earring for townsfolk
earring for townsfolk
Added an Earring for townsfolk. It was build with Probuilder, exported to obj for some finishing touches with Blender, then saved as obj again. The material is a simple color. The earring possibly needs to be placed somewhere else once the townfolk is rigged. Which begs the question whether they can move their ears.../main
4 年前
共有 12 个文件被更改,包括 1937 次插入 和 0 次删除
8UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires.meta
583UOP1_Project/Assets/Scenes/Townsfolk wearing earring.unity
7UOP1_Project/Assets/Scenes/Townsfolk wearing earring.unity.meta
8UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires/Earring.meta
106UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires/Earring/Earring.mat
8UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires/Earring/Earring.mat.meta
1001UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires/Earring/Earring.obj
97UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires/Earring/Earring.obj.meta
112UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires/Earring/Earring.prefab
7UOP1_Project/Assets/Art/TA/Townsfolks Accessoires/Earring/Earring.prefab.meta
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Reference in new issue