using UOP1.StateMachine.ScriptableObjects;
namespace UOP1.StateMachine
/// Class that represents a conditional statement.
public abstract class Condition : IStateComponent
private bool _isCached = false;
private bool _cachedStatement = default;
internal StateConditionSO _originSO;
/// Use this property to access shared data from the that corresponds to this
protected StateConditionSO OriginSO => _originSO;
/// Specify the statement to evaluate.
protected abstract bool Statement();
/// Wrap the so it can be cached.
internal bool GetStatement()
if (!_originSO.cacheResult)
return Statement();
if (!_isCached)
_isCached = true;
_cachedStatement = Statement();
return _cachedStatement;
internal void ClearStatementCache()
_isCached = false;
/// Awake is called when creating a new instance. Use this method to cache the components needed for the condition.
/// The this instance belongs to.
public virtual void Awake(StateMachine stateMachine) { }
public virtual void OnStateEnter() { }
public virtual void OnStateExit() { }
/// Struct containing a Condition and its expected result.
public readonly struct StateCondition
internal readonly StateMachine _stateMachine;
internal readonly Condition _condition;
internal readonly bool _expectedResult;
public StateCondition(StateMachine stateMachine, Condition condition, bool expectedResult)
_stateMachine = stateMachine;
_condition = condition;
_expectedResult = expectedResult;
public bool IsMet()
bool statement = _condition.GetStatement();
bool isMet = statement == _expectedResult;
_stateMachine._debugger.TransitionConditionResult(, statement, isMet);
return isMet;