
Whiteboxing (#155)

* Add files via upload

Uploading town whiteboxing as separate files

* Add files via upload

Truffleton scene

* Moved files from the root to a new folder

Co-authored-by: Amel Negra <amel.negra@unity3d.com>
GitHub 4 年前
共有 21 个文件被更改,包括 5669 次插入8 次删除
  1. 8
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing.meta
  2. 106
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Town_Terrain_Material.mat
  3. 8
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Town_Terrain_Material.mat.meta
  4. 971
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Town_Terrain_Texture.JPG
  5. 92
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Town_Terrain_Texture.JPG.meta
  6. 1001
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Truffleton_whiteboxing.unity
  7. 7
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Truffleton_whiteboxing.unity.meta
  8. 340
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/oneStoreySmall.prefab
  9. 7
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/oneStoreySmall.prefab.meta
  10. 340
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/oneStoreyWide.prefab
  11. 7
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/oneStoreyWide.prefab.meta
  12. 1001
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/town houses.prefab
  13. 7
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/town houses.prefab.meta
  14. 871
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/townTerrain.fbx
  15. 97
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/townTerrain.fbx.meta
  16. 396
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/twoStoreySmall.prefab
  17. 7
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/twoStoreySmall.prefab.meta
  18. 396
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/twoStoreyWide.prefab
  19. 7
      UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/twoStoreyWide.prefab.meta
  20. 8

UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing.meta

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UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Town_Terrain_Material.mat.meta

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UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Town_Terrain_Texture.JPG.meta

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UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Truffleton_whiteboxing.unity

UOP1_Project/Assets/Smurjo whiteboxing/Truffleton_whiteboxing.unity.meta

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