
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into main

uChema 3 年前
共有 1335 个文件被更改,包括 11034 次插入6786 次删除
  1. 31
  2. 38
  3. 130
  4. 7
  5. 97
  6. 7
  7. 21
  8. 21
  9. 21
  10. 21
  11. 14
  12. 14
  13. 112
  14. 38
  15. 45
  16. 14
  17. 14
  18. 88
  19. 6
  20. 999
  21. 9
  22. 6
  23. 4
  24. 2
  25. 4
  26. 6
  27. 2
  28. 1001
  29. 144
  30. 999
  31. 2
  32. 2
  33. 2
  34. 2
  35. 2
  36. 2
  37. 2
  38. 2
  39. 60
  40. 998
      UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue Shared Data.asset
  41. 971
      UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_en.asset
  42. 314
      UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_fr.asset
  43. 26
      UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_it.asset
  44. 3
  45. 3
  46. 3
  47. 1
  48. 1
  49. 19
  50. 7
  51. 18
  52. 717
  53. 2
  54. 57
  55. 233
  56. 5
  57. 20
  58. 1
  59. 2
  60. 2
  61. 53
  62. 59
  63. 6
  64. 12
  65. 2
  66. 245
  67. 5
  68. 407
  69. 2
  70. 50
  71. 74
  72. 90
  73. 56
  74. 50
  75. 49
  76. 18
  77. 76
  78. 176
  79. 992
  80. 78
  81. 6
  82. 812
  83. 658
  84. 862
  85. 252
  86. 51
  87. 49
  88. 66
  89. 8
  90. 793
  91. 303
  92. 606
  93. 4
  94. 257
  95. 535
  96. 999
  97. 28
  98. 974
  99. 663


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UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue Shared Data.asset

UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_en.asset

UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_fr.asset

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002416508928
m_Localized: Bonjour
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 9306103809
m_Localized: Bienvenue au village !
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 20323438161682432
m_Localized: "Parfait ! On se voit l\xE0-bas"
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 20323667103571968
m_Localized: Ok ! Allez-y quand vous voulez !
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47073068710748160
m_Localized: That lover her sweets as much as her spicy
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 9306103808
m_Localized: Salut!
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002471034880
m_Localized: "Bienvenue \xE0 la plage"
m_Items: []
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 55883239830446136
m_Localized: No problem, come back when you have it.
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47060280844083200
m_Localized: 'Hey there, let met tell you about the competition ! '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47064574574059520
m_Localized: 'Did you find the egg? '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47064756166451200
m_Localized: 'Awesome ! it''s perfect ! '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47064761195421696
m_Localized: No problem, come back when you have it. I'll tell you more about
my secret recipe
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47071503866257408
m_Localized: 'Hello again Chef! Are you here for the competition ? '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47071766836535296
m_Localized: 'Perfect ! I know you''re going to win ! '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47071771064393728
m_Localized: 'Why not? It''s an awesome experience ! Here let me do it for you. '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47073457984102400
m_Localized: There once was a lady named Saly
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47073689857810432
m_Localized: 'She lived in the forest and never wanted to leave it. '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47074112706568192
m_Localized: Lucky are those who have met her.
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47074164204232704
m_Localized: Many tried, few suceeded
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47078874327932928
m_Localized: Hi I'm Jim
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47079733954732032
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47079858139684864
m_Localized: Do you like sweets?
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47080344121106432
m_Localized: Do you have any sweets ?
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47080768521756672
m_Localized: 'Oh wow this is so good ! '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47081577766576128
m_Localized: Do you know that there's a sweet golden egg somewhere in the mountain?
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47080900608778240
m_Localized: I would've loved to discover a new recipe
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47081127671619584
m_Localized: 'You said you were looking for pepper? I have some ! '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47082187345747968
m_Localized: You are welcome
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47082777647898624
m_Localized: 'Did you find the pepper? '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47082943717171200
m_Localized: Thank you ! You are the best !
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47082946690932736
m_Localized: Ok! Come back when you find it
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47083409075200000
m_Localized: Blank
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 47083386933469184
m_Localized: Here's my recipe for spicy sauce
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 50280554632699904
m_Localized: That's amaizing ! you win the competition
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 56134394363895869
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011521
m_Localized: Welcome to town!
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011522
m_Localized: Now head to the town centre, where the legendary chef is waiting
for you.
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011536
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011538
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011554
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m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011611
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011615
m_Localized: 'Talk about town '
m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011620
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011621
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m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011649
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 57158352748011650
m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
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m_Items: []
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UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_it.asset

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m_Localized: Ciao
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 9306103809
m_Localized: "Benvenuto in citt\xE1!"
m_Items: []
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m_Localized: "Perfetto! Ci vediamo l\xED!"
m_Items: []
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m_Localized: Ok, vai quando vuoi!
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 9306103808
m_Localized: Hey!
m_Items: []
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m_Localized: Ben arrivato alla spiaggia
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- {x: -117.468094, y: 20.506618, z: 57.242085}
- {x: -110.79613, y: 22.13635, z: 57.242085}
- {x: -110.79613, y: 20.606861, z: 62.44591}
- {x: -110.79613, y: 20.543339, z: 62.44591}
- {x: -110.79613, y: 20.606861, z: 62.44591}
- {x: -110.79613, y: 20.543339, z: 62.44591}
- {x: -110.79613, y: 18.085028, z: 67.649734}
- {x: -117.468094, y: 18.385311, z: 62.44591}
- {x: -117.468094, y: 16.087128, z: 67.649734}

- {x: -68.10122, y: 41.917114}
- {x: -73.56391, y: 41.755764}
- {x: -73.33784, y: 46.99577}
- {x: -78.06993, y: 50.79004}
- {x: -77.86728, y: 56.020172}
- {x: -72.432144, y: 56.43901}
- {x: -72.93396, y: 50.982727}
- {x: -77.86728, y: 56.020172}
- {x: -77.67186, y: 61.244843}
- {x: -72.09146, y: 61.773487}
- {x: -72.432144, y: 56.43901}
- {x: -72.09146, y: 61.773487}
- {x: -67.684654, y: 61.41497}
- {x: -68.065216, y: 56.050346}
- {x: -72.432144, y: 56.43901}
- {x: -68.065216, y: 56.050346}
- {x: -68.22292, y: 50.854187}
- {x: -72.93396, y: 50.982727}
- {x: -72.432144, y: 56.43901}
- {x: -77.50594, y: 62.666447}
- {x: -77.29341, y: 67.90201}
- {x: -71.52828, y: 68.07906}
- {x: -71.81388, y: 62.82748}
- {x: -77.29341, y: 67.90201}
- {x: -76.9347, y: 73.169624}
- {x: -71.79344, y: 73.209854}
- {x: -71.52828, y: 68.07906}
- {x: -71.79344, y: 73.209854}
- {x: -67.029434, y: 73.16734}
- {x: -67.11667, y: 67.959274}
- {x: -71.52828, y: 68.07906}
- {x: -67.11667, y: 67.959274}
- {x: -67.49271, y: 62.68785}
- {x: -71.81388, y: 62.82748}
- {x: -71.52828, y: 68.07906}
- {x: -78.06998, y: 50.77527}
- {x: -77.86139, y: 56.01036}
- {x: -72.43435, y: 56.425335}
- {x: -72.93473, y: 50.968933}
- {x: -77.86139, y: 56.01036}
- {x: -77.558395, y: 61.317047}
- {x: -72.094635, y: 61.759876}
- {x: -72.43435, y: 56.425335}
- {x: -72.094635, y: 61.759876}
- {x: -67.686485, y: 61.402077}
- {x: -68.065956, y: 56.037376}
- {x: -72.43435, y: 56.425335}
- {x: -68.065956, y: 56.037376}
- {x: -68.22321, y: 50.84122}
- {x: -72.93473, y: 50.968933}
- {x: -72.43435, y: 56.425335}
- {x: -77.44543, y: 62.61128}
- {x: -77.36489, y: 67.818596}
- {x: -71.63978, y: 68.00317}
- {x: -71.91338, y: 62.750816}
- {x: -77.36489, y: 67.818596}
- {x: -77.02684, y: 73.08597}
- {x: -71.8938, y: 73.13244}
- {x: -71.63978, y: 68.00317}
- {x: -71.8938, y: 73.13244}
- {x: -67.12217, y: 73.094604}
- {x: -67.20574, y: 67.8866}
- {x: -71.63978, y: 68.00317}
- {x: -67.20574, y: 67.8866}
- {x: -67.56598, y: 62.614037}
- {x: -71.91338, y: 62.750816}
- {x: -71.63978, y: 68.00317}
- {x: -77.24276, y: 72.72973}
- {x: -76.85847, y: 78.02567}
- {x: -72.12021, y: 77.99764}

