using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UOP1.StateMachine;
using UOP1.StateMachine.ScriptableObjects;
using Moment = UOP1.StateMachine.StateAction.SpecificMoment;
/// Flexible StateActionSO for the StateMachine which allows to set any parameter on the Animator, in any moment of the state (OnStateEnter, OnStateExit, or each OnUpdate).
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "AnimatorMoveSpeedAction", menuName = "State Machines/Actions/Set Animator Move Speed")]
public class AnimatorMoveSpeedActionSO : StateActionSO
public string parameterName = default;
protected override StateAction CreateAction() => new AnimatorMoveSpeedAction(Animator.StringToHash(parameterName));
public class AnimatorMoveSpeedAction : StateAction
//Component references
private Animator _animator;
private Protagonist _protagonist;
private AnimatorParameterActionSO _originSO => (AnimatorParameterActionSO)base.OriginSO; // The SO this StateAction spawned from
private int _parameterHash;
public AnimatorMoveSpeedAction(int parameterHash)
_parameterHash = parameterHash;
public override void Awake(StateMachine stateMachine)
_animator = stateMachine.GetComponent();
_protagonist = stateMachine.GetComponent();
public override void OnUpdate()
//TODO: do we like that we're using the magnitude here, per frame? Can this be done in a smarter way?
float normalisedSpeed = _protagonist.movementInput.magnitude;
_animator.SetFloat(_parameterHash, normalisedSpeed);