using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UOP1.StateMachine.ScriptableObjects; using static UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UOP1.StateMachine.Editor { [CustomEditor(typeof(TransitionTableSO))] internal class TransitionTableEditor : UnityEditor.Editor { // Property with all the transitions. private SerializedProperty _transitions; // _fromStates and _transitionsByFromStates form a State->Transitions dictionary. private List _fromStates; private List> _transitionsByFromStates; // Index of the state currently toggled on, -1 if none is. internal int _toggledIndex = -1; // Helper class to add new transitions. private AddTransitionHelper _addTransitionHelper; // Editor to display the StateSO inspector. private UnityEditor.Editor _cachedStateEditor; private bool _displayStateEditor; private void OnEnable() { _addTransitionHelper = new AddTransitionHelper(this); Undo.undoRedoPerformed += Reset; Reset(); } private void OnDisable() { Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= Reset; _addTransitionHelper?.Dispose(); } /// /// Method to fully reset the editor. Used whenever adding, removing and reordering transitions. /// internal void Reset() { serializedObject.Update(); var toggledState = _toggledIndex > -1 ? _fromStates[_toggledIndex] : null; _transitions = serializedObject.FindProperty("_transitions"); GroupByFromState(); _toggledIndex = toggledState ? _fromStates.IndexOf(toggledState) : -1; } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (!_displayStateEditor) TransitionTableGUI(); else StateEditorGUI(); } private void StateEditorGUI() { Separator(); // Back button if (GUILayout.Button(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("scrollleft"), GUILayout.Width(35), GUILayout.Height(20)) || _cachedStateEditor.serializedObject == null) { _displayStateEditor = false; return; } Separator(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Edit the Actions that a State performs per frame. The order represent the order of execution.", MessageType.Info); Separator(); // State name EditorGUILayout.LabelField(, EditorStyles.boldLabel); Separator(); _cachedStateEditor.OnInspectorGUI(); } private void TransitionTableGUI() { Separator(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Click on any State's name to see the Transitions it contains, or click the Pencil/Wrench icon to see its Actions.", MessageType.Info); Separator(); // For each fromState for (int i = 0; i < _fromStates.Count; i++) { var stateRect = BeginVertical(ContentStyle.WithPaddingAndMargins); EditorGUI.DrawRect(stateRect, ContentStyle.LightGray); var transitions = _transitionsByFromStates[i]; // State Header var headerRect = BeginHorizontal(); { BeginVertical(); string label = transitions[0]; if (i == 0) label += " (Initial State)"; headerRect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(headerRect.width, headerRect.height); headerRect.x += 5; // Toggle { var toggleRect = headerRect; toggleRect.width -= 140; _toggledIndex = EditorGUI.BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup(toggleRect, _toggledIndex == i, label, ContentStyle.StateListStyle) ? i : _toggledIndex == i ? -1 : _toggledIndex; } Separator(); EndVertical(); // State Header Buttons { bool Button(Rect position, string icon) => GUI.Button(position, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent(icon)); var buttonRect = new Rect(x: headerRect.width - 25, y: headerRect.y, width: 35, height: 20); // Move state down if (i < _fromStates.Count - 1) { if (Button(buttonRect, "scrolldown")) { ReorderState(i, false); EarlyOut(); return; } buttonRect.x -= 40; } // Move state up if (i > 0) { if (Button(buttonRect, "scrollup")) { ReorderState(i, true); EarlyOut(); return; } buttonRect.x -= 40; } // Switch to state editor if (Button(buttonRect, "SceneViewTools")) { DisplayStateEditor(transitions[0].SerializedTransition.FromState.objectReferenceValue); EarlyOut(); return; } void EarlyOut() { EndHorizontal(); EndFoldoutHeaderGroup(); EndVertical(); EndHorizontal(); } } } EndHorizontal(); if (_toggledIndex == i) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); stateRect.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2; foreach (var transition in transitions) // Display all the transitions in the state { if (transition.Display(ref stateRect)) // Return if there were changes { EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); EndFoldoutHeaderGroup(); EndVertical(); EndHorizontal(); return; } Separator(); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } EndFoldoutHeaderGroup(); EndVertical(); Separator(); } var rect = BeginHorizontal(); Space(rect.width - 55); // Display add transition button _addTransitionHelper.Display(rect); EndHorizontal(); } internal void DisplayStateEditor(Object state) { if (_cachedStateEditor == null) _cachedStateEditor = CreateEditor(state, typeof(StateEditor)); else CreateCachedEditor(state, typeof(StateEditor), ref _cachedStateEditor); _displayStateEditor = true; } /// /// Move a state up or down /// /// Index of the state in _fromStates /// Moving up(true) or down(true) internal void ReorderState(int index, bool up) { var toggledState = _toggledIndex > -1 ? _fromStates[_toggledIndex] : null; if (!up) index++; var transitions = _transitionsByFromStates[index]; int transitionIndex = transitions[0].SerializedTransition.Index; int targetIndex = _transitionsByFromStates[index - 1][0].SerializedTransition.Index; _transitions.MoveArrayElement(transitionIndex, targetIndex); ApplyModifications($"Moved {_fromStates[index].name} State {(up ? "up" : "down")}"); if (toggledState) _toggledIndex = _fromStates.IndexOf(toggledState); } /// /// Add a new transition. If a transition with the same from and to states is found, /// the conditions in the new transition are added to it. /// /// Source Transition internal void AddTransition(SerializedTransition source) { SerializedTransition transition; if (TryGetExistingTransition(source.FromState, source.ToState, out int fromIndex, out int toIndex)) { transition = _transitionsByFromStates[fromIndex][toIndex].SerializedTransition; } else { int count = _transitions.arraySize; _transitions.