- {x: -76.35443, y: 50.49413}
- {x: -82.66224, y: 45.27199}
- {x: -82.66632, y: 50.452778}
- {x: -77.39203, y: 50.144455}
- {x: -77.28379, y: 55.397675}
- {x: -83.72324, y: 50.144455}
- {x: -83.74192, y: 55.282368}
- {x: -77.86948, y: 56.83686}
- {x: -77.676285, y: 62.084118}
- {x: -84.38237, y: 56.83686}
- {x: -84.376816, y: 62.000107}
- {x: -77.19118, y: 63.039246}
- {x: -76.951195, y: 68.27833}
- {x: -83.92358, y: 63.039246}
- {x: -83.46429, y: 68.34256}
- {x: -77.46768, y: 66.85681}
- {x: -77.15099, y: 72.16646}
- {x: -84.00434, y: 66.85681}
- {x: -83.363815, y: 72.380745}
- {x: -76.672646, y: 67.25221}
- {x: -76.48874, y: 72.6758}
- {x: -82.97841, y: 67.25221}
- {x: -82.69963, y: 72.897934}
- {x: -77.39203, y: 50.068424}
- {x: -77.2803, y: 55.324867}
- {x: -83.723236, y: 50.068424}
- {x: -83.72099, y: 55.222248}
- {x: -77.86093, y: 55.948105}
- {x: -77.57878, y: 61.257324}
- {x: -84.342545, y: 55.948105}
- {x: -83.88218, y: 61.389133}
- {x: -77.17783, y: 61.985447}
- {x: -77.13752, y: 67.19551}
- {x: -83.5162, y: 61.985447}
- {x: -83.46761, y: 67.19807}
- {x: -77.071884, y: 64.59319}
- {x: -76.91153, y: 69.90617}
- {x: -83.4022, y: 64.59319}
- {x: -83.20092, y: 69.96132}
- {x: -76.52658, y: 66.9221}
- {x: -76.3651, y: 72.34639}
- {x: -82.821915, y: 66.9221}
- {x: -82.586876, y: 72.54315}
- {x: -74.88831, y: 68.32818}
- {x: -74.899765, y: 73.82274}
- {x: -81.14904, y: 68.32818}

- {x: -81.6877, y: 52.26734}
- {x: -87.74406, y: 47.063198}
- {x: -87.74882, y: 52.2694}
- {x: -82.29568, y: 52.468864}
- {x: -82.30197, y: 57.674202}
- {x: -88.35966, y: 52.468864}
- {x: -88.37419, y: 57.67814}
- {x: -82.77338, y: 57.178253}
- {x: -82.77182, y: 62.38212}
- {x: -88.847786, y: 57.178253}
- {x: -88.84826, y: 62.38202}
- {x: -82.841705, y: 57.003353}
- {x: -82.73998, y: 62.353966}
- {x: -88.918205, y: 57.003353}
- {x: -88.77584, y: 62.469627}
- {x: -81.24681, y: 53.71909}
- {x: -81.24824, y: 59.379627}
- {x: -87.303116, y: 53.71909}
- {x: -87.30468, y: 59.461094}
- {x: -80.54146, y: 57.46038}
- {x: -80.62266, y: 63.16279}
- {x: -86.60143, y: 57.46038}
- {x: -86.68487, y: 63.18903}
- {x: -82.29568, y: 51.984886}
- {x: -82.29491, y: 57.188736}
- {x: -88.35966, y: 51.984886}
- {x: -88.37419, y: 57.187862}
- {x: -83.11502, y: 49.57383}
- {x: -82.93707, y: 55.070164}
- {x: -89.20189, y: 49.57383}
- {x: -89.193504, y: 54.527557}
- {x: -83.35658, y: 62.8742}
- {x: -83.246, y: 68.086136}
- {x: -89.83614, y: 62.8742}
- {x: -89.178085, y: 68.166435}
- {x: -83.18843, y: 62.926266}
- {x: -83.01836, y: 68.30215}
- {x: -89.292656, y: 62.926266}
- {x: -89.002205, y: 68.54185}
- {x: -80.58684, y: 58.29787}
- {x: -80.6605, y: 63.962986}
- {x: -86.64642, y: 58.29787}
- {x: -86.72257, y: 63.99296}
- {x: -80.40924, y: 65.19736}
- {x: -80.50168, y: 70.785}
- {x: -86.471794, y: 65.19736}

- {x: -87.666466, y: 58.366505}
- {x: -92.63492, y: 53.15465}
- {x: -92.63823, y: 58.362354}
- {x: -87.32776, y: 57.26925}
- {x: -87.32776, y: 62.47308}
- {x: -92.30008, y: 57.26925}
- {x: -92.299995, y: 62.472874}
- {x: -86.455315, y: 50.848217}
- {x: -86.516174, y: 56.337345}
- {x: -91.43065, y: 50.848217}
- {x: -91.4967, y: 56.38471}
- {x: -85.74565, y: 49.844994}
- {x: -85.903076, y: 55.587994}
- {x: -90.72839, y: 49.844994}
- {x: -90.89626, y: 55.656162}
- {x: -85.063446, y: 54.80094}
- {x: -85.29556, y: 60.525795}
- {x: -90.059235, y: 54.80094}
- {x: -90.29249, y: 60.530632}
- {x: -87.32776, y: 56.861534}
- {x: -87.32772, y: 62.066036}
- {x: -92.30008, y: 56.861534}
- {x: -92.299995, y: 62.067413}
- {x: -86.91696, y: 50.594597}
- {x: -86.94798, y: 56.11777}
- {x: -91.88998, y: 50.594597}
- {x: -91.92617, y: 56.22113}
- {x: -85.375336, y: 50.39563}
- {x: -85.557785, y: 56.09129}
- {x: -90.36307, y: 50.39563}
- {x: -90.55436, y: 56.136883}
- {x: -84.95815, y: 55.409805}
- {x: -85.19189, y: 61.101032}
- {x: -89.955986, y: 55.409805}
- {x: -90.18881, y: 61.09741}
- {x: -85.23721, y: 61.529846}
- {x: -85.46259, y: 67.20427}
- {x: -90.23414, y: 61.529846}

- {x: -91.99889, y: 56.419476}
- {x: -92.00096, y: 61.62606}
- {x: -98.51494, y: 56.419476}
- {x: -98.52212, y: 61.63968}
- {x: -90.26416, y: 48.438812}
- {x: -90.408714, y: 53.975613}
- {x: -96.79873, y: 48.438812}
- {x: -96.95294, y: 54.01877}
- {x: -89.84898, y: 47.307514}
- {x: -90.09678, y: 53.117657}
- {x: -96.39443, y: 47.307514}
- {x: -96.63497, y: 53.083996}
- {x: -90.40649, y: 55.163708}
- {x: -90.60867, y: 60.894592}
- {x: -96.94512, y: 55.163708}
- {x: -97.150314, y: 60.90957}
- {x: -98.54173, y: 61.691975}
- {x: -80.735504, y: 39.604973}
- {x: -81.399376, y: 45.199875}
- {x: -87.58261, y: 39.604973}
- {x: -88.11049, y: 45.045242}
- {x: -84.26028, y: 43.832684}
- {x: -84.86228, y: 49.546413}
- {x: -90.98457, y: 43.832684}
- {x: -91.28825, y: 49.063572}
- {x: -90.776825, y: 56.57705}
- {x: -90.937805, y: 62.267147}
- {x: -97.30831, y: 56.57705}
- {x: -97.47828, y: 62.31916}
- {x: -90.47705, y: 61.119488}
- {x: -90.687965, y: 66.82967}
- {x: -97.01879, y: 61.119488}

- {x: -98.65274, y: 52.457283}
- {x: -98.652115, y: 57.66196}
- {x: -104.30316, y: 52.457283}
- {x: -104.30413, y: 57.657482}
- {x: -97.51432, y: 53.73198}
- {x: -97.54393, y: 58.968834}
- {x: -103.17178, y: 53.73198}
- {x: -103.22432, y: 59.019817}
- {x: -95.03905, y: 45.606575}
- {x: -95.30185, y: 51.18374}
- {x: -100.7376, y: 45.606575}
- {x: -101.026924, y: 51.256573}
- {x: -94.06937, y: 45.29814}
- {x: -94.48479, y: 51.065083}
- {x: -99.79802, y: 45.29814}
- {x: -100.21085, y: 51.05842}
- {x: -94.5764, y: 51.881367}
- {x: -94.972946, y: 57.61729}
- {x: -100.3025, y: 51.881367}
- {x: -100.69021, y: 57.5947}
- {x: -104.3042, y: 57.657284}
- {x: -97.45997, y: 41.780018}
- {x: -97.574715, y: 47.426575}
- {x: -103.118, y: 41.780018}
- {x: -103.23568, y: 47.44835}
- {x: -97.31149, y: 50.851604}
- {x: -97.41826, y: 56.33039}
- {x: -102.97273, y: 50.851604}
- {x: -103.078835, y: 56.327087}
- {x: -97.465355, y: 60.07901}
- {x: -97.539444, y: 65.42531}
- {x: -103.125946, y: 60.07901}
- {x: -103.23492, y: 65.5577}
- {x: -94.62964, y: 52.025444}
- {x: -95.02104, y: 57.75793}
- {x: -100.354294, y: 52.025444}
- {x: -100.73838, y: 57.739082}
- {x: -95.26354, y: 59.140167}
- {x: -95.61827, y: 64.826675}
- {x: -100.981064, y: 59.140167}

