using UnityEngine; public class Critter : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public bool isPlayerInAlertZone; [HideInInspector] public bool isPlayerInAttackZone; [ReadOnly] public Damageable currentTarget; //The StateMachine evaluates its health when needed public void OnAlertTriggerChange(bool entered, GameObject who) { isPlayerInAlertZone = entered; if (entered && who.TryGetComponent(out Damageable d)) { currentTarget = d; currentTarget.OnDie += OnTargetDead; } else { currentTarget = null; } } public void OnAttackTriggerChange(bool entered, GameObject who) { isPlayerInAttackZone = entered; //No need to set the target. If we did, we would get currentTarget to null even if //a target exited the Attack zone (inner) but stayed in the Alert zone (outer). } private void OnTargetDead() { currentTarget = null; isPlayerInAlertZone = false; isPlayerInAttackZone = false; } }