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(count); transition = new SerializedTransition(_transitions.GetArrayElementAtIndex(count)); transition.ClearProperties(); transition.FromState.objectReferenceValue = source.FromState.objectReferenceValue; transition.ToState.objectReferenceValue = source.ToState.objectReferenceValue; } CopyConditions(transition.Conditions, source.Conditions); ApplyModifications($"Added transition from {transition.FromState} to {transition.ToState}"); _toggledIndex = fromIndex >= 0 ? fromIndex : _fromStates.Count - 1; } /// /// Move a transition up or down /// /// The transition to move /// Move up(true) or down(false) internal void ReorderTransition(SerializedTransition serializedTransition, bool up) { int stateIndex = _fromStates.IndexOf(serializedTransition.FromState.objectReferenceValue); var stateTransitions = _transitionsByFromStates[stateIndex]; int index = stateTransitions.FindIndex(t => t.SerializedTransition.Index == serializedTransition.Index); (int currentIndex, int targetIndex) = up ? (serializedTransition.Index, stateTransitions[index - 1].SerializedTransition.Index) : (stateTransitions[index + 1].SerializedTransition.Index, serializedTransition.Index); _transitions.MoveArrayElement(currentIndex, targetIndex); ApplyModifications($"Moved transition to {} {(up ? "up" : "down")}"); _toggledIndex = stateIndex; } /// /// Remove a transition. /// /// Transition to delete. internal void RemoveTransition(SerializedTransition serializedTransition) { int stateIndex = _fromStates.IndexOf(serializedTransition.FromState.objectReferenceValue); var stateTransitions = _transitionsByFromStates[stateIndex]; int count = stateTransitions.Count; int index = stateTransitions.FindIndex(t => t.SerializedTransition.Index == serializedTransition.Index); int deleteIndex = serializedTransition.Index; if (index == 0 && count > 1) _transitions.MoveArrayElement(stateTransitions[1].SerializedTransition.Index, deleteIndex++); _transitions.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(deleteIndex); ApplyModifications($"Deleted transition from {} " + "to {}"); if (count > 1) _toggledIndex = stateIndex; } internal List GetStateTransitions(Object state) { return _transitionsByFromStates[_fromStates.IndexOf(state)].Select(t => t.SerializedTransition).ToList(); } private void CopyConditions(SerializedProperty copyTo, SerializedProperty copyFrom) { for (int i = 0, j = copyTo.arraySize; i < copyFrom.arraySize; i++, j++) { copyTo.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(j); var cond = copyTo.GetArrayElementAtIndex(j); var srcCond = copyFrom.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); cond.FindPropertyRelative("ExpectedResult").enumValueIndex = srcCond.FindPropertyRelative("ExpectedResult").enumValueIndex; cond.FindPropertyRelative("Operator").enumValueIndex = srcCond.FindPropertyRelative("Operator").enumValueIndex; cond.FindPropertyRelative("Condition").objectReferenceValue = srcCond.FindPropertyRelative("Condition").objectReferenceValue; } } private bool TryGetExistingTransition(SerializedProperty from, SerializedProperty to, out int fromIndex, out int toIndex) { fromIndex = _fromStates.IndexOf(from.objectReferenceValue); toIndex = -1; if (fromIndex < 0) return false; toIndex = _transitionsByFromStates[fromIndex].FindIndex( transitionHelper => transitionHelper.SerializedTransition.ToState.objectReferenceValue == to.objectReferenceValue); return toIndex >= 0; } private void GroupByFromState() { var groupedTransitions = new Dictionary>(); int count = _transitions.arraySize; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var serializedTransition = new SerializedTransition(_transitions, i); if (serializedTransition.FromState.objectReferenceValue == null) { Debug.LogError("Transition with invalid \"From State\" found in table " + + ", deleting..."); _transitions.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i); ApplyModifications("Invalid transition deleted"); return; } if (serializedTransition.ToState.objectReferenceValue == null) { Debug.LogError("Transition with invalid \"Target State\" found in table " + + ", deleting..."); _transitions.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i); ApplyModifications("Invalid transition deleted"); return; } if (!groupedTransitions.TryGetValue(serializedTransition.FromState.objectReferenceValue, out var groupedProps)) { groupedProps = new List(); groupedTransitions.Add(serializedTransition.FromState.objectReferenceValue, groupedProps); } groupedProps.Add(new TransitionDisplayHelper(serializedTransition, this)); } _fromStates = groupedTransitions.Keys.ToList(); _transitionsByFromStates = new List>(); foreach (var fromState in _fromStates) _transitionsByFromStates.Add(groupedTransitions[fromState]); } private void ApplyModifications(string msg) { Undo.RecordObject(serializedObject.targetObject, msg); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Reset(); } } }