- {x: -104.15346, y: 52.49113}
- {x: -110.49633, y: 47.286366}
- {x: -110.497154, y: 52.48798}
- {x: -103.4813, y: 51.21495}
- {x: -103.48727, y: 56.421055}
- {x: -109.82716, y: 51.21495}
- {x: -109.85139, y: 56.43494}
- {x: -101.229485, y: 49.41179}
- {x: -101.346596, y: 54.717865}
- {x: -107.610886, y: 49.41179}
- {x: -107.78258, y: 54.812263}
- {x: -98.56185, y: 41.70981}
- {x: -98.97692, y: 47.35512}
- {x: -105.015945, y: 41.70981}
- {x: -105.48585, y: 47.467205}
- {x: -97.16209, y: 43.000126}
- {x: -97.73745, y: 48.74646}
- {x: -103.67744, y: 43.000126}
- {x: -104.22331, y: 48.69348}
- {x: -103.4813, y: 51.154922}
- {x: -103.487686, y: 56.361366}
- {x: -109.82716, y: 51.154922}
- {x: -109.85139, y: 56.375885}
- {x: -101.28914, y: 39.061016}
- {x: -101.53802, y: 44.72534}
- {x: -107.66933, y: 39.061016}
- {x: -107.84545, y: 44.467087}
- {x: -104.2979, y: 52.676598}
- {x: -104.31068, y: 58.153103}
- {x: -110.63914, y: 52.676598}
- {x: -110.657555, y: 58.38734}
- {x: -101.27375, y: 53.60565}
- {x: -101.49967, y: 59.10953}
- {x: -107.66498, y: 53.60565}
- {x: -107.9621, y: 59.2935}
- {x: -98.50138, y: 50.594643}
- {x: -99.005714, y: 56.299072}
- {x: -104.98844, y: 50.594643}

- {x: -106.25218, y: 52.322166}
- {x: -112.906654, y: 47.08192}
- {x: -113.09264, y: 52.39465}
- {x: -102.37897, y: 41.920364}
- {x: -102.741905, y: 47.33215}
- {x: -109.2471, y: 41.920364}
- {x: -109.75046, y: 47.489994}
- {x: -98.61193, y: 33.94609}
- {x: -99.408615, y: 39.67363}
- {x: -105.644035, y: 33.94609}
- {x: -106.37006, y: 39.584988}
- {x: -102.37897, y: 41.243793}
- {x: -102.75697, y: 46.672848}
- {x: -109.24709, y: 41.243793}
- {x: -109.75046, y: 46.819134}
- {x: -99.09671, y: 34.96464}
- {x: -99.85326, y: 40.669964}
- {x: -106.109, y: 34.96464}
- {x: -106.81627, y: 40.607506}
- {x: -100.95168, y: 42.300285}
- {x: -101.63327, y: 47.98012}
- {x: -107.91636, y: 42.300285}

- {x: 0.95569825, y: -0.29434374, z: -0.001643912, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94533616, y: -0.32595587, z: 0.009612189, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98810154, y: -0.15242155, z: 0.020566557, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9518708, y: -0.3064779, z: 0.0036563578, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95197964, y: -0.3061361, z: 0.0039263302, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96938986, y: -0.24434501, z: 0.024057964, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9555895, y: -0.294701, z: 0.0004155079, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9711051, y: -0.23863684, z: 0.0027265567, w: -1}

- {x: 0.9519364, y: -0.30619243, z: 0.007950582, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9458073, y: -0.32469606, z: -0.0045888876, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95446193, y: -0.2977651, z: 0.018394051, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9526438, y: -0.30261844, z: -0.029862175, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9051074, y: -0.4218031, z: -0.053505603, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96873707, y: -0.24742869, z: 0.01809864, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9698329, y: -0.24302286, z: 0.01907798, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9051007, y: -0.4213515, z: -0.057058487, w: -1}
- {x: 0.866859, y: -0.49340302, z: -0.07147713, w: -1}
- {x: 0.953201, y: -0.3017964, z: -0.01807988, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9684786, y: -0.2481956, z: 0.021171512, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95187014, y: -0.3064132, z: 0.007365497, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8983459, y: 0.40652797, z: 0.16646223, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9201018, y: 0.3668567, z: 0.13721822, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9702847, y: -0.24193937, z: -0.0036152129, w: -1}
- {x: 0.920095, y: 0.36683336, z: 0.1373259, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99665827, y: 0.07389418, z: 0.03481123, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9713816, y: -0.23752007, z: -0.0013964862, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9703013, y: -0.24186818, z: -0.0038936834, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86591804, y: -0.50009316, z: -0.0096396925, w: -1}
- {x: 0.88649005, y: -0.46274525, z: 0.0015193286, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92924005, y: -0.36899197, z: -0.01891587, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9487623, y: -0.31281468, z: 0.04468841, w: -1}
- {x: 0.88690513, y: -0.4619166, z: -0.0056884685, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9618587, y: -0.27184787, z: 0.030440383, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93681735, y: -0.349042, z: -0.02330272, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92923266, y: -0.36895573, z: -0.019958882, w: -1}
- {x: 0.937221, y: -0.3485431, z: 0.011596982, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99044573, y: 0.1353635, z: 0.026343863, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93413806, y: 0.3471422, z: 0.082936555, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92904854, y: -0.36982942, z: 0.009749502, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93419874, y: 0.34762397, z: 0.08018928, w: -1}
- {x: 0.90001225, y: 0.41924635, z: 0.11920804, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95379585, y: -0.2980501, z: -0.037943527, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92892456, y: -0.3699552, z: 0.015245078, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96396375, y: -0.2659942, z: 0.0045730406, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9958041, y: -0.085567996, z: 0.032439932, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9527753, y: -0.30224553, z: -0.029443508, w: -1}
- {x: 0.91164863, y: -0.40840942, z: -0.04580938, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96903455, y: -0.24624594, z: 0.018301196, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9698489, y: -0.24297364, z: 0.018893098, w: -1}
- {x: 0.911655, y: -0.40835473, z: -0.046169233, w: -1}
- {x: 0.91462934, y: -0.40168896, z: -0.04581707, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9591875, y: -0.2825809, z: -0.010368294, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9687776, y: -0.24701004, z: 0.021355739, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95817757, y: -0.2860631, z: 0.007985702, w: -1}
- {x: 0.898355, y: 0.4065719, z: 0.16630577, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9201114, y: 0.36689004, z: 0.13706422, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97059464, y: -0.2406925, z: -0.0036155102, w: -1}
- {x: 0.920106, y: 0.36687133, z: 0.13715063, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99666417, y: 0.07389984, z: 0.03463155, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97139204, y: -0.23747654, z: -0.0015567696, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9706115, y: -0.24062008, z: -0.0038980546, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9122346, y: -0.40954748, z: 0.009944357, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9218314, y: -0.3875773, z: -0.003290722, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9319532, y: -0.3619695, z: -0.021006411, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9552536, y: -0.29254735, z: 0.04366615, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92186815, y: -0.38747716, z: -0.0045372383, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9682677, y: -0.24790129, z: 0.031663533, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9368628, y: -0.34882492, z: -0.024682362, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93191886, y: -0.36189002, z: -0.023726597, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9373149, y: -0.34832063, z: 0.010650469, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9904638, y: 0.13539632, z: 0.025480013, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9341545, y: 0.34726766, z: 0.0822229, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93183917, y: -0.3627039, z: 0.011027886, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93421257, y: 0.34774277, z: 0.07950959, w: -1}
- {x: 0.90002006, y: 0.41941255, z: 0.11856261, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9600596, y: -0.27731317, z: -0.037189245, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93170077, y: -0.36280665, z: 0.017466482, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9699344, y: -0.2431962, z: 0.0091058845, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99594736, y: -0.08372304, z: 0.032852676, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9370325, y: -0.34895295, z: -0.014209847, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9967691, y: -0.07934925, z: 0.012457939, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9371181, y: -0.3487212, z: -0.014246082, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99690086, y: -0.077585526, z: 0.013007254, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9995815, y: 0.018087314, z: 0.022576855, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99800295, y: -0.060618624, z: 0.01776834, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9800567, y: -0.19870609, z: 0.0021583587, w: -1}

- {x: 0.9800973, y: -0.1985168, z: 0.0005584938, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99986017, y: -0.0044679684, z: 0.016115226, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99061847, y: 0.13576514, z: 0.0155846365, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93723327, y: -0.3486473, z: 0.006240296, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9373225, y: -0.34840626, z: 0.006297806, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98002803, y: -0.19883338, z: 0.0032365045, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99671257, y: 0.08100574, z: -0.0014258706, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99717546, y: 0.075103685, z: -0.00086947466, w: -1}

- {x: 0.9998657, y: -0.016329957, z: -0.001443849, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99856406, y: -0.053449064, z: -0.0036009073, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98869765, y: -0.14972493, z: -0.0077103185, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9526173, y: -0.30299732, z: -0.026701123, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9527532, y: -0.30254614, z: -0.026967103, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99369144, y: -0.11195208, z: -0.00663156, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9525079, y: -0.3039354, z: -0.018759968, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9049575, y: -0.42404616, z: -0.03516832, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9936702, y: -0.1119544, z: -0.009253353, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9824308, y: -0.1857723, z: -0.01784024, w: -1}
- {x: 0.90455383, y: -0.4259575, z: -0.018508468, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86650217, y: -0.49847826, z: -0.026332619, w: -1}
- {x: 0.982565, y: -0.18581866, z: -0.0061241556, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97614104, y: -0.21710418, z: 0.0038064371, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86613035, y: -0.4995945, z: -0.014952704, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8873144, y: -0.46095976, z: -0.013758956, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9757131, y: -0.21840146, z: 0.016873946, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98672307, y: -0.15312459, z: 0.054134443, w: -1}
- {x: 0.88775736, y: -0.45967436, z: -0.024216376, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9641006, y: -0.26552534, z: 0.0025362973, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98837245, y: -0.14766763, z: 0.03625041, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9962487, y: -0.058584046, z: 0.06368905, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96583146, y: -0.25694823, z: -0.03387058, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99680066, y: -0.07908171, z: 0.011600668, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9987737, y: -0.04247162, z: 0.025442917, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9990582, y: 0.012905122, z: 0.041426416, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9974035, y: -0.06807921, z: -0.023486981, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9939402, y: -0.10974566, z: -0.006217349, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9526413, y: -0.30350435, z: -0.018965706, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9115343, y: -0.4092542, z: -0.040202867, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9939345, y: -0.10973615, z: -0.007222858, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9868958, y: -0.16134915, z: -0.0017401098, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9110342, y: -0.41163942, z: -0.023867125, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9138901, y: -0.40545782, z: -0.020217512, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9863252, y: -0.16394886, z: 0.01683562, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97376275, y: -0.2273554, z: 0.009784169, w: -1}
- {x: 0.91448325, y: -0.402777, z: -0.038614728, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92221904, y: -0.38609445, z: -0.021048117, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9744733, y: -0.22422896, z: -0.011098766, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98697937, y: -0.16083406, z: -0.002026485, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9222268, y: -0.386044, z: -0.021627804, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97133064, y: -0.23686095, z: -0.020338472, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98698014, y: -0.16082916, z: -0.0020529407, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99820346, y: -0.053272225, z: 0.027420513, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97157997, y: -0.23489371, z: -0.029279646, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9970687, y: -0.07607651, z: 0.008143609, w: -1}
- {x: 0.998634, y: -0.049523097, z: 0.01666365, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9991911, y: 0.0146044465, z: 0.037466474, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99753046, y: -0.066426165, z: -0.022815775, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99960625, y: 0.027143845, z: 0.0071022017, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99961144, y: 0.026974367, z: 0.0070218444, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99829745, y: 0.055713512, z: 0.017270077, w: -1}
- {x: 0.998336, y: -0.05763923, z: -0.0017267771, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99726504, y: -0.07390351, z: 0.0008727806, w: -1}

- {x: 0.9999559, y: -0.009389223, z: 0.0000027079157, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9997619, y: -0.021822045, z: 0.00010476767, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99857, y: -0.053459622, z: -0.000099005425, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99371463, y: -0.11194222, z: 0.00030861876, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9939538, y: -0.1097978, z: -0.0004905086, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99932975, y: -0.036605667, z: -0.00030373028, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99371463, y: -0.111942574, z: 0.00011065775, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9825814, y: -0.18583289, z: 0.00010850755, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99932826, y: -0.036635984, z: -0.00095004536, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9991483, y: -0.04126179, z: -0.00028304808, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98258144, y: -0.1858324, z: -0.00019373838, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97645634, y: -0.21523339, z: -0.014409243, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9991471, y: -0.0412802, z: -0.0009954142, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9997615, y: -0.019587282, z: 0.009651552, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9764543, y: -0.2152579, z: -0.0141750565, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9912546, y: -0.1306579, z: -0.018516036, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99971724, y: -0.020070296, z: 0.012755722, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99935323, y: 0.021388188, z: 0.028905926, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99149305, y: -0.12398554, z: -0.03961249, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9995732, y: -0.026829269, z: -0.011563589, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9995321, y: 0.028353166, z: 0.01147408, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99836254, y: 0.052361358, z: 0.023034388, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99948084, y: -0.021600422, z: -0.023906972, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9995268, y: 0.030722886, z: -0.0015413011, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9982541, y: 0.058074217, z: 0.010774494, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99743086, y: 0.06991572, z: 0.015603028, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9994628, y: 0.032324336, z: -0.005410924, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99922085, y: -0.039468687, z: -0.0001325131, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9939538, y: -0.1097975, z: -0.0005250511, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9870653, y: -0.15984614, z: -0.012298345, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9992169, y: -0.039533883, z: -0.0016310812, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9964195, y: -0.084547095, z: 0.00017719445, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9870203, y: -0.16035879, z: -0.008711565, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97471684, y: -0.21922055, z: -0.043235812, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99559194, y: -0.08359639, z: -0.042523976, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9886849, y: -0.13890694, z: -0.0566324, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9732317, y: -0.22891419, z: 0.020456385, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9860349, y: -0.16514654, z: 0.021487886, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9884132, y: -0.15038833, z: 0.020560341, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9981951, y: -0.032228872, z: 0.05067327, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98709786, y: -0.1599812, z: -0.0066180537, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99852616, y: -0.050576482, z: 0.019684365, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9992573, y: -0.024271887, z: 0.029928103, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9978435, y: 0.043830596, z: 0.048858583, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9990895, y: -0.035326805, z: -0.023921104, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99954313, y: 0.030209735, z: -0.00095407787, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9981097, y: 0.060247496, z: 0.012133519, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99739563, y: 0.07027797, z: 0.01621694, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99947244, y: 0.032021727, z: -0.005423445, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9973462, y: 0.07197882, z: 0.010933705, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99730647, y: 0.072505504, z: 0.011080417, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9960434, y: 0.08730604, z: 0.016583323, w: -1}
- {x: 0.994354, y: -0.1059964, z: -0.004989934, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9949757, y: -0.099911235, z: -0.0064153094, w: -1}

- {x: 0.99992657, y: -0.012119219, z: 0.000027738757, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9998847, y: -0.015185806, z: 0.000022846536, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9997619, y: -0.021821888, z: 0.00011018364, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9993314, y: -0.036550585, z: 0.0008695578, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9992222, y: -0.039422486, z: 0.0009279138, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99933153, y: -0.036545012, z: 0.0009883139, w: -1}
- {x: 0.999149, y: -0.041242965, z: 0.0004441749, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9992223, y: -0.0394175, z: 0.0010424294, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99642134, y: -0.08450246, z: -0.0019951283, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9999678, y: 0.007967713, z: -0.00088185724, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99914926, y: -0.041227095, z: 0.001056585, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9998368, y: -0.017244391, z: -0.005388811, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9999683, y: 0.007972862, z: 0.0000312287, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9987318, y: 0.050256316, z: 0.0030504744, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99982595, y: -0.016828174, z: -0.008057945, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9994384, y: 0.033481404, z: -0.0013793996, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9987426, y: 0.049901273, z: 0.0048247837, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9970619, y: 0.075150214, z: 0.014831676, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9992445, y: 0.03729111, z: -0.0109383585, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99799055, y: 0.06336005, z: -0.00059111574, w: -1}
- {x: 0.996877, y: 0.07869898, z: 0.0065327366, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99614364, y: 0.087110355, z: 0.010475026, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99752575, y: 0.06909799, z: -0.012953035, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9967619, y: 0.08006695, z: -0.007415699, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99566716, y: 0.09297061, z: -0.001859107, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9953904, y: 0.095905274, z: -0.00041005356, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9967241, y: 0.08045071, z: -0.008288093, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9999833, y: 0.005711501, z: -0.00085568416, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99642134, y: -0.08450785, z: -0.001732823, w: -1}
- {x: 0.989308, y: -0.14408024, z: -0.022595419, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99998367, y: 0.0057149855, z: 0.00014685224, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9919258, y: 0.12377383, z: 0.027626993, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98930544, y: -0.14386882, z: -0.024009174, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9999061, y: -0.00872114, z: -0.010567762, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99193215, y: 0.12318916, z: 0.029916018, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98694754, y: 0.15177919, z: 0.053829674, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99952894, y: -0.0009911573, z: -0.030674199, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99768806, y: 0.06778937, z: -0.0048180185, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9865297, y: 0.15983208, z: 0.03482483, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9946626, y: 0.102631666, z: 0.01063209, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9973543, y: 0.07149273, z: -0.013160557, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9966729, y: 0.08104369, z: -0.008659896, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9943452, y: 0.106172845, z: 0.0022205054, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99546385, y: 0.095104925, z: -0.0026035574, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9967016, y: 0.08075885, z: -0.007999945, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9953458, y: 0.096358374, z: -0.0014108805, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99549013, y: 0.09484395, z: -0.0020173609, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99521893, y: 0.09766912, z: -0.000024351371, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98965734, y: -0.14342983, z: -0.0024924623, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9931823, y: -0.11638548, z: -0.006598937, w: -1}

- {x: 0.999942, y: -0.010777767, z: -0.00012213271, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.00048538367, z: -0.0004964909, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9999513, y: -0.009872673, z: 0.0001567293, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9999682, y: 0.007970385, z: -0.00040856528, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99998367, y: 0.005713121, z: -0.00038988655, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99943036, y: 0.03374718, z: 0.00016961434, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99996823, y: 0.007972822, z: 0.000023876917, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9987262, y: 0.050407603, z: 0.0022941532, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99943084, y: 0.03372903, z: 0.00059039757, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9956036, y: 0.09343975, z: 0.0065240148, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9986433, y: 0.051843062, z: -0.004889477, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99672365, y: 0.08086886, z: 0.0014507017, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99558336, y: 0.09372741, z: 0.0053878133, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9929881, y: 0.11702368, z: 0.01673266, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9964824, y: 0.083649725, z: -0.0050708065, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9956888, y: 0.092746705, z: -0.0013871861, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9927473, y: 0.11976261, z: 0.010474124, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9996895, y: 0.024915418, z: -0.00040816888, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9829087, y: 0.18388014, z: 0.008862153, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99125594, y: 0.13111766, z: -0.014826775, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9829876, y: 0.18340467, z: 0.009909181, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.99183273, y: 0.12699032, z: -0.011883886, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9981271, y: 0.06102113, z: 0.0043256935, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9996834, y: 0.025156332, z: -0.0004315021, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99737066, y: 0.07236547, z: 0.0038604934, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99810845, y: 0.06146248, z: 0.0013776293, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98602253, y: 0.16119163, z: 0.042153236, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9973895, y: 0.072007276, z: 0.005398118, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9988686, y: 0.047540013, z: -0.0012400226, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98594654, y: 0.16252124, z: 0.03868115, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9919331, y: 0.12525883, z: 0.01946781, w: -1}
- {x: 0.998795, y: 0.04884009, z: -0.004823886, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99614066, y: 0.08735079, z: 0.008581756, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99194336, y: 0.12509231, z: 0.020010097, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9948181, y: 0.101272784, z: 0.008981144, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9960525, y: 0.08863695, z: 0.004781144, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9862433, y: 0.16321611, z: 0.026166294, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9936757, y: 0.11083911, z: -0.017982174, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9916419, y: 0.12815465, z: -0.014926898, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9850832, y: 0.17201841, z: 0.0045597767, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9863593, y: 0.16459993, z: 0.0015046883, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99185395, y: 0.12681887, z: -0.011946038, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99328226, y: 0.114704624, z: -0.015271037, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9865572, y: 0.16335592, z: 0.00443473, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9895225, y: 0.14429718, z: -0.004861636, w: -1}

- {x: 0.99992, y: 0.012653326, z: -0.0001679877, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.99999785, y: 0.002062461, z: 0.00021560532, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99968946, y: 0.024914894, z: -0.0002514643, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9996835, y: 0.025155593, z: -0.00025118858, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9996896, y: 0.024914216, z: -0.000046542988, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.99572027, y: 0.09239181, z: 0.0022414324, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9966049, y: 0.08226052, z: -0.003443201, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.98532844, y: 0.17025885, z: 0.011818669, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9816166, y: 0.19085746, z: 0.00148291, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9735509, y: 0.2284666, z: -0.0013083445, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9813684, y: 0.1919272, z: -0.008942359, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9996836, y: 0.025154792, z: -0.00005654053, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9957402, y: 0.092173606, z: 0.0023393764, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9981928, y: 0.0554667, z: -0.023120645, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9886288, y: 0.1503746, z: 0.0007736527, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9872974, y: 0.15833065, z: 0.013236777, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9990168, y: 0.042469148, z: 0.012720657, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9882419, y: 0.14465187, z: 0.04953522, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.99185085, y: 0.12729606, z: 0.0052475687, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9957057, y: 0.09257333, z: -0.00042527064, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99572515, y: 0.092363775, z: -0.0004435039, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99567646, y: 0.092807874, z: -0.003885429, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9850171, y: 0.17245328, z: 0.0010306624, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9956957, y: 0.09260001, z: -0.0039149374, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9884232, y: 0.15165077, z: -0.0046544266, w: -1}
- {x: 0.952776, y: 0.3020084, z: 0.03176278, w: -1}
- {x: 0.984432, y: 0.17528208, z: -0.013030487, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.95203763, y: 0.30526727, z: 0.020889247, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9412027, y: 0.33773512, z: 0.008511833, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95155764, y: 0.30742732, z: -0.005169307, w: -1}
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- {x: 0.9844927, y: 0.17329659, z: -0.02724633, w: -1}
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- {x: 7.342382, y: 40.231453}
- {x: 7.3868713, y: 35.675976}
- {x: 2.801196, y: 35.682606}
- {x: 7.3868713, y: 35.675976}
- {x: 7.4099092, y: 31.125704}
- {x: 2.7661867, y: 31.14632}
- {x: 2.801196, y: 35.682606}
- {x: -1.1308471, y: 31.167423}
- {x: -1.024018, y: 35.692066}
- {x: 3.5804348, y: 35.684895}
- {x: 3.5356874, y: 31.148582}
- {x: -1.024018, y: 35.692066}
- {x: -0.953196, y: 40.22348}
- {x: 3.591104, y: 40.22763}
- {x: 3.5804348, y: 35.684895}
- {x: 3.591104, y: 40.22763}
- {x: 8.115906, y: 40.235443}
- {x: 8.172775, y: 35.68}
- {x: 3.5804348, y: 35.684895}
- {x: 8.172775, y: 35.68}
- {x: 8.202222, y: 31.129744}
- {x: 3.5356874, y: 31.148582}
- {x: 3.5804348, y: 35.684895}
- {x: 4.5942755, y: -44.159042}
- {x: 4.0884395, y: -38.202595}
- {x: 8.737001, y: -38.468914}

- {x: -13.122461, y: 89.38308}
- {x: -12.490941, y: 82.20778}
- {x: -17.149092, y: 81.78648}
- {x: 19.421473, y: 22.923008}
- {x: 11.65825, y: 24.405693}
- {x: 9.365673, y: 32.135662}
- {x: 16.992662, y: 30.72101}
- {x: 11.65825, y: 24.405693}
- {x: 3.8950272, y: 25.888378}
- {x: 1.7386829, y: 33.55032}
- {x: 9.365673, y: 32.135662}
- {x: 1.7386829, y: 33.55032}
- {x: -0.41766188, y: 41.212257}
- {x: 7.0730934, y: 39.86564}
- {x: 9.365673, y: 32.135662}
- {x: 7.0730934, y: 39.86564}
- {x: 14.563851, y: 38.519016}
- {x: 16.992662, y: 30.72101}
- {x: 9.365673, y: 32.135662}
- {x: 14.563851, y: 38.519016}
- {x: 7.0730934, y: 39.86564}
- {x: 3.7570024, y: 47.989414}
- {x: 10.163785, y: 47.409035}
- {x: 7.0730934, y: 39.86564}
- {x: -0.41766188, y: 41.212257}
- {x: -2.6497796, y: 48.56979}
- {x: 3.7570024, y: 47.989414}
- {x: -2.6497796, y: 48.56979}
- {x: -4.8818965, y: 55.92732}
- {x: 0.4409124, y: 56.113182}
- {x: 3.7570024, y: 47.989414}
- {x: 0.4409124, y: 56.113182}
- {x: 5.7637205, y: 56.29905}
- {x: 10.163785, y: 47.409035}
- {x: 3.7570024, y: 47.989414}
- {x: 5.7637205, y: 56.29905}
- {x: 0.4409124, y: 56.113182}
- {x: -1.904276, y: 63.541924}
- {x: 2.9409277, y: 64.0546}
- {x: 0.4409124, y: 56.113182}
- {x: -4.8818965, y: 55.92732}
- {x: -6.7494817, y: 63.02925}
- {x: -1.904276, y: 63.541924}
- {x: -6.7494817, y: 63.02925}
- {x: -8.617066, y: 70.13119}
- {x: -4.2494655, y: 70.97067}
- {x: -1.904276, y: 63.541924}
- {x: -4.2494655, y: 70.97067}
- {x: 0.11813525, y: 71.81016}
- {x: 2.9409277, y: 64.0546}
- {x: -1.904276, y: 63.541924}
- {x: 0.11813525, y: 71.81016}
- {x: -4.2494655, y: 70.97067}
- {x: -5.9374814, y: 78.1298}
- {x: -1.9506105, y: 79.142265}
- {x: -4.2494655, y: 70.97067}
- {x: -8.617066, y: 70.13119}
- {x: -9.924353, y: 77.117325}
- {x: -5.9374814, y: 78.1298}
- {x: -9.924353, y: 77.117325}
- {x: -11.231639, y: 84.10347}
- {x: -7.6254973, y: 85.288925}
- {x: -5.9374814, y: 78.1298}
- {x: -7.6254973, y: 85.288925}
- {x: -4.0193563, y: 86.47438}
- {x: -1.9506105, y: 79.142265}
- {x: -5.9374814, y: 78.1298}
- {x: 22.589104, y: 22.289053}
- {x: 18.639261, y: 21.253443}
- {x: 17.474222, y: 28.523758}
- {x: 22.14822, y: 28.97417}
- {x: 18.639261, y: 21.253443}
- {x: 14.775188, y: 20.1485}
- {x: 12.800225, y: 28.07335}
- {x: 17.474222, y: 28.523758}
- {x: 12.800225, y: 28.07335}
- {x: 10.825261, y: 35.9982}
- {x: 16.132254, y: 35.93708}
- {x: 17.474222, y: 28.523758}
- {x: 16.132254, y: 35.93708}
- {x: 21.439245, y: 35.875965}
- {x: 22.14822, y: 28.97417}
- {x: 17.474222, y: 28.523758}
- {x: 21.439245, y: 35.875965}
- {x: 16.132254, y: 35.93708}
- {x: 13.796338, y: 44.151573}
- {x: 20.341248, y: 43.092133}
- {x: 16.132254, y: 35.93708}
- {x: 10.825261, y: 35.9982}
- {x: 7.251429, y: 45.21101}
- {x: 13.796338, y: 44.151573}
- {x: 7.251429, y: 45.21101}
- {x: 3.6775978, y: 54.423817}
- {x: 11.460423, y: 52.366066}
- {x: 13.796338, y: 44.151573}
- {x: 11.460423, y: 52.366066}
- {x: 19.243248, y: 50.308304}
- {x: 20.341248, y: 43.092133}
- {x: 13.796338, y: 44.151573}
- {x: 19.243248, y: 50.308304}
- {x: 11.460423, y: 52.366066}
- {x: 7.869199, y: 61.33447}
- {x: 14.359937, y: 60.320175}
- {x: 11.460423, y: 52.366066}
- {x: 3.6775978, y: 54.423817}
- {x: 1.3784598, y: 62.348763}
- {x: 7.869199, y: 61.33447}
- {x: 1.3784598, y: 62.348763}
- {x: -0.92067754, y: 70.27371}
- {x: 4.277974, y: 70.30288}
- {x: 7.869199, y: 61.33447}
- {x: 4.277974, y: 70.30288}
- {x: 9.476625, y: 70.33205}
- {x: 14.359937, y: 60.320175}
- {x: 7.869199, y: 61.33447}
- {x: 9.476625, y: 70.33205}
- {x: 4.277974, y: 70.30288}
- {x: 1.9709874, y: 78.234215}
- {x: 6.545056, y: 78.76674}
- {x: 4.277974, y: 70.30288}
- {x: -0.92067754, y: 70.27371}
- {x: -2.6030812, y: 77.70168}
- {x: 1.9709874, y: 78.234215}
- {x: -2.6030812, y: 77.70168}
- {x: -4.285485, y: 85.12966}
- {x: -0.33599913, y: 86.16555}
- {x: 1.9709874, y: 78.234215}
- {x: -0.33599913, y: 86.16555}
- {x: 3.6134865, y: 87.20142}
- {x: 6.545056, y: 78.76674}
- {x: 1.9709874, y: 78.234215}
- {x: 19.144377, y: 23.097914}
- {x: 11.615095, y: 24.453867}
- {x: 9.326865, y: 32.1857}
- {x: 16.949572, y: 30.769537}
- {x: 11.615095, y: 24.453867}
- {x: 3.8564153, y: 25.937944}
- {x: 1.704159, y: 33.60187}
- {x: 9.326865, y: 32.1857}
- {x: 1.704159, y: 33.60187}
- {x: -0.44809762, y: 41.265797}
- {x: 7.0386333, y: 39.91754}
- {x: 9.326865, y: 32.1857}
- {x: 7.0386333, y: 39.91754}
- {x: 14.525367, y: 38.569283}
- {x: 16.949572, y: 30.769537}
- {x: 9.326865, y: 32.1857}
- {x: 14.525367, y: 38.569283}
- {x: 7.0386333, y: 39.91754}
- {x: 3.728574, y: 48.042454}
- {x: 10.13369, y: 47.459328}
- {x: 7.0386333, y: 39.91754}
- {x: -0.44809762, y: 41.265797}
- {x: -2.676541, y: 48.625576}
- {x: 3.728574, y: 48.042454}
- {x: -2.676541, y: 48.625576}
- {x: -4.904984, y: 55.98535}
- {x: 0.41851544, y: 56.16736}
- {x: 3.728574, y: 48.042454}
- {x: 0.41851544, y: 56.16736}
- {x: 5.742014, y: 56.349365}
- {x: 10.13369, y: 47.459328}
- {x: 3.728574, y: 48.042454}
- {x: 5.742014, y: 56.349365}
- {x: 0.41851544, y: 56.16736}
- {x: -1.9224482, y: 63.59794}
- {x: 2.9245343, y: 64.10622}
- {x: 0.41851544, y: 56.16736}
- {x: -4.904984, y: 55.98535}
- {x: -6.7694325, y: 63.08967}
- {x: -1.9224482, y: 63.59794}
- {x: -6.7694325, y: 63.08967}
- {x: -8.633881, y: 70.193985}
- {x: -4.2634125, y: 71.02852}
- {x: -1.9224482, y: 63.59794}
- {x: -4.2634125, y: 71.02852}
- {x: 0.10705526, y: 71.86306}
- {x: 2.9245343, y: 64.10622}
- {x: -1.9224482, y: 63.59794}
- {x: 0.10705526, y: 71.86306}
- {x: -4.2634125, y: 71.02852}
- {x: -5.948084, y: 78.18975}
- {x: -1.957769, y: 79.19707}
- {x: -4.2634125, y: 71.02852}
- {x: -8.633881, y: 70.193985}
- {x: -9.938399, y: 77.182434}
- {x: -5.948084, y: 78.18975}
- {x: -9.938399, y: 77.182434}
- {x: -11.242918, y: 84.17089}
- {x: -7.6327553, y: 85.35099}
- {x: -5.948084, y: 78.18975}
- {x: -7.6327553, y: 85.35099}
- {x: -4.0225935, y: 86.531075}
- {x: -1.957769, y: 79.19707}
- {x: -5.948084, y: 78.18975}
- {x: 22.744835, y: 22.39716}
- {x: 18.806564, y: 21.35466}
- {x: 17.63107, y: 28.623968}
- {x: 22.299995, y: 29.084332}
- {x: 18.806564, y: 21.35466}
- {x: 14.766269, y: 20.393427}
- {x: 12.962143, y: 28.16361}
- {x: 17.63107, y: 28.623968}
- {x: 12.962143, y: 28.16361}
- {x: 10.969452, y: 36.084034}
- {x: 16.277056, y: 36.035538}
- {x: 17.63107, y: 28.623968}
- {x: 16.277056, y: 36.035538}
- {x: 21.584656, y: 35.98705}
- {x: 22.299995, y: 29.084332}
- {x: 17.63107, y: 28.623968}
- {x: 21.584656, y: 35.98705}
- {x: 16.277056, y: 36.035538}
- {x: 13.920079, y: 44.244053}
- {x: 20.476803, y: 43.202496}
- {x: 16.277056, y: 36.035538}
- {x: 10.969452, y: 36.084034}
- {x: 7.363355, y: 45.28561}
- {x: 13.920079, y: 44.244053}
- {x: 7.363355, y: 45.28561}
- {x: 3.7572587, y: 54.487183}
- {x: 11.563104, y: 52.452568}
- {x: 13.920079, y: 44.244053}
- {x: 11.563104, y: 52.452568}
- {x: 19.36895, y: 50.417942}
- {x: 20.476803, y: 43.202496}
- {x: 13.920079, y: 44.244053}
- {x: 19.36895, y: 50.417942}
- {x: 11.563104, y: 52.452568}
- {x: 7.939733, y: 61.409576}
- {x: 14.441806, y: 60.412937}
- {x: 11.563104, y: 52.452568}
- {x: 3.7572587, y: 54.487183}
- {x: 1.4376602, y: 62.406216}
- {x: 7.939733, y: 61.409576}
- {x: 1.4376602, y: 62.406216}
- {x: -0.88193774, y: 70.32525}
- {x: 4.316362, y: 70.366585}
- {x: 7.939733, y: 61.409576}
- {x: 4.316362, y: 70.366585}
- {x: 9.514662, y: 70.40793}
- {x: 14.441806, y: 60.412937}
- {x: 7.939733, y: 61.409576}
- {x: 9.514662, y: 70.40793}
- {x: 4.316362, y: 70.366585}
- {x: 1.9886734, y: 78.29193}
- {x: 6.556779, y: 78.83399}
- {x: 4.316362, y: 70.366585}
- {x: -0.88193774, y: 70.32525}
- {x: -2.579432, y: 77.74988}
- {x: 1.9886734, y: 78.29193}
- {x: -2.579432, y: 77.74988}
- {x: -4.2769265, y: 85.17451}
- {x: -0.3390152, y: 86.21728}
- {x: 1.9886734, y: 78.29193}
- {x: -0.3390152, y: 86.21728}
- {x: 3.598896, y: 87.26005}
- {x: 6.556779, y: 78.83399}
- {x: 1.9886734, y: 78.29193}
- {x: 6.456099, y: 44.311527}
- {x: 5.91691, y: 37.084583}
- {x: 1.1259645, y: 36.87358}

- {x: 0.9960973, y: 0.08716817, z: -0.013850582, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9783798, y: 0.20671338, z: -0.0065273615, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93341655, y: 0.35857365, z: 0.012582484, w: -1}
- {x: 0.76082194, y: 0.6488951, z: 0.009224144, w: -1}
- {x: 0.68917096, y: 0.72454476, z: 0.008840692, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7065079, y: 0.7075573, z: 0.014465106, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8688547, y: 0.49453855, z: -0.02286909, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6789027, y: 0.7339497, z: -0.020223247, w: -1}
- {x: 0.663119, y: 0.7478965, z: -0.030396516, w: -1}
- {x: 0.54498583, y: 0.8372001, z: 0.04567947, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7061559, y: 0.7079754, z: 0.010709136, w: -1}
- {x: 0.54250556, y: 0.8394173, z: 0.032652862, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8500682, y: 0.5258096, z: -0.030138703, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85125005, y: 0.5185838, z: 0.08027616, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70591575, y: 0.7082483, z: 0.008205999, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85125005, y: 0.5185837, z: 0.08027619, w: -1}
- {x: 0.91236436, y: 0.40932688, z: 0.0065446747, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8688547, y: 0.49453866, z: -0.022869451, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70648426, y: 0.70758617, z: 0.0142087275, w: -1}
- {x: 0.76081324, y: 0.6489059, z: 0.009189601, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6897765, y: 0.7239445, z: 0.010620021, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7087749, y: 0.7052826, z: 0.0146433385, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8685678, y: 0.49494603, z: -0.024868704, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6799661, y: 0.7330394, z: -0.017304478, w: -1}
- {x: 0.66448444, y: 0.74684155, z: -0.026235133, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5527397, y: 0.83205163, z: 0.04657418, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7085005, y: 0.70561105, z: 0.011844375, w: -1}
- {x: 0.55106795, y: 0.83361256, z: 0.037604496, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8449775, y: 0.534124, z: -0.026917562, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8545003, y: 0.5144644, z: 0.07180285, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70833856, y: 0.705799, z: 0.010219332, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85441583, y: 0.5145223, z: 0.072390415, w: -1}
- {x: 0.91236275, y: 0.40932876, z: 0.006652563, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86856776, y: 0.49494615, z: -0.024869062, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7087552, y: 0.7053067, z: 0.014440133, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98332447, y: 0.10781434, z: 0.14645545, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9748048, y: 0.20970242, z: 0.07602967, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97254145, y: 0.22787116, z: 0.047304757, w: -1}

- {x: 0.99945164, y: 0.029416766, z: 0.015204417, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99986875, y: 0.0051741954, z: 0.015357782, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9885229, y: 0.15106988, z: -0.00062259356, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9124218, y: 0.4092457, z: 0.0020677596, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86584216, y: 0.4977441, z: -0.050677147, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9870432, y: 0.16041909, z: 0.0033640377, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96169496, y: 0.27412105, z: -0.00066234975, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86653906, y: 0.4947477, z: -0.06583863, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8565083, y: 0.5102656, z: 0.07760526, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9992711, y: 0.037171483, z: 0.008683099, w: -1}
- {x: 0.987134, y: 0.1597788, z: -0.0060980394, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9992177, y: 0.039175835, z: -0.0054095797, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99999905, y: 0.0002763865, z: -0.0013475384, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99813783, y: 0.060985748, z: -0.0012856747, w: -1}
- {x: 0.987074, y: 0.1602617, z: 0.0010183196, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99809605, y: 0.061374612, z: -0.0061149783, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9899466, y: 0.14062525, z: 0.015174009, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9612578, y: 0.2754847, z: 0.009565872, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9869652, y: 0.16073196, z: 0.008066376, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9124259, y: 0.4092385, z: 0.0016903615, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86506695, y: 0.499939, z: -0.041474782, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9853513, y: 0.17052281, z: 0.0021780278, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9617097, y: 0.27406806, z: -0.0010554021, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8655455, y: 0.49788478, z: -0.054237314, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8515192, y: 0.5189496, z: 0.07487542, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9968476, y: 0.07924084, z: 0.0039585633, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98540103, y: 0.17022276, z: -0.003029169, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9968111, y: 0.079798736, z: 0.000019462135, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99999845, y: 0.00032391658, z: -0.0017186627, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9981355, y: 0.061015327, z: -0.0016524584, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9853744, y: 0.1704037, z: 0.00010128522, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9980918, y: 0.061405003, z: -0.0064931028, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9899595, y: 0.14057636, z: 0.014781431, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96127546, y: 0.27543586, z: 0.009195391, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9852925, y: 0.17075887, z: 0.006331994, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99713516, y: -0.053349353, z: -0.053621933, w: -1}
- {x: 0.99481887, y: -0.08064466, z: -0.061902832, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9775106, y: -0.20373426, z: 0.05445546, w: -1}

- {x: 0.9936257, y: 0.03604352, z: -0.10681224, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9913332, y: 0.100646354, z: -0.08443193, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9915596, y: 0.09822235, z: -0.084627554, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85659117, y: 0.5070507, z: 0.09566187, w: -1}
- {x: 0.56094116, y: 0.8147006, z: 0.14699619, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5550787, y: 0.81857866, z: 0.14770468, w: -1}
- {x: 0.77034175, y: 0.6364576, z: 0.038668226, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5611254, y: 0.81431186, z: 0.1484404, w: -1}
- {x: 0.69433856, y: 0.7153605, z: 0.07844367, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7214487, y: 0.68810874, z: 0.07757689, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5552639, y: 0.8182306, z: 0.14893194, w: -1}
- {x: 0.72127, y: 0.6884046, z: 0.0766073, w: -1}
- {x: 0.75874436, y: 0.6493309, z: 0.051735263, w: -1}
- {x: 0.59121805, y: 0.7956919, z: 0.13166507, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5550786, y: 0.81857866, z: 0.14770451, w: -1}
- {x: 0.59108603, y: 0.7958882, z: 0.1310694, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7050573, y: 0.7067678, z: 0.058081064, w: -1}
- {x: 0.77021646, y: 0.63664275, z: 0.038113736, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5548864, y: 0.81893677, z: 0.14643681, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70530653, y: 0.70645225, z: 0.058890145, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5894783, y: 0.79822624, z: 0.12389639, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70647514, y: 0.70509595, z: 0.06109485, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6671672, y: 0.7402522, z: 0.08315401, w: -1}
- {x: 0.59084296, y: 0.7962481, z: 0.12997538, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7570747, y: 0.6518703, z: 0.04362421, w: -1}
- {x: 0.82905823, y: 0.5589998, z: -0.0134769175, w: -1}
- {x: 0.705742, y: 0.70602787, z: 0.058761325, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8272214, y: 0.56147736, z: -0.021165049, w: -1}
- {x: 0.89149916, y: 0.4453462, z: -0.083042435, w: -1}
- {x: 0.82903296, y: 0.5582064, z: -0.033315923, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70647514, y: 0.705096, z: 0.061094906, w: -1}
- {x: 0.83012253, y: 0.5567815, z: -0.02985033, w: -1}
- {x: 0.71192306, y: 0.69904995, z: 0.06704286, w: -1}
- {x: 0.67005855, y: 0.7367463, z: 0.09069967, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7074132, y: 0.7038872, z: 0.06410321, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7146221, y: 0.6955024, z: 0.074777655, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8308357, y: 0.55583495, z: -0.027559236, w: -1}
- {x: 0.89593214, y: 0.4338111, z: -0.09546447, w: -1}
- {x: 0.81839937, y: 0.5745408, z: -0.011186433, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8301686, y: 0.55672073, z: -0.02970276, w: -1}
- {x: 0.89062035, y: 0.44645485, z: -0.08644861, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92779946, y: 0.34878048, z: -0.13244, w: -1}
- {x: 0.89543974, y: 0.434469, z: -0.097079515, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9269982, y: 0.34976447, z: -0.13542226, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9542846, y: 0.2357277, z: -0.18377571, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93995714, y: 0.30183104, z: -0.15930699, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8959322, y: 0.43381095, z: -0.095464155, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9403108, y: 0.30135483, z: -0.15811634, w: -1}
- {x: 0.90874445, y: 0.40324956, z: -0.10757947, w: -1}
- {x: 0.819719, y: 0.5727203, z: -0.007219879, w: -1}
- {x: 0.89649343, y: 0.43305463, z: -0.09361126, w: -1}
- {x: 0.91053873, y: 0.4006468, z: -0.1019873, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9406556, y: 0.300888, z: -0.15695012, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9591677, y: 0.19734065, z: -0.2026177, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9501778, y: 0.2565867, z: -0.17698996, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94040436, y: 0.30122843, z: -0.15780045, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95358837, y: 0.23654607, z: -0.18631995, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96425676, y: 0.14552677, z: -0.2214292, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9590998, y: 0.19743037, z: -0.20285164, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9636636, y: 0.14620946, z: -0.22355156, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9653546, y: 0.08343188, z: -0.24724403, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9648771, y: 0.12082481, z: -0.23326717, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9591673, y: 0.1973412, z: -0.20261914, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9649895, y: 0.12067429, z: -0.23287983, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96391815, y: 0.13691284, z: -0.2282908, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9508718, y: 0.25556168, z: -0.17473148, w: -1}
- {x: 0.959246, y: 0.19723704, z: -0.2023476, w: -1}
- {x: 0.971302, y: 0.030313933, z: -0.23590977, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9801402, y: 0.06437648, z: -0.18756543, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94183975, y: 0.3224148, z: -0.09479808, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9779703, y: 0.090145685, z: -0.18827589, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97127676, y: 0.069722615, z: -0.22750859, w: -1}
- {x: 0.83750445, y: 0.5337963, z: -0.11682384, w: -1}
- {x: 0.77269775, y: 0.6328549, z: 0.049324367, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9372164, y: 0.32874614, z: -0.11641001, w: -1}
- {x: 0.77453554, y: 0.62986845, z: 0.05797078, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7225732, y: 0.68074447, z: 0.12031193, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85242116, y: 0.52282655, z: 0.005529427, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9419471, y: 0.32225695, z: -0.09426607, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8542214, y: 0.5197167, z: 0.014151539, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9817527, y: 0.13430509, z: -0.13462466, w: -1}
- {x: 0.985275, y: 0.08278707, z: -0.14959797, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9444875, y: 0.31835333, z: -0.081206225, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98511875, y: 0.12864512, z: -0.11397945, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85650206, y: 0.5155071, z: 0.025625873, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70001954, y: 0.7009096, z: 0.13674144, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9682558, y: 0.2409089, z: -0.0666596, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85418427, y: 0.51978266, z: 0.013969947, w: -1}
- {x: 0.72267854, y: 0.68055916, z: 0.12072653, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6895718, y: 0.709447, z: 0.14551851, w: -1}
- {x: 0.69864094, y: 0.7034712, z: 0.13049549, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6871178, y: 0.7132821, z: 0.13819438, w: -1}
- {x: 0.72528166, y: 0.6800822, z: 0.107026145, w: -1}
- {x: 0.61042094, y: 0.76867455, z: 0.19111726, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70001954, y: 0.7009097, z: 0.13674137, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6093844, y: 0.7703626, z: 0.18759517, w: -1}
- {x: 0.88147825, y: 0.45492977, z: -0.12662949, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9721569, y: 0.23144603, z: -0.036656078, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7009874, y: 0.69905305, z: 0.14121465, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8811622, y: 0.45534983, z: -0.1273171, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6107752, y: 0.7680908, z: 0.19232817, w: -1}
- {x: 0.72340477, y: 0.68007326, z: 0.1191046, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8168647, y: 0.5528927, z: -0.16444339, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6097461, y: 0.769777, z: 0.18882056, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7265254, y: 0.67811674, z: 0.11098931, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8305238, y: 0.55630666, z: 0.027444832, w: -1}
- {x: 0.71787864, y: 0.6881239, z: 0.10552638, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8321924, y: 0.5534918, z: 0.033204615, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92076606, y: 0.38424277, z: -0.067433946, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86235166, y: 0.5060949, z: -0.014749265, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7234047, y: 0.6800733, z: 0.11910452, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8684475, y: 0.49577725, z: 0.0019638196, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9038825, y: 0.37078342, z: -0.21334498, w: -1}
- {x: 0.84238505, y: 0.52174014, z: -0.13481341, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7306155, y: 0.6687866, z: 0.13757, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92362386, y: 0.33832753, z: -0.18014856, w: -1}
- {x: 0.87252945, y: 0.4883677, z: 0.013761147, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9412281, y: 0.3238239, z: -0.09606128, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9503379, y: 0.23254357, z: -0.20683661, w: -1}
- {x: 0.86849684, y: 0.49569032, z: 0.0021032353, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9215005, y: 0.38294256, z: -0.06474385, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9608042, y: 0.23948829, z: -0.1396448, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9385939, y: 0.32881886, z: -0.104496524, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9610587, y: 0.23903571, z: -0.13866557, w: -1}
- {x: 0.97330594, y: 0.121260144, z: -0.1948627, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96872294, y: 0.17558111, z: -0.17534873, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94122773, y: 0.32382464, z: -0.096062556, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9713226, y: 0.16999303, z: -0.1662372, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96644723, y: 0.1737519, z: -0.18918277, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9567923, y: 0.21956062, z: -0.1906347, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94426966, y: 0.31776813, z: -0.085896336, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85169756, y: 0.5167234, z: 0.087225266, w: -1}
- {x: 0.56779534, y: 0.8105829, z: 0.14340076, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5551008, y: 0.8185371, z: 0.1478512, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7734512, y: 0.6325622, z: 0.04047599, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5681884, y: 0.80974907, z: 0.14652051, w: -1}
- {x: 0.69437087, y: 0.7153147, z: 0.07857626, w: -1}
- {x: 0.72147536, y: 0.6880642, z: 0.07772243, w: -1}
- {x: 0.55528426, y: 0.8181921, z: 0.1490672, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7212991, y: 0.6883565, z: 0.076764934, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7587782, y: 0.6492779, z: 0.051902708, w: -1}
- {x: 0.5912516, y: 0.79564184, z: 0.13181666, w: -1}
- {x: 0.55510086, y: 0.8185371, z: 0.1478515, w: -1}
- {x: 0.59112227, y: 0.79583436, z: 0.1312329, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7051038, y: 0.70670915, z: 0.05823169, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7734719, y: 0.6325308, z: 0.040572744, w: -1}
- {x: 0.55491054, y: 0.8188919, z: 0.14659575, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70537025, y: 0.7063711, z: 0.059097737, w: -1}
- {x: 0.58954716, y: 0.7981281, z: 0.12420048, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70659435, y: 0.7049434, z: 0.061475758, w: -1}
- {x: 0.66727525, y: 0.7401233, z: 0.08343384, w: -1}
- {x: 0.59088385, y: 0.7961875, z: 0.13015956, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7571351, y: 0.65178066, z: 0.043913025, w: -1}
- {x: 0.82914996, y: 0.55887306, z: -0.013086826, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7058267, y: 0.70592076, z: 0.059030134, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8273526, y: 0.56130415, z: -0.020623792, w: -1}
- {x: 0.89167213, y: 0.44512546, z: -0.08236634, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8291959, y: 0.55799484, z: -0.032800067, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7065943, y: 0.70494336, z: 0.061475817, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8303222, y: 0.55651754, z: -0.029210467, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7121035, y: 0.6988168, z: 0.06755517, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6702051, y: 0.73656535, z: 0.091085695, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7075763, y: 0.70367527, z: 0.06462859, w: -1}
- {x: 0.71484315, y: 0.69520605, z: 0.075417966, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8310577, y: 0.55553794, z: -0.026842225, w: -1}
- {x: 0.896171, y: 0.43349022, z: -0.09467778, w: -1}
- {x: 0.81863487, y: 0.5742187, z: -0.010482682, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8303687, y: 0.5564561, z: -0.029061604, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8908153, y: 0.44621083, z: -0.08569723, w: -1}
- {x: 0.92802, y: 0.34850693, z: -0.13161248, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8956605, y: 0.43417454, z: -0.09635633, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9272399, y: 0.34946936, z: -0.13452679, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9545486, y: 0.23541453, z: -0.18280323, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94021666, y: 0.301482, z: -0.15843406, w: -1}
- {x: 0.89617103, y: 0.4334902, z: -0.094677575, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94058514, y: 0.30098358, z: -0.15718873, w: -1}
- {x: 0.90901566, y: 0.40286058, z: -0.106741816, w: -1}
- {x: 0.81997466, y: 0.57236356, z: -0.0064454568, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8967521, y: 0.43270367, z: -0.09275285, w: -1}
- {x: 0.910828, y: 0.40022033, z: -0.10107401, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94094384, y: 0.30049577, z: -0.1559709, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9594643, y: 0.19694771, z: -0.20159349, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9504724, y: 0.25615293, z: -0.17603385, w: -1}
- {x: 0.94068253, y: 0.3008515, z: -0.15685888, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95386785, y: 0.23621875, z: -0.18530181, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96455115, y: 0.14518534, z: -0.2203683, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9593883, y: 0.1970484, z: -0.20185594, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9639691, y: 0.14585857, z: -0.22246057, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96567404, y: 0.083053105, z: -0.2461216, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96518636, y: 0.12041007, z: -0.23219994, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9594643, y: 0.19694762, z: -0.20159328, w: -1}
- {x: 0.96530664, y: 0.120248154, z: -0.23178335, w: -1}
- {x: 0.964229, y: 0.13643248, z: -0.22726357, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95117396, y: 0.25511187, z: -0.17374116, w: -1}
- {x: 0.95955265, y: 0.19683012, z: -0.20128709, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9709526, y: 0.030494608, z: -0.2373208, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9775688, y: 0.10431108, z: -0.18297099, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93894196, y: 0.33102354, z: -0.09386966, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9776, y: 0.0904777, z: -0.1900319, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9734748, y: 0.10674478, z: -0.20236696, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8346658, y: 0.54155326, z: -0.10026545, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7735563, y: 0.6324019, z: 0.04096875, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93541574, y: 0.33580452, z: -0.11060117, w: -1}
- {x: 0.77569306, y: 0.6290286, z: 0.05121823, w: -1}
- {x: 0.72201633, y: 0.6817163, z: 0.11813204, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8519734, y: 0.52357376, z: 0.0034387554, w: -1}
- {x: 0.93905574, y: 0.33086035, z: -0.093304425, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85376513, y: 0.5205217, z: 0.011931804, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9813507, y: 0.1349293, z: -0.13691194, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9849151, y: 0.08319434, z: -0.15172683, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9416778, y: 0.3269226, z: -0.07977798, w: -1}
- {x: 0.98472786, y: 0.12934788, z: -0.11653353, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8560407, y: 0.5163853, z: 0.023250367, w: -1}
- {x: 0.69950116, y: 0.70188403, z: 0.1343759, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9678587, y: 0.24174534, z: -0.06934571, w: -1}
- {x: 0.85373586, y: 0.52057296, z: 0.011790345, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7221058, y: 0.6815612, z: 0.11848093, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6888328, y: 0.7106158, z: 0.14329807, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6981269, y: 0.7044024, z: 0.12820296, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6863595, y: 0.7144409, z: 0.13595924, w: -1}
- {x: 0.72454345, y: 0.68123096, z: 0.10469511, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6097472, y: 0.7697752, z: 0.18882422, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6995013, y: 0.7018838, z: 0.13437633, w: -1}
- {x: 0.60870314, y: 0.7714569, z: 0.18529654, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8804186, y: 0.45633367, z: -0.12892894, w: -1}
- {x: 0.9717946, y: 0.23244688, z: -0.03979658, w: -1}
- {x: 0.70046496, y: 0.7000615, z: 0.13879038, w: -1}
- {x: 0.8800164, y: 0.45686305, z: -0.1297972, w: -1}
- {x: 0.6101005, y: 0.7691996, z: 0.19002494, w: -1}
- {x: 0.7225526, y: 0.68134683, z: 0.116980016, w: -1}
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