using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Character : MonoBehaviour { private CharacterController characterController; [Tooltip("Horizontal XZ plane speed multiplier")] public float speed = 8f; [Tooltip("Smoothing for rotating the character to their movement direction")] public float turnSmoothTime = 0.2f; [Tooltip("General multiplier for gravity (affects jump and freefall)")] public float gravityMultiplier = 5f; [Tooltip("The initial upwards push when pressing jump. This is injected into verticalMovement, and gradually cancelled by gravity")] public float initialJumpForce = 10f; [Tooltip("How long can the player hold the jump button")] public float jumpInputDuration = .4f; [Tooltip("Represents how fast gravityContributionMultiplier will go back to 1f. The higher, the faster")] public float gravityComebackMultiplier = 15f; [Tooltip("The maximum speed reached when falling (in units/frame)")] public float maxFallSpeed = 50f; [Tooltip("Each frame while jumping, gravity will be multiplied by this amount in an attempt to 'cancel it' (= jump higher)")] public float gravityDivider = .6f; private float gravityContributionMultiplier = 0f; //The factor which determines how much gravity is affecting verticalMovement private bool isJumping = false; //If true, a jump is in effect and the player is holding the jump button private float jumpBeginTime = -Mathf.Infinity; //Time of the last jump private float turnSmoothSpeed; //Used by Mathf.SmoothDampAngle to smoothly rotate the character to their movement direction private float verticalMovement = 0f; //Represents how much a player will move vertically in a frame. Affected by gravity * gravityContributionMultiplier private Vector3 inputVector; //Initial input horizontal movement (y == 0f) private Vector3 movementVector; //Final movement vector private void Awake() { characterController = GetComponent(); } private void Update() { //Raises the multiplier to how much gravity will affect vertical movement when in mid-air //This is 0f at the beginning of a jump and will raise to maximum 1f if (!characterController.isGrounded) { gravityContributionMultiplier += Time.deltaTime * gravityComebackMultiplier; } //Reduce the influence of the gravity while holding the Jump button if (isJumping) { //The player can only hold the Jump button for so long if (Time.time >= jumpBeginTime + jumpInputDuration) { isJumping = false; gravityContributionMultiplier = 1f; //Gravity influence is reset to full effect } else { gravityContributionMultiplier *= gravityDivider; //Reduce the gravity effect } } //Calculate the final verticalMovement if (!characterController.isGrounded) { //Less control in mid-air, conserving momentum from previous frame movementVector = inputVector * speed; //The character is either jumping or in freefall, so gravity will add up gravityContributionMultiplier = Mathf.Clamp01(gravityContributionMultiplier); verticalMovement += Physics.gravity.y * gravityMultiplier * Time.deltaTime * gravityContributionMultiplier; //Add gravity contribution //Note that even if it's added, the above value is negative due to Physics.gravity.y //Cap the maximum so the player doesn't reach incredible speeds when freefalling from high positions verticalMovement = Mathf.Clamp(verticalMovement, -maxFallSpeed, 100f); } else { //Full speed ground movement movementVector = inputVector * speed; //Resets the verticalMovement while on the ground, //so that regardless of whether the player landed from a high fall or not, //if they drop off a platform they will always start with the same verticalMovement. //-5f is a good value to make it so the player also sticks to uneven terrain/bumps without floating. if (!isJumping) { verticalMovement = -5f; gravityContributionMultiplier = 0f; } } //Apply the result and move the character in space movementVector.y = verticalMovement; characterController.Move(movementVector * Time.deltaTime); //Rotate to the movement direction movementVector.y = 0f; if (movementVector.sqrMagnitude >= .02f) { float targetRotation = Mathf.Atan2(movementVector.x, movementVector.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.up * Mathf.SmoothDampAngle( transform.eulerAngles.y, targetRotation, ref turnSmoothSpeed, turnSmoothTime); } } private void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit) { bool isMovingUpwards = verticalMovement > 0f; if (isMovingUpwards) { // Making sure the collision is near the top of the head float permittedDistance = characterController.radius / 2f; float topPositionY = transform.position.y + characterController.height; float distance = Mathf.Abs(hit.point.y - topPositionY); if (distance <= permittedDistance) { // Stopping any upwards movement // and having the player fall back down isJumping = false; gravityContributionMultiplier = 1f; verticalMovement = 0f; } } } //---- COMMANDS ISSUED BY OTHER SCRIPTS ---- public void Move(Vector3 movement) { inputVector = movement; } public void Jump() { if (characterController.isGrounded) { isJumping = true; jumpBeginTime = Time.time; verticalMovement = initialJumpForce; //This is the only place where verticalMovement is set to a positive value gravityContributionMultiplier = 0f; } } public void CancelJump() { isJumping = false; //This will stop the reduction to the gravity, which will then quickly pull down the character } }