using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using SceneSelectorInternal; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using SceneType = GameSceneSO.GameSceneType; public partial class SceneSelector : EditorWindow, IHasCustomMenu { private const string kPreferencesKey = "uop1.SceneSelector.Preferences"; private const int kItemContentLeftPadding = 32; private static readonly GUIContent kOpenPreferencesItemContent = new GUIContent("Open Preferences"); private Styles _styles; private Storage _storage; private PreferencesWindow _preferencesWindow; private Vector2 _windowScrollPosition; private bool _hasEmptyItems; private List items => _storage.items; private Dictionary itemsMap => _storage.itemsMap; [MenuItem("ChopChop/Scene Selector")] private static void Open() { GetWindow(); } private void OnEnable() { wantsMouseMove = true; LoadStorage(); PopulateItems(); } private void OnDisable() { if (_preferencesWindow != null) _preferencesWindow.Close(); SaveStorage(); } private void OnGUI() { EnsureStyles(); Helper.RepaintOnMouseMove(this); RemoveEmptyItemsIfRequired(); DrawWindow(); } private void DrawWindow() { using (var scrollScope = new EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope(_windowScrollPosition)) { GUILayout.Space(4.0f); DrawItems(); _windowScrollPosition = scrollScope.scrollPosition; } if (GUILayout.Button("Reset list")) { //Force deletion of the storage _storage = new Storage(); EditorPrefs.SetString(kPreferencesKey, ""); OnEnable(); //search the project and populate the scene list again } } private void DrawItems() { foreach (var item in items) { DrawItem(item); } } private void DrawItem(Item item) { if (item.isVisible) { var gameSceneSO = item.gameSceneSO; if (gameSceneSO != null) { if (GUILayout.Button(, _styles.item)) { Helper.OpenSceneSafe(gameSceneSO); } var colorMarkerRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); colorMarkerRect.width = colorMarkerRect.height; colorMarkerRect.x += (_styles.item.padding.left - colorMarkerRect.width) * 0.5f; Helper.DrawColorMarker(colorMarkerRect, item.color); } else { // In case GameSceneSO was removed (see RemoveEmptyItemsIfRequired) _hasEmptyItems = true; } } } private void LoadStorage() { _storage = new Storage(); if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(kPreferencesKey)) { var preferencesJSON = EditorPrefs.GetString(kPreferencesKey); EditorJsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(preferencesJSON, _storage); } } private void SaveStorage() { var preferencesJSON = EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(_storage); EditorPrefs.SetString(kPreferencesKey, preferencesJSON); } private void PopulateItems() { var gameSceneSOs = new List(); Helper.FindAssetsByType(gameSceneSOs); foreach (var gameSceneSO in gameSceneSOs) { if (AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(gameSceneSO, out var guid, out long _)) { if (itemsMap.TryGetValue(guid, out var item)) { item.gameSceneSO = gameSceneSO; } else { item = new Item() { gameSceneSO = gameSceneSO, guid = guid, color = Helper.GetDefaultColor(gameSceneSO) }; items.Add(item); itemsMap.Add(guid, item); } } } } private void RemoveEmptyItemsIfRequired() { if (_hasEmptyItems) { for (int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var sceneItem = items[i]; if (sceneItem == null || sceneItem.gameSceneSO == null) { items.RemoveAt(i); itemsMap.Remove(sceneItem.guid); } } } _hasEmptyItems = false; } private void EnsureStyles() { if (_styles == null) { _styles = new Styles(); _styles.item = "MenuItem"; _styles.item.padding.left = kItemContentLeftPadding; } } private void OpenPreferences() { _preferencesWindow = PreferencesWindow.Open(this); } void IHasCustomMenu.AddItemsToMenu(GenericMenu menu) { menu.AddItem(kOpenPreferencesItemContent, false, OpenPreferences); } }