using UnityEngine; using UOP1.StateMachine; using UOP1.StateMachine.ScriptableObjects; /// /// This Action handles horizontal movement while in the air, keeping momentum, simulating air resistance, and accelerating towards the desired speed. /// [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "AerialMovement", menuName = "State Machines/Actions/Aerial Movement")] public class AerialMovementActionSO : StateActionSO { public float Speed => _speed; public float Acceleration => _acceleration; [Tooltip("Desired horizontal movement speed while in the air")] [SerializeField] [Range(0.1f, 100f)] private float _speed = 10f; [Tooltip("The acceleration applied to reach the desired speed")] [SerializeField] [Range(0.1f, 100f)] private float _acceleration = 20f; protected override StateAction CreateAction() => new AerialMovementAction(); } public class AerialMovementAction : StateAction { private new AerialMovementActionSO OriginSO => (AerialMovementActionSO)base.OriginSO; private Protagonist _protagonist; public override void Awake(StateMachine stateMachine) { _protagonist = stateMachine.GetComponent(); } public override void OnUpdate() { Vector3 velocity = _protagonist.movementVector; Vector3 input = _protagonist.movementInput; float speed = OriginSO.Speed; float acceleration = OriginSO.Acceleration; SetVelocityPerAxis(ref velocity.x, input.x, acceleration, speed); SetVelocityPerAxis(ref velocity.z, input.z, acceleration, speed); _protagonist.movementVector = velocity; } private void SetVelocityPerAxis(ref float currentAxisSpeed, float axisInput, float acceleration, float targetSpeed) { if (axisInput == 0f) { if (currentAxisSpeed != 0f) { ApplyAirResistance(ref currentAxisSpeed); } } else { (float absVel, float absInput) = (Mathf.Abs(currentAxisSpeed), Mathf.Abs(axisInput)); (float signVel, float signInput) = (Mathf.Sign(currentAxisSpeed), Mathf.Sign(axisInput)); targetSpeed *= absInput; if (signVel != signInput || absVel < targetSpeed) { currentAxisSpeed += axisInput * acceleration; currentAxisSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(currentAxisSpeed, -targetSpeed, targetSpeed); } else { ApplyAirResistance(ref currentAxisSpeed); } } } private void ApplyAirResistance(ref float value) { float sign = Mathf.Sign(value); value -= sign * Protagonist.AIR_RESISTANCE * Time.deltaTime; if (Mathf.Sign(value) != sign) value = 0; } }