The test scene was adjusted to display how to override the behaviour of the Spheres by attatching a different `ChaseDataSO` to the `StateMachine`, specifying a different target.
Tooltips and comments were added to try to explain the workflow of overriding Action and Condition data.
Removed the 'override' feature that was implemented as it was adding unnecessary complexity.
Adjusted test scene to reflect the changes:
- Added `ChaseComponent.cs`. It takes `Transform _target`, `float _speed` and has a `public void Chase()` function that moves the gameObject towards the target.
- `ChaseAction` now simply calls `ChaseComponent.Chase()` in its `OnUpdate()`.
- `ChaseComponent` also contains a public getter `Target => _target`.
- `CloseToTargetCondition` gets `transform` from the `StateMachine` and the transform of the target from `ChaseComponent`, the `Statement()` remains the same. Another way to implement it would be to have a public getter `bool IsCloseToTarget` or `float DistanceToTarget` in `ChaseComponent` and evaluate that in the `Statement`.
- Removed `ChaseData.cs`.
- How much each sphear eats is now contro...