
[Bot] Automated dotnet-format update

Unknown 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 33 次插入33 次删除
  1. 66


//The load event we are listening to
[SerializeField] private LoadEvent _loadEvent = default;
//List of the scenes to load and track progress
private List<AsyncOperation> _scenesToLoadAsyncOperations = new List<AsyncOperation>();
//List of scenes to unload
private List<Scene> _ScenesToUnload = new List<Scene>();
//List of the scenes to load and track progress
private List<AsyncOperation> _scenesToLoadAsyncOperations = new List<AsyncOperation>();
//List of scenes to unload
private List<Scene> _ScenesToUnload = new List<Scene>();
//Keep track of the scene we want to set as active (for lighting/skybox)
private GameScene _activeScene;

//Unload the scenes
public void AddScenesToUnload()
if (SceneManager.sceneCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCount; ++i)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(i);
if (scene.name != "ScenesLoader")
Debug.Log("Added scene to unload = " + scene.name);
//Add the scene to the list of the scenes to unload
public void AddScenesToUnload()
if (SceneManager.sceneCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCount; ++i)
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(i);
if (scene.name != "ScenesLoader")
Debug.Log("Added scene to unload = " + scene.name);
//Add the scene to the list of the scenes to unload
public void UnloadScenes()

/// <summary> This function update loading progress </summary>
IEnumerator TrackLoadingProgress()
float totalProgress = 0;
//When the scene reaches 0.9f, it means that it is loaded
//The remaining 0.1f are for the integration
while (totalProgress <= 0.9f)
IEnumerator TrackLoadingProgress()
float totalProgress = 0;
//When the scene reaches 0.9f, it means that it is loaded
//The remaining 0.1f are for the integration
while (totalProgress <= 0.9f)
//Reset the progress for the new values
totalProgress = 0;
//Iterate through all the scenes to load

//the fillAmount for all scenes, so we devide the progress by the number of scenes to load
loadingProgressBar.fillAmount = totalProgress / _scenesToLoadAsyncOperations.Count;
Debug.Log("progress bar" + loadingProgressBar.fillAmount + "and value =" + totalProgress / _scenesToLoadAsyncOperations.Count);
yield return null;
yield return null;
//Clear the scenes to load

public void ExitGame()
