using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class NPCAudio : CharacterAudio { [SerializeField] private AudioCueSO singShort, singLong, talk, footstep; //when we have the ground detector script, we should check the type to know which footstep sound to play public void PlayFootstep() => _sfxEventChannel.RaisePlayEvent(footstep, _audioConfig, transform.position); public void PlayTalk() => _sfxEventChannel.RaisePlayEvent(talk, _audioConfig, transform.position); //Only bard hare will use the Idle since he sings at that time public void PlaySingShort() => _sfxEventChannel.RaisePlayEvent(singShort, _audioConfig, transform.position); public void PlaySingLong() => _sfxEventChannel.RaisePlayEvent(singLong, _audioConfig, transform.position); }