using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public enum GameState { Gameplay,// regular state: player moves, attacks, can perform actions Pause,// pause menu is opened, the whole game world is frozen Inventory, //when inventory UI or cooking UI are open Dialogue, Cutscene, LocationTransition,// when the character steps into LocationExit trigger, fade to black begins and control is removed from the player Combat,//enemy is nearby and alert, player can't open Inventory or initiate dialogues, but can pause the game } //[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "GameState", menuName = "Gameplay/GameState", order = 51)] public class GameStateSO : ScriptableObject { private GameState _currentGameState = default; private GameState _previousGameState = default; public GameState CurrentGameState => _currentGameState; public void UpdateGameState(GameState newGameState) { if (newGameState != CurrentGameState) { _previousGameState = _currentGameState; _currentGameState = newGameState; } } public void ResetToPreviousGameState() { _currentGameState = _previousGameState; } }