publicfloatgravityMultiplier=5f;//General multiplier for gravity (affects jump and freefall)
publicfloatinitialJumpForce=10f;//The initial upwards push when pressing jump. This is injected into verticalMovement, and gradually cancelled by gravity
publicfloatjumpInputDuration=.4f;//How long can the player hold the jump button
publicfloatgravityComebackMultiplier=15f;//Represents how fast gravityContributionMultiplier will go back to 1f. The higher, the faster
publicfloatmaxFallSpeed=50f;//The maximum speed reached when falling (in units/frame)
publicfloatgravityDivider=.6f;//Each frame while jumping, gravity will be multiplied by this amount in an attempt to "cancel it" (= jump higher)