using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; //[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "QuestManager", menuName = "Quests/QuestManager", order = 51)] public class QuestManagerSO : ScriptableObject { [Header("Data")] [SerializeField] private List _questlines = default; [SerializeField] private InventorySO _inventory = default; [SerializeField] private ItemSO _winningItem = default; [SerializeField] private ItemSO _losingItem = default; [Header("Linstening to channels")] [FormerlySerializedAs("_checkStepValidityEvent")] [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _continueWithStepEvent = default; [SerializeField] private IntEventChannelSO _endDialogueEvent = default; [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _makeWinningChoiceEvent = default; [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _makeLosingChoiceEvent = default; [Header("Broadcasting on channels")] [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _playCompletionDialogueEvent = default; [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _playIncompleteDialogueEvent = default; [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _startWinningCutscene = default; [SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _startLosingCutscene = default; [SerializeField] private ItemEventChannelSO _giveItemEvent = default; [SerializeField] private ItemStackEventChannelSO _rewardItemEvent = default; [SerializeField] private SaveSystem saveSystem = default; private QuestSO _currentQuest = null; private QuestlineSO _currentQuestline; private StepSO _currentStep; private int _currentQuestIndex = 0; private int _currentQuestlineIndex = 0; private int _currentStepIndex = 0; public void OnDisable() { _continueWithStepEvent.OnEventRaised -= CheckStepValidity; _endDialogueEvent.OnEventRaised -= EndDialogue; _makeWinningChoiceEvent.OnEventRaised -= MakeWinningChoice; _makeLosingChoiceEvent.OnEventRaised -= MakeLosingChoice; } public void StartGame() { //Add code for saved information _continueWithStepEvent.OnEventRaised += CheckStepValidity; _endDialogueEvent.OnEventRaised += EndDialogue; _makeWinningChoiceEvent.OnEventRaised += MakeWinningChoice; _makeLosingChoiceEvent.OnEventRaised += MakeLosingChoice; StartQuestline(); } void StartQuestline() { if (_questlines != null) { if (_questlines.Exists(o => !o.IsDone)) { _currentQuestlineIndex = _questlines.FindIndex(o => !o.IsDone); if (_currentQuestlineIndex >= 0) _currentQuestline = _questlines.Find(o => !o.IsDone); } } } bool HasStep(ActorSO actorToCheckWith) { if (_currentStep != null) { if (_currentStep.Actor == actorToCheckWith) { return true; } } return false; } bool CheckQuestlineForQuestWithActor(ActorSO actorToCheckWith) { if (_currentQuest == null)//check if there's a current quest { if (_currentQuestline != null) { return _currentQuestline.Quests.Exists(o => !o.IsDone && o.Steps != null && o.Steps[0].Actor == actorToCheckWith); } } return false; } public DialogueDataSO InteractWithCharacter(ActorSO actor, bool isCheckValidity, bool isValid) { if (_currentQuest == null) { if (CheckQuestlineForQuestWithActor(actor)) { StartQuest(actor); } } if (HasStep(actor)) { if (isCheckValidity) { if (isValid) { return _currentStep.CompleteDialogue; } else { return _currentStep.IncompleteDialogue; } } else { return _currentStep.DialogueBeforeStep; } } return null; } //When Interacting with a character, we ask the quest manager if there's a quest that starts with a step with a certain character void StartQuest(ActorSO actorToCheckWith) { if (_currentQuest != null)//check if there's a current quest { return; } if (_currentQuestline != null) { //find quest index _currentQuestIndex = _currentQuestline.Quests.FindIndex(o => !o.IsDone && o.Steps != null && o.Steps[0].Actor == actorToCheckWith); if ((_currentQuestline.Quests.Count > _currentQuestIndex) && (_currentQuestIndex >= 0)) { _currentQuest = _currentQuestline.Quests[_currentQuestIndex]; //start Step _currentStepIndex = 0; _currentStepIndex = _currentQuest.Steps.FindIndex(o => o.IsDone == false); if (_currentStepIndex >= 0) StartStep(); } } } void MakeWinningChoice() { //check if has sweet recipe _currentStep.Item = _winningItem; _currentStep.EndStepEvent = _startWinningCutscene; CheckStepValidity(); } void MakeLosingChoice() { _currentStep.Item = _losingItem; _currentStep.EndStepEvent = _startLosingCutscene; CheckStepValidity(); } void StartStep() { if (_currentQuest.Steps != null) if (_currentQuest.Steps.Count > _currentStepIndex) { _currentStep = _currentQuest.Steps[_currentStepIndex]; } } void CheckStepValidity() { if (_currentStep != null) { switch (_currentStep.Type) { case StepType.CheckItem: if (_inventory.Contains(_currentStep.Item)) { //Trigger win dialogue _playCompletionDialogueEvent.RaiseEvent(); } else { //trigger lose dialogue _playIncompleteDialogueEvent.RaiseEvent(); } break; case StepType.GiveItem: if (_inventory.Contains(_currentStep.Item)) { _giveItemEvent.RaiseEvent(_currentStep.Item); _playCompletionDialogueEvent.RaiseEvent(); } else { //trigger lose dialogue _playIncompleteDialogueEvent.RaiseEvent(); } break; case StepType.Dialogue: //dialogue has already been played if (_currentStep.CompleteDialogue != null) { _playCompletionDialogueEvent.RaiseEvent(); } else { EndStep(); } break; } } } void EndDialogue(int dialogueType) { //depending on the dialogue that ended, do something switch ((DialogueType)dialogueType) { case DialogueType.CompletionDialogue: if (_currentStep.HasReward && _currentStep.RewardItem != null) { ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(_currentStep.RewardItem, _currentStep.RewardItemCount); _rewardItemEvent.RaiseEvent(itemStack); } EndStep(); break; case DialogueType.StartDialogue: CheckStepValidity(); break; default: break; } } void EndStep() { _currentStep = null; if (_currentQuest != null) if (_currentQuest.Steps.Count > _currentStepIndex) { _currentQuest.Steps[_currentStepIndex].FinishStep(); saveSystem.SaveDataToDisk(); if (_currentQuest.Steps.Count > _currentStepIndex + 1) { _currentStepIndex++; StartStep(); } else { EndQuest(); } } } void EndQuest() { if (_currentQuest != null) { _currentQuest.FinishQuest(); saveSystem.SaveDataToDisk(); } _currentQuest = null; _currentQuestIndex = -1; if (_currentQuestline != null) { if (!_currentQuestline.Quests.Exists(o => !o.IsDone)) { EndQuestline(); } } } void EndQuestline() { if (_questlines != null) { if (_currentQuestline != null) { _currentQuestline.FinishQuestline(); saveSystem.SaveDataToDisk(); } if (_questlines.Exists(o => o.IsDone)) { StartQuestline(); } } } public List GetFinishedQuestlineItemsGUIds() { List finishedItemsGUIds = new List(); foreach (var questline in _questlines) { if (questline.IsDone) { finishedItemsGUIds.Add(questline.Guid); } foreach (var quest in questline.Quests) { if (quest.IsDone) { finishedItemsGUIds.Add(quest.Guid); } foreach (var step in quest.Steps) { if (step.IsDone) { finishedItemsGUIds.Add(step.Guid); } } } } return finishedItemsGUIds; } public void SetFinishedQuestlineItemsFromSave(List finishedItemsGUIds) { foreach (var questline in _questlines) { questline.IsDone = finishedItemsGUIds.Exists(o => o == questline.Guid); foreach (var quest in questline.Quests) { quest.IsDone = finishedItemsGUIds.Exists(o => o == quest.Guid); foreach (var step in quest.Steps) { step.IsDone = finishedItemsGUIds.Exists(o => o == step.Guid); } } } //Start Questline with the new data StartQuestline(); } public void ResetQuestlines() { foreach (var questline in _questlines) { questline.IsDone = false; foreach (var quest in questline.Quests) { quest.IsDone = false; foreach (var step in quest.Steps) { step.IsDone = false; } } } _currentQuest = null; _currentQuestline = null; _currentStep = null; _currentQuestIndex = 0; _currentQuestlineIndex = 0; _currentStepIndex = 0; //Start Questline with the new data StartQuestline(); } public bool IsNewGame() { bool isNew = false; isNew = (!_questlines.Exists(o => o.Quests.Exists(j => j.Steps.Exists(k => k.IsDone)))); return isNew; } }