using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Localization;
/// Takes care of all things dialogue, whether they are coming from within a Timeline or just from the interaction with a character, or by any other mean.
/// Keeps track of choices in the dialogue (if any) and then gives back control to gameplay when appropriate.
public class DialogueManager : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private List _actorsList = default;
[SerializeField] private InputReader _inputReader = default;
[SerializeField] private GameStateSO _gameState = default;
[Header("Listening on")]
[SerializeField] private DialogueDataChannelSO _startDialogue = default;
[SerializeField] private DialogueChoiceChannelSO _makeDialogueChoiceEvent = default;
[Header("Broadcasting on")]
[SerializeField] private DialogueLineChannelSO _openUIDialogueEvent = default;
[SerializeField] private DialogueChoicesChannelSO _showChoicesUIEvent = default;
[SerializeField] private IntEventChannelSO _endDialogueWithTypeEvent = default;
[SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _continueWithStep = default;
[SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _playIncompleteDialogue = default;
[SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _makeWinningChoice = default;
[SerializeField] private VoidEventChannelSO _makeLosingChoice = default;
private int _counterDialogue;
private int _counterLine;
private bool _reachedEndOfDialogue { get => _counterDialogue >= _currentDialogue.Lines.Count; }
private bool _reachedEndOfLine { get => _counterLine >= _currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].TextList.Count; }
private DialogueDataSO _currentDialogue = default;
private void Start()
_startDialogue.OnEventRaised += DisplayDialogueData;
/// Displays DialogueData in the UI, one by one.
public void DisplayDialogueData(DialogueDataSO dialogueDataSO)
if (_gameState.CurrentGameState != GameState.Cutscene) // the dialogue state is implied in the cutscene state
_counterDialogue = 0;
_counterLine = 0;
_inputReader.AdvanceDialogueEvent += OnAdvance;
_currentDialogue = dialogueDataSO;
if (_currentDialogue.Lines != null)
ActorSO currentActor = _actorsList.Find(o => o.ActorId == _currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].Actor); // we don't add a controle, because we need a null reference exeption if the actor is not in the list
DisplayDialogueLine(_currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].TextList[_counterLine], currentActor);
Debug.LogError("Check Dialogue");
/// Displays a line of dialogue in the UI, by requesting it to the DialogueManager.
/// This function is also called by DialogueBehaviour from clips on Timeline during cutscenes.
public void DisplayDialogueLine(LocalizedString dialogueLine, ActorSO actor)
_openUIDialogueEvent.RaiseEvent(dialogueLine, actor);
private void OnAdvance()
if (!_reachedEndOfLine)
ActorSO currentActor = _actorsList.Find(o => o.ActorId == _currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].Actor); // we don't add a controle, because we need a null reference exeption if the actor is not in the list
DisplayDialogueLine(_currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].TextList[_counterLine], currentActor);
else if (_currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].Choices != null
&& _currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].Choices.Count > 0)
if (_currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].Choices.Count > 0)
if (!_reachedEndOfDialogue)
_counterLine = 0;
ActorSO currentActor = _actorsList.Find(o => o.ActorId == _currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].Actor); // we don't add a controle, because we need a null reference exeption if the actor is not in the list
DisplayDialogueLine(_currentDialogue.Lines[_counterDialogue].TextList[_counterLine], currentActor);
private void DisplayChoices(List choices)
_inputReader.AdvanceDialogueEvent -= OnAdvance;
_makeDialogueChoiceEvent.OnEventRaised += MakeDialogueChoice;
private void MakeDialogueChoice(Choice choice)
_makeDialogueChoiceEvent.OnEventRaised -= MakeDialogueChoice;
switch (choice.ActionType)
case ChoiceActionType.ContinueWithStep:
if (_continueWithStep != null)
if (choice.NextDialogue != null)
case ChoiceActionType.WinningChoice:
if (_makeWinningChoice != null)
case ChoiceActionType.LosingChoice:
if (_makeLosingChoice != null)
case ChoiceActionType.DoNothing:
if (choice.NextDialogue != null)
case ChoiceActionType.IncompleteStep:
if (_playIncompleteDialogue != null)
if (choice.NextDialogue != null)
public void CutsceneDialogueEnded()
if (_endDialogueWithTypeEvent != null)
private void DialogueEndedAndCloseDialogueUI()
//raise the special event for end of dialogue if any
//raise end dialogue event
if (_endDialogueWithTypeEvent != null)
_inputReader.AdvanceDialogueEvent -= OnAdvance;
if (_gameState.CurrentGameState == GameState.Gameplay
|| _gameState.CurrentGameState == GameState.Combat)