using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Localization; // Created with collaboration from: // [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Item", menuName = "Inventory/Item", order = 51)] public class Item : ScriptableObject { [Tooltip("The name of the item")] [SerializeField] private LocalizedString _name = default; [Tooltip("A preview image for the item")] [SerializeField] private Sprite _previewImage = default; [Tooltip("A description of the item")] [SerializeField] private LocalizedString _description = default; [Tooltip("The type of item")] [SerializeField] private ItemType _itemType = default; [Tooltip("A prefab reference for the model of the item")] [SerializeField] private GameObject _prefab = default; [Tooltip("The list of the ingredients necessary to the recipe")] [SerializeField] private List _ingredientsList = new List(); [Tooltip("The resulting dish to the recipe")] [SerializeField] private Item _resultingDish = default; public LocalizedString Name => _name; public Sprite PreviewImage => _previewImage; public LocalizedString Description => _description; public ItemType ItemType => _itemType; public GameObject Prefab => _prefab; public List IngredientsList => _ingredientsList; public Item ResultingDish => _resultingDish; }