using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Settings;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace UnityEngine.Localization.Samples
/// This example shows how a language selection menu can be implemented using UGUI toggles.
public class LanguageSelectionMenuUGUIToggleList : MonoBehaviour
public Transform container;
public GameObject languageTogglePrefab;
AsyncOperationHandle m_InitializeOperation;
Dictionary m_Toggles = new Dictionary();
ToggleGroup m_ToggleGroup;
void Start()
// SelectedLocaleAsync will ensure that the locales have been initialized and a locale has been selected.
m_InitializeOperation = LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleAsync;
if (m_InitializeOperation.IsDone)
m_InitializeOperation.Completed += InitializeCompleted;
void InitializeCompleted(AsyncOperationHandle obj)
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleChanged += LocalizationSettings_SelectedLocaleChanged;
// The toggle group will ensure that only 1 language is selected at a time.
m_ToggleGroup = container.gameObject.AddComponent();
// Create an option in the dropdown for each Locale
var locales = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales;
for (int i = 0; i < locales.Count; ++i)
var locale = locales[i];
var languageToggle = Instantiate(languageTogglePrefab, container); = locale.Identifier.CultureInfo != null ? locale.Identifier.CultureInfo.NativeName : locale.ToString();
var label = languageToggle.GetComponentInChildren();
label.text =;
var toggle = languageToggle.GetComponent();
toggle.SetIsOnWithoutNotify(LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale == locale);
// We use a dictionary of the toggles so we can quickly update the selected locale if it is changed by another script.
m_Toggles[locale] = toggle;
toggle.onValueChanged.AddListener(val =>
if (val)
// Unsubscribe from SelectedLocaleChanged so we don't get an unnecessary callback from the change we are about to make.
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleChanged -= LocalizationSettings_SelectedLocaleChanged;
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = locale;
// Resubscribe to SelectedLocaleChanged so that we can stay in sync with changes that may be made by other scripts.
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocaleChanged += LocalizationSettings_SelectedLocaleChanged;
}); = m_ToggleGroup;
void LocalizationSettings_SelectedLocaleChanged(Locale locale)
if (m_Toggles.TryGetValue(locale, out var toggle))