using UnityEngine; /// /// An instance of the health of a character, be it the player or an NPC. /// The initial values are usually contained in another SO of type HealthConfigSO. /// [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "PlayersHealth", menuName = "EntityConfig/Player's Health")] public class HealthSO : ScriptableObject { [Tooltip("The initial health")] [SerializeField][ReadOnly] private int _maxHealth; [SerializeField][ReadOnly] private int _currentHealth; public int MaxHealth => _maxHealth; public int CurrentHealth => _currentHealth; public void SetMaxHealth(int newValue) { _maxHealth = newValue; } public void SetCurrentHealth(int newValue) { _currentHealth = newValue; } public void InflictDamage(int DamageValue) { _currentHealth -= DamageValue; } public void RestoreHealth(int HealthValue) { _currentHealth += HealthValue; if(_currentHealth > _maxHealth) _currentHealth = _maxHealth; } }