -4.7618976, y: 31.587246, z: 111.66576} - {x: -14.285705, y: 31.843313, z: 111.66576} - {x: -14.285708, y: 30.6963, z: 123.42005} - {x: -4.7618976, y: 31.587246, z: 111.66576} - {x: -4.761898, y: 29.243534, z: 123.420044} - {x: -4.7618937, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: -4.7619023, y: 0.4006928, z: -111.66575} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: 4.7619042, y: 2.4387903, z: -111.66574} - {x: -4.7619023, y: 0.4006928, z: -111.66575} - {x: -4.7618904, y: 3.7234766, z: -99.91149} - {x: 4.7619042, y: 2.4387903, z: -111.66574} - {x: 4.7619057, y: 6.24615, z: -99.91145} - {x: -4.7618904, y: 3.7234766, z: -99.91149} - {x: -4.761899, y: 13.177738, z: -88.15718} - {x: 4.7619057, y: 6.24615, z: -99.91145} - {x: 4.761906, y: 18.031582, z: -88.15717} - {x: -4.761899, y: 13.177738, z: -88.15718} - {x: -4.7619014, y: 33.710297, z: -76.402885} - {x: 4.761906, y: 18.031582, z: -88.15717} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 33.24178, z: -76.40287} - {x: -4.7619014, y: 33.710297, z: -76.402885} - {x: -4.761901, y: 33.876617, z: -64.6486} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 33.24178, z: -76.40287} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 34.60231, z: -64.648605} - {x: -4.761901, y: 33.876617, z: -64.6486} - {x: -4.761897, y: 34.983864, z: -52.894314} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 34.60231, z: -64.648605} - {x: 4.761909, y: 34.905266, z: -52.894302} - {x: -4.761897, y: 34.983864, z: -52.894314} - {x: -4.7618985, y: 34.97677, z: -41.140015} - {x: 4.761909, y: 34.905266, z: -52.894302} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 34.802475, z: -41.14002} - {x: -4.7618985, y: 34.97677, z: -41.140015} - {x: -4.7618995, y: 34.627216, z: -29.385735} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 34.802475, z: -41.14002} - {x: 4.761914, y: 34.45329, z: -29.385736} - {x: -4.7618995, y: 34.627216, z: -29.385735} - {x: -4.761896, y: 33.22563, z: -17.631449} - {x: 4.761914, y: 34.45329, z: -29.385736} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 32.545464, z: -17.631437} - {x: -4.761896, y: 33.22563, z: -17.631449} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.168922, z: -5.8771496} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 32.545464, z: -17.631437} - {x: 4.7619123, y: 31.616291, z: -5.8771496} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.168922, z: -5.8771496} - {x: -4.761901, y: 31.756334, z: 5.877146} - {x: 4.7619123, y: 31.616291, z: -5.8771496} - {x: 4.761909, y: 30.56251, z: 5.877145} - {x: -4.761901, y: 31.756334, z: 5.877146} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.317856, z: 17.631433} - {x: 4.761909, y: 30.56251, z: 5.877145} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 31.626774, z: 17.631443} - {x: -4.761898, y: 32.317856, z: 17.631433} - {x: -4.761902, y: 31.849611, z: 29.38573} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 31.626774, z: 17.631443} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.27491, z: 29.385729} - {x: -4.761902, y: 31.849611, z: 29.38573} - {x: -4.7619, y: 32.328526, z: 41.140015} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.27491, z: 29.385729} - {x: 4.7619133, y: 32.714897, z: 41.14001} - {x: -4.7619, y: 32.328526, z: 41.140015} - {x: -4.761897, y: 32.32506, z: 52.894306} - {x: 4.7619133, y: 32.714897, z: 41.14001} - {x: 4.761913, y: 33.716446, z: 52.894302} - {x: -4.761897, y: 32.32506, z: 52.894306} - {x: -4.761895, y: 31.913937, z: 64.64859} - {x: 4.761913, y: 33.716446, z: 52.894302} - {x: 4.761912, y: 34.153862, z: 64.6486} - {x: -4.761895, y: 31.913937, z: 64.64859} - {x: -4.7618957, y: 31.735142, z: 76.402885} - {x: 4.761912, y: 34.153862, z: 64.6486} - {x: 4.7619143, y: 33.54022, z: 76.40288} - {x: -4.7618957, y: 31.735142, z: 76.402885} - {x: -4.761896, y: 31.35008, z: 88.15717} - {x: 4.7619143, y: 33.54022, z: 76.40288} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.18427, z: 88.15718} - {x: -4.761896, y: 31.35008, z: 88.15717} - {x: -4.761897, y: 31.841738, z: 99.91147} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.18427, z: 88.15718} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 31.188131, z: 99.91147} - {x: -4.761897, y: 31.841738, z: 99.91147} - {x: -4.7618976, y: 31.587246, z: 111.66576} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 31.188131, z: 99.91147} - {x: 4.7619195, y: 29.549805, z: 111.66576} - {x: -4.7618976, y: 31.587246, z: 111.66576} - {x: -4.761898, y: 29.243534, z: 123.420044} - {x: 4.7619195, y: 29.549805, z: 111.66576} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 24.109163, z: 123.42004} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: 4.7619042, y: 2.4387903, z: -111.66574} - {x: 14.285725, y: 0, z: -123.42007} - {x: 14.285719, y: 4.40239, z: -111.66576} - {x: 4.7619042, y: 2.4387903, z: -111.66574} - {x: 4.7619057, y: 6.24615, z: -99.91145} - {x: 14.285719, y: 4.40239, z: -111.66576} - {x: 14.285718, y: 7.485787, z: -99.911476} - {x: 4.7619057, y: 6.24615, z: -99.91145} - {x: 4.761906, y: 18.031582, z: -88.15717} - {x: 14.285718, y: 7.485787, z: -99.911476} - {x: 14.285724, y: 19.979704, z: -88.15719} - {x: 4.761906, y: 18.031582, z: -88.15717} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 33.24178, z: -76.40287} - {x: 14.285724, y: 19.979704, z: -88.15719} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.989473, z: -76.40289} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 33.24178, z: -76.40287} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 34.60231, z: -64.648605} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.989473, z: -76.40289} - {x: 14.285713, y: 34.021057, z: -64.64859} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 34.60231, z: -64.648605} - {x: 4.761909, y: 34.905266, z: -52.894302} - {x: 14.285713, y: 34.021057, z: -64.64859} - {x: 14.285719, y: 34.90364, z: -52.894306} - {x: 4.761909, y: 34.905266, z: -52.894302} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 34.802475, z: -41.14002} - {x: 14.285719, y: 34.90364, z: -52.894306} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.607155, z: -41.140022} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 34.802475, z: -41.14002} - {x: 4.761914, y: 34.45329, z: -29.385736} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.607155, z: -41.140022} - {x: 14.285727, y: 33.988873, z: -29.385738} - {x: 4.761914, y: 34.45329, z: -29.385736} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 32.545464, z: -17.631437} - {x: 14.285727, y: 33.988873, z: -29.385738} - {x: 14.28572, y: 32.418938, z: -17.631441} - {x: 4.7619114, y: 32.545464, z: -17.631437} - {x: 4.7619123, y: 31.616291, z: -5.8771496} - {x: 14.28572, y: 32.418938, z: -17.631441} - {x: 14.28572, y: 31.44609, z: -5.8771467} - {x: 4.7619123, y: 31.616291, z: -5.8771496} - {x: 4.761909, y: 30.56251, z: 5.877145} - {x: 14.28572, y: 31.44609, z: -5.8771467} - {x: 14.285723, y: 30.590458, z: 5.877146} - {x: 4.761909, y: 30.56251, z: 5.877145} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 31.626774, z: 17.631443} - {x: 14.285723, y: 30.590458, z: 5.877146} - {x: 14.285719, y: 30.09504, z: 17.631441} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 31.626774, z: 17.631443} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.27491, z: 29.385729} - {x: 14.285719, y: 30.09504, z: 17.631441} - {x: 14.285721, y: 31.233154, z: 29.385725} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.27491, z: 29.385729} - {x: 4.7619133, y: 32.714897, z: 41.14001} - {x: 14.285721, y: 31.233154, z: 29.385725} - {x: 14.285718, y: 33.13075, z: 41.140022} - {x: 4.7619133, y: 32.714897, z: 41.14001} - {x: 4.761913, y: 33.716446, z: 52.894302} - {x: 14.285718, y: 33.13075, z: 41.140022} - {x: 14.28572, y: 34.820217, z: 52.894306} - {x: 4.761913, y: 33.716446, z: 52.894302} - {x: 4.761912, y: 34.153862, z: 64.6486} - {x: 14.28572, y: 34.820217, z: 52.894306} - {x: 14.285722, y: 35.285435, z: 64.64859} - {x: 4.761912, y: 34.153862, z: 64.6486} - {x: 4.7619143, y: 33.54022, z: 76.40288} - {x: 14.285722, y: 35.285435, z: 64.64859} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.580315, z: 76.402885} - {x: 4.7619143, y: 33.54022, z: 76.40288} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.18427, z: 88.15718} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.580315, z: 76.402885} - {x: 14.285721, y: 33.110783, z: 88.15717} - {x: 4.761911, y: 32.18427, z: 88.15718} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 31.188131, z: 99.91147} - {x: 14.285721, y: 33.110783, z: 88.15717} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.788256, z: 99.91146} - {x: 4.7619104, y: 31.188131, z: 99.91147} - {x: 4.7619195, y: 29.549805, z: 111.66576} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.788256, z: 99.91146} - {x: 14.285727, y: 24.574959, z: 111.66576} - {x: 4.7619195, y: 29.549805, z: 111.66576} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 24.109163, z: 123.42004} - {x: 14.285727, y: 24.574959, z: 111.66576} - {x: 14.285726, y: 19.549747, z: 123.42005} - {x: 14.285725, y: 0, z: -123.42007} - {x: 14.285719, y: 4.40239, z: -111.66576} - {x: 23.809532, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: 23.809523, y: 5.330887, z: -111.66575} - {x: 14.285719, y: 4.40239, z: -111.66576} - {x: 14.285718, y: 7.485787, z: -99.911476} - {x: 23.809523, y: 5.330887, z: -111.66575} - {x: 23.809528, y: 7.7021637, z: -99.91146} - {x: 14.285718, y: 7.485787, z: -99.911476} - {x: 14.285724, y: 19.979704, z: -88.15719} - {x: 23.809528, y: 7.7021637, z: -99.91146} - {x: 23.809528, y: 18.403091, z: -88.15718} - {x: 14.285724, y: 19.979704, z: -88.15719} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.989473, z: -76.40289} - {x: 23.809528, y: 18.403091, z: -88.15718} - {x: 23.809525, y: 31.002869, z: -76.40288} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.989473, z: -76.40289} - {x: 14.285713, y: 34.021057, z: -64.64859} - {x: 23.809525, y: 31.002869, z: -76.40288} - {x: 23.809526, y: 32.406002, z: -64.6486} - {x: 14.285713, y: 34.021057, z: -64.64859} - {x: 14.285719, y: 34.90364, z: -52.894306} - {x: 23.809526, y: 32.406002, z: -64.6486} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.068573, z: -52.89431} - {x: 14.285719, y: 34.90364, z: -52.894306} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.607155, z: -41.140022} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.068573, z: -52.89431} - {x: 23.809534, y: 33.836174, z: -41.140026} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.607155, z: -41.140022} - {x: 14.285727, y: 33.988873, z: -29.385738} - {x: 23.809534, y: 33.836174, z: -41.140026} - {x: 23.809528, y: 33.09056, z: -29.385729} - {x: 14.285727, y: 33.988873, z: -29.385738} - {x: 14.28572, y: 32.418938, z: -17.631441} - {x: 23.809528, y: 33.09056, z: -29.385729} - {x: 23.809526, y: 30.944952, z: -17.631447} - {x: 14.28572, y: 32.418938, z: -17.631441} - {x: 14.28572, y: 31.44609, z: -5.8771467} - {x: 23.809526, y: 30.944952, z: -17.631447} - {x: 23.80953, y: 29.893265, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 14.28572, y: 31.44609, z: -5.8771467} - {x: 14.285723, y: 30.590458, z: 5.877146} - {x: 23.80953, y: 29.893265, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.883036, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 14.285723, y: 30.590458, z: 5.877146} - {x: 14.285719, y: 30.09504, z: 17.631441} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.883036, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 23.809528, y: 30.021563, z: 17.631437} - {x: 14.285719, y: 30.09504, z: 17.631441} - {x: 14.285721, y: 31.233154, z: 29.385725} - {x: 23.809528, y: 30.021563, z: 17.631437} - {x: 23.809536, y: 31.594374, z: 29.385723} - {x: 14.285721, y: 31.233154, z: 29.385725} - {x: 14.285718, y: 33.13075, z: 41.140022} - {x: 23.809536, y: 31.594374, z: 29.385723} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.517273, z: 41.14002} - {x: 14.285718, y: 33.13075, z: 41.140022} - {x: 14.28572, y: 34.820217, z: 52.894306} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.517273, z: 41.14002} - {x: 23.80953, y: 36.094055, z: 52.894302} - {x: 14.28572, y: 34.820217, z: 52.894306} - {x: 14.285722, y: 35.285435, z: 64.64859} - {x: 23.80953, y: 36.094055, z: 52.894302} - {x: 23.809528, y: 36.027454, z: 64.6486} - {x: 14.285722, y: 35.285435, z: 64.64859} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.580315, z: 76.402885} - {x: 23.809528, y: 36.027454, z: 64.6486} - {x: 23.809532, y: 34.994705, z: 76.40288} - {x: 14.285722, y: 34.580315, z: 76.402885} - {x: 14.285721, y: 33.110783, z: 88.15717} - {x: 23.809532, y: 34.994705, z: 76.40288} - {x: 23.809538, y: 33.66398, z: 88.15717} - {x: 14.285721, y: 33.110783, z: 88.15717} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.788256, z: 99.91146} - {x: 23.809538, y: 33.66398, z: 88.15717} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.67034, z: 99.91147} - {x: 14.28572, y: 30.788256, z: 99.91146} - {x: 14.285727, y: 24.574959, z: 111.66576} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.67034, z: 99.91147} - {x: 23.809536, y: 21.435587, z: 111.66576} - {x: 14.285727, y: 24.574959, z: 111.66576} - {x: 14.285726, y: 19.549747, z: 123.42005} - {x: 23.809536, y: 21.435587, z: 111.66576} - {x: 23.809532, y: 16.814625, z: 123.42004} - {x: 23.809532, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: 23.809523, y: 5.330887, z: -111.66575} - {x: 33.333336, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.409225, z: -111.66573} - {x: 23.809523, y: 5.330887, z: -111.66575} - {x: 23.809528, y: 7.7021637, z: -99.91146} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.409225, z: -111.66573} - {x: 33.33334, y: 6.961417, z: -99.911476} - {x: 23.809528, y: 7.7021637, z: -99.91146} - {x: 23.809528, y: 18.403091, z: -88.15718} - {x: 33.33334, y: 6.961417, z: -99.911476} - {x: 33.333332, y: 14.906293, z: -88.157166} - {x: 23.809528, y: 18.403091, z: -88.15718} - {x: 23.809525, y: 31.002869, z: -76.40288} - {x: 33.333332, y: 14.906293, z: -88.157166} - {x: 33.333347, y: 29.385391, z: -76.40291} - {x: 23.809525, y: 31.002869, z: -76.40288} - {x: 23.809526, y: 32.406002, z: -64.6486} - {x: 33.333347, y: 29.385391, z: -76.40291} - {x: 33.33334, y: 30.793747, z: -64.6486} - {x: 23.809526, y: 32.406002, z: -64.6486} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.068573, z: -52.89431} - {x: 33.33334, y: 30.793747, z: -64.6486} - {x: 33.333344, y: 31.388721, z: -52.894314} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.068573, z: -52.89431} - {x: 23.809534, y: 33.836174, z: -41.140026} - {x: 33.333344, y: 31.388721, z: -52.894314} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.704107, z: -41.140015} - {x: 23.809534, y: 33.836174, z: -41.140026} - {x: 23.809528, y: 33.09056, z: -29.385729} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.704107, z: -41.140015} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.928526, z: -29.38573} - {x: 23.809528, y: 33.09056, z: -29.385729} - {x: 23.809526, y: 30.944952, z: -17.631447} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.928526, z: -29.38573} - {x: 33.333336, y: 28.659086, z: -17.63145} - {x: 23.809526, y: 30.944952, z: -17.631447} - {x: 23.80953, y: 29.893265, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 33.333336, y: 28.659086, z: -17.63145} - {x: 33.33334, y: 28.280668, z: -5.8771486} - {x: 23.80953, y: 29.893265, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.883036, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 33.33334, y: 28.280668, z: -5.8771486} - {x: 33.333336, y: 29.342316, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.883036, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 23.809528, y: 30.021563, z: 17.631437} - {x: 33.333336, y: 29.342316, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.640804, z: 17.631433} - {x: 23.809528, y: 30.021563, z: 17.631437} - {x: 23.809536, y: 31.594374, z: 29.385723} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.640804, z: 17.631433} - {x: 33.333336, y: 32.728798, z: 29.38573} - {x: 23.809536, y: 31.594374, z: 29.385723} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.517273, z: 41.14002} - {x: 33.333336, y: 32.728798, z: 29.38573} - {x: 33.333344, y: 35.33265, z: 41.14002} - {x: 23.809528, y: 34.517273, z: 41.14002} - {x: 23.80953, y: 36.094055, z: 52.894302} - {x: 33.333344, y: 35.33265, z: 41.14002} - {x: 33.33334, y: 36.16924, z: 52.8943} - {x: 23.80953, y: 36.094055, z: 52.894302} - {x: 23.809528, y: 36.027454, z: 64.6486} - {x: 33.33334, y: 36.16924, z: 52.8943} - {x: 33.33334, y: 35.47226, z: 64.64859} - {x: 23.809528, y: 36.027454, z: 64.6486} - {x: 23.809532, y: 34.994705, z: 76.40288} - {x: 33.33334, y: 35.47226, z: 64.64859} - {x: 33.33334, y: 33.97361, z: 76.402885} - {x: 23.809532, y: 34.994705, z: 76.40288} - {x: 23.809538, y: 33.66398, z: 88.15717} - {x: 33.33334, y: 33.97361, z: 76.402885} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.626501, z: 88.15717} - {x: 23.809538, y: 33.66398, z: 88.15717} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.67034, z: 99.91147} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.626501, z: 88.15717} - {x: 33.333344, y: 27.847607, z: 99.91147} - {x: 23.809526, y: 29.67034, z: 99.91147} - {x: 23.809536, y: 21.435587, z: 111.66576} - {x: 33.333344, y: 27.847607, z: 99.91147} - {x: 33.333336, y: 20.788233, z: 111.66574} - {x: 23.809536, y: 21.435587, z: 111.66576} - {x: 23.809532, y: 16.814625, z: 123.42004} - {x: 33.333336, y: 20.788233, z: 111.66574} - {x: 33.33335, y: 14.052354, z: 123.42005} - {x: 33.333336, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.409225, z: -111.66573} - {x: 42.85715, y: 0, z: -123.42007} - {x: 42.85715, y: 4.7690115, z: -111.66575} - {x: 33.333332, y: 5.409225, z: -111.66573} - {x: 33.33334, y: 6.961417, z: -99.911476} - {x: 42.85715, y: 4.7690115, z: -111.66575} - {x: 42.857143, y: 6.5889997, z: -99.91147} - {x: 33.33334, y: 6.961417, z: -99.911476} - {x: 33.333332, y: 14.906293, z: -88.157166} - {x: 42.857143, y: 6.5889997, z: -99.91147} - {x: 42.85715, y: 10.384764, z: -88.15718} - {x: 33.333332, y: 14.906293, z: -88.157166} - {x: 33.333347, y: 29.385391, z: -76.40291} - {x: 42.85715, y: 10.384764, z: -88.15718} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.173086, z: -76.40287} - {x: 33.333347, y: 29.385391, z: -76.40291} - {x: 33.33334, y: 30.793747, z: -64.6486} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.173086, z: -76.40287} - {x: 42.857143, y: 27.372778, z: -64.64859} - {x: 33.33334, y: 30.793747, z: -64.6486} - {x: 33.333344, y: 31.388721, z: -52.894314} - {x: 42.857143, y: 27.372778, z: -64.64859} - {x: 42.857147, y: 27.2311, z: -52.894302} - {x: 33.333344, y: 31.388721, z: -52.894314} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.704107, z: -41.140015} - {x: 42.857147, y: 27.2311, z: -52.894302} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.531538, z: -41.14002} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.704107, z: -41.140015} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.928526, z: -29.38573} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.531538, z: -41.14002} - {x: 42.85715, y: 23.307175, z: -29.385735} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.928526, z: -29.38573} - {x: 33.333336, y: 28.659086, z: -17.63145} - {x: 42.85715, y: 23.307175, z: -29.385735} - {x: 42.857155, y: 22.938492, z: -17.631435} - {x: 33.333336, y: 28.659086, z: -17.63145} - {x: 33.33334, y: 28.280668, z: -5.8771486} - {x: 42.857155, y: 22.938492, z: -17.631435} - {x: 42.85716, y: 25.162636, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 33.33334, y: 28.280668, z: -5.8771486} - {x: 33.333336, y: 29.342316, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 42.85716, y: 25.162636, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 42.857147, y: 28.464268, z: 5.8771453} - {x: 33.333336, y: 29.342316, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.640804, z: 17.631433} - {x: 42.857147, y: 28.464268, z: 5.8771453} - {x: 42.857143, y: 28.339249, z: 17.631443} - {x: 33.33334, y: 29.640804, z: 17.631433} - {x: 33.333336, y: 32.728798, z: 29.38573} - {x: 42.857143, y: 28.339249, z: 17.631443} - {x: 42.85715, y: 32.07241, z: 29.38573} - {x: 33.333336, y: 32.728798, z: 29.38573} - {x: 33.333344, y: 35.33265, z: 41.14002} - {x: 42.85715, y: 32.07241, z: 29.38573} - {x: 42.857147, y: 34.65885, z: 41.14001} - {x: 33.333344, y: 35.33265, z: 41.14002} - {x: 33.33334, y: 36.16924, z: 52.8943} - {x: 42.857147, y: 34.65885, z: 41.14001} - {x: 42.85715, y: 34.760067, z: 52.894295} - {x: 33.33334, y: 36.16924, z: 52.8943} - {x: 33.33334, y: 35.47226, z: 64.64859} - {x: 42.85715, y: 34.760067, z: 52.894295} - {x: 42.857147, y: 33.32277, z: 64.6486} - {x: 33.33334, y: 35.47226, z: 64.64859} - {x: 33.33334, y: 33.97361, z: 76.402885} - {x: 42.857147, y: 33.32277, z: 64.6486} - {x: 42.857155, y: 31.463682, z: 76.40288} - {x: 33.33334, y: 33.97361, z: 76.402885} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.626501, z: 88.15717} - {x: 42.857155, y: 31.463682, z: 76.40288} - {x: 42.857155, y: 29.345407, z: 88.15717} - {x: 33.33334, y: 31.626501, z: 88.15717} - {x: 33.333344, y: 27.847607, z: 99.91147} - {x: 42.857155, y: 29.345407, z: 88.15717} - {x: 42.85715, y: 24.771101, z: 99.91147} - {x: 33.333344, y: 27.847607, z: 99.91147} - {x: 33.333336, y: 20.788233, z: 111.66574} - {x: 42.85715, y: 24.771101, z: 99.91147} - {x: 42.857155, y: 19.115257, z: 111.66576} - {x: 33.333336, y: 20.788233, z: 111.66574} - {x: 33.33335, y: 14.052354, z: 123.42005} - {x: 42.857155, y: 19.115257, z: 111.66576} - {x: 42.857143, y: 12.638471, z: 123.42004} - {x: 42.85715, y: 0, z: -123.42007} - {x: 42.85715, y: 4.7690115, z: -111.66575} - {x: 52.38096, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: 52.380947, y: 3.0904016, z: -111.66574} - {x: 42.85715, y: 4.7690115, z: -111.66575} - {x: 42.857143, y: 6.5889997, z: -99.91147} - {x: 52.380947, y: 3.0904016, z: -111.66574} - {x: 52.380966, y: 5.55518, z: -99.91148} - {x: 42.857143, y: 6.5889997, z: -99.91147} - {x: 42.85715, y: 10.384764, z: -88.15718} - {x: 52.380966, y: 5.55518, z: -99.91148} - {x: 52.380947, y: 7.349642, z: -88.15717} - {x: 42.85715, y: 10.384764, z: -88.15718} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.173086, z: -76.40287} - {x: 52.380947, y: 7.349642, z: -88.15717} - {x: 52.38096, y: 13.927614, z: -76.40289} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.173086, z: -76.40287} - {x: 42.857143, y: 27.372778, z: -64.64859} - {x: 52.38096, y: 13.927614, z: -76.40289} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.458975, z: -64.648605} - {x: 42.857143, y: 27.372778, z: -64.64859} - {x: 42.857147, y: 27.2311, z: -52.894302} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.458975, z: -64.648605} - {x: 52.38096, y: 21.371319, z: -52.894306} - {x: 42.857147, y: 27.2311, z: -52.894302} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.531538, z: -41.14002} - {x: 52.38096, y: 21.371319, z: -52.894306} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.645664, z: -41.140022} - {x: 42.857147, y: 26.531538, z: -41.14002} - {x: 42.85715, y: 23.307175, z: -29.385735} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.645664, z: -41.140022} - {x: 52.380962, y: 17.808878, z: -29.385738} - {x: 42.85715, y: 23.307175, z: -29.385735} - {x: 42.857155, y: 22.938492, z: -17.631435} - {x: 52.380962, y: 17.808878, z: -29.385738} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.280369, z: -17.631441} - {x: 42.857155, y: 22.938492, z: -17.631435} - {x: 42.85716, y: 25.162636, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.280369, z: -17.631441} - {x: 52.380955, y: 19.074783, z: -5.877146} - {x: 42.85716, y: 25.162636, z: -5.8771477} - {x: 42.857147, y: 28.464268, z: 5.8771453} - {x: 52.380955, y: 19.074783, z: -5.877146} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.585272, z: 5.877143} - {x: 42.857147, y: 28.464268, z: 5.8771453} - {x: 42.857143, y: 28.339249, z: 17.631443} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.585272, z: 5.877143} - {x: 52.380955, y: 23.405354, z: 17.63144} - {x: 42.857143, y: 28.339249, z: 17.631443} - {x: 42.85715, y: 32.07241, z: 29.38573} - {x: 52.380955, y: 23.405354, z: 17.63144} - {x: 52.380962, y: 28.430124, z: 29.385727} - {x: 42.85715, y: 32.07241, z: 29.38573} - {x: 42.857147, y: 34.65885, z: 41.14001} - {x: 52.380962, y: 28.430124, z: 29.385727} - {x: 52.38096, y: 31.10075, z: 41.140026} - {x: 42.857147, y: 34.65885, z: 41.14001} - {x: 42.85715, y: 34.760067, z: 52.894295} - {x: 52.38096, y: 31.10075, z: 41.140026} - {x: 52.380962, y: 31.501736, z: 52.89431} - {x: 42.85715, y: 34.760067, z: 52.894295} - {x: 42.857147, y: 33.32277, z: 64.6486} - {x: 52.380962, y: 31.501736, z: 52.89431} - {x: 52.380955, y: 30.280209, z: 64.64859} - {x: 42.857147, y: 33.32277, z: 64.6486} - {x: 42.857155, y: 31.463682, z: 76.40288} - {x: 52.380955, y: 30.280209, z: 64.64859} - {x: 52.380955, y: 28.987165, z: 76.40288} - {x: 42.857155, y: 31.463682, z: 76.40288} - {x: 42.857155, y: 29.345407, z: 88.15717} - {x: 52.380955, y: 28.987165, z: 76.40288} - {x: 52.38097, y: 26.00487, z: 88.15718} - {x: 42.857155, y: 29.345407, z: 88.15717} - {x: 42.85715, y: 24.771101, z: 99.91147} - {x: 52.38097, y: 26.00487, z: 88.15718} - {x: 52.38097, y: 21.944866, z: 99.91147} - {x: 42.85715, y: 24.771101, z: 99.91147} - {x: 42.857155, y: 19.115257, z: 111.66576} - {x: 52.38097, y: 21.944866, z: 99.91147} - {x: 52.38097, y: 15.714356, z: 111.66576} - {x: 42.857155, y: 19.115257, z: 111.66576} - {x: 42.857143, y: 12.638471, z: 123.42004} - {x: 52.38097, y: 15.714356, z: 111.66576} - {x: 52.380966, y: 9.995895, z: 123.42005} - {x: 52.38096, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: 52.380947, y: 3.0904016, z: -111.66574} - {x: 61.904766, y: 0, z: -123.420044} - {x: 61.904766, y: 1.7430248, z: -111.66576} - {x: 52.380947, y: 3.0904016, z: -111.66574} - {x: 52.380966, y: 5.55518, z: -99.91148} - {x: 61.904766, y: 1.7430248, z: -111.66576} - {x: 61.90477, y: 3.3196695, z: -99.911476} - {x: 52.380966, y: 5.55518, z: -99.91148} - {x: 52.380947, y: 7.349642, z: -88.15717} - {x: 61.90477, y: 3.3196695, z: -99.911476} - {x: 61.90477, y: 4.9024024, z: -88.15719} - {x: 52.380947, y: 7.349642, z: -88.15717} - {x: 52.38096, y: 13.927614, z: -76.40289} - {x: 61.90477, y: 4.9024024, z: -88.15719} - {x: 61.90478, y: 6.4489737, z: -76.4029} - {x: 52.38096, y: 13.927614, z: -76.40289} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.458975, z: -64.648605} - {x: 61.90478, y: 6.4489737, z: -76.4029} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.268107, z: -64.64859} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.458975, z: -64.648605} - {x: 52.38096, y: 21.371319, z: -52.894306} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.268107, z: -64.64859} - {x: 61.904762, y: 8.036336, z: -52.8943} - {x: 52.38096, y: 21.371319, z: -52.894306} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.645664, z: -41.140022} - {x: 61.904762, y: 8.036336, z: -52.8943} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.240482, z: -41.140026} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.645664, z: -41.140022} - {x: 52.380962, y: 17.808878, z: -29.385738} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.240482, z: -41.140026} - {x: 61.904766, y: 8.746818, z: -29.385729} - {x: 52.380962, y: 17.808878, z: -29.385738} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.280369, z: -17.631441} - {x: 61.904766, y: 8.746818, z: -29.385729} - {x: 61.904774, y: 10.002446, z: -17.631441} - {x: 52.38096, y: 18.280369, z: -17.631441} - {x: 52.380955, y: 19.074783, z: -5.877146} - {x: 61.904774, y: 10.002446, z: -17.631441} - {x: 61.904766, y: 12.162288, z: -5.8771462} - {x: 52.380955, y: 19.074783, z: -5.877146} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.585272, z: 5.877143} - {x: 61.904766, y: 12.162288, z: -5.8771462} - {x: 61.904766, y: 15.310513, z: 5.8771377} - {x: 52.380955, y: 21.585272, z: 5.877143} - {x: 52.380955, y: 23.405354, z: 17.63144} - {x: 61.904766, y: 15.310513, z: 5.8771377} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.177763, z: 17.63144} - {x: 52.380955, y: 23.405354, z: 17.63144} - {x: 52.380962, y: 28.430124, z: 29.385727} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.177763, z: 17.63144} - {x: 61.904774, y: 24.056168, z: 29.385723} - {x: 52.380962, y: 28.430124, z: 29.385727} - {x: 52.38096, y: 31.10075, z: 41.140026} - {x: 61.904774, y: 24.056168, z: 29.385723} - {x: 61.90477, y: 27.944088, z: 41.140022} - {x: 52.38096, y: 31.10075, z: 41.140026} - {x: 52.380962, y: 31.501736, z: 52.89431} - {x: 61.90477, y: 27.944088, z: 41.140022} - {x: 61.90477, y: 28.556692, z: 52.894306} - {x: 52.380962, y: 31.501736, z: 52.89431} - {x: 52.380955, y: 30.280209, z: 64.64859} - {x: 61.90477, y: 28.556692, z: 52.894306} - {x: 61.904774, y: 27.477571, z: 64.64859} - {x: 52.380955, y: 30.280209, z: 64.64859} - {x: 52.380955, y: 28.987165, z: 76.40288} - {x: 61.904774, y: 27.477571, z: 64.64859} - {x: 61.904778, y: 25.196182, z: 76.40287} - {x: 52.380955, y: 28.987165, z: 76.40288} - {x: 52.38097, y: 26.00487, z: 88.15718} - {x: 61.904778, y: 25.196182, z: 76.40287} - {x: 61.904774, y: 21.809093, z: 88.15717} - {x: 52.38097, y: 26.00487, z: 88.15718} - {x: 52.38097, y: 21.944866, z: 99.91147} - {x: 61.904774, y: 21.809093, z: 88.15717} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.451189, z: 99.91147} - {x: 52.38097, y: 21.944866, z: 99.91147} - {x: 52.38097, y: 15.714356, z: 111.66576} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.451189, z: 99.91147} - {x: 61.90477, y: 12.1828165, z: 111.66576} - {x: 52.38097, y: 15.714356, z: 111.66576} - {x: 52.380966, y: 9.995895, z: 123.42005} - {x: 61.90477, y: 12.1828165, z: 111.66576} - {x: 61.904785, y: 7.7128973, z: 123.42005} - {x: 61.904766, y: 0, z: -123.420044} - {x: 61.904766, y: 1.7430248, z: -111.66576} - {x: 71.42858, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.278117, z: -111.66575} - {x: 61.904766, y: 1.7430248, z: -111.66576} - {x: 61.90477, y: 3.3196695, z: -99.911476} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.278117, z: -111.66575} - {x: 71.42859, y: 1.52707, z: -99.91149} - {x: 61.90477, y: 3.3196695, z: -99.911476} - {x: 61.90477, y: 4.9024024, z: -88.15719} - {x: 71.42859, y: 1.52707, z: -99.91149} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.9736352, z: -88.15718} - {x: 61.90477, y: 4.9024024, z: -88.15719} - {x: 61.90478, y: 6.4489737, z: -76.4029} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.9736352, z: -88.15718} - {x: 71.42859, y: 2.3065248, z: -76.40289} - {x: 61.90478, y: 6.4489737, z: -76.4029} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.268107, z: -64.64859} - {x: 71.42859, y: 2.3065248, z: -76.40289} - {x: 71.428566, y: 2.0607083, z: -64.64858} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.268107, z: -64.64859} - {x: 61.904762, y: 8.036336, z: -52.8943} - {x: 71.428566, y: 2.0607083, z: -64.64858} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.4451369, z: -52.894314} - {x: 61.904762, y: 8.036336, z: -52.8943} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.240482, z: -41.140026} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.4451369, z: -52.894314} - {x: 71.42858, y: 2.7989316, z: -41.140015} - {x: 61.90477, y: 8.240482, z: -41.140026} - {x: 61.904766, y: 8.746818, z: -29.385729} - {x: 71.42858, y: 2.7989316, z: -41.140015} - {x: 71.42858, y: 3.0733294, z: -29.385729} - {x: 61.904766, y: 8.746818, z: -29.385729} - {x: 61.904774, y: 10.002446, z: -17.631441} - {x: 71.42858, y: 3.0733294, z: -29.385729} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.490248, z: -17.631449} - {x: 61.904774, y: 10.002446, z: -17.631441} - {x: 61.904766, y: 12.162288, z: -5.8771462} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.490248, z: -17.631449} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.1414685, z: -5.877147} - {x: 61.904766, y: 12.162288, z: -5.8771462} - {x: 61.904766, y: 15.310513, z: 5.8771377} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.1414685, z: -5.877147} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.572653, z: 5.87714} - {x: 61.904766, y: 15.310513, z: 5.8771377} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.177763, z: 17.63144} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.572653, z: 5.87714} - {x: 71.42858, y: 8.956171, z: 17.631435} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.177763, z: 17.63144} - {x: 61.904774, y: 24.056168, z: 29.385723} - {x: 71.42858, y: 8.956171, z: 17.631435} - {x: 71.428566, y: 14.36064, z: 29.38573} - {x: 61.904774, y: 24.056168, z: 29.385723} - {x: 61.90477, y: 27.944088, z: 41.140022} - {x: 71.428566, y: 14.36064, z: 29.38573} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.731716, z: 41.140015} - {x: 61.90477, y: 27.944088, z: 41.140022} - {x: 61.90477, y: 28.556692, z: 52.894306} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.731716, z: 41.140015} - {x: 71.42857, y: 23.700666, z: 52.8943} - {x: 61.90477, y: 28.556692, z: 52.894306} - {x: 61.904774, y: 27.477571, z: 64.64859} - {x: 71.42857, y: 23.700666, z: 52.8943} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.906706, z: 64.64858} - {x: 61.904774, y: 27.477571, z: 64.64859} - {x: 61.904778, y: 25.196182, z: 76.40287} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.906706, z: 64.64858} - {x: 71.4286, y: 20.28565, z: 76.40287} - {x: 61.904778, y: 25.196182, z: 76.40287} - {x: 61.904774, y: 21.809093, z: 88.15717} - {x: 71.4286, y: 20.28565, z: 76.40287} - {x: 71.42859, y: 17.11982, z: 88.15718} - {x: 61.904774, y: 21.809093, z: 88.15717} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.451189, z: 99.91147} - {x: 71.42859, y: 17.11982, z: 88.15718} - {x: 71.42859, y: 11.905372, z: 99.91147} - {x: 61.90477, y: 17.451189, z: 99.91147} - {x: 61.90477, y: 12.1828165, z: 111.66576} - {x: 71.42859, y: 11.905372, z: 99.91147} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.08616, z: 111.66576} - {x: 61.90477, y: 12.1828165, z: 111.66576} - {x: 61.904785, y: 7.7128973, z: 123.42005} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.08616, z: 111.66576} - {x: 71.42858, y: 6.290793, z: 123.42005} - {x: 71.42858, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.278117, z: -111.66575} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.81391454, z: -111.66573} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.278117, z: -111.66575} - {x: 71.42859, y: 1.52707, z: -99.91149} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.81391454, z: -111.66573} - {x: 80.952385, y: 1.0590354, z: -99.91145} - {x: 71.42859, y: 1.52707, z: -99.91149} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.9736352, z: -88.15718} - {x: 80.952385, y: 1.0590354, z: -99.91145} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.0507319, z: -88.15717} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.9736352, z: -88.15718} - {x: 71.42859, y: 2.3065248, z: -76.40289} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.0507319, z: -88.15717} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.77390033, z: -76.40289} - {x: 71.42859, y: 2.3065248, z: -76.40289} - {x: 71.428566, y: 2.0607083, z: -64.64858} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.77390033, z: -76.40289} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.2240111, z: -64.648605} - {x: 71.428566, y: 2.0607083, z: -64.64858} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.4451369, z: -52.894314} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.2240111, z: -64.648605} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.3861007, z: -52.894302} - {x: 71.42857, y: 1.4451369, z: -52.894314} - {x: 71.42858, y: 2.7989316, z: -41.140015} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.3861007, z: -52.894302} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.39361107, z: -41.14002} - {x: 71.42858, y: 2.7989316, z: -41.140015} - {x: 71.42858, y: 3.0733294, z: -29.385729} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.39361107, z: -41.14002} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.33490592, z: -29.385736} - {x: 71.42858, y: 3.0733294, z: -29.385729} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.490248, z: -17.631449} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.33490592, z: -29.385736} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5476295, z: -17.631435} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.490248, z: -17.631449} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.1414685, z: -5.877147} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5476295, z: -17.631435} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5909876, z: -5.8771505} - {x: 71.42858, y: 4.1414685, z: -5.877147} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.572653, z: 5.87714} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5909876, z: -5.8771505} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.97457945, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.572653, z: 5.87714} - {x: 71.42858, y: 8.956171, z: 17.631435} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.97457945, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 80.95239, y: 2.8009157, z: 17.631432} - {x: 71.42858, y: 8.956171, z: 17.631435} - {x: 71.428566, y: 14.36064, z: 29.38573} - {x: 80.95239, y: 2.8009157, z: 17.631432} - {x: 80.95237, y: 6.287322, z: 29.385723} - {x: 71.428566, y: 14.36064, z: 29.38573} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.731716, z: 41.140015} - {x: 80.95237, y: 6.287322, z: 29.385723} - {x: 80.95238, y: 9.441093, z: 41.140007} - {x: 71.42857, y: 21.731716, z: 41.140015} - {x: 71.42857, y: 23.700666, z: 52.8943} - {x: 80.95238, y: 9.441093, z: 41.140007} - {x: 80.952385, y: 12.070831, z: 52.894314} - {x: 71.42857, y: 23.700666, z: 52.8943} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.906706, z: 64.64858} - {x: 80.952385, y: 12.070831, z: 52.894314} - {x: 80.952385, y: 13.524986, z: 64.6486} - {x: 71.42857, y: 22.906706, z: 64.64858} - {x: 71.4286, y: 20.28565, z: 76.40287} - {x: 80.952385, y: 13.524986, z: 64.6486} - {x: 80.95239, y: 11.974508, z: 76.40288} - {x: 71.4286, y: 20.28565, z: 76.40287} - {x: 71.42859, y: 17.11982, z: 88.15718} - {x: 80.95239, y: 11.974508, z: 76.40288} - {x: 80.952385, y: 8.646139, z: 88.15718} - {x: 71.42859, y: 17.11982, z: 88.15718} - {x: 71.42859, y: 11.905372, z: 99.91147} - {x: 80.952385, y: 8.646139, z: 88.15718} - {x: 80.952385, y: 4.2665954, z: 99.91147} - {x: 71.42859, y: 11.905372, z: 99.91147} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.08616, z: 111.66576} - {x: 80.952385, y: 4.2665954, z: 99.91147} - {x: 80.952385, y: 5.7325873, z: 111.66576} - {x: 71.42859, y: 8.08616, z: 111.66576} - {x: 71.42858, y: 6.290793, z: 123.42005} - {x: 80.952385, y: 5.7325873, z: 111.66576} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.6225085, z: 123.42003} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0, z: -123.42005} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.81391454, z: -111.66573} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -123.420074} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.15744999, z: -111.66576} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.81391454, z: -111.66573} - {x: 80.952385, y: 1.0590354, z: -99.91145} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.15744999, z: -111.66576} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.25025034, z: -99.911476} - {x: 80.952385, y: 1.0590354, z: -99.91145} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.0507319, z: -88.15717} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.25025034, z: -99.911476} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.2249682, z: -88.15719} - {x: 80.95238, y: 1.0507319, z: -88.15717} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.77390033, z: -76.40289} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.2249682, z: -88.15719} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.044108476, z: -76.4029} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.77390033, z: -76.40289} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.2240111, z: -64.648605} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.044108476, z: -76.4029} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -64.64859} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.2240111, z: -64.648605} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.3861007, z: -52.894302} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -64.64859} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -52.894306} - {x: 80.95238, y: 0.3861007, z: -52.894302} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.39361107, z: -41.14002} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -52.894306} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -41.140022} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.39361107, z: -41.14002} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.33490592, z: -29.385736} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -41.140022} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -29.385736} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.33490592, z: -29.385736} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5476295, z: -17.631435} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -29.385736} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -17.631435} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5476295, z: -17.631435} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5909876, z: -5.8771505} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -17.631435} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -5.8771377} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.5909876, z: -5.8771505} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.97457945, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -5.8771377} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 80.952385, y: 0.97457945, z: 5.8771477} - {x: 80.95239, y: 2.8009157, z: 17.631432} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.9024052, z: 17.631432} - {x: 80.95239, y: 2.8009157, z: 17.631432} - {x: 80.95237, y: 6.287322, z: 29.385723} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.9024052, z: 17.631432} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.8967526, z: 29.385729} - {x: 80.95237, y: 6.287322, z: 29.385723} - {x: 80.95238, y: 9.441093, z: 41.140007} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.8967526, z: 29.385729} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1547537, z: 41.140007} - {x: 80.95238, y: 9.441093, z: 41.140007} - {x: 80.952385, y: 12.070831, z: 52.894314} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1547537, z: 41.140007} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.704537, z: 52.894306} - {x: 80.952385, y: 12.070831, z: 52.894314} - {x: 80.952385, y: 13.524986, z: 64.6486} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.704537, z: 52.894306} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.3847556, z: 64.64859} - {x: 80.952385, y: 13.524986, z: 64.6486} - {x: 80.95239, y: 11.974508, z: 76.40288} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.3847556, z: 64.64859} - {x: 90.4762, y: 3.1095817, z: 76.40287} - {x: 80.95239, y: 11.974508, z: 76.40288} - {x: 80.952385, y: 8.646139, z: 88.15718} - {x: 90.4762, y: 3.1095817, z: 76.40287} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.9403919, z: 88.15718} - {x: 80.952385, y: 8.646139, z: 88.15718} - {x: 80.952385, y: 4.2665954, z: 99.91147} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.9403919, z: 88.15718} - {x: 90.476204, y: 2.3626266, z: 99.91147} - {x: 80.952385, y: 4.2665954, z: 99.91147} - {x: 80.952385, y: 5.7325873, z: 111.66576} - {x: 90.476204, y: 2.3626266, z: 99.91147} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.0121384, z: 111.66576} - {x: 80.952385, y: 5.7325873, z: 111.66576} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.6225085, z: 123.42003} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.0121384, z: 111.66576} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.1134152, z: 123.42005} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -123.420074} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.15744999, z: -111.66576} - {x: 100.000015, y: 0, z: -123.42006} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -111.66574} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.15744999, z: -111.66576} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.25025034, z: -99.911476} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -111.66574} - {x: 100.000015, y: 0, z: -99.91148} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0.25025034, z: -99.911476} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.2249682, z: -88.15719} - {x: 100.000015, y: 0, z: -99.91148} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.2249682, z: -88.15719} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.044108476, z: -76.4029} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -88.15718} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -76.40286} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.044108476, z: -76.4029} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -64.64859} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: -76.40286} - {x: 100.000015, y: 0, z: -64.648605} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -64.64859} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -52.894306} - {x: 100.000015, y: 0, z: -64.648605} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -52.894325} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -52.894306} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -41.140022} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -52.894325} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -41.14001} - {x: 90.4762, y: 0, z: -41.140022} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -29.385736} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -41.14001} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -29.385727} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -29.385736} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -17.631435} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -29.385727} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -17.631443} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -17.631435} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -5.8771377} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -17.631443} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -5.877144} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: -5.8771377} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: -5.877144} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 5.87714} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0, z: 5.8771467} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.9024052, z: 17.631432} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 5.87714} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0, z: 17.63143} - {x: 90.476204, y: 0.9024052, z: 17.631432} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.8967526, z: 29.385729} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0, z: 17.63143} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0, z: 29.385729} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.8967526, z: 29.385729} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1547537, z: 41.140007} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0, z: 29.385729} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 41.140022} - {x: 90.47619, y: 4.1547537, z: 41.140007} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.704537, z: 52.894306} - {x: 100, y: 0, z: 41.140022} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 52.894306} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.704537, z: 52.894306} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.3847556, z: 64.64859} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 52.894306} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 64.64859} - {x: 90.47619, y: 5.3847556, z: 64.64859} - {x: 90.4762, y: 3.1095817, z: 76.40287} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 64.64859} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 76.40287} - {x: 90.4762, y: 3.1095817, z: 76.40287} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.9403919, z: 88.15718} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 76.40287} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 88.15717} - {x: 90.476204, y: 1.9403919, z: 88.15718} - {x: 90.476204, y: 2.3626266, z: 99.91147} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 88.15717} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0, z: 99.91147} - {x: 90.476204, y: 2.3626266, z: 99.91147} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.0121384, z: 111.66576} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0, z: 99.91147} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 111.66576} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.0121384, z: 111.66576} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.1134152, z: 123.42005} - {x: 100.00001, y: 0, z: 111.66576} - {x: 100.000015, y: 0, z: 123.42005} - {x: -90.47618, y: 9.286178, z: 123.42005} - {x: -99.99999, y: 0, z: 123.42005} - {x: -99.999985, y: 0.000049591064, z: 146.6034} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0.3281794, z: 146.6034} - {x: -99.999985, y: 0.000049591064, z: 146.6034} - {x: -99.999985, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -90.47617, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0.3281794, z: 146.6034} - {x: -80.95237, y: 16.4833, z: 123.42005} - {x: -90.47618, y: 9.286178, z: 123.42005} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0.3281794, z: 146.6034} - {x: -80.95236, y: 1.3932186, z: 146.6034} - {x: -90.47618, y: 0.3281794, z: 146.6034} - {x: -90.47617, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -80.95236, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -80.95236, y: 1.3932186, z: 146.6034} - {x: -71.428566, y: 17.067137, z: 123.42005} - {x: -80.95237, y: 16.4833, z: 123.42005} - {x: -80.95236, y: 1.3932186, z: 146.6034} - {x: -71.42856, y: 10.65893, z: 146.6034} - {x: -80.95236, y: 1.3932186, z: 146.6034} - {x: -80.95236, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -71.42856, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -71.42856, y: 10.65893, z: 146.6034} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.770136, z: 123.42005} - {x: -71.428566, y: 17.067137, z: 123.42005} - {x: -71.42856, y: 10.65893, z: 146.6034} - {x: -61.90475, y: 19.230026, z: 146.6034} - {x: -71.42856, y: 10.65893, z: 146.6034} - {x: -71.42856, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -61.904747, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -61.90475, y: 19.230026, z: 146.6034} - {x: -52.38094, y: 21.703333, z: 123.42005} - {x: -61.904755, y: 19.770136, z: 123.42005} - {x: -61.90475, y: 19.230026, z: 146.6034} - {x: -52.380936, y: 23.302769, z: 146.6034} - {x: -61.90475, y: 19.230026, z: 146.6034} - {x: -61.904747, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -52.380928, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -52.380936, y: 23.302769, z: 146.6034} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.155704, z: 123.42005} - {x: -52.38094, y: 21.703333, z: 123.42005} - {x: -52.380936, y: 23.302769, z: 146.6034} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.881176, z: 146.6034} - {x: -52.380936, y: 23.302769, z: 146.6034} - {x: -52.380928, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: -42.85713, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78674} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.881176, z: 146.6034} - {x: -33.333324, y: 27.267368, z: 123.42005} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.155704, z: 123.42005} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.881176, z: 146.6034} - {x: -33.333332, y: 28.91296, z: 146.60341} - {x: -42.857132, y: 26.881176, z: 146.6034} - {x: -42.85713, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78674} - {x: -33.33334, y: 0.00008583069, z: 169.78677} - {x: -33.333332, y: 28.91296, z: 146.60341} - {x: -23.809515, y: 28.558046, z: 123.420044} - {x: -33.333324, y: 27.267368, z: 123.42005} - {x: -33.333332, y: 28.91296, z: 146.60341} - {x: -23.809513, y: 28.305445, z: 146.60342} - {x: -33.333332, y: 28.91296, z: 146.60341} - {x: -33.33334, y: 0.00008583069, z: 169.78677} - {x: -23.80951, y: 0.000049591064, z: 169.7868} - {x: -23.809513, y: 28.305445, z: 146.60342} - {x: -14.285708, y: 30.6963, z: 123.42005} - {x: -23.809515, y: 28.558046, z: 123.420044} - {x: -23.809513, y: 28.305445, z: 146.60342} - {x: -14.285705, y: 23.777534, z: 146.60344} - {x: -23.809513, y: 28.305445, z: 146.60342} - {x: -23.80951, y: 0.000049591064, z: 169.7868} - {x: -14.285701, y: 0.000047683716, z: 169.78682} - {x: -14.285705, y: 23.777534, z: 146.60344} - {x: -4.761898, y: 29.243534, z: 123.420044} - {x: -14.285708, y: 30.6963, z: 123.42005} - {x: -14.285705, y: 23.777534, z: 146.60344} - {x: -4.7618933, y: 19.38729, z: 146.60342} - {x: -14.285705, y: 23.777534, z: 146.60344} - {x: -14.285701, y: 0.000047683716, z: 169.78682} - {x: -4.761889, y: 0.000045776367, z: 169.78682} - {x: -4.7618933, y: 19.38729, z: 146.60342} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 24.109163, z: 123.42004} - {x: -4.761898, y: 29.243534, z: 123.420044} - {x: -4.7618933, y: 19.38729, z: 146.60342} - {x: 4.761915, y: 16.701126, z: 146.60342} - {x: -4.7618933, y: 19.38729, z: 146.60342} - {x: -4.761889, y: 0.000045776367, z: 169.78682} - {x: 4.7619224, y: 0.000045776367, z: 169.7868} - {x: 4.761915, y: 16.701126, z: 146.60342} - {x: 14.285726, y: 19.549747, z: 123.42005} - {x: 4.7619076, y: 24.109163, z: 123.42004} - {x: 4.761915, y: 16.701126, z: 146.60342} - {x: 14.285734, y: 13.383276, z: 146.60344} - {x: 4.761915, y: 16.701126, z: 146.60342} - {x: 4.7619224, y: 0.000045776367, z: 169.7868} - {x: 14.285743, y: 0.000049591064, z: 169.78682} - {x: 14.285734, y: 13.383276, z: 146.60344} - {x: 23.809532, y: 16.814625, z: 123.42004} - {x: 14.285726, y: 19.549747, z: 123.42005} - {x: 14.285734, y: 13.383276, z: 146.60344} - {x: 23.809542, y: 11.03902, z: 146.60341} - {x: 14.285734, y: 13.383276, z: 146.60344} - {x: 14.285743, y: 0.000049591064, z: 169.78682} - {x: 23.809551, y: 0.000049591064, z: 169.78679} - {x: 23.809542, y: 11.03902, z: 146.60341} - {x: 33.33335, y: 14.052354, z: 123.42005} - {x: 23.809532, y: 16.814625, z: 123.42004} - {x: 23.809542, y: 11.03902, z: 146.60341} - {x: 33.333366, y: 9.50723, z: 146.60344} - {x: 23.809542, y: 11.03902, z: 146.60341} - {x: 23.809551, y: 0.000049591064, z: 169.78679} - {x: 33.333378, y: 0.00005531311, z: 169.78682} - {x: 33.333366, y: 9.50723, z: 146.60344} - {x: 42.857143, y: 12.638471, z: 123.42004} - {x: 33.33335, y: 14.052354, z: 123.42005} - {x: 33.333366, y: 9.50723, z: 146.60344} - {x: 42.857155, y: 9.713447, z: 146.60341} - {x: 33.333366, y: 9.50723, z: 146.60344} - {x: 33.333378, y: 0.00005531311, z: 169.78682} - {x: 42.85717, y: 0.000062942505, z: 169.78679} - {x: 42.857155, y: 9.713447, z: 146.60341} - {x: 52.380966, y: 9.995895, z: 123.42005} - {x: 42.857143, y: 12.638471, z: 123.42004} - {x: 42.857155, y: 9.713447, z: 146.60341} - {x: 52.380978, y: 6.752248, z: 146.60342} - {x: 42.857155, y: 9.713447, z: 146.60341} - {x: 42.85717, y: 0.000062942505, z: 169.78679} - {x: 52.38099, y: 0.00008010864, z: 169.78679} - {x: 52.380978, y: 6.752248, z: 146.60342} - {x: 61.904785, y: 7.7128973, z: 123.42005} - {x: 52.380966, y: 9.995895, z: 123.42005} - {x: 52.380978, y: 6.752248, z: 146.60342} - {x: 61.904793, y: 5.5246325, z: 146.60341} - {x: 52.380978, y: 6.752248, z: 146.60342} - {x: 52.38099, y: 0.00008010864, z: 169.78679} - {x: 61.9048, y: 0.00009536743, z: 169.78676} - {x: 61.904793, y: 5.5246325, z: 146.60341} - {x: 71.42858, y: 6.290793, z: 123.42005} - {x: 61.904785, y: 7.7128973, z: 123.42005} - {x: 61.904793, y: 5.5246325, z: 146.60341} - {x: 71.42859, y: 5.0901093, z: 146.6034} - {x: 61.904793, y: 5.5246325, z: 146.60341} - {x: 61.9048, y: 0.00009536743, z: 169.78676} - {x: 71.4286, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: 71.42859, y: 5.0901093, z: 146.6034} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.6225085, z: 123.42003} - {x: 71.42858, y: 6.290793, z: 123.42005} - {x: 71.42859, y: 5.0901093, z: 146.6034} - {x: 80.952385, y: 3.9345934, z: 146.60336} - {x: 71.42859, y: 5.0901093, z: 146.6034} - {x: 71.4286, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78671} - {x: 80.952385, y: 3.9345934, z: 146.60336} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.1134152, z: 123.42005} - {x: 80.95238, y: 5.6225085, z: 123.42003} - {x: 80.952385, y: 3.9345934, z: 146.60336} - {x: 90.47621, y: 1.445883, z: 146.6034} - {x: 80.952385, y: 3.9345934, z: 146.60336} - {x: 80.95239, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78671} - {x: 90.47621, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: 90.47621, y: 1.445883, z: 146.6034} - {x: 100.000015, y: 0, z: 123.42005} - {x: 90.476204, y: 4.1134152, z: 123.42005} - {x: 90.47621, y: 1.445883, z: 146.6034} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0.000049591064, z: 146.6034} - {x: 90.47621, y: 1.445883, z: 146.6034} - {x: 90.47621, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: 100.00003, y: 0.00009918213, z: 169.78673} - {x: 100.00002, y: 0.000049591064, z: 146.6034} m_Textures0: - {x: -100, y: -123.420044} - {x: -100, y: -111.665764} - {x: -90.47619, y: -123.42003} - {x: -90.47618, y: -111.665764} - {x: -100, y: -111.665764} - {x: -100.00001, y: -99.91146} - {x: -90.47618, y: -111.665764} - {x: -90.47619, y: -99.91146} - {x: -100.00001, y: -99.91146} - {x: -100, y: -88.15718} - {x: -90.47619, y: -99.91146} - {x: -90.47619, y: -88.15718} - {x: -100, y: -88.15718} - {x: -100, y: -76.40288} - {x: -90.47619, y: -88.15718} - {x: -90.47619, y: -76.402885} - {x: -100, y: -76.40288} - {x: -100, y: -64.6486} - {x: -90.47619, y: -76.402885} - {x: -90.47618, y: -64.6486} - {x: -100, y: -64.6486} - {x: -100, y: -52.89431} - {x: -90.47618, y: -64.6486} - {x: -90.47618, y: -52.894314} - {x: -100, y: -52.89431} - {x: -99.99999, y: -41.140026} - {x: -90.47618, y: -52.894314} - {x: -90.47619, y: -41.140015} - {x: -99.74349, y: -41.140026} - {x: -99.7435, y: -29.385729} - {x: -90.19519, y: -41.140015} - {x: -90.15067, y: -29.38573} - {x: -99.07367, y: -29.38573} - {x: -99.07366, y: -17.631445} - {x: -89.46081, y: -29.385733} - {x: -89.44175, y: -17.631447} - {x: -98.86742, y: -17.631441} - {x: -98.867424, y: -5.877144} - {x: -89.234505, y: -17.631443} - {x: -89.23566, y: -5.8771462} - {x: -98.8792, y: -5.877144} - {x: -98.87921, y: 5.877153} - {x: -89.24743, y: -5.8771462} - {x: -89.29037, y: 5.8771505} - {x: -99.2783, y: 5.8771496} - {x: -99.27828, y: 17.631437} - {x: -89.68524, y: 5.877147} - {x: -89.64324, y: 17.631426} - {x: -98.78135, y: 17.63144} - {x: -98.78135, y: 29.385729} - {x: -89.140045, y: 17.631428} - {x: -89.11478, y: 29.385727} - {x: -98.509514, y: 29.385729} - {x: -98.509514, y: 41.140015} - {x: -88.841606, y: 29.385727} - {x: -88.986336, y: 41.14002} - {x: -99.630005, y: 41.140015} - {x: -99.630005, y: 52.894306} - {x: -90.07082, y: 41.14002} - {x: -89.97928, y: 52.894302} - {x: -98.09361, y: 52.894306} - {x: -98.09361, y: 64.6486} - {x: -88.38471, y: 52.894302} - {x: -88.04607, y: 64.64859} - {x: -93.44469, y: 64.6486} - {x: -93.44469, y: 76.402885} - {x: -83.25276, y: 64.64859} - {x: -82.69891, y: 76.40288} - {x: -87.8288, y: 76.402885} - {x: -87.8288, y: 88.15717} - {x: -76.98519, y: 76.40288} - {x: -76.308105, y: 88.15717} - {x: -82.189476, y: 88.15717} - {x: -82.189476, y: 99.91147} - {x: -70.601845, y: 88.15717} - {x: -69.307175, y: 99.91147} - {x: -73.16422, y: 99.91147} - {x: -73.16422, y: 111.66576} - {x: -60.147194, y: 99.91147} - {x: -58.1312, y: 111.66576} - {x: -111.66576, y: -62.7064} - {x: -123.42005, y: -62.7064} - {x: -111.66576, y: -47.51846} - {x: -123.42005, y: -49.50073} - {x: -90.47619, y: -123.42003} - {x: -90.47618, y: -111.665764} - {x: -80.952385, y: -123.42004} - {x: -80.95237, y: -111.66575} - {x: -90.47618, y: -111.665764} - {x: -90.47619, y: -99.91146} - {x: -80.95237, y: -111.66575} - {x: -80.95237, y: -99.91147} - {x: -90.47619, y: -99.91146} - {x: -90.47619, y: -88.15718} - {x: -80.95237, y: -99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: -88.15718} - {x: -90.47619, y: -88.15718} - {x: -90.47619, y: -76.402885} - {x: -80.95237, y: -88.15718} - {x: -80.95238, y: -76.402885} - {x: -90.47619, y: -76.402885} - {x: -90.47618, y: -64.6486} - {x: -80.95238, y: -76.402885} - {x: -80.95237, y: -64.6486} - {x: -90.47618, y: -64.6486} - {x: -90.47618, y: -52.894314} - {x: -80.95237, y: -64.6486} - {x: -80.95237, y: -52.894318} - {x: -90.08593, y: -52.32072} - {x: -90.02253, y: -40.54674} - {x: -80.52087, y: -52.320724} - {x: -80.41857, y: -40.52262} - {x: -89.54365, y: -40.404385} - {x: -89.45911, y: -28.633965} - {x: -79.93062, y: -40.40439} - {x: -79.849525, y: -28.635283} - {x: -89.49436, y: -29.225698} - {x: -89.475655, y: -17.47059} - {x: -79.88475, y: -29.2257} - {x: -79.81447, y: -17.46606} - {x: -88.870125, y: -17.642382} - {x: -88.871445, y: -5.888081} - {x: -79.20133, y: -17.642385} - {x: -78.80024, y: -5.8895583} - {x: -82.85865, y: -6.6956844} - {x: -82.970024, y: 5.061602} - {x: -72.5287, y: -6.695686} - {x: -72.17379, y: 5.03657} - {x: -78.84266, y: 7.03524} - {x: -78.67474, y: 18.793533} - {x: -67.98951, y: 7.035239} - {x: -68.1887, y: 18.775988} - {x: -81.371704, y: 18.125668} - {x: -81.3031, y: 29.880888} - {x: -70.86416, y: 18.125673} - {x: -70.39893, y: 29.891539} - {x: -77.96562, y: 26.470997} - {x: -78.379364, y: 38.248104} - {x: -67.02831, y: 26.470993} - {x: -67.54118, y: 38.25902} - {x: -79.10122, y: 44.49675} - {x: -78.59255, y: 56.28823} - {x: -68.26162, y: 44.496746} - {x: -68.48551, y: 56.18126} - {x: -83.833145, y: 57.06907} - {x: -83.21066, y: 68.93552} - {x: -73.63663, y: 57.069073} - {x: -72.93817, y: 68.96277} - {x: -82.50463, y: 68.70994} - {x: -81.92108, y: 80.55231} - {x: -72.23022, y: 68.70994} - {x: -71.5282, y: 80.58793} - {x: -80.79774, y: 80.4439} - {x: -80.22968, y: 92.269554} - {x: -70.400734, y: 80.44389} - {x: -69.68031, y: 92.307724} - {x: -78.790405, y: 94.57299} - {x: -77.810555, y: 106.50484} - {x: -68.2353, y: 94.57299} - {x: -67.43765, y: 106.4393} - {x: -79.48515, y: 107.27572} - {x: -78.30907, y: 119.339134} - {x: -69.10524, y: 107.27572} - {x: -68.23694, y: 119.17941} - {x: -81.40905, y: 101.16246} - {x: -82.25433, y: 113.159325} - {x: -71.31192, y: 101.16246} - {x: -70.88062, y: 112.43407} - {x: -80.952385, y: -123.42004} - {x: -80.95237, y: -111.66575} - {x: -71.428566, y: -123.42005} - {x: -71.42857, y: -111.66576} - {x: -80.95237, y: -111.66575} - {x: -80.95237, y: -99.91147} - {x: -71.42857, y: -111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: -99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: -99.91147} - {x: -80.95237, y: -88.15718} - {x: -71.428566, y: -99.91147} - {x: -71.42857, y: -88.15717} - {x: -80.95237, y: -88.15718} - {x: -80.95238, y: -76.402885} - {x: -71.42857, y: -88.15717} - {x: -71.428566, y: -76.40289} - {x: -80.95238, y: -76.402885} - {x: -80.95237, y: -64.6486} - {x: -71.428566, y: -76.40289} - {x: -71.42857, y: -64.64859} - {x: -80.90209, y: -64.25073} - {x: -80.87082, y: -52.463043} - {x: -71.372375, y: -64.250725} - {x: -71.315674, y: -52.40877} - {x: -80.36004, y: -51.754757} - {x: -80.238365, y: -39.949482} - {x: -70.77771, y: -51.754745} - {x: -70.652016, y: -39.946125} - {x: -80.19659, y: -40.52311} - {x: -80.12851, y: -28.753891} - {x: -70.61017, y: -40.523113} - {x: -70.44097, y: -28.70956} - {x: -78.73099, y: -28.523535} - {x: -78.62369, y: -16.757927} - {x: -69.003525, y: -28.52354} - {x: -68.2745, y: -16.626741} - {x: -70.1131, y: -10.377364} - {x: -69.02661, y: 1.5552796} - {x: -59.34052, y: -10.377355} - {x: -57.788685, y: 1.706919} - {x: -65.48572, y: -2.7159748} - {x: -64.99547, y: 9.063796} - {x: -54.213364, y: -2.715969} - {x: -53.378216, y: 9.099594} - {x: -62.644394, y: 4.3802342} - {x: -62.882786, y: 16.13944} - {x: -51.01438, y: 4.380229} - {x: -50.34001, y: 16.101763} - {x: -57.24582, y: 21.648987} - {x: -56.52404, y: 33.432663} - {x: -44.635616, y: 21.648981} - {x: -43.86956, y: 33.436268} - {x: -56.28823, y: 25.41522} - {x: -56.975067, y: 37.195694} - {x: -43.633648, y: 25.415222} - {x: -44.65786, y: 37.221394} - {x: -58.75636, y: 39.394783} - {x: -59.053894, y: 51.154655} - {x: -46.43312, y: 39.394787} - {x: -48.242496, y: 51.211376} - {x: -67.55759, y: 58.776566} - {x: -66.588005, y: 70.65286} - {x: -56.590538, y: 58.776558} - {x: -56.839787, y: 70.34769} - {x: -75.02323, y: 68.619} - {x: -74.46448, y: 80.50815} - {x: -65.04405, y: 68.61901} - {x: -64.52378, y: 80.48969} - {x: -74.86831, y: 80.257866} - {x: -74.35323, y: 92.13741} - {x: -64.92686, y: 80.25788} - {x: -64.452385, y: 92.117775} - {x: -74.810616, y: 92.08551} - {x: -74.304306, y: 103.97375} - {x: -64.90884, y: 92.08552} - {x: -64.46467, y: 103.941055} - {x: -75.05507, y: 104.1738} - {x: -74.50431, y: 116.11646} - {x: -65.213, y: 104.1738} - {x: -64.96671, y: 115.90983} - {x: -78.220055, y: 113.81008} - {x: -78.04768, y: 125.63462} - {x: -68.611206, y: 113.81008} - {x: -68.53067, y: 125.56} - {x: -71.428566, y: -123.42005} - {x: -71.42857, y: -111.66576} - {x: -61.904755, y: -123.420074} - {x: -61.904755, y: -111.66576} - {x: -71.42857, y: -111.66576} - {x: -71.428566, y: -99.91147} - {x: -61.904755, y: -111.66576} - {x: -61.904762, y: -99.91146} - {x: -71.428566, y: -99.91147} - {x: -71.42857, y: -88.15717} - {x: -61.904762, y: -99.91146} - {x: -61.904762, y: -88.15718} - {x: -71.42857, y: -88.15717} - {x: -71.428566, y: -76.40289} - {x: -61.904762, y: -88.15718} - {x: -61.904766, y: -76.40288} - {x: -71.428566, y: -76.371735} - {x: -71.42857, y: -64.61263} - {x: -61.904766, y: -76.37172} - {x: -61.904762, y: -64.59315} - {x: -71.22179, y: -63.31809} - {x: -71.10674, y: -51.454742} - {x: -61.673546, y: -63.318096} - {x: -61.482113, y: -51.31056} - {x: -69.89916, y: -51.248657} - {x: -69.69318, y: -39.441105} - {x: -60.215702, y: -51.24866} - {x: -59.703705, y: -39.28321} - {x: -66.12456, y: -37.6508} - {x: -65.6204, y: -25.814089} - {x: -55.997406, y: -37.650803} - {x: -55.326283, y: -25.75967} - {x: -64.27354, y: -19.748749} - {x: -62.906075, y: -7.5372496} - {x: -53.96906, y: -19.748737} - {x: -51.497635, y: -6.81286} - {x: -53.310623, y: -6.3900223} - {x: -51.376244, y: 5.670162} - {x: -41.59337, y: -6.390026} - {x: -39.41546, y: 5.746199} - {x: -49.909252, y: -0.33913866} - {x: -48.964153, y: 11.480641} - {x: -37.94364, y: -0.339142} - {x: -36.48782, y: 11.551235} - {x: -46.01205, y: 10.127463} - {x: -45.251495, y: 21.915821} - {x: -33.51766, y: 10.127466} - {x: -33.026524, y: 21.891727} - {x: -46.7167, y: 21.892206} - {x: -45.983543, y: 33.68169} - {x: -34.487614, y: 21.892218} - {x: -35.065533, y: 33.556023} - {x: -53.85327, y: 23.595024} - {x: -54.639694, y: 35.425674} - {x: -42.814594, y: 23.595022} - {x: -43.51334, y: 35.4087} - {x: -53.988903, y: 30.368114} - {x: -55.463398, y: 42.373035} - {x: -42.861546, y: 30.36811} - {x: -44.738106, y: 42.508305} - {x: -58.2256, y: 51.235264} - {x: -58.458416, y: 62.998} - {x: -47.479683, y: 51.23527} - {x: -48.826508, y: 63.078728} - {x: -66.23015, y: 68.06556} - {x: -65.77594, y: 79.93957} - {x: -56.365173, y: 68.06555} - {x: -56.06324, y: 79.85969} - {x: -67.427666, y: 79.3107} - {x: -67.08965, y: 91.17603} - {x: -57.69861, y: 79.310684} - {x: -57.4063, y: 91.14614} - {x: -67.70915, y: 90.93972} - {x: -67.41352, y: 102.80186} - {x: -58.023323, y: 90.93971} - {x: -57.777542, y: 102.765656} - {x: -68.17547, y: 101.73128} - {x: -68.024506, y: 113.525085} - {x: -58.53574, y: 101.73128} - {x: -58.303204, y: 113.56771} - {x: -66.465096, y: 113.08235} - {x: -66.33934, y: 124.85162} - {x: -56.729836, y: 113.08235} - {x: -56.46209, y: 124.885414} - {x: -61.904755, y: -123.420074} - {x: -61.904755, y: -111.66576} - {x: -52.380943, y: -123.42006} - {x: -52.38095, y: -111.66575} - {x: -61.904755, y: -111.66576} - {x: -61.904762, y: -99.91146} - {x: -52.38095, y: -111.66575} - {x: -52.380943, y: -99.911476} - {x: -61.904762, y: -99.91146} - {x: -61.904762, y: -88.15718} - {x: -52.380943, y: -99.911476} - {x: -52.38095, y: -88.15718} - {x: -61.904762, y: -88.15718} - {x: -61.904766, y: -76.40288} - {x: -52.38095, y: -88.15718} - {x: -52.38095, y: -76.40288} - {x: -61.904766, y: -76.11771} - {x: -61.904762, y: -64.31939} - {x: -52.38095, y: -76.11771} - {x: -52.380947, y: -64.13985} - {x: -60.261932, y: -60.019207} - {x: -59.690617, y: -47.97735} - {x: -50.513634, y: -60.019207} - {x: -49.579132, y: -47.61609} - {x: -56.16985, y: -45.87523} - {x: -55.1249, y: -33.830032} - {x: -45.922527, y: -45.875233} - {x: -44.05348, y: -33.376713} - {x: -48.85452, y: -35.30894} - {x: -47.800495, y: -23.436756} - {x: -37.590294, y: -35.308945} - {x: -34.937077, y: -23.08082} - {x: -39.127853, y: -9.188545} - {x: -34.67948, y: 3.4713748} - {x: -26.017593, y: -9.188549} - {x: -20.965158, y: 3.7085323} - {x: -1.2733215, y: -32.57828} - {x: -12.512133, y: -27.495955} - {x: 1.5161493, y: -19.135471} - {x: -9.722664, y: -17.979513} - {x: -47.786324, y: 2.1306248} - {x: -46.749443, y: 14.083502} - {x: -37.23092, y: 2.1306238} - {x: -35.58446, y: 14.315056} - {x: -41.25475, y: 8.640922} - {x: -40.851997, y: 20.41279} - {x: -30.017136, y: 8.6409235} - {x: -29.46296, y: 20.425995} - {x: -39.751896, y: 14.176867} - {x: -40.25738, y: 25.95636} - {x: -28.360294, y: 14.176863} - {x: -29.807255, y: 26.050167} - {x: -46.885303, y: 24.415077} - {x: -47.47939, y: 36.235416} - {x: -36.337166, y: 24.415081} - {x: -36.527355, y: 36.145866} - {x: -43.917717, y: 27.37813} - {x: -45.72591, y: 39.546146} - {x: -32.932877, y: 27.378134} - {x: -35.279366, y: 39.78828} - {x: -49.532185, y: 42.75136} - {x: -50.750313, y: 54.798565} - {x: -39.043743, y: 42.75135} - {x: -40.871468, y: 55.088173} - {x: -55.309704, y: 67.24232} - {x: -54.968258, y: 79.04858} - {x: -45.342876, y: 67.24232} - {x: -45.31612, y: 78.95298} - {x: -58.00707, y: 78.93072} - {x: -57.731266, y: 90.768555} - {x: -48.301197, y: 78.930725} - {x: -48.147797, y: 90.694664} - {x: -59.378582, y: 90.24545} - {x: -59.20489, y: 102.075676} - {x: -49.77488, y: 90.24545} - {x: -49.527004, y: 102.14033} - {x: -57.63979, y: 102.65434} - {x: -57.358624, y: 114.501114} - {x: -47.94504, y: 102.65434} - {x: -47.561832, y: 114.56798} - {x: -55.64841, y: 114.51655} - {x: -55.337944, y: 126.337524} - {x: -45.836956, y: 114.51655} - {x: -45.628666, y: 126.29376} - {x: -52.380943, y: -123.42006} - {x: -52.38095, y: -111.66575} - {x: -42.857147, y: -123.42005} - {x: -42.857147, y: -111.66573} - {x: -52.38095, y: -111.66575} - {x: -52.380943, y: -99.911476} - {x: -42.857147, y: -111.66573} - {x: -42.857143, y: -99.91147} - {x: -52.380943, y: -99.911476} - {x: -52.38095, y: -88.15718} - {x: -42.857143, y: -99.91147} - {x: -42.857143, y: -88.15717} - {x: -52.38095, y: -88.15718} - {x: -52.38095, y: -76.40288} - {x: -42.857143, y: -88.15717} - {x: -42.85714, y: -76.402885} - {x: -52.271145, y: -73.026985} - {x: -52.070625, y: -60.872852} - {x: -42.727325, y: -73.02699} - {x: -42.40847, y: -60.408653} - {x: -49.963306, y: -55.36728} - {x: -48.87371, y: -42.870945} - {x: -40.130356, y: -55.36728} - {x: -38.285526, y: -41.87279} - {x: -41.66678, y: -38.145123} - {x: -39.14051, y: -25.5982} - {x: -30.677912, y: -38.14511} - {x: -25.803072, y: -24.170973} - {x: 19.014896, y: -32.411858} - {x: 8.08287, y: -25.82838} - {x: 22.51437, y: -18.91043} - {x: 11.582361, y: -12.148392} - {x: -0.46927774, y: -23.601109} - {x: -10.675338, y: -14.217634} - {x: 4.255172, y: -10.2935095} - {x: -5.950904, y: -5.4099407} - {x: -36.034878, y: -23.00553} - {x: -36.740395, y: -11.163984} - {x: -25.421995, y: -23.00552} - {x: -24.82208, y: -11.485664} - {x: -26.29698, y: 6.8114243} - {x: -23.907293, y: 18.937185} - {x: -14.086558, y: 6.8114243} - {x: -13.775394, y: 18.30089} - {x: -36.514942, y: 9.591124} - {x: -36.083652, y: 21.383802} - {x: -26.057106, y: 9.591123} - {x: -26.40925, y: 21.244549} - {x: -43.82648, y: 8.692851} - {x: -44.476868, y: 20.721783} - {x: -33.999123, y: 8.692847} - {x: -34.149555, y: 20.304367} - {x: -36.662613, y: 27.825834} - {x: -36.849934, y: 39.58696} - {x: -26.150085, y: 27.825838} - {x: -26.651516, y: 39.60986} - {x: -39.720764, y: 23.731928} - {x: -41.429585, y: 36.27849} - {x: -29.500225, y: 23.731924} - {x: -30.989145, y: 36.081028} - {x: -39.319096, y: 37.250362} - {x: -41.11969, y: 49.658337} - {x: -28.863398, y: 37.250378} - {x: -31.097717, y: 49.964962} - {x: -44.37257, y: 64.88128} - {x: -44.343147, y: 76.63588} - {x: -34.304977, y: 64.88128} - {x: -34.555256, y: 76.62992} - {x: -46.863735, y: 78.09795} - {x: -46.669197, y: 89.87754} - {x: -37.041878, y: 78.09795} - {x: -36.57409, y: 89.94853} - {x: -43.29031, y: 92.29427} - {x: -42.622868, y: 104.18656} - {x: -33.137188, y: 92.29427} - {x: -32.636417, y: 104.11804} - {x: -44.193855, y: 104.10279} - {x: -43.57093, y: 116.01818} - {x: -34.197224, y: 104.10278} - {x: -33.092003, y: 116.26596} - {x: -38.016247, y: 114.17547} - {x: -37.63769, y: 125.95559} - {x: -27.428812, y: 114.17547} - {x: -27.12568, y: 125.945305} - {x: -42.857147, y: -123.42005} - {x: -42.857147, y: -111.66573} - {x: -33.333324, y: -123.42007} - {x: -33.33333, y: -111.66576} - {x: -42.857147, y: -111.66573} - {x: -42.857143, y: -99.91147} - {x: -33.33333, y: -111.66576} - {x: -33.333332, y: -99.91147} - {x: -42.857143, y: -99.91147} - {x: -42.857143, y: -88.15717} - {x: -33.333332, y: -99.91147} - {x: -33.33333, y: -88.15719} - {x: -42.857143, y: -88.03572} - {x: -42.85714, y: -76.26521} - {x: -33.33333, y: -88.035736} - {x: -33.333324, y: -76.17049} - {x: -41.992313, y: -67.37593} - {x: -41.074722, y: -54.66388} - {x: -32.29891, y: -67.37593} - {x: -29.858425, y: -51.60448} - {x: 33.28841, y: -40.04513} - {x: 23.217611, y: -30.4674} - {x: 38.19974, y: -27.15207} - {x: 28.12894, y: -10.519557} - {x: 32.444683, y: -13.273511} - {x: 21.586838, y: -2.5144029} - {x: 36.09261, y: 7.749918} - {x: 25.23476, y: 10.087302} - {x: 20.891802, y: -20.023909} - {x: 10.09121, y: -13.052158} - {x: 24.649647, y: -6.869247} - {x: 13.849054, y: -3.2139263} - {x: -23.575184, y: -23.80771} - {x: -22.7841, y: -11.970274} - {x: -12.636995, y: -23.80771} - {x: -12.408736, y: -12.0881605} - {x: -27.1539, y: -12.866186} - {x: -26.601456, y: -1.0464368} - {x: -16.730804, y: -12.86619} - {x: -16.848299, y: -1.2047626} - {x: -33.258625, y: -4.1975746} - {x: -33.128307, y: 7.5665097} - {x: -23.389812, y: -4.1975718} - {x: -23.548956, y: 7.5230355} - {x: -37.51833, y: 3.173185} - {x: -37.649418, y: 14.957611} - {x: -27.87987, y: 3.1731834} - {x: -27.991014, y: 14.948461} - {x: -37.158054, y: 15.703825} - {x: -37.259846, y: 27.4735} - {x: -27.498802, y: 15.703836} - {x: -27.492945, y: 27.440996} - {x: -34.798103, y: 25.438583} - {x: -35.071205, y: 37.249226} - {x: -25.010517, y: 25.43858} - {x: -24.94491, y: 37.10977} - {x: -29.4353, y: 26.019262} - {x: -30.930079, y: 38.378983} - {x: -19.208637, y: 26.019266} - {x: -19.992628, y: 37.8173} - {x: -24.19111, y: 33.32083} - {x: -26.963137, y: 45.961685} - {x: -13.103782, y: 33.32082} - {x: -14.036115, y: 44.826187} - {x: -17.292318, y: 62.52374} - {x: -17.830765, y: 74.29104} - {x: -4.001947, y: 62.523746} - {x: -7.6157074, y: 74.43957} - {x: -29.777811, y: 80.76802} - {x: -28.907978, y: 92.645226} - {x: -19.085283, y: 80.76802} - {x: -18.490831, y: 92.5678} - {x: -30.816034, y: 91.63225} - {x: -30.226654, y: 103.460335} - {x: -20.384922, y: 91.63225} - {x: -19.627323, y: 103.502335} - {x: -28.879547, y: 106.56005} - {x: -27.279146, y: 118.759544} - {x: -18.273531, y: 106.56006} - {x: -17.969837, y: 118.05127} - {x: -37.647045, y: 113.37286} - {x: -37.52366, y: 125.14698} - {x: -27.969015, y: 113.37286} - {x: -27.953947, y: 125.11221} - {x: -33.333324, y: -123.42007} - {x: -33.33333, y: -111.66576} - {x: -23.80952, y: -123.42006} - {x: -23.809528, y: -111.66575} - {x: -33.33333, y: -111.66576} - {x: -33.333332, y: -99.91147} - {x: -23.809528, y: -111.66575} - {x: -23.809525, y: -99.91146} - {x: -33.333332, y: -99.91147} - {x: -33.33333, y: -88.15719} - {x: -23.809525, y: -99.91146} - {x: -23.809395, y: -88.15717} - {x: -32.65537, y: -85.08892} - {x: -32.169186, y: -73.09735} - {x: -22.933838, y: -85.088905} - {x: -21.051373, y: -71.74799} - {x: 23.576208, y: -43.28298} - {x: 16.02068, y: -27.383434} - {x: 30.871857, y: -32.47326} - {x: 23.316317, y: -9.839063} - {x: 30.310486, y: -12.3498955} - {x: 21.060167, y: 5.6985803} - {x: 36.186546, y: 6.302658} - {x: 26.93624, y: 11.328113} - {x: -22.71019, y: -51.213436} - {x: -22.566673, y: -39.44943} - {x: -12.766553, y: -51.21344} - {x: -12.714256, y: -39.461784} - {x: -23.812614, y: -38.55128} - {x: -23.615786, y: -26.773878} - {x: -13.955511, y: -38.551285} - {x: -14.020627, y: -26.83534} - {x: -27.64367, y: -27.876404} - {x: -27.570261, y: -16.113178} - {x: -17.998438, y: -27.876396} - {x: -18.075447, y: -16.149763} - {x: -31.238188, y: -18.503155} - {x: -31.255602, y: -6.745317} - {x: -21.697052, y: -18.503157} - {x: -21.782612, y: -6.7175965} - {x: -35.23084, y: -7.491109} - {x: -35.195404, y: 4.2788005} - {x: -25.690773, y: -7.49111} - {x: -25.705652, y: 4.234469} - {x: -32.26159, y: 3.7844224} - {x: -32.28477, y: 15.560896} - {x: -22.732878, y: 3.7844229} - {x: -22.751709, y: 15.552577} - {x: -31.809225, y: 17.731808} - {x: -31.8076, y: 29.486143} - {x: -22.2752, y: 17.731804} - {x: -22.283567, y: 29.485497} - {x: -32.56268, y: 30.174858} - {x: -32.555954, y: 41.93259} - {x: -23.036205, y: 30.174854} - {x: -23.038818, y: 41.92304} - {x: -33.906315, y: 34.726967} - {x: -33.868004, y: 46.67654} - {x: -24.380999, y: 34.726963} - {x: -24.368292, y: 46.417633} - {x: -29.036684, y: 47.05024} - {x: -29.277124, y: 58.94232} - {x: -19.428753, y: 47.05025} - {x: -19.449076, y: 58.691513} - {x: -23.456678, y: 45.19126} - {x: -24.982851, y: 57.945774} - {x: -13.49069, y: 45.19125} - {x: -15.042856, y: 57.97852} - {x: -25.25438, y: 79.35332} - {x: -24.879805, y: 91.174194} - {x: -15.314026, y: 79.353325} - {x: -14.547379, y: 91.31319} - {x: -20.507622, y: 92.401955} - {x: -19.755796, y: 104.278305} - {x: -10.092301, y: 92.401955} - {x: -10.004945, y: 104.06367} - {x: -25.264315, y: 101.69074} - {x: -25.084215, y: 113.46389} - {x: -15.398615, y: 101.69074} - {x: -15.281514, y: 113.45071} - {x: -25.907326, y: 111.90351} - {x: -25.887156, y: 123.6581} - {x: -16.101856, y: 111.90351} - {x: -16.329792, y: 123.65099} - {x: -23.80952, y: -123.42006} - {x: -23.809528, y: -111.66575} - {x: -14.285711, y: -123.420044} - {x: -14.2857065, y: -111.665764} - {x: -23.80912, y: -111.66574} - {x: -23.809114, y: -99.91145} - {x: -14.285136, y: -111.66576} - {x: -14.278541, y: -99.91141} - {x: -23.627869, y: -98.107414} - {x: -23.387491, y: -86.194885} - {x: -14.030863, y: -98.10743} - {x: -13.593684, y: -85.93753} - {x: -22.309486, y: -64.78334} - {x: -19.681154, y: -49.97572} - {x: -12.388353, y: -64.78336} - {x: -6.114933, y: -42.379818} - {x: 34.049538, y: -16.829556} - {x: 26.110037, y: 6.1437316} - {x: 41.07239, y: 0.22068322} - {x: 33.132908, y: 9.782968} - {x: -19.14818, y: -56.68071} - {x: -18.83425, y: -44.706535} - {x: -9.534844, y: -56.68071} - {x: -9.379816, y: -44.927094} - {x: -23.287016, y: -52.342422} - {x: -23.284304, y: -40.58673} - {x: -13.76215, y: -52.342426} - {x: -13.760653, y: -40.587994} - {x: -23.586927, y: -41.887524} - {x: -23.58853, y: -30.130518} - {x: -14.062926, y: -41.887527} - {x: -14.065275, y: -30.127989} - {x: -24.019957, y: -30.796566} - {x: -24.017004, y: -19.032202} - {x: -14.495972, y: -30.79657} - {x: -14.488496, y: -19.001266} - {x: -26.619246, y: -21.357979} - {x: -26.499577, y: -9.518766} - {x: -17.061457, y: -21.357983} - {x: -16.980688, y: -9.573773} - {x: -24.981146, y: -5.1807995} - {x: -24.990335, y: 6.576256} - {x: -15.451147, y: -5.1808014} - {x: -15.432588, y: 6.5595756} - {x: -27.502577, y: 4.3735127} - {x: -27.434406, y: 16.142262} - {x: -17.913904, y: 4.3735147} - {x: -17.950853, y: 16.097704} - {x: -24.516138, y: 17.136023} - {x: -24.512184, y: 28.891697} - {x: -14.99005, y: 17.13602} - {x: -14.974163, y: 28.900114} - {x: -26.296526, y: 29.099625} - {x: -26.287815, y: 40.85443} - {x: -16.74286, y: 29.099636} - {x: -16.784393, y: 40.848503} - {x: -24.210201, y: 39.124374} - {x: -24.201307, y: 50.90031} - {x: -14.685647, y: 39.12438} - {x: -14.687813, y: 50.846508} - {x: -21.18896, y: 52.45365} - {x: -21.201345, y: 64.20894} - {x: -11.634144, y: 52.45364} - {x: -11.765381, y: 64.22816} - {x: -26.073576, y: 46.940983} - {x: -25.683205, y: 59.816425} - {x: -16.523521, y: 46.94099} - {x: -16.381516, y: 58.451954} - {x: -15.9370985, y: 81.397934} - {x: -15.220924, y: 93.431786} - {x: -6.0528464, y: 81.39793} - {x: -5.588968, y: 93.23711} - {x: -18.362448, y: 88.731636} - {x: -18.324478, y: 100.487854} - {x: -8.68774, y: 88.73164} - {x: -8.44181, y: 100.50888} - {x: -14.3626995, y: 101.112625} - {x: -14.232646, y: 112.874756} - {x: -4.4117527, y: 101.112625} - {x: -4.44307, y: 112.8553} - {x: -16.122177, y: 108.60873} - {x: -16.349562, y: 120.39979} - {x: -6.3181076, y: 108.60873} - {x: -6.590399, y: 120.41429} - {x: -14.285711, y: -123.41866} - {x: -14.2857065, y: -111.664246} - {x: -4.7618937, y: -123.41868} - {x: -4.7619023, y: -111.6626} - {x: -14.274327, y: -111.10118} - {x: -14.2335, y: -99.29297} - {x: -4.7442765, y: -111.101166} - {x: -4.6239815, y: -99.08361} - {x: -13.498291, y: -94.56784} - {x: -12.584393, y: -82.32421} - {x: -3.6416163, y: -94.56786} - {x: -1.2054483, y: -80.726555} - {x: 24.260197, y: -32.661346} - {x: 19.298723, y: -7.863166} - {x: 32.894, y: -23.306103} - {x: 27.932545, y: -0.18695486} - {x: 3.6810908, y: -55.93762} - {x: 7.546292, y: -42.922844} - {x: 15.261481, y: -55.937626} - {x: 15.356102, y: -45.263027} - {x: -14.42737, y: -61.08311} - {x: -14.432129, y: -49.273808} - {x: -4.903478, y: -61.08311} - {x: -4.908103, y: -49.276833} - {x: -14.547308, y: -52.594086} - {x: -14.548055, y: -40.83937} - {x: -5.023231, y: -52.594086} - {x: -5.023179, y: -40.840275} - {x: -14.942404, y: -42.21817} - {x: -14.935462, y: -30.45804} - {x: -5.4169216, y: -42.21816} - {x: -5.410368, y: -30.458702} - {x: -14.85977, y: -32.832584} - {x: -14.839323, y: -21.01367} - {x: -5.3346534, y: -32.83259} - {x: -5.3114405, y: -20.996223} - {x: -15.421101, y: -20.258} - {x: -15.388423, y: -8.46471} - {x: -5.8917527, y: -20.258003} - {x: -5.8557324, y: -8.456759} - {x: -15.71705, y: -7.267368} - {x: -15.694214, y: 4.498178} - {x: -6.183857, y: -7.2673697} - {x: -6.165562, y: 4.493707} - {x: -15.356361, y: 6.729165} - {x: -15.367058, y: 18.487757} - {x: -5.8271604, y: 6.729163} - {x: -5.846041, y: 18.49433} - {x: -14.547764, y: 15.603911} - {x: -14.541875, y: 27.3807} - {x: -5.023644, y: 15.603908} - {x: -5.019853, y: 27.364681} - {x: -13.677845, y: 30.78317} - {x: -13.66779, y: 42.549206} - {x: -4.152295, y: 30.783167} - {x: -4.14314, y: 42.547108} - {x: -13.827308, y: 41.614967} - {x: -13.824836, y: 53.370533} - {x: -4.3025417, y: 41.614964} - {x: -4.302588, y: 53.367916} - {x: -14.4292555, y: 47.954174} - {x: -14.422017, y: 59.821026} - {x: -4.905354, y: 47.954185} - {x: -4.9035273, y: 59.653477} - {x: -10.4075985, y: 58.664333} - {x: -10.6427355, y: 70.57157} - {x: -0.81132275, y: 58.664326} - {x: -0.8332545, y: 70.295975} - {x: -5.2246943, y: 80.086365} - {x: -4.7172976, y: 91.95698} - {x: 4.7353034, y: 80.08637} - {x: 4.622598, y: 91.67408} - {x: -11.689213, y: 91.268005} - {x: -11.57269, y: 103.10455} - {x: -2.1321437, y: 91.268} - {x: -2.0911627, y: 102.99827} - {x: -14.652541, y: 99.61508} - {x: -14.651296, y: 111.369865} - {x: -5.128101, y: 99.61508} - {x: -5.125172, y: 111.37121} - {x: -15.136408, y: 108.08509} - {x: -15.105583, y: 119.89517} - {x: -5.609159, y: 108.08509} - {x: -5.5461664, y: 120.01131} - {x: -4.7618937, y: -123.34841} - {x: -4.7619023, y: -111.58727} - {x: 4.7619076, y: -123.348404} - {x: 4.7619042, y: -111.51782} - {x: -4.5726223, y: -107.259415} - {x: -3.877278, y: -95.06433} - {x: 5.16682, y: -107.25941} - {x: 5.9635572, y: -94.93804} - {x: -3.64976, y: -75.91786} - {x: -1.2290244, y: -61.02871} - {x: 6.202477, y: -75.917816} - {x: 9.220113, y: -59.645493} - {x: 20.120079, y: -29.852676} - {x: 16.82789, y: -6.423828} - {x: 29.262697, y: -24.314157} - {x: 25.97051, y: -5.549712} - {x: -6.412503, y: -75.92277} - {x: -6.4206743, y: -64.167305} - {x: 3.1228237, y: -75.92275} - {x: 3.055977, y: -64.15046} - {x: -2.174274, y: -61.17263} - {x: -2.0901442, y: -49.36661} - {x: 7.377145, y: -61.172638} - {x: 7.4001613, y: -49.441597} - {x: -5.05044, y: -52.915398} - {x: -5.0503826, y: -41.161095} - {x: 4.4736905, y: -52.915386} - {x: 4.474541, y: -41.16104} - {x: -5.401098, y: -42.158592} - {x: -5.394703, y: -30.399118} - {x: 4.1243067, y: -42.158596} - {x: 4.130698, y: -30.399132} - {x: -5.393376, y: -33.26736} - {x: -5.36778, y: -21.429836} - {x: 4.1320257, y: -33.267365} - {x: 4.1668587, y: -21.369905} - {x: -7.1166635, y: -20.490635} - {x: -7.0413895, y: -8.689172} - {x: 2.431401, y: -20.490623} - {x: 2.4975927, y: -8.700533} - {x: -6.61741, y: -6.988568} - {x: -6.5935125, y: 4.772942} - {x: 2.9224205, y: -6.988568} - {x: 2.9834616, y: 4.7953587} - {x: -8.674721, y: 7.3344207} - {x: -8.744559, y: 19.101906} - {x: 0.9236215, y: 7.3344197} - {x: 0.7912488, y: 19.125534} - {x: -7.0883603, y: 16.351553} - {x: -7.054476, y: 28.115126} - {x: 2.4604857, y: 16.351562} - {x: 2.4135811, y: 28.070919} - {x: -3.3362894, y: 30.66408} - {x: -3.314922, y: 42.428097} - {x: 6.1970143, y: 30.664078} - {x: 6.2166457, y: 42.42651} - {x: -3.447528, y: 41.130444} - {x: -3.4476655, y: 52.884735} - {x: 6.08412, y: 41.13044} - {x: 6.1247177, y: 52.884438} - {x: -0.038942967, y: 51.732513} - {x: -0.09837364, y: 63.493835} - {x: 9.585968, y: 51.73251} - {x: 9.6492, y: 63.4648} - {x: 2.6711318, y: 64.16541} - {x: 2.6301973, y: 75.921} - {x: 12.454801, y: 64.16542} - {x: 12.314312, y: 75.92726} - {x: 1.2310454, y: 75.33177} - {x: 1.1593397, y: 87.09215} - {x: 10.924407, y: 75.331764} - {x: 10.671902, y: 87.12284} - {x: -2.0082607, y: 89.39823} - {x: -1.9653618, y: 101.16273} - {x: 7.5520096, y: 89.39824} - {x: 7.4650908, y: 101.10103} - {x: -6.9308515, y: 99.20919} - {x: -6.9134274, y: 110.966225} - {x: 2.6153584, y: 99.20919} - {x: 2.7275395, y: 110.99604} - {x: -11.264509, y: 103.88116} - {x: -10.774211, y: 115.8568} - {x: -1.5251935, y: 103.88116} - {x: -0.38703603, y: 116.43635} - {x: 4.7619076, y: -120.846344} - {x: 4.761905, y: -108.8417} - {x: 14.285725, y: -120.84636} - {x: 14.285721, y: -108.4428} - {x: 5.1562753, y: -106.0066} - {x: 5.925101, y: -93.675} - {x: 14.880408, y: -106.006615} - {x: 15.503041, y: -93.889435} - {x: 17.58487, y: -64.80164} - {x: 16.071625, y: -48.225464} - {x: 27.02943, y: -63.058094} - {x: 25.516191, y: -45.97819} - {x: 18.468294, y: -38.049126} - {x: 16.632988, y: -18.9142} - {x: 27.875305, y: -35.598324} - {x: 26.039995, y: -19.80229} - {x: -3.0162992, y: -72.17909} - {x: -3.329414, y: -60.350494} - {x: 6.770216, y: -72.179115} - {x: 6.0725102, y: -60.168453} - {x: 2.6451523, y: -63.731525} - {x: 2.6266954, y: -51.973335} - {x: 12.186676, y: -63.73151} - {x: 12.132916, y: -51.958458} - {x: 4.755953, y: -53.19752} - {x: 4.755973, y: -41.442787} - {x: 14.279763, y: -53.197525} - {x: 14.279817, y: -41.441097} - {x: 4.0473094, y: -42.157776} - {x: 4.0544715, y: -30.39831} - {x: 13.573122, y: -42.15778} - {x: 13.585804, y: -30.390324} - {x: 3.0781846, y: -34.551056} - {x: 3.1711044, y: -22.6433} - {x: 12.613314, y: -34.55106} - {x: 12.689773, y: -22.69731} - {x: 4.3291545, y: -20.145857} - {x: 4.341499, y: -8.354907} - {x: 13.853803, y: -20.14586} - {x: 13.866727, y: -8.351463} - {x: 4.196227, y: -8.683481} - {x: 4.2150526, y: 3.1179392} - {x: 13.721555, y: -8.683478} - {x: 13.736846, y: 3.1002526} - {x: 4.851576, y: 8.607853} - {x: 4.8546977, y: 20.410234} - {x: 14.375431, y: 8.607854} - {x: 14.373973, y: 20.26959} - {x: -0.32057315, y: 19.343906} - {x: -0.42348835, y: 31.115599} - {x: 9.325627, y: 19.343904} - {x: 9.144907, y: 31.141891} - {x: 1.2242391, y: 30.577667} - {x: 1.1763992, y: 42.340084} - {x: 10.804855, y: 30.577663} - {x: 10.5985155, y: 42.393974} - {x: 6.184495, y: 43.74635} - {x: 6.2281847, y: 55.54315} - {x: 15.717374, y: 43.74636} - {x: 15.791075, y: 55.601448} - {x: 8.61187, y: 54.075176} - {x: 8.662227, y: 65.8375} - {x: 18.199425, y: 54.07518} - {x: 18.252985, y: 65.83851} - {x: 8.758302, y: 62.83513} - {x: 8.685904, y: 74.605194} - {x: 18.3491, y: 62.83512} - {x: 18.265907, y: 74.60991} - {x: 8.375053, y: 72.16569} - {x: 8.227841, y: 83.997025} - {x: 17.955486, y: 72.165695} - {x: 17.795946, y: 84.00988} - {x: 7.8558345, y: 85.19161} - {x: 7.7593813, y: 96.98764} - {x: 17.424606, y: 85.191605} - {x: 17.199722, y: 97.09859} - {x: 3.4493735, y: 94.63107} - {x: 3.5181105, y: 106.498795} - {x: 12.981574, y: 94.631065} - {x: 13.2422285, y: 107.12925} - {x: -9.460722, y: 92.531075} - {x: -6.9417276, y: 105.23613} - {x: 1.284137, y: 92.531075} - {x: 3.610798, y: 105.096375} - {x: 14.285725, y: -115.5795} - {x: 14.285718, y: -103.02782} - {x: 23.809532, y: -115.57949} - {x: 23.80952, y: -102.70214} - {x: 14.64548, y: -107.28738} - {x: 14.944668, y: -95.139084} - {x: 24.214437, y: -107.28737} - {x: 24.444532, y: -95.318115} - {x: 16.417376, y: -62.77548} - {x: 16.166214, y: -45.623272} - {x: 25.93901, y: -62.478428} - {x: 25.687843, y: -46.632267} - {x: 10.830774, y: -49.784534} - {x: 9.032629, y: -33.78} - {x: 20.484198, y: -49.784523} - {x: 18.426369, y: -32.715366} - {x: 14.32928, y: -66.24763} - {x: 14.333535, y: -54.108677} - {x: 23.853094, y: -66.24761} - {x: 23.855068, y: -54.515373} - {x: 8.396524, y: -61.819504} - {x: 8.248968, y: -50.033054} - {x: 18.056309, y: -61.81951} - {x: 17.77834, y: -49.976288} - {x: 11.18239, y: -53.782364} - {x: 11.20829, y: -42.02437} - {x: 20.74274, y: -53.782368} - {x: 20.763044, y: -42.025978} - {x: 11.446723, y: -42.94997} - {x: 11.496616, y: -31.179543} - {x: 21.001692, y: -42.949974} - {x: 21.061848, y: -31.172888} - {x: 11.030845, y: -33.76652} - {x: 11.178265, y: -21.90876} - {x: 20.596918, y: -33.76651} - {x: 20.798403, y: -21.83322} - {x: 9.159239, y: -20.362549} - {x: 9.308033, y: -8.569003} - {x: 18.796434, y: -20.362555} - {x: 18.95729, y: -8.562653} - {x: 9.039176, y: -8.250826} - {x: 9.176868, y: 3.533763} - {x: 18.688747, y: -8.250827} - {x: 18.69039, y: 3.473973} - {x: 11.980477, y: 4.5464034} - {x: 12.017172, y: 16.311077} - {x: 21.530518, y: 4.5464053} - {x: 21.520258, y: 16.284525} - {x: 14.053117, y: 20.460228} - {x: 14.044338, y: 32.26948} - {x: 23.57721, y: 20.460224} - {x: 23.565084, y: 32.31137} - {x: 15.459218, y: 33.895138} - {x: 15.531136, y: 45.801407} - {x: 24.989882, y: 33.895138} - {x: 25.100655, y: 45.964577} - {x: 18.909716, y: 45.05694} - {x: 19.153114, y: 56.929523} - {x: 28.533926, y: 45.056934} - {x: 28.76109, y: 56.913815} - {x: 18.775826, y: 54.132282} - {x: 18.837502, y: 65.89561} - {x: 28.384447, y: 54.13228} - {x: 28.375616, y: 65.874954} - {x: 16.983418, y: 62.49934} - {x: 16.928646, y: 74.27464} - {x: 26.536087, y: 62.499348} - {x: 26.45587, y: 74.294136} - {x: 15.775416, y: 71.60895} - {x: 15.711535, y: 83.45457} - {x: 25.308237, y: 71.60894} - {x: 25.250397, y: 83.43738} - {x: 16.181704, y: 80.25378} - {x: 16.047024, y: 92.234566} - {x: 25.721573, y: 80.25378} - {x: 25.489979, y: 92.557434} - {x: 10.599002, y: 73.473785} - {x: 11.323358, y: 86.74947} - {x: 20.188196, y: 73.47379} - {x: 21.148216, y: 87.6827} - {x: 5.874077, y: 92.999565} - {x: 7.447289, y: 105.68583} - {x: 15.901968, y: 92.999565} - {x: 17.348621, y: 105.54138} - {x: 23.809532, y: -112.400604} - {x: 23.80952, y: -99.493935} - {x: 33.333336, y: -112.4006} - {x: 33.33333, y: -99.46156} - {x: 23.852564, y: -108.4453} - {x: 23.872074, y: -96.45422} - {x: 33.376698, y: -108.44528} - {x: 33.38947, y: -96.6162} - {x: 23.14059, y: -67.57996} - {x: 22.310812, y: -51.705944} - {x: 32.693165, y: -67.57999} - {x: 32.07709, y: -53.55267} - {x: -6.0421677, y: -46.494164} - {x: -2.2332385, y: -29.689102} - {x: 2.9677498, y: -51.158047} - {x: 6.7766824, y: -32.943977} - {x: 18.282375, y: -71.84079} - {x: 18.047441, y: -60.005386} - {x: 27.942575, y: -71.84082} - {x: 27.706757, y: -60.004787} - {x: 18.066572, y: -59.066814} - {x: 17.789072, y: -47.198772} - {x: 27.72589, y: -59.066814} - {x: 27.626585, y: -47.344166} - {x: 13.691467, y: -53.6315} - {x: 13.754421, y: -41.875088} - {x: 23.585135, y: -53.631504} - {x: 23.499704, y: -41.88511} - {x: 15.842597, y: -43.422794} - {x: 16.005478, y: -31.646} - {x: 25.602135, y: -43.422783} - {x: 25.990028, y: -31.583904} - {x: 12.169787, y: -35.59581} - {x: 12.845867, y: -23.666447} - {x: 22.204798, y: -35.595814} - {x: 22.604795, y: -23.808392} - {x: 15.929828, y: -20.654787} - {x: 16.175283, y: -8.856087} - {x: 25.72412, y: -20.65479} - {x: 25.81244, y: -8.912831} - {x: 18.484816, y: -5.9058475} - {x: 18.486519, y: 5.8484526} - {x: 28.144184, y: -5.9058485} - {x: 27.966942, y: 5.8475447} - {x: 22.077345, y: 6.2436423} - {x: 22.069494, y: 17.998747} - {x: 31.616493, y: 6.2436414} - {x: 31.599577, y: 18.000622} - {x: 22.591232, y: 21.577301} - {x: 22.52841, y: 33.43618} - {x: 32.12265, y: 21.577297} - {x: 31.99929, y: 33.63682} - {x: 27.379335, y: 35.374474} - {x: 27.725042, y: 47.481796} - {x: 36.97046, y: 35.37448} - {x: 37.278446, y: 47.405853} - {x: 26.667152, y: 45.064465} - {x: 26.801657, y: 56.92327} - {x: 36.225807, y: 45.064465} - {x: 36.297165, y: 56.825565} - {x: 24.093716, y: 52.69002} - {x: 24.09319, y: 64.4445} - {x: 33.61782, y: 52.690018} - {x: 33.61232, y: 64.448074} - {x: 21.672495, y: 61.137627} - {x: 21.732601, y: 72.937035} - {x: 31.212475, y: 61.13762} - {x: 31.299692, y: 72.977684} - {x: 19.943281, y: 71.74723} - {x: 20.085146, y: 83.57577} - {x: 29.52167, y: 71.74724} - {x: 29.771881, y: 83.68881} - {x: 16.24014, y: 71.71086} - {x: 17.075605, y: 84.096924} - {x: 25.97945, y: 71.71086} - {x: 26.770004, y: 84.030716} - {x: 17.807808, y: 63.252697} - {x: 19.355745, y: 77.52078} - {x: 27.50448, y: 63.252697} - {x: 28.831459, y: 76.86638} - {x: 22.301039, y: 95.5568} - {x: 22.61441, y: 108.18289} - {x: 31.846813, y: 95.556786} - {x: 32.30363, y: 108.95337} - {x: 33.333336, y: -112.117836} - {x: 33.333336, y: -99.178604} - {x: 42.85715, y: -112.11785} - {x: 42.857155, y: -99.446266} - {x: 32.89547, y: -109.71188} - {x: 32.79137, y: -97.85604} - {x: 42.440784, y: -109.7119} - {x: 42.318707, y: -97.82113} - {x: 33.03587, y: -78.173996} - {x: 32.725418, y: -63.989906} - {x: 42.56695, y: -78.17399} - {x: 42.41864, y: -66.310394} - {x: -0.60049057, y: -45.025585} - {x: 3.6266716, y: -26.861393} - {x: 8.286143, y: -50.697895} - {x: 12.513307, y: -31.490055} - {x: 22.19343, y: -71.57242} - {x: 21.743309, y: -59.7426} - {x: 32.24438, y: -71.57238} - {x: 31.860954, y: -59.764893} - {x: 20.960924, y: -62.660152} - {x: 20.759794, y: -50.892536} - {x: 31.080503, y: -62.660145} - {x: 31.1284, y: -50.925514} - {x: 17.990967, y: -51.843304} - {x: 17.864782, y: -40.085453} - {x: 28.382727, y: -51.843292} - {x: 28.662613, y: -40.108322} - {x: 14.160464, y: -46.54183} - {x: 15.007896, y: -34.684433} - {x: 24.998287, y: -46.541832} - {x: 26.537182, y: -34.51691} - {x: 10.284456, y: -33.12203} - {x: 11.009096, y: -21.321627} - {x: 21.883821, y: -33.122032} - {x: 22.094282, y: -21.386936} - {x: 13.8178215, y: -18.776005} - {x: 14.012677, y: -7.017227} - {x: 24.927652, y: -18.77599} - {x: 23.782415, y: -7.0787745} - {x: 22.879467, y: -2.670058} - {x: 22.54914, y: 9.1274605} - {x: 32.900707, y: -2.670057} - {x: 31.873419, y: 9.309519} - {x: 30.498777, y: 6.6912303} - {x: 30.471378, y: 18.449274} - {x: 40.062977, y: 6.691229} - {x: 40.07445, y: 18.438623} - {x: 29.012836, y: 25.597551} - {x: 28.594704, y: 37.74351} - {x: 38.625168, y: 25.59756} - {x: 38.119686, y: 37.904533} - {x: 31.0041, y: 36.23387} - {x: 30.825073, y: 48.271782} - {x: 40.550507, y: 36.23387} - {x: 40.372665, y: 48.26803} - {x: 30.756725, y: 43.69925} - {x: 30.697681, y: 55.483116} - {x: 40.304333, y: 43.69924} - {x: 40.297195, y: 55.431164} - {x: 27.680265, y: 50.422707} - {x: 27.782282, y: 62.197205} - {x: 37.307766, y: 50.422703} - {x: 37.51814, y: 62.240093} - {x: 24.705946, y: 58.978073} - {x: 25.035887, y: 70.82292} - {x: 34.469307, y: 58.97808} - {x: 34.87861, y: 70.86631} - {x: 23.574902, y: 67.17849} - {x: 24.173042, y: 79.149895} - {x: 33.4239, y: 67.17848} - {x: 33.963726, y: 79.10794} - {x: 25.049828, y: 72.64598} - {x: 25.930037, y: 84.961365} - {x: 34.84301, y: 72.64598} - {x: 35.908485, y: 85.19219} - {x: 23.15928, y: 68.512} - {x: 25.329273, y: 82.05042} - {x: 33.167667, y: 68.512} - {x: 34.906235, y: 81.38774} - {x: 29.234037, y: 84.34693} - {x: 30.399443, y: 97.84425} - {x: 38.90368, y: 84.34695} - {x: 40.02423, y: 97.71882} - {x: 42.85715, y: -114.36552} - {x: 42.85715, y: -101.68058} - {x: 52.38096, y: -114.36551} - {x: 52.380947, y: -102.31166} - {x: 41.37878, y: -108.56036} - {x: 41.062862, y: -96.67021} - {x: 51.049377, y: -108.560356} - {x: 50.621563, y: -96.57451} - {x: 41.895794, y: -91.713264} - {x: 41.486176, y: -79.368095} - {x: 51.475563, y: -91.71328} - {x: 51.28189, y: -79.97626} - {x: 21.348122, y: -47.713627} - {x: 24.061642, y: -28.218197} - {x: 30.614666, y: -51.4614} - {x: 33.328194, y: -39.424965} - {x: -72.77199, y: -9.196955} - {x: -61.054565, y: -7.6789327} - {x: -72.01839, y: -24.691685} - {x: -60.30096, y: -18.169748} - {x: 21.969173, y: -65.11479} - {x: 22.043915, y: -53.359886} - {x: 33.179707, y: -65.11481} - {x: 33.22595, y: -53.36036} - {x: 22.231464, y: -55.137535} - {x: 22.598057, y: -43.368164} - {x: 33.413593, y: -55.13754} - {x: 34.841923, y: -43.280807} - {x: 16.08905, y: -50.126087} - {x: 18.145437, y: -38.112305} - {x: 28.453918, y: -50.12609} - {x: 28.987595, y: -38.492466} - {x: 25.462706, y: -30.504837} - {x: 25.647043, y: -18.746202} - {x: 36.459717, y: -30.50484} - {x: 36.223976, y: -18.765966} - {x: 28.420563, y: -10.773691} - {x: 27.443354, y: 1.1491925} - {x: 39.02249, y: -10.773697} - {x: 38.67345, y: 0.9339715} - {x: 22.557692, y: 4.479553} - {x: 20.779453, y: 16.558546} - {x: 33.860992, y: 4.479555} - {x: 32.50887, y: 16.405025} - {x: 18.075546, y: 5.461617} - {x: 18.148745, y: 17.21635} - {x: 29.823887, y: 5.4616146} - {x: 28.758175, y: 17.202753} - {x: 25.017845, y: 29.150047} - {x: 23.300615, y: 41.36278} - {x: 35.74381, y: 29.150043} - {x: 33.432446, y: 41.674053} - {x: 28.573107, y: 37.896782} - {x: 27.649206, y: 49.896748} - {x: 38.769638, y: 37.89678} - {x: 37.815666, y: 49.912594} - {x: 28.017143, y: 41.52154} - {x: 27.981724, y: 53.276207} - {x: 38.183907, y: 41.521557} - {x: 38.043575, y: 53.27849} - {x: 29.297678, y: 47.16958} - {x: 29.762934, y: 59.00229} - {x: 39.363445, y: 47.169594} - {x: 39.758854, y: 58.978817} - {x: 30.683786, y: 57.255173} - {x: 31.249546, y: 69.142105} - {x: 40.681793, y: 57.255165} - {x: 41.075287, y: 69.061775} - {x: 33.55946, y: 68.18143} - {x: 34.092556, y: 80.11317} - {x: 43.399982, y: 68.18143} - {x: 44.150536, y: 80.25684} - {x: 30.72863, y: 68.31817} - {x: 32.242657, y: 80.83997} - {x: 40.821312, y: 68.318184} - {x: 42.165115, y: 80.672676} - {x: 34.039043, y: 75.66985} - {x: 35.64809, y: 88.614456} - {x: 43.973362, y: 75.66985} - {x: 45.745895, y: 88.84522} - {x: 33.932613, y: 84.185265} - {x: 36.11072, y: 97.42791} - {x: 44.045437, y: 84.185265} - {x: 45.96853, y: 97.09898} - {x: 52.38096, y: -119.36349} - {x: 52.380947, y: -107.2097} - {x: 61.904766, y: -119.36347} - {x: 61.904766, y: -107.552315} - {x: 51.431587, y: -107.22032} - {x: 51.08634, y: -95.215385} - {x: 61.050243, y: -107.22034} - {x: 60.82939, y: -95.39415} - {x: 49.725494, y: -96.2712} - {x: 49.315407, y: -84.38778} - {x: 59.50815, y: -96.271194} - {x: 59.146465, y: -84.4181} - {x: 48.903694, y: -67.90047} - {x: 47.26662, y: -54.530617} - {x: 58.73691, y: -67.90048} - {x: 58.35202, y: -56.852757} - {x: 32.59561, y: -48.74131} - {x: 27.944252, y: -35.57888} - {x: 44.704834, y: -48.741318} - {x: 43.58133, y: -37.600647} - {x: -64.92968, y: -13.059633} - {x: -53.17555, y: -13.1677475} - {x: -64.980934, y: -29.329218} - {x: -53.226818, y: -29.55417} - {x: -60.74188, y: -7.317108} - {x: -49.14555, y: -10.651399} - {x: -62.297935, y: -23.62978} - {x: -50.70162, y: -24.569075} - {x: -44.458855, y: -19.679358} - {x: -32.729446, y: -20.812647} - {x: -45.078114, y: -33.771458} - {x: -33.34869, y: -33.91302} - {x: 25.67127, y: -27.949776} - {x: 25.346258, y: -16.190517} - {x: 38.817516, y: -27.949766} - {x: 37.951984, y: -16.174017} - {x: 27.5423, y: -15.155133} - {x: 27.02115, y: -3.3855555} - {x: 40.16082, y: -15.155133} - {x: 38.74393, y: -3.3330564} - {x: 31.187315, y: 2.0786967} - {x: 29.71266, y: 14.007286} - {x: 42.955303, y: 2.0786963} - {x: 41.106045, y: 14.095188} - {x: 31.865128, y: 11.835581} - {x: 30.86377, y: 23.68773} - {x: 43.2702, y: 11.835576} - {x: 42.24289, y: 23.692781} - {x: 31.030996, y: 32.856983} - {x: 28.281052, y: 45.34095} - {x: 42.410183, y: 32.856983} - {x: 38.645782, y: 45.863567} - {x: 35.735435, y: 38.42332} - {x: 34.620834, y: 50.42555} - {x: 46.21563, y: 38.423317} - {x: 44.592987, y: 50.649223} - {x: 39.936115, y: 42.607296} - {x: 39.809963, y: 54.36774} - {x: 49.969437, y: 42.607292} - {x: 49.7767, y: 54.374237} - {x: 40.736477, y: 48.133266} - {x: 41.097343, y: 59.94534} - {x: 50.70524, y: 48.133263} - {x: 51.024044, y: 59.931896} - {x: 41.70201, y: 59.69104} - {x: 42.067047, y: 71.510605} - {x: 51.629646, y: 59.69104} - {x: 52.2737, y: 71.6101} - {x: 37.946762, y: 63.740578} - {x: 39.04972, y: 75.81705} - {x: 48.19736, y: 63.74057} - {x: 49.450005, y: 75.903336} - {x: 37.450974, y: 70.52056} - {x: 39.087826, y: 82.848076} - {x: 47.858055, y: 70.52055} - {x: 49.61501, y: 82.930244} - {x: 38.008137, y: 71.8528} - {x: 40.66683, y: 84.8879} - {x: 48.53885, y: 71.8528} - {x: 50.786976, y: 84.51176} - {x: 43.64958, y: 87.92245} - {x: 45.63776, y: 100.841866} - {x: 53.807064, y: 87.92245} - {x: 55.361176, y: 100.356026} - {x: 61.904766, y: -122.08505} - {x: 61.904766, y: -110.20223} - {x: 71.42858, y: -122.08507} - {x: 71.42857, y: -110.27042} - {x: 61.746155, y: -110.04492} - {x: 61.669285, y: -98.18562} - {x: 71.2813, y: -110.044914} - {x: 71.26918, y: -98.36173} - {x: 60.222446, y: -97.1179} - {x: 59.92968, y: -85.26115} - {x: 69.9135, y: -97.11791} - {x: 69.83088, y: -85.407616} - {x: 57.729137, y: -84.61298} - {x: 57.274555, y: -72.766106} - {x: 67.6931, y: -84.612976} - {x: 67.59527, y: -72.91085} - {x: 54.19515, y: -71.34454} - {x: 53.46956, y: -59.472454} - {x: 64.58085, y: -71.344536} - {x: 64.67888, y: -59.738514} - {x: 47.346813, y: -65.3125} - {x: 47.473362, y: -53.556602} - {x: 58.71495, y: -65.31249} - {x: 59.05108, y: -53.551308} - {x: 46.32981, y: -52.291466} - {x: 46.21364, y: -40.535995} - {x: 57.911987, y: -52.29148} - {x: 57.141575, y: -40.522484} - {x: 49.661846, y: -39.696026} - {x: 49.410652, y: -27.93351} - {x: 60.630596, y: -39.696014} - {x: 60.49447, y: -27.941036} - {x: 48.706646, y: -25.680613} - {x: 48.06404, y: -13.876929} - {x: 59.792294, y: -25.680613} - {x: 59.06713, y: -13.864274} - {x: 48.56738, y: -11.182594} - {x: 47.485447, y: 0.7194133} - {x: 59.571342, y: -11.182602} - {x: 59.746056, y: 0.3784093} - {x: 39.515175, y: 4.1125994} - {x: 37.48718, y: 16.111006} - {x: 51.966545, y: 4.1125984} - {x: 49.112106, y: 16.307953} - {x: 41.69368, y: 12.033858} - {x: 40.615253, y: 23.88659} - {x: 53.359955, y: 12.03386} - {x: 53.138447, y: 23.730808} - {x: 35.634544, y: 37.770317} - {x: 31.139788, y: 50.626163} - {x: 48.21618, y: 37.77031} - {x: 44.684566, y: 50.174294} - {x: 47.076523, y: -16.414364} - {x: 58.255566, y: -11.093797} - {x: 50.019436, y: -29.682564} - {x: 61.198467, y: -21.816746} - {x: 36.582096, y: 43.59652} - {x: 36.247406, y: 55.362} - {x: 47.952957, y: 43.59651} - {x: 46.877235, y: 55.411533} - {x: 42.177883, y: 48.352245} - {x: 42.66807, y: 60.14578} - {x: 52.868244, y: 48.352238} - {x: 53.228897, y: 60.12506} - {x: 43.92063, y: 54.794468} - {x: 44.907764, y: 66.72733} - {x: 54.484512, y: 54.79446} - {x: 55.618633, y: 66.78011} - {x: 43.474815, y: 61.418884} - {x: 45.02703, y: 73.55258} - {x: 54.19006, y: 61.418884} - {x: 55.640873, y: 73.5038} - {x: 45.90395, y: 68.84522} - {x: 47.828968, y: 81.23268} - {x: 56.519615, y: 68.84523} - {x: 58.822998, y: 81.47522} - {x: 44.714207, y: 76.46907} - {x: 47.36531, y: 89.07426} - {x: 55.735058, y: 76.46907} - {x: 57.65693, y: 88.62195} - {x: 52.052982, y: 93.66078} - {x: 53.819256, y: 106.11164} - {x: 62.420517, y: 93.66078} - {x: 63.129936, y: 105.301384} - {x: 71.42858, y: -122.69684} - {x: 71.42857, y: -110.87324} - {x: 80.952385, y: -122.69683} - {x: 80.952385, y: -110.92341} - {x: 71.281654, y: -111.54022} - {x: 71.269554, y: -99.78333} - {x: 80.81677, y: -111.54021} - {x: 80.80484, y: -99.78338} - {x: 71.26753, y: -99.64886} - {x: 71.2456, y: -87.886086} - {x: 80.802826, y: -99.64882} - {x: 80.80322, y: -87.903305} - {x: 70.905174, y: -87.872696} - {x: 70.873085, y: -76.11374} - {x: 80.473595, y: -87.87269} - {x: 80.5003, y: -76.13084} - {x: 70.154816, y: -76.66789} - {x: 70.19385, y: -64.91108} - {x: 79.80113, y: -76.66789} - {x: 79.88851, y: -64.90491} - {x: 69.74598, y: -65.36181} - {x: 69.86256, y: -53.59201} - {x: 79.44529, y: -65.36183} - {x: 79.41459, y: -53.631214} - {x: 70.8313, y: -51.49003} - {x: 70.68169, y: -39.658974} - {x: 80.4138, y: -51.490017} - {x: 80.41298, y: -39.811146} - {x: 68.56863, y: -40.672295} - {x: 68.501434, y: -28.914999} - {x: 78.39148, y: -40.6723} - {x: 78.40585, y: -28.922314} - {x: 67.79791, y: -26.579056} - {x: 67.406364, y: -14.74616} - {x: 77.707596, y: -26.579063} - {x: 77.64882, y: -14.879331} - {x: 64.27948, y: -18.487286} - {x: 64.41288, y: -6.728567} - {x: 74.587105, y: -18.487272} - {x: 74.570526, y: -6.7385} - {x: 65.48226, y: 4.0613346} - {x: 63.934383, y: 16.527397} - {x: 75.64636, y: 4.061331} - {x: 75.51236, y: 15.264205} - {x: 50.489964, y: 7.1818743} - {x: 50.25078, y: 18.939993} - {x: 62.673286, y: 7.181882} - {x: 61.534306, y: 18.968746} - {x: 55.128582, y: 33.12408} - {x: 52.195007, y: 45.72431} - {x: 66.468346, y: 33.124073} - {x: 64.57589, y: 45.14401} - {x: 45.20007, y: 51.167072} - {x: 40.433727, y: 64.19696} - {x: 57.685314, y: 51.167065} - {x: 55.646, y: 62.808746} - {x: 49.992077, y: -22.702126} - {x: 61.648575, y: -20.218987} - {x: 51.217976, y: -38.20243} - {x: 62.8745, y: -35.195335} - {x: 48.868546, y: -28.64628} - {x: 60.60489, y: -29.671865} - {x: 48.34256, y: -43.66891} - {x: 60.0789, y: -42.954105} - {x: 34.81052, y: 53.423534} - {x: 36.649918, y: 65.3252} - {x: 48.179127, y: 53.42355} - {x: 49.267212, y: 65.20556} - {x: 40.47955, y: 62.496902} - {x: 42.561108, y: 74.49079} - {x: 53.11987, y: 62.49691} - {x: 55.3083, y: 74.51515} - {x: 41.98404, y: 64.72014} - {x: 45.45018, y: 77.10318} - {x: 54.731823, y: 64.72014} - {x: 57.642986, y: 76.906944} - {x: 48.27102, y: 83.586655} - {x: 50.660625, y: 95.71263} - {x: 60.47977, y: 83.586655} - {x: 59.562527, y: 94.69966} - {x: 67.40262, y: 106.793106} - {x: 67.833336, y: 118.67593} - {x: 77.21292, y: 106.793106} - {x: 77.23933, y: 118.43593} - {x: 80.952385, y: -123.12523} - {x: 80.952385, y: -111.342766} - {x: 90.4762, y: -123.12525} - {x: 90.4762, y: -111.38814} - {x: 80.70479, y: -111.508896} - {x: 80.68793, y: -99.752075} - {x: 90.2512, y: -111.50892} - {x: 90.24481, y: -99.75526} - {x: 80.57243, y: -99.91699} - {x: 80.57313, y: -88.16271} - {x: 90.13052, y: -99.917015} - {x: 90.132675, y: -88.16271} - {x: 80.55903, y: -88.3215} - {x: 80.58294, y: -76.56399} - {x: 90.11859, y: -88.32152} - {x: 90.13421, y: -76.56624} - {x: 80.65662, y: -76.64406} - {x: 80.69864, y: -64.87699} - {x: 90.20837, y: -76.644066} - {x: 90.21173, y: -64.90047} - {x: 80.924736, y: -64.61314} - {x: 80.92091, y: -52.857716} - {x: 90.45118, y: -64.61312} - {x: 90.45118, y: -52.859955} - {x: 80.87029, y: -52.891953} - {x: 80.869995, y: -41.137665} - {x: 90.40194, y: -52.891956} - {x: 90.40194, y: -41.137676} - {x: 80.86708, y: -41.15815} - {x: 80.86951, y: -29.40372} - {x: 90.399025, y: -41.158154} - {x: 90.39903, y: -29.404015} - {x: 80.89061, y: -29.323433} - {x: 80.88314, y: -17.56721} - {x: 90.42031, y: -29.323433} - {x: 90.42031, y: -17.571054} - {x: 80.78746, y: -17.612188} - {x: 80.784966, y: -5.8578243} - {x: 90.327, y: -17.612188} - {x: 90.327, y: -5.8579707} - {x: 80.760376, y: -5.691614} - {x: 80.73661, y: 6.068917} - {x: 90.302505, y: -5.6916013} - {x: 90.302505, y: 6.0564528} - {x: 80.432625, y: 7.2151093} - {x: 80.24671, y: 19.108978} - {x: 90.00618, y: 7.2151084} - {x: 89.914314, y: 18.968576} - {x: 78.84278, y: 22.117252} - {x: 78.16118, y: 34.358734} - {x: 88.55398, y: 22.117252} - {x: 88.35959, y: 33.67612} - {x: 70.88401, y: 37.92549} - {x: 69.56366, y: 50.023678} - {x: 81.37117, y: 37.925495} - {x: 80.42582, y: 49.831093} - {x: 66.19792, y: 49.50166} - {x: 64.92168, y: 61.478737} - {x: 77.0905, y: 49.50166} - {x: 76.33837, y: 61.29746} - {x: 60.592506, y: 58.24618} - {x: 59.78438, y: 70.06247} - {x: 72.04818, y: 58.246174} - {x: 72.2259, y: 69.911575} - {x: 52.749496, y: 58.0526} - {x: 53.756897, y: 69.86582} - {x: 65.278114, y: 58.052593} - {x: 66.75637, y: 69.92078} - {x: 51.096325, y: 61.839886} - {x: 53.364048, y: 73.84402} - {x: 64.10747, y: 61.839878} - {x: 64.904076, y: 73.523254} - {x: 61.21327, y: 68.688324} - {x: 63.734623, y: 80.975975} - {x: 72.86102, y: 68.688324} - {x: 72.617935, y: 79.83178} - {x: 78.545204, y: 101.60695} - {x: 78.25781, y: 113.448814} - {x: 88.25748, y: 101.60695} - {x: 87.934105, y: 113.470665} - {x: 78.643906, y: 111.47641} - {x: 78.66347, y: 123.23118} - {x: 88.32188, y: 111.47641} - {x: 88.30387, y: 123.22929} - {x: 90.4762, y: -123.409004} - {x: 90.4762, y: -111.65363} - {x: 100.000015, y: -123.40899} - {x: 100, y: -111.65572} - {x: 90.461235, y: -111.64922} - {x: 90.4597, y: -99.89458} - {x: 99.986336, y: -111.64921} - {x: 99.98635, y: -99.895325} - {x: 90.4384, y: -99.91689} - {x: 90.43908, y: -88.162575} - {x: 99.96551, y: -99.9169} - {x: 99.96549, y: -88.16262} - {x: 90.445656, y: -88.18308} - {x: 90.44993, y: -76.42741} - {x: 99.972115, y: -88.183075} - {x: 99.972115, y: -76.430145} - {x: 90.47503, y: -76.4041} - {x: 90.47523, y: -64.649704} - {x: 99.998924, y: -76.40406} - {x: 99.99894, y: -64.64989} - {x: 90.4762, y: -64.64859} - {x: 90.4762, y: -52.894306} - {x: 100.000015, y: -64.648605} - {x: 100.00001, y: -52.894325} - {x: 90.4762, y: -52.894306} - {x: 90.4762, y: -41.140022} - {x: 100.00001, y: -52.894325} - {x: 100.00001, y: -41.14001} - {x: 90.4762, y: -41.140022} - {x: 90.476204, y: -29.385736} - {x: 100.00001, y: -41.14001} - {x: 100.00001, y: -29.385727} - {x: 90.476204, y: -29.385736} - {x: 90.476204, y: -17.631435} - {x: 100.00001, y: -29.385727} - {x: 100.00001, y: -17.631443} - {x: 90.476204, y: -17.631435} - {x: 90.476204, y: -5.8771377} - {x: 100.00001, y: -17.631443} - {x: 100.00001, y: -5.877144} - {x: 90.476204, y: -5.8771377} - {x: 90.476204, y: 5.8771467} - {x: 100.00001, y: -5.877144} - {x: 100.00001, y: 5.87714} - {x: 90.476204, y: 5.8599024} - {x: 90.476204, y: 17.648777} - {x: 100.00001, y: 5.8598957} - {x: 100.00002, y: 17.579699} - {x: 89.98765, y: 18.360855} - {x: 89.893845, y: 30.156761} - {x: 99.55412, y: 18.360853} - {x: 99.55412, y: 30.073689} - {x: 88.36306, y: 32.49396} - {x: 87.922005, y: 44.455025} - {x: 98.07392, y: 32.49396} - {x: 98.0739, y: 44.04504} - {x: 81.26716, y: 45.64017} - {x: 80.64747, y: 57.479992} - {x: 91.657776, y: 45.640186} - {x: 91.65778, y: 57.309566} - {x: 74.68646, y: 51.680958} - {x: 74.850784, y: 63.438442} - {x: 85.78803, y: 51.680958} - {x: 85.78803, y: 63.43204} - {x: 76.10883, y: 55.572376} - {x: 77.22862, y: 67.49234} - {x: 87.04952, y: 55.572376} - {x: 87.04952, y: 67.16328} - {x: 85.04264, y: 73.14178} - {x: 85.40554, y: 84.94852} - {x: 95.06124, y: 73.14178} - {x: 95.06124, y: 84.84388} - {x: 88.26748, y: 88.80489} - {x: 88.18319, y: 100.56646} - {x: 97.986946, y: 88.804886} - {x: 97.98696, y: 100.5519} - {x: 87.24556, y: 102.2469} - {x: 86.8484, y: 114.10972} - {x: 97.05806, y: 102.2469} - {x: 97.058044, y: 113.893654} - {x: 81.821815, y: 111.9705} - {x: 81.78249, y: 123.72516} - {x: 92.15623, y: 111.9705} - {x: 92.156235, y: 123.72442} - {x: -90.102776, y: 119.05954} - {x: -99.94069, y: 120.69987} - {x: -99.94068, y: 143.49075} - {x: -90.411224, y: 143.49075} - {x: -99.94068, y: 143.49075} - {x: -99.94068, y: 166.28162} - {x: -90.422516, y: 166.3417} - {x: -90.411224, y: 143.49075} - {x: -71.81097, y: 113.54126} - {x: -83.10086, y: 114.27032} - {x: -85.88693, y: 138.64084} - {x: -76.50421, y: 139.00739} - {x: -85.88693, y: 138.64084} - {x: -85.98897, y: 161.46944} - {x: -76.93749, y: 162.02628} - {x: -76.50421, y: 139.00739} - {x: -39.295177, y: 103.600494} - {x: -46.528507, y: 102.01904} - {x: -57.051243, y: 127.189964} - {x: -43.763794, y: 127.189964} - {x: -57.051243, y: 127.189964} - {x: -58.0227, y: 149.86589} - {x: -51.196495, y: 151.5537} - {x: -43.763794, y: 127.189964} - {x: -32.788994, y: 111.89605} - {x: -41.676285, y: 111.14389} - {x: -45.96305, y: 134.80133} - {x: -33.1503, y: 134.80133} - {x: -45.96305, y: 134.80133} - {x: -53.09328, y: 159.00359} - {x: -46.014164, y: 160.10222} - {x: -33.1503, y: 134.80133} - {x: -45.81306, y: 103.066216} - {x: -55.524456, y: 102.93665} - {x: -55.65139, y: 124.74912} - {x: -45.437157, y: 124.12867} - {x: -55.65139, y: 124.74912} - {x: -60.170803, y: 153.11327} - {x: -50.913742, y: 153.9205} - {x: -45.437157, y: 124.12867} - {x: -36.19377, y: 98.44932} - {x: -46.454597, y: 99.3843} - {x: -46.109024, y: 119.90866} - {x: -36.037025, y: 119.32215} - {x: -46.109024, y: 119.90866} - {x: -51.14371, y: 150.36218} - {x: -41.844856, y: 151.2025} - {x: -36.037025, y: 119.32215} - {x: -31.30067, y: 99.65481} - {x: -40.879555, y: 99.834465} - {x: -40.82774, y: 120.57938} - {x: -31.183146, y: 120.01502} - {x: -40.82774, y: 120.57938} - {x: -42.747665, y: 152.86684} - {x: -33.248203, y: 153.152} - {x: -31.183146, y: 120.01502} - {x: -22.106672, y: 100.99968} - {x: -31.689466, y: 101.2947} - {x: -31.593678, y: 121.86323} - {x: -22.121374, y: 122.329796} - {x: -31.593678, y: 121.86323} - {x: -33.276806, y: 154.692} - {x: -23.76913, y: 154.91486} - {x: -22.121374, y: 122.329796} - {x: -21.64891, y: 92.36542} - {x: -30.311247, y: 94.68329} - {x: -30.246758, y: 114.67856} - {x: -19.882587, y: 115.68146} - {x: -30.246758, y: 114.67856} - {x: -23.02056, y: 148.64838} - {x: -13.812335, y: 147.39569} - {x: -19.882587, y: 115.68146} - {x: -12.694067, y: 93.12824} - {x: -22.246786, y: 93.757256} - {x: -20.325806, y: 117.13238} - {x: -9.957501, y: 117.92498} - {x: -20.325806, y: 117.13238} - {x: -13.724044, y: 148.66647} - {x: -4.574679, y: 147.33438} - {x: -9.957501, y: 117.92498} - {x: -4.843006, y: 101.21375} - {x: -15.607432, y: 100.74628} - {x: -11.829463, y: 125.594765} - {x: -2.0034485, y: 125.09393} - {x: -11.829463, y: 125.594765} - {x: -4.3981986, y: 154.21297} - {x: 4.3981943, y: 152.64969} - {x: -2.0034485, y: 125.09393} - {x: 10.616355, y: 105.896515} - {x: 0.4380188, y: 104.82908} - {x: 1.7437235, y: 129.04451} - {x: 11.703229, y: 129.6476} - {x: 1.7437235, y: 129.04451} - {x: 4.687365, y: 156.73549} - {x: 14.062087, y: 156.09772} - {x: 11.703229, y: 129.6476} - {x: 18.660465, y: 109.25218} - {x: 8.7533865, y: 109.1921} - {x: 10.345627, y: 133.0471} - {x: 20.151783, y: 132.98334} - {x: 10.345627, y: 133.0471} - {x: 13.801291, y: 159.18842} - {x: 23.002142, y: 158.38197} - {x: 20.151783, y: 132.98334} - {x: 32.0686, y: 113.425674} - {x: 22.350323, y: 112.859795} - {x: 22.824001, y: 136.71991} - {x: 32.44137, y: 136.9339} - {x: 22.824001, y: 136.71991} - {x: 23.72934, y: 162.08536} - {x: 33.221085, y: 161.86124} - {x: 32.44137, y: 136.9339} - {x: 41.93089, y: 115.2425} - {x: 32.334614, y: 115.040215} - {x: 32.634216, y: 138.60825} - {x: 42.1237, y: 138.39288} - {x: 32.634216, y: 138.60825} - {x: 33.260883, y: 163.4554} - {x: 42.763966, y: 163.2932} - {x: 42.1237, y: 138.39288} - {x: 50.243095, y: 116.96498} - {x: 40.42762, y: 116.72291} - {x: 40.873833, y: 139.9987} - {x: 50.737907, y: 140.30656} - {x: 40.873833, y: 139.9987} - {x: 42.35558, y: 164.67589} - {x: 51.767933, y: 164.37242} - {x: 50.737907, y: 140.30656} - {x: 59.47976, y: 118.76863} - {x: 49.69984, y: 118.68505} - {x: 50.28806, y: 142.07936} - {x: 59.876587, y: 141.99548} - {x: 50.28806, y: 142.07936} - {x: 51.512512, y: 166.03029} - {x: 60.87842, y: 165.75163} - {x: 59.876587, y: 141.99548} - {x: 70.477234, y: 120.5568} - {x: 60.860245, y: 120.491684} - {x: 61.073223, y: 143.75844} - {x: 70.5941, y: 143.6925} - {x: 61.073223, y: 143.75844} - {x: 61.61091, y: 167.46786} - {x: 71.08949, y: 167.34425} - {x: 70.5941, y: 143.6925} - {x: 80.050644, y: 120.947914} - {x: 70.50646, y: 120.97667} - {x: 70.62067, y: 144.13678} - {x: 80.21119, y: 144.16595} - {x: 70.62067, y: 144.13678} - {x: 71.10478, y: 167.7594} - {x: 80.5854, y: 167.65117} - {x: 80.21119, y: 144.16595} - {x: 89.218315, y: 121.59146} - {x: 79.5799, y: 121.56654} - {x: 79.79458, y: 144.80757} - {x: 89.55759, y: 144.91719} - {x: 79.79458, y: 144.80757} - {x: 80.29499, y: 168.24286} - {x: 89.74147, y: 168.13728} - {x: 89.55759, y: 144.91719} - {x: 98.8672, y: 122.89952} - {x: 88.833885, y: 122.81834} - {x: 89.23427, y: 146.07188} - {x: 98.8672, y: 146.07188} - {x: 89.23427, y: 146.07188} - {x: 89.45127, y: 169.28822} - {x: 98.8672, y: 169.24422} - {x: 98.8672, y: 146.07188} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904394, y: 0.043696407, z: -0.0013610441, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985571, y: 0.053698614, z: -0.00025875666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990433, y: 0.043731134, z: -0.00024518673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943299, y: 0.10632235, z: -0.0018499873, w: -1} - {x: 0.99855673, y: 0.05370611, z: 0.0002594745, w: -1} - {x: 0.9928003, y: 0.11978108, z: -0.00021096908, w: -1} - {x: 0.99432206, y: 0.10641263, z: -0.00014057574, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906161, y: 0.13667399, z: -0.00002687678, w: -1} - {x: 0.99279964, y: 0.119786575, z: 0.00021144544, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892091, y: 0.14651029, z: -0.0000106395555, w: -1} - {x: 0.99061525, y: 0.13668062, z: 0.00019199388, w: -1} - {x: 0.9877071, y: 0.15631641, z: -0.00006127573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892092, y: 0.14651033, z: 0.000010640797, w: -1} - {x: 0.9887627, y: 0.14949422, z: -0.000000031693148, w: -1} - {x: 0.987707, y: 0.15631635, z: -0.00006509377, w: -1} - {x: 0.9709688, y: 0.23920302, z: -0.0012540135, w: -1} - {x: 0.9887626, y: 0.14949422, z: 0.000000031685957, w: -1} - {x: 0.99186677, y: 0.12728049, z: -0.000044974295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9709692, y: 0.23920026, z: -0.0014581874, w: -1} - {x: 0.9548209, y: 0.29717615, z: -0.0018375326, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918668, y: 0.12727995, z: 0.000044995606, w: -1} - {x: 0.98917675, y: 0.1467291, z: -0.00006625904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9548207, y: 0.29717803, z: -0.0016514859, w: -1} - {x: 0.95347184, y: 0.301477, z: -0.001749291, w: -1} - {x: 0.98917663, y: 0.14673004, z: 0.00006630541, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858002, y: 0.16792214, z: -0.000014111067, w: -1} - {x: 0.95347166, y: 0.30147812, z: -0.0016511767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9483559, y: 0.317205, z: 0.0014307003, w: -1} - {x: 0.98580027, y: 0.16792224, z: 0.000014113228, w: -1} - {x: 0.994199, y: 0.10755573, z: -0.00038496428, w: -1} - {x: 0.9483565, y: 0.317201, z: 0.0018550799, w: -1} - {x: 0.95303863, y: 0.3028473, z: 0.001006138, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942004, y: 0.107542075, z: 0.00038654942, w: -1} - {x: 0.98589206, y: 0.16738145, z: -0.0006034561, w: -1} - {x: 0.95303845, y: 0.30284843, z: 0.0007513283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9500836, y: 0.31184363, z: -0.0097348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858875, y: 0.16740794, z: 0.00060739473, w: -1} - {x: 0.9486384, y: 0.31635916, z: -0.0014301089, w: -1} - {x: 0.9499562, y: 0.31236917, z: -0.0029693313, w: -1} - {x: 0.9255155, y: 0.37869927, z: -0.002828108, w: -1} - {x: 0.94860697, y: 0.31645346, z: 0.0014526227, w: -1} - {x: 0.8938785, y: 0.44830832, z: -0.00096336304, w: -1} - {x: 0.9251657, y: 0.3795313, z: 0.00492772, w: -1} - {x: 0.89338684, y: 0.4492758, z: 0.0033464741, w: -1} - {x: 0.89385337, y: 0.44835845, z: 0.0009732572, w: -1} - {x: 0.8369268, y: 0.54731447, z: -0.0006593864, w: -1} - {x: 0.8931029, y: 0.4497655, z: 0.008848243, w: -1} - {x: 0.8572794, y: 0.51479405, z: 0.007686456, w: -1} - {x: 0.83690894, y: 0.54734176, z: 0.00066389673, w: -1} - {x: 0.7557599, y: 0.6548476, z: -0.0012505562, w: -1} - {x: 0.85667866, y: 0.51559687, z: 0.016170304, w: -1} - {x: 0.8215733, y: 0.5696613, z: 0.022435945, w: -1} - {x: 0.75570184, y: 0.65491456, z: 0.00126673, w: -1} - {x: 0.6545845, y: 0.75598764, z: -0.0013808707, w: -1} - {x: 0.82032084, y: 0.5709116, z: 0.033668425, w: -1} - {x: 0.8190257, y: 0.5737263, z: 0.0059223957, w: -1} - {x: 0.029579105, y: -0.025608765, z: -0.9992343, w: -1} - {x: -0.032514814, y: 0.021651324, z: -0.99923676, w: -1} - {x: -0.0061036353, y: -0.029222924, z: -0.99955434, w: -1} - {x: -0.13709329, y: 0.12218166, z: -0.98299396, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.999693, y: 0.024765955, z: -0.00078773295, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990428, y: 0.043741472, z: 0.00008717523, w: -1} - {x: 0.99969196, y: 0.02481298, z: 0.00069142546, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952309, y: 0.097546056, z: -0.000418437, w: -1} - {x: 0.99903977, y: 0.043786258, z: 0.0015295093, w: -1} - {x: 0.99432564, y: 0.10637626, z: -0.0008299316, w: -1} - {x: 0.99522567, y: 0.09760106, z: 0.00021389958, w: -1} - {x: 0.99226725, y: 0.124108784, z: -0.0016554147, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943112, y: 0.10650274, z: 0.0015716047, w: -1} - {x: 0.99061596, y: 0.13667497, z: 0.0000056702206, w: -1} - {x: 0.99224603, y: 0.124286816, z: 0.0008228758, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867636, y: 0.16215949, z: -0.0013868394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906164, y: 0.13667172, z: -0.0001024485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9877073, y: 0.15631442, z: -0.00026750652, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867587, y: 0.16219382, z: -0.0007235693, w: -1} - {x: 0.94934964, y: 0.31372645, z: -0.01763502, w: -1} - {x: 0.9877067, y: 0.15631853, z: 0.00015946239, w: -1} - {x: 0.9709629, y: 0.23922892, z: 0.00069259794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9489844, y: 0.31529915, z: -0.0038779848, w: -1} - {x: 0.8855877, y: 0.4643639, z: -0.010030662, w: -1} - {x: 0.9709562, y: 0.23924766, z: 0.0021463726, w: -1} - {x: 0.95480573, y: 0.29721856, z: 0.0026584426, w: -1} - {x: 0.8852375, y: 0.4651299, z: -0.0029680785, w: -1} - {x: 0.85674155, y: 0.51574486, z: 0.001024983, w: -1} - {x: 0.9548091, y: 0.29721284, z: 0.002012421, w: -1} - {x: 0.9534541, y: 0.30152577, z: 0.0027382064, w: -1} - {x: 0.8567806, y: 0.5156792, z: -0.0014453448, w: -1} - {x: 0.8407682, y: 0.5413914, z: -0.0020632504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9534608, y: 0.30151305, z: 0.0015122129, w: -1} - {x: 0.94834495, y: 0.31723508, z: -0.0019473856, w: -1} - {x: 0.84078205, y: 0.5413646, z: -0.0031560163, w: -1} - {x: 0.8173995, y: 0.57606953, z: -0.0014153735, w: -1} - {x: 0.9483455, y: 0.3172341, z: -0.0018337684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9530348, y: 0.3028574, z: -0.0014096058, w: -1} - {x: 0.8173988, y: 0.5760714, z: -0.0009777597, w: -1} - {x: 0.8364571, y: 0.54802644, z: 0.0025572078, w: -1} - {x: 0.9530362, y: 0.30285522, z: -0.00085947366, w: -1} - {x: 0.94943225, y: 0.31364596, z: 0.014308214, w: -1} - {x: 0.8366218, y: 0.54765254, z: 0.011857109, w: -1} - {x: 0.8935338, y: 0.44893768, z: 0.0072254236, w: -1} - {x: 0.94978625, y: 0.312877, z: 0.0037515669, w: -1} - {x: 0.9255184, y: 0.37869158, z: -0.0028987967, w: -1} - {x: 0.8937227, y: 0.4485987, z: -0.004353728, w: -1} - {x: 0.93082744, y: 0.36545643, z: -0.0013803437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9254152, y: 0.3789545, z: -0.00047182984, w: -1} - {x: 0.8939063, y: 0.44817272, z: -0.008519645, w: -1} - {x: 0.93070877, y: 0.36575884, z: 0.00125794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9365428, y: 0.35052752, z: 0.004248037, w: -1} - {x: 0.8937811, y: 0.44847116, z: -0.0053764316, w: -1} - {x: 0.8585636, y: 0.51249677, z: -0.014688332, w: -1} - {x: 0.9363276, y: 0.3510334, z: 0.008140907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9358952, y: 0.35216227, z: 0.00905126, w: -1} - {x: 0.8583793, y: 0.5128987, z: -0.010949795, w: -1} - {x: 0.8255961, y: 0.5637663, z: -0.023636075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9356422, y: 0.35270676, z: 0.013101117, w: -1} - {x: 0.9461125, y: 0.32323018, z: 0.019831968, w: -1} - {x: 0.8259907, y: 0.562902, z: -0.02967678, w: -1} - {x: 0.8190689, y: 0.5736866, z: 0.0031244261, w: -1} - {x: 0.9464095, y: 0.3225898, z: 0.015646853, w: -1} - {x: 0.95785666, y: 0.2865333, z: 0.020228928, w: -1} - {x: 0.81916314, y: 0.5735322, z: -0.005707202, w: -1} - {x: 0.836792, y: 0.54550344, z: 0.04695735, w: -1} - {x: 0.95589364, y: 0.28899923, z: 0.05240887, w: -1} - {x: 0.9524619, y: 0.30440968, z: -0.012287534, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999034, y: 0.004403321, z: -0.000047155292, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99969286, y: 0.024783768, z: -0.00022762634, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999034, y: 0.0044053406, z: 0.00014160601, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985603, y: 0.053618636, z: -0.0015079936, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996924, y: 0.024801558, z: 0.00033199217, w: -1} - {x: 0.99525744, y: 0.09714833, z: -0.004978017, w: -1} - {x: 0.99855965, y: 0.053638414, z: -0.0012666261, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912957, y: 0.13138592, z: -0.008399494, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952173, y: 0.09767921, z: 0.0011133894, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922626, y: 0.12415276, z: -0.001044491, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912322, y: 0.13210334, z: -0.002709199, w: -1} - {x: 0.9759525, y: 0.21761978, z: -0.012583956, w: -1} - {x: 0.99226004, y: 0.124175094, z: -0.0007337923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867706, y: 0.16210434, z: -0.0024493185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9759043, y: 0.21800162, z: -0.009280799, w: -1} - {x: 0.9481825, y: 0.31672272, z: -0.025231233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867319, y: 0.16234381, z: 0.0021922889, w: -1} - {x: 0.948961, y: 0.3153774, z: -0.0031792917, w: -1} - {x: 0.94722575, y: 0.3205564, z: -0.0026426215, w: -1} - {x: 0.8634503, y: 0.5038565, z: -0.024133246, w: -1} - {x: 0.947963, y: 0.3178012, z: 0.019197976, w: -1} - {x: 0.8851762, y: 0.4652525, z: -0.0018169694, w: -1} - {x: 0.8616014, y: 0.5075086, z: -0.008826797, w: -1} - {x: 0.8216041, y: 0.5696842, z: -0.020657444, w: -1} - {x: 0.8845132, y: 0.46641946, z: 0.009449387, w: -1} - {x: 0.8567602, y: 0.51571494, z: -0.00011360587, w: -1} - {x: 0.8202784, y: 0.5719421, z: -0.005077862, w: -1} - {x: 0.78798926, y: 0.6156432, z: -0.0074976296, w: -1} - {x: 0.85672206, y: 0.51577383, z: 0.0021508902, w: -1} - {x: 0.840673, y: 0.5415282, z: 0.0040124925, w: -1} - {x: 0.787544, y: 0.6162568, z: 0.001445055, w: -1} - {x: 0.7645413, y: 0.644562, z: 0.0040457603, w: -1} - {x: 0.84067446, y: 0.54152656, z: 0.003933717, w: -1} - {x: 0.81739587, y: 0.5760762, z: 0.00030734768, w: -1} - {x: 0.7646865, y: 0.6444016, z: 0.0010524804, w: -1} - {x: 0.80254996, y: 0.59657896, z: -0.0026567078, w: -1} - {x: 0.8173955, y: 0.57607675, z: 0.00045899532, w: -1} - {x: 0.8362299, y: 0.54834163, z: -0.006397664, w: -1} - {x: 0.80254424, y: 0.59658545, z: -0.0029476117, w: -1} - {x: 0.8280118, y: 0.56052136, z: -0.014567331, w: -1} - {x: 0.83627915, y: 0.548284, z: -0.0046631494, w: -1} - {x: 0.8936336, y: 0.44879267, z: 0.0020169427, w: -1} - {x: 0.82889843, y: 0.5593857, z: -0.0038701065, w: -1} - {x: 0.88616794, y: 0.46327105, z: -0.009289289, w: -1} - {x: 0.8936374, y: 0.44878608, z: 0.0017903837, w: -1} - {x: 0.92968893, y: 0.36781234, z: 0.019811004, w: -1} - {x: 0.88759804, y: 0.46002662, z: 0.023348399, w: -1} - {x: 0.9518062, y: 0.30514625, z: 0.030832687, w: -1} - {x: 0.9311194, y: 0.3646123, z: -0.008628919, w: -1} - {x: 0.9371026, y: 0.34897447, z: -0.007452184, w: -1} - {x: 0.9525182, y: 0.30448112, z: 0.00057737087, w: -1} - {x: 0.96770567, y: 0.25199202, z: 0.006764355, w: -1} - {x: 0.93717635, y: 0.34873387, z: -0.009232793, w: -1} - {x: 0.93686706, y: 0.34954786, z: -0.009815682, w: -1} - {x: 0.967776, y: 0.25176322, z: 0.0049952734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9733308, y: 0.22925818, z: 0.008233848, w: -1} - {x: 0.9369493, y: 0.34926605, z: -0.0117963925, w: -1} - {x: 0.94777256, y: 0.31884357, z: -0.008121641, w: -1} - {x: 0.97339976, y: 0.22902311, z: 0.0064316867, w: -1} - {x: 0.9811001, y: 0.19321623, z: 0.010495636, w: -1} - {x: 0.94792503, y: 0.31828317, z: -0.011578864, w: -1} - {x: 0.95851624, y: 0.28502876, z: 0.002282711, w: -1} - {x: 0.9810881, y: 0.19325687, z: 0.010853675, w: -1} - {x: 0.98753095, y: 0.15617515, z: 0.019794824, w: -1} - {x: 0.958847, y: 0.28357103, z: -0.014138284, w: -1} - {x: 0.95543146, y: 0.29117727, z: 0.048646342, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879765, y: 0.154603, z: -0.0006678722, w: -1} - {x: 0.96966773, y: 0.2422776, z: 0.03234357, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999034, y: 0.004403321, z: -0.000047155292, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999603, y: 0.008907228, z: -0.00032044319, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999034, y: 0.0044033206, z: -0.000047155125, w: -1} - {x: 0.99856263, y: 0.05353882, z: -0.0024821048, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999603, y: 0.008916738, z: -0.000056030607, w: -1} - {x: 0.99181753, y: 0.12716068, z: -0.011319954, w: -1} - {x: 0.99854743, y: 0.053860523, z: 0.0014478923, w: -1} - {x: 0.99129367, y: 0.13141666, z: -0.008156371, w: -1} - {x: 0.99177676, y: 0.1277417, z: -0.0077988603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9627322, y: 0.26811662, z: -0.0355002, w: -1} - {x: 0.99106956, y: 0.13320588, z: 0.006103988, w: -1} - {x: 0.9757784, y: 0.21874368, z: -0.002800674, w: -1} - {x: 0.9617898, y: 0.27357364, z: -0.010860145, w: -1} - {x: 0.9082475, y: 0.41714385, z: -0.03282537, w: -1} - {x: 0.97523856, y: 0.22067948, z: 0.014503651, w: -1} - {x: 0.94681346, y: 0.32175, z: 0.0046006753, w: -1} - {x: 0.90718645, y: 0.42043877, z: -0.015620413, w: -1} - {x: 0.84584266, y: 0.53066003, z: -0.05431468, w: -1} - {x: 0.94640607, y: 0.3227914, z: 0.011008311, w: -1} - {x: 0.86483467, y: 0.50069314, z: -0.036976524, w: -1} - {x: 0.8451851, y: 0.5322873, z: -0.04829557, w: -1} - {x: 0.7729016, y: 0.6286797, z: -0.08593595, w: -1} - {x: 0.85725886, y: 0.5144253, z: 0.021767532, w: -1} - {x: 0.81968975, y: 0.5728066, z: 0.00116444, w: -1} - {x: 0.7627146, y: 0.646235, z: -0.025432015, w: -1} - {x: 0.8256836, y: 0.56413156, z: 0.001472127, w: -1} - {x: 0.81914985, y: 0.5735416, z: 0.0066065555, w: -1} - {x: 0.7877076, y: 0.6160469, z: -0.0016963258, w: -1} - {x: 0.8249917, y: 0.565073, z: 0.009012703, w: -1} - {x: 0.816545, y: 0.57725614, z: 0.0054457057, w: -1} - {x: 0.78743935, y: 0.6163829, z: 0.0033795477, w: -1} - {x: 0.7647207, y: 0.64436185, z: 0.00032783812, w: -1} - {x: 0.8161501, y: 0.57774556, z: 0.0104404455, w: -1} - {x: 0.82061106, y: 0.5714796, z: 0.0029226784, w: -1} - {x: 0.7648089, y: 0.6442553, z: -0.0015880542, w: -1} - {x: 0.8027027, y: 0.59633994, z: 0.006852333, w: -1} - {x: 0.82057947, y: 0.57150376, z: 0.0057178815, w: -1} - {x: 0.87504995, y: 0.48394936, z: 0.008978602, w: -1} - {x: 0.8026535, y: 0.5964367, z: 0.0032556814, w: -1} - {x: 0.8297828, y: 0.55802625, z: 0.008198528, w: -1} - {x: 0.8745114, y: 0.48499903, z: -0.0023906229, w: -1} - {x: 0.86991894, y: 0.4931847, z: -0.0031340572, w: -1} - {x: 0.8296694, y: 0.5582165, z: 0.006552189, w: -1} - {x: 0.88614905, y: 0.46330065, z: -0.009611911, w: -1} - {x: 0.8696913, y: 0.49356246, z: -0.0057525095, w: -1} - {x: 0.9019515, y: 0.4313068, z: -0.021399299, w: -1} - {x: 0.8866676, y: 0.46240726, z: -0.000092555274, w: -1} - {x: 0.95254093, y: 0.30440158, z: -0.0023645845, w: -1} - {x: 0.9054424, y: 0.42431253, z: 0.011522395, w: -1} - {x: 0.9579167, y: 0.2869794, z: -0.006196927, w: -1} - {x: 0.9525335, y: 0.3044311, z: -0.0012820461, w: -1} - {x: 0.9679043, y: 0.25131404, z: 0.0015401109, w: -1} - {x: 0.9582163, y: 0.28592557, z: 0.008261132, w: -1} - {x: 0.97779644, y: 0.20941353, z: 0.0077423644, w: -1} - {x: 0.96815443, y: 0.2502722, z: -0.0063847885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9737144, y: 0.22774947, z: -0.003234925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9779859, y: 0.20867091, z: -0.0000063424513, w: -1} - {x: 0.9869975, y: 0.16063991, z: 0.0055690673, w: -1} - {x: 0.9737941, y: 0.22734462, z: -0.006273523, w: -1} - {x: 0.9814129, y: 0.191906, z: -0.0009254695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870587, y: 0.1603347, z: 0.0028125488, w: -1} - {x: 0.9853851, y: 0.17033114, z: 0.0018722508, w: -1} - {x: 0.98148257, y: 0.19150054, z: -0.004415633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879694, y: 0.15464935, z: -0.00007655347, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854424, y: 0.17000768, z: -0.00086486735, w: -1} - {x: 0.97440225, y: 0.22471865, z: -0.0064527295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879078, y: 0.15498447, z: 0.004220316, w: -1} - {x: 0.96910733, y: 0.24663776, z: -0.00082393753, w: -1} - {x: 0.97425586, y: 0.2254449, z: 0.000026659676, w: -1} - {x: 0.95553833, y: 0.29484487, z: -0.0036022018, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999603, y: 0.008907228, z: -0.00032044316, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987497, y: 0.049669802, z: -0.0056609814, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999603, y: 0.008907228, z: -0.00032044319, w: -1} - {x: 0.99182963, y: 0.12693967, z: -0.0126567995, w: -1} - {x: 0.99874544, y: 0.049996518, z: -0.0027925358, w: -1} - {x: 0.9750495, y: 0.22090143, z: -0.021935051, w: -1} - {x: 0.99125075, y: 0.1312692, z: 0.013797189, w: -1} - {x: 0.96192735, y: 0.27296397, z: -0.013652991, w: -1} - {x: 0.97362536, y: 0.22814465, z: 0.001921484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9122329, y: 0.40624526, z: -0.05287729, w: -1} - {x: 0.959661, y: 0.2803728, z: 0.021018878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9070245, y: 0.4208666, z: -0.013335014, w: -1} - {x: 0.90674627, y: 0.42158863, z: -0.00862445, w: -1} - {x: 0.7923177, y: 0.60570115, z: -0.07320359, w: -1} - {x: 0.90364474, y: 0.42759013, z: 0.024348859, w: -1} - {x: 0.83723855, y: 0.5467601, z: 0.0092283245, w: -1} - {x: 0.78288877, y: 0.6219003, z: -0.018033154, w: -1} - {x: 0.707255, y: 0.7058924, z: -0.038812228, w: -1} - {x: 0.8300731, y: 0.5555352, z: 0.048571747, w: -1} - {x: 0.75474644, y: 0.65589666, z: 0.012543216, w: -1} - {x: 0.7013108, y: 0.7127247, z: -0.013665472, w: -1} - {x: 0.8089215, y: 0.5878322, z: 0.009964502, w: -1} - {x: 0.36849624, y: -0.0853433, z: -0.9257035, w: -1} - {x: 0.26107198, y: -0.002728108, z: -0.96531546, w: -1} - {x: 0.25892064, y: 0.00538185, z: -0.9658836, w: -1} - {x: 0.1958346, y: 0.021880485, z: -0.9803928, w: -1} - {x: 0.8276229, y: 0.56079775, z: -0.023369256, w: -1} - {x: 0.81846005, y: 0.5740554, z: -0.02415696, w: -1} - {x: 0.85455406, y: 0.51917577, z: -0.013921114, w: -1} - {x: 0.8659107, y: 0.49995312, z: -0.015669676, w: -1} - {x: 0.8174272, y: 0.57599145, z: -0.0068271593, w: -1} - {x: 0.8206453, y: 0.571437, z: -0.0010959975, w: -1} - {x: 0.864508, y: 0.5025885, z: 0.005545349, w: -1} - {x: 0.91232795, y: 0.40928388, z: -0.012017291, w: -1} - {x: 0.82064, y: 0.5714453, z: -0.00037276486, w: -1} - {x: 0.8743661, y: 0.48524007, z: -0.0051025427, w: -1} - {x: 0.91237974, y: 0.4092062, z: -0.010655743, w: -1} - {x: 0.90949637, y: 0.4155738, z: -0.010710275, w: -1} - {x: 0.8749354, y: 0.4841981, z: 0.0063456194, w: -1} - {x: 0.87091434, y: 0.4913474, z: 0.009272925, w: -1} - {x: 0.90994424, y: 0.414726, z: -0.0019374567, w: -1} - {x: 0.9022745, y: 0.43111488, z: -0.0063920184, w: -1} - {x: 0.87009555, y: 0.492882, z: -0.0010533035, w: -1} - {x: 0.90220416, y: 0.43087688, z: -0.019307302, w: -1} - {x: 0.90125287, y: 0.43294892, z: -0.017279763, w: -1} - {x: 0.9144365, y: 0.4036181, z: -0.029973228, w: -1} - {x: 0.9045353, y: 0.42639413, z: 0.001961443, w: -1} - {x: 0.95744824, y: 0.28792033, z: -0.01986533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9185943, y: 0.3951974, z: -0.0019009075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9498227, y: 0.31168318, z: -0.02627198, w: -1} - {x: 0.95805544, y: 0.28658244, z: -0.0006528113, w: -1} - {x: 0.97777563, y: 0.20948301, z: 0.008474225, w: -1} - {x: 0.952157, y: 0.3052175, z: 0.015469693, w: -1} - {x: 0.97517675, y: 0.22124925, z: 0.008886911, w: -1} - {x: 0.97801733, y: 0.2085178, z: -0.0015876151, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870351, y: 0.16045724, z: 0.0039178347, w: -1} - {x: 0.9752684, y: 0.22101694, z: 0.0017429427, w: -1} - {x: 0.97258776, y: 0.23249008, z: -0.0046310765, w: -1} - {x: 0.987171, y: 0.1596281, z: -0.0035269065, w: -1} - {x: 0.98551124, y: 0.16954309, z: -0.004776973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9727317, y: 0.23161215, z: -0.012199951, w: -1} - {x: 0.9666961, y: 0.25532776, z: -0.017506314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9853817, y: 0.17034924, z: 0.0020258047, w: -1} - {x: 0.9743676, y: 0.2249117, z: -0.0047387853, w: -1} - {x: 0.96650743, y: 0.25643703, z: -0.0101711275, w: -1} - {x: 0.94862574, y: 0.31590533, z: -0.017696409, w: -1} - {x: 0.97421056, y: 0.22563434, z: 0.0017309546, w: -1} - {x: 0.95553005, y: 0.29488963, z: 0.0015755842, w: -1} - {x: 0.9484451, y: 0.3167307, z: -0.011556539, w: -1} - {x: 0.94071615, y: 0.33917812, z: -0.0033781228, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996734, y: 0.0080813365, z: -0.00015903366, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.998743, y: 0.05008512, z: -0.0020139993, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999671, y: 0.008093881, z: 0.00047868953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926298, y: 0.120513186, z: -0.012750422, w: -1} - {x: 0.99872285, y: 0.050498407, z: 0.0016211795, w: -1} - {x: 0.9758012, y: 0.21439347, z: -0.0429815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926677, y: 0.119862996, z: -0.015610816, w: -1} - {x: 0.90772325, y: 0.39791358, z: -0.1330536, w: -1} - {x: 0.9733084, y: 0.22941825, z: 0.006165232, w: -1} - {x: 0.91290635, y: 0.40376848, z: -0.059774846, w: -1} - {x: 0.90182954, y: 0.42511046, z: -0.07735982, w: -1} - {x: 0.7400655, y: 0.64113873, z: -0.20308681, w: -1} - {x: 0.9008359, y: 0.4333089, z: 0.027169785, w: -1} - {x: 0.78881514, y: 0.61252415, z: -0.05084088, w: -1} - {x: 0.71794105, y: 0.6881585, z: -0.104873136, w: -1} - {x: 0.6831912, y: 0.72253466, z: -0.10579909, w: -1} - {x: 0.41495472, y: -0.057677828, z: -0.90801203, w: -1} - {x: 0.41317979, y: -0.04375539, z: -0.9095977, w: -1} - {x: 0.39293465, y: -0.022375515, z: -0.9192941, w: -1} - {x: 0.35545054, y: 0.017269943, z: -0.9345355, w: -1} - {x: 0.46876234, y: 0.027013427, z: -0.8829112, w: -1} - {x: 0.39841154, y: 0.117018275, z: -0.9097115, w: -1} - {x: 0.42297694, y: 0.078173384, z: -0.9027621, w: -1} - {x: 0.38473174, y: 0.12387576, z: -0.91467816, w: -1} - {x: 0.81187755, y: 0.58326644, z: -0.025596628, w: -1} - {x: 0.85323954, y: 0.521291, z: 0.015425482, w: -1} - {x: 0.8875388, y: 0.46028376, z: 0.020341514, w: -1} - {x: 0.89469844, y: 0.44438046, z: 0.04517421, w: -1} - {x: 0.85348886, y: 0.5209964, z: 0.010932293, w: -1} - {x: 0.8619466, y: 0.5058198, z: 0.03456051, w: -1} - {x: 0.89514214, y: 0.44405973, z: 0.039134588, w: -1} - {x: 0.9588616, y: 0.27712977, z: 0.061509255, w: -1} - {x: 0.8658048, y: 0.50019073, z: -0.013830227, w: -1} - {x: 0.9130069, y: 0.40773886, z: 0.012933133, w: -1} - {x: 0.9605324, y: 0.27808514, z: 0.0067921234, w: -1} - {x: 0.9738033, y: 0.22703362, z: 0.012768164, w: -1} - {x: 0.9129864, y: 0.40782294, z: 0.011674733, w: -1} - {x: 0.91096365, y: 0.41144323, z: 0.029317345, w: -1} - {x: 0.9737943, y: 0.22714616, z: 0.011370915, w: -1} - {x: 0.9497413, y: 0.31123725, z: 0.033509634, w: -1} - {x: 0.9099856, y: 0.41463858, z: -0.0010513619, w: -1} - {x: 0.903331, y: 0.4288968, z: 0.0063756914, w: -1} - {x: 0.9495312, y: 0.3136126, z: -0.006133703, w: -1} - {x: 0.93529344, y: 0.3538485, z: -0.004188614, w: -1} - {x: 0.9038608, y: 0.4276107, z: 0.013593525, w: -1} - {x: 0.9202533, y: 0.39116406, z: 0.011152269, w: -1} - {x: 0.9357377, y: 0.35269034, z: 0.0020963945, w: -1} - {x: 0.9040268, y: 0.42673397, z: 0.025172127, w: -1} - {x: 0.91804594, y: 0.39642972, z: -0.0059381556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9499102, y: 0.311512, z: -0.025118897, w: -1} - {x: 0.9016931, y: 0.43231803, z: 0.007115216, w: -1} - {x: 0.8709299, y: 0.49138957, z: 0.0041653975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9513453, y: 0.3081139, z: -0.0027916934, w: -1} - {x: 0.97526026, y: 0.22104457, z: 0.0025749204, w: -1} - {x: 0.8736593, y: 0.48471123, z: 0.042124175, w: -1} - {x: 0.91750926, y: 0.39771202, z: 0.0013745932, w: -1} - {x: 0.97527647, y: 0.22098657, z: 0.0008348581, w: -1} - {x: 0.9723524, y: 0.23348276, z: 0.0040713046, w: -1} - {x: 0.91749793, y: 0.39772925, z: -0.0029961877, w: -1} - {x: 0.9262034, y: 0.37685353, z: -0.011338889, w: -1} - {x: 0.9720011, y: 0.23457092, z: 0.013796014, w: -1} - {x: 0.96551305, y: 0.25998178, z: 0.013930068, w: -1} - {x: 0.92588747, y: 0.3777794, z: -0.0038847316, w: -1} - {x: 0.92354137, y: 0.38339865, z: -0.0087627275, w: -1} - {x: 0.96585065, y: 0.25900057, z: 0.007153426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9481732, y: 0.31772867, z: -0.00400818, w: -1} - {x: 0.923869, y: 0.38244608, z: -0.014183006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9407846, y: 0.338893, z: -0.008706212, w: -1} - {x: 0.94710827, y: 0.32044718, z: 0.017308174, w: -1} - {x: 0.9405369, y: 0.33964193, z: 0.0058163623, w: -1} - {x: 0.93964374, y: 0.34186843, z: 0.013983362, w: -1} - {x: 0.96237457, y: 0.2716161, z: 0.007735289, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000025016636, z: -1.6902481e-10, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996734, y: 0.0080813365, z: -0.00015903366, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000025016636, z: -1.6902481e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952229, y: 0.09711617, z: -0.009988345, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996734, y: 0.0080813365, z: -0.00015903423, w: -1} - {x: 0.99260575, y: 0.12086562, z: -0.011197997, w: -1} - {x: 0.99521214, y: 0.09759305, z: -0.0053413133, w: -1} - {x: 0.91733843, y: 0.38108405, z: -0.11517433, w: -1} - {x: 0.99187255, y: 0.1264891, z: 0.013761876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9044043, y: 0.41529745, z: -0.097882375, w: -1} - {x: 0.9144531, y: 0.39527977, z: -0.08677206, w: -1} - {x: 0.7078879, y: 0.66098726, z: -0.24897929, w: -1} - {x: 0.5888196, y: -0.1284306, z: -0.7979956, w: -1} - {x: 0.5426751, y: -0.025947709, z: -0.83954185, w: -1} - {x: 0.6237334, y: -0.08200589, z: -0.7773234, w: -1} - {x: 0.4810021, y: 0.048435252, z: -0.8753805, w: -1} - {x: 0.49210408, y: -0.09801471, z: -0.8650009, w: -1} - {x: 0.37963977, y: -0.040023822, z: -0.92426825, w: -1} - {x: 0.3800085, y: -0.0641448, z: -0.9227562, w: -1} - {x: 0.19714051, y: 0.021340787, z: -0.9801429, w: -1} - {x: 0.40364394, y: -0.007952331, z: -0.9148816, w: -1} - {x: 0.3624671, y: 0.023469754, z: -0.931701, w: -1} - {x: 0.31979653, y: 0.09102119, z: -0.9431041, w: -1} - {x: 0.3024284, y: 0.056565925, z: -0.9514922, w: -1} - {x: 0.79504275, y: 0.6058092, z: -0.030038022, w: -1} - {x: 0.8882288, y: 0.45937526, z: 0.004897935, w: -1} - {x: 0.9434457, y: 0.3313069, z: 0.012082746, w: -1} - {x: 0.97299725, y: 0.23039305, z: 0.013977664, w: -1} - {x: 0.88853675, y: 0.4587859, z: -0.0042394064, w: -1} - {x: 0.89725715, y: 0.4415069, z: -0.0011268314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9730603, y: 0.23035005, z: 0.009617718, w: -1} - {x: 0.99452794, y: 0.10397843, z: 0.010132405, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976572, y: 0.44042245, z: -0.015481486, w: -1} - {x: 0.96054155, y: 0.27812153, z: 0.0028779504, w: -1} - {x: 0.99452955, y: 0.104440436, z: -0.0017754303, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965112, y: 0.08345184, z: 0.0011021477, w: -1} - {x: 0.96054083, y: 0.278137, z: 0.001060861, w: -1} - {x: 0.9737417, y: 0.22757754, z: 0.0059634913, w: -1} - {x: 0.99648863, y: 0.08366342, z: -0.0032810546, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935834, y: 0.11309869, z: -0.000921928, w: -1} - {x: 0.9737288, y: 0.22765681, z: 0.0049606524, w: -1} - {x: 0.94978434, y: 0.3127866, z: 0.008615117, w: -1} - {x: 0.99358135, y: 0.11311248, z: -0.0013265824, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890137, y: 0.14779389, z: 0.0029826865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9497419, y: 0.3129938, z: 0.0050287154, w: -1} - {x: 0.93667036, y: 0.3497694, z: 0.017611926, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890002, y: 0.14777763, z: 0.006345997, w: -1} - {x: 0.9795291, y: 0.20127839, z: -0.0031259202, w: -1} - {x: 0.9354318, y: 0.35349983, z: -0.0022884423, w: -1} - {x: 0.90368086, y: 0.4276241, z: 0.02232752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9796187, y: 0.20086244, z: 0.0011692331, w: -1} - {x: 0.9423992, y: 0.33400485, z: 0.018015372, w: -1} - {x: 0.89646786, y: 0.44231185, z: -0.026562786, w: -1} - {x: 0.87212896, y: 0.4889183, z: 0.018705053, w: -1} - {x: 0.9409563, y: 0.33842304, z: -0.00842586, w: -1} - {x: 0.889256, y: 0.4564362, z: 0.029829103, w: -1} - {x: 0.8650759, y: 0.49935135, z: -0.047874294, w: -1} - {x: 0.9174614, y: 0.39773986, z: -0.008222181, w: -1} - {x: 0.88279545, y: 0.46843326, z: -0.035248123, w: -1} - {x: 0.9285057, y: 0.37031382, z: -0.027291648, w: -1} - {x: 0.91750705, y: 0.39771947, z: -0.000292524, w: -1} - {x: 0.92508894, y: 0.3795858, z: 0.011184781, w: -1} - {x: 0.92992383, y: 0.3677039, z: -0.00596444, w: -1} - {x: 0.91775876, y: 0.39703482, z: 0.009064766, w: -1} - {x: 0.925488, y: 0.37875417, z: 0.004156408, w: -1} - {x: 0.9225275, y: 0.3858887, z: 0.0057329433, w: -1} - {x: 0.9181633, y: 0.39619678, z: 0.0020534126, w: -1} - {x: 0.9412146, y: 0.3377035, z: 0.008456433, w: -1} - {x: 0.9221199, y: 0.38675138, z: 0.010871624, w: -1} - {x: 0.93826276, y: 0.3442918, z: 0.033557195, w: -1} - {x: 0.9396644, y: 0.3402996, z: 0.035028383, w: -1} - {x: 0.9759176, y: 0.20529795, z: 0.07374006, w: -1} - {x: 0.94125956, y: 0.3368737, z: -0.023379538, w: -1} - {x: 0.96252257, y: 0.27117968, z: -0.0034346343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9791295, y: 0.2032374, z: -0.00024597693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9887008, y: 0.14987487, z: 0.0028542296, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: 0.0022018184, z: -0.000001349016, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000025016636, z: 5.63415e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: 0.0022018186, z: -0.0000013285796, w: -1} - {x: 0.99742883, y: 0.07147147, z: -0.0052361614, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000025016634, z: 2.817081e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99516886, y: 0.098177634, z: 0.0003841165, w: -1} - {x: 0.99740124, y: 0.07201446, z: 0.0021957732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9626584, y: 0.2694392, z: -0.026293192, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950109, y: 0.099207066, z: 0.010544658, w: -1} - {x: 0.9071192, y: 0.4192804, z: -0.03658601, w: -1} - {x: 0.9588728, y: 0.28353286, z: 0.013118335, w: -1} - {x: 0.74110425, y: 0.6603047, z: -0.12149966, w: -1} - {x: 0.7604056, y: 0.011808222, z: -0.6493411, w: -1} - {x: 0.686912, y: 0.06741551, z: -0.723607, w: -1} - {x: 0.75171775, y: 0.015828645, z: -0.6592951, w: -1} - {x: 0.74477, y: 0.009822223, z: -0.66724885, w: -1} - {x: 0.6504728, y: -0.024190241, z: -0.7591442, w: -1} - {x: 0.52365154, y: 0.10011724, z: -0.84602934, w: -1} - {x: 0.6680804, y: -0.08818519, z: -0.73884505, w: -1} - {x: 0.5855471, y: 0.01959779, z: -0.8104014, w: -1} - {x: 0.76349247, y: 0.6305159, z: -0.13974586, w: -1} - {x: 0.87973607, y: 0.4751785, z: -0.016426211, w: -1} - {x: 0.98630506, y: 0.16455477, z: 0.011131528, w: -1} - {x: 0.99258643, y: 0.12152119, z: 0.0021879598, w: -1} - {x: 0.87977576, y: 0.47503635, z: -0.01830284, w: -1} - {x: 0.9437556, y: 0.3306297, z: -0.0030427622, w: -1} - {x: 0.99258035, y: 0.12153116, z: 0.0038022676, w: -1} - {x: 0.99784577, y: 0.06546158, z: 0.0043055685, w: -1} - {x: 0.9438169, y: 0.33035135, z: -0.008813394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9731329, y: 0.23024403, z: 0.00034544556, w: -1} - {x: 0.99784964, y: 0.065538235, z: 0.00093888864, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998576, y: -0.01675002, z: -0.0020664006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9731382, y: 0.23021083, z: -0.0022462972, w: -1} - {x: 0.99454534, y: 0.10427456, z: 0.0025442368, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998567, y: -0.016692795, z: -0.0028103935, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991253, y: -0.041767772, z: -0.0020278324, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945438, y: 0.1041275, z: 0.0063319406, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965111, y: 0.0831628, z: 0.0070368177, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991208, y: -0.041918673, z: 0.00079076196, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953324, y: -0.03038478, z: 0.0031903067, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965144, y: 0.08338416, z: 0.0024970593, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935945, y: 0.11296438, z: 0.0029908186, w: -1} - {x: 0.99954075, y: -0.030280828, z: -0.0012096193, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999714, y: -0.0023952734, z: -0.00013580504, w: -1} - {x: 0.9935937, y: 0.11298795, z: 0.0023080818, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890165, y: 0.14780478, z: 0.0005112715, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999969, y: -0.0023827606, z: -0.0007399225, w: -1} - {x: 0.99966896, y: -0.025721919, z: -0.0006228243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890164, y: 0.14780474, z: 0.0005254443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9797964, y: 0.19896129, z: 0.020330854, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996689, y: -0.025732042, z: 0.00010167629, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998724, y: -0.004791999, z: 0.0015667153, w: -1} - {x: 0.9797948, y: 0.19879755, z: 0.02194678, w: -1} - {x: 0.9432903, y: 0.32574823, z: 0.0639653, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992603, y: -0.005199918, z: 0.010996537, w: -1} - {x: 0.99311495, y: 0.114138626, z: 0.026361473, w: -1} - {x: 0.9430057, y: 0.330764, z: 0.036543906, w: -1} - {x: 0.89118034, y: 0.4486933, z: 0.06687276, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933331, y: 0.11497548, z: 0.0083680665, w: -1} - {x: 0.99076074, y: 0.13499731, z: -0.01299423, w: -1} - {x: 0.8897139, y: 0.4550349, z: 0.036775243, w: -1} - {x: 0.93067926, y: 0.3657146, z: 0.009427567, w: -1} - {x: 0.98931116, y: 0.14075811, z: -0.03808659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9671975, y: 0.253958, z: -0.005860762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9307672, y: 0.36542878, z: 0.011584713, w: -1} - {x: 0.91890144, y: 0.39425212, z: -0.013618085, w: -1} - {x: 0.96694046, y: 0.25459868, z: -0.014337272, w: -1} - {x: 0.95851135, y: 0.28504637, z: 0.0021292695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9182062, y: 0.3961007, z: 0.0012595786, w: -1} - {x: 0.941117, y: 0.33791658, z: 0.010547924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9578498, y: 0.28675994, z: 0.017101064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9655561, y: 0.2592628, z: 0.022008633, w: -1} - {x: 0.9418602, y: 0.33589005, z: -0.008785825, w: -1} - {x: 0.9791074, y: 0.2033298, z: 0.002385432, w: -1} - {x: 0.96602476, y: 0.2584496, z: 0.00028624112, w: -1} - {x: 0.9728388, y: 0.23147999, z: 0.0012347455, w: -1} - {x: 0.9791174, y: 0.20329128, z: 0.001283631, w: -1} - {x: 0.9887098, y: 0.14983846, z: 0.0012106932, w: -1} - {x: 0.9728385, y: 0.23148176, z: 0.0011236857, w: -1} - {x: 0.987946, y: 0.15479213, z: 0.0015143616, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: 0.0022018193, z: 0.00000044288163, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999989, y: 0.0014623418, z: 0.0000051979337, w: -1} - {x: 0.99951583, y: 0.031096634, z: -0.001057236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: 0.0022018198, z: 0.0000022347515, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974177, y: 0.07181706, z: -0.00051228155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995122, y: 0.031199783, z: 0.001408531, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836913, y: 0.17950726, z: -0.0113387965, w: -1} - {x: 0.99738824, y: 0.07212836, z: 0.0037619078, w: -1} - {x: 0.9634511, y: 0.26518646, z: -0.037922207, w: -1} - {x: 0.983625, y: 0.1800139, z: -0.008773074, w: -1} - {x: 0.9088446, y: 0.3987791, z: -0.12237919, w: -1} - {x: 0.9602768, y: 0.279049, z: 0.00042920563, w: -1} - {x: 0.7926419, y: 0.55387527, z: -0.25483495, w: -1} - {x: 0.906507, y: 0.40773988, z: -0.10951391, w: -1} - {x: 0.8399818, y: 0.5155765, z: -0.16914941, w: -1} - {x: 0.74322426, y: -0.005302524, z: -0.6690213, w: -1} - {x: 0.7703566, y: 0.047732074, z: -0.6358242, w: -1} - {x: 0.79897094, y: -0.022560751, z: -0.60094625, w: -1} - {x: 0.89124703, y: -0.010725486, z: -0.45339128, w: -1} - {x: 0.8840443, y: 0.4255259, z: -0.19337364, w: -1} - {x: 0.98648083, y: 0.1638421, z: 0.0033708205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929224, y: 0.118762575, z: 0.0007654704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997066, y: 0.004311459, z: 0.023832945, w: -1} - {x: 0.9866569, y: 0.16220467, z: -0.014065314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925909, y: 0.12150275, z: -0.00066972943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999952, y: 0.0030707147, z: 0.00046673103, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997985, y: -0.0063483706, z: -0.000012018864, w: -1} - {x: 0.99259084, y: 0.12150211, z: -0.000764822, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978497, y: 0.06552892, z: 0.0013504155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997985, y: -0.0063461564, z: -0.00020672663, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997734, y: -0.021257518, z: -0.0011785558, w: -1} - {x: 0.99784976, y: 0.0655227, z: 0.0016243989, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998562, y: -0.016950948, z: 0.00054679037, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997728, y: -0.021316754, z: -0.00019097999, w: -1} - {x: 0.99870074, y: -0.050959554, z: 0.00007036137, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998369, y: -0.017305551, z: 0.0051623653, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910665, y: -0.042082768, z: 0.0038630117, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986747, y: -0.05132962, z: 0.0037862407, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987745, y: -0.049231455, z: 0.0050515584, w: -1} - {x: 0.99912345, y: -0.041859683, z: -0.000311748, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995372, y: -0.030355822, z: 0.0019624475, w: -1} - {x: 0.99879175, y: -0.04908416, z: 0.0023826216, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979132, y: -0.06451754, z: 0.0026163047, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953705, y: -0.030357676, z: 0.0020409047, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999899, y: -0.0024754019, z: 0.0037359742, w: -1} - {x: 0.99791384, y: -0.064514376, z: 0.0024262092, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996676, y: -0.025356278, z: 0.0046566264, w: -1} - {x: 0.999997, y: -0.002406406, z: 0.00040259378, w: -1} - {x: 0.99966896, y: -0.025729295, z: -0.000094617084, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996796, y: -0.025312899, z: -0.00021476387, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968636, y: -0.025044719, z: -0.00020318445, w: -1} - {x: 0.99966836, y: -0.02574103, z: 0.0007459809, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998623, y: -0.004814394, z: 0.00208408, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996859, y: -0.025054414, z: 0.00057112874, w: -1} - {x: 0.999914, y: 0.013119616, z: 0.0001163645, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998873, y: -0.00473865, z: 0.00033416148, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933373, y: 0.115060985, z: 0.006483188, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999078, y: 0.013181688, z: 0.0032493891, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997735, y: 0.021098044, z: 0.0028021345, w: -1} - {x: 0.99333155, y: 0.11528205, z: 0.0015670003, w: -1} - {x: 0.99171156, y: 0.12538774, z: 0.02803925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997744, y: 0.021238629, z: -0.00013513846, w: -1} - {x: 0.99859595, y: 0.049399674, z: 0.019123252, w: -1} - {x: 0.99156183, y: 0.12095473, z: 0.046638444, w: -1} - {x: 0.9654068, y: 0.24570873, z: 0.087275, w: -1} - {x: 0.99701595, y: 0.041458648, z: 0.06511877, w: -1} - {x: 0.95851487, y: 0.24811937, z: 0.14030683, w: -1} - {x: 0.9673096, y: 0.25359562, z: -0.0011713393, w: -1} - {x: 0.95850813, y: 0.28505668, z: 0.00221761, w: -1} - {x: 0.9686837, y: 0.24811484, z: 0.009525224, w: -1} - {x: 0.984807, y: 0.17242855, z: 0.020581001, w: -1} - {x: 0.9589702, y: 0.28318316, z: -0.01354423, w: -1} - {x: 0.9660488, y: 0.25835133, z: -0.0021367443, w: -1} - {x: 0.98525906, y: 0.17099418, z: 0.005064214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892792, y: 0.14594075, z: 0.0052845716, w: -1} - {x: 0.9660123, y: 0.2584927, z: 0.0013611057, w: -1} - {x: 0.9728366, y: 0.23149247, z: 0.00045499016, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892557, y: 0.146026, z: 0.007041138, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943453, y: 0.10607415, z: -0.0050568962, w: -1} - {x: 0.97283465, y: 0.23150124, z: -0.00009835758, w: -1} - {x: 0.98791164, y: 0.15497753, z: -0.0035356553, w: -1} - {x: 0.994319, y: 0.10619011, z: -0.0073010176, w: -1} - {x: 0.99714315, y: -0.053107664, z: -0.053714097, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999989, y: 0.0014623046, z: -0.0000051978136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995157, y: 0.031114507, z: -0.0006304142, w: -1} - {x: 0.999959, y: 0.009053899, z: 0.00015644041, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925232, y: 0.12133747, z: -0.013226752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995147, y: 0.03114973, z: 0.00021150184, w: -1} - {x: 0.98381495, y: 0.17837392, z: -0.017055914, w: -1} - {x: 0.99246883, y: 0.122303255, z: -0.0068938597, w: -1} - {x: 0.9572928, y: 0.28679982, z: -0.036557134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9826939, y: 0.18463464, z: 0.014925736, w: -1} - {x: 0.89423794, y: 0.4441593, z: -0.055325586, w: -1} - {x: 0.95212626, y: 0.30559495, z: 0.008201564, w: -1} - {x: 0.8498363, y: 0.527013, z: -0.0059567923, w: -1} - {x: 0.86728954, y: 0.082900554, z: -0.49085274, w: -1} - {x: 0.8417959, y: 0.09484967, z: -0.53139734, w: -1} - {x: 0.8972983, y: 0.020983128, z: -0.44092563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9280761, y: -0.035260167, z: -0.37071753, w: -1} - {x: 0.7890049, y: 0.61243373, z: -0.04895145, w: -1} - {x: 0.9698413, y: 0.16270114, z: 0.18148342, w: -1} - {x: 0.9457191, y: 0.296092, z: 0.13395853, w: -1} - {x: 0.96521807, y: 0.03647236, z: 0.2588895, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933825, y: 0.110932514, z: -0.0297511, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999535, y: 0.0030293525, z: -0.00031171736, w: -1} - {x: 0.999805, y: 0.019686876, z: -0.0015524174, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999993, y: 0.0012244725, z: -0.00002426648, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999953, y: 0.0030162937, z: -0.0005574464, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997985, y: -0.0063499287, z: 0.0001249866, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999917, y: 0.0012052219, z: -0.0005143878, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998555, y: -0.01699681, z: 0.00012490635, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997985, y: -0.0063501117, z: 0.00014106328, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997727, y: -0.021317108, z: -0.00018508524, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998556, y: -0.016995508, z: 0.000045370572, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980813, y: -0.019586924, z: -0.00015049876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997729, y: -0.021311114, z: -0.00028506145, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987126, y: -0.05060864, z: -0.0034466549, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998086, y: -0.01956165, z: -0.0004989168, w: -1} - {x: 0.998891, y: -0.046972882, z: -0.0032441975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987082, y: -0.05078615, z: -0.0016683871, w: -1} - {x: 0.99880326, y: -0.048899487, z: -0.00095475453, w: -1} - {x: 0.99888533, y: -0.047185685, z: -0.0012864241, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986783, y: -0.051382385, z: -0.0012729124, w: -1} - {x: 0.99880177, y: -0.048938263, z: -0.00025473168, w: -1} - {x: 0.99791956, y: -0.06447067, z: -0.00019392394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986766, y: -0.05142797, z: -0.00053846056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977157, y: -0.06755136, z: 0.00036563957, w: -1} - {x: 0.99791974, y: -0.064465225, z: -0.0005185286, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996795, y: -0.025311373, z: -0.00038473337, w: -1} - {x: 0.99771583, y: -0.06754876, z: -0.0004876309, w: -1} - {x: 0.99905854, y: -0.043378465, z: -0.00046158143, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967957, y: -0.025313444, z: -0.0001543048, w: -1} - {x: 0.999686, y: -0.025052996, z: 0.00045801105, w: -1} - {x: 0.99905854, y: -0.04336795, z: 0.0011584391, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985987, y: 0.016654141, z: 0.0017109279, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996863, y: -0.025040325, z: -0.0005537655, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991393, y: 0.013120878, z: 0.00018002106, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986166, y: 0.016633641, z: 0.00011016159, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967366, y: 0.02554762, z: -0.000026342092, w: -1} - {x: 0.999914, y: 0.0131177325, z: 0.000021355507, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997751, y: 0.02118822, z: 0.00091860467, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996737, y: 0.025541464, z: -0.000310167, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973211, y: 0.07312429, z: 0.0018208717, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977505, y: 0.021173518, z: 0.0012258034, w: -1} - {x: 0.99865055, y: 0.051389426, z: 0.007492914, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972921, y: 0.0729773, z: 0.009099276, w: -1} - {x: 0.98229486, y: 0.18629234, z: 0.019798115, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984373, y: 0.054651707, z: -0.011668925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9686227, y: 0.24817592, z: 0.013372785, w: -1} - {x: 0.98235875, y: 0.18652773, z: 0.013366563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9753725, y: 0.2188388, z: 0.02753559, w: -1} - {x: 0.96876866, y: 0.2479646, z: 0.0008979871, w: -1} - {x: 0.9849402, y: 0.17208, z: 0.01676894, w: -1} - {x: 0.97560793, y: 0.21897292, z: 0.015494735, w: -1} - {x: 0.99584275, y: 0.08600698, z: 0.03000039, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854572, y: 0.16971713, z: -0.008387587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9893307, y: 0.14568748, z: 0.0001197496, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962848, y: 0.085948706, z: 0.0054213624, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996848, y: -0.022506706, z: 0.011134667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9893581, y: 0.1452851, z: -0.007926481, w: -1} - {x: 0.99440134, y: 0.10546674, z: 0.006533972, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997477, y: -0.022461653, z: -0.00008400127, w: -1} - {x: 0.99335426, y: -0.11467091, z: -0.0098958, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944008, y: 0.10544125, z: 0.007014896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980195, y: -0.062891, z: -0.0012999234, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933511, y: -0.11477623, z: -0.0089456625, w: -1} - {x: 0.96915656, y: -0.24274734, z: -0.042535093, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999591, y: 0.0090432465, z: -0.00024188249, w: -1} - {x: 0.99246013, y: 0.12241275, z: -0.006173897, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857616, y: 0.053110834, z: 0.0049939756, w: -1} - {x: 0.98255014, y: 0.18599501, z: -0.0009471233, w: -1} - {x: 0.99203277, y: 0.12530616, z: 0.01301291, w: -1} - {x: 0.9568972, y: 0.2886274, z: -0.032279123, w: -1} - {x: 0.98217607, y: 0.18786791, z: 0.005988738, w: -1} - {x: 0.97368425, y: 0.22789161, z: 0.0021038894, w: -1} - {x: 0.95538193, y: 0.2948486, z: -0.017599272, w: -1} - {x: 0.9076537, y: 0.39464006, z: -0.1429127, w: -1} - {x: 0.9735556, y: 0.22842945, z: 0.0030751447, w: -1} - {x: 0.9594418, y: 0.28144297, z: 0.016168468, w: -1} - {x: 0.9147266, y: 0.08978854, z: -0.39397112, w: -1} - {x: 0.96770924, y: 0.054333426, z: -0.24614364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9726845, y: -0.009727244, z: -0.23192726, w: -1} - {x: 0.991549, y: -0.114389345, z: -0.061201535, w: -1} - {x: 0.9828482, y: 0.13805215, z: -0.12227447, w: -1} - {x: 0.999805, y: 0.019704068, z: -0.0012961362, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972937, y: -0.062351495, z: 0.038955454, w: -1} - {x: 0.999695, y: -0.023425851, z: 0.007821678, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997921, y: 0.020042975, z: 0.0037600603, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998534, y: 0.0014310039, z: 0.0052343667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996844, y: -0.023266228, z: 0.009476019, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988455, y: -0.0129408445, z: 0.007966556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999992, y: 0.0012108248, z: -0.0003717207, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985564, y: -0.016993713, z: -0.00006401005, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991465, y: -0.013066193, z: -0.0000062825543, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985796, y: -0.016854754, z: 0.00002471025, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998556, y: -0.016995113, z: 0.000021373311, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998081, y: -0.019590978, z: -0.000094640476, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985796, y: -0.016854886, z: 0.000030907308, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993377, y: -0.036351256, z: -0.0016831319, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998081, y: -0.019590849, z: -0.00009642721, w: -1} - {x: 0.99889106, y: -0.046956517, z: -0.0033946282, w: -1} - {x: 0.99933857, y: -0.036288343, z: -0.0023591528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989992, y: -0.04461584, z: -0.0031702023, w: -1} - {x: 0.998863, y: -0.0476048, z: 0.0025741484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986695, y: -0.05154863, z: 0.0014076254, w: -1} - {x: 0.99896795, y: -0.04532963, z: 0.002877686, w: -1} - {x: 0.998947, y: -0.045829605, z: 0.0021384514, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986737, y: -0.05148623, z: 0.0004007352, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977155, y: -0.06754688, z: -0.0010951224, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989456, y: -0.045847658, z: 0.0023708611, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983761, y: -0.0569255, z: -0.0021527293, w: -1} - {x: 0.99771583, y: -0.06755076, z: 0.00017390701, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990571, y: -0.04338576, z: -0.0015947314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983776, y: -0.05692836, z: -0.0011226865, w: -1} - {x: 0.996705, y: -0.08108405, z: -0.0020887894, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990587, y: -0.043376695, z: -0.0001884166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998594, y: 0.016657213, z: 0.0019506102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967197, y: -0.08075586, z: 0.0053257826, w: -1} - {x: 0.99921924, y: -0.03847085, z: 0.008997989, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986154, y: 0.016636828, z: 0.00035902206, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967325, y: 0.025557993, z: 0.00045229073, w: -1} - {x: 0.999241, y: -0.038715012, z: 0.0043074787, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993485, y: 0.03608717, z: 0.00045981092, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967337, y: 0.025555236, z: 0.00032503842, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973196, y: 0.073167905, z: -0.00037614442, w: -1} - {x: 0.99933374, y: 0.036303822, z: 0.0037526395, w: -1} - {x: 0.99128956, y: 0.13169818, z: 0.00079633616, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973171, y: 0.07318865, z: -0.0014279684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823697, y: 0.18694215, z: 0.0014870788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912475, y: 0.13193004, z: 0.0047891736, w: -1} - {x: 0.98578185, y: 0.16800687, z: 0.0028158105, w: -1} - {x: 0.98235106, y: 0.18704093, z: -0.0014617639, w: -1} - {x: 0.9757023, y: 0.21910031, z: -0.00024629207, w: -1} - {x: 0.98578423, y: 0.1680159, z: -0.0004297651, w: -1} - {x: 0.99060297, y: 0.13669956, z: -0.004355824, w: -1} - {x: 0.975703, y: 0.2190973, z: 0.00022111011, w: -1} - {x: 0.99630076, y: 0.0859233, z: -0.0014069609, w: -1} - {x: 0.99063843, y: 0.13650218, z: -0.0016403749, w: -1} - {x: 0.99721247, y: 0.07448867, z: -0.00432111, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963013, y: 0.08592889, z: 0.0000052047635, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997423, y: -0.022474919, z: 0.0031482168, w: -1} - {x: 0.99726576, y: 0.07337282, z: 0.008802312, w: -1} - {x: 0.998375, y: -0.056436673, z: 0.007890331, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997477, y: -0.022462789, z: 0.00019084231, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932626, y: -0.11588052, z: 0.0010745472, w: -1} - {x: 0.99837726, y: -0.05641863, z: 0.0077270186, w: -1} - {x: 0.9512645, y: -0.30667865, z: -0.03231041, w: -1} - {x: 0.99309015, y: -0.11689449, z: 0.010370911, w: -1} - {x: 0.96659786, y: -0.25629595, z: 0.00095693173, w: -1} - {x: 0.950326, y: -0.3107451, z: -0.017827215, w: -1} - {x: 0.8955255, y: -0.4426672, z: -0.045604236, w: -1} - {x: 0.99866694, y: 0.050943118, z: -0.008315377, w: -1} - {x: 0.9837235, y: 0.17470902, z: -0.0420107, w: -1} - {x: 0.99880093, y: 0.04876138, z: -0.0043585896, w: -1} - {x: 0.99226856, y: 0.12291182, z: -0.017199038, w: -1} - {x: 0.9822835, y: 0.18735649, z: 0.0040912833, w: -1} - {x: 0.9760132, y: 0.21701212, z: -0.017434796, w: -1} - {x: 0.9905061, y: 0.13573024, z: 0.021791043, w: -1} - {x: 0.99293333, y: 0.11377144, z: 0.033758186, w: -1} - {x: 0.97421575, y: 0.112443216, z: -0.1956019, w: -1} - {x: 0.9816197, y: 0.049187094, z: -0.18440014, w: -1} - {x: 0.98979336, y: 0.011500539, z: -0.14204472, w: -1} - {x: 0.99576795, y: -0.07483259, z: -0.05335116, w: -1} - {x: 0.97985953, y: 0.03400687, z: -0.19677095, w: -1} - {x: 0.99429786, y: -0.10079045, z: -0.03483034, w: -1} - {x: 0.99570066, y: -0.07535593, z: -0.05386629, w: -1} - {x: 0.99507654, y: -0.094939336, z: 0.028444422, w: -1} - {x: 0.99149597, y: -0.11461423, z: -0.06163889, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994285, y: -0.026227105, z: -0.021325655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922069, y: -0.12242813, z: -0.023169369, w: -1} - {x: 0.995982, y: -0.088205755, z: -0.015473182, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996933, y: -0.024517396, z: -0.003510374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999138, y: -0.013082632, z: -0.0010556576, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963521, y: -0.08505473, z: 0.006944464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984126, y: -0.056321908, z: 0.00040205466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999147, y: -0.013062928, z: 0.00020205553, w: -1} - {x: 0.999858, y: -0.016849386, z: -0.0002275335, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984137, y: -0.05628272, z: 0.001521484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984896, y: -0.054922745, z: -0.0013945436, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985796, y: -0.016855882, z: 0.00007766893, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993353, y: -0.036452767, z: -0.0005920331, w: -1} - {x: 0.99848944, y: -0.05493182, z: -0.0011376131, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978803, y: -0.06503099, z: -0.00243785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993289, y: -0.036612563, z: 0.0011265925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989804, y: -0.045130137, z: 0.0011860102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978708, y: -0.06522036, z: -0.00049595, w: -1} - {x: 0.997087, y: -0.07625917, z: -0.0014352577, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990002, y: -0.04455358, z: -0.0036970426, w: -1} - {x: 0.99896264, y: -0.045467734, z: -0.0025115015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971115, y: -0.07562816, z: -0.0070038103, w: -1} - {x: 0.996315, y: -0.085572116, z: -0.0058256164, w: -1} - {x: 0.99896216, y: -0.045495607, z: -0.0021537205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983776, y: -0.056933533, z: 0.0007941938, w: -1} - {x: 0.99631435, y: -0.0856087, z: -0.0053718267, w: -1} - {x: 0.997766, y: -0.06680494, z: -0.00035891205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983781, y: -0.056930993, z: -0.00016165756, w: -1} - {x: 0.99671364, y: -0.0806591, z: 0.007492906, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977184, y: -0.06706154, z: 0.0078024017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962879, y: -0.085161045, z: 0.012574103, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966963, y: -0.081144735, z: -0.003471059, w: -1} - {x: 0.99920887, y: -0.039264843, z: -0.006316473, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963251, y: -0.08560817, z: -0.0027723468, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996316, y: -0.023908362, z: -0.012845559, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992277, y: -0.03912596, z: -0.003624694, w: -1} - {x: 0.99934006, y: 0.03557191, z: -0.007347908, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997305, y: -0.022864768, z: -0.0039939457, w: -1} - {x: 0.996081, y: 0.08754293, z: -0.012606087, w: -1} - {x: 0.99934846, y: 0.03608961, z: 0.00049693434, w: -1} - {x: 0.99132496, y: 0.13129126, z: -0.0061251465, w: -1} - {x: 0.99603945, y: 0.088796064, z: -0.0045397985, w: -1} - {x: 0.992129, y: 0.12502402, z: -0.0069957348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913032, y: 0.13159443, z: -0.0009784623, w: -1} - {x: 0.98578453, y: 0.16801457, z: 0.00008373001, w: -1} - {x: 0.99208444, y: 0.12556982, z: -0.0008632046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946247, y: 0.10354548, z: -0.00032138464, w: -1} - {x: 0.98578453, y: 0.16801447, z: 0.00013286412, w: -1} - {x: 0.99066997, y: 0.13627523, z: 0.0014644349, w: -1} - {x: 0.99462456, y: 0.1035465, z: -0.00039078904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968535, y: 0.07919843, z: -0.0032798033, w: -1} - {x: 0.99067485, y: 0.13623172, z: 0.002057651, w: -1} - {x: 0.99722487, y: 0.074384876, z: -0.0030938492, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968574, y: 0.07916344, z: -0.0029071618, w: -1} - {x: 0.99820817, y: 0.05944872, z: -0.0068080574, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972351, y: 0.07428594, z: -0.0019255222, w: -1} - {x: 0.99843425, y: -0.053900637, z: -0.014955494, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982769, y: 0.058662266, z: -0.0013754946, w: -1} - {x: 0.99475, y: -0.09777986, z: -0.030191982, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984633, y: -0.05539846, z: -0.0014943753, w: -1} - {x: 0.9518817, y: -0.30323505, z: -0.044380136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9934919, y: -0.1126927, z: 0.016554704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9338478, y: -0.3573917, z: -0.014126555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9440592, y: -0.32698765, z: 0.042794544, w: -1} - {x: 0.8889494, y: -0.45799592, z: 0.002947964, w: -1} - {x: 0.92357904, y: -0.38117853, z: 0.04128658, w: -1} - {x: 0.934372, y: -0.3538879, z: 0.041380994, w: -1} - {x: 0.99886346, y: 0.0452458, z: -0.01498387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9925229, y: 0.115238704, z: -0.040228304, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975246, y: 0.021203453, z: -0.006740171, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992003, y: 0.036751933, z: -0.015752828, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920531, y: 0.12546079, z: -0.009498118, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958926, y: 0.090250365, z: -0.007276423, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988083, y: 0.0466823, z: 0.0142377615, w: -1} - {x: 0.99908316, y: -0.015648786, z: 0.039849278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964792, y: 0.061432153, z: -0.05705536, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980515, y: -0.019718595, z: 0.00083290774, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994786, y: -0.02661257, z: 0.01827986, w: -1} - {x: 0.98857325, y: -0.11457817, z: 0.09795333, w: -1} - {x: 0.9930123, y: -0.09361868, z: -0.07184818, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910805, y: -0.12861627, z: -0.03488719, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823839, y: -0.18572234, z: 0.020713912, w: -1} - {x: 0.98804885, y: -0.14886586, z: -0.039977778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952752, y: -0.08515849, z: 0.04664015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963182, y: -0.082976244, z: 0.02156254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9934446, y: -0.10849014, z: 0.03602464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9874999, y: -0.15220332, z: 0.0409641, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960879, y: -0.08763296, z: -0.011374659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983861, y: -0.056526236, z: -0.005468742, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875759, y: -0.15714195, z: 0.00063176034, w: -1} - {x: 0.98609203, y: -0.16618682, z: -0.0021081911, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984091, y: -0.05637393, z: -0.0010873936, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984851, y: -0.055011082, z: 0.0011109959, w: -1} - {x: 0.98613554, y: -0.16589165, z: 0.0040754685, w: -1} - {x: 0.9874107, y: -0.15815741, z: -0.0024931727, w: -1} - {x: 0.99848574, y: -0.055003975, z: 0.0009090972, w: -1} - {x: 0.99785465, y: -0.065443136, z: 0.0017916459, w: -1} - {x: 0.98741156, y: -0.15814757, z: -0.0027827632, w: -1} - {x: 0.9799469, y: -0.19877066, z: -0.013935027, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978461, y: -0.06553919, z: 0.0027790067, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970625, y: -0.07657942, z: 0.0013991372, w: -1} - {x: 0.9799417, y: -0.19882827, z: -0.013472499, w: -1} - {x: 0.9790801, y: -0.20298219, z: -0.014160187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99696314, y: -0.07739449, z: 0.008637836, w: -1} - {x: 0.99623984, y: -0.08647104, z: 0.0053898073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9789606, y: -0.203955, z: -0.006210065, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868803, y: -0.16145204, z: -0.00068317185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962315, y: -0.08652307, z: 0.0060430313, w: -1} - {x: 0.99774384, y: -0.06696658, z: 0.0047658263, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868668, y: -0.16153309, z: 0.0010961805, w: -1} - {x: 0.99746585, y: -0.07087301, z: 0.0062441393, w: -1} - {x: 0.99776477, y: -0.06682362, z: 0.00023090752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963387, y: -0.0854514, z: 0.0026880037, w: -1} - {x: 0.99748063, y: -0.070919976, z: 0.0017022241, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979323, y: -0.020002255, z: 0.003649587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963387, y: -0.085464105, z: 0.0022484423, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997526, y: -0.02213532, z: 0.0021841838, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997952, y: -0.020238418, z: 0.00025937718, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975543, y: 0.06909118, z: -0.0105748, w: -1} - {x: 0.99974275, y: -0.021562155, z: 0.0070334203, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960663, y: 0.08823748, z: -0.00814007, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975181, y: 0.07026117, z: -0.0045819106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932813, y: 0.1151199, z: -0.011818091, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958357, y: 0.09078393, z: 0.008335451, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920514, y: 0.1258182, z: 0.001945185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929804, y: 0.118187994, z: 0.0046342164, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972921, y: 0.073350735, z: 0.0053017098, w: -1} - {x: 0.992068, y: 0.12570095, z: 0.0006181861, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946263, y: 0.10352503, z: 0.0010596338, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973116, y: 0.0732137, z: 0.0030555204, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990344, y: 0.013857265, z: -0.0010246165, w: -1} - {x: 0.99462575, y: 0.10353503, z: 0.0003855732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968883, y: 0.07882426, z: 0.0006991798, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998967, y: 0.013973569, z: -0.0033556642, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996993, y: -0.022749333, z: -0.009153087, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969025, y: 0.07857682, z: 0.0033230565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983045, y: 0.058173757, z: 0.0019929013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971145, y: -0.02298114, z: -0.006987798, w: -1} - {x: 0.99660015, y: -0.0776009, z: -0.027679615, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982902, y: 0.05845305, z: 0.00006769752, w: -1} - {x: 0.994719, y: -0.094954394, z: -0.03895846, w: -1} - {x: 0.99659896, y: -0.07757758, z: -0.027786538, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868677, y: -0.15202507, z: -0.05459396, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941157, y: -0.10829041, z: 0.0026702837, w: -1} - {x: 0.9429705, y: -0.3168419, z: -0.10206778, w: -1} - {x: 0.985889, y: -0.16520396, z: -0.027026733, w: -1} - {x: 0.9825881, y: -0.18241581, z: -0.035287727, w: -1} - {x: 0.9348211, y: -0.35452053, z: -0.020608183, w: -1} - {x: 0.94065, y: -0.3392928, z: -0.0076088603, w: -1} - {x: 0.9735387, y: -0.2237911, z: 0.046258543, w: -1} - {x: 0.96572906, y: -0.25868133, z: 0.021248575, w: -1} - {x: 0.999755, y: 0.020310303, z: -0.0088013895, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992058, y: 0.037692916, z: -0.0129163945, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999833, y: 0.0017045069, z: -0.0007646763, w: -1} - {x: 0.99950475, y: -0.03048472, z: 0.0078040184, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992026, y: 0.038632307, z: -0.01008364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994581, y: -0.032023698, z: 0.007619104, w: -1} - {x: 0.99950445, y: -0.030560799, z: 0.0075434903, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961315, y: -0.08535762, z: 0.020883916, w: -1} - {x: 0.99887097, y: -0.04441993, z: -0.016841583, w: -1} - {x: 0.98713136, y: -0.14691313, z: 0.063153386, w: -1} - {x: 0.99613225, y: -0.076071694, z: 0.043973006, w: -1} - {x: 0.96757686, y: -0.21640621, z: 0.13024333, w: -1} - {x: 0.96041614, y: 0.055457655, z: 0.27299318, w: -1} - {x: 0.95919657, y: 0.028466405, z: 0.2813033, w: -1} - {x: 0.9401551, y: -0.03047328, z: 0.33938137, w: -1} - {x: 0.9458565, y: -0.07257588, z: 0.3163671, w: -1} - {x: 0.990484, y: -0.13660897, z: -0.016715664, w: -1} - {x: 0.98753995, y: -0.15736374, z: -0.0012306317, w: -1} - {x: 0.97107756, y: -0.23568904, z: 0.038196813, w: -1} - {x: 0.96464914, y: -0.2633838, z: 0.008996568, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875412, y: -0.15735632, z: -0.0011681819, w: -1} - {x: 0.98613816, y: -0.16585682, z: 0.0047956402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9646855, y: -0.26315013, z: 0.011568563, w: -1} - {x: 0.94673455, y: -0.321615, z: 0.016044365, w: -1} - {x: 0.9860562, y: -0.16633157, z: -0.005190545, w: -1} - {x: 0.98737526, y: -0.15835924, z: 0.0035267347, w: -1} - {x: 0.9467492, y: -0.32196265, z: 0.002442317, w: -1} - {x: 0.93584275, y: -0.35235164, z: -0.006833485, w: -1} - {x: 0.98738706, y: -0.15831152, z: 0.0020874895, w: -1} - {x: 0.9795499, y: -0.20113128, z: 0.005317468, w: -1} - {x: 0.9358593, y: -0.35227987, z: -0.00813871, w: -1} - {x: 0.9060272, y: -0.42262262, z: -0.022467008, w: -1} - {x: 0.9792269, y: -0.20224172, z: 0.014593596, w: -1} - {x: 0.97829604, y: -0.20659734, z: 0.015950868, w: -1} - {x: 0.90571016, y: -0.42363617, z: -0.014884243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9254424, y: -0.378856, z: 0.0049502137, w: -1} - {x: 0.9787278, y: -0.20513235, z: 0.0035586706, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868287, y: -0.16169852, z: 0.0047632945, w: -1} - {x: 0.92574906, y: -0.37803328, z: -0.008914048, w: -1} - {x: 0.9675015, y: -0.2526771, z: 0.009748969, w: -1} - {x: 0.98687357, y: -0.16149482, z: 0.00025529618, w: -1} - {x: 0.99748045, y: -0.07094087, z: -0.00036627846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9674905, y: -0.2528267, z: 0.006382987, w: -1} - {x: 0.99501795, y: -0.09963396, z: 0.0034817564, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974809, y: -0.07093574, z: 0.00014399222, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997899, y: -0.020398771, z: -0.0020445304, w: -1} - {x: 0.99502003, y: -0.09959771, z: 0.0039437143, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980412, y: -0.06250897, z: 0.0025424766, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997919, y: -0.020351512, z: -0.0013653712, w: -1} - {x: 0.99755406, y: 0.06796408, z: -0.016335145, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980371, y: -0.06259988, z: 0.001792198, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989593, y: 0.013642427, z: 0.004688214, w: -1} - {x: 0.99730057, y: 0.07288488, z: 0.008906799, w: -1} - {x: 0.99306905, y: 0.11752765, z: 0.0010782395, w: -1} - {x: 0.99950737, y: 0.018793382, z: 0.02513716, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977833, y: 0.0009577041, z: 0.02103198, w: -1} - {x: 0.993204, y: 0.11624071, z: -0.0058283247, w: -1} - {x: 0.99730796, y: 0.073242, z: 0.0035189367, w: -1} - {x: 0.999923, y: -0.00036535272, z: 0.012403451, w: -1} - {x: 0.99761903, y: -0.06813695, z: 0.01066314, w: -1} - {x: 0.99733996, y: 0.07278092, z: -0.00399886, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990433, y: 0.013718443, z: 0.0017558206, w: -1} - {x: 0.99767214, y: -0.06819337, z: 0.000025288791, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907493, y: -0.13548152, z: -0.00778059, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999007, y: 0.013626619, z: 0.0035938362, w: -1} - {x: 0.99969953, y: -0.024166992, z: 0.0041054394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99074626, y: -0.13553469, z: -0.0072225383, w: -1} - {x: 0.98224646, y: -0.18684329, z: -0.016779304, w: -1} - {x: 0.999657, y: -0.024667934, z: 0.0087999115, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962716, y: -0.08571011, z: 0.00983359, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821505, y: -0.18780279, z: -0.010514447, w: -1} - {x: 0.9758995, y: -0.21775673, z: -0.014217156, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956604, y: -0.0892459, z: 0.026371088, w: -1} - {x: 0.9830096, y: -0.1832113, z: 0.011216193, w: -1} - {x: 0.9753297, y: -0.22074206, z: -0.002215013, w: -1} - {x: 0.9752539, y: -0.22094001, z: -0.0080904635, w: -1} - {x: 0.98369205, y: -0.17981735, z: 0.003956155, w: -1} - {x: 0.97963697, y: -0.20077637, z: 0.00048785965, w: -1} - {x: 0.9750741, y: -0.22179274, z: -0.0062028426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9844543, y: -0.17448606, z: 0.020111155, w: -1} - {x: 0.98353404, y: -0.1721364, z: -0.055044528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9707898, y: -0.23214379, z: -0.060634464, w: -1} - {x: 0.98857963, y: -0.14764218, z: -0.03020145, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856526, y: -0.16393484, z: -0.040179018, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.0016981738, z: -0.00077848835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994948, y: -0.028907577, z: 0.013202813, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998786, y: -0.013927701, z: 0.00700034, w: -1} - {x: 0.99557257, y: -0.08763227, z: 0.03399608, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993284, y: -0.035458043, z: -0.009243744, w: -1} - {x: 0.99597645, y: -0.088751696, z: 0.012408475, w: -1} - {x: 0.99552244, y: -0.094130605, z: 0.008629177, w: -1} - {x: 0.99171823, y: -0.12673569, z: 0.02081021, w: -1} - {x: 0.99610287, y: -0.08614803, z: 0.018911926, w: -1} - {x: 0.9672937, y: -0.22068375, z: 0.12506694, w: -1} - {x: 0.99029654, y: -0.107702926, z: 0.08782331, w: -1} - {x: 0.96093506, y: -0.24068785, z: 0.1366495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9310984, y: -0.0060127224, z: 0.3647185, w: -1} - {x: 0.93050116, y: -0.04177921, z: 0.36389855, w: -1} - {x: 0.92154723, y: -0.05685706, z: 0.38408068, w: -1} - {x: 0.82730085, y: -0.2666066, z: 0.49446362, w: -1} - {x: 0.96230537, y: -0.27053633, z: -0.027899534, w: -1} - {x: 0.9643373, y: -0.2646282, z: -0.0050441236, w: -1} - {x: 0.85659003, y: -0.5070768, z: 0.09553324, w: -1} - {x: 0.8777853, y: -0.47874215, z: 0.017289959, w: -1} - {x: 0.96427757, y: -0.26480028, z: -0.0070338245, w: -1} - {x: 0.94673616, y: -0.3220099, z: 0.00039079197, w: -1} - {x: 0.8776574, y: -0.4791013, z: 0.013395094, w: -1} - {x: 0.88097256, y: -0.473165, z: 0.0014804563, w: -1} - {x: 0.946716, y: -0.3220633, z: -0.0020009433, w: -1} - {x: 0.93558633, y: -0.35304138, z: 0.006328884, w: -1} - {x: 0.8809857, y: -0.47314292, z: 0.00025880328, w: -1} - {x: 0.8316337, y: -0.5552239, z: -0.010576418, w: -1} - {x: 0.93555063, y: -0.35310906, z: 0.0076876674, w: -1} - {x: 0.90441626, y: -0.42657182, z: 0.008230393, w: -1} - {x: 0.83175087, y: -0.5550127, z: -0.012306148, w: -1} - {x: 0.838328, y: -0.5450538, z: -0.011064384, w: -1} - {x: 0.90332544, y: -0.42833483, z: 0.023074672, w: -1} - {x: 0.92511404, y: -0.3793988, z: 0.014851693, w: -1} - {x: 0.8375536, y: -0.5463493, z: 0.0025342447, w: -1} - {x: 0.88756686, y: -0.4606724, z: 0.0024427667, w: -1} - {x: 0.92529625, y: -0.379121, z: 0.00969931, w: -1} - {x: 0.96738195, y: -0.2532847, z: -0.004354964, w: -1} - {x: 0.88764495, y: -0.4604889, z: 0.0060304566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9218668, y: -0.3869383, z: 0.020981789, w: -1} - {x: 0.96740663, y: -0.2532139, z: -0.0026497666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946997, y: -0.101277955, z: -0.017751057, w: -1} - {x: 0.922066, y: -0.38621733, z: 0.025109246, w: -1} - {x: 0.936946, y: -0.34922054, z: 0.013316665, w: -1} - {x: 0.99500155, y: -0.099856995, z: 0.00063526636, w: -1} - {x: 0.99796706, y: -0.063488476, z: -0.005556914, w: -1} - {x: 0.93733174, y: -0.34707922, z: 0.030742725, w: -1} - {x: 0.9511022, y: -0.30749634, z: 0.029165192, w: -1} - {x: 0.99791986, y: -0.06387173, z: -0.008735348, w: -1} - {x: 0.99936205, y: 0.0034921404, z: -0.035543613, w: -1} - {x: 0.95100707, y: -0.30816066, z: 0.024950676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9746691, y: -0.22223558, z: 0.025128003, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997848, y: 0.0075919097, z: -0.01930394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994355, y: -0.0037881131, z: -0.009923993, w: -1} - {x: 0.97512436, y: -0.21772884, z: 0.04155447, w: -1} - {x: 0.97515297, y: -0.22074571, z: 0.018655902, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999401, y: -0.0038388134, z: -0.010254783, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976698, y: -0.06818088, z: 0.002510308, w: -1} - {x: 0.9751319, y: -0.22101851, z: 0.016385183, w: -1} - {x: 0.9686374, y: -0.24847709, z: 0.0008333694, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976719, y: -0.06819542, z: -0.00039011764, w: -1} - {x: 0.99064606, y: -0.13643664, z: 0.00231649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9686901, y: -0.2482199, z: -0.0051284125, w: -1} - {x: 0.96339136, y: -0.2678812, z: -0.010801234, w: -1} - {x: 0.9905419, y: -0.13697393, z: 0.00806232, w: -1} - {x: 0.981736, y: -0.19017684, z: 0.0052054087, w: -1} - {x: 0.96327406, y: -0.2684451, z: -0.006348619, w: -1} - {x: 0.9665519, y: -0.25642762, z: -0.004726829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9815575, y: -0.1909017, z: 0.010069208, w: -1} - {x: 0.9747525, y: -0.22315866, z: 0.0076019145, w: -1} - {x: 0.96636945, y: -0.25715798, z: -0.000021251073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9603126, y: -0.27879784, z: -0.00845594, w: -1} - {x: 0.97504485, y: -0.22198984, z: 0.0028422414, w: -1} - {x: 0.9736402, y: -0.22796515, z: 0.00752512, w: -1} - {x: 0.9606653, y: -0.27736044, z: -0.013908317, w: -1} - {x: 0.95983857, y: -0.28025025, z: -0.013029336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9704234, y: -0.23917642, z: 0.032757945, w: -1} - {x: 0.97835386, y: -0.19705112, z: 0.06320316, w: -1} - {x: 0.9564067, y: -0.29165107, z: 0.015032354, w: -1} - {x: 0.96478564, y: -0.26117545, z: 0.031241395, w: -1} - {x: 0.98613584, y: -0.16589424, z: 0.003898171, w: -1} - {x: 0.98395485, y: -0.1784176, z: 0.000070806906, w: -1} - {x: 0.97246253, y: -0.23115547, z: -0.029727193, w: -1} - {x: 0.976855, y: -0.21376112, z: -0.00778049, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998791, y: -0.014342218, z: 0.00601141, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955691, y: -0.0875549, z: 0.034296587, w: -1} - {x: 0.99907595, y: -0.03808589, z: 0.019920489, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912744, y: -0.11948768, z: 0.05565722, w: -1} - {x: 0.99470395, y: -0.10106225, z: -0.018718028, w: -1} - {x: 0.99089724, y: -0.13443917, z: -0.0069772373, w: -1} - {x: 0.99110794, y: -0.13288519, z: -0.006822348, w: -1} - {x: 0.98329747, y: -0.18196188, z: 0.0040103155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913957, y: -0.13074179, z: 0.0064092814, w: -1} - {x: 0.9573045, y: -0.2773663, z: 0.08146172, w: -1} - {x: 0.98372364, y: -0.17779014, z: 0.026049046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9453628, y: -0.31834713, z: 0.07031532, w: -1} - {x: 0.94328594, y: -0.11416822, z: 0.31173268, w: -1} - {x: 0.81378573, y: -0.2379274, z: 0.53022957, w: -1} - {x: 0.86356026, y: -0.12359086, z: 0.488865, w: -1} - {x: 0.7057505, y: -0.28208962, z: 0.6498782, w: -1} - {x: 0.28982392, y: 0.31239116, z: 0.90466225, w: -1} - {x: 0.19369555, y: 0.0020340823, z: 0.98105955, w: -1} - {x: 0.30548683, y: 0.19086401, z: 0.9328712, w: -1} - {x: 0.23571216, y: 0.04588667, z: 0.97073895, w: -1} - {x: 0.87685955, y: -0.480718, z: -0.005243259, w: -1} - {x: 0.88097465, y: -0.4731618, z: 0.0012985948, w: -1} - {x: 0.7552704, y: -0.65464497, z: 0.031724572, w: -1} - {x: 0.719991, y: -0.6938308, z: -0.014547683, w: -1} - {x: 0.8809753, y: -0.47316062, z: 0.001234345, w: -1} - {x: 0.830801, y: -0.556569, z: 0.00078754785, w: -1} - {x: 0.7199479, y: -0.69389963, z: -0.013356586, w: -1} - {x: 0.72917575, y: -0.6841881, z: -0.013762539, w: -1} - {x: 0.8297049, y: -0.5580294, z: 0.013892926, w: -1} - {x: 0.8362712, y: -0.5479235, z: 0.020740272, w: -1} - {x: 0.7280915, y: -0.6854769, z: 0.0020433958, w: -1} - {x: 0.8001632, y: -0.5988165, z: 0.03402178, w: -1} - {x: 0.8380545, y: -0.5455542, z: -0.005937316, w: -1} - {x: 0.8875164, y: -0.46077597, z: 0.00036445432, w: -1} - {x: 0.8008172, y: -0.59890866, z: -0.00047496657, w: -1} - {x: 0.8226803, y: -0.5683865, z: 0.011571131, w: -1} - {x: 0.8875403, y: -0.46072832, z: 0.0013260801, w: -1} - {x: 0.9198628, y: -0.3921152, z: -0.009904261, w: -1} - {x: 0.82278293, y: -0.56814086, z: 0.015628492, w: -1} - {x: 0.8176223, y: -0.5752032, z: 0.025198873, w: -1} - {x: 0.9181282, y: -0.39518934, z: -0.029428499, w: -1} - {x: 0.9352294, y: -0.35331002, z: -0.022760805, w: -1} - {x: 0.8166056, y: -0.57712555, z: 0.0090144845, w: -1} - {x: 0.8308471, y: -0.5564401, z: 0.008225206, w: -1} - {x: 0.9345093, y: -0.35439637, z: -0.033098955, w: -1} - {x: 0.9477131, y: -0.31710783, z: -0.03581418, w: -1} - {x: 0.8306975, y: -0.5566899, z: 0.006163422, w: -1} - {x: 0.8711649, y: -0.49089408, z: 0.009734069, w: -1} - {x: 0.94857675, y: -0.31557405, z: -0.024802662, w: -1} - {x: 0.96727544, y: -0.24552724, z: -0.06398958, w: -1} - {x: 0.870802, y: -0.49159163, z: 0.006452793, w: -1} - {x: 0.913063, y: -0.40753913, z: -0.015095262, w: -1} - {x: 0.9706599, y: -0.23799312, z: -0.034331325, w: -1} - {x: 0.97423804, y: -0.22488636, z: -0.016923795, w: -1} - {x: 0.9167932, y: -0.399098, z: 0.014521827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9395865, y: -0.34230146, z: -0.002626472, w: -1} - {x: 0.9742909, y: -0.22474691, z: -0.015684176, w: -1} - {x: 0.968596, y: -0.24860847, z: 0.003960416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9397321, y: -0.3419112, z: 0.0005826573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508716, y: -0.30958515, z: 0.0002687101, w: -1} - {x: 0.9686033, y: -0.24858746, z: 0.003456278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9628012, y: -0.270117, z: 0.00711366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508601, y: -0.30961826, z: 0.0013257194, w: -1} - {x: 0.95737433, y: -0.28882134, z: 0.0040914714, w: -1} - {x: 0.962901, y: -0.26981485, z: 0.0046505653, w: -1} - {x: 0.96603596, y: -0.25830105, z: 0.007420189, w: -1} - {x: 0.95741385, y: -0.28870398, z: 0.0029310833, w: -1} - {x: 0.95091105, y: -0.309457, z: -0.0021261778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9664046, y: -0.2570241, z: -0.00088643323, w: -1} - {x: 0.9600084, y: -0.2799411, z: -0.0040943506, w: -1} - {x: 0.95129555, y: -0.30811054, z: -0.010227078, w: -1} - {x: 0.93586355, y: -0.3517231, z: -0.021219583, w: -1} - {x: 0.95860296, y: -0.2844367, z: 0.01327234, w: -1} - {x: 0.95625687, y: -0.29208457, z: 0.01611236, w: -1} - {x: 0.93449837, y: -0.35591787, z: -0.0059374925, w: -1} - {x: 0.93471885, y: -0.35518628, z: -0.011970699, w: -1} - {x: 0.9584051, y: -0.2854113, z: -0.00040691937, w: -1} - {x: 0.9669858, y: -0.25426298, z: 0.01699335, w: -1} - {x: 0.93677443, y: -0.3487556, z: -0.028692821, w: -1} - {x: 0.9426563, y: -0.33292824, z: -0.023619866, w: -1} - {x: 0.96361315, y: -0.2645505, z: 0.03824561, w: -1} - {x: 0.972698, y: -0.22840582, z: 0.0411032, w: -1} - {x: 0.93944037, y: -0.3427069, z: -0.0019540265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9639904, y: -0.26361403, z: 0.035072815, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910975, y: -0.04043458, z: 0.01203366, w: -1} - {x: 0.99169576, y: -0.12502684, z: 0.03012794, w: -1} - {x: 0.99937934, y: -0.033215865, z: 0.011733769, w: -1} - {x: 0.99501175, y: -0.09523418, z: 0.02969837, w: -1} - {x: 0.99127173, y: -0.13182272, z: -0.001774484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9834287, y: -0.18108796, z: 0.008667563, w: -1} - {x: 0.99498224, y: -0.100003876, z: -0.0030897553, w: -1} - {x: 0.9815028, y: -0.19094583, z: 0.013854512, w: -1} - {x: 0.982832, y: -0.18430294, z: -0.008575059, w: -1} - {x: 0.9430633, y: -0.33051878, z: 0.037267454, w: -1} - {x: 0.98117584, y: -0.19307372, z: -0.00406183, w: -1} - {x: 0.95202965, y: -0.3057413, z: 0.0127210235, w: -1} - {x: 0.9426269, y: -0.3322709, z: 0.032412257, w: -1} - {x: 0.79312927, y: -0.5827088, z: 0.17719017, w: -1} - {x: 0.95216656, y: -0.2934584, z: 0.08521113, w: -1} - {x: 0.8486276, y: -0.49485895, z: 0.18693808, w: -1} - {x: 0.76751304, y: -0.6409379, z: 0.01105808, w: -1} - {x: 0.75710726, y: -0.6513219, z: 0.05067789, w: -1} - {x: 0.8509359, y: -0.5243208, z: 0.031555995, w: -1} - {x: 0.7339965, y: -0.66693515, z: 0.12824482, w: -1} - {x: 0.123590894, y: 0.14706582, z: 0.98137504, w: -1} - {x: -0.04947205, y: -0.04475019, z: 0.99777246, w: -1} - {x: 0.018571667, y: 0.027206896, z: 0.9994573, w: -1} - {x: -0.019129286, y: -0.012581921, z: 0.99973786, w: -1} - {x: -0.1305625, y: 0.034187675, z: 0.99085045, w: -1} - {x: -0.14927503, y: -0.0039800145, z: 0.9887877, w: -1} - {x: -0.09189437, y: 0.056626633, z: 0.99415725, w: -1} - {x: -0.05520014, y: 0.07582168, z: 0.99559236, w: -1} - {x: -0.10697029, y: -0.04444593, z: 0.9932683, w: -1} - {x: -0.041496202, y: 0.019539557, z: 0.99894756, w: -1} - {x: -0.019563591, y: 0.04730075, z: 0.9986891, w: -1} - {x: 0.0007477266, y: 0.064065576, z: 0.9979454, w: -1} - {x: 0.80080813, y: -0.59892, z: 0.0010962192, w: -1} - {x: 0.8219426, y: -0.56949615, z: -0.0091900425, w: -1} - {x: 0.8012638, y: -0.59828407, z: -0.00569128, w: -1} - {x: 0.8182519, y: -0.57471997, z: -0.012681149, w: -1} - {x: 0.8220342, y: -0.56939423, z: -0.0070708347, w: -1} - {x: 0.8151791, y: -0.57913166, z: -0.0094598215, w: -1} - {x: 0.81852937, y: -0.5743971, z: -0.008817759, w: -1} - {x: 0.8039551, y: -0.5946819, z: -0.0031374567, w: -1} - {x: 0.8158291, y: -0.57829124, z: -0.0014932391, w: -1} - {x: 0.8297641, y: -0.5580848, z: -0.005736363, w: -1} - {x: 0.8043308, y: -0.59418106, z: 0.00090739835, w: -1} - {x: 0.81982106, y: -0.57261276, z: -0.002837408, w: -1} - {x: 0.8303231, y: -0.5572811, z: 0.0012040534, w: -1} - {x: 0.8681796, y: -0.4960221, z: -0.015040125, w: -1} - {x: 0.82062536, y: -0.57144606, z: 0.004839789, w: -1} - {x: 0.8174809, y: -0.5758883, z: 0.008810982, w: -1} - {x: 0.8682598, y: -0.49589995, z: -0.014431501, w: -1} - {x: 0.9076505, y: -0.41681615, z: -0.049344502, w: -1} - {x: 0.81675667, y: -0.5769688, z: 0.0039525204, w: -1} - {x: 0.83086324, y: -0.556467, z: 0.0032912318, w: -1} - {x: 0.914514, y: -0.40453064, z: -0.004382129, w: -1} - {x: 0.9389724, y: -0.34369385, z: -0.014325736, w: -1} - {x: 0.8400525, y: -0.53940237, z: 0.057938274, w: -1} - {x: 0.8910268, y: -0.45390946, z: 0.0061276793, w: -1} - {x: 0.939864, y: -0.34152883, z: 0.003698913, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508793, y: -0.30956146, z: -0.00048282833, w: -1} - {x: 0.89268947, y: -0.44968516, z: 0.029812736, w: -1} - {x: 0.9221495, y: -0.3868313, z: -0.0013795033, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508794, y: -0.3095612, z: -0.00049168995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9574857, y: -0.2884798, z: 0.0007247118, w: -1} - {x: 0.9221467, y: -0.38684043, z: -0.00009817408, w: -1} - {x: 0.928574, y: -0.3710156, z: -0.009881921, w: -1} - {x: 0.9575287, y: -0.28833726, z: -0.0006712053, w: -1} - {x: 0.95089704, y: -0.3095016, z: -0.0018556911, w: -1} - {x: 0.92859846, y: -0.3709352, z: -0.010582698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9112897, y: -0.41128856, z: -0.019817866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9501694, y: -0.31154963, z: 0.010721756, w: -1} - {x: 0.93344706, y: -0.35868892, z: 0.0043432713, w: -1} - {x: 0.9105872, y: -0.4131813, z: -0.010586548, w: -1} - {x: 0.90577084, y: -0.42349565, z: -0.015188102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9324618, y: -0.36102942, z: 0.013147077, w: -1} - {x: 0.9304088, y: -0.36612028, z: 0.017188972, w: -1} - {x: 0.904893, y: -0.42557335, z: -0.007481571, w: -1} - {x: 0.896408, y: -0.4429668, z: -0.015272928, w: -1} - {x: 0.92904407, y: -0.36910233, z: 0.0253107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9326937, y: -0.3589602, z: 0.035071496, w: -1} - {x: 0.8947477, y: -0.44654435, z: -0.004965276, w: -1} - {x: 0.9242342, y: -0.38094065, z: 0.025987573, w: -1} - {x: 0.93884593, y: -0.34433335, z: 0.0016928186, w: -1} - {x: 0.96413964, y: -0.26325208, z: 0.03366103, w: -1} - {x: 0.9290203, y: -0.36999077, z: -0.0053013824, w: -1} - {x: 0.9745749, y: -0.21770163, z: 0.053006545, w: -1} - {x: 0.999396, y: -0.034221377, z: 0.0060411952, w: -1} - {x: 0.995134, y: -0.097494096, z: 0.0142567735, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999263, y: -0.0119547155, z: 0.0021307496, w: -1} - {x: 0.99821323, y: -0.05922154, z: 0.007948245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951094, y: -0.09851393, z: 0.0072335405, w: -1} - {x: 0.98153365, y: -0.19042733, z: 0.018142061, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982194, y: -0.059446283, z: 0.004920842, w: -1} - {x: 0.991332, y: -0.13039663, z: 0.016050478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9812988, y: -0.19248848, z: 0.0009186459, w: -1} - {x: 0.9522263, y: -0.30483818, z: 0.018405765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913849, y: -0.13094905, z: 0.0028894383, w: -1} - {x: 0.9790162, y: -0.2034803, z: 0.011096493, w: -1} - {x: 0.95158625, y: -0.3073734, z: 0.0022799692, w: -1} - {x: 0.85125023, y: -0.52340114, z: 0.037740413, w: -1} - {x: 0.9789945, y: -0.20388362, z: 0.0011112714, w: -1} - {x: 0.956029, y: -0.29302222, z: 0.012103689, w: -1} - {x: 0.8503917, y: -0.5256854, z: 0.022109762, w: -1} - {x: 0.73756146, y: -0.6749673, z: 0.020550307, w: -1} - {x: 0.9560453, y: -0.29308993, z: 0.008696754, w: -1} - {x: 0.92644817, y: -0.37516597, z: 0.030730037, w: -1} - {x: 0.7373725, y: -0.6754647, z: 0.005398284, w: -1} - {x: 0.72550213, y: -0.6882083, z: -0.0040035513, w: -1} - {x: 0.92716575, y: -0.3745886, z: 0.0068576485, w: -1} - {x: 0.93666893, y: -0.3501347, z: -0.007551824, w: -1} - {x: 0.72549516, y: -0.6882186, z: -0.003453549, w: -1} - {x: 0.77972937, y: -0.6261128, z: 0.0022118555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9366871, y: -0.35010824, z: -0.0064373137, w: -1} - {x: 0.93261814, y: -0.36074674, z: -0.009230883, w: -1} - {x: 0.7797516, y: -0.62607676, z: 0.0039148587, w: -1} - {x: 0.8016308, y: -0.5977872, z: 0.0062093213, w: -1} - {x: 0.932648, y: -0.36069605, z: -0.008131342, w: -1} - {x: 0.91966957, y: -0.39262065, z: -0.007538701, w: -1} - {x: 0.8016092, y: -0.59782404, z: 0.0053925677, w: -1} - {x: 0.81959885, y: -0.5728805, z: 0.008107598, w: -1} - {x: 0.91964227, y: -0.3926669, z: -0.008410565, w: -1} - {x: 0.89313126, y: -0.4497763, z: -0.0042354236, w: -1} - {x: 0.81966895, y: -0.5727609, z: 0.009368187, w: -1} - {x: 0.80571103, y: -0.59205794, z: 0.017238773, w: -1} - {x: 0.89337355, y: -0.4492694, z: 0.0063725254, w: -1} - {x: 0.8661734, y: -0.49973494, z: 0.0029439928, w: -1} - {x: 0.80332476, y: -0.5954636, z: -0.009619075, w: -1} - {x: 0.8182068, y: -0.5746729, z: -0.016994484, w: -1} - {x: 0.8637308, y: -0.5032255, z: -0.027077053, w: -1} - {x: 0.8128145, y: -0.5823009, z: -0.016073454, w: -1} - {x: 0.81999993, y: -0.57236236, z: -0.001170281, w: -1} - {x: 0.81518966, y: -0.5791618, z: -0.006118112, w: -1} - {x: 0.81427, y: -0.5804862, z: -0.00032795165, w: -1} - {x: 0.78660136, y: -0.6174557, z: 0.0026042676, w: -1} - {x: 0.8121779, y: -0.5829135, z: -0.02406056, w: -1} - {x: 0.8227015, y: -0.5673788, z: -0.035262004, w: -1} - {x: 0.78607464, y: -0.61812997, z: -0.0014214311, w: -1} - {x: 0.7608424, y: -0.64892924, z: 0.0031354732, w: -1} - {x: 0.3947481, y: 0.12213435, z: 0.9106356, w: -1} - {x: 0.36643565, y: 0.012089106, z: 0.9303648, w: -1} - {x: 0.40432653, y: 0.0958192, z: 0.9095816, w: -1} - {x: 0.350713, y: 0.013828241, z: 0.93638086, w: -1} - {x: 0.88864255, y: -0.458185, z: -0.019517751, w: -1} - {x: 0.9221495, y: -0.38683125, z: -0.001378467, w: -1} - {x: 0.7653976, y: -0.6421665, z: 0.042292036, w: -1} - {x: 0.7784804, y: -0.6276584, z: 0.003630589, w: -1} - {x: 0.92214465, y: -0.38684484, z: 0.00055328564, w: -1} - {x: 0.92767847, y: -0.3732406, z: 0.010200755, w: -1} - {x: 0.77860343, y: -0.6274388, z: 0.009859589, w: -1} - {x: 0.80898315, y: -0.58762157, z: -0.015720924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9278054, y: -0.37298292, z: 0.0078027607, w: -1} - {x: 0.90925807, y: -0.41620776, z: 0.00456628, w: -1} - {x: 0.8091141, y: -0.5873519, z: -0.018763218, w: -1} - {x: 0.8266724, y: -0.56194043, z: -0.028908765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9087327, y: -0.41725978, z: 0.0099542355, w: -1} - {x: 0.9028283, y: -0.4299083, z: 0.0089383805, w: -1} - {x: 0.8261963, y: -0.5628902, z: -0.0235435, w: -1} - {x: 0.83016044, y: -0.55652, z: -0.033453904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9034464, y: -0.42868024, z: 0.004238104, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940939, y: -0.44787836, z: -0.0010809808, w: -1} - {x: 0.83089757, y: -0.555045, z: -0.039169416, w: -1} - {x: 0.8354319, y: -0.54810363, z: -0.040447317, w: -1} - {x: 0.89010674, y: -0.45527366, z: 0.020877173, w: -1} - {x: 0.92003095, y: -0.3887582, z: 0.049091984, w: -1} - {x: 0.83169734, y: -0.55498827, z: -0.016357873, w: -1} - {x: 0.93648434, y: -0.34647653, z: 0.054324634, w: -1} - {x: 0.9270533, y: -0.37483567, z: 0.008396109, w: -1} - {x: 0.9743544, y: -0.21811236, z: 0.055320565, w: -1} - {x: 0.93901235, y: -0.3425346, z: 0.030429954, w: -1} - {x: 0.98595625, y: -0.14319456, z: 0.08594001, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992657, y: -0.012038107, z: 0.0014275934, w: -1} - {x: 0.99821913, y: -0.05942246, z: 0.005242158, w: -1} - {x: 0.999926, y: -0.012052071, z: 0.0016704168, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987349, y: -0.050002057, z: 0.005318868, w: -1} - {x: 0.99821305, y: -0.059749845, z: 0.0008199679, w: -1} - {x: 0.99138606, y: -0.13092817, z: 0.0033977614, w: -1} - {x: 0.99873906, y: -0.05020281, z: 0.000054643016, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974904, y: -0.070801705, z: 0.00029755707, w: -1} - {x: 0.991386, y: -0.13092868, z: 0.0033850586, w: -1} - {x: 0.97901785, y: -0.2036795, z: 0.0062287436, w: -1} - {x: 0.99749064, y: -0.070794046, z: 0.0008749153, w: -1} - {x: 0.99508214, y: -0.09903628, z: 0.0017867651, w: -1} - {x: 0.9790123, y: -0.20375468, z: 0.0043591443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9560495, y: -0.29317924, z: 0.0039087106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950837, y: -0.09903219, z: 0.0010562054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924129, y: -0.12291593, z: 0.002891619, w: -1} - {x: 0.9560464, y: -0.29320526, z: 0.002442002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9273422, y: -0.3741402, z: -0.0074505014, w: -1} - {x: 0.99242234, y: -0.122867055, z: 0.0012721195, w: -1} - {x: 0.99463326, y: -0.10345839, z: 0.0010210985, w: -1} - {x: 0.92733693, y: -0.37416968, z: -0.0065819225, w: -1} - {x: 0.93681794, y: -0.34972638, z: 0.007972855, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946256, y: -0.10349467, z: 0.0029525121, w: -1} - {x: 0.99590707, y: -0.09030663, z: 0.0037030461, w: -1} - {x: 0.93681544, y: -0.34975305, z: 0.007047333, w: -1} - {x: 0.93302464, y: -0.35935947, z: 0.018051786, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958995, y: -0.090258084, z: 0.0061267144, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889051, y: -0.14773321, z: 0.0155447, w: -1} - {x: 0.9329364, y: -0.35998416, z: 0.0064137, w: -1} - {x: 0.9200534, y: -0.39169157, z: 0.008910015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890218, y: -0.14776957, z: 0.00022971483, w: -1} - {x: 0.9852015, y: -0.17139496, z: -0.0013540698, w: -1} - {x: 0.92003083, y: -0.39177358, z: 0.0075297225, w: -1} - {x: 0.89347935, y: -0.44890258, z: 0.013460079, w: -1} - {x: 0.9852125, y: -0.17130335, z: 0.0034007623, w: -1} - {x: 0.97633195, y: -0.21592177, z: 0.0124004595, w: -1} - {x: 0.89332616, y: -0.44939196, z: 0.003903671, w: -1} - {x: 0.8672743, y: -0.49737495, z: 0.021293623, w: -1} - {x: 0.9763949, y: -0.21599293, z: -0.00020585705, w: -1} - {x: 0.96969485, y: -0.24426402, z: -0.0051976894, w: -1} - {x: 0.86737865, y: -0.4971011, z: 0.023340082, w: -1} - {x: 0.81825596, y: -0.57055235, z: 0.07019393, w: -1} - {x: 0.96946603, y: -0.24142738, z: 0.04299283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9305104, y: -0.3547035, z: 0.09130118, w: -1} - {x: 0.8136031, y: -0.581368, z: -0.007820597, w: -1} - {x: 0.78721386, y: -0.61663556, z: 0.007418809, w: -1} - {x: 0.9313897, y: -0.36349717, z: -0.019572014, w: -1} - {x: 0.9211883, y: -0.38698152, z: -0.04071008, w: -1} - {x: 0.78858787, y: -0.6146341, z: 0.01881749, w: -1} - {x: 0.76987046, y: -0.6366597, z: 0.044316, w: -1} - {x: 0.922611, y: -0.38469335, z: -0.028283583, w: -1} - {x: 0.8468205, y: -0.5317077, z: 0.013489245, w: -1} - {x: 0.7604196, y: -0.6494307, z: 0.0013575882, w: -1} - {x: 0.7625377, y: -0.6465739, z: 0.021873167, w: -1} - {x: 0.8436391, y: -0.53680056, z: -0.010871668, w: -1} - {x: 0.7715117, y: -0.63370013, z: 0.056514163, w: -1} - {x: 0.23526503, y: 0.12218486, z: 0.9642205, w: -1} - {x: 0.10660854, y: -0.035120755, z: 0.99368066, w: -1} - {x: 0.18956615, y: 0.06555228, z: 0.97967726, w: -1} - {x: 0.14807308, y: 0.010312048, z: 0.9889227, w: -1} - {x: -0.008589331, y: 0.058021635, z: 0.9982784, w: -1} - {x: -0.07999331, y: -0.061090417, z: 0.9949216, w: -1} - {x: 0.045524593, y: 0.099792115, z: 0.9939663, w: -1} - {x: -0.0318746, y: -0.0051826406, z: 0.99947846, w: -1} - {x: 0.8072835, y: -0.5899897, z: 0.014336747, w: -1} - {x: 0.81978583, y: -0.5717616, z: 0.032246836, w: -1} - {x: 0.7515369, y: -0.6596689, z: 0.0054179416, w: -1} - {x: 0.7447684, y: -0.66728073, z: 0.00751529, w: -1} - {x: 0.8211919, y: -0.57023644, z: 0.021776767, w: -1} - {x: 0.8197321, y: -0.57188, z: 0.03150378, w: -1} - {x: 0.7457963, y: -0.666171, z: -0.0020353962, w: -1} - {x: 0.77559316, y: -0.63117325, z: 0.008696664, w: -1} - {x: 0.81931126, y: -0.57235706, z: 0.033712808, w: -1} - {x: 0.82101893, y: -0.56954134, z: 0.039377026, w: -1} - {x: 0.7749774, y: -0.63186496, z: 0.012517949, w: -1} - {x: 0.90652245, y: -0.42035925, z: 0.0389247, w: -1} - {x: 0.8242195, y: -0.56575537, z: 0.024146862, w: -1} - {x: 0.9338538, y: -0.3497162, z: 0.07493858, w: -1} - {x: 0.904817, y: -0.42163673, z: 0.059402876, w: -1} - {x: 0.97693735, y: -0.18461181, z: 0.10729336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9424624, y: -0.33378306, z: -0.018800547, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903822, y: -0.13761365, z: 0.014335783, w: -1} - {x: 0.9817931, y: -0.18941692, z: 0.014262381, w: -1} - {x: 0.99286234, y: -0.116909906, z: 0.023585817, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992627, y: -0.012108446, z: 0.0009577133, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987402, y: -0.05009141, z: 0.0029803612, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998509, y: -0.017156623, z: 0.0019113302, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990849, y: -0.04253497, z: 0.004481681, w: -1} - {x: 0.99873734, y: -0.050231725, z: -0.0007065208, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974903, y: -0.0708045, z: 0.000086899505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990929, y: -0.042584836, z: -0.00019622807, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985153, y: -0.05447097, z: 0.00026833033, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974899, y: -0.07080809, z: -0.00018382147, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950848, y: -0.0990257, z: -0.00007934662, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985153, y: -0.054471664, z: -0.000064926135, w: -1} - {x: 0.998535, y: -0.05410916, z: 0.00030600332, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950849, y: -0.09902575, z: -0.00007343222, w: -1} - {x: 0.99243164, y: -0.122793026, z: -0.0011598415, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985349, y: -0.054109834, z: 0.00037745136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993406, y: -0.036301482, z: 0.0007574437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924323, y: -0.122784734, z: -0.0014309762, w: -1} - {x: 0.99463534, y: -0.10344309, z: 0.00021220572, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993396, y: -0.036309976, z: 0.0014131049, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989235, y: -0.014460872, z: 0.0024653375, w: -1} - {x: 0.99463767, y: -0.10340986, z: -0.0015317723, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959088, y: -0.09035487, z: 0.0012684178, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989545, y: -0.014461659, z: 0.000111753114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997928, y: -0.020356163, z: 0.00023298596, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959086, y: -0.09036047, z: 0.0009833921, w: -1} - {x: 0.98902184, y: -0.14776975, z: 0.00013224542, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979275, y: -0.02035618, z: -0.0000012406521, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998023, y: -0.019882077, z: 0.000014167501, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890218, y: -0.14776975, z: 0.00013135593, w: -1} - {x: 0.98521215, y: -0.17131852, z: 0.00262682, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998023, y: -0.019882083, z: 0.000026860514, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979275, y: -0.020358939, z: -0.0000026166713, w: -1} - {x: 0.9852122, y: -0.17131765, z: 0.0026719996, w: -1} - {x: 0.9763956, y: -0.21598774, z: 0.00097126147, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979275, y: -0.020358613, z: 0.00014302574, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995711, y: -0.029281542, z: 0.00039033924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9763956, y: -0.2159889, z: 0.0007159272, w: -1} - {x: 0.9698687, y: -0.24340002, z: 0.010543225, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995712, y: -0.02928173, z: -0.0000056642425, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935263, y: -0.03597499, z: -0.000089177505, w: -1} - {x: 0.96986824, y: -0.24340793, z: 0.010403865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9324107, y: -0.3607502, z: 0.021669114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993527, y: -0.03597273, z: 0.000464862, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980303, y: -0.06273066, z: -0.00057344657, w: -1} - {x: 0.9323965, y: -0.36091265, z: 0.019464942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9283428, y: -0.3673146, z: 0.057093557, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980367, y: -0.062552996, z: 0.003140241, w: -1} - {x: 0.98689747, y: -0.1609574, z: 0.011231035, w: -1} - {x: 0.9277505, y: -0.37107676, z: 0.039761472, w: -1} - {x: 0.853445, y: -0.5129974, z: 0.09200669, w: -1} - {x: 0.98689806, y: -0.1601503, z: 0.019599002, w: -1} - {x: 0.9528954, y: -0.29901037, z: 0.05082513, w: -1} - {x: 0.8487622, y: -0.5278743, z: 0.030843804, w: -1} - {x: 0.7709397, y: -0.63505995, z: 0.0484858, w: -1} - {x: 0.95163125, y: -0.30703118, z: -0.011394692, w: -1} - {x: 0.9040237, y: -0.42738426, z: 0.009151857, w: -1} - {x: 0.7696825, y: -0.63757914, z: 0.03288972, w: -1} - {x: 0.7575786, y: -0.6522454, z: 0.025505655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9031728, y: -0.4292352, z: -0.0060072653, w: -1} - {x: 0.8457974, y: -0.53330374, z: 0.014619279, w: -1} - {x: 0.75690085, y: -0.6533988, z: 0.013079649, w: -1} - {x: 0.75155884, y: -0.6596519, z: 0.0043207807, w: -1} - {x: 0.8455728, y: -0.533856, z: 0.0021052426, w: -1} - {x: 0.81313556, y: -0.58175915, z: 0.019151274, w: -1} - {x: 0.7516423, y: -0.6595709, z: -0.00032456746, w: -1} - {x: 0.74581736, y: -0.66614664, z: -0.0022389537, w: -1} - {x: 0.813853, y: -0.58103305, z: 0.0066261333, w: -1} - {x: 0.8564026, y: -0.51590246, z: 0.020477986, w: -1} - {x: 0.74525005, y: -0.66677785, z: 0.0031203537, w: -1} - {x: 0.7748232, y: -0.63203466, z: 0.013463589, w: -1} - {x: 0.85556734, y: -0.5167887, z: 0.030561287, w: -1} - {x: 0.9314845, y: -0.36126307, z: 0.042727135, w: -1} - {x: 0.77920777, y: -0.626575, z: -0.015461225, w: -1} - {x: 0.9045273, y: -0.42181346, z: 0.06248138, w: -1} - {x: 0.929691, y: -0.3620838, z: 0.067600876, w: -1} - {x: 0.97194904, y: -0.19972427, z: 0.12419841, w: -1} - {x: 0.9093127, y: -0.41555512, z: -0.021547688, w: -1} - {x: 0.9817745, y: -0.19004722, z: -0.0009945766, w: -1} - {x: 0.9774926, y: -0.2109684, z: 0.00082338485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9646679, y: -0.2634573, z: 0.0024473448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9817865, y: -0.18998715, z: 0.0005070499, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932332, y: -0.11611874, z: 0.0020888585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9646982, y: -0.26330298, z: 0.005382437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9572818, y: -0.28909126, z: -0.0061506275, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985206, y: -0.017196046, z: 0.00047016423, w: -1} - {x: 0.99909306, y: -0.04257775, z: 0.0004738278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999659, y: -0.008264924, z: 0.000110549874, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998202, y: -0.018964043, z: 0.00022589436, w: -1} - {x: 0.99909306, y: -0.042579845, z: 0.00027572876, w: -1} - {x: 0.99851537, y: -0.05447131, z: 0.000107101296, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998202, y: -0.018964421, z: 0.00003403655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996722, y: -0.025604231, z: 0.00007803749, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985153, y: -0.05447141, z: 0.000058192752, w: -1} - {x: 0.99853534, y: -0.054103646, z: -0.00027466944, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996722, y: -0.025604188, z: 0.0000024465362, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982196, y: -0.018869752, z: 0.000023858205, w: -1} - {x: 0.99853534, y: -0.0541035, z: -0.0002900905, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993413, y: -0.036289804, z: -0.00014239855, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982196, y: -0.01887015, z: 0.0001275774, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999939, y: -0.0034737855, z: 0.00029271282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993413, y: -0.036286302, z: -0.00041169042, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989545, y: -0.014461693, z: 0.0000126535515, w: -1} - {x: 0.999994, y: -0.0034735184, z: 0.000007725886, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.000017624021, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989545, y: -0.014461695, z: 0.0000045731244, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979275, y: -0.020356182, z: 0.0000016252211, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979275, y: -0.020356182, z: 0.0000016252211, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998023, y: -0.019882059, z: -0.0000124064245, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998023, y: -0.019882057, z: -0.0000124064245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997927, y: -0.02035883, z: 0.000046040805, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997927, y: -0.02035883, z: 0.000046040805, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995712, y: -0.02928172, z: 0.000013490706, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995712, y: -0.02928172, z: 0.000013490706, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935275, y: -0.035974037, z: 0.00014659877, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935275, y: -0.035974037, z: 0.00014659877, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980367, y: -0.06255975, z: 0.0029995393, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972117, y: -0.023610879, z: 0.00045267402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980367, y: -0.06255975, z: 0.0029995397, w: -1} - {x: 0.98690605, y: -0.16063792, z: 0.014557622, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971735, y: -0.023558533, z: 0.0031782426, w: -1} - {x: 0.99279743, y: -0.11955159, z: 0.007777466, w: -1} - {x: 0.98686576, y: -0.16141337, z: 0.006449995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9528321, y: -0.30243275, z: 0.025404925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9928105, y: -0.11963802, z: 0.0037696008, w: -1} - {x: 0.96889246, y: -0.24723417, z: 0.011085411, w: -1} - {x: 0.9526136, y: -0.30383596, z: 0.014526275, w: -1} - {x: 0.90507036, y: -0.4235148, z: 0.038507994, w: -1} - {x: 0.9688756, y: -0.24690373, z: 0.017852101, w: -1} - {x: 0.9030394, y: -0.4275901, z: 0.041067995, w: -1} - {x: 0.9037667, y: -0.4280052, z: 0.0041574, w: -1} - {x: 0.84575987, y: -0.5334311, z: 0.011894965, w: -1} - {x: 0.9033387, y: -0.4288738, z: 0.006804347, w: -1} - {x: 0.8609357, y: -0.5084778, z: 0.015497652, w: -1} - {x: 0.84554917, y: -0.5338965, z: 0.0011039275, w: -1} - {x: 0.8144921, y: -0.58013105, z: -0.007112114, w: -1} - {x: 0.8610843, y: -0.5084623, z: 0.0002560955, w: -1} - {x: 0.89386266, y: -0.448333, z: 0.0026665083, w: -1} - {x: 0.81454474, y: -0.58003974, z: -0.008416109, w: -1} - {x: 0.85769683, y: -0.51415145, z: 0.0021051771, w: -1} - {x: 0.893541, y: -0.44873837, z: 0.014775171, w: -1} - {x: 0.95833576, y: -0.28361824, z: 0.033959594, w: -1} - {x: 0.85912824, y: -0.51107293, z: -0.026518213, w: -1} - {x: 0.9332253, y: -0.35929096, z: -0.0007623309, w: -1} - {x: 0.9590734, y: -0.28311756, z: 0.0047524567, w: -1} - {x: 0.97767174, y: -0.20985448, z: 0.010904844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9333613, y: -0.35881242, z: -0.009501451, w: -1} - {x: 0.9774789, y: -0.21103331, z: -0.000009998358, w: -1} - {x: 0.9777108, y: -0.20995517, z: 0.0006498588, w: -1} - {x: 0.96050036, y: -0.27826464, z: 0.0028020125, w: -1} - {x: 0.9774356, y: -0.2112199, z: -0.0024161532, w: -1} - {x: 0.9647163, y: -0.26317868, z: 0.007714871, w: -1} - {x: 0.96052384, y: -0.27804178, z: 0.009309849, w: -1} - {x: 0.920498, y: -0.39017716, z: 0.021100057, w: -1} - {x: 0.96451247, y: -0.26394242, z: -0.0070745638, w: -1} - {x: 0.957136, y: -0.28959352, z: 0.0051285396, w: -1} - {x: 0.92068666, y: -0.39030254, z: 0.00003120567, w: -1} - {x: 0.94152284, y: -0.3369446, z: 0.0017682968, w: -1} - {x: 0.83868325, y: 0.5359471, z: 0.09680433, w: -1} - {x: 0.69260424, y: 0.71032184, z: 0.12546821, w: -1} - {x: 0.9764778, y: 0.20854184, z: 0.054784812, w: -1} - {x: 0.991629, y: 0.12756476, z: 0.01997844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9770376, y: 0.2123456, z: 0.017516846, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984616, y: 0.017242586, z: -0.0032020826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995924, y: 0.027973546, z: -0.0056885798, w: -1} - {x: 0.9916323, y: 0.12746699, z: 0.020435385, w: -1} - {x: 0.9530808, y: 0.30268908, z: -0.0040474283, w: -1} - {x: 0.8369419, y: 0.54504657, z: 0.049522743, w: -1} - {x: 0.98934805, y: 0.14007051, z: -0.039631214, w: -1} - {x: 0.970937, y: 0.2393352, z: -0.00020338545, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897833, y: 0.13870573, z: -0.033010468, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983386, y: 0.029068405, z: -0.049751732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982645, y: 0.0035323887, z: -0.058783576, w: -1} - {x: 0.9716032, y: 0.23644343, z: 0.009048529, w: -1} - {x: 0.9595059, y: 0.25909075, z: -0.11054585, w: -1} - {x: 0.939317, y: 0.32376567, z: -0.113399245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9506373, y: 0.27907643, z: -0.13566528, w: -1} - {x: 0.7639646, y: 0.6450089, z: -0.017931908, w: -1} - {x: 0.95260626, y: 0.27658564, z: -0.12665549, w: -1} - {x: 0.9839229, y: 0.010712635, z: -0.17827228, w: -1} - {x: 0.91040593, y: 0.40656403, z: -0.07659431, w: -1} - {x: 0.7639646, y: 0.6450089, z: -0.017931923, w: -1} - {x: 0.95491636, y: 0.29433143, z: -0.038777392, w: -1} - {x: 0.96352434, y: 0.25578898, z: -0.07869463, w: -1} - {x: 0.7683805, y: 0.6399362, z: 0.008550123, w: -1} - {x: 0.8795433, y: 0.46971408, z: -0.07597531, w: -1} - {x: 0.7655803, y: 0.64328235, z: -0.008633481, w: -1} - {x: 0.91664886, y: 0.3968495, z: -0.047595896, w: -1} - {x: 0.98755026, y: 0.14863023, z: -0.051513676, w: -1} - {x: 0.8882557, y: 0.45836222, z: -0.030096876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9399487, y: 0.34047303, z: 0.023967832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9554652, y: 0.29471722, z: -0.015100667, w: -1} - {x: 0.90010947, y: 0.43001905, z: 0.06990363, w: -1} - {x: 0.9425721, y: 0.3315024, z: 0.04079002, w: -1} - {x: 0.900376, y: 0.4288001, z: 0.07384677, w: -1} - {x: 0.9860006, y: 0.15566073, z: -0.059771337, w: -1} - {x: 0.99356645, y: 0.11176379, z: -0.018294312, w: -1} - {x: 0.94219744, y: 0.33309022, z: 0.036261607, w: -1} - {x: 0.9577878, y: 0.27374905, z: 0.08777127, w: -1} - {x: 0.9335154, y: 0.3428109, z: 0.1050218, w: -1} - {x: 0.9437405, y: 0.32572308, z: 0.057083517, w: -1} - {x: 0.97309476, y: 0.23017769, z: 0.010236798, w: -1} - {x: 0.9433118, y: 0.32802275, z: 0.050635215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870249, y: 0.15047288, z: -0.056033764, w: -1} - {x: 0.99460846, y: 0.09688625, z: -0.036973294, w: -1} - {x: 0.9727314, y: 0.23185311, z: 0.0061402535, w: -1} - {x: 0.98761207, y: 0.1506536, z: 0.043884262, w: -1} - {x: 0.96222353, y: 0.271868, z: 0.0146145625, w: -1} - {x: 0.9760372, y: 0.20852578, z: 0.06219677, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966834, y: 0.08110937, z: 0.0065891976, w: -1} - {x: 0.97603416, y: 0.2085722, z: 0.062087275, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972793, y: 0.07200665, z: -0.015781423, w: -1} - {x: 0.99939024, y: 0.019801725, z: -0.028759418, w: -1} - {x: 0.99663514, y: 0.08181294, z: 0.005008195, w: -1} - {x: 0.98789674, y: 0.1550315, z: -0.005025971, w: -1} - {x: 0.9880175, y: 0.15049344, z: 0.03425069, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967714, y: 0.07969602, z: 0.009763568, w: -1} - {x: 0.9912946, y: -0.10723189, z: -0.07639476, w: -1} - {x: 0.99678034, y: 0.07954034, z: 0.010113083, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982333, y: 0.0061523924, z: -0.01776208, w: -1} - {x: 0.99700505, y: -0.027298987, z: -0.0723584, w: -1} - {x: 0.991192, y: -0.10482626, z: -0.080931984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9911491, y: -0.08206461, z: 0.104349725, w: -1} - {x: 0.95445836, y: 0.13964084, z: 0.26364717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9828581, y: -0.17568041, z: 0.055911336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9470955, y: -0.31823906, z: -0.041642543, w: -1} - {x: 0.9852274, y: -0.16686517, z: 0.038509842, w: -1} - {x: 0.97997445, y: -0.18766154, z: 0.06658241, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906477, y: -0.09769335, z: 0.09525297, w: -1} - {x: 0.9466585, y: -0.31991076, z: -0.03866158, w: -1} - {x: 0.96356225, y: -0.26558545, z: 0.03181416, w: -1} - {x: 0.99698275, y: -0.06948736, z: 0.03459482, w: -1} - {x: 0.9452361, y: -0.325057, z: -0.029439455, w: -1} - {x: 0.95965904, y: -0.28115633, z: -0.0023628576, w: -1} - {x: 0.94514173, y: -0.32538408, z: -0.028850976, w: -1} - {x: 0.989325, y: -0.10433914, z: 0.10173272, w: -1} - {x: 0.98074305, y: -0.17914827, z: 0.07777484, w: -1} - {x: 0.95992416, y: -0.28023034, z: -0.0040874244, w: -1} - {x: 0.8943318, y: -0.446006, z: -0.035347264, w: -1} - {x: 0.9626386, y: -0.2678812, z: 0.039580517, w: -1} - {x: 0.9521651, y: -0.3030754, z: 0.03907529, w: -1} - {x: 0.9364018, y: -0.3505179, z: 0.016995458, w: -1} - {x: 0.95336086, y: -0.3000021, z: 0.033191867, 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elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000ed000000ee000000ed000000ef000000ee000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0000000f1000000f2000000f1000000f3000000f2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4000000f5000000f6000000f5000000f7000000f6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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-2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 1, y: 0} - {x: 1, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 0, y: 1.9119728} - {x: 0, y: 0.008472573} - {x: -1, y: 1.9119728} - {x: -1, y: 0.008472573} - {x: 0, y: 1} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.908191} - {x: 0, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 1, y: 1.908191} - {x: 1, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 0, y: 3.820164} - {x: 0, y: 1.9166639} - {x: -1, y: 3.820164} - {x: -1, y: 1.9166639} - {x: 0, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 0, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 1, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 1, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 0, y: 5.6917496} - {x: 0, y: 3.7882497} - {x: -1, y: 5.6917496} - {x: -1, y: 3.7882497} - {x: 0, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 0, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 1, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 1, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 0, y: 7.5028453} - {x: 0, y: 5.5993457} - {x: -1, y: 7.5028453} - {x: -1, y: 5.5993457} - {x: 0, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 0, y: 9.23881} - {x: 1, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 1, y: 9.23881} - {x: 0, y: 9.230336} - {x: 0, y: 7.3268375} - {x: -1, y: 9.230336} - {x: -1, y: 7.3268375} - {x: 0, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 0, y: 10.860654} - {x: 1, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 1, y: 10.860654} - {x: 0, y: 10.852181} - {x: 0, y: 8.94868} - {x: -1, y: 10.852181} - {x: -1, y: 8.94868} - {x: 0, y: 10.435709} - {x: 0, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 1, y: 10.435709} - {x: 1, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 0, y: 12.347681} - {x: 0, y: 10.444181} - {x: -1, y: 12.347681} - {x: -1, y: 10.444181} - {x: -11.785776, y: 0} - {x: -13.706222, y: 0} - {x: -11.785776, y: 1} - {x: -13.706222, y: 1} - {x: 13.697748, y: 0} - {x: 11.794248, y: 0} - {x: 13.697748, y: 1} - {x: 11.794248, y: 1} - {x: -12.973188, y: 0} - {x: -14.893633, y: 0} - {x: -12.973188, y: 1} - {x: -14.893633, y: 1} - {x: 14.885163, y: 0} - {x: 12.981664, y: 0} - {x: 14.885163, y: 1} - {x: 12.981664, y: 1} - {x: -13.982785, y: 0} - {x: -15.90323, y: 0} - {x: -13.982785, y: 1} - {x: -15.90323, y: 1} - {x: 15.894754, y: 0} - {x: 13.991256, y: 0} - {x: 15.894754, y: 1} - {x: 13.991256, y: 1} - {x: -14.801672, y: 0} - {x: -16.722118, y: 0} - {x: -14.801672, y: 1} - {x: -16.722118, y: 1} - {x: 16.71365, y: 0} - {x: 14.810149, y: 0} - {x: 16.71365, y: 1} - {x: 14.810149, y: 1} - {x: -15.419436, y: 0} - {x: -17.339882, y: 0} - {x: -15.419436, y: 1} - {x: -17.339882, y: 1} - {x: 17.33141, y: 0} - {x: 15.427908, y: 0} - {x: 17.33141, y: 1} - {x: 15.427908, y: 1} - {x: -15.828147, y: 0} - {x: -17.748592, y: 0} - {x: -15.828147, y: 1} - {x: -17.748592, y: 1} - {x: 17.740126, y: 0} - {x: 15.836626, y: 0} - {x: 17.740126, y: 1} - {x: 15.836626, y: 1} - {x: -16.022625, y: 0} - {x: -17.94307, y: 0} - {x: -16.022625, y: 1} - {x: -17.94307, y: 1} - {x: 17.934597, y: 0} - {x: 16.031097, y: 0} - {x: 17.934597, y: 1} - {x: 16.031097, y: 1} - {x: -16.000376, y: 0} - {x: -17.920822, y: 0} - {x: -16.000376, y: 1} - {x: -17.920822, y: 1} - {x: 17.912338, y: 0} - {x: 16.008839, y: 0} - {x: 17.912338, y: 1} - {x: 16.008839, y: 1} - {x: -15.761677, y: 0} - {x: -17.682123, y: 0} - {x: -15.761677, y: 1} - {x: -17.682123, y: 1} - {x: 17.673641, y: 0} - {x: 15.770141, y: 0} - {x: 17.673641, y: 1} - {x: 15.770141, y: 1} - {x: -15.309574, y: 0} - {x: -17.230019, y: 0} - {x: -15.309574, y: 1} - {x: -17.230019, y: 1} - {x: 17.221554, y: 0} - {x: 15.318054, y: 0} - {x: 17.221554, y: 1} - {x: 15.318054, y: 1} - {x: -14.649833, y: 0} - {x: -16.570278, y: 0} - {x: -14.649833, y: 1} - {x: -16.570278, y: 1} - {x: 16.561794, y: 0} - {x: 14.658295, y: 0} - {x: 16.561794, y: 1} - {x: 14.658295, y: 1} - {x: -13.790909, y: 0} - {x: -15.711355, y: 0} - {x: -13.790909, y: 1} - {x: -15.711355, y: 1} - {x: 15.702891, y: 0} - {x: 13.799391, y: 0} - {x: 15.702891, y: 1} - {x: 13.799391, y: 1} - {x: -12.743714, y: 0} - {x: -14.664157, y: 0} - {x: -12.743714, y: 1} - {x: -14.664157, y: 1} - {x: 14.655688, y: 0} - {x: 12.75219, y: 0} - {x: 14.655688, y: 1} - {x: 12.75219, y: 1} - {x: -11.521675, y: 0} - {x: -13.442126, y: 0} - {x: -11.521675, y: 1} - {x: -13.442126, y: 1} - {x: 13.433633, y: 0} - {x: 11.530129, y: 0} - {x: 13.433633, y: 1} - {x: 11.530129, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: -10.140271} - {x: 0, y: -12.060713} - {x: -1, y: -10.140271} - {x: -1, y: -12.060713} - {x: 0, y: -12.052271} - {x: 0, y: -10.148774} - {x: 1, y: -12.052271} - {x: 1, y: -10.148774} - {x: 0, y: -8.617255} - {x: 0, y: -10.537701} - {x: -1, y: -8.617255} - {x: -1, y: -10.537701} - {x: 0, y: -10.529231} - {x: 0, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 1, y: -10.529231} - {x: 1, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 0, y: -6.972023} - {x: 0, y: -8.892469} - {x: -1, y: -6.972023} - {x: -1, y: -8.892469} - {x: 0, y: -8.884005} - {x: 0, y: -6.980502} - {x: 1, y: -8.884005} - {x: 1, y: -6.980502} - {x: 0, y: -5.225587} - {x: 0, y: -7.1460295} - {x: -1, y: -5.225587} - {x: -1, y: -7.1460295} - {x: 0, y: -7.137515} - {x: 0, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 1, y: -7.137515} - {x: 1, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 33.00878, y: 1} - {x: 33.158783, y: 1} - {x: 33.00878, y: 0} - {x: 33.158783, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: 33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 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-1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 assetGuid: m_Mesh: {fileID: 70379902} m_IsSelectable: 1 m_SelectedFaces: m_SelectedEdges: [] m_SelectedVertices: --- !u!4 &1001406981 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1001406976} m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.13738601, y: 0.6936318, z: -0.6936318, w: 0.13738596} m_LocalPosition: {x: 17.98, y: 3.9100037, z: -34.839996} 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: a7000000a6000000a5000000a7000000a8000000a6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ab000000aa000000a9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ae000000ad000000ac000000ae000000af000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b2000000b1000000b0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b5000000b4000000b3000000b5000000b6000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: b9000000b8000000b7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000bc000000bd000000bb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c0000000bf000000be000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c3000000c2000000c1000000c3000000c4000000c2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: c7000000c6000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: ca000000c9000000c8000000ca000000cb000000c9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000d0000000d2000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d3000000d4000000d5000000d4000000d6000000d5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: d7000000d8000000d9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: da000000db000000dc000000db000000dd000000dc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: de000000df000000e0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000e2000000e4000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e5000000e6000000e7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e8000000e9000000ea000000e9000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ec000000ed000000ee000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ef000000f0000000f1000000f0000000f2000000f1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f3000000f4000000f5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f6000000f7000000f8000000f7000000f9000000f8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fa000000fb000000fc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fd000000fe000000ff000000fe00000000010000ff000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 010100000201000003010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 040100000501000006010000050100000701000006010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 08010000090100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 0b0100000c0100000d0100000c0100000e0100000d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 0f0100001001000011010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 120100001301000014010000130100001501000014010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 160100001701000018010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 190100001a0100001b0100001a0100001c0100001b010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 1d0100001e0100001f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 200100002101000022010000210100002301000022010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 240100002501000026010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 270100002801000029010000280100002a01000029010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 2b0100002c0100002d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 300100002f0100002e01000030010000310100002f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 0000000070000000 - m_Vertices: 01000000cf000000 - m_Vertices: 020000000400000072000000 - m_Vertices: 0300000005000000d1000000 - m_Vertices: 0600000009000000d2000000d5000000d7000000 - m_Vertices: 0700000008000000730000007600000078000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c0000007a000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d000000d9000000 - m_Vertices: 0e00000011000000d6000000d8000000dc000000de000000 - m_Vertices: 0f0000001000000077000000790000007d0000007f000000 - m_Vertices: 120000001400000081000000 - m_Vertices: 1300000015000000e0000000 - m_Vertices: 1600000019000000dd000000df000000e3000000e5000000 - m_Vertices: 17000000180000007e000000800000008400000086000000 - m_Vertices: 1a0000001c00000088000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001d000000e7000000 - m_Vertices: 1e00000021000000e4000000e6000000ea000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: 1f0000002000000085000000870000008b0000008d000000 - m_Vertices: 22000000240000008f000000 - m_Vertices: 2300000025000000ee000000 - m_Vertices: 2600000029000000eb000000ed000000f1000000f3000000 - m_Vertices: 27000000280000008c0000008e0000009200000094000000 - m_Vertices: 2a0000002c00000096000000 - m_Vertices: 2b0000002d000000f5000000 - m_Vertices: 2e00000031000000f2000000f4000000f8000000fa000000 - m_Vertices: 2f000000300000009300000095000000990000009b000000 - m_Vertices: 32000000340000009d000000 - m_Vertices: 3300000035000000fc000000 - m_Vertices: 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- {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.046114564, y: 0.08384752} - {x: -1.7729743, y: -0.08559096} - {x: -1.7729747, y: 0.99522877} - {x: 0.046114266, y: 0.82579136} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.22742331, y: 0.98414856} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 0.81471} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 1.89553} - {x: 0.22742319, y: 1.7260925} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 0.5652493, y: 1.8451629} - {x: -1.2538393, y: 1.6757245} - {x: -1.2538395, y: 2.7565444} - {x: 0.5652492, y: 2.5871067} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 1.0456183, y: 2.6351073} - {x: -0.7734705, y: 2.4656692} - {x: -0.77347106, y: 3.5464888} - {x: 1.045618, y: 3.377051} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 1.6505958, y: 3.3239374} - {x: -0.16849321, y: 3.1544993} - {x: -0.16849315, y: 4.235319} - {x: 1.6505957, y: 4.0658813} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 2.3590977, y: 3.8847723} - {x: 0.5400088, y: 3.7153347} - {x: 0.5400094, y: 4.796155} - {x: 2.359098, y: 4.626716} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.1476512, y: 4.295255} - {x: 1.3285625, y: 4.1258163} - {x: 1.3285618, y: 5.2066355} - {x: 3.1476507, y: 5.0371985} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 1.932215} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.991078, y: 4.5387344} - {x: 2.171989, y: 4.3692975} - {x: 2.1719897, y: 5.450117} - {x: 3.9910784, y: 5.2806787} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.957304, y: 4.514494} - {x: 3.1382155, y: 4.345056} - {x: 3.138215, y: 5.425876} - {x: 4.957304, y: 5.2564383} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.760307} - {x: 5.967181, y: 4.3675838} - {x: 4.1480923, y: 4.1981454} - {x: 4.148093, y: 5.278965} - {x: 5.9671817, y: 5.109527} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.958242, y: 2.760307} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -6.958242, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.1429873} - {x: 5.0403404, y: 3.9735491} - {x: 5.04034, y: 5.05437} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.884931} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 3.76936} - {x: 5.859552, y: 3.599922} - {x: 5.8595524, y: 4.6807413} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 4.511304} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.2569647} - {x: 6.5756736, y: 3.0875266} - {x: 6.5756726, y: 4.168347} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.9989085} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.86443} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.86443} - {x: 8.982349, y: 2.6203437} - {x: 7.16326, y: 2.4509058} - {x: 7.1632605, y: 3.5317252} - {x: 8.982349, y: 3.3622873} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0} - {x: 2.792148, y: 0} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 0} - {x: 3.338541, y: 0} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.040891, y: 0} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 0} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 0} - {x: 4.109743, y: 0} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 0} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 0} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 0} - {x: 4.370842, y: 0} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 0} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 0} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 0} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 0} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 0} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 0} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 2.552744, y: 0} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 0} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 0} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 0} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.86443} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 0} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 0} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 0} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.871452, y: 0} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 0} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.198362, y: 0} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 0} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.396636, y: 0} - {x: -4.477456, y: 0} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 0} - {x: -4.540282, y: 0} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.384662, y: 0} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 0} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 0} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 0} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 0} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 0} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 0} - {x: -3.464131, y: 0} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 0} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 0} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.86443} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0} - {x: 9.255632, y: 0} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443} - {x: 9.255632, y: 3.86443} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.092743255, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.2750384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503833, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.89409834, y: 0, z: -0.4478708, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.6052941, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.67051905, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.7418923, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219672, y: 0, z: -0.8529656, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.52196735, y: 0, z: -0.8529655, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.35545602, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.17671716, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.1767168, y: 0, z: -0.98426175, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103169, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103121, y: 0, z: -0.99996716, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264437, y: 0, z: -0.9812687, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.1926443, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.3705575, y: 0, z: -0.9288095, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055734, y: 0, z: -0.92880964, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.5357219, y: 0, z: -0.8443945, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824542, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.7309283, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923143, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923144, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468651, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509695, y: 0, z: 0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468653, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.2750382, y: 0, z: 0.9614333, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: 0.44787073, y: 0, z: 0.8940984, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.84870803, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.6052939, y: 0, z: 0.7960021, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.74189234, y: 0, z: 0.6705191, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.59882385, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.44061068, w: -1} - {x: 0.8529657, y: 0, z: 0.521967, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.2672383, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.93469286, y: 0, z: 0.35545644, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.98426175, y: 0, z: 0.17671655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996716, y: 0, z: -0.008102984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9812686, y: 0, z: -0.19264466, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9288096, y: 0, z: -0.37055746, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.84439456, y: 0, z: -0.5357217, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.73092866, y: 0, z: -0.68245393, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.2150971, y: 0, z: -0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.21509707, y: 0, z: -0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.21509707, y: 0, z: -0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.27503842, y: 0, z: -0.96143323, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: -0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.44787058, y: 0, z: -0.8940984, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.52886146, y: 0, z: -0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.6052938, y: 0, z: -0.7960022, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.6765088, y: 0, z: -0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.74189234, y: 0, z: -0.670519, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.8976983, y: 0, z: -0.44061065, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.5988238, w: -1} - {x: -0.8976983, y: 0, z: -0.44061065, w: -1} - {x: -0.8008808, y: 0, z: -0.59882385, w: -1} - {x: -0.89769834, y: 0, z: -0.44061065, w: -1} - {x: -0.85296583, y: 0, z: -0.52196676, w: -1} - {x: -0.89769834, y: 0, z: -0.44061068, w: 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15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 1, y: 0} - {x: 1, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 0, y: 1.9119728} - {x: 0, y: 0.008472573} - {x: -1, y: 1.9119728} - {x: -1, y: 0.008472573} - {x: 0, y: 1} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.908191} - {x: 0, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 1, y: 1.908191} - {x: 1, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 0, y: 3.820164} - {x: 0, y: 1.9166639} - {x: -1, y: 3.820164} - {x: -1, y: 1.9166639} - {x: 0, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 0, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 1, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 1, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 0, y: 5.6917496} - {x: 0, y: 3.7882497} - {x: -1, y: 5.6917496} - {x: -1, y: 3.7882497} - {x: 0, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 0, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 1, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 1, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 0, y: 7.5028453} - {x: 0, y: 5.5993457} - {x: -1, y: 7.5028453} - {x: -1, y: 5.5993457} - {x: 0, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 0, y: 9.23881} - {x: 1, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 1, y: 9.23881} - {x: 0, y: 9.230336} - {x: 0, y: 7.3268375} - {x: -1, y: 9.230336} - {x: -1, y: 7.3268375} - {x: 0, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 0, y: 10.860654} - {x: 1, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 1, y: 10.860654} - {x: 0, y: 10.852181} - {x: 0, y: 8.94868} - {x: -1, y: 10.852181} - {x: -1, y: 8.94868} - {x: 0, y: 10.435709} - {x: 0, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 1, y: 10.435709} - {x: 1, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 0, y: 12.347681} - {x: 0, y: 10.444181} - {x: -1, y: 12.347681} - {x: -1, y: 10.444181} - {x: -11.785776, y: 0} - {x: -13.706222, y: 0} - {x: -11.785776, y: 1} - {x: -13.706222, y: 1} - {x: 13.697748, y: 0} - {x: 11.794248, y: 0} - {x: 13.697748, y: 1} - {x: 11.794248, y: 1} - {x: -12.973188, y: 0} - {x: -14.893633, y: 0} - {x: -12.973188, y: 1} - {x: -14.893633, y: 1} - {x: 14.885163, y: 0} - {x: 12.981664, y: 0} - {x: 14.885163, y: 1} - {x: 12.981664, y: 1} - {x: -13.982785, y: 0} - {x: -15.90323, y: 0} - {x: -13.982785, y: 1} - {x: -15.90323, y: 1} - {x: 15.894754, y: 0} - {x: 13.991256, y: 0} - {x: 15.894754, y: 1} - {x: 13.991256, y: 1} - {x: -14.801672, y: 0} - {x: -16.722118, y: 0} - {x: -14.801672, y: 1} - {x: -16.722118, y: 1} - {x: 16.71365, y: 0} - {x: 14.810149, y: 0} - {x: 16.71365, y: 1} - {x: 14.810149, y: 1} - {x: -15.419436, y: 0} - {x: -17.339882, y: 0} - {x: -15.419436, y: 1} - {x: -17.339882, y: 1} - {x: 17.33141, y: 0} - {x: 15.427908, y: 0} - {x: 17.33141, y: 1} - {x: 15.427908, y: 1} - {x: -15.828147, y: 0} - {x: -17.748592, y: 0} - {x: -15.828147, y: 1} - {x: -17.748592, y: 1} - {x: 17.740126, y: 0} - {x: 15.836626, y: 0} - {x: 17.740126, y: 1} - {x: 15.836626, y: 1} - {x: -16.022625, y: 0} - {x: -17.94307, y: 0} - {x: -16.022625, y: 1} - {x: -17.94307, y: 1} - {x: 17.934597, y: 0} - {x: 16.031097, y: 0} - {x: 17.934597, y: 1} - {x: 16.031097, y: 1} - {x: -16.000376, y: 0} - {x: -17.920822, y: 0} - {x: -16.000376, y: 1} - {x: -17.920822, y: 1} - {x: 17.912338, y: 0} - {x: 16.008839, y: 0} - {x: 17.912338, y: 1} - {x: 16.008839, y: 1} - {x: -15.761677, y: 0} - {x: -17.682123, y: 0} - {x: -15.761677, y: 1} - {x: -17.682123, y: 1} - {x: 17.673641, y: 0} - {x: 15.770141, y: 0} - {x: 17.673641, y: 1} - {x: 15.770141, y: 1} - {x: -15.309574, y: 0} - {x: -17.230019, y: 0} - {x: -15.309574, y: 1} - {x: -17.230019, y: 1} - {x: 17.221554, y: 0} - {x: 15.318054, y: 0} - {x: 17.221554, y: 1} - {x: 15.318054, y: 1} - {x: -14.649833, y: 0} - {x: -16.570278, y: 0} - {x: -14.649833, y: 1} - {x: -16.570278, y: 1} - {x: 16.561794, y: 0} - {x: 14.658295, y: 0} - {x: 16.561794, y: 1} - {x: 14.658295, y: 1} - {x: -13.790909, y: 0} - {x: -15.711355, y: 0} - {x: -13.790909, y: 1} - {x: -15.711355, y: 1} - {x: 15.702891, y: 0} - {x: 13.799391, y: 0} - {x: 15.702891, y: 1} - {x: 13.799391, y: 1} - {x: -12.743714, y: 0} - {x: -14.664157, y: 0} - {x: -12.743714, y: 1} - {x: -14.664157, y: 1} - {x: 14.655688, y: 0} - {x: 12.75219, y: 0} - {x: 14.655688, y: 1} - {x: 12.75219, y: 1} - {x: -11.521675, y: 0} - {x: -13.442126, y: 0} - {x: -11.521675, y: 1} - {x: -13.442126, y: 1} - {x: 13.433633, y: 0} - {x: 11.530129, y: 0} - {x: 13.433633, y: 1} - {x: 11.530129, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: -10.140271} - {x: 0, y: -12.060713} - {x: -1, y: -10.140271} - {x: -1, y: -12.060713} - {x: 0, y: -12.052271} - {x: 0, y: -10.148774} - {x: 1, y: -12.052271} - {x: 1, y: -10.148774} - {x: 0, y: -8.617255} - {x: 0, y: -10.537701} - {x: -1, y: -8.617255} - {x: -1, y: -10.537701} - {x: 0, y: -10.529231} - {x: 0, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 1, y: -10.529231} - {x: 1, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 0, y: -6.972023} - {x: 0, y: -8.892469} - {x: -1, y: -6.972023} - {x: -1, y: -8.892469} - {x: 0, y: -8.884005} - {x: 0, y: -6.980502} - {x: 1, y: -8.884005} - {x: 1, y: -6.980502} - {x: 0, y: -5.225587} - {x: 0, y: -7.1460295} - {x: -1, y: -5.225587} - {x: -1, y: -7.1460295} - {x: 0, y: -7.137515} - {x: 0, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 1, y: -7.137515} - {x: 1, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 33.00878, y: 1} - {x: 33.158783, y: 1} - {x: 33.00878, y: 0} - {x: 33.158783, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: 33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, 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w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 assetGuid: m_Mesh: {fileID: 64138450} m_IsSelectable: 1 m_SelectedFaces: m_SelectedEdges: [] m_SelectedVertices: --- !u!4 &1111985390 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1111985385} m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.5, y: -0.5, z: 0.5, w: 0.5} m_LocalPosition: {x: -15.164841, y: 30.736454, z: 16.142376} m_LocalScale: {x: 0.78527, y: 0.78527, z: 0.78527} m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1016804024} m_RootOrder: 6 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 90, y: 90, z: 180} --- 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31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58010000590100005a010000590100005b0100005a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0100005d0100005e0100005d0100005f0100005e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600100006101000062010000610100006301000062010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640100006501000066010000650100006701000066010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68010000690100006a010000690100006b0100006a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0100006d0100006e0100006d0100006f0100006e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700100007101000072010000710100007301000072010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740100007501000076010000750100007701000076010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78010000790100007a010000790100007b0100007a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0100007d0100007e0100007d0100007f0100007e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800100008101000082010000810100008301000082010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840100008501000086010000850100008701000086010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88010000890100008a010000890100008b0100008a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0100008d0100008e0100008d0100008f0100008e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900100009101000092010000910100009301000092010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940100009501000096010000950100009701000096010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98010000990100009a010000990100009b0100009a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0100009d0100009e0100009d0100009f0100009e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0010000a1010000a2010000a1010000a3010000a2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4010000a5010000a6010000a5010000a7010000a6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8010000a9010000aa010000a9010000ab010000aa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac010000ad010000ae010000ad010000af010000ae010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0010000b1010000b2010000b1010000b3010000b2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4010000b5010000b6010000b5010000b7010000b6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b9010000ba010000b8010000b8010000ba010000bb010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: be010000bc010000bd010000be010000bf010000bc010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: c2010000c0010000c1010000c2010000c3010000c0010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: c6010000c4010000c5010000c6010000c7010000c4010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: c8010000c9010000cb010000cb010000c9010000ca010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: cf010000cc010000ce010000ce010000cc010000cd010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: d0010000d1010000d3010000d3010000d1010000d2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: d7010000d4010000d6010000d6010000d4010000d5010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: d8010000d9010000db010000db010000d9010000da010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: df010000dc010000de010000de010000dc010000dd010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: e0010000e1010000e3010000e3010000e1010000e2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: e7010000e4010000e6010000e6010000e4010000e5010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: e8010000e9010000eb010000eb010000e9010000ea010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: ef010000ec010000ee010000ee010000ec010000ed010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: f0010000f1010000f3010000f3010000f1010000f2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: f7010000f4010000f6010000f6010000f4010000f5010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: f8010000f9010000fb010000fb010000f9010000fa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: ff010000fc010000fe010000fe010000fc010000fd010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 000200000102000003020000030200000102000002020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 070200000402000006020000060200000402000005020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 08020000090200000b0200000b020000090200000a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 0f0200000c0200000e0200000e0200000c0200000d020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 100200001102000013020000130200001102000012020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 170200001402000016020000160200001402000015020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 18020000190200001b020000190200001a0200001b020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 1c0200001d0200001f0200001d0200001e0200001f020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 200200002102000023020000210200002202000023020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 240200002502000027020000250200002602000027020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 28020000290200002b020000290200002a0200002b020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: 2c0200002d0200002f0200002d0200002e0200002f020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: 300200003102000033020000310200003202000033020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: 340200003502000037020000350200003602000037020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: 38020000390200003b020000390200003a0200003b020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 3c0200003d0200003f0200003d0200003e0200003f020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 400200004102000043020000410200004202000043020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000047020000450200004602000047020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004b020000490200004a0200004b020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004f0200004d0200004e0200004f020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000053020000510200005202000053020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000057020000550200005602000057020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005b020000590200005a0200005b020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005f0200005d0200005e0200005f020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 610200006302000060020000610200006202000063020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 650200006702000064020000650200006602000067020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 6a0200006b020000690200006b0200006802000069020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: 6d0200006e0200006c0200006e0200006f0200006c020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: 720200007302000070020000720200007002000071020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: 750200007602000074020000760200007702000074020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: 7b02000078020000790200007a0200007b02000079020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 14 - m_Indexes: 7d0200007e0200007c0200007e0200007f0200007c020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 14 - m_Indexes: 830200008002000081020000820200008302000081020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: 850200008602000084020000860200008702000084020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: 8b02000088020000890200008a0200008b02000089020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: 8d0200008e0200008c0200008e0200008f0200008c020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: 930200009002000091020000920200009302000091020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: 950200009602000094020000960200009702000094020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: 9a0200009b020000990200009b0200009802000099020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: 9d0200009e0200009c0200009e0200009f0200009c020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: a0020000a2020000a3020000a0020000a1020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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{x: -43.326233, y: 8.696066, z: 43.459515} - {x: -58.57805, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.000015} - {x: -40.909092, y: 0, z: -40.909092} - {x: -31.818178, y: -0.6788006, z: -49.999992} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.0003288934, z: -40.909092} - {x: -40.909092, y: 0, z: -40.909092} - {x: -40.909092, y: 0, z: -31.818182} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.0003288934, z: -40.909092} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.02614049, z: -31.818182} - {x: -40.909092, y: 0, z: -31.818182} - {x: -41.60588, y: 0.10382186, z: -22.727272} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.02614049, z: -31.818182} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.48544225, z: -22.727272} - {x: -41.60588, y: 0.10382186, z: -22.727272} - {x: -45.599323, y: 9.290609, z: -13.636363} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.48544225, z: -22.727272} - {x: -33.282852, y: 12.505136, z: -13.636354} - {x: -45.599323, y: 9.290609, z: -13.636363} - {x: -48.043198, y: 11.44166, z: -4.5454082} - {x: -33.282852, y: 12.505136, z: -13.636354} - {x: -34.203842, y: 16.596102, z: -4.5452294} - {x: -48.043198, y: 11.44166, z: -4.5454082} - {x: -48.93309, y: 12.297713, z: 4.5462065} - {x: -34.203842, y: 16.596102, z: -4.5452294} - {x: -34.54567, y: 17.821474, z: 4.5480266} - {x: -48.93309, y: 12.297713, z: 4.5462065} - {x: -49.479305, y: 13.242692, z: 13.645006} - {x: -34.54567, y: 17.821474, z: 4.5480266} - {x: -34.91689, y: 17.72055, z: 13.660521} - {x: -49.479305, y: 13.242692, z: 13.645006} - {x: -49.37828, y: 10.8708515, z: 22.789898} - {x: -34.91689, y: 17.72055, z: 13.660521} - {x: -34.702057, y: 16.507584, z: 22.892818} - {x: -49.37828, y: 10.8708515, z: 22.789898} - {x: -48.66842, y: 9.56383, z: 32.275635} - {x: -34.702057, y: 16.507584, z: 22.892818} - {x: -33.088577, y: 14.211815, z: 32.637535} - {x: -48.66842, y: 9.56383, z: 32.275635} - {x: -43.326233, y: 8.696066, z: 43.459515} - {x: -33.088577, y: 14.211815, z: 32.637535} - {x: -28.852318, y: 13.268848, z: 43.72254} - {x: -31.818178, y: -0.6788006, z: -49.999992} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.0003288934, z: -40.909092} - {x: -22.727262, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.000004} - {x: -22.727272, y: 0.057610296, z: -40.909092} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.0003288934, z: -40.909092} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.02614049, z: -31.818182} - {x: -22.727272, y: 0.057610296, z: -40.909092} - {x: -22.727272, y: 1.5435047, z: -31.818182} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.02614049, z: -31.818182} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.48544225, z: -22.727272} - {x: -22.727272, y: 1.5435047, z: -31.818182} - {x: -22.80814, y: 10.154153, z: -22.727272} - {x: -31.818182, y: 0.48544225, z: -22.727272} - {x: -33.282852, y: 12.505136, z: -13.636354} - {x: -22.80814, y: 10.154153, z: -22.727272} - {x: -23.28922, y: 20.755154, z: -13.636291} - {x: -33.282852, y: 12.505136, z: -13.636354} - {x: -34.203842, y: 16.596102, z: -4.5452294} - {x: -23.28922, y: 20.755154, z: -13.636291} - {x: -23.584175, y: 23.54267, z: -4.5447135} - {x: -34.203842, y: 16.596102, z: -4.5452294} - {x: -34.54567, y: 17.821474, z: 4.5480266} - {x: -23.584175, y: 23.54267, z: -4.5447135} - {x: -23.690908, y: 26.882538, z: 4.550074} - {x: -34.54567, y: 17.821474, z: 4.5480266} - {x: -34.91689, y: 17.72055, z: 13.660521} - {x: -23.690908, y: 26.882538, z: 4.550074} - {x: -23.244207, y: 23.45246, z: 13.64861} - {x: -34.91689, y: 17.72055, z: 13.660521} - {x: -34.702057, y: 16.507584, z: 22.892818} - {x: -23.244207, y: 23.45246, z: 13.64861} - {x: -22.937338, y: 23.868084, z: 22.772203} - {x: -34.702057, y: 16.507584, z: 22.892818} - {x: -33.088577, y: 14.211815, z: 32.637535} - {x: -22.937338, y: 23.868084, z: 22.772203} - {x: -22.246435, y: 20.845728, z: 32.30783} - {x: -33.088577, y: 14.211815, z: 32.637535} - {x: -28.852318, y: 13.268848, z: 43.72254} - {x: -22.246435, y: 20.845728, z: 32.30783} - {x: -19.392977, y: 18.156345, z: 42.94833} - {x: -22.727262, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.000004} - {x: -22.727272, y: 0.057610296, z: -40.909092} - {x: -13.636345, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.000015} - {x: -13.636364, y: 1.0631803, z: -40.909092} - {x: -22.727272, y: 0.057610296, z: -40.909092} - {x: -22.727272, y: 1.5435047, z: -31.818182} - {x: -13.636364, y: 1.0631803, z: -40.909092} - {x: -13.636364, y: 10.772497, z: -31.818182} - {x: -22.727272, y: 1.5435047, z: -31.818182} - {x: -22.80814, y: 10.154153, z: -22.727272} - {x: -13.636364, y: 10.772497, z: -31.818182} - {x: -13.692484, y: 22.055717, z: -22.727264} - {x: -22.80814, y: 10.154153, z: -22.727272} - {x: -23.28922, y: 20.755154, z: -13.636291} - {x: -13.692484, y: 22.055717, z: -22.727264} - {x: -13.770665, y: 29.095072, z: -13.636275} - {x: -23.28922, y: 20.755154, z: -13.636291} - {x: -23.584175, y: 23.54267, z: -4.5447135} - {x: -13.770665, y: 29.095072, z: -13.636275} - {x: -13.828623, y: 31.617184, z: -4.544895} - {x: -23.584175, y: 23.54267, z: -4.5447135} - {x: -23.690908, y: 26.882538, z: 4.550074} - {x: -13.828623, y: 31.617184, z: -4.544895} - {x: -13.804707, y: 32.31913, z: 4.5473547} - {x: -23.690908, y: 26.882538, z: 4.550074} - {x: -23.244207, y: 23.45246, z: 13.64861} - {x: -13.804707, y: 32.31913, z: 4.5473547} - {x: -13.713046, y: 34.644646, z: 13.641441} - {x: -23.244207, y: 23.45246, z: 13.64861} - {x: -22.937338, y: 23.868084, z: 22.772203} - {x: -13.713046, y: 34.644646, z: 13.641441} - {x: -13.636364, y: 34.370163, z: 22.727272} - {x: -22.937338, y: 23.868084, z: 22.772203} - {x: -22.246435, y: 20.845728, z: 32.30783} - {x: -13.636364, y: 34.370163, z: 22.727272} - {x: -13.636364, y: 30.239147, z: 31.818182} - {x: -22.246435, y: 20.845728, z: 32.30783} - {x: -19.392977, y: 18.156345, z: 42.94833} - {x: -13.636364, y: 30.239147, z: 31.818182} - {x: -13.067949, y: 23.428553, z: 41.234932} - {x: -13.636345, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.000015} - {x: -13.636364, y: 1.0631803, z: -40.909092} - {x: -4.5454297, y: -0.6788006, z: -50} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 3.9930713, z: -40.909092} - {x: -13.636364, y: 1.0631803, z: -40.909092} - {x: -13.636364, y: 10.772497, z: -31.818182} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 3.9930713, z: -40.909092} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 18.033737, z: -31.818182} - {x: -13.636364, y: 10.772497, z: -31.818182} - {x: -13.692484, y: 22.055717, z: -22.727264} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 18.033737, z: -31.818182} - {x: -4.557897, y: 28.84898, z: -22.727266} - {x: -13.692484, y: 22.055717, z: -22.727264} - {x: -13.770665, y: 29.095072, z: -13.636275} - {x: -4.557897, y: 28.84898, z: -22.727266} - {x: -4.568494, y: 31.063282, z: -13.636319} - {x: -13.770665, y: 29.095072, z: -13.636275} - {x: -13.828623, y: 31.617184, z: -4.544895} - {x: -4.568494, y: 31.063282, z: -13.636319} - {x: -4.5723906, y: 32.022175, z: -4.545278} - {x: -13.828623, y: 31.617184, z: -4.544895} - {x: -13.804707, y: 32.31913, z: 4.5473547} - {x: -4.5723906, y: 32.022175, z: -4.545278} - {x: -4.563891, y: 33.72142, z: 4.5459175} - {x: -13.804707, y: 32.31913, z: 4.5473547} - {x: -13.713046, y: 34.644646, z: 13.641441} - {x: -4.563891, y: 33.72142, z: 4.5459175} - {x: -4.5507197, y: 35.627186, z: 13.63667} - {x: -13.713046, y: 34.644646, z: 13.641441} - {x: -13.636364, y: 34.370163, z: 22.727272} - {x: -4.5507197, y: 35.627186, z: 13.63667} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 36.124973, z: 22.727272} - {x: -13.636364, y: 34.370163, z: 22.727272} - {x: -13.636364, y: 30.239147, z: 31.818182} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 36.124973, z: 22.727272} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 35.586475, z: 31.818182} - {x: -13.636364, y: 30.239147, z: 31.818182} - {x: -13.067949, y: 23.428553, z: 41.234932} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 35.586475, z: 31.818182} - {x: -4.5454516, y: 37.826744, z: 40.909096} - {x: -4.5454297, y: -0.6788006, z: -50} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 3.9930713, z: -40.909092} - {x: 4.5454774, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.00003} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 7.647942, z: -40.909092} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 3.9930713, z: -40.909092} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 18.033737, z: -31.818182} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 7.647942, z: -40.909092} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 26.233551, z: -31.818182} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 18.033737, z: -31.818182} - {x: -4.557897, y: 28.84898, z: -22.727266} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 26.233551, z: -31.818182} - {x: 4.5435896, y: 28.684677, z: -22.727272} - {x: -4.557897, y: 28.84898, z: -22.727266} - {x: -4.568494, y: 31.063282, z: -13.636319} - {x: 4.5435896, y: 28.684677, z: -22.727272} - {x: 4.54264, y: 31.397417, z: -13.636353} - {x: -4.568494, y: 31.063282, z: -13.636319} - {x: -4.5723906, y: 32.022175, z: -4.545278} - {x: 4.54264, y: 31.397417, z: -13.636353} - {x: 4.542841, y: 32.134304, z: -4.545421} - {x: -4.5723906, y: 32.022175, z: -4.545278} - {x: -4.563891, y: 33.72142, z: 4.5459175} - {x: 4.542841, y: 32.134304, z: -4.545421} - {x: 4.544113, y: 33.879425, z: 4.545493} - {x: -4.563891, y: 33.72142, z: 4.5459175} - {x: -4.5507197, y: 35.627186, z: 13.63667} - {x: 4.544113, y: 33.879425, z: 4.545493} - {x: 4.5452404, y: 34.92444, z: 13.636375} - {x: -4.5507197, y: 35.627186, z: 13.63667} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 36.124973, z: 22.727272} - {x: 4.5452404, y: 34.92444, z: 13.636375} - {x: 4.545457, y: 36.03757, z: 22.727274} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 36.124973, z: 22.727272} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 35.586475, z: 31.818182} - {x: 4.545457, y: 36.03757, z: 22.727274} - {x: 4.545454, y: 38.560135, z: 31.818188} - {x: -4.5454545, y: 35.586475, z: 31.818182} - {x: -4.5454516, y: 37.826744, z: 40.909096} - {x: 4.545454, y: 38.560135, z: 31.818188} - {x: 4.5454645, y: 38.196495, z: 40.909103} - {x: 4.5454774, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.00003} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 7.647942, z: -40.909092} - {x: 13.636396, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.000027} - {x: 13.636364, y: 3.1447675, z: -40.909092} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 7.647942, z: -40.909092} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 26.233551, z: -31.818182} - {x: 13.636364, y: 3.1447675, z: -40.909092} - {x: 13.636364, y: 19.647903, z: -31.818182} - {x: 4.5454545, y: 26.233551, z: -31.818182} - {x: 4.5435896, y: 28.684677, z: -22.727272} - {x: 13.636364, y: 19.647903, z: -31.818182} - {x: 13.636305, y: 28.419014, z: -22.727272} - {x: 4.5435896, y: 28.684677, z: -22.727272} - {x: 4.54264, y: 31.397417, z: -13.636353} - {x: 13.636305, y: 28.419014, z: -22.727272} - {x: 13.636143, y: 30.854214, z: -13.636362} - {x: 4.54264, y: 31.397417, z: -13.636353} - {x: 4.542841, y: 32.134304, z: -4.545421} - {x: 13.636143, y: 30.854214, z: -13.636362} - {x: 13.6362, y: 31.890493, z: -4.545452} - {x: 4.542841, y: 32.134304, z: -4.545421} - {x: 4.544113, y: 33.879425, z: 4.545493} - {x: 13.6362, y: 31.890493, z: -4.545452} - {x: 13.636309, y: 34.30841, z: 4.5454564} - {x: 4.544113, y: 33.879425, z: 4.545493} - {x: 4.5452404, y: 34.92444, z: 13.636375} - {x: 13.636309, y: 34.30841, z: 4.5454564} - {x: 13.636364, y: 35.819855, z: 13.636364} - {x: 4.5452404, y: 34.92444, z: 13.636375} - {x: 4.545457, y: 36.03757, z: 22.727274} - {x: 13.636364, y: 35.819855, z: 13.636364} - {x: 13.636363, y: 36.205025, z: 22.727272} - {x: 4.545457, y: 36.03757, z: 22.727274} - {x: 4.545454, y: 38.560135, z: 31.818188} - {x: 13.636363, y: 36.205025, z: 22.727272} - {x: 13.636364, y: 38.586685, z: 31.818182} - {x: 4.545454, y: 38.560135, z: 31.818188} - {x: 4.5454645, y: 38.196495, z: 40.909103} - {x: 13.636364, y: 38.586685, z: 31.818182} - {x: 13.636372, y: 38.302963, z: 40.909096} - {x: 13.636396, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.000027} - {x: 13.636364, y: 3.1447675, z: -40.909092} - {x: 22.72731, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.00001} - {x: 22.727272, y: 13.975226, z: -40.909092} - {x: 13.636364, y: 3.1447675, z: -40.909092} - {x: 13.636364, y: 19.647903, z: -31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 13.975226, z: -40.909092} - {x: 22.727272, y: 18.810863, z: -31.818182} - {x: 13.636364, y: 19.647903, z: -31.818182} - {x: 13.636305, y: 28.419014, z: -22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 18.810863, z: -31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 23.316603, z: -22.727272} - {x: 13.636305, y: 28.419014, z: -22.727272} - {x: 13.636143, y: 30.854214, z: -13.636362} - {x: 22.727272, y: 23.316603, z: -22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 27.692795, z: -13.636364} - {x: 13.636143, y: 30.854214, z: -13.636362} - {x: 13.6362, y: 31.890493, z: -4.545452} - {x: 22.727272, y: 27.692795, z: -13.636364} - {x: 22.727272, y: 31.72452, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 13.6362, y: 31.890493, z: -4.545452} - {x: 13.636309, y: 34.30841, z: 4.5454564} - {x: 22.727272, y: 31.72452, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.033665, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 13.636309, y: 34.30841, z: 4.5454564} - {x: 13.636364, y: 35.819855, z: 13.636364} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.033665, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 22.727272, y: 33.934464, z: 13.636364} - {x: 13.636364, y: 35.819855, z: 13.636364} - {x: 13.636363, y: 36.205025, z: 22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 33.934464, z: 13.636364} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.456165, z: 22.727272} - {x: 13.636363, y: 36.205025, z: 22.727272} - {x: 13.636364, y: 38.586685, z: 31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.456165, z: 22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.37057, z: 31.818182} - {x: 13.636364, y: 38.586685, z: 31.818182} - {x: 13.636372, y: 38.302963, z: 40.909096} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.37057, z: 31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.31831, z: 40.909092} - {x: 22.72731, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.00001} - {x: 22.727272, y: 13.975226, z: -40.909092} - {x: 31.818226, y: -0.6788006, z: -49.999996} - {x: 31.818182, y: 11.202076, z: -40.909092} - {x: 22.727272, y: 13.975226, z: -40.909092} - {x: 22.727272, y: 18.810863, z: -31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 11.202076, z: -40.909092} - {x: 31.818182, y: 17.751215, z: -31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 18.810863, z: -31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 23.316603, z: -22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 17.751215, z: -31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 21.142859, z: -22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 23.316603, z: -22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 27.692795, z: -13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 21.142859, z: -22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 24.210022, z: -13.636364} - {x: 22.727272, y: 27.692795, z: -13.636364} - {x: 22.727272, y: 31.72452, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 24.210022, z: -13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 26.465199, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 22.727272, y: 31.72452, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.033665, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 26.465199, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 31.050285, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.033665, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 22.727272, y: 33.934464, z: 13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 31.050285, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 30.896011, z: 13.636364} - {x: 22.727272, y: 33.934464, z: 13.636364} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.456165, z: 22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 30.896011, z: 13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.304104, z: 22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.456165, z: 22.727272} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.37057, z: 31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.304104, z: 22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.66777, z: 31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 36.37057, z: 31.818182} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.31831, z: 40.909092} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.66777, z: 31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 29.512556, z: 40.909092} - {x: 31.818226, y: -0.6788006, z: -49.999996} - {x: 31.818182, y: 11.202076, z: -40.909092} - {x: 40.909096, y: -0.6788006, z: -50} - {x: 40.909092, y: 7.975857, z: -40.909092} - {x: 31.818182, y: 11.202076, z: -40.909092} - {x: 31.818182, y: 17.751215, z: -31.818182} - {x: 40.909092, y: 7.975857, z: -40.909092} - {x: 40.909092, y: 17.655937, z: -31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 17.751215, z: -31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 21.142859, z: -22.727272} - {x: 40.909092, y: 17.655937, z: -31.818182} - {x: 40.909092, y: 18.657738, z: -22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 21.142859, z: -22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 24.210022, z: -13.636364} - {x: 40.909092, y: 18.657738, z: -22.727272} - {x: 40.909092, y: 20.183533, z: -13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 24.210022, z: -13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 26.465199, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 40.909092, y: 20.183533, z: -13.636364} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.18323, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 26.465199, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 31.050285, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.18323, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 40.909092, y: 22.16853, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 31.050285, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 31.818182, y: 30.896011, z: 13.636364} - {x: 40.909092, y: 22.16853, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.49975, z: 13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 30.896011, z: 13.636364} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.304104, z: 22.727272} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.49975, z: 13.636364} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.031122, z: 22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.304104, z: 22.727272} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.66777, z: 31.818182} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.031122, z: 22.727272} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.29481, z: 31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 32.66777, z: 31.818182} - {x: 31.818182, y: 29.512556, z: 40.909092} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.29481, z: 31.818182} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.064081, z: 40.909092} - {x: 40.909096, y: -0.6788006, z: -50} - {x: 40.909092, y: 7.975857, z: -40.909092} - {x: 53.998352, y: -0.6746235, z: -50.00001} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.063893, z: -40.909096} - {x: 40.909092, y: 7.975857, z: -40.909092} - {x: 40.909092, y: 17.655937, z: -31.818182} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.063893, z: -40.909096} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.966129, z: -31.818186} - {x: 40.909092, y: 17.655937, z: -31.818182} - {x: 40.909092, y: 18.657738, z: -22.727272} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.966129, z: -31.818186} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.734029, z: -22.727274} - {x: 40.909092, y: 18.657738, z: -22.727272} - {x: 40.909092, y: 20.183533, z: -13.636364} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.734029, z: -22.727274} - {x: 53.998318, y: 9.856442, z: -13.636367} - {x: 40.909092, y: 20.183533, z: -13.636364} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.18323, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 53.998318, y: 9.856442, z: -13.636367} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.632277, z: -4.5454516} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.18323, z: -4.5454545} - {x: 40.909092, y: 22.16853, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.632277, z: -4.5454516} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.806313, z: 4.545458} - {x: 40.909092, y: 22.16853, z: 4.5454545} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.49975, z: 13.636364} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.806313, z: 4.545458} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.10046, z: 13.636364} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.49975, z: 13.636364} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.031122, z: 22.727272} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.10046, z: 13.636364} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.99891, z: 22.727274} - {x: 40.909092, y: 24.031122, z: 22.727272} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.29481, z: 31.818182} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.99891, z: 22.727274} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.082603, z: 31.818184} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.29481, z: 31.818182} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.064081, z: 40.909092} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.082603, z: 31.818184} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.616816, z: 40.909096} - {x: -50.64611, y: 2.6138678, z: 69.30591} - {x: -49.52596, y: 3.8087587, z: 55.710964} - {x: -67.66897, y: -0.6788006, z: 55.16785} - {x: -67.66896, y: -0.6788006, z: 69.42658} - {x: -49.52596, y: 3.8087587, z: 55.710964} - {x: -43.326233, y: 8.696066, z: 43.459515} - {x: -67.66896, y: -0.6788006, z: 40.90914} - {x: -67.66897, y: -0.6788006, z: 55.16785} - {x: -40.909092, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: -48.89877, y: 1.3075868, z: 83.065605} - {x: -67.66897, y: -0.6788006, z: 83.09226} - {x: -67.66897, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.757935} - {x: -48.89877, y: 1.3075868, z: 83.065605} - {x: -50.64611, y: 2.6138678, z: 69.30591} - {x: -67.66896, y: -0.6788006, z: 69.42658} - {x: -67.66897, y: -0.6788006, z: 83.09226} - {x: -28.852318, y: 13.268848, z: 43.72254} - {x: -43.326233, y: 8.696066, z: 43.459515} - {x: -49.52596, y: 3.8087587, z: 55.710964} - {x: -33.572765, y: 7.6716046, z: 56.229767} - {x: -49.52596, y: 3.8087587, z: 55.710964} - {x: -50.64611, y: 2.6138678, z: 69.30591} - {x: -35.94768, y: 3.770124, z: 69.47097} - {x: -33.572765, y: 7.6716046, z: 56.229767} - {x: -35.94768, y: 3.770124, z: 69.47097} - {x: -50.64611, y: 2.6138678, z: 69.30591} - {x: -48.89877, y: 1.3075868, z: 83.065605} - {x: -35.475998, y: 1.3308887, z: 83.069244} - {x: -48.89877, y: 1.3075868, z: 83.065605} - {x: -40.909092, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: -31.818182, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.757935} - {x: -35.475998, y: 1.3308887, z: 83.069244} - {x: -19.392977, y: 18.156345, z: 42.94833} - {x: -28.852318, y: 13.268848, z: 43.72254} - {x: -33.572765, y: 7.6716046, z: 56.229767} - {x: -21.918266, y: 11.540263, z: 56.07197} - {x: -33.572765, y: 7.6716046, z: 56.229767} - {x: -35.94768, y: 3.770124, z: 69.47097} - {x: -23.560032, y: 6.293954, z: 69.515} - {x: -21.918266, y: 11.540263, z: 56.07197} - {x: -23.560032, y: 6.293954, z: 69.515} - {x: -35.94768, y: 3.770124, z: 69.47097} - {x: -35.475998, y: 1.3308887, z: 83.069244} - {x: -23.982988, y: 2.4810555, z: 83.099075} - {x: -35.475998, y: 1.3308887, z: 83.069244} - {x: -31.818182, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.757935} - {x: -22.72727, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.757935} - {x: -23.982988, y: 2.4810555, z: 83.099075} - {x: -13.067949, y: 23.428553, z: 41.234932} - {x: -19.392977, y: 18.156345, z: 42.94833} - {x: -21.918266, y: 11.540263, z: 56.07197} - {x: -13.069573, y: 16.346348, z: 55.530445} - {x: -21.918266, y: 11.540263, z: 56.07197} - {x: -23.560032, y: 6.293954, z: 69.515} - {x: -13.537863, y: 9.623367, z: 69.42199} - {x: -13.069573, y: 16.346348, z: 55.530445} - {x: -13.537863, y: 9.623367, z: 69.42199} - {x: -23.560032, y: 6.293954, z: 69.515} - {x: -23.982988, y: 2.4810555, z: 83.099075} - {x: -13.87772, y: 3.9306252, z: 83.09824} - {x: -23.982988, y: 2.4810555, z: 83.099075} - {x: -22.72727, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.757935} - {x: -13.636356, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: -13.87772, y: 3.9306252, z: 83.09824} - {x: -4.5454516, y: 37.826744, z: 40.909096} - {x: -13.067949, y: 23.428553, z: 41.234932} - {x: -13.069573, y: 16.346348, z: 55.530445} - {x: -4.545454, y: 29.84728, z: 55.16781} - {x: -13.069573, y: 16.346348, z: 55.530445} - {x: -13.537863, y: 9.623367, z: 69.42199} - {x: -4.5093718, y: 15.344555, z: 69.3795} - {x: -4.545454, y: 29.84728, z: 55.16781} - {x: -4.5093718, y: 15.344555, z: 69.3795} - {x: -13.537863, y: 9.623367, z: 69.42199} - {x: -13.87772, y: 3.9306252, z: 83.09824} - {x: -4.5434403, y: 6.115124, z: 83.08392} - {x: -13.87772, y: 3.9306252, z: 83.09824} - {x: -13.636356, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: -4.5454392, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.757935} - {x: -4.5434403, y: 6.115124, z: 83.08392} - {x: 4.5454645, y: 38.196495, z: 40.909103} - {x: -4.5454516, y: 37.826744, z: 40.909096} - {x: -4.545454, y: 29.84728, z: 55.16781} - {x: 4.545461, y: 35.332024, z: 55.167812} - {x: -4.545454, y: 29.84728, z: 55.16781} - {x: -4.5093718, y: 15.344555, z: 69.3795} - {x: 4.5454583, y: 30.895775, z: 69.42652} - {x: 4.545461, y: 35.332024, z: 55.167812} - {x: 4.5454583, y: 30.895775, z: 69.42652} - {x: -4.5093718, y: 15.344555, z: 69.3795} - {x: -4.5434403, y: 6.115124, z: 83.08392} - {x: 4.5454597, y: 11.165676, z: 83.0922} - {x: -4.5434403, y: 6.115124, z: 83.08392} - {x: -4.5454392, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.757935} - {x: 4.5454736, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 4.5454597, y: 11.165676, z: 83.0922} - {x: 13.636365, y: 27.76329, z: 69.42652} - {x: 13.636364, y: 32.186428, z: 55.16781} - {x: 4.545461, y: 35.332024, z: 55.167812} - {x: 4.5454583, y: 30.895775, z: 69.42652} - {x: 13.636364, y: 32.186428, z: 55.16781} - {x: 13.636372, y: 38.302963, z: 40.909096} - {x: 4.5454645, y: 38.196495, z: 40.909103} - {x: 4.545461, y: 35.332024, z: 55.167812} - {x: 13.636385, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 13.636367, y: 8.091922, z: 83.0922} - {x: 4.5454597, y: 11.165676, z: 83.0922} - {x: 4.5454736, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 13.636367, y: 8.091922, z: 83.0922} - {x: 13.636365, y: 27.76329, z: 69.42652} - {x: 4.5454583, y: 30.895775, z: 69.42652} - {x: 4.5454597, y: 11.165676, z: 83.0922} - {x: 22.727276, y: 25.129337, z: 69.42652} - {x: 22.727274, y: 29.79982, z: 55.16781} - {x: 13.636364, y: 32.186428, z: 55.16781} - {x: 13.636365, y: 27.76329, z: 69.42652} - {x: 22.727274, y: 29.79982, z: 55.16781} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.31831, z: 40.909092} - {x: 13.636372, y: 38.302963, z: 40.909096} - {x: 13.636364, y: 32.186428, z: 55.16781} - {x: 22.727297, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 22.727276, y: 9.693113, z: 83.0922} - {x: 13.636367, y: 8.091922, z: 83.0922} - {x: 13.636385, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 22.727276, y: 9.693113, z: 83.0922} - {x: 22.727276, y: 25.129337, z: 69.42652} - {x: 13.636365, y: 27.76329, z: 69.42652} - {x: 13.636367, y: 8.091922, z: 83.0922} - {x: 31.818184, y: 19.109293, z: 69.42652} - {x: 31.818184, y: 26.027878, z: 55.16781} - {x: 22.727274, y: 29.79982, z: 55.16781} - {x: 22.727276, y: 25.129337, z: 69.42652} - {x: 31.818184, y: 26.027878, z: 55.16781} - {x: 31.818182, y: 29.512556, z: 40.909092} - {x: 22.727272, y: 35.31831, z: 40.909092} - {x: 22.727274, y: 29.79982, z: 55.16781} - {x: 31.818209, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 31.818186, y: 9.517963, z: 83.0922} - {x: 22.727276, y: 9.693113, z: 83.0922} - {x: 22.727297, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 31.818186, y: 9.517963, z: 83.0922} - {x: 31.818184, y: 19.109293, z: 69.42652} - {x: 22.727276, y: 25.129337, z: 69.42652} - {x: 22.727276, y: 9.693113, z: 83.0922} - {x: 40.9091, y: 12.492133, z: 69.42652} - {x: 40.909096, y: 21.983654, z: 55.16781} - {x: 31.818184, y: 26.027878, z: 55.16781} - {x: 31.818184, y: 19.109293, z: 69.42652} - {x: 40.909096, y: 21.983654, z: 55.16781} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.064081, z: 40.909092} - {x: 31.818182, y: 29.512556, z: 40.909092} - {x: 31.818184, y: 26.027878, z: 55.16781} - {x: 40.909115, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 40.909096, y: 8.231816, z: 83.0922} - {x: 31.818186, y: 9.517963, z: 83.0922} - {x: 31.818209, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 40.909096, y: 8.231816, z: 83.0922} - {x: 40.9091, y: 12.492133, z: 69.42652} - {x: 31.818184, y: 19.109293, z: 69.42652} - {x: 31.818186, y: 9.517963, z: 83.0922} - {x: 53.998333, y: 10.038385, z: 69.42653} - {x: 53.998325, y: 14.654797, z: 55.167812} - {x: 40.909096, y: 21.983654, z: 55.16781} - {x: 40.9091, y: 12.492133, z: 69.42652} - {x: 53.998325, y: 14.654797, z: 55.167812} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.616816, z: 40.909096} - {x: 40.909092, y: 23.064081, z: 40.909092} - {x: 40.909096, y: 21.983654, z: 55.16781} - {x: 53.998356, y: -0.6787205, z: 96.75795} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.9740524, z: 83.09221} - {x: 40.909096, y: 8.231816, z: 83.0922} - {x: 40.909115, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75793} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.9740524, z: 83.09221} - {x: 53.998333, y: 10.038385, z: 69.42653} - {x: 40.9091, y: 12.492133, z: 69.42652} - {x: 40.909096, y: 8.231816, z: 83.0922} - {x: 53.998352, y: -0.6746235, z: -50.00001} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.063893, z: -40.909096} - {x: 70.15372, y: 3.2207942, z: -40.909103} - {x: 70.15376, y: -0.67671204, z: -50.00001} - {x: 70.15372, y: 3.2207942, z: -40.909103} - {x: 86.309204, y: -0.6788006, z: -40.90913} - {x: 86.309166, y: -0.6788006, z: -50.00004} - {x: 70.15376, y: -0.67671204, z: -50.00001} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.063893, z: -40.909096} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.966129, z: -31.818186} - {x: 70.153725, y: 4.465668, z: -31.818186} - {x: 70.15372, y: 3.2207942, z: -40.909103} - {x: 70.153725, y: 4.465668, z: -31.818186} - {x: 86.309204, y: -0.6788006, z: -31.818201} - {x: 86.309204, y: -0.6788006, z: -40.90913} - {x: 70.15372, y: 3.2207942, z: -40.909103} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.966129, z: -31.818186} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.734029, z: -22.727274} - {x: 70.15373, y: 3.6898458, z: -22.727276} - {x: 70.153725, y: 4.465668, z: -31.818186} - {x: 70.15373, y: 3.6898458, z: -22.727276} - {x: 86.30923, y: -0.6788006, z: -22.727293} - {x: 86.309204, y: -0.6788006, z: -31.818201} - {x: 70.153725, y: 4.465668, z: -31.818186} - {x: 53.998318, y: 8.734029, z: -22.727274} - {x: 53.998318, y: 9.856442, z: -13.636367} - {x: 70.15373, y: 2.7015977, z: -13.636362} - {x: 70.15373, y: 3.6898458, z: -22.727276} - {x: 70.15373, y: 2.7015977, z: -13.636362} - {x: 86.3092, y: -0.6788006, z: -13.636357} - {x: 86.30923, y: -0.6788006, z: -22.727293} - {x: 70.15373, y: 3.6898458, z: -22.727276} - {x: 53.998318, y: 9.856442, z: -13.636367} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.632277, z: -4.5454516} - {x: 70.15373, y: 6.417554, z: -4.545451} - {x: 70.15373, y: 2.7015977, z: -13.636362} - {x: 70.15373, y: 6.417554, z: -4.545451} - {x: 86.3092, y: -0.6788006, z: -4.5454392} - {x: 86.3092, y: -0.6788006, z: -13.636357} - {x: 70.15373, y: 2.7015977, z: -13.636362} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.632277, z: -4.5454516} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.806313, z: 4.545458} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.826813, z: 4.5454593} - {x: 70.15373, y: 6.417554, z: -4.545451} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.826813, z: 4.5454593} - {x: 86.309204, y: -0.6788006, z: 4.545478} - {x: 86.3092, y: -0.6788006, z: -4.5454392} - {x: 70.15373, y: 6.417554, z: -4.545451} - {x: 53.998318, y: 13.806313, z: 4.545458} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.10046, z: 13.636364} - {x: 70.15375, y: 4.6093693, z: 13.636368} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.826813, z: 4.5454593} - {x: 70.15375, y: 4.6093693, z: 13.636368} - {x: 86.30923, y: -0.6788006, z: 13.636388} - {x: 86.309204, y: -0.6788006, z: 4.545478} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.826813, z: 4.5454593} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.10046, z: 13.636364} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.99891, z: 22.727274} - {x: 70.15374, y: 6.958829, z: 22.72728} - {x: 70.15375, y: 4.6093693, z: 13.636368} - {x: 70.15374, y: 6.958829, z: 22.72728} - {x: 86.309235, y: -0.6788006, z: 22.727299} - {x: 86.30923, y: -0.6788006, z: 13.636388} - {x: 70.15375, y: 4.6093693, z: 13.636368} - {x: 53.99832, y: 12.99891, z: 22.727274} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.082603, z: 31.818184} - {x: 70.15373, y: 8.570842, z: 31.818192} - {x: 70.15374, y: 6.958829, z: 22.72728} - {x: 70.15373, y: 8.570842, z: 31.818192} - {x: 86.30923, y: -0.6788006, z: 31.818213} - {x: 86.309235, y: -0.6788006, z: 22.727299} - {x: 70.15374, y: 6.958829, z: 22.72728} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.082603, z: 31.818184} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.616816, z: 40.909096} - {x: 70.15374, y: 4.541798, z: 40.909103} - {x: 70.15373, y: 8.570842, z: 31.818192} - {x: 70.15374, y: 4.541798, z: 40.909103} - {x: 86.30921, y: -0.6788006, z: 40.90914} - {x: 86.30923, y: -0.6788006, z: 31.818213} - {x: 70.15373, y: 8.570842, z: 31.818192} - {x: 53.998325, y: 14.654797, z: 55.167812} - {x: 53.998333, y: 10.038385, z: 69.42653} - {x: 70.15374, y: 7.7915645, z: 69.426544} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.3566065, z: 55.167816} - {x: 70.15374, y: 7.7915645, z: 69.426544} - {x: 86.30918, y: -0.6788006, z: 69.4266} - {x: 86.30921, y: -0.6788006, z: 55.167862} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.3566065, z: 55.167816} - {x: 53.99832, y: 16.616816, z: 40.909096} - {x: 53.998325, y: 14.654797, z: 55.167812} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.3566065, z: 55.167816} - {x: 70.15374, y: 4.541798, z: 40.909103} - {x: 70.15374, y: 5.3566065, z: 55.167816} - {x: 86.30921, y: -0.6788006, z: 55.167862} - {x: 86.30921, y: -0.6788006, z: 40.90914} - {x: 70.15374, y: 4.541798, z: 40.909103} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.9740524, z: 83.09221} - {x: 53.998356, y: -0.6787205, z: 96.75795} - {x: 70.153755, y: -0.6787853, z: 96.75795} - {x: 70.15371, y: 6.164548, z: 83.09222} - {x: 70.153755, y: -0.6787853, z: 96.75795} - {x: 86.30912, y: -0.6788006, z: 96.75796} - {x: 86.30914, y: -0.6788006, z: 83.09227} - {x: 70.15371, y: 6.164548, z: 83.09222} - {x: 53.998333, y: 10.038385, z: 69.42653} - {x: 53.99833, y: 6.9740524, z: 83.09221} - {x: 70.15371, y: 6.164548, z: 83.09222} - {x: 70.15374, y: 7.7915645, z: 69.426544} - {x: 70.15371, y: 6.164548, z: 83.09222} - {x: 86.30914, y: -0.6788006, z: 83.09227} - {x: 86.30918, y: -0.6788006, z: 69.4266} - {x: 70.15374, y: 7.7915645, z: 69.426544} m_Textures0: - {x: -67.668945, y: -50.000004} - {x: -67.66897, y: -40.909084} - {x: -58.57805, y: -50.000015} - {x: -40.909092, y: -40.909092} - {x: -67.66442, y: -40.909084} - {x: -67.66441, y: -31.818182} - {x: -40.895935, y: -40.909092} - {x: -40.895935, y: -31.818182} - {x: -67.66441, y: -31.818182} - {x: -67.66442, y: -22.727262} - {x: -40.895935, y: -31.818182} - {x: -41.58987, y: -22.727272} - {x: -67.65885, y: -22.727262} - {x: -67.65884, y: -13.636346} - {x: -41.58402, y: -22.727272} - {x: -45.299927, y: -13.636364} - {x: -61.948338, y: -13.636327} - {x: -61.948353, y: -4.5454206} - {x: -37.73145, y: -13.636344} - {x: -39.073105, y: -4.5453873} - {x: -57.931053, y: -4.5454545} - {x: -57.93105, y: 4.545466} - {x: -34.864273, y: -4.5454235} - {x: -35.1716, y: 4.5461907} - {x: -56.0157, y: 4.545481} - {x: -56.0157, y: 13.636389} - {x: -33.224854, y: 4.5462065} - {x: -33.13584, y: 13.645006} - {x: -54.149162, y: 13.636389} - {x: -54.149162, y: 22.727312} - {x: -31.243454, y: 13.645006} - {x: -32.60477, y: 22.789898} - {x: -57.579105, y: 22.727312} - {x: -57.579105, y: 31.818228} - {x: -35.947105, y: 22.789898} - {x: -36.044727, y: 32.275635} - {x: -59.887516, y: 31.818228} - {x: -59.887516, y: 40.90914} - {x: -38.302055, y: 32.275635} - {x: -34.01138, y: 43.459515} - {x: -58.57805, y: -49.91176} - {x: -40.909092, y: -40.79553} - {x: -31.818178, y: -49.911736} - {x: -31.818182, y: -40.7955} - {x: -40.909092, y: -40.909092} - {x: -40.909092, y: -31.818182} - {x: -31.818182, y: -40.909092} - {x: -31.818182, y: -31.818182} - {x: -40.908924, y: -31.814657} - {x: -41.60541, y: -22.723131} - {x: -31.817976, y: -31.814657} - {x: -31.816656, y: -22.719017} - {x: -40.714317, y: -16.857765} - {x: -45.04955, y: -4.0439034} - {x: -30.933657, y: -16.325476} - {x: -32.741936, y: -1.4137448} - {x: -41.775154, y: -7.237716} - {x: -43.596603, y: 2.2452857} - {x: -29.046106, y: -7.237707} - {x: -28.904135, y: 2.6701534} - {x: -41.02851, y: -1.1718391} - {x: -41.563656, y: 7.987626} - {x: -26.260435, y: -1.171659} - {x: -26.153082, y: 8.008244} - {x: -41.27461, y: 7.9287105} - {x: -41.445847, y: 17.091143} - {x: -25.863256, y: 7.9305434} - {x: -26.245985, y: 16.98432} - {x: -43.39476, y: 6.606058} - {x: -43.9959, y: 16.034924} - {x: -28.159435, y: 6.622054} - {x: -28.310911, y: 15.874065} - {x: -42.169407, y: 18.233736} - {x: -41.976856, y: 27.833443} - {x: -26.447954, y: 18.337894} - {x: -25.767635, y: 28.38516} - {x: -43.793205, y: 26.717194} - {x: -38.933292, y: 38.151894} - {x: -27.534998, y: 27.08721} - {x: -23.755184, y: 38.37329} - {x: -31.818178, y: -49.91162} - {x: -31.818182, y: -40.79539} - {x: -22.727262, y: -49.911633} - {x: -22.727272, y: -40.791122} - {x: -31.817549, y: -40.908356} - {x: -31.817387, y: -31.81741} - {x: -22.726458, y: -40.908356} - {x: -22.717096, y: -31.813265} - {x: -31.379717, y: -31.51674} - {x: -31.304102, y: -22.41455} - {x: -22.163046, y: -31.51674} - {x: -20.825218, y: -22.013714} - {x: -12.59638, y: -17.247253} - {x: -19.087273, y: -3.567656} - {x: -5.2766824, y: -6.2433066} - {x: -10.968551, y: 6.4636073} - {x: -17.705835, y: -0.8769216} - {x: -15.811675, y: 8.953894} - {x: -4.746844, y: -0.87685245} - {x: -3.1997075, y: 8.420181} - {x: -19.539225, y: -0.19465508} - {x: -19.15451, y: 8.9790945} - {x: -6.8493805, y: -0.1941346} - {x: -5.1104345, y: 9.198023} - {x: -15.099757, y: 5.1777573} - {x: -15.449411, y: 14.291663} - {x: -0.9601423, y: 5.1798053} - {x: -2.8153005, y: 14.225548} - {x: -23.534828, y: 9.570535} - {x: -23.876501, y: 18.878384} - {x: -10.530741, y: 9.558527} - {x: -10.07212, y: 18.577822} - {x: -20.744234, y: 13.063416} - {x: -20.587053, y: 23.202877} - {x: -6.8667564, y: 12.937915} - {x: -7.8767476, y: 22.912226} - {x: -21.012403, y: 23.88454} - {x: -17.869997, y: 35.366604} - {x: -8.302056, y: 23.543026} - {x: -7.245228, y: 34.79998} - {x: -22.727262, y: -49.891567} - {x: -22.727272, y: -40.770878} - {x: -13.636345, y: -49.89158} - {x: -13.636364, y: -40.68969} - {x: -22.583164, y: -39.96984} - {x: -22.419802, y: -30.759748} - {x: -13.436811, y: -39.96984} - {x: -12.369348, y: -29.449074} - {x: 7.57892, y: -21.098875} - {x: 0.9058465, y: -10.50338} - {x: 13.812028, y: -9.742499} - {x: 7.1559176, y: 3.0354176} - {x: 0.8349568, y: -6.7763405} - {x: -6.0995975, y: 5.355047} - {x: 7.099627, y: 6.8433633} - {x: 0.44195756, y: 16.004711} - {x: -3.8389854, y: -5.658227} - {x: -2.2238464, y: 3.7175577} - {x: 8.816335, y: -5.6582117} - {x: 10.434826, y: 3.630442} - {x: -3.1570075, y: 4.88644} - {x: -1.1096779, y: 14.356906} - {x: 9.506664, y: 4.8862505} - {x: 9.97266, y: 13.764367} - {x: -7.8083596, y: -7.3810177} - {x: -9.069492, y: 2.2708156} - {x: 3.4740832, y: -7.3839025} - {x: 4.6748104, y: 0.523548} - {x: -13.768351, y: 2.8310516} - {x: -22.89024, y: 3.3769586} - {x: -13.712008, y: 17.531559} - {x: -22.797323, y: 17.40269} - {x: -13.821836, y: -0.43635008} - {x: -23.042221, y: -4.376488} - {x: -16.880468, y: 13.254835} - {x: -25.45123, y: 8.141508} - {x: -18.769293, y: -6.2217927} - {x: -29.550934, y: -9.736252} - {x: -22.223003, y: 6.053438} - {x: -30.880438, y: -1.5710094} - {x: -13.636345, y: -49.23436} - {x: -13.636364, y: -39.978043} - {x: -4.5454297, y: -49.234344} - {x: -4.545456, y: -39.426655} - {x: -1.2365321, y: -27.97937} - {x: -3.8628416, y: -14.940275} - {x: 7.466751, y: -24.044682} - {x: 4.840441, y: -7.7803307} - {x: 5.690338, y: -10.189957} - {x: 0.7371848, y: 3.4271376} - {x: 13.3438835, y: -1.4267677} - {x: 8.427503, y: 11.815751} - {x: 2.174607, y: -5.526245} - {x: 6.3126245, y: 5.2013597} - {x: 13.558328, y: -5.5262475} - {x: 14.871215, y: 3.1244283} - {x: -7.380679, y: -4.9153705} - {x: -6.9098396, y: 4.507788} - {x: 2.0296242, y: -4.915416} - {x: 2.226372, y: 4.102382} - {x: -12.433268, y: -2.0596051} - {x: -12.378689, y: 7.0595684} - {x: -3.1681798, y: -2.0599892} - {x: -3.085406, y: 7.1346908} - {x: -8.798234, y: 12.703091} - {x: -8.358622, y: 22.079954} - {x: 0.54837376, y: 12.701609} - {x: 0.84739435, y: 21.976963} - {x: -9.941439, y: 12.5245075} - {x: -9.894457, y: 21.614685} - {x: -0.72658134, y: 12.519734} - {x: -0.66827714, y: 21.5907} - {x: -6.8750105, y: 5.951443} - {x: -7.6579638, y: 15.906186} - {x: 2.3837144, y: 5.9514427} - {x: 2.2816527, y: 14.468918} - {x: 3.5774913, y: 8.578758} - {x: 0.61445266, y: 19.830553} - {x: 14.12446, y: 8.578758} - {x: 15.260282, y: 15.130138} - {x: -4.5454307, y: -44.781517} - {x: -4.545448, y: -34.560413} - {x: 4.5454764, y: -44.78155} - {x: 4.545468, y: -32.88985} - {x: 5.906599, y: -18.245161} - {x: 3.6164958, y: -1.6759001} - {x: 14.7043295, y: -13.932081} - {x: 12.414226, y: 6.48853} - {x: 15.587131, y: -0.6494384} - {x: 10.088463, y: 12.365132} - {x: 22.834082, y: 9.217844} - {x: 17.343851, y: 15.285297} - {x: -5.077856, y: -15.276962} - {x: -5.1284175, y: -5.92036} - {x: 4.0251136, y: -15.276969} - {x: 3.9752016, y: -5.8024416} - {x: -3.426986, y: -10.289112} - {x: -3.3957374, y: -1.1476936} - {x: 5.690273, y: -10.289146} - {x: 5.7174797, y: -1.1711116} - {x: -4.178066, y: 1.424597} - {x: -4.1486607, y: 10.67319} - {x: 4.9378552, y: 1.4244515} - {x: 4.960598, y: 10.681211} - {x: -3.9779663, y: 11.381549} - {x: -3.9317226, y: 20.669807} - {x: 5.131408, y: 11.381115} - {x: 5.1506715, y: 20.49301} - {x: -7.281489, y: 15.535243} - {x: -7.314583, y: 24.639404} - {x: 1.8415779, y: 15.534948} - {x: 1.7560514, y: 24.672857} - {x: -4.892543, y: 20.55418} - {x: -4.887366, y: 29.661024} - {x: 4.198789, y: 20.554182} - {x: 4.174535, y: 29.480042} - {x: 6.7433777, y: 39.015244} - {x: 7.4398637, y: 48.352184} - {x: 16.308275, y: 39.01525} - {x: 16.195232, y: 47.787807} - {x: 4.545478, y: -37.32958} - {x: 4.5454516, y: -25.00157} - {x: 13.636396, y: -37.329575} - {x: 13.636363, y: -28.04316} - {x: -5.215646, y: -10.622291} - {x: -3.0749173, y: 9.956505} - {x: 3.6196191, y: -15.608401} - {x: 5.760348, y: 3.0896215} - {x: -11.709123, y: -25.988348} - {x: -13.148611, y: -16.683481} - {x: -0.48346522, y: -25.988348} - {x: -5.629175, y: -15.592009} - {x: 3.7039244, y: -13.545825} - {x: 3.623751, y: -4.0591316} - {x: 12.80052, y: -13.545825} - {x: 12.7292385, y: -4.138429} - {x: 2.662362, y: -11.042361} - {x: 2.6186225, y: -1.9217187} - {x: 11.772075, y: -11.042371} - {x: 11.71034, y: -1.897647} - {x: 3.6799562, y: 1.61281} - {x: 3.634456, y: 10.8695965} - {x: 12.776583, y: 1.6127784} - {x: 12.711887, y: 10.996303} - {x: 6.1357927, y: 8.351686} - {x: 6.18617, y: 17.502295} - {x: 15.238103, y: 8.351648} - {x: 15.309392, y: 17.555435} - {x: 7.946623, y: 17.686413} - {x: 8.055946, y: 26.844555} - {x: 17.081738, y: 17.686401} - {x: 17.11949, y: 26.756926} - {x: 5.2083845, y: 31.510235} - {x: 5.2548394, y: 40.944527} - {x: 14.300833, y: 31.510233} - {x: 14.344696, y: 40.90686} - {x: 4.6580496, y: 30.252121} - {x: 4.656998, y: 39.350307} - {x: 13.748999, y: 30.252115} - {x: 13.748178, y: 39.347103} - {x: 13.636397, y: -46.35256} - {x: 13.636362, y: -36.49027} - {x: 22.72731, y: -46.352543} - {x: 22.727262, y: -32.291344} - {x: 33.846004, y: -8.320828} - {x: 28.85813, y: 9.848354} - {x: 41.44638, y: 3.6030018} - {x: 36.458504, y: 11.174553} - {x: 11.777477, y: -8.523292} - {x: 10.973226, y: 4.083461} - {x: 20.90684, y: -8.523292} - {x: 20.493723, y: 1.1407939} - {x: -2.018065, y: -14.97633} - {x: -3.210092, y: -5.640703} - {x: 8.406919, y: -14.97633} - {x: 6.2650323, y: -5.2556806} - {x: 2.7454002, y: -9.95885} - {x: 2.4050834, y: -0.81539863} - {x: 12.370534, y: -9.958852} - {x: 11.046295, y: -0.5125314} - {x: 13.05181, y: 3.8655193} - {x: 13.007783, y: 13.272379} - {x: 22.144398, y: 3.865517} - {x: 22.083994, y: 13.501379} - {x: 16.321493, y: 9.898697} - {x: 16.441744, y: 19.11361} - {x: 25.44134, y: 9.898695} - {x: 25.353926, y: 18.688116} - {x: 6.078233, y: 15.193233} - {x: 6.000015, y: 24.29196} - {x: 15.362592, y: 15.193233} - {x: 14.850505, y: 24.378675} - {x: 14.630961, y: 31.059113} - {x: 14.696732, y: 40.456593} - {x: 23.725338, y: 31.059113} - {x: 23.722975, y: 39.831776} - {x: 4.1096435, y: 30.569498} - {x: 4.176847, y: 39.66459} - {x: 13.466767, y: 30.569498} - {x: 13.715982, y: 39.687214} - {x: 22.727226, y: -26.935186} - {x: 22.727203, y: -9.690323} - {x: 31.818142, y: -26.935186} - {x: 31.818113, y: -12.046848} - {x: 17.660757, y: -27.392899} - {x: 16.249847, y: -17.193027} - {x: 27.16523, y: -27.392899} - {x: 25.254366, y: -16.449833} - {x: 20.39656, y: -19.131804} - {x: 19.874897, y: -8.998975} - {x: 29.549019, y: -19.131804} - {x: 29.156343, y: -9.487737} - {x: 16.68174, y: -8.726546} - {x: 15.66403, y: 1.3113778} - {x: 26.028921, y: -8.726546} - {x: 25.315634, y: 0.7715504} - {x: 11.316023, y: 0.40696836} - {x: 9.873673, y: 10.246636} - {x: 21.051235, y: 0.40696836} - {x: 20.244446, y: 9.611874} - {x: 3.7859259, y: 7.3369894} - {x: 2.12883, y: 16.86847} - {x: 14.288549, y: 7.3369894} - {x: 11.99251, y: 17.200367} - {x: 6.756377, y: -0.018289706} - {x: 7.197525, y: 9.128201} - {x: 16.681696, y: -0.01828972} - {x: 16.74361, y: 9.032932} - {x: 10.798198, y: 23.209095} - {x: 9.9988365, y: 32.60934} - {x: 20.383438, y: 23.209095} - {x: 19.937082, y: 32.340622} - {x: 5.527534, y: 22.361584} - {x: 5.5630937, y: 31.452827} - {x: 15.521745, y: 22.361584} - {x: 15.370661, y: 31.449327} - {x: 7.3286514, y: 27.132896} - {x: 7.7255836, y: 36.27589} - {x: 17.14473, y: 27.132896} - {x: 18.334932, y: 36.48348} - {x: 31.818247, y: -30.92324} - {x: 31.8182, y: -15.963303} - {x: 40.90912, y: -30.92324} - {x: 40.90911, y: -18.525497} - {x: 26.239399, y: -21.938612} - {x: 24.049055, y: -10.950517} - {x: 35.885803, y: -21.938612} - {x: 32.648323, y: -9.293143} - {x: 31.630404, y: -23.490473} - {x: 31.594858, y: -13.787555} - {x: 40.721813, y: -23.490473} - {x: 40.711315, y: -14.62283} - {x: 25.116945, y: -12.703561} - {x: 24.30817, y: -3.1433318} - {x: 34.54141, y: -12.703561} - {x: 34.139072, y: -3.6034577} - {x: 19.288006, y: -5.5518947} - {x: 18.374727, y: 3.769928} - {x: 29.230703, y: -5.5518947} - {x: 28.015919, y: 3.9205062} - {x: 20.940943, y: 11.193282} - {x: 19.384005, y: 21.25527} - {x: 30.606136, y: 11.193282} - {x: 30.950693, y: 18.997765} - {x: 1.0602489, y: 4.005658} - {x: 1.1680603, y: 13.097238} - {x: 13.769703, y: 4.005658} - {x: 12.140575, y: 13.075659} - {x: 8.244015, y: 19.004751} - {x: 7.433756, y: 28.16831} - {x: 19.359627, y: 19.004751} - {x: 19.62929, y: 27.975418} - {x: 1.7902241, y: 24.057217} - {x: 1.5454576, y: 33.152103} - {x: 14.0819645, y: 24.057217} - {x: 14.577541, y: 33.128044} - {x: 20.004223, y: -3.226828} - {x: 28.62006, y: -7.5125456} - {x: 17.10388, y: -15.958091} - {x: 25.719717, y: -18.090754} - {x: 40.908875, y: -36.69063} - {x: 40.91164, y: -24.13883} - {x: 53.998135, y: -36.690647} - {x: 54.000267, y: -25.460049} - {x: 34.96965, y: -25.55582} - {x: 36.205177, y: -12.333791} - {x: 47.93744, y: -28.167374} - {x: 49.172955, y: -19.907522} - {x: 24.316578, y: -28.271534} - {x: 23.762484, y: -19.142393} - {x: 40.02774, y: -28.271538} - {x: 40.156113, y: -19.236376} - {x: 21.327047, y: -17.279396} - {x: 20.405233, y: -8.107541} - {x: 37.752876, y: -17.279398} - {x: 37.074764, y: -8.150155} - {x: 19.614855, y: -2.872717} - {x: 17.756832, y: 6.518266} - {x: 36.287487, y: -2.8727198} - {x: 33.948723, y: 6.671069} - {x: 19.381573, y: -8.374275} - {x: 19.979681, y: 0.75351244} - {x: 35.584923, y: -8.374272} - {x: 35.482338, y: 0.6672823} - {x: 22.539396, y: 13.040933} - {x: 21.28433, y: 22.341688} - {x: 38.071766, y: 13.040936} - {x: 38.990154, y: 21.623093} - {x: 12.850403, y: 11.909528} - {x: 13.172686, y: 21.0068} - {x: 30.88011, y: 11.909528} - {x: 30.262234, y: 20.969685} - {x: 15.793119, y: 19.918352} - {x: 16.267649, y: 29.02668} - {x: 32.91146, y: 19.918354} - {x: 30.924122, y: 28.846132} - {x: 24.588095, y: 30.91816} - {x: 24.699442, y: 40.011314} - {x: 39.532787, y: 30.918161} - {x: 39.274982, y: 39.99643} - {x: -48.698536, y: 66.62193} - {x: -47.334316, y: 53.034847} - {x: -66.0229, y: 52.526634} - {x: -66.022896, y: 66.64326} - {x: -47.334316, y: 53.034847} - {x: -40.1794, y: 40.435673} - {x: -66.022896, y: 38.410038} - {x: -66.0229, y: 52.526634} - {x: -39.975494, y: 94.56604} - {x: -47.29714, y: 80.47997} - {x: -66.0229, y: 80.17274} - {x: -66.0229, y: 93.70221} - {x: -47.29714, y: 80.47997} - {x: -48.698536, y: 66.62193} - {x: -66.022896, y: 66.64326} - {x: -66.0229, y: 80.17274} - {x: -26.40283, y: 38.878128} - {x: -41.416252, y: 39.10443} - {x: -48.30825, y: 51.898296} - {x: -31.945803, y: 52.123497} - {x: -48.30825, y: 51.898296} - {x: -49.60259, y: 65.389046} - {x: -34.90547, y: 65.80355} - {x: -31.945803, y: 52.123497} - {x: -34.90547, y: 65.80355} - {x: -49.60259, y: 65.389046} - {x: -48.082756, y: 79.16196} - {x: -34.823788, y: 79.61715} - {x: -48.082756, y: 79.16196} - {x: -40.50557, y: 93.226524} - {x: -31.528084, y: 93.53578} - {x: -34.823788, y: 79.61715} - {x: -13.955965, y: 34.496014} - {x: -24.365654, y: 35.88863} - {x: -30.388165, y: 49.06654} - {x: -18.127115, y: 48.71782} - {x: -30.388165, y: 49.06654} - {x: -33.70267, y: 62.648808} - {x: -21.0866, y: 62.927383} - {x: -18.127115, y: 48.71782} - {x: -21.0866, y: 62.927383} - {x: -33.70267, y: 62.648808} - {x: -33.88683, y: 76.37884} - {x: -22.494171, y: 76.96184} - {x: -33.88683, y: 76.37884} - {x: -30.883663, y: 90.31793} - {x: -22.110592, y: 91.01239} - {x: -22.494171, y: 76.96184} - {x: -3.315823, y: 28.676432} - {x: -11.157565, y: 31.1883} - {x: -15.982093, y: 45.298656} - {x: -5.976308, y: 44.381268} - {x: -15.982093, y: 45.298656} - {x: -19.473455, y: 59.36412} - {x: -8.934449, y: 59.524555} - {x: -5.976308, y: 44.381268} - {x: -8.934449, y: 59.524555} - {x: -19.473455, y: 59.36412} - {x: -21.297005, y: 73.24307} - {x: -11.386757, y: 74.136536} - {x: -21.297005, y: 73.24307} - {x: -21.319502, y: 87.20077} - {x: -12.893637, y: 88.44631} - {x: -11.386757, y: 74.136536} - {x: 21.25062, y: 22.566166} - {x: 5.3953223, y: 25.235464} - {x: 0.7707203, y: 40.424522} - {x: 16.041502, y: 38.02517} - {x: 0.7707203, y: 40.424522} - {x: -3.9728813, y: 54.99517} - {x: 6.601234, y: 55.651264} - {x: 16.041502, y: 38.02517} - {x: 6.601234, y: 55.651264} - {x: -3.9728813, y: 54.99517} - {x: -7.946638, y: 69.06307} - {x: 0.5503128, y: 71.02528} - {x: -7.946638, y: 69.06307} - {x: -10.772904, y: 82.91982} - {x: -3.8863792, y: 85.56048} - {x: 0.5503128, y: 71.02528} - {x: 22.611513, y: 22.923283} - {x: 14.496675, y: 21.10309} - {x: 10.601767, y: 36.97157} - {x: 21.213316, y: 36.816948} - {x: 10.601767, y: 36.97157} - {x: 3.5542428, y: 55.32419} - {x: 19.047909, y: 51.31745} - {x: 21.213316, y: 36.816948} - {x: 19.047909, y: 51.31745} - {x: 3.5542428, y: 55.32419} - {x: -0.9805263, y: 71.17079} - {x: 9.417328, y: 71.19079} - {x: -0.9805263, y: 71.17079} - {x: -4.298496, y: 86.05674} - {x: 3.6358588, y: 88.01968} - {x: 9.417328, y: 71.19079} - {x: 6.416503, y: 43.51494} - {x: 5.3325124, y: 29.108915} - {x: -4.25206, y: 28.68102} - {x: -3.1648602, y: 43.093662} - {x: 5.3325124, y: 29.108915} - {x: 3.8335257, y: 13.84799} - {x: -4.9540596, y: 15.061879} - {x: -4.25206, y: 28.68102} - {x: 13.386895, y: 81.20726} - {x: 11.237415, y: 65.11263} - {x: 1.6704451, y: 64.72101} - {x: 4.5732136, y: 82.36739} - {x: 11.237415, y: 65.11263} - {x: 6.416503, y: 43.51494} - {x: -3.1648602, y: 43.093662} - {x: 1.6704451, y: 64.72101} - {x: 19.620708, y: 45.068653} - {x: 19.072523, y: 30.469936} - {x: 9.764329, y: 29.794771} - {x: 10.283482, y: 44.26622} - {x: 19.072523, y: 30.469936} - {x: 18.424807, y: 15.434877} - {x: 9.046427, y: 14.451996} - {x: 9.764329, y: 29.794771} - {x: 22.64988, y: 81.72475} - {x: 21.432487, y: 64.699585} - {x: 12.592349, y: 66.07631} - {x: 13.621803, y: 82.277596} - {x: 21.432487, y: 64.699585} - {x: 19.620708, y: 45.068653} - {x: 10.283482, y: 44.26622} - {x: 12.592349, y: 66.07631} - {x: 25.645426, y: 49.322254} - {x: 23.819147, y: 33.591785} - {x: 14.055008, y: 33.022472} - {x: 15.287863, y: 47.756153} - {x: 23.819147, y: 33.591785} - {x: 22.899305, y: 19.383879} - {x: 12.598308, y: 17.912792} - {x: 14.055008, y: 33.022472} - {x: 30.868853, y: 82.36849} - {x: 28.177221, y: 65.71113} - {x: 19.362516, y: 66.7366} - {x: 22.10038, y: 83.47162} - {x: 28.177221, y: 65.71113} - {x: 25.645426, y: 49.322254} - {x: 15.287863, y: 47.756153} - {x: 19.362516, y: 66.7366} - {x: 35.367195, y: 56.023987} - {x: 32.55355, y: 39.451866} - {x: 22.672394, y: 39.029552} - {x: 24.723322, y: 54.712852} - {x: 32.55355, y: 39.451866} - {x: 32.23327, y: 25.785349} - {x: 21.639404, y: 24.532488} - {x: 22.672394, y: 39.029552} - {x: 39.27157, y: 86.05472} - {x: 36.630108, y: 70.23611} - {x: 27.566551, y: 70.76657} - {x: 30.589275, y: 87.02947} - {x: 36.630108, y: 70.23611} - {x: 35.367195, y: 56.023987} - {x: 24.723322, y: 54.712852} - {x: 27.566551, y: 70.76657} - {x: 50.847595, y: 60.417595} - {x: 49.91293, y: 45.46057} - {x: 35.61095, y: 44.1473} - {x: 37.532646, y: 60.489292} - {x: 49.91293, y: 45.46057} - {x: 49.515686, y: 31.257635} - {x: 35.3922, y: 30.194817} - {x: 35.61095, y: 44.1473} - {x: 53.01745, y: 89.6183} - {x: 51.46801, y: 74.36616} - {x: 38.395206, y: 74.77762} - {x: 40.199306, y: 90.38709} - {x: 51.46801, y: 74.36616} - {x: 50.847595, y: 60.417595} - {x: 37.532646, y: 60.489292} - {x: 38.395206, y: 74.77762} - {x: 52.986233, y: -46.934517} - {x: 51.602535, y: -36.71526} - {x: 67.99747, y: -36.609093} - {x: 68.79782, y: -46.27633} - {x: 67.99747, y: -36.609093} - {x: 84.609436, y: -36.708218} - {x: 84.6094, y: -45.618168} - {x: 68.79782, y: -46.27633} - {x: 50.980247, y: -39.55453} - {x: 50.286015, y: -30.294964} - {x: 67.04894, y: -30.32889} - {x: 67.34672, y: -39.480442} - {x: 67.04894, y: -30.32889} - {x: 83.965996, y: -30.404806} - {x: 83.965996, y: -39.47523} - {x: 67.34672, y: -39.480442} - {x: 49.698967, y: -32.097805} - {x: 49.760406, y: -23.00483} - {x: 66.67476, y: -22.997602} - {x: 66.4694, y: -32.097023} - {x: 66.67476, y: -22.997602} - {x: 83.410385, y: -22.9984} - {x: 83.41036, y: -32.08862} - {x: 66.4694, y: -32.097023} - {x: 50.06483, y: -21.394753} - {x: 49.782482, y: -12.255759} - {x: 67.21822, y: -12.423657} - {x: 66.96963, y: -21.442764} - {x: 67.21822, y: -12.423657} - {x: 83.70453, y: -12.377153} - {x: 83.70456, y: -21.452417} - {x: 66.96963, y: -21.442764} - {x: 45.430042, y: -7.8524866} - {x: 43.906464, y: 1.7126596} - {x: 61.59948, y: 1.6977756} - {x: 63.098896, y: -7.8574786} - {x: 61.59948, y: 1.6977756} - {x: 79.24478, y: 1.7024528} - {x: 79.24478, y: -7.2391863} - {x: 63.098896, y: -7.8574786} - {x: 44.379574, y: -4.2511806} - {x: 44.311573, y: 4.8407817} - {x: 62.300545, y: 4.831754} - {x: 62.069725, y: -4.254056} - {x: 62.300545, y: 4.831754} - {x: 79.71368, y: 4.834603} - {x: 79.71368, y: -4.2559667} - {x: 62.069725, y: -4.254056} - {x: 45.187595, y: 2.5626245} - {x: 45.812473, y: 11.732927} - {x: 63.589046, y: 11.796624} - {x: 63.143074, y: 2.6538224} - {x: 63.589046, y: 11.796624} - {x: 80.55871, y: 11.736287} - {x: 80.55869, y: 2.66204} - {x: 63.143074, y: 2.6538224} - {x: 45.83025, y: 17.115177} - {x: 45.501614, y: 26.241915} - {x: 62.746826, y: 26.275043} - {x: 63.606213, y: 16.992876} - {x: 62.746826, y: 26.275043} - {x: 80.576454, y: 26.137064} - {x: 80.57645, y: 17.106564} - {x: 63.606213, y: 16.992876} - {x: 44.67422, y: 25.36526} - {x: 43.47342, y: 34.65903} - {x: 61.278744, y: 34.607384} - {x: 61.90648, y: 25.425133} - {x: 61.278744, y: 34.607384} - {x: 79.76089, y: 34.424057} - {x: 79.760895, y: 25.363962} - {x: 61.90648, y: 25.425133} - {x: 44.395153, y: 32.7319} - {x: 44.200058, y: 41.83284} - {x: 63.649418, y: 41.690437} - {x: 62.177994, y: 32.702766} - {x: 63.649418, y: 41.690437} - {x: 80.59557, y: 41.718204} - {x: 80.59559, y: 32.63051} - {x: 62.177994, y: 32.702766} - {x: 48.731567, y: 57.286324} - {x: 49.867588, y: 71.11776} - {x: 66.0791, y: 71.26912} - {x: 66.6783, y: 56.862328} - {x: 66.0791, y: 71.26912} - {x: 83.82215, y: 70.91272} - {x: 83.82218, y: 56.704597} - {x: 66.6783, y: 56.862328} - {x: 42.62565, y: 42.787792} - {x: 43.421047, y: 56.933533} - {x: 61.95883, y: 56.831783} - {x: 62.289154, y: 42.55363} - {x: 61.95883, y: 56.831783} - {x: 79.17394, y: 56.885674} - {x: 79.17394, y: 42.64637} - {x: 62.289154, y: 42.55363} - {x: 50.84359, y: 75.34214} - {x: 52.643406, y: 90.45618} - {x: 68.34569, y: 89.48401} - {x: 66.73621, y: 74.57128} - {x: 68.34569, y: 89.48401} - {x: 84.04792, y: 88.51183} - {x: 84.04794, y: 75.30108} - {x: 66.73621, y: 74.57128} - {x: 48.332256, y: 67.750175} - {x: 49.2704, y: 81.56529} - {x: 64.89788, y: 81.31672} - {x: 64.399796, y: 67.58307} - {x: 64.89788, y: 81.31672} - {x: 82.37267, y: 81.41017} - {x: 82.37271, y: 67.76874} - {x: 64.399796, y: 67.58307} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99981916, y: 0.019019036, z: -0.000040171213, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997973, y: 0.0063592247, z: 0.00027591552, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999192, y: 0.012709363, z: 0.00031602598, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998191, y: 0.019019544, z: 0.00004018736, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967843, y: 0.025358206, z: -9.909924e-18, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999192, y: 0.012709363, z: 0.00031602586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998971, y: 0.014345322, z: 0.000054854518, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967843, y: 0.025358206, z: 9.909924e-18, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995837, y: 0.028850425, z: -0.0000039925667, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998971, y: 0.01434538, z: 0.00006645398, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979856, y: 0.06256404, z: -0.010511627, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995838, y: 0.028850453, z: 0.0000039927945, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508209, y: 0.30931193, z: -0.016295059, w: -1} - {x: 0.99539703, y: 0.08188107, z: 0.04980132, w: -1} - {x: 0.93518704, y: 0.35201064, z: 0.03890802, w: -1} - {x: 0.9483477, y: 0.31653744, z: 0.020994537, w: -1} - {x: 0.8676246, y: 0.4972132, z: -0.002579733, w: -1} - {x: 0.9274342, y: 0.36778706, z: 0.067811646, w: -1} - {x: 0.8982612, y: 0.43889865, z: 0.022241838, w: -1} - {x: 0.86740965, y: 0.49758762, z: 0.0026683644, w: -1} - {x: 0.82950383, y: 0.55850077, z: -0.00043218778, w: -1} - {x: 0.8975719, y: 0.43998265, z: 0.027926456, w: -1} - {x: 0.8811658, y: 0.47263744, z: 0.012675197, w: -1} - {x: 0.8294879, y: 0.55852455, z: 0.0004345459, w: -1} - {x: 0.8012971, y: 0.5982666, z: -0.00035053695, w: -1} - {x: 0.88099355, y: 0.47287998, z: 0.015327261, w: -1} - {x: 0.8895488, y: 0.45676747, z: -0.008154301, w: -1} - {x: 0.8012846, y: 0.59828323, z: 0.00035206054, w: -1} - {x: 0.8331107, y: 0.5531048, z: -0.001237929, w: -1} - {x: 0.8896044, y: 0.4566913, z: -0.006089949, w: -1} - {x: 0.89947397, y: 0.4365909, z: -0.018300395, w: -1} - {x: 0.833187, y: 0.5529899, z: 0.0012565358, w: -1} - {x: 0.8715145, y: 0.49036923, z: -0.0006968977, w: -1} - {x: 0.899929, y: 0.43584412, z: -0.012951497, w: -1} - {x: 0.9225228, y: 0.38551432, z: -0.018177716, w: -1} - {x: 0.8715412, y: 0.49032184, z: 0.0007013456, w: -1} - {x: 0.9289078, y: 0.37024695, z: -0.0068934043, w: -1} - {x: 0.9232853, y: 0.38401547, z: -0.008745022, w: -1} - {x: 0.9418756, y: 0.3357617, z: -0.01159415, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999799, y: 0.0063351244, z: -0.00027643662, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999194, y: 0.012693526, z: -0.00031810658, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000009016141, z: -0.0000007962311, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999963, y: 0.0027329512, z: -0.00010851778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999194, y: 0.012693575, z: -0.00031618882, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998971, y: 0.01434473, z: -0.00006418934, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999624, y: 0.0027352388, z: -0.000050090075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976558, y: 0.06837859, z: -0.0027156186, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998971, y: 0.014344766, z: -0.000057119087, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980087, y: 0.061644007, z: -0.013363737, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976556, y: 0.06840086, z: -0.002178044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9572904, y: 0.25535443, z: -0.13560672, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973768, y: 0.0485819, z: -0.053659778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9581623, y: 0.21251652, z: -0.19173357, w: -1} - {x: 0.956412, y: 0.218524, z: -0.19370927, w: -1} - {x: 0.91752356, y: 0.27724501, z: -0.28510654, w: -1} - {x: 0.9502566, y: 0.30938387, z: -0.03597316, w: -1} - {x: 0.9040894, y: 0.42497754, z: -0.044905584, w: -1} - {x: 0.9034717, y: 0.41474628, z: -0.108279064, w: -1} - {x: 0.890957, y: 0.45020542, z: -0.059251137, w: -1} - {x: 0.9024192, y: 0.43039834, z: -0.019918941, w: -1} - {x: 0.8825852, y: 0.46991608, z: -0.01490762, w: -1} - {x: 0.8886857, y: 0.45748785, z: -0.030700589, w: -1} - {x: 0.87475187, y: 0.48429742, z: -0.016282383, w: -1} - {x: 0.8825388, y: 0.47003895, z: -0.013736946, w: -1} - {x: 0.88991326, y: 0.45600894, z: 0.0104953395, w: -1} - {x: 0.8746917, y: 0.4844562, z: -0.014718763, w: -1} - {x: 0.9157082, y: 0.40123785, z: 0.022059439, w: -1} - {x: 0.88988215, y: 0.45612055, z: 0.007979223, w: -1} - {x: 0.902483, y: 0.4298885, z: 0.026838996, w: -1} - {x: 0.9155948, y: 0.4016858, z: 0.018292233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9061754, y: 0.42191616, z: 0.028861785, w: -1} - {x: 0.90175474, y: 0.43205565, z: 0.012896363, w: -1} - {x: 0.9242466, y: 0.38176283, z: 0.0050340304, w: -1} - {x: 0.905308, y: 0.4245661, z: 0.012688601, w: -1} - {x: 0.91442156, y: 0.40425354, z: 0.02030376, w: -1} - {x: 0.92493075, y: 0.37975857, z: 0.016925318, w: -1} - {x: 0.9435438, y: 0.33110335, z: 0.009784811, w: -1} - {x: 0.9153131, y: 0.4015422, z: 0.031077487, w: -1} - {x: 0.93256557, y: 0.36042592, z: 0.020359667, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000009025522, z: -0.00000067065645, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999963, y: 0.0027286557, z: -0.00021824063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999988, y: 0.0015663822, z: -0.00010969378, w: -1} - {x: 0.99797964, y: 0.06314466, z: -0.007032333, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999624, y: 0.002742654, z: 0.00013930594, w: -1} - {x: 0.99765015, y: 0.06851182, z: 0.0005072531, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979331, y: 0.0642202, z: 0.002312842, w: -1} - {x: 0.91469276, y: 0.39161786, z: -0.099862576, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976323, y: 0.06865589, z: 0.00401144, w: -1} - {x: 0.9264591, y: 0.37068105, z: 0.06533835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9005627, y: 0.43459037, z: 0.010868176, w: -1} - {x: 0.6887505, y: 0.72407675, z: -0.03654514, w: -1} - {x: 0.83214635, y: -0.051005308, z: -0.5522055, w: -1} - {x: 0.82108766, y: -0.011248769, z: -0.5706914, w: -1} - {x: 0.74529153, y: 0.066735335, z: -0.66339046, w: -1} - {x: 0.711982, y: 0.1420922, z: -0.68767107, w: -1} - {x: 0.83823663, y: 0.5384125, z: 0.08643696, w: -1} - {x: 0.8766685, y: 0.47756332, z: 0.058185898, w: -1} - {x: 0.7611844, y: 0.648395, z: -0.013501025, w: -1} - {x: 0.79029036, y: 0.61227643, z: 0.023634134, w: -1} - {x: 0.88223255, y: 0.47022158, z: 0.023611328, w: -1} - {x: 0.8736771, y: 0.48646647, z: 0.006217337, w: -1} - {x: 0.7958296, y: 0.605416, z: -0.011254416, w: -1} - {x: 0.8286874, y: 0.55948055, z: -0.016082315, w: -1} - {x: 0.87278163, y: 0.48769146, z: 0.020228997, w: -1} - {x: 0.9139049, y: 0.4055802, z: -0.016808245, w: -1} - {x: 0.8289102, y: 0.5593767, z: 0.0023788314, w: -1} - {x: 0.80892473, y: 0.5873347, z: 0.02605278, w: -1} - {x: 0.91460884, y: 0.40431064, z: -0.00485458, w: -1} - {x: 0.90409905, y: 0.42729646, z: -0.0047618058, w: -1} - {x: 0.80869234, y: 0.5878301, z: 0.021734074, w: -1} - {x: 0.7656062, y: 0.64249, z: 0.032460537, w: -1} - {x: 0.90287155, y: 0.4294751, z: -0.019341197, w: -1} - {x: 0.90826225, y: 0.4170516, z: -0.03357959, w: -1} - {x: 0.76466393, y: 0.6441568, z: 0.018736001, w: -1} - {x: 0.7896447, y: 0.6126292, z: 0.033864103, w: -1} - {x: 0.90878445, y: 0.4161992, z: -0.029816948, w: -1} - {x: 0.9249814, y: 0.37744343, z: -0.04411171, w: -1} - {x: 0.790629, y: 0.6110057, z: 0.039721403, w: -1} - {x: 0.862816, y: 0.50548357, z: 0.0059294994, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999988, y: 0.0015652206, z: -0.00012432052, w: -1} - {x: 0.99797785, y: 0.063328594, z: -0.005437621, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962395, y: 0.0274204, z: 0.000007776702, w: -1} - {x: 0.97660136, y: 0.20763735, z: -0.056004953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979002, y: 0.06455722, z: 0.005251245, w: -1} - {x: 0.909334, y: 0.41360512, z: -0.045194656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9675321, y: 0.25000137, z: 0.037160043, w: -1} - {x: 0.7822755, y: 0.62112224, z: -0.047457803, w: -1} - {x: 0.6855295, y: 0.00023580351, z: -0.72804487, w: -1} - {x: 0.70916843, y: -0.020938843, z: -0.7047282, w: -1} - {x: 0.76577264, y: -0.08402138, z: -0.63759905, w: -1} - {x: 0.7204217, y: -0.03540844, z: -0.69263184, w: -1} - {x: 0.7097033, y: -0.019763779, z: -0.70422333, w: -1} - {x: 0.65067196, y: 0.04054691, z: -0.75827557, w: -1} - {x: 0.72042984, y: -0.035392687, z: -0.69262415, w: -1} - {x: 0.6582859, y: 0.037520885, z: -0.75183237, w: -1} - {x: 0.75570965, y: 0.6549007, z: 0.0028318712, w: -1} - {x: 0.79163134, y: 0.610796, z: 0.015754808, w: -1} - {x: 0.8580033, y: 0.50890446, z: 0.06961757, w: -1} - {x: 0.9292385, y: 0.363913, z: 0.06389941, w: -1} - {x: 0.7927261, y: 0.60951036, z: 0.009080637, w: -1} - {x: 0.8287675, y: 0.55894154, z: 0.026997624, w: -1} - {x: 0.9288685, y: 0.36432043, z: 0.066887446, w: -1} - {x: 0.9325759, y: 0.3546649, z: 0.06719423, w: -1} - {x: 0.8289035, y: 0.55939066, z: 0.0010405973, w: -1} - {x: 0.8102267, y: 0.58299863, z: 0.060377154, w: -1} - {x: 0.9281201, y: 0.35684142, z: 0.10610052, w: -1} - {x: 0.8603493, y: 0.47779518, z: 0.17751312, w: -1} - {x: -0.06944434, y: 0.10210976, z: -0.9923462, w: -1} - {x: -0.08659991, y: 0.10458861, z: -0.9907379, w: -1} - {x: 0.042063754, y: -0.08087657, z: -0.99583614, w: -1} - {x: -0.09670786, y: 0.16102833, z: -0.9822003, w: -1} - {x: -0.27971855, y: -0.06484435, z: -0.95788974, w: -1} - {x: -0.39160472, y: 0.06602113, z: -0.9177619, w: -1} - {x: -0.3482712, y: 0.011107654, z: -0.937328, w: -1} - {x: -0.45041376, y: 0.14489768, z: -0.8809836, w: -1} - {x: -0.45525223, y: 0.004269706, z: -0.89035225, w: -1} - {x: -0.5358991, y: 0.07523863, z: -0.84092295, w: -1} - {x: -0.53079987, y: 0.07052056, z: -0.84455806, w: -1} - {x: -0.48462033, y: 0.015788231, z: -0.8745821, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963385, y: 0.026704509, z: -0.0043693213, w: -1} - {x: 0.9766555, y: 0.20702565, z: -0.05731164, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970595, y: 0.076615974, z: 0.0014888473, w: -1} - {x: 0.95922005, y: 0.27802044, z: -0.051005535, w: -1} - {x: 0.9433392, y: 0.07151333, z: -0.32403222, w: -1} - {x: 0.8564326, y: 0.17026879, z: -0.4873724, w: -1} - {x: 0.9470968, y: 0.025800884, z: -0.31990936, w: -1} - {x: 0.9024303, y: 0.117898606, z: -0.4143906, w: -1} - {x: 0.81634706, y: 0.03098478, z: -0.5767299, w: -1} - {x: 0.77345884, y: 0.081075564, z: -0.62864, w: -1} - {x: 0.8661151, y: -0.029653102, z: -0.4989643, w: -1} - {x: 0.8514676, y: -0.02141121, z: -0.52396995, w: -1} - {x: 0.7538771, y: 0.6545326, z: -0.057065256, w: -1} - {x: 0.8541989, y: 0.5131083, z: 0.08404902, w: -1} - {x: 0.9134756, y: 0.3789714, z: 0.14813249, w: -1} - {x: 0.9583192, y: 0.14176744, z: 0.24804492, w: -1} - {x: 0.8871934, y: 0.45000306, z: -0.10190776, w: -1} - {x: 0.93599653, y: 0.35158157, z: -0.017346662, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945123, y: 0.10084181, z: 0.027863398, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977919, y: 0.049920328, z: 0.043811038, w: -1} - {x: 0.9369704, y: 0.34507963, z: -0.05483063, w: -1} - {x: 0.93742156, y: 0.34701914, z: -0.028609179, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989989, y: 0.044658557, z: 0.0026241916, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968547, y: 0.07901091, z: 0.0061665075, w: -1} - {x: 0.93733007, y: 0.3479131, z: -0.019204833, w: -1} - {x: 0.88300127, y: 0.46849343, z: -0.028682483, w: -1} - {x: 0.99661136, y: 0.08083766, z: 0.015201018, w: -1} - {x: 0.99907833, y: 0.038916633, z: 0.018111411, w: -1} - {x: 0.88311267, y: 0.46772993, z: -0.036613803, w: -1} - {x: 0.87794733, y: 0.47355106, z: 0.07041236, w: -1} - {x: 0.99917257, y: 0.03840538, z: 0.013386422, w: -1} - {x: 0.99244475, y: 0.122692116, z: 0.000033848886, w: -1} - {x: 0.87761337, y: 0.47553912, z: 0.06047542, w: -1} - {x: 0.84841204, y: 0.5066491, z: 0.15330921, w: -1} - {x: 0.99040145, y: 0.11981534, z: 0.068914704, w: -1} - {x: 0.8925258, y: 0.4266049, z: 0.14630778, w: -1} - {x: 0.82883066, y: 0.55888265, z: 0.02626507, w: -1} - {x: 0.7578143, y: 0.637381, z: 0.13950926, w: -1} - {x: 0.88184816, y: 0.4227161, z: 0.20893772, w: -1} - {x: 0.78285694, y: 0.5403317, z: 0.30850688, w: -1} - {x: 0.99755204, y: 0.06432527, z: -0.027425604, w: -1} - {x: 0.9695458, y: 0.20513695, z: -0.13378973, w: -1} - {x: 0.99694186, y: 0.07516225, z: -0.021392245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922002, y: 0.116687454, z: 0.043850414, w: -1} - {x: 0.9534983, y: 0.048705015, z: -0.29743707, w: -1} - {x: 0.9015835, y: 0.112567745, z: -0.41770288, w: -1} - {x: 0.9838509, y: -0.10763063, z: -0.14301412, w: -1} - {x: 0.9718208, y: -0.20643994, z: -0.11378444, w: -1} - {x: 0.85356766, y: -0.06477255, z: -0.5169399, w: -1} - {x: 0.8416844, y: -0.0330536, z: -0.5389573, w: -1} - {x: 0.89084387, y: -0.35961053, z: -0.2776283, w: -1} - {x: 0.88924277, y: -0.22022901, z: -0.400932, w: -1} - {x: 0.9626236, y: 0.23100899, z: -0.14138836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956132, y: 0.0906908, z: -0.023008972, w: -1} - {x: 0.99626845, y: -0.0826225, z: 0.024953073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999232, y: -0.0116978595, z: -0.004068253, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955977, y: 0.09303859, z: -0.0113564, w: -1} - {x: 0.99902374, y: 0.044159293, z: -0.0012530023, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999255, y: -0.009505004, z: 0.0076531195, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993426, y: -0.009957725, z: 0.0056838626, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990322, y: 0.043796957, z: -0.0040635695, w: -1} - {x: 0.99708974, y: 0.07515586, z: -0.012793257, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994206, y: -0.010326255, z: 0.0030453734, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993795, y: 0.011139079, z: 0.00014033093, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970868, y: 0.075349994, z: -0.01184187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993038, y: 0.037224084, z: 0.0024984183, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999294, y: 0.011575406, z: 0.0026469098, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986774, y: 0.01350665, z: 0.009050088, w: -1} - {x: 0.99928975, y: 0.035608698, z: -0.0123249665, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924554, y: 0.12252367, z: 0.004490366, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989986, y: 0.011489679, z: -0.00825733, w: -1} - {x: 0.99855524, y: 0.052206125, z: -0.012728056, w: -1} - {x: 0.99245536, y: 0.12250284, z: 0.005036462, w: -1} - {x: 0.90326524, y: 0.42904764, z: 0.0054830043, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980211, y: 0.057672713, z: 0.025052587, w: -1} - {x: 0.99009746, y: 0.13204953, z: 0.047643557, w: -1} - {x: 0.9033327, y: 0.42893505, z: -0.002179781, w: -1} - {x: 0.8054437, y: 0.5860245, z: 0.0885188, w: -1} - {x: 0.99061185, y: 0.13089706, z: 0.03942283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979339, y: 0.01770125, z: 0.06176258, w: -1} - {x: 0.99739754, y: 0.056311958, z: -0.045022216, w: -1} - {x: 0.99861044, y: 0.0015063549, z: -0.052677087, w: -1} - {x: 0.99247634, y: -0.066247866, z: 0.10296564, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991399, y: -0.0099856155, z: -0.04024668, w: -1} - {x: 0.98710513, y: 0.14501496, z: 0.06778032, w: -1} - {x: 0.9793217, y: 0.08509266, z: 0.18354343, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823047, y: 0.15019578, z: 0.11188711, w: -1} - {x: 0.9698027, y: 0.055957988, z: 0.23738441, w: -1} - {x: 0.8953308, y: -0.35349762, z: -0.27096516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9810084, y: -0.13728786, z: -0.13702014, w: -1} - {x: 0.9481862, y: -0.29544938, z: -0.11684337, w: -1} - {x: 0.9662043, y: -0.2548693, z: -0.03861283, w: -1} - {x: 0.99622875, y: -0.08462255, z: 0.019164141, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999349, y: -0.011271216, z: -0.0017870929, w: -1} - {x: 0.9776151, y: -0.19325568, z: 0.08319231, w: -1} - {x: 0.9781253, y: -0.20432134, z: 0.039034236, w: -1} - {x: 0.999882, y: -0.012585251, z: -0.008813943, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991655, y: -0.011556098, z: -0.0057635373, w: -1} - {x: 0.9780796, y: -0.20569369, z: 0.032410525, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986052, y: -0.05271312, z: 0.0029969565, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993646, y: -0.011058532, z: -0.0021989066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999265, y: 0.009893203, z: -0.0070146313, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986289, y: -0.051941402, z: 0.006510854, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984091, y: 0.054119073, z: -0.015824886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999073, y: 0.012174836, z: 0.0060911896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999083, y: 0.012922679, z: 0.0040357285, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983352, y: 0.05767716, z: 0.00031666507, w: -1} - {x: 0.99960977, y: -0.027634203, z: 0.004078169, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998586, y: 0.013603402, z: 0.009881142, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984811, y: 0.054833245, z: 0.0053605433, w: -1} - {x: 0.999567, y: -0.027041415, z: 0.011597886, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988306, y: -0.0058144145, z: 0.014148152, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985646, y: 0.05331979, z: -0.005075262, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922856, y: 0.12311597, z: -0.014546861, w: -1} - {x: 0.999958, y: -0.0074091894, z: 0.005391373, w: -1} - {x: 0.99642956, y: -0.083712116, z: 0.010973588, w: -1} - {x: 0.99229217, y: 0.122645855, z: -0.017726973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996899, y: 0.024801735, z: 0.0022495892, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964386, y: -0.0839949, z: 0.007414974, w: -1} - {x: 0.9839674, y: -0.17436557, z: -0.037478216, w: -1} - {x: 0.99427783, y: -0.094488814, z: 0.04983443, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881004, y: 0.12574969, z: 0.0885698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9766964, y: 0.21462597, z: 0.00017471884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9564899, y: 0.26796854, z: 0.11541243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9128915, y: -0.28204212, z: -0.2950954, w: -1} - {x: 0.93311346, y: -0.32651496, z: -0.15062323, w: -1} - {x: 0.9420863, y: -0.15961996, z: -0.294949, w: -1} - {x: 0.95919096, y: -0.25206843, z: -0.12811778, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892133, y: -0.13873468, z: 0.04700716, w: -1} - {x: 0.97763133, y: -0.17807327, z: 0.11192325, w: -1} - {x: 0.987583, y: -0.13377973, z: 0.08235856, w: -1} - {x: 0.9473383, y: -0.2371349, z: 0.2152144, w: -1} - {x: 0.9502253, y: -0.2903331, z: -0.11304239, w: -1} - {x: 0.97262025, y: -0.22410952, z: -0.061519973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9351737, y: -0.3507494, z: -0.049245615, w: -1} - {x: 0.94945043, y: -0.309736, z: -0.051062327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9758959, y: -0.21693991, z: -0.023753867, w: -1} - {x: 0.99712586, y: -0.062661596, z: -0.042587098, w: -1} - {x: 0.9589645, y: -0.2824871, z: 0.024252228, w: -1} - {x: 0.9732873, y: -0.22639413, z: 0.038176626, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986327, y: -0.05175331, z: 0.007366851, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983988, y: 0.053662043, z: -0.017893046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9741511, y: -0.21278758, z: 0.07583592, w: -1} - {x: 0.9770349, y: -0.2118018, z: 0.023298593, w: -1} - {x: 0.99826956, y: 0.05862245, z: 0.004617084, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994309, y: -0.02628705, z: 0.021138435, w: -1} - {x: 0.9770252, y: -0.20765316, z: 0.0479767, w: -1} - {x: 0.96924794, y: -0.24110043, z: 0.04928473, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994807, y: -0.029048244, z: -0.013941344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997543, y: -0.011805121, z: -0.018765334, w: -1} - {x: 0.96978164, y: -0.24393404, z: 0.0044378345, w: -1} - {x: 0.97565424, y: -0.21755283, z: 0.027742637, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999537, y: -0.0072350926, z: 0.0063474877, w: -1} - {x: 0.99607927, y: -0.08190208, z: 0.033437543, w: -1} - {x: 0.9754988, y: -0.21379922, z: 0.051885765, w: -1} - {x: 0.94379914, y: -0.32398662, z: 0.065390736, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962602, y: -0.085535504, z: -0.012215479, w: -1} - {x: 0.98254865, y: -0.18520889, z: 0.017199507, w: -1} - {x: 0.9467764, y: -0.32187492, z: -0.0033208334, w: -1} - {x: 0.91858906, y: -0.39441755, z: -0.025077661, w: -1} - {x: 0.9898681, y: 0.092774615, z: -0.10748967, w: -1} - {x: 0.99405533, y: 0.08865368, z: -0.06320235, w: -1} - {x: 0.99892974, y: -0.021400074, z: 0.04100512, w: -1} - {x: 0.97988856, y: -0.1091549, z: 0.16704413, w: -1} - {x: 0.96980333, y: -0.08611274, z: -0.22817987, w: -1} - {x: 0.9772506, y: -0.20708501, z: -0.04579481, w: -1} - {x: 0.96548814, y: -0.2604127, z: -0.0042389133, w: -1} - {x: 0.98486334, y: -0.15893538, z: -0.06916508, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858856, y: -0.1649357, z: 0.028737761, w: -1} - {x: 0.9511358, y: -0.29740748, z: 0.083002955, w: -1} - {x: 0.99270976, y: -0.120519355, z: -0.0015784308, w: -1} - {x: 0.97479534, y: -0.21735638, z: 0.050302558, w: -1} - {x: 0.94779545, y: -0.31671974, z: 0.03704629, w: -1} - {x: 0.9589968, y: -0.2823443, z: 0.024633491, w: -1} - {x: 0.9728422, y: -0.23134527, z: 0.0075798947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9281901, y: -0.3670927, z: 0.060877983, w: -1} - {x: 0.953663, y: -0.29996228, z: -0.023439337, w: -1} - {x: 0.96708465, y: -0.25194767, z: -0.03563176, w: -1} - {x: 0.92525977, y: -0.3789717, z: 0.01657719, w: -1} - {x: 0.911867, y: -0.40936348, z: 0.03033262, w: -1} - {x: 0.95845836, y: -0.2702352, z: -0.09127181, w: -1} - {x: 0.97278, y: -0.22445619, z: -0.057606347, w: -1} - {x: 0.90395874, y: -0.42677075, z: -0.026931273, w: -1} - {x: 0.8599541, y: -0.5101238, z: -0.015895532, w: -1} - {x: 0.9748609, y: -0.22055465, z: -0.03165158, w: -1} - {x: 0.9696967, y: -0.2443032, z: -0.0020509285, w: -1} - {x: 0.8627553, y: -0.5048761, z: 0.027447144, w: -1} - {x: 0.87800074, y: -0.4778128, z: 0.02845354, w: -1} - {x: 0.96965545, y: -0.2444355, z: -0.0044219117, w: -1} - {x: 0.97477806, y: -0.22299851, z: -0.008910524, w: -1} - {x: 0.8779518, y: -0.47801435, z: 0.026512248, w: -1} - {x: 0.84637004, y: -0.5314478, z: 0.034941528, w: -1} - {x: 0.97363484, y: -0.22606389, z: -0.030502204, w: -1} - {x: 0.94667935, y: -0.32215714, z: 0.0036123777, w: -1} - {x: 0.84606004, y: -0.533009, z: 0.0091622155, w: -1} - {x: 0.8220398, y: -0.5689721, z: -0.022834802, w: -1} - {x: 0.94669735, y: -0.32211432, z: 0.0025353492, w: -1} - {x: 0.91566277, y: -0.40189755, z: 0.0063269297, w: -1} - {x: 0.8220551, y: -0.5689346, z: -0.023213884, w: -1} - {x: 0.8315768, y: -0.5548681, z: -0.024521004, w: -1} - {x: 0.99895287, y: -0.026902186, z: 0.037006695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9808752, y: -0.12754063, z: 0.14702764, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979222, y: -0.032754626, z: 0.055484764, w: -1} - {x: 0.989514, y: -0.072219476, z: 0.12508552, w: -1} - {x: 0.95600927, y: -0.2905535, z: -0.040309966, w: -1} - {x: 0.9786486, y: -0.17788093, z: -0.10298181, w: -1} - {x: 0.9678142, y: -0.2435728, z: -0.0633083, w: -1} - {x: 0.9456248, y: -0.32160324, z: -0.048632767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946103, y: -0.09214629, z: 0.047533635, w: -1} - {x: 0.9750316, y: -0.21009907, z: 0.071914695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9617429, y: -0.25372532, z: 0.10331517, w: -1} - {x: 0.89214516, y: -0.43597525, z: 0.11833225, w: -1} - {x: 0.9715392, y: -0.23670115, z: -0.009171616, w: -1} - {x: 0.9267595, y: -0.3739618, z: 0.035631124, w: -1} - {x: 0.8931947, y: -0.4478907, z: 0.039964553, w: -1} - {x: 0.86677426, y: -0.49400017, z: 0.06830809, w: -1} - {x: 0.9230143, y: -0.3847187, z: -0.006017099, w: -1} - {x: 0.90914106, y: -0.4164166, z: 0.0077304104, w: -1} - {x: 0.8639026, y: -0.5032068, z: 0.021336995, w: -1} - {x: 0.8539689, y: -0.5199604, z: 0.01944831, w: -1} - {x: 0.9113593, y: -0.41080362, z: 0.025779067, w: -1} - {x: 0.8637266, y: -0.4937455, z: 0.10095391, w: -1} - {x: 0.8570937, y: -0.5051767, z: 0.10093093, w: -1} - {x: 0.7810445, y: -0.5933511, z: 0.19468938, w: -1} - {x: 0.8583955, y: -0.5119263, z: -0.032994185, w: -1} - {x: 0.87586087, y: -0.48219776, z: -0.018786531, w: -1} - {x: 0.79040086, y: -0.61258966, z: -0.00063676795, w: -1} - {x: 0.7788855, y: -0.62713665, z: 0.0060810274, w: -1} - {x: 0.8763223, y: -0.4815888, z: -0.011460897, w: -1} - {x: 0.8458581, y: -0.533406, z: 0.0014671872, w: -1} - {x: 0.77895415, y: -0.62702876, z: 0.008087803, w: -1} - {x: 0.7418984, y: -0.6703215, z: 0.015991148, w: -1} - {x: 0.8454564, y: -0.5339472, z: -0.010193081, w: -1} - {x: 0.8197044, y: -0.57251084, z: 0.017773625, w: -1} - {x: 0.74221754, y: -0.6701567, z: 0.0017559574, w: -1} - {x: 0.79357255, y: -0.6084515, z: 0.00543172, w: -1} - {x: -0.2729329, y: 0.067854375, z: 0.9596371, w: -1} - {x: -0.32443327, y: -0.037171923, z: 0.9451779, w: -1} - {x: -0.20556347, y: 0.12806332, z: 0.97022855, w: -1} - {x: -0.22265744, y: 0.06899975, z: 0.97245187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99803656, y: -0.043460023, z: 0.045103364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904002, y: -0.100555174, z: 0.09484818, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995574, y: -0.019420117, z: 0.02253719, w: -1} - {x: 0.98160434, y: -0.15114006, z: 0.11666032, w: -1} - {x: 0.985481, y: -0.032788288, z: 0.16658975, w: -1} - {x: 0.93722326, y: -0.14284147, z: 0.31813347, w: -1} - {x: 0.9596451, y: -0.062076945, z: 0.2742767, w: -1} - {x: 0.81626093, y: -0.30251008, z: 0.49214402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9319802, y: -0.3459524, z: -0.10830414, w: -1} - {x: 0.89051694, y: -0.45466673, z: -0.01605411, w: -1} - {x: 0.90428, y: -0.42631605, z: -0.023072274, w: -1} - {x: 0.8895994, y: -0.45673987, z: -0.0012748931, w: -1} - {x: 0.8899866, y: -0.45540628, z: -0.023000555, w: -1} - {x: 0.859349, y: -0.51086247, z: -0.023213536, w: -1} - {x: 0.8894919, y: -0.45690867, z: -0.0062092394, w: -1} - {x: 0.86311436, y: -0.5044126, z: -0.024525031, w: -1} - {x: 0.85896075, y: -0.5113627, z: -0.026354153, w: -1} - {x: 0.8501977, y: -0.5260269, z: -0.02143816, w: -1} - {x: 0.86268187, y: -0.5049652, z: -0.028110135, w: -1} - {x: 0.86657715, y: -0.4982623, z: -0.027906325, w: -1} - {x: 0.85103464, y: -0.5249335, z: -0.0135986665, w: -1} - {x: 0.7905764, y: -0.61233693, z: 0.005697891, w: -1} - {x: 0.8683002, y: -0.49592194, z: -0.010784152, w: -1} - {x: 0.8615346, y: -0.5076535, z: 0.0067881015, w: -1} - {x: 0.79054314, y: -0.61239046, z: 0.0044061653, w: -1} - {x: 0.77934086, y: -0.62621725, z: 0.02190588, w: -1} - {x: 0.8609371, y: -0.50804675, z: 0.025996048, w: -1} - {x: 0.8331797, y: -0.550981, z: 0.04723839, w: -1} - {x: 0.77844757, y: -0.62768924, z: -0.005058328, w: -1} - {x: 0.7422309, y: -0.6701436, z: 0.00096705364, w: -1} - {x: 0.83469397, y: -0.5506928, z: 0.0048264894, w: -1} - {x: 0.868801, y: -0.49467874, z: -0.021857653, w: -1} - {x: 0.74225897, y: -0.6701126, z: -0.00080415275, w: -1} - {x: 0.79358184, y: -0.60844356, z: 0.004937978, w: -1} - {x: 0.8701061, y: -0.49284226, z: -0.0046649883, w: -1} - {x: 0.8948915, y: -0.44624156, z: 0.0061450424, w: -1} - {x: 0.7937123, y: -0.6082823, z: -0.0036547745, w: -1} - {x: 0.8688122, y: -0.4951398, z: -0.0014237467, w: -1} - {x: 0.8942856, y: -0.44749114, z: -0.0022443982, w: -1} - {x: 0.86316663, y: -0.50490105, z: -0.00427393, w: -1} - {x: 0.9911024, y: 0.13274243, z: -0.00977301, w: -1} - {x: 0.97106075, y: 0.23882876, z: 0.0014001227, w: -1} - {x: 0.97363704, y: 0.22809611, z: -0.001734302, w: -1} - {x: 0.98563004, y: 0.16879864, z: -0.0063449703, w: -1} - {x: 0.9710563, y: 0.23884729, z: 0.0012681017, w: -1} - {x: 0.94362897, y: 0.3308202, z: 0.01106089, w: -1} - {x: 0.92977715, y: 0.36766014, z: 0.018454183, w: -1} - {x: 0.97364926, y: 0.2280466, z: 0.00139134, w: -1} - {x: 0.99917054, y: 0.029455764, z: -0.028116899, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975211, y: 0.06660064, z: -0.02271391, w: -1} - {x: 0.99651253, y: 0.079983175, z: -0.023780186, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946886, y: 0, z: -0.03258875, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975379, y: 0.06653281, z: -0.022169372, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910728, y: 0.13286051, z: -0.011081916, w: -1} - {x: 0.9855643, y: 0.168931, z: -0.011196042, w: -1} - {x: 0.99663025, y: 0.07975738, z: -0.019151809, w: -1} - {x: 0.93457407, y: 0.35241592, z: 0.04872661, w: -1} - {x: 0.9450812, y: 0.32452464, z: 0.03879842, w: -1} - {x: 0.9714732, y: 0.23646583, z: 0.017992945, w: -1} - {x: 0.96408933, y: 0.26449442, z: 0.023968896, w: -1} - {x: 0.97135544, y: 0.23732886, z: 0.011987011, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910449, y: 0.13296586, z: -0.012251625, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889557, y: 0.14819998, z: -0.001882311, w: -1} - {x: 0.96417946, y: 0.2639982, z: 0.025746336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9889164, y: 0.14844123, z: -0.0030734842, w: -1} - {x: 0.99091876, y: 0.1333882, z: -0.016962003, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974151, y: 0.067003764, z: -0.025954293, w: -1} - {x: 0.99836254, y: 0.05198931, z: -0.023859685, w: -1} - {x: 0.99741775, y: 0.06699429, z: -0.025878007, w: -1} - {x: 0.99908566, y: 0.029771168, z: -0.030687567, w: -1} - {x: 0.99942034, y: 0.005368434, z: -0.03361653, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982958, y: 0.052315634, z: -0.025853148, w: -1} - {x: 0.8744794, y: 0.4786954, z: 0.07833558, w: -1} - {x: 0.93339, y: 0.3575498, z: 0.030676307, w: -1} - {x: 0.9628072, y: 0.2701679, z: 0.0034036094, w: -1} - {x: 0.92790115, y: 0.37113816, z: 0.03543697, w: -1} - {x: 0.96272665, y: 0.27046633, z: 0.002309337, w: -1} - {x: 0.987723, y: 0.15356728, z: -0.028641056, w: -1} - {x: 0.96825135, y: 0.2499492, z: -0.0038430947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9281603, y: 0.37022316, z: 0.03812074, w: -1} - {x: 0.96825784, y: 0.2499254, z: -0.0037625367, w: -1} - {x: 0.98743886, y: 0.15447238, z: -0.033208445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967921, y: 0.057219945, z: -0.055958897, w: -1} - {x: 0.9911961, y: 0.12599535, z: -0.04068549, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963693, y: 0.058218036, z: -0.0621198, w: -1} - {x: 0.99702, y: 0.011615179, z: -0.07626451, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970363, y: 0.038954437, z: -0.066343054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910508, y: 0.12648591, z: -0.04265856, w: -1} - {x: 0.75566196, y: 0.6427779, z: 0.1257441, w: -1} - {x: 0.87048805, y: 0.48967895, z: 0.04965, w: -1} - {x: 0.92449707, y: 0.3811502, z: 0.0054526655, w: -1} - {x: 0.78703, y: 0.60745746, z: 0.10760623, w: -1} - {x: 0.9241591, y: 0.3819971, z: 0.002861981, w: -1} - {x: 0.96440965, y: 0.26104704, z: -0.0420539, w: -1} - {x: 0.9161678, y: 0.4006419, z: 0.011074129, w: -1} - {x: 0.7872029, y: 0.60703737, z: 0.108707435, w: -1} - {x: 0.9163407, y: 0.40021375, z: 0.01219687, w: -1} - {x: 0.96366143, y: 0.26276273, z: -0.048086435, w: -1} - {x: 0.986117, y: 0.13849986, z: -0.09160258, w: -1} - {x: 0.9768728, y: 0.20212315, z: -0.06975565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9851345, y: 0.14031507, z: -0.099105015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9901357, y: 0.052289274, z: -0.12998877, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904041, y: 0.07172895, z: -0.11812998, w: -1} - {x: 0.97674185, y: 0.20244053, z: -0.07066341, w: -1} - {x: 0.805166, y: 0.58357084, z: 0.10560708, w: -1} - {x: 0.7384025, y: 0.67322177, z: 0.03916797, w: -1} - {x: 0.76974857, y: 0.6380411, z: 0.019767046, w: -1} - {x: 0.68757015, y: 0.723667, z: 0.059608273, w: -1} - {x: 0.76508933, y: 0.6439237, z: 0.0006833773, w: -1} - {x: 0.8887297, y: 0.44427946, z: -0.11302843, w: -1} - {x: 0.71676224, y: 0.696656, z: 0.030370202, w: -1} - {x: 0.6869226, y: 0.72447217, z: 0.057248726, w: -1} - {x: 0.7201296, y: 0.69271505, z: 0.03948678, w: -1} - {x: 0.88647723, y: 0.4467456, z: -0.12073323, w: -1} - {x: 0.94541943, y: 0.24914594, z: -0.21002005, w: -1} - {x: 0.90319, y: 0.40482023, z: -0.14271787, w: -1} - {x: 0.94386214, y: 0.25075468, z: -0.21504946, w: -1} - {x: 0.95628846, y: 0.11710623, z: -0.26795232, w: -1} - {x: 0.9541761, y: 0.16697659, z: -0.2483278, w: -1} - {x: 0.90609396, y: 0.40109804, z: -0.1345891, w: -1} - {x: 0.97766376, y: 0.048756707, z: -0.20444119, w: -1} - {x: 0.79647493, y: 0.6004223, z: -0.07155829, w: -1} - {x: 0.7033435, y: 0.7000875, z: 0.12322898, w: -1} - {x: 0.9786455, y: 0.13176608, z: -0.15776792, w: -1} - {x: 0.70472646, y: 0.6975552, z: 0.12952715, w: -1} - {x: 0.7378473, y: 0.66873896, z: 0.091485165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9014279, y: 0.4101593, z: -0.13855378, w: -1} - {x: 0.9842729, y: 0.12242813, z: -0.12735097, w: -1} - {x: 0.8844975, y: 0.43301457, z: -0.17367329, w: -1} - {x: 0.7426106, y: 0.6611362, z: 0.10690377, w: -1} - {x: 0.9258176, y: 0.37116146, z: -0.07142027, w: -1} - {x: 0.89245796, y: 0.39563954, z: -0.21676745, w: -1} - {x: 0.9286474, y: 0.36594906, z: -0.06078919, w: -1} - {x: 0.9750347, y: 0.13528165, z: -0.17608579, w: -1} - {x: 0.9665152, y: 0.17474252, z: -0.18791892, w: -1} - {x: 0.92596394, y: 0.342972, z: -0.15799032, w: -1} - {x: 0.9587386, y: -0.2834994, z: -0.021176066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9575714, y: -0.28621304, z: -0.033748418, w: -1} - {x: 0.99518186, y: 0.05644852, z: 0.080166295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9511778, y: 0.07103516, z: 0.30035773, w: -1} - {x: 0.95751756, y: -0.28648618, z: -0.032950614, w: -1} - {x: 0.9806422, y: -0.1905327, z: 0.045146406, w: -1} - {x: 0.98992634, y: 0.0080633685, z: 0.14135347, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918488, y: 0.043398563, z: 0.11980199, w: -1} - {x: 0.99113667, y: -0.040821996, z: 0.12641853, w: -1} - {x: 0.9866929, y: -0.14273238, z: 0.077875786, w: -1} - {x: 0.97023976, y: -0.04730338, z: 0.23748097, w: -1} - {x: 0.9896993, y: -0.050332956, z: 0.13402222, w: -1} - {x: 0.9818647, y: -0.16214456, z: 0.09823856, w: -1} - {x: 0.95906186, y: -0.2822631, z: -0.022976158, w: -1} - {x: 0.95241046, y: 0.075529665, z: 0.2953126, w: -1} - {x: 0.97079504, y: -0.045291826, z: 0.23559658, w: -1} - {x: 0.9518532, y: -0.28701082, z: -0.10770452, w: -1} - {x: 0.9449289, y: -0.31152228, z: -0.10031653, w: -1} - {x: 0.9595877, y: -0.26857123, z: -0.08402967, w: -1} - {x: 0.96669614, y: -0.24373397, z: -0.07805281, w: -1} - {x: 0.9449066, y: -0.31272444, z: -0.09672069, w: -1} - {x: 0.92161113, y: 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600100006101000062010000610100006301000062010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640100006501000066010000650100006701000066010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68010000690100006a010000690100006b0100006a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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800100008101000082010000810100008301000082010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840100008501000086010000850100008701000086010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88010000890100008a010000890100008b0100008a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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a0010000a1010000a2010000a1010000a3010000a2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4010000a5010000a6010000a5010000a7010000a6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8010000a9010000aa010000a9010000ab010000aa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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c0010000c1010000c2010000c1010000c3010000c2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4010000c5010000c6010000c5010000c7010000c6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8010000c9010000ca010000c9010000cb010000ca010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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e0010000e1010000e2010000e1010000e3010000e2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4010000e5010000e6010000e5010000e7010000e6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8010000e9010000ea010000e9010000eb010000ea010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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200200002102000022020000210200002302000022020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240200002502000026020000250200002702000026020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28020000290200002a020000290200002b0200002a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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400200004102000042020000410200004302000042020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000046020000450200004702000046020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004a020000490200004b0200004a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004e0200004d0200004f0200004e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000052020000510200005302000052020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000056020000550200005702000056020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005a020000590200005b0200005a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005e0200005d0200005f0200005e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600200006102000062020000610200006302000062020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640200006502000066020000650200006702000066020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68020000690200006a020000690200006b0200006a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0200006d0200006e0200006d0200006f0200006e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700200007102000072020000710200007302000072020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740200007502000076020000750200007702000076020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78020000790200007a020000790200007b0200007a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0200007d0200007e0200007d0200007f0200007e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800200008102000082020000810200008302000082020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840200008502000086020000850200008702000086020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88020000890200008a020000890200008b0200008a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0200008d0200008e0200008d0200008f0200008e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900200009102000092020000910200009302000092020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940200009502000096020000950200009702000096020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98020000990200009a020000990200009b0200009a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0200009d0200009e0200009d0200009f0200009e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0020000a1020000a2020000a1020000a3020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4020000a5020000a6020000a5020000a7020000a6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8020000a9020000aa020000a9020000ab020000aa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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c0020000c1020000c2020000c1020000c3020000c2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4020000c5020000c6020000c5020000c7020000c6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8020000c9020000ca020000c9020000cb020000ca020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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e0020000e1020000e2020000e1020000e3020000e2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4020000e5020000e6020000e5020000e7020000e6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8020000e9020000ea020000e9020000eb020000ea020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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200300002103000022030000210300002303000022030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240300002503000026030000250300002703000026030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28030000290300002a030000290300002b0300002a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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400300004103000042030000410300004303000042030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440300004503000046030000450300004703000046030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48030000490300004a030000490300004b0300004a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58030000590300005a030000590300005b0300005a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0300005d0300005e0300005d0300005f0300005e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600300006103000062030000610300006303000062030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640300006503000066030000650300006703000066030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68030000690300006a030000690300006b0300006a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0300006d0300006e0300006d0300006f0300006e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700300007103000072030000710300007303000072030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740300007503000076030000750300007703000076030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78030000790300007a030000790300007b0300007a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0300007d0300007e0300007d0300007f0300007e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800300008103000082030000810300008303000082030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840300008503000086030000850300008703000086030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88030000890300008a030000890300008b0300008a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0300008d0300008e0300008d0300008f0300008e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900300009103000092030000910300009303000092030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940300009503000096030000950300009703000096030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98030000990300009a030000990300009b0300009a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0300009d0300009e0300009d0300009f0300009e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0030000a1030000a2030000a1030000a3030000a2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4030000a5030000a6030000a5030000a7030000a6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8030000a9030000aa030000a9030000ab030000aa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac030000ad030000ae030000ad030000af030000ae030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0030000b1030000b2030000b1030000b3030000b2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4030000b5030000b6030000b5030000b7030000b6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8030000b9030000ba030000b9030000bb030000ba030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc030000bd030000be030000bd030000bf030000be030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0030000c1030000c2030000c1030000c3030000c2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4030000c5030000c6030000c5030000c7030000c6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8030000c9030000ca030000c9030000cb030000ca030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc030000cd030000ce030000cd030000cf030000ce030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0030000d1030000d2030000d1030000d3030000d2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4030000d5030000d6030000d5030000d7030000d6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8030000d9030000da030000d9030000db030000da030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc030000dd030000de030000dd030000df030000de030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0030000e1030000e2030000e1030000e3030000e2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4030000e5030000e6030000e5030000e7030000e6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8030000e9030000ea030000e9030000eb030000ea030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec030000ed030000ee030000ed030000ef030000ee030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0030000f1030000f2030000f1030000f3030000f2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4030000f5030000f6030000f5030000f7030000f6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8030000f9030000fa030000f9030000fb030000fa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc030000fd030000fe030000fd030000ff030000fe030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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400400004104000042040000410400004304000042040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440400004504000046040000450400004704000046040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48040000490400004a040000490400004b0400004a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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600400006104000062040000610400006304000062040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640400006504000066040000650400006704000066040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68040000690400006a040000690400006b0400006a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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800400008104000082040000810400008304000082040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840400008504000086040000850400008704000086040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88040000890400008a040000890400008b0400008a040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0400008d0400008e0400008d0400008f0400008e040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900400009104000092040000910400009304000092040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940400009504000096040000950400009704000096040000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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600500006105000062050000610500006305000062050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640500006505000066050000650500006705000066050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68050000690500006a050000690500006b0500006a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0500006d0500006e0500006d0500006f0500006e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700500007105000072050000710500007305000072050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740500007505000076050000750500007705000076050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78050000790500007a050000790500007b0500007a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0500007d0500007e0500007d0500007f0500007e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800500008105000082050000810500008305000082050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840500008505000086050000850500008705000086050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88050000890500008a050000890500008b0500008a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0500008d0500008e0500008d0500008f0500008e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900500009105000092050000910500009305000092050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940500009505000096050000950500009705000096050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98050000990500009a050000990500009b0500009a050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0500009d0500009e0500009d0500009f0500009e050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0050000a1050000a2050000a1050000a3050000a2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4050000a5050000a6050000a5050000a7050000a6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8050000a9050000aa050000a9050000ab050000aa050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac050000ad050000ae050000ad050000af050000ae050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0050000b1050000b2050000b1050000b3050000b2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4050000b5050000b6050000b5050000b7050000b6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8050000b9050000ba050000b9050000bb050000ba050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc050000bd050000be050000bd050000bf050000be050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0050000c1050000c2050000c1050000c3050000c2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4050000c5050000c6050000c5050000c7050000c6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8050000c9050000ca050000c9050000cb050000ca050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc050000cd050000ce050000cd050000cf050000ce050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0050000d1050000d2050000d1050000d3050000d2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4050000d5050000d6050000d5050000d7050000d6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8050000d9050000da050000d9050000db050000da050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc050000dd050000de050000dd050000df050000de050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0050000e1050000e2050000e1050000e3050000e2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4050000e5050000e6050000e5050000e7050000e6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8050000e9050000ea050000e9050000eb050000ea050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec050000ed050000ee050000ed050000ef050000ee050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0050000f1050000f2050000f1050000f3050000f2050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4050000f5050000f6050000f5050000f7050000f6050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8050000f9050000fa050000f9050000fb050000fa050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc050000fd050000fe050000fd050000ff050000fe050000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0600000d0600000e0600000d0600000f0600000e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100600001106000012060000110600001306000012060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140600001506000016060000150600001706000016060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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200600002106000022060000210600002306000022060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240600002506000026060000250600002706000026060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28060000290600002a060000290600002b0600002a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0600002d0600002e0600002d0600002f0600002e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300600003106000032060000310600003306000032060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340600003506000036060000350600003706000036060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38060000390600003a060000390600003b0600003a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0600003d0600003e0600003d0600003f0600003e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400600004106000042060000410600004306000042060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440600004506000046060000450600004706000046060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48060000490600004a060000490600004b0600004a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0600004d0600004e0600004d0600004f0600004e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500600005106000052060000510600005306000052060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540600005506000056060000550600005706000056060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58060000590600005a060000590600005b0600005a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0600005d0600005e0600005d0600005f0600005e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600600006106000062060000610600006306000062060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640600006506000066060000650600006706000066060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68060000690600006a060000690600006b0600006a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0600006d0600006e0600006d0600006f0600006e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700600007106000072060000710600007306000072060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740600007506000076060000750600007706000076060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78060000790600007a060000790600007b0600007a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0600007d0600007e0600007d0600007f0600007e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800600008106000082060000810600008306000082060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840600008506000086060000850600008706000086060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88060000890600008a060000890600008b0600008a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0600008d0600008e0600008d0600008f0600008e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900600009106000092060000910600009306000092060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940600009506000096060000950600009706000096060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98060000990600009a060000990600009b0600009a060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0600009d0600009e0600009d0600009f0600009e060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0060000a1060000a2060000a1060000a3060000a2060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4060000a5060000a6060000a5060000a7060000a6060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8060000a9060000aa060000a9060000ab060000aa060000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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17.472507} - {x: -83.51768, y: 17.776794, z: 5.8241677} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.751254, z: 17.472492} - {x: -93.34329, y: 8.706768, z: 17.472507} - {x: -93.343285, y: 8.421723, z: 29.120838} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.751254, z: 17.472492} - {x: -83.51769, y: 15.297979, z: 29.120834} - {x: -93.343285, y: 8.421723, z: 29.120838} - {x: -93.343285, y: 8.357332, z: 40.76918} - {x: -83.51769, y: 15.297979, z: 29.120834} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.084179, z: 40.76918} - {x: -93.343285, y: 8.357332, z: 40.76918} - {x: -93.34329, y: 8.240399, z: 52.417496} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.084179, z: 40.76918} - {x: -83.517685, y: 14.82955, z: 52.41751} - {x: -93.34329, y: 8.240399, z: 52.417496} - {x: -93.343285, y: 8.051614, z: 64.06584} - {x: -83.517685, y: 14.82955, z: 52.41751} - {x: -83.51767, y: 14.433342, z: 64.06584} - {x: -93.343285, y: 8.051614, z: 64.06584} - {x: -93.343285, y: 7.7305, z: 75.71418} - {x: -83.51767, y: 14.433342, z: 64.06584} - {x: -83.51768, y: 13.708808, z: 75.71417} - {x: -93.343285, y: 7.7305, z: 75.71418} - {x: -93.34328, y: 7.140826, z: 87.36252} - {x: -83.51768, y: 13.708808, z: 75.71417} - {x: -83.51768, y: 12.341344, z: 87.36251} - {x: -93.34328, y: 7.140826, z: 87.36252} - {x: -93.343285, y: 6.035968, z: 99.01085} - {x: -83.51768, y: 12.341344, z: 87.36251} - {x: -83.51767, y: 9.888135, z: 99.01086} - {x: -93.343285, y: 6.035968, z: 99.01085} - {x: -93.343285, y: 4.0229926, z: 110.65918} - {x: -83.51767, y: 9.888135, z: 99.01086} - {x: -83.51768, y: 5.876223, z: 110.659164} - {x: -93.343285, y: 4.0229926, z: 110.65918} - {x: -93.3433, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30755} - {x: -83.51768, y: 5.876223, z: 110.659164} - {x: -83.5177, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30754} - {x: -83.51766, y: 0.24270248, z: -122.30752} - {x: -83.51766, y: 6.970383, z: -110.65917} - {x: -73.69208, y: 0.2442379, z: -122.30749} - {x: -73.69204, y: 8.084866, z: -110.659164} - {x: -83.51766, y: 6.970383, z: -110.65917} - {x: -83.517654, y: 13.062955, z: -99.01084} - {x: -73.69204, y: 8.084866, z: -110.659164} - {x: -73.69204, y: 15.25821, z: -99.01085} - {x: -83.517654, y: 13.062955, z: -99.01084} - {x: -83.51768, y: 18.053692, z: -87.36251} - {x: -73.69204, y: 15.25821, z: -99.01085} - {x: -73.692055, y: 21.044685, z: -87.3625} - {x: -83.51768, y: 18.053692, z: -87.36251} - {x: -83.517654, y: 21.95908, z: -75.71417} - {x: -73.692055, y: 21.044685, z: -87.3625} - {x: -73.69206, y: 25.256704, z: -75.714165} - {x: -83.517654, y: 21.95908, z: -75.71417} - {x: -83.51768, y: 25.26725, z: -64.06584} - {x: -73.69206, y: 25.256704, z: -75.714165} - {x: -73.692055, y: 28.2477, z: -64.06584} - {x: -83.51768, y: 25.26725, z: -64.06584} - {x: -83.517654, y: 27.493048, z: -52.41751} - {x: -73.692055, y: 28.2477, z: -64.06584} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.740221, z: -52.4175} - {x: -83.517654, y: 27.493048, z: -52.41751} - {x: -83.51767, y: 28.499102, z: -40.769173} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.740221, z: -52.4175} - {x: -73.692055, y: 32.6305, z: -40.769176} - {x: -83.51767, y: 28.499102, z: -40.769173} - {x: -83.51767, y: 28.91315, z: -29.12084} - {x: -73.692055, y: 32.6305, z: -40.769176} - {x: -73.69205, y: 33.09985, z: -29.120838} - {x: -83.51767, y: 28.91315, z: -29.12084} - {x: -83.51767, y: 24.976965, z: -17.472498} - {x: -73.69205, y: 33.09985, z: -29.120838} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.022928, z: -17.472504} - {x: -83.51767, y: 24.976965, z: -17.472498} - {x: -83.51767, y: 19.48224, z: -5.824176} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.022928, z: -17.472504} - {x: -73.69206, y: 24.973682, z: -5.824168} - {x: -83.51767, y: 19.48224, z: -5.824176} - {x: -83.51768, y: 17.776794, z: 5.8241677} - {x: -73.69206, y: 24.973682, z: -5.824168} - {x: -73.692055, y: 22.993763, z: 5.8241735} - {x: -83.51768, y: 17.776794, z: 5.8241677} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.751254, z: 17.472492} - {x: -73.692055, y: 22.993763, z: 5.8241735} - {x: -73.69205, y: 20.827446, z: 17.472502} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.751254, z: 17.472492} - {x: -83.51769, y: 15.297979, z: 29.120834} - {x: -73.69205, y: 20.827446, z: 17.472502} - {x: -73.69206, y: 20.244637, z: 29.120832} - {x: -83.51769, y: 15.297979, z: 29.120834} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.084179, z: 40.76918} - {x: -73.69206, y: 20.244637, z: 29.120832} - {x: -73.69207, y: 19.90046, z: 40.76917} - {x: -83.51768, y: 15.084179, z: 40.76918} - {x: -83.517685, y: 14.82955, z: 52.41751} - {x: -73.69207, y: 19.90046, z: 40.76917} - {x: -73.69206, y: 19.511494, z: 52.41751} - {x: -83.517685, y: 14.82955, z: 52.41751} - {x: -83.51767, y: 14.433342, z: 64.06584} - {x: -73.69206, y: 19.511494, z: 52.41751} - {x: -73.692055, y: 18.886366, z: 64.06584} - {x: -83.51767, y: 14.433342, z: 64.06584} - {x: -83.51768, y: 13.708808, z: 75.71417} - {x: -73.692055, y: 18.886366, z: 64.06584} - {x: -73.69207, y: 17.715887, z: 75.71418} - {x: -83.51768, y: 13.708808, z: 75.71417} - {x: -83.51768, y: 12.341344, z: 87.36251} - {x: -73.69207, y: 17.715887, z: 75.71418} - {x: -73.69206, y: 15.5693865, z: 87.36252} - {x: -83.51768, y: 12.341344, z: 87.36251} - {x: -83.51767, y: 9.888135, z: 99.01086} - {x: -73.69206, y: 15.5693865, z: 87.36252} - {x: -73.692055, y: 11.98564, z: 99.01086} - {x: -83.51767, y: 9.888135, z: 99.01086} - {x: -83.51768, y: 5.876223, z: 110.659164} - {x: -73.692055, y: 11.98564, z: 99.01086} - {x: -73.69206, y: 6.751448, z: 110.65919} - {x: -83.51768, y: 5.876223, z: 110.659164} - {x: -83.5177, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30754} - {x: -73.69206, y: 6.751448, z: 110.65919} - {x: -73.69208, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307556} - {x: -73.69208, y: 0.2442379, z: -122.30749} - {x: -73.69204, y: 8.084866, z: -110.659164} - {x: -63.86643, y: 0.24549484, z: -122.30752} - {x: -63.866432, y: 8.924377, z: -110.659164} - {x: -73.69204, y: 8.084866, z: -110.659164} - {x: -73.69204, y: 15.25821, z: -99.01085} - {x: -63.866432, y: 8.924377, z: -110.659164} - {x: -63.86643, y: 16.786877, z: -99.01084} - {x: -73.69204, y: 15.25821, z: -99.01085} - {x: -73.692055, y: 21.044685, z: -87.3625} - {x: -63.86643, y: 16.786877, z: -99.01084} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.950357, z: -87.36251} - {x: -73.692055, y: 21.044685, z: -87.3625} - {x: -73.69206, y: 25.256704, z: -75.714165} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.950357, z: -87.36251} - {x: -63.866444, y: 26.763792, z: -75.714165} - {x: -73.69206, y: 25.256704, z: -75.714165} - {x: -73.692055, y: 28.2477, z: -64.06584} - {x: -63.866444, y: 26.763792, z: -75.714165} - {x: -63.866436, y: 29.458532, z: -64.065834} - {x: -73.692055, y: 28.2477, z: -64.06584} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.740221, z: -52.4175} - {x: -63.866436, y: 29.458532, z: -64.065834} - {x: -63.86643, y: 32.065876, z: -52.417507} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.740221, z: -52.4175} - {x: -73.692055, y: 32.6305, z: -40.769176} - {x: -63.86643, y: 32.065876, z: -52.417507} - {x: -63.866444, y: 33.807526, z: -40.769165} - {x: -73.692055, y: 32.6305, z: -40.769176} - {x: -73.69205, y: 33.09985, z: -29.120838} - {x: -63.866444, y: 33.807526, z: -40.769165} - {x: -63.866432, y: 34.265816, z: -29.12083} - {x: -73.69205, y: 33.09985, z: -29.120838} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.022928, z: -17.472504} - {x: -63.866432, y: 34.265816, z: -29.12083} - {x: -63.866432, y: 31.904118, z: -17.472496} - {x: -73.692055, y: 30.022928, z: -17.472504} - {x: -73.69206, y: 24.973682, z: -5.824168} - {x: -63.866432, y: 31.904118, z: -17.472496} - {x: -63.86644, y: 27.89467, z: -5.824178} - {x: -73.69206, y: 24.973682, z: -5.824168} - {x: -73.692055, y: 22.993763, z: 5.8241735} - {x: -63.86644, y: 27.89467, z: -5.824178} - {x: -63.866444, y: 25.823336, z: 5.8241673} - {x: -73.692055, y: 22.993763, z: 5.8241735} - {x: -73.69205, y: 20.827446, z: 17.472502} - {x: -63.866444, y: 25.823336, z: 5.8241673} - {x: -63.866436, y: 23.94606, z: 17.472498} - {x: -73.69205, y: 20.827446, z: 17.472502} - {x: -73.69206, y: 20.244637, z: 29.120832} - {x: -63.866436, y: 23.94606, z: 17.472498} - {x: -63.86645, y: 23.285664, z: 29.120834} - {x: -73.69206, y: 20.244637, z: 29.120832} - {x: -73.69207, y: 19.90046, z: 40.76917} - {x: -63.86645, y: 23.285664, z: 29.120834} - {x: -63.866444, y: 22.863432, z: 40.769173} - {x: -73.69207, y: 19.90046, z: 40.76917} - {x: -73.69206, y: 19.511494, z: 52.41751} - {x: -63.866444, y: 22.863432, z: 40.769173} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.364233, z: 52.41752} - {x: -73.69206, y: 19.511494, z: 52.41751} - {x: -73.692055, y: 18.886366, z: 64.06584} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.364233, z: 52.41752} - {x: -63.866444, y: 21.526993, z: 64.06585} - {x: -73.692055, y: 18.886366, z: 64.06584} - {x: -73.69207, y: 17.715887, z: 75.71418} - {x: -63.866444, y: 21.526993, z: 64.06585} - {x: -63.86645, y: 19.96885, z: 75.71417} - {x: -73.69207, y: 17.715887, z: 75.71418} - {x: -73.69206, y: 15.5693865, z: 87.36252} - {x: -63.86645, y: 19.96885, z: 75.71417} - {x: -63.866444, y: 17.231758, z: 87.36252} - {x: -73.69206, y: 15.5693865, z: 87.36252} - {x: -73.692055, y: 11.98564, z: 99.01086} - {x: -63.866444, y: 17.231758, z: 87.36252} - {x: -63.866432, y: 12.947306, z: 99.01086} - {x: -73.692055, y: 11.98564, z: 99.01086} - {x: -73.69206, y: 6.751448, z: 110.65919} - {x: -63.866432, y: 12.947306, z: 99.01086} - {x: -63.866455, y: 7.10625, z: 110.65916} - {x: -73.69206, y: 6.751448, z: 110.65919} - {x: -73.69208, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307556} - {x: -63.866455, y: 7.10625, z: 110.65916} - {x: -63.86646, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307556} - {x: -63.86643, y: 0.24549484, z: -122.30752} - {x: -63.866432, y: 8.924377, z: -110.659164} - {x: -54.040836, y: 0.24630547, z: -122.3075} - {x: -54.040813, y: 9.464038, z: -110.65918} - {x: -63.866432, y: 8.924377, z: -110.659164} - {x: -63.86643, y: 16.786877, z: -99.01084} - {x: -54.040813, y: 9.464038, z: -110.65918} - {x: -54.04081, y: 17.652403, z: -99.01086} - {x: -63.86643, y: 16.786877, z: -99.01084} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.950357, z: -87.36251} - {x: -54.04081, y: 17.652403, z: -99.01086} - {x: -54.040825, y: 23.75748, z: -87.3625} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.950357, z: -87.36251} - {x: -63.866444, y: 26.763792, z: -75.714165} - {x: -54.040825, y: 23.75748, z: -87.3625} - {x: -54.040825, y: 27.365664, z: -75.714165} - {x: -63.866444, y: 26.763792, z: -75.714165} - {x: -63.866436, y: 29.458532, z: -64.065834} - {x: -54.040825, y: 27.365664, z: -75.714165} - {x: -54.040817, y: 29.88483, z: -64.065834} - {x: -63.866436, y: 29.458532, z: -64.065834} - {x: -63.86643, y: 32.065876, z: -52.417507} - {x: -54.040817, y: 29.88483, z: -64.065834} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.267395, z: -52.417515} - {x: -63.86643, y: 32.065876, z: -52.417507} - {x: -63.866444, y: 33.807526, z: -40.769165} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.267395, z: -52.417515} - {x: -54.04082, y: 33.62959, z: -40.769173} - {x: -63.866444, y: 33.807526, z: -40.769165} - {x: -63.866432, y: 34.265816, z: -29.12083} - {x: -54.04082, y: 33.62959, z: -40.769173} - {x: -54.040813, y: 33.731335, z: -29.120844} - {x: -63.866432, y: 34.265816, z: -29.12083} - {x: -63.866432, y: 31.904118, z: -17.472496} - {x: -54.040813, y: 33.731335, z: -29.120844} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.05659, z: -17.472502} - {x: -63.866432, y: 31.904118, z: -17.472496} - {x: -63.86644, y: 27.89467, z: -5.824178} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.05659, z: -17.472502} - {x: -54.04082, y: 28.94479, z: -5.8241773} - {x: -63.86644, y: 27.89467, z: -5.824178} - {x: -63.866444, y: 25.823336, z: 5.8241673} - {x: -54.04082, y: 28.94479, z: -5.8241773} - {x: -54.04082, y: 26.99621, z: 5.8241744} - {x: -63.866444, y: 25.823336, z: 5.8241673} - {x: -63.866436, y: 23.94606, z: 17.472498} - {x: -54.04082, y: 26.99621, z: 5.8241744} - {x: -54.040817, y: 25.538607, z: 17.4725} - {x: -63.866436, y: 23.94606, z: 17.472498} - {x: -63.86645, y: 23.285664, z: 29.120834} - {x: -54.040817, y: 25.538607, z: 17.4725} - {x: -54.040825, y: 24.877731, z: 29.120838} - {x: -63.86645, y: 23.285664, z: 29.120834} - {x: -63.866444, y: 22.863432, z: 40.769173} - {x: -54.040825, y: 24.877731, z: 29.120838} - {x: -54.040817, y: 24.431202, z: 40.76917} - {x: -63.866444, y: 22.863432, z: 40.769173} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.364233, z: 52.41752} - {x: -54.040817, y: 24.431202, z: 40.76917} - {x: -54.04084, y: 23.85403, z: 52.417507} - {x: -63.86644, y: 22.364233, z: 52.41752} - {x: -63.866444, y: 21.526993, z: 64.06585} - {x: -54.04084, y: 23.85403, z: 52.417507} - {x: -54.040833, y: 22.852743, z: 64.065834} - {x: -63.866444, y: 21.526993, z: 64.06585} - {x: -63.86645, y: 19.96885, z: 75.71417} - {x: -54.040833, y: 22.852743, z: 64.065834} - {x: -54.040833, y: 21.02309, z: 75.71418} - {x: -63.86645, y: 19.96885, z: 75.71417} - {x: -63.866444, y: 17.231758, z: 87.36252} - {x: -54.040833, y: 21.02309, z: 75.71418} - {x: -54.04082, y: 17.931332, z: 87.36251} - {x: -63.866444, y: 17.231758, z: 87.36252} - {x: -63.866432, y: 12.947306, z: 99.01086} - {x: -54.04082, y: 17.931332, z: 87.36251} - {x: -54.04084, y: 13.298867, z: 99.01083} - {x: -63.866432, y: 12.947306, z: 99.01086} - {x: -63.866455, y: 7.10625, z: 110.65916} - {x: -54.04084, y: 13.298867, z: 99.01083} - {x: -54.040825, y: 7.2156076, z: 110.65917} - {x: -63.866455, y: 7.10625, z: 110.65916} - {x: -63.86646, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307556} - {x: -54.040825, y: 7.2156076, z: 110.65917} - {x: -54.040855, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: -54.040836, y: 0.24630547, z: -122.3075} - {x: -54.040813, y: 9.464038, z: -110.65918} - {x: -44.2152, y: 0.24648666, z: -122.30751} - {x: -44.215218, y: 9.793692, z: -110.65917} - {x: -54.040813, y: 9.464038, z: -110.65918} - {x: -54.04081, y: 17.652403, z: -99.01086} - {x: -44.215218, y: 9.793692, z: -110.65917} - {x: -44.2152, y: 17.99066, z: -99.01084} - {x: -54.04081, y: 17.652403, z: -99.01086} - {x: -54.040825, y: 23.75748, z: -87.3625} - {x: -44.2152, y: 17.99066, z: -99.01084} - {x: -44.215202, y: 23.847624, z: -87.3625} - {x: -54.040825, y: 23.75748, z: -87.3625} - {x: -54.040825, y: 27.365664, z: -75.714165} - {x: -44.215202, y: 23.847624, z: -87.3625} - {x: -44.21521, y: 27.330536, z: -75.714165} - {x: -54.040825, y: 27.365664, z: -75.714165} - {x: -54.040817, y: 29.88483, z: -64.065834} - {x: -44.21521, y: 27.330536, z: -75.714165} - {x: -44.215202, y: 29.776852, z: -64.06584} - {x: -54.040817, y: 29.88483, z: -64.065834} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.267395, z: -52.417515} - {x: -44.215202, y: 29.776852, z: -64.06584} - {x: -44.21521, y: 31.681189, z: -52.417503} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.267395, z: -52.417515} - {x: -54.04082, y: 33.62959, z: -40.769173} - {x: -44.21521, y: 31.681189, z: -52.417503} - {x: -44.215202, y: 32.56603, z: -40.76917} - {x: -54.04082, y: 33.62959, z: -40.769173} - {x: -54.040813, y: 33.731335, z: -29.120844} - {x: -44.215202, y: 32.56603, z: -40.76917} - {x: -44.215214, y: 32.429367, z: -29.120829} - {x: -54.040813, y: 33.731335, z: -29.120844} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.05659, z: -17.472502} - {x: -44.215214, y: 32.429367, z: -29.120829} - {x: -44.215202, y: 31.304049, z: -17.472506} - {x: -54.040817, y: 32.05659, z: -17.472502} - {x: -54.04082, y: 28.94479, z: -5.8241773} - {x: -44.215202, y: 31.304049, z: -17.472506} - {x: -44.215218, y: 28.910904, z: -5.824169} - {x: -54.04082, y: 28.94479, z: -5.8241773} - {x: -54.04082, y: 26.99621, z: 5.8241744} - {x: -44.215218, y: 28.910904, z: -5.824169} - {x: -44.215206, y: 27.228909, z: 5.824158} - {x: -54.04082, y: 26.99621, z: 5.8241744} - {x: -54.040817, y: 25.538607, z: 17.4725} - {x: -44.215206, y: 27.228909, z: 5.824158} - {x: -44.215218, y: 26.17824, z: 17.4725} - {x: -54.040817, y: 25.538607, z: 17.4725} - {x: -54.040825, y: 24.877731, z: 29.120838} - {x: -44.215218, y: 26.17824, z: 17.4725} - {x: -44.215214, y: 25.574276, z: 29.120842} - {x: -54.040825, y: 24.877731, z: 29.120838} - {x: -54.040817, y: 24.431202, z: 40.76917} - {x: -44.215214, y: 25.574276, z: 29.120842} - {x: -44.21521, y: 25.133307, z: 40.769176} - {x: -54.040817, y: 24.431202, z: 40.76917} - {x: -54.04084, y: 23.85403, z: 52.417507} - {x: -44.21521, y: 25.133307, z: 40.769176} - {x: -44.21521, y: 24.50555, z: 52.41751} - {x: -54.04084, y: 23.85403, z: 52.417507} - {x: -54.040833, y: 22.852743, z: 64.065834} - {x: -44.21521, y: 24.50555, z: 52.41751} - {x: -44.21521, y: 23.393904, z: 64.06585} - {x: -54.040833, y: 22.852743, z: 64.065834} - {x: -54.040833, y: 21.02309, z: 75.71418} - {x: -44.21521, y: 23.393904, z: 64.06585} - {x: -44.21522, y: 21.404663, z: 75.714165} - {x: -54.040833, y: 21.02309, z: 75.71418} - {x: -54.04082, y: 17.931332, z: 87.36251} - {x: -44.21522, y: 21.404663, z: 75.714165} - {x: -44.215225, y: 18.13866, z: 87.36251} - {x: -54.04082, y: 17.931332, z: 87.36251} - {x: -54.04084, y: 13.298867, z: 99.01083} - {x: -44.215225, y: 18.13866, z: 87.36251} - {x: -44.21522, y: 13.37253, z: 99.01085} - {x: -54.04084, y: 13.298867, z: 99.01083} - {x: -54.040825, y: 7.2156076, z: 110.65917} - {x: -44.21522, y: 13.37253, z: 99.01085} - {x: -44.215218, y: 7.228241, z: 110.65917} - {x: -54.040825, y: 7.2156076, z: 110.65917} - {x: -54.040855, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: -44.215218, y: 7.228241, z: 110.65917} - {x: -44.215233, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307526} - {x: -44.2152, y: 0.24648666, z: -122.30751} - {x: -44.215218, y: 9.793692, z: -110.65917} - {x: -34.38959, y: 0.24630356, z: -122.30751} - {x: -34.389606, y: 9.973779, z: -110.659164} - {x: -44.215218, y: 9.793692, z: -110.65917} - {x: -44.2152, y: 17.99066, z: -99.01084} - {x: -34.389606, y: 9.973779, z: -110.659164} - {x: -34.389576, y: 17.872149, z: -99.01086} - {x: -44.2152, y: 17.99066, z: -99.01084} - {x: -44.215202, y: 23.847624, z: -87.3625} - {x: -34.389576, y: 17.872149, z: -99.01086} - {x: -34.3896, y: 23.18647, z: -87.36251} - {x: -44.215202, y: 23.847624, z: -87.3625} - {x: -44.21521, y: 27.330536, z: -75.714165} - {x: -34.3896, y: 23.18647, z: -87.36251} - {x: -34.3896, y: 26.484995, z: -75.714165} - {x: -44.21521, y: 27.330536, z: -75.714165} - {x: -44.215202, y: 29.776852, z: -64.06584} - {x: -34.3896, y: 26.484995, z: -75.714165} - {x: -34.38961, y: 28.803501, z: -64.065834} - {x: -44.215202, y: 29.776852, z: -64.06584} - {x: -44.21521, y: 31.681189, z: -52.417503} - {x: -34.38961, y: 28.803501, z: -64.065834} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.352547, z: -52.417507} - {x: -44.21521, y: 31.681189, z: -52.417503} - {x: -44.215202, y: 32.56603, z: -40.76917} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.352547, z: -52.417507} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.955498, z: -40.769173} - {x: -44.215202, y: 32.56603, z: -40.76917} - {x: -44.215214, y: 32.429367, z: -29.120829} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.955498, z: -40.769173} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.770056, z: -29.120842} - {x: -44.215214, y: 32.429367, z: -29.120829} - {x: -44.215202, y: 31.304049, z: -17.472506} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.770056, z: -29.120842} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.011963, z: -17.472507} - {x: -44.215202, y: 31.304049, z: -17.472506} - {x: -44.215218, y: 28.910904, z: -5.824169} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.011963, z: -17.472507} - {x: -34.3896, y: 28.35983, z: -5.824162} - {x: -44.215218, y: 28.910904, z: -5.824169} - {x: -44.215206, y: 27.228909, z: 5.824158} - {x: -34.3896, y: 28.35983, z: -5.824162} - {x: -34.389595, y: 27.03865, z: 5.8241625} - {x: -44.215206, y: 27.228909, z: 5.824158} - {x: -44.215218, y: 26.17824, z: 17.4725} - {x: -34.389595, y: 27.03865, z: 5.8241625} - {x: -34.389595, y: 26.305582, z: 17.472507} - {x: -44.215218, y: 26.17824, z: 17.4725} - {x: -44.215214, y: 25.574276, z: 29.120842} - {x: -34.389595, y: 26.305582, z: 17.472507} - {x: -34.38959, y: 25.806002, z: 29.12085} - {x: -44.215214, y: 25.574276, z: 29.120842} - {x: -44.21521, y: 25.133307, z: 40.769176} - {x: -34.38959, y: 25.806002, z: 29.12085} - {x: -34.3896, y: 25.377954, z: 40.769173} - {x: -44.21521, y: 25.133307, z: 40.769176} - {x: -44.21521, y: 24.50555, z: 52.41751} - {x: -34.3896, y: 25.377954, z: 40.769173} - {x: -34.389603, y: 24.715885, z: 52.417492} - {x: -44.21521, y: 24.50555, z: 52.41751} - {x: -44.21521, y: 23.393904, z: 64.06585} - {x: -34.389603, y: 24.715885, z: 52.417492} - {x: -34.389606, y: 23.531448, z: 64.06584} - {x: -44.21521, y: 23.393904, z: 64.06585} - {x: -44.21522, y: 21.404663, z: 75.714165} - {x: -34.389606, y: 23.531448, z: 64.06584} - {x: -34.389595, y: 21.464256, z: 75.714195} - {x: -44.21522, y: 21.404663, z: 75.714165} - {x: -44.215225, y: 18.13866, z: 87.36251} - {x: -34.389595, y: 21.464256, z: 75.714195} - {x: -34.3896, y: 18.204605, z: 87.3625} - {x: -44.215225, y: 18.13866, z: 87.36251} - {x: -44.21522, y: 13.37253, z: 99.01085} - {x: -34.3896, y: 18.204605, z: 87.3625} - {x: -34.389606, y: 13.54249, z: 99.01083} - {x: -44.21522, y: 13.37253, z: 99.01085} - {x: -44.215218, y: 7.228241, z: 110.65917} - {x: -34.389606, y: 13.54249, z: 99.01083} - {x: -34.3896, y: 7.469773, z: 110.659195} - {x: -44.215218, y: 7.228241, z: 110.65917} - {x: -44.215233, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307526} - {x: -34.3896, y: 7.469773, z: 110.659195} - {x: -34.389618, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: -34.38959, y: 0.24630356, z: -122.30751} - {x: -34.389606, y: 9.973779, z: -110.659164} - {x: -24.563976, y: 0.24592209, z: -122.3075} - {x: -24.563986, y: 9.846587, z: -110.65917} - {x: -34.389606, y: 9.973779, z: -110.659164} - {x: -34.389576, y: 17.872149, z: -99.01086} - {x: -24.563986, y: 9.846587, z: -110.65917} - {x: -24.563969, y: 16.929657, z: -99.01085} - {x: -34.389576, y: 17.872149, z: -99.01086} - {x: -34.3896, y: 23.18647, z: -87.36251} - {x: -24.563969, y: 16.929657, z: -99.01085} - {x: -24.56397, y: 21.66353, z: -87.36251} - {x: -34.3896, y: 23.18647, z: -87.36251} - {x: -34.3896, y: 26.484995, z: -75.714165} - {x: -24.56397, y: 21.66353, z: -87.36251} - {x: -24.563976, y: 24.897266, z: -75.71417} - {x: -34.3896, y: 26.484995, z: -75.714165} - {x: -34.38961, y: 28.803501, z: -64.065834} - {x: -24.563976, y: 24.897266, z: -75.71417} - {x: -24.563997, y: 27.110878, z: -64.06583} - {x: -34.38961, y: 28.803501, z: -64.065834} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.352547, z: -52.417507} - {x: -24.563997, y: 27.110878, z: -64.06583} - {x: -24.564005, y: 28.470896, z: -52.41749} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.352547, z: -52.417507} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.955498, z: -40.769173} - {x: -24.564005, y: 28.470896, z: -52.41749} - {x: -24.56397, y: 29.074072, z: -40.769173} - {x: -34.389587, y: 30.955498, z: -40.769173} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.770056, z: -29.120842} - {x: -24.56397, y: 29.074072, z: -40.769173} - {x: -24.563982, y: 29.04924, z: -29.12083} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.770056, z: -29.120842} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.011963, z: -17.472507} - {x: -24.563982, y: 29.04924, z: -29.12083} - {x: -24.563982, y: 28.63971, z: -17.472513} - {x: -34.389595, y: 30.011963, z: -17.472507} - {x: -34.3896, y: 28.35983, z: -5.824162} - {x: -24.563982, y: 28.63971, z: -17.472513} - {x: -24.563982, y: 27.593369, z: -5.824178} - {x: -34.3896, y: 28.35983, z: -5.824162} - {x: -34.389595, y: 27.03865, z: 5.8241625} - {x: -24.563982, y: 27.593369, z: -5.824178} - {x: -24.56398, y: 26.71455, z: 5.8241568} - {x: -34.389595, y: 27.03865, z: 5.8241625} - {x: -34.389595, y: 26.305582, z: 17.472507} - {x: -24.56398, y: 26.71455, z: 5.8241568} - {x: -24.563986, y: 26.246662, z: 17.472496} - {x: -34.389595, y: 26.305582, z: 17.472507} - {x: -34.38959, y: 25.806002, z: 29.12085} - {x: -24.563986, y: 26.246662, z: 17.472496} - {x: -24.563978, y: 25.846357, z: 29.120827} - {x: -34.38959, y: 25.806002, z: 29.12085} - {x: -34.3896, y: 25.377954, z: 40.769173} - {x: -24.563978, y: 25.846357, z: 29.120827} - {x: -24.56398, y: 25.418016, z: 40.769173} - {x: -34.3896, y: 25.377954, z: 40.769173} - {x: -34.389603, y: 24.715885, z: 52.417492} - {x: -24.56398, y: 25.418016, z: 40.769173} - {x: -24.56398, y: 24.690578, z: 52.417507} - {x: -34.389603, y: 24.715885, z: 52.417492} - {x: -34.389606, y: 23.531448, z: 64.06584} - {x: -24.56398, y: 24.690578, z: 52.417507} - {x: -24.563982, y: 23.42767, z: 64.06585} - {x: -34.389606, y: 23.531448, z: 64.06584} - {x: -34.389595, y: 21.464256, z: 75.714195} - {x: -24.563982, y: 23.42767, z: 64.06585} - {x: -24.563978, y: 21.326368, z: 75.71418} - {x: -34.389595, y: 21.464256, z: 75.714195} - {x: -34.3896, y: 18.204605, z: 87.3625} - {x: -24.563978, y: 21.326368, z: 75.71418} - {x: -24.563986, y: 18.101791, z: 87.362526} - {x: -34.3896, y: 18.204605, z: 87.3625} - {x: -34.389606, y: 13.54249, z: 99.01083} - {x: -24.563986, y: 18.101791, z: 87.362526} - {x: -24.563982, y: 13.605229, z: 99.01085} - {x: -34.389606, y: 13.54249, z: 99.01083} - {x: -34.3896, y: 7.469773, z: 110.659195} - {x: -24.563982, y: 13.605229, z: 99.01085} - {x: -24.564007, y: 7.865035, z: 110.65917} - {x: -34.3896, y: 7.469773, z: 110.659195} - {x: -34.389618, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: -24.564007, y: 7.865035, z: 110.65917} - {x: -24.564009, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30752} - {x: -24.563976, y: 0.24592209, z: -122.3075} - {x: -24.563986, y: 9.846587, z: -110.65917} - {x: -14.73835, y: 0.24559593, z: -122.3075} - {x: -14.738376, y: 9.265921, z: -110.659164} - {x: -24.563986, y: 9.846587, z: -110.65917} - {x: -24.563969, y: 16.929657, z: -99.01085} - {x: -14.738376, y: 9.265921, z: -110.659164} - {x: -14.738368, y: 15.817998, z: -99.01083} - {x: -24.563969, y: 16.929657, z: -99.01085} - {x: -24.56397, y: 21.66353, z: -87.36251} - {x: -14.738368, y: 15.817998, z: -99.01083} - {x: -14.738364, y: 20.427319, z: -87.36251} - {x: -24.56397, y: 21.66353, z: -87.36251} - {x: -24.563976, y: 24.897266, z: -75.71417} - {x: -14.738364, y: 20.427319, z: -87.36251} - {x: -14.738366, y: 23.63378, z: -75.714165} - {x: -24.563976, y: 24.897266, z: -75.71417} - {x: -24.563997, y: 27.110878, z: -64.06583} - {x: -14.738366, y: 23.63378, z: -75.714165} - {x: -14.738378, y: 25.731047, z: -64.06584} - {x: -24.563997, y: 27.110878, z: -64.06583} - {x: -24.564005, y: 28.470896, z: -52.41749} - {x: -14.738378, y: 25.731047, z: -64.06584} - {x: -14.738371, y: 26.926949, z: -52.417507} - {x: -24.564005, y: 28.470896, z: -52.41749} - {x: -24.56397, y: 29.074072, z: -40.769173} - {x: -14.738371, y: 26.926949, z: -52.417507} - {x: -14.738361, y: 27.428947, z: -40.769173} - {x: -24.56397, y: 29.074072, z: -40.769173} - {x: -24.563982, y: 29.04924, z: -29.12083} - {x: -14.738361, y: 27.428947, z: -40.769173} - {x: -14.738369, y: 27.48346, z: -29.120836} - {x: -24.563982, y: 29.04924, z: -29.12083} - {x: -24.563982, y: 28.63971, z: -17.472513} - {x: -14.738369, y: 27.48346, z: -29.120836} - {x: -14.738375, y: 27.33748, z: -17.472498} - {x: -24.563982, y: 28.63971, z: -17.472513} - {x: -24.563982, y: 27.593369, z: -5.824178} - {x: -14.738375, y: 27.33748, z: -17.472498} - {x: -14.738367, y: 26.878716, z: -5.8241673} - {x: -24.563982, y: 27.593369, z: -5.824178} - {x: -24.56398, y: 26.71455, z: 5.8241568} - {x: -14.738367, y: 26.878716, z: -5.8241673} - {x: -14.738366, y: 26.405338, z: 5.8241677} - {x: -24.56398, y: 26.71455, z: 5.8241568} - {x: -24.563986, y: 26.246662, z: 17.472496} - {x: -14.738366, y: 26.405338, z: 5.8241677} - {x: -14.738361, y: 26.138899, z: 17.47251} - {x: -24.563986, y: 26.246662, z: 17.472496} - {x: -24.563978, y: 25.846357, z: 29.120827} - {x: -14.738361, y: 26.138899, z: 17.47251} - {x: -14.738372, y: 25.824728, z: 29.120825} - {x: -24.563978, y: 25.846357, z: 29.120827} - {x: -24.56398, y: 25.418016, z: 40.769173} - {x: -14.738372, y: 25.824728, z: 29.120825} - {x: -14.738367, y: 25.348223, z: 40.769165} - {x: -24.56398, y: 25.418016, z: 40.769173} - {x: -24.56398, y: 24.690578, z: 52.417507} - {x: -14.738367, y: 25.348223, z: 40.769165} - {x: -14.738356, y: 24.572836, z: 52.417503} - {x: -24.56398, y: 24.690578, z: 52.417507} - {x: -24.563982, y: 23.42767, z: 64.06585} - {x: -14.738356, y: 24.572836, z: 52.417503} - {x: -14.738372, y: 23.245798, z: 64.06584} - {x: -24.563982, y: 23.42767, z: 64.06585} - {x: -24.563978, y: 21.326368, z: 75.71418} - {x: -14.738372, y: 23.245798, z: 64.06584} - {x: -14.738375, y: 21.076656, z: 75.714165} - {x: -24.563978, y: 21.326368, z: 75.71418} - {x: -24.563986, y: 18.101791, z: 87.362526} - {x: -14.738375, y: 21.076656, z: 75.714165} - {x: -14.738363, y: 17.817911, z: 87.3625} - {x: -24.563986, y: 18.101791, z: 87.362526} - {x: -24.563982, y: 13.605229, z: 99.01085} - {x: -14.738363, y: 17.817911, z: 87.3625} - {x: -14.738386, y: 13.355907, z: 99.01084} - {x: -24.563982, y: 13.605229, z: 99.01085} - {x: -24.564007, y: 7.865035, z: 110.65917} - {x: -14.738386, y: 13.355907, z: 99.01084} - {x: -14.738375, y: 7.7104244, z: 110.65918} - {x: -24.564007, y: 7.865035, z: 110.65917} - {x: -24.564009, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30752} - {x: -14.738375, y: 7.7104244, z: 110.65918} - {x: -14.738378, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307526} - {x: -14.73835, y: 0.24559593, z: -122.3075} - {x: -14.738376, y: 9.265921, z: -110.659164} - {x: -4.912749, y: 0.24540138, z: -122.30751} - {x: -4.9127655, y: 8.634811, z: -110.659164} - {x: -14.738376, y: 9.265921, z: -110.659164} - {x: -14.738368, y: 15.817998, z: -99.01083} - {x: -4.9127655, y: 8.634811, z: -110.659164} - {x: -4.912758, y: 15.002555, z: -99.01083} - {x: -14.738368, y: 15.817998, z: -99.01083} - {x: -14.738364, y: 20.427319, z: -87.36251} - {x: -4.912758, y: 15.002555, z: -99.01083} - {x: -4.912755, y: 19.588789, z: -87.36251} - {x: -14.738364, y: 20.427319, z: -87.36251} - {x: -14.738366, y: 23.63378, z: -75.714165} - {x: -4.912755, y: 19.588789, z: -87.36251} - {x: -4.9127464, y: 22.744076, z: -75.71418} - {x: -14.738366, y: 23.63378, z: -75.714165} - {x: -14.738378, y: 25.731047, z: -64.06584} - {x: -4.9127464, y: 22.744076, z: -75.71418} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 24.744019, z: -64.065834} - {x: -14.738378, y: 25.731047, z: -64.06584} - {x: -14.738371, y: 26.926949, z: -52.417507} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 24.744019, z: -64.065834} - {x: -4.912771, y: 25.848347, z: -52.417492} - {x: -14.738371, y: 26.926949, z: -52.417507} - {x: -14.738361, y: 27.428947, z: -40.769173} - {x: -4.912771, y: 25.848347, z: -52.417492} - {x: -4.912752, y: 26.32429, z: -40.769173} - {x: -14.738361, y: 27.428947, z: -40.769173} - {x: -14.738369, y: 27.48346, z: -29.120836} - {x: -4.912752, y: 26.32429, z: -40.769173} - {x: -4.912758, y: 26.416145, z: -29.120832} - {x: -14.738369, y: 27.48346, z: -29.120836} - {x: -14.738375, y: 27.33748, z: -17.472498} - {x: -4.912758, y: 26.416145, z: -29.120832} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 26.333372, z: -17.4725} - {x: -14.738375, y: 27.33748, z: -17.472498} - {x: -14.738367, y: 26.878716, z: -5.8241673} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 26.333372, z: -17.4725} - {x: -4.912773, y: 26.262722, z: -5.824162} - {x: -14.738367, y: 26.878716, z: -5.8241673} - {x: -14.738366, y: 26.405338, z: 5.8241677} - {x: -4.912773, y: 26.262722, z: -5.824162} - {x: -4.9127693, y: 26.162327, z: 5.8241625} - {x: -14.738366, y: 26.405338, z: 5.8241677} - {x: -14.738361, y: 26.138899, z: 17.47251} - {x: -4.9127693, y: 26.162327, z: 5.8241625} - {x: -4.912748, y: 26.039083, z: 17.472504} - {x: -14.738361, y: 26.138899, z: 17.47251} - {x: -14.738372, y: 25.824728, z: 29.120825} - {x: -4.912748, y: 26.039083, z: 17.472504} - {x: -4.9127603, y: 25.796928, z: 29.120846} - {x: -14.738372, y: 25.824728, z: 29.120825} - {x: -14.738367, y: 25.348223, z: 40.769165} - {x: -4.9127603, y: 25.796928, z: 29.120846} - {x: -4.912742, y: 25.316822, z: 40.76918} - {x: -14.738367, y: 25.348223, z: 40.769165} - {x: -14.738356, y: 24.572836, z: 52.417503} - {x: -4.912742, y: 25.316822, z: 40.76918} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 24.509052, z: 52.4175} - {x: -14.738356, y: 24.572836, z: 52.417503} - {x: -14.738372, y: 23.245798, z: 64.06584} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 24.509052, z: 52.4175} - {x: -4.912748, y: 23.114565, z: 64.065834} - {x: -14.738372, y: 23.245798, z: 64.06584} - {x: -14.738375, y: 21.076656, z: 75.714165} - {x: -4.912748, y: 23.114565, z: 64.065834} - {x: -4.912764, y: 20.87683, z: 75.71417} - {x: -14.738375, y: 21.076656, z: 75.714165} - {x: -14.738363, y: 17.817911, z: 87.3625} - {x: -4.912764, y: 20.87683, z: 75.71417} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 17.569628, z: 87.36251} - {x: -14.738363, y: 17.817911, z: 87.3625} - {x: -14.738386, y: 13.355907, z: 99.01084} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 17.569628, z: 87.36251} - {x: -4.9127545, y: 13.083191, z: 99.01086} - {x: -14.738386, y: 13.355907, z: 99.01084} - {x: -14.738375, y: 7.7104244, z: 110.65918} - {x: -4.9127545, y: 13.083191, z: 99.01086} - {x: -4.9127507, y: 7.410442, z: 110.65918} - {x: -14.738375, y: 7.7104244, z: 110.65918} - {x: -14.738378, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307526} - {x: -4.9127507, y: 7.410442, z: 110.65918} - {x: -4.912767, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: -4.912749, y: 0.24540138, z: -122.30751} - {x: -4.9127655, y: 8.634811, z: -110.659164} - {x: 4.912877, y: 0.24527359, z: -122.30751} - {x: 4.912858, y: 8.171808, z: -110.659164} - {x: -4.9127655, y: 8.634811, z: -110.659164} - {x: -4.912758, y: 15.002555, z: -99.01083} - {x: 4.912858, y: 8.171808, z: -110.659164} - {x: 4.912865, y: 14.412724, z: -99.01083} - {x: -4.912758, y: 15.002555, z: -99.01083} - {x: -4.912755, y: 19.588789, z: -87.36251} - {x: 4.912865, y: 14.412724, z: -99.01083} - {x: 4.912869, y: 18.95892, z: -87.36251} - {x: -4.912755, y: 19.588789, z: -87.36251} - {x: -4.9127464, y: 22.744076, z: -75.71418} - {x: 4.912869, y: 18.95892, z: -87.36251} - {x: 4.912868, y: 22.052147, z: -75.714165} - {x: -4.9127464, y: 22.744076, z: -75.71418} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 24.744019, z: -64.065834} - {x: 4.912868, y: 22.052147, z: -75.714165} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 23.976757, z: -64.06583} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 24.744019, z: -64.065834} - {x: -4.912771, y: 25.848347, z: -52.417492} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 23.976757, z: -64.06583} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.037392, z: -52.417507} - {x: -4.912771, y: 25.848347, z: -52.417492} - {x: -4.912752, y: 26.32429, z: -40.769173} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.037392, z: -52.417507} - {x: 4.912868, y: 25.530731, z: -40.76918} - {x: -4.912752, y: 26.32429, z: -40.769173} - {x: -4.912758, y: 26.416145, z: -29.120832} - {x: 4.912868, y: 25.530731, z: -40.76918} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.703981, z: -29.120842} - {x: -4.912758, y: 26.416145, z: -29.120832} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 26.333372, z: -17.4725} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.703981, z: -29.120842} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 25.74676, z: -17.472498} - {x: -4.9127674, y: 26.333372, z: -17.4725} - {x: -4.912773, y: 26.262722, z: -5.824162} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 25.74676, z: -17.472498} - {x: 4.9128547, y: 25.8043, z: -5.8241587} - {x: -4.912773, y: 26.262722, z: -5.824162} - {x: -4.9127693, y: 26.162327, z: 5.8241625} - {x: 4.9128547, y: 25.8043, z: -5.8241587} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.94498, z: 5.8241725} - {x: -4.9127693, y: 26.162327, z: 5.8241625} - {x: -4.912748, y: 26.039083, z: 17.472504} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.94498, z: 5.8241725} - {x: 4.9128733, y: 25.941021, z: 17.472511} - {x: -4.912748, y: 26.039083, z: 17.472504} - {x: -4.9127603, y: 25.796928, z: 29.120846} - {x: 4.9128733, y: 25.941021, z: 17.472511} - {x: 4.9128566, y: 25.791101, z: 29.120829} - {x: -4.9127603, y: 25.796928, z: 29.120846} - {x: -4.912742, y: 25.316822, z: 40.76918} - {x: 4.9128566, y: 25.791101, z: 29.120829} - {x: 4.912861, y: 25.383917, z: 40.76917} - {x: -4.912742, y: 25.316822, z: 40.76918} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 24.509052, z: 52.4175} - {x: 4.912861, y: 25.383917, z: 40.76917} - {x: 4.9128513, y: 24.556973, z: 52.417503} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 24.509052, z: 52.4175} - {x: -4.912748, y: 23.114565, z: 64.065834} - {x: 4.9128513, y: 24.556973, z: 52.417503} - {x: 4.912863, y: 23.148142, z: 64.06584} - {x: -4.912748, y: 23.114565, z: 64.065834} - {x: -4.912764, y: 20.87683, z: 75.71417} - {x: 4.912863, y: 23.148142, z: 64.06584} - {x: 4.912861, y: 20.874987, z: 75.71419} - {x: -4.912764, y: 20.87683, z: 75.71417} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 17.569628, z: 87.36251} - {x: 4.912861, y: 20.874987, z: 75.71419} - {x: 4.9128647, y: 17.55564, z: 87.36251} - {x: -4.9127593, y: 17.569628, z: 87.36251} - {x: -4.9127545, y: 13.083191, z: 99.01086} - {x: 4.9128647, y: 17.55564, z: 87.36251} - {x: 4.912856, y: 13.067471, z: 99.01086} - {x: -4.9127545, y: 13.083191, z: 99.01086} - {x: -4.9127507, y: 7.410442, z: 110.65918} - {x: 4.912856, y: 13.067471, z: 99.01086} - {x: 4.91286, y: 7.3515434, z: 110.65919} - {x: -4.9127507, y: 7.410442, z: 110.65918} - {x: -4.912767, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 4.91286, y: 7.3515434, z: 110.65919} - {x: 4.9128504, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 4.912877, y: 0.24527359, z: -122.30751} - {x: 4.912858, y: 8.171808, z: -110.659164} - {x: 14.73849, y: 0.24503708, z: -122.3075} - {x: 14.738468, y: 7.8331246, z: -110.659164} - {x: 4.912858, y: 8.171808, z: -110.659164} - {x: 4.912865, y: 14.412724, z: -99.01083} - {x: 14.738468, y: 7.8331246, z: -110.659164} - {x: 14.738476, y: 13.954252, z: -99.01083} - {x: 4.912865, y: 14.412724, z: -99.01083} - {x: 4.912869, y: 18.95892, z: -87.36251} - {x: 14.738476, y: 13.954252, z: -99.01083} - {x: 14.738479, y: 18.436283, z: -87.36251} - {x: 4.912869, y: 18.95892, z: -87.36251} - {x: 4.912868, y: 22.052147, z: -75.714165} - {x: 14.738479, y: 18.436283, z: -87.36251} - {x: 14.738473, y: 21.453249, z: -75.71417} - {x: 4.912868, y: 22.052147, z: -75.714165} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 23.976757, z: -64.06583} - {x: 14.738473, y: 21.453249, z: -75.71417} - {x: 14.738465, y: 23.312653, z: -64.065834} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 23.976757, z: -64.06583} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.037392, z: -52.417507} - {x: 14.738465, y: 23.312653, z: -64.065834} - {x: 14.738458, y: 24.358631, z: -52.4175} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.037392, z: -52.417507} - {x: 4.912868, y: 25.530731, z: -40.76918} - {x: 14.738458, y: 24.358631, z: -52.4175} - {x: 14.738482, y: 24.89902, z: -40.76917} - {x: 4.912868, y: 25.530731, z: -40.76918} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.703981, z: -29.120842} - {x: 14.738482, y: 24.89902, z: -40.76917} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.162613, z: -29.120838} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.703981, z: -29.120842} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 25.74676, z: -17.472498} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.162613, z: -29.120838} - {x: 14.738463, y: 25.318108, z: -17.472506} - {x: 4.9128604, y: 25.74676, z: -17.472498} - {x: 4.9128547, y: 25.8043, z: -5.8241587} - {x: 14.738463, y: 25.318108, z: -17.472506} - {x: 14.7384615, y: 25.468616, z: -5.8241606} - {x: 4.9128547, y: 25.8043, z: -5.8241587} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.94498, z: 5.8241725} - {x: 14.7384615, y: 25.468616, z: -5.8241606} - {x: 14.738479, y: 25.680124, z: 5.8241563} - {x: 4.9128623, y: 25.94498, z: 5.8241725} - {x: 4.9128733, y: 25.941021, z: 17.472511} - {x: 14.738479, y: 25.680124, z: 5.8241563} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.845497, z: 17.472494} - {x: 4.9128733, y: 25.941021, z: 17.472511} - {x: 4.9128566, y: 25.791101, z: 29.120829} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.845497, z: 17.472494} - {x: 14.738467, y: 25.764568, z: 29.120834} - {x: 4.9128566, y: 25.791101, z: 29.120829} - {x: 4.912861, y: 25.383917, z: 40.76917} - {x: 14.738467, y: 25.764568, z: 29.120834} - {x: 14.738472, y: 25.472742, z: 40.769176} - {x: 4.912861, y: 25.383917, z: 40.76917} - {x: 4.9128513, y: 24.556973, z: 52.417503} - {x: 14.738472, y: 25.472742, z: 40.769176} - {x: 14.738469, y: 24.756823, z: 52.417503} - {x: 4.9128513, y: 24.556973, z: 52.417503} - {x: 4.912863, y: 23.148142, z: 64.06584} - {x: 14.738469, y: 24.756823, z: 52.417503} - {x: 14.738474, y: 23.396946, z: 64.06584} - {x: 4.912863, y: 23.148142, z: 64.06584} - {x: 4.912861, y: 20.874987, z: 75.71419} - {x: 14.738474, y: 23.396946, z: 64.06584} - {x: 14.738479, y: 21.194773, z: 75.71419} - {x: 4.912861, y: 20.874987, z: 75.71419} - {x: 4.9128647, y: 17.55564, z: 87.36251} - {x: 14.738479, y: 21.194773, z: 75.71419} - {x: 14.738476, y: 17.958591, z: 87.36252} - {x: 4.9128647, y: 17.55564, z: 87.36251} - {x: 4.912856, y: 13.067471, z: 99.01086} - {x: 14.738476, y: 17.958591, z: 87.36252} - {x: 14.73848, y: 13.497609, z: 99.01086} - {x: 4.912856, y: 13.067471, z: 99.01086} - {x: 4.91286, y: 7.3515434, z: 110.65919} - {x: 14.73848, y: 13.497609, z: 99.01086} - {x: 14.73847, y: 7.6119523, z: 110.65917} - {x: 4.91286, y: 7.3515434, z: 110.65919} - {x: 4.9128504, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 14.73847, y: 7.6119523, z: 110.65917} - {x: 14.73846, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.3075} - {x: 14.73849, y: 0.24503708, z: -122.3075} - {x: 14.738468, y: 7.8331246, z: -110.659164} - {x: 24.564129, y: 0.24426079, z: -122.30751} - {x: 24.564106, y: 7.570853, z: -110.65917} - {x: 14.738468, y: 7.8331246, z: -110.659164} - {x: 14.738476, y: 13.954252, z: -99.01083} - {x: 24.564106, y: 7.570853, z: -110.65917} - {x: 24.564098, y: 13.56075, z: -99.01083} - {x: 14.738476, y: 13.954252, z: -99.01083} - {x: 14.738479, y: 18.436283, z: -87.36251} - {x: 24.564098, y: 13.56075, z: -99.01083} - {x: 24.564106, y: 17.938763, z: -87.3625} - {x: 14.738479, y: 18.436283, z: -87.36251} - {x: 14.738473, y: 21.453249, z: -75.71417} - {x: 24.564106, y: 17.938763, z: -87.3625} - {x: 24.5641, y: 20.856373, z: -75.714165} - {x: 14.738473, y: 21.453249, z: -75.71417} - {x: 14.738465, y: 23.312653, z: -64.065834} - {x: 24.5641, y: 20.856373, z: -75.714165} - {x: 24.564093, y: 22.65796, z: -64.065834} - {x: 14.738465, y: 23.312653, z: -64.065834} - {x: 14.738458, y: 24.358631, z: -52.4175} - {x: 24.564093, y: 22.65796, z: -64.065834} - {x: 24.564098, y: 23.709969, z: -52.417503} - {x: 14.738458, y: 24.358631, z: -52.4175} - {x: 14.738482, y: 24.89902, z: -40.76917} - {x: 24.564098, y: 23.709969, z: -52.417503} - {x: 24.564089, y: 24.30862, z: -40.769173} - {x: 14.738482, y: 24.89902, z: -40.76917} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.162613, z: -29.120838} - {x: 24.564089, y: 24.30862, z: -40.769173} - {x: 24.564096, y: 24.655434, z: -29.120842} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.162613, z: -29.120838} - {x: 14.738463, y: 25.318108, z: -17.472506} - {x: 24.564096, y: 24.655434, z: -29.120842} - {x: 24.56409, y: 24.9016, z: -17.472502} - {x: 14.738463, y: 25.318108, z: -17.472506} - {x: 14.7384615, y: 25.468616, z: -5.8241606} - {x: 24.56409, y: 24.9016, z: -17.472502} - {x: 24.564072, y: 25.149368, z: -5.8241563} - {x: 14.7384615, y: 25.468616, z: -5.8241606} - {x: 14.738479, y: 25.680124, z: 5.8241563} - {x: 24.564072, y: 25.149368, z: -5.8241563} - {x: 24.564066, y: 25.346039, z: 5.824182} - {x: 14.738479, y: 25.680124, z: 5.8241563} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.845497, z: 17.472494} - {x: 24.564066, y: 25.346039, z: 5.824182} - {x: 24.5641, y: 25.649107, z: 17.472498} - {x: 14.738473, y: 25.845497, z: 17.472494} - {x: 14.738467, y: 25.764568, z: 29.120834} - {x: 24.5641, y: 25.649107, z: 17.472498} - {x: 24.564077, y: 25.655499, z: 29.120838} - {x: 14.738467, y: 25.764568, z: 29.120834} - {x: 14.738472, y: 25.472742, z: 40.769176} - {x: 24.564077, y: 25.655499, z: 29.120838} - {x: 24.564075, y: 25.426281, z: 40.769184} - {x: 14.738472, y: 25.472742, z: 40.769176} - {x: 14.738469, y: 24.756823, z: 52.417503} - {x: 24.564075, y: 25.426281, z: 40.769184} - {x: 24.5641, y: 24.864754, z: 52.417515} - {x: 14.738469, y: 24.756823, z: 52.417503} - {x: 14.738474, y: 23.396946, z: 64.06584} - {x: 24.5641, y: 24.864754, z: 52.417515} - {x: 24.56409, y: 23.695734, z: 64.06583} - {x: 14.738474, y: 23.396946, z: 64.06584} - {x: 14.738479, y: 21.194773, z: 75.71419} - {x: 24.56409, y: 23.695734, z: 64.06583} - {x: 24.564087, y: 21.652683, z: 75.71416} - {x: 14.738479, y: 21.194773, z: 75.71419} - {x: 14.738476, y: 17.958591, z: 87.36252} - {x: 24.564087, y: 21.652683, z: 75.71416} - {x: 24.56408, y: 18.519377, z: 87.3625} - {x: 14.738476, y: 17.958591, z: 87.36252} - {x: 14.73848, y: 13.497609, z: 99.01086} - {x: 24.56408, y: 18.519377, z: 87.3625} - {x: 24.564075, y: 13.977576, z: 99.01083} - {x: 14.73848, y: 13.497609, z: 99.01086} - {x: 14.73847, y: 7.6119523, z: 110.65917} - {x: 24.564075, y: 13.977576, z: 99.01083} - {x: 24.564095, y: 7.714798, z: 110.659164} - {x: 14.73847, y: 7.6119523, z: 110.65917} - {x: 14.73846, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.3075} - {x: 24.564095, y: 7.714798, z: 110.659164} - {x: 24.56408, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30754} - {x: 24.564129, y: 0.24426079, z: -122.30751} - {x: 24.564106, y: 7.570853, z: -110.65917} - {x: 34.38975, y: 0.24219322, z: -122.30755} - {x: 34.389744, y: 7.3408833, z: -110.65919} - {x: 24.564106, y: 7.570853, z: -110.65917} - {x: 24.564098, y: 13.56075, z: -99.01083} - {x: 34.389744, y: 7.3408833, z: -110.65919} - {x: 34.3897, y: 13.145138, z: -99.01085} - {x: 24.564098, y: 13.56075, z: -99.01083} - {x: 24.564106, y: 17.938763, z: -87.3625} - {x: 34.3897, y: 13.145138, z: -99.01085} - {x: 34.389698, y: 17.35592, z: -87.3625} - {x: 24.564106, y: 17.938763, z: -87.3625} - {x: 24.5641, y: 20.856373, z: -75.714165} - {x: 34.389698, y: 17.35592, z: -87.3625} - {x: 34.389706, y: 20.15081, z: -75.71417} - {x: 24.5641, y: 20.856373, z: -75.714165} - {x: 24.564093, y: 22.65796, z: -64.065834} - {x: 34.389706, y: 20.15081, z: -75.71417} - {x: 34.389706, y: 21.903488, z: -64.06583} - {x: 24.564093, y: 22.65796, z: -64.065834} - {x: 24.564098, y: 23.709969, z: -52.417503} - {x: 34.389706, y: 21.903488, z: -64.06583} - {x: 34.389706, y: 22.976398, z: -52.417507} - {x: 24.564098, y: 23.709969, z: -52.417503} - {x: 24.564089, y: 24.30862, z: -40.769173} - {x: 34.389706, y: 22.976398, z: -52.417507} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.636032, z: -40.76916} - {x: 24.564089, y: 24.30862, z: -40.769173} - {x: 24.564096, y: 24.655434, z: -29.120842} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.636032, z: -40.76916} - {x: 34.389706, y: 24.063105, z: -29.120844} - {x: 24.564096, y: 24.655434, z: -29.120842} - {x: 24.56409, y: 24.9016, z: -17.472502} - {x: 34.389706, y: 24.063105, z: -29.120844} - {x: 34.389698, y: 24.374012, z: -17.472506} - {x: 24.56409, y: 24.9016, z: -17.472502} - {x: 24.564072, y: 25.149368, z: -5.8241563} - {x: 34.389698, y: 24.374012, z: -17.472506} - {x: 34.389694, y: 24.702173, z: -5.8241663} - {x: 24.564072, y: 25.149368, z: -5.8241563} - {x: 24.564066, y: 25.346039, z: 5.824182} - {x: 34.389694, y: 24.702173, z: -5.8241663} - {x: 34.389687, y: 24.86316, z: 5.8241725} - {x: 24.564066, y: 25.346039, z: 5.824182} - {x: 24.5641, y: 25.649107, z: 17.472498} - {x: 34.389687, y: 24.86316, z: 5.8241725} - {x: 34.389706, y: 25.200005, z: 17.47249} - {x: 24.5641, y: 25.649107, z: 17.472498} - {x: 24.564077, y: 25.655499, z: 29.120838} - {x: 34.389706, y: 25.200005, z: 17.47249} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.376682, z: 29.120821} - {x: 24.564077, y: 25.655499, z: 29.120838} - {x: 24.564075, y: 25.426281, z: 40.769184} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.376682, z: 29.120821} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.106005, z: 40.769165} - {x: 24.564075, y: 25.426281, z: 40.769184} - {x: 24.5641, y: 24.864754, z: 52.417515} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.106005, z: 40.769165} - {x: 34.389683, y: 24.519026, z: 52.4175} - {x: 24.5641, y: 24.864754, z: 52.417515} - {x: 24.56409, y: 23.695734, z: 64.06583} - {x: 34.389683, y: 24.519026, z: 52.4175} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.422838, z: 64.06583} - {x: 24.56409, y: 23.695734, z: 64.06583} - {x: 24.564087, y: 21.652683, z: 75.71416} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.422838, z: 64.06583} - {x: 34.389698, y: 21.535625, z: 75.714165} - {x: 24.564087, y: 21.652683, z: 75.71416} - {x: 24.56408, y: 18.519377, z: 87.3625} - {x: 34.389698, y: 21.535625, z: 75.714165} - {x: 34.3897, y: 18.500422, z: 87.3625} - {x: 24.56408, y: 18.519377, z: 87.3625} - {x: 24.564075, y: 13.977576, z: 99.01083} - {x: 34.3897, y: 18.500422, z: 87.3625} - {x: 34.389706, y: 13.901567, z: 99.01084} - {x: 24.564075, y: 13.977576, z: 99.01083} - {x: 24.564095, y: 7.714798, z: 110.659164} - {x: 34.389706, y: 13.901567, z: 99.01084} - {x: 34.389698, y: 7.5935884, z: 110.65918} - {x: 24.564095, y: 7.714798, z: 110.659164} - {x: 24.56408, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30754} - {x: 34.389698, y: 7.5935884, z: 110.65918} - {x: 34.389717, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307526} - {x: 34.38975, y: 0.24219322, z: -122.30755} - {x: 34.389744, y: 7.3408833, z: -110.65919} - {x: 44.21535, y: 0.23641777, z: -122.3075} - {x: 44.215324, y: 7.089524, z: -110.65917} - {x: 34.389744, y: 7.3408833, z: -110.65919} - {x: 34.3897, y: 13.145138, z: -99.01085} - {x: 44.215324, y: 7.089524, z: -110.65917} - {x: 44.21533, y: 12.596669, z: -99.01085} - {x: 34.3897, y: 13.145138, z: -99.01085} - {x: 34.389698, y: 17.35592, z: -87.3625} - {x: 44.21533, y: 12.596669, z: -99.01085} - {x: 44.21531, y: 16.562683, z: -87.3625} - {x: 34.389698, y: 17.35592, z: -87.3625} - {x: 34.389706, y: 20.15081, z: -75.71417} - {x: 44.21531, y: 16.562683, z: -87.3625} - {x: 44.215305, y: 19.212917, z: -75.71416} - {x: 34.389706, y: 20.15081, z: -75.71417} - {x: 34.389706, y: 21.903488, z: -64.06583} - {x: 44.215305, y: 19.212917, z: -75.71416} - {x: 44.215343, y: 20.922121, z: -64.065834} - {x: 34.389706, y: 21.903488, z: -64.06583} - {x: 34.389706, y: 22.976398, z: -52.417507} - {x: 44.215343, y: 20.922121, z: -64.065834} - {x: 44.215324, y: 22.020475, z: -52.417515} - {x: 34.389706, y: 22.976398, z: -52.417507} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.636032, z: -40.76916} - {x: 44.215324, y: 22.020475, z: -52.417515} - {x: 44.21531, y: 22.735416, z: -40.769165} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.636032, z: -40.76916} - {x: 34.389706, y: 24.063105, z: -29.120844} - {x: 44.21531, y: 22.735416, z: -40.769165} - {x: 44.215343, y: 23.228779, z: -29.120848} - {x: 34.389706, y: 24.063105, z: -29.120844} - {x: 34.389698, y: 24.374012, z: -17.472506} - {x: 44.215343, y: 23.228779, z: -29.120848} - {x: 44.215324, y: 23.610012, z: -17.472502} - {x: 34.389698, y: 24.374012, z: -17.472506} - {x: 34.389694, y: 24.702173, z: -5.8241663} - {x: 44.215324, y: 23.610012, z: -17.472502} - {x: 44.215305, y: 23.906363, z: -5.8241553} - {x: 34.389694, y: 24.702173, z: -5.8241663} - {x: 34.389687, y: 24.86316, z: 5.8241725} - {x: 44.215305, y: 23.906363, z: -5.8241553} - {x: 44.215298, y: 24.049253, z: 5.824177} - {x: 34.389687, y: 24.86316, z: 5.8241725} - {x: 34.389706, y: 25.200005, z: 17.47249} - {x: 44.215298, y: 24.049253, z: 5.824177} - {x: 44.21533, y: 24.347288, z: 17.472486} - {x: 34.389706, y: 25.200005, z: 17.47249} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.376682, z: 29.120821} - {x: 44.21533, y: 24.347288, z: 17.472486} - {x: 44.215305, y: 24.772472, z: 29.120827} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.376682, z: 29.120821} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.106005, z: 40.769165} - {x: 44.215305, y: 24.772472, z: 29.120827} - {x: 44.2153, y: 24.386219, z: 40.769173} - {x: 34.389694, y: 25.106005, z: 40.769165} - {x: 34.389683, y: 24.519026, z: 52.4175} - {x: 44.2153, y: 24.386219, z: 40.769173} - {x: 44.2153, y: 23.639881, z: 52.417515} - {x: 34.389683, y: 24.519026, z: 52.4175} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.422838, z: 64.06583} - {x: 44.2153, y: 23.639881, z: 52.417515} - {x: 44.215305, y: 22.39026, z: 64.06584} - {x: 34.389706, y: 23.422838, z: 64.06583} - {x: 34.389698, y: 21.535625, z: 75.714165} - {x: 44.215305, y: 22.39026, z: 64.06584} - {x: 44.21533, y: 20.435703, z: 75.71417} - {x: 34.389698, y: 21.535625, z: 75.714165} - {x: 34.3897, y: 18.500422, z: 87.3625} - {x: 44.21533, y: 20.435703, z: 75.71417} - {x: 44.21532, y: 17.478003, z: 87.3625} - {x: 34.3897, y: 18.500422, z: 87.3625} - {x: 34.389706, y: 13.901567, z: 99.01084} - {x: 44.21532, y: 17.478003, z: 87.3625} - {x: 44.215313, y: 13.139181, z: 99.01085} - {x: 34.389706, y: 13.901567, z: 99.01084} - {x: 34.389698, y: 7.5935884, z: 110.65918} - {x: 44.215313, y: 13.139181, z: 99.01085} - {x: 44.21532, y: 7.208356, z: 110.65917} - {x: 34.389698, y: 7.5935884, z: 110.65918} - {x: 34.389717, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.307526} - {x: 44.21532, y: 7.208356, z: 110.65917} - {x: 44.21533, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 44.21535, y: 0.23641777, z: -122.3075} - {x: 44.215324, y: 7.089524, z: -110.65917} - {x: 54.040977, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30753} - {x: 54.040962, y: 6.754632, z: -110.65918} - {x: 44.215324, y: 7.089524, z: -110.65917} - {x: 44.21533, y: 12.596669, z: -99.01085} - {x: 54.040962, y: 6.754632, z: -110.65918} - {x: 54.040936, y: 11.818417, z: -99.01084} - {x: 44.21533, y: 12.596669, z: -99.01085} - {x: 44.21531, y: 16.562683, z: -87.3625} - {x: 54.040936, y: 11.818417, z: -99.01084} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.452773, z: -87.3625} - {x: 44.21531, y: 16.562683, z: -87.3625} - {x: 44.215305, y: 19.212917, z: -75.71416} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.452773, z: -87.3625} - {x: 54.040924, y: 17.923101, z: -75.714165} - {x: 44.215305, y: 19.212917, z: -75.71416} - {x: 44.215343, y: 20.922121, z: -64.065834} - {x: 54.040924, y: 17.923101, z: -75.714165} - {x: 54.040943, y: 19.573671, z: -64.06585} - {x: 44.215343, y: 20.922121, z: -64.065834} - {x: 44.215324, y: 22.020475, z: -52.417515} - {x: 54.040943, y: 19.573671, z: -64.06585} - {x: 54.040936, y: 20.681684, z: -52.41751} - {x: 44.215324, y: 22.020475, z: -52.417515} - {x: 44.21531, y: 22.735416, z: -40.769165} - {x: 54.040936, y: 20.681684, z: -52.41751} - {x: 54.040936, y: 21.428547, z: -40.769165} - {x: 44.21531, y: 22.735416, z: -40.769165} - {x: 44.215343, y: 23.228779, z: -29.120848} - {x: 54.040936, y: 21.428547, z: -40.769165} - {x: 54.040928, y: 21.930262, z: -29.120829} - {x: 44.215343, y: 23.228779, z: -29.120848} - {x: 44.215324, y: 23.610012, z: -17.472502} - {x: 54.040928, y: 21.930262, z: -29.120829} - {x: 54.04093, y: 22.382488, z: -17.472504} - {x: 44.215324, y: 23.610012, z: -17.472502} - {x: 44.215305, y: 23.906363, z: -5.8241553} - {x: 54.04093, y: 22.382488, z: -17.472504} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.545662, z: -5.8241715} - {x: 44.215305, y: 23.906363, z: -5.8241553} - {x: 44.215298, y: 24.049253, z: 5.824177} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.545662, z: -5.8241715} - {x: 54.040936, y: 22.655256, z: 5.8241663} - {x: 44.215298, y: 24.049253, z: 5.824177} - {x: 44.21533, y: 24.347288, z: 17.472486} - {x: 54.040936, y: 22.655256, z: 5.8241663} - {x: 54.040913, y: 22.8936, z: 17.472506} - {x: 44.21533, y: 24.347288, z: 17.472486} - {x: 44.215305, y: 24.772472, z: 29.120827} - {x: 54.040913, y: 22.8936, z: 17.472506} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.540401, z: 29.120836} - {x: 44.215305, y: 24.772472, z: 29.120827} - {x: 44.2153, y: 24.386219, z: 40.769173} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.540401, z: 29.120836} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.090717, z: 40.76918} - {x: 44.2153, y: 24.386219, z: 40.769173} - {x: 44.2153, y: 23.639881, z: 52.417515} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.090717, z: 40.76918} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.148592, z: 52.417515} - {x: 44.2153, y: 23.639881, z: 52.417515} - {x: 44.215305, y: 22.39026, z: 64.06584} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.148592, z: 52.417515} - {x: 54.04095, y: 20.704462, z: 64.06584} - {x: 44.215305, y: 22.39026, z: 64.06584} - {x: 44.21533, y: 20.435703, z: 75.71417} - {x: 54.04095, y: 20.704462, z: 64.06584} - {x: 54.040947, y: 18.654781, z: 75.71419} - {x: 44.21533, y: 20.435703, z: 75.71417} - {x: 44.21532, y: 17.478003, z: 87.3625} - {x: 54.040947, y: 18.654781, z: 75.71419} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.80164, z: 87.36251} - {x: 44.21532, y: 17.478003, z: 87.3625} - {x: 44.215313, y: 13.139181, z: 99.01085} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.80164, z: 87.36251} - {x: 54.040928, y: 11.828051, z: 99.01086} - {x: 44.215313, y: 13.139181, z: 99.01085} - {x: 44.21532, y: 7.208356, z: 110.65917} - {x: 54.040928, y: 11.828051, z: 99.01086} - {x: 54.040955, y: 6.485376, z: 110.65918} - {x: 44.21532, y: 7.208356, z: 110.65917} - {x: 44.21533, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 54.040955, y: 6.485376, z: 110.65918} - {x: 54.040924, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30751} - {x: 54.040977, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30753} - {x: 54.040962, y: 6.754632, z: -110.65918} - {x: 63.866566, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30748} - {x: 63.866547, y: 6.296842, z: -110.659164} - {x: 54.040962, y: 6.754632, z: -110.65918} - {x: 54.040936, y: 11.818417, z: -99.01084} - {x: 63.866547, y: 6.296842, z: -110.659164} - {x: 63.866547, y: 10.76346, z: -99.01084} - {x: 54.040936, y: 11.818417, z: -99.01084} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.452773, z: -87.3625} - {x: 63.866547, y: 10.76346, z: -99.01084} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.959786, z: -87.3625} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.452773, z: -87.3625} - {x: 54.040924, y: 17.923101, z: -75.714165} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.959786, z: -87.3625} - {x: 63.866554, y: 16.181074, z: -75.714165} - {x: 54.040924, y: 17.923101, z: -75.714165} - {x: 54.040943, y: 19.573671, z: -64.06585} - {x: 63.866554, y: 16.181074, z: -75.714165} - {x: 63.86657, y: 17.723497, z: -64.06585} - {x: 54.040943, y: 19.573671, z: -64.06585} - {x: 54.040936, y: 20.681684, z: -52.41751} - {x: 63.86657, y: 17.723497, z: -64.06585} - {x: 63.866547, y: 18.77751, z: -52.417507} - {x: 54.040936, y: 20.681684, z: -52.41751} - {x: 54.040936, y: 21.428547, z: -40.769165} - {x: 63.866547, y: 18.77751, z: -52.417507} - {x: 63.86654, y: 19.489265, z: -40.769176} - {x: 54.040936, y: 21.428547, z: -40.769165} - {x: 54.040928, y: 21.930262, z: -29.120829} - {x: 63.86654, y: 19.489265, z: -40.769176} - {x: 63.866535, y: 19.953323, z: -29.12083} - {x: 54.040928, y: 21.930262, z: -29.120829} - {x: 54.04093, y: 22.382488, z: -17.472504} - {x: 63.866535, y: 19.953323, z: -29.12083} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.238785, z: -17.472492} - {x: 54.04093, y: 22.382488, z: -17.472504} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.545662, z: -5.8241715} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.238785, z: -17.472492} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.344208, z: -5.824154} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.545662, z: -5.8241715} - {x: 54.040936, y: 22.655256, z: 5.8241663} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.344208, z: -5.824154} - {x: 63.866554, y: 20.423824, z: 5.824184} - {x: 54.040936, y: 22.655256, z: 5.8241663} - {x: 54.040913, y: 22.8936, z: 17.472506} - {x: 63.866554, y: 20.423824, z: 5.824184} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.627865, z: 17.472515} - {x: 54.040913, y: 22.8936, z: 17.472506} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.540401, z: 29.120836} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.627865, z: 17.472515} - {x: 63.866547, y: 21.45379, z: 29.12084} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.540401, z: 29.120836} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.090717, z: 40.76918} - {x: 63.866547, y: 21.45379, z: 29.12084} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.981482, z: 40.769184} - {x: 54.040936, y: 23.090717, z: 40.76918} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.148592, z: 52.417515} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.981482, z: 40.769184} - {x: 63.86652, y: 19.938198, z: 52.417492} - {x: 54.040924, y: 22.148592, z: 52.417515} - {x: 54.04095, y: 20.704462, z: 64.06584} - {x: 63.86652, y: 19.938198, z: 52.417492} - {x: 63.86652, y: 18.39891, z: 64.065834} - {x: 54.04095, y: 20.704462, z: 64.06584} - {x: 54.040947, y: 18.654781, z: 75.71419} - {x: 63.86652, y: 18.39891, z: 64.065834} - {x: 63.866558, y: 16.359512, z: 75.71416} - {x: 54.040947, y: 18.654781, z: 75.71419} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.80164, z: 87.36251} - {x: 63.866558, y: 16.359512, z: 75.71416} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.72527, z: 87.36251} - {x: 54.04093, y: 15.80164, z: 87.36251} - {x: 54.040928, y: 11.828051, z: 99.01086} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.72527, z: 87.36251} - {x: 63.86653, y: 10.244342, z: 99.01084} - {x: 54.040928, y: 11.828051, z: 99.01086} - {x: 54.040955, y: 6.485376, z: 110.65918} - {x: 63.86653, y: 10.244342, z: 99.01084} - {x: 63.866524, y: 5.6373973, z: 110.65918} - {x: 54.040955, y: 6.485376, z: 110.65918} - {x: 54.040924, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30751} - {x: 63.866524, y: 5.6373973, z: 110.65918} - {x: 63.86657, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 63.866566, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30748} - {x: 63.866547, y: 6.296842, z: -110.659164} - {x: 73.69221, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30751} - {x: 73.692184, y: 5.71964, z: -110.65917} - {x: 63.866547, y: 6.296842, z: -110.659164} - {x: 63.866547, y: 10.76346, z: -99.01084} - {x: 73.692184, y: 5.71964, z: -110.65917} - {x: 73.69217, y: 9.418501, z: -99.01085} - {x: 63.866547, y: 10.76346, z: -99.01084} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.959786, z: -87.3625} - {x: 73.69217, y: 9.418501, z: -99.01085} - {x: 73.69218, y: 12.046287, z: -87.36251} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.959786, z: -87.3625} - {x: 63.866554, y: 16.181074, z: -75.714165} - {x: 73.69218, y: 12.046287, z: -87.36251} - {x: 73.69215, y: 13.900821, z: -75.714165} - {x: 63.866554, y: 16.181074, z: -75.714165} - {x: 63.86657, y: 17.723497, z: -64.06585} - {x: 73.69215, y: 13.900821, z: -75.714165} - {x: 73.69218, y: 15.17709, z: -64.06585} - {x: 63.86657, y: 17.723497, z: -64.06585} - {x: 63.866547, y: 18.77751, z: -52.417507} - {x: 73.69218, y: 15.17709, z: -64.06585} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.104708, z: -52.417503} - {x: 63.866547, y: 18.77751, z: -52.417507} - {x: 63.86654, y: 19.489265, z: -40.769176} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.104708, z: -52.417503} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.665771, z: -40.769157} - {x: 63.86654, y: 19.489265, z: -40.769176} - {x: 63.866535, y: 19.953323, z: -29.12083} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.665771, z: -40.769157} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.856405, z: -29.120821} - {x: 63.866535, y: 19.953323, z: -29.12083} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.238785, z: -17.472492} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.856405, z: -29.120821} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.988564, z: -17.472502} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.238785, z: -17.472492} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.344208, z: -5.824154} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.988564, z: -17.472502} - {x: 73.69216, y: 17.056646, z: -5.82417} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.344208, z: -5.824154} - {x: 63.866554, y: 20.423824, z: 5.824184} - {x: 73.69216, y: 17.056646, z: -5.82417} - {x: 73.69218, y: 17.150768, z: 5.8241806} - {x: 63.866554, y: 20.423824, z: 5.824184} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.627865, z: 17.472515} - {x: 73.69218, y: 17.150768, z: 5.8241806} - {x: 73.692154, y: 17.388523, z: 17.47252} - {x: 63.866543, y: 20.627865, z: 17.472515} - {x: 63.866547, y: 21.45379, z: 29.12084} - {x: 73.692154, y: 17.388523, z: 17.47252} - {x: 73.69218, y: 18.39113, z: 29.120852} - {x: 63.866547, y: 21.45379, z: 29.12084} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.981482, z: 40.769184} - {x: 73.69218, y: 18.39113, z: 29.120852} - {x: 73.69215, y: 17.83896, z: 40.769176} - {x: 63.866547, y: 20.981482, z: 40.769184} - {x: 63.86652, y: 19.938198, z: 52.417492} - {x: 73.69215, y: 17.83896, z: 40.769176} - {x: 73.69216, y: 16.798923, z: 52.417515} - {x: 63.86652, y: 19.938198, z: 52.417492} - {x: 63.86652, y: 18.39891, z: 64.065834} - {x: 73.69216, y: 16.798923, z: 52.417515} - {x: 73.69216, y: 15.356036, z: 64.06584} - {x: 63.86652, y: 18.39891, z: 64.065834} - {x: 63.866558, y: 16.359512, z: 75.71416} - {x: 73.69216, y: 15.356036, z: 64.06584} - {x: 73.69217, y: 13.534451, z: 75.714165} - {x: 63.866558, y: 16.359512, z: 75.71416} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.72527, z: 87.36251} - {x: 73.69217, y: 13.534451, z: 75.714165} - {x: 73.692154, y: 11.322006, z: 87.36252} - {x: 63.866543, y: 13.72527, z: 87.36251} - {x: 63.86653, y: 10.244342, z: 99.01084} - {x: 73.692154, y: 11.322006, z: 87.36252} - {x: 73.69215, y: 8.51074, z: 99.010864} - {x: 63.86653, y: 10.244342, z: 99.01084} - {x: 63.866524, y: 5.6373973, z: 110.65918} - {x: 73.69215, y: 8.51074, z: 99.010864} - {x: 73.69218, y: 4.758105, z: 110.65917} - {x: 63.866524, y: 5.6373973, z: 110.65918} - {x: 63.86657, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 73.69218, y: 4.758105, z: 110.65917} - {x: 73.69217, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30754} - {x: 73.69221, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30751} - {x: 73.692184, y: 5.71964, z: -110.65917} - {x: 83.51779, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30752} - {x: 83.51779, y: 4.8594484, z: -110.65917} - {x: 73.692184, y: 5.71964, z: -110.65917} - {x: 73.69217, y: 9.418501, z: -99.01085} - {x: 83.51779, y: 4.8594484, z: -110.65917} - {x: 83.51781, y: 7.590403, z: -99.01086} - {x: 73.69217, y: 9.418501, z: -99.01085} - {x: 73.69218, y: 12.046287, z: -87.36251} - {x: 83.51781, y: 7.590403, z: -99.01086} - {x: 83.51777, y: 9.457785, z: -87.36251} - {x: 73.69218, y: 12.046287, z: -87.36251} - {x: 73.69215, y: 13.900821, z: -75.714165} - {x: 83.51777, y: 9.457785, z: -87.36251} - {x: 83.517784, y: 10.831078, z: -75.71417} - {x: 73.69215, y: 13.900821, z: -75.714165} - {x: 73.69218, y: 15.17709, z: -64.06585} - {x: 83.517784, y: 10.831078, z: -75.71417} - {x: 83.51779, y: 11.8144, z: -64.06584} - {x: 73.69218, y: 15.17709, z: -64.06585} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.104708, z: -52.417503} - {x: 83.51779, y: 11.8144, z: -64.06584} - {x: 83.517784, y: 12.239849, z: -52.417507} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.104708, z: -52.417503} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.665771, z: -40.769157} - {x: 83.517784, y: 12.239849, z: -52.417507} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.330832, z: -40.769173} - {x: 73.69218, y: 16.665771, z: -40.769157} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.856405, z: -29.120821} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.330832, z: -40.769173} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.420597, z: -29.120823} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.856405, z: -29.120821} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.988564, z: -17.472502} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.420597, z: -29.120823} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.483746, z: -17.472498} - {x: 73.69217, y: 16.988564, z: -17.472502} - {x: 73.69216, y: 17.056646, z: -5.82417} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.483746, z: -17.472498} - {x: 83.51776, y: 12.553182, z: -5.824179} - {x: 73.69216, y: 17.056646, z: -5.82417} - {x: 73.69218, y: 17.150768, z: 5.8241806} - {x: 83.51776, y: 12.553182, z: -5.824179} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.726951, z: 5.8241587} - {x: 73.69218, y: 17.150768, z: 5.8241806} - {x: 73.692154, y: 17.388523, z: 17.47252} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.726951, z: 5.8241587} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.080535, z: 17.472504} - {x: 73.692154, y: 17.388523, z: 17.47252} - {x: 73.69218, y: 18.39113, z: 29.120852} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.080535, z: 17.472504} - {x: 83.51778, y: 14.1385355, z: 29.120829} - {x: 73.69218, y: 18.39113, z: 29.120852} - {x: 73.69215, y: 17.83896, z: 40.769176} - {x: 83.51778, y: 14.1385355, z: 29.120829} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.491594, z: 40.769173} - {x: 73.69215, y: 17.83896, z: 40.769176} - {x: 73.69216, y: 16.798923, z: 52.417515} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.491594, z: 40.769173} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.488264, z: 52.41752} - {x: 73.69216, y: 16.798923, z: 52.417515} - {x: 73.69216, y: 15.356036, z: 64.06584} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.488264, z: 52.41752} - {x: 83.51776, y: 11.27488, z: 64.06585} - {x: 73.69216, y: 15.356036, z: 64.06584} - {x: 73.69217, y: 13.534451, z: 75.714165} - {x: 83.51776, y: 11.27488, z: 64.06585} - {x: 83.51778, y: 9.918079, z: 75.714165} - {x: 73.69217, y: 13.534451, z: 75.714165} - {x: 73.692154, y: 11.322006, z: 87.36252} - {x: 83.51778, y: 9.918079, z: 75.714165} - {x: 83.51778, y: 8.397331, z: 87.36251} - {x: 73.692154, y: 11.322006, z: 87.36252} - {x: 73.69215, y: 8.51074, z: 99.010864} - {x: 83.51778, y: 8.397331, z: 87.36251} - {x: 83.51778, y: 6.4691105, z: 99.01086} - {x: 73.69215, y: 8.51074, z: 99.010864} - {x: 73.69218, y: 4.758105, z: 110.65917} - {x: 83.51778, y: 6.4691105, z: 99.01086} - {x: 83.51779, y: 3.7042413, z: 110.65917} - {x: 73.69218, y: 4.758105, z: 110.65917} - {x: 73.69217, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30754} - {x: 83.51779, y: 3.7042413, z: 110.65917} - {x: 83.5178, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 83.51779, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30752} - {x: 83.51779, y: 4.8594484, z: -110.65917} - {x: 93.34342, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30749} - {x: 93.34342, y: 3.1894798, z: -110.659164} - {x: 83.51779, y: 4.8594484, z: -110.65917} - {x: 83.51781, y: 7.590403, z: -99.01086} - {x: 93.34342, y: 3.1894798, z: -110.659164} - {x: 93.34338, y: 4.745454, z: -99.01085} - {x: 83.51781, y: 7.590403, z: -99.01086} - {x: 83.51777, y: 9.457785, z: -87.36251} - {x: 93.34338, y: 4.745454, z: -99.01085} - {x: 93.34343, y: 5.7382107, z: -87.36252} - {x: 83.51777, y: 9.457785, z: -87.36251} - {x: 83.517784, y: 10.831078, z: -75.71417} - {x: 93.34343, y: 5.7382107, z: -87.36252} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.2778373, z: -75.71416} - {x: 83.517784, y: 10.831078, z: -75.71417} - {x: 83.51779, y: 11.8144, z: -64.06584} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.2778373, z: -75.71416} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.6044602, z: -64.06583} - {x: 83.51779, y: 11.8144, z: -64.06584} - {x: 83.517784, y: 12.239849, z: -52.417507} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.6044602, z: -64.06583} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7790895, z: -52.41751} - {x: 83.517784, y: 12.239849, z: -52.417507} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.330832, z: -40.769173} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7790895, z: -52.41751} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.6956573, z: -40.769173} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.330832, z: -40.769173} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.420597, z: -29.120823} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.6956573, z: -40.769173} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7473598, z: -29.12084} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.420597, z: -29.120823} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.483746, z: -17.472498} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7473598, z: -29.12084} - {x: 93.34337, y: 6.7891746, z: -17.4725} - {x: 83.51778, y: 12.483746, z: -17.472498} - {x: 83.51776, y: 12.553182, z: -5.824179} - {x: 93.34337, y: 6.7891746, z: -17.4725} - {x: 93.343376, y: 6.8807955, z: -5.8241615} - {x: 83.51776, y: 12.553182, z: -5.824179} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.726951, z: 5.8241587} - {x: 93.343376, y: 6.8807955, z: -5.8241615} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.118615, z: 5.824163} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.726951, z: 5.8241587} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.080535, z: 17.472504} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.118615, z: 5.824163} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.584273, z: 17.472507} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.080535, z: 17.472504} - {x: 83.51778, y: 14.1385355, z: 29.120829} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.584273, z: 17.472507} - {x: 93.343376, y: 8.240487, z: 29.120853} - {x: 83.51778, y: 14.1385355, z: 29.120829} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.491594, z: 40.769173} - {x: 93.343376, y: 8.240487, z: 29.120853} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.5991464, z: 40.769176} - {x: 83.51777, y: 13.491594, z: 40.769173} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.488264, z: 52.41752} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.5991464, z: 40.769176} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.84983, z: 52.417507} - {x: 83.51777, y: 12.488264, z: 52.41752} - {x: 83.51776, y: 11.27488, z: 64.06585} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.84983, z: 52.417507} - {x: 93.34338, y: 6.0806937, z: 64.06585} - {x: 83.51776, y: 11.27488, z: 64.06585} - {x: 83.51778, y: 9.918079, z: 75.714165} - {x: 93.34338, y: 6.0806937, z: 64.06585} - {x: 93.34337, y: 5.3436794, z: 75.714165} - {x: 83.51778, y: 9.918079, z: 75.714165} - {x: 83.51778, y: 8.397331, z: 87.36251} - {x: 93.34337, y: 5.3436794, z: 75.714165} - {x: 93.3434, y: 4.599661, z: 87.36251} - {x: 83.51778, y: 8.397331, z: 87.36251} - {x: 83.51778, y: 6.4691105, z: 99.01086} - {x: 93.3434, y: 4.599661, z: 87.36251} - {x: 93.34337, y: 3.6124794, z: 99.01083} - {x: 83.51778, y: 6.4691105, z: 99.01086} - {x: 83.51779, y: 3.7042413, z: 110.65917} - {x: 93.34337, y: 3.6124794, z: 99.01083} - {x: 93.34338, y: 2.040517, z: 110.65917} - {x: 83.51779, y: 3.7042413, z: 110.65917} - {x: 83.5178, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30753} - {x: 93.34338, y: 2.040517, z: 110.65917} - {x: 93.343376, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30752} - {x: 93.34342, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.30749} - {x: 93.34342, y: 3.1894798, z: -110.659164} - {x: 103.169, y: 0.23283577, z: -122.3075} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: -110.65915} - {x: 93.34342, y: 3.1894798, z: -110.659164} - {x: 93.34338, y: 4.745454, z: -99.01085} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: -110.65915} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: -99.01082} - {x: 93.34338, y: 4.745454, z: -99.01085} - {x: 93.34343, y: 5.7382107, z: -87.36252} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: -99.01082} - {x: 103.169, y: 0.23283577, z: -87.36249} - {x: 93.34343, y: 5.7382107, z: -87.36252} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.2778373, z: -75.71416} - {x: 103.169, y: 0.23283577, z: -87.36249} - {x: 103.16905, y: 0.23283577, z: -75.71417} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.2778373, z: -75.71416} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.6044602, z: -64.06583} - {x: 103.16905, y: 0.23283577, z: -75.71417} - {x: 103.169, y: 0.23283577, z: -64.06583} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.6044602, z: -64.06583} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7790895, z: -52.41751} - {x: 103.169, y: 0.23283577, z: -64.06583} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: -52.41752} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7790895, z: -52.41751} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.6956573, z: -40.769173} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: -52.41752} - {x: 103.169014, y: 0.23283577, z: -40.769188} - {x: 93.3434, y: 6.6956573, z: -40.769173} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7473598, z: -29.12084} - {x: 103.169014, y: 0.23283577, z: -40.769188} - {x: 103.169014, y: 0.23283577, z: -29.12084} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.7473598, z: -29.12084} - {x: 93.34337, y: 6.7891746, z: -17.4725} - {x: 103.169014, y: 0.23283577, z: -29.12084} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: -17.472504} - {x: 93.34337, y: 6.7891746, z: -17.4725} - {x: 93.343376, y: 6.8807955, z: -5.8241615} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: -17.472504} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: -5.8241634} - {x: 93.343376, y: 6.8807955, z: -5.8241615} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.118615, z: 5.824163} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: -5.8241634} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: 5.824167} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.118615, z: 5.824163} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.584273, z: 17.472507} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: 5.824167} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: 17.472498} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.584273, z: 17.472507} - {x: 93.343376, y: 8.240487, z: 29.120853} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: 17.472498} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 29.120852} - {x: 93.343376, y: 8.240487, z: 29.120853} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.5991464, z: 40.769176} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 29.120852} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: 40.76917} - {x: 93.34338, y: 7.5991464, z: 40.769176} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.84983, z: 52.417507} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: 40.76917} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 52.41749} - {x: 93.34341, y: 6.84983, z: 52.417507} - {x: 93.34338, y: 6.0806937, z: 64.06585} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 52.41749} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 64.06585} - {x: 93.34338, y: 6.0806937, z: 64.06585} - {x: 93.34337, y: 5.3436794, z: 75.714165} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 64.06585} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: 75.714165} - {x: 93.34337, y: 5.3436794, z: 75.714165} - {x: 93.3434, y: 4.599661, z: 87.36251} - {x: 103.16903, y: 0.23283577, z: 75.714165} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 87.3625} - {x: 93.3434, y: 4.599661, z: 87.36251} - {x: 93.34337, y: 3.6124794, z: 99.01083} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 87.3625} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 99.010864} - {x: 93.34337, y: 3.6124794, z: 99.01083} - {x: 93.34338, y: 2.040517, z: 110.65917} - {x: 103.16901, y: 0.23283577, z: 99.010864} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: 110.65918} - {x: 93.34338, y: 2.040517, z: 110.65917} - {x: 93.343376, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30752} - {x: 103.16902, y: 0.23283577, z: 110.65918} - {x: 103.169, y: 0.23283577, z: 122.30752} m_Textures0: - {x: -103.168785, y: -122.30739} - {x: -103.16878, y: -110.659035} - {x: -93.34316, y: -122.30738} - {x: -93.340866, y: -110.65731} - {x: -92.55594, y: -110.63823} - {x: -92.553314, y: -98.98991} - {x: -81.615974, y: -110.63826} - {x: -79.621025, y: -98.98806} - {x: -74.60245, y: -98.99443} - {x: -74.5999, y: -87.346115} - {x: -61.04494, y: -98.99445} - {x: -58.529755, y: -87.345505} - {x: 87.342445, y: -62.056484} - {x: 75.694084, y: -62.052742} - {x: 87.34435, y: -45.77047} - {x: 75.696014, y: -43.968536} - {x: 75.702805, y: -55.690506} - {x: 64.05448, y: -55.68814} - {x: 75.7039, y: -37.555202} - {x: 64.05557, y: -37.205055} - {x: 64.0611, y: -54.628487} - {x: 52.412754, y: -54.627525} - {x: 64.06156, y: -36.144043} - {x: 52.413223, y: -35.745773} - {x: 52.41888, y: -53.46562} - {x: 40.770542, y: -53.46585} - {x: 52.41877, y: -34.582226} - {x: 40.770443, y: -34.020416} - {x: 40.779, y: -51.902054} - {x: 29.130678, y: -51.904305} - {x: 40.77809, y: -32.453606} - {x: 29.129751, y: -31.60616} - {x: 29.158897, y: -49.700752} - {x: 17.510557, y: -49.709637} - {x: 29.155283, y: -29.396515} - {x: 17.506952, y: -31.138353} - {x: 17.529078, y: -54.300117} - {x: 5.880742, y: -54.312225} - {x: 17.52371, y: -35.704132} - {x: 5.8753734, y: -39.84164} - {x: 5.8241434, y: -68.80208} - {x: -5.824183, y: -68.80208} - {x: 5.8241653, y: -54.105495} - {x: -5.8241715, y: -54.987152} - {x: -73.0927, y: 5.8242164} - {x: -73.092705, y: 17.472551} - {x: -59.255054, y: 5.824205} - {x: -60.149067, y: 17.47254} - {x: -77.9751, y: 17.472488} - {x: -77.9751, y: 29.120821} - {x: -65.00011, y: 17.472479} - {x: -65.18626, y: 29.12081} - {x: -79.104065, y: 29.120878} - {x: -79.10407, y: 40.76922} - {x: -66.31341, y: 29.120867} - {x: -66.35464, y: 40.769207} - {x: -79.36046, y: 40.76919} - {x: -79.36046, y: 52.417522} - {x: -66.61092, y: 40.76918} - {x: -66.68545, y: 52.417496} - {x: -79.82711, y: 52.417522} - {x: -79.82711, y: 64.065865} - {x: -67.15177, y: 52.417496} - {x: -67.271034, y: 64.06584} - {x: -80.583405, y: 64.06589} - {x: -80.583405, y: 75.7142} - {x: -68.026474, y: 64.065865} - {x: -68.22642, y: 75.7142} - {x: -81.876465, y: 75.71413} - {x: -81.87645, y: 87.362495} - {x: -69.51692, y: 75.71413} - {x: -69.874626, y: 87.36247} - {x: -84.26395, y: 87.3625} - {x: -84.26393, y: 99.0108} - {x: -72.25297, y: 87.36247} - {x: -72.88842, y: 99.0108} - {x: -88.71397, y: 99.01089} - {x: -88.713974, y: 110.65924} - {x: -77.30261, y: 99.01089} - {x: -78.32629, y: 110.65921} - {x: -96.17208, y: 110.65925} - {x: -96.17212, y: 122.30756} - {x: -85.640785, y: 110.659225} - {x: -87.00485, y: 122.30759} - {x: -93.343155, y: -112.940414} - {x: -93.3408, y: -100.33808} - {x: -83.51753, y: -112.94045} - {x: -83.514275, y: -99.60614} - {x: -90.63701, y: -95.19608} - {x: -89.76584, y: -82.72573} - {x: -80.625114, y: -95.196075} - {x: -79.45523, y: -82.18066} - {x: -84.79515, y: -83.56977} - {x: -83.57711, y: -71.42377} - {x: -74.372154, y: -83.56976} - {x: -72.70687, y: -71.06578} - {x: -77.981224, y: -76.98501} - {x: -76.98716, y: -65.16159} - {x: -67.03779, y: -76.98501} - {x: -65.31826, y: -64.90796} - {x: -69.45758, y: -73.76561} - {x: -69.22903, y: -62.112103} - {x: -57.695286, y: -73.76561} - {x: -55.876747, y: -62.040096} - {x: -56.61927, y: -61.822613} - {x: -56.29521, y: -50.169304} - {x: -43.050137, y: -61.822613} - {x: -41.515038, y: -50.13219} - {x: 47.696835, y: -51.157322} - {x: 36.063007, y: -50.27957} - {x: 48.18689, y: -36.33065} - {x: 36.553047, y: -35.19199} - {x: 33.93077, y: -49.461987} - {x: 22.312765, y: -48.169167} - {x: 34.639423, y: -34.38133} - {x: 23.021427, y: -33.52068} - {x: 42.98325, y: -44.99139} - {x: 31.470524, y: -47.654663} - {x: 41.48837, y: -30.39748} - {x: 29.975628, y: -34.51496} - {x: -58.229588, y: -38.752304} - {x: -61.507706, y: -26.560162} - {x: -44.94173, y: -38.7523} - {x: -48.640877, y: -26.42361} - {x: -64.021385, y: -11.137547} - {x: -64.78754, y: 0.5458756} - {x: -51.146248, y: -11.137557} - {x: -52.248356, y: 0.5765951} - {x: -66.903496, y: 0.20186813} - {x: -67.69293, y: 11.892571} - {x: -54.358044, y: 0.20186426} - {x: -55.617462, y: 11.942912} - {x: -70.78762, y: 16.246885} - {x: -70.953705, y: 27.89752} - {x: -58.697647, y: 16.24687} - {x: -58.96177, y: 27.900234} - {x: -71.6471, y: 28.846899} - {x: -71.68402, y: 40.49536} - {x: -59.654392, y: 28.846895} - {x: -59.776966, y: 40.495914} - {x: -72.30085, y: 40.27391} - {x: -72.36691, y: 51.922626} - {x: -60.393166, y: 40.27391} - {x: -60.537014, y: 51.92358} - {x: -72.93531, y: 51.620872} - {x: -73.04045, y: 63.270275} - {x: -61.104866, y: 51.620888} - {x: -61.325527, y: 63.272594} - {x: -73.89533, y: 62.71753} - {x: -74.070244, y: 74.36898} - {x: -62.179142, y: 62.71753} - {x: -62.573795, y: 74.37679} - {x: -75.72447, y: 73.26178} - {x: -76.03097, y: 84.921005} - {x: -64.22305, y: 73.26177} - {x: -64.933846, y: 84.94971} - {x: -79.15961, y: 82.88207} - {x: -79.67647, y: 94.571266} - {x: -68.0426, y: 82.882065} - {x: -69.1902, y: 94.67083} - {x: -84.69999, y: 91.44908} - {x: -85.43473, y: 103.24721} - {x: -74.146225, y: 91.44909} - {x: -75.610596, y: 103.54281} - {x: -90.980354, y: 98.92938} - {x: -91.68285, y: 111.1587} - {x: -80.98151, y: 98.92937} - {x: -82.0275, y: 111.71332} - {x: -83.517624, y: -105.783714} - {x: -83.51659, y: -92.33211} - {x: -73.69204, y: -105.783676} - {x: -73.69079, y: -91.77547} - {x: -82.19997, y: -90.655754} - {x: -81.513306, y: -77.528244} - {x: -72.31134, y: -90.65575} - {x: -71.502884, y: -77.03302} - {x: -78.65977, y: -79.403366} - {x: -77.57158, y: -66.77772} - {x: -68.5919, y: -79.40337} - {x: -67.3302, y: -66.47813} - {x: -74.64038, y: -70.485115} - {x: -73.50305, y: -58.252277} - {x: -64.3696, y: -70.48511} - {x: -63.14301, y: -58.162674} - {x: -72.190605, y: -60.78948} - {x: -71.138054, y: -48.726322} - {x: -61.826412, y: -60.78947} - {x: -60.874744, y: -48.8045} - {x: -72.58728, y: -54.311066} - {x: -71.94117, y: -42.4696} - {x: -62.31957, y: -54.311066} - {x: -61.596054, y: -42.42368} - {x: -70.672386, y: -47.966587} - {x: -70.35671, y: -36.27915} - {x: -60.32412, y: -47.966576} - {x: -59.730972, y: -36.210533} - {x: -65.94248, y: -38.82678} - {x: -65.78199, y: -27.172195} - {x: -55.283627, y: -38.826782} - {x: -55.1017, y: -27.170523} - {x: -65.49954, y: -45.42311} - {x: -67.04252, y: -33.224888} - {x: -54.819126, y: -45.42311} - {x: -56.02528, y: -33.45956} - {x: -62.88315, y: -39.4714} - {x: -65.39331, y: -26.839123} - {x: -51.837585, y: -39.47141} - {x: -54.14425, y: -26.99245} - {x: -63.399387, y: -13.098585} - {x: -64.23142, y: -1.3554945} - {x: -52.143345, y: -13.0985775} - {x: -53.109272, y: -1.3251138} - {x: -65.4283, y: -2.572357} - {x: -66.37818, y: 9.212549} - {x: -54.303566, y: -2.5723512} - {x: -55.319458, y: 9.231434} - {x: -66.97074, y: 15.654082} - {x: -67.1788, y: 27.309383} - {x: -55.911324, y: 15.654092} - {x: -56.17884, y: 27.313358} - {x: -67.71835, y: 28.2773} - {x: -67.814476, y: 39.92721} - {x: -56.717785, y: 28.277298} - {x: -56.87256, y: 39.929108} - {x: -68.35364, y: 39.77414} - {x: -68.46572, y: 51.424713} - {x: -57.411106, y: 39.774128} - {x: -57.5823, y: 51.427082} - {x: -69.01652, y: 50.87926} - {x: -69.186935, y: 62.533085} - {x: -58.132427, y: 50.87926} - {x: -58.401325, y: 62.539425} - {x: -70.112076, y: 61.269653} - {x: -70.41117, y: 72.93666} - {x: -59.324486, y: 61.269653} - {x: -59.807663, y: 72.95964} - {x: -72.15714, y: 70.49074} - {x: -72.67353, y: 82.207695} - {x: -61.545864, y: 70.490746} - {x: -62.356426, y: 82.28566} - {x: -75.49335, y: 78.24988} - {x: -76.25903, y: 90.129105} - {x: -65.151054, y: 78.249886} - {x: -66.26961, y: 90.33983} - {x: -79.613014, y: 85.1785} - {x: -80.450584, y: 97.46983} - {x: -69.56601, y: 85.1785} - {x: -70.65876, y: 97.85142} - {x: -82.666916, y: 93.89742} - {x: -83.167656, y: 106.83117} - {x: -72.8024, y: 93.89745} - {x: -73.38078, y: 107.21007} - {x: -73.69205, y: -101.3214} - {x: -73.69099, y: -87.280075} - {x: -63.866398, y: -101.321434} - {x: -63.865273, y: -86.812004} - {x: -72.73625, y: -86.825325} - {x: -72.12557, y: -73.15905} - {x: -62.87484, y: -86.825325} - {x: -62.205494, y: -72.79993} - {x: -70.470406, y: -77.24536} - {x: -69.58087, y: -64.26939} - {x: -60.526592, y: -77.24535} - {x: -59.579094, y: -64.10524} - {x: -68.33701, y: -70.72395} - {x: -67.53505, y: -58.36346} - {x: -58.328304, y: -70.72396} - {x: -57.602222, y: -58.49436} - {x: -69.011024, y: -64.49734} - {x: -68.557556, y: -52.47969} - {x: -59.0705, y: -64.49734} - {x: -58.66194, y: -52.551723} - {x: -69.683914, y: -54.97164} - {x: -69.37906, y: -43.06351} - {x: -59.783966, y: -54.971634} - {x: -59.465065, y: -43.039845} - {x: -68.92019, y: -45.350857} - {x: -68.66745, y: -33.55286} - {x: -59.00554, y: -45.350864} - {x: -58.772686, y: -33.576237} - {x: -69.287834, y: -39.091057} - {x: -69.231995, y: -27.4334} - {x: -59.39197, y: -39.091045} - {x: -59.337452, y: -27.43383} - {x: -69.278145, y: -38.71101} - {x: -69.64074, y: -26.668598} - {x: -59.383595, y: -38.711002} - {x: -59.661892, y: -26.848797} - {x: -66.731865, y: -33.05504} - {x: -67.68135, y: -20.394981} - {x: -56.727783, y: -33.05503} - {x: -57.481735, y: -20.79503} - {x: -63.52037, y: -12.974619} - {x: -64.08456, y: -1.1726856} - {x: -53.26976, y: -12.974628} - {x: -53.860004, y: -1.1586016} - {x: -64.45103, y: -1.7415686} - {x: -65.05051, y: 10.091313} - {x: -54.2261, y: -1.7415749} - {x: -54.745598, y: 10.042445} - {x: -63.938175, y: 15.445097} - {x: -64.1145, y: 27.106667} - {x: -53.62952, y: 15.445093} - {x: -53.82932, y: 27.110191} - {x: -64.411865, y: 27.948828} - {x: -64.51363, y: 39.601803} - {x: -54.12642, y: 27.94883} - {x: -54.251247, y: 39.60391} - {x: -64.80838, y: 39.45967} - {x: -64.92068, y: 51.113964} - {x: -54.545723, y: 39.459675} - {x: -54.689846, y: 51.117344} - {x: -65.32938, y: 50.32604} - {x: -65.50367, y: 61.98983} - {x: -55.098003, y: 50.326046} - {x: -55.331448, y: 62.00032} - {x: -66.26503, y: 60.1573} - {x: -66.56883, y: 71.86036} - {x: -56.090775, y: 60.157307} - {x: -56.495182, y: 71.89651} - {x: -67.86864, y: 68.55734} - {x: -68.34836, y: 80.39209} - {x: -57.78803, y: 68.557335} - {x: -58.39975, y: 80.49385} - {x: -70.06225, y: 75.575806} - {x: -70.660065, y: 87.7483} - {x: -60.096992, y: 75.575806} - {x: -60.811703, y: 87.94885} - {x: -72.17412, y: 82.58377} - {x: -72.68398, y: 95.34388} - {x: -62.30155, y: 82.58377} - {x: -62.870537, y: 95.59042} - {x: -73.400444, y: 91.990395} - {x: -73.63568, y: 105.33661} - {x: -63.568436, y: 91.99036} - {x: -63.816463, y: 105.50967} - {x: -63.86641, y: -97.92766} - {x: -63.865707, y: -83.40157} - {x: -54.040817, y: -97.92764} - {x: -54.040043, y: -83.079636} - {x: -63.28088, y: -84.82557} - {x: -62.849678, y: -70.77863} - {x: -53.440453, y: -84.825584} - {x: -52.99138, y: -70.5968} - {x: -62.147022, y: -77.178185} - {x: -61.60619, y: -64.01081} - {x: -52.283356, y: -77.1782} - {x: -51.747654, y: -64.03793} - {x: -61.77313, y: -74.33652} - {x: -61.460934, y: -62.083813} - {x: -51.91442, y: -74.33651} - {x: -51.619022, y: -62.147263} - {x: -62.1106, y: -66.88415} - {x: -61.945835, y: -54.92931} - {x: -52.266563, y: -66.88415} - {x: -52.112534, y: -54.96874} - {x: -62.529514, y: -55.494495} - {x: -62.41649, y: -43.55846} - {x: -52.694653, y: -55.494495} - {x: -52.591377, y: -43.607475} - {x: -63.195477, y: -46.90807} - {x: -63.15978, y: -35.1303} - {x: -53.367798, y: -46.908077} - {x: -53.33987, y: -35.186394} - {x: -64.46811, y: -39.454456} - {x: -64.476395, y: -27.797113} - {x: -54.640877, y: -39.454464} - {x: -54.64271, y: -27.81114} - {x: -65.633354, y: -34.642612} - {x: -65.50507, y: -22.757965} - {x: -55.79321, y: -34.642628} - {x: -55.702248, y: -22.89408} - {x: -63.363724, y: -27.22525} - {x: -63.42594, y: -14.906359} - {x: -53.536922, y: -27.225258} - {x: -53.58521, y: -15.198446} - {x: -60.5404, y: -11.746313} - {x: -60.76053, y: 0.082715616} - {x: -50.658825, y: -11.746312} - {x: -50.865902, y: 0.061470345} - {x: -60.355453, y: 0.50308454} - {x: -60.577953, y: 12.299621} - {x: -50.460075, y: 0.50309175} - {x: -50.63284, y: 12.233775} - {x: -59.212513, y: 15.553457} - {x: -59.318184, y: 27.22002} - {x: -49.258667, y: 15.553459} - {x: -49.36441, y: 27.22005} - {x: -59.319767, y: 27.91498} - {x: -59.387295, y: 39.570774} - {x: -49.365993, y: 27.914984} - {x: -49.437405, y: 39.571625} - {x: -59.466152, y: 39.352566} - {x: -59.544804, y: 51.011337} - {x: -49.516235, y: 39.352562} - {x: -49.6072, y: 51.01458} - {x: -59.792084, y: 50.039604} - {x: -59.9176, y: 61.71731} - {x: -49.854183, y: 50.039593} - {x: -50.00428, y: 61.728794} - {x: -60.414394, y: 59.584408} - {x: -60.622753, y: 71.33463} - {x: -50.49975, y: 59.584393} - {x: -50.7444, y: 71.37} - {x: -61.371635, y: 67.661354} - {x: -61.663628, y: 79.62339} - {x: -51.48962, y: 67.66136} - {x: -51.819447, y: 79.70361} - {x: -62.4814, y: 74.53418} - {x: -62.785664, y: 86.94174} - {x: -52.630905, y: 74.53417} - {x: -52.959915, y: 87.06129} - {x: -63.362648, y: 81.69785} - {x: -63.571526, y: 94.72694} - {x: -53.53077, y: 81.69782} - {x: -53.74827, y: 94.835396} - {x: -63.783405, y: 91.33358} - {x: -63.859913, y: 104.85849} - {x: -53.95717, y: 91.333595} - {x: -54.034916, y: 104.91404} - {x: -54.040833, y: -95.75666} - {x: -54.040634, y: -80.90237} - {x: -44.215195, y: -95.75667} - {x: -44.21503, y: -80.697914} - {x: -53.693085, y: -84.066826} - {x: -53.418514, y: -69.83105} - {x: -43.861958, y: -84.06682} - {x: -43.587086, y: -69.82609} - {x: -53.401485, y: -78.65847} - {x: -53.191456, y: -65.50887} - {x: -43.570057, y: -78.658455} - {x: -43.36855, y: -65.623924} - {x: -53.820602, y: -76.275215} - {x: -53.787502, y: -64.08089} - {x: -43.994564, y: -76.275215} - {x: -43.96262, y: -64.11795} - {x: -54.138313, y: -68.25963} - {x: -54.147312, y: -56.34201} - {x: -44.312637, y: -68.25963} - {x: -44.321377, y: -56.357414} - {x: -54.36595, y: -56.897465} - {x: -54.39213, y: -45.008003} - {x: -44.53974, y: -56.897472} - {x: -44.560677, y: -45.103813} - {x: -55.86659, y: -48.702435} - {x: -55.94772, y: -36.974995} - {x: -46.02351, y: -48.702423} - {x: -46.0762, y: -37.030243} - {x: -57.34603, y: -40.527798} - {x: -57.356976, y: -28.879032} - {x: -47.46302, y: -40.527794} - {x: -47.448326, y: -28.881075} - {x: -58.003464, y: -32.546192} - {x: -57.783474, y: -20.780128} - {x: -48.09198, y: -32.546177} - {x: -47.944145, y: -20.856985} - {x: -56.33105, y: -24.048567} - {x: -56.09342, y: -11.994095} - {x: -46.476658, y: -24.048573} - {x: -46.29392, y: -12.178523} - {x: -54.14032, y: -10.489187} - {x: -54.133602, y: 1.3210208} - {x: -44.31466, y: -10.489179} - {x: -44.308846, y: 1.2770215} - {x: -53.38651, y: 2.2701645} - {x: -53.421017, y: 14.009283} - {x: -43.55814, y: 2.270148} - {x: -43.583027, y: 13.958783} - {x: -52.267654, y: 15.805604} - {x: -52.310593, y: 27.472595} - {x: -42.421257, y: 15.805604} - {x: -42.460487, y: 27.469389} - {x: -52.146355, y: 28.005348} - {x: -52.177925, y: 39.66219} - {x: -42.29609, y: 28.005352} - {x: -42.327267, y: 39.661987} - {x: -52.162045, y: 39.326397} - {x: -52.203205, y: 50.988953} - {x: -42.311386, y: 39.326405} - {x: -42.35613, y: 50.991447} - {x: -52.344177, y: 49.886154} - {x: -52.41042, y: 61.577248} - {x: -42.49697, y: 49.886158} - {x: -42.57052, y: 61.586674} - {x: -52.702305, y: 59.296173} - {x: -52.80292, y: 71.08691} - {x: -42.86179, y: 59.29619} - {x: -42.971195, y: 71.11159} - {x: -53.184334, y: 67.26083} - {x: -53.3043, y: 79.3119} - {x: -43.351315, y: 67.26082} - {x: -43.478058, y: 79.35653} - {x: -53.65051, y: 74.13606} - {x: -53.748257, y: 86.67136} - {x: -43.822727, y: 74.13606} - {x: -43.92327, y: 86.72075} - {x: -53.93961, y: 81.42039} - {x: -53.985207, y: 94.561455} - {x: -44.113716, y: 81.4204} - {x: -44.15978, y: 94.58971} - {x: -54.0315, y: 91.166245} - {x: -54.040512, y: 104.74724} - {x: -44.205887, y: 91.166245} - {x: -44.214897, y: 104.75372} - {x: -44.215202, y: -94.43838} - {x: -44.2154, y: -79.3774} - {x: -34.389595, y: -94.43838} - {x: -34.389793, y: -79.26312} - {x: -44.028328, y: -84.401985} - {x: -43.8781, y: -70.1594} - {x: -34.201065, y: -84.40198} - {x: -34.0563, y: -70.3312} - {x: -44.428947, y: -80.61818} - {x: -44.499584, y: -67.58043} - {x: -34.602608, y: -80.618195} - {x: -34.66672, y: -67.82418} - {x: -45.716496, y: -77.762924} - {x: -45.950336, y: -65.60728} - {x: -35.868675, y: -77.76293} - {x: -36.090126, y: -65.659874} - {x: -46.39566, y: -69.30879} - {x: -46.605392, y: -57.408203} - {x: -36.533733, y: -69.30879} - {x: -36.73253, y: -57.434277} - {x: -46.93525, y: -59.17617} - {x: -47.122986, y: -47.374683} - {x: -37.06156, y: -59.176163} - {x: -37.214245, y: -47.43146} - {x: -48.06179, y: -50.357662} - {x: -48.180355, y: -38.67637} - {x: -38.146748, y: -50.357666} - {x: -38.227543, y: -38.697342} - {x: -48.900593, y: -41.055695} - {x: -48.8785, y: -29.406574} - {x: -38.943863, y: -41.0557} - {x: -38.913876, y: -29.40603} - {x: -48.99798, y: -31.323727} - {x: -48.81058, y: -19.622673} - {x: -39.033237, y: -31.32374} - {x: -38.907, y: -19.657013} - {x: -47.91919, y: -22.165161} - {x: -47.60719, y: -10.277625} - {x: -38.00899, y: -22.165163} - {x: -37.79359, y: -10.42426} - {x: -45.764774, y: -9.530261} - {x: -45.670574, y: 2.2385015} - {x: -35.923714, y: -9.530253} - {x: -35.849728, y: 2.1870997} - {x: -44.734066, y: 3.432325} - {x: -44.713734, y: 15.127937} - {x: -34.906612, y: 3.4323292} - {x: -34.892418, y: 15.099424} - {x: -43.872257, y: 16.06411} - {x: -43.880077, y: 27.728096} - {x: -34.045807, y: 16.064117} - {x: -34.05228, y: 27.7227} - {x: -43.599953, y: 28.09365} - {x: -43.610344, y: 39.750324} - {x: -33.7716, y: 28.093658} - {x: -33.781696, y: 39.749832} - {x: -43.57591, y: 39.299236} - {x: -43.591534, y: 50.964462} - {x: -33.747253, y: 39.299232} - {x: -33.763737, y: 50.96629} - {x: -43.680622, y: 49.763638} - {x: -43.704414, y: 61.464874} - {x: -33.852764, y: 49.76362} - {x: -33.878117, y: 61.47178} - {x: -43.883434, y: 59.110275} - {x: -43.91129, y: 70.92719} - {x: -34.056866, y: 59.110268} - {x: -34.08579, y: 70.940346} - {x: -44.08457, y: 67.05199} - {x: -44.10439, y: 79.14952} - {x: -34.258766, y: 67.05202} - {x: -34.27854, y: 79.147804} - {x: -44.0925, y: 73.875084} - {x: -44.12448, y: 86.46075} - {x: -34.26665, y: 73.87508} - {x: -34.297947, y: 86.42134} - {x: -43.97734, y: 80.98313} - {x: -44.0836, y: 94.1522} - {x: -34.150257, y: 80.983116} - {x: -34.255272, y: 94.118835} - {x: -44.024223, y: 90.59531} - {x: -44.196156, y: 104.18171} - {x: -34.195637, y: 90.59534} - {x: -34.37351, y: 104.30601} - {x: -34.389603, y: -93.72084} - {x: -34.39, y: -78.544945} - {x: -24.563986, y: -93.720825} - {x: -24.564375, y: -78.62623} - {x: -34.51582, y: -86.244644} - {x: -34.61802, y: -72.17137} - {x: -24.689375, y: -86.24465} - {x: -24.781036, y: -72.62887} - {x: -35.938953, y: -84.15118} - {x: -36.44641, y: -71.35788} - {x: -26.068249, y: -84.15117} - {x: -26.52026, y: -71.596794} - {x: -37.53523, y: -79.37544} - {x: -38.040455, y: -67.27962} - {x: -27.592274, y: -79.37544} - {x: -28.087584, y: -67.29688} - {x: -38.17414, y: -70.310165} - {x: -38.544003, y: -58.439095} - {x: -28.221064, y: -70.31017} - {x: -28.574203, y: -58.459053} - {x: -38.78028, y: -60.59279} - {x: -39.043232, y: -48.844856} - {x: -28.809942, y: -60.59278} - {x: -29.040834, y: -48.869045} - {x: -39.484745, y: -51.16472} - {x: -39.598152, y: -39.50134} - {x: -29.480612, y: -51.1647} - {x: -29.594028, y: -39.501328} - {x: -39.597607, y: -41.138405} - {x: -39.562737, y: -29.488651} - {x: -29.593481, y: -41.138405} - {x: -29.588821, y: -29.491106} - {x: -39.18216, y: -30.620647} - {x: -39.05138, y: -18.948402} - {x: -29.206997, y: -30.620636} - {x: -29.136349, y: -18.970373} - {x: -38.210243, y: -20.775637} - {x: -37.981728, y: -9.01293} - {x: -28.289268, y: -20.775642} - {x: -28.14454, y: -9.096404} - {x: -36.490997, y: -8.663701} - {x: -36.388245, y: 3.0588589} - {x: -26.635532, y: -8.663718} - {x: -26.567184, y: 3.0092986} - {x: -35.262295, y: 4.187417} - {x: -35.23813, y: 15.858782} - {x: -25.431335, y: 4.1874113} - {x: -25.415916, y: 15.842133} - {x: -34.54672, y: 16.338165} - {x: -34.54372, y: 27.997215} - {x: -24.720934, y: 16.338154} - {x: -24.718525, y: 27.992939} - {x: -34.283314, y: 28.148369} - {x: -34.28508, y: 39.804554} - {x: -24.457619, y: 28.148346} - {x: -24.45938, y: 39.80456} - {x: -34.285843, y: 39.255432} - {x: -34.288544, y: 50.92255} - {x: -24.46014, y: 39.255432} - {x: -24.463106, y: 50.926273} - {x: -34.453144, y: 49.65728} - {x: -34.450096, y: 61.365696} - {x: -24.627487, y: 49.6573} - {x: -24.624237, y: 61.373642} - {x: -34.636215, y: 59.032433} - {x: -34.61437, y: 70.86278} - {x: -24.81004, y: 59.03244} - {x: -24.787844, y: 70.86872} - {x: -34.68741, y: 67.26043} - {x: -34.64167, y: 79.35614} - {x: -24.860823, y: 67.260414} - {x: -24.815582, y: 79.34671} - {x: -34.57818, y: 74.47785} - {x: -34.529408, y: 87.02443} - {x: -24.752028, y: 74.477875} - {x: -24.704979, y: 86.96294} - {x: -34.302425, y: 81.434586} - {x: -34.341198, y: 94.57082} - {x: -24.476599, y: 81.4346} - {x: -24.51328, y: 94.41709} - {x: -34.06157, y: 89.35102} - {x: -34.352467, y: 103.06132} - {x: -24.22803, y: 89.35099} - {x: -24.5348, y: 103.2696} - {x: -24.563984, y: -94.22546} - {x: -24.564312, y: -79.13055} - {x: -14.7383585, y: -94.22546} - {x: -14.738684, y: -79.49965} - {x: -25.1021, y: -90.24681} - {x: -25.519947, y: -76.620415} - {x: -15.259347, y: -90.2468} - {x: -15.645878, y: -76.895454} - {x: -26.31152, y: -86.54276} - {x: -26.843714, y: -73.980515} - {x: -16.423231, y: -86.54275} - {x: -16.94142, y: -74.026855} - {x: -27.076115, y: -79.33235} - {x: -27.479792, y: -67.25022} - {x: -17.173046, y: -79.33235} - {x: -17.573315, y: -67.2574} - {x: -27.538795, y: -70.41046} - {x: -27.821142, y: -58.557007} - {x: -17.632282, y: -70.41045} - {x: -17.89978, y: -58.578396} - {x: -28.095543, y: -60.950596} - {x: -28.284683, y: -49.224655} - {x: -18.17351, y: -60.95061} - {x: -18.339813, y: -49.24334} - {x: -28.685781, y: -51.106945} - {x: -28.779379, y: -39.443398} - {x: -18.739584, y: -51.106964} - {x: -18.8175, y: -39.448505} - {x: -29.027843, y: -40.820847} - {x: -29.023754, y: -29.17248} - {x: -19.065462, y: -40.820847} - {x: -19.074472, y: -29.17265} - {x: -28.829422, y: -29.964577} - {x: -28.764973, y: -18.309242} - {x: -18.879831, y: -29.964582} - {x: -18.856865, y: -18.318256} - {x: -28.11388, y: -19.635649} - {x: -27.976406, y: -7.941221} - {x: -18.202353, y: -19.635633} - {x: -18.14207, y: -7.992875} - {x: -26.500942, y: -7.739065} - {x: -26.43719, y: 3.942201} - {x: -16.649372, y: -7.739054} - {x: -16.61503, y: 3.9118698} - {x: -25.392115, y: 4.7793236} - {x: -25.377403, y: 16.437046} - {x: -15.561636, y: 4.7793345} - {x: -15.55325, y: 16.428984} - {x: -24.850351, y: 16.570093} - {x: -24.845955, y: 28.225298} - {x: -15.024137, y: 16.570107} - {x: -15.020702, y: 28.22234} - {x: -24.620815, y: 28.15335} - {x: -24.619873, y: 39.80957} - {x: -14.795184, y: 28.153349} - {x: -14.79413, y: 39.811333} - {x: -24.743908, y: 39.116596} - {x: -24.73874, y: 50.787624} - {x: -14.918047, y: 39.11659} - {x: -14.912528, y: 50.790607} - {x: -24.85807, y: 49.482918} - {x: -24.84294, y: 61.199516} - {x: -15.031739, y: 49.482914} - {x: -15.015855, y: 61.206417} - {x: -24.993347, y: 58.971523} - {x: -24.954454, y: 70.80781} - {x: -15.166055, y: 58.971516} - {x: -15.125914, y: 70.81983} - {x: -25.09788, y: 67.45177} - {x: -25.015963, y: 79.537926} - {x: -15.269104, y: 67.45175} - {x: -15.186298, y: 79.54701} - {x: -25.076532, y: 75.246796} - {x: -24.946665, y: 87.73221} - {x: -15.246809, y: 75.24677} - {x: -15.117967, y: 87.719765} - {x: -24.901201, y: 83.08307} - {x: -24.755613, y: 96.068146} - {x: -15.072442, y: 83.08306} - {x: -14.929222, y: 96.026306} - {x: -24.684706, y: 88.465866} - {x: -24.56463, y: 102.39138} - {x: -14.857858, y: 88.46587} - {x: -14.740216, y: 102.30667} - {x: -14.738355, y: -96.55218} - {x: -14.738554, y: -81.81956} - {x: -4.9127536, y: -96.55219} - {x: -4.9129314, y: -82.20586} - {x: -15.302002, y: -92.43205} - {x: -15.721976, y: -79.07403} - {x: -5.456145, y: -92.43205} - {x: -5.864303, y: -79.16407} - {x: -15.996136, y: -86.77171} - {x: -16.377356, y: -74.250374} - {x: -6.136746, y: -86.77171} - {x: -6.516058, y: -74.25882} - {x: -16.421965, y: -79.198906} - {x: -16.694618, y: -67.12038} - {x: -6.560639, y: -79.198906} - {x: -6.8289313, y: -67.13387} - {x: -16.809612, y: -70.60573} - {x: -16.998755, y: -58.771614} - {x: -6.9437933, y: -70.60574} - {x: -7.1241693, y: -58.788715} - {x: -17.236433, y: -61.282066} - {x: -17.355959, y: -49.573112} - {x: -7.361372, y: -61.28206} - {x: -7.471755, y: -49.582355} - {x: -17.58861, y: -51.292725} - {x: -17.64338, y: -39.63371} - {x: -7.7039866, y: -51.29271} - {x: -7.7559023, y: -39.634815} - {x: -17.710524, y: -40.649635} - {x: -17.716621, y: -29.001171} - {x: -7.823013, y: -40.649635} - {x: -7.833281, y: -29.000994} - {x: -17.620129, y: -29.439135} - {x: -17.60437, y: -17.789892} - {x: -7.7367196, y: -29.43913} - {x: -7.7277904, y: -17.790676} - {x: -17.441238, y: -18.46517} - {x: -17.39459, y: -6.8079023} - {x: -7.5644574, y: -18.465172} - {x: -7.5572805, y: -6.8230133} - {x: -16.391287, y: -6.8691654} - {x: -16.361666, y: 4.7887473} - {x: -6.5464025, y: -6.86916} - {x: -6.540117, y: 4.773656} - {x: -15.386731, y: 5.2275186} - {x: -15.380138, y: 16.878906} - {x: -5.5581293, y: 5.2275133} - {x: -5.555061, y: 16.875628} - {x: -15.003125, y: 16.765522} - {x: -14.999945, y: 28.418074} - {x: -5.1770043, y: 16.765516} - {x: -5.1745567, y: 28.416153} - {x: -14.811377, y: 28.042658} - {x: -14.810023, y: 39.70074} - {x: -4.9857254, y: 28.042679} - {x: -4.984349, y: 39.700905} - {x: -14.819297, y: 38.998672} - {x: -14.816808, y: 50.67279} - {x: -4.993622, y: 38.998688} - {x: -4.9910574, y: 50.67494} - {x: -14.89756, y: 49.31011} - {x: -14.888962, y: 61.03379} - {x: -5.0717564, y: 49.310104} - {x: -5.0626926, y: 61.041416} - {x: -15.047509, y: 58.76441} - {x: -15.018543, y: 70.612946} - {x: -5.221009, y: 58.7644} - {x: -5.1911397, y: 70.6255} - {x: -15.163879, y: 67.320244} - {x: -15.097608, y: 79.41565} - {x: -5.3362365, y: 67.32025} - {x: -5.268986, y: 79.4287} - {x: -15.183752, y: 75.34845} - {x: -15.071062, y: 87.82165} - {x: -5.355012, y: 75.34846} - {x: -5.241677, y: 87.8304} - {x: -15.103262, y: 83.46182} - {x: -14.946621, y: 96.40519} - {x: -5.273846, y: 83.46184} - {x: -5.1164565, y: 96.417076} - {x: -14.966805, y: 89.216354} - {x: -14.73862, y: 103.05637} - {x: -5.136603, y: 89.216354} - {x: -4.9175844, y: 102.894455} - {x: -4.912752, y: -99.10286} - {x: -4.912878, y: -84.747856} - {x: 4.9128737, y: -99.10286} - {x: 4.9127517, y: -85.01837} - {x: -5.313759, y: -93.09955} - {x: -5.6134796, y: -79.8277} - {x: 4.5227675, y: -93.09955} - {x: 4.229016, y: -79.88841} - {x: -5.802914, y: -86.779335} - {x: -6.077728, y: -74.26369} - {x: 4.040397, y: -86.779335} - {x: 3.7679837, y: -74.278305} - {x: -6.155854, y: -79.31607} - {x: -6.3577003, y: -67.24964} - {x: 3.6899376, y: -79.31607} - {x: 3.4920523, y: -67.265785} - {x: -6.498318, y: -70.85585} - {x: -6.6388297, y: -59.0379} - {x: 3.3516295, y: -70.855835} - {x: 3.2164233, y: -59.05058} - {x: -6.8242, y: -61.49625} - {x: -6.910177, y: -49.795994} - {x: 3.0313387, y: -61.496243} - {x: 2.948769, y: -49.800106} - {x: -7.0222764, y: -51.342392} - {x: -7.0614057, y: -39.684418} - {x: 2.8367667, y: -51.342407} - {x: 2.796193, y: -39.68372} - {x: -7.0159664, y: -40.56479} - {x: -7.0233665, y: -28.916088} - {x: 2.841647, y: -40.564796} - {x: 2.8276942, y: -28.91546} - {x: -6.809545, y: -29.304314} - {x: -6.8035707, y: -17.65569} - {x: 3.0418503, y: -29.304323} - {x: 3.038756, y: -17.656574} - {x: -6.473404, y: -17.629557} - {x: -6.469199, y: -5.9810047} - {x: 3.369719, y: -17.629555} - {x: 3.3662841, y: -5.981776} - {x: -6.131409, y: -6.047829} - {x: -6.1267266, y: 5.600927} - {x: 3.7049065, y: -6.047826} - {x: 3.6983576, y: 5.5988636} - {x: -5.490145, y: 5.5483317} - {x: -5.487398, y: 17.197325} - {x: 4.33789, y: 5.5483418} - {x: 4.3379884, y: 17.196072} - {x: -5.1723676, y: 16.928598} - {x: -5.1699634, y: 28.579456} - {x: 4.6537433, y: 16.928606} - {x: 4.655223, y: 28.577522} - {x: -4.9280596, y: 28.033897} - {x: -4.927757, y: 39.692123} - {x: 4.8975587, y: 28.03388} - {x: 4.8978047, y: 39.68911} - {x: -4.739756, y: 38.917847} - {x: -4.745289, y: 50.59414} - {x: 5.0860763, y: 38.917835} - {x: 5.08042, y: 50.595467} - {x: -4.793169, y: 49.129787} - {x: -4.799958, y: 60.861294} - {x: 5.032559, y: 49.12979} - {x: 5.0256996, y: 60.863007} - {x: -4.833727, y: 58.55154} - {x: -4.8413906, y: 70.41287} - {x: 4.991941, y: 58.551548} - {x: 4.984171, y: 70.41957} - {x: -4.91667, y: 67.13366} - {x: -4.916046, y: 79.24239} - {x: 4.9089556, y: 67.133675} - {x: 4.90958, y: 79.24571} - {x: -4.9377675, y: 75.2123} - {x: -4.931376, y: 87.69477} - {x: 4.887866, y: 75.2123} - {x: 4.8942475, y: 87.6954} - {x: -4.9336805, y: 83.29113} - {x: -4.9246006, y: 96.247345} - {x: 4.891943, y: 83.29113} - {x: 4.9010916, y: 96.26626} - {x: -4.957079, y: 90.338455} - {x: -4.914074, y: 104.02057} - {x: 4.8687077, y: 90.33846} - {x: 4.9113665, y: 103.98968} - {x: 4.912871, y: -100.97842} - {x: 4.912657, y: -86.888916} - {x: 14.738484, y: -100.97841} - {x: 14.738276, y: -87.07932} - {x: 4.6284313, y: -93.619095} - {x: 4.413445, y: -80.40598} - {x: 14.459877, y: -93.619095} - {x: 14.249018, y: -80.462494} - {x: 4.235747, y: -86.93546} - {x: 4.023852, y: -74.43321} - {x: 14.072048, y: -86.93546} - {x: 13.863143, y: -74.45649} - {x: 3.8989086, y: -79.524445} - {x: 3.7346072, y: -67.47351} - {x: 13.738408, y: -79.524445} - {x: 13.578153, y: -67.493034} - {x: 3.5621204, y: -71.074684} - {x: 3.44502, y: -59.269} - {x: 13.405961, y: -71.07469} - {x: 13.292828, y: -59.2796} - {x: 3.2847986, y: -61.608746} - {x: 3.2132764, y: -49.912457} - {x: 13.132821, y: -61.608753} - {x: 13.062278, y: -49.913773} - {x: 3.1756885, y: -51.302063} - {x: 3.1416948, y: -39.64334} - {x: 13.0247, y: -51.302055} - {x: 12.987483, y: -39.64135} - {x: 3.2646961, y: -40.38189} - {x: 3.2535748, y: -28.732267} - {x: 13.110597, y: -40.381878} - {x: 13.093676, y: -28.730927} - {x: 3.4913368, y: -29.025545} - {x: 3.4889815, y: -17.377123} - {x: 13.33185, y: -29.025541} - {x: 13.323286, y: -17.376717} - {x: 3.7860315, y: -17.344288} - {x: 3.7835178, y: -5.6958065} - {x: 13.62098, y: -17.344296} - {x: 13.614419, y: -5.6953497} - {x: 4.028921, y: -5.510449} - {x: 4.0241256, y: 6.1387305} - {x: 13.86026, y: -5.510451} - {x: 13.853056, y: 6.139569} - {x: 4.2119675, y: 5.815315} - {x: 4.212085, y: 17.463654} - {x: 14.041153, y: 5.8152986} - {x: 14.036691, y: 17.46358} - {x: 4.6604557, y: 17.136635} - {x: 4.661896, y: 28.785917} - {x: 14.48652, y: 17.136618} - {x: 14.487301, y: 28.785036} - {x: 4.843193, y: 28.201582} - {x: 4.844297, y: 39.857037} - {x: 14.668839, y: 28.201588} - {x: 14.669633, y: 39.853012} - {x: 5.142127, y: 38.872574} - {x: 5.134642, y: 50.55022} - {x: 14.96814, y: 38.87258} - {x: 14.961665, y: 50.542362} - {x: 5.4112134, y: 49.10303} - {x: 5.382576, y: 60.83622} - {x: 15.238864, y: 49.10303} - {x: 15.211215, y: 60.830345} - {x: 5.4972577, y: 58.473362} - {x: 5.4397135, y: 70.34129} - {x: 15.326018, y: 58.473362} - {x: 15.270278, y: 70.32771} - {x: 5.589302, y: 67.14706} - {x: 5.481331, y: 79.25861} - {x: 15.420122, y: 67.14706} - {x: 15.31485, y: 79.235855} - {x: 5.628103, y: 75.2997} - {x: 5.4441857, y: 87.78144} - {x: 15.461973, y: 75.299706} - {x: 15.279182, y: 87.77168} - {x: 5.4796658, y: 83.25036} - {x: 5.2296815, y: 96.22314} - {x: 15.3147, y: 83.25036} - {x: 15.05728, y: 96.29776} - {x: 5.1058984, y: 90.668106} - {x: 4.9172945, y: 104.31818} - {x: 14.934958, y: 90.66809} - {x: 14.739454, y: 104.45386} - {x: 14.738471, y: -102.346504} - {x: 14.737853, y: -88.4446} - {x: 24.56411, y: -102.34651} - {x: 24.56351, y: -88.58735} - {x: 14.524213, y: -94.14066} - {x: 14.360892, y: -80.982956} - {x: 24.35335, y: -94.14067} - {x: 24.193516, y: -81.04397} - {x: 14.16827, y: -87.200516} - {x: 13.988918, y: -74.72094} - {x: 24.00177, y: -87.200516} - {x: 23.826584, y: -74.75823} - {x: 13.787292, y: -79.78094} - {x: 13.634716, y: -67.74921} - {x: 23.625507, y: -79.78093} - {x: 23.477957, y: -67.77405} - {x: 13.410531, y: -71.26093} - {x: 13.297778, y: -59.46566} - {x: 23.25427, y: -71.260925} - {x: 23.145023, y: -59.47474} - {x: 13.155948, y: -61.646954} - {x: 13.0864, y: -49.951958} - {x: 23.003363, y: -61.646954} - {x: 22.933428, y: -49.951424} - {x: 13.101847, y: -51.192593} - {x: 13.066274, y: -39.531788} - {x: 22.948875, y: -51.192596} - {x: 22.90943, y: -39.529102} - {x: 13.218514, y: -40.177532} - {x: 13.202695, y: -28.526232} - {x: 23.061842, y: -40.177536} - {x: 23.041048, y: -28.524359} - {x: 13.421761, y: -28.773148} - {x: 13.413735, y: -17.123781} - {x: 23.260466, y: -28.773151} - {x: 23.24777, y: -17.12257} - {x: 13.652969, y: -17.136469} - {x: 13.646593, y: -5.4871545} - {x: 23.487421, y: -17.136465} - {x: 23.476908, y: -5.4858956} - {x: 13.903613, y: -5.3526254} - {x: 13.896762, y: 6.2976093} - {x: 23.73441, y: -5.352621} - {x: 23.728016, y: 6.297366} - {x: 13.857305, y: 6.194802} - {x: 13.85168, y: 17.844313} - {x: 23.68857, y: 6.1948276} - {x: 23.678305, y: 17.84627} - {x: 14.219046, y: 17.290537} - {x: 14.220656, y: 28.939157} - {x: 24.046635, y: 17.29054} - {x: 24.046484, y: 28.938555} - {x: 14.451576, y: 28.462406} - {x: 14.454821, y: 40.114403} - {x: 24.277792, y: 28.46241} - {x: 24.280334, y: 40.112843} - {x: 14.617861, y: 39.125515} - {x: 14.621243, y: 50.795822} - {x: 24.443575, y: 39.125523} - {x: 24.446255, y: 50.78636} - {x: 15.009512, y: 49.212345} - {x: 14.99458, y: 60.939785} - {x: 24.835735, y: 49.212357} - {x: 24.822886, y: 60.91764} - {x: 15.442808, y: 58.692554} - {x: 15.375878, y: 70.54705} - {x: 25.272966, y: 58.69254} - {x: 25.210865, y: 70.51749} - {x: 15.7091675, y: 67.47859} - {x: 15.558513, y: 79.56717} - {x: 25.54544, y: 67.47856} - {x: 25.399569, y: 79.53967} - {x: 15.73782, y: 75.497925} - {x: 15.483634, y: 87.96867} - {x: 25.579412, y: 75.49791} - {x: 25.320614, y: 87.99747} - {x: 15.379466, y: 82.64185} - {x: 15.092299, y: 95.68952} - {x: 25.216778, y: 82.64182} - {x: 24.911242, y: 95.85922} - {x: 14.817329, y: 89.49119} - {x: 14.740089, y: 103.279915} - {x: 24.643492, y: 89.49118} - {x: 24.56517, y: 103.33498} - {x: 24.564077, y: -103.398094} - {x: 24.56253, y: -89.63718} - {x: 34.3897, y: -103.39814} - {x: 34.388218, y: -89.758545} - {x: 24.38024, y: -94.69253} - {x: 24.24008, y: -81.595085} - {x: 34.20857, y: -94.69254} - {x: 34.07272, y: -81.679955} - {x: 23.969069, y: -87.5632} - {x: 23.784058, y: -75.12068} - {x: 33.803455, y: -87.56322} - {x: 33.625504, y: -75.17942} - {x: 23.458765, y: -80.05683} - {x: 23.285994, y: -68.049904} - {x: 33.30163, y: -80.05683} - {x: 33.13614, y: -68.07962} - {x: 23.007195, y: -71.38907} - {x: 22.87815, y: -59.602947} - {x: 32.8581, y: -71.38908} - {x: 32.732567, y: -59.61038} - {x: 22.757278, y: -61.61285} - {x: 22.676743, y: -49.917385} - {x: 32.611816, y: -61.612843} - {x: 32.529675, y: -49.91552} - {x: 22.730675, y: -51.044987} - {x: 22.686094, y: -39.38137} - {x: 32.583626, y: -51.04499} - {x: 32.534515, y: -39.378246} - {x: 22.846638, y: -39.981327} - {x: 22.82296, y: -28.327858} - {x: 32.695248, y: -39.981316} - {x: 32.66608, y: -28.325483} - {x: 23.035942, y: -28.564146} - {x: 23.021124, y: -16.913214} - {x: 32.87939, y: -28.564148} - {x: 32.860672, y: -16.911856} - {x: 23.193584, y: -16.912563} - {x: 23.18028, y: -5.2615905} - {x: 33.033344, y: -16.912567} - {x: 33.015747, y: -5.259896} - {x: 23.395227, y: -5.3808103} - {x: 23.38628, y: 6.2691846} - {x: 33.23102, y: -5.3808203} - {x: 33.223694, y: 6.2685738} - {x: 23.290327, y: 6.5111904} - {x: 23.275486, y: 18.163439} - {x: 33.127808, y: 6.511181} - {x: 33.11129, y: 18.164309} - {x: 23.367352, y: 17.487152} - {x: 23.367037, y: 29.135494} - {x: 33.203213, y: 17.487144} - {x: 33.195137, y: 29.135569} - {x: 23.826475, y: 28.597155} - {x: 23.832973, y: 40.247753} - {x: 33.656048, y: 28.597137} - {x: 33.663723, y: 40.24855} - {x: 23.722677, y: 39.460438} - {x: 23.740995, y: 51.12228} - {x: 33.553516, y: 39.46042} - {x: 33.572628, y: 51.12349} - {x: 23.67454, y: 49.589745} - {x: 23.71564, y: 61.296497} - {x: 33.506203, y: 49.58973} - {x: 33.544773, y: 61.289234} - {x: 23.896753, y: 58.895016} - {x: 23.95347, y: 70.72102} - {x: 33.72616, y: 58.895016} - {x: 33.778545, y: 70.69413} - {x: 24.304405, y: 67.415825} - {x: 24.341724, y: 79.47817} - {x: 34.130714, y: 67.41583} - {x: 34.166874, y: 79.4527} - {x: 24.528307, y: 74.64941} - {x: 24.537066, y: 87.15186} - {x: 34.353947, y: 74.64941} - {x: 34.362823, y: 87.1726} - {x: 24.455223, y: 80.49744} - {x: 24.503685, y: 93.72255} - {x: 34.281147, y: 80.497444} - {x: 34.329933, y: 93.74397} - {x: 24.467072, y: 88.77645} - {x: 24.55934, y: 102.62044} - {x: 34.293423, y: 88.77647} - {x: 34.38423, y: 102.55493} - {x: 34.389603, y: -104.30493} - {x: 34.385403, y: -90.66397} - {x: 44.215206, y: -104.30488} - {x: 44.211132, y: -90.79175} - {x: 34.190754, y: -95.386505} - {x: 34.04227, y: -82.37301} - {x: 44.01955, y: -95.38649} - {x: 43.87871, y: -82.50543} - {x: 33.603626, y: -88.02397} - {x: 33.36894, y: -75.64013} - {x: 43.44455, y: -88.02397} - {x: 43.223488, y: -75.7231} - {x: 32.881546, y: -80.29874} - {x: 32.65665, y: -68.32191} - {x: 42.73913, y: -80.29874} - {x: 42.52586, y: -68.35543} - {x: 32.31932, y: -71.42331} - {x: 32.152775, y: -59.64502} - {x: 42.18958, y: -71.423294} - {x: 42.027206, y: -59.651436} - {x: 32.0426, y: -61.497253} - {x: 31.93597, y: -49.80011} - {x: 41.917126, y: -61.49726} - {x: 41.807945, y: -49.79781} - {x: 32.003258, y: -50.86017} - {x: 31.939386, y: -39.193336} - {x: 41.875267, y: -50.860176} - {x: 41.806023, y: -39.190243} - {x: 32.088707, y: -39.76869} - {x: 32.049725, y: -28.11261} - {x: 41.9555, y: -39.768692} - {x: 41.910503, y: -28.110205} - {x: 32.230446, y: -28.395748} - {x: 32.204136, y: -16.74329} - {x: 42.091446, y: -28.395752} - {x: 42.05917, y: -16.741423} - {x: 32.396687, y: -16.70849} - {x: 32.371243, y: -5.055557} - {x: 42.251972, y: -16.708487} - {x: 42.228977, y: -5.056436} - {x: 32.283264, y: -5.4462357} - {x: 32.27026, y: 6.203209} - {x: 42.141052, y: -5.4462247} - {x: 42.12951, y: 6.202965} - {x: 32.21979, y: 6.6173368} - {x: 32.192005, y: 18.27049} - {x: 42.079056, y: 6.617341} - {x: 42.05448, y: 18.269373} - {x: 32.082134, y: 17.894743} - {x: 32.06685, y: 29.544403} - {x: 41.94469, y: 17.89474} - {x: 41.907906, y: 29.54815} - {x: 32.7673, y: 28.476738} - {x: 32.783913, y: 40.128216} - {x: 42.61147, y: 28.476744} - {x: 42.635174, y: 40.130898} - {x: 32.463535, y: 39.334866} - {x: 32.50641, y: 50.997902} - {x: 42.31547, y: 39.334873} - {x: 42.37, y: 51.005894} - {x: 32.067745, y: 49.623642} - {x: 32.16546, y: 61.323025} - {x: 41.932617, y: 49.623657} - {x: 42.043987, y: 61.337303} - {x: 31.753334, y: 58.97265} - {x: 31.950567, y: 70.77123} - {x: 41.63304, y: 58.972668} - {x: 41.837345, y: 70.78189} - {x: 31.780409, y: 66.97235} - {x: 32.118076, y: 79.004906} - {x: 41.66741, y: 66.97236} - {x: 41.996445, y: 78.985596} - {x: 32.29027, y: 73.290634} - {x: 32.766243, y: 85.80489} - {x: 42.16894, y: 73.290634} - {x: 42.617992, y: 85.710365} - {x: 33.211243, y: 79.27479} - {x: 33.69921, y: 92.512474} - {x: 43.066383, y: 79.274796} - {x: 43.525192, y: 92.333824} - {x: 34.0658, y: 88.797005} - {x: 34.354195, y: 102.57313} - {x: 43.89897, y: 88.797} - {x: 44.17226, y: 102.367615} - {x: 44.215263, y: -105.288475} - {x: 44.21275, y: -91.77372} - {x: 54.04089, y: -105.28851} - {x: 54.03851, y: -91.941734} - {x: 43.948174, y: -96.38182} - {x: 43.760586, y: -83.49862} - {x: 53.77952, y: -96.38183} - {x: 53.607002, y: -83.68792} - {x: 43.082653, y: -88.59934} - {x: 42.76948, y: -76.298325} - {x: 52.939034, y: -88.599335} - {x: 52.652065, y: -76.40459} - {x: 42.076775, y: -80.48821} - {x: 41.77929, y: -68.54588} - {x: 51.964886, y: -80.48821} - {x: 51.68759, y: -68.58531} - {x: 41.338562, y: -71.35428} - {x: 41.11614, y: -59.58333} - {x: 51.248478, y: -71.35429} - {x: 51.03367, y: -59.591713} - {x: 40.960102, y: -61.30101} - {x: 40.810745, y: -49.601974} - {x: 50.8778, y: -61.301025} - {x: 50.727142, y: -49.60108} - {x: 40.837578, y: -50.634026} - {x: 40.74104, y: -38.964157} - {x: 50.75398, y: -50.63402} - {x: 50.653145, y: -38.962234} - {x: 40.831768, y: -39.543346} - {x: 40.766754, y: -27.884766} - {x: 50.743923, y: -39.543346} - {x: 50.67777, y: -27.8844} - {x: 40.79083, y: -28.170872} - {x: 40.740864, y: -16.516397} - {x: 50.701847, y: -28.170853} - {x: 50.6426, y: -16.514116} - {x: 40.94739, y: -16.737358} - {x: 40.910633, y: -5.085301} - {x: 50.849377, y: -16.73736} - {x: 50.829144, y: -5.088652} - {x: 40.517952, y: -5.462312} - {x: 40.49834, y: 6.18688} - {x: 50.43734, y: -5.4623284} - {x: 50.422318, y: 6.1864686} - {x: 40.3988, y: 6.5825953} - {x: 40.356968, y: 18.234642} - {x: 50.32283, y: 6.582585} - {x: 50.28933, y: 18.233164} - {x: 40.17584, y: 18.563726} - {x: 40.113586, y: 30.21966} - {x: 50.108376, y: 18.563745} - {x: 50.013737, y: 30.22758} - {x: 40.789566, y: 28.115883} - {x: 40.83762, y: 39.77053} - {x: 50.692142, y: 28.115892} - {x: 50.748093, y: 39.77261} - {x: 40.648205, y: 38.788063} - {x: 40.745766, y: 50.459885} - {x: 50.558876, y: 38.78807} - {x: 50.68202, y: 50.47219} - {x: 40.167336, y: 48.96022} - {x: 40.354855, y: 60.67388} - {x: 50.105484, y: 48.96022} - {x: 50.322212, y: 60.694164} - {x: 39.792347, y: 58.38667} - {x: 40.122887, y: 70.19322} - {x: 49.761562, y: 58.38667} - {x: 50.108162, y: 70.208534} - {x: 39.86182, y: 66.67068} - {x: 40.38931, y: 78.67707} - {x: 49.847534, y: 66.67069} - {x: 50.356365, y: 78.65214} - {x: 40.646053, y: 73.507454} - {x: 41.37575, y: 85.91619} - {x: 50.61364, y: 73.50746} - {x: 51.281918, y: 85.79211} - {x: 42.08896, y: 79.88891} - {x: 42.87342, y: 92.93662} - {x: 52.001667, y: 79.88892} - {x: 52.70835, y: 92.673965} - {x: 43.567146, y: 89.65576} - {x: 44.07903, y: 103.22338} - {x: 53.419342, y: 89.65577} - {x: 53.878136, y: 102.85366} - {x: 54.040977, y: -106.60524} - {x: 54.040943, y: -93.25541} - {x: 63.866566, y: -106.60518} - {x: 63.866528, y: -93.47903} - {x: 53.66803, y: -97.81258} - {x: 53.432327, y: -85.11336} - {x: 63.504272, y: -97.81256} - {x: 63.29639, y: -85.35096} - {x: 52.470444, y: -89.37389} - {x: 52.08246, y: -77.17792} - {x: 62.352528, y: -89.37389} - {x: 62.011303, y: -77.30696} - {x: 51.106293, y: -80.70236} - {x: 50.73518, y: -68.800735} - {x: 61.044685, y: -80.70236} - {x: 60.711002, y: -68.851265} - {x: 50.082226, y: -71.24544} - {x: 49.7941, y: -59.48429} - {x: 60.06109, y: -71.24544} - {x: 59.79184, y: -59.49901} - {x: 49.485535, y: -61.066685} - {x: 49.28049, y: -49.36756} - {x: 59.483837, y: -61.066685} - {x: 59.288773, y: -49.372498} - {x: 49.119, y: -50.392525} - {x: 48.976902, y: -38.721127} - {x: 59.12742, y: -50.39252} - {x: 58.991997, y: -38.7233} - {x: 48.86883, y: -39.403465} - {x: 48.771675, y: -27.744734} - {x: 58.883987, y: -39.403477} - {x: 58.794125, y: -27.746296} - {x: 48.653465, y: -27.876654} - {x: 48.564266, y: -16.219894} - {x: 58.675983, y: -27.876656} - {x: 58.619686, y: -16.2261} - {x: 48.02785, y: -17.013962} - {x: 47.99306, y: -5.364538} - {x: 58.0846, y: -17.01395} - {x: 58.062122, y: -5.3652925} - {x: 47.80433, y: -5.513475} - {x: 47.780376, y: 6.135354} - {x: 57.873547, y: -5.5134573} - {x: 57.85615, y: 6.1351027} - {x: 47.68169, y: 6.5024915} - {x: 47.628883, y: 18.153149} - {x: 57.757507, y: 6.502509} - {x: 57.71231, y: 18.15249} - {x: 47.514862, y: 19.308336} - {x: 47.36955, y: 30.973705} - {x: 57.59834, y: 19.308346} - {x: 57.41276, y: 30.983139} - {x: 47.97198, y: 27.807528} - {x: 48.065395, y: 39.464172} - {x: 58.01671, y: 27.807531} - {x: 58.114822, y: 39.46501} - {x: 47.990814, y: 37.968372} - {x: 48.18854, y: 49.653072} - {x: 58.040268, y: 37.968376} - {x: 58.259212, y: 49.660847} - {x: 47.86214, y: 48.01928} - {x: 48.179123, y: 59.752502} - {x: 57.933296, y: 48.019257} - {x: 58.271137, y: 59.763645} - {x: 47.882156, y: 57.657932} - {x: 48.350388, y: 69.47597} - {x: 57.974598, y: 57.657925} - {x: 58.44052, y: 69.47424} - {x: 48.38064, y: 66.58143} - {x: 49.029648, y: 78.55651} - {x: 58.470776, y: 66.5814} - {x: 59.069992, y: 78.50706} - {x: 49.60616, y: 74.436874} - {x: 50.42772, y: 86.71688} - {x: 59.648766, y: 74.436874} - {x: 60.368458, y: 86.56426} - {x: 51.470146, y: 81.83053} - {x: 52.320347, y: 94.617424} - {x: 61.422565, y: 81.830505} - {x: 62.155655, y: 94.3178} - {x: 53.28318, y: 92.34307} - {x: 53.820766, y: 105.5525} - {x: 63.14527, y: 92.34307} - {x: 63.61002, y: 105.1541} - {x: 63.866566, y: -108.37953} - {x: 63.866558, y: -95.24731} - {x: 73.69221, y: -108.37957} - {x: 73.69219, y: -95.51385} - {x: 63.387367, y: -99.759926} - {x: 63.12543, y: -87.28733} - {x: 73.22994, y: -99.75993} - {x: 73.013016, y: -87.56134} - {x: 61.81678, y: -90.47299} - {x: 61.383297, y: -78.401855} - {x: 71.734024, y: -90.473} - {x: 71.377655, y: -78.54964} - {x: 60.020367, y: -81.104} - {x: 59.59577, y: -69.25336} - {x: 70.030594, y: -81.104004} - {x: 69.676056, y: -69.31959} - {x: 58.555214, y: -71.228584} - {x: 58.206543, y: -59.48377} - {x: 68.64193, y: -71.228584} - {x: 68.35344, y: -59.516937} - {x: 57.377792, y: -60.926357} - {x: 57.113346, y: -49.233418} - {x: 67.528, y: -60.926357} - {x: 67.29529, y: -49.244087} - {x: 56.69831, y: -50.273457} - {x: 56.51148, y: -38.604897} - {x: 66.88099, y: -50.273453} - {x: 66.73372, y: -38.613434} - {x: 55.999847, y: -39.347755} - {x: 55.871677, y: -27.690876} - {x: 66.22312, y: -39.347736} - {x: 66.17046, y: -27.70092} - {x: 54.914383, y: -28.219574} - {x: 54.82858, y: -16.568054} - {x: 65.216515, y: -28.219564} - {x: 65.17679, y: -16.57148} - {x: 54.279156, y: -17.134415} - {x: 54.246044, y: -5.4856453} - {x: 64.628395, y: -17.134424} - {x: 64.60701, y: -5.485966} - {x: 54.111004, y: -5.5676184} - {x: 54.085754, y: 6.0809646} - {x: 64.47203, y: -5.5676346} - {x: 64.44218, y: 6.0810504} - {x: 54.13835, y: 6.480745} - {x: 54.073856, y: 18.130684} - {x: 64.49479, y: 6.4807415} - {x: 64.419624, y: 18.131222} - {x: 54.19649, y: 20.092842} - {x: 53.937893, y: 31.767548} - {x: 64.54231, y: 20.092848} - {x: 64.22841, y: 31.778833} - {x: 54.58897, y: 27.571623} - {x: 54.72952, y: 39.22869} - {x: 64.88085, y: 27.571634} - {x: 65.04514, y: 39.231632} - {x: 54.439476, y: 37.26924} - {x: 54.757267, y: 48.959858} - {x: 64.75538, y: 37.26923} - {x: 65.07222, y: 48.959614} - {x: 54.768852, y: 47.20751} - {x: 55.23732, y: 58.947777} - {x: 65.08381, y: 47.207535} - {x: 65.522934, y: 58.936317} - {x: 55.5651, y: 57.172607} - {x: 56.168446, y: 68.98271} - {x: 65.85113, y: 57.172615} - {x: 66.39001, y: 68.9484} - {x: 56.859314, y: 66.89948} - {x: 57.587208, y: 78.819786} - {x: 67.08299, y: 66.89949} - {x: 67.69433, y: 78.733696} - {x: 58.776833, y: 75.952545} - {x: 59.603848, y: 88.08171} - {x: 68.89208, y: 75.95255} - {x: 69.56, y: 87.90039} - {x: 61.115105, y: 84.57108} - {x: 61.91556, y: 97.07177} - {x: 71.09248, y: 84.57111} - {x: 71.74454, y: 96.76642} - {x: 63.109833, y: 95.7079} - {x: 63.591606, y: 108.53994} - {x: 72.97475, y: 95.70789} - {x: 73.3781, y: 108.172554} - {x: 73.69221, y: -110.54775} - {x: 73.692184, y: -97.67185} - {x: 83.51779, y: -110.54776} - {x: 83.51779, y: -98.03841} - {x: 72.912575, y: -101.84928} - {x: 72.58997, y: -89.63204} - {x: 82.775764, y: -101.84928} - {x: 82.537605, y: -89.92287} - {x: 70.72611, y: -91.73843} - {x: 70.24546, y: -79.80704} - {x: 80.72037, y: -91.738434} - {x: 80.37875, y: -79.96891} - {x: 68.19196, y: -81.71606} - {x: 67.71949, y: -69.93047} - {x: 78.352806, y: -81.71606} - {x: 78.00297, y: -70.00129} - {x: 66.193924, y: -71.63757} - {x: 65.81336, y: -59.925728} - {x: 76.48792, y: -71.63758} - {x: 76.194695, y: -59.954803} - {x: 64.80773, y: -61.013165} - {x: 64.50737, y: -49.331802} - {x: 75.19284, y: -61.013153} - {x: 75.05507, y: -49.3675} - {x: 62.682636, y: -50.485924} - {x: 62.47726, y: -38.825882} - {x: 73.241035, y: -50.485928} - {x: 73.20772, y: -38.845486} - {x: 60.694862, y: -40.090977} - {x: 60.617905, y: -28.441334} - {x: 71.434235, y: -40.090992} - {x: 71.398, y: -28.442719} - {x: 60.229042, y: -28.64687} - {x: 60.174664, y: -16.997929} - {x: 71.00953, y: -28.646872} - {x: 70.98355, y: -16.998575} - {x: 59.9071, y: -17.227047} - {x: 59.87872, y: -5.578551} - {x: 70.71617, y: -17.227043} - {x: 70.68722, y: -5.578553} - {x: 59.88397, y: -5.4845614} - {x: 59.844765, y: 6.1641035} - {x: 70.69247, y: -5.4845705} - {x: 70.62007, y: 6.1646132} - {x: 60.154476, y: 6.6771226} - {x: 60.056847, y: 18.32748} - {x: 70.93002, y: 6.6771007} - {x: 70.78486, y: 18.329428} - {x: 60.507908, y: 20.995392} - {x: 60.105335, y: 32.67986} - {x: 71.23644, y: 20.995375} - {x: 70.811615, y: 32.683823} - {x: 60.324654, y: 27.087547} - {x: 60.543945, y: 38.74689} - {x: 71.03105, y: 27.087524} - {x: 71.28801, y: 38.750668} - {x: 60.172535, y: 36.879856} - {x: 60.593365, y: 48.56696} - {x: 70.91695, y: 36.879852} - {x: 71.322914, y: 48.56423} - {x: 60.734394, y: 47.01264} - {x: 61.31408, y: 58.735672} - {x: 71.464, y: 47.012646} - {x: 71.95147, y: 58.71199} - {x: 62.164707, y: 57.340553} - {x: 62.863453, y: 69.109726} - {x: 72.80418, y: 57.34056} - {x: 73.32464, y: 69.04837} - {x: 64.48189, y: 67.84381} - {x: 65.24606, y: 79.675766} - {x: 74.95188, y: 67.84381} - {x: 75.47715, y: 79.561844} - {x: 67.399605, y: 77.931595} - {x: 68.20162, y: 89.88751} - {x: 77.65127, y: 77.93159} - {x: 78.20137, y: 89.69677} - {x: 70.4196, y: 87.40854} - {x: 71.183075, y: 99.62257} - {x: 80.4551, y: 87.40853} - {x: 81.0176, y: 99.33165} - {x: 72.764496, y: 98.68931} - {x: 73.247086, y: 111.17649} - {x: 82.64646, y: 98.68931} - {x: 83.01668, y: 110.79891} - {x: 83.51779, y: -113.58347} - {x: 83.517784, y: -101.04994} - {x: 93.34342, y: -113.58344} - {x: 93.343414, y: -101.66638} - {x: 81.5228, y: -103.58633} - {x: 81.06522, y: -91.63091} - {x: 91.489334, y: -103.58632} - {x: 91.228584, y: -91.89177} - {x: 78.11163, y: -93.21266} - {x: 77.59224, y: -81.427025} - {x: 88.34079, y: -93.212654} - {x: 88.06473, y: -81.554886} - {x: 74.75998, y: -82.62626} - {x: 74.273796, y: -70.907326} - {x: 85.26611, y: -82.62627} - {x: 85.075035, y: -70.99276} - {x: 71.22288, y: -72.0608} - {x: 70.80944, y: -60.378353} - {x: 82.05222, y: -72.06078} - {x: 81.914894, y: -60.423843} - {x: 68.25214, y: -62.434032} - {x: 68.052826, y: -50.779636} - {x: 79.373566, y: -62.434017} - {x: 79.29176, y: -50.78679} - {x: 67.05519, y: -52.066277} - {x: 67.01099, y: -40.41767} - {x: 78.29631, y: -52.06628} - {x: 78.33683, y: -40.418713} - {x: 66.313774, y: -40.419003} - {x: 66.26912, y: -28.770393} - {x: 77.64065, y: -40.419003} - {x: 77.61494, y: -28.77063} - {x: 66.116585, y: -28.873943} - {x: 66.085014, y: -17.225489} - {x: 77.462456, y: -28.87396} - {x: 77.44151, y: -17.225578} - {x: 65.999306, y: -17.200611} - {x: 65.96447, y: -5.552137} - {x: 77.35582, y: -17.200613} - {x: 77.30988, y: -5.55202} - {x: 66.05366, y: -5.143802} - {x: 65.96678, y: 6.505508} - {x: 77.39908, y: -5.1437845} - {x: 77.28018, y: 6.506229} - {x: 66.22477, y: 7.204498} - {x: 66.04949, y: 18.85689} - {x: 77.53831, y: 7.204502} - {x: 77.30747, y: 18.859459} - {x: 66.50317, y: 21.5419} - {x: 65.98667, y: 33.226765} - {x: 77.76157, y: 21.541904} - {x: 77.44121, y: 33.19908} - {x: 64.330605, y: 26.466728} - {x: 64.66356, y: 38.128273} - {x: 75.79051, y: 26.466753} - {x: 76.12059, y: 38.128048} - {x: 64.68645, y: 36.641632} - {x: 65.20247, y: 48.321716} - {x: 76.143486, y: 36.641636} - {x: 76.528885, y: 48.305656} - {x: 66.2224, y: 47.489784} - {x: 66.82632, y: 59.18556} - {x: 77.55091, y: 47.489773} - {x: 77.9337, y: 59.15089} - {x: 68.56629, y: 58.709545} - {x: 69.20041, y: 70.41946} - {x: 79.68036, y: 58.709545} - {x: 80.02479, y: 70.363335} - {x: 71.52845, y: 69.989426} - {x: 72.1703, y: 81.71908} - {x: 82.36669, y: 69.989426} - {x: 82.68074, y: 81.636314} - {x: 74.87411, y: 80.54957} - {x: 75.56926, y: 92.335945} - {x: 85.408104, y: 80.54957} - {x: 85.76397, y: 92.20198} - {x: 78.39112, y: 89.973274} - {x: 79.16302, y: 101.92032} - {x: 88.62355, y: 89.97325} - {x: 89.062416, y: 101.665764} - {x: 81.72725, y: 101.21029} - {x: 82.3068, y: 113.35109} - {x: 91.692696, y: 101.21029} - {x: 91.994484, y: 112.88863} - {x: 93.34342, y: -118.49094} - {x: 93.34342, y: -106.473236} - {x: 103.169, y: -118.49095} - {x: 103.16902, y: -107.20063} - {x: 88.465256, y: -105.96468} - {x: 88.01687, y: -94.22146} - {x: 98.72607, y: -105.96467} - {x: 98.72607, y: -94.41048} - {x: 82.84453, y: -95.37389} - {x: 82.43023, y: -83.69068} - {x: 93.65688, y: -95.37386} - {x: 93.65685, y: -83.760315} - {x: 78.62701, y: -85.24667} - {x: 78.363205, y: -73.588806} - {x: 89.88982, y: -85.24664} - {x: 89.88986, y: -73.60783} - {x: 76.212715, y: -74.397095} - {x: 76.04157, y: -62.745438} - {x: 87.748985, y: -74.39711} - {x: 87.74894, y: -62.752083} - {x: 74.72441, y: -63.352287} - {x: 74.629395, y: -51.70305} - {x: 86.43508, y: -63.352287} - {x: 86.435104, y: -51.7049} - {x: 73.92288, y: -52.758724} - {x: 73.96913, y: -41.110176} - {x: 85.7295, y: -52.75873} - {x: 85.72949, y: -41.110607} - {x: 74.30628, y: -40.55791} - {x: 74.27787, y: -28.909496} - {x: 86.06684, y: -40.557926} - {x: 86.06684, y: -28.909657} - {x: 74.06875, y: -28.949665} - {x: 74.04561, y: -17.301271} - {x: 85.857796, y: -28.949665} - {x: 85.8578, y: -17.30138} - {x: 73.87656, y: -17.096186} - {x: 73.82571, y: -5.4475975} - {x: 85.688805, y: -17.09619} - {x: 85.68878, y: -5.448098} - {x: 73.4545, y: -4.8425674} - {x: 73.321236, y: 6.807422} - {x: 85.31782, y: -4.8425694} - {x: 85.31784, y: 6.8040957} - {x: 72.35588, y: 7.764597} - {x: 72.08864, y: 19.419182} - {x: 84.3541, y: 7.7646008} - {x: 84.354095, y: 19.406694} - {x: 70.1961, y: 20.248201} - {x: 69.80297, y: 31.908392} - {x: 82.467476, y: 20.248192} - {x: 82.46747, y: 31.884712} - {x: 67.151436, y: 26.30748} - {x: 67.5566, y: 37.966408} - {x: 79.82682, y: 26.307478} - {x: 79.826836, y: 37.9452} - {x: 70.127014, y: 37.524742} - {x: 70.57651, y: 49.18849} - {x: 82.40731, y: 37.524734} - {x: 82.407295, y: 49.157658} - {x: 73.597145, y: 49.176945} - {x: 74.02675, y: 60.842743} - {x: 85.443115, y: 49.176926} - {x: 85.443115, y: 60.807854} - {x: 77.10202, y: 61.095833} - {x: 77.47894, y: 72.76135} - {x: 88.536194, y: 61.095833} - {x: 88.53622, y: 72.72697} - {x: 80.34474, y: 72.887825} - {x: 80.6881, y: 84.554855} - {x: 91.420135, y: 72.887825} - {x: 91.42011, y: 84.51751} - {x: 83.43057, y: 83.84997} - {x: 83.83147, y: 95.533165} - {x: 94.18286, y: 83.84996} - {x: 94.18286, y: 95.46354} - {x: 87.09284, y: 93.93865} - {x: 87.60416, y: 105.68146} - {x: 97.483475, y: 93.93868} - {x: 97.48349, y: 105.49329} - {x: 91.43347, y: 106.541306} - {x: 91.760544, y: 118.32455} - {x: 101.42401, y: 106.54131} - {x: 101.42399, y: 118.056305} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0.9999999, y: 0.00047074037, z: 4.979387e-13, w: -1} - {x: 0.97566116, y: 0.21925645, z: 0.0034489578, w: -1} - {x: 0.97566116, y: 0.21925645, z: 0.0034489578, w: -1} - {x: 0.89816856, y: 0.4396514, z: -0.00016038031, w: -1} - {x: 0.8981428, y: 0.43970388, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8225705, y: 0.5686625, z: 0.0008311743, w: -1} - {x: 0.8225705, y: 0.5686625, z: 0.0008311743, w: -1} - {x: 0.7247628, y: 0.68899834, z: -0.00013785993, w: -1} - {x: 0.7247364, y: 0.68902624, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.6667651, y: 0.74526787, z: 0.000098662305, w: -1} - {x: 0.6667651, y: 0.74526787, z: 0.000098662305, w: -1} - {x: 0.6033213, y: 0.7974982, z: -0.000037482278, w: -1} - {x: 0.00019447957, y: -0.000000049149076, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.041886073, y: -0.031550452, z: -0.9986241, w: -1} - {x: 0.041886073, y: -0.031550452, z: -0.9986241, w: -1} - {x: 0.083588466, y: -0.063089065, z: -0.9945013, w: -1} - {x: 0.00011000757, y: 0.0000000382691, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.008043213, y: -0.005113811, z: -0.9999546, w: -1} - {x: 0.008043213, y: -0.005113811, z: -0.9999546, w: -1} - {x: 0.015976293, y: -0.01022757, z: -0.99982005, w: -1} - {x: 0.000045833098, y: -0.000000016682682, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00891719, y: -0.0055672997, z: -0.9999448, w: -1} - {x: 0.00891719, y: -0.0055672997, z: -0.9999448, w: -1} - {x: 0.01778835, y: -0.011134436, z: -0.99977976, w: -1} - {x: -0.000013669451, y: -0.00000019381602, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.012173479, y: -0.007425752, z: -0.9998983, w: -1} - {x: 0.012173479, y: -0.007425752, z: -0.9998983, w: -1} - {x: 0.024360066, y: -0.014850884, z: -0.99959296, w: -1} - {x: -0.00009565146, y: -0.00000021844276, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.017546633, y: -0.0103284065, z: -0.99979275, w: -1} - {x: 0.017546633, y: -0.0103284065, z: -0.99979275, w: -1} - {x: 0.035187006, y: -0.020655124, z: -0.9991673, w: -1} - {x: -0.00036909585, y: -0.000000044576772, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.039596584, y: 0.021688724, z: -0.9989803, w: -1} - {x: -0.039596584, y: 0.021688724, z: -0.9989803, w: -1} - {x: -0.07879294, y: 0.043367732, z: -0.99594724, w: -1} - {x: -0.00054856105, y: 0.0000000763723, z: -0.9999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.11674992, y: 0.071951754, z: -0.9905515, w: -1} - {x: -0.11674992, y: 0.071951754, z: -0.9905515, w: -1} - {x: -0.23201776, y: 0.14406483, z: -0.961984, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.026842944, y: 0.02412978, z: -0.99934834, w: -1} - {x: -0.026842944, y: 0.02412978, z: -0.99934834, w: -1} - {x: -0.053691708, y: 0.04827069, z: -0.99739015, w: -1} - {x: 0.71006507, y: 0.704136, z: -2.7489243e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.7340734, y: 0.6790701, z: 0.000004236124, w: -1} - {x: 0.7340734, y: 0.6790701, z: 0.000004236124, w: -1} - {x: 0.75727427, y: 0.65309703, z: 0.00000014600725, w: -1} - {x: 0.7572742, y: 0.6530971, z: 1.2748349e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.7627579, y: 0.6466842, z: 0.000000012043909, w: -1} - {x: 0.7627579, y: 0.6466842, z: 0.000000012043909, w: -1} - {x: 0.7681882, y: 0.6402242, z: 5.600649e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.7681881, y: 0.64022416, z: 1.465057e-13, w: -1} - {x: 0.7694288, y: 0.6387327, z: 6.362177e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.7694288, y: 0.6387327, z: 6.362177e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.7706665, y: 0.63723874, z: -1.2681431e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.7706665, y: 0.63723874, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7729267, y: 0.6344953, z: 4.637902e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.7729267, y: 0.6344953, z: 4.637902e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.7751772, y: 0.63174385, z: 4.6377494e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.77517724, y: 0.6317438, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7788454, y: 0.627216, z: 0.000000003023499, w: -1} - {x: 0.7788454, y: 0.627216, z: 0.000000003023499, w: -1} - {x: 0.78248745, y: 0.6226664, z: 3.77904e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.7824874, y: 0.6226664, z: -1.2154375e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.788776, y: 0.6146808, z: 0.000000025467239, w: -1} - {x: 0.788776, y: 0.6146808, z: 0.000000025467239, w: -1} - {x: 0.7949845, y: 0.6066296, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7949846, y: 0.60662967, z: 4.736513e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.8066686, y: 0.59100413, z: 0.000000011061498, w: -1} - {x: 0.8066686, y: 0.59100413, z: 0.000000011061498, w: -1} - {x: 0.81805503, y: 0.5751398, z: -0.00000063411574, w: -1} - {x: 0.8180551, y: 0.57513994, z: -2.245336e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.84017116, y: 0.5423213, z: 0.0000052285127, w: -1} - {x: 0.84017116, y: 0.5423213, z: 0.0000052285127, w: -1} - {x: 0.8610383, y: 0.50854015, z: 0.0000000024182647, w: -1} - {x: 0.8610383, y: 0.5085401, z: 1.9853209e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.8998608, y: 0.43617705, z: 0.00008824711, w: -1} - {x: 0.8998608, y: 0.43617705, z: 0.00008824711, w: -1} - {x: 0.9329932, y: 0.35989404, z: 0.0000007248124, w: -1} - {x: 0.93299305, y: 0.35989445, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.98228896, y: 0.18736422, z: 0.0017515582, w: -1} - {x: 0.98228896, y: 0.18736422, z: 0.0017515582, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000000757953, z: 0.00000077647553, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999994, y: 0.00048445206, z: 0.000000482567, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964302, y: 0.07812422, z: -0.031992532, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964302, y: 0.07812422, z: -0.031992532, w: -1} - {x: 0.98570186, y: 0.15581267, z: -0.06414332, w: -1} - {x: 0.9813917, y: 0.1920165, z: 0.000000049148213, w: -1} - {x: 0.9674182, y: 0.25208738, z: -0.023537971, w: -1} - {x: 0.9674182, y: 0.25208738, z: -0.023537971, w: -1} - {x: 0.9491376, y: 0.31131548, z: -0.047122, w: -1} - {x: 0.94268674, y: 0.333679, z: 0.000000044471275, w: -1} - {x: 0.92401063, y: 0.38206035, z: -0.015303928, w: -1} - {x: 0.92401063, y: 0.38206035, z: -0.015303928, w: -1} - {x: 0.90255904, y: 0.42947492, z: -0.030633599, w: -1} - {x: 0.8978542, y: 0.4402928, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8698059, y: 0.49328434, z: -0.010409239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8698059, y: 0.49328434, z: -0.010409239, w: -1} - {x: 0.83836836, y: 0.5447044, z: -0.020872785, w: -1} - {x: 0.83535105, y: 0.5497169, z: 8.8817587e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.78361326, y: 0.62124395, z: -0.0025092852, w: -1} - {x: 0.78361326, y: 0.62124395, z: -0.0025092852, w: -1} - {x: 0.7248532, y: 0.6888831, z: -0.0052770744, w: -1} - {x: 0.7241154, y: 0.6896789, z: -8.701235e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.69405043, y: 0.7199253, z: -0.0012366609, w: -1} - {x: 0.69405043, y: 0.7199253, z: -0.0012366609, w: -1} - {x: 0.66257286, y: 0.7489932, z: -0.0024941578, w: -1} - {x: 0.04987444, y: 0.00000012506945, z: -0.9987556, w: -1} - {x: 0.056703452, y: -0.006039055, z: -0.9983728, w: -1} - {x: 0.056703452, y: -0.006039055, z: -0.9983728, w: -1} - {x: 0.06352861, y: -0.0120784715, z: -0.997907, w: -1} - {x: 0.07212353, y: 0.00000019134997, z: -0.9973957, w: -1} - {x: 0.06081533, y: 0.009686538, z: -0.99810207, w: -1} - {x: 0.06081533, y: 0.009686538, z: -0.99810207, w: -1} - {x: 0.04948969, y: 0.019374302, z: -0.9985867, w: -1} - {x: -0.15214188, y: -0.000000010894755, z: -0.9883587, w: -1} - {x: -0.20372047, y: 0.04683598, z: -0.9779082, w: -1} - {x: -0.20372047, y: 0.04683598, z: -0.9779082, w: -1} - {x: -0.25442824, y: 0.093621895, z: -0.9625493, w: -1} - {x: 0.7394444, y: 0.67321765, z: 0.00000014270954, w: -1} - {x: 0.7502135, y: 0.66117686, z: -0.0049928073, w: -1} - {x: 0.7502135, y: 0.66117686, z: -0.0049928073, w: -1} - {x: 0.760779, y: 0.648934, z: -0.009990225, w: -1} - {x: 0.76314604, y: 0.6462261, z: -0.00000000243214, w: -1} - {x: 0.7731777, y: 0.63418835, z: -0.0012169055, w: -1} - {x: 0.7731777, y: 0.63418835, z: -0.0012169055, w: -1} - {x: 0.78302485, y: 0.62198573, z: -0.0024346677, w: -1} - {x: 0.7832007, y: 0.62176895, z: -0.000000001464197, w: -1} - {x: 0.79800487, y: 0.6026474, z: -0.0020633447, w: -1} - {x: 0.79800487, y: 0.6026474, z: -0.0020633447, w: -1} - {x: 0.8123605, y: 0.5831409, z: -0.004130437, w: -1} - {x: 0.81270766, y: 0.5826717, z: -8.4209234e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.81601334, y: 0.57803315, z: -0.00011326285, w: -1} - {x: 0.81601334, y: 0.57803315, z: -0.00011326285, w: -1} - {x: 0.8192927, y: 0.5733754, z: -0.00022653732, w: -1} - {x: 0.8192969, y: 0.57336956, z: -3.2812232e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.82223314, y: 0.5691508, z: -0.000023222823, w: -1} - {x: 0.82223314, y: 0.5691508, z: -0.000023222823, w: -1} - {x: 0.8251478, y: 0.56491685, z: -0.000046449066, w: -1} - {x: 0.8251483, y: 0.5649164, z: -2.4684324e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.82785106, y: 0.5609481, z: -0.000039655144, w: -1} - {x: 0.82785106, y: 0.5609481, z: -0.000039655144, w: -1} - {x: 0.8305349, y: 0.5569668, z: -0.00007931203, w: -1} - {x: 0.83053565, y: 0.55696553, z: 5.181007e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8346063, y: 0.5508469, z: -0.00009894153, w: -1} - {x: 0.8346063, y: 0.5508469, z: -0.00009894153, w: -1} - {x: 0.8386324, y: 0.54469776, z: -0.00019790146, w: -1} - {x: 0.8386355, y: 0.54469305, z: 6.8881406e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8465454, y: 0.5323164, z: -0.0003395008, w: -1} - {x: 0.8465454, y: 0.5323164, z: -0.0003395008, w: -1} - {x: 0.854276, y: 0.5198192, z: -0.0006792752, w: -1} - {x: 0.85429496, y: 0.5197885, z: 6.694064e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8693738, y: 0.49415338, z: -0.0012844746, w: -1} - {x: 0.8693738, y: 0.49415338, z: -0.0012844746, w: -1} - {x: 0.8837073, y: 0.46803278, z: -0.0025733635, w: -1} - {x: 0.88383526, y: 0.4677984, z: -0.000000004872029, w: -1} - {x: 0.9084133, y: 0.41804755, z: -0.0046309372, w: -1} - {x: 0.9084133, y: 0.41804755, z: -0.0046309372, w: -1} - {x: 0.9302974, y: 0.36668807, z: -0.009313755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9310059, y: 0.36500427, z: 0.0000000089468415, w: -1} - {x: 0.9594343, y: 0.2815823, z: -0.014046448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9594343, y: 0.2815823, z: -0.014046448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9804494, y: 0.19470987, z: -0.028411731, w: -1} - {x: 0.98267376, y: 0.18534389, z: -0.000000070308616, w: -1} - {x: 0.994049, y: 0.105893366, z: -0.025555491, w: -1} - {x: 0.994049, y: 0.105893366, z: -0.025555491, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983708, y: 0.024877237, z: -0.051349267, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00015432537, z: -0.00000025602858, w: -1} - {x: 0.99889416, y: 0.04075545, z: -0.023443509, w: -1} - {x: 0.99889416, y: 0.04075545, z: -0.023443509, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955811, y: 0.08135601, z: -0.046899173, w: -1} - {x: 0.99362874, y: 0.112703115, z: 0.000000082190475, w: -1} - {x: 0.9880045, y: 0.15297388, z: -0.021120261, w: -1} - {x: 0.9880045, y: 0.15297388, z: -0.021120261, w: -1} - {x: 0.9802887, y: 0.19300097, z: -0.04224769, w: -1} - {x: 0.9759385, y: 0.21804611, z: -0.000000061426256, w: -1} - {x: 0.9684908, y: 0.24870011, z: -0.013186598, w: -1} - {x: 0.9684908, y: 0.24870011, z: -0.013186598, w: -1} - {x: 0.9599004, y: 0.2790979, z: -0.02637595, w: -1} - {x: 0.95665807, y: 0.29121366, z: 0.00000004128443, w: -1} - {x: 0.95285934, y: 0.30338502, z: -0.0040894793, w: -1} - {x: 0.95285934, y: 0.30338502, z: -0.0040894793, w: -1} - {x: 0.9488889, y: 0.31550434, z: -0.008179174, w: -1} - {x: 0.94803214, y: 0.31817442, z: 0.000000023602844, w: -1} - {x: 0.95230615, y: 0.30512202, z: 0.0036979055, w: -1} - {x: 0.95230615, y: 0.30512202, z: 0.0036979055, w: -1} - {x: 0.9563883, y: 0.29200456, z: 0.0073958402, w: -1} - {x: 0.9569436, y: 0.29027393, z: 0.0000000053606226, w: -1} - {x: 0.95342207, y: 0.30163142, z: -0.0021741597, w: -1} - {x: 0.95342207, y: 0.30163142, z: -0.0021741597, w: -1} - {x: 0.94976056, y: 0.31294703, z: -0.004348472, w: -1} - {x: 0.94949275, y: 0.31378913, z: 0.0000000061109104, w: -1} - {x: 0.9365652, y: 0.35047892, z: -0.0031859926, w: -1} - {x: 0.9365652, y: 0.35047892, z: -0.0031859926, w: -1} - {x: 0.9221773, y: 0.38671455, z: -0.0063811676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9218266, y: 0.38760257, z: -1.9173142e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9209002, y: 0.3897986, z: -0.00007816585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9209002, y: 0.3897986, z: -0.00007816585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9199685, y: 0.3919924, z: -0.00015633405, w: -1} - {x: 0.91996616, y: 0.39199767, z: 0.00000018054011, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063427, y: 0.42241636, z: 0.010362941, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063427, y: 0.42241636, z: 0.010362941, w: -1} - {x: 0.891577, y: 0.45239437, z: 0.020732626, w: -1} - {x: 0.88955325, y: 0.45683146, z: 0.00000012414321, w: -1} - {x: 0.88249403, y: 0.47028035, z: 0.006373552, w: -1} - {x: 0.88249403, y: 0.47028035, z: 0.006373552, w: -1} - {x: 0.87519073, y: 0.48361003, z: 0.012748905, w: -1} - {x: 0.8729184, y: 0.4878662, z: 0.0000000053808273, w: -1} - {x: 0.8780235, y: 0.47861582, z: -0.001350278, w: -1} - {x: 0.8780235, y: 0.47861582, z: -0.001350278, w: -1} - {x: 0.88303, y: 0.46930882, z: -0.0027007887, w: -1} - {x: 0.8832234, y: 0.46895248, z: 0.000000010347876, w: -1} - {x: 0.8857808, y: 0.46410322, z: -0.00084195577, w: -1} - {x: 0.8857808, y: 0.46410322, z: -0.00084195577, w: -1} - {x: 0.888311, y: 0.45923936, z: -0.0016839635, w: -1} - {x: 0.88844, y: 0.4589927, z: 0.0000000015439399, w: -1} - {x: 0.8908251, y: 0.45434642, z: -0.0001805798, w: -1} - {x: 0.8908251, y: 0.45434642, z: -0.0001805798, w: -1} - {x: 0.89318603, y: 0.44968745, z: -0.00036116876, w: -1} - {x: 0.89319324, y: 0.449673, z: -5.118364e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.89557207, y: 0.44491643, z: -0.0000871257, w: -1} - {x: 0.89557207, y: 0.44491643, z: -0.0000871257, w: -1} - {x: 0.89792573, y: 0.440147, z: -0.00017425536, w: -1} - {x: 0.8979278, y: 0.440143, z: 3.8357845e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.90035164, y: 0.43516326, z: -0.00010877886, w: -1} - {x: 0.90035164, y: 0.43516326, z: -0.00010877886, w: -1} - {x: 0.90274805, y: 0.4301699, z: -0.00021756452, w: -1} - {x: 0.9027508, y: 0.43016395, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9068234, y: 0.4215107, z: -0.00029352843, w: -1} - {x: 0.9068234, y: 0.4215107, z: -0.00029352843, w: -1} - {x: 0.9108137, y: 0.4128174, z: -0.00058711064, w: -1} - {x: 0.91082567, y: 0.41279134, z: 0.0000000016857086, w: -1} - {x: 0.9185178, y: 0.39537808, z: -0.0010780913, w: -1} - {x: 0.9185178, y: 0.39537808, z: -0.0010780913, w: -1} - {x: 0.92588085, y: 0.37780955, z: -0.0021569761, w: -1} - {x: 0.9259588, y: 0.3776246, z: 0.000000004161489, w: -1} - {x: 0.938328, y: 0.3457261, z: -0.0037160348, w: -1} - {x: 0.938328, y: 0.3457261, z: -0.0037160348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9496087, y: 0.31334943, z: -0.00744063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9500425, y: 0.31212083, z: 0.000000007938495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9645112, y: 0.2638497, z: -0.010066749, w: -1} - {x: 0.9645112, y: 0.2638497, z: -0.010066749, w: -1} - {x: 0.97648036, y: 0.21466, z: -0.020177031, w: -1} - {x: 0.97796494, y: 0.20876922, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9874422, y: 0.15698522, z: -0.01770846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9874422, y: 0.15698522, z: -0.01770846, w: -1} - {x: 0.99389476, y: 0.10447406, z: -0.03547559, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960561, y: 0.088725895, z: -0.00000046861788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984057, y: 0.053869963, z: -0.016851416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984057, y: 0.053869963, z: -0.016851416, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992534, y: 0.018868193, z: -0.03371478, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00012965898, z: -0.0000005293214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994125, y: 0.028472556, z: -0.019076668, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994125, y: 0.028472556, z: -0.019076668, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976556, y: 0.056812897, z: -0.038154617, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963698, y: 0.08513106, z: -0.0000000038965684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938721, y: 0.10950889, z: -0.015033723, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938721, y: 0.10950889, z: -0.015033723, w: -1} - {x: 0.99055034, y: 0.13381383, z: -0.03006752, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881129, y: 0.15373006, z: 0.00000007639099, w: -1} - {x: 0.98569834, y: 0.16836208, z: -0.007279203, w: -1} - {x: 0.98569834, y: 0.16836208, z: -0.007279203, w: -1} - {x: 0.98301405, y: 0.18295199, z: -0.014558572, w: -1} - {x: 0.98170626, y: 0.19040158, z: -0.000000039003783, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848952, y: 0.17303771, z: 0.00626684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848952, y: 0.17303771, z: 0.00626684, w: -1} - {x: 0.98773956, y: 0.15560623, z: 0.012533682, w: -1} - {x: 0.98844033, y: 0.15161042, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99045634, y: 0.13778147, z: 0.0035470494, w: -1} - {x: 0.99045634, y: 0.13778147, z: 0.0035470494, w: -1} - {x: 0.99226683, y: 0.123920225, z: 0.0070941765, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924923, y: 0.122306846, z: 0.000000016086982, w: -1} - {x: 0.99180543, y: 0.12775232, z: -0.0011655979, w: -1} - {x: 0.99180543, y: 0.12775232, z: -0.0011655979, w: -1} - {x: 0.99108726, y: 0.13319397, z: -0.0023312264, w: -1} - {x: 0.991021, y: 0.13370681, z: -0.0000000095161115, w: -1} - {x: 0.991966, y: 0.12649973, z: 0.001168971, w: -1} - {x: 0.991966, y: 0.12649973, z: 0.001168971, w: -1} - {x: 0.99285734, y: 0.11928528, z: 0.002337964, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929013, y: 0.11894112, z: 6.251702e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929671, y: 0.118391015, z: 0.00002215172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929671, y: 0.118391015, z: 0.00002215172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9930326, y: 0.11784088, z: 0.0000443033, w: -1} - {x: 0.99303275, y: 0.11783939, z: 0.000000027389008, w: -1} - {x: 0.9884548, y: 0.15125711, z: 0.008848509, w: -1} - {x: 0.9884548, y: 0.15125711, z: 0.008848509, w: -1} - {x: 0.98266363, y: 0.18455032, z: 0.017697565, w: -1} - {x: 0.98216087, y: 0.1880424, z: 0.00000006910455, w: -1} - {x: 0.97284806, y: 0.23069695, z: 0.018589754, w: -1} - {x: 0.97284806, y: 0.23069695, z: 0.018589754, w: -1} - {x: 0.96130115, y: 0.27297837, z: 0.037185553, w: -1} - {x: 0.95854026, y: 0.28495735, z: -0.000000052317255, w: -1} - {x: 0.95971954, y: 0.28095898, z: -0.0006792193, w: -1} - {x: 0.95971954, y: 0.28095898, z: -0.0006792193, w: -1} - {x: 0.9608818, y: 0.27695557, z: -0.001358381, w: -1} - {x: 0.9609469, y: 0.2767327, z: 0.0000000019588033, w: -1} - {x: 0.9572335, y: 0.28930727, z: 0.0023431932, w: -1} - {x: 0.9572335, y: 0.28930727, z: 0.0023431932, w: -1} - {x: 0.95334893, y: 0.30183423, z: 0.004686564, w: -1} - {x: 0.95314187, y: 0.30252388, z: 0.0000000010004776, w: -1} - {x: 0.9542205, y: 0.29910424, z: -0.00017100717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9542205, y: 0.29910424, z: -0.00017100717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9552868, y: 0.29568073, z: -0.0003420165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9552923, y: 0.29566303, z: 9.1462893e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9563591, y: 0.29219386, z: -0.000102344755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9563591, y: 0.29219386, z: -0.000102344755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9574134, y: 0.28872082, z: -0.00020469098, w: -1} - {x: 0.9574154, y: 0.288714, z: 1.8960741e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.95888984, y: 0.2837788, z: -0.00016466068, w: -1} - {x: 0.95888984, y: 0.2837788, z: -0.00016466068, w: -1} - {x: 0.9603388, y: 0.2788358, z: -0.00032932733, w: -1} - {x: 0.9603426, y: 0.27882284, z: 0.0000000025197628, w: -1} - {x: 0.9630758, y: 0.26922998, z: -0.0005139762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9630758, y: 0.26922998, z: -0.0005139762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9657134, y: 0.2596088, z: -0.0010280127, w: -1} - {x: 0.96573234, y: 0.25954005, z: 0.0000000049128457, w: -1} - {x: 0.9703273, y: 0.2417886, z: -0.0017788789, w: -1} - {x: 0.9703273, y: 0.2417886, z: -0.0017788789, w: -1} - {x: 0.9745952, y: 0.22394541, z: -0.0035584965, w: -1} - {x: 0.9747052, y: 0.22349456, z: -0.000000014182702, w: -1} - {x: 0.98051447, y: 0.19638401, z: -0.00497817, w: -1} - {x: 0.98051447, y: 0.19638401, z: -0.00497817, w: -1} - {x: 0.9855515, y: 0.16908349, z: -0.009960634, w: -1} - {x: 0.9859879, y: 0.16681682, z: 0.0000000043256336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907065, y: 0.13568138, z: -0.009549387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907065, y: 0.13568138, z: -0.009549387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943572, y: 0.104349025, z: -0.019107364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952446, y: 0.09740787, z: -0.0000000030416893, w: -1} - {x: 0.99731255, y: 0.07240012, z: -0.011219814, w: -1} - {x: 0.99731255, y: 0.07240012, z: -0.011219814, w: -1} - {x: 0.99862796, y: 0.047313243, z: -0.022443755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993488, y: 0.036084488, z: 0.0000002823934, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971753, y: 0.022523422, z: -0.0075862356, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971753, y: 0.022523422, z: -0.0075862356, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984473, y: 0.00895326, z: -0.015173121, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00008157336, z: 0.00000030765352, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976754, y: 0.01731676, z: -0.012840981, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976754, y: 0.01731676, z: -0.012840981, w: -1} - {x: 0.99907285, y: 0.03455097, z: -0.025682094, w: -1} - {x: 0.99849504, y: 0.054842025, z: -0.000000265355, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977894, y: 0.06602567, z: -0.007552342, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977894, y: 0.06602567, z: -0.007552342, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969013, y: 0.077199034, z: -0.015104321, w: -1} - {x: 0.99614257, y: 0.08774965, z: -0.00000017787798, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963423, y: 0.085444234, z: 0.001219551, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963423, y: 0.085444234, z: 0.001219551, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965351, y: 0.083138235, z: 0.0024392747, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966432, y: 0.08186883, z: 0.00000003680935, w: -1} - {x: 0.99736667, y: 0.07245855, z: 0.0030793222, w: -1} - {x: 0.99736667, y: 0.07245855, z: 0.0030793222, w: -1} - {x: 0.99799204, y: 0.063040026, z: 0.0061586415, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981292, y: 0.061140727, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99861014, y: 0.052668404, z: 0.001959503, w: -1} - {x: 0.99861014, y: 0.052668404, z: 0.001959503, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990154, y: 0.044191234, z: 0.0039190394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99906015, y: 0.04334561, z: 8.129986e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994711, y: 0.03242785, z: 0.0024431518, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994711, y: 0.03242785, z: 0.0024431518, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997569, y: 0.021504201, z: 0.0048863613, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997898, y: 0.020505367, z: -0.000000008344668, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999949, y: 0.0015362886, z: 0.002835793, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999949, y: 0.0015362886, z: 0.002835793, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998318, y: -0.017443052, z: 0.0056716143, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998361, y: -0.018106444, z: -5.990123e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99934405, y: -0.036206886, z: 0.00071245915, w: -1} - {x: 0.99934405, y: -0.036206886, z: 0.00071245915, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985235, y: -0.054303903, z: 0.0014247062, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985238, y: -0.05431669, z: 0.0000001632351, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997678, y: -0.020427652, z: 0.0068664923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997678, y: -0.020427652, z: 0.0068664923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998141, y: 0.013540708, z: 0.013731698, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987966, y: 0.015515835, z: 0.00000015181753, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982663, y: 0.057089783, z: 0.014320579, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982663, y: 0.057089783, z: 0.014320579, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947091, y: 0.09865931, z: 0.02863938, w: -1} - {x: 0.99433726, y: 0.10627046, z: 0.0000000014294623, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936822, y: 0.112226084, z: 0.0010593963, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936822, y: 0.112226084, z: 0.0010593963, w: -1} - {x: 0.99299026, y: 0.1181779, z: 0.002118807, w: -1} - {x: 0.99295074, y: 0.11852762, z: 0.0000000030550789, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903036, y: 0.13888165, z: 0.0032847186, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903036, y: 0.13888165, z: 0.0032847186, w: -1} - {x: 0.98722637, y: 0.1591886, z: 0.006569548, w: -1} - {x: 0.9871181, y: 0.15999314, z: 2.9843142e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.98712194, y: 0.15996975, z: -0.0000013379454, w: -1} - {x: 0.98712194, y: 0.15996975, z: -0.0000013379454, w: -1} - {x: 0.98712575, y: 0.15994634, z: -0.0000026770183, w: -1} - {x: 0.98712575, y: 0.15994616, z: 2.4483332e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.98731756, y: 0.15875788, z: -0.00004290861, w: -1} - {x: 0.98731756, y: 0.15875788, z: -0.00004290861, w: -1} - {x: 0.98750794, y: 0.15756935, z: -0.00008581785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875085, y: 0.15756613, z: -3.4222397e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881101, y: 0.15374748, z: -0.00016352114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9881101, y: 0.15374748, z: -0.00016352114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9886971, y: 0.14992645, z: -0.0003270434, w: -1} - {x: 0.98869956, y: 0.1499106, z: -0.0000000018260877, w: -1} - {x: 0.9898855, y: 0.14186724, z: -0.0005777762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9898855, y: 0.14186724, z: -0.0005777762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910059, y: 0.13381368, z: -0.0011555814, w: -1} - {x: 0.99101967, y: 0.13371614, z: -0.000000011158142, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927134, y: 0.12048646, z: -0.0017681427, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927134, y: 0.12048646, z: -0.0017681427, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942278, y: 0.10723143, z: -0.0035365282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942931, y: 0.10668299, z: 0.000000019198113, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959424, y: 0.08990697, z: -0.0039381, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959424, y: 0.08990697, z: -0.0039381, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972938, y: 0.07309677, z: -0.0078770025, w: -1} - {x: 0.997475, y: 0.07101886, z: -0.00000004690306, w: -1} - {x: 0.99843484, y: 0.05564174, z: -0.005652487, w: -1} - {x: 0.99843484, y: 0.05564174, z: -0.005652487, w: -1} - {x: 0.99912596, y: 0.040244166, z: -0.0113056265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993606, y: 0.035755917, z: 0.00000044576532, w: -1} - {x: 0.99964994, y: 0.025999285, z: -0.0048916237, w: -1} - {x: 0.99964994, y: 0.025999285, z: -0.0048916237, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998203, y: 0.016238198, z: -0.0097838305, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993813, y: 0.011129955, z: 0.00000021471301, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997246, y: 0.0070185526, z: -0.0024256306, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997246, y: 0.0070185526, z: -0.0024256306, w: -1} - {x: 0.999984, y: 0.002906891, z: -0.0048514814, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.000018923198, z: -0.00000016758634, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999158, y: 0.01018526, z: -0.008044874, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999158, y: 0.01018526, z: -0.008044874, w: -1} - {x: 0.99966335, y: 0.020351347, z: -0.016089452, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994377, y: 0.0335312, z: 0.00000013941012, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994278, y: 0.033823423, z: -0.00020544892, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994278, y: 0.033823423, z: -0.00020544892, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994179, y: 0.034115653, z: -0.00041104213, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940795, y: 0.034404933, z: 0.00000017707005, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996881, y: 0.024421452, z: 0.005231279, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996881, y: 0.024421452, z: 0.005231279, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984115, y: 0.014433493, z: 0.010462391, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999579, y: 0.009173913, z: 2.7555772e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999285, y: 0.0033399542, z: 0.0018070905, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999285, y: 0.0033399542, z: 0.0018070905, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999034, y: -0.002494411, z: 0.003614196, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999937, y: -0.003575086, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997437, y: -0.0071209003, z: 0.00076670165, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997437, y: -0.0071209003, z: 0.00076670165, w: -1} - {x: 0.999942, y: -0.010666685, z: 0.0015334064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999396, y: -0.010988704, z: -0.000000015488563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993935, y: -0.034487993, z: 0.004807636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993935, y: -0.034487993, z: 0.004807636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982711, y: -0.05798615, z: 0.0096154045, w: -1} - {x: 0.99822503, y: -0.05955533, z: 0.000000007736296, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965131, y: -0.08338911, z: 0.0027898191, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965131, y: -0.08338911, z: 0.0027898191, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942224, y: -0.10719444, z: 0.005579357, w: -1} - {x: 0.99419266, y: -0.10761502, z: 7.917117e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9928348, y: -0.119495764, z: 0.00010386136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9928348, y: -0.119495764, z: 0.00010386136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913345, y: -0.13136186, z: 0.00020766961, w: -1} - {x: 0.99133486, y: -0.13135928, z: 0.000000015096353, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945395, y: -0.10428838, z: 0.0038857174, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945395, y: -0.10428838, z: 0.0038857174, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969923, y: -0.077110276, z: 0.007770886, w: -1} - {x: 0.99707985, y: -0.07636635, z: 0.0000001758864, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990814, y: -0.04185442, z: 0.00920898, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990814, y: -0.04185442, z: 0.00920898, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980426, y: -0.007231616, z: 0.018416792, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999404, y: -0.0034485757, z: -0.000000036561737, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999496, y: 0.009793119, z: 0.0022150967, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999496, y: 0.009793119, z: 0.0022150967, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972486, y: 0.023036359, z: 0.004430292, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997197, y: 0.02367599, z: 0.000000011369346, w: -1} - {x: 0.99902415, y: 0.044091813, z: 0.0025556278, w: -1} - {x: 0.99902415, y: 0.044091813, z: 0.0025556278, w: -1} - {x: 0.99790454, y: 0.0645012, z: 0.005111177, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978878, y: 0.064961135, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99769694, y: 0.06782907, z: 0.00016272732, w: -1} - {x: 0.99769694, y: 0.06782907, z: 0.00016272732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974978, y: 0.07069649, z: 0.00032545597, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974967, y: 0.07071329, z: 5.6701865e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974768, y: 0.07099371, z: 0.000010642788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974768, y: 0.07099371, z: 0.000010642788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974568, y: 0.0712741, z: 0.000021284355, w: -1} - {x: 0.99745667, y: 0.07127492, z: 0.0000000013096547, w: -1} - {x: 0.99763554, y: 0.068725936, z: -0.00012629988, w: -1} - {x: 0.99763554, y: 0.068725936, z: -0.00012629988, w: -1} - {x: 0.99780786, y: 0.066176474, z: -0.00025260152, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978089, y: 0.06616294, z: 0.0000000014067373, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981605, y: 0.06062444, z: -0.00047602583, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981605, y: 0.06062444, z: -0.00047602583, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984813, y: 0.055083822, z: -0.00095206173, w: -1} - {x: 0.99848676, y: 0.054993365, z: 0.000000018853141, w: -1} - {x: 0.99888885, y: 0.047112074, z: -0.0012379844, w: -1} - {x: 0.99888885, y: 0.047112074, z: -0.0012379844, w: -1} - {x: 0.99922734, y: 0.03922708, z: -0.0024760307, w: -1} - {x: 0.99924684, y: 0.03880486, z: -0.00000005227094, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953043, y: 0.030564765, z: -0.0021866309, w: -1} - {x: 0.99953043, y: 0.030564765, z: -0.0021866309, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997413, y: 0.022321627, z: -0.004373282, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977744, y: 0.021096194, z: 6.8819417e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.999881, y: 0.015248701, z: -0.002325535, w: -1} - {x: 0.999881, y: 0.015248701, z: -0.002325535, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994504, y: 0.009400316, z: -0.0046510985, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999719, y: 0.007497518, z: 0.00000017632308, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999864, y: 0.005062411, z: -0.0012715155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999864, y: 0.005062411, z: -0.0012715155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999933, y: 0.0026272452, z: -0.002543209, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999992, y: 0.001285754, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999964, y: 0.0008127771, z: -0.00028329573, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999964, y: 0.0008127771, z: -0.00028329573, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.0003397996, z: -0.0005665915, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.000018635537, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999753, y: 0.005426577, z: -0.004463055, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999753, y: 0.005426577, z: -0.004463055, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990106, y: 0.010871747, z: -0.008926081, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998321, y: 0.018324811, z: 0.00000014121098, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999416, y: 0.008040578, z: 0.007235851, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999416, y: 0.008040578, z: 0.007235851, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998928, y: -0.0022464544, z: 0.014471426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999273, y: -0.012059869, z: -0.00000016597923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993421, y: -0.034471247, z: 0.011271427, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993421, y: -0.034471247, z: 0.011271427, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981266, y: -0.056877572, z: 0.022543238, w: -1} - {x: 0.99774384, y: -0.06713684, z: -0.000000031820367, w: -1} - {x: 0.997126, y: -0.07571784, z: 0.002566721, w: -1} - {x: 0.997126, y: -0.07571784, z: 0.002566721, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964278, y: -0.08429371, z: 0.0051335394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99631774, y: -0.08573792, z: -0.0000000015259224, w: -1} - {x: 0.99576694, y: -0.09190529, z: 0.0012956405, w: -1} - {x: 0.99576694, y: -0.09190529, z: 0.0012956405, w: -1} - {x: 0.99517626, y: -0.09806932, z: 0.0025912977, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951291, y: -0.09858038, z: 0.000000008572414, w: -1} - {x: 0.99325293, y: -0.11593368, z: 0.0028397213, w: -1} - {x: 0.99325293, y: -0.11593368, z: 0.0028397213, w: -1} - {x: 0.991065, y: -0.13325863, z: 0.005679552, w: -1} - {x: 0.99098104, y: -0.13400257, z: -0.0000000010794292, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890112, y: -0.14783704, z: 0.0010519659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890112, y: -0.14783704, z: 0.0010519659, w: -1} - {x: 0.98684657, y: -0.16164652, z: 0.0021039175, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868313, y: -0.16175295, z: -2.5653422e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.98643786, y: -0.16413565, z: -0.00002794263, w: -1} - {x: 0.98643786, y: -0.16413565, z: -0.00002794263, w: -1} - {x: 0.98603857, y: -0.16651738, z: -0.000055885423, w: -1} - {x: 0.98603845, y: -0.16651838, z: -0.00000000598379, w: -1} - {x: 0.98889774, y: -0.14858808, z: 0.0017297042, w: -1} - {x: 0.98889774, y: -0.14858808, z: 0.0017297042, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914291, y: -0.13059995, z: 0.0034593293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914642, y: -0.13037944, z: -0.000000006692667, w: -1} - {x: 0.99551374, y: -0.094327524, z: 0.0073910593, w: -1} - {x: 0.99551374, y: -0.094327524, z: 0.0073910593, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982024, y: -0.058080748, z: 0.01478021, w: -1} - {x: 0.99843097, y: -0.05599722, z: -0.000000040758284, w: -1} - {x: 0.999275, y: -0.037983593, z: 0.0025999364, w: -1} - {x: 0.999275, y: -0.037983593, z: 0.0025999364, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978745, y: -0.019949103, z: 0.0051999283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998126, y: -0.019359812, z: 0.0000000017507128, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999356, y: -0.003294886, z: 0.0014489021, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999356, y: -0.003294886, z: 0.0014489021, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999141, y: 0.01277679, z: 0.0028977618, w: -1} - {x: 0.999916, y: 0.012959172, z: 0.0000000010867777, w: -1} - {x: 0.99983335, y: 0.018256612, z: 0.0002746535, w: -1} - {x: 0.99983335, y: 0.018256612, z: 0.0002746535, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972236, y: 0.023553744, z: 0.0005493067, w: -1} - {x: 0.999722, y: 0.023577292, z: 6.249716e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997064, y: 0.024233382, z: 0.000024823205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997064, y: 0.024233382, z: 0.000024823205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996902, y: 0.024889458, z: 0.000049645663, w: -1} - {x: 0.99969023, y: 0.024891276, z: -5.603789e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.999732, y: 0.023151899, z: -0.000093783565, w: -1} - {x: 0.999732, y: 0.023151899, z: -0.000093783565, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977076, y: 0.021412438, z: -0.00018756685, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977094, y: 0.021401707, z: -0.00000000887145, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998427, y: 0.017735153, z: -0.00034991928, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998427, y: 0.017735153, z: -0.00034991928, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999009, y: 0.014068288, z: -0.0006998326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990207, y: 0.013997092, z: -0.000000011077298, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994826, y: 0.010148095, z: -0.0006574802, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994826, y: 0.010148095, z: -0.0006574802, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997926, y: 0.0062988643, z: -0.0013149537, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998164, y: 0.006065806, z: 0.000000115340136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999798, y: 0.0063650385, z: 0.000083790044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999798, y: 0.0063650385, z: 0.000083790044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999778, y: 0.0066642687, z: 0.00016746443, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997747, y: 0.006711053, z: -0.000000057646396, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999349, y: 0.011258233, z: 0.0018606884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999349, y: 0.011258233, z: 0.0018606884, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986815, y: 0.015805278, z: 0.0037214437, w: -1} - {x: 0.99985045, y: 0.017294338, z: -0.00000017851825, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997958, y: 0.020150192, z: 0.0015062031, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997958, y: 0.020150192, z: 0.0015062031, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997308, y: 0.023005871, z: 0.0030125869, w: -1} - {x: 0.999698, y: 0.024576021, z: -0.00000033322254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998635, y: 0.015627768, z: -0.005373094, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998635, y: 0.015627768, z: -0.005373094, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992, y: 0.006676765, z: -0.010745927, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.000039819424, z: -0.00000041550277, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998754, y: -0.0038613398, z: 0.0031911929, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998754, y: -0.0038613398, z: 0.0031911929, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999501, y: -0.007682845, z: 0.0063827885, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991626, y: -0.0129433675, z: -0.0000001334631, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891156, y: -0.042209093, z: 0.019851929, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891156, y: -0.042209093, z: 0.019851929, w: -1} - {x: 0.996653, y: -0.07146012, z: 0.03970102, w: -1} - {x: 0.995431, y: -0.09548401, z: 0.00000006658934, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927225, y: -0.11990668, z: 0.011158882, w: -1} - {x: 0.9927225, y: -0.11990668, z: 0.011158882, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892872, y: -0.14426585, z: 0.022318939, w: -1} - {x: 0.98820025, y: -0.15316775, z: 0.000000004015591, w: -1} - {x: 0.98773795, y: -0.15611884, z: 0.0008361111, w: -1} - {x: 0.98773795, y: -0.15611884, z: 0.0008361111, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872662, y: -0.15906851, z: 0.0016722389, w: -1} - {x: 0.98719454, y: -0.15952125, z: -0.00000001097503, w: -1} - {x: 0.9863827, y: -0.16446385, z: 0.0009841942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9863827, y: -0.16446385, z: 0.0009841942, w: -1} - {x: 0.985545, y: -0.16940236, z: 0.0019684236, w: -1} - {x: 0.9854844, y: -0.16976598, z: 0.0000000063783236, w: -1} - {x: 0.98388505, y: -0.17879814, z: 0.0012021756, w: -1} - {x: 0.98388505, y: -0.17879814, z: 0.0012021756, w: -1} - {x: 0.9822012, y: -0.1878162, z: 0.0024043755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821523, y: -0.18808746, z: 0.0000000032096092, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821544, y: -0.18807626, z: -0.0000005700441, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821544, y: -0.18807626, z: -0.0000005700441, w: -1} - {x: 0.98215663, y: -0.1880651, z: -0.0000011417837, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821566, y: -0.188065, z: 2.3296765e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.98361284, y: -0.18029377, z: 0.00012363226, w: -1} - {x: 0.98361284, y: -0.18029377, z: 0.00012363226, w: -1} - {x: 0.98500764, y: -0.17251052, z: 0.00024725628, w: -1} - {x: 0.9850078, y: -0.17250998, z: 0.0000000013872375, w: -1} - {x: 0.9878386, y: -0.1554791, z: 0.00110686, w: -1} - {x: 0.9878386, y: -0.1554791, z: 0.00110686, w: -1} - {x: 0.9903748, y: -0.13839445, z: 0.0022135992, w: -1} - {x: 0.99038786, y: -0.1383185, z: -0.00000000757179, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940887, y: -0.1084889, z: 0.0042229625, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940887, y: -0.1084889, z: 0.0042229625, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968766, y: -0.078521624, z: 0.008444976, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969713, y: -0.077770464, z: 0.000000086327766, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984512, y: -0.05557991, z: 0.0025150941, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984512, y: -0.05557991, z: 0.0025150941, w: -1} - {x: 0.99943113, y: -0.03334602, z: 0.00502988, w: -1} - {x: 0.99945647, y: -0.032967374, z: -0.0000000011434586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998091, y: -0.01951942, z: 0.0008461894, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998091, y: -0.01951942, z: 0.0008461894, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999802, y: -0.006064472, z: 0.0016923487, w: -1} - {x: 0.999982, y: -0.005996507, z: -0.0000000010876676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: -0.0009522523, z: 0.00021632075, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: -0.0009522523, z: 0.00021632075, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999154, y: 0.0040922095, z: 0.00043264305, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999916, y: 0.0041070725, z: -0.0000000015519743, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999917, y: 0.0040921816, z: -0.00000038874873, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999917, y: 0.0040921816, z: -0.00000038874873, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999917, y: 0.00407729, z: -0.0000007759451, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999917, y: 0.004077262, z: 2.642448e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.00076268346, z: -0.00018831788, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.00076268346, z: -0.00018831788, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999666, y: -0.0025519559, z: -0.00037663704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999967, y: -0.0025753777, z: -0.00000037827144, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997866, y: -0.006524852, z: -0.00040178184, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997866, y: -0.006524852, z: -0.00040178184, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994487, y: -0.010474313, z: -0.0008031889, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994427, y: -0.010561336, z: 0.000000012067799, w: -1} - {x: 0.999925, y: -0.012243073, z: -0.0002983781, w: -1} - {x: 0.999925, y: -0.012243073, z: -0.0002983781, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999029, y: -0.01392478, z: -0.0005967679, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990153, y: -0.014032552, z: -0.00000005728098, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999233, y: -0.012375938, z: 0.00046358578, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999233, y: -0.012375938, z: 0.00046358578, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999421, y: -0.010719281, z: 0.0009272291, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999453, y: -0.01046241, z: 0.00000016692432, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999907, y: -0.0031659922, z: 0.002920265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999907, y: -0.0031659922, z: 0.002920265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999745, y: 0.004131171, z: 0.0058403932, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999796, y: 0.006385868, z: 0.00000017576012, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997786, y: 0.019837538, z: 0.007013404, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997786, y: 0.019837538, z: 0.007013404, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993473, y: 0.03328818, z: 0.014026723, w: -1} - {x: 0.99919194, y: 0.04019368, z: 0.00000030761495, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996249, y: 0.025913235, z: -0.008868606, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996249, y: 0.025913235, z: -0.008868606, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997752, y: 0.0116211595, z: -0.017737893, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.000033194487, z: -1.1569134e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.999727, y: -0.018040761, z: 0.0148423975, w: -1} - {x: 0.999727, y: -0.018040761, z: 0.0148423975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989091, y: -0.03604715, z: 0.029683128, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982583, y: -0.05899472, z: 0.00000011121996, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968041, y: -0.078955345, z: 0.012148037, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968041, y: -0.078955345, z: 0.012148037, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948022, y: -0.098885424, z: 0.024296243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9936605, y: -0.112422384, z: 0.00000011326137, w: -1} - {x: 0.99303746, y: -0.11777955, z: 0.0021780294, w: -1} - {x: 0.99303746, y: -0.11777955, z: 0.0021780294, w: -1} - {x: 0.9923807, y: -0.123132996, z: 0.0043559726, w: -1} - {x: 0.992178, y: -0.12483119, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920185, y: -0.12609152, z: 0.00034993983, w: -1} - {x: 0.9920185, y: -0.12609152, z: 0.00034993983, w: -1} - {x: 0.99185735, y: -0.12735167, z: 0.00069988746, w: -1} - {x: 0.99183327, y: -0.12754117, z: 0.0000000128690685, w: -1} - {x: 0.99109954, y: -0.1331188, z: 0.0010603976, w: -1} - {x: 0.99109954, y: -0.1331188, z: 0.0010603976, w: -1} - {x: 0.99033326, y: -0.13869235, z: 0.002120803, w: -1} - {x: 0.99028295, y: -0.13906723, z: -0.000000010043371, w: -1} - {x: 0.9891273, y: -0.14705926, z: 0.0009335989, w: -1} - {x: 0.9891273, y: -0.14705926, z: 0.0009335989, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879061, y: -0.15504234, z: 0.0018672236, w: -1} - {x: 0.98787844, y: -0.1552298, z: -0.0000000024978521, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870889, y: -0.1601729, z: 0.00025613452, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870889, y: -0.1601729, z: 0.00025613452, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862747, y: -0.16511217, z: 0.0005122727, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862712, y: -0.16513366, z: 3.133233e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.986913, y: -0.16125374, z: 0.000008243546, w: -1} - {x: 0.986913, y: -0.16125374, z: 0.000008243546, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875395, y: -0.15737131, z: 0.000016486503, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875395, y: -0.15737142, z: -0.0000000013799352, w: -1} - {x: 0.9895196, y: -0.14439799, z: 0.00045560295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9895196, y: -0.14439799, z: 0.00045560295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913294, y: -0.13139646, z: 0.0009111539, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913314, y: -0.13138518, z: 0.000000004698419, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947677, y: -0.102128536, z: 0.0026239767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947677, y: -0.102128536, z: 0.0026239767, w: -1} - {x: 0.99733657, y: -0.07274656, z: 0.005246682, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973654, y: -0.07254197, z: 0.0000000031207554, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986419, y: -0.05207783, z: 0.0015430353, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986419, y: -0.05207783, z: 0.0015430353, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994965, y: -0.03157948, z: 0.0030858214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995052, y: -0.031454355, z: 7.4708023e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997747, y: -0.02122189, z: 0.00041088794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997747, y: -0.02122189, z: 0.00041088794, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999393, y: -0.010985677, z: 0.0008217615, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999399, y: -0.010966872, z: 7.684468e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997836, y: -0.0065882765, z: 0.0001503925, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997836, y: -0.0065882765, z: 0.0001503925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999975, y: -0.0022094357, z: 0.00030078433, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999976, y: -0.002201325, z: -1.395028e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999893, y: -0.004648532, z: -0.000089995185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999893, y: -0.004648532, z: -0.000089995185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999749, y: -0.0070957323, z: -0.00017999056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999748, y: -0.007103111, z: -0.0000000015329408, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995464, y: -0.009532669, z: -0.00015165155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995464, y: -0.009532669, z: -0.00015165155, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999285, y: -0.011962191, z: -0.00030330213, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992824, y: -0.011982393, z: -0.0000000022353002, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988437, y: -0.015204903, z: -0.00034924067, w: -1} - {x: 0.99988437, y: -0.015204903, z: -0.00034924067, w: -1} - {x: 0.99982995, y: -0.0184273, z: -0.00069848105, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998288, y: -0.018506905, z: -0.0000000122702, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997612, y: -0.021844737, z: -0.0006021289, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997612, y: -0.021844737, z: -0.0006021289, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968225, y: -0.025182378, z: -0.0012042484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996772, y: -0.025406627, z: -0.0000000562107, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963486, y: -0.02701881, z: -0.00044631734, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963486, y: -0.02701881, z: -0.00044631734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995896, y: -0.028630918, z: -0.0008925791, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995829, y: -0.028880619, z: -0.00000015532707, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962574, y: -0.027349927, z: 0.0005906923, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962574, y: -0.027349927, z: 0.0005906923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996659, y: -0.025819158, z: 0.00118154, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996782, y: -0.025366917, z: -0.0000000799434, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997674, y: -0.021478651, z: 0.0019161341, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997674, y: -0.021478651, z: 0.0019161341, w: -1} - {x: 0.999838, y: -0.0175899, z: 0.0038323528, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998763, y: -0.015733067, z: 0.00000012710893, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994147, y: -0.010195634, z: 0.0036281191, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994147, y: -0.010195634, z: 0.0036281191, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999628, y: -0.004657515, z: 0.007256103, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.000018849438, z: 0.00000045136693, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996606, y: -0.02060207, z: 0.015940424, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996606, y: -0.02060207, z: 0.015940424, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986429, y: -0.041184254, z: 0.031878486, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979436, y: -0.06409896, z: -0.0000000018234873, w: -1} - {x: 0.99745214, y: -0.07122626, z: 0.0040101586, w: -1} - {x: 0.99745214, y: -0.07122626, z: 0.0040101586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968937, y: -0.07834934, z: 0.008020359, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965739, y: -0.08270725, z: -0.0000000027332907, w: -1} - {x: 0.99648976, y: -0.083713904, z: 0.0003986468, w: -1} - {x: 0.99648976, y: -0.083713904, z: 0.0003986468, w: -1} - {x: 0.99640447, y: -0.08472048, z: 0.0007972991, w: -1} - {x: 0.99637824, y: -0.08503214, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961705, y: -0.08742907, z: 0.0006596179, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961705, y: -0.08742907, z: 0.0006596179, w: -1} - {x: 0.99595666, y: -0.08982548, z: 0.0013192432, w: -1} - {x: 0.9959255, y: -0.09018016, z: -0.000000024840126, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954844, y: -0.09492175, z: 0.0008539175, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954844, y: -0.09492175, z: 0.0008539175, w: -1} - {x: 0.99502, y: -0.099661276, z: 0.0017078666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949923, y: -0.09995168, z: 0.0000000047156994, w: -1} - {x: 0.99452555, y: -0.10449281, z: 0.00046626848, w: -1} - {x: 0.99452555, y: -0.10449281, z: 0.00046626848, w: -1} - {x: 0.9940378, y: -0.10903189, z: 0.0009325366, w: -1} - {x: 0.99402875, y: -0.10911924, z: 0.0000000017305093, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938852, y: -0.11041874, z: 0.0000558968, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938852, y: -0.11041874, z: 0.0000558968, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937399, y: -0.11171805, z: 0.000111792746, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937395, y: -0.11172258, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939475, y: -0.10985679, z: -0.000008780609, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939475, y: -0.10985679, z: -0.000008780609, w: -1} - {x: 0.99415195, y: -0.10799061, z: -0.000017561248, w: -1} - {x: 0.994152, y: -0.10799048, z: 2.9949987e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944904, y: -0.10482784, z: 0.00003958815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9944904, y: -0.10482784, z: 0.00003958815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948188, y: -0.101664096, z: 0.00007917606, w: -1} - {x: 0.99481887, y: -0.10166356, z: -7.3120887e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966203, y: -0.0821425, z: 0.0007682767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966203, y: -0.0821425, z: 0.0007682767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980387, y: -0.06257911, z: 0.0015362505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980406, y: -0.06256989, z: 4.3704312e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904585, y: -0.043666665, z: 0.0007679533, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904585, y: -0.043666665, z: 0.0007679533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996928, y: -0.024738133, z: 0.00153565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996943, y: -0.024724942, z: -1.3944448e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998479, y: -0.01744406, z: 0.00016655176, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998479, y: -0.01744406, z: 0.00016655176, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999484, y: -0.010161697, z: 0.00033309933, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994844, y: -0.010158182, z: -1.8644045e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997896, y: -0.006495846, z: 0.00009878737, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997896, y: -0.006495846, z: 0.00009878737, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999607, y: -0.0028333522, z: 0.00019757499, w: -1} - {x: 0.999996, y: -0.0028292015, z: 0.0000000017910302, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999547, y: -0.0030121463, z: -0.0000075626554, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999547, y: -0.0030121463, z: -0.0000075626554, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999493, y: -0.0031950912, z: -0.00001512711, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999493, y: -0.0031956758, z: 0.0000000034296868, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999883, y: -0.004836003, z: -0.00010921837, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999883, y: -0.004836003, z: -0.00010921837, w: -1} - {x: 0.999979, y: -0.006476323, z: -0.00021844036, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997896, y: -0.006491488, z: -0.0000000025157798, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995124, y: -0.009877173, z: -0.00038565535, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995124, y: -0.009877173, z: -0.00038565535, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999118, y: -0.013262797, z: -0.00077131006, w: -1} - {x: 0.99991083, y: -0.013355171, z: -0.000000013020968, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986005, y: -0.016723748, z: -0.0006270694, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986005, y: -0.016723748, z: -0.0006270694, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997974, y: -0.020092184, z: -0.0012541297, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997933, y: -0.020332966, z: 0.000000029120823, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997441, y: -0.022615746, z: -0.0006384361, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997441, y: -0.022615746, z: -0.0006384361, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996892, y: -0.02489841, z: -0.0012769018, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968094, y: -0.025260683, z: 0.0000000507629, w: -1} - {x: 0.999653, y: -0.026342947, z: -0.0004146133, w: -1} - {x: 0.999653, y: -0.026342947, z: -0.0004146133, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962354, y: -0.027425172, z: -0.00082927634, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996151, y: -0.027744258, z: 0.00000015584163, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995832, y: -0.028865855, z: -0.0005435354, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995832, y: -0.028865855, z: -0.0005435354, w: -1} - {x: 0.99954975, y: -0.029987408, z: -0.0010872269, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995343, y: -0.030516418, z: -0.0000000010058949, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997836, y: -0.019583933, z: 0.007016395, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997836, y: -0.019583933, z: 0.007016395, w: -1} - {x: 0.99986416, y: -0.008646337, z: 0.014032694, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.000013006027, z: 5.315306e-13, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998104, y: -0.015808435, z: 0.0113764135, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998104, y: -0.015808435, z: 0.0113764135, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992415, y: -0.03160364, z: 0.022752313, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988916, y: -0.04706978, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99864113, y: -0.052044198, z: 0.0027196489, w: -1} - {x: 0.99864113, y: -0.052044198, z: 0.0027196489, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983584, y: -0.057017114, z: 0.0054393103, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982031, y: -0.059922058, z: 0.0000000013626426, w: -1} - {x: 0.99809587, y: -0.061678957, z: 0.0006917274, w: -1} - {x: 0.99809587, y: -0.061678957, z: 0.0006917274, w: -1} - {x: 0.997985, y: -0.06343566, z: 0.0013834604, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979517, y: -0.06397347, z: -9.721421e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99775934, y: -0.06690113, z: 0.000792948, w: -1} - {x: 0.99775934, y: -0.06690113, z: 0.000792948, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975578, y: -0.06982821, z: 0.0015858976, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975296, y: -0.07024722, z: 0.000000020340947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972621, y: -0.0739452, z: 0.00063515047, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972621, y: -0.0739452, z: 0.00063515047, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969805, y: -0.07764223, z: 0.0012702827, w: -1} - {x: 0.996965, y: -0.07785086, z: 0.000000004105468, w: -1} - {x: 0.99679214, y: -0.080034316, z: 0.00020692943, w: -1} - {x: 0.99679214, y: -0.080034316, z: 0.00020692943, w: -1} - {x: 0.99661446, y: -0.08221738, z: 0.00041385274, w: -1} - {x: 0.99661136, y: -0.08225488, z: -0.000000001582805, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966831, y: -0.08137998, z: -0.00003576487, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966831, y: -0.08137998, z: -0.00003576487, w: -1} - {x: 0.99675417, y: -0.08050502, z: -0.00007152833, w: -1} - {x: 0.99675447, y: -0.08050205, z: 3.461068e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99707747, y: -0.076397516, z: -0.000032329943, w: -1} - {x: 0.99707747, y: -0.076397516, z: -0.000032329943, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973836, y: -0.07229163, z: -0.00006466077, w: -1} - {x: 0.99738365, y: -0.072290674, z: -2.4250874e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978233, y: -0.06594478, z: 0.000045056902, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978233, y: -0.06594478, z: 0.000045056902, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982226, y: -0.05959586, z: 0.00009010984, w: -1} - {x: 0.99822265, y: -0.059596196, z: 2.6107868e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99858916, y: -0.05310173, z: 0.00003939186, w: -1} - {x: 0.99858916, y: -0.05310173, z: 0.00003939186, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891347, y: -0.046604633, z: 0.000078779245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989134, y: -0.046605017, z: 1.25563214e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940944, y: -0.034362584, z: 0.00010552227, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940944, y: -0.034362584, z: 0.00010552227, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975544, y: -0.02211238, z: 0.0002109861, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975544, y: -0.022114906, z: 5.696479e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987125, y: -0.016047824, z: 0.00006415827, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987125, y: -0.016047824, z: 0.00006415827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999502, y: -0.009979833, z: 0.00012831352, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995023, y: -0.009979774, z: 1.6758603e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.999986, y: -0.0052878032, z: 0.00009754055, w: -1} - {x: 0.999986, y: -0.0052878032, z: 0.00009754055, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999999, y: -0.0005955697, z: 0.00019508044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999998, y: -0.00059310853, z: -0.0000000014846032, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999523, y: 0.0031122786, z: 0.00015267756, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999523, y: 0.0031122786, z: 0.00015267756, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997675, y: 0.0068176948, z: 0.0003053569, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999767, y: 0.006828328, z: -0.000000002809147, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998283, y: 0.005857459, z: -0.00006719079, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998283, y: 0.005857459, z: -0.00006719079, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999881, y: 0.004886583, z: -0.00013437879, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998814, y: 0.004877062, z: 0.000000002824253, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999914, y: 0.004157633, z: -0.00008613927, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999914, y: 0.004157633, z: -0.00008613927, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999416, y: 0.0034382013, z: -0.00017228132, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999942, y: 0.003417417, z: 0.000000013930076, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999857, y: 0.0016802447, z: -0.0003337811, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999857, y: 0.0016802447, z: -0.0003337811, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.000056940196, z: -0.0006675766, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0001870956, z: 0.000000059049295, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.00075910136, z: -0.0001623888, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999976, y: -0.00075910136, z: -0.0001623888, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999991, y: -0.0013311071, z: -0.00032483664, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999905, y: -0.0014236736, z: -4.184184e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999989, y: -0.0015003586, z: -0.000029706815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999989, y: -0.0015003586, z: -0.000029706815, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999988, y: -0.0015770436, z: -0.000059413596, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999875, y: -0.0015999359, z: -5.0971234e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999404, y: -0.0033731367, z: -0.0008636295, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999404, y: -0.0033731367, z: -0.0008636295, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999853, y: -0.0051463316, z: -0.0017272593, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998206, y: -0.005993865, z: 0.00000011541142, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999919, y: -0.0038166912, z: 0.0013413981, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999919, y: -0.0038166912, z: 0.0013413981, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999951, y: -0.0016394788, z: 0.00268268, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.000024507724, z: 0.00000013453334, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989563, y: -0.011952221, z: 0.008117015, w: -1} - {x: 0.99989563, y: -0.011952221, z: 0.008117015, w: -1} - {x: 0.999583, y: -0.023879917, z: 0.016233776, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940646, y: -0.034449015, z: -8.7925606e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99922836, y: -0.03919597, z: 0.002543528, w: -1} - {x: 0.99922836, y: -0.03919597, z: 0.002543528, w: -1} - {x: 0.99902123, y: -0.043941952, z: 0.005087068, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891317, y: -0.04661013, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877656, y: -0.04943962, z: 0.0011041575, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877656, y: -0.04943962, z: 0.0011041575, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986306, y: -0.05226869, z: 0.0022083214, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985884, y: -0.053116165, z: 9.548559e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99838907, y: -0.056730565, z: 0.00095973106, w: -1} - {x: 0.99838907, y: -0.056730565, z: 0.00095973106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981758, y: -0.060344238, z: 0.001919466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981476, y: -0.06083974, z: -0.000000010662352, w: -1} - {x: 0.99794644, y: -0.064053394, z: 0.00053095666, w: -1} - {x: 0.99794644, y: -0.064053394, z: 0.00053095666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977346, y: -0.067266405, z: 0.0010619242, w: -1} - {x: 0.99772364, y: -0.067435235, z: -0.0000000031513117, w: -1} - {x: 0.99767375, y: -0.068169996, z: 0.000066931556, w: -1} - {x: 0.99767375, y: -0.068169996, z: 0.000066931556, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976232, y: -0.06890471, z: 0.0001338663, w: -1} - {x: 0.99762243, y: -0.06891665, z: 0.0000000010039656, w: -1} - {x: 0.99778354, y: -0.06654313, z: -0.00010043245, w: -1} - {x: 0.99778354, y: -0.06654313, z: -0.00010043245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979391, y: -0.064169236, z: -0.00020086642, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979397, y: -0.064159915, z: 1.2804527e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99822295, y: -0.059589308, z: -0.0000679197, w: -1} - {x: 0.99822295, y: -0.059589308, z: -0.0000679197, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984854, y: -0.055017326, z: -0.00013584137, w: -1} - {x: 0.99848557, y: -0.05501425, z: 2.6024556e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.99878395, y: -0.049300615, z: -0.000021039436, w: -1} - {x: 0.99878395, y: -0.049300615, z: -0.000021039436, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990498, y: -0.043585103, z: -0.00004208229, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990498, y: -0.04358454, z: -2.784744e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99924445, y: -0.038865212, z: -0.000023327268, w: -1} - {x: 0.99924445, y: -0.038865212, z: -0.000023327268, w: -1} - {x: 0.99941695, y: -0.034144863, z: -0.00004665625, w: -1} - {x: 0.99941695, y: -0.03414426, z: -1.4133472e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995334, y: -0.030546091, z: -0.000043460484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995334, y: -0.030546091, z: -0.000043460484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996368, y: -0.026947455, z: -0.000086921675, w: -1} - {x: 0.99963695, y: -0.026945911, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998319, y: -0.01833477, z: 0.000002919561, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998319, y: -0.01833477, z: 0.000002919561, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999528, y: -0.009721368, z: 0.0000058233622, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995273, y: -0.009721498, z: -1.4471133e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999807, y: -0.0062113265, z: 0.00004513249, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999807, y: -0.0062113265, z: 0.00004513249, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999964, y: -0.002701018, z: 0.000090264926, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999964, y: -0.002700375, z: 3.550337e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.999995, y: 0.0031644958, z: 0.00020512278, w: -1} - {x: 0.999995, y: 0.0031644958, z: 0.00020512278, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995923, y: 0.009029546, z: 0.0004102448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999592, y: 0.009039859, z: 0.0000000019391961, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998924, y: 0.014663261, z: 0.0003990696, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998924, y: 0.014663261, z: 0.0003990696, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997939, y: 0.020286446, z: 0.0007981393, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979323, y: 0.020335494, z: 2.2360579e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997403, y: 0.022790115, z: 0.00029683663, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997403, y: 0.022790115, z: 0.00029683663, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996812, y: 0.025244614, z: 0.0005936739, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996796, y: 0.025313886, z: 3.5665215e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99958515, y: 0.028793365, z: 0.00067870185, w: -1} - {x: 0.99958515, y: 0.028793365, z: 0.00067870185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994783, y: 0.032272547, z: 0.0013574063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994708, y: 0.032528933, z: 0.0000000010204294, w: -1} - {x: 0.99933517, y: 0.036443394, z: 0.0011153966, w: -1} - {x: 0.99933517, y: 0.036443394, z: 0.0011153966, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991828, y: 0.04035733, z: 0.0022307977, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991602, y: 0.040976234, z: 0.000000051807017, w: -1} - {x: 0.99911, y: 0.042178705, z: 0.00046335498, w: -1} - {x: 0.99911, y: 0.042178705, z: 0.00046335498, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990582, y: 0.043381117, z: 0.00092665944, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904317, y: 0.04373534, z: -0.0000000016398275, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993159, y: 0.0368265, z: -0.0033893348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993159, y: 0.0368265, z: -0.0033893348, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995295, y: 0.029914971, z: -0.006778724, w: -1} - {x: 0.999649, y: 0.026492963, z: -0.00000022598698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998394, y: 0.016943585, z: -0.005835017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998394, y: 0.016943585, z: -0.005835017, w: -1} - {x: 0.99990463, y: 0.007390811, z: -0.011669897, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00007858284, z: -0.00000012586824, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993587, y: -0.0095151765, z: 0.0061475686, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993587, y: -0.0095151765, z: 0.0061475686, w: -1} - {x: 0.99974483, y: -0.018951781, z: 0.012295236, w: -1} - {x: 0.99964404, y: -0.026682695, z: -0.00000008884134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994862, y: -0.031932957, z: 0.0027593956, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994862, y: -0.031932957, z: 0.0027593956, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992932, y: -0.037182305, z: 0.0055188923, w: -1} - {x: 0.99919903, y: -0.040016502, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990021, y: -0.044628415, z: 0.0017748345, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990021, y: -0.044628415, z: 0.0017748345, w: -1} - {x: 0.99878067, y: -0.049239386, z: 0.0035496834, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987205, y: -0.050570387, z: 0.000000024094106, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984691, y: -0.055297744, z: 0.0012245408, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984691, y: -0.055297744, z: 0.0012245408, w: -1} - {x: 0.998194, y: -0.060023934, z: 0.0024490664, w: -1} - {x: 0.99816, y: -0.060635224, z: 0.000000009415812, w: -1} - {x: 0.99798244, y: -0.0634895, z: 0.0004555984, w: -1} - {x: 0.99798244, y: -0.0634895, z: 0.0004555984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977965, y: -0.06634327, z: 0.0009111893, w: -1} - {x: 0.99778754, y: -0.06648361, z: -6.6489136e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978076, y: -0.066181205, z: -0.000027202788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978076, y: -0.066181205, z: -0.000027202788, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978277, y: -0.06587879, z: -0.00005440433, w: -1} - {x: 0.99782795, y: -0.06587391, z: -7.580555e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99801767, y: -0.06293402, z: -0.00013643088, w: -1} - {x: 0.99801767, y: -0.06293402, z: -0.00013643088, w: -1} - {x: 0.99819875, y: -0.059993546, z: -0.00027286145, w: -1} - {x: 0.99819964, y: -0.05997958, z: -1.8285545e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984438, y: -0.055767857, z: -0.00009533982, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984438, y: -0.055767857, z: -0.00009533982, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986702, y: -0.05155504, z: -0.00019068093, w: -1} - {x: 0.99867046, y: -0.051549386, z: -8.405964e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988972, y: -0.046952516, z: -0.00006137097, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988972, y: -0.046952516, z: -0.00006137097, w: -1} - {x: 0.99910265, y: -0.042354506, z: -0.00012274375, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991028, y: -0.042351913, z: 8.0376726e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992999, y: -0.037415013, z: -0.00006379408, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992999, y: -0.037415013, z: -0.00006379408, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947244, y: -0.03247702, z: -0.0001275907, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947256, y: -0.03247431, z: 7.180297e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994478, y: -0.03322793, z: 0.000013675942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994478, y: -0.03322793, z: 0.000013675942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994225, y: -0.033981524, z: 0.000027351763, w: -1} - {x: 0.99942243, y: -0.033981975, z: 2.1081985e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996359, y: -0.026986262, z: -0.00009933812, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996359, y: -0.026986262, z: -0.00009933812, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980026, y: -0.01998873, z: -0.00019868553, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998004, y: -0.01998355, z: 9.3425415e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987924, y: -0.015541915, z: 0.000030864492, w: -1} - {x: 0.99987924, y: -0.015541915, z: 0.000030864492, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999384, y: -0.011099848, z: 0.00006172811, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999384, y: -0.01109987, z: 1.4500574e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996865, y: -0.007915821, z: 0.000079768346, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996865, y: -0.007915821, z: 0.000079768346, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999888, y: -0.0047316467, z: 0.00015953662, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998885, y: -0.004728474, z: 0.0000000015140649, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999951, y: 0.0031043296, z: 0.00048145378, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999951, y: 0.0031043296, z: 0.00048145378, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999397, y: 0.010937627, z: 0.00096290756, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993974, y: 0.010984125, z: 0.000000007857923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997876, y: 0.020577485, z: 0.0011200871, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997876, y: 0.020577485, z: 0.0011200871, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995423, y: 0.030170193, z: 0.002240185, w: -1} - {x: 0.999538, y: 0.030394752, z: -0.000000027446308, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992684, y: 0.038215674, z: 0.0014788052, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992684, y: 0.038215674, z: 0.0014788052, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989355, y: 0.046034876, z: 0.0029576644, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891585, y: 0.046552427, z: -0.000000112879654, w: -1} - {x: 0.998677, y: 0.05140551, z: 0.0013483516, w: -1} - {x: 0.998677, y: 0.05140551, z: 0.0013483516, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984126, y: 0.056257438, z: 0.0026968266, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983753, y: 0.056980595, z: -0.00000010251025, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857134, y: 0.05341632, z: -0.001364947, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857134, y: 0.05341632, z: -0.001364947, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987529, y: 0.049851198, z: -0.0027297987, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988091, y: 0.04878908, z: 0.00000044358464, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940217, y: 0.033724524, z: -0.0076081147, w: -1} - {x: 0.99940217, y: 0.033724524, z: -0.0076081147, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971026, y: 0.018645281, z: -0.015217288, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999452, y: 0.010466098, z: -0.0000001208975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999745, y: 0.0067474465, z: -0.0023556647, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999745, y: 0.0067474465, z: -0.0023556647, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999844, y: 0.0030285893, z: -0.0047112107, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.00020794546, z: 0.00000006124058, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999492, y: -0.008590483, z: 0.005272668, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999492, y: -0.008590483, z: 0.005272668, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998004, y: -0.016973028, z: 0.010545268, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972624, y: -0.023397977, z: -0.00000017248479, w: -1} - {x: 0.99951476, y: -0.030908076, z: 0.003862155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99951476, y: -0.030908076, z: 0.003862155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99923193, y: -0.03841659, z: 0.0077245147, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991067, y: -0.042260565, z: -0.000000099891906, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987589, y: -0.04972724, z: 0.0028068332, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987589, y: -0.04972724, z: 0.0028068332, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983475, y: -0.057191383, z: 0.005613812, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982453, y: -0.059214663, z: -0.0000000018072681, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978796, y: -0.0650701, z: 0.001466565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9978796, y: -0.0650701, z: 0.001466565, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974774, y: -0.070923455, z: 0.0029331523, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974317, y: -0.07162402, z: -0.000000008843992, w: -1} - {x: 0.99725544, y: -0.0740369, z: 0.0003732476, w: -1} - {x: 0.99725544, y: -0.0740369, z: 0.0003732476, w: -1} - {x: 0.99707323, y: -0.07644939, z: 0.00074650795, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970649, y: -0.07656103, z: 0.0000000030950447, w: -1} - {x: 0.99714464, y: -0.075515084, z: -0.0000944566, w: -1} - {x: 0.99714464, y: -0.075515084, z: -0.0000944566, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972234, y: -0.07446907, z: -0.00018891695, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972246, y: -0.07445178, z: -5.0605836e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99744904, y: -0.07138153, z: -0.00015778134, w: -1} - {x: 0.99744904, y: -0.07138153, z: -0.00015778134, w: -1} - {x: 0.99766403, y: -0.06831056, z: -0.0003155639, w: -1} - {x: 0.99766535, y: -0.06829276, z: 7.3312834e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979346, y: -0.06423885, z: -0.00012063853, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979346, y: -0.06423885, z: -0.00012063853, w: -1} - {x: 0.99818736, y: -0.06018377, z: -0.00024127975, w: -1} - {x: 0.99818784, y: -0.060174953, z: -4.3090198e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99837995, y: -0.056898624, z: -0.0000691775, w: -1} - {x: 0.99837995, y: -0.056898624, z: -0.0000691775, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985613, y: -0.05362163, z: -0.00013835552, w: -1} - {x: 0.99856156, y: -0.05361795, z: -8.246389e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877197, y: -0.0495449, z: -0.00008662493, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877197, y: -0.0495449, z: -0.00008662493, w: -1} - {x: 0.99896574, y: -0.045470927, z: -0.00017325123, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989659, y: -0.04546607, z: -2.0754444e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988819, y: -0.047275536, z: 0.00003055837, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988819, y: -0.047275536, z: 0.00003055837, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987947, y: -0.04908486, z: 0.00006111694, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987946, y: -0.049085684, z: -4.237646e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988773, y: -0.047374036, z: -0.000044582866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988773, y: -0.047374036, z: -0.000044582866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989569, y: -0.045662228, z: -0.00008916564, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989571, y: -0.04565968, z: -2.1686377e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993147, y: -0.03701427, z: -0.0000046488126, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993147, y: -0.03701427, z: -0.0000046488126, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995976, y: -0.028365156, z: -0.000009313983, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995976, y: -0.028365076, z: -3.3752173e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995357, y: -0.030471027, z: -0.00004150904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995357, y: -0.030471027, z: -0.00004150904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994692, y: -0.03257686, z: -0.000083017934, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946916, y: -0.03257883, z: -0.0000000022427147, w: -1} - {x: 0.99942636, y: -0.03386872, z: -0.00006219731, w: -1} - {x: 0.99942636, y: -0.03386872, z: -0.00006219731, w: -1} - {x: 0.99938184, y: -0.035158563, z: -0.00012439275, w: -1} - {x: 0.99938154, y: -0.0351649, z: -0.000000007670585, w: -1} - {x: 0.99950373, y: -0.03149889, z: 0.00036784064, w: -1} - {x: 0.99950373, y: -0.03149889, z: 0.00036784064, w: -1} - {x: 0.99961233, y: -0.027832385, z: 0.00073569, w: -1} - {x: 0.99961454, y: -0.02776321, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979794, y: -0.02005771, z: 0.0013513289, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979794, y: -0.02005771, z: 0.0013513289, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999201, y: -0.012350338, z: 0.0027026779, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999291, y: -0.011912491, z: 0.000000026785697, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997294, y: -0.0072478564, z: 0.001254491, w: -1} - {x: 0.99997294, y: -0.0072478564, z: 0.001254491, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999356, y: -0.0025829105, z: 0.0025089625, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999815, y: -0.0019291596, z: 4.229041e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999896, y: -0.004444868, z: -0.0009811029, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999896, y: -0.004444868, z: -0.0009811029, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999739, y: -0.006960565, z: -0.0019622073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999701, y: -0.007735169, z: 0.000000092543154, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999542, y: -0.009516137, z: -0.0009577636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999542, y: -0.009516137, z: -0.0009577636, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999343, y: -0.011297074, z: -0.0019156203, w: -1} - {x: 0.99992394, y: -0.0123343235, z: 0.0000002458211, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999645, y: -0.0079480745, z: 0.002817367, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999645, y: -0.0079480745, z: 0.002817367, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999778, y: -0.0035614918, z: 0.005634486, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999998, y: -0.0005906248, z: 0.000000017508254, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993634, y: -0.009786496, z: 0.0056043817, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993634, y: -0.009786496, z: 0.0056043817, w: -1} - {x: 0.99975705, y: -0.01898236, z: 0.011208749, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967295, y: -0.025574474, z: 0.00000016204046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992674, y: -0.03778532, z: 0.006085723, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992674, y: -0.03778532, z: 0.006085723, w: -1} - {x: 0.99867547, y: -0.049991824, z: 0.012171403, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984457, y: -0.055733457, z: 0.0000000012647131, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977615, y: -0.06675548, z: 0.0039858413, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977615, y: -0.06675548, z: 0.0039858413, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969394, y: -0.07777033, z: 0.007971811, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967571, y: -0.08046984, z: 0.0000000017330156, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961743, y: -0.08737421, z: 0.0016571394, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961743, y: -0.08737421, z: 0.0016571394, w: -1} - {x: 0.99554074, y: -0.09427464, z: 0.003314305, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954752, y: -0.09502233, z: 0.000000016681264, w: -1} - {x: 0.99526906, y: -0.097156525, z: 0.00032110774, w: -1} - {x: 0.99526906, y: -0.097156525, z: 0.00032110774, w: -1} - {x: 0.9950584, y: -0.09929031, z: 0.0006422006, w: -1} - {x: 0.99504924, y: -0.099383675, z: -0.0000000018381083, w: -1} - {x: 0.99517477, y: -0.09811859, z: -0.00011638275, w: -1} - {x: 0.99517477, y: -0.09811859, z: -0.00011638275, w: -1} - {x: 0.99529874, y: -0.096853346, z: -0.00023276245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953008, y: -0.09683162, z: -0.0000000012206681, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955661, y: -0.09406444, z: -0.0001566776, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955661, y: -0.09406444, z: -0.0001566776, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958237, y: -0.0912965, z: -0.00031335442, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958255, y: -0.09127745, z: 1.4764278e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99612504, y: -0.08794871, z: -0.00012203966, w: -1} - {x: 0.99612504, y: -0.08794871, z: -0.00012203966, w: -1} - {x: 0.99641335, y: -0.08461892, z: -0.0002440808, w: -1} - {x: 0.99641424, y: -0.08460865, z: -1.3667796e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967085, y: -0.08106887, z: -0.00009449327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967085, y: -0.08106887, z: -0.00009449327, w: -1} - {x: 0.99699014, y: -0.077528015, z: -0.0001889871, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969907, y: -0.07752187, z: -5.6714213e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968648, y: -0.07912447, z: 0.000045140634, w: -1} - {x: 0.9968648, y: -0.07912447, z: 0.000045140634, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967363, y: -0.0807269, z: 0.00009028146, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967361, y: -0.080729164, z: 1.05630414e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966619, y: -0.08164067, z: 0.0000125980805, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966619, y: -0.08164067, z: 0.0000125980805, w: -1} - {x: 0.99658674, y: -0.08255209, z: 0.00002519608, w: -1} - {x: 0.99658674, y: -0.0825524, z: 1.8052752e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964231, y: -0.08450492, z: 0.000056452747, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964231, y: -0.08450492, z: 0.000056452747, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962556, y: -0.08645712, z: 0.0001129051, w: -1} - {x: 0.99625534, y: -0.08645999, z: -1.566998e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972633, y: -0.07393288, z: -0.00018985017, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972633, y: -0.07393288, z: -0.00018985017, w: -1} - {x: 0.99811375, y: -0.061391253, z: -0.0003797861, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981147, y: -0.061377417, z: 1.5625189e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99773854, y: -0.06721538, z: -0.00013564387, w: -1} - {x: 0.99773854, y: -0.06721538, z: -0.00013564387, w: -1} - {x: 0.99732816, y: -0.073051356, z: -0.00027129377, w: -1} - {x: 0.99732757, y: -0.07306029, z: 9.737178e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967087, y: -0.08106604, z: -0.0004034924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967087, y: -0.08106604, z: -0.0004034924, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960253, y: -0.0890673, z: -0.0008070091, w: -1} - {x: 0.99602103, y: -0.08911858, z: 0.000000006691336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953092, y: -0.09674304, z: -0.0007178061, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953092, y: -0.09674304, z: -0.0007178061, w: -1} - {x: 0.99453837, y: -0.10436239, z: -0.0014356454, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945234, y: -0.10451468, z: -0.00000036067794, w: -1} - {x: 0.99417317, y: -0.107794434, z: -0.00053146284, w: -1} - {x: 0.99417317, y: -0.107794434, z: -0.00053146284, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938117, y: -0.11107302, z: -0.0010625699, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937926, y: -0.11124911, z: 0.000000024959446, w: -1} - {x: 0.99419254, y: -0.1076121, z: 0.0009476331, w: -1} - {x: 0.99419254, y: -0.1076121, z: 0.0009476331, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945783, y: -0.103973515, z: 0.0018952428, w: -1} - {x: 0.9946297, y: -0.103497624, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99573964, y: -0.09209952, z: 0.004497013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99573964, y: -0.09209952, z: 0.004497013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99669904, y: -0.0806855, z: 0.008994056, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970033, y: -0.07735889, z: 0.000000093205905, w: -1} - {x: 0.99801886, y: -0.062393136, z: 0.008098516, w: -1} - {x: 0.99801886, y: -0.062393136, z: 0.008098516, w: -1} - {x: 0.99874437, y: -0.0474048, z: 0.016196782, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992323, y: -0.039177246, z: -0.00000012147913, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996479, y: -0.024968544, z: 0.0089751445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996479, y: -0.024968544, z: 0.0089751445, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978113, y: -0.010748842, z: 0.017950173, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0003625883, z: 0.00000024032485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998871, y: -0.013039485, z: 0.007458243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998871, y: -0.013039485, z: 0.007458243, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995579, y: -0.025716508, z: 0.014916245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994197, y: -0.034063358, z: -0.00000007353958, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857134, y: -0.05270189, z: 0.008815842, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857134, y: -0.05270189, z: 0.008815842, w: -1} - {x: 0.99729717, y: -0.07132776, z: 0.017632129, w: -1} - {x: 0.99687785, y: -0.078959525, z: 0.000000041616858, w: -1} - {x: 0.99555635, y: -0.09402765, z: 0.005133887, w: -1} - {x: 0.99555635, y: -0.09402765, z: 0.005133887, w: -1} - {x: 0.9939803, y: -0.10907708, z: 0.010268039, w: -1} - {x: 0.99368036, y: -0.112246916, z: 0.0000000016429789, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926752, y: -0.12079829, z: 0.0019465953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9926752, y: -0.12079829, z: 0.0019465953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9915925, y: -0.12934121, z: 0.0038932387, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914938, y: -0.13015398, z: -0.00000000785415, w: -1} - {x: 0.99111587, y: -0.13300128, z: 0.00041784096, w: -1} - {x: 0.99111587, y: -0.13300128, z: 0.00041784096, w: -1} - {x: 0.99072945, y: -0.13584751, z: 0.00083569356, w: -1} - {x: 0.99071383, y: -0.13596386, z: -0.0000000066120185, w: -1} - {x: 0.99077874, y: -0.13549002, z: -0.00004462101, w: -1} - {x: 0.99077874, y: -0.13549002, z: -0.00004462101, w: -1} - {x: 0.9908435, y: -0.13501613, z: -0.00008923473, w: -1} - {x: 0.99084455, y: -0.13500778, z: 7.067291e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910579, y: -0.13343272, z: -0.00009678725, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910579, y: -0.13343272, z: -0.00009678725, w: -1} - {x: 0.99126875, y: -0.13185732, z: -0.00019357567, w: -1} - {x: 0.99127036, y: -0.13184515, z: 6.2508154e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99132514, y: -0.13143215, z: -0.000017495468, w: -1} - {x: 0.99132514, y: -0.13143215, z: -0.000017495468, w: -1} - {x: 0.99137986, y: -0.13101913, z: -0.00003499103, w: -1} - {x: 0.99138004, y: -0.13101761, z: 5.2765625e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918389, y: -0.12749775, z: -0.00011520044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918389, y: -0.12749775, z: -0.00011520044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922852, y: -0.12397621, z: -0.00023040257, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922863, y: -0.1239674, z: -6.131988e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.99143887, y: -0.130572, z: 0.0001681013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99143887, y: -0.130572, z: 0.0001681013, w: -1} - {x: 0.99054736, y: -0.13717122, z: 0.00033619982, w: -1} - {x: 0.99054676, y: -0.13717583, z: -1.2067318e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.99031746, y: -0.13882132, z: 0.000020203452, w: -1} - {x: 0.99031746, y: -0.13882132, z: 0.000020203452, w: -1} - {x: 0.99008554, y: -0.14046647, z: 0.00004040732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900854, y: -0.14046681, z: -7.161238e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.98966336, y: -0.1434106, z: 0.00007535704, w: -1} - {x: 0.98966336, y: -0.1434106, z: 0.00007535704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892324, y: -0.14635314, z: 0.00015071536, w: -1} - {x: 0.98923194, y: -0.14635618, z: 0.0000000012493357, w: -1} - {x: 0.99078834, y: -0.13541879, z: -0.0003988107, w: -1} - {x: 0.99078834, y: -0.13541879, z: -0.0003988107, w: -1} - {x: 0.992224, y: -0.124462865, z: -0.00079769164, w: -1} - {x: 0.99222976, y: -0.124419205, z: 5.2017923e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918303, y: -0.12756519, z: -0.00010442691, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918303, y: -0.12756519, z: -0.00010442691, w: -1} - {x: 0.99142075, y: -0.1307099, z: -0.0002088546, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914197, y: -0.13071781, z: 0.0000000015423666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9901025, y: -0.14034458, z: -0.0006172269, w: -1} - {x: 0.9901025, y: -0.14034458, z: -0.0006172269, w: -1} - {x: 0.9886914, y: -0.14995931, z: -0.0012345052, w: -1} - {x: 0.9886774, y: -0.15005702, z: 0.0000000015716645, w: -1} - {x: 0.98720324, y: -0.15946366, z: -0.0010098569, w: -1} - {x: 0.98720324, y: -0.15946366, z: -0.0010098569, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856385, y: -0.16885687, z: -0.002019774, w: -1} - {x: 0.9855988, y: -0.16910043, z: 0.0000000024313351, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848166, y: -0.17359672, z: -0.0007547219, w: -1} - {x: 0.9848166, y: -0.17359672, z: -0.0007547219, w: -1} - {x: 0.9840132, y: -0.17808938, z: -0.0015094464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9839677, y: -0.17834663, z: 0.000000046505335, w: -1} - {x: 0.98482335, y: -0.1735554, z: 0.0012161945, w: -1} - {x: 0.98482335, y: -0.1735554, z: 0.0012161945, w: -1} - {x: 0.9856542, y: -0.16875961, z: 0.0024323615, w: -1} - {x: 0.98575616, y: -0.16818115, z: 0.000000041331628, w: -1} - {x: 0.98832697, y: -0.15223227, z: 0.0059314338, w: -1} - {x: 0.98832697, y: -0.15223227, z: 0.0059314338, w: -1} - {x: 0.9906058, y: -0.13623299, z: 0.011862828, w: -1} - {x: 0.99121416, y: -0.13226698, z: -0.0000006093993, w: -1} - {x: 0.99403405, y: -0.10839364, z: 0.012131149, w: -1} - {x: 0.99403405, y: -0.10839364, z: 0.012131149, w: -1} - {x: 0.99613446, y: -0.08442421, z: 0.024261728, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973039, y: -0.07338222, z: 0.00000010748551, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988203, y: -0.045636296, z: 0.016593738, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988203, y: -0.045636296, z: 0.016593738, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992905, y: -0.01781387, z: 0.033184484, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0000030346805, z: 0.000000015238253, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997867, y: -0.018024495, z: 0.010090351, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997867, y: -0.018024495, z: 0.010090351, w: -1} - {x: 0.99914634, y: -0.03604678, z: 0.020180676, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989163, y: -0.04654175, z: 0.00000012877807, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973134, y: -0.07238569, z: 0.011244058, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973134, y: -0.07238569, z: 0.011244058, w: -1} - {x: 0.99491274, y: -0.09819837, z: 0.022488762, w: -1} - {x: 0.9942854, y: -0.10675446, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919055, y: -0.12682337, z: 0.006269367, w: -1} - {x: 0.9919055, y: -0.12682337, z: 0.006269367, w: -1} - {x: 0.9890795, y: -0.1468483, z: 0.012539351, w: -1} - {x: 0.988652, y: -0.15022418, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.98679626, y: -0.16194732, z: 0.0024888325, w: -1} - {x: 0.98679626, y: -0.16194732, z: 0.0024888325, w: -1} - {x: 0.98479503, y: -0.1736492, z: 0.0049777795, w: -1} - {x: 0.9846445, y: -0.17457177, z: 0.0000000020591346, w: -1} - {x: 0.9837178, y: -0.17971927, z: 0.0007298548, w: -1} - {x: 0.9837178, y: -0.17971927, z: 0.0007298548, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827634, y: -0.1848619, z: 0.0014597146, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827293, y: -0.1850488, z: 0.0000000013869, w: -1} - {x: 0.9822393, y: -0.18763223, z: 0.00024583074, w: -1} - {x: 0.9822393, y: -0.18763223, z: 0.00024583074, w: -1} - {x: 0.98174244, y: -0.19021437, z: 0.0004916587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9817343, y: -0.19025727, z: 7.498371e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9814067, y: -0.1919399, z: 0.00010779014, w: -1} - {x: 0.9814067, y: -0.1919399, z: 0.00010779014, w: -1} - {x: 0.9810763, y: -0.193622, z: 0.00021557823, w: -1} - {x: 0.98107374, y: -0.19363469, z: -0.0000000010170077, w: -1} - {x: 0.9807158, y: -0.19543953, z: 0.00007777559, w: -1} - {x: 0.9807158, y: -0.19543953, z: 0.00007777559, w: -1} - {x: 0.98035455, y: -0.19724374, z: 0.00015555244, w: -1} - {x: 0.9803533, y: -0.19724968, z: -1.3749776e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9787191, y: -0.20520434, z: 0.00030908684, w: -1} - {x: 0.9787191, y: -0.20520434, z: 0.00030908684, w: -1} - {x: 0.97702014, y: -0.21314624, z: 0.00061817147, w: -1} - {x: 0.97701716, y: -0.21316074, z: 1.0655262e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9764163, y: -0.21589692, z: 0.00003833361, w: -1} - {x: 0.9764163, y: -0.21589692, z: 0.00003833361, w: -1} - {x: 0.9758075, y: -0.2186314, z: 0.00007666713, w: -1} - {x: 0.97580737, y: -0.21863207, z: 7.372595e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.975489, y: -0.22004828, z: 0.000013345457, w: -1} - {x: 0.975489, y: -0.22004828, z: 0.000013345457, w: -1} - {x: 0.9751686, y: -0.221464, z: 0.000026690785, w: -1} - {x: 0.9751685, y: -0.22146419, z: 6.455653e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9748, y: -0.22308077, z: 0.000033098477, w: -1} - {x: 0.9748, y: -0.22308077, z: 0.000033098477, w: -1} - {x: 0.9744287, y: -0.22469671, z: 0.00006619559, w: -1} - {x: 0.9744285, y: -0.22469784, z: 0.0000000021824573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9763368, y: -0.21625523, z: -0.0004683064, w: -1} - {x: 0.9763368, y: -0.21625523, z: -0.0004683064, w: -1} - {x: 0.97817194, y: -0.2077954, z: -0.00093665265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9781858, y: -0.2077319, z: 2.7005262e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9779568, y: -0.20880727, z: -0.00004153217, w: -1} - {x: 0.9779568, y: -0.20880727, z: -0.00004153217, w: -1} - {x: 0.9777267, y: -0.20988241, z: -0.00008306548, w: -1} - {x: 0.977726, y: -0.20988561, z: -6.6857636e-13, w: -1} - {x: 0.97669077, y: -0.21465135, z: -0.00038565302, w: -1} - {x: 0.97669077, y: -0.21465135, z: -0.00038565302, w: -1} - {x: 0.975632, y: -0.21941206, z: -0.0007713096, w: -1} - {x: 0.97561747, y: -0.21947795, z: -0.000000016206704, w: -1} - {x: 0.9746133, y: -0.22389427, z: -0.00054791797, w: -1} - {x: 0.9746133, y: -0.22389427, z: -0.00054791797, w: -1} - {x: 0.97358876, y: -0.22830608, z: -0.0010958272, w: -1} - {x: 0.97355723, y: -0.22844353, z: -0.00000001306093, w: -1} - {x: 0.9736672, y: -0.227974, z: 0.000082708975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9736672, y: -0.227974, z: 0.000082708975, w: -1} - {x: 0.97377706, y: -0.22750445, z: 0.00016542936, w: -1} - {x: 0.9737835, y: -0.22747718, z: -0.00000008500025, w: -1} - {x: 0.97602445, y: -0.2176482, z: 0.0024043173, w: -1} - {x: 0.97602445, y: -0.2176482, z: 0.0024043173, w: -1} - {x: 0.9781607, y: -0.2077945, z: 0.004808747, w: -1} - {x: 0.97839254, y: -0.206756, z: 0.0000000047175646, w: -1} - {x: 0.982686, y: -0.18513268, z: 0.007357814, w: -1} - {x: 0.982686, y: -0.18513268, z: 0.007357814, w: -1} - {x: 0.9864508, y: -0.16339588, z: 0.014715479, w: -1} - {x: 0.98725784, y: -0.15912898, z: 0.0000005584166, w: -1} - {x: 0.99164915, y: -0.12818588, z: 0.014151366, w: -1} - {x: 0.99164915, y: -0.12818588, z: 0.014151366, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948767, y: -0.097053654, z: 0.02829959, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962965, y: -0.08598363, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99849766, y: -0.05160416, z: 0.018421771, w: -1} - {x: 0.99849766, y: -0.05160416, z: 0.018421771, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991751, y: -0.017091319, z: 0.036838938, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.0000017927531, z: 0.00000033777732, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996474, y: -0.023552444, z: 0.012262573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996474, y: -0.023552444, z: 0.012262573, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985886, y: -0.04710915, z: 0.024524784, w: -1} - {x: 0.99827904, y: -0.05864314, z: -0.000000051338457, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955765, y: -0.093021736, z: 0.013200745, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955765, y: -0.093021736, z: 0.013200745, w: -1} - {x: 0.99150807, y: -0.1273363, z: 0.026402384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9907612, y: -0.135618, z: -0.000000029000088, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867883, y: -0.1618542, z: 0.007214118, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867883, y: -0.1618542, z: 0.007214118, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820636, y: -0.18799736, z: 0.014429161, w: -1} - {x: 0.98156, y: -0.19115442, z: -0.000000012570344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9780926, y: -0.20814523, z: 0.0032457134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9780926, y: -0.20814523, z: 0.0032457134, w: -1} - {x: 0.9743188, y: -0.2250794, z: 0.0064916955, w: -1} - {x: 0.9741122, y: -0.22606501, z: -0.0000000019062831, w: -1} - {x: 0.9711857, y: -0.23831889, z: 0.0016251659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9711857, y: -0.23831889, z: 0.0016251659, w: -1} - {x: 0.96810144, y: -0.25053734, z: 0.0032503973, w: -1} - {x: 0.9680202, y: -0.25087246, z: 0.0000000026004827, w: -1} - {x: 0.96650577, y: -0.25664446, z: 0.0005225894, w: -1} - {x: 0.96650577, y: -0.25664446, z: 0.0005225894, w: -1} - {x: 0.9649566, y: -0.26240763, z: 0.0010451832, w: -1} - {x: 0.964936, y: -0.26248527, z: 6.472252e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.96305007, y: -0.26932207, z: 0.00041806162, w: -1} - {x: 0.96305007, y: -0.26932207, z: 0.00041806162, w: -1} - {x: 0.9611154, y: -0.27614582, z: 0.00083612354, w: -1} - {x: 0.96110505, y: -0.2761831, z: 0.0000000013637906, w: -1} - {x: 0.95750666, y: -0.2884108, z: 0.00048802522, w: -1} - {x: 0.95750666, y: -0.2884108, z: 0.00048802522, w: -1} - {x: 0.9537514, y: -0.3005947, z: 0.00097601005, w: -1} - {x: 0.95374733, y: -0.30060935, z: 2.526267e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9516006, y: -0.30733743, z: 0.00016504373, w: -1} - {x: 0.9516006, y: -0.30733743, z: 0.00016504373, w: -1} - {x: 0.94940615, y: -0.3140507, z: 0.0003300857, w: -1} - {x: 0.9494051, y: -0.314054, z: -2.9016298e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9488664, y: -0.3156778, z: 0.000014703657, w: -1} - {x: 0.9488664, y: -0.3156778, z: 0.000014703657, w: -1} - {x: 0.948325, y: -0.31730062, z: 0.00002940777, w: -1} - {x: 0.948325, y: -0.31730077, z: -3.2794045e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.94853544, y: -0.31667084, z: -0.0000043050895, w: -1} - {x: 0.94853544, y: -0.31667084, z: -0.0000043050895, w: -1} - {x: 0.9487456, y: -0.3160408, z: -0.000008609906, w: -1} - {x: 0.94874567, y: -0.31604078, z: -5.39675e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9492328, y: -0.31457442, z: -0.000025713183, w: -1} - {x: 0.9492328, y: -0.31457442, z: -0.000025713183, w: -1} - {x: 0.9497178, y: -0.31310734, z: -0.000051426447, w: -1} - {x: 0.94971806, y: -0.31310642, z: 0.0000000012441115, w: -1} - {x: 0.952225, y: -0.30539653, z: -0.0005459278, w: -1} - {x: 0.952225, y: -0.30539653, z: -0.0005459278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9546696, y: -0.29766572, z: -0.0010918946, w: -1} - {x: 0.95469683, y: -0.29758003, z: 8.309464e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9535925, y: -0.3011003, z: -0.00014278, w: -1} - {x: 0.9535925, y: -0.3011003, z: -0.00014278, w: -1} - {x: 0.952475, y: -0.30461657, z: -0.00028556297, w: -1} - {x: 0.95247114, y: -0.3046289, z: 0.00000036313045, w: -1} - {x: 0.95251673, y: -0.30448648, z: 0.000013080898, w: -1} - {x: 0.95251673, y: -0.30448648, z: 0.000013080898, w: -1} - {x: 0.9525622, y: -0.304344, z: 0.000025801464, w: -1} - {x: 0.9525629, y: -0.30434182, z: 0.000000017102582, w: -1} - {x: 0.95389205, y: -0.30014938, z: 0.00055357115, w: -1} - {x: 0.95389205, y: -0.30014938, z: 0.00055357115, w: -1} - {x: 0.9552025, y: -0.29595095, z: 0.0011071188, w: -1} - {x: 0.95524186, y: -0.2958259, z: 0.000000014800056, w: -1} - {x: 0.95812976, y: -0.28632972, z: 0.001659891, w: -1} - {x: 0.95812976, y: -0.28632972, z: 0.001659891, w: -1} - {x: 0.96092093, y: -0.27680326, z: 0.0033197964, w: -1} - {x: 0.9610642, y: -0.27632523, z: 0.000000022586484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9662006, y: -0.25775746, z: 0.004187256, w: -1} - {x: 0.9662006, y: -0.25775746, z: 0.004187256, w: -1} - {x: 0.97096366, y: -0.23908027, z: 0.008374539, w: -1} - {x: 0.971366, y: -0.23758794, z: 0.000000035884863, w: -1} - {x: 0.97812057, y: -0.20785066, z: 0.008852349, w: -1} - {x: 0.97812057, y: -0.20785066, z: 0.008852349, w: -1} - {x: 0.9838952, y: -0.17786765, z: 0.017703798, w: -1} - {x: 0.98478943, y: -0.17375211, z: -0.0000005585787, w: -1} - {x: 0.99055934, y: -0.13628697, z: 0.014764152, w: -1} - {x: 0.99055934, y: -0.13628697, z: 0.014764152, w: -1} - {x: 0.99469626, y: -0.09852685, z: 0.02952484, w: -1} - {x: 0.9960197, y: -0.0891336, z: -0.00000007128818, w: -1} - {x: 0.99852395, y: -0.051430225, z: 0.017461218, w: -1} - {x: 0.99852395, y: -0.051430225, z: 0.017461218, w: -1} - {x: 0.99929816, y: -0.013565081, z: 0.034918275, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.0000003308823, z: -0.00000007402826, w: -1} - {x: 0.99917465, y: -0.036745816, z: 0.017312406, w: -1} - {x: 0.99917465, y: -0.036745816, z: 0.017312406, w: -1} - {x: 0.99669373, y: -0.07350432, z: 0.03462342, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961898, y: -0.0872123, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99116385, y: -0.13187838, z: 0.014221924, w: -1} - {x: 0.99116385, y: -0.13187838, z: 0.014221924, w: -1} - {x: 0.98390913, y: -0.17639156, z: 0.028442472, w: -1} - {x: 0.9831288, y: -0.18291472, z: -0.0000000204872, w: -1} - {x: 0.975974, y: -0.21774389, z: 0.007887461, w: -1} - {x: 0.975974, y: -0.21774389, z: 0.007887461, w: -1} - {x: 0.96750593, y: -0.25235552, z: 0.015775181, w: -1} - {x: 0.9670062, y: -0.25475287, z: 0.000000004534835, w: -1} - {x: 0.9611027, y: -0.2761699, z: 0.0034204116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9611027, y: -0.2761699, z: 0.0034204116, w: -1} - {x: 0.95470816, y: -0.297465, z: 0.006841083, w: -1} - {x: 0.9545012, y: -0.29820693, z: 0.0000000022229756, w: -1} - {x: 0.950434, y: -0.31092313, z: 0.0013961811, w: -1} - {x: 0.950434, y: -0.31092313, z: 0.0013961811, w: -1} - {x: 0.94619435, y: -0.32358715, z: 0.002792426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9461258, y: -0.32379946, z: -0.0000003621534, w: -1} - {x: 0.93862075, y: -0.34494668, z: 0.0016907384, w: -1} - {x: 0.93862075, y: -0.34494668, z: 0.0016907384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9306335, y: -0.36593702, z: 0.0033815529, w: -1} - {x: 0.93059677, y: -0.36604604, z: -3.6167844e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9229517, y: -0.38491473, z: 0.00091277884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9229517, y: -0.38491473, z: 0.00091277884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9149175, y: -0.40363663, z: 0.0018252315, w: -1} - {x: 0.91491383, y: -0.40364927, z: -1.5931324e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.91317797, y: -0.4075611, z: 0.00006413659, w: -1} - {x: 0.91317797, y: -0.4075611, z: 0.00006413659, w: -1} - {x: 0.9114254, y: -0.41146553, z: 0.00012827221, w: -1} - {x: 0.911425, y: -0.4114663, z: -3.1760475e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9102241, y: -0.4141162, z: 0.000030086181, w: -1} - {x: 0.9102241, y: -0.4141162, z: 0.000030086181, w: -1} - {x: 0.9090154, y: -0.41676262, z: 0.000060172413, w: -1} - {x: 0.9090153, y: -0.41676286, z: 4.9984565e-12, w: -1} - {x: 0.9090389, y: -0.41671127, z: -0.0000003086485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9090389, y: -0.41671127, z: -0.0000003086485, w: -1} - {x: 0.90906256, y: -0.4166597, z: -0.00000061729844, w: -1} - {x: 0.90906256, y: -0.41665968, z: -2.2576408e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.9104571, y: -0.41360363, z: -0.000024668549, w: -1} - {x: 0.9104571, y: -0.41360363, z: -0.000024668549, w: -1} - {x: 0.9118414, y: -0.41054288, z: -0.00004933789, w: -1} - {x: 0.9118416, y: -0.41054225, z: -3.5246395e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.91385055, y: -0.40605092, z: -0.00009152472, w: -1} - {x: 0.91385055, y: -0.40605092, z: -0.00009152472, w: -1} - {x: 0.9158374, y: -0.40154952, z: -0.00018305407, w: -1} - {x: 0.9158394, y: -0.40154472, z: -0.0000000049179087, w: -1} - {x: 0.9167819, y: -0.39938825, z: -0.00018552797, w: -1} - {x: 0.9167819, y: -0.39938825, z: -0.00018552797, w: -1} - {x: 0.91771924, y: -0.39722946, z: -0.00037105783, w: -1} - {x: 0.91773146, y: -0.39720133, z: -0.0000000033118446, w: -1} - {x: 0.9161201, y: -0.40090397, z: -0.00017570368, w: -1} - {x: 0.9161201, y: -0.40090397, z: -0.00017570368, w: -1} - {x: 0.91449374, y: -0.40460005, z: -0.00035140125, w: -1} - {x: 0.9144865, y: -0.4046164, z: -0.0000000011698331, w: -1} - {x: 0.91511416, y: -0.40319481, z: 0.00012688505, w: -1} - {x: 0.91511416, y: -0.40319481, z: 0.00012688505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9157396, y: -0.4017722, z: 0.00025377437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9157477, y: -0.40175384, z: 0.000000005595847, w: -1} - {x: 0.9196285, y: -0.39278784, z: 0.0011083063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9196285, y: -0.39278784, z: 0.0011083063, w: -1} - {x: 0.9234209, y: -0.38378245, z: 0.0022166376, w: -1} - {x: 0.923505, y: -0.38358647, z: -0.0000000013068515, w: -1} - {x: 0.931053, y: -0.3648725, z: 0.0029144364, w: -1} - {x: 0.931053, y: -0.3648725, z: 0.0029144364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9382181, y: -0.34599555, z: 0.00582889, w: -1} - {x: 0.9384543, y: -0.3454035, z: -0.0000000052297437, w: -1} - {x: 0.94868475, y: -0.3161753, z: 0.0055206344, w: -1} - {x: 0.94868475, y: -0.3161753, z: 0.0055206344, w: -1} - {x: 0.9579884, y: -0.28659442, z: 0.011040488, w: -1} - {x: 0.95844185, y: -0.28528804, z: -0.000000018172786, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691999, y: -0.2460959, z: 0.009402779, w: -1} - {x: 0.9691999, y: -0.2460959, z: 0.009402779, w: -1} - {x: 0.9782896, y: -0.20638756, z: 0.018801931, w: -1} - {x: 0.9790873, y: -0.203441, z: -0.0000000320259, w: -1} - {x: 0.98723316, y: -0.15863244, z: 0.014367168, w: -1} - {x: 0.98723316, y: -0.15863244, z: 0.014367168, w: -1} - {x: 0.9931408, y: -0.113339804, z: 0.028727153, w: -1} - {x: 0.99429715, y: -0.106645085, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980884, y: -0.05897775, z: 0.018472664, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980884, y: -0.05897775, z: 0.018472664, w: -1} - {x: 0.99925697, y: -0.011007777, z: 0.03693602, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -0.0000011465139, z: 0.00000021935641, w: -1} - {x: 0.99664164, y: -0.076082565, z: 0.030280845, w: -1} - {x: 0.99664164, y: -0.076082565, z: 0.030280845, w: -1} - {x: 0.98648006, y: -0.15230764, z: 0.060494836, w: -1} - {x: 0.98586226, y: -0.16755776, z: 0.000000015310459, w: -1} - {x: 0.9750889, y: -0.22144975, z: 0.012713478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9750889, y: -0.22144975, z: 0.012713478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9611375, y: -0.27489775, z: 0.025416851, w: -1} - {x: 0.96054584, y: -0.2781216, z: -5.8428623e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.9488009, y: -0.31581593, z: 0.0060826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9488009, y: -0.31581593, z: 0.0060826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9355046, y: -0.35310528, z: 0.012163112, w: -1} - {x: 0.935231, y: -0.3540383, z: -0.0000000010557649, w: -1} - {x: 0.92194396, y: -0.38730302, z: 0.0039518173, w: -1} - {x: 0.92194396, y: -0.38730302, z: 0.0039518173, w: -1} - {x: 0.9074252, y: -0.42013952, z: 0.007901569, w: -1} - {x: 0.9073139, y: -0.42045403, z: 0.0000000040906003, w: -1} - {x: 0.8957498, y: -0.44455403, z: 0.0020482768, w: -1} - {x: 0.8957498, y: -0.44455403, z: 0.0020482768, w: -1} - {x: 0.8835251, y: -0.468366, z: 0.0040958878, w: -1} - {x: 0.8834849, y: -0.46845958, z: 0.0000000016740325, w: -1} - {x: 0.8788269, y: -0.47714067, z: 0.00031800877, w: -1} - {x: 0.8788269, y: -0.47714067, z: 0.00031800877, w: -1} - {x: 0.8740826, y: -0.485777, z: 0.00063600816, w: -1} - {x: 0.8740787, y: -0.48578432, z: -2.1134296e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.87078965, y: -0.49165574, z: 0.00004597684, w: -1} - {x: 0.87078965, y: -0.49165574, z: 0.00004597684, w: -1} - {x: 0.8674609, y: -0.49750537, z: 0.00009194776, w: -1} - {x: 0.8674612, y: -0.49750486, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8667365, y: -0.49876636, z: 0.000009666186, w: -1} - {x: 0.8667365, y: -0.49876636, z: 0.000009666186, w: -1} - {x: 0.86600995, y: -0.5000269, z: 0.000019332478, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660099, y: -0.5000269, z: 1.2307022e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8656025, y: -0.5007319, z: 0.0000038629346, w: -1} - {x: 0.8656025, y: -0.5007319, z: 0.0000038629346, w: -1} - {x: 0.8651944, y: -0.5014366, z: 0.000007725965, w: -1} - {x: 0.86519444, y: -0.5014366, z: 1.5145507e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8656185, y: -0.50070417, z: -0.000004370577, w: -1} - {x: 0.8656185, y: -0.50070417, z: -0.000004370577, w: -1} - {x: 0.86604196, y: -0.49997127, z: -0.000008741813, w: -1} - {x: 0.8660421, y: -0.4999713, z: 5.1471377e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.86726487, y: -0.49784714, z: -0.000031668827, w: -1} - {x: 0.86726487, y: -0.49784714, z: -0.000031668827, w: -1} - {x: 0.8684824, y: -0.49571997, z: -0.00006333856, w: -1} - {x: 0.868483, y: -0.49571902, z: 1.3163474e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8706157, y: -0.4919637, z: -0.000113863505, w: -1} - {x: 0.8706157, y: -0.4919637, z: -0.000113863505, w: -1} - {x: 0.87273234, y: -0.48819906, z: -0.00022773092, w: -1} - {x: 0.8727363, y: -0.48819202, z: -0.0000000036571457, w: -1} - {x: 0.86519456, y: -0.5014349, z: 0.0012080463, w: -1} - {x: 0.86519456, y: -0.5014349, z: 0.0012080463, w: -1} - {x: 0.8574469, y: -0.5145668, z: 0.0024161579, w: -1} - {x: 0.85738945, y: -0.51466817, z: 0.0000000024437212, w: -1} - {x: 0.8574972, y: -0.5144887, z: 0.000009974962, w: -1} - {x: 0.8574972, y: -0.5144887, z: 0.000009974962, w: -1} - {x: 0.85760486, y: -0.5143091, z: 0.000019951913, w: -1} - {x: 0.8576054, y: -0.5143083, z: 8.9983293e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.86249065, y: -0.5060725, z: 0.0007073272, w: -1} - {x: 0.86249065, y: -0.5060725, z: 0.0007073272, w: -1} - {x: 0.8672971, y: -0.49778882, z: 0.0014146675, w: -1} - {x: 0.8673373, y: -0.4977209, z: -0.0000000067463564, w: -1} - {x: 0.8757887, y: -0.4826922, z: 0.0015577653, w: -1} - {x: 0.8757887, y: -0.4826922, z: 0.0015577653, w: -1} - {x: 0.88398176, y: -0.46751112, z: 0.0031155562, w: -1} - {x: 0.88407105, y: -0.46735257, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8955307, y: -0.44499227, z: 0.0025876162, w: -1} - {x: 0.8955307, y: -0.44499227, z: 0.0025876162, w: -1} - {x: 0.9064298, y: -0.42232466, z: 0.0051749176, w: -1} - {x: 0.90656734, y: -0.42206126, z: -0.000000007005717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9200649, y: -0.39174604, z: 0.003928849, w: -1} - {x: 0.9200649, y: -0.39174604, z: 0.003928849, w: -1} - {x: 0.93255556, y: -0.36094093, z: 0.007856129, w: -1} - {x: 0.9327532, y: -0.36051556, z: -0.000000009095425, w: -1} - {x: 0.94716126, y: -0.32069108, z: 0.0065424955, w: -1} - {x: 0.94716126, y: -0.32069108, z: 0.0065424955, w: -1} - {x: 0.9598605, y: -0.28017253, z: 0.013080148, w: -1} - {x: 0.9602403, y: -0.27917477, z: -0.00000005979133, w: -1} - {x: 0.9742328, y: -0.22518581, z: 0.012720645, w: -1} - {x: 0.9742328, y: -0.22518581, z: 0.012720645, w: -1} - {x: 0.98507637, y: -0.17022967, z: 0.025424272, w: -1} - {x: 0.9859655, y: -0.1669492, z: -0.0000000042008708, w: -1} - {x: 0.99586475, y: -0.0877595, z: 0.023489429, w: -1} - {x: 0.99586475, y: -0.0877595, z: 0.023489429, w: -1} - {x: 0.99887353, y: -0.007277182, z: 0.04689119, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0.00000038206713, z: -0.000000047732108, w: -1} - {x: 0.98900473, y: -0.14317103, z: 0.03703534, w: -1} - {x: 0.98900473, y: -0.14317103, z: 0.03703534, w: -1} - {x: 0.95503443, y: -0.28738162, z: 0.0729452, w: -1} - {x: 0.95758545, y: -0.28814945, z: 0.0000000080440445, w: -1} - {x: 0.93546116, y: -0.35331896, z: 0.008837293, w: -1} - {x: 0.93546116, y: -0.35331896, z: 0.008837293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9086012, y: -0.4172927, z: 0.01762421, w: -1} - {x: 0.9087423, y: -0.41735774, z: 0.000000006075233, w: -1} - {x: 0.8913056, y: -0.45339242, z: 0.0031045657, w: -1} - {x: 0.8913056, y: -0.45339242, z: 0.0031045657, w: -1} - {x: 0.8723736, y: -0.48880056, z: 0.006203709, w: -1} - {x: 0.8723904, y: -0.48881, z: -2.009743e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8622378, y: -0.5065029, z: 0.0008245468, w: -1} - {x: 0.8622378, y: -0.5065029, z: 0.0008245468, w: -1} - {x: 0.85171723, y: -0.523999, z: 0.0016487407, w: -1} - {x: 0.8517185, y: -0.5239997, z: 3.3416547e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8454342, y: -0.5340796, z: 0.00028382524, w: -1} - {x: 0.8454342, y: -0.5340796, z: 0.00028382524, w: -1} - {x: 0.83902866, y: -0.54408693, z: 0.00056761, w: -1} - {x: 0.83902884, y: -0.544087, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.83563715, y: -0.54928195, z: 0.00007803562, w: -1} - {x: 0.83563715, y: -0.54928195, z: 0.00007803562, w: -1} - {x: 0.832213, y: -0.55445623, z: 0.00015606878, w: -1} - {x: 0.8322129, y: -0.55445623, z: -3.6694486e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.83384585, y: -0.5519973, z: 0.000017678021, w: -1} - {x: 0.83384585, y: -0.5519973, z: 0.000017678021, w: -1} - {x: 0.8354717, y: -0.5495335, z: 0.000035356275, w: -1} - {x: 0.8354717, y: -0.5495334, z: -2.3018937e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.83446354, y: -0.5510633, z: 0.000006795117, w: -1} - {x: 0.83446354, y: -0.5510633, z: 0.000006795117, w: -1} - {x: 0.8334524, y: -0.5525914, z: 0.000013590445, w: -1} - {x: 0.8334524, y: -0.5525913, z: 8.91112e-11, w: -1} - {x: 0.832637, y: -0.55381924, z: 0.000004440509, w: -1} - {x: 0.832637, y: -0.55381924, z: 0.000004440509, w: -1} - {x: 0.8318197, y: -0.55504584, z: 0.0000088810075, w: -1} - {x: 0.8318198, y: -0.5550459, z: -2.019225e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8300322, y: -0.5577155, z: 0.000021022235, w: -1} - {x: 0.8300322, y: -0.5577155, z: 0.000021022235, w: -1} - {x: 0.8282361, y: -0.5603794, z: 0.00004204408, w: -1} - {x: 0.82823604, y: -0.5603793, z: -5.268632e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.82360876, y: -0.56715834, z: 0.00013880435, w: -1} - {x: 0.82360876, y: -0.56715834, z: 0.00013880435, w: -1} - {x: 0.8189253, y: -0.5739001, z: 0.00027760005, w: -1} - {x: 0.8189253, y: -0.57390016, z: 1.700688e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.8099105, y: -0.58655334, z: 0.0005087421, w: -1} - {x: 0.8099105, y: -0.58655334, z: 0.0005087421, w: -1} - {x: 0.8006949, y: -0.5990714, z: 0.0010173719, w: -1} - {x: 0.8006955, y: -0.59907174, z: -7.8784357e-10, w: -1} - {x: 0.7881102, y: -0.61553353, z: 0.00093512004, w: -1} - {x: 0.7881102, y: -0.61553353, z: 0.00093512004, w: -1} - {x: 0.77517253, y: -0.6317469, z: 0.0018699123, w: -1} - {x: 0.77517384, y: -0.63174796, z: -0.000000001407417, w: -1} - {x: 0.78779954, y: -0.6159312, z: 0.0008640442, w: -1} - {x: 0.78779954, y: -0.6159312, z: 0.0008640442, w: -1} - {x: 0.80011284, y: -0.599847, z: 0.0017277712, w: -1} - {x: 0.80011404, y: -0.599848, z: 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1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: 500000005100000052000000510000005300000052000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: 560000005500000054000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: 590000005800000057000000590000005a00000058000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 5d0000005c0000005b0000005d0000005e0000005c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 5f0000006000000061000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - 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type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 6d0000006e0000006f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 720000007100000070000000720000007300000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 740000007500000076000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 0000000057000000 - m_Vertices: 0100000030000000 - m_Vertices: 020000000400000059000000 - m_Vertices: 030000000500000032000000 - m_Vertices: 06000000080000005a0000005d0000005f000000 - m_Vertices: 0700000009000000330000003600000038000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c00000060000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d00000039000000 - m_Vertices: 0e000000100000005e000000610000006400000066000000 - m_Vertices: 0f00000011000000370000003a0000003d0000003f000000 - m_Vertices: 120000001400000067000000 - m_Vertices: 130000001500000040000000 - m_Vertices: 160000001800000065000000680000006b0000006d000000 - m_Vertices: 17000000190000003e000000410000004400000046000000 - m_Vertices: 1a0000001c0000006e000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001d00000047000000 - m_Vertices: 1e000000200000006c0000006f0000007200000074000000 - m_Vertices: 1f0000002100000045000000480000004b0000004d000000 - m_Vertices: 220000002400000075000000 - m_Vertices: 23000000250000004e000000 - m_Vertices: 26000000280000007300000076000000790000007b000000 - m_Vertices: 27000000290000004c0000004f0000005200000054000000 - m_Vertices: 2a0000002c0000007c000000 - m_Vertices: 2b0000002d00000055000000 - m_Vertices: 2e0000007a0000007d00000081000000 - m_Vertices: 2f000000530000005600000080000000 - m_Vertices: 3100000034000000 - m_Vertices: 350000003b000000 - m_Vertices: 3c00000042000000 - m_Vertices: 4300000049000000 - m_Vertices: 4a00000050000000 - m_Vertices: 510000007e000000 - m_Vertices: 580000005b000000 - m_Vertices: 5c00000062000000 - m_Vertices: 6300000069000000 - m_Vertices: 6a00000070000000 - m_Vertices: 7100000077000000 - m_Vertices: 780000007f000000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.4166667, z: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0.4166667, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.4166667, z: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0.4166667, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.4166667, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.4166667, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.4166667, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.4166667, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333334, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333334, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333334, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333334, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333334, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333334, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333334, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333334, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666667, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666667, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666667, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666667, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666667, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666667, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666667, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666667, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 2.5, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 2.5, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 2.5, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 2.5, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0.00000023534753, y: 2.5, z: 17.4203} - {x: -1.9999996, y: 2.5, z: 17.420298} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.41666666, z: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0.41666666, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 0.41666666, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 0.41666666, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333333, z: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666666, z: 2} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 0, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -1.9999996, y: 0, z: 17.420298} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -1.9999996, y: 2.5, z: 17.420298} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 2.5, z: 3.3333333} - {x: -1.9999996, y: 2.5, z: 17.420298} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.41666666, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.41666666, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 0.41666666, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 0.41666666, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333333, z: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333333, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 1.25, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666666, z: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666666, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0.00000023534753, y: 0, z: 17.4203} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0.00000023534753, y: 2.5, z: 17.4203} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 2.5, z: 3.3333333} - {x: 0.00000023534753, y: 2.5, z: 17.4203} - {x: -1.9999996, y: 0, z: 17.420298} - {x: 0.00000023534753, y: 0, z: 17.4203} - {x: -1.9999996, y: 2.5, z: 17.420298} - {x: 0.00000023534753, y: 2.5, z: 17.4203} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.4166667} - {x: -2, y: 0.4166667} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 0.4166667} - {x: -2, y: 0.4166667} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333334} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333334} - {x: 0, y: 0.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 0.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 0.8333334} - {x: -2, y: 0.8333334} - {x: 0, y: 1.25} - {x: -2, y: 1.25} - {x: 0, y: 1.3333334} - {x: -2, y: 1.3333334} - {x: 0, y: 2} - {x: -2, y: 2} - {x: 0, y: 1.25} - {x: -2, y: 1.25} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2} - {x: -2, y: 2} - {x: 0, y: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 1.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333} - {x: 0, y: 2.6666667} - {x: -2, y: 2.6666667} - {x: 0, y: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 3.3333333} - {x: 0, y: 2.0833333} - {x: -2, y: 2.0833333} - {x: 0, y: 2.5} - {x: -2, y: 2.5} - {x: 0, y: 3.3333333} - {x: -2, y: 3.3333333} - {x: 0.00000023534753, y: 17.4203} - {x: -1.9999996, y: 17.420298} - {x: 0.00000000923169, y: 0} - {x: -0.6666667, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000000923169, y: 0.41666666} - {x: -0.6666667, y: 0.41666666} - {x: -0.6666667, y: 0} - {x: -1.3333334, y: 0} - {x: -0.6666667, y: 0.41666666} - {x: -1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: -0.6666667, y: 0.41666666} - {x: -0.6666667, y: 0.8333333} - {x: -1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: -1.3333334, y: 0} - {x: -2, y: 0} - {x: -1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: -2, y: 1.25} - {x: -1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: -1.3333334, y: 1.25} - {x: -2, y: 1.25} - {x: -2, y: 0} - {x: -2.6666667, y: 0} - {x: -2, y: 1.25} - {x: -2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: -2, y: 1.25} - {x: -2, y: 1.6666666} - {x: -2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: -2.6666667, y: 0} - {x: -3.3333333, y: 0} - {x: -2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: -3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: -2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: -2.6666667, y: 2.0833333} - {x: -3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: -3.3333333, y: 0} - {x: -17.420298, y: 0} - {x: -3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: -17.420298, y: 2.5} - {x: -3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: -3.3333333, y: 2.5} - {x: -17.420298, y: 2.5} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.6666667, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.41666666} - {x: 0.6666667, y: 0.41666666} - {x: 0.6666667, y: 0} - {x: 1.3333334, y: 0} - {x: 0.6666667, y: 0.41666666} - {x: 1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: 0.6666667, y: 0.41666666} - {x: 0.6666667, y: 0.8333333} - {x: 1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: 1.3333334, y: 0} - {x: 2, y: 0} - {x: 1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: 2, y: 1.25} - {x: 1.3333334, y: 0.8333333} - {x: 1.3333334, y: 1.25} - {x: 2, y: 1.25} - {x: 2, y: 0} - {x: 2.6666667, y: 0} - {x: 2, y: 1.25} - {x: 2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: 2, y: 1.25} - {x: 2, y: 1.6666666} - {x: 2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: 2.6666667, y: 0} - {x: 3.3333333, y: 0} - {x: 2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: 3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: 2.6666667, y: 1.6666666} - {x: 2.6666667, y: 2.0833333} - {x: 3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: 3.3333333, y: 0} - {x: 17.4203, y: 0} - {x: 3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: 17.4203, y: 2.5} - {x: 3.3333333, y: 2.0833333} - {x: 3.3333333, y: 2.5} - {x: 17.4203, y: 2.5} - {x: 1.9999831, y: 0} - {x: -0.000016848642, y: 0} - {x: 1.9999831, y: 2.5} - {x: -0.000016848642, y: 2.5} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000002538715, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000002538715, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000002538715, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000002538715, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.000000025387148, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.000000025387148, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.000000025387148, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000016706759, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000016706759, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000016706759, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000016706759, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000016706757, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000016706757, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.000000016706757, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000009536744, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000009536744, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000009536744, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000009536744, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 assetGuid: m_Mesh: {fileID: 93218928} m_IsSelectable: 1 m_SelectedFaces: m_SelectedEdges: [] m_SelectedVertices: --- !u!1001 &1318783237 PrefabInstance: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 serializedVersion: 2 m_Modification: m_TransformParent: {fileID: 1051163822} m_Modifications: - target: {fileID: 356351537346561497, guid: 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-3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 1, y: 0} - {x: 1, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 0, y: 1.9119728} - {x: 0, y: 0.008472573} - {x: -1, y: 1.9119728} - {x: -1, y: 0.008472573} - {x: 0, y: 1} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.908191} - {x: 0, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 1, y: 1.908191} - {x: 1, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 0, y: 3.820164} - {x: 0, y: 1.9166639} - {x: -1, y: 3.820164} - {x: -1, y: 1.9166639} - {x: 0, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 0, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 1, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 1, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 0, y: 5.6917496} - {x: 0, y: 3.7882497} - {x: -1, y: 5.6917496} - {x: -1, y: 3.7882497} - {x: 0, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 0, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 1, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 1, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 0, y: 7.5028453} - {x: 0, y: 5.5993457} - {x: -1, y: 7.5028453} - {x: -1, y: 5.5993457} - {x: 0, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 0, y: 9.23881} - {x: 1, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 1, y: 9.23881} - {x: 0, y: 9.230336} - {x: 0, y: 7.3268375} - {x: -1, y: 9.230336} - {x: -1, y: 7.3268375} - {x: 0, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 0, y: 10.860654} - {x: 1, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 1, y: 10.860654} - {x: 0, y: 10.852181} - {x: 0, y: 8.94868} - {x: -1, y: 10.852181} - {x: -1, y: 8.94868} - {x: 0, y: 10.435709} - {x: 0, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 1, y: 10.435709} - {x: 1, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 0, y: 12.347681} - {x: 0, y: 10.444181} - {x: -1, y: 12.347681} - {x: -1, y: 10.444181} - {x: -11.785776, y: 0} - {x: -13.706222, y: 0} - {x: -11.785776, y: 1} - {x: -13.706222, y: 1} - {x: 13.697748, y: 0} - {x: 11.794248, y: 0} - {x: 13.697748, y: 1} - {x: 11.794248, y: 1} - {x: -12.973188, y: 0} - {x: -14.893633, y: 0} - {x: -12.973188, y: 1} - {x: -14.893633, y: 1} - {x: 14.885163, y: 0} - {x: 12.981664, y: 0} - {x: 14.885163, y: 1} - {x: 12.981664, y: 1} - {x: -13.982785, y: 0} - {x: -15.90323, y: 0} - {x: -13.982785, y: 1} - {x: -15.90323, y: 1} - {x: 15.894754, y: 0} - {x: 13.991256, y: 0} - {x: 15.894754, y: 1} - {x: 13.991256, y: 1} - {x: -14.801672, y: 0} - {x: -16.722118, y: 0} - {x: -14.801672, y: 1} - {x: -16.722118, y: 1} - {x: 16.71365, y: 0} - {x: 14.810149, y: 0} - {x: 16.71365, y: 1} - {x: 14.810149, y: 1} - {x: -15.419436, y: 0} - {x: -17.339882, y: 0} - {x: -15.419436, y: 1} - {x: -17.339882, y: 1} - {x: 17.33141, y: 0} - {x: 15.427908, y: 0} - {x: 17.33141, y: 1} - {x: 15.427908, y: 1} - {x: -15.828147, y: 0} - {x: -17.748592, y: 0} - {x: -15.828147, y: 1} - {x: -17.748592, y: 1} - {x: 17.740126, y: 0} - {x: 15.836626, y: 0} - {x: 17.740126, y: 1} - {x: 15.836626, y: 1} - {x: -16.022625, y: 0} - {x: -17.94307, y: 0} - {x: -16.022625, y: 1} - {x: -17.94307, y: 1} - {x: 17.934597, y: 0} - {x: 16.031097, y: 0} - {x: 17.934597, y: 1} - {x: 16.031097, y: 1} - {x: -16.000376, y: 0} - {x: -17.920822, y: 0} - {x: -16.000376, y: 1} - {x: -17.920822, y: 1} - {x: 17.912338, y: 0} - {x: 16.008839, y: 0} - {x: 17.912338, y: 1} - {x: 16.008839, y: 1} - {x: -15.761677, y: 0} - {x: -17.682123, y: 0} - {x: -15.761677, y: 1} - {x: -17.682123, y: 1} - {x: 17.673641, y: 0} - {x: 15.770141, y: 0} - {x: 17.673641, y: 1} - {x: 15.770141, y: 1} - {x: -15.309574, y: 0} - {x: -17.230019, y: 0} - {x: -15.309574, y: 1} - {x: -17.230019, y: 1} - {x: 17.221554, y: 0} - {x: 15.318054, y: 0} - {x: 17.221554, y: 1} - {x: 15.318054, y: 1} - {x: -14.649833, y: 0} - {x: -16.570278, y: 0} - {x: -14.649833, y: 1} - {x: -16.570278, y: 1} - {x: 16.561794, y: 0} - {x: 14.658295, y: 0} - {x: 16.561794, y: 1} - {x: 14.658295, y: 1} - {x: -13.790909, y: 0} - {x: -15.711355, y: 0} - {x: -13.790909, y: 1} - {x: -15.711355, y: 1} - {x: 15.702891, y: 0} - {x: 13.799391, y: 0} - {x: 15.702891, y: 1} - {x: 13.799391, y: 1} - {x: -12.743714, y: 0} - {x: -14.664157, y: 0} - {x: -12.743714, y: 1} - {x: -14.664157, y: 1} - {x: 14.655688, y: 0} - {x: 12.75219, y: 0} - {x: 14.655688, y: 1} - {x: 12.75219, y: 1} - {x: -11.521675, y: 0} - {x: -13.442126, y: 0} - {x: -11.521675, y: 1} - {x: -13.442126, y: 1} - {x: 13.433633, y: 0} - {x: 11.530129, y: 0} - {x: 13.433633, y: 1} - {x: 11.530129, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: -10.140271} - {x: 0, y: -12.060713} - {x: -1, y: -10.140271} - {x: -1, y: -12.060713} - {x: 0, y: -12.052271} - {x: 0, y: -10.148774} - {x: 1, y: -12.052271} - {x: 1, y: -10.148774} - {x: 0, y: -8.617255} - {x: 0, y: -10.537701} - {x: -1, y: -8.617255} - {x: -1, y: -10.537701} - {x: 0, y: -10.529231} - {x: 0, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 1, y: -10.529231} - {x: 1, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 0, y: -6.972023} - {x: 0, y: -8.892469} - {x: -1, y: -6.972023} - {x: -1, y: -8.892469} - {x: 0, y: -8.884005} - {x: 0, y: -6.980502} - {x: 1, y: -8.884005} - {x: 1, y: -6.980502} - {x: 0, y: -5.225587} - {x: 0, y: -7.1460295} - {x: -1, y: -5.225587} - {x: -1, y: -7.1460295} - {x: 0, y: -7.137515} - {x: 0, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 1, y: -7.137515} - {x: 1, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 33.00878, y: 1} - {x: 33.158783, y: 1} - {x: 33.00878, y: 0} - {x: 33.158783, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: 33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - 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1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 860000008500000084000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 980000009700000096000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9e0000009d0000009c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: aa000000a9000000a8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0000000af000000ae000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b6000000b5000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c2000000c1000000c0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: da000000d9000000d8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0000000df000000de000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e6000000e5000000e4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 690000006a0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6f0000007000000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b1000000b2000000b3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b7000000b8000000b9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bd000000be000000bf000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d5000000d6000000d7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: db000000dc000000dd000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 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-0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - 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2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.610524, y: 0} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3} - {x: 4.782353, y: 0} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 0} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 3} - {x: 9.238796, y: 0} - {x: 9.238796, y: 3} - {x: 7.933533, y: 0} - {x: 7.933533, y: 3} - {x: 10.544056, y: 0} - {x: 10.544056, y: 3} - {x: 8.609187, y: 0} - {x: 8.609187, y: 3} - {x: 11.219711, y: 0} - {x: 11.219711, y: 3} - {x: 8.609185, y: 0} - {x: 8.609185, y: 3} - {x: 11.219708, y: 0} - {x: 11.219708, y: 3} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: 10.544058, y: 0} - {x: 10.544058, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3} - {x: 9.238798, y: 0} - {x: 9.238798, y: 3} - {x: 4.782352, y: 0} - {x: 4.782352, y: 3} - {x: 7.392875, y: 0} - {x: 7.392875, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 3} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 0} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 0} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 3} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 0} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 3} - {x: -7.392876, y: 0} - {x: -7.392876, y: 3} - {x: -4.782353, y: 0} - {x: -4.782353, y: 3} - {x: -9.238792, y: 0} - {x: -9.238792, y: 3} - {x: -6.628267, y: 0} - {x: -6.628267, y: 3} - {x: -10.544055, y: 0} - {x: -10.544055, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 3} - {x: -11.219712, y: 0} - {x: -11.219712, y: 3} - {x: -8.609189, y: 0} - {x: -8.609189, y: 3} - {x: -11.219711, y: 0} - {x: -11.219711, y: 3} - {x: -8.609188, y: 0} - {x: -8.609188, y: 3} - {x: -10.544057, y: 0} - {x: -10.544057, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: -9.238796, y: 0} - {x: -9.238796, y: 3} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 0} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 3} - {x: -7.392877, y: 0} - {x: -7.392877, y: 3} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 0} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 3} - {x: -5.132098, y: 0} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 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-1.3085632, y: 5.1000004, z: 13.622608} - {x: 8.910868, y: 0, z: 5.5} - {x: 8.910867, y: 3.1000004, z: 4.209999} - {x: 11.537601, y: 5.1000004, z: 9.377392} - {x: 11.537601, y: 8.1, z: 7.087391} - {x: 8.910867, y: 3.1000004, z: 4.209999} - {x: 0, y: 3.1000004, z: 4.209999} - {x: 11.537601, y: 8.1, z: 7.087391} - {x: -1.3085642, y: 8.1, z: 11.332607} - {x: -1.3085632, y: 5.1000004, z: 13.622608} - {x: 11.537601, y: 5.1000004, z: 9.377392} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 9.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 13.098728, y: 9.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: -1.3085642, y: 8.1, z: 11.332607} - {x: -1.3085632, y: 5.1000004, z: 13.622608} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 11.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 9.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 11.537601, y: 5.1000004, z: 9.377392} - {x: 11.537601, y: 8.1, z: 7.087391} - {x: 13.098728, y: 9.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: 13.098728, y: 11.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: 11.537601, y: 8.1, z: 7.087391} - {x: -1.3085642, y: 8.1, z: 11.332607} - {x: 13.098728, y: 11.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 11.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 9.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 13.098728, y: 9.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: 16.82127, y: 11.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 18.81873, y: 11.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 11.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 9.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 17.82127, y: 14.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 16.82127, y: 11.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 13.098728, y: 9.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: 13.098728, y: 11.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: 18.81873, y: 11.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 19.81873, y: 14.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 13.098728, y: 11.1, z: 9.093384} - {x: 5.5382366, y: 11.1, z: 19.139668} - {x: 19.81873, y: 14.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 17.82127, y: 14.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 16.82127, y: 11.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 18.81873, y: 11.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 28.968842, y: 15.848831, z: 15.7399025} - {x: 32.65671, y: 15.848831, z: 10.845158} - {x: 17.82127, y: 14.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 16.82127, y: 11.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 28.968842, y: 17.848831, z: 15.7399025} - {x: 28.968842, y: 15.848831, z: 15.7399025} - {x: 18.81873, y: 11.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 19.81873, y: 14.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 32.65671, y: 15.848831, z: 10.845158} - {x: 32.65671, y: 17.848831, z: 10.845158} - {x: 19.81873, y: 14.1, z: 9.234051} - {x: 17.82127, y: 14.1, z: 19.280334} - {x: 32.65671, y: 17.848831, z: 10.845158} - {x: 28.968842, y: 17.848831, z: 15.7399025} m_Textures0: - {x: -4.8609548, y: 15.848831} - {x: -10.989488, y: 15.848831} - {x: -4.8609548, y: 17.848831} - {x: -10.989488, y: 17.848831} - {x: 7.2304535, y: 0.6520784} - {x: -0.43666378, y: 0.6520784} - {x: 5.96857, y: 3.7636304} - {x: -0.43666378, y: 1.7479951} - {x: 7.318796, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 7.318796, y: 1.1000004} - {x: 0, y: 1.1000004} - {x: 2, y: 0} - {x: -5.5, y: 0} - {x: 2, y: 1.1000004} - {x: -4.209999, y: 3.1000004} - {x: 0, y: 4.9576206} - {x: 8.910867, y: 4.9576206} - {x: 0, y: -1.5664954} - {x: 7.318796, y: -1.5664954} - {x: 0, y: -2} - {x: -7.318796, y: -2} - {x: 0, y: 5.5} - {x: -8.910868, y: 5.5} - {x: 0, y: 4.657957} - {x: -8.910868, y: 4.657957} - {x: 1.3085632, y: 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z: 0.7986814, w: -1} - {x: -0.6017542, y: 0, z: 0.7986814, w: -1} - {x: 0.2076493, y: 0, z: 0.9782034, w: -1} - {x: 0.22800648, y: -0.0018043293, z: 0.9736579, w: -1} - {x: 0.22800648, y: -0.0018043293, z: 0.9736579, w: -1} - {x: 0.24833907, y: -0.0036104226, z: 0.9686665, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9927197, y: -0.10226646, z: 0.0636337, w: -1} - {x: -0.9927197, y: -0.10226646, z: 0.0636337, w: -1} - {x: -0.9700522, y: -0.20570986, z: 0.12916048, w: -1} - {x: 0.14076914, y: 9.846562e-10, z: -0.99004245, w: -1} - {x: 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0.99969774, y: 0, z: 0.024584686, w: -1} - {x: 0.99969774, y: 0, z: 0.024584686, w: -1} - {x: 0.99969774, y: 0, z: 0.024584688, w: -1} - {x: 0.91548204, y: 0.40235892, z: 0.00000008576545, w: -1} - {x: 0.9459931, y: 0.32314733, z: 0.025937166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9459931, y: 0.32314733, z: 0.025937166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9696759, y: 0.23881148, z: 0.05193959, w: -1} - {x: -0.92363054, y: -0.38328403, z: -0.00000004140613, w: -1} - {x: -0.9392109, y: -0.3433254, z: -0.0032444221, w: -1} - {x: -0.9392109, y: -0.3433254, z: -0.0032444221, w: -1} - {x: -0.9531931, y: -0.30229115, z: -0.006564376, w: -1} - {x: -0.94157773, y: -0.000000071949145, z: 0.3367958, w: -1} - {x: -0.95120895, y: 0.003358908, z: 0.30852914, w: -1} - {x: -0.95120895, y: 0.003358908, z: 0.30852914, w: -1} - {x: -0.9600337, y: 0.0067222766, z: 0.2798036, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914689, y: -0.000000030028296, z: 0.13034336, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918473, y: -0.00012754052, z: 0.12743293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918473, y: -0.00012754052, z: 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0, z: 12.93} - {x: 5.9599996, y: 2, z: 12.93} - {x: 9.391457, y: 0, z: 18.928001} - {x: 9.391457, y: 2, z: 18.928001} - {x: 5.9599996, y: 2, z: 12.93} - {x: 0.63999987, y: 2, z: 12.93} - {x: 9.391457, y: 2, z: 18.928001} - {x: 5.888537, y: 2, z: 26.787539} - {x: 5.888537, y: 0, z: 26.787539} - {x: 9.391457, y: 0, z: 18.928001} - {x: 14.3207, y: 0, z: 30.089832} - {x: 15.906105, y: 0, z: 21.156017} - {x: 5.888537, y: 2, z: 26.787539} - {x: 5.888537, y: 0, z: 26.787539} - {x: 14.3207, y: 2, z: 30.089832} - {x: 14.3207, y: 0, z: 30.089832} - {x: 9.391457, y: 0, z: 18.928001} - {x: 9.391457, y: 2, z: 18.928001} - {x: 15.906105, y: 0, z: 21.156017} - {x: 15.906105, y: 2, z: 21.156017} - {x: 9.391457, y: 2, z: 18.928001} - {x: 5.888537, y: 2, z: 26.787539} - {x: 15.906105, y: 2, z: 21.156017} - {x: 14.3207, y: 2, z: 30.089832} - {x: 14.3207, y: 0, z: 30.089832} - {x: 15.906105, y: 0, z: 21.156017} - {x: 40.108433, y: 0.034999847, z: 33.7836} - {x: 41.693836, y: 0.034999847, z: 28.705326} - 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y: 2.7972622, z: 0} - {x: -4.2452726, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.20386} - {x: -3.7349975, y: 2.7972624, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -3.5201921, y: 5.027355, z: 0} - {x: -4.420982, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -3.5201893, y: 5.0273547, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -4.4209795, y: 5.268721, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -4.789116, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -4.2452745, y: 3.0352073, z: 0} - {x: -4.7891145, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -4.2452726, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.20386} - {x: -4.420982, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -5.35, y: 5.35, z: 0} - {x: -4.4209795, y: 5.268721, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 5.3500004, z: 6.203859} - {x: -5.35, y: 3.23, z: 0} - {x: -4.789116, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 3.2300003, z: 6.203859} - {x: -4.7891145, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -5.35, y: 5.35, z: 0} - {x: -6.279018, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 5.3500004, z: 6.203859} - {x: -6.2790194, y: 5.268721, z: 6.20386} - {x: -5.9108834, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -5.35, y: 3.23, z: 0} - {x: -5.91088, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 3.2300003, z: 6.203859} - {x: -6.279018, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -7.1798077, y: 5.027355, z: 0} - {x: -6.2790194, y: 5.268721, z: 6.20386} - {x: -7.179809, y: 5.0273547, z: 6.2038608} - {x: -6.454725, y: 3.0352073, z: 0} - {x: -5.9108834, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -6.4547243, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.203861} - {x: -5.91088, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -7.1798077, y: 5.027355, z: 0} - {x: -8.025, y: 4.633236, z: 0} - {x: -7.179809, y: 5.0273547, z: 6.2038608} - {x: -8.024998, y: 4.633236, z: 6.2038574} - {x: -6.965, y: 2.797262, z: 0} - {x: -6.454725, y: 3.0352073, z: 0} - {x: -6.9650006, y: 2.7972617, z: 6.2038617} - {x: -6.4547243, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.203861} - {x: -8.025, y: 4.633236, z: 0} - {x: -8.788914, y: 4.0983377, z: 0} - {x: -8.024998, y: 4.633236, z: 6.2038574} - {x: -8.788913, y: 4.0983377, z: 6.203859} - {x: -7.4262037, y: 2.4743235, z: 0} - {x: -6.965, y: 2.797262, z: 0} - {x: -7.4262047, y: 2.4743233, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -6.9650006, y: 2.7972617, z: 6.2038617} - {x: -8.788914, y: 4.0983377, z: 0} - {x: -9.448338, y: 3.4389138, z: 0} - {x: -8.788913, y: 4.0983377, z: 6.203859} - {x: -9.448335, y: 3.4389138, z: 6.203858} - {x: -7.8243237, y: 2.076204, z: 0} - {x: -7.4262037, y: 2.4743235, z: 0} - {x: -7.8243227, y: 2.076204, z: 6.20386} - {x: -7.4262047, y: 2.4743233, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -9.448338, y: 3.4389138, z: 0} - {x: -9.983236, y: 2.6750002, z: 0} - {x: -9.448335, y: 3.4389138, z: 6.203858} - {x: -9.983234, y: 2.6750007, z: 6.203859} - {x: -8.147262, y: 1.6150002, z: 0} - {x: -7.8243237, y: 2.076204, z: 0} - {x: -8.14726, y: 1.6150002, z: 6.203859} - {x: -7.8243227, y: 2.076204, z: 6.20386} - {x: -9.983236, y: 2.6750002, z: 0} - {x: -10.377356, y: 1.8298081, z: 0} - {x: -9.983234, y: 2.6750007, z: 6.203859} - {x: -10.377353, y: 1.8298086, z: 6.203858} - {x: -8.385207, y: 1.1047252, z: 0} - {x: -8.147262, y: 1.6150002, z: 0} - {x: -8.385205, y: 1.1047255, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -8.14726, y: 1.6150002, z: 6.203859} - {x: -10.377356, y: 1.8298081, z: 0} - {x: -10.618721, y: 0.9290184, z: 0} - {x: -10.377353, y: 1.8298086, z: 6.203858} - {x: -10.618718, y: 0.92901886, z: 6.203858} - {x: -8.530929, y: 0.560884, z: 0} - {x: -8.385207, y: 1.1047252, z: 0} - {x: -8.530926, y: 0.56088454, z: 6.203859} - {x: -8.385205, y: 1.1047255, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -10.618721, y: 0.9290184, z: 0} - {x: -10.7, y: -3.6923847, z: 0.0000018623152} - {x: -10.618718, y: 0.92901886, z: 6.203858} - {x: -10.7, y: -3.6923845, z: 6.203863} - {x: -8.579999, y: -3.6923838, z: 0.000002548142} - {x: -8.530929, y: 0.560884, z: 0} - {x: -8.579998, y: -3.6923833, z: 6.20386} - {x: -8.530926, y: 0.56088454, z: 6.203859} - {x: -8.579998, y: -3.6923833, z: 6.20386} - {x: -10.7, y: -3.6923845, z: 6.203863} - {x: -8.579999, y: -3.6923838, z: 0.000002548142} - {x: -10.7, y: -3.6923847, z: 0.0000018623152} - {x: 0.0000006948403, y: -3.6923833, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -0.08127752, y: 0.9290181, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -2.1199992, y: -3.6923833, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -2.1690688, y: 0.56088376, z: 6.20386} - {x: -0.0812788, y: 0.9290177, z: 0} - {x: -0.0000010266084, y: -3.6923838, z: 0.000003069931} - {x: -2.169071, y: 0.56088364, z: 0} - {x: -2.120001, y: -3.6923838, z: 0.000003825546} - {x: -0.08127752, y: 0.9290181, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -0.3226431, y: 1.8298078, z: 6.20386} - {x: -2.1690688, y: 0.56088376, z: 6.20386} - {x: -2.3147902, y: 1.1047255, z: 6.203859} - {x: -0.3226447, y: 1.8298076, z: 0} - {x: -0.0812788, y: 0.9290177, z: 0} - {x: -2.3147926, y: 1.104725, z: 0} - {x: -2.169071, y: 0.56088364, z: 0} - {x: -0.3226431, y: 1.8298078, z: 6.20386} - {x: -0.71676147, y: 2.6749997, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -2.3147902, y: 1.1047255, z: 6.203859} - {x: -2.552736, y: 1.6150002, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -0.716764, y: 2.675, z: 0} - {x: -0.3226447, y: 1.8298076, z: 0} - {x: -2.552738, y: 1.615, z: 0} - {x: -2.3147926, y: 1.104725, z: 0} - {x: -0.71676147, y: 2.6749997, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -1.2516615, y: 3.4389138, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -2.552736, y: 1.6150002, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -2.8756762, y: 2.076204, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -1.2516623, y: 3.4389136, z: 0} - {x: -0.716764, y: 2.675, z: 0} - {x: -2.8756764, y: 2.0762038, z: 0} - {x: -2.552738, y: 1.615, z: 0} - {x: -1.2516615, y: 3.4389138, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -1.9110833, y: 4.0983377, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -2.8756762, y: 2.076204, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -3.273794, y: 2.4743233, z: 6.203859} - {x: -1.9110861, y: 4.0983377, z: 0} - {x: -1.2516623, y: 3.4389136, z: 0} - {x: -3.2737958, y: 2.4743235, z: 0} - {x: -2.8756764, y: 2.0762038, z: 0} - {x: -1.9110833, y: 4.0983377, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -2.6749985, y: 4.633236, z: 6.20386} - {x: -3.273794, y: 2.4743233, z: 6.203859} - {x: -3.7349975, y: 2.7972624, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -2.6750002, y: 4.633236, z: 0} - {x: -1.9110861, y: 4.0983377, z: 0} - {x: -3.7350001, y: 2.7972622, z: 0} - {x: -3.2737958, y: 2.4743235, z: 0} - {x: -2.6749985, y: 4.633236, z: 6.20386} - {x: -3.5201893, y: 5.0273547, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -3.7349975, y: 2.7972624, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -4.2452726, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.20386} - {x: -3.5201921, y: 5.027355, z: 0} - {x: -2.6750002, y: 4.633236, z: 0} - {x: -4.2452745, y: 3.0352073, z: 0} - {x: -3.7350001, y: 2.7972622, z: 0} - {x: -3.5201893, y: 5.0273547, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -4.4209795, y: 5.268721, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -4.2452726, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.20386} - {x: -4.7891145, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -4.420982, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -3.5201921, y: 5.027355, z: 0} - {x: -4.789116, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -4.2452745, y: 3.0352073, z: 0} - {x: -4.4209795, y: 5.268721, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 5.3500004, z: 6.203859} - {x: -4.7891145, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 3.2300003, z: 6.203859} - {x: -5.35, y: 5.35, z: 0} - {x: -4.420982, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -5.35, y: 3.23, z: 0} - {x: -4.789116, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 5.3500004, z: 6.203859} - {x: -6.2790194, y: 5.268721, z: 6.20386} - {x: -5.3499975, y: 3.2300003, z: 6.203859} - {x: -5.91088, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -6.279018, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -5.35, y: 5.35, z: 0} - {x: -5.9108834, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -5.35, y: 3.23, z: 0} - {x: -6.2790194, y: 5.268721, z: 6.20386} - {x: -7.179809, y: 5.0273547, z: 6.2038608} - {x: -5.91088, y: 3.1809292, z: 6.2038593} - {x: -6.4547243, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.203861} - {x: -7.1798077, y: 5.027355, z: 0} - {x: -6.279018, y: 5.268721, z: 0} - {x: -6.454725, y: 3.0352073, z: 0} - {x: -5.9108834, y: 3.180929, z: 0} - {x: -7.179809, y: 5.0273547, z: 6.2038608} - {x: -8.024998, y: 4.633236, z: 6.2038574} - {x: -6.4547243, y: 3.0352075, z: 6.203861} - {x: -6.9650006, y: 2.7972617, z: 6.2038617} - {x: -8.025, y: 4.633236, z: 0} - {x: -7.1798077, y: 5.027355, z: 0} - {x: -6.965, y: 2.797262, z: 0} - {x: -6.454725, y: 3.0352073, z: 0} - {x: -8.024998, y: 4.633236, z: 6.2038574} - {x: -8.788913, y: 4.0983377, z: 6.203859} - {x: -6.9650006, y: 2.7972617, z: 6.2038617} - {x: -7.4262047, y: 2.4743233, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -8.788914, y: 4.0983377, z: 0} - {x: -8.025, y: 4.633236, z: 0} - {x: -7.4262037, y: 2.4743235, z: 0} - {x: -6.965, y: 2.797262, z: 0} - {x: -8.788913, y: 4.0983377, z: 6.203859} - {x: -9.448335, y: 3.4389138, z: 6.203858} - {x: -7.4262047, y: 2.4743233, z: 6.2038603} - {x: -7.8243227, y: 2.076204, z: 6.20386} - {x: -9.448338, y: 3.4389138, z: 0} - {x: -8.788914, y: 4.0983377, z: 0} - {x: -7.8243237, y: 2.076204, z: 0} - {x: -7.4262037, y: 2.4743235, z: 0} - {x: -9.448335, y: 3.4389138, z: 6.203858} - {x: -9.983234, y: 2.6750007, z: 6.203859} - {x: -7.8243227, y: 2.076204, z: 6.20386} - {x: -8.14726, y: 1.6150002, z: 6.203859} - {x: -9.983236, y: 2.6750002, z: 0} - {x: -9.448338, y: 3.4389138, z: 0} - {x: -8.147262, y: 1.6150002, z: 0} - {x: -7.8243237, y: 2.076204, z: 0} - {x: -9.983234, y: 2.6750007, z: 6.203859} - {x: -10.377353, y: 1.8298086, z: 6.203858} - {x: -8.14726, y: 1.6150002, z: 6.203859} - {x: -8.385205, y: 1.1047255, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -10.377356, y: 1.8298081, z: 0} - {x: -9.983236, y: 2.6750002, z: 0} - {x: -8.385207, y: 1.1047252, z: 0} - {x: -8.147262, y: 1.6150002, z: 0} - {x: -10.377353, y: 1.8298086, z: 6.203858} - {x: -10.618718, y: 0.92901886, z: 6.203858} - {x: -8.385205, y: 1.1047255, z: 6.2038584} - {x: -8.530926, y: 0.56088454, z: 6.203859} - {x: -10.618721, y: 0.9290184, z: 0} - {x: -10.377356, y: 1.8298081, z: 0} - {x: -8.530929, y: 0.560884, z: 0} - {x: -8.385207, y: 1.1047252, z: 0} - {x: -10.618718, y: 0.92901886, z: 6.203858} - {x: -10.7, y: -3.6923845, z: 6.203863} - {x: -8.530926, y: 0.56088454, z: 6.203859} - {x: -8.579998, y: -3.6923833, z: 6.20386} - {x: -10.7, y: -3.6923847, z: 0.0000018623152} - {x: -10.618721, y: 0.9290184, z: 0} - {x: -8.579999, y: -3.6923838, z: 0.000002548142} - {x: -8.530929, y: 0.560884, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0.0000030699307, y: -3.6918128} - {x: -0.000000022663144, y: 0.93030334} - {x: 6.2038603, y: -3.6918123} - {x: 6.2038593, y: 0.9303037} - {x: 0.00000075071074, y: 0.5858692} - {x: -0.0000030918184, y: -3.6676815} - {x: -6.203859, y: 0.5858693} - {x: -6.2038593, y: -3.667681} - {x: -0.0000006948403, y: 6.20386} - {x: 2.1199992, y: 6.20386} - {x: 0.0000010266084, y: 0.0000027861292} - {x: 2.120001, y: 0.0000035417445} - {x: -0.0000000180448, y: 0.91839874} - {x: -0.00000007163072, y: 1.8509651} - {x: 6.2038593, y: 0.91839916} - {x: 6.20386, y: 1.8509651} - {x: 0.0000009372638, y: 1.6661942} - {x: 0.00000087826083, y: 1.1031682} - {x: -6.203858, y: 1.6661948} - {x: -6.203859, y: 1.1031685} - {x: -0.000000086587306, y: 1.7947246} - {x: -0.00000019235605, y: 2.7272909} - {x: 6.20386, y: 1.7947247} - {x: 6.2038584, y: 2.7272904} - {x: 0.0000008305744, y: 2.5425212} - {x: 0.00000075315506, y: 1.9794949} - {x: -6.2038574, y: 2.5425215} - {x: -6.203858, y: 1.9794952} - {x: -0.0000002699425, y: 2.6023505} - {x: -0.00000047139204, y: 3.5349169} - {x: 6.203858, y: 2.6023502} - {x: 6.203859, y: 3.534918} - {x: 0.00000018789713, y: 3.350147} - {x: 0.00000016679628, y: 2.787121} - {x: -6.2038593, y: 3.3501472} - {x: -6.2038584, y: 2.7871203} - {x: -3.3167381, y: 0.0000001681151} - {x: -4.2493043, y: 0.0000001681151} - {x: -3.316738, y: 6.2038593} - {x: -4.2493024, y: 6.2038584} - {x: 4.0645337, y: -0.00000010753525} - {x: 3.5015078, y: -0.00000010753525} - {x: 4.0645323, y: 6.203859} - {x: 3.5015078, y: 6.2038593} - {x: -3.91618, y: 0.00000057315145} - {x: -4.848747, y: 0.00000057315145} - {x: -3.9161777, y: 6.203859} - {x: -4.8487453, y: 6.2038603} - {x: 4.6639767, y: 0.00000004083959} - {x: 4.1009502, y: 0.00000004083959} - {x: 4.663975, y: 6.2038584} - {x: 4.1009483, y: 6.203859} - {x: -4.382463, y: 0.00000034887466} - {x: -5.315029, y: 0.00000034887466} - {x: -4.3824615, y: 6.2038603} - {x: -5.3150263, y: 6.203859} - {x: 5.13026, y: 0.00000015762795} - {x: 4.567234, y: 0.00000015762795} - {x: 5.130258, y: 6.20386} - {x: 4.567232, y: 6.2038584} - {x: -4.70142, y: 0.0000001779838} - {x: -5.633986, y: 0.0000001779838} - {x: -4.701417, y: 6.2038584} - {x: -5.6339836, y: 6.2038593} - {x: 5.4492154, y: 0.00000017743841} - {x: 4.8861895, y: 0.00000017743841} - {x: 5.449214, y: 6.2038603} - {x: 4.8861876, y: 6.20386} - {x: -4.8633595, y: 0.00000016289644} - {x: -5.795926, y: 0.00000016289644} - {x: -4.863357, y: 6.2038593} - {x: -5.795924, y: 6.203859} - {x: 5.611155, y: 0.00000019749469} - {x: 5.048128, y: 0.00000019749469} - {x: 5.6111526, y: 6.203859} - {x: 5.048127, y: 6.2038603} - {x: -4.863357, y: 0.0000002496551} - {x: -5.7959237, y: 0.0000002496551} - {x: -4.8633547, y: 6.2038593} - {x: -5.795925, y: 6.2038603} - {x: 5.6111536, y: -0.00000003171197} - {x: 5.0481277, y: -0.00000003171197} - {x: 5.6111503, y: 6.2038593} - {x: 5.0481253, y: 6.203859} - {x: -4.70142, y: 0.00000040070788} - {x: -5.633986, y: 0.00000040070788} - {x: -4.7014213, y: 6.2038603} - {x: -5.6339874, y: 6.203861} - {x: 5.4492173, y: 0.00000007929008} - {x: 4.8861914, y: 0.00000007929008} - {x: 5.449217, y: 6.203861} - {x: 4.886188, y: 6.2038593} - {x: -4.382465, y: 0.0000002109361} - {x: -5.315031, y: 0.0000002109361} - {x: -4.3824663, y: 6.2038608} - {x: -5.315029, y: 6.2038574} - {x: 5.1302595, y: -0.000000012858596} - {x: 4.567233, y: -0.000000012858596} - {x: 5.13026, y: 6.2038617} - {x: 4.5672326, y: 6.203861} - {x: -3.9161808, y: -0.0000014809814} - {x: -4.8487477, y: -0.0000014809814} - {x: -3.9161794, y: 6.203856} - {x: -4.8487473, y: 6.2038574} - {x: 4.6639743, y: 0.00000035638047} - {x: 4.1009483, y: 0.00000035638047} - {x: 4.6639752, y: 6.2038608} - {x: 4.1009493, y: 6.203862} - {x: -3.3167381, y: -0.000000990532} - {x: -4.2493043, y: -0.000000990532} - {x: -3.3167374, y: 6.203858} - {x: -4.2493024, y: 6.203857} - {x: 4.0645385, y: -0.00000076096745} - {x: 3.501512, y: -0.00000076096745} - {x: 4.0645375, y: 6.203859} - {x: 3.501513, y: 6.2038593} - {x: 0.000004357274, y: -2.6023564} - {x: 0.0000046039527, y: -3.5349233} - {x: -6.2038536, y: -2.6023564} - {x: -6.203854, y: -3.5349233} - {x: -0.0000025048391, y: -3.3501422} - {x: -0.0000024055535, y: -2.7871165} - {x: 6.2038565, y: -3.3501422} - {x: 6.2038574, y: -2.7871172} - {x: 0.000002711492, y: -1.7947215} - {x: 0.0000028185366, y: -2.7272878} - {x: -6.203856, y: -1.794721} - {x: -6.203855, y: -2.7272868} - {x: -0.0000024277267, y: -2.5425258} - {x: -0.0000023588357, y: -1.9794993} - {x: 6.203856, y: -2.5425255} - {x: 6.2038565, y: -1.9794993} - {x: 0.000004571987, y: -0.9183935} - {x: 0.000004678326, y: -1.8509595} - {x: -6.203853, y: -0.918393} - {x: -6.203853, y: -1.8509591} - {x: -0.0000037365385, y: -1.6661887} - {x: -0.0000036727126, y: -1.103163} - {x: 6.203855, y: -1.6661882} - {x: 6.2038546, y: -1.103163} - {x: 0.0000048826637, y: 0.74214715} - {x: 0.0000030577219, y: -3.8799708} - {x: -6.203853, y: 0.7421476} - {x: -6.2038584, y: -3.8799706} - {x: 0.000001236809, y: -3.7911198} - {x: -0.0000013038333, y: 0.4624311} - {x: 6.2038584, y: -3.7911193} - {x: 6.2038574, y: 0.46243167} - {x: 8.58, y: 6.2038593} - {x: 10.700002, y: 6.2038627} - {x: 8.580001, y: 0.000002264341} - {x: 10.700002, y: 0.0000015785141} - {x: -0.0000006948403, y: -3.6923845} - {x: 0.08127752, y: 0.9290168} - {x: 2.1199992, y: -3.6923845} - {x: 2.1690688, y: 0.5608825} - {x: -0.0812788, y: 0.9290177} - {x: -0.0000010266081, y: -3.6923838} - {x: -2.169071, y: 0.56088364} - {x: -2.120001, y: -3.6923838} - {x: 0.08127943, y: 0.9290209} - {x: 0.322645, y: 1.8298105} - {x: 2.1690707, y: 0.56088656} - {x: 2.3147922, y: 1.1047282} - {x: -0.3226447, y: 1.8298076} - {x: -0.0812788, y: 0.9290177} - {x: -2.3147926, y: 1.104725} - {x: -2.169071, y: 0.56088364} - {x: 0.3226373, y: 1.8298} - {x: 0.7167557, y: 2.6749918} - {x: 2.3147845, y: 1.1047177} - {x: 2.5527303, y: 1.6149925} - {x: -0.716764, y: 2.675} - {x: -0.3226447, y: 1.8298076} - {x: -2.552738, y: 1.615} - {x: -2.3147926, y: 1.104725} - {x: 0.7167646, y: 2.6750052} - {x: 1.2516648, y: 3.4389193} - {x: 2.5527391, y: 1.6150057} - {x: 2.8756793, y: 2.0762095} - {x: -1.2516623, y: 3.4389136} - {x: -0.716764, y: 2.675} - {x: -2.8756764, y: 2.0762038} - {x: -2.552738, y: 1.615} - {x: 1.2516575, y: 3.438909} - {x: 1.9110793, y: 4.098333} - {x: 2.875672, y: 2.0761993} - {x: 3.27379, y: 2.4743185} - {x: -1.9110861, y: 4.0983377} - {x: -1.2516623, y: 3.4389136} - {x: -3.2737958, y: 2.4743235} - {x: -2.8756764, y: 2.0762038} - {x: 1.9110914, y: 4.0983424} - {x: 2.6750066, y: 4.6332407} - {x: 3.273802, y: 2.4743283} - {x: 3.7350056, y: 2.7972674} - {x: -2.6750002, y: 4.633236} - {x: -1.9110861, y: 4.0983377} - {x: -3.7350001, y: 2.7972622} - {x: -3.2737958, y: 2.4743235} - {x: 2.6749885, y: 4.633235} - {x: 3.5201793, y: 5.027354} - {x: 3.7349875, y: 2.7972615} - {x: 4.2452626, y: 3.0352066} - {x: -3.5201921, y: 5.027355} - {x: -2.6750002, y: 4.633236} - {x: -4.2452745, y: 3.0352073} - {x: -3.7350001, y: 2.7972622} - {x: 3.5201964, y: 5.027353} - {x: 4.4209867, y: 5.268719} - {x: 4.24528, y: 3.0352056} - {x: 4.7891216, y: 3.1809273} - {x: -4.420982, y: 5.268721} - {x: -3.5201921, y: 5.027355} - {x: -4.789116, y: 3.180929} - {x: -4.2452745, y: 3.0352073} - {x: 4.4209766, y: 5.268718} - {x: 5.3499947, y: 5.349997} - {x: 4.7891116, y: 3.1809258} - {x: 5.3499947, y: 3.229997} - {x: -5.35, y: 5.35} - {x: -4.420982, y: 5.268721} - {x: -5.35, y: 3.23} - {x: -4.789116, y: 3.180929} - {x: 5.3500037, y: 5.3500004} - {x: 6.2790256, y: 5.268721} - {x: 5.3500037, y: 3.2300003} - {x: 5.9108863, y: 3.1809292} - {x: -6.279018, y: 5.268721} - {x: -5.35, y: 5.35} - {x: -5.9108834, y: 3.180929} - {x: -5.35, y: 3.23} - {x: 6.279026, y: 5.2687216} - {x: 7.179816, y: 5.027355} - {x: 5.910887, y: 3.1809294} - {x: 6.454731, y: 3.0352077} - {x: -7.1798077, y: 5.027355} - {x: -6.279018, y: 5.268721} - {x: -6.454725, y: 3.0352073} - {x: -5.9108834, y: 3.180929} - {x: 7.1797876, y: 5.027361} - {x: 8.024976, y: 4.633242} - {x: 6.454703, y: 3.035214} - {x: 6.964979, y: 2.7972682} - {x: -8.025, y: 4.633236} - {x: -7.1798077, y: 5.027355} - {x: -6.965, y: 2.797262} - {x: -6.454725, y: 3.0352073} - {x: 8.024999, y: 4.6332207} - {x: 8.788914, y: 4.0983224} - {x: 6.9650016, y: 2.7972467} - {x: 7.4262056, y: 2.4743083} - {x: -8.788914, y: 4.0983377} - {x: -8.025, y: 4.633236} - {x: -7.4262037, y: 2.4743235} - {x: -6.965, y: 2.797262} - {x: 8.788905, y: 4.0983386} - {x: 9.448327, y: 3.438915} - {x: 7.426197, y: 2.4743245} - {x: 7.824315, y: 2.0762053} - {x: -9.448338, y: 3.4389138} - {x: -8.788914, y: 4.0983377} - {x: -7.8243237, y: 2.076204} - {x: -7.4262037, y: 2.4743235} - {x: 9.448334, y: 3.4389057} - {x: 9.983233, y: 2.6749926} - {x: 7.824322, y: 2.076196} - {x: 8.147259, y: 1.6149921} - {x: -9.983236, y: 2.6750002} - {x: -9.448338, y: 3.4389138} - {x: -8.147262, y: 1.6150002} - {x: -7.8243237, y: 2.076204} - {x: 9.983232, y: 2.6750062} - {x: 10.37735, y: 1.8298141} - {x: 8.147257, y: 1.6150057} - {x: 8.385202, y: 1.104731} - {x: -10.377356, y: 1.8298081} - {x: -9.983236, y: 2.6750002} - {x: -8.385207, y: 1.1047252} - {x: -8.147262, y: 1.6150002} - {x: 10.377352, y: 1.8298082} - {x: 10.618717, y: 0.9290185} - {x: 8.385204, y: 1.1047251} - {x: 8.530925, y: 0.5608842} - {x: -10.618721, y: 0.9290184} - {x: -10.377356, y: 1.8298081} - {x: -8.530929, y: 0.560884} - {x: -8.385207, y: 1.1047252} - {x: 10.618716, y: 0.92901176} - {x: 10.699998, y: -3.6923916} - {x: 8.530924, y: 0.56087744} - {x: 8.579996, y: -3.6923904} - {x: -10.7, y: -3.6923847} - {x: -10.618721, y: 0.9290184} - {x: -8.579999, y: -3.6923838} - {x: -8.530929, y: 0.560884} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0.000000278832, y: 1.1887094e-11, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000024320533, y: 1.0401331e-11, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000024320533, y: 1.0401331e-11, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000020757862, y: 8.914568e-12, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.0000003460978, y: -1.2792098e-12, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000032721508, y: -3.1991736e-12, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000032721508, y: -3.1991736e-12, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000030833235, y: -5.1184816e-12, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -8.643957e-15, z: 0.000000112461585, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -8.643957e-15, z: 0.000000112461585, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -1.7287912e-14, z: 0.00000022492317, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000022397147, y: -0.000000007316057, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.0000002416893, y: 0.0000000059496443, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.0000002416893, y: 0.0000000059496443, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000025940713, y: 0.000000019215342, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000040917337, y: 0.00000001594162, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000038249806, y: 0.000000016923735, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000038249806, y: 0.000000016923735, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000035582272, y: 0.000000017905853, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000026752787, y: 0.0000000018003113, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000031928363, y: 0.000000016514882, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000031928363, y: 0.000000016514882, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000037103933, y: 0.000000031229415, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.0000003236871, y: -0.000000003600665, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000036211776, y: -0.00000002281602, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000036211776, y: -0.00000002281602, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000040054843, y: -0.000000042031363, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000038147934, y: -0.0000000069501143, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000030349315, y: -0.00000006296108, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000030349315, y: -0.00000006296108, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000022550698, y: -0.000000118972046, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.000000060473624, y: -0.0000000069501165, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000015089505, y: -0.00000006991118, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000015089505, y: -0.00000006991118, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000024131649, y: -0.00000013287226, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: -0.70710695, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071063, y: -0.70710737, z: -1.255294e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071063, y: -0.70710737, z: -1.255294e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071058, y: -0.70710784, z: -1.8626952e-14, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071066, y: 0.707107, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710605, y: 0.70710766, z: -7.288797e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710605, y: 0.70710766, z: -7.288797e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071056, y: 0.7071081, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191521, y: -0.57357633, z: 7.554703e-15, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191523, y: -0.57357615, z: 1.2153212e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191523, y: -0.57357615, z: 1.2153212e-14, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191525, y: -0.5735758, z: 4.598509e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.8191521, y: 0.57357645, z: -8.1644345e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.8191517, y: 0.573577, z: -6.24085e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.8191517, y: 0.573577, z: -6.24085e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.8191512, y: 0.57357764, z: -8.634531e-15, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063079, y: -0.4226181, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063079, y: -0.42261812, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063079, y: -0.42261812, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063079, y: -0.42261815, z: -3.7323846e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.90630764, y: 0.4226186, z: -4.9102995e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.90630776, y: 0.42261833, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.90630776, y: 0.42261833, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9063079, y: 0.42261806, z: 6.3623935e-15, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659259, y: -0.25881907, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: -0.25881928, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: -0.25881928, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659257, y: -0.25881943, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659259, y: 0.25881875, z: 1.4424423e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592593, y: 0.25881863, z: 3.1813154e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592593, y: 0.25881863, z: 3.1813154e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.965926, y: 0.25881857, z: -1.7388731e-15, w: -1} - {x: 0.99619466, y: -0.08715601, z: -2.495546e-16, w: -1} - {x: 0.99619466, y: -0.087156266, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99619466, y: -0.087156266, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99619466, y: -0.08715653, z: 8.2003917e-16, w: -1} - {x: -0.9961947, y: 0.08715589, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9961947, y: 0.08715596, z: 4.8488507e-16, w: -1} - {x: -0.9961947, y: 0.08715596, z: 4.8488507e-16, w: -1} - {x: -0.9961947, y: 0.08715604, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99619466, y: 0.08715601, z: 3.2092808e-16, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961947, y: 0.087156095, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961947, y: 0.087156095, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961947, y: 0.08715617, z: 1.4973302e-16, w: -1} - {x: -0.99619466, y: -0.08715597, z: -6.413491e-17, w: -1} - {x: -0.99619466, y: -0.087156035, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.99619466, y: -0.087156035, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.99619466, y: -0.08715611, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0.25881907, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0.25881934, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0.25881934, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659257, y: 0.25881955, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592593, y: -0.25881875, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659261, y: -0.25881812, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659261, y: -0.25881812, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659263, y: -0.2588175, z: 1.5218599e-15, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063079, y: 0.4226181, z: -8.2817514e-16, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063077, y: 0.42261857, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9063077, y: 0.42261857, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.90630746, y: 0.42261901, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.90630776, y: -0.4226183, z: -6.9946293e-17, w: -1} - {x: -0.9063078, y: -0.4226183, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9063078, y: -0.4226183, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9063078, y: -0.4226183, z: -6.9946154e-17, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191521, y: 0.57357633, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191523, y: 0.5735761, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191523, y: 0.5735761, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8191524, y: 0.5735759, z: 5.255442e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.8191519, y: -0.5735767, z: 1.6895305e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.819152, y: -0.57357657, z: 3.0977947e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.819152, y: -0.57357657, z: 3.0977947e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.8191522, y: -0.57357633, z: 3.756665e-16, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071068, y: 0.7071068, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710623, y: 0.70710725, z: 6.4789385e-15, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710623, y: 0.70710725, z: 6.4789385e-15, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710576, y: 0.7071079, z: 1.9436824e-14, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710725, y: -0.70710635, z: -3.2394637e-15, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071065, y: -0.7071071, z: 4.049293e-16, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071065, y: -0.7071071, z: 4.049293e-16, w: -1} - {x: -0.70710576, y: -0.7071079, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000046116836, y: -1.6302037e-14, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000038430693, y: -0.00000003843071, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000038430693, y: -0.00000003843071, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 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1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000005132692, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000008031018, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000008031018, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000010929343, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000006598486, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000005757266, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000005757266, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 4.013838e-20, z: -0.00000049160457, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.00000006475164, z: 0.0000013090649, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.00000006475176, z: 0.00000009214946, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.00000006475176, z: 0.00000009214946, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.00000006475189, z: -0.000001124766, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 1.7737544e-20, z: -0.0000016197771, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -2.9104794e-21, z: 0.00000053156487, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -2.9104794e-21, z: 0.00000053156487, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000026829068, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000011399427, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 3.3635367e-20, z: 0.0000010470267, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 3.3635367e-20, z: 0.0000010470267, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 3.2804368e-20, z: 0.0000009541105, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -1.5318592e-20, z: -0.00000046611547, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000015082892, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000015082892, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000002550463, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.000001026536, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000009417267, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000009417267, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0.0000008569174, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.000000029218432, z: 0.0000010693815, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.000000029218326, z: 0.0000021032308, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.000000029218326, z: 0.0000021032308, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.000000029218219, z: 0.00000313708, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000004770997, z: -0.0000034716454, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.000000047709943, z: -0.0000017970854, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.000000047709943, z: -0.0000017970854, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.000000047709904, z: -0.00000012252536, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.000000064751696, z: 0.0000001679839, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000006475172, z: -0.0000010871466, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000006475172, z: -0.0000010871466, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0.00000006475174, z: -0.0000023422774, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.00000011676815, z: -0.0000012653353, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.000000058384074, z: -0.0000012252077, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -0.000000058384074, z: -0.0000012252077, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 1.4379161e-21, z: -0.0000011850801, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000007995229, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -4.7782912e-21, z: -0.00000046505352, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -4.7782912e-21, z: -0.00000046505352, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.0000008501548, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -5.053442e-20, z: -0.0000005132706, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -4.526083e-20, z: -0.00000050433437, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -4.526083e-20, z: -0.00000050433437, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: -3.998724e-20, z: -0.0000004953982, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000021808913, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000025331974, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000025331974, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.00000028855032, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 3.2386027e-20, z: -0.00000025586445, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 7.648499e-20, z: 0.0000006592983, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 7.648499e-20, z: 0.0000006592983, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 2.3425871e-20, z: 0.000001574461, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000032350326, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000010903989, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000010903989, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: -4.248235e-21, z: -0.00000010542349, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: 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m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0000003d0000003e0000003d0000003f0000003e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400000004100000042000000410000004300000042000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440000004500000046000000450000004700000046000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48000000490000004a000000490000004b0000004a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0000004d0000004e0000004d0000004f0000004e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500000005100000052000000510000005300000052000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540000005500000056000000550000005700000056000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58000000590000005a000000590000005b0000005a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0000005d0000005e0000005d0000005f0000005e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: -1 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 620000006100000060000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 680000006700000066000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6e0000006d0000006c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740000007300000072000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7a0000007900000078000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800000007f0000007e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 860000008500000084000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 980000009700000096000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9e0000009d0000009c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: aa000000a9000000a8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0000000af000000ae000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b6000000b5000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c2000000c1000000c0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: da000000d9000000d8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0000000df000000de000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e6000000e5000000e4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 690000006a0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6f0000007000000071000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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61000000670000006d00000073000000790000007f000000850000008b00000091000000970000009d000000a3000000a9000000af000000b5000000bb000000c1000000c7000000cd000000d3000000d9000000df000000e5000000eb000000 - m_Vertices: 640000006a00000070000000760000007c00000082000000880000008e000000940000009a000000a0000000a6000000ac000000b2000000b8000000be000000c4000000ca000000d0000000d6000000dc000000e2000000e8000000ee000000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 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2.5881913} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 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-0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.610524, y: 0} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3} - {x: 4.782353, y: 0} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 0} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 3} - {x: 9.238796, y: 0} - {x: 9.238796, y: 3} - {x: 7.933533, y: 0} - {x: 7.933533, y: 3} - {x: 10.544056, y: 0} - {x: 10.544056, y: 3} - {x: 8.609187, y: 0} - {x: 8.609187, y: 3} - {x: 11.219711, y: 0} - {x: 11.219711, y: 3} - {x: 8.609185, y: 0} - {x: 8.609185, y: 3} - {x: 11.219708, y: 0} - {x: 11.219708, y: 3} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: 10.544058, y: 0} - {x: 10.544058, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3} - {x: 9.238798, y: 0} - {x: 9.238798, y: 3} - {x: 4.782352, y: 0} - {x: 4.782352, y: 3} - {x: 7.392875, y: 0} - {x: 7.392875, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 3} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 0} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 0} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 3} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 0} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 3} - {x: -7.392876, y: 0} - {x: -7.392876, y: 3} - {x: -4.782353, y: 0} - {x: -4.782353, y: 3} - {x: -9.238792, y: 0} - {x: -9.238792, y: 3} - {x: -6.628267, y: 0} - {x: -6.628267, y: 3} - {x: -10.544055, y: 0} - {x: -10.544055, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 3} - {x: -11.219712, y: 0} - {x: -11.219712, y: 3} - {x: -8.609189, y: 0} - {x: -8.609189, y: 3} - {x: -11.219711, y: 0} - {x: -11.219711, y: 3} - {x: -8.609188, y: 0} - {x: -8.609188, y: 3} - {x: -10.544057, y: 0} - {x: -10.544057, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: -9.238796, y: 0} - {x: -9.238796, y: 3} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 0} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 3} - {x: -7.392877, y: 0} - {x: -7.392877, y: 3} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 0} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 3} - {x: -5.132098, y: 0} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, 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0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 assetGuid: m_Mesh: {fileID: 1982199493} m_IsSelectable: 1 m_SelectedFaces: m_SelectedEdges: [] m_SelectedVertices: --- !u!4 &1812537993 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: 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0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 1} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 1} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 1} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022, z: 0} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977, z: 0} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901, z: 0} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 1, y: 0} - {x: 1, y: 1.9204452} - {x: 0, y: 1.9119728} - {x: 0, y: 0.008472573} - {x: -1, y: 1.9119728} - {x: -1, y: 0.008472573} - {x: 0, y: 1} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 1.908191} - {x: 0, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 1, y: 1.908191} - {x: 1, y: 3.8286362} - {x: 0, y: 3.820164} - {x: 0, y: 1.9166639} - {x: -1, y: 3.820164} - {x: -1, y: 1.9166639} - {x: 0, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 0, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 1, y: 3.7797768} - {x: 1, y: 5.7002225} - {x: 0, y: 5.6917496} - {x: 0, y: 3.7882497} - {x: -1, y: 5.6917496} - {x: -1, y: 3.7882497} - {x: 0, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 0, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 1, y: 5.5908723} - {x: 1, y: 7.5113173} - {x: 0, y: 7.5028453} - {x: 0, y: 5.5993457} - {x: -1, y: 7.5028453} - {x: -1, y: 5.5993457} - {x: 0, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 0, y: 9.23881} - {x: 1, y: 7.3183646} - {x: 1, y: 9.23881} - {x: 0, y: 9.230336} - {x: 0, y: 7.3268375} - {x: -1, y: 9.230336} - {x: -1, y: 7.3268375} - {x: 0, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 0, y: 10.860654} - {x: 1, y: 8.9402075} - {x: 1, y: 10.860654} - {x: 0, y: 10.852181} - {x: 0, y: 8.94868} - {x: -1, y: 10.852181} - {x: -1, y: 8.94868} - {x: 0, y: 10.435709} - {x: 0, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 1, y: 10.435709} - {x: 1, y: 12.3561535} - {x: 0, y: 12.347681} - {x: 0, y: 10.444181} - {x: -1, y: 12.347681} - {x: -1, y: 10.444181} - {x: -11.785776, y: 0} - {x: -13.706222, y: 0} - {x: -11.785776, y: 1} - {x: -13.706222, y: 1} - {x: 13.697748, y: 0} - {x: 11.794248, y: 0} - {x: 13.697748, y: 1} - {x: 11.794248, y: 1} - {x: -12.973188, y: 0} - {x: -14.893633, y: 0} - {x: -12.973188, y: 1} - {x: -14.893633, y: 1} - {x: 14.885163, y: 0} - {x: 12.981664, y: 0} - {x: 14.885163, y: 1} - {x: 12.981664, y: 1} - {x: -13.982785, y: 0} - {x: -15.90323, y: 0} - {x: -13.982785, y: 1} - {x: -15.90323, y: 1} - {x: 15.894754, y: 0} - {x: 13.991256, y: 0} - {x: 15.894754, y: 1} - {x: 13.991256, y: 1} - {x: -14.801672, y: 0} - {x: -16.722118, y: 0} - {x: -14.801672, y: 1} - {x: -16.722118, y: 1} - {x: 16.71365, y: 0} - {x: 14.810149, y: 0} - {x: 16.71365, y: 1} - {x: 14.810149, y: 1} - {x: -15.419436, y: 0} - {x: -17.339882, y: 0} - {x: -15.419436, y: 1} - {x: -17.339882, y: 1} - {x: 17.33141, y: 0} - {x: 15.427908, y: 0} - {x: 17.33141, y: 1} - {x: 15.427908, y: 1} - {x: -15.828147, y: 0} - {x: -17.748592, y: 0} - {x: -15.828147, y: 1} - {x: -17.748592, y: 1} - {x: 17.740126, y: 0} - {x: 15.836626, y: 0} - {x: 17.740126, y: 1} - {x: 15.836626, y: 1} - {x: -16.022625, y: 0} - {x: -17.94307, y: 0} - {x: -16.022625, y: 1} - {x: -17.94307, y: 1} - {x: 17.934597, y: 0} - {x: 16.031097, y: 0} - {x: 17.934597, y: 1} - {x: 16.031097, y: 1} - {x: -16.000376, y: 0} - {x: -17.920822, y: 0} - {x: -16.000376, y: 1} - {x: -17.920822, y: 1} - {x: 17.912338, y: 0} - {x: 16.008839, y: 0} - {x: 17.912338, y: 1} - {x: 16.008839, y: 1} - {x: -15.761677, y: 0} - {x: -17.682123, y: 0} - {x: -15.761677, y: 1} - {x: -17.682123, y: 1} - {x: 17.673641, y: 0} - {x: 15.770141, y: 0} - {x: 17.673641, y: 1} - {x: 15.770141, y: 1} - {x: -15.309574, y: 0} - {x: -17.230019, y: 0} - {x: -15.309574, y: 1} - {x: -17.230019, y: 1} - {x: 17.221554, y: 0} - {x: 15.318054, y: 0} - {x: 17.221554, y: 1} - {x: 15.318054, y: 1} - {x: -14.649833, y: 0} - {x: -16.570278, y: 0} - {x: -14.649833, y: 1} - {x: -16.570278, y: 1} - {x: 16.561794, y: 0} - {x: 14.658295, y: 0} - {x: 16.561794, y: 1} - {x: 14.658295, y: 1} - {x: -13.790909, y: 0} - {x: -15.711355, y: 0} - {x: -13.790909, y: 1} - {x: -15.711355, y: 1} - {x: 15.702891, y: 0} - {x: 13.799391, y: 0} - {x: 15.702891, y: 1} - {x: 13.799391, y: 1} - {x: -12.743714, y: 0} - {x: -14.664157, y: 0} - {x: -12.743714, y: 1} - {x: -14.664157, y: 1} - {x: 14.655688, y: 0} - {x: 12.75219, y: 0} - {x: 14.655688, y: 1} - {x: 12.75219, y: 1} - {x: -11.521675, y: 0} - {x: -13.442126, y: 0} - {x: -11.521675, y: 1} - {x: -13.442126, y: 1} - {x: 13.433633, y: 0} - {x: 11.530129, y: 0} - {x: 13.433633, y: 1} - {x: 11.530129, y: 1} - {x: 0, y: -10.140271} - {x: 0, y: -12.060713} - {x: -1, y: -10.140271} - {x: -1, y: -12.060713} - {x: 0, y: -12.052271} - {x: 0, y: -10.148774} - {x: 1, y: -12.052271} - {x: 1, y: -10.148774} - {x: 0, y: -8.617255} - {x: 0, y: -10.537701} - {x: -1, y: -8.617255} - {x: -1, y: -10.537701} - {x: 0, y: -10.529231} - {x: 0, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 1, y: -10.529231} - {x: 1, y: -8.6257305} - {x: 0, y: -6.972023} - {x: 0, y: -8.892469} - {x: -1, y: -6.972023} - {x: -1, y: -8.892469} - {x: 0, y: -8.884005} - {x: 0, y: -6.980502} - {x: 1, y: -8.884005} - {x: 1, y: -6.980502} - {x: 0, y: -5.225587} - {x: 0, y: -7.1460295} - {x: -1, y: -5.225587} - {x: -1, y: -7.1460295} - {x: 0, y: -7.137515} - {x: 0, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 1, y: -7.137515} - {x: 1, y: -5.2340183} - {x: 33.00878, y: 1} - {x: 33.158783, y: 1} - {x: 33.00878, y: 0} - {x: 33.158783, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: -0.14999962, y: 0} - {x: 0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -0.108472824, y: 1.9173793} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: -0.25751686, y: 1.9004613} - {x: 0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -0.43251038, y: 3.8102896} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: -0.5786953, y: 3.7766695} - {x: 0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -0.9679756, y: 5.654575} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: -1.1094351, y: 5.6046815} - {x: 1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -1.7080355, y: 7.4266977} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: -1.8429642, y: 7.3611684} - {x: 2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -2.6432457, y: 9.104044} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: -2.7699223, y: 9.023714} - {x: 3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -3.761673, y: 10.665209} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: -3.878481, y: 10.571104} - {x: 5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -5.049041, y: 12.090267} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: -5.1544895, y: 11.983588} - {x: 6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -6.488923, y: 13.361034} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: -6.581668, y: 13.243143} - {x: 8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -8.0629425, y: 14.461293} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: -8.141799, y: 14.333694} - {x: 9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -9.751013, y: 15.377003} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: -9.814975, y: 15.241323} - {x: 11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -11.531595, y: 16.096476} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: -11.579845, y: 15.954449} - {x: 13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -13.381962, y: 16.610533} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: -13.413886, y: 16.46397} - {x: 15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -15.2785, y: 16.912611} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: -15.29369, y: 16.763384} - {x: 17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -17.197006, y: 16.998857} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: -17.195269, y: 16.84887} - {x: 19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -19.113, y: 16.868172} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: -19.094357, y: 16.719336} - {x: 21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -21.00203, y: 16.52222} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: -20.966717, y: 16.376436} - {x: 22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -22.839985, y: 15.965419} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: -22.788456, y: 15.824548} - {x: 24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -24.603413, y: 15.204871} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: -24.536324, y: 15.07071} - {x: 26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -26.26981, y: 14.250285} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: -26.188017, y: 14.124548} - {x: 27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -27.817905, y: 13.113844} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: -27.722454, y: 12.998134} - {x: 29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -29.227955, y: 11.810045} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: -29.12006, y: 11.705839} - {x: 30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -30.481947, y: 10.3555355} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: -30.36299, y: 10.264164} - {x: 31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -31.56389, y: 8.768869} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: -31.435387, y: 8.691498} - {x: 32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: 33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: 32.323566, y: 7.007913} - {x: 33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -33.158768, y: 5.2815022} - {x: -32.459976, y: 7.0702977} - {x: -33.01619, y: 5.234901} - {x: -32.323566, y: 7.007913} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.7497648, y: -0.6617044, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.749765, y: 0.6617043, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8196121, y: -0.5729189, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.81961197, y: 0.57291913, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.879, y: -0.47682178, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8790002, y: 0.47682142, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9271711, y: -0.37463835, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9271708, y: 0.37463877, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.963509, y: -0.267676, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.963509, y: 0.26767594, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875515, y: -0.15729602, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98755145, y: 0.15729643, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989911, y: -0.044909656, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9989911, y: 0.044909634, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.997682, y: 0.068049714, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9976819, y: -0.0680503, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9836408, y: 0.18014105, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.98364073, y: -0.18014148, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9570467, y: 0.28993377, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9570468, y: -0.2899334, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.918239, y: 0.3960267, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.9182388, y: -0.39602712, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.8677135, y: 0.4970647, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.8677137, y: -0.49706435, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.80611414, y: 0.59176016, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.80611426, y: -0.59176, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.73422843, y: 0.6789025, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -0.73422796, y: -0.67890304, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - 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1c0000001d0000001e0000001c0000001e0000001f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 321.9375 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200000002100000022000000210000002300000022000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240000002500000026000000240000002600000027000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 311.0625 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28000000290000002a000000290000002b0000002a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0000002d0000002e0000002c0000002e0000002f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 300.1875 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300000003100000032000000310000003300000032000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340000003500000036000000340000003600000037000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 289.3125 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38000000390000003a000000390000003b0000003a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0000003d0000003e0000003c0000003e0000003f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 278.4375 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 420000004100000040000000420000004300000041000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 460000004500000044000000460000004700000045000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: 4a0000004900000048000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 1 - m_Indexes: 4d0000004c0000004b0000004d0000004e0000004c000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 51000000500000004f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 540000005300000052000000540000005500000053000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: 580000005700000056000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: 5b0000005a000000590000005b0000005c0000005a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 5f0000005e0000005d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 620000006100000060000000620000006300000061000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 660000006500000064000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 690000006800000067000000690000006a00000068000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 6d0000006c0000006b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 700000006f0000006e00000070000000710000006f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 740000007300000072000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: 750000007600000077000000760000007800000077000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 790000007a0000007b0000007a0000007c0000007b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 7d0000007e0000007f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: 800000008100000082000000810000008300000082000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 840000008500000086000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000880000008a00000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 8b0000008c0000008d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: 8e0000008f000000900000008f0000009100000090000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: 920000009300000094000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: 950000009600000097000000960000009800000097000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: 9c0000009d0000009e0000009d0000009f0000009e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 14 - m_Indexes: a0000000a1000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 14 - m_Indexes: a3000000a4000000a5000000a4000000a6000000a5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: a7000000a8000000a9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: ac000000ab000000aa000000ac000000ad000000ab000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 0000000040000000 - m_Vertices: 0100000075000000 - m_Vertices: 020000000400000042000000 - m_Vertices: 030000000500000077000000 - m_Vertices: 0600000009000000780000007b0000007d000000 - m_Vertices: 0700000008000000430000004600000048000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c0000004a000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d0000007f000000 - m_Vertices: 0e000000110000007c0000007e0000008200000084000000 - m_Vertices: 0f0000001000000047000000490000004d0000004f000000 - m_Vertices: 120000001400000051000000 - m_Vertices: 130000001500000086000000 - m_Vertices: 16000000190000008300000085000000890000008b000000 - m_Vertices: 17000000180000004e000000500000005400000056000000 - m_Vertices: 1a0000001c00000058000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001d0000008d000000 - m_Vertices: 1e000000210000008a0000008c0000009000000092000000 - m_Vertices: 1f0000002000000055000000570000005b0000005d000000 - m_Vertices: 22000000240000005f000000 - m_Vertices: 230000002500000094000000 - m_Vertices: 260000002900000091000000930000009700000099000000 - m_Vertices: 27000000280000005c0000005e0000006200000064000000 - m_Vertices: 2a0000002c00000066000000 - m_Vertices: 2b0000002d0000009b000000 - m_Vertices: 2e00000031000000980000009a0000009e000000a0000000 - m_Vertices: 2f000000300000006300000065000000690000006b000000 - m_Vertices: 32000000340000006d000000 - m_Vertices: 3300000035000000a2000000 - m_Vertices: 36000000390000009f000000a1000000a5000000a7000000 - m_Vertices: 37000000380000006a0000006c0000007000000072000000 - m_Vertices: 3a0000003c00000074000000 - m_Vertices: 3b0000003d000000a9000000 - m_Vertices: 3e000000a6000000a8000000ad000000 - m_Vertices: 3f0000007100000073000000ac000000 - m_Vertices: 4100000044000000 - m_Vertices: 450000004b000000 - m_Vertices: 4c00000052000000 - m_Vertices: 5300000059000000 - m_Vertices: 5a00000060000000 - m_Vertices: 6100000067000000 - m_Vertices: 680000006e000000 - m_Vertices: 6f000000aa000000 - m_Vertices: 7600000079000000 - m_Vertices: 7a00000080000000 - m_Vertices: 8100000087000000 - m_Vertices: 880000008e000000 - m_Vertices: 8f00000095000000 - m_Vertices: 960000009c000000 - m_Vertices: 9d000000a3000000 - m_Vertices: a4000000ab000000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -3.384296, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.62414193, z: 0} - {x: -3.384296, y: 0.62414193, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.62414193, z: 0} - {x: -3.384296, y: 0.62414193, z: 0} - {x: -3.226295, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.6598772} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.0213723} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.0213723} - {x: -3.226295, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.6598772} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 1.2482839, z: 1.0213723} - {x: -3.226295, y: 1.2482839, z: 1.6598772} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 1.2482839, z: 1.0213723} - {x: -3.226295, y: 1.2482839, z: 1.6598772} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.2482839, z: 3.260135} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.2482839, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.2482839, z: 2.006059} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.2482839, z: 3.260135} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.006059} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.8724258, z: 3.260135} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.006059} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.8724258, z: 3.260135} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 1.8724258, z: 4.7432966} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.9186928} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 1.8724258, z: 4.7432966} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 2.4965677, z: 2.9186928} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 2.4965677, z: 4.7432966} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 2.4965677, z: 2.9186928} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 2.4965677, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 2.4965677, z: 6.056089} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 2.4965677, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 2.4965677, z: 3.7264936} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 2.4965677, z: 6.056089} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 3.1207097, z: 3.7264936} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 3.1207097, z: 6.056089} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 3.1207097, z: 3.7264936} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 3.1207097, z: 6.056089} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.1207097, z: 7.151361} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.1207097, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.1207097, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.1207097, z: 7.151361} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.151361} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.151361} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 4.3689938, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 4.3689938, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 4.3689938, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 4.3689938, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.3689938, z: 8.541208} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.3689938, z: 5.255662} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.3689938, z: 5.255662} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.3689938, z: 8.541208} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.9931355, z: 5.255662} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.9931355, z: 8.541208} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.9931355, z: 5.255662} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.9931355, z: 8.541208} - {x: 4.9531775, y: 4.9931355, z: 8.785864} - {x: 5.1302977, y: 4.9931355, z: 5.406206} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 0, z: 1.0213723} - {x: 0, y: 0.62414193, z: 0} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.0213723} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 0, z: 1.0213723} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 0, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.0213723} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.2482839, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.0213723} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.2482839, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.097222805, y: 1.2482839, z: 1.0213723} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 0, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 0, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.2482839, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.2482839, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 0.3853984, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.006059} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 0, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 0, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 2.4965677, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 1.8724258, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 2.4965677, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 0.8541765, y: 2.4965677, z: 2.9186928} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 0, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 0, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 2.4965677, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.1207097, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 2.4965677, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.1207097, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 1.4867201, y: 3.1207097, z: 3.7264936} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 0, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 0, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.1207097, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.1207097, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 2.2603092, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.4004474} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 0, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 0, z: 5.255662} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.3689938, z: 5.255662} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 3.7448516, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.3689938, z: 5.255662} - {x: 3.1471584, y: 4.3689938, z: 4.9163465} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 0, z: 5.255662} - {x: 5.1302977, y: 0, z: 5.406206} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.3689938, z: 5.255662} - {x: 5.1302977, y: 4.9931355, z: 5.406206} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.3689938, z: 5.255662} - {x: 5.1302977, y: 4.9931355, z: 5.406206} - {x: 4.1154137, y: 4.9931355, z: 5.255662} - {x: -3.384296, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -3.226295, y: 0, z: 1.6598772} - {x: -3.384296, y: 0.62414193, z: 0} - {x: -3.226295, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.6598772} - {x: -3.226295, y: 0, z: 1.6598772} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 0, z: 3.260135} - {x: -3.226295, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.6598772} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.2482839, z: 3.260135} - {x: -3.226295, y: 0.62414193, z: 1.6598772} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.2482839, z: 3.260135} - {x: -3.226295, y: 1.2482839, z: 1.6598772} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 0, z: 3.260135} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 0, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.2482839, z: 3.260135} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 1.8724258, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.2482839, z: 3.260135} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 1.8724258, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -2.7579684, y: 1.8724258, z: 3.260135} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 0, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 0, z: 6.056089} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 1.8724258, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 2.4965677, z: 6.056089} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 1.8724258, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 2.4965677, z: 6.056089} - {x: -1.9961357, y: 2.4965677, z: 4.7432966} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 0, z: 6.056089} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 0, z: 7.151361} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 2.4965677, z: 6.056089} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.1207097, z: 7.151361} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 2.4965677, z: 6.056089} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.1207097, z: 7.151361} - {x: -0.9681616, y: 3.1207097, z: 6.056089} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 0, z: 7.151361} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 0, z: 7.989772} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.1207097, z: 7.151361} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.989772} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.1207097, z: 7.151361} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.989772} - {x: 0.28903246, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.151361} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 0, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 0, z: 8.541208} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.3689938, z: 8.541208} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 3.7448516, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.3689938, z: 8.541208} - {x: 1.7302897, y: 4.3689938, z: 7.989772} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 0, z: 8.541208} - {x: 4.9531775, y: 0, z: 8.785864} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.3689938, z: 8.541208} - {x: 4.9531775, y: 4.9931355, z: 8.785864} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.3689938, z: 8.541208} - {x: 4.9531775, y: 4.9931355, z: 8.785864} - {x: 3.3038445, y: 4.9931355, z: 8.541208} - {x: 5.1302977, y: 0, z: 5.406206} - {x: 4.9531775, y: 0, z: 8.785864} - {x: 5.1302977, y: 4.9931355, z: 5.406206} - {x: 4.9531775, y: 4.9931355, z: 8.785864} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -3.384296, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.62414193} - {x: -3.384296, y: 0.62414193} - {x: 0.07124925, y: 0.15947604} - {x: -3.2978177, y: -0.16121966} - {x: -3.2978177, y: 1.5061605} - {x: 0.071249366, y: 1.1854651} - {x: -0.09722244, y: 0.62414193} - {x: -3.4815183, y: 0.62414193} - {x: -0.09722244, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -3.4815183, y: 1.2482839} - {x: 0.35053504, y: 1.4927118} - {x: -3.0185323, y: 1.172016} - {x: -3.0185328, y: 2.8393955} - {x: 0.3505348, y: 2.5187006} - {x: -0.38539827, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -3.7696946, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -0.38539827, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -3.7696946, y: 1.8724258} - {x: 0.8629761, y: 2.7682843} - {x: -2.5060914, y: 2.4475884} - {x: -2.5060914, y: 4.114969} - {x: 0.8629757, y: 3.7942734} - {x: -0.8541772, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -4.238473, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -0.8541772, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -4.238473, y: 2.4965677} - {x: 1.5854948, y: 3.9359446} - {x: -1.7835724, y: 3.615249} - {x: -1.7835724, y: 5.2826285} - {x: 1.5854948, y: 4.9619336} - {x: -1.4867201, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -4.871016, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -1.4867201, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -4.871016, y: 3.1207097} - {x: 2.4894428, y: 4.9479027} - {x: -0.8796241, y: 4.6272063} - {x: -0.8796241, y: 6.294587} - {x: 2.4894428, y: 5.9738917} - {x: -2.2603095, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -5.644605, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -2.2603095, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -5.644605, y: 3.7448516} - {x: 3.5420156, y: 5.7613783} - {x: 0.17294872, y: 5.440683} - {x: 0.1729486, y: 7.1080623} - {x: 3.542016, y: 6.7873673} - {x: -3.147158, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -6.531454, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -3.147158, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -6.531454, y: 4.3689938} - {x: 4.7074776, y: 6.3410544} - {x: 1.3384104, y: 6.0203586} - {x: 1.3384103, y: 7.687739} - {x: 4.7074776, y: 7.3670435} - {x: -4.1154137, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -7.4997096, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -4.1154137, y: 4.9931355} - {x: -7.4997096, y: 4.9931355} - {x: 5.948151, y: 6.661212} - {x: 2.5790842, y: 6.340516} - {x: 2.579084, y: 8.007896} - {x: 5.9481506, y: 7.6872005} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 1.0259892, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.62414193} - {x: 1.0259892, y: 0.62414193} - {x: 1.0075636, y: 0} - {x: 2.0335524, y: 0} - {x: 1.0075636, y: 0.62414193} - {x: 2.0335524, y: 1.2482839} - {x: 1.0075636, y: 0.62414193} - {x: 2.0335524, y: 1.2482839} - {x: 1.0075636, y: 1.2482839} - {x: 1.9605119, y: 0} - {x: 2.986501, y: 0} - {x: 1.9605119, y: 1.2482839} - {x: 2.986501, y: 1.8724258} - {x: 1.9605119, y: 1.2482839} - {x: 2.986501, y: 1.8724258} - {x: 1.9605119, y: 1.8724258} - {x: 2.8246171, y: 0} - {x: 3.8506062, y: 0} - {x: 2.8246171, y: 1.8724258} - {x: 3.8506062, y: 2.4965677} - {x: 2.8246171, y: 1.8724258} - {x: 3.8506062, y: 2.4965677} - {x: 2.8246171, y: 2.4965677} - {x: 3.5688438, y: 0} - {x: 4.594833, y: 0} - {x: 3.5688438, y: 2.4965677} - {x: 4.594833, y: 3.1207097} - {x: 3.5688438, y: 2.4965677} - {x: 4.594833, y: 3.1207097} - {x: 3.5688438, y: 3.1207097} - {x: 4.1664586, y: 0} - {x: 5.192447, y: 0} - {x: 4.1664586, y: 3.1207097} - {x: 5.192447, y: 3.7448516} - {x: 4.1664586, y: 3.1207097} - {x: 5.192447, y: 3.7448516} - {x: 4.1664586, y: 3.7448516} - {x: 4.5959997, y: 0} - {x: 5.621989, y: 0} - {x: 4.5959997, y: 3.7448516} - {x: 5.621989, y: 4.3689938} - {x: 4.5959997, y: 3.7448516} - {x: 5.621989, y: 4.3689938} - {x: 4.5959997, y: 4.3689938} - {x: 4.842038, y: 0} - {x: 5.8680267, y: 0} - {x: 4.842038, y: 4.3689938} - {x: 5.8680267, y: 4.9931355} - {x: 4.842038, y: 4.3689938} - {x: 5.8680267, y: 4.9931355} - {x: 4.842038, y: 4.9931355} - {x: 0.32069588, y: 0} - {x: -1.3466842, y: 0} - {x: 0.32069588, y: 0.62414193} - {x: -1.3466842, y: 0.62414193} - {x: -0.6868692, y: 0} - {x: -2.3542488, y: 0} - {x: -0.6868692, y: 0.62414193} - {x: -2.3542488, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -0.6868692, y: 0.62414193} - {x: -2.3542488, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -0.6868692, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -1.6398157, y: 0} - {x: -3.3071961, y: 0} - {x: -1.6398157, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -3.3071961, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -1.6398157, y: 1.2482839} - {x: -3.3071961, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -1.6398157, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -2.5039215, y: 0} - {x: -4.171301, y: 0} - {x: -2.5039215, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -4.171301, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -2.5039215, y: 1.8724258} - {x: -4.171301, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -2.5039215, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -3.2481477, y: 0} - {x: -4.9155283, y: 0} - {x: -3.2481477, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -4.9155283, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -3.2481477, y: 2.4965677} - {x: -4.9155283, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -3.2481477, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -3.845764, y: 0} - {x: -5.513144, y: 0} - {x: -3.845764, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -5.513144, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -3.845764, y: 3.1207097} - {x: -5.513144, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -3.845764, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -4.275304, y: 0} - {x: -5.942684, y: 0} - {x: -4.275304, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -5.942684, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -4.275304, y: 3.7448516} - {x: -5.942684, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -4.275304, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -4.521342, y: 0} - {x: -6.1887217, y: 0} - {x: -4.521342, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -6.1887217, y: 4.9931355} - {x: -4.521342, y: 4.3689938} - {x: -6.1887217, y: 4.9931355} - {x: -4.521342, y: 4.9931355} - {x: 5.130298, y: 0} - {x: 8.514594, y: 0} - {x: 5.130298, y: 4.9931355} - {x: 8.514594, y: 4.9931355} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955002, y: 0, z: -0.09475994, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955002, y: 0, z: -0.094759956, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955002, y: 0, z: -0.09475994, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955002, y: 0, z: -0.09475992, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820412, y: 0, z: -0.18866698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820412, y: 0, z: -0.18866698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820412, y: 0, z: -0.18866698, w: -1} - {x: 0.9820412, y: 0, z: -0.18866698, w: -1} - {x: 0.95974404, y: 0, z: -0.28087625, w: -1} - {x: 0.95974404, y: 0, z: -0.28087622, w: -1} - {x: 0.95974404, y: 0, z: -0.28087625, w: -1} - 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0.23980443, y: 0, z: -0.97082126, w: -1} - {x: 0.23980443, y: 0, z: -0.97082126, w: -1} - {x: 0.14673047, y: 0, z: -0.9891765, w: -1} - {x: 0.14673038, y: 0, z: -0.9891766, w: -1} - {x: 0.14673047, y: 0, z: -0.9891765, w: -1} - {x: 0.14673057, y: 0, z: -0.9891765, w: -1} - {x: 0.094760075, y: 0, z: 0.99550015, w: -1} - {x: 0.188667, y: 0, z: 0.9820411, w: -1} - {x: 0.094760075, y: 0, z: 0.99550015, w: -1} - {x: 0.21971594, y: 0, z: 0.97556394, w: -1} - {x: 0.18866697, y: 0, z: 0.9820411, w: -1} - {x: 0.37055722, y: 0, z: 0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: 0.21971591, y: 0, z: 0.9755639, w: -1} - {x: 0.37055722, y: 0, z: 0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: 0.21971591, y: 0, z: 0.9755639, w: -1} - {x: 0.37055722, y: 0, z: 0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: 0.28087598, y: 0, z: 0.9597441, w: -1} - {x: 0.37055722, y: 0, z: 0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: 0.53913826, y: 0, z: 0.84221727, w: -1} - {x: 0.37055725, y: 0, z: 0.92880964, w: -1} - {x: 0.53913826, y: 0, z: 0.84221727, w: -1} - {x: 0.37055722, y: 0, z: 0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: 0.5391382, y: 0, z: 0.84221727, w: -1} - {x: 0.45690364, y: 0, z: 0.88951623, w: -1} - {x: 0.5391382, y: 0, z: 0.84221727, w: -1} - {x: 0.68835455, y: 0, z: 0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: 0.5391383, y: 0, z: 0.84221727, w: -1} - {x: 0.6883546, y: 0, z: 0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: 0.53913826, y: 0, z: 0.84221727, w: -1} - {x: 0.6883546, y: 0, z: 0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: 0.6165208, y: 0, z: 0.7873386, w: -1} - {x: 0.6883546, y: 0, z: 0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: 0.8128468, y: 0, z: 0.58247757, w: -1} - {x: 0.6883546, y: 0, z: 0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: 0.8128468, y: 0, z: 0.58247757, w: -1} - {x: 0.6883546, y: 0, z: 0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: 0.8128468, y: 0, z: 0.58247757, w: -1} - {x: 0.75399345, y: 0, z: 0.65688205, w: -1} - {x: 0.8128467, y: 0, z: 0.58247757, w: -1} - {x: 0.9081432, y: 0, z: 0.41865966, w: -1} - {x: 0.8128467, y: 0, z: 0.58247757, w: -1} - {x: 0.9081432, y: 0, z: 0.4186597, w: -1} - {x: 0.8128467, y: 0, z: 0.58247757, w: -1} - {x: 0.9081432, y: 0, z: 0.4186597, w: -1} - {x: 0.8643847, y: 0, z: 0.5028311, w: -1} - {x: 0.90814316, y: 0, z: 0.41865963, w: -1} - {x: 0.97082114, y: 0, z: 0.23980464, w: -1} - {x: 0.90814316, y: 0, z: 0.41865963, w: -1} - {x: 0.97082114, y: 0, z: 0.23980464, w: -1} - {x: 0.90814316, y: 0, z: 0.41865966, w: -1} - {x: 0.97082114, y: 0, z: 0.23980463, w: -1} - {x: 0.9437288, y: 0, z: 0.33072037, w: -1} - {x: 0.97082114, y: 0, z: 0.23980466, w: -1} - {x: 0.98917645, y: 0, z: 0.14673081, w: -1} - {x: 0.97082114, y: 0, z: 0.23980466, w: -1} - {x: 0.98917645, y: 0, z: 0.14673081, w: -1} - {x: 0.97082114, y: 0, z: 0.23980466, w: -1} - {x: 0.98917645, y: 0, z: 0.14673081, w: -1} - {x: 0.98917645, y: 0, z: 0.14673081, w: -1} - {x: -0.09476, y: 0, z: -0.99550015, w: -1} - {x: -0.18866687, y: 0, z: -0.9820411, w: -1} - {x: -0.09476, y: 0, z: -0.99550015, w: -1} - {x: -0.2197158, y: 0, z: -0.97556394, w: -1} - {x: -0.18866687, y: 0, z: -0.9820411, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055734, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.2197158, y: 0, z: -0.9755639, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055734, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.2197158, y: 0, z: -0.9755639, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055734, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.2808758, y: 0, z: -0.95974416, w: -1} - {x: -0.3705573, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.53913844, y: 0, z: -0.84221715, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055728, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.53913844, y: 0, z: -0.84221715, w: -1} - {x: -0.3705573, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.53913844, y: 0, z: -0.84221715, w: -1} - {x: -0.45690393, y: 0, z: -0.88951606, w: -1} - {x: -0.53913844, y: 0, z: -0.84221715, w: -1} - {x: -0.6883547, y: 0, z: -0.7253743, w: -1} - {x: -0.53913844, y: 0, z: -0.84221715, w: -1} - {x: -0.6883547, y: 0, z: -0.7253743, w: -1} - {x: -0.53913844, y: 0, z: -0.84221715, w: -1} - {x: -0.6883547, y: 0, z: -0.7253743, w: -1} - {x: -0.6165208, y: 0, z: -0.7873387, w: -1} - {x: -0.68835455, y: 0, z: -0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: -0.8128467, y: 0, z: -0.58247775, w: -1} - {x: -0.68835455, y: 0, z: -0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: -0.8128467, y: 0, z: -0.58247775, w: -1} - {x: -0.68835455, y: 0, z: -0.72537434, w: -1} - {x: -0.8128467, y: 0, z: -0.58247775, w: -1} - {x: -0.7539935, y: 0, z: -0.6568819, w: -1} - {x: -0.8128467, y: 0, z: -0.5824776, w: -1} - {x: -0.90814316, y: 0, z: -0.41865975, w: -1} - {x: -0.81284666, y: 0, z: -0.5824777, w: -1} - {x: -0.90814316, y: 0, z: -0.41865975, w: -1} - {x: -0.81284666, y: 0, z: -0.58247775, w: -1} - {x: -0.90814316, y: 0, z: -0.41865975, w: -1} - {x: -0.86438453, y: 0, z: -0.5028314, w: -1} - {x: -0.90814316, y: 0, z: -0.41865972, w: -1} - {x: -0.97082114, y: 0, z: -0.2398045, w: -1} - {x: -0.90814316, y: 0, z: -0.41865975, w: -1} - {x: -0.97082114, y: 0, z: -0.2398045, w: -1} - {x: -0.90814316, y: 0, z: -0.41865975, w: -1} - {x: -0.97082114, y: 0, z: -0.2398045, w: -1} - {x: -0.94372886, y: 0, z: -0.33072028, w: -1} - {x: -0.9708212, y: 0, z: -0.23980452, w: -1} - {x: -0.9891765, y: 0, z: -0.14673059, w: -1} - {x: -0.9708212, y: 0, z: -0.23980454, w: -1} - {x: 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28000000290000002a000000290000002b0000002a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0000002d0000002e0000002d0000002f0000002e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300000003100000032000000310000003300000032000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400000004100000042000000410000004300000042000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440000004500000046000000450000004700000046000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600000006100000062000000610000006300000062000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640000006500000066000000650000006700000066000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68000000690000006a000000690000006b0000006a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0000006d0000006e0000006d0000006f0000006e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700000007100000072000000710000007300000072000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800000008100000082000000810000008300000082000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840000008500000086000000850000008700000086000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88000000890000008a000000890000008b0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0000008d0000008e0000008d0000008f0000008e000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900000009100000092000000910000009300000092000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0000000a1000000a2000000a1000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4000000a5000000a6000000a5000000a7000000a6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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08010000090100000a010000090100000b0100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0100000d0100000e0100000d0100000f0100000e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100100001101000012010000110100001301000012010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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28010000290100002a010000290100002b0100002a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0100002d0100002e0100002d0100002f0100002e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300100003101000032010000310100003301000032010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400100004101000042010000410100004301000042010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440100004501000046010000450100004701000046010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48010000490100004a010000490100004b0100004a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0100004d0100004e0100004d0100004f0100004e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500100005101000052010000510100005301000052010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540100005501000056010000550100005701000056010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58010000590100005a010000590100005b0100005a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0100005d0100005e0100005d0100005f0100005e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600100006101000062010000610100006301000062010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640100006501000066010000650100006701000066010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68010000690100006a010000690100006b0100006a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0100006d0100006e0100006d0100006f0100006e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700100007101000072010000710100007301000072010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740100007501000076010000750100007701000076010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78010000790100007a010000790100007b0100007a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0100007d0100007e0100007d0100007f0100007e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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88010000890100008a010000890100008b0100008a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0100008d0100008e0100008d0100008f0100008e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900100009101000092010000910100009301000092010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940100009501000096010000950100009701000096010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98010000990100009a010000990100009b0100009a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0100009d0100009e0100009d0100009f0100009e010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 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a8010000a9010000aa010000a9010000ab010000aa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac010000ad010000ae010000ad010000af010000ae010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0010000b1010000b2010000b1010000b3010000b2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0010000c1010000c2010000c1010000c3010000c2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4010000c5010000c6010000c5010000c7010000c6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8010000c9010000ca010000c9010000cb010000ca010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc010000cd010000ce010000cd010000cf010000ce010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0010000d1010000d2010000d1010000d3010000d2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4010000d5010000d6010000d5010000d7010000d6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8010000d9010000da010000d9010000db010000da010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc010000dd010000de010000dd010000df010000de010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0010000e1010000e2010000e1010000e3010000e2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4010000e5010000e6010000e5010000e7010000e6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8010000e9010000ea010000e9010000eb010000ea010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec010000ed010000ee010000ed010000ef010000ee010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0010000f1010000f2010000f1010000f3010000f2010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4010000f5010000f6010000f5010000f7010000f6010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8010000f9010000fa010000f9010000fb010000fa010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc010000fd010000fe010000fd010000ff010000fe010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000200000102000002020000010200000302000002020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040200000502000006020000050200000702000006020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200200002102000022020000210200002302000022020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240200002502000026020000250200002702000026020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28020000290200002a020000290200002b0200002a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0200002d0200002e0200002d0200002f0200002e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300200003102000032020000310200003302000032020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340200003502000036020000350200003702000036020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38020000390200003a020000390200003b0200003a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0200003d0200003e0200003d0200003f0200003e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400200004102000042020000410200004302000042020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440200004502000046020000450200004702000046020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48020000490200004a020000490200004b0200004a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0200004d0200004e0200004d0200004f0200004e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500200005102000052020000510200005302000052020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540200005502000056020000550200005702000056020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58020000590200005a020000590200005b0200005a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0200005d0200005e0200005d0200005f0200005e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600200006102000062020000610200006302000062020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640200006502000066020000650200006702000066020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68020000690200006a020000690200006b0200006a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0200006d0200006e0200006d0200006f0200006e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700200007102000072020000710200007302000072020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740200007502000076020000750200007702000076020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78020000790200007a020000790200007b0200007a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0200007d0200007e0200007d0200007f0200007e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800200008102000082020000810200008302000082020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840200008502000086020000850200008702000086020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88020000890200008a020000890200008b0200008a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0200008d0200008e0200008d0200008f0200008e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900200009102000092020000910200009302000092020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940200009502000096020000950200009702000096020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98020000990200009a020000990200009b0200009a020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0200009d0200009e0200009d0200009f0200009e020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0020000a1020000a2020000a1020000a3020000a2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4020000a5020000a6020000a5020000a7020000a6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8020000a9020000aa020000a9020000ab020000aa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac020000ad020000ae020000ad020000af020000ae020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0020000b1020000b2020000b1020000b3020000b2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4020000b5020000b6020000b5020000b7020000b6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8020000b9020000ba020000b9020000bb020000ba020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc020000bd020000be020000bd020000bf020000be020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0020000c1020000c2020000c1020000c3020000c2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4020000c5020000c6020000c5020000c7020000c6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8020000c9020000ca020000c9020000cb020000ca020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc020000cd020000ce020000cd020000cf020000ce020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0020000d1020000d2020000d1020000d3020000d2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4020000d5020000d6020000d5020000d7020000d6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8020000d9020000da020000d9020000db020000da020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc020000dd020000de020000dd020000df020000de020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0020000e1020000e2020000e1020000e3020000e2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4020000e5020000e6020000e5020000e7020000e6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8020000e9020000ea020000e9020000eb020000ea020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec020000ed020000ee020000ed020000ef020000ee020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0020000f1020000f2020000f1020000f3020000f2020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4020000f5020000f6020000f5020000f7020000f6020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8020000f9020000fa020000f9020000fb020000fa020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc020000fd020000fe020000fd020000ff020000fe020000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 000300000103000002030000010300000303000002030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 040300000503000006030000050300000703000006030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 08030000090300000a030000090300000b0300000a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 0c0300000d0300000e0300000d0300000f0300000e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 100300001103000012030000110300001303000012030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 140300001503000016030000150300001703000016030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 18030000190300001a030000190300001b0300001a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 1c0300001d0300001e0300001d0300001f0300001e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 200300002103000022030000210300002303000022030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 240300002503000026030000250300002703000026030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 28030000290300002a030000290300002b0300002a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 2c0300002d0300002e0300002d0300002f0300002e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 300300003103000032030000310300003303000032030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 340300003503000036030000350300003703000036030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 38030000390300003a030000390300003b0300003a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 3c0300003d0300003e0300003d0300003f0300003e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 400300004103000042030000410300004303000042030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 440300004503000046030000450300004703000046030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 48030000490300004a030000490300004b0300004a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 4c0300004d0300004e0300004d0300004f0300004e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 500300005103000052030000510300005303000052030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 540300005503000056030000550300005703000056030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 58030000590300005a030000590300005b0300005a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 5c0300005d0300005e0300005d0300005f0300005e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 600300006103000062030000610300006303000062030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 640300006503000066030000650300006703000066030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 68030000690300006a030000690300006b0300006a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 6c0300006d0300006e0300006d0300006f0300006e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 700300007103000072030000710300007303000072030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 740300007503000076030000750300007703000076030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 78030000790300007a030000790300007b0300007a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7c0300007d0300007e0300007d0300007f0300007e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 800300008103000082030000810300008303000082030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 840300008503000086030000850300008703000086030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 88030000890300008a030000890300008b0300008a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8c0300008d0300008e0300008d0300008f0300008e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 900300009103000092030000910300009303000092030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 940300009503000096030000950300009703000096030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 98030000990300009a030000990300009b0300009a030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9c0300009d0300009e0300009d0300009f0300009e030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a0030000a1030000a2030000a1030000a3030000a2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a4030000a5030000a6030000a5030000a7030000a6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a8030000a9030000aa030000a9030000ab030000aa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ac030000ad030000ae030000ad030000af030000ae030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b0030000b1030000b2030000b1030000b3030000b2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b4030000b5030000b6030000b5030000b7030000b6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b8030000b9030000ba030000b9030000bb030000ba030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bc030000bd030000be030000bd030000bf030000be030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c0030000c1030000c2030000c1030000c3030000c2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c4030000c5030000c6030000c5030000c7030000c6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8030000c9030000ca030000c9030000cb030000ca030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cc030000cd030000ce030000cd030000cf030000ce030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d0030000d1030000d2030000d1030000d3030000d2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4030000d5030000d6030000d5030000d7030000d6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d8030000d9030000da030000d9030000db030000da030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: dc030000dd030000de030000dd030000df030000de030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e0030000e1030000e2030000e1030000e3030000e2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e4030000e5030000e6030000e5030000e7030000e6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e8030000e9030000ea030000e9030000eb030000ea030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec030000ed030000ee030000ed030000ef030000ee030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f0030000f1030000f2030000f1030000f3030000f2030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f4030000f5030000f6030000f5030000f7030000f6030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: f8030000f9030000fa030000f9030000fb030000fa030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: fc030000fd030000fe030000fd030000ff030000fe030000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 00000000 - m_Vertices: 0100000004000000 - m_Vertices: 0200000040000000 - m_Vertices: 03000000060000004100000044000000 - m_Vertices: 0500000008000000 - m_Vertices: 070000000a0000004500000048000000 - m_Vertices: 090000000c000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000e000000490000004c000000 - m_Vertices: 0d00000010000000 - m_Vertices: 0f000000120000004d00000050000000 - m_Vertices: 1100000014000000 - m_Vertices: 13000000160000005100000054000000 - m_Vertices: 1500000018000000 - m_Vertices: 170000001a0000005500000058000000 - m_Vertices: 190000001c000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001e000000590000005c000000 - m_Vertices: 1d00000020000000 - m_Vertices: 1f000000220000005d00000060000000 - m_Vertices: 2100000024000000 - m_Vertices: 23000000260000006100000064000000 - 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670000006a000000a5000000a8000000 - m_Vertices: 6b0000006e000000a9000000ac000000 - m_Vertices: 6f00000072000000ad000000b0000000 - m_Vertices: 7300000076000000b1000000b4000000 - m_Vertices: 770000007a000000b5000000b8000000 - m_Vertices: 7b0000007e000000b9000000bc000000 - m_Vertices: 7f000000bd000000 - m_Vertices: 82000000c0000000 - m_Vertices: 8300000086000000c1000000c4000000 - m_Vertices: 870000008a000000c5000000c8000000 - m_Vertices: 8b0000008e000000c9000000cc000000 - m_Vertices: 8f00000092000000cd000000d0000000 - m_Vertices: 9300000096000000d1000000d4000000 - m_Vertices: 970000009a000000d5000000d8000000 - m_Vertices: 9b0000009e000000d9000000dc000000 - m_Vertices: 9f000000a2000000dd000000e0000000 - m_Vertices: a3000000a6000000e1000000e4000000 - m_Vertices: a7000000aa000000e5000000e8000000 - m_Vertices: ab000000ae000000e9000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: af000000b2000000ed000000f0000000 - m_Vertices: b3000000b6000000f1000000f4000000 - m_Vertices: b7000000ba000000f5000000f8000000 - 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0b0100000e010000490100004c010000 - m_Vertices: 0f010000120100004d01000050010000 - m_Vertices: 13010000160100005101000054010000 - m_Vertices: 170100001a0100005501000058010000 - m_Vertices: 1b0100001e010000590100005c010000 - m_Vertices: 1f010000220100005d01000060010000 - m_Vertices: 23010000260100006101000064010000 - m_Vertices: 270100002a0100006501000068010000 - m_Vertices: 2b0100002e010000690100006c010000 - m_Vertices: 2f010000320100006d01000070010000 - m_Vertices: 33010000360100007101000074010000 - m_Vertices: 370100003a0100007501000078010000 - m_Vertices: 3b0100003e010000790100007c010000 - m_Vertices: 3f0100007d010000 - m_Vertices: 4201000080010000 - m_Vertices: 43010000460100008101000084010000 - m_Vertices: 470100004a0100008501000088010000 - m_Vertices: 4b0100004e010000890100008c010000 - m_Vertices: 4f010000520100008d01000090010000 - m_Vertices: 53010000560100009101000094010000 - m_Vertices: 570100005a0100009501000098010000 - m_Vertices: 5b0100005e010000990100009c010000 - 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fb020000fe020000390300003c030000 - m_Vertices: ff0200003d030000 - m_Vertices: 0203000040030000 - m_Vertices: 03030000060300004103000044030000 - m_Vertices: 070300000a0300004503000048030000 - m_Vertices: 0b0300000e030000490300004c030000 - m_Vertices: 0f030000120300004d03000050030000 - m_Vertices: 13030000160300005103000054030000 - m_Vertices: 170300001a0300005503000058030000 - m_Vertices: 1b0300001e030000590300005c030000 - m_Vertices: 1f030000220300005d03000060030000 - m_Vertices: 23030000260300006103000064030000 - m_Vertices: 270300002a0300006503000068030000 - m_Vertices: 2b0300002e030000690300006c030000 - m_Vertices: 2f030000320300006d03000070030000 - m_Vertices: 33030000360300007103000074030000 - m_Vertices: 370300003a0300007503000078030000 - m_Vertices: 3b0300003e030000790300007c030000 - m_Vertices: 3f0300007d030000 - m_Vertices: 4203000080030000 - m_Vertices: 43030000460300008103000084030000 - m_Vertices: 470300004a0300008503000088030000 - m_Vertices: 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14.905953, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 15.790834, z: -46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 20.913141, z: -37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 14.905953, z: -37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 16.934763, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 20.913141, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.117712, z: -28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 16.934763, z: -28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 18.461458, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.117712, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.55263, z: -18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 18.461458, z: -18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 19.439253, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.55263, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.54567, z: -9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 19.439253, z: -9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 19.480589, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.54567, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.52696, z: 0} - {x: -56.25, y: 19.480589, z: 0} - {x: -56.25, y: 19.32741, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.52696, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.9559, z: 9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 19.32741, z: 9.375} - {x: -56.25, y: 18.938, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.9559, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.894394, z: 18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 18.938, z: 18.75} - {x: -56.25, y: 17.428736, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.894394, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.881027, z: 28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 17.428736, z: 28.125} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.823948, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.881027, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 17.438963, z: 37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 13.823948, z: 37.5} - {x: -56.25, y: 8.349037, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 17.438963, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.2545595, z: 46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 8.349037, z: 46.875} - {x: -56.25, y: 2.8172228, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.2545595, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 5.831868, z: 56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 2.8172228, z: 56.25} - {x: -56.25, y: 1.3083242, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 5.831868, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 1.4568744, z: 65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 1.3083242, z: 65.625} - {x: -56.25, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -46.875, y: 1.4568744, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -46.875, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -46.875, y: 5.303123, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -37.5, y: 7.352196, z: -65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 5.303123, z: -65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 10.8709545, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 7.352196, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.92104, z: -56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 10.8709545, z: -56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 15.790834, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.92104, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.66602, z: -46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 15.790834, z: -46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 20.913141, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.66602, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 25.62466, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 20.913141, z: -37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.117712, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 25.62466, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.402548, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.117712, z: -28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.55263, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.402548, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 30.790432, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.55263, z: -18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.54567, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 30.790432, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.212772, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.54567, z: -9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.52696, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.212772, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.989754, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 28.52696, z: 0} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.9559, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.989754, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.213196, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 27.9559, z: 9.375} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.894394, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.213196, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.557669, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 25.894394, z: 18.75} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.881027, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.557669, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 26.040192, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 22.881027, z: 28.125} - {x: -46.875, y: 17.438963, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 26.040192, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.321058, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 17.438963, z: 37.5} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.2545595, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.321058, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 14.75711, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 12.2545595, z: 46.875} - {x: -46.875, y: 5.831868, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 14.75711, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 8.560561, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 5.831868, z: 56.25} - {x: -46.875, y: 1.4568744, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 8.560561, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 2.4082935, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 1.4568744, z: 65.625} - {x: -46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -37.5, y: 2.4082935, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -37.5, y: 7.352196, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -28.125, y: 9.119002, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 7.352196, z: -65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.92104, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 9.119002, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.344658, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 13.92104, z: -56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.66602, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.344658, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.711117, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.66602, z: -46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 25.62466, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.711117, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 27.887474, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 25.62466, z: -37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.402548, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 27.887474, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 30.25048, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 28.402548, z: -28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 30.790432, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 30.25048, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 31.865282, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 30.790432, z: -18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.212772, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 31.865282, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.677784, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.212772, z: -9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.989754, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.677784, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.457085, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 32.989754, z: 0} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.213196, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.457085, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 34.07906, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 33.213196, z: 9.375} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.557669, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 34.07906, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.29046, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 31.557669, z: 18.75} - {x: -37.5, y: 26.040192, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.29046, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 29.497576, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 26.040192, z: 28.125} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.321058, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 29.497576, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 21.92777, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 20.321058, z: 37.5} - {x: -37.5, y: 14.75711, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 21.92777, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 16.039953, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 14.75711, z: 46.875} - {x: -37.5, y: 8.560561, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 16.039953, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.704468, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 8.560561, z: 56.25} - {x: -37.5, y: 2.4082935, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.704468, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 3.7397954, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 2.4082935, z: 65.625} - {x: -37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -28.125, y: 3.7397954, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -28.125, y: 9.119002, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.43239, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 9.119002, z: -65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.344658, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.43239, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.938457, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 17.344658, z: -56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.711117, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.938457, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.704515, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 23.711117, z: -46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 27.887474, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.704515, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 29.531061, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 27.887474, z: -37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 30.25048, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 29.531061, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.858444, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 30.25048, z: -28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 31.865282, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.858444, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.26786, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 31.865282, z: -18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.677784, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.26786, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.055813, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 32.677784, z: -9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.457085, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.055813, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.67458, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.457085, z: 0} - {x: -28.125, y: 34.07906, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.67458, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.94639, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 34.07906, z: 9.375} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.29046, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.94639, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.194485, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 33.29046, z: 18.75} - {x: -28.125, y: 29.497576, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.194485, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.883158, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 29.497576, z: 28.125} - {x: -28.125, y: 21.92777, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.883158, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.094076, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 21.92777, z: 37.5} - {x: -28.125, y: 16.039953, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.094076, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.941639, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 16.039953, z: 46.875} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.704468, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.941639, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 11.90307, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 10.704468, z: 56.25} - {x: -28.125, y: 3.7397954, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 11.90307, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 4.658471, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 3.7397954, z: 65.625} - {x: -28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -18.75, y: 4.658471, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.43239, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -9.375, y: 12.220425, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 10.43239, z: -65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.938457, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 12.220425, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.857645, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 19.938457, z: -56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.704515, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.857645, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.748232, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.704515, z: -46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 29.531061, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.748232, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 30.679825, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 29.531061, z: -37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.858444, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 30.679825, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.034233, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.858444, z: -28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.26786, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.034233, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.393173, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 32.26786, z: -18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.055813, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.393173, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.02537, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.055813, z: -9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.67458, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.02537, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.164253, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.67458, z: 0} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.94639, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.164253, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.759666, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.94639, z: 9.375} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.194485, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.759666, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.661213, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 33.194485, z: 18.75} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.883158, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.661213, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 31.061228, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 30.883158, z: 28.125} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.094076, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 31.061228, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.614397, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 25.094076, z: 37.5} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.941639, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.614397, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 17.393982, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 16.941639, z: 46.875} - {x: -18.75, y: 11.90307, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 17.393982, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 11.772764, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 11.90307, z: 56.25} - {x: -18.75, y: 4.658471, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 11.772764, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 5.0218663, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 4.658471, z: 65.625} - {x: -18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -9.375, y: 5.0218663, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: -9.375, y: 12.220425, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 0.016004432, z: -75} - {x: 0, y: 13.645681, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 12.220425, z: -65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.857645, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 13.645681, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 21.963902, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 20.857645, z: -56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.748232, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 21.963902, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 28.80166, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.748232, z: -46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 30.679825, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 28.80166, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 33.11867, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 30.679825, z: -37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.034233, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 33.11867, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 35.173622, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.034233, z: -28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.393173, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 35.173622, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 35.95591, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.393173, z: -18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.02537, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 35.95591, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 36.387978, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.02537, z: -9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.164253, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 36.387978, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 36.50786, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 35.164253, z: 0} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.759666, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 36.50786, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 36.25615, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 34.759666, z: 9.375} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.661213, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 36.25615, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 35.01547, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 33.661213, z: 18.75} - {x: -9.375, y: 31.061228, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 35.01547, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 31.787165, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 31.061228, z: 28.125} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.614397, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 31.787165, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 27.0701, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 26.614397, z: 37.5} - {x: -9.375, y: 17.393982, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 27.0701, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 18.479637, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 17.393982, z: 46.875} - {x: -9.375, y: 11.772764, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 18.479637, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 10.821907, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 11.772764, z: 56.25} - {x: -9.375, y: 5.0218663, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 10.821907, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 4.504315, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 5.0218663, z: 65.625} - {x: -9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 0, y: 4.504315, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 0, y: 0.016004432, z: -75} - {x: 0, y: 13.645681, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 0.0737841, z: -75} - {x: 9.375, y: 13.41335, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 13.645681, z: -65.625} - {x: 0, y: 21.963902, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 13.41335, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.511982, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 21.963902, z: -56.25} - {x: 0, y: 28.80166, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.511982, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 31.373137, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 28.80166, z: -46.875} - {x: 0, y: 33.11867, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 31.373137, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 35.082565, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 33.11867, z: -37.5} - {x: 0, y: 35.173622, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 35.082565, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.58172, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 35.173622, z: -28.125} - {x: 0, y: 35.95591, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.58172, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.22312, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 35.95591, z: -18.75} - {x: 0, y: 36.387978, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.22312, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.574856, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 36.387978, z: -9.375} - {x: 0, y: 36.50786, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.574856, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.7429, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 36.50786, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 36.25615, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.7429, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.555923, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 36.25615, z: 9.375} - {x: 0, y: 35.01547, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.555923, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.52818, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 35.01547, z: 18.75} - {x: 0, y: 31.787165, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.52818, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.320385, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 31.787165, z: 28.125} - {x: 0, y: 27.0701, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.320385, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 26.935272, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 27.0701, z: 37.5} - {x: 0, y: 18.479637, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 26.935272, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.262924, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 18.479637, z: 46.875} - {x: 0, y: 10.821907, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.262924, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 9.888845, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 10.821907, z: 56.25} - {x: 0, y: 4.504315, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 9.888845, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 3.6820498, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 4.504315, z: 65.625} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 9.375, y: 3.6820498, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 9.375, y: 0.0737841, z: -75} - {x: 9.375, y: 13.41335, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 0.010541606, z: -75} - {x: 18.75, y: 12.912293, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 13.41335, z: -65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.511982, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 12.912293, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 26.163546, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 24.511982, z: -56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 31.373137, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 26.163546, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.801647, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 31.373137, z: -46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 35.082565, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.801647, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.61022, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 35.082565, z: -37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.58172, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.61022, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.45778, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.58172, z: -28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.22312, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.45778, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.817467, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.22312, z: -18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.574856, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.817467, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.052006, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.574856, z: -9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.7429, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.052006, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.209805, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.7429, z: 0} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.555923, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.209805, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.27221, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 37.555923, z: 9.375} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.52818, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.27221, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.8956, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 36.52818, z: 18.75} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.320385, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.8956, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.77689, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 33.320385, z: 28.125} - {x: 9.375, y: 26.935272, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.77689, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.021177, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 26.935272, z: 37.5} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.262924, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.021177, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 19.18269, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 19.262924, z: 46.875} - {x: 9.375, y: 9.888845, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 19.18269, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 8.497904, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 9.888845, z: 56.25} - {x: 9.375, y: 3.6820498, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 8.497904, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 3.2436628, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 3.6820498, z: 65.625} - {x: 9.375, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 18.75, y: 3.2436628, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 18.75, y: 0.010541606, z: -75} - {x: 18.75, y: 12.912293, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 28.125, y: 14.694406, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 12.912293, z: -65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 26.163546, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 14.694406, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.368168, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 26.163546, z: -56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.801647, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.368168, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.310688, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 32.801647, z: -46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.61022, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.310688, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.435917, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 36.61022, z: -37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.45778, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.435917, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.961193, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.45778, z: -28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.817467, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.961193, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.231537, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.817467, z: -18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.052006, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.231537, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.41369, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.052006, z: -9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.209805, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.41369, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510715, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.209805, z: 0} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.27221, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510715, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510487, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 38.27221, z: 9.375} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.8956, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510487, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.371464, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 37.8956, z: 18.75} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.77689, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.371464, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 35.7037, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 34.77689, z: 28.125} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.021177, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 35.7037, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.882248, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 27.021177, z: 37.5} - {x: 18.75, y: 19.18269, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.882248, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 18.476133, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 19.18269, z: 46.875} - {x: 18.75, y: 8.497904, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 18.476133, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 7.39678, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 8.497904, z: 56.25} - {x: 18.75, y: 3.2436628, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 7.39678, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 2.7173018, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 3.2436628, z: 65.625} - {x: 18.75, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 28.125, y: 2.7173018, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 28.125, y: 14.694406, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 37.5, y: 15.464914, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 14.694406, z: -65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.368168, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 15.464914, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.678938, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 27.368168, z: -56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.310688, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.678938, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.4135, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 34.310688, z: -46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.435917, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.4135, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 37.968933, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.435917, z: -37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.961193, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 37.968933, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.38097, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 37.961193, z: -28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.231537, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.38097, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.60594, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.231537, z: -18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.41369, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.60594, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.722393, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.41369, z: -9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510715, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.722393, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.71495, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510715, z: 0} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510487, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.71495, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.590836, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.510487, z: 9.375} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.371464, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.590836, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.3088, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 38.371464, z: 18.75} - {x: 28.125, y: 35.7037, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.3088, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.81241, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 35.7037, z: 28.125} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.882248, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.81241, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.183495, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 26.882248, z: 37.5} - {x: 28.125, y: 18.476133, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.183495, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 17.424648, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 18.476133, z: 46.875} - {x: 28.125, y: 7.39678, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 17.424648, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 5.881074, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 7.39678, z: 56.25} - {x: 28.125, y: 2.7173018, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 5.881074, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 2.4022028, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 2.7173018, z: 65.625} - {x: 28.125, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 37.5, y: 2.4022028, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 37.5, y: 15.464914, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 46.875, y: 14.968174, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 15.464914, z: -65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.678938, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 14.968174, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 29.086483, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 28.678938, z: -56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.4135, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 29.086483, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 36.152237, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.4135, z: -46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 37.968933, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 36.152237, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.45116, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 37.968933, z: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.38097, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.45116, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.759632, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.38097, z: -28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.60594, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.759632, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.90064, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.60594, z: -18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.722393, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.90064, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.8813, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.722393, z: -9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.71495, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.8813, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.716007, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.71495, z: 0} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.590836, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.716007, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.4418, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.590836, z: 9.375} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.3088, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.4418, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 37.93549, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 38.3088, z: 18.75} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.81241, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 37.93549, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 33.60544, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 35.81241, z: 28.125} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.183495, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 33.60544, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 23.116995, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 25.183495, z: 37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: 17.424648, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 23.116995, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 15.090344, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 17.424648, z: 46.875} - {x: 37.5, y: 5.881074, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 15.090344, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 5.0570836, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 5.881074, z: 56.25} - {x: 37.5, y: 2.4022028, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 5.0570836, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 2.1788373, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 2.4022028, z: 65.625} - {x: 37.5, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 46.875, y: 2.1788373, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 46.875, y: 14.968174, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.787774, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 14.968174, z: -65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 29.086483, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.787774, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.24853, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 29.086483, z: -56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 36.152237, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.24853, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 36.41825, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 36.152237, z: -46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.45116, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 36.41825, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.890102, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.45116, z: -37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.759632, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.890102, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 39.037464, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.759632, z: -28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.90064, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 39.037464, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.97989, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.90064, z: -18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.8813, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.97989, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.719753, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.8813, z: -9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.716007, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.719753, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.383995, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.716007, z: 0} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.4418, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.383995, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.012024, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 38.4418, z: 9.375} - {x: 46.875, y: 37.93549, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.012024, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 37.224003, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 37.93549, z: 18.75} - {x: 46.875, y: 33.60544, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 37.224003, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 28.617546, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 33.60544, z: 28.125} - {x: 46.875, y: 23.116995, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 28.617546, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 20.351448, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 23.116995, z: 37.5} - {x: 46.875, y: 15.090344, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 20.351448, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 11.991818, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 15.090344, z: 46.875} - {x: 46.875, y: 5.0570836, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 11.991818, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 4.297467, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 5.0570836, z: 56.25} - {x: 46.875, y: 2.1788373, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 4.297467, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.5982976, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 2.1788373, z: 65.625} - {x: 46.875, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.5982976, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.787774, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 65.625, y: 10.786564, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 13.787774, z: -65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.24853, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 10.786564, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 16.335915, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 27.24853, z: -56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 36.41825, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 16.335915, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 31.156374, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 36.41825, z: -46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.890102, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 31.156374, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.351795, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.890102, z: -37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 39.037464, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.351795, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.16058, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 39.037464, z: -28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.97989, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.16058, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 38.562775, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.97989, z: -18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.719753, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 38.562775, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.862926, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.719753, z: -9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.383995, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.862926, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.452583, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.383995, z: 0} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.012024, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.452583, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.12854, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 38.012024, z: 9.375} - {x: 56.25, y: 37.224003, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.12854, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 35.130928, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 37.224003, z: 18.75} - {x: 56.25, y: 28.617546, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 35.130928, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 22.501122, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 28.617546, z: 28.125} - {x: 56.25, y: 20.351448, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 22.501122, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.814417, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 20.351448, z: 37.5} - {x: 56.25, y: 11.991818, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.814417, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.014694, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 11.991818, z: 46.875} - {x: 56.25, y: 4.297467, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.014694, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 2.8324146, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 4.297467, z: 56.25} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.5982976, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 2.8324146, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.97678995, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 1.5982976, z: 65.625} - {x: 56.25, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.97678995, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 65.625, y: 10.786564, z: -65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -75} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 10.786564, z: -65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 16.335915, z: -56.25} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 16.335915, z: -56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 31.156374, z: -46.875} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: -56.25} - {x: 75, y: 1.8615742, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 31.156374, z: -46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.351795, z: -37.5} - {x: 75, y: 1.8615742, z: -46.875} - {x: 75, y: 10.52866, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.351795, z: -37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.16058, z: -28.125} - {x: 75, y: 10.52866, z: -37.5} - {x: 75, y: 16.200367, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 39.16058, z: -28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 38.562775, z: -18.75} - {x: 75, y: 16.200367, z: -28.125} - {x: 75, y: 18.526495, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 38.562775, z: -18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.862926, z: -9.375} - {x: 75, y: 18.526495, z: -18.75} - {x: 75, y: 18.072397, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.862926, z: -9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.452583, z: 0} - {x: 75, y: 18.072397, z: -9.375} - {x: 75, y: 15.950948, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.452583, z: 0} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.12854, z: 9.375} - {x: 75, y: 15.950948, z: 0} - {x: 75, y: 12.425569, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 37.12854, z: 9.375} - {x: 65.625, y: 35.130928, z: 18.75} - {x: 75, y: 12.425569, z: 9.375} - {x: 75, y: 8.9583845, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 35.130928, z: 18.75} - {x: 65.625, y: 22.501122, z: 28.125} - {x: 75, y: 8.9583845, z: 18.75} - {x: 75, y: 5.074295, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 22.501122, z: 28.125} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.814417, z: 37.5} - {x: 75, y: 5.074295, z: 28.125} - {x: 75, y: 1.8297513, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 15.814417, z: 37.5} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.014694, z: 46.875} - {x: 75, y: 1.8297513, z: 37.5} - {x: 75, y: 0.48205283, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 8.014694, z: 46.875} - {x: 65.625, y: 2.8324146, z: 56.25} - {x: 75, y: 0.48205283, z: 46.875} - {x: 75, y: 0.11070967, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 2.8324146, z: 56.25} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.97678995, z: 65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0.11070967, z: 56.25} - {x: 75, y: 0.00041567688, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0.97678995, z: 65.625} - {x: 65.625, y: 0, z: 75} - {x: 75, y: 0.00041567688, z: 65.625} - {x: 75, y: 0, z: 75} m_Textures0: - {x: -75, y: -75} - {x: -75, y: -65.625} - {x: -65.625, y: -75} - {x: -65.625, y: -65.625} - {x: -73.959595, y: -65.625} - {x: -73.959595, y: -56.25} - {x: -64.45272, y: -65.625} - {x: -64.05749, y: -56.25} - {x: -69.09164, y: -56.25} - {x: -69.09164, y: -46.875} - {x: -58.914936, y: -56.25} - {x: -57.617172, y: -46.875} - {x: -59.191364, y: -46.875} - {x: -59.191364, y: -37.5} - {x: -47.31252, y: -46.875} - {x: -45.997276, y: -37.5} - {x: 37.5, y: -52.858925} - {x: 28.125, y: -52.858925} - {x: 37.5, y: -39.557007} - {x: 28.125, y: -39.407383} - {x: 28.125, y: -52.267776} - {x: 18.75, y: -52.267776} - {x: 28.125, y: -38.81542} - {x: 18.75, y: -38.102634} - {x: 18.75, y: -49.578453} - {x: 9.375, y: -49.578453} - {x: 18.75, y: -35.396385} - {x: 9.375, y: -34.374832} - {x: 9.375, y: -46.166393} - {x: 0, y: -46.166393} - {x: 9.375, y: -30.936155} - {x: 0, y: -30.238811} - {x: 0, y: -44.11934} - {x: -9.375, y: -44.11934} - {x: 0, y: -28.18245} - {x: -9.375, y: -28.018984} - {x: -9.375, y: -43.670208} - {x: -18.75, y: -43.670208} - {x: -9.375, y: -27.569412} - {x: -18.75, y: -28.516607} - {x: -18.75, y: -46.35344} - {x: -28.125, y: -46.35344} - {x: -18.75, y: -31.184664} - {x: -28.125, y: -32.439316} - {x: -28.125, y: -50.406693} - {x: -37.5, y: -50.406693} - {x: -28.125, y: -36.45765} - {x: -37.5, y: -38.004642} - {x: -56.334354, y: 37.5} - {x: -56.334354, y: 46.875} - {x: -43.853073, y: 37.5} - {x: -46.95676, y: 46.875} - {x: -70.1689, y: 46.875} - {x: -70.1689, y: 56.25} - {x: -60.148434, y: 46.875} - {x: -60.83925, y: 56.25} - {x: -73.9547, y: 56.25} - {x: -73.9547, y: 65.625} - {x: -64.44719, y: 56.25} - {x: -64.501076, y: 65.625} - {x: -74.33386, y: 65.625} - {x: -74.33386, y: 75} - {x: -64.87485, y: 65.625} - {x: -65.04213, y: 75} - {x: -65.625, y: -73.959595} - {x: -65.625, y: -64.45272} - {x: -56.25, y: -73.959595} - {x: -56.25, y: -64.17574} - {x: -64.33303, y: -60.498226} - {x: -63.91578, y: -50.83457} - {x: -54.810688, y: -60.498226} - {x: -54.036167, y: -50.347645} - {x: -59.570366, y: -44.664677} - {x: -58.343616, y: -34.789787} - {x: -49.488907, y: -44.664677} - {x: -47.906635, y: -34.507374} - {x: -55.475086, y: -38.752155} - {x: -54.519463, y: -29.183231} - {x: -44.99946, y: -38.752155} - {x: -43.689064, y: -29.040703} - {x: -51.928825, y: -36.692093} - {x: -51.822548, y: -27.315325} - {x: -41.075073, y: -36.692093} - {x: -40.05274, y: -27.284817} - {x: -45.892418, y: -24.03232} - {x: -45.28246, y: -14.624537} - {x: -34.01833, y: -24.03232} - {x: -33.081387, y: -14.589449} - {x: -43.57831, y: -13.06993} - {x: -42.706238, y: -3.6368158} - {x: -31.369986, y: -13.06993} - {x: -30.743662, y: -3.669468} - {x: -43.955166, y: -5.648541} - {x: -43.40528, y: 3.752055} - {x: -31.988962, y: -5.648541} - {x: -31.963274, y: 3.703321} - {x: -46.266804, y: 0.85160106} - {x: -46.150524, y: 10.22806} - {x: -34.805725, y: 0.85160106} - {x: -34.89384, y: 10.222934} - {x: -47.385902, y: 4.4624333} - {x: -48.03127, y: 13.88748} - {x: -36.125465, y: 4.4624333} - {x: -36.34117, y: 13.821018} - {x: -45.405453, y: 11.97903} - {x: -46.361454, y: 21.440731} - {x: -33.69753, y: 11.97903} - {x: -34.601597, y: 21.431355} - {x: -46.079758, y: 19.321148} - {x: -47.341072, y: 28.842937} - {x: -34.3197, y: 19.321148} - {x: -36.496014, y: 29.05427} - {x: -52.164024, y: 18.35017} - {x: -54.569977, y: 28.558271} - {x: -41.251873, y: 18.35017} - {x: -44.053665, y: 28.821215} - {x: -56.77102, y: 40.043396} - {x: -57.664227, y: 49.578613} - {x: -46.23373, y: 40.043396} - {x: -48.75928, y: 50.1593} - {x: -64.85586, y: 55.869827} - {x: -64.89817, y: 65.25033} - {x: -55.399803, y: 55.869827} - {x: -55.59694, y: 65.29054} - {x: -65.61729, y: 64.827934} - {x: -65.62405, y: 74.28695} - {x: -56.24215, y: 64.827934} - {x: -56.249184, y: 74.29365} - {x: -56.25, y: -70.8705} - {x: -56.25, y: -60.949238} - {x: -46.875, y: -70.8705} - {x: -46.875, y: -60.276276} - {x: -54.248043, y: -53.24046} - {x: -53.301033, y: -42.919155} - {x: -44.650146, y: -53.24046} - {x: -43.457176, y: -42.45014} - {x: -50.747078, y: -41.458164} - {x: -49.355495, y: -31.237288} - {x: -40.83957, y: -41.458164} - {x: -39.248333, y: -31.004612} - {x: -47.570156, y: -36.015625} - {x: -46.46155, y: -26.254147} - {x: -37.44613, y: -36.015625} - {x: -35.512527, y: -25.69032} - {x: -39.31934, y: -29.202765} - {x: -38.224773, y: -19.67341} - {x: -28.184845, y: -29.202765} - {x: -25.91643, y: -19.345018} - {x: -31.241545, y: -21.857792} - {x: -30.237612, y: -12.4125} - {x: -18.797619, y: -21.857792} - {x: -17.196451, y: -12.329179} - {x: -27.529276, y: -14.784282} - {x: -26.848577, y: -5.3830395} - {x: -14.470178, y: -14.784282} - {x: -13.778867, y: -5.3822227} - {x: -26.804089, y: -9.206897} - {x: -26.775288, y: 0.16814966} - {x: -13.734374, y: -9.206897} - {x: -13.74741, y: 0.16801344} - {x: -26.950912, y: -0.6240262} - {x: -27.057278, y: 8.751622} - {x: -13.922964, y: -0.6240262} - {x: -14.319497, y: 8.755157} - {x: -28.299824, y: 7.7725177} - {x: -28.563534, y: 17.151896} - {x: -15.558494, y: 7.7725177} - {x: -16.954556, y: 17.18948} - {x: -33.887604, y: 12.347572} - {x: -34.786957, y: 21.800596} - {x: -22.213614, y: 12.347572} - {x: -24.009245, y: 21.95547} - {x: -39.862583, y: 13.017445} - {x: -41.674847, y: 22.896757} - {x: -29.017393, y: 13.017445} - {x: -31.753326, y: 23.397709} - {x: -47.509743, y: 17.074547} - {x: -49.479507, y: 27.750937} - {x: -37.46191, y: 17.074547} - {x: -39.327156, y: 27.621246} - {x: -48.71385, y: 27.13125} - {x: -50.84113, y: 37.806747} - {x: -38.557877, y: 27.13125} - {x: -41.027752, y: 38.200115} - {x: -52.6871, y: 52.586937} - {x: -53.149014, y: 62.071346} - {x: -42.839325, y: 52.586937} - {x: -44.178616, y: 62.484592} - {x: -56.22221, y: 64.69135} - {x: -56.24294, y: 74.15719} - {x: -46.846035, y: 64.69135} - {x: -46.869118, y: 74.17771} - {x: -46.875, y: -65.279655} - {x: -46.875, y: -54.508686} - {x: -37.5, y: -65.279655} - {x: -37.5, y: -53.499817} - {x: -44.66157, y: -49.13956} - {x: -43.472687, y: -38.300835} - {x: -35.06525, y: -49.13956} - {x: -33.662624, y: -37.810062} - {x: -41.211975, y: -39.2392} - {x: -39.689857, y: -28.761654} - {x: -31.353289, y: -39.2392} - {x: -29.266523, y: -27.986681} - {x: -34.30259, y: -26.635654} - {x: -31.939327, y: -16.217226} - {x: -23.73575, y: -26.635654} - {x: -21.448, y: -16.280565} - {x: -32.492344, y: -20.028769} - {x: -30.604305, y: -9.929048} - {x: -22.00001, y: -20.028769} - {x: -20.752615, y: -10.403222} - {x: -35.932358, y: -17.982975} - {x: -35.127197, y: -8.330455} - {x: -25.998537, y: -17.982975} - {x: -25.208931, y: -8.3410225} - {x: -35.312588, y: -14.537769} - {x: -34.988415, y: -5.1158977} - {x: -25.39422, y: -14.537769} - {x: -24.929903, y: -5.0754724} - {x: -33.255535, y: -9.456126} - {x: -33.262352, y: -0.08111051} - {x: -23.188845, y: -9.456126} - {x: -22.905806, y: -0.0824877} - {x: -30.062845, y: -2.5209439} - {x: -30.308296, y: 6.868225} - {x: -19.679823, y: -2.5209439} - {x: -19.583784, y: 6.82883} - {x: -27.211357, y: 0.29557142} - {x: -28.21968, y: 9.841446} - {x: -16.46288, y: 0.29557145} - {x: -17.27263, y: 9.774746} - {x: -26.733501, y: 5.7694654} - {x: -28.291601, y: 15.4928055} - {x: -15.780725, y: 5.7694654} - {x: -18.633608, y: 16.061377} - {x: -37.114033, y: 6.9770865} - {x: -38.85187, y: 17.676928} - {x: -27.22106, y: 6.9770865} - {x: -29.047373, y: 17.803478} - {x: -39.681065, y: 18.926575} - {x: -41.20451, y: 29.530714} - {x: -29.873055, y: 18.926575} - {x: -31.508026, y: 29.700253} - {x: -42.128647, y: 25.88008} - {x: -43.78511, y: 37.122753} - {x: -32.425377, y: 25.88008} - {x: -34.023518, y: 37.002155} - {x: -43.37753, y: 43.686356} - {x: -44.60018, y: 53.959442} - {x: -33.613495, y: 43.686356} - {x: -35.33283, y: 54.65722} - {x: -46.488365, y: 63.909885} - {x: -46.635464, y: 73.39627} - {x: -37.065212, y: 63.909885} - {x: -37.30837, y: 73.54089} - {x: -37.5, y: -59.016277} - {x: -37.5, y: -47.102196} - {x: -28.125, y: -59.016277} - {x: -28.125, y: -46.011894} - {x: -35.489666, y: -46.015034} - {x: -34.273125, y: -34.63258} - {x: -25.949635, y: -46.015034} - {x: -24.42625, y: -33.70922} - {x: -30.449379, y: -32.080536} - {x: -28.135658, y: -20.76541} - {x: -20.468807, y: -32.080536} - {x: -18.284933, y: -20.964497} - {x: -29.281557, y: -27.836126} - {x: -27.74972, y: -17.341736} - {x: -19.424416, y: -27.836126} - {x: -18.134243, y: -17.676092} - {x: -30.440899, y: -26.705156} - {x: -29.789125, y: -16.949005} - {x: -20.796679, y: -26.705156} - {x: -20.24225, y: -17.060633} - {x: -31.299246, y: -18.771643} - {x: -30.83745, y: -9.108342} - {x: -21.743856, y: -18.771643} - {x: -21.431566, y: -9.2922325} - {x: -33.74877, y: -13.344633} - {x: -33.586758, y: -3.8637347} - {x: -24.312355, y: -13.344633} - {x: -24.219809, y: -3.9540367} - {x: -35.858124, y: -6.5356903} - {x: -35.819633, y: 2.8713732} - {x: -26.471598, y: -6.5356903} - {x: -26.432991, y: 2.8715644} - {x: -35.81104, y: 0.82853097} - {x: -35.799915, y: 10.206187} - {x: -26.4244, y: 0.82853097} - {x: -26.393433, y: 10.215659} - {x: -34.286545, y: 2.9084444} - {x: -34.4388, y: 12.4272785} - {x: -24.871645, y: 2.9084444} - {x: -24.944172, y: 12.277778} - {x: -31.139729, y: -2.7294517} - {x: -32.142544, y: 8.102332} - {x: -21.605936, y: -2.7294517} - {x: -22.295303, y: 7.2528806} - {x: -26.173561, y: 5.827676} - {x: -28.152428, y: 16.629675} - {x: -16.181358, y: 5.827676} - {x: -18.800571, y: 17.492208} - {x: -33.52849, y: 19.05736} - {x: -34.46835, y: 29.91852} - {x: -24.016802, y: 19.05736} - {x: -25.011372, y: 30.079697} - {x: -35.153103, y: 28.419472} - {x: -35.99319, y: 39.625813} - {x: -25.69074, y: 28.419472} - {x: -26.414091, y: 39.15844} - {x: -34.64791, y: 38.381485} - {x: -36.01943, y: 49.510723} - {x: -25.030897, y: 38.381485} - {x: -26.58352, y: 49.937504} - {x: -36.788765, y: 61.71279} - {x: -37.12741, y: 71.38625} - {x: -27.319683, y: 61.71279} - {x: -27.845558, y: 71.71119} - {x: -28.125, y: -53.76195} - {x: -28.125, y: -40.683464} - {x: -18.75, y: -53.76195} - {x: -18.75, y: -39.7677} - {x: -26.58783, y: -41.05419} - {x: -25.446604, y: -28.634464} - {x: -17.121279, y: -41.05419} - {x: -15.802408, y: -27.802763} - {x: -22.481628, y: -33.803783} - {x: -20.783985, y: -22.5993} - {x: -12.754429, y: -33.803783} - {x: -11.216885, y: -22.916195} - {x: -22.578564, y: -31.37146} - {x: -21.709967, y: -21.145115} - {x: -12.993979, y: -31.37146} - {x: -12.198136, y: -21.281796} - {x: -22.88682, y: -28.606276} - {x: -22.478771, y: -18.946672} - {x: -13.368837, y: -28.606276} - {x: -13.139623, y: -19.192461} - {x: -26.108433, y: -22.296501} - {x: -26.003933, y: -12.78402} - {x: -16.71374, y: -22.296501} - {x: -16.622532, y: -12.81874} - {x: -26.732014, y: -15.829711} - {x: -26.697157, y: -6.4196334} - {x: -17.348375, y: -15.829711} - {x: -17.31457, y: -6.421749} - {x: -26.785564, y: -6.546395} - {x: -26.754166, y: 2.8608863} - {x: -17.402945, y: -6.546395} - {x: -17.378016, y: 2.847609} - {x: -27.341457, y: 2.2567892} - {x: -27.327032, y: 11.652388} - {x: -17.963934, y: 2.2567892} - {x: -17.95763, y: 11.629219} - {x: -28.604408, y: 6.5193844} - {x: -28.59325, y: 15.927486} - {x: -19.22847, y: 6.5193844} - {x: -19.21783, y: 15.924412} - {x: -28.46431, y: 5.005343} - {x: -28.425484, y: 15.118458} - {x: -19.08882, y: 5.005343} - {x: -19.065159, y: 14.562864} - {x: -23.510012, y: 1.1968877} - {x: -24.616772, y: 13.195539} - {x: -14.033173, y: 1.1968877} - {x: -14.879578, y: 12.096118} - {x: -19.629793, y: 17.00177} - {x: -21.51379, y: 27.910828} - {x: -9.734536, y: 17.00177} - {x: -12.34317, y: 29.00794} - {x: -26.460176, y: 31.588053} - {x: -26.970985, y: 42.36289} - {x: -17.041914, y: 31.588053} - {x: -17.524298, y: 42.21721} - {x: -26.54039, y: 36.86829} - {x: -27.423641, y: 48.513767} - {x: -17.08908, y: 36.86829} - {x: -18.00783, y: 48.67849} - {x: -27.626207, y: 58.60848} - {x: -27.99093, y: 68.69528} - {x: -18.206303, y: 58.60848} - {x: -18.66062, y: 69.03265} - {x: -18.75, y: -50.13053} - {x: -18.75, y: -36.10465} - {x: -9.375, y: -50.13053} - {x: -9.375, y: -34.774715} - {x: -6.2959247, y: -39.806778} - {x: -8.028916, y: -26.568474} - {x: 2.9175093, y: -37.31673} - {x: 1.1845174, y: -24.702322} - {x: -16.71495, y: -36.66095} - {x: -16.152306, y: -25.669067} - {x: -7.294997, y: -36.66095} - {x: -6.720201, y: -25.604364} - {x: -15.790767, y: -33.05404} - {x: -15.367374, y: -22.937033} - {x: -6.3578467, y: -33.05404} - {x: -5.922831, y: -22.897787} - {x: -15.019084, y: -32.73841} - {x: -14.85764, y: -23.271286} - {x: -5.573964, y: -32.73841} - {x: -5.287609, y: -23.129417} - {x: -11.288222, y: -22.858337} - {x: -10.969588, y: -13.383342} - {x: -1.6640503, y: -22.858337} - {x: -1.3568274, y: -13.390466} - {x: -11.1519, y: -15.777801} - {x: -10.977692, y: -6.3713584} - {x: -1.5390139, y: -15.777801} - {x: -1.3992411, y: -6.3837676} - {x: -11.553224, y: -7.021849} - {x: -11.426006, y: 2.372687} - {x: -1.9735684, y: -7.021849} - {x: -1.9450146, y: 2.3424158} - {x: -13.233141, y: 1.0361085} - {x: -13.190486, y: 10.41495} - {x: -3.7405245, y: 1.0361085} - {x: -3.8040164, y: 10.395831} - {x: -15.746025, y: 6.5224643} - {x: -15.811008, y: 15.927344} - {x: -6.335815, y: 6.5224643} - {x: -6.430749, y: 15.9548435} - {x: -17.076284, y: 10.05646} - {x: -17.191212, y: 19.711493} - {x: -7.689675, y: 10.05646} - {x: -7.8189535, y: 19.780424} - {x: -18.160126, y: 7.5233} - {x: -18.270065, y: 18.541103} - {x: -8.783435, y: 7.5233} - {x: -8.867883, y: 17.8361} - {x: -14.491243, y: 10.365988} - {x: -15.796256, y: 22.721142} - {x: -4.9937706, y: 10.365988} - {x: -6.469741, y: 23.40778} - {x: -17.911728, y: 32.869156} - {x: -18.154556, y: 43.509586} - {x: -8.525823, y: 32.869156} - {x: -8.796731, y: 43.78485} - {x: -18.913618, y: 37.392933} - {x: -18.812933, y: 49.240498} - {x: -9.537712, y: 37.392933} - {x: -9.443889, y: 48.938663} - {x: -18.555492, y: 56.38496} - {x: -18.73593, y: 66.85202} - {x: -9.173452, y: 56.38496} - {x: -9.367965, y: 67.01351} - {x: -9.276769, y: -45.658195} - {x: -9.289046, y: -30.255949} - {x: 0.09822337, y: -45.638027} - {x: 0.08594546, y: -29.117651} - {x: -7.431769, y: -39.43202} - {x: -6.133591, y: -26.751049} - {x: 2.0509515, y: -39.43202} - {x: 3.3011835, y: -26.963417} - {x: -6.8661466, y: -36.174015} - {x: -6.1758423, y: -25.123535} - {x: 2.5738978, y: -36.174015} - {x: 3.3751986, y: -24.625568} - {x: -3.4348423, y: -32.711014} - {x: -2.5936384, y: -22.579853} - {x: 6.162407, y: -32.711014} - {x: 7.0860753, y: -22.437132} - {x: -1.3489412, y: -28.86942} - {x: -0.7561858, y: -19.221493} - {x: 8.338091, y: -28.86942} - {x: 8.8554535, y: -19.289938} - {x: -1.7905092, y: -23.049793} - {x: -1.4881696, y: -13.581639} - {x: 7.8254986, y: -23.049793} - {x: 7.9995437, y: -13.660309} - {x: -3.59237, y: -16.354742} - {x: -3.4884222, y: -6.959025} - {x: 5.911986, y: -16.354742} - {x: 5.9830275, y: -6.972127} - {x: -4.2397017, y: -8.8461485} - {x: -4.219726, y: 0.5298592} - {x: 5.233804, y: -8.8461485} - {x: 5.251047, y: 0.5295835} - {x: -4.291484, y: -1.5424134} - {x: -4.348882, y: 7.841137} - {x: 5.1793075, y: -1.5424134} - {x: 5.143598, y: 7.834678} - {x: -3.7786562, y: 5.1978006} - {x: -3.9518046, y: 14.6353445} - {x: 5.71503, y: 5.1978006} - {x: 5.5194626, y: 14.651487} - {x: -4.4661484, y: 8.908115} - {x: -4.837868, y: 18.629864} - {x: 5.0061603, y: 8.908115} - {x: 4.54461, y: 18.794466} - {x: -6.9490256, y: 11.876218} - {x: -7.2923303, y: 22.246708} - {x: 2.454038, y: 11.876218} - {x: 2.0898705, y: 22.361893} - {x: -8.071787, y: 7.8036113} - {x: -8.519447, y: 20.945387} - {x: 1.3142825, y: 7.8036113} - {x: 0.89720625, y: 20.504448} - {x: -7.3118567, y: 30.878971} - {x: -7.958491, y: 41.790916} - {x: 2.1257951, y: 30.878971} - {x: 1.2448924, y: 42.82613} - {x: -10.515104, y: 39.455933} - {x: -9.833891, y: 50.988544} - {x: -1.092007, y: 39.455933} - {x: -0.45451728, y: 50.737484} - {x: -9.63756, y: 55.746758} - {x: -9.360746, y: 66.37846} - {x: -0.24828485, y: 55.746758} - {x: 0, y: 66.13474} - {x: 0.31794125, y: -42.489986} - {x: 0.27819857, y: -25.947401} - {x: 9.692857, y: -42.41986} - {x: 9.653114, y: -26.1163} - {x: -0.33806354, y: -40.04248} - {x: -0.5441424, y: -27.510883} - {x: 9.039815, y: -40.04248} - {x: 8.7648535, y: -25.666435} - {x: 5.760696, y: -33.79993} - {x: 7.5541043, y: -22.33567} - {x: 15.475804, y: -33.79993} - {x: 17.275349, y: -22.322678} - {x: 7.6186314, y: -31.56768} - {x: 8.76057, y: -21.309845} - {x: 17.339903, y: -31.56768} - {x: 18.321123, y: -21.547653} - {x: 6.790375, y: -29.866148} - {x: 7.211705, y: -20.277824} - {x: 16.368868, y: -29.866148} - {x: 16.67624, y: -20.391935} - {x: 5.224371, y: -25.169174} - {x: 5.3405647, y: -15.762311} - {x: 14.704528, y: -25.169174} - {x: 14.799796, y: -15.773768} - {x: 4.8163342, y: -17.104795} - {x: 4.87421, y: -7.720022} - {x: 14.27659, y: -17.104795} - {x: 14.323706, y: -7.7236543} - {x: 4.5702505, y: -8.91632} - {x: 4.5853076, y: 0.45943466} - {x: 14.0200815, y: -8.91632} - {x: 14.041187, y: 0.4600408} - {x: 4.768269, y: -0.9631358} - {x: 4.7353935, y: 8.415185} - {x: 14.224271, y: -0.96313584} - {x: 14.199849, y: 8.413477} - {x: 4.979021, y: 4.627785} - {x: 4.8086395, y: 14.08299} - {x: 14.443694, y: 4.627785} - {x: 14.302555, y: 14.055575} - {x: 5.5778046, y: 6.625893} - {x: 5.0635505, y: 16.527817} - {x: 15.074062, y: 6.625893} - {x: 14.563076, y: 16.521301} - {x: 5.130427, y: 11.238541} - {x: 4.369096, y: 21.705713} - {x: 14.629974, y: 11.238542} - {x: 13.5994215, y: 22.437843} - {x: -0.38927418, y: 9.364198} - {x: -0.26574138, y: 22.079205} - {x: 8.986695, y: 9.364198} - {x: 9.097025, y: 21.45904} - {x: 1.538624, y: 24.728384} - {x: 0.9010375, y: 36.816597} - {x: 10.946289, y: 24.728384} - {x: 10.165798, y: 37.896347} - {x: -1.0717722, y: 40.721127} - {x: -0.44609508, y: 52.00878} - {x: 8.3495455, y: 40.721127} - {x: 8.96425, y: 51.947376} - {x: -0.39355484, y: 57.257046} - {x: 0, y: 67.650536} - {x: 9.017436, y: 57.257046} - {x: 9.339148, y: 67.2969} - {x: 9.019326, y: -43.08914} - {x: 9.063772, y: -26.784767} - {x: 18.39422, y: -43.16644} - {x: 18.438667, y: -27.220266} - {x: 6.4057817, y: -32.300625} - {x: 6.8285933, y: -17.77852} - {x: 15.771243, y: -32.956234} - {x: 16.194054, y: -16.788975} - {x: 13.485537, y: -32.46841} - {x: 14.675914, y: -20.912067} - {x: 23.0049, y: -32.46841} - {x: 24.156578, y: -21.040512} - {x: 13.993942, y: -32.8704} - {x: 14.552714, y: -22.80371} - {x: 23.477152, y: -32.8704} - {x: 24.05086, y: -22.768005} - {x: 14.8952465, y: -31.878437} - {x: 15.1363535, y: -22.387392} - {x: 24.393898, y: -31.878437} - {x: 24.530209, y: -22.487652} - {x: 12.737937, y: -25.643867} - {x: 12.797614, y: -16.24714} - {x: 22.15378, y: -25.643867} - {x: 22.187246, y: -16.266205} - {x: 11.711316, y: -17.36908} - {x: 11.73357, y: -7.9875107} - {x: 21.105137, y: -17.36908} - {x: 21.119976, y: -7.991887} - {x: 11.272819, y: -8.710354} - {x: 11.281361, y: 0.6661488} - {x: 20.659954, y: -8.710354} - {x: 20.667974, y: 0.6659656} - {x: 11.24078, y: -0.7414555} - {x: 11.23148, y: 8.635404} - {x: 20.6274, y: -0.7414555} - {x: 20.630503, y: 8.630444} - {x: 12.208832, y: 5.328118} - {x: 12.130537, y: 14.758959} - {x: 21.611156, y: 5.328118} - {x: 21.582464, y: 14.688412} - {x: 14.5489855, y: 6.6017103} - {x: 14.086001, y: 16.499498} - {x: 24.023186, y: 6.6017103} - {x: 23.57306, y: 16.47123} - {x: 14.379173, y: 5.7530994} - {x: 13.398938, y: 17.053516} - {x: 23.86664, y: 5.7530994} - {x: 22.675993, y: 17.809698} - {x: 9.621409, y: 12.01761} - {x: 9.551109, y: 24.131678} - {x: 18.996803, y: 12.01761} - {x: 18.92498, y: 24.23689} - {x: -8.973459, y: -19.581654} - {x: -8.89322, y: -32.83901} - {x: -18.348116, y: -19.695126} - {x: -18.267876, y: -33.879265} - {x: 7.822195, y: 40.944202} - {x: 8.7331085, y: 52.15068} - {x: 17.299818, y: 40.944202} - {x: 18.070934, y: 51.634464} - {x: 9.192778, y: 59.58843} - {x: 9.364767, y: 69.6591} - {x: 18.578022, y: 59.58843} - {x: 18.729534, y: 69.499176} - {x: 18.688713, y: -44.08844} - {x: 18.696373, y: -28.140217} - {x: 28.06371, y: -44.10147} - {x: 28.07137, y: -26.703032} - {x: 27.329624, y: -25.3323} - {x: 26.080065, y: -9.148205} - {x: 36.620975, y: -23.15576} - {x: 35.371418, y: -7.4445043} - {x: 21.931524, y: -32.49147} - {x: 22.77752, y: -21.035498} - {x: 31.3836, y: -32.49147} - {x: 32.26839, y: -20.861969} - {x: 23.724516, y: -32.55975} - {x: 24.32977, y: -22.458782} - {x: 33.22019, y: -32.55975} - {x: 33.716846, y: -22.709932} - {x: 21.889677, y: -34.225327} - {x: 21.964037, y: -24.812386} - {x: 31.300968, y: -34.225327} - {x: 31.347054, y: -24.84118} - {x: 20.731522, y: -26.710922} - {x: 20.750809, y: -17.329044} - {x: 30.120028, y: -26.710922} - {x: 30.134523, y: -17.33246} - {x: 20.400414, y: -17.820856} - {x: 20.410763, y: -8.442928} - {x: 29.784554, y: -17.820856} - {x: 29.792591, y: -8.444236} - {x: 20.202997, y: -8.746387} - {x: 20.209082, y: 0.6299401} - {x: 29.584972, y: -8.746387} - {x: 29.588713, y: 0.6289188} - {x: 19.966145, y: 0.25007415} - {x: 19.968147, y: 9.625281} - {x: 29.345974, y: 0.25007415} - {x: 29.345966, y: 9.624866} - {x: 19.71637, y: 7.851336} - {x: 19.7068, y: 17.233892} - {x: 29.094397, y: 7.851336} - {x: 29.090864, y: 17.224361} - {x: 20.646957, y: 6.160641} - {x: 20.48886, y: 16.039507} - {x: 30.034027, y: 6.160641} - {x: 29.898788, y: 15.897511} - {x: 22.080402, y: 0.88936734} - {x: 21.317392, y: 13.032659} - {x: 31.501102, y: 0.88936734} - {x: 30.633245, y: 13.706741} - {x: 18.347555, y: 11.262738} - {x: 18.463701, y: 23.482355} - {x: 27.723585, y: 11.262738} - {x: 27.848143, y: 23.84639} - {x: -15.616176, y: -17.192287} - {x: -14.997583, y: -31.393436} - {x: -24.970745, y: -18.131372} - {x: -24.352152, y: -32.629387} - {x: 17.630701, y: 43.980423} - {x: 18.243614, y: 54.709915} - {x: 27.070145, y: 43.980423} - {x: 27.616013, y: 54.43228} - {x: 18.538687, y: 60.627636} - {x: 18.720516, y: 70.54625} - {x: 27.928452, y: 60.627636} - {x: 28.080776, y: 70.37466} - {x: 28.125, y: -40.33918} - {x: 28.125, y: -22.908857} - {x: 37.5, y: -40.33918} - {x: 37.5, y: -22.25929} - {x: 32.055523, y: -26.073511} - {x: 31.486616, y: -10.319425} - {x: 41.413246, y: -25.115732} - {x: 40.844337, y: -8.927019} - {x: 31.6437, y: -31.63236} - {x: 32.60502, y: -20.00631} - {x: 41.10989, y: -31.63236} - {x: 42.042416, y: -20.128109} - {x: 31.940851, y: -34.82238} - {x: 32.305965, y: -24.946936} - {x: 41.380493, y: -34.82238} - {x: 41.679035, y: -25.124796} - {x: 30.204643, y: -35.44314} - {x: 30.23446, y: -26.053482} - {x: 39.594784, y: -35.44314} - {x: 39.61817, y: -26.059797} - {x: 29.794905, y: -27.057533} - {x: 29.806997, y: -17.678644} - {x: 39.1793, y: -27.057533} - {x: 39.18936, y: -17.679949} - {x: 29.628216, y: -18.026754} - {x: 29.635485, y: -8.649987} - {x: 39.01069, y: -18.026754} - {x: 39.015335, y: -8.651261} - {x: 29.373983, y: -8.986961} - {x: 29.377176, y: 0.3885408} - {x: 38.754066, y: -8.986961} - {x: 38.75382, y: 0.38746083} - {x: 28.95709, y: -0.0009248054} - {x: 28.957085, y: 9.374075} - {x: 38.334312, y: -0.0009248054} - {x: 38.33161, y: 9.374078} - {x: 28.454012, y: 8.806572} - {x: 28.45282, y: 18.182604} - {x: 37.829357, y: 8.806572} - {x: 37.82694, y: 18.184723} - {x: 27.867897, y: 7.48098} - {x: 27.885729, y: 17.228148} - {x: 37.243107, y: 7.48098} - {x: 37.259792, y: 17.181246} - {x: 28.537085, y: -3.757492} - {x: 28.434801, y: 9.114889} - {x: 37.912716, y: -3.757492} - {x: 37.789474, y: 10.353377} - {x: 22.881323, y: 7.3021126} - {x: 24.380108, y: 19.804394} - {x: 32.40899, y: 7.3021126} - {x: 33.792366, y: 19.383028} - {x: -23.570421, y: -17.64591} - {x: -22.684668, y: -32.132393} - {x: -32.903484, y: -19.020748} - {x: -32.01773, y: -33.86227} - {x: 26.583927, y: 45.24555} - {x: 27.330786, y: 55.69688} - {x: 36.08066, y: 45.24555} - {x: 36.635902, y: 55.173016} - {x: 28.017849, y: 62.015007} - {x: 28.109129, y: 71.775444} - {x: 37.398144, y: 62.015007} - {x: 37.478836, y: 71.68781} - {x: 37.5, y: -38.87968} - {x: 37.5, y: -20.79504} - {x: 46.875, y: -38.87968} - {x: 46.875, y: -21.219824} - {x: 35.008305, y: -26.127193} - {x: 35.36048, y: -9.929137} - {x: 44.37669, y: -26.736109} - {x: 44.728863, y: -9.800357} - {x: 38.710155, y: -29.942944} - {x: 39.002644, y: -18.403471} - {x: 48.09401, y: -29.942944} - {x: 48.40088, y: -18.21055} - {x: 40.166023, y: -36.74942} - {x: 40.366764, y: -27.034452} - {x: 49.570084, y: -36.74942} - {x: 49.750675, y: -27.10151} - {x: 39.40094, y: -35.885647} - {x: 39.422108, y: -26.501621} - {x: 48.788334, y: -35.885647} - {x: 48.80418, y: -26.506157} - {x: 39.018417, y: -27.233934} - {x: 39.027496, y: -17.85624} - {x: 48.40106, y: -27.233934} - {x: 48.40675, y: -17.85825} - {x: 38.69444, y: -18.28415} - {x: 38.698097, y: -8.908427} - {x: 48.07407, y: -18.28415} - {x: 48.073463, y: -8.910112} - {x: 38.150875, y: -9.405224} - {x: 38.15075, y: -0.030221103} - {x: 47.52722, y: -9.405224} - {x: 47.524418, y: -0.030095825} - {x: 37.504364, y: -0.5124438} - {x: 37.50435, y: 8.863378} - {x: 46.879364, y: -0.5124438} - {x: 46.879333, y: 8.865365} - {x: 36.88185, y: 8.1926985} - {x: 36.886333, y: 17.571938} - {x: 46.258038, y: 8.1926985} - {x: 46.266083, y: 17.57868} - {x: 35.946064, y: 7.893593} - {x: 36.04539, y: 17.594765} - {x: 45.328495, y: 7.893593} - {x: 45.50078, y: 18.06587} - {x: -30.998983, y: 4.122239} - {x: -29.093027, y: -9.921683} - {x: -40.178196, y: 1.206182} - {x: -38.27224, y: -12.731428} - {x: 31.199907, y: 8.632653} - {x: 32.87007, y: 20.686733} - {x: 40.79996, y: 8.632653} - {x: 42.52777, y: 20.851124} - {x: -27.465168, y: -19.610807} - {x: -25.606998, y: -34.365192} - {x: -36.654175, y: -22.59439} - {x: -34.796005, y: -36.167133} - {x: 36.841072, y: 49.59098} - {x: 37.145664, y: 59.586} - {x: 46.252213, y: 49.59098} - {x: 46.504215, y: 59.378548} - {x: 37.432144, y: 62.75477} - {x: 37.48936, y: 72.43247} - {x: 46.809803, y: 62.75477} - {x: 46.861702, y: 72.37706} - {x: 46.875, y: -39.810642} - {x: 46.875, y: -22.148909} - {x: 56.25, y: -39.810642} - {x: 56.25, y: -23.149288} - {x: 41.24434, y: -25.761276} - {x: 42.025436, y: -8.8318} - {x: 50.586742, y: -27.176712} - {x: 51.36784, y: -10.795602} - {x: 40.403507, y: -22.889482} - {x: 39.044155, y: -11.228965} - {x: 49.956974, y: -22.889482} - {x: 48.19285, y: -10.001242} - {x: 47.881542, y: -37.240376} - {x: 47.946747, y: -27.587843} - {x: 57.260315, y: -37.240376} - {x: 57.330425, y: -27.54669} - {x: 48.622036, y: -36.290043} - {x: 48.636463, y: -26.90998} - {x: 58.00731, y: -36.290043} - {x: 58.0142, y: -26.915268} - {x: 48.002583, y: -27.560303} - {x: 48.00676, y: -18.184242} - {x: 57.3817, y: -27.560303} - {x: 57.379993, y: -18.187225} - {x: 47.202156, y: -18.829372} - {x: 47.201992, y: -9.454352} - {x: 56.57749, y: -18.829372} - {x: 56.57529, y: -9.4538555} - {x: 46.198147, y: -10.073002} - {x: 46.200993, y: -0.6965452} - {x: 55.57454, y: -10.073002} - {x: 55.580322, y: -0.693541} - {x: 45.47538, y: -1.1789712} - {x: 45.485085, y: 8.200033} - {x: 54.856255, y: -1.1789712} - {x: 54.86942, y: 8.202888} - {x: 45.065395, y: 7.1770062} - {x: 45.08858, y: 16.56564} - {x: 54.45024, y: 7.1770062} - {x: 54.48633, y: 16.580801} - {x: 43.86985, y: -0.2767388} - {x: 44.19752, y: 10.044724} - {x: 53.27181, y: -0.27673876} - {x: 53.923096, y: 11.828485} - {x: -30.253088, y: -2.4490087} - {x: -26.226807, y: -15.928145} - {x: -38.719475, y: -8.859158} - {x: -34.69319, y: -20.609034} - {x: 38.418934, y: 6.492434} - {x: 40.68998, y: 18.62339} - {x: 48.193333, y: 6.492434} - {x: 50.55859, y: 18.826075} - {x: -30.956224, y: -27.78296} - {x: -28.1899, y: -41.233032} - {x: -39.913795, y: -31.936686} - {x: -37.14747, y: -43.642014} - {x: 46.313465, y: 51.205242} - {x: 46.545918, y: 61.00937} - {x: 55.71919, y: 51.205242} - {x: 55.93718, y: 60.957138} - {x: 46.65072, y: 62.781574} - {x: 46.785385, y: 72.405495} - {x: 56.043674, y: 62.781574} - {x: 56.14246, y: 72.27457} - {x: 56.25, y: -42.17114} - {x: 56.25, y: -25.498007} - {x: 65.625, y: -42.17114} - {x: 65.625, y: -27.979845} - {x: 40.62084, y: -31.488184} - {x: 42.660995, y: -15.21181} - {x: 49.77116, y: -35.117165} - {x: 51.811314, y: -25.383615} - {x: -6.878039, y: -20.784338} - {x: 0.29943174, y: -9.808988} - {x: -0.84690803, y: -33.84578} - {x: 6.3305626, y: -18.149332} - {x: 31.227247, y: -32.397648} - {x: 30.017414, y: -22.778034} - {x: 41.977966, y: -32.397648} - {x: 37.966766, y: -21.659628} - {x: 58.094822, y: -36.92907} - {x: 58.102074, y: -27.552914} - {x: 67.481186, y: -36.92907} - {x: 67.47178, y: -27.558222} - {x: 56.75776, y: -28.359632} - {x: 56.757004, y: -18.984455} - {x: 66.13357, y: -28.359632} - {x: 66.12572, y: -18.981138} - {x: 54.461823, y: -19.891136} - {x: 54.473385, y: -10.512534} - {x: 63.846096, y: -19.891136} - {x: 63.877205, y: -10.500362} - {x: 52.492435, y: -10.925877} - {x: 52.522995, y: -1.5449166} - {x: 61.90651, y: -10.925877} - {x: 61.943855, y: -1.5422692} - {x: 52.17964, y: -1.7262943} - {x: 52.216415, y: 7.65601} - {x: 61.600796, y: -1.7262943} - {x: 61.63283, y: 7.6541286} - {x: 52.43549, y: 5.7462687} - {x: 52.509422, y: 15.154038} - {x: 61.852024, y: 5.7462687} - {x: 62.039448, y: 15.254465} - {x: 46.787426, y: -18.456963} - {x: 48.662746, y: -5.869473} - {x: 56.393234, y: -18.456963} - {x: 59.14523, y: -3.2491937} - {x: 31.47336, y: -9.871103} - {x: 35.99005, y: 1.7830162} - {x: 42.667168, y: -9.871103} - {x: 46.320858, y: 0.9972408} - {x: 41.76692, y: 2.440083} - {x: 45.408527, y: 14.461427} - {x: 52.182064, y: 2.4400828} - {x: 55.57977, y: 14.145954} - {x: 47.09977, y: 17.502222} - {x: 50.104702, y: 29.252289} - {x: 57.28349, y: 17.502222} - {x: 59.30736, y: 27.85819} - {x: 54.911964, y: 50.565685} - {x: 55.328712, y: 60.312607} - {x: 64.40075, y: 50.565685} - {x: 64.687256, y: 60.084576} - {x: 56.021072, y: 63.804142} - {x: 56.1268, y: 73.31382} - {x: 65.41665, y: 63.804142} - {x: 65.48126, y: 73.20982} - {x: 65.625, y: -49.199596} - {x: 65.625, y: -34.908318} - {x: 75, y: -49.199596} - {x: 75, y: -43.049644} - {x: -28.333258, y: -45.508823} - {x: -19.996805, y: -38.495304} - {x: -24.044413, y: -59.141373} - {x: -15.70796, y: -56.5187} - {x: 2.4344914, y: -18.762346} - {x: 9.3778515, y: -2.6587315} - {x: 8.733727, y: -36.512623} - {x: 15.677088, y: -32.335316} - {x: -27.46157, y: 7.4418} - {x: -18.433214, y: 16.0176} - {x: -24.935825, y: -23.212671} - {x: -15.907469, y: -14.186129} - {x: -37.93453, y: 17.201492} - {x: -28.559734, y: 17.000418} - {x: -37.996723, y: -13.10791} - {x: -28.621927, y: -7.73356} - {x: -29.823544, y: 11.741407} - {x: -20.45172, y: 11.09572} - {x: -30.067554, y: -13.057835} - {x: -20.69573, y: -10.996418} - {x: -21.029394, y: 7.4282103} - {x: -11.660109, y: 6.655626} - {x: -21.356655, y: -14.69047} - {x: -11.987369, y: -15.24044} - {x: -10.733383, y: 6.2188144} - {x: -1.3603975, y: 5.764776} - {x: -10.927726, y: -15.679084} - {x: -1.55474, y: -17.679558} - {x: -0.9888981, y: 8.108622} - {x: 8.385037, y: 7.7551227} - {x: -1.1301693, y: -15.347529} - {x: 8.243766, y: -18.635609} - {x: 4.0549817, y: 11.316626} - {x: 13.399479, y: 9.18087} - {x: 3.2993367, y: -15.0946665} - {x: 12.643834, y: -18.60494} - {x: -11.634198, y: 12.78633} - {x: -3.1908684, y: -0.4844208} - {x: -15.708607, y: -14.714432} - {x: -7.2652764, y: -19.661861} - {x: 2.749141, y: -11.914213} - {x: 11.501932, y: -19.396944} - {x: -0.60932076, y: -31.415638} - {x: 8.143471, y: -35.822395} - {x: 0.7848898, y: -24.538994} - {x: 8.972531, y: -33.577183} - {x: -3.7816353, y: -40.74419} - {x: 4.406006, y: -44.214443} - {x: 46.137524, y: 24.309513} - {x: 49.38344, y: 34.51788} - {x: 58.1638, y: 24.309513} - {x: 58.39639, y: 33.033737} - {x: 62.23316, y: 51.335854} - {x: 62.750515, y: 60.878723} - {x: 71.99525, y: 51.335854} - {x: 72.02599, y: 60.56572} - {x: 65.170784, y: 64.47458} - {x: 65.271965, y: 73.89978} - {x: 74.59649, y: 64.47458} - {x: 74.596535, y: 73.79968} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99220484, y: 0.124606, z: -0.0016881136, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990983, y: 0.042129308, z: 0.0052536246, w: -1} - {x: 0.984258, y: 0.17672484, z: -0.0021424277, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921873, y: 0.12474517, z: 0.001717808, w: -1} - {x: 0.94241416, y: 0.33443263, z: -0.00324393, w: -1} - {x: 0.9832703, y: 0.18102172, z: 0.02026335, w: -1} - {x: 0.9226753, y: 0.38557658, z: 0.0009822423, w: -1} - {x: 0.94228643, y: 0.33479097, z: 0.00335773, w: -1} - {x: 0.8280214, y: 0.56068, z: -0.004298134, w: -1} - {x: 0.91880715, y: 0.39325944, z: 0.033773057, w: -1} - {x: 0.8399013, y: 0.54234785, z: 0.02060251, w: -1} - {x: 0.8276818, y: 0.5611797, z: 0.0045004226, w: -1} - {x: 0.7271033, y: 0.68652695, z: -0.0012571095, w: -1} - {x: 0.8377352, y: 0.54495454, z: 0.034989513, w: -1} - {x: 0.79373497, y: 0.6080923, z: 0.014442506, w: -1} - {x: 0.027390951, y: -0.02900694, z: -0.9992038, w: -1} - {x: 0.0027577973, y: -0.0027854624, z: -0.9999924, w: -1} - {x: 0.06504773, y: -0.08341078, z: -0.99438995, w: -1} - {x: 0.03863557, y: -0.042419642, z: -0.9983526, w: -1} - {x: 0.002803147, y: -0.0027390504, z: -0.9999923, w: -1} - {x: 0.012119938, y: -0.012674007, z: -0.99984616, w: -1} - {x: 0.039926138, y: -0.041287538, z: -0.99834925, w: -1} - {x: 0.059064772, y: -0.057830684, z: -0.9965777, w: -1} - {x: 0.012980723, y: -0.011720705, z: -0.99984705, w: -1} - {x: 0.01611266, y: -0.015518982, z: -0.9997497, w: -1} - {x: 0.06018092, y: -0.05673681, z: -0.9965737, w: -1} - {x: 0.054871775, y: -0.047172792, z: -0.99737847, w: -1} - {x: 0.017356241, y: -0.01397454, z: -0.99975175, w: -1} - {x: 0.010718218, y: -0.008823521, z: -0.99990356, w: -1} - {x: 0.053785127, y: -0.048284624, z: -0.9973844, w: -1} - {x: 0.025921252, y: -0.016352305, z: -0.9995302, w: -1} - {x: 0.011141834, y: -0.008251527, z: -0.9999039, w: -1} - {x: 0.0025278928, y: -0.0018604051, z: -0.9999951, w: -1} - {x: 0.021832135, y: -0.020443505, z: -0.9995526, w: -1} - {x: -0.020722989, y: 0.024715252, z: -0.9994797, w: -1} - {x: 0.0025482036, y: -0.0018321568, z: -0.9999951, w: -1} - {x: -0.01597869, y: 0.010650217, z: -0.9998156, w: -1} - {x: -0.02735318, y: 0.01833651, z: -0.99945766, w: -1} - {x: -0.06898669, y: 0.05167607, z: -0.9962782, w: -1} - {x: -0.015193645, y: 0.011672138, z: -0.9998164, w: -1} - {x: -0.02341507, y: 0.016470212, z: -0.99959004, w: -1} - {x: -0.06447821, y: 0.055951256, z: -0.9963493, w: -1} - {x: -0.09891519, y: 0.08092843, z: -0.9917996, w: -1} - {x: -0.021413863, y: 0.0187553, z: -0.99959475, w: -1} - {x: -0.033406932, y: 0.025503984, z: -0.99911636, w: -1} - {x: -0.09056272, y: 0.088377066, z: -0.9919616, w: -1} - {x: -0.17807204, y: 0.19141775, z: -0.96522003, w: -1} - {x: 0.7322044, y: 0.681084, z: 0.0011700343, w: -1} - {x: 0.89894193, y: 0.43797556, z: -0.009001438, w: -1} - {x: 0.8264961, y: 0.5626901, z: 0.016853398, w: -1} - {x: 0.92223054, y: 0.38648745, z: 0.010878695, w: -1} - {x: 0.8998471, y: 0.43609136, z: 0.009981374, w: -1} - {x: 0.9767934, y: 0.21417032, z: -0.002403758, w: -1} - {x: 0.924772, y: 0.37860224, z: 0.038171954, w: -1} - {x: 0.9825061, y: 0.18620461, z: 0.0030997854, w: -1} - {x: 0.97684616, y: 0.2139286, z: 0.0024642095, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899599, y: 0.14134893, z: -0.000072205185, w: -1} - {x: 0.9825679, y: 0.18581854, z: 0.005640318, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975951, y: 0.06910471, z: -0.0053482, w: -1} - {x: 0.98996, y: 0.14134769, z: 0.0000722572, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977574, y: 0.06693495, z: 0.000039707156, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976411, y: 0.06864604, z: 0.00019196537, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999917, y: 0.0013205817, z: 0.00017896523, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991531, y: 0.040826812, z: -0.0051301164, w: -1} - {x: 0.9847752, y: 0.17095467, z: -0.031501066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990748, y: 0.042965245, z: -0.0018376659, w: -1} - {x: 0.98335093, y: 0.17867175, z: -0.033124268, w: -1} - {x: 0.98419845, y: 0.17706887, z: -0.00036610413, w: -1} - {x: 0.92673236, y: 0.3719668, z: -0.05298851, w: -1} - {x: 0.9809796, y: 0.19402191, z: 0.0058837966, w: -1} - {x: 0.9439436, y: 0.32822722, z: -0.03517451, w: -1} - {x: 0.9232331, y: 0.38421223, z: -0.0046506505, w: -1} - {x: 0.84756446, y: 0.5286606, z: -0.04639427, w: -1} - {x: 0.937271, y: 0.34835246, z: 0.013176034, w: -1} - {x: 0.91239065, y: 0.40906996, z: -0.014320366, w: -1} - {x: 0.84540355, y: 0.5336072, z: -0.023582987, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960317, y: 0.6048107, z: -0.023182116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9081364, y: 0.41839924, z: 0.015174392, w: -1} - {x: 0.85792136, y: 0.51353, z: -0.016055899, w: -1} - {x: 0.79552877, y: 0.60577375, z: -0.013116688, w: -1} - {x: 0.75212175, y: 0.65896916, z: -0.008518375, w: -1} - {x: 0.8549253, y: 0.51865584, z: 0.009949668, w: -1} - {x: 0.78123707, y: 0.6242158, z: -0.004824046, w: -1} - {x: 0.75195056, y: 0.6592107, z: -0.003395759, w: -1} - {x: 0.71486163, y: 0.69920194, z: -0.009463858, w: -1} - {x: 0.7808482, y: 0.6247202, z: -0.00093178527, w: -1} - {x: 0.75028294, y: 0.66109014, z: -0.0059481394, w: -1} - {x: 0.71471167, y: 0.69938815, z: -0.0065944516, w: -1} - {x: 0.6994981, y: 0.7146016, z: -0.006852358, w: -1} - {x: 0.7500806, y: 0.66133916, z: -0.0031037368, w: -1} - {x: 0.75610125, y: 0.6544544, z: 0.00059774256, w: -1} - {x: 0.6996028, y: 0.71447366, z: -0.0091221165, w: -1} - {x: 0.7070533, y: 0.70715696, z: -0.002172672, w: -1} - {x: 0.75616676, y: 0.65437734, z: -0.001434516, w: -1} - {x: 0.77288306, y: 0.6345334, z: 0.004373103, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071096, y: 0.7070847, z: -0.0052103433, w: -1} - {x: 0.72080755, y: 0.69311255, z: 0.005619424, w: -1} - {x: 0.772887, y: 0.6345436, z: 0.00034452797, w: -1} - {x: 0.7805178, y: 0.6251233, z: 0.0035761783, w: -1} - {x: 0.7208111, y: 0.6931071, z: 0.005816264, w: -1} - {x: 0.7271018, y: 0.68636435, z: 0.0150659485, w: -1} - {x: 0.7805443, y: 0.6250805, z: 0.004993287, w: -1} - {x: 0.7938566, y: 0.6080665, z: 0.0068371147, w: -1} - {x: 0.7268426, y: 0.6867337, z: 0.009829622, w: -1} - {x: 0.7484107, y: 0.663151, z: 0.010585865, w: -1} - {x: 0.7935393, y: 0.6085177, z: 0.0012924914, w: -1} - {x: 0.83008224, y: 0.55750865, z: -0.012144608, w: -1} - {x: 0.74835175, y: 0.66322947, z: 0.009817223, w: -1} - {x: 0.8229716, y: 0.5680389, z: -0.007049172, w: -1} - {x: 0.8303233, y: 0.55718523, z: -0.010378679, w: -1} - {x: 0.8830815, y: 0.46716073, z: -0.043907013, w: -1} - {x: 0.8264171, y: 0.56282306, z: 0.016276993, w: -1} - {x: 0.9153078, y: 0.40064555, z: -0.04116686, w: -1} - {x: 0.8873902, y: 0.4602983, z: -0.025769677, w: -1} - {x: 0.9124891, y: 0.40529785, z: -0.055652473, w: -1} - {x: 0.9183791, y: 0.39516887, z: -0.020527542, w: -1} - {x: 0.97987413, y: 0.19372666, z: -0.048130296, w: -1} - {x: 0.9258357, y: 0.37787575, z: 0.006169021, w: -1} - {x: 0.9739158, y: 0.2241487, z: -0.035290767, w: -1} - {x: 0.9826305, y: 0.18537672, z: 0.008537766, w: -1} - {x: 0.99762577, y: 0.068835855, z: -0.0020976886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9793189, y: 0.19765447, z: 0.043211225, w: -1} - {x: 0.99892867, y: 0.046168916, z: 0.0031445369, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976561, y: 0.068226404, z: 0.005238247, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999989, y: 0.0014170571, z: -0.00053292804, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989424, y: 0.045358703, z: 0.007528463, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999213, y: 0.0039847316, z: -0.0001500031, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991309, y: 0.039921265, z: -0.011985049, w: -1} - {x: 0.98399174, y: 0.16697766, z: -0.062279746, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988002, y: 0.048009362, z: -0.009649955, w: -1} - {x: 0.98394513, y: 0.16942722, z: -0.05609153, w: -1} - {x: 0.98080945, y: 0.19480832, z: 0.007905673, w: -1} - {x: 0.94548655, y: 0.32176378, z: -0.050233133, w: -1} - {x: 0.9783073, y: 0.20693769, z: 0.009575603, w: -1} - {x: 0.95542413, y: 0.29292956, z: -0.036837645, w: -1} - {x: 0.9404617, y: 0.3398144, z: -0.0076181064, w: -1} - {x: 0.91451585, y: 0.40328175, z: -0.03200806, w: -1} - {x: 0.94892657, y: 0.3154212, z: 0.0069139013, w: -1} - {x: 0.913923, y: 0.40396985, z: -0.039410565, w: -1} - {x: 0.91211694, y: 0.40974802, z: -0.012218843, w: -1} - {x: 0.86002946, y: 0.5087788, z: -0.038646076, w: -1} - {x: 0.90809786, y: 0.41871136, z: -0.0062439507, w: -1} - {x: 0.8651576, y: 0.5001408, z: -0.03690037, w: -1} - {x: 0.85544163, y: 0.51786655, z: 0.005820699, w: -1} - {x: 0.782464, y: 0.62243545, z: -0.018005991, w: -1} - {x: 0.8531432, y: 0.52113456, z: 0.023777911, w: -1} - {x: 0.84974456, y: 0.5269296, z: 0.016713634, w: -1} - {x: 0.780039, y: 0.62569386, z: 0.0068052905, w: -1} - {x: 0.7499158, y: 0.66153276, z: -0.0008476397, w: -1} - {x: 0.84464467, y: 0.5333077, z: 0.046458066, w: -1} - {x: 0.8486298, y: 0.52830887, z: 0.0267803, w: -1} - {x: 0.74945146, y: 0.66203856, z: 0.0052428455, w: -1} - {x: 0.7560264, y: 0.65453506, z: 0.002804572, w: -1} - {x: 0.8479339, y: 0.52905643, z: 0.03327583, w: -1} - {x: 0.84337765, y: 0.53722394, z: 0.01022108, w: -1} - {x: 0.7560246, y: 0.654537, z: 0.002856689, w: -1} - {x: 0.7728867, y: 0.6345441, z: -0.000103140475, w: -1} - {x: 0.8433783, y: 0.53722334, z: 0.010204544, w: -1} - {x: 0.82859445, y: 0.5598452, z: -0.0021335625, w: -1} - {x: 0.77288663, y: 0.6345441, z: -0.00010618644, w: -1} - {x: 0.7803749, y: 0.6253048, z: -0.0029746662, w: -1} - {x: 0.82859445, y: 0.5598452, z: -0.0021361301, w: -1} - {x: 0.8210543, y: 0.57071203, z: -0.012556197, w: -1} - {x: 0.78038836, y: 0.62529045, z: -0.0024175737, w: -1} - {x: 0.79313403, y: 0.6090247, z: -0.005235558, w: -1} - {x: 0.8212581, y: 0.57048345, z: -0.009152981, w: -1} - {x: 0.83823496, y: 0.54507166, z: -0.016097974, w: -1} - {x: 0.79355574, y: 0.6084956, z: 0.0015699913, w: -1} - {x: 0.83094907, y: 0.5563195, z: -0.0056997864, w: -1} - {x: 0.8391198, y: 0.54387385, z: -0.008894449, w: -1} - {x: 0.8966748, y: 0.4404107, z: -0.044862136, w: -1} - {x: 0.8333087, y: 0.5526446, z: 0.013438958, w: -1} - {x: 0.88960445, y: 0.45645782, z: -0.015818903, w: -1} - {x: 0.9005738, y: 0.4338829, z: -0.026692165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9306724, y: 0.36149418, z: -0.05630979, w: -1} - {x: 0.89956033, y: 0.43523908, z: 0.036854096, w: -1} - {x: 0.926406, y: 0.37640968, z: 0.009363309, w: -1} - {x: 0.9405696, y: 0.33939832, z: -0.011731288, w: -1} - {x: 0.9442873, y: 0.32851303, z: -0.02001942, w: -1} - {x: 0.92438936, y: 0.38144672, z: -0.0016560772, w: -1} - {x: 0.97060394, y: 0.23268129, z: -0.0615421, w: -1} - {x: 0.94208246, y: 0.3340162, z: -0.030228773, w: -1} - {x: 0.95772386, y: 0.28191498, z: -0.05735037, w: -1} - {x: 0.97449535, y: 0.22239794, z: -0.029966066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975741, y: 0.054660153, z: -0.043106277, w: -1} - {x: 0.9692364, y: 0.24548163, z: 0.017878853, w: -1} - {x: 0.99596775, y: 0.08602192, z: -0.025462862, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989386, y: 0.045728844, z: 0.005526324, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998987, y: 0.004198582, z: -0.0016402195, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972368, y: 0.07172368, z: 0.019352918, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996853, y: 0.024982302, z: 0.0022826118, w: -1} - {x: 0.99888605, y: 0.042084523, z: -0.02134211, w: -1} - {x: 0.98464185, y: 0.15120232, z: -0.087282985, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904555, y: 0.040190823, z: -0.017105322, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879656, y: 0.1356709, z: -0.07428035, w: -1} - {x: 0.97884536, y: 0.20453273, z: 0.0053037107, w: -1} - {x: 0.95623225, y: 0.2893249, z: -0.04371351, w: -1} - {x: 0.9795062, y: 0.20085122, z: 0.015047093, w: -1} - {x: 0.95434314, y: 0.2945275, z: -0.049827803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9502934, y: 0.31135383, z: -0.0011101144, w: -1} - {x: 0.91522056, y: 0.40009308, z: -0.047925834, w: -1} - {x: 0.94543856, y: 0.32579884, z: -0.0010495732, w: -1} - {x: 0.92724377, y: 0.37326467, z: -0.029873881, w: -1} - {x: 0.903217, y: 0.42883486, z: 0.017310482, w: -1} - {x: 0.8621815, y: 0.50620425, z: -0.020011164, w: -1} - {x: 0.91293776, y: 0.40668076, z: 0.03399272, w: -1} - {x: 0.9341788, y: 0.35364854, z: 0.047356002, w: -1} - {x: 0.86312664, y: 0.5043582, z: -0.02520363, w: -1} - {x: 0.85423964, y: 0.51967406, z: -0.014614527, w: -1} - {x: 0.9351405, y: 0.35177565, z: 0.042025972, w: -1} - {x: 0.9572443, y: 0.28238845, z: 0.06277127, w: -1} - {x: 0.8586979, y: 0.5095334, z: -0.054896735, w: -1} - {x: 0.8532967, y: 0.52039313, z: -0.032797746, w: -1} - {x: 0.9623786, y: 0.2712272, z: 0.016223637, w: -1} - {x: 0.9708263, y: 0.23913461, z: 0.017632259, w: -1} - {x: 0.85334295, y: 0.52026045, z: -0.033687826, w: -1} - {x: 0.8439685, y: 0.536239, z: -0.012837913, w: -1} - {x: 0.9707938, y: 0.23922664, z: 0.01816816, w: -1} - {x: 0.9738231, y: 0.22709554, z: 0.009811811, w: -1} - {x: 0.84391546, y: 0.5363877, z: -0.00974765, w: -1} - {x: 0.8286249, y: 0.5597993, z: 0.002365585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9735566, y: 0.22778176, z: 0.017407399, w: -1} - {x: 0.96745986, y: 0.25289345, z: 0.008145197, w: -1} - {x: 0.82862216, y: 0.55980515, z: 0.0018488056, w: -1} - {x: 0.8223625, y: 0.5688085, z: 0.013296666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9673955, y: 0.2530159, z: 0.011356386, w: -1} - {x: 0.9549186, y: 0.29664677, z: -0.011451691, w: -1} - {x: 0.82216007, y: 0.5691934, z: 0.008465512, w: -1} - {x: 0.8414386, y: 0.5402174, z: 0.012090298, w: -1} - {x: 0.95485836, y: 0.2967646, z: -0.013278176, w: -1} - {x: 0.93935174, y: 0.3383284, z: -0.056144875, w: -1} - {x: 0.84079504, y: 0.5413214, z: 0.0059030997, w: -1} - {x: 0.9007341, y: 0.43359762, z: -0.025908526, w: -1} - {x: 0.9390287, y: 0.3388836, z: -0.05816415, w: -1} - {x: 0.9393764, y: 0.3382395, z: -0.05626604, w: -1} - {x: 0.91189784, y: 0.4084469, z: 0.040168043, w: -1} - {x: 0.9438632, y: 0.33027878, z: 0.006180047, w: -1} - {x: 0.95006794, y: 0.31201428, z: -0.004258714, w: -1} - {x: 0.9627862, y: 0.2685, z: -0.030830579, w: -1} - {x: 0.9457372, y: 0.3244629, z: 0.017463326, w: -1} - {x: 0.95023906, y: 0.3113141, z: 0.011372889, w: -1} - {x: 0.9649527, y: 0.26173493, z: -0.019002656, w: -1} - {x: 0.9728314, y: 0.22810999, z: -0.039558735, w: -1} - {x: 0.9527465, y: 0.3025582, z: 0.02706833, w: -1} - {x: 0.9670551, y: 0.25456682, z: -0.0005350038, w: -1} - {x: 0.9753988, y: 0.21908434, z: -0.02447873, w: -1} - {x: 0.9732077, y: 0.22929665, z: -0.017024131, w: -1} - {x: 0.9656977, y: 0.25945523, z: -0.010534897, w: -1} - {x: 0.99270517, y: 0.09947353, z: -0.06812826, w: -1} - {x: 0.9728441, y: 0.23065221, z: -0.019335337, w: -1} - {x: 0.987728, y: 0.14333478, z: -0.062034745, w: -1} - {x: 0.99676704, y: 0.080064, z: -0.0067228507, w: -1} - {x: 0.999548, y: 0.02755831, z: -0.012014313, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938396, y: 0.10946904, z: 0.017302647, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992955, y: 0.03714994, z: -0.00532375, w: -1} - {x: 0.99909306, y: 0.034471024, z: -0.024996566, w: -1} - {x: 0.98819876, y: 0.12172212, z: -0.09298856, w: -1} - {x: 0.999422, y: 0.028338863, z: -0.018774807, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922315, y: 0.098370045, z: -0.07615827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9821009, y: 0.18834099, z: -0.0023490223, w: -1} - {x: 0.956865, y: 0.28238982, z: -0.0683023, w: -1} - {x: 0.9834327, y: 0.18061881, z: 0.015393567, w: -1} - {x: 0.9664668, y: 0.25279093, z: -0.04515009, w: -1} - {x: 0.9434041, y: 0.33154637, z: 0.008110802, w: -1} - {x: 0.92541975, y: 0.37839848, z: -0.020317473, w: -1} - {x: 0.9514393, y: 0.30654174, z: 0.028202478, w: -1} - {x: 0.9600285, y: 0.27689072, z: 0.040948544, w: -1} - {x: 0.92851007, y: 0.3694711, z: -0.03687971, w: -1} - {x: 0.94252056, y: 0.33407754, z: -0.00687254, w: -1} - {x: 0.9633525, y: 0.26731262, z: 0.022267269, w: -1} - {x: 0.9753075, y: 0.21666962, z: 0.042771734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9457067, y: 0.3229914, z: -0.036267575, w: -1} - {x: 0.96414924, y: 0.26524878, z: -0.007704619, w: -1} - {x: 0.9785834, y: 0.20565109, z: 0.009072157, w: -1} - {x: 0.99026287, y: 0.13717699, z: 0.023704901, w: -1} - {x: 0.9647572, y: 0.26248783, z: -0.018540025, w: -1} - {x: 0.97194207, y: 0.23516516, z: -0.0051029283, w: -1} - {x: 0.99072295, y: 0.13518968, z: 0.013852209, w: -1} - {x: 0.99677587, y: 0.07631047, z: 0.02478975, w: -1} - {x: 0.9724329, y: 0.23215233, z: -0.021895632, w: -1} - {x: 0.9742407, y: 0.22532474, z: -0.00915367, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972549, y: 0.073807314, z: 0.0059322333, w: -1} - {x: 0.99888664, y: 0.04611121, z: 0.009963577, w: -1} - {x: 0.9743109, y: 0.22455268, z: -0.017158158, w: -1} - {x: 0.96763396, y: 0.25220633, z: -0.0087477425, w: -1} - {x: 0.99897325, y: 0.04530314, z: 0.00035843917, w: -1} - {x: 0.99903435, y: 0.043935206, z: 0.00037324306, w: -1} - {x: 0.96763396, y: 0.252207, z: -0.008731964, w: -1} - {x: 0.95543873, y: 0.29475182, z: 0.01606855, w: -1} - {x: 0.99903077, y: 0.043997806, z: 0.0013063024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984901, y: 0.054897893, z: -0.0019218741, w: -1} - {x: 0.9554321, y: 0.29482928, z: 0.015005057, w: -1} - {x: 0.9508738, y: 0.30326307, z: 0.062213358, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984853, y: 0.054705117, z: 0.00586489, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943165, y: 0.10640916, z: -0.0034077, w: -1} - {x: 0.9499138, y: 0.30973396, z: 0.041577347, w: -1} - {x: 0.958418, y: 0.27954835, z: 0.05733774, w: -1} - {x: 0.994491, y: 0.10477905, z: 0.0030142532, w: -1} - {x: 0.9797506, y: 0.19957307, z: 0.016112518, w: -1} - {x: 0.9479319, y: 0.31806728, z: -0.016073218, w: -1} - {x: 0.9604229, y: 0.275251, z: -0.0427182, w: -1} - {x: 0.968914, y: 0.23960286, z: -0.06161322, w: -1} - {x: 0.96567905, y: 0.25460196, z: -0.05139855, w: -1} - {x: 0.97270817, y: 0.22906546, z: 0.036984205, w: -1} - {x: 0.9808128, y: 0.19425574, z: 0.016462114, w: -1} - {x: 0.9784904, y: 0.20470831, z: 0.025516467, w: -1} - {x: 0.9872319, y: 0.159208, z: -0.0051044086, w: -1} - {x: 0.9822121, y: 0.18515047, z: 0.031283244, w: -1} - {x: 0.9798282, y: 0.19602488, z: 0.03887231, w: -1} - {x: 0.988657, y: 0.14986266, z: 0.009930188, w: -1} - {x: 0.9880754, y: 0.15342148, z: 0.012990524, w: -1} - {x: 0.9754423, y: 0.22024894, z: -0.001667035, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897443, y: 0.13582188, z: -0.044255883, w: -1} - {x: 0.9834222, y: 0.17908883, z: -0.028423673, w: -1} - {x: 0.98958737, y: 0.13309099, z: -0.054805852, w: -1} - {x: 0.99265456, y: 0.12066911, z: -0.008709998, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987252, y: 0.043190688, z: -0.026125796, w: -1} - {x: 0.9945091, y: 0.10464224, z: -0.0012501226, w: -1} - {x: 0.99913096, y: 0.034505792, z: -0.023378802, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994367, y: 0.024673108, z: -0.022750987, w: -1} - {x: 0.99228203, y: 0.09051958, z: -0.08475057, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972486, y: 0.017617095, z: -0.0154862655, w: -1} - {x: 0.99412864, y: 0.0771017, z: -0.07591764, w: -1} - {x: 0.9879212, y: 0.15430406, z: -0.014207435, w: -1} - {x: 0.97026926, y: 0.2300355, z: -0.075241186, w: -1} - {x: 0.98858845, y: 0.15051907, z: -0.006074638, w: -1} - {x: 0.9860896, y: 0.16412611, z: -0.026270326, w: -1} - {x: 0.96023816, y: 0.27901077, z: -0.0097828945, w: -1} - {x: 0.96579903, y: 0.2592069, z: 0.0066308985, w: -1} - {x: 0.9759755, y: 0.21431021, z: 0.039279535, w: -1} - {x: 0.982459, y: 0.17911464, z: 0.051887084, w: -1} - {x: 0.9693263, y: 0.24491511, z: -0.020567102, w: -1} - {x: 0.9790433, y: 0.20363073, z: 0.0029769226, w: -1} - {x: 0.9862059, y: 0.16411348, z: 0.021557497, w: -1} - {x: 0.99002266, y: 0.13874611, z: 0.024588741, w: -1} - {x: 0.9798461, y: 0.19953725, z: -0.009295802, w: -1} - {x: 0.9908683, y: 0.13444763, z: 0.010190272, w: -1} - {x: 0.9908805, y: 0.13443583, z: 0.009111462, w: -1} - {x: 0.99108326, y: 0.1323083, z: 0.015758809, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914737, y: 0.1296097, z: -0.01346455, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973376, y: 0.0729202, z: -0.00070346665, w: -1} - {x: 0.99169743, y: 0.12819222, z: -0.010145232, w: -1} - {x: 0.99121416, y: 0.13209927, z: -0.006653605, w: -1} - {x: 0.99736184, y: 0.07248112, z: -0.0039787474, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989754, y: 0.045256346, z: -0.00019623997, w: -1} - {x: 0.99123955, y: 0.1316676, z: -0.010380572, w: -1} - {x: 0.99241316, y: 0.12280317, z: -0.0059611923, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989762, y: 0.04523762, z: -0.00041818942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990358, y: 0.043902896, z: -0.0001080444, w: -1} - {x: 0.9924136, y: 0.12279155, z: -0.006116737, w: -1} - {x: 0.99578345, y: 0.0917191, z: -0.0017149091, w: -1} - {x: 0.99903864, y: 0.043817002, z: -0.0013868944, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984948, y: 0.05478933, z: 0.0024799951, w: -1} - {x: 0.9957855, y: 0.09167201, z: -0.0027474782, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989593, y: 0.045380495, z: 0.0045640524, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984954, y: 0.054808497, z: 0.0017057421, w: -1} - {x: 0.99475205, y: 0.09825332, z: 0.028542116, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989636, y: 0.045464065, z: 0.0021887184, w: -1} - {x: 0.99905884, y: 0.042196173, z: 0.010046937, w: -1} - {x: 0.99475396, y: 0.09841587, z: 0.027909739, w: -1} - {x: 0.9829975, y: 0.163113, z: 0.08432111, w: -1} - {x: 0.99891114, y: 0.03943245, z: 0.024932435, w: -1} - {x: 0.9951383, y: 0.09039417, z: 0.039098896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9805911, y: 0.19432113, z: 0.026083365, w: -1} - {x: 0.980041, y: 0.19456196, z: 0.04080898, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943828, y: 0.105762236, z: 0.0041522225, w: -1} - {x: 0.98394024, y: 0.17504574, z: 0.03493698, w: -1} - {x: 0.96654695, y: 0.25206813, z: -0.047420554, w: -1} - {x: 0.97665685, y: 0.20156027, z: -0.07426161, w: -1} - {x: 0.97081, y: 0.2336409, z: -0.05422013, w: -1} - {x: 0.9823441, y: 0.1584646, z: -0.09944391, w: -1} - {x: 0.98992234, y: 0.13893232, z: 0.027415099, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892641, y: 0.14315438, z: 0.029383989, w: -1} - {x: 0.99572396, y: 0.092288494, z: -0.0040869904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971975, y: 0.07283852, z: -0.017078944, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883067, y: 0.15165684, z: 0.015815085, w: -1} - {x: 0.99388397, y: 0.109875284, z: -0.011047333, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962021, y: 0.08155398, z: -0.030501492, w: -1} - {x: 0.9967995, y: 0.07121395, z: -0.036321726, w: -1} - {x: 0.99472666, y: 0.102526546, z: 0.002704033, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990559, y: 0.035316605, z: -0.025301041, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981738, y: 0.058467466, z: -0.0151917245, w: -1} - {x: 0.99931, y: 0.024052352, z: -0.02830271, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972767, y: 0.015888166, z: -0.017093379, w: -1} - {x: 0.99413645, y: 0.07310606, z: -0.07967492, w: -1} - {x: 0.99956197, y: 0.020990124, z: -0.0208635, w: -1} - {x: 0.99562013, y: 0.06255941, z: -0.06947514, w: -1} - {x: 0.98613083, y: -0.018824076, z: -0.16489878, w: -1} - {x: 0.97940755, y: 0.024521662, z: -0.20039862, w: -1} - {x: 0.9878973, y: -0.031102583, z: -0.15195958, w: -1} - {x: 0.986195, y: -0.013116604, z: -0.16506729, w: -1} - {x: 0.9875502, y: 0.15142678, z: -0.042598587, w: -1} - {x: 0.98963976, y: 0.14170231, z: -0.023100093, w: -1} - {x: 0.9941547, y: 0.10773563, z: -0.007027373, w: -1} - {x: 0.98987937, y: 0.13999821, z: -0.023224207, w: -1} - {x: 0.98933923, y: 0.14458646, z: -0.017395748, w: -1} - {x: 0.9914749, y: 0.13015285, z: -0.0061477115, w: -1} - {x: 0.989526, y: 0.14338343, z: -0.016723223, w: -1} - {x: 0.9819229, y: 0.18754405, z: -0.02558444, w: -1} - {x: 0.9913628, y: 0.13111994, z: -0.0027125247, w: -1} - {x: 0.9915441, y: 0.12976962, z: -0.00028440877, w: -1} - {x: 0.9814202, y: 0.19140668, z: -0.01333485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9743536, y: 0.22453743, z: -0.014764245, w: -1} - {x: 0.9910975, y: 0.13224748, z: 0.015371907, w: -1} - {x: 0.99090606, y: 0.13411053, z: 0.0109291505, w: -1} - {x: 0.973843, y: 0.22722186, z: -0.0003296593, w: -1} - {x: 0.9801215, y: 0.19837514, z: 0.0030290985, w: -1} - {x: 0.99092335, y: 0.13403533, z: 0.010265267, w: -1} - {x: 0.99228, y: 0.12379387, z: 0.0074468055, w: -1} - {x: 0.98014057, y: 0.19829221, z: 0.0021639431, w: -1} - {x: 0.98520195, y: 0.17137378, z: 0.0028339787, w: -1} - {x: 0.99229985, y: 0.12370312, z: 0.0062058596, w: -1} - {x: 0.99573743, y: 0.092055604, z: 0.005726238, w: -1} - {x: 0.9852099, y: 0.17133985, z: 0.0020450575, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900257, y: 0.14085253, z: 0.0031050202, w: -1} - {x: 0.99576074, y: 0.09193254, z: 0.0029919161, w: -1} - {x: 0.99895847, y: 0.045598924, z: -0.001660045, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900284, y: 0.14086372, z: 0.0011241346, w: -1} - {x: 0.99332654, y: 0.11526067, z: 0.0041561034, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989591, y: 0.04559109, z: -0.0014358485, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989652, y: 0.045117185, z: -0.005745219, w: -1} - {x: 0.99331504, y: 0.11541771, z: 0.0019981046, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956083, y: 0.09345452, z: 0.005504957, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990203, y: 0.044243455, z: -0.0010150622, w: -1} - {x: 0.99498487, y: 0.09716575, z: 0.023744356, w: -1} - {x: 0.99563295, y: 0.09304093, z: 0.00764606, w: -1} - {x: 0.99751765, y: 0.06936641, z: 0.012122176, w: -1} - {x: 0.995109, y: 0.09318714, z: 0.032774173, w: -1} - {x: 0.98628646, y: 0.14343981, z: 0.081633314, w: -1} - {x: 0.997611, y: 0.062495407, z: 0.02943715, w: -1} - {x: 0.9966742, y: 0.0753955, z: 0.030918106, w: -1} - {x: 0.98231757, y: 0.18635549, z: 0.017996797, w: -1} - {x: 0.99268425, y: 0.11503637, z: -0.036667515, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922757, y: 0.11947897, z: -0.033371445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9934403, y: 0.10306507, z: -0.04953855, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969362, y: 0.07576047, z: 0.0194586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983732, y: 0.05643717, z: 0.008114623, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983088, y: 0.056928728, z: 0.0117761735, w: -1} - {x: 0.99960047, y: -0.0029749828, z: -0.028107265, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986341, y: 0.03909043, z: 0.03466741, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990649, y: 0.031056246, z: 0.030080227, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978936, y: -0.020299139, z: -0.0030296382, w: -1} - {x: 0.99980193, y: -0.019822119, z: 0.0017629756, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989096, y: 0.046452325, z: 0.0046803863, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998116, y: 0.015585194, z: -0.011575467, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996968, y: -0.003817811, z: -0.024326188, w: -1} - {x: 0.99977756, y: -0.0028058346, z: -0.02090182, w: -1} - {x: 0.99956733, y: 0.017707404, z: -0.023485007, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956124, y: 0.05920898, z: -0.072459504, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972373, y: 0.014295101, z: -0.018657383, w: -1} - {x: 0.99914914, y: 0.021922927, z: -0.03493215, w: -1} - {x: 0.9893314, y: 0.14558609, z: 0.0052951453, w: -1} - {x: 0.99169225, y: 0.12721992, z: 0.019013746, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929348, y: 0.11042191, z: 0.043444395, w: -1} - {x: 0.98686063, y: 0.16141169, z: -0.007226953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9934187, y: 0.11452158, z: 0.0020239602, w: -1} - {x: 0.98955035, y: 0.14316474, z: -0.017143657, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883955, y: 0.15045977, z: -0.020886162, w: -1} - {x: 0.97562313, y: 0.211582, z: -0.058245026, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858921, y: 0.16536835, z: 0.02588583, w: -1} - {x: 0.98042965, y: 0.19682837, z: 0.004034822, w: -1} - {x: 0.9712454, y: 0.23781273, z: -0.011284789, w: -1} - {x: 0.97332686, y: 0.22928548, z: -0.00792894, w: -1} - {x: 0.9795072, y: 0.20072104, z: 0.01663607, w: -1} - {x: 0.9735844, y: 0.22826478, z: 0.0053506256, w: -1} - {x: 0.9723811, y: 0.23334573, z: 0.0049847364, w: -1} - {x: 0.98227537, y: 0.18702221, z: 0.012558906, w: -1} - {x: 0.9738671, y: 0.22711678, z: -0.0008996907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9801067, y: 0.19843712, z: 0.0036765581, w: -1} - {x: 0.982539, y: 0.18598075, z: 0.0053241514, w: -1} - {x: 0.98878866, y: 0.14903049, z: 0.009317804, w: -1} - {x: 0.9802445, y: 0.19776154, z: -0.0033350775, w: -1} - {x: 0.9852279, y: 0.17124827, z: -0.00007199489, w: -1} - {x: 0.98891073, y: 0.14850792, z: 0.0010619694, w: -1} - {x: 0.99076736, y: 0.13556305, z: 0.0016204554, w: -1} - {x: 0.98523587, y: 0.17119822, z: -0.0012217591, w: -1} - {x: 0.99002814, y: 0.14086978, z: 0.0000037568357, w: -1} - {x: 0.99077404, y: 0.13552403, z: 0.00022427675, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904895, y: 0.13758853, z: -0.000006911787, w: -1} - {x: 0.99002814, y: 0.14086983, z: -0.0000054401435, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932797, y: 0.115719065, z: -0.002163594, w: -1} - {x: 0.9904897, y: 0.1375865, z: 0.00023776565, w: -1} - {x: 0.98945445, y: 0.14484414, z: -0.00029931258, w: -1} - {x: 0.9932695, y: 0.11578525, z: -0.003081596, w: -1} - {x: 0.9952501, y: 0.09669017, z: -0.011326779, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894431, y: 0.14491661, z: -0.0012664894, w: -1} - {x: 0.99002916, y: 0.14084561, z: -0.0022171459, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953141, y: 0.0962646, z: -0.009104737, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964001, y: 0.08225289, z: -0.020528296, w: -1} - {x: 0.99003464, y: 0.14080961, z: -0.0020535185, w: -1} - {x: 0.99316525, y: 0.11669085, z: -0.002493232, w: -1} - {x: 0.997215, y: 0.07457389, z: -0.001044141, w: -1} - {x: 0.995952, y: 0.08923126, z: 0.010832942, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938179, y: 0.110244974, z: 0.013116176, w: -1} - {x: 0.9983731, y: 0.05624142, z: -0.009389254, w: -1} - {x: 0.99644554, y: 0.08116461, z: 0.022553341, w: -1} - {x: 0.99827933, y: 0.057623625, z: 0.010856466, w: -1} - {x: 0.99888974, y: 0.046982124, z: 0.003477051, w: -1} - {x: 0.99855083, y: 0.052999496, z: 0.00933844, w: -1} - {x: 0.9962043, y: 0.08373354, z: -0.02378412, w: -1} - {x: 0.99804634, y: 0.018798305, z: -0.059582554, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970804, y: 0.07447144, z: -0.016873678, w: -1} - {x: 0.99713486, y: -0.014767277, z: -0.07418992, w: -1} - {x: 0.99817806, y: -0.047792275, z: 0.036830124, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984014, y: -0.04194923, z: 0.037880383, w: -1} - {x: 0.99652195, y: -0.08221277, z: 0.013607246, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969153, y: -0.07625262, z: 0.018581944, w: -1} - {x: 0.99945664, y: -0.028688878, z: 0.016229322, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995944, y: -0.022688152, z: 0.01721887, w: -1} - {x: 0.9980291, y: -0.06253327, z: -0.0052356785, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946696, y: -0.028761832, z: 0.015447588, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997211, y: 0.011561899, z: -0.020590039, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991699, y: 0.025611693, z: -0.031680487, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999865, y: -0.0045872284, z: 0.002440459, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999547, y: 0.0006473755, z: -0.0029449884, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989983, y: 0.012954818, z: -0.04283209, w: -1} - {x: 0.99133325, y: 0.08813616, z: -0.09741863, w: -1} - {x: 0.99999166, y: -0.0007007707, z: -0.0040280563, w: -1} - {x: 0.9897936, y: 0.09601126, z: -0.10531186, w: -1} - {x: 0.97761434, y: 0.20492736, z: 0.047696028, w: -1} - {x: 0.96862954, y: 0.24838047, z: 0.008002816, w: -1} - {x: 0.97342825, y: 0.2263362, z: 0.034774724, w: -1} - {x: 0.97602427, y: 0.21613544, z: 0.02573016, w: -1} - {x: 0.96846956, y: 0.24896662, z: 0.009079099, w: -1} - {x: 0.9717263, y: 0.23576613, z: 0.012748196, w: -1} - {x: 0.97615546, y: 0.21564995, z: 0.02481187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9825746, y: 0.18311119, z: 0.031898193, w: -1} - {x: 0.97333276, y: 0.22925778, z: -0.008016647, w: -1} - {x: 0.98255813, y: 0.18589538, z: 0.0047341287, w: -1} - {x: 0.98433304, y: 0.17620337, z: 0.0064002927, w: -1} - {x: 0.9915583, y: 0.1288801, z: 0.014215211, w: -1} - {x: 0.98283285, y: 0.18441914, z: -0.0053974236, w: -1} - {x: 0.98892015, y: 0.1484486, z: 0.00013521095, w: -1} - {x: 0.99182177, y: 0.12761362, z: 0.0020694453, w: -1} - {x: 0.99483466, y: 0.10146887, z: 0.0028489782, w: -1} - {x: 0.98893005, y: 0.14837937, z: -0.00094434555, w: -1} - {x: 0.99077487, y: 0.13551852, z: 0.000028029028, w: -1} - {x: 0.99484354, y: 0.101408064, z: 0.0016205527, w: -1} - {x: 0.9958967, y: 0.090487435, z: 0.001282396, w: -1} - {x: 0.990776, y: 0.13550976, z: -0.0002833805, w: -1} - {x: 0.99048954, y: 0.13758807, z: 0.000047690904, w: -1} - {x: 0.99589795, y: 0.090478554, z: 0.00093011325, w: -1} - {x: 0.99582994, y: 0.09122898, z: -0.00014326241, w: -1} - {x: 0.99048954, y: 0.137588, z: 0.000058685866, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894674, y: 0.14475287, z: 0.00091618503, w: -1} - {x: 0.99583, y: 0.091228686, z: 0.0000044086555, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943259, y: 0.106361344, z: -0.001808009, w: -1} - {x: 0.9894639, y: 0.14477883, z: 0.00057068066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900913, y: 0.14042485, z: -0.0003072596, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943305, y: 0.10632627, z: -0.0012528725, w: -1} - {x: 0.98965126, y: 0.14349313, z: -0.0004525456, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899653, y: 0.14125219, z: -0.0040648305, w: -1} - {x: 0.99239355, y: 0.12210487, z: -0.015666189, w: -1} - {x: 0.98956436, y: 0.14405757, z: -0.0031463124, w: -1} - {x: 0.9900284, y: 0.14056467, z: -0.009241283, w: -1} - {x: 0.9923473, y: 0.12238954, z: -0.016360436, w: -1} - {x: 0.99577695, y: 0.080795765, z: -0.043593075, w: -1} - {x: 0.98988897, y: 0.14141326, z: -0.011053852, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972977, y: 0.06058472, z: -0.04155465, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991584, y: 0.027621396, z: 0.030324161, w: -1} - {x: 0.99883837, y: 0.029115485, z: 0.038395505, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996785, y: 0.010386666, z: 0.023133632, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998431, y: 0.0033125542, z: 0.01739586, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975019, y: 0.06976039, z: -0.011115309, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969902, y: -0.013039751, z: -0.076423705, w: -1} - {x: 0.99852294, y: 0.04526724, z: -0.030048251, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953771, y: -0.029212896, z: -0.0914936, w: -1} - {x: 0.9965534, y: -0.08189704, z: 0.013193571, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971404, y: -0.07410052, z: 0.0148400515, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947331, y: -0.10244044, z: -0.0034727922, w: -1} - {x: 0.997124, y: -0.074480206, z: 0.014016717, w: -1} - {x: 0.9974301, y: -0.0710162, z: 0.00948105, w: -1} - {x: 0.99911684, y: -0.033372264, z: 0.02553099, w: -1} - {x: 0.99745804, y: -0.07090281, z: 0.0070909094, w: -1} - {x: 0.9992257, y: -0.023616312, z: 0.03147035, w: -1} - {x: 0.99998564, y: -0.00042563834, z: 0.0053495592, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999889, y: 0.004696623, z: 0.00030815022, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995387, y: -0.0029695558, z: 0.009140451, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991738, y: 0.026254471, z: -0.031021466, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995968, y: 0.023726884, z: 0.015598195, w: -1} - {x: 0.98952794, y: 0.12025876, z: -0.079826556, w: -1} - {x: 0.99867886, y: 0.049347326, z: -0.014326731, w: -1} - {x: 0.9938385, y: 0.091228075, z: -0.06294654, w: -1} - {x: 0.982721, y: 0.18478124, z: -0.0107408175, w: -1} - {x: 0.9804698, y: 0.19634019, z: -0.011378629, w: -1} - {x: 0.9867084, y: 0.16223934, z: 0.009214991, w: -1} - {x: 0.98731816, y: 0.15836878, z: 0.011059978, w: -1} - {x: 0.98143387, y: 0.1905151, z: -0.022171034, w: -1} - {x: 0.9849684, y: 0.17260411, z: -0.006709523, w: -1} - {x: 0.9883326, y: 0.15231092, z: -0.0002418713, w: -1} - {x: 0.9921202, y: 0.12519532, z: 0.004851852, w: -1} - {x: 0.98483306, y: 0.17346777, z: -0.0035744957, w: -1} - {x: 0.99176675, y: 0.12794915, z: 0.0052694576, w: -1} - {x: 0.99208605, y: 0.12542471, z: 0.005814011, w: -1} - {x: 0.9971422, y: 0.07461019, z: 0.011867735, w: -1} - {x: 0.9918945, y: 0.12701267, z: -0.0036310912, w: -1} - {x: 0.99485385, y: 0.101320356, z: -0.00014567544, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972615, y: 0.07394409, z: 0.0012862413, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857026, y: 0.0534045, z: 0.0023477857, w: -1} - {x: 0.9948609, y: 0.10123266, z: -0.0019052248, w: -1} - {x: 0.99590176, y: 0.09043943, z: -0.0006176054, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985763, y: 0.053340845, z: 0.00035220885, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989749, y: 0.045263417, z: 0.00057971635, w: -1} - {x: 0.99590236, y: 0.09042949, z: -0.0010091832, w: -1} - {x: 0.99582994, y: 0.091228515, z: 0.000091724934, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989756, y: 0.04525392, z: 0.00011223185, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898565, y: 0.045029636, z: 0.000055373363, w: -1} - {x: 0.99582994, y: 0.09122854, z: 0.00008305135, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943556, y: 0.10605506, z: 0.0030212626, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898547, y: 0.045032255, z: 0.0004005565, w: -1} - {x: 0.99818766, y: 0.060178082, z: 0.000108351946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9943509, y: 0.10612535, z: 0.0019166135, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899247, y: 0.14121497, z: 0.0103668645, w: -1} - {x: 0.9981884, y: 0.060117465, z: 0.0024248946, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954056, y: 0.09573964, z: -0.0012797082, w: -1} - {x: 0.98965925, y: 0.1434383, z: -0.00019123925, w: -1} - {x: 0.99043465, y: 0.1379348, z: -0.0036313315, w: -1} - {x: 0.99526024, y: 0.096924216, z: -0.007921239, w: -1} - {x: 0.9933943, y: 0.11330298, z: -0.018172532, w: -1} - {x: 0.9902124, y: 0.13940497, z: -0.006766061, w: -1} - {x: 0.995634, y: 0.07322724, z: -0.05788545, w: -1} - {x: 0.99274695, y: 0.11738501, z: -0.025965396, w: -1} - {x: 0.99618554, y: 0.06149258, z: -0.061910883, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997333, y: 0.021135585, z: 0.009302537, w: -1} - {x: 0.999885, y: 0.014341941, z: 0.004931591, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999577, y: 0.009200062, z: 0.00016106728, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935573, y: -0.02185452, z: -0.028470203, w: -1} - {x: -0.9998813, y: -0.014739963, z: -0.004481678, w: -1} - {x: -0.99664825, y: 0.055455063, z: 0.06014104, w: -1} - {x: -0.9993459, y: 0.02072533, z: 0.029635185, w: -1} - {x: -0.99608445, y: 0.057467517, z: 0.067181945, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922961, y: -0.12217483, z: 0.020536125, w: -1} - {x: 0.9956087, y: -0.086141564, z: 0.036648307, w: -1} - {x: 0.9922512, y: -0.12356117, z: 0.0130463755, w: -1} - {x: 0.9961093, y: -0.073965475, z: 0.04791071, w: -1} - {x: 0.9979854, y: -0.06288481, z: -0.008403196, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979895, y: -0.016159387, z: 0.011877015, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986819, y: -0.051230475, z: -0.003155327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997663, y: -0.017953027, z: 0.012031617, w: -1} - {x: 0.99995804, y: -0.004962909, z: 0.0077040233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991785, y: 0.024234375, z: -0.03247993, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967605, y: 0.01625173, z: -0.019583782, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977994, y: 0.04026273, z: -0.05268164, w: -1} - {x: 0.99611944, y: -0.039756402, z: -0.07851977, w: -1} - {x: 0.98985124, y: 0.012005402, z: -0.14159927, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949785, y: -0.025117986, z: -0.09688618, w: -1} - {x: 0.9916878, y: 0.0027857823, z: -0.12863821, w: -1} - {x: 0.9899932, y: 0.14051136, z: -0.013036142, w: -1} - {x: 0.98920643, y: 0.1460467, z: -0.011879599, w: -1} - {x: 0.99138415, y: 0.13098581, z: -0.0004970189, w: -1} - {x: 0.9917059, y: 0.12845609, z: -0.00429252, w: -1} - {x: 0.9880799, y: 0.15391773, z: 0.0027512724, w: -1} - {x: 0.99180824, y: 0.1270911, z: 0.012818235, w: -1} - {x: 0.99078274, y: 0.13518271, z: 0.008678497, w: -1} - {x: 0.99635684, y: 0.080441855, z: 0.028323954, w: -1} - {x: 0.99249, y: 0.12204274, z: -0.008318977, w: -1} - {x: 0.99726135, y: 0.07394686, z: 0.0013299731, w: -1} - {x: 0.99716073, y: 0.07529879, z: 0.00068002206, w: -1} - {x: 0.99876255, y: 0.049627215, z: 0.0032394172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972736, y: 0.073780954, z: -0.0012852554, w: -1} - {x: 0.99857694, y: 0.053330846, z: 0.000039212613, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877423, y: 0.049497955, z: 0.00015584957, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991205, y: 0.041931216, z: 0.00041728088, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985775, y: 0.05332017, z: -0.0002947526, w: -1} - {x: 0.99897563, y: 0.04525144, z: -0.000009986187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991209, y: 0.04192247, z: 0.00005553813, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993591, y: 0.03579888, z: 0.00018017282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989758, y: 0.04524887, z: -0.00013636865, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898565, y: 0.045029067, z: -0.000019457462, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993591, y: 0.035796918, z: 0.000047316687, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962217, y: 0.027488368, z: 0.00013002612, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898577, y: 0.045028474, z: -0.000098510165, w: -1} - {x: 0.99818844, y: 0.06015886, z: 0.0008444353, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962217, y: 0.027487898, z: 0.000027955193, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976236, y: 0.021802709, z: 0.00000019598578, w: -1} - {x: 0.99818856, y: 0.060157157, z: 0.0009095481, w: -1} - {x: 0.99555206, y: 0.09362313, z: 0.010526679, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976236, y: 0.021798927, z: 0.00030895608, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995441, y: 0.03011767, z: -0.0021642079, w: -1} - {x: 0.99553126, y: 0.09410855, z: 0.007825674, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954063, y: 0.093907945, z: 0.018645434, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995591, y: 0.029684711, z: 0.0006395816, w: -1} - {x: 0.99882287, y: 0.047073178, z: -0.011705429, w: -1} - {x: 0.9947227, y: 0.10257575, z: 0.002233411, w: -1} - {x: 0.99798834, y: 0.046050213, z: -0.043572947, w: -1} - {x: 0.99784255, y: 0.057801597, z: -0.031131238, w: -1} - {x: 0.99636257, y: -0.00041151737, z: -0.08521448, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999289, y: -0.00069954625, z: 0.011903816, w: -1} - {x: 0.99929804, y: -0.03381871, z: -0.016118482, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982227, y: -0.050517295, z: -0.031613518, w: -1} - {x: 0.99704105, y: -0.06353484, z: -0.04327284, w: -1} - {x: -0.9982465, y: -0.007504428, z: 0.05871626, w: -1} - {x: -0.99480706, y: 0.033269834, z: 0.09618718, w: -1} - {x: -0.99604684, y: 0.01937982, z: 0.08668965, w: -1} - {x: -0.99368644, y: 0.040989183, z: 0.104437135, w: -1} - {x: 0.9934313, y: -0.11441484, z: 0.0018550244, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975895, y: -0.064286076, z: 0.02612412, w: -1} - {x: 0.9929117, y: -0.11863394, z: -0.0072352486, w: -1} - {x: 0.9975633, y: -0.063622214, z: 0.028629314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9985826, y: -0.053209573, z: 0.0012753325, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997503, y: -0.018241867, z: 0.012902882, w: -1} - {x: 0.99860287, y: -0.052841783, z: 0.0002988898, w: -1} - {x: 0.99979955, y: -0.012728867, z: 0.015456098, w: -1} - {x: 0.99968, y: 0.013926945, z: -0.021117123, w: -1} - {x: 0.99780595, y: 0.03669948, z: -0.055103645, w: -1} - {x: 0.99994326, y: 0.005881974, z: -0.00887882, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998769, y: 0.008040156, z: -0.013473244, w: -1} - {x: 0.99722546, y: 0.008974833, z: -0.073897935, w: -1} - {x: 0.99461657, y: 0.033921823, z: -0.09791437, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993405, y: -0.01865303, z: -0.031154674, w: -1} - {x: 0.99739933, y: 0.0049596676, z: -0.07190201, w: -1} - {x: 0.990847, y: 0.13494389, z: 0.0035291896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9911102, y: 0.13297097, z: 0.004407606, w: -1} - {x: 0.99374527, y: 0.107735895, z: 0.029381454, w: -1} - {x: 0.99499494, y: 0.09704069, z: 0.023834424, w: -1} - {x: 0.99179566, y: 0.12770475, z: -0.0057379426, w: -1} - {x: 0.9969421, y: 0.077304244, z: 0.01142138, w: -1} - {x: 0.99591774, y: 0.08982571, z: 0.008902019, w: -1} - {x: 0.99809617, y: 0.058754116, z: 0.018761916, w: -1} - {x: 0.99721205, y: 0.07454492, z: -0.0033454187, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987737, y: 0.04950775, z: 0.0003890428, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984416, y: 0.055806268, z: -0.00044291734, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990601, y: 0.04334099, z: 0.0007194851, w: -1} - {x: 0.99877495, y: 0.049483005, z: -0.0002000507, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991209, y: 0.04192304, z: 0.00007911866, w: -1} - {x: 0.99906135, y: 0.043318365, z: 0.000036361074, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993551, y: 0.035908595, z: 0.00021086601, w: -1} - {x: 0.999121, y: 0.04191995, z: -0.000048818827, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993591, y: 0.035797354, z: 0.000076975455, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935514, y: 0.035906184, z: 0.00007694073, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996787, y: 0.025348153, z: 0.00017664033, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935913, y: 0.035795577, z: -0.000042761912, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962217, y: 0.027488032, z: 0.000056934994, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996787, y: 0.025347568, z: 0.000068370035, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993503, y: 0.011400238, z: 0.000037643378, w: -1} - {x: 0.99962217, y: 0.027487649, z: -0.00002627673, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976236, y: 0.02180172, z: 0.000080974416, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993503, y: 0.011400732, z: -0.000028346589, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999937, y: -0.003560977, z: -0.0002642221, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976236, y: 0.02180073, z: 0.00016197494, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995667, y: 0.0291279, z: 0.004243218, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999937, y: -0.0035621338, z: -0.00021105974, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984205, y: -0.01767354, z: -0.0018907543, w: -1} - {x: 0.9995662, y: 0.028932648, z: 0.0055062533, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993684, y: 0.030462537, z: 0.018299986, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998401, y: -0.0178746, z: -0.0005625211, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964937, y: -0.06995796, z: -0.045894176, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935335, y: 0.033787787, z: 0.012300165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982531, y: -0.0372165, z: -0.045887195, w: -1} - {x: 0.9963266, y: -0.060899083, z: -0.060203373, w: -1} - {x: 0.9905704, y: -0.09396425, z: -0.09970441, w: -1} - {x: 0.99084365, y: -0.12558681, z: 0.049566526, w: -1} - {x: 0.9892824, y: -0.1418266, z: 0.034721285, w: -1} - {x: 0.9829989, y: -0.18349358, z: -0.0065862206, w: -1} - {x: 0.98432314, y: -0.17635901, z: -0.0023567034, w: -1} - {x: -0.9949556, y: 0.005595708, z: 0.10016037, w: -1} - {x: -0.99233013, y: 0.028061088, z: 0.12038884, w: -1} - {x: -0.9896509, y: 0.041022863, z: 0.1375073, w: -1} - {x: -0.9917743, y: 0.030005876, z: 0.124432035, w: -1} - {x: 0.99028444, y: -0.13796954, z: 0.01735199, w: -1} - {x: 0.99681836, y: -0.068329, z: 0.041038703, w: -1} - {x: 0.9917247, y: -0.12792313, z: 0.01085351, w: -1} - {x: 0.9973494, y: -0.04886064, z: 0.05391529, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987142, y: -0.050291333, z: -0.006384967, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999249, y: -0.010264795, z: 0.0066955187, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947846, y: -0.032295126, z: 0.000099901925, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999396, y: -0.00786652, z: 0.0076715886, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999434, y: 0.005569929, z: -0.009070439, w: -1} - {x: 0.999877, y: 0.00913105, z: -0.012750233, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999753, y: -0.0035787567, z: 0.006051914, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994187, y: -0.01785892, z: 0.029039953, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996614, y: 0.025974015, z: -0.0015831186, w: -1} - {x: 0.9982556, y: 0.054072004, z: -0.023703324, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991856, y: -0.00064341107, z: 0.04034436, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988795, y: -0.017159862, z: 0.044106424, w: -1} - {x: 0.99801683, y: 0.060505833, z: -0.01736216, w: -1} - {x: 0.99690044, y: 0.07641106, z: -0.01873265, w: -1} - {x: 0.99845666, y: -0.005403747, z: 0.055272985, w: -1} - {x: 0.99964577, y: 0.026387308, z: 0.0034606846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964467, y: 0.08418064, z: -0.002747303, w: -1} - {x: 0.99838346, y: 0.056627125, z: 0.004891083, w: -1} - {x: 0.99922925, y: 0.034225486, z: 0.019222708, w: -1} - {x: 0.9988867, y: 0.046512295, z: 0.007865812, w: -1} - {x: 0.9984434, y: 0.05576978, z: -0.0006797454, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990609, y: 0.043327965, z: 0.00032605891, w: -1} - {x: 0.99896663, y: 0.04544816, z: 0.00030145166, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993506, y: 0.036028996, z: 0.0005828587, w: -1} - {x: 0.9990615, y: 0.043313906, z: -0.000098122364, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993552, y: 0.03590673, z: 0.00010686293, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993512, y: 0.03601804, z: 0.00010422691, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997842, y: 0.020775447, z: 0.00027448585, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993553, y: 0.035903364, z: -0.00008055706, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967873, y: 0.02534765, z: 0.00008359686, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997842, y: 0.020774512, z: 0.0001091376, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: 0.0009668227, z: 0.000004724272, w: -1} - {x: 0.99967873, y: 0.025346957, z: -0.000045308356, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999351, y: 0.011400411, z: 0.0000147576875, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: 0.0009678554, z: -0.00008950483, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984926, y: -0.01735997, z: -0.00042762322, w: -1} - {x: 0.99993503, y: 0.011399891, z: 0.00008431069, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999937, y: -0.003566465, z: -0.000011931406, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984926, y: -0.017362272, z: -0.00033055898, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947155, y: -0.032494362, z: -0.0008749268, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999936, y: -0.0035725585, z: 0.00026809378, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998351, y: -0.018127663, z: 0.0011095541, w: -1} - {x: 0.99947137, y: -0.032507494, z: -0.00054590113, w: -1} - {x: 0.99719584, y: -0.074338645, z: -0.008618876, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998245, y: -0.01844884, z: 0.0032321978, w: -1} - {x: 0.9953572, y: -0.096156254, z: -0.0042574666, w: -1} - {x: 0.9972128, y: -0.0737866, z: -0.011039683, w: -1} - {x: 0.96811783, y: -0.24044158, z: -0.07025448, w: -1} - {x: -0.9816573, y: -0.022174502, z: 0.18935995, w: -1} - {x: -0.9800991, y: -0.0045566447, z: 0.19845662, w: -1} - {x: -0.9601846, y: 0.07997074, z: 0.26767558, w: -1} - {x: -0.968134, y: 0.045816086, z: 0.24620637, w: -1} - {x: 0.9793079, y: -0.20195569, z: 0.013037043, w: -1} - {x: 0.98009914, y: -0.19755617, z: 0.019421631, w: -1} - {x: 0.96794325, y: -0.2492387, z: -0.031079447, w: -1} - {x: 0.971029, y: -0.23812103, z: -0.020026384, w: -1} - {x: -0.98221684, y: -0.010691329, z: 0.18744557, w: -1} - {x: -0.98405766, y: -0.009413047, z: 0.17760043, w: -1} - {x: -0.9732072, y: 0.035838433, z: 0.22711979, w: -1} - {x: -0.98648965, y: -0.0011169148, z: 0.16381998, w: -1} - {x: 0.993912, y: -0.10907381, z: -0.015553547, w: -1} - {x: 0.9991455, y: -0.03757455, z: 0.017214736, w: -1} - {x: 0.9955661, y: -0.093481384, z: -0.010461463, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987681, y: -0.046706796, z: 0.016758185, w: -1} - {x: 0.99950004, y: -0.031528436, z: -0.0023827641, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996626, y: -0.0070159, z: 0.0042719273, w: -1} - {x: 0.99915147, y: -0.04091052, z: -0.0047677867, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998691, y: -0.015972318, z: 0.0025869457, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999753, y: -0.0037094122, z: 0.0059707416, w: -1} - {x: 0.999419, y: -0.018068377, z: 0.028902309, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998434, y: -0.008964805, z: 0.015254491, w: -1} - {x: 0.99378216, y: -0.060982645, z: 0.09315704, w: -1} - {x: 0.99837106, y: 0.019568484, z: 0.05359425, w: -1} - {x: 0.99716765, y: 0.014199817, z: 0.073858105, w: -1} - {x: 0.99261296, y: -0.024335183, z: 0.11885829, w: -1} - {x: 0.94053555, y: -0.18114427, z: 0.28736666, w: -1} - {x: 0.98921597, y: -0.13121845, z: -0.065065235, w: -1} - {x: 0.99467826, y: -0.025202082, z: -0.09989992, w: -1} - {x: 0.9344778, y: -0.32308915, z: 0.14954783, w: -1} - {x: 0.96405524, y: -0.2647751, z: 0.022171192, w: -1} - {x: 0.9996763, y: 0.02539972, z: 0.0014758066, w: -1} - {x: 0.99898404, y: 0.044948883, z: -0.003241165, w: -1} - {x: 0.9706221, y: -0.19636072, z: 0.13905069, w: -1} - {x: 0.99973, y: -0.021469323, z: 0.008884846, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989674, y: 0.045432284, z: 0.00018872783, w: -1} - {x: 0.99935097, y: 0.03602325, z: 0.000331858, w: -1} - {x: 0.99971163, y: -0.020891167, z: 0.011841726, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972975, y: 0.023240961, z: 0.0005823934, w: -1} - {x: 0.9993514, y: 0.03601229, z: -0.00014657131, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978423, y: 0.020774739, z: 0.00014933296, w: -1} - {x: 0.99972993, y: 0.023239696, z: 0.00014688773, w: -1} - {x: 0.999902, y: -0.014001089, z: -0.00015138155, w: -1} - {x: 0.99978423, y: 0.0207735, z: -0.0000696012, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: 0.00096652214, z: 0.00003216149, w: -1} - {x: 0.999902, y: -0.013999497, z: -0.00022751736, w: -1} - {x: 0.99872124, y: -0.050540503, z: -0.0012299314, w: -1} - {x: 0.9999995, y: 0.00096469326, z: 0.00019928734, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984914, y: -0.017371336, z: 0.00005180291, w: -1} - {x: 0.9987212, y: -0.050548047, z: -0.0010165066, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977237, y: -0.06741791, z: -0.0015187428, w: -1} - {x: 0.9998489, y: -0.017380228, z: 0.0004271803, w: -1} - {x: 0.9994706, y: -0.032536037, z: 0.0001696169, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977233, y: -0.06743146, z: -0.0011562359, w: -1} - {x: 0.99725103, y: -0.07407207, z: -0.0019277523, w: -1} - {x: 0.99946994, y: -0.032550372, z: 0.0005290255, w: -1} - {x: 0.99714816, y: -0.07535477, z: -0.0041575846, w: -1} - {x: 0.99725014, y: -0.074092306, z: -0.0015743311, w: -1} - {x: 0.9868673, y: -0.15772052, z: -0.03488727, w: -1} - {x: 0.9970873, y: -0.07626935, z: -0.00013601445, w: -1} - {x: 0.9688605, y: -0.23537235, z: -0.07687124, w: -1} - {x: 0.9870258, y: -0.15519051, z: -0.041181006, w: -1} - {x: 0.9294758, y: -0.34893948, z: -0.119648635, w: -1} - {x: -0.9161134, y: -0.038700465, z: 0.399047, w: -1} - {x: -0.9309021, y: -0.070938446, z: 0.35831404, w: -1} - {x: -0.8961815, y: 0.01767862, z: 0.44333524, w: -1} - {x: -0.90579057, y: 0.008919762, z: 0.4236317, w: -1} - {x: 0.96014494, y: -0.27948356, z: 0.0032703406, w: -1} - {x: 0.9628664, y: -0.2695983, z: 0.014319417, w: -1} - {x: 0.93803763, y: -0.3427797, z: -0.050866477, w: -1} - {x: 0.9497952, y: -0.3118686, z: -0.025042538, w: -1} - {x: -0.96040434, y: -0.0174609, z: 0.27806205, w: -1} - {x: -0.9686038, y: -0.05142499, z: 0.24323277, w: -1} - {x: -0.9438534, y: 0.04459623, z: 0.3273408, w: -1} - {x: -0.96756744, y: 0.014281108, z: 0.2522093, w: -1} - {x: 0.9954721, y: -0.0946744, z: -0.008493153, w: -1} - {x: 0.9989416, y: -0.04489333, z: 0.010015051, w: -1} - {x: 0.9911381, y: -0.13022378, z: -0.026211545, w: -1} - {x: 0.9976714, y: -0.06806866, z: 0.0042808317, w: -1} - {x: 0.99904007, y: -0.04352678, z: 0.0049387375, w: -1} - {x: 0.9997949, y: -0.017587956, z: 0.010045044, w: -1} - {x: 0.9977591, y: -0.06690306, z: -0.0009252683, w: -1} - {x: 0.99976903, y: -0.018251335, z: 0.011347237, w: -1} - {x: 0.99984396, y: -0.009795235, z: 0.014701198, w: -1} - {x: 0.9937879, y: -0.06266456, z: 0.0919709, w: -1} - {x: 0.9986217, y: -0.025496123, z: 0.045878313, w: -1} - {x: 0.8802548, y: -0.32438615, z: 0.34630203, w: -1} - {x: 0.9858991, y: 0.039105732, z: 0.16270737, w: -1} - {x: 0.9238613, y: -0.08142107, z: 0.37396634, w: -1} - {x: 0.8528375, y: -0.18941633, z: 0.48661038, w: -1} - {x: 0.6967846, y: -0.31554914, z: 0.6441427, w: -1} - {x: 0.78453207, y: 0.21051145, z: 0.58326185, w: -1} - {x: 0.7794031, y: 0.14220473, z: 0.6101711, w: -1} - {x: 0.5917143, y: -0.041055858, z: 0.80510163, w: -1} - {x: 0.64015085, y: -0.008879285, z: 0.76819795, w: -1} - {x: 0.93807197, y: -0.33138493, z: -0.10101999, w: -1} - {x: 0.99390763, y: -0.04290601, z: 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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c8000000c7000000c6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d4000000d3000000d2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 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m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ec000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 630000006400000065000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 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m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 7b0000007c0000007d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 810000008200000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 870000008800000089000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 8d0000008e0000008f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 930000009400000095000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 990000009a0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: 9f000000a0000000a1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: a5000000a6000000a7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: ab000000ac000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b1000000b2000000b3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: b7000000b8000000b9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: bd000000be000000bf000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c3000000c4000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: c9000000ca000000cb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d5000000d6000000d7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: db000000dc000000dd000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 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5200000054000000da000000de000000 - m_Vertices: 5300000055000000dd000000e1000000 - m_Vertices: 5600000058000000e0000000e4000000 - m_Vertices: 5700000059000000e3000000e7000000 - m_Vertices: 5a0000005c000000e6000000ea000000 - m_Vertices: 5b0000005d000000e9000000ed000000 - m_Vertices: 61000000670000006d00000073000000790000007f000000850000008b00000091000000970000009d000000a3000000a9000000af000000b5000000bb000000c1000000c7000000cd000000d3000000d9000000df000000e5000000eb000000 - m_Vertices: 640000006a00000070000000760000007c00000082000000880000008e000000940000009a000000a0000000a6000000ac000000b2000000b8000000be000000c4000000ca000000d0000000d6000000dc000000e2000000e8000000ee000000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: 5} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 0, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 3, z: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -7.411809, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -15, y: 0, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 3, z: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -20, y: 0, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: 3, z: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -19.659258, y: 0, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: 3, z: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -18.660254, y: 0, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: 3, z: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -17.071068, y: 0, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: 3, z: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -14.999999, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -12.58819, y: 0, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: 3, z: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: -10} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -7.41181, y: 0, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: 3, z: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -5.000001, y: 0, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: 3, z: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 0, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: 3, z: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 0, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 3, z: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 0, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 3, z: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 3, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 2.610524, y: 0} - {x: 2.610524, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215726, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320963, y: 3} - {x: 4.782353, y: 0} - {x: 4.782353, y: 3} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 0} - {x: 7.3928766, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282716, y: 3} - {x: 9.238796, y: 0} - {x: 9.238796, y: 3} - {x: 7.933533, y: 0} - {x: 7.933533, y: 3} - {x: 10.544056, y: 0} - {x: 10.544056, y: 3} - {x: 8.609187, y: 0} - {x: 8.609187, y: 3} - {x: 11.219711, y: 0} - {x: 11.219711, y: 3} - {x: 8.609185, y: 0} - {x: 8.609185, y: 3} - {x: 11.219708, y: 0} - {x: 11.219708, y: 3} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: 7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: 10.544058, y: 0} - {x: 10.544058, y: 3} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 0} - {x: 6.6282744, y: 3} - {x: 9.238798, y: 0} - {x: 9.238798, y: 3} - {x: 4.782352, y: 0} - {x: 4.782352, y: 3} - {x: 7.392875, y: 0} - {x: 7.392875, y: 3} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 0} - {x: 2.5215735, y: 3} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 0} - {x: 5.1320972, y: 3} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 0} - {x: 0.00000026015306, y: 3} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 0} - {x: 2.6105258, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 0} - {x: -0.000003076477, y: 3} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 0} - {x: -5.1320996, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215764, y: 3} - {x: -7.392876, y: 0} - {x: -7.392876, y: 3} - {x: -4.782353, y: 0} - {x: -4.782353, y: 3} - {x: -9.238792, y: 0} - {x: -9.238792, y: 3} - {x: -6.628267, y: 0} - {x: -6.628267, y: 3} - {x: -10.544055, y: 0} - {x: -10.544055, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335313, y: 3} - {x: -11.219712, y: 0} - {x: -11.219712, y: 3} - {x: -8.609189, y: 0} - {x: -8.609189, y: 3} - {x: -11.219711, y: 0} - {x: -11.219711, y: 3} - {x: -8.609188, y: 0} - {x: -8.609188, y: 3} - {x: -10.544057, y: 0} - {x: -10.544057, y: 3} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 0} - {x: -7.9335337, y: 3} - {x: -9.238796, y: 0} - {x: -9.238796, y: 3} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 0} - {x: -6.6282735, y: 3} - {x: -7.392877, y: 0} - {x: -7.392877, y: 3} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 0} - {x: -4.7823534, y: 3} - {x: -5.132098, y: 0} - {x: -5.132098, y: 3} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 0} - {x: -2.5215747, y: 3} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 0} - {x: -2.6105263, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 3} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -0.3407421, y: 2.5881906} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -1.3397465, y: 5} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -2.9289322, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -5.0000005, y: 8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: -7.411809, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -12.58819, y: 9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 15, y: 8.660254} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -15, y: 8.660254} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -17.071068, y: 7.071068} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -18.660254, y: 5.0000005} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -19.659258, y: 2.5881913} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -20, y: -0.0000008742278} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -19.659258, y: -2.5881908} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -18.660254, y: -4.9999995} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -17.071068, y: -7.071067} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -14.999999, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: -12.58819, y: -9.659259} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: -10} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: -10} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -7.41181, y: -9.659258} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -5.000001, y: -8.6602545} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -2.9289336, y: -7.071069} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -1.3397465, y: -5.000002} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: 10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -0.3407421, y: -2.588193} - {x: -10, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881916, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.49999997, y: 0, z: 0.86602545, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.5, y: 0, z: 0.8660254, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071067, y: 0, z: 0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.258819, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: -0.000000030059482, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.96592575, y: 0, z: -0.2588191, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.86602545, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.8660254, y: 0, z: -0.4999999, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0.7071067, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.50000006, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.25881913, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.2588191, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881925, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881922, y: 0, z: -0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.86602527, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.5000001, y: 0, z: -0.8660253, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710665, y: 0, z: -0.7071068, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.7071067, y: 0, z: -0.7071069, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602527, y: 0, z: -0.50000024, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: -0.258819, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0.00000018035689, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881907, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.9659258, y: 0, z: 0.25881904, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999994, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.86602545, y: 0, z: 0.49999988, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.70710695, y: 0, z: 0.70710665, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.707107, y: 0, z: 0.7071066, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.8660252, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.50000036, y: 0, z: 0.86602515, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: 0.25881913, y: 0, z: 0.96592575, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -0.00000006011897, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - 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0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} m_Colors: [] m_UnwrapParameters: m_HardAngle: 88 m_PackMargin: 20 m_AngleError: 8 m_AreaError: 15 m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 assetGuid: m_Mesh: {fileID: 313408645} m_IsSelectable: 1 m_SelectedFaces: m_SelectedEdges: [] m_SelectedVertices: --- !u!4 &2124589106 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 2124589101} m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 67.899994, y: -1.65, z: 6.399994} m_LocalScale: {x: 3.3442, y: 3.3442, z: 3.3442} m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 842077167} m_RootOrder: 0 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!1 &2128162708 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} serializedVersion: 6 m_Component: - component: {fileID: 2128162713} - component: {fileID: 2128162712} - component: {fileID: 2128162711} - component: {fileID: 2128162710} - component: {fileID: 2128162709} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: Stairs (1) m_TagString: Untagged m_Icon: 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m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 2 - m_Indexes: 840000008300000082000000840000008500000083000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: 880000008700000086000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 3 - m_Indexes: 8b0000008a000000890000008b0000008c0000008a000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 8f0000008e0000008d000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 4 - m_Indexes: 920000009100000090000000920000009300000091000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 960000009500000094000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 5 - m_Indexes: 990000009800000097000000990000009a00000098000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: 9d0000009c0000009b000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 6 - m_Indexes: a00000009f0000009e000000a0000000a10000009f000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: a4000000a3000000a2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 7 - m_Indexes: a7000000a6000000a5000000a7000000a8000000a6000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ab000000aa000000a9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 8 - m_Indexes: ae000000ad000000ac000000ae000000af000000ad000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b2000000b1000000b0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 9 - m_Indexes: b5000000b4000000b3000000b5000000b6000000b4000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: b9000000b8000000b7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 10 - m_Indexes: bc000000bb000000ba000000bc000000bd000000bb000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c0000000bf000000be000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 11 - m_Indexes: c3000000c2000000c1000000c3000000c4000000c2000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: c7000000c6000000c5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 12 - m_Indexes: ca000000c9000000c8000000ca000000cb000000c9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: ce000000cd000000cc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 1 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 13 - m_Indexes: cf000000d0000000d1000000d0000000d2000000d1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 - m_Indexes: d3000000d4000000d5000000d4000000d6000000d5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: d7000000d8000000d9000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 15 - m_Indexes: da000000db000000dc000000db000000dd000000dc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: de000000df000000e0000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 16 - m_Indexes: e1000000e2000000e3000000e2000000e4000000e3000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e5000000e6000000e7000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 17 - m_Indexes: e8000000e9000000ea000000e9000000eb000000ea000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ec000000ed000000ee000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 18 - m_Indexes: ef000000f0000000f1000000f0000000f2000000f1000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f3000000f4000000f5000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 19 - m_Indexes: f6000000f7000000f8000000f7000000f9000000f8000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fa000000fb000000fc000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 20 - m_Indexes: fd000000fe000000ff000000fe00000000010000ff000000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 010100000201000003010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 21 - m_Indexes: 040100000501000006010000050100000701000006010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 08010000090100000a010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 22 - m_Indexes: 0b0100000c0100000d0100000c0100000e0100000d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 0f0100001001000011010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 23 - m_Indexes: 120100001301000014010000130100001501000014010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 160100001701000018010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 24 - m_Indexes: 190100001a0100001b0100001a0100001c0100001b010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 1d0100001e0100001f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 25 - m_Indexes: 200100002101000022010000210100002301000022010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 240100002501000026010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 26 - m_Indexes: 270100002801000029010000280100002a01000029010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 2b0100002c0100002d010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 2 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: 27 - m_Indexes: 300100002f0100002e01000030010000310100002f010000 m_SmoothingGroup: 0 m_Uv: m_UseWorldSpace: 0 m_FlipU: 0 m_FlipV: 0 m_SwapUV: 0 m_Fill: 1 m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} m_Rotation: 0 m_Anchor: 9 m_Material: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31321ba15b8f8eb4c954353edc038b1d, type: 2} m_SubmeshIndex: 0 m_ManualUV: 0 elementGroup: 0 m_TextureGroup: -1 m_SharedVertices: - m_Vertices: 0000000070000000 - m_Vertices: 01000000cf000000 - m_Vertices: 020000000400000072000000 - m_Vertices: 0300000005000000d1000000 - m_Vertices: 0600000009000000d2000000d5000000d7000000 - m_Vertices: 0700000008000000730000007600000078000000 - m_Vertices: 0a0000000c0000007a000000 - m_Vertices: 0b0000000d000000d9000000 - m_Vertices: 0e00000011000000d6000000d8000000dc000000de000000 - m_Vertices: 0f0000001000000077000000790000007d0000007f000000 - m_Vertices: 120000001400000081000000 - m_Vertices: 1300000015000000e0000000 - m_Vertices: 1600000019000000dd000000df000000e3000000e5000000 - m_Vertices: 17000000180000007e000000800000008400000086000000 - m_Vertices: 1a0000001c00000088000000 - m_Vertices: 1b0000001d000000e7000000 - m_Vertices: 1e00000021000000e4000000e6000000ea000000ec000000 - m_Vertices: 1f0000002000000085000000870000008b0000008d000000 - m_Vertices: 22000000240000008f000000 - m_Vertices: 2300000025000000ee000000 - m_Vertices: 2600000029000000eb000000ed000000f1000000f3000000 - m_Vertices: 27000000280000008c0000008e0000009200000094000000 - m_Vertices: 2a0000002c00000096000000 - m_Vertices: 2b0000002d000000f5000000 - m_Vertices: 2e00000031000000f2000000f4000000f8000000fa000000 - m_Vertices: 2f000000300000009300000095000000990000009b000000 - m_Vertices: 32000000340000009d000000 - m_Vertices: 3300000035000000fc000000 - m_Vertices: 3600000039000000f9000000fb000000ff00000001010000 - m_Vertices: 37000000380000009a0000009c000000a0000000a2000000 - m_Vertices: 3a0000003c000000a4000000 - m_Vertices: 3b0000003d00000003010000 - m_Vertices: 3e0000004100000000010000020100000601000008010000 - m_Vertices: 3f00000040000000a1000000a3000000a7000000a9000000 - m_Vertices: 4200000044000000ab000000 - m_Vertices: 43000000450000000a010000 - m_Vertices: 460000004900000007010000090100000d0100000f010000 - m_Vertices: 4700000048000000a8000000aa000000ae000000b0000000 - m_Vertices: 4a0000004c000000b2000000 - m_Vertices: 4b0000004d00000011010000 - m_Vertices: 4e000000510000000e010000100100001401000016010000 - m_Vertices: 4f00000050000000af000000b1000000b5000000b7000000 - m_Vertices: 5200000054000000b9000000 - m_Vertices: 530000005500000018010000 - m_Vertices: 560000005900000015010000170100001b0100001d010000 - m_Vertices: 5700000058000000b6000000b8000000bc000000be000000 - m_Vertices: 5a0000005c000000c0000000 - m_Vertices: 5b0000005d0000001f010000 - m_Vertices: 5e000000610000001c0100001e0100002201000024010000 - m_Vertices: 5f00000060000000bd000000bf000000c3000000c5000000 - m_Vertices: 6200000064000000c7000000 - m_Vertices: 630000006500000026010000 - m_Vertices: 66000000690000002301000025010000290100002b010000 - m_Vertices: 6700000068000000c4000000c6000000ca000000cc000000 - m_Vertices: 6a0000006c000000ce000000 - m_Vertices: 6b0000006d0000002d010000 - m_Vertices: 6e0000002a0100002c01000031010000 - m_Vertices: 6f000000cb000000cd00000030010000 - m_Vertices: 7100000074000000 - m_Vertices: 750000007b000000 - m_Vertices: 7c00000082000000 - m_Vertices: 8300000089000000 - m_Vertices: 8a00000090000000 - m_Vertices: 9100000097000000 - m_Vertices: 980000009e000000 - m_Vertices: 9f000000a5000000 - m_Vertices: a6000000ac000000 - m_Vertices: ad000000b3000000 - m_Vertices: b4000000ba000000 - m_Vertices: bb000000c1000000 - m_Vertices: c2000000c8000000 - m_Vertices: c90000002e010000 - m_Vertices: d0000000d3000000 - m_Vertices: d4000000da000000 - m_Vertices: db000000e1000000 - m_Vertices: e2000000e8000000 - m_Vertices: e9000000ef000000 - m_Vertices: f0000000f6000000 - m_Vertices: f7000000fd000000 - m_Vertices: fe00000004010000 - m_Vertices: 050100000b010000 - m_Vertices: 0c01000012010000 - m_Vertices: 1301000019010000 - m_Vertices: 1a01000020010000 - m_Vertices: 2101000027010000 - m_Vertices: 280100002f010000 m_SharedTextures: [] m_Positions: - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.27603072, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.068809986, y: 0.55206144, z: 0.7387461} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 0.27287292, y: 0.82809216, z: 1.4520757} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 0.60516787, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.1154466} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 0, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.1041229, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 1.0542619, y: 1.3801535, z: 2.7060354} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 0, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 1.6047044, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.203523} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 0, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.6561843, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 2.2375572, y: 1.932215, z: 3.5907931} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 0, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 1.932215, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 2.9310465, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.8545218} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 0, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.2082458, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 3.6613135, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9856355} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 0, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.4842763, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 4.4032335, y: 2.760307, z: 3.9796236} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 0, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 2.760307, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 5.1312795, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.836692} - {x: 5.820404, y: 0, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.0363379, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 5.820404, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.5617592} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 0, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.3123686, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 6.4468975, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.1642838} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 0, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.5883992, z: 2.6579413} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 6.9892054, y: 3.86443, z: 2.6579413} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072, z: 0} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.27603072, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -1.7267246, y: 0.55206144, z: 1.0761615} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.55206144, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -1.4294577, y: 0.82809216, z: 2.1152978} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 0.82809216, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: -0.9453902, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.0816572} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 0, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.1041229, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: -0.2911768, y: 1.3801535, z: 3.941992} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 0, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.3801535, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 0.5106752, y: 1.6561843, z: 4.6667023} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 0, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.6561843, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 1.4325778, y: 1.932215, z: 5.2308545} - {x: 2.442812, y: 0, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 1.932215, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 2.442812, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.615039} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 0, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.2082458, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 3.5066216, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.8060374} - {x: 4.587406, y: 0, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.4842763, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 4.587406, y: 2.760307, z: 5.79728} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 0, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 2.760307, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 5.6479807, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.5890656} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 0, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.0363379, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 6.6518574, y: 3.3123686, z: 5.18856} - {x: 7.564495, y: 0, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.3123686, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.564495, y: 3.5883992, z: 4.609541} - {x: 8.354498, y: 0, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.5883992, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 8.354498, y: 3.86443, z: 3.8719313} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 0, z: 3.0011075} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443, z: 2.060152} - {x: 8.994682, y: 3.86443, z: 3.0011075} m_Textures0: - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.826963, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.046114564, y: 0.08384752} - {x: -1.7729743, y: -0.08559096} - {x: -1.7729747, y: 0.99522877} - {x: 0.046114266, y: 0.82579136} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.06881015, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.8957732, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.22742331, y: 0.98414856} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 0.81471} - {x: -1.5916655, y: 1.89553} - {x: 0.22742319, y: 1.7260925} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.27287295, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.0998356, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 0.5652493, y: 1.8451629} - {x: -1.2538393, y: 1.6757245} - {x: -1.2538395, y: 2.7565444} - {x: 0.5652492, y: 2.5871067} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -0.60516787, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4321308, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 1.0456183, y: 2.6351073} - {x: -0.7734705, y: 2.4656692} - {x: -0.77347106, y: 3.5464888} - {x: 1.045618, y: 3.377051} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.054262, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.881225, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 1.6505958, y: 3.3239374} - {x: -0.16849321, y: 3.1544993} - {x: -0.16849315, y: 4.235319} - {x: 1.6505957, y: 4.0658813} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -1.6047041, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.431667, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 2.3590977, y: 3.8847723} - {x: 0.5400088, y: 3.7153347} - {x: 0.5400094, y: 4.796155} - {x: 2.359098, y: 4.626716} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.2375574, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.0645204, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.1476512, y: 4.295255} - {x: 1.3285625, y: 4.1258163} - {x: 1.3285618, y: 5.2066355} - {x: 3.1476507, y: 5.0371985} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 1.932215} - {x: -2.9310467, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.7580094, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.991078, y: 4.5387344} - {x: 2.171989, y: 4.3692975} - {x: 2.1719897, y: 5.450117} - {x: 3.9910784, y: 5.2806787} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.6613135, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -5.488276, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.957304, y: 4.514494} - {x: 3.1382155, y: 4.345056} - {x: 3.138215, y: 5.425876} - {x: 4.957304, y: 5.2564383} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4032326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.2301955, y: 2.760307} - {x: 5.967181, y: 4.3675838} - {x: 4.1480923, y: 4.1981454} - {x: 4.148093, y: 5.278965} - {x: 5.9671817, y: 5.109527} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 2.760307} - {x: -6.958242, y: 2.760307} - {x: -5.1312795, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -6.958242, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.1429873} - {x: 5.0403404, y: 3.9735491} - {x: 5.04034, y: 5.05437} - {x: 6.8594294, y: 4.884931} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -5.820405, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -7.647368, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 3.76936} - {x: 5.859552, y: 3.599922} - {x: 5.8595524, y: 4.6807413} - {x: 7.6786413, y: 4.511304} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -6.446897, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.27386, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.2569647} - {x: 6.5756736, y: 3.0875266} - {x: 6.5756726, y: 4.168347} - {x: 8.394762, y: 3.9989085} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -6.9892063, y: 3.86443} - {x: -8.81617, y: 3.86443} - {x: 8.982349, y: 2.6203437} - {x: 7.16326, y: 2.4509058} - {x: 7.1632605, y: 3.5317252} - {x: 8.982349, y: 3.3622873} - {x: 0, y: 0} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0} - {x: 0, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.74194384, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.27603072} - {x: 1.4711244, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 0.72918046, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.55206144} - {x: 2.1624541, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 1.4205103, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0} - {x: 2.792148, y: 0} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 0.82809216} - {x: 2.792148, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.0502043, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 0} - {x: 3.338541, y: 0} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.1041229} - {x: 3.338541, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 2.5965972, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.040891, y: 0} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 0} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.3801535} - {x: 3.7828348, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.040891, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 0} - {x: 4.109743, y: 0} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.6561843} - {x: 4.109743, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.3677993, y: 1.932215} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 0} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 0} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 1.932215} - {x: 4.3080187, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.5660748, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 0} - {x: 4.370842, y: 0} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.2082458} - {x: 4.370842, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.6288977, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 0} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 0} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.4842763} - {x: 4.2960453, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.5541015, y: 2.760307} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 0} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 0} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 2.760307} - {x: 4.0862103, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.3442662, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 0} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 0} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.0363379} - {x: 3.7485497, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.0066059, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 2.552744, y: 0} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 0} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.3123686} - {x: 3.2946875, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.552744, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 0} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 0} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.5883992} - {x: 2.7402253, y: 3.86443} - {x: 1.9982817, y: 3.86443} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0} - {x: 0.1694378, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.91138196, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.27603072} - {x: -1.6405618, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -0.55974185, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.55206144} - {x: -2.3318923, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.2510723, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 0} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 0.82809216} - {x: -2.9615867, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -1.880767, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 0} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 0} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.1041229} - {x: -3.5079784, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.4271586, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -2.871452, y: 0} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 0} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.3801535} - {x: -3.9522724, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -2.871452, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -3.198362, y: 0} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 0} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.6561843} - {x: -4.2791815, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.198362, y: 1.932215} - {x: -3.396636, y: 0} - {x: -4.477456, y: 0} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 1.932215} - {x: -4.477456, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.396636, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 0} - {x: -4.540282, y: 0} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.2082458} - {x: -4.540282, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.4594617, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -3.384662, y: 0} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 0} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.4842763} - {x: -4.4654818, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.384662, y: 2.760307} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 0} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 0} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 2.760307} - {x: -4.2556534, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.1748326, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 0} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 0} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.0363379} - {x: -3.9179823, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.8371627, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 0} - {x: -3.464131, y: 0} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.3123686} - {x: -3.464131, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.3833108, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 0} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 0} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.5883992} - {x: -2.9096625, y: 3.86443} - {x: -1.8288431, y: 3.86443} - {x: 7.428669, y: 0} - {x: 9.255632, y: 0} - {x: 7.428669, y: 3.86443} - {x: 9.255632, y: 3.86443} m_Textures2: [] m_Textures3: [] m_Tangents: - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.092743255, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274326, w: -1} - {x: 0.99569005, y: 0, z: -0.09274327, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9827975, y: 0, z: -0.1846865, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.2750384, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503836, w: -1} - {x: 0.9614333, y: 0, z: -0.27503833, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.9317818, y: 0, z: -0.36301896, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.89409834, y: 0, z: -0.4478708, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.8940983, y: 0, z: -0.44787073, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.84870803, y: 0, z: -0.52886176, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.6052941, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7960019, y: 0, z: -0.60529417, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.7364345, y: 0, z: -0.67650884, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.67051905, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.74189234, w: -1} - {x: 0.6705191, y: 0, z: -0.7418923, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.59882396, y: 0, z: -0.8008807, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219672, y: 0, z: -0.8529656, w: -1} - {x: 0.5219673, y: 0, z: -0.85296553, w: -1} - {x: 0.52196735, y: 0, z: -0.8529655, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.44061068, y: 0, z: -0.8976983, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.35545602, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.355456, y: 0, z: -0.93469304, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.26723832, y: 0, z: -0.96363044, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.17671716, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.176717, y: 0, z: -0.9842617, w: -1} - {x: 0.1767168, y: 0, z: -0.98426175, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: 0.08467165, y: 0, z: -0.99640894, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103169, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103145, y: 0, z: -0.9999672, w: -1} - {x: -0.008103121, y: 0, z: -0.99996716, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.100808084, y: 0, z: -0.99490595, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264437, y: 0, z: -0.9812687, w: -1} - {x: -0.19264433, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.1926443, y: 0, z: -0.98126864, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.2828198, y: 0, z: -0.9591731, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.3705575, y: 0, z: -0.9288095, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055743, y: 0, z: -0.9288096, w: -1} - {x: -0.37055734, y: 0, z: -0.92880964, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.45510122, y: 0, z: -0.8904397, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.5357219, y: 0, z: -0.8443945, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.53572184, y: 0, z: -0.84439456, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6117243, y: 0, z: -0.791071, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824542, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.73092836, w: -1} - {x: -0.6824543, y: 0, z: -0.7309283, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.7473015, y: 0, z: -0.6644851, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923143, w: -1} - {x: -0.80570704, y: 0, z: -0.59231436, w: -1} - {x: -0.805707, y: 0, z: -0.5923144, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468651, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.09274286, y: 0, z: 0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509695, y: 0, z: 0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: 0.18468653, y: 0, z: 0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.21509694, y: 0, z: 0.97659266, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.2750382, y: 0, z: 0.9614333, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301902, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.36301905, y: 0, z: 0.9317817, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.84870815, w: -1} - {x: 0.44787073, y: 0, z: 0.8940984, w: -1} - {x: 0.52886164, y: 0, z: 0.84870803, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.5288615, y: 0, z: 0.8487081, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364346, w: -1} - {x: 0.6052939, y: 0, z: 0.7960021, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.6765088, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.67650884, y: 0, z: 0.7364345, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.74189234, y: 0, z: 0.6705191, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.59882385, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.80088073, y: 0, z: 0.5988239, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.44061068, w: -1} - {x: 0.8529657, y: 0, z: 0.521967, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.2672383, w: -1} - {x: 0.8976983, y: 0, z: 0.4406107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9636305, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.93469286, y: 0, z: 0.35545644, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.96363044, y: 0, z: 0.26723832, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467171, w: -1} - {x: 0.98426175, y: 0, z: 0.17671655, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.9964089, y: 0, z: 0.08467172, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080829, w: -1} - {x: 0.99996716, y: 0, z: -0.008102984, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9949059, y: 0, z: -0.10080828, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.9812686, y: 0, z: -0.19264466, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.959173, y: 0, z: -0.28282, w: -1} - {x: 0.89043975, y: 0, z: -0.45510107, w: -1} - {x: 0.9288096, y: 0, z: -0.37055746, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.8904398, y: 0, z: -0.45510104, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.6117243, w: -1} - {x: 0.84439456, y: 0, z: -0.5357217, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.79107106, y: 0, z: -0.61172426, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.73092866, y: 0, z: -0.68245393, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.7473014, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.6644852, y: 0, z: -0.74730146, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: 0.59231406, y: 0, z: -0.8057072, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.092742875, y: 0, z: -0.9956901, w: -1} - {x: -0.2150971, y: 0, z: -0.9765927, w: -1} - {x: -0.18468663, y: 0, z: -0.98279744, w: -1} - {x: -0.36301905, y: 0, z: 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