4 年前
共有 22 个文件被更改,包括 1573 次插入 和 0 次删除
1001UOP1_Project/Assets/Scenes/Settings System.unity
7UOP1_Project/Assets/Scenes/Settings System.unity.meta
UOP1_Project/Assets/Scenes/Settings System.unity
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "GraphicsPresets", menuName = "Graphics/Presets", order = 1)] |
public class SettingsPresetsScriptableObject : ScriptableObject |
{ |
public List<AdvancedGraphics> presetList; |
[Serializable] |
public struct AdvancedGraphics |
{ |
public GraphicsQualityLevel qualityLevel; |
public ShadowQuality shadowQuality; |
public AnisotropicFiltering anisotropicFiltering; |
public int antiAliasing; |
public float shadowDistance; |
public bool custom; |
} |
public enum GraphicsQualityLevel |
{ |
Low, |
Middle, |
High |
} |
public AdvancedGraphics GetPresetByQualityLevel(GraphicsQualityLevel level) |
{ |
foreach (AdvancedGraphics preset in presetList) |
{ |
if (level == preset.qualityLevel) |
{ |
return preset; |
} |
} |
return default; |
} |
} |
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using UnityEngine; |
public class SettingsSystem : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] SettingsSystemGeneralComponent generalComponent; |
[SerializeField] SettingsSystemGraphicsComponent graphicsComponent; |
[SerializeField] SettingsSystemAudioComponent audioComponent; |
public SettingsSystemGeneralComponent.LanguageSetting Language => generalComponent.Language; |
public bool FullScreen => graphicsComponent.FullScreen; |
public float MusicVolume => audioComponent.MusicVolume; |
public float SfxVolume => audioComponent.SfxVolume; |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
public class SettingsUIController : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] GameObject generalSettings, graphicsSettings, audioSettings, inputSettings; |
[SerializeField] Button generalSettingsButton, graphicsSettingsButton, audioSettingsButton, inputSettingsButton, saveGraphicsSettingsButton, cancelGraphicsSettingsButton; |
public enum SettingsType |
{ |
General, |
Graphics, |
Audio, |
Input |
} |
public void OpenGeneralSettings() |
{ |
OpenSetting(SettingsType.General); |
} |
public void OpenGraphicsSettings() |
{ |
OpenSetting(SettingsType.Graphics); |
} |
public void OpenAudioSettings() |
{ |
OpenSetting(SettingsType.Audio); |
} |
public void OpenInputSettings() |
{ |
OpenSetting(SettingsType.Input); |
} |
public void OnSaveGraphicsSettings() |
{ |
saveGraphicsSettingsButton.interactable = false; |
} |
void OpenSetting(SettingsType settingType) |
{ |
generalSettings.SetActive(settingType == SettingsType.General); |
graphicsSettings.SetActive((settingType == SettingsType.Graphics)); |
audioSettings.SetActive(settingType == SettingsType.Audio); |
inputSettings.SetActive(settingType == SettingsType.Input); |
generalSettingsButton.interactable = settingType != SettingsType.General; |
graphicsSettingsButton.interactable = settingType != SettingsType.Graphics; |
audioSettingsButton.interactable = settingType != SettingsType.Audio; |
inputSettingsButton.interactable = settingType != SettingsType.Input; |
} |
} |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
public class SettingsSystemAudioComponent : SettingsSystemSubComponents |
{ |
[SerializeField] Slider musicVolumeSlider; |
[SerializeField] Slider sfxVolumeSlider; |
public float MusicVolume { get; private set; } |
public float SfxVolume { get; private set; } |
void Start() |
{ |
Setup(); |
} |
protected override void Setup() |
{ |
//TODO: load previous music volume setting
MusicVolume = 50f; |
musicVolumeSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(MusicVolume); |
//TODO: load previous sfx volume setting
SfxVolume = 50f; |
sfxVolumeSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(SfxVolume); |
} |
//TODO: clamp volume to [0, 1] or [0, 100]? Change Slider min max value in editor depending on use case
public void OnChangeMusicVolume(float volume) |
{ |
MusicVolume = Mathf.Clamp(volume, 0.0f, 100.0f); |
} |
//TODO: clamp volume to [0, 1] or [0, 100]? Change Slider min max value in editor depending on use case
public void OnChangeSfxVolume(float volume) |
{ |
SfxVolume = Mathf.Clamp(volume, 0.0f, 100.0f); |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using TMPro; |
using UnityEngine; |
public class SettingsSystemGeneralComponent : SettingsSystemSubComponents |
{ |
[SerializeField] TMP_Dropdown languageDropdown; |
SettingsSystem settingsSystem; |
public LanguageSetting Language { get; private set; } |
public enum LanguageSetting |
{ |
English, |
German, |
//TODO: which languages are going to be supported?
} |
void Start() |
{ |
Setup(); |
} |
protected override void Setup() |
{ |
settingsSystem = transform.parent.GetComponent<SettingsSystem>(); |
languageDropdown.AddOptions(GetDropdownData(Enum.GetNames(typeof(LanguageSetting)))); |
//TODO: Load previous serialized session data via Load/Save class
Language = SettingsSystemGeneralComponent.LanguageSetting.English; |
languageDropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify((int) Language); |
} |
public void OnChangeLanguage(int languageIndex) |
{ |
Language = (LanguageSetting) languageIndex; |
Debug.Log("Language set to: " + Language); |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 5cbf3de30afb74cb39db3ba32a890fda |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using TMPro; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
public class SettingsSystemGraphicsComponent : SettingsSystemSubComponents |
{ |
[SerializeField] TMP_Dropdown resolutionsDropdown; |
[SerializeField] TMP_Dropdown shadowQualityDropdown; |
[SerializeField] TMP_Dropdown anisotropicFilteringDropdown; |
[SerializeField] TMP_Dropdown graphicsPresetsDropdown; |
[SerializeField] Slider antiAliasingSlider; |
[SerializeField] Slider shadowDistanceSlider; |
[SerializeField] Toggle fullscreenToggle; |
[SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI antiAliasingText; |
[SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI shadowDistanceText; |
[SerializeField] SettingsPresetsScriptableObject settingsPresets; |
bool setupComplete; |
//Advanced graphic settings
SettingsPresetsScriptableObject.AdvancedGraphics currentAdvancedGraphics, previousAdvancedGraphics; |
int currentQualityIndex, previousQualityIndex; |
//Fullscreen settings
public bool FullScreen { get; private set; } |
bool previouslyInFullScreen; |
//Resolution setting
Resolution currentResolution, previousResolution; |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
if (!setupComplete) |
{ |
Setup(); |
} |
} |
protected override void Setup() |
{ |
resolutionsDropdown.AddOptions(GetResolutionsDropdownData()); |
graphicsPresetsDropdown.AddOptions(GetDropdownData(Enum.GetNames(typeof(SettingsPresetsScriptableObject.GraphicsQualityLevel)), "Custom")); |
anisotropicFilteringDropdown.AddOptions(GetDropdownData(Enum.GetNames(typeof(AnisotropicFiltering)))); |
shadowQualityDropdown.AddOptions(GetDropdownData(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ShadowQuality)))); |
//TODO: apparently, unity keeps the resolution which was set in the last session. But there is no method to get this resolution in the next session
//TODO: because Screen.currentResolution in windowed mode gives back the resolution of the desktop, not the unity window resolution
currentResolution = Screen.resolutions[Screen.resolutions.Length - 1]; //Initially set highest possible resolution on device
previousResolution = currentResolution; |
Screen.SetResolution(currentResolution.width, currentResolution.height, Screen.fullScreenMode, currentResolution.refreshRate); |
SelectCurrentResolution(); |
//TODO: load previous session fullscreen setting
FullScreen = Screen.fullScreenMode == FullScreenMode.ExclusiveFullScreen; |
previouslyInFullScreen = FullScreen; |
fullscreenToggle.SetIsOnWithoutNotify(FullScreen); |
//TODO: instead of hardcoding the level here, load data from previous session
currentQualityIndex = (int) SettingsPresetsScriptableObject.GraphicsQualityLevel.Low; |
previousQualityIndex = currentQualityIndex; |
currentAdvancedGraphics = settingsPresets.presetList[currentQualityIndex]; //Set to lowest preset initially
previousAdvancedGraphics = currentAdvancedGraphics; |
graphicsPresetsDropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify(currentAdvancedGraphics.custom ? graphicsPresetsDropdown.options.Count-1 : currentQualityIndex); |
UpdateUI(); |
setupComplete = true; |
} |
List<TMP_Dropdown.OptionData> GetResolutionsDropdownData() |
{ |
List<TMP_Dropdown.OptionData> options = new List<TMP_Dropdown.OptionData>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < Screen.resolutions.Length; i++) |
{ |
options.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(Screen.resolutions[i].ToString())); |
} |
return options; |
} |
void UpdateUI() |
{ |
anisotropicFilteringDropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify((int) currentAdvancedGraphics.anisotropicFiltering); |
antiAliasingSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(currentAdvancedGraphics.antiAliasing); |
shadowDistanceSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowDistance); |
shadowQualityDropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify((int) currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowQuality); |
shadowDistanceText.text = currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowDistance.ToString(); |
antiAliasingText.text = currentAdvancedGraphics.antiAliasing.ToString(); |
fullscreenToggle.SetIsOnWithoutNotify(FullScreen); |
graphicsPresetsDropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify(currentAdvancedGraphics.custom ? graphicsPresetsDropdown.options.Count-1 : currentQualityIndex); |
} |
public void OnChangeFullscreen(bool fullScreen) |
{ |
Screen.fullScreenMode = fullScreen ? FullScreenMode.ExclusiveFullScreen : FullScreenMode.Windowed; |
FullScreen = fullScreen; |
} |
public void OnChangeResolution(int resolutionIndex) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Index: " + resolutionIndex); |
currentResolution = Screen.resolutions[resolutionIndex]; |
Screen.SetResolution(currentResolution.width, currentResolution.height, Screen.fullScreenMode, currentResolution.refreshRate); |
} |
public void OnChangeAnisotropicFiltering(int anisoLevel) |
{ |
currentAdvancedGraphics.anisotropicFiltering = (AnisotropicFiltering) anisoLevel; |
currentAdvancedGraphics.custom = true; |
UpdateUI(); |
} |
public void OnChangeAntialiasing(float value) |
{ |
currentAdvancedGraphics.antiAliasing = (int) value; |
currentAdvancedGraphics.custom = true; |
UpdateUI(); |
} |
public void OnChangeShadowDistance(float shadowDistanceValue) |
{ |
//TODO: configure min max value in slider
currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowDistance = shadowDistanceValue; |
currentAdvancedGraphics.custom = true; |
UpdateUI(); |
} |
public void OnChangeShadowQuality(int level) |
{ |
currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowQuality = (ShadowQuality) level; |
currentAdvancedGraphics.custom = true; |
UpdateUI(); |
} |
public void OnChangeQualityPreset(int level) |
{ |
if (level >= settingsPresets.presetList.Count) |
{ |
//Custom level chosen
currentAdvancedGraphics.custom = true; |
} |
else |
{ |
currentAdvancedGraphics = settingsPresets.presetList[level]; |
} |
currentQualityIndex = level; |
UpdateUI(); |
} |
void SelectCurrentResolution() |
{ |
int resolutionIndex = 0; |
//TODO: is resolution persistent once it is set? Need to test in build
for (int i = 0; i < Screen.resolutions.Length; i++) |
{ |
if (currentResolution.width == Screen.resolutions[i].width && |
currentResolution.height == Screen.resolutions[i].height && |
currentResolution.refreshRate == Screen.resolutions[i].refreshRate) |
{ |
resolutionIndex = i; |
} |
} |
resolutionsDropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify(resolutionIndex); |
} |
public void OnSaveGraphicsSettings() |
{ |
QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering = currentAdvancedGraphics.anisotropicFiltering; |
QualitySettings.antiAliasing = currentAdvancedGraphics.antiAliasing; |
QualitySettings.shadowDistance = currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowDistance; |
QualitySettings.shadows = currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowQuality; |
previousAdvancedGraphics = currentAdvancedGraphics; |
previousQualityIndex = currentQualityIndex; |
previousResolution = currentResolution; |
previouslyInFullScreen = FullScreen; |
Debug.Log("Saving resolution state: " + currentResolution); |
Debug.Log(("Saving fullscreen mode state: " + previouslyInFullScreen)); |
} |
public void OnCancelGraphicsSettings() |
{ |
currentAdvancedGraphics = previousAdvancedGraphics; |
currentQualityIndex = previousQualityIndex; |
QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering = currentAdvancedGraphics.anisotropicFiltering; |
QualitySettings.antiAliasing = currentAdvancedGraphics.antiAliasing; |
QualitySettings.shadowDistance = currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowDistance; |
QualitySettings.shadows = currentAdvancedGraphics.shadowQuality; |
Screen.SetResolution(previousResolution.width, previousResolution.height, previouslyInFullScreen ? FullScreenMode.ExclusiveFullScreen : FullScreenMode.Windowed, previousResolution.refreshRate); |
// It might be a good idea to wait for the end of frame here with a coroutine, because setResolution actually is executed at the end of the next frame
//TODO: Observe this for issues in future
currentResolution = previousResolution; |
FullScreen = previouslyInFullScreen; |
SelectCurrentResolution(); |
UpdateUI(); |
Debug.Log("New Resolution: " + previousResolution); |
Debug.Log("New fullscreen mode: " + FullScreen); |
} |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using TMPro; |
using UnityEngine; |
public abstract class SettingsSystemSubComponents : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
protected List<TMP_Dropdown.OptionData> GetDropdownData(string[] optionNames, params string[] customOptions) |
{ |
List<TMP_Dropdown.OptionData> options = new List<TMP_Dropdown.OptionData>(); |
foreach (string option in optionNames) |
{ |
options.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(option)); |
} |
foreach (string option in customOptions) |
{ |
options.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(option)); |
} |
return options; |
} |
protected abstract void Setup(); |
} |
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shadowQuality: 0 |
anisotropicFiltering: 0 |
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shadowDistance: 20 |
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- qualityLevel: 1 |
shadowQuality: 1 |
anisotropicFiltering: 1 |
antiAliasing: 2 |
shadowDistance: 50 |
custom: 0 |
- qualityLevel: 2 |
shadowQuality: 2 |
anisotropicFiltering: 2 |
antiAliasing: 8 |
shadowDistance: 100 |
custom: 0 |
Reference in new issue