using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Localization; public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Scene UI")] [SerializeField] private MenuSelectionHandler _selectionHandler = default; [SerializeField] private UIPopup _popupPanel = default; [SerializeField] private UIDialogueManager _dialogueController = default; [SerializeField] private UIInventory _inventoryPanel = default; [SerializeField] private UIInteraction _interactionPanel = default; [SerializeField] private UIPause _pauseScreen = default; [SerializeField] private UISettings _settingScreen = default; [Header("Gameplay Components")] [SerializeField] private GameStateSO _gameState = default; [SerializeField] private MenuSO _mainMenu = default; [SerializeField] private InputReader _inputReader = default; [Header("Listening on channels")] [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _onSceneReady = default; [Header("Dialogue Events")] [SerializeField] private DialogueLineChannelSO _openUIDialogueEvent = default; [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _closeUIDialogueEvent = default; [Header("Inventory Events")] [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _openInventoryScreenForCookingEvent = default; [Header("Interaction Events")] [SerializeField] private InteractionUIEventChannelSO _setInteractionEvent = default; [Header("Broadcasting on ")] [SerializeField] private LoadEventChannelSO _loadMenuEvent = default; [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _onInteractionEndedEvent = default; bool isForCooking = false; private void Start() { _onSceneReady.OnEventRaised += ResetUI; _openUIDialogueEvent.OnEventRaised += OpenUIDialogue; _closeUIDialogueEvent.OnEventRaised += CloseUIDialogue; _inputReader.menuPauseEvent += OpenUIPause; // subscription to open Pause UI event happens in OnEnabled, but the close Event is only subscribed to when the popup is open _openInventoryScreenForCookingEvent.OnEventRaised += SetInventoryScreenForCooking; _setInteractionEvent.OnEventRaised += SetInteractionPanel; _inputReader.openInventoryEvent += SetInventoryScreen; _inventoryPanel.Closed += CloseInventoryScreen; } void ResetUI() { _dialogueController.gameObject.SetActive(false); _inventoryPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); _pauseScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); _interactionPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); _inputReader.EnableGameplayInput(); Time.timeScale = 1; } void OpenUIDialogue(LocalizedString dialogueLine, ActorSO actor) { _dialogueController.SetDialogue(dialogueLine, actor); _dialogueController.gameObject.SetActive(true); } void CloseUIDialogue() { _selectionHandler.Unselect(); _dialogueController.gameObject.SetActive(false); } private void OnDestroy() { //Check if the event exists to avoid errors _onSceneReady.OnEventRaised -= ResetUI; _openUIDialogueEvent.OnEventRaised -= OpenUIDialogue; _closeUIDialogueEvent.OnEventRaised -= CloseUIDialogue; _inputReader.menuPauseEvent -= OpenUIPause; _openInventoryScreenForCookingEvent.OnEventRaised -= SetInventoryScreenForCooking; _setInteractionEvent.OnEventRaised -= SetInteractionPanel; _inputReader.openInventoryEvent -= SetInventoryScreen; _inventoryPanel.Closed -= CloseInventoryScreen; } void OpenUIPause() { _inputReader.menuPauseEvent -= OpenUIPause; // you can open UI pause menu again, if it's closed // Time.timeScale = 0; // Pause time _pauseScreen.SettingsScreenOpened += OpenSettingScreen;//once the UI Pause popup is open, listen to open Settings _pauseScreen.BackToMainRequested += ShowBackToMenuConfirmationPopup;//once the UI Pause popup is open, listen to back to menu button _pauseScreen.Resumed += CloseUIPause;//once the UI Pause popup is open, listen to unpause event _pauseScreen.gameObject.SetActive(true); _inputReader.EnableMenuInput(); _gameState.UpdateGameState(GameState.Pause); } void CloseUIPause() { Time.timeScale = 1; // unpause time _inputReader.menuPauseEvent += OpenUIPause; // you can open UI pause menu again, if it's closed // once the popup is closed, you can't listen to the following events _pauseScreen.SettingsScreenOpened -= OpenSettingScreen;//once the UI Pause popup is open, listen to open Settings _pauseScreen.BackToMainRequested -= ShowBackToMenuConfirmationPopup;//once the UI Pause popup is open, listen to back to menu button _pauseScreen.Resumed -= CloseUIPause;//once the UI Pause popup is open, listen to unpause event _pauseScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); _inputReader.EnableGameplayInput(); _selectionHandler.Unselect(); _gameState.ResetToPreviousGameState(); } void OpenSettingScreen() { _settingScreen.Closed += CloseSettingScreen; // sub to close setting event with event _pauseScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Set pause screen to inactive _settingScreen.gameObject.SetActive(true);// set Setting screen to active // time is still set to 0 and Input is still set to menuInput } void CloseSettingScreen() { //unsub from close setting events _settingScreen.Closed -= CloseSettingScreen; _selectionHandler.Unselect(); _pauseScreen.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Set pause screen to inactive _settingScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); // time is still set to 0 and Input is still set to menuInput //going out from setting screen gets us back to the pause screen } void ShowBackToMenuConfirmationPopup() { _pauseScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Set pause screen to inactive _popupPanel.ClosePopupAction += HideBackToMenuConfirmationPopup; _popupPanel.ConfirmationResponseAction += BackToMainMenu; _inputReader.EnableMenuInput(); _popupPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); _popupPanel.SetPopup(PopupType.BackToMenu); } void BackToMainMenu(bool confirm) { HideBackToMenuConfirmationPopup();// hide confirmation screen, show close UI pause, if (confirm) { CloseUIPause();//close ui pause to unsub from all events _loadMenuEvent.RaiseEvent(_mainMenu, false); //load main menu } } void HideBackToMenuConfirmationPopup() { _popupPanel.ClosePopupAction -= HideBackToMenuConfirmationPopup; _popupPanel.ConfirmationResponseAction -= BackToMainMenu; _popupPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); _selectionHandler.Unselect(); _pauseScreen.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Set pause screen to inactive // time is still set to 0 and Input is still set to menuInput //going out from confirmaiton popup screen gets us back to the pause screen } void SetInventoryScreenForCooking() { isForCooking = true; OpenInventoryScreen(); } void SetInventoryScreen() { isForCooking = false; OpenInventoryScreen(); } void OpenInventoryScreen() { _inputReader.menuPauseEvent -= OpenUIPause; // you cant open the UI Pause again when you are in inventory _inputReader.menuUnpauseEvent -= CloseUIPause; // you can close the UI Pause popup when you are in inventory _inputReader.menuCloseEvent += CloseInventoryScreen; _inputReader.closeInventoryEvent += CloseInventoryScreen; if (isForCooking) { _inventoryPanel.FillInventory(InventoryTabType.Recipe, true); } else { _inventoryPanel.FillInventory(); } _inventoryPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); _inputReader.EnableMenuInput(); _gameState.UpdateGameState(GameState.Inventory); } void CloseInventoryScreen() { _inputReader.menuPauseEvent += OpenUIPause; // you cant open the UI Pause again when you are in inventory _inputReader.menuCloseEvent -= CloseInventoryScreen; _inputReader.closeInventoryEvent -= CloseInventoryScreen; _inventoryPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (isForCooking) { _onInteractionEndedEvent.RaiseEvent(); } _selectionHandler.Unselect(); _inputReader.EnableGameplayInput(); _gameState.ResetToPreviousGameState(); } void SetInteractionPanel(bool isOpenEvent, InteractionType interactionType) { if (isOpenEvent) { _interactionPanel.FillInteractionPanel(interactionType); } _interactionPanel.gameObject.SetActive(isOpenEvent); } }