using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; public class PathwayMovementAction : NPCMovementAction { private NavMeshAgent _agent; private bool _isActiveAgent; private List _wayppoints; private int _wayPointIndex; private float _roamingSpeed; public PathwayMovementAction( PathwayConfigSO config, NavMeshAgent agent) { _agent = agent; _isActiveAgent = _agent != null && _agent.isActiveAndEnabled && _agent.isOnNavMesh; _wayPointIndex = -1; //Initialized to -1 so we don't skip the first element from the waypoint list _roamingSpeed = config.Speed; _wayppoints = config.Waypoints; } public override void OnUpdate() { } public override void OnStateEnter() { if (_isActiveAgent) { _agent.speed = _roamingSpeed; _agent.isStopped = false; _agent.SetDestination(GetNextDestination()); } } public override void OnStateExit() { } private Vector3 GetNextDestination() { Vector3 nextDestination = _agent.transform.position; if (_wayppoints.Count > 0) { //We check the modulo so when we reach the end of the array we go back to the first element _wayPointIndex = (_wayPointIndex + 1) % _wayppoints.Count; nextDestination = _wayppoints[_wayPointIndex].waypoint; } //Debug.Log("the next destination index = " +_wayPointIndex + "value = " + nextDestination); return nextDestination; } }