using UnityEngine; using UOP1.StateMachine; using UOP1.StateMachine.ScriptableObjects; [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "State Machines/Actions/Descend")] public class DescendActionSO : StateActionSO { } public class DescendAction : StateAction { //Component references private Protagonist _protagonistScript; private float _verticalMovement; public override void Awake(StateMachine stateMachine) { _protagonistScript = stateMachine.GetComponent(); } public override void OnStateEnter() { _verticalMovement = _protagonistScript.movementVector.y; //Prevents a double jump if the player keeps holding the jump button //Basically it "consumes" the input _protagonistScript.jumpInput = false; } public override void OnUpdate() { //Note that deltaTime is used even though it's going to be used in ApplyMovementVectorAction, this is because it represents an acceleration, not a speed _verticalMovement += Physics.gravity.y * Protagonist.GRAVITY_MULTIPLIER * Time.deltaTime; //Note that even if it's added, the above value is negative due to Physics.gravity.y //Cap the maximum so the player doesn't reach incredible speeds when freefalling from high positions _verticalMovement = Mathf.Clamp(_verticalMovement, Protagonist.MAX_FALL_SPEED, Protagonist.MAX_RISE_SPEED); _protagonistScript.movementVector.y = _verticalMovement